Catalogo Mahle
Catalogo Mahle
Catalogo Mahle
MAHLE is a leading global development partner to the auto- approach. On the one hand, we’re working on new solutions
motive industry. For several decades, we’ve been an innova- to make the combustion engine more efficient and environ-
tor with products for the combustion engine and its periph- mentally friendly, while developing highly efficient drive sys-
erals. We offer our customers complete systems that stand tems, power electronics, and electric auxiliaries for hybrid
out thanks to the unrivaled breadth and depth of our product and electric vehicles on the other.
range, and our products are found in every second road vehi-
cle. And MAHLE is regularly in on the action on racetracks THE RIGHT RANGE EVERY TIME
too—in Formula 1, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, or truck racing. You can rely on MAHLE as a strong partner for all mobility
concepts. Take advantage of our expertise as a development
With 170 production locations, MAHLE is represented in 32 leader as well as the comprehensive, ever-expanding MAHLE
countries. At 16 major research and development centers in product portfolio and strong brands in the following areas:
Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Spain, Slovenia, the
USA, Brazil, Japan, China, and India, 6,100 development Engine components & turbochargers
engineers and technicians are working on innovative solu- Filters
tions for the mobility of the future. Engine cooling & air conditioning
Starter motors & alternators
We not only see megatrends such as population growth, E-mobility & electronics
urbanization, globalization, and climate protection as oppor- Workshop equipment & diagnostics
tunities, but also as an obligation to design our technologies
so that mobility is as environmentally friendly as possible.
THE MAHLE DUAL STRATEGY No matter whether MAHLE manufactures products for
Despite the rising importance of e-mobility, we believe that automobile manufacturers or for trade—they always meet
the internal combustion engine will remain the dominant drive the same high standards. Our brands represent innovative
for many years to come, which is why we’re pursuing a dual strength and uncompromising quality. You can count on it.
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 03
Air filters 20
Cabin air filters 21
Oil filters 22
Fuel filters 23
Air drier cartridges 24
Urea filters 25
Transmission oil filters 26
Ernst Mahle
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 05
Engine components & turbochargers
They’re constantly under fire, and their working conditions are getting tougher with each passing year. The thermal
load (up to 2,600°C) and average peak cylinder pressures have increased, and the inertia force loads have also
become greater as a result of high-speed concepts and the trend toward larger piston strokes. Demands are rising
accordingly: reduced weight, lower oil consumption, and absolute safety—even in hot and cold load capacity testing
and thermal shock endurance testing.
As a result, the overall height or compression height is continuously decreasing. The ECOFORM® pistons developed by MAHLE
as new solutions save weight—the single-piece MONOTHERM® pistons, machined accordingly, weigh as little as those made
of aluminum. And these, too, have been significantly refined—resulting in the aluminum piston with cooled ring carrier.
As a series manufacturer, MAHLE is committed to Formula 1 and benefits from the wealth of experience and expertise in this
premium racing class.
As the world’s largest manufacturer of pistons, MAHLE is intensively researching the products of tomorrow and already offers
solutions for almost every engine today—quickly, reliably, and anywhere in the world. With our pistons, aftermarket custom-
ers receive original equipment engine components and thus the guarantee that comes with all our products: tried and tested
under the most grueling conditions and proven in practice. A promise you can count on.
Our product portfolio comprises cast and electron beam-welded aluminum pistons, as well as composite pistons with alumi-
num, nodular cast-iron, and steel skirts. Composite pistons are screwed to piston crowns made of forged steel—a material
that has been tried and tested with outstanding results. Not only are steel pistons delivered as bolted variants, they’re also
available as friction-welded or high-temperature brazed versions. The MAHLE piston range for large engines includes prod-
ucts with diameters of up to 580 mm.
ECOFORM® pistons
with pivoted side cores
Weight-optimized pistons for
passenger car gasoline engines.
A special casting technology
allows for a low weight with high
structural rigidity.
Railroad vehicles, special vehicles,
marine technology, oil and gas,
industrial engines
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 07
Engine components & turbochargers
MONOTHERM® pistons Ring carrier pistons with Ring carrier pistons Cast solid-skirt pistons
Single-piece, forged steel piston cooling channel and with cooling channel Cast solid-skirt piston with a long
with an extremely high structural crown reinforcement For high operating temperatures. service life for gasoline and diesel
rigidity developed for modern For highly loaded diesel engines. Intensive cooling of the piston engines. Piston crown, ring belt,
combustion chambers with pres- A hard-anodized coating (HA coat- crown and ring belt is achieved and skirt form a robust unit.
sures of 250 bar and upward. ing) on the piston crown protects by circulating oil in the cooling Range of application: model to
With connected skirt and com- against cracks in the bowl rim or channel. large engines.
bined with a short piston pin, its crown.
weight is comparable to that of
an aluminum piston.
Forged solid-skirt pistons FERROTHERM® pistons Two-stroke pistons MonoWeld® pistons for
Mainly for highly loaded series The steel piston crown is movably Made of special aluminum alloys commercial vehicles
production and motorsports connected to the aluminum skirt for the high mechanical and The friction-welded steel piston
engines. The special manufactur- via the piston pin. The high thermal loads in two-stroke is impressive thanks to its ability
ing process increases their strength and low wear rate enable engines. to withstand high thermal loads,
strength and is a prerequisite for highly loaded diesel engines to making peak cylinder pressures
smaller wall cross sections and comply with low exhaust gas and over 230 bar possible. Its
reduced weight. emissions limits. enclosed, rigid structure allows
for improved cooling of the bowl
rim because the walls can be
made thinner. The connected
skirt provides improved lateral
support, thereby reducing cavita-
tion propensity.
08 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine components & turbochargers
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 09
Engine components & turbochargers
MAHLE “N” piston ring set as installed in origi-
nal equipment. By contrast, MAHLE “V” piston
ring sets are specially designed for use in older
10 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine components & turbochargers
Machining process in
while moving back and
Description Honing process Application forth. This method
makes it possible to
Variant 1st operation 2 nd operation 3 rd operation 4th operation
achieve a cylinder form
Normal honing 1 Diamond Diamond Series gasoline pass. cars deviation of under 10 μm
2 Diamond Ceramic Series diesel pass. cars and an even surface
3 Ceramic Ceramic Series comm. vehicles
Plateau honing 1 Diamond Diamond Diamond Series gasoline pass. cars
2 Diamond Diamond Diamond Series diesel pass. cars
3 Diamond Ceramic Ceramic Series comm. vehicles
Brush honing 1 Diamond Diamond Brushing Series comm. vehicles/
2 Diamond Ceramic Brushing pass. cars
The science of friction,
lubrication, and wear of
Liquid honing Diamond Diamond Liquid honing Microfinishing Series diesel pass. cars interacting bodies in
relative motion.
Laser honing 1 Diamond Laser structure Ceramic Ceramic Testing/motorsports
2 Diamond Diamond/Ceramic Laser structure
12 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine components & turbochargers
In cooperation with engine manufacturers, we develop and test bearings for every single engine type. Ongoing fundamental
research and development of materials and production technologies guarantee the highest quality—fatigue-resistant, adapt-
able, highly resilient, and resistant to wear and corrosion. We supply bearing shells, flanged bearings, bushings, and thrust
washers with diameters from 27 to 140 mm, as well as bushings with diameters from 6 to 105 mm.
Solid bearings
Made completely from a special bearing metal alloy.
Coating method that
works on the principle
of cathode atomization,
in which atoms are
knocked out from a
metal cathode by the
impacting ions from a
gas discharge process.
The resulting atomized
Two-component bearings metal condenses on the
For low to medium loads in gasoline and naturally aspirated
diesel engines in passenger cars—consisting of a steel support
running surface of the
shell, an intermediate layer, and a layer of bearing metal (mainly bearing shell as a uni-
aluminum alloys).
form layer.
Three-component bearings
Built from a steel support shell, bearing layer, barrier layer, and an
overlay—for use in highly loaded engines. Their performance is
improved by “sputtering,” which increases hardness, load capacity,
and wear resistance. Sputter bearings are intended for super-
charged engines with charge air cooling and are also increasingly
found in passenger car diesel engines.
14 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine components & turbochargers
Valves form a closed system together with valve production or high-speed grinding processes for
seat inserts and valve guides, which has to with- mechanical finishing. Different materials are used
stand ultrahigh stresses. For that reason, our depending on the purpose and our valves are
product range includes not only valves but also reinforced around the seat, hardened, nitrided,
their tribological partners: valve seat inserts and or chrome-plated. Our range also includes sodi-
valve guides. The combined development of these um-filled hollow valves (maximum heat dissipa-
components in one system brings considerable tion) for extreme applications.
advantages in terms of minimizing wear and in-
creasing economic efficiency. VALVE GUIDES AND VALVE SEAT INSERTS
Valve guides center the valve on the valve seat
ALL TYPES OF VALVES and compensate for the lateral forces acting on
Worldwide, MAHLE produces valves of diverse the valve stem. They also dissipate heat to the cyl-
designs and types for passenger cars and com- inder head. Depending on the design, identical or
mercial vehicles—with stem diameters from 5 to different valve guides are used for the intake and
12 mm and valve lengths from 80 to 210 mm. exhaust sides. The range of materials extends from
Extensive technical expertise, high productivity, gray cast iron and brass to various alloys of sintered TRIBOLOGY
and outstanding quality have made MAHLE one materials. The valve seat insert together with the The science of friction,
of the most important valve manufacturers on the valve seals the combustion chamber against pres- lubrication, and wear of
international market. sure loss, and also transfers heat and prevents the interacting bodies in
valves from impacting the softer cylinder head ma- relative motion.
In large-scale production, we employ state-of-the- terial. Valve seat inserts are predominantly made
art technologies: plasma powder methods in blank from chromium–steel alloys or sintered materials.
Materials Valve base Fillet profile Valve base geometry Our valves are designed for
Austenitic steels induction hardening Turned, ground 1–3 grooves a wide variety of applications
Martensitic steels Profile hardening Contour-forged Special designs in order to withstand
extreme mechanical,
Full hardening
chemical, and thermal loads,
Types Base surface hardening Dished cover Valve length and to ensure optimal heat
Monometallic valves Machined 80–210 mm dissipation.
Bimetallic valves Hollow valves Forged
Stem diameter: With or without dish Valve disk diameter
Valve seat design > 6 mm 18–65 mm
Plasma powder hard-facing Bore sealing:
Induction hardening · Laser welding Stem diameter
· Friction welding 5–12 mm
Surface treatment
Salt bath-nitrided
Hard chrome-plated
(coating thickness: 3–35 µm)
16 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine components & turbochargers
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 17
Engine components & turbochargers
Exhaust gas turbochargers are a key technology for increasing performance and reducing fuel consumption and
emissions. MAHLE is a long-standing business partner to international automobile and engine manufacturers in
the development and production of highly loaded turbocharger components.
Turbochargers are recording strong growth rates in the automotive spare parts business. Highly efficient turbochargers are
available to the aftermarket under the MAHLE brand. We cover around 70 percent of all fast-moving applications in the com-
mercial vehicle sector—and around 95 percent of MAHLE passenger car turbochargers (Volkswagen, Renault, BMW, and
Mercedes-Benz) since 2012. Our range is constantly being expanded and a corresponding mounting kit is either already
available or in preparation for virtually every turbocharger.
Plastic fibers with thicknesses in the μm range provide the
basic material for fleeces—the finer the fiber, the better the
retention. The fleeces are applied in layers, whereby the
Dirty side Meltblown
Clean intake air is essential for optimal engine output. MAHLE air filters keep out up to 99.9 percent of dust, soot, and tire
particles, and contribute to an optimal air–fuel mixture. The high particle retention capacity ensures a long service life—even
under extreme conditions such as heat, cold, or chemical influences. It also prevents premature wear of the valves, cylin-
der surfaces, piston rings, bearings, and other engine components. To ensure perfect filter performance, all filters must be
replaced within the intervals prescribed by the automobile manufacturer.
In passenger cars, round and panel elements are fitted in air filter housings mounted to the engine or chassis and are sta-
bilized with glue beads on the dirty side and reinforcing grids on the clean side, in accordance with the specifications. For
dusty environments, an additional prefilter (foam mat) is installed on the dirty side. Metal or plastic support studs counter-
act higher surface loads.
In commercial vehicles, robust, weight-optimized air filter systems made of recyclable plastic are used. These also reduce
suction noise and, in order to achieve a large filter surface with high stability, are normally cylindrical in shape—optimized
by radial seals and axial supports. Additional safety elements (special fleece cylinders) protect the clean side during mainte-
nance and replacement.
During one single hour of driving, a volume of up to CABIN AIR FILTERS WITH ACTIVATED CARBON (LAK)
100,000 L of air is blown into the cabin. If the cabin This type keeps out harmful exhaust gases, dirt,
air filter becomes clogged or even fails, the pollut- dust, and high ozone concentrations, and mini-
ant concentration in the passenger compartment mizes odors. The paper block used in these filters
can increase to up to six times that of the out- comprises three layers: an activated carbon layer
side air. MAHLE therefore recommends replacing is embedded in two layers of fleece. Depending
the filters every 15,000 km or at least once a year. on the vehicle type, pure activated carbon filters
(LKK) are also available, which can be used to sup-
MAHLE cabin air filters reliably supply the driver plement conventional cabin air filters. In vehicles with a higher
mileage or those operated
and passengers with cleaned air to breathe, thus in heavily polluted surround-
safeguarding their health, well-being, and power CareMetix® (LAO) WITH S5 BROADBAND ings, an additional prefilter
(LAP) made of polyester
of concentration even in the event of smog or a TECHNOLOGY: FIVE LAYERS PROVIDE FIVE-FOLD foams or fleece matting
high pollen count. They also reduce the load on the PROTECTION—AND ALSO FILTER OUT ODORS!
is frequently used, which
prevents the cabin air filter
blower, protect the heating, air conditioning sys- When you’re on the road, you need clean air to from becoming prematurely
clogged—thus considerably
tem, and cabin from contamination, and prevent focus and drive safely—and to feel good. But the
extending the service life of
the windows from fogging. air we breathe is often polluted with harmful, al- our LA/LAK filters.
lergenic substances and odors that conventional
The advantages of our cabin air filters’ pleat ge- filters can’t eliminate. The solution: CareMetix®
ometry: with S5 broadband technology— five layers pro-
vide five-fold protection.
Long service life
Low flow resistance minimizes the load
on the blower
The accurate fit eliminates bypass air CareMetix®: five layers for total well-being
1 High-performance particulate filter layer
2 Molecular layer
What’s more, our cabin air filters don’t produce
3 Engineered activated carbon layer CareMetix®
harmful vapors as they’re manufactured using sol- 4 Biofunctional layer with activated carbon
vent-free methods. 5 Protective layer
Protection against odors
before they develop
Protection against
Protection against
Protection against
4 bacteria
22 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
MAHLE oil filters reliably keep out the dirt particles. The sta-
ble pleat geometry assures cold-start stability—peak loads
of up to 20 bar are compensated by the high pressure resis-
tance of the housing. Filter element made
of special paper
MAHLE fuel filters retain foreign objects reliably. Spin-on fuel filters
Simply screwed on to the
High-quality filter media protect against the small-
filter head thread adapter.
est dirt particles, and therefore against corrosion. Mounted elastomer gaskets
ensure leak tightness
This safeguards the engine function and ensures between head and filter.
efficient operation. The constant fuel supply re-
quired is achieved through pressure regulation and
the recirculation of surplus fuel from the injection
pump to the tank—pulsation damping compen-
sates for the pressure fluctuations caused by the
fuel pump.
MAHLE fuel filters comply fully with the high safety Inline fuel filters
These are made from sheet
standards of the automobile manufacturers and en-
steel with corrosion protec-
New and innovative sure leak tightness even in the event of accidents. tion, stainless steel, alumi-
MAHLE has developed a special fuel filter module for commercial num, or plastic and are
For the fuel filter to function correctly, it must be mounted in the fuel line.
vehicle applications. The patented multistage filter element provides
effective water separation. In the first stage, the solid particles are replaced regularly in accordance with the intervals Optional functions such
filtered out. Then—in subsequent stages—the microfine droplets as pressure regulation,
coalesce to form larger droplets and the water is separated.
prescribed by the automobile manufacturer. reheating, and water sepa-
ration are available.
Air drier cartridges from MAHLE operate irrespective of the temperature. They contain a drying agent that is regenerated under
system control—at the same time, contamination from the prefilter and condensation water is removed. MAHLE air drier car-
tridges are resistant to corrosion on both the inside and the outside, and work reliably even under the most difficult of conditions.
The shell of the air drier cartridge is made of robust steel or polyethylene (PE). It has a pressed-in thread on the front end and
can thus be threaded onto the head. What’s outstanding about this cartridge is its contents: it consists of granulate or silicone
beads of only 1 to 3 mm in size, depending on the application and vehicle type. The materials are extremely porous. The en-
tire surface is designed to capture and then release moisture unbelievably quickly. In this way, it becomes active immediately
when the air flows past from the compressor or from the separate reservoir, and it always regenerates itself autonomously. Oil
separators (coalescers) are sometimes integrated in the air drier cartridges in order to increase service life.
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 25
Filter media
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) contribute to the formation of smog The hot exhaust gases decompose the urea solution to form
and acid rain as well as exacerbating the greenhouse ef- ammonia and isocyanic acid (thermolysis). The water con-
fect. In order to reduce emissions, AUS 32 (a 32.5% urea tained in the solution breaks down the isocyanic acid into
solution) is used. AUS 32 is aqueous, clear, nontoxic, safe ammonia and carbon dioxide (hydrolysis). The nitrogen ox-
to handle, and doesn’t present a risk to people or the envi- ides present in the exhaust gas system then react with the
ronment. AUS 2 is sold at service stations or by accessory ammonia in the catalytic converter, where they’re converted
suppliers under the following trademarks: AdBlue in Europe, into harmless nitrogen and water vapor.
DEF in North America, and ARLA 32 in Brazil. Its consump-
tion is around 5 percent of a vehicle’s fuel consumption. THE PROBLEM OF CONTAMINATION—THE SOLUTION
By using AUS 32, it’s possible to comply with the increasingly More and more manufacturers are using SCR systems, and
stringent Euro 6 and Tier 2 Bin 5 (United States) statutory lim- the demand for urea solution is rising. Increasingly complex
its and beyond. This method of exhaust gas purification is storage and transport processes are inevitably raising the risk
technically complex and transforms the nitrogen oxides into of contamination, with the danger that sensitive components
harmless nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O) by means of selective (injection nozzles, catalytic converters, other system com-
catalytic reduction (SCR). ponents) become dirty, wear out, or break down completely.
SCR SYSTEM In order to prevent this, MAHLE Aftermarket offers urea fil-
By means of injection nozzles, the urea solution is sprayed ters in proven original equipment quality. Their fine-pored
in a controlled manner from a separate tank into the exhaust filter media guarantee the proper, long-term operation of
gas flow—directly upstream of the SCR catalytic converter. SCR systems.
FOR A LONGER TRANSMISSION LIFE many vehicle manufacturers are changing their guidelines
Just like all operating media in the vehicle, the transmission on transmission oil—moving away from a strategy of filling
oil is subject to aging and wear. At extremely high tempera- up to last throughout the service life toward changing it reg-
tures—caused by sporty driving or towing a trailer, for exam- ularly or as needed.
ple—automatic transmission oil can age faster than under
normal conditions. To prolong the life of increasingly complex SIMPLY BETTER: DYNAMIC OIL CHANGE
automatic transmissions and ensure they operate smoothly, In a conventional, or static, oil change, approximately 30 to 50
percent of transmission oil is replaced, and new oil is mixed
with old oil in the process. By contrast, up to 100 percent of
Comparison of oil change methods the oil is replaced in a dynamic transmission oil change per-
formed with the MAHLE FluidPRO® flushing unit.
The FluidPRO® ATX 180, ATX-2, and ATX-3 transmission
GOOD TO KNOW! flushing units perform the dynamic oil change fully automat-
ically—without the need for any manual intervention.
Nearly 90% of all automatic transmissions
on the market are compatible with the The FluidPRO® ATX 180 replaces up to 100 percent of
MAHLE FluidPRO® ATX 180. the oil in just one cycle. But the unit also boasts count-
less other beneficial features, including a service time of
The global production of vehicles with just 5 to 10 minutes and numerous adapter sets covering
automatic transmissions has grown by around 90 percent of commercially available automatic
around 40% in the last five years. transmissions.
MAHLE offers the complete range of filters—in original equipment quality. They’re all highly effective
at protecting people, engines, and the environment. What’s more: innovative products, such as the fully
incinerable ecological oil filter, are constantly being added to the product range. And these filters too
are manufactured in original equipment quality.
28 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine cooling & air conditioning
When carrying out any work that requires access to the cooling system (whether following an accident or
as part of repair or maintenance work), the temperature manager should always be replaced at the same
time for safety reasons—because a defective thermostat can cause engine damage due to overheating
or undercooling.
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 29
Engine cooling & air conditioning
To achieve optimal efficiency, a combustion engine requires MAP-CONTROLLED THERMOSTATS—THE MOST EFFECTIVE
the temperature level to remain as constant as possible. This THERMOSTATS IN THE COOLING CIRCUIT
is ensured through the use of thermostats, which regulate Map-controlled thermostats increase engine efficiency be-
the engine temperature with coolant. cause an electrical heating resistor is additionally integrated
in the operating element’s wax, which is electrically activated
MAHLE Aftermarket offers a variety of thermostats and com- via the control unit and therefore reacts considerably more
ponents for temperature regulation: quickly to changing load cases and operating conditions.
Thermostat inserts; integrated, housing, and This load-dependent temperature regulation has the follow-
sleeve valve thermostats; and map-controlled ing advantages:
EGR thermostats Optimal combustion
Oil thermostats Lower fuel consumption
Thermocouples and thermal switches Fewer pollutant emissions
Longer engine service life
Higher performance
Greater comfort
Connector plug
Heating resistor
Valve disk
Compression spring
Case (operating element)
Elastomer insert
Working piston
Cross section of a map-controlled thermostat with electrical connections and heating resistor integrated in the wax element.
30 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Engine cooling & air conditioning
This know-how feeds directly into the products and services ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
and reliability
of MAHLE Aftermarket and ensures spare parts dealers and
Comfort and
workshops have efficient access to the thermal manage- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
driving experience
ment competence they need. Services include professional
customer support and consulting in vehicle air condition- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
and service
ing systems.
SPECIFICATIONS—ALWAYS THE RIGHT SOLUTION MAHLE offers a strong and comprehensive range of air conditioning compressors.
Our standard range covers all the top applications for the Europe, Middle East,
We deliver the right solution to our customers to meet
and Africa sales regions.
a broad range of needs and demands. In addition to our
standard offer, our premium range includes air condition-
ing compressors designed to meet the highest performance
and quality standards. Our portfolio already covers all the
top applications for passenger cars and trucks, and the
constant expansion of our market- and customer-focused
product range means our partners are able to work profit-
ably—now and in the future.
Used in passenger cars, commercial vehicles, agricultural and construction machinery, golf carts, and
boats: our starter motors, alternators, electric drives, and controllers are backed by more than 50 years
of experience and knowledge.
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 33
Starter motors & alternators
All mechatronics products are equipped with a counterfeit-proof VeoMark® security label. The range includes around
700 starter motors, well over 700 alternators, more than 400 electric drive motors, and almost 5,000 spare parts
at present—and is constantly being expanded.
We only supply original equipment quality. Our compact design allows space for new devel-
You’ll always receive brand-new products from us. opments and a variety of applications.
Serviced or refurbished components are not an option. All our components are electromagnetically com-
With our products, you can count on a long service patible and fulfill international standards.
life, ease of maintenance, and a high degree of func- We employ sustainable manufacturing practices
tionality. Because they’re resistant to salt, water, and and use resources wisely.
dust, and insensitive to vibrations, low temperatures,
and other weather factors, our products are suitable
for use in the heavy-duty and commercial vehicle
34 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
E-mobility & electronics
MAHLE Aftermarket developed the ArcticPRO® product line with E3 technology
for an efficient, ecological, and economical A/C service. From the
basic/lightweight model to entry-level, professional, and premium solutions,
we offer the ideal products for every requirement.
Efficient and innovative—our line
of ArcticPRO® A/C service units
Our new devices boast impressive, comprehensive connectivity. They all connect to our server and receive permanent, auto-
matic software updates. Their ergonomic design and intuitive user interface are state of the art. With one-handed operation of
the maintenance flap, we’re setting entirely new standards. All new-generation A/C service units are already convertible to the
refrigerant R513a and designed for integration in the ASA network. The 7” touch screen guides the mechanic simply and safety
through all the steps necessary in the A/C service. Our professional and premium devices can be controlled and monitored via
an app. We also offer an efficient, Europe-wide service network with technical support, machine introductions, and training.
∙ Immediate assistance when you need it— ∙ Connect the service unit to your PC via the USB port or Wi-Fi
on site without a technician
∙ Remote Service starts in the ACX/ATX Manager software
∙ A/C service unit connects simply to your
PC via USB or Wi-Fi ∙ Your MAHLE partner or authorized service partner
can connect remotely to your MAHLE service unit
∙ Your workshop service partner can control the using the serial number
service unit and individual components or correct
defects remotely, without an on-site visit ∙ The hydraulic schematic and components will be displayed
∙ For MAHLE A/C service units ArcticPRO® ∙ Your service partner can control the service unit and individual
and MAHLE FluidPRO® components or correct errors remotely
38 Product range 2018/2019 MAHLE Aftermarket
Workshop equipment & diagnostics
∙ For refrigerants R134a and R1234yf ∙ Direct access to refrigerant filter for fast replacement
∙ It’s all organized: One call is all it takes—transport, analysis, ∙ Flexible application: HP hose connector adapter set for
and disposal—automatically and with no paperwork various A/C service units
∙ The solid electrolyte sensor technology detects refrigerants R134a ∙ Meets German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) specifications
and R1234yf
∙ Simple, automatic operation and instant measurement result
∙ The digital display also works independently of the audible alarm
and sensitivity level, allowing precise location of the leak source
You’ll find detailed information
about our complete A/C
service range in our brochure FOR MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE
Workshop equipment and diagnostics from MAHLE
∙ Kit comprises: forming gas bottle, leak detector for forming gas, and WWW.MAHLE-AFTERMARKET.COM
pressure regulator
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 39
Workshop equipment & diagnostics
FluidPRO® for automatic
transmission servicing
Fully automated
Intuitive operation
EmissionPRO® 180—MAHLE’s
complete emissions testing package
Reliable exhaust gas measurement
for diesel and gasoline engines
∙ Modular design
∙ Open PC solution
∙ Intuitive software
TechPRO® 180
The world’s fastest diagnostic tool
∙ Easy to operate
∙ Based on TecDoc
∙ Compatible with almost 90% of all vehicles in EU9 countries Software for multibrand diagnostics (available from Q1 2019).
The best vehicle parts are in the right place at the right time. MAHLE Aftermarket
operates more than a dozen logistics centers and numerous regional support
points at strategic locations in Europe, North and South America, and Asia—
with an optimized flow of goods and the best possible availability.
MAHLE products are among the most sought-after on the Our logistics centers and sales branches are wherever you
automotive parts market—by genuine buyers and counter- need us to be—in Argentina, Brazil, China, Dubai, France,
feiters alike. That’s why the packaging used for our engine Germany, Great Britain, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Rus-
components, turbochargers, and thermostats now features sia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine,
a special security label. It combines several security fea- and the USA.
tures, such as the VeoMark® and MAPP code, which are
linked together to provide the trade with maximum protec-
tion against counterfeiting.
1,600 employees
25 150,000
locations worldwide
spare parts
100% OE quality
MAHLE Aftermarket Product range 2018/2019 43
MAHLE Aftermarket services
As a wholesaler, you can now order all MAHLE products from
a single platform—an exclusive service that’s fast, easy, and
secure. Benefits for you: product images make it easier and
quicker to identify items, availability and purchase prices are
displayed immediately, and you can use MAHLE SAP numbers
for orders and inquiries.
Ask your MAHLE sales partner for details—he
or she will be happy to assist you further.
MAHLE Aftermarket GmbH
Pragstraße 26–46
70376 Stuttgart/Germany