Interface Management Procedure Template
Interface Management Procedure Template
Interface Management Procedure Template
{PROJECT} Interface
Management Procedure
Prepared by
[Pick the date]
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of
the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the
contents of the document.]
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 PRINCIPLES .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3 INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 INTERNAL INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 EXTERNAL INTERFACES ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 KEY INTERFACES .................................................................................................................................. 4
4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 INTERFACE MANAGER......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 INTERFACE COORDINATOR ................................................................................................................. 5
4.3 REQUESTING PARTY ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.4 RESPONSIBLE PARTY ........................................................................................................................... 5
5 INTERFACE PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Team Structure ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Workflow............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.4 Access .................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Raising a Request ................................................................................................................................ 6
5.6 Validation a Request ........................................................................................................................... 7
5.7 Approving a Request ........................................................................................................................... 7
5.8 Responding to a Request .................................................................................................................... 8
5.9 Closing a Request ................................................................................................................................ 8
5.10 Request Revisions ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.11 Cancelling an Interface Request ....................................................................................................... 9
6 INTERFACE MEETINGS.............................................................................................................................. 10
7 IM SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................... 10
8 REPORTING............................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1 – Interface Register .................................................................................................................. 12
Appendix 2 – Interface Request Report ...................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 3 – Project Interface Overview ................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 4 – Contact Report ...................................................................................................................... 18
The purpose of this plan is to establish an interface management process to manage key interfaces that
arise during the planning and execution of the {PROJECT}. In order for the project to eliminate waste
(time and capital), interfaces must be managed. The interface management process consists of planning,
identification, approving, auditing and closing-out interfaces. Closing out these interfaces is critical to
the successful implementation and execution of the {PROJECT}. This procedure addresses the following:
Outline the process for successfully coordinating and managing all key interfaces.
Define the responsibilities for each of the teams involved with the interface requests such that
the individuals are accountable to follow up the required actions.
Define how key interfaces are identified, logged into an interface register and tracked until
Logging all key interfaces into an accessible register, and actively keep the interface register up
to date.
Define the workflow that interface requests will follow throughout their life cycle.
Establish the process to monitor the status of the interface requests contained within the
register, and actively make certain that all requests are closed-out in a timely manner.
Implement the system by which the parties coordinate their interface activities.
Facilitate communications between parties, including conflict resolution.
Promote clear and consistent communication among the involved project team members for
transmitting interface information.
1.1 Objectives
The primary objectives of this procedure and its implementation are as follows:
Identify the appropriate personnel who will be responsible for each interface request and for
resolution of the interface request
Provide a system which will facilitate the identification of interfaces, and address the specific
interface request requirements
Establish a procedure that promotes efficient management of interface issues from initiation to
close out
Define methods for communication and coordination of interface requests between various
Facilitate clear and frequent communications amongst parties
Facilitate the agreement of a schedule for interface request resolution and close-out
Define a means for the control, expediting, and reporting of progress on the transfer of interface
Define processes of assurance that interface requests are effectively identified and managed
COMPANY’s expectations for CONTRACTOR’s Interface Management Procedure are to:
Ensure internal interfaces are identified and managed early via a structured process;
Ensure agreement between CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR groups on roles, responsibilities
and timing for providing such information;
Promote clear, accurate, timely and consistent communication with CONTRACTOR groups for
transferring internal interface information required to progress the Services;
Identify internal interface issues with potential for impacts to cost or schedule quickly and
communicate to all relevant CONTRACTOR groups, including Company, in order to minimize
their impact;
All participants within the CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR groups are responsible for
identifying and communicating internal interface issues to their lead supervisor, manager, or the
Interface Coordinators:
Internal interface issues will be identified, catalogued, assessed for impact, assigned and
managed throughout the duration of the PROJECT;
Internal interface issues will be resolved at the appropriate working level within the Project
organization to minimize rework (for example, engineers responsible for the design and design
Regularly advise Company on the status of resolution of internal interface issues;
Internal interface activities will be coordinated with other CONTRACTOR work groups and
process such as Management of Change, HES, QMS, and Risk Management to improve process
efficiencies and avoid duplication of efforts.
All internal interfaces, whether with subcontractors or suppliers or consultants, shall be established
through written procedures. These procedures shall ensure:
An interface is defined as a point of connect between entities working on a common project. This point
can be:
5.1 General
The Interface Management Process for {PROJECT} shall follow these steps:
5.3 Workflow
5.4 Access
Each team member will have access to the interface system by going to the following URL:
Interface Meetings
Review of Contractor Document Registers
Documentation Review
Interface planning/workshop sessions
Interface requests arise as project progresses
Once an interface has been identified, the request must be logged into WIMS, either by the requesting
party, or the requesting party's interface coordinator. The user should log into the WIMS, and click
the NEW REQ button.
This will show the new request input form. Fill all required fields, and click SAVE. This will send email
notifications to all appropriate parties, and start the workflow process for the interface request. The
request will have an initial status of PENDING IC APPROVAL.
5.6 Validating a Request
The new request will send an email notification to the requesting team's interface coordinator. The
interface coordinator should review the request to ensure:
Project interfaces will be managed using WIMS. WIMS is a web based system that CONTRACTORS and
COMPANY can access to view the current interface register. WIMS will have the project organizational
chart, project layout, and interface workflow defined for {PROJECT}. Each team in the organizational
chart should have at least one interface coordinator defined. The team IC will be responsible for
ensuring that their team members raise and respond to interface requests into WIMS in a timely
manner. WIMS will send email notifications to relevant parties as interface requests are raised and
The IM will provide access to training sessions to instruct all parties how to access WIMS, raise, respond,
and audit interfaces on {PROJECT} (See Section 5).
Reports will be accessible and generated in WIMS. The standard reports are as follows: