Facts About Fish: Earth Day Network
Facts About Fish: Earth Day Network
Facts About Fish: Earth Day Network
Economic Contribution: Food from fish alone generated $231.6 billion in value for 2016.203 Globally,
the supply chain of fisheries employs an estimated 120 million people, with 116 million of these jobs
located in the developing world.204
Uniqueness: As fish are found in all different habitats around the world, from deep in the ocean to
shallow streams, fish have evolved and adapted to their respective habitats in fascinating ways. For
instance, some species of fish navigate and hunt through electroreception, a process by which they
detect and respond to electrical stimuli, to learn things such as the speed of the current.205
Habitat Loss: Since the 1960s, the amount of water held by dams in reservoirs has quadrupled,
severely impacting the population levels of freshwater fish.212 Also, agricultural development, water
treatment facilities, and raw sewage pollute fish’s ecosystems.213
Overfishing: Around 35% of the world’s fish stocks were overfished in 2016.214 The European eel,
to use one example, has seen its population decrease by over 90% since the 1970s.215 The Atlantic
salmon has seen its population decrease by 90% as well.216
Support Sustainable Fisheries: Overfishing can deplete fish populations past the point of recovery. Protect Our Species Primer and Action Toolkit
By buying fish and fish products from certified sustainable sources, you can help ensure that the fish
and their ecosystems continue to thrive. To learn more about the different types of eco-labeling, click
Test your knowledge about threats to ocean ecosystems with our Oceans Plastic Pollution Quiz.
Help End Plastic Pollution by learning about the actions you can do with our Plastic Pollution Primer
and Action toolkit.
Check out all of Earth Day Network’s resources to help Protect our Species.
Scientists hope DNA in water could be way to save rare fish – Associated Press
Scientists in Maine are using DNA to try to preserve the remaining populations of a fish that lives in 14
lakes and ponds in the state and nowhere else in the continental United States.
These are the Ocean’s Protected Areas—and We Need More – National Geographic
The ocean faces many challenges, but has the extraordinary power to replenish when it is protected.
Marine protected areas facilitate resilience and recovery for degraded areas of the ocean, and offer
opportunities to rebuild stocks of commercially important species, such as various fish species.
TEDx Talk: Are Fish Smart? Do They Have Personalities? - Even Moland
In studying the behaviour and movement of fish and lobsters – how they live, where they hide, which
ones are caught by fishers, and which ones escape to obtain large sizes and old age – he’s also
learning how marine populations can be protected.
Protect Our Species Primer and Action Toolkit