Hassan Alvi Oceans
Hassan Alvi Oceans
Hassan Alvi Oceans
We are currently living in the most advanced time where everything is being done with modern
technology, from picking up to the disposing of trash. Everything is done with the help of
modern machines which have made our lives so easy and save time. Everything is being
modernized to help and save time without any error, but while working on it, have we ever
thought about our oceans? Probably not, because we just did not seem to care about it. When you
ask people what their favorite spot to visit is, the majority will answer that the seaside is the best
place to visit because it relaxes the human soul. It is so beautiful that it helps to calm human
As we are working on modernizing human life, we sadly have totally forgotten about our
oceans, the oceans due to which humans are living in this world. Without water, humans would
not have existed in this world. We do not seem to care about it. In simple words, we have
forgotten its importance and how valuable the oceans are to human life. As we read extenisvely
and research about our oceans, the facts that we are discovering are absolutely shocking and
possibly the worst threat to marine life as well as human life. Even the United
Nation Sustainable Development Committee has said that, “The world’s oceans make the Earth
habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of
our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by
the sea.”
Some organizations have showed their concern over pollution rapidly spreading and the drastic
changes observed in the oceans over a short period of time. Coral depletion, a ‘genocide’ of
marine life, depleting the life force of the oceans, these are all creating an alarming situation and
major changes need to be taken now to save our oceans which are being affected by many factors
such as siphoning off the factory waste out into the ocean, killing sea life and making
water polluted due to the chemicals poisoning the waters. Recent dispatch of Canada’s mass
‘island of refuse’ to the Philippines , where the receiving country refused to accept Canada’s
rubbish shows us how far we have all strayed from a normal sense of ownership of our own
rubbish, and control of it. If strong measures are not taken then surely in the next few years, we
will be able to go neither near water nor fish and other sea creature communities, the very
creatures we were made custodians over will further dwindle and die.
Realizing the highly alarming increasing rate of water pollution, many ocean cleanup projects
have been started with the objective to reduce water pollution as much as possible. People
throwing trash which includes non-biodegradable material like plastic, and other stuff is a threat
to sea life, and increasing death rate of sea creatures including sharks, small fishes etc are the
major effect of this pollution. Oil spilling in the ocean is also one of the causes of water
pollution. We as humans are not realizing the major effects which are slowly taking over the
ocean, and can destroy humans and sea life. We are living in such a modern world with
everything being advanced but when we come to see the disposal of plastic and other waste such
as factories waste, oil spilling etc, we clearly see that we are totally failing to control it and it is
gradually growing beyond our control to save our beloved oceans.
These problems seem insurmountable, do we feel we can save our oceans from the curse that has
befallen them? The main question is can we work together to protect the environment? Well,
yes, we can work together to reduce the problems and we can protect the environment. First of
all, some governments with foresight around the world are already working on finding ways to
dispose of the trash including plastic, and to find ways to stop factories from polluting the
oceans. Majority of the citizens now are showing their concern and working together to protect
the environment, and many projects have been started to retrieve plastic pollutants from the
oceans, in effect saving many a tortoise and dolphin from certain death.
It may seem I\impossible, but if we work together and everyone understands we need to come to
a consensus, it is important to realise how we cannot survive without the ocean, then people
would surely stop polluting the ocean and will surely find ways to protect our oceans.
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