Catalogo Mahle

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Catalog No. PR-40-14

Table of Contents Supersedes PR-40-10

Technical service..................................................................................................... Page 2

Electronic catalog................................................................................................... Page 3
Piston ring technology............................................................................................ Page 4
Steel compression rings......................................................................................... Page 5
Piston ring nomenclature....................................................................................... Page 9
Piston nomenclature............................................................................................... Page 10
Piston ring terminology - compression rings....................................................... Page 11
Top compression ring............................................................................................. Page 12
Compression ring evolution................................................................................... Page 14
Second ring.............................................................................................................. Page 15
Piston ring terminology - oil rings and assemblies.............................................. Page 16
Oil control ring......................................................................................................... Page 17
Compression ring and oil ring design illustrations.............................................. Page 18
Performance ring descriptions............................................................................... Page 19
Ring selection guide................................................................................................ Page 20
Ring gap recommendation guide........................................................................... Page 21
Ring installation procedures.................................................................................. Page 22
Nitro-fueled piston rings......................................................................................... Page 23
Claimer race applications....................................................................................... Page 24
PC479 Fire-Power™ piston ring sets.................................................................... Page 26
Gas nitride steel ring sets....................................................................................... Page 28
Plasma-moly steel ring sets................................................................................... Page 30
Plasma-moly ductile ring sets................................................................................ Page 36
Chrome ductile ring sets........................................................................................ Page 45
Ring codes, definitions and types.......................................................................... Page 46
Open stock rings..................................................................................................... Page 48
Performance ring set interchange listing.............................................................. Page 92
Measurement equivalents....................................................................................... Page 96

© mahle 2014 | 1
Technical service

For technical service call:


Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm EST

(Monday - Friday)
Use Of Clevite® engine bearings & engine parts, highways. The sale or installation on emission
MAHLE Original® piston rings & engine parts, controlled vehicles of certain emission control
and Victor Reinz® gaskets products in aircraft or components not approved by the California
other specialty equipment may be a violation of Air Resources Board, which alter or modify the
Local, State or Federal Regulatory Agency laws, original design or performance of such vehicle’s
rules and regulations. emission control system is prohibited. Some
of the parts listed and offered for sale in this
These products are intended solely for catalog may fall within the above restrictions.
automotive applications. Under absolutely NO Such parts are intended only for use on off-road
circumstances should these products ever be vehicles competing in competitive events or on
used in non-automotive applications including, other types of vehicles which are exempt from
without limitation, aircraft engines, medical the applicable emission control laws. Installation
equipment, atomic energy devices or reactors. of these parts on vehicles subject to emission
control laws may be prohibited.”
“Federal, State and local laws restrict the
removal, rendering inoperative, or in some cases MAHLE Aftermarket recommends that the
the modification of factory installed emission applicable emission control laws be reviewed
devices or systems. California restricts the use before considering the installation of add-on or
of parts which could increase emissions in modified parts.
vehicles designed for use on public streets or

2 | © mahle 2014
Electronic catalog

Information at your fingertips

MAHLE Aftermarket - the technology leader in More information available immediately at

both products and electronic support materials
- announces the electronic catalog expansion.
These are a few of the features to make
searching cyberspace for engine parts easier
than ever:

„„ Interactive search capabilities

„„ New part data updated daily
„„ Real-time visibility of new products and
added coverage
„„ Immediate updating of product images and
specification data
„„ Access to online parts ordering through (Account required)
„„ All products sold by MAHLE Aftermarket
are visible in one search
„„ Competitive part number interchanges
„„ Dynamic part number look-up

© mahle 2014 | 3
Piston ring technology

MAHLE is a Technology Leader

MAHLE Original® performance piston rings are MAHLE has continued to prove the advantages
the most extensively tested and technically of using steel compression rings in high tech
advanced piston rings in the industry. racing engines. Today more engine builders
prefer using steel piston rings over a cast
Driven by OE and performance engine builder’s or ductile iron ring because of MAHLE steel
requirements to reduce power cylinder friction compression ring technology. Compared to
and piston ring mass, while minimizing engine oil ductile or grey iron the inherent strength of
consumption and providing longer service life, all high alloy steel means there is less chance of
at higher power output levels, MAHLE Original piston ring breakage. Steel piston rings also
piston rings lead the industry for the latest in provide a longer service life with a reduction
piston ring technology. in ring side wear and ring groove pound out.
Only compression rings manufactured of steel
Current racing engines put a greater demand can provide the tensile strength, hardness and
on piston rings than ever before by running at fatigue resistance required to perform in today’s
higher operating temperatures, higher cylinder racing engines.
pressures, and higher operating RPM. All
of these factors have created a need for a The smaller cross section, permitted by the
piston ring that’s stronger, lighter, seals better, greater strength improves the ability of the
and resists breakage and wear under extreme ring to conform to a less than perfect cylinder
operating conditions. bore and keep the piston ring sealed effectively
against both the bottom of the piston groove
The answer is the MAHLE Original® SAE 9254 and the cylinder wall.
high alloy steel compression rings. The added
strength of steel, over cast iron and high
strength ductile iron, allows for a reduction in
ring cross section – both radial wall thickness,
and axial height or width, without compromising
the overall strength of the ring.

4 | © mahle 2014
Steel compression rings

SAE 9254 High Alloy Steel Base


SAE 9254 high alloy steel base material, with The reduced cross section piston ring is lower
HV385 thermal spray face coating, patented in mass, and more conformable to less than
by MAHLE combine to create the ultimate in perfect bores. This makes more a stable piston
performance piston ring technology. ring at high RPM, and allows the ring to seal
more effectively against both the bottom of
The unique mechanical, physical, and chemical the piston groove, and the cylinder wall. The
properties of SAE 9254 steel combine to make reduced cross section also reduces both static
the ultimate piston ring base material. and dynamic tension, therefore reducing friction
and the corresponding parasitic loss. HV385
„ High tensile strength allows the piston ring to thermal spray face coating patented by MAHLE
be used in smaller and lighter cross sections provides wear resistance, overall durability, and
and still maintain structural strength, and scuff resistance beyond that of any current ring
torsional rigidity needed to seal and hold back face coating or treatment – in the performance
extreme firing pressures industry.
„ High yield resistance allows the piston ring
to maintain strength and tension in high heat
operating conditions of a high compression,
and power adder application
„ Extended fatigue resistance increases
cycle life and overall durability of the piston
ring, increasing RPM expectations of the
performance engine builder
„ Increased material hardness improves overall
piston ring wear on all critical mating surfaces

© mahle 2014 | 5
Steel compression rings

Relative Wear in Gasoline Engines

(By Ring Face Treatment)



PF251 PF278 HV385 GNS PVD

Ring Face Wear Bore Wear

Balancing piston ring face wear and cylinder bore wear is necessary to achieve the long
service life expectations of today’s high performance racing engines. The MAHLE HV385
thermal spray face coating improves ring face wear by over 50% without increasing
bore wear.

6 | © mahle 2014
Relative Coating Strength vs. Scuff


PF251 PF278 PVD HV385 GAS PC479

Bond Strength/CoatingToughness Scuff Resistance

High temperature, high firing pressure, and minimal lubrication operating conditions demand a delicate
balance of piston ring material strength, and hardness, without creating a ring so tough it wears, or
scuffs the cylinder bore and destroys the sealing surface. The MAHLE HV385 thermal spray face
coating uses a patented blend of hard self–lubricating metal and ceramic alloys, along with an
aerospace inspired application process, that work together to create a ring face coating with
overall strength and toughness comparable to heat treatments like gas nitride, PVD and DLC,
yet scuff resistant to the cylinder wall like moly based plasmas.

© mahle 2014 | 7
Steel compression rings

Frictional Characteristics - Top Ring

Face Coatings

Coefficient of Friction


Low Speed / High Load High Speed / Low Load

PF251/278 Plasma Nitride PVD HV385 with MICROPOLISHED FACE

Coefficient of friction changes as surface speed and load change. In the graph above, the left side of
the graph depicts a low speed / high load condition piston rings see approaching, and leaving TDC
on the firing stroke. The right side of the graph depicts a high speed / low load condition piston rings
see as piston speeds reach their peak at mid-stroke of each cycle, where the ring face rides up on
the hydro-dynamic wave of oil film. The MAHLE patented HV385 thermal spray face coating,
with micro-polished face, is the only face coating showing the lowest coefficient of friction
in both operating conditions.

8 | © mahle 2014
Piston ring nomenclature

Top Compression Rings: The primary job of the top ring An inside bevel causes torsional twist in the ring. The twist
is compression seal. The top ring plays a minor part in oil acts in a manner that prevents oil migration up and behind the
control. Since the top compression ring is the closest to the second ring. The taper face scrapes oil off the cylinder wall,
combustion chamber, it gets the brunt of the heat, protecting providing oil control.
the second and oil ring to a greater extent.
THG second rings also have torsional twist caused by not a
Positive twist-barrel faced top compression rings are the most bevel on the ID but the machining of the hook groove on the
popular for performance applications. The barrel face provides OD. The purpose is the same, limiting oil migration behind the
instantaneous break-in, which is important for racing engines, ring. THG second rings offer improved oil control than RBT
and maintains contact with the cylinder wall as the piston rocks rings.
slightly at TDC and BDC.
Oil rings: All MAHLE Original® performance rings use the
Dykes top rings are offered for various sizes and are used CP-20™ design, three-piece oil ring. A technical description of
primarily in drag racing. The step cut on the top side of the this ring can be found under oil control ring on page 17 of this
dykes ring helps with gas loading and is favored with many catalog.
engine builders all the way through top fuel and funny car

Second compression rings: Second rings function

primarily as an oil control device. 80-90% oil control and about
10–20% compression control is the norm. The two common
design second rings are a reverse-twist, taper faced (RBT) and
a hook groove (THG), sometimes called a Napier ring. The THG
Napier ring is very common in performance ring sets.

RBT vs. thg function

Top Compression Ring

Barrel-Faced; Thermal Spray
Face Coating

2nd Compression Ring

Taper-Faced, Twisted

RBT Illustration THG Illustration

The unique “hook” configuration of the bottom outside edge

of the ring scrapes the cylinder walls of oil and provides a
Oil Ring
Three Pieces; One Expander
reservoir on each downstroke while riding smoothly on a film
(or Spacer), Two Segments of oil on the upstroke.
(or Rails)
The MAHLE Original® second THG ring acts as a check-valve
to relieve excessive combustion pressure build up under the
top ring thus stabilizing it.

© mahle 2014 | 9
Piston nomenclature

Piston crown: The very top of the piston, the part that forms Lands or ring lands: Piston material above and below the
the bottom of the combustion chamber. It may be flat, domed ring grooves. Lands support the ring and may be modified by
or dished depending on the motor. the piston manufacture to promote ring seal.

Groove or ring groove: There is one groove for each ring Drain holes or drain slots: Usually found at the back of
on the piston, usually top ring groove, second ring groove and the oil ring groove to allow oil which has been scraped off the
oil ring groove. Groove radius and ring ID radius have to match cylinder wall to drain back to the crankcase.
and they promote reduced gas loss behind the ring.
Piston skirt: The part of the piston below the oil ring groove.
Radial back clearance: The clearance remaining between The skirt provides piston stability, although most racing engines
the back of the ring when installed on the piston, when the ring have very little in the way of a piston skirt. Reasons include the
face is flush with piston ring land. need to clear the counterweights on the crank, especially on
stroker motors, and to reduce piston mass and inertial loads
Side clearance: The vertical clearance remaining in the on the piston.
piston ring groove after the ring is installed.

Piston Crown

Piston Crevice Volume

Top Land
Groove Top Side
Side Clearance
Groove Top OD Chamfer

Upper, Top, or First Compression Ring

Groove Root Radius

ID Radius or Chamfer
Groove Bottom OD Chamfer
Radial Back Clearance
Groove Bottom Side

Second Land

Lower, or Second Compression Ring

Groove Root Diameter
“J” Groove

Third Land

Drain Hole or Slot

Oil Ring Assembly (ES1, ES2)

Piston Skirt Piston Skirt Top Chamfer

Cylinder Bore

10 | © mahle 2014
Piston ring terminology - compression rings

Radial Wall Thickness

This is the ring measured from the front face touching the cylinder wall to the back or inside face of the ring. “D-wall” is the standard
automotive thickness and it’s calculated by bore diameter divided by 22. For example: 4.125” bore divided by 22 is .187” radial
wall thickness.

Reduced Radial Wall Thickness

Sometimes referred to as “back-cut”, these are compression rings with less than “D-wall” thickness. Reasons for reduced radial
wall include: creating stronger pistons, reducing tension load on the cylinder wall and allowing the ring to be moved up on the
piston, reducing crevice volume.

Axial Height
Measured from one side face to the other, expressed in fractional sizes like 1/16”, decimal sizes like .043” or metric sizes like
1.5MM. Generally speaking, smaller ring thickness means less mass. Less mass also means less inertia to overcome when the
ring reaches TDC or BDC and has to reverse direction in the cylinder.

The part of the ring facing or contacting the cylinder wall. Virtually all racing top rings are made with a “barrel face” design. Barrel
faced top rings provide the following advantages: Rapid break-in and continual contact with the cylinder wall when piston rocks
at TDC. Second compression rings can be “twisted-taper-faced” or THG napier designs, depending on the intended application
and size desired.

Usually measured 1/2” down in a cylinder of desired size, gap is the space between the ends of the compression rings. See page
21 for gap recommendations.

Radial Wall

Axial Height



© mahle 2014 | 11
Top compression ring

MAHLE Original® performance compression rings are engineered to provide the best possible sealing for maximum power output.
To meet the needs of today’s harsh performance environment MAHLE Original offers compression rings in multiple materials,
widths and types. Material choices include cast iron, ductile iron, and steel.

Cast Iron
„ Claimer sets feature a cast iron or cast iron plasma-moly GNS - Gas Nitrided Stainless Steel
top compression ring „ Provides additional hardness and scuff resistance over
PC479 for high end power adder applications
Ductile Iron
„ Grey Iron and ductile iron work well in moderate SAE 9254 Steel
performance applications „ SAE 9254 Steel provides unequaled strength and fatigue
„ Ductile-chrome top rings can withstand operating resistance which extends ring life, minimizes side wear,
temperatures up to 600° F. Dusty or highly abrasive and reduces ring breakage
environments, like off-road racing, are ductile-chrome’s „ SAE 9254 Steel’s overall strength allows for thinner radial
strength wall designs that reduce ring flutter, and improve dynamic
„ Ductile-Plasma rings can withstand higher operating sealing, which extends the engine’s usable RPM range
temperatures and marginal lubrication environments better „ MAHLE HV385 patented thermal sprayed face coating
than ductile-chrome and MAHLE Original SAE 9254 compression rings exceed
the strength, scuff resistance, and overall durability levels
PC479 – Hardened Ductile Iron demanded by todays ultra-high output performance
„ PC479 – Hardened ductile iron goes through an additional applications
hardening process that provides a stronger surface
hardness, and overall toughness, which allows the piston
ring to run against most bore surfaces without additional
face coating
„ Used in power adder applications where operating
conditions exceed the capabilities of a common face
coated ring

12 | © mahle 2014

Hardness Breaking Strength Fatigue Strength

Cast Iron PC479 Ductile SAE 9254 Steel

Ductile Iron Gas Nitrided Steel

The increasing RPM and cylinder pressure of today’s high performance racing engines demand the
strongest and lightest piston ring components. The MAHLE SAE 9254 steel piston ring material
features outstanding fatigue resistance as well as resistance to breakage creating a piston
ring that is far superior to any other piston ring material in the industry.

© mahle 2014 | 13
Compression ring evolution

Advantages Disadvantages
Typical Compression Ring Widths: 3/32” / .0935”
Adequate strength with existing materials technology Heavy, relatively high tension and friction to achieve static
sealing requirements
Typical Compression Ring Widths: 5/64” / .078” / 2.0MM
Improved materials and straighter cylinders allowed for less Slight reduction in durability due to reduced running surface
static tension to achieve proper sealing. Reduced piston area. Chrome and plasma-moly anti-wear face coatings used
ring mass, from smaller width and cross section allowed for to increase ring life, and durability.
higher RPM stability.
Typical Compression Ring Widths: 1/16” / .0625”
High strength/ductile iron improved the piston ring's ability Reduction in durability due to reduced running surface area.
to hold tension, and resist unwanted twist at the higher Plasma-moly or chrome anti-wear face coatings became
operating temperatures and loads. Reduced piston ring necessary to maintain overall durability.
mass allowed for improved high RPM stability.
Typical Compression Ring Widths: .043” / 1.1MM
Smaller cross section and reduced piston ring mass allowed Noticeable reduction in durability due to reduced running
for additional ring stability at higher RPM's surface area. Relatively thin cross section pushed the limit
of ductile iron's ability to resist twist and hold tension in
high temperature/ high load applications. Plasma-moly face
coatings were used in the majority of applications to improve
overall ring durability.
Typical Compression Ring Widths: .0586” / 1.5MM – Grey Iron and Steel
Reduced piston ring mass, over .078" wide rings, allowed Reduction in durability due to reduced running surface area.
for additional stability at higher RPM's New developments in anti-wear face coatings, PF273, PF278,
and flash chrome on 2nd rings improved ring life expectancy.
Typical Compression Ring Widths: .047” / 1.2MM – 9254 Steel
The added strength of steel, over ductile iron, and the use Reduced ring cross section requires reduced ring-to-groove
of PF278 - Plasma, improve the ring's scuff resistance, side clearance, and optimized lower land size, flatness, and
torsional rigidity, and overall durability. The significantly angularity achieve best results.
reduced cross section and piston ring mass, extend the
usable RPM range and improve ring stability, and sealing.
Typical Compression Ring Widths: .039” / 1.0MM – 9254 Steel
Further reduction in cross section and piston ring mass, Reduced ring cross section requires reduced ring-to-groove
extend the usable RPM range without loss of ring stability. side clearance, and optimized lower land size, flatness, and
The addition of HV385 - Thermal Spray Face Coating, adds angularity achieve best results.
coating strength and durability well above any previous

14 | © mahle 2014
Second ring

The primary function of the second ring is to control oil. MAHLE excessive combustion pressure build up under the top ring,
Original® Performance piston rings offer the tapered hook thus stabilizing it. The unique hook configuration of the outside
groove (THG) second ring that provides superior oil control, bottom edge scrapes the cylinder walls of oil, and provides a
improved combustion gas management, improved top ring reservoir on each down-stroke, while riding smoothly on a film
stability, and improved sealing. Combined, these qualities of oil on the upstroke.
provide the performance enthusiast with the best possible oil
control and least amount of power loss in any performance MAHLE Aftermarket continues to lead the Industry with the
second ring. introduction of SAE 9254 Napier design, THG second rings.
Just as with top rings, the overall strength and toughness of
Back pressure buildup from combustion gasses leaking past SAE 9254 steel allows for thinner and lighter-design second
the top ring can cause the top ring to float, breaking the rings, that conform better to the cylinder wall, and actually
combustion seal and reducing power. The MAHLE Original improve oil scraping efficiency, while reducing friction, and
Performance second ring acts as a check valve to relieve the parasitic loss.

Relative Percentage of Function

Compression Oil Control




0 20 40 60 80 100

The primary function of the second ring is to control oil as much as 80%.
The second ring is also used in compression control up to 20%.

© mahle 2014 | 15
Piston ring terminology – oil rings and assemblies

Rails or segments Assembly Radial

Two flat steel pieces with chrome plated faces, they do the Wall Thickness
scraping and sealing provided by the oil ring. Gap would be
measured the same way as compression ring gap.

Expander or spacer
This piece does several things. Allows for oil drain-back, locates Expander or Spacer
the top and bottom rails and ultimately dictates oil ring tension.

Note: All performance oil rings sold by MAHLE Original are of Rails or Segments
three-piece design, that is to say, they have a top and bottom rail
or segment and an expander.

Segment width Gap

The thickness of a rail or segment measured from top to bottom.

Note: The nominal assembled width is the dimension listed in the catalog, for instance, 3.0MM, 1/8” and 3/16” are common
assembled oil ring widths.

Tab angle
Most of the competition use a tab angle of 90 degrees. MAHLE Original® makes use of a better design, CP-20™, which utilizes an
angle of 20 degrees. The CP-20 oil ring allows the rail or segment to push up the 20 degree angle until it contacts the oil ring land
both top and bottom. The net result is better side-seal and lower oil consumption than conventional rings.

Assembled radial thickness

You’ll see both standard and reduced wall thicknesses listed. Wall thickness is dictated by piston manufacturer’s specs and engine
builders’ desire for reduced mass and tension.

Rail Segment Width

Tab (or) Ear Angle
at 20°

Nominal Assembly Width

Assembly Radial Thickness

(or) Wall

16 | © mahle 2014
CP-20™ oil control ring

MAHLE Original® Performance CP-20™ oil control rings were

designed to provide superior oil control in all performance
applications. MAHLE Original Performance oil rings utilize
the exclusive 20°­ear angle for the best possible side seal
in the piston oil ring groove. The unique ChemPolish™
process improves oil drain back. The CP-20 design simplifies
installation by eliminating wire latches and or nylon blocks,
while the low deflection rate assures an easy installation.

Each CP-20 oil ring assembly is designed around a specific

bore diameter to provide the least amount of internal engine
friction while providing the best possible oil control. These oil
rings are available in four tensions to suit the needs of all racers
and performance enthusiasts. See page 20 for ring selection

Oil Ring Scraping Efficiency

Oil scraping efficiency is directly proportional to the radial wall of the rail, and the tension of the assembly. Using the typical
three-piece oil ring of the mid-1970’s as our baseline, the rail wall vs. tension combinations would look like this:

Time of use in O.E. Radial Wall

Engines of Rail Tension Nominal Width Documented Oil Consumption
1970 .153” - .168” 20 lbs. .1875” 1,500 - 3,000 miles per Qt.
1985 .123” - .136” 16-18 lbs 4.0 mm (.1575”) 3,000-4,000 miles per Qt.
1995 .103” - .110” 10 -14 lbs. 3.0 mm (.118”) 4,000-5,000 miles per Qt.
2005 .093” - .098” 9-10 lbs. 2.5 mm (.0984”) 5,000 - 7,500 miles per Qt.
2010 .079” - .088” 7-9 lbs. 2.0 mm (.0787”) 7,500 - 10,000 miles per Qt.

MAHLE Original® oil ring assemblies are designed to achieve optimum level of oil control for today’s low windage/
wet sump, performance applications.

Over 40 years of oil ring design and evolution has shown a 50% reduction in tension and oil ring assembly radial wall, while also
achieving a 300% improvement in oil control. The corresponding reduction in parasitic loss due to reduced tension and friction
translates directly to increased horsepower.

© mahle 2014 | 17
Compression ring and oil ring design illustrations

RF-13PF BR-18PF / BR-13PF BR-12NG BR-19

Radius Back Steel Twisted Barrel Faced Positive Twist Gas Nitrided
Stainless Steel

RF-13U PB-18PF PB-18 / PB-19

Non-Twisted Barrel Faced Dykes Dykes

THM-13 / THM-10 / THG-10 RBT-10 CP-20™ U-Flex

Taper Hook Groove (Napier) Reverse-Twist Taper Faced

18 | © mahle 2014
Performance ring descriptions

The following are descriptions of the types of performance rings found in this catalog:

Claimer Race Applications problems. The smaller cross-section of the steel ring allows
MAHLE Original ®
claimer performance piston ring sets are the top ring groove to be closer to the top of the piston. This
engineered for oval track claimer series engines. These economy reduces the crevice volume portion around the top ring land
performance ring sets feature many of the same benefits as our for reduced unburned fuel. Smaller cross-sections mean lower
race proven premium sets at an economical price. Positively ring mass; this lighter ring design will better tolerate inertial
Twisted 5/64” or 1/16” top rings provide outstanding high forces and thus seal against the bottom of the ring groove
RPM sealing in a choice of plain cast iron or plasma-moly more effectively. The smaller cross-section permitted with
face coatings. These sets also utilize a 5/64” RBT or 1/16” higher strength material greatly improves the ability of the ring
THG second ring which provides unmatched oil control in race to conform to cylinder bore distortion often found in today’s
conditions. Oil rings are also utilized in standard and low tension high output, high RPM engines.
for optimum power output.
Plasma-Moly Ductile Ring Sets
PC479 Fire-Power™ Ring Sets MAHLE Original® plasma-moly ductile ring sets are designed
MAHLE Original Fire-Power™ piston ring sets are engineered
for the serious racer. These sets feature rings that maximize
to withstand the punishment of today’s high powered combustion sealing and minimize frictional losses to increase
nitrous oxide injected, turbocharged and supercharged race horsepower and oil control. These sets include reduced radial
applications. PC479 compression rings provide superior ring wall (RRW) compression rings, and oil rings to reduce tension,
durability, stable radial tension, superior combustion sealing improve conformability and maximize power output. Ring sets
and oil control, while protecting the cylinder walls. All these with low and ultra low tension oil rings are not recommended
benefits net additional horsepower while extending engine life. for street use and should utilize a vacuum pump for maximum
MAHLE Original Fire-Power™ rings can be purchased in boxed performance.
engine sets as well as open stock to meet your performance
requirements. Chrome Ductile Ring Sets
MAHLE Original® chrome ductile ring sets are engineered to
Gas Nitride Ring Sets maximize combustion sealing and minimize frictional loses to
MAHLE Original gas nitride steel (GNS) piston ring sets are
® increase horsepower and oil control. These sets contain a
engineered to withstand the extreme punishment of today’s chrome ductile top ring for superior strength and high RPM
high compression naturally aspirated; nitrous oxide injected, combustion sealing. The grey iron RBT or THG second ring
turbocharged and supercharged race engines. GNS ring sets provides unmatched oil control. Oil rings are also utilized in
provide overall strength only offered by a steel ring as well as standard tension for optimum power output.
provide high conformability, reduced piston ring mass, and less
friction. All these benefits net greater horsepower and extend
the service life of the engine.

Plasma-Moly Steel Ring Sets

MAHLE Original® plasma-moly steel top rings provide the
ultimate in tensile strength, hardness, and fatigue resistance.
MAHLE Original SAE 9254 high-alloy steel is combined with
proprietary plasma face coating to extend life, eliminate ring
breakage, reduce side wear and minimize groove pound out

© mahle 2014 | 19
Ring selection guide

Tension Tangential
Category Tension Force Application Recommendations

2.0MM / 2.5MM
Ultra-Low 3-5 lbs. Naturally Aspirated Applications, Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Crankcase Vacuum
(13-22 N.) System Recommended. Race Only Applications.
Low 6-8 lbs. Naturally Aspirated Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Crankcase Vacuum
(27-35 N.) System Recommended. Primarily Race Applications.
Standard 9-10 lbs. Naturally Aspirated or Power Adder Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Street,
(40-46 N.) Race, or Off-Road Application.
3.0MM / 4.0MM
Ultra-Low 4-6 lbs. Naturally Aspirated Applications, Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Crankcase Vacuum
(18-27 N.) System Recommended. Race only applications.
Low 8-12 lbs. Naturally Aspirated Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Crankcase Vacuum
(35-53 N.) System Recommended. Primarily Race Applications.
Standard 14-18 lbs. Naturally Aspirated or Power Adder Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Street,
(62-80 N.) Race, or Off-Road Application.
Low 9-12 lbs. Naturally Aspirated Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Crankcase Vacuum
(40-53 N.) System Recommended. Primarily Race Applications.
Standard 16-22 lbs. Naturally Aspirated or Power Adder Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Street,
(70-98 N.) Race, or Off-Road Application.
High Tension 23-26 lbs. Power Adder Applications. Wet or Dry Sump Oiling System. Nitro Dragster and Funny Car.
(102-116 N.)

315 Plasma
OE 315 Plasma 315 Plasma 315 Fire 315 Gas
310 Claimer 315 Chrome Moly Carbon
Replacement Moly Std Gap Moly File Fit Power File Nitride Steel
Sets File Fit Sets Steel File Fit
Sets Sets Sets Fit Sets File Fit Sets


Light Truck &



Oval Track

High Perf.
Street Strip

Pro Street &


Blower &

Fast Ovals &


Least Somewhat Most

Preferred Preferred Preferred

20 | © mahle 2014
Ring gap recommendation guide

Grey Iron, Ductile Iron, Ring Width / Recommended Gap Factor 4.00” Bore Example
SAE 9254 Steel Axial Height (0.000’s /in. of Bore Diameter) (Nominal in .000’s)
Top/ Upper Compression Ring (UCR)
Moderate Performance - .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .004” .016”
Street, Drag Race, Oval Track
.043”/ 1.0MM .0045” .018”
Race Only/ Naturally Aspirated .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .0045” .018”
- Drag Race, Oval Track .043”/ 1.0MM .005” .020”
Nitrous Oxide - Street .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .005” .020”
.043”/ 1.0MM .0055” .022”
Nitrous Oxide - Race .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .007” .028”
.043”/ 1.0MM .0075” .030”
Supercharged/ Turbocharged .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .007” .028”
.043”/ 1.0MM .0075” .030”
Second/ Lower Compression Ring (LCR)
Moderate Performance - .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .0045” .018”
Street, Drag Race, Oval Track .043”/ 1.0MM .005” .020”
Race Only/ Naturally Aspirated .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .005” .020”
- Drag Race, Oval Track .043”/ 1.0MM .0055” .022”
Nitrous Oxide - Street .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .0055” .022”
.043”/ 1.0MM .006” .024”
Nitrous Oxide - Race .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .0065” .026”
.043”/ 1.0MM .007” .028”
Supercharged/ Turbocharged .078”/.0625”/1.5MM .006” .024”
.043”/ 1.0MM .0065” .026”
Notice: Most of the second ring gap recommendations are larger than the top rings. Recent testing has proven that a larger second ring gap
increases the top ring’s stability allowing for a better seal. This larger “escape” path prevents inter-ring pressure from building up and lifting the
top ring off the piston allowing combustion to get by. Many engine builders have reported lower blow-by and horsepower gains at the upper RPM
ranges with the wider second ring gaps. Also, almost every new car made is using this inter-ring pressure reduction method to lower blow-by
and emissions and to increase engine output.

© mahle 2014 | 21
Ring installation procedures

Ring gap filing procedures: Ring installation procedures:

1. Determine the appropriate gap for your engines bore size 1. Check each ring in its corresponding groove to ensure
and application. proper axial and radial clearance.
2. Use a manual hand crank style ring grinder or a quality 2. Always use a piston ring expander when installing piston
electric ring grinder to properly fit your rings to the cylinder rings as spiraling rