Department of Agrarian Reform: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform: Republic of The Philippines
In order to clarify the requirements of Land Aaquisition and Distribution -Technical Review Committee (LAD
TRC) in processing the requests of different DARPOs thru the PARCCOMs, to include and deduct certain
landholdings from the official CARPER LAD Balance, this Memorandum Circular is issued to supplement and
clarify selected provisions under DAR Memorandum Circular No.8, Series of2010 entitled Guidelines in the
Treatment, Use, and Updating ofthe PARe Execom-J/,pproved CARPER Land Acquisition and Distribution
(LAD) Balance.
"Additional landholdings refer to the agricultural landholdings which were not included in the PARC
ExeCom~approved CARPER LAD balance bur whose landownership documents have been secured and
validated after the approval ofthe said LAD balance to merit its inclusion in the said balance through
the updating procedures described herein. These can be categorized into three: (1) distributed LHs
/i'om July 1, 2009 until the effectivity ofthis MC, (2) targetedjor distribution during the remaining
period ofthe current year, and (3) those for acquisitioll and distribution in the succeeding yearls".
In providing the DAR field offices and PARCCOMs sufficient bases in deciding which landholdings
are valid or not valid to be included in the LAD Balance, the following table presents the list of
required documents or instmments according to the mode of acquisition or type of landholdings is
Further, Sectiou V.D ofMC 8, S. 2010 provides:
"Updating ofthe CARPER File I LAD Balance at lhe DARCO/MIS. Upon receipt ofthe
approved PARCCOM Resolution, the DARPO-PMEU shallfonvard an etectronic copy ofthe encoded
list oflandholdings for data processing al the MIS"
To this end, MIS shall ascertain that the landholdings to he included are encoded in the LAD-CARPER
Balance Database, and endorse the same to the BLAD for review. PARCCOM Resolution Numhers
must be encoded in the appropriate column in the landholding database for quick referencing and
validation. In case of non-submission of the electronic copy of the encoded list of landholdings with
corresponding PARCCOM Resolution Numher, the MIS shall call the attention of concerned PMEUs
thm email or telephone.
Deductihie Landholding "refers to the agricultural landholdings which were included in the
PARC EJ<eCom-approved CARPER LAD balance but have beenfound to be deductible during the Pre
DC! conducted by DARMo. The MARO shall recommend/request to this effect. "
The term "Landholdings for Deduction is likewise defined under the said Memoradum Circular, as
Landholdingsjar deduction are those ngricul/urallandholdings which are listed in the PARe
ExeCom-approved CARPER LAD balance but have been found 10 be entirelyexcluded/exemptedfrom
the LAD component ofthe CARP as evidenced byfinal and executory decisions/orders/rom the
appropriate gO~'ernmenl entity.
"The DARRO shall submit a memorandum to DARPOfor deduction oflandholdings from the LAD
Balance with Ihe supporlingevidence/s ofdeduction (i.e., order o/retentfon, exemption, exclusion,
conversion) ".
From the foregoing, the said landholdings shall remain in the LAD CARPER Balance tagged as
"deductibles", unless supporting documents for deduction are submitted AND officially approved by the LAD
IRe. To guide the concerned offices in the determination of the "supporting documents," the list of valid
reasons for deduction (with LAD CARPER Deduction Codes) and the documents requi,ed by the LAD-TRC to
effect approval of the requests are hereby enumerated:
school expansion
as "ROAD" No 44
LO's died before 1988 alld C18 • LO's dea1h certificate. • AO I, 1989
the beirs have submitted Extra Judicial Settlement • AO 3, S. 2003
manifestation to file of Estates & Assessor's • AO 7, 2011
application for retention. certification on the total
aggregate area of the
Cancelled titles prior to June C22 • Copies of Titles (both the • AO I, 1989
IS, 1988. These refer to LHs cancelled & active titles) • AO 3, S 2012
which current and cancelled
titles were both captured in
the database.
Moreover, landholdings can be tagged as "deducted" without the need of supporting document/proof under the
following justifications, which the MIS shall validate:
Important: Entire landholdings must be deducted, othelwi,c, landholdings will be subjected to the
LAO Process and those portions to be deducted will be regarded as "non-carpabJe area" in the LAD CARPER
database (Section II ofMC 8, S 2010, Definition of terms: Non-carpable areas). As much as practicable, tilled
properties with more than one Jot shall be processed under one claim or documentation folder.
Under this Memorandum Circular, the abovementioned requirements shall form part of the PARCCOM
resolutions as supporting documents for requests for inclusion and/or deduction. For requests for deduction
and/or inclusion already submitted to the LAD-TRC prior to this memorandum circular, the PAROs shall ensure
that the supporting documents are authentic and validated and submitted to the LAD-TRC, copy furnished the
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and supersedes/amends other issuances
inconsistent herewith.
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