Test Booklet: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

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T.B.C. : 8-DMHH-N-FUA Test Booklet Series

Serial No.
Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks 200

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4. This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses
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1. The atomic packing factor for face- 4. For a particular material, the Hall
centred cubic (FCC) crystal coefficient is found to be zero. The
structure is material is

(a) 0·63 (a) intrinsic semiconductor

(b) 0·74
(b) extrinsic semiconductor
(c) 7·4
(c) metal
(d) 6·3
(d) insulator

2. Drift velocity in a metal is

(a) inversely proportional to the 5. A 12 V automobile light is rated at

force on an electron due to 30 W. The total charge that flows
applied electric field through the filament in one minute
(b) directly proportional to the
mass of an electron (a) 30 c
(c) proportional to the mobility of (b) 12 c
an electron

(d) inversely proportional to the (c) 150 c

strength of the applied electric
field (d) 180 c

3. The three kinds of breakdowns

possible in solid dielectrics are 6. At very high temperature, an n-type
electrothermal, purely electrical semiconductor behaves like
(a) a p-type semiconductor
(a) electromechanical
(b) an intrinsic semiconductor
(b) purely thermal

(c) electrochemical (c) a superconductor •

(d) spontaneous (d) an n-type semiconductor


7. The Fermi level in セ。@ p- type ウ・ュゥセ@ 10. Ferromagnetic property may be
conductor lies close to explained on the basis of

(a} top of the valence band (a) Faraday's theory

(b) bottom of the valence band (b) cオイゥ・セwウ@ theory

(c) top of the conduction band (c) domain theory

(d) bottom of the conduction band Einstein's theory


8. Covalent bond energy in germanium

11. Soft iron is characterized by the
is about
saturation magnetization M s,
coercivity He and retentivity Be.
(a} 7-4 eV It is suitable for an electromagnet
(b) 31 eV

• (a) Ms, He and Be are small

(c) 3-4 eV
(b) Ms is small, He ·and Be are
(d) 20·4 eV large

(c) M s is large, He and Be are

9. The relationship between relative small
permeability (llr) and magnetic
susceptibility ( xl of the medium is
(d) M s, He and Be are large

(a) llr = I+ X

12. Diamagnetic susceptibility is very

(b) llr = +X
1 (a) small and negative

(b) small and positive

(c) llr " 1- X

(c) large and negative

(d) llr =-
X (d) large and positive


13. Magnetostriction isthe effect 16. A voltage of 2000 V exists
produced when change of across 1 em insulating space
magnetization in magnetic material between two parallel conducting
results in plates. An electron of charge
1·6 x 10- 19 coulomb is introduced
(a) change of permeability into the space. The force on the
electron is

(b) change in dimensions (a) 18·2 X 10-26 N

(b) 3·2 x 10- 14 N

(c) change of temperature
(c) 1·6 x 10- 19 N

(d) change of magnetic field (d) 4·5 X 10 26 N

17. A capacitor of 100 J.LF stores 10 mJ
of energy. What is the amount of
14. Commonly used dielectric in charge (in coulomb) stored in it?
electrolytic capacitors is
(a} 1·414 x 10-6
(b) 1·414x1o-3
(a) magnesium oxide
(c) 2·303 x 10-6

(b) ·cadmium nitride (d) 2·3t)3 X 10-3

(c) aluminium oxide 18. In degenerately doped n-type

semiconductor, the Fermi level lies
in conduction band when
(d) manganese oxide
(a) concentration of electrons in
the conduction band exceeds
the density of states in the
15. Hoo/ many 6 J.LF, 200 V capacitors valence band
are needed to make a capacitor
of 18 J.LF, 600 V? (b) concentration of electrons in
the valence band exceeds the
density of states in the
(a) 18 conduction band
(c) concentration of electrons in
(b) 9 the conduction band exceeds
the product of the density of
(c) 3 states in the valence band and •
conduction band
(d) 27 (d) None of the above


19. The electrical conductivity and 21. A bridge rectifier uses a 9 V a.c.
electron mobility for aluminium input voltage. The diodes are ideal.
are 3·8 x 10 7 (ohm-m) -I and What is the d;c. output voltage?
0·0012 m 2 /V-s, respectively. What
is the Hall voltage for an aluminium (a) 12·726 V
specimen that is 15 rom thick for a
current of 25 A and a magnetic field (b) -12·726 v
of 0·6 tesla (imposed in a direction
perpendicular to the current) for (c) 9V
the given value of Hall coefficient,
RH as -3·16 x 10- V-m/ A-tesla? (d) 8·1 v

(a) -316x1o-8 V
22. A half-wave rectifier is used to
supply 50 V d. c. to a resistive load
(b) -3·16 X 10-8 V of 800 Q. The diode has resistance
of 25 Q. What is the required a. c.
(c) 316x 10-8 V voltage?

(a) 50n
(d) 3·16x1o-8 v
(b) 51·5n

(c) 25·71t

20. The purpose of connecting a Zener

(d) 251t
diode in a UJT circuit, used for
triggering thyristors, is to

(a) expedite the generation of 23. If an input signal ranges from

triggering pulses 20!1A-40 !lA with an output signal
ranging from 0·5 mA-1·5 rnA, what
is the 13 a. c.?
(b) delay the generation of
triggering pulses
(a) 0·05

(c) provide a constant voltage to

UJT to prevent erratic firing (b) 20

(d) provide a variable voltage to (c) 50

UJT as the source voltage
changes (d) 500


24. The best device for improving the 27. To get higher cut-off frequency in a
switching speeds of bipolar BJT, base sheet resistance should
transistors is be

(a) speed-up capacitor (a) low

(b) transistor with higher cut-off (b) high


(c) equal to cut-off frequency

(c) clamping diode

(d) zero
(d) clamping diode with zero
storage time

28. A BJT operates as a switch

25. The early effect in bipolar junction
transistor is caused by (a) in the active region of transfer
(a) fast turn-off
(b) with no signal condition
(b) fast turn-on
(c) under small signal conditions
(c) large emitter to base forward
(d) under large signal conditions

(d) large collector to base reverse

29. n-p-n transistors are preferred over
p-n-p transistors because they have

26. The basic material for fabrication of

an LED is (a) high mobility of holes

(a) gallium arsenide (b) high mobility of electrons

(b) gallium arsenide phosphide (c) low mobility of holes

(c) indium antimonide (d) higher mobility of electrons

than the mobility of holes in
(d) indium antjmonide phosphide p-n-p transistors


30. What is the biasing condition of 32. If Vee = 18 V, voltage divider
junctions in bipolar junction resistances R1 = 4·7 kQ and
transistor to work as an amplifier? R 2 = 1500 Q, what is the base bias

(a) Reverse biased base to emitter (a) 8·70 V

junction and reverse biased
base to collector junction (b) 4·35 v

(c) 2·90 V
(b) Forward biased base to emitter
junction and reverse biased (d) 0·70 v
base to collector junction

33. An SCR has an anode supply of sine

(c) Forward biased base to emitter voltage 200 Vr.ms.• 50 Hz applied
through a 100 Q resistor and fired
junction and forward biased
at an angle of 60°. Assuming no
base to collector junction
voltage drop, the r.m.s. value of the
output voltage is nearly

(d) Reverse biased base to emitter

(a) 90 V
junction and forward biased
base to collector junction
(b) 126 v

(c) 166 V

31. In a JFET, operating above pinch-off (d) 200 v

voltage, the
34. In a GTO, anode current begins to
fall when gate current
(a) drain current increases steeply
(a) is negative peak at time t = 0

