Polgov Reviewer PDF
Polgov Reviewer PDF
Polgov Reviewer PDF
1.) Traditional/Historical
POLITICS -concentrates exclusively in history,
Genealogy: emphasizes chronology and the
-polis (Greek): “city-state” historical development of
-came from ancient Greece; was used government structures
about 2,800 years ago to denote a self- -tracing of what happened back
governing city then to understand why we are what
-other words to remember: we are now
WORD MEANING 2.) The Scientific/Behavioralist
-seeks to understand how individuals
polites citizen
behave within a political institution
politikos politician
and how informal behavior
politics as the art of
contributes to policy making
politike citizenship and
-makes use of methodology,
variables, and hypotheses to arrive
constitution, rules of
politeia at theory
3.) The Political Economy
political community,
-economist + political scientist
all those residents
politeuma -relationship between the
who have full
government and economics
political rights
-economics involves conflict over
scarce resources while politics
involves decisions about who will
-the study of power and the powerful,
pay and who will benefit
relationship between those in control and
not in control
4.) The Systems Approach
-struggle for advantage
-Input-Process-Output (IPO)
-the art of convincing people to take your
Definition (according to J. Salonga):
-the capacity to say no to something
dangerous and inimical to public interests
(corruption, mediocrity, dishonesty, fraud, SUPPORT
unethical practices)
Globalization can mean:
1.) The formation of a global village
-closer contact between different
parts of the world
-increasing possibilities of personal
Charter Change: exchange, mutual understanding
AMENDMENT REVISION and friendship between “world
to change some citizens”
writing or substantial
parts of the 2.) Economic globalization
changing in the
constitution; piece- -free trade
meal change -increasing relations among
members of an industry in different
parts of the world (globalization
Methods for Proposing Amendment or industry)
Revision (Sections 1 & 2): -corresponding erosion of National
1.) By constituent assembly Sovereignty in the economic sphere
-by congress
-upon a vote of ¾ of all its members
voting separately Signs of Globalization:
2.) By constitutional convention 1.) Increase in international trade at a
-called for the purpose faster rate than the growth in the
-2/3 vote of Congress calling for world economy
plebiscite for a call for constitutional 2.) Increase in international flow of
convention (pagbobotohan muna capital including foreign direct
kung gagawa ng ConCon) investment
-ConCon is a body assembled to 3.) Greater transborder data flow using
frame, revise, or formulate technologies
amendments -mas madali nang makipag-
-members are elected by the voters usap/magconnect sa ibang tao,
3.) By the people directly regardless of location
-through initiative 4.) Greater international cultural
-petition of at least 12% of the total exchange
registered voters and at least 3% of -ex. export of Hollywood and
every legislative district therein Bollywood movies
-applied only to amendments or 5.) Even terrorism has undergone
simple changes only globalization
6.) Spreading of multiculturalism
-better individual access to cultural growth of debt and
diversity, and some reduction in debt crises
-assimilation, hybridization,
Westernization, Americanization, or Globalization in the Philippines:
Sinosization (Chinese) of cultures -has been taking part in globalization ever
7.) Erosion of National Sovereignty and since the country signed agreements with
national borders through the World Trade Organization in 1995
international agreements -very effective in the Philippines
-formation of organizations such as -has allowed major changes such as more
the WTO and OPEC labor, and more Filipino and foreign
8.) Greater international travel and companies have emerged in the nation in
tourism order to help the country’s developing
9.) Greater immigration, including illegal economy
10.) Development of global ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
telecommunications infrastructure Peaceful relations
11.) Development of a global (most countries have Health issues
financial systems trade relations with (more health risks
12.) Increase in the share of the each other in order and new threats
world economy controlled by to boost economy, and challenges for
multinational corporations leaving behind bitter epidemics,
13.) Increased role of international past experiences if especially in the
organizations that deal with any) (ayan, kung transport of food
international transactions mga bansa nga ‘di items from country
14.) Increase in the number of bitter, edi kaya mo to country) (ex.
standard applied globally rin! dawn of HIV/AIDS)
-ex. copyright laws #notoampalaya2k17)
(one of the most Loss of culture
Views on Globalization: crucial advantages; (people may adapt
ANTI PRO numerous to the culture of the
promotion of employment resident country,
free trade leads to a
corporatist agenda, opportunities- follow the foreign
more efficient
which is intent on companies are culture more, forget
allocation of
constricting the moving towards the their own roots; this
resources, with all
freedoms of developing countries may give rise to
those involved in the
individuals in the to acquire labor cultural conflicts)
trade benefitting
name of profit force)
increasing Education
autonomy and (with numerous Uneven Wealth
strength of educational Distribution
corporate entities leads to lower institutions around the (rich are getting
increasingly shape prices, more globe, one can richer, poor are
the political policy of employment, and move out from the getting poorer;
nation-states better allocation of home country for poverty is not
imposes credit- resources better opportunities reduced)
based economics, elsewhere)
resulting in Product Quality Environment
unsustainable (product quality has Degradation
been enhanced to (industries are using at a comparatively
retain the customers) natural resources lower cost)
by means of Travel and Tourism
mining, drilling; (international trade
burden on the helps in increasing
environment) the number of
Disparity tourists)
(structural External borrowing
unemployment (opportunity for
owes to the corporate, national,
Cheaper prices created disparity; and sub-national
(globalization has developed borrowers to have
brought in fierce countries are better access to
market competition) moving their external finance)
factories to foreign
countries where
labor is cheaply Other terms to remember:
available) backdoor entry to politics/congress
Communication Conflicts -when people make party lists for the
(every single (has given rise to sake of wanting to run for congress
information is easily terrorism and other political party
accessible; the forms of violence; -group of people who share
internet has loss of human life common visions and goals
significantly affected and economic party list
the global economy) resources) -representatives of the marginalized
Transportation (wheel sectors
of every business public servants
organization; today -“alipin ng bayan”
once can rightsizing
conveniently deliver -formerly called “rationalization of
the products to a the government”
customer located at -pagbabawas ng employees with
any part of the world) duplicated positions
GDP increase (Gross Nepotism
(affects the local
Domestic Product is -practice among those with power
the money value of or influence of favoring relatives or
dramatically; local
goods and service friends, by giving them jobs
markets shrink and
produced within the political dynasty
suffer huge losses
domestic territory of -a family in which several members
as they lack the
the country during an are involved in politics
potential to
accounting year) bicameral
advertise or export
Free trade (a policy -legislature that consists of two
their products in a
that does not levy houses
large scale)
taxes, duties, unicameral
subsidies, or quota on -legislature that consists of only one
the import/export of house
goods from other
countries; allows
consumers to buy
goods and services
Extra readings that may help:
10 Point Prescription on Effective
Leadership by Niccolo Machiavelli
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert