Optical WG
Optical WG
Optical WG
August–December 2003
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2003)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• Eliminating Êy from the curl equations leads to an equation for Ĥx in terms
of the z components only:
∂ Êz ∂ Ĥz
(γ̂ 2 + k 2)Ĥx = jω − γ̂
∂y ∂x
k 2 = ω 2µ
• Similarly,
∂ Êz ∂ Ĥz
−(γ̂ + k )Ĥy = jω
2 2
+ γ̂
∂x ∂y
∂ Ĥz ∂ Êz
−(γ̂ 2 + k 2)Êx = jωµ + γ̂
∂y ∂x
∂ Ĥz ∂ Êz
(γ̂ 2 + k 2)Êy = jωµ − γ̂
∂x ∂y
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• The equations on the previous slide make it possible to find Êx, Êy , Ĥx, Ĥy
in terms of the z-components Êz , Ĥz
This works as long as at least one of Êz , Ĥz is non-zero
◦ In this case we can solve a wave equation for Êz or Ĥz (or both)
◦ Don’t have to compute all six components of E and H
If both Êz , Ĥz are zero, then we have a TEM (transverse electromagnetic)
mode (see next slide)
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
• The transverse field components Êx, Êy , Ĥx, Ĥy can be found from the
longitudinal components Êz , Ĥz using the equations
∂ Êz ∂ Ĥz
2 2
(γ̂ + k )Ĥx = jω − γ̂
∂y ∂x
∂ Êz ∂ Ĥz
−(γ̂ 2 + k 2)Ĥy = jω + γ̂
∂x ∂y
∂ Ĥz ∂ Êz
−(γ̂ + k )Êx = jωµ
2 2
+ γ̂
∂y ∂x
∂ Ĥz ∂ Êz
2 2
(γ̂ + k )Êy = jωµ − γ̂
∂x ∂y
A mode with Êz = 0, Ĥz = 0 is called transverse electric (TE)
A mode with Êz = 0, Ĥz = 0 is called transverse magnetic (TM)
A mode with Êz = 0, Ĥz = 0 is called hybrid
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• From the equation k 2 − β 2 = kc2 one gets the dispersion relation for a
non-TEM mode:
β = k 2 − kc2
• The cutoff frequency ωc is such that
µωc2 = kc2
A wave with frequency ω > ωc cannot propagate in the mode that
corresponds to kc
Subsequent slides illustrate TE and TM modes, and the concept of cutoff
frequency, for a planar conducting waveguide
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• Dispersion relation:
2 √ 2
β= k 2 − kc2 = µω 2 −= (ω µ) 1−
d ω2
The cutoff frequency for the TEn and TMn modes is
ωc,n = √
d µ
The minimum cutoff frequency ωc,min occurs for n = 1:
ωc,min = ωc,1 = √
d µ
Waves with a frequency less than ωc,min cannot propagate in a planar
waveguide except in the TEM mode
• The TEn and TMn modes propagate at an angle θ to the walls of the
waveguide, where
cos θ =
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
Dispersion relations for modes of a
planar conducting waveguide
TE1, TM1 TE2, TM2 TE3, TM3 TE4, TM4
1 2 3 4 5
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• The TEn and TMn modes propagate at an angle θ to the walls of the
waveguide, where
cos θ =
k 2 = kc2 + β 2 ⇒ kc, β and k are the sides of a right triangle
◦ k is the actual wavenumber of a wave propagating in the dielectric
◦ kc is the wavenumber measured perpendicular to the waveguide axis
◦ β is the wavenumber measured along the axis of the waveguide
The dispersion relation kcd = nπ is equivalent to the condition
2kd cos θ = 2nπ
◦ 2kcd = 2nπ is the condition for constructive interference of waves
successively reflected from the bottom wall of the waveguide
◦ Also the condition for destructive interference (at the position of the
top wall) of an “incident” wave at angle θ with the wave reflected from
the bottom wall of the waveguide
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School of
Engineering & Computer Science
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
• For simplicity, assume that the c and s layers are very thick; then
lim Êc,y (x) = 0, lim Ês,y (x) = 0
x→∞ x→−∞
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
c C. D. Cantrell (06/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
c C. D. Cantrell (10/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
• SiO2-based
Low propagation and fiber-coupling losses
Low index difference ⇒ large device size
Fabrication using standard silicon processes ⇒ low cost, high volume
• InP-based
High propagation and fiber-coupling losses
High index difference ⇒ small device size
Fabrication using compound-semiconductor processes ⇒ high cost, low
Possibility of integration with active devices
c C. D. Cantrell (10/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
• Fiber alignment
• Stress-induced birefringence
Intrinsic stress due to different thermal expansion coefficients for
waveguide and substrate or cladding
Extrinsic stress due to different thermal expansion coefficients for different
packaging materials
Stress-induced birefringence gives an AWG different transmission
properties for different states of polarization
• Maintaining thermal stability of device
Lack of thermal stability causes problems of fiber alignment and stress-
induced birefringence, and changes the device’s transmission properties
c C. D. Cantrell (10/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School
• WDM/DWDM multiplexing/demultiplexing
One input fiber, N output fibers
Scalable to large number of outputs
• Wavelength routers
N input fibers, N output fibers
The N wavelengths on input port 1 are distributed, one to each output
port 1 to N
The N wavelengths on input port 2 are distributed similarly, but rotated
by one port
• Multiwavelength lasers
• Multiwavelength receivers
Monolithic integration on InP
Hybrid integration with SiO2-based waveguides
c C. D. Cantrell (10/2002)
The University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School