(b) drain current remains (b) is negative peak at time

practically constant t =storage period

(c) just begins to become negative

(c) drain current starts decreasing at t = 0

(d) just begins to become positive

(d) depletion region reduces at t = 0


35. An SCR is turned off when its 37. A discrete-time system has input x[·)
tum-off time is and output y[·) satisfying

(a) less than

the circuit time y[m] = '£7=- x[JJ
(b) greater than the circuit time The system is

(c) less than the circuit tum-off (a) linear and unstable
(b) linear and stable
(d) greater than the circuit tum-off
time (c) non-linear and stable

(d) non-linear and unstable

36. A system is characterized by the

' input-output relation
38. The Fourier transform of a
rectangular pulse for a period
y(t) = x(2t) + x(3t)

T to t=-
2 2
for all t, where y(t) is the output
and x ( t) is the input. It is

(a) linear and causal

(a) a sine function

(b) linear and non-causal

(b) a sine function

(c) non-linear and causal (c) a cosine function

(d) non-linear and non-causal (d) a sine-squared function


39. The waveform i(t) in a pure
」オイ・セエ@ 41. A periodic function satisfies
resistor of 20 Q is shown in the Dirichlet's conditions . This implies
figure that the function

(a) is non-linear
(b) is not absolutely integrable

(c) guarantee s that Fourier series

representa tion of the function
The power dissipated in the resistor
is (d) has infinite number of maxima
and minima within a period

(a) 135 W 42. Consider Fourier representa tion

of continuou s and discrete-ti me
systems. The complex exponenti als
(b) 270 w (i.e., signals), which arise in such
representa tion, have
(c) 540 W
(a) same properties always

(d) 14·58 w (b) different properties always

(c) non-specif ic properties

40. A p-type silicon sample has an
(d) mostly same properties
intrinsic carrier concentra tion of
1·5 x 1010 /ern 3 and a hole
15 3
concentra tion of 2·25 x 10 fern . 43. If a dipole antenna has a radiation
Then the electron concentra tion is
resistance of 73 Q, the loss
resistance of 7 Q and the power
gain is 16, then the directivity is

(a) 17·53 dB

(b) 24·7 dB

(c) 40 dB

(d) 0 (d) 14·6 dB

B-DMHH -N-FUA/5 5A 9 ( P.T.O.

44. An LTI system is causal if and only if 47. If the z-transfo rm of a system is
given by
(a) h (t) = 0 for t < 0
H(z)= a+z
(b) h (t) is finite for 0 < t < セ@ 1+az- 1

(c) h(t) is finite for t < 0 where a is real-valu ed, Ia I< I,

ROC: I z I> Ia b then the system is
(d) h(t) is non-zero for all t
(a) a low-pass filter

(b) a band-pa ss filter

45. Let u(n] be the unit-step signal and
(c) an all-pass filter

x[n] = Gr u[nj + ( Mセイ@ u[n]

(d) a high-pas s filter

48. Conside r a discrete random variable

The region of converge nce of assumin g finitely many values. The
z- transform of x [n] is cumulat ive distribut ion function of
such a random variable is
(a) non-incr easing function
(a) lzl> t
(b) non-dec reasing function with
finitely many discontin uities
(b) !<lzl< t and assumin g values less than
(c) lzl> t (c) non-dec reasing function
without discontin uities
{d) lzl<t (d) non-dec reasing function
assumin g values larger than
46. If the z-transfo rm of a sequenc e
x[n] = {1, I, -I, -1} is X(z), then the 49. A continuo us random variable X has
value of X !tl is uncount ably many values in the
interval [a, b]. If C is a value in the
(a) 9 interval [a, b], then P {X= C)

(a) is zero
(b) 1·875
(b) is strictly non-zero
(c) -1·125
(c) depends on the limits {a, b)
(d) 15 (d) is less than one, but non-zero

B-DMHH -N-FUA /55A 10

50. In the case of a random variable 52. What is an advantage of MOS
dealing with non-deterministic transistor structure in integrated
signals circuits?

(a) it is a function from space of (a) Faster switching

outcomes to the real/ complex

(b) Less capacitance

(b) it is a function with the
probabilities of outcomes as
random numbers (c) Higher component density and
lower cost

(c) the values assumed by sign_als

are always deterministic
(d) Lower resistance

Id) sometimes the events

associated with random
variable are deterministic

51. The correlation function of a wide-

sense stationary random process 53. An LTI system has a wide-sense
representing a non-deterministic stationary (WSS) input signal with
signal is zero mean. Its output is

(a) not a deterministic function

(a) non-zero mean and non-WSS
(b) deterministic, but not
symmetric function
(b) zero mean and WSS signal

(c) sometimes non-deterministic

(c) non-zero mean and WSS signal

(d) always deterministic and

symmetric function (d) zero mean and non-WSS signal

B-DMHH-N-FUA/55A 11 [ P.T.O.

54. Which of the following statemen ts 56. The reactanc es of a 10 セf@ capacito r
are correct in associat ion with the at f = 0 Hz (d.c.) and f = 50 Hz
superpos ition theorem ? are respectiv ely
1. It is applicab le to network s
having more than one source. (a) =and 318·47 Q
2. It is used to determin e the
current in a branch or voltage (b) 10·0 Q and 318·47 Q
across branch.
3. It is applicab le to direct (c) =and 31·84 'Q
current circuits only.
4. It is applicab le to network s (d) 0·01 Q and 31·84 Q
having linear and bilateral
elements .
Select the correct answer using the
code given below.
57. Conside r the following statemen ts :
(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1, 2 and 4 Any element is redunda nt if

connecte d in
(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 2, 3 and 4 1. series with an ideal current

2. parallel with an ideal current
55. A network N consists of resistors ,
depende nt and indepen dent voltage 3. series with an ideal voltage
and current sources. If the current source
in one particula r resistanc e is I A, 4. parallel with an ideal voltage
it will be doubled if the values of source
all the

(a) indepen dent voltage Which of the above statemen ts are

are doubled correct?

(b) indepen dent current sources

are doubled (a) 1 and 3

(c) depende nt and indepen dent

(b) 1 and 4
voltage and current sources
are doubled
(c) 2 and 3
(d) indepen dent voltage and
current sources are doubled (d) 2 and 4

B-DMHH -N-FUA /55A 12

58. Inductive reactance X is a function 61. Consider an LTI system representi ng
of inductanc e L and frequency f. a passive electrical network. If the
The value of X increases when input is a sinusoidal signal, then
the steady-sta te output of the
(a} both L and f increase network is

(b) L increases and f decreases

(a} sinusoidal with the same
f decrease amplitude , frequency and
(c) both L and
(d) L decreases and f increases

(b) sinusoidal with the same

59. An alternatin g voltage is given by the frequency, but possibly
equation different amplitude and phase

v セ@ 282.84 sin( 377t + セI@

(c) non-sinus oidal

What are the values of r.m.s.

voltage, frequency and time period? (d) sinusoidal with a different
(a} 20 V, 60 Hz and 0·0167 s

(b) 200 V, 50 Hz and 0·02 s

62. A series R-L circuit (R セ@ 4 Q and

(c) 200 V, 60 Hz and 0·0167 s
L セ@ 0· 01 H) is excited by a voltage
(in volt) カHエIセRXSウゥョPKYBN@
(d) 20 V, 50 Hz and 0·0167 s
The current in the circuit will be

60. If a capacitor is energized by a

symmetric al square-wa ve current (a} 40 sin(300t + 53·1°) A
source, then the steady-sta te
voltage across the capacitor will be
(b) 40 sin 53·1° A
(a} a square wave

(b) a triangular wave

(c) 40.J2 sin(300t + 53·1°) A
(c) a step function

(d) an impulse function (d) 40.J2 sin 53·1° A

B-DMHH- N-FUA/55 A 13 [ P.T.O.

63. An inducto r L and 5 Q and 10 Q '66. Tellege n's theorem (as applica ble
resistor s are all connec ted in to any lumped d.c. network ,
series across a voltage source regardl ess of the elemen ts being
u(t) = 50 cos rot volt. If the power linear or non-lin ear, time-va rying or
consum ed by the 5 Q resistor is time-in variant) implies that
10 W, then the power .factor of the
circuit is (a) sum of the voltage drops
across each networ k elemen t
(a) 0·3 is equal to the total voltage
(b) 0·4 applied to the networ k

(c) 0·6 (b) sum of the powers taken by

all elemen ts, in the network ,
(d) 0·8 within the constra ints impose d
by KCL and KVL is zero
64. A graph in which at least one
path (disrega rding orientat ion) exists (c) sum of the セオイ・ョエウ@ meeting
betwee n any two nodes of the at any node is not the same
graph is a as the current in that mesh

(a} connec ted graph (d) it is applica ble to a branch

which is not coupled to other
(b) directed graph branch es of the network
(c) sub-gra ph
67. For the two-por t networ k shown in
(d) fundam ental graph the figure

65. If Q, and Q1 be the sub-ma trices of

Qf (fundam ental cut-set matrix) + +
corresp onding to twigs and links
of a connec ted graph respecti vely,
1. Q, is an identity matrix
2. Q1 is a rectang ular matrix
the transm ission parame ter C is
3. 01 is of rank (n- 1)

Which of the above are correct ?

(a) I and 2 only

(b) I and 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

B-DMH H-N-FU A/55A 14

68. Two identical two-port networks 70. The network function, H(s) is equal to
having transmission matrix
(a) y(s)

(b) x{s)
are cascaded. What will be the
resultant transmission matrix of
the cascade? (c) x(s) y(s)

(a) [ セ@ セ}@ (d) 1

x(s) y(s)

2A 2B]
(b) [ 2C 2D

A2+ BC AB+ BD] 71. The driving-point impedance of the

(c) [AC+CD BC+D 2
network shown in the figure has
a zero at -4 and poles at -2 ± j 5.


69. The unit impulse response of a If Z {0) = 1, the values of R, L and C

system is -4e -t + 6e - 2t. The step are respectively
response of the same system for
t 2: 0 is Ae-t + Be- 21 + C, where A, B (a) *· 1 and R セ@
and C are respectively

(a) -4, -3 and +1

(b) 1, i and R セ@
(b) +4, -3 and -1
(c) fg-. ·t and 1
(c) -4, -3 and -1
(d) 1, 2 and 2
(d) +4, -3 and + 1 29

B-DMHH-N-FUA/55A 15 [ P.T.O.

72. If Z(s) = (s+ 4 )(s+ 9) is a driving- 75. Which of the following statements
(s+ l)(s+ 16) about electric field lines associated
point impedance, it represents an with electric charges is false?

(a) R-C impedance

(a) Electric field lines can be either
(b) R-L impedance straight or curved

(c) L-C impedance

(b) Electric field lines form closed
(d) R-L-C impedance

(c) Electric field lines begin on

73. The numerical value of the ratio positive charges and end on
of electric field intensity E and negative charges
magnetic field intensity H is

(a) 350 .Q (b) 377 .Q

(d) Electric field lines do not
(c) 37·7 .Q (d) 35 .Q

74. Consider a long line charge of

'J.. coulomb/metre perpendicular
to the plane of a paper. The 76. Which of the following represents
electrical field lines and equi- Maxwell's divergence equation for
potential surfaces are respectively static electric field?

(a) radial, cylindrical concentric

with line charge (a) "V·B= 0

(b) cylindrical concentric with line

charge, radial (b) "VxH= 0

(c) radial. radial but opposite in

direction (c) "V·B=!!

(d) concentric with line charge,

parallel to line charge (d) V x H = 11


77. A current of 5 A passes along the 79. Consider the following statements
axis of a cylinder of 5 em radius. regarding Maxwell's equation in
The flux density at the surface of differential form :
the cylinder is
1. For free space

V x H = (cr + jere) E
(a) 2 セjLt@

2. For free space, V. D = p

(b) 20 セjLt@ 3. For steady current, V x H = J

4. For static electric field, V· D = p

(c) 200 セjLt@

Which of the above statements are
(d) 2000 セjLt@

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 3 and 4
78. Maxwell's major contribution to EM
theory was to assert (d) 4 and 1

(a) that an electric field varying

with time in free space gives
rise to a current
80. The equation which states the
non-existence of isolated magnetic
(b) that a magnetic field varying pole is
with time gives rise to an
electric field (a) V-D=p

(c) that a magnetic field varying (b) V·B= 0

with space gives rise to an
electric field
(c) V·J=--
(d) that energy density due to
an electric field is セ@ eE 2 (d) Vx H=J

B-DMHH-N-FUA /SSA 17 ;• [ P.T.O.

81. The electric field in an electro- 84. A loss-less transmission line of
magnetic wave (in vacuum) is length l is open-circuited and has
described by characteristic impedance Z 0 . The
input impedance is
E = Emax sin(Kx- wt)
where (a) +j Z 0 tanf31
Emax = 100 N/C and K = 1x 10 7 m- 1
(b) -j Z 0 tanf31
Speed of light is 3 x 10 8 mj s.
What is the amplitude of the
corresponding magnetic wave? (c) - j Z 0 cotf31

(a) 4·57 x 10-7 T

(d) +j Z 0 cotf31
(b) 2·99 x 10-7 T

(c) 3·33 x 10-7 T

85. Conditions for a transmission line to
(d) 2·99 x 10 7 T
. be of low loss ate

82. For transverse electric waves

between parallel plates, the lowest (a) R >> wL, G»wC
value of m, without making all the
field components zero, .is equal to (b) R<<WL, G»wC
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) 0 (c) R<< wL, G«wC

83. A 20 dB directional coupler is shown (d) R>>WL, G« we

in the figure

86. In a waveguide, attenuation near the

cut-off frequency is
IOOmW (a) low

The power output at port 3 will be

(b) high
(a) 10 mW
{b) 1 mW
(c) very high
(c) 5 mW
(d) 2 mW (d) zero


87. The phase velocity of waves 90. The effective length of an antenna is
propagating in a hollow metal a measure of
waveguide is ·

(a) equal to the group velocity (a) length of the antenna

neglecting fringe effects
(b) equal to the velocity of light
in free space
(b) effectiveness of the antenna as
a radiator/ collector of electro-
(c) less than the velocity of light magnetic energy
in free space

(d) greater than the velocity of (c) power consumed by エィセ@

. light in free space antenna

88. Compensation theorem applicable to (d) range of the antenna

antennas is also called as

(a) Millman's theorem

91. For a dipole antenna
(b) superposition theorem

(c) substitution theorem (a) the radiation intensity is

maximum along the normal to
the dipole axis
(d) power transfer theorem

. (b) the current distribution along

89. An isotropic radiator is one which its length is uniform
radiates energy irrespective of the length

(a) in a well-defined direction

(c) the effective length equals its
(b) uniformly in all directions physical length

(c) inside a hollow space

(d) the input impedance is
independent of the location of
(d) uniformly in horizontal plane the feed-point


92. An ideal voltage source and an ideal 95. The expected value of the voltage
voltmeter have ゥョエセュ。ャ@ impedances across a resistor is 80 V. However,
respectively the voltmeter reads 79 V. The
absolute error in the measurement
(a) zero, zero is

(b) zero, infinite (a) 0·875 V

(c) infinite, zero (b) 0·125 v

(d) infinite, infinite (c) 1·00 V

(d) 1·125V
93. The current in a circuit is measured
as 235 !lA and the accuracy of
measurement is ±0·5 %. This 96. A current of 2 ± 0·5% A passes
current passes through a resistor through a resistor of 100 ± 0·2% Q.
35 till ± 0·2 %. The voltage is The limiting error in the
estimated to be 8·23 V. The error computation of power will be
in the estimation would be
(a) 0·7%
(a) ± 0·06 V •
(b) 0·9%
(b) ± 0·04 v
(c) 1·2%
(c) ±0·016V
(d) 1·5%
(d) ± 0·1 v
97. A voltmeter reads 40 V on its 100 V
94. The full-scale deflecting torque of a range and an ammeter reads 75 rnA
20 A moving-iron ammeter is on its 150 rnA range in a circuit.
6 x 10-s N-m. What is the rate of Both the instruments are
change of self-inductance with guaranteed ±2% accuracy on FSD.
respect to the deflection of the The limiting error on the measured
pointer of the ammeter at full scale? power is

(a) 0·5 IJH/rad (a) 4%

(b) 0·2 IJH/rad (b) 5%

(c) 1·3 IJH/rad (c) 9%

(d) 0·3 !JH/rad (d) 12%


98. A voltmeter, having a. guaranteed 101. A moving-coil meter has a resistance
accuracy of 1%, reads 9 V on a 0 V of 3 Q and gives full-scale deflection
to 150 V range full-scale reading. with 30 rnA. What external
The percentage limiting error is resistance should be added iri
series so that it can measure
(a) 0·167% voltages up to 300 V?

(b) 1·67% (a) 10 Q

(c) 16·7% (b) 9997 Q

(d) 0·0167% (c) 0·19 Q

(d) 0·01 Q
99. A moving-coil instrument has a
resistance of 10 Q and gives a full-
scale deflection when carrying a
current of 50 rnA. What external
resistance should be connected so
that the instrument can be used to 102. Consider the following system
measure current up to 50 A? function of a discrete-time LTI
• system :
(a) 20 Q in parallel
-1 *
(b) 100 Q in series H(z) = z -a
1 -az -1
(c) 0·0 10 Q in parallel
where a* is the complex conjugate
(d) 18·7 Q in series of a. The frequency response of
such a system. is
100. A current of 2·0 A passes through a
cell of e.m.f. 1·5 V having internal (a) aperiodic; depends on
resistance of 0·15 Q. The potential frequency ro
difference across the terminals of
the cell is (b) aperiodic; does not depend on
frequency ro
(a} 1·35 V

(b) 1·50 v (c) periodic; depends on

frequency ro
(c) 1·00 V
(d) periodic; does not depend on
(d) 1·20 v frequency ro

8-DMHH-N-FUA/SSA 21 [ P.T.O ..

103. Absolute encoders are normally used 105. An inductive pick-up used to
for measure the speed of a shaft lias
120-tooth wheel. If the number of
(a) one revolution pulses produced in a second is
3000, the r.p.m. of the shaft is
(b) continuous speed in clockwise (a) 1200
(b) 1500
(c) continuous speed in counter-
clockwise direction (c) 1800

(d) counting least significant bits (d) 3600

106. A piezoelectric crystal having a

thickness of 2 mm and a voltage
sensitivity of 0·02 V-m/N is
104. Consider the following statements subjected to a pressure of
20x 10 Pa. What is the output
Piezoelectric transducer has voltage?

1. a very good HF response (a) 0·775 v
2. typical output voltage of the (b) 0·80 v
order of 1 mV to 30 mV per
unit of acceleration (c) 0·002 X 10-6 V
3. no ·requirement of external
(d) 0·2 X 10-6 V
power and is self-_generating
4. no response for static
107. A resistance strain gauge with gauge
factor of 3 is cemented to a steel
member subjected to a strain of
Which of the above statements are
2 x 10-6 . If the original resistance
is 100 Q, what is the change in
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(a) 600 !U2

(b) 1, 2 and 4 only (b) 600 mQ

(c) 3 and 4 only (c) 300 !U2

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 200 !U2


108. The dynamic characteristics of Directions :
capacitive transducers are similar Each of the following ten ( 10) items
to' those of consists of two statements, one labelled
as 'Statement (I)' and the other as
(a) low-pass filter 'Statement (II)'. Examine these two
statements carefully and select the
(b) high-pass filter answers to these items using the code
given below.
(c) notch filter
(d) band-stop filter (a) Both Statement (I) and
Statement (II) are individually
true and Statement (II) is
109. Cold junction in a thermocouple is the correct explanation of
Statement (I}
(a) the reference junction
(b) Both Statement (I} and
maintained at a known
Statement (II} are individually
constant temperature
• true but Statement (II} is not
the correct explanation of
(b) the junction maintained at a
Statement (I}
very low temperature
• (c) Statement (I} is true but
(c) the junction at which the Statement (II} is false
temperature is sensed (d) Statement (I} is false but
Statement (II} is true
(d) None of the above 111. Statement (I} :
Hard :nagnetic materials are used
110. The output voltage of a linear for making permanent magnets.
variable differential transformer is Statement (II} :
1·5 Vat maximum displacement. At
a load of 0·5 MQ, the deviation from Hard magnetic materials have
linearity is maximum and it is relatively small and narrow
± 0·003 V from a straight line hysteresis loop.
through origin. What is the linearity 112. Statement (I} :
at the given load? With a small additional energy,
usually thermal, the valence
(a) ±1·5% electrons in germanium can
become free electrons.
(b) ± 0·2%
Statement (II} :
• (c) ± 2·2% The valence electrons in
germanium are in the fourth orbit
(d) ± 15% and are at high energy level.


113. Statement (I) : 117. Statement (I) :
An FET is a current -controlled The standard definition of stability
device. precludes sin w0 t term in impulse
Statement (II)
Statement (II) :
Operation of an FET depends only
sinw0 t is a periodic function.
on majority carriers.
118. Statement (I) :
Helical antenna has the largest
114. Statement (I) : bandwidth, high directivity and
Thermal runaway is not possible circular polarization.
in an FET. Statement (II) :
Statement (II) Log-periodic antenna has a broad
As the temperature of FET
increases, the mobility of carriers 119. Statement (I) :
decreases. Current-limiting resistor is used in
series with the light-emitting diode
(LED) to limit current and light
115. Statement (I) : output. •
In an enhancement type MOSFET Statement (II) :
(with n-type source and drain
The light output of a light-emitting
regions), only positive voltage can
diode (LED) is approximately
be applied to the gate with respect
proportional to the current
to the substrate (p-type).
passing through it.
Statement (II) : 120. Statement (I) :
Only with a positive voltage to the An analog system has at its
gate, an 'inversion layer' is formed output stage a PMMC indicating
and conduction can take place. instrument, while a digital meter
output stage has an LCD/LED
display device.
116. Statement (I) Statement (II) :
Under steady-state condition, a Since the analog system is
pure capacitor behaves as ah open continuous in time, display device
circuit for direct voltage. can respond to it if the signal
frequency is low, while digital
Statement (II) :
system being a discrete one, it
The current through a capacitor is does not require change and can
proportional to the rate of change be latched at the value of
of voltage. measurement.





. .



. - .






Paper II
Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200

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bMdmhnセfu@ ( 1 -A)

1. The current gain of a bipolar transistor drops 5. An amplifier with mid band gain IA I = 500
at high frequency because of 1
has negative feedback Ib I = - - . If upper
(a) Transistor capacitances
cut-off without feedback were at 60 kHz, then
. II . . I
(b) High current effects in the base with feedback it would become
(c) Parasitic inductive elements (a) 10kHz
(d) The early effect (b) 360kHz
(c) 12kHz
2. · The maximum depletion layer width in Silicon
(d) 300kHz
(a) 0·143 11m 6. A tuned amplifier has a maximum output at
4 MHz with a quality factor 50. The
(b) 0·857 ).1m
bandwidth and half power frequencies are,
(c) 1 ).1m respectively
(d) 1-143 J.1m (a) 80kHz and 4·04 MHz; 3·96 MHz
(b) 80kHz and 4·08 MHz; 3·92 MHz
3. A bipolar transistor is operating in the active
(c) 40kHz and 4·04 MHz; 3·96 MHz
region with a collector current of 1 mA. The ll
of the transistor is 100 and the thermal (d) 40kHz and 4·08 MHz; 3·92 MHz
voltage (VT) is 25 mV. The trans-conductance
(gm) and the inpuf resistance (r") of the 7. A power amplifier with a gain of 100 L o• has
transistor in the common emitter an output of 12 V at 1·5 kHz along with a
configuration are, respectively . second harmonic content of 25 percent. A
negative feedback is to be provided to reduce
(a) 25 mAN and 15·625 k.Q
the harmonic content of the output to
(b) 40 mAN and 4·0 k.Q
2·5 percent. What should be the gain of the
(c) 25 mAN and 2·5 k.Q feedback path and the level of signal input to
(d) 40 mAN and 2·5 k.Q the overall system, respectively ?
(a) 0·9 and 0·12 V
4. For a transformer, the load connected to the (b) 0·9 and 12 V
secondary has an impedance of 8 Q. Its (c) 0·09 and 1·2 V
reflected impedance on primary is observed to
(d) 9 and 0·12 V
be 648 Q. The turns ratio of this transformer
is 8. The right side of a state equation represents
(a) 6: 1 (a) Next state of flip-flop
(b) 10: 1 (b) Present state of flip-flop
(c) 9:1 (c) Present state condition that makes the
next state equal to 1
(d) 8: 1
(d) None of the above

8-DMHH-N-FUB ( 2-A)

9. A full wave rectifier with a centre-tapped 13. Which oscillator is characterized by a split
transformer supplies de current of 100 mA to capacitor in its tank circuit ?
a load resistance of 20 Q. The secondary (a) RC phase shift oscillator
resistance of transformer is 1 Q. Each diode
has a forward resistance of 0·5 Q. What are (b) Colpitts oscillator
rms values of signal voltage across each half (c) Wien bridge oscillator
of the secondary as well as de power supplied
(d) None ofthe above
to the load?
(a) 2·39 V and 0·2 Watt
(b) 23·9 V and 2 Watts 14. A 1 J.1S · pulse can be converted iD.to a 1 rna
(c) 0·239 V and 20 Watts pulse by using

(d) 2·39 V and 2 Watts (a) A monostable multivibrator

(b) An astable multivibrator
10. An Op-Amp has the following open loop
(c) A bistable multivibrator
parameters Zm = 300 ldl, Zout = 100 Q,
A = 50,000. The low frequency gystem input (d) A J-K flip-flop
and output impedances, when closed loop gain
is set to 100, are
(a) 0·6 Q and 50 ldl 15. The transistor switch as shown in figure has
(b) 150 MQ and 0·2 Q fl = 120, VcE(Satl = 0·2 V, Rc = 1·2 ldl, and
(c) Same as in open loop Vcc=5V.
(d) None of the abOve Vee

11. The differential gain of Op-Amp is 4000 and

value of CMRR is 150. Its output voltage,
when the two input voltages are 200 J.LV and .__-o·v.
160 11V respectively, will be is
(a) 16 V v1 セ^MLNQ|nカZ@
Rs +
(b) 164·8 mV
(c) 64mV
(d) 76mV

12. An amplifier using an Op-Amp with a

· slew-rate SR =1 V/11 sec has a gain of 40 dB. 1f The output voltage when transistor switch is
this amplifier has to faithfully amplifY closed and the minimum base current needed
sinusoidal signals from 10 to 20 kHz, without to close the switch are, respectively
introducing any slew-rate induced distortion, (a) 0·2 V and 3·33 J.LA
then the input signal level must not exceed
(a) 795 mV (b) 2 V and 3·3311A
(b) 395mV (c) 0·2 V and 33·3J.LA
(c) 79·5 mV
(d) 2 V and 33·3J.LA
(d) 39-5 mV


16. A plant is controlled by a proportional 19. A binary-to-BCD セョ」ッ、・イ@has four inputs D0,
controller. If a time delay element is C0, B0 and Ao and five outputs D, C, B, A and
introduced in the loop, its
VALID. The outputs D, C, B and A give the
(a) Phase margin remains the same proper BCD value of the input and the VALID
(b) Phase margin increases output is 1 if the input combination is a valid
(c) Phase margin decreases decimal code. If the input combination is an
(d) Gain margin increases invalid decimal code, the VALID output
becomes 0 and all of the D, C, B and A
outputs show 0 values. If only NOT gates and
17. When damping ratio is equal to zero, the. 2-input OR and AND gates are available, the
damping frequency of a system is minimum number of gates required to
(a) Equal to natural frequency implement the above circuit is

(b) Zero (a) 10

(c) More than natural frequency (b) 9

(d) Less than natural frequency (c) 8

(d) 7

18. The circuit shown in figure is

20. In the J-K flip-flop we have J =Q and K =1
as shown in the figure.


K Q 1-

Assuming the flip-flop was initially cleared
and then clocked for 6 pulses, the sequence at
the Q output will be
(a) ORgate (a) 010000
(b) NORgate (b) 011001
(c) NAND gate (c) 010010
(d) AND gate (d) 010101


21. The Boolean function 'f' implemented as 24. Consider the following statements :
shown in the figure using two input 1. A flip-flop is used to store 1 bit of
multiplexers is information.
2. Race around condition occurs in a J-K
flip-flop when both of its inputs are 1.
3. Master slave configuration is used in
flip-flops to store 2 bits of information.
4. A transparent latch consists of D-type
Which of the above statements are correct ?
(a) ABC+ABC (a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) ABC+ABC (b) 1, 3 and 4
- - (c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 2, 3 and 4
25. A circuit consists of two synchronously
clocked J-K flip-flops connected as follows :

22. Consider the circuit shown in the figure. The Jo = Ko = Q1, J1 = Qo, K1 = Qo. The circuit
expression for the next state Q(t + 1) is acts as a
(a) Counter of mod 2
(b) Counter of mod 3
rl><>-iS qHエIGャMセ
(c) Shift-right register
(d) Shift-left register
26. A semiconductor RAM has a 12-bit address
(a) x Q(t)
register and an 8-bit data register. The total
(b) X$ Q(t) number of bits in the memory is
(c) x Q(t) (a) 256 bits
(b) 4,096 bits
(d) X 0 Q(t)
(c) 32,768 bits
(d) 10,48,576 bits
23. The outputs Q and Q of master slave S - R
27. When electromagnetic waves are propagated
flip-flop are connected to its R and S inputs
in a waveguide
respectively. The output Q when clock pulses
(a) They travel along the walls of the
are applied will be
(a) Permanently 0 (b) They travel through · the dielectric
(b) Permanently 1 without touching the walls
(c) Fixed 0 or 1 (c) They are reflected from the walls but do
not travel along the walls
(d) Complementing with every clock pulse
(d) None of the above


28. A dual slope analog to digital converter uses 33. A unity feedback system has an open-loop
N-bit counter. When the input signal Va is
being integrated, the counter is allowed to transfer function G(s) =· K . If the
s(s + 10)
count up to the value
damping ratio is 0·5, then what is the value of
(a) Equal to 2N- 2 K?
(b) Equal エッセ@ - 1 (a) 150
(c) Proportional to Va (b) 100
(d) Inversely proportional to Va (c) 50
29. For a 5-bit ladder D/A converter which has (d) 10
digital input of 10101, the analog output
value is (Assume 0 = 0 V and 1 = + 10 V,
3 4. The loop transfer function of a system is
Rr= 3R)
(a) -3·32V
K . The loop gain K is adjusted
s(s + 1) (s + 5)
(b) -4·32V for inducing sustained oscillations. What is
(c) -6·56 V the value of K for this objective ?
(d) · -7-48V
(a) · 15
30. A 5-bit D/A converter has a current output. If
(b) 25
an output current lout = 10 mA is produced for
a digital input of 10100, the value of lout for a (c) 30
digital input of 11101 will be (d) 45
(a) 12·5 mA
(b) . 13·5 mA 35. The phenomenon known as 'Early effect' in a
(c) 15·5mA bipolar transistor refers to a reduction of the
(d) 14-5mA effective base-width caused by
31. What is the total memory range and memory (a) Electron-hole recombination at the base
map, if for a 16-bit address bus; A 15 = 1, (b) The reverse-biasin g of the base-collector
A 14 = 0 and A 13 - A 11 are connected to a 3 - 8 junction
decoder input lines ? A16 and A14 are
(c) The forward-biasi ng of the emitter-base
connected to enable the decoder.
(a) 16 K, 8000H - 8FFFH
(b) 2 K, 8000H- BFFFH (d) The early removal of stored base charge
during saturation to cut off switching
(c) 16 K, 8000H- BFFFH
(d) 2 K, 8000H- 8FFFH
32. A unity feedback system has 36. The number of roots of the equation
G(s) = . K(s )+ ) )" What is the value ofK 2s4 + s3 + 3s2 + 5s + 7 = 0 which lie in the
. (s + 14 (s + 18 right half of s plane is
to yield 10% error in steady state ? (a) 0
(a) 672
(b) . 189
(b) 1
(c) 100 (c) 2
(d) 21 (d) 3


37. Thermal runaway in a transistor biased in the 41. Which one of the following statements is
active region is due to correct?
1. heating of the transistor. (a) Phase margin is always positive for
2. change in 13 due to increase in stable feedback system.
temperature. (b) Phase margin is always negative for
3. change in reverse collector saturation stable feedback system.
current due to rise in temperature. (c) Phase margin can be negative or
4. base emitter voltage VBE which positive for stable feedback system.
decreases with rise in temperature. (d) None of the above
Which of the above statements is/are correct ?
(a) 1 and 2
42. A Tachometer has a sensitivity of
(b) 2 and 3
5 V/1000 rpm. The Gain constant of the
(c) 3 only
Tachometer is
(d) 4 only
(a) 0·48 V/rad/sec
38. The majority carriers in an n-type (b) 0·048 Vlrad/sec
semiconductor have an average drift velocity (c) TセX@ V!rad/sec
Vd in a direction perpendicular to a uniform
(d) 48 V/rad/sec
magnetic field B. The electric field E induced
due to Hall Effect acts in the direction
(a) VdxB 43. For a 3rd order system given below, what is
(b) B xVd the phase crossover frequency ?

(c) AlongVd G(s)H(s) = K

s 3 +6s 2 +lls+6
(d) Opposite to Vd
(a) ,/6.
39. When the number of poles is equal to the (b) Jll
number of zeros, how many branches of root
locus tend towards infinity ? (c) ± Jll
(a) 1 (d) ± ,/6
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) Equal to number of zeros 44. Two compensators have transfer functions

40. The open-loop transfer function of a unity G (s) = 5(s + 10) and G (s)
1 2
= (s +50)
(s +50) 5(s + 10)
feedback control system is (s) セ@ 2
. The
(s + 2) respectively.
closed-loop transfer function will have poles at (a) Both are lag
(a) -2,-2 (b) Both are lead
(b) -2,-1 (c) G1 is lead and G2 is lag
(c) -2, ±j
(d) G1 is lag and G2 is lead
(d) -2, 2

B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 7 -A)

46. A proportional plus derivative controller 48. One of the main functions of the RF
1. has high sensitivity. amplifiers in a super-heterodyne receiver is to
(a) Provide improved tracking
2. increases the stability of the system.
(b) Permit better adjacen t channel rejection
3. improves the steady-s tate accuracy.
(c) Increase the tuning range of the
Which of the above stateme nts are correct ? receiver
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Improve the rejection of the image
(b) 1 and 2 only frequency
(c) 1 and 3 only 49. An FM signal has a carrier swing of 100 kHz
when modula ting signal has a frequency of
(d) 2 and 3 only 8 kHz. The modulation index is
(a} 12·5
46. In industri al control system, which one of the
following methods is most commonly used in (b) 7-5
designing a system for meeting performance (c) 6·25
specifications ? (d) 15
(a) The transfer function is first determi ned 60. In a digital communication system employing
and then either a lead compensation or Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), the 0 and 1 bit
lag compensation is implemented are represen ted by sine waves of 10 kHz and
(b) The transfer function is first determi ned 25 kHz respectively. These waveforms will be
and PID controllers are implem ented by orthogonal for a bit interval of
mathem atically determi ning PID (a) 250 11 sec
constan ts (b) 200 11 sec
(c) PID controllers are implemented HセI@ 50 11 sec
without the knowledge of the system
(d) 45 11 sec
parame ters using Ziegler - Nichols
method 61. If a 400-watt carrier is amplitude modulated
(d) PID controllers are implemented using to a depth of 75 percent, what is the total
Ziegler - Nichols power in the modulated wave ?
method after
determi ning the system transfer (a) 517-5 W
(b) 463·3 w
47. Which one of the following is the transfer (c) 448·5 W
function of the PI-contr oller? (d) 512-5 w
(k 1s + k )
(a) G(s) = 2
62. The signal m(t) = sine (2 x 104 t) is frequency
modulated with K = 103 Hz/V. What is the
maximu m instanta neous frequency of the
(b) modulated signal when carrier frequency is

(a) 0·999M Hz
(b) 0·998M Hz
(c) 1·002MHz
(d) 1·001 MHz

8-DMHH-N-FUB ( 8-A)

53. Amplitude modulation is used for 57. Consider the following:
broadcasting because 1. Pulse-position modul;ltion.
(a) It is more noise immune than other 2. Pulse-code modulation.
modulation systems 3. Pulse-width modulation.
(b) Compared with other syatems it Which of the above communications are not
requires less transmitting power digital?
(c) Its use avoids receiver complexity (a) 1 and 2 only
(d) No other modulation system can provide (b) 2 and 3 only
the necessary BW for high fidelity (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

54. In flat-top sampling a hold circuit is

sometimes required. This hold circuit can be
58. In a superheterodyne receiver, if the
designed as a sampler followed by
intermediate frequency is 450 kHz and the
(a) A shunt capacitor signal frequency is 1000 kHz, then the local
oscillator frequency and image frequency
(b) An envelope detector
respectively are
(c) Parallel RC circuit (a) 1450kHz and 100kHz
(d) A series resistance along with parallel (b) 550kHz and 1900kHz
RC circuit in shunt
(c) 1450 kHz and 1900 kHz
(d) 550 kHz and 1450kHz
55. As compared to A-law compander, the wlaw
compander produces
59. The cladding which surrounds the fibre core
(a) More companding at low amplitudes
(a) is used to protect the fibre
(b) More companding at high amplituaes
(b) is used to reduce optical interference
(c) Less companding for low amplitudes (c) helps to guide the light in the core
(d) Less companding for high amplitudes (d) ensures that refractive index remains

56. A carrier is modulated by a digital bit stream

having one of the possible phases of o•, 90•, 60. In microwave relay communication, the
1so• and 270•. Then the modulation is termed repeater is usually an amplifier for the
as amplification of
(a) BPSK (a) Carrier signal
(b) QPSK (b) Baseband signal
(c) Amplitude modulated IF signal
(c) QAM
(d) Frequency modulated IF signal
'(d) MSK

61. In a geostationary satelJite communication 65. What will be the total modulation index if a
· system, a message signal is transmitted from wave is amplitude modulated by three sine
an earth station via an uplink to a satelJite, waves with modulation indices of 25%, 50%
amplified in a transponder on board the and 75%?
satelJite and then transmitted via a downlink
to another earth station. The most popular
(a) Mt, = 1·5
frequency band for sateliite communication is (b) Mt = 0·93 .
(a) 16 MHz for the uplink and 14 MHz for
(c) Mt, = 1·22
the downlink
(b) 4 GHz for the uplink and 6 GHz for the (d) Mt =1
(c) 6 GHz for the uplink and 4 GHz for the 66. Boosting of higher frequ:ency at the
downlink transmitter is done by using
(d) 10 GHz for the downlink and 8 GHz for
(a) De-emphasis
the uplink
(b) AGC circuit
(c) Pre-emphasis
62. As per· WARC-1979 allocation, commercial
communication satelJites use bandwidth of (d) Armstrong method
(a) 4MHz
(b) 40MHz 67. The power contained in single sideband in
(c) 200MHz amplitude modulation is
(d) 500MHz m2 Pc
63. Range resolution in RADAR is determined by (b) 2m2Pc
(a) The radiated power
(b) The bandwidth of transmitted pulse 4
(c) The antenna size (d) 4m2Pc
(d) The centre frequency of RADAR

68. TWT is characterized by

. 64. In satellite communication, Faraday rotation
(a) Low noise figure, narrow bandwidth
is caused by ·
and average gain
(a) Plasma frequency
(b) Gain exceeding 40 dB, wide bandwidth
(b) Earth's magnetic field and low noise figure
(c) Non-Gaussian nature of uplink noise (c) More noise and wide bandwidth
when received in the downlink channel
(d) Ionospheric reflections that occur (d) More noise, narrow bandwidth and high
multiple times · gain

B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 10- A)

69. In Gunn diodes, electrons are transferred 0 0 813 8 14
from 0 0 823 824
73. 8=
(a) High to low mobility energy bands 8 a1 832 0 0
(b) Low to high mobility energy bands 8 41 842 0 0
(c) Valley to domain formation
is the scattering matrix of
(d) Domain to valley formation
(a) Magic Tee
(b) · Circulator .
70. Polarization is characteristic of EM wave
that gives the direction of (c) Hybrid ring

(a) Electrical component of a wave with (d) Three port network

respect to ground
(b) Magnetic component of EM wave with
74. Phase velocity Vp and group velocity Vg in a
respect to ground
waveguide are related to the velocity of
(c) Both electrical and magnetic Iightc as
components with respect to ground
(a) Vp Vg= clJ
(d) None of the above
(b) Vp+ Vg= c
Vp .
(c) -=Constant
71. A rectangular waveguide has the dimensions Vg
of 5·1 em x 2·4 em. For the dominant mode (d) Vp + Vg = Constant
TE10 the cut-off frequency is
(a) 2·94GHz
75. Which one of the following is not a mode of
(b) 5·88GHz operation of a Gunn diode ?
(c) 6·25 GHz (a) LSA oscillation mode
(d) 68·99 GHz
(b) Stable amplification mode
(c) Bias circuit oscillation mode
72. The semiconductor random access memory of (d) Non-linear mode
a computer has 65,536 words, each of 8-bits.
It can perform two basic operations Read and
Write. How many bits are there in the 76. The only modes in microstrip lines are
Address Register of this memory ? (a) TEmodes
(a) 8 (b) TMmodes
(b) 12 (c) TE and TEM modes
(c) 16 (d) Quasi-transverse electric and magnetic
(d) 24 modes


77. If the receiving antenna is polarized at 90• 81. The efficiency of an antenna having a
with respect to transmitting antenna, it will resistance of 30 n and radiation resistance of
receive 60 Ois
(a) No signal (a) 33·3%
(b) Minimum signal (b) 50%
(c) Maximum signal (c) 66·6%
(d) Same signal (d) 75%

78. Which of the following methods provides

82. An antenna behaves as a Resonant Circuit if
largest bandwidth ?

(a) Proximity coupling (a) Its length is integral multiple of nA.

(b) Aperture coupling
(b) Its height is integral multiple of nA.
(c) Coaxial probe feed 2
(d) Microstrip line feed (c) Its length is even multiple of nA.

(d) Its length is odd multiple of nA.

79. Which of the following antennas gives circular . 2
polarization ?
1. Yagi-Uda
83. Magic Tee is called as
2. Parabolic
(a) E-H plane Tee
3. Helical
(b) Hybrid Tee
4. Dipole
(c) Mixer circuit
(d) All of the above
(a) 1, 2, 3 and4
(b) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 3only 84. A transmission line has characteristic
(d) 4only impedance of 500 n. It has been terminated in
a 200 Q load. If the load is dissipating a
continuous power of 100 W, its reflection
coefficient is
80. If the diameter of a セ@ dipole antenna is 6
increased from ....?:__ to セ@ , then its
. 100 50 4
(a) Bandwidth increases 7

(b) ·Bandwidth decreases (c) 3

(c) Gain increases
(d) Gain decreases (d)

B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 12- A)

85. Detection of microwaves is carried out by 90. Baretters and Bolometers are used for
employing measurement of
(a) Vacuum tube diode (a) VSWR
(b) Semiconductor diode (b) Transmission losses
(c) Schottky Barrier diode
(c) Microwave power
(d) Field-Effect Transistor
(d) None of the above
86. The frequency range of very high frequency
(VHF) is 91. The discone antenna is
(a) 300 MHz - 3000 MHz
(a) A useful direction finding antenna
(b) 30 MHz - 300 MHz
(b) Used as a radar receiving antenna
(c) 3 MHz- 3o MHz
(d) 30 THz - 3000 Hz (c) Circularly polarized like other circular
87. On a microstrip line the wavelength (d) Useful as VHF receiving antenna
measured is 12 mm for a 10 GHz signal. The
dielectric constant of the equivalent 92. A satellite link uses different frequencies for
homogeneous line is receiving and transmitting in order to
(a) 3·5 (a) Avoid interference from terrestrial
(b) 6·25 microwave link
(c) 5·5 (b) Minimize free space losses
(d) 7·0 (c) Maximize antenna gain

Microwave link repeaters are typically 50 km (d) Avoid interference between its powerful
transmitted signal and weak incoming
apart in TV transmission, because signal
(a) of atmospheric attenuation
(b) of output power tube limitation
93 The number of one's present in the binary
(c) microwave transmission is through •
surface wave which attenuates faster representation of
(d) of Earth's curvature 15 x 256 + 5 x 16 + 3 are
(a) 8
89. The ratio ...!!.... is called
CO£ (b) 9
1. Intrinsic ratio. (c) 10
2. Loss tangent. (d) 11

3. Conduction ratio.
94. The creation of file variable will automatically
4. Dissipation factor.
create a special variable associated with it,
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? called as
(a) lonly (a) Buffer variable
(b) 2only (b) Text variable
(c) 2and4 (c) Allocated variable
(d) 2and3 (d) Floating variable

B·DMHH-N-FUB ( 13- A)

91). Wrapping of data functions together in a class 101. Which of the following sorting methods will be
is known as
the best, if the number of swappings done, is
(a) Overloading the only measure of efficiency ?
(b) Data Abstraction
(a) Bubble sort
(c) Polymorphism
(b) Quick sort
(d) Encapsulation
(c) Insertion sort
96. Given (135)base x + HQTセ P@ x = HSRセ P@ x· (d) Selection sort
What is the value of base x ?
(a) 5
(b) 3
102. In a circularly linked list organization,
(c) 12 insertion of a record involves the modification
(d) 6 . of
97. ·Expression C = i++ causes (a) No pointer
(a) value of ito be assigned to C, and then i (b) 1 pointer
to be incremented by 1 (c) 2 pointers .
(b) ito be incremented by 1, and then value (d) 3 pointers
of i to be assigned to C
(c) value ofi to be assigned to C
(d) i to be incremented by 1 103. The average successful search time for
sequential search on 'n' items is
98. The addressing mode that permits relocation,
without any change whatsoever in the code, is (a) - 2
(a) Indirect addressing
(b) Base register addressing n
(b) -
(c) Indexed addressing 2
(d) PC relative addressing (n-1)
99. Which of the following algorithm design (d) log(n) + 1
techniques is used in the quick sort
(a) Dynamic programming
(b) Backtracking 104. The speed mismatch between Processor and
(c) Divide a:D.d conquer Memory in a computer is alleviated by using a
(d) Greedy method small fast memory as an intermediate buffer
between Memory and Processor. This buffer
100. An algorithm is made up of2 modules M1 and
memory is known as
M2 . If order of M1 is f (n) and that of M2 is
g (n), tP,en the order of the algorithm is (a) Volatile ROM
(a) f(n) x g (n) (b) Non-Volatile ROM
(b) f(n) + g (n)
(c) Cache Memory
(c) min (f (n), g (n))
(d) max (f (n), g (n)) (d) EPROM


105• What is maximum number of nodes in a 110. Consider the following statements regarding
binary tree that has N levels, if the root level RESET instruction of 8085 microprocessor :
is zero? 1. PC contents become OOOOH.
(a) 22N 2. All interrupts are enabled.
(b) 2N+1_1 3. RESET OUT pin is at logic 0.
(c) 2N -1 Which of the above statements iS/are correct ?
(d) 2N -2N (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 2
106. To arrange a binary tree in ascending order,
we need (d) 2 and 3

(a) Post order traversal only 111. In a microprocessor, the register which holds
(b) In order traversal only address of the next instruction to be fetched is
(c) Pre order traversal only (a) Accumulator
(b) Program counter
(d) Post order traversal and Pre order
traversal (c) Stack pointer
(d) Instruction register
107. The method used for resolving data
112. The following sequence of instructions is
dependency conflict by the compiler itself is
executed by an 8085 microprocessor :
(a) Delayed load
1000 LXI SP, 27FF
(b) Operand forwarding
1003 CALL 1006
(c) Prefetch target instruction
1006 POP H
(d) Loop buffer
The contents of the stack pointer (SP) and the
HL register pair on completion of execution of
108. The micro programs provided by a these instructions· are
manufacturer to be used on his micro (a) SP = 27 FF, HL = 1003
programmed computer are generally called
(b) SP =27 FD, HL =1003
(a) Software
(c) SP =27 FF, HL = 1006
(b) Netware (d) SP = 27 FD, HL = 1006
(c) Firmware
(d) Hardware 113. The semiconductor RAM of a digital computer
has a word length of 16-bits and a capacity of
65,536 words. It has a cycle time of 80 ns. If
109. Locality of reference concept will fall in which the CPU is much faster than the memory, the
of the following cases ? time required to fill 1,024 bytes of this
memory with all O's will be
Where there are
(a) Many conditional jumps (a) 40·96 J.1S
(b) Many unconditional jumps (b) 81·92 J.1S
· (c) Many operands (c) 5·24 ms
(d) None of the above (d) 10·48 ms
B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 15- A)

Directions : Each of the next seven (07) items 117. Statement (1) :
consists of two stateme'nts, one labelled as the
Space wave is used for propagation of FM
'Statement (!)' and the other as 'Statement ai)'.
broadcast system.
Examine these two statements carefully and select
the answers to these items using the codes given Statement (II) :
Several independent interference-free
Codes: transmitters can be operated on the same
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) frequency because of line-of-sight
are individually true and Statement (II) propagation.
is the correct explanation of
Statement (I).

(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) 118• Statement (1):
are individually true but Statement (II)
is not the correct explanation of In TEmn modes Z component of magnetic field
Statement (I). is non-zero.

(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) Statement (ll) :

is false. In セ@ modes Z component of electric field is
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) non-zero.
is true.

114. Statement (I) :

A NAND gate represents a umvers al . 119. Statement (1) :
1ッァセ」@ .
family. On-chip Cache memory is used for temporary
Statement (ll) : storage of commonly used code/data copied
from the main memory.
Only two NAND gates are sufficient to
accomplish any of the basic gates. Statement (II) :
Provision of Cache memory eliminates the
115. Statement (I) : need for the processor to go off the chip to
Digital ramp converter is the slowest ADC. access the main memory thus improving the
Statement (ll) : processor performance.

It requires N2 clock pulses for conversion.

116. Statement (I) :

120. Statement (!) :
The f3 of a bipolar transistor is reduced, if the
base width is increased. In the main memory of a computer, RAM is
used as a short-term memory.
Statement (ll) :
The f3 of a bipolar transistor increases, if the Statement (ll) :
doping concentration in the base is increased. RAM is a volatile memory.
B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 16 -A)



8-DMHH-N-FUB ( 17- A)





. ·),.•" ..

B-DMHH-N-FUB ( 20- A)


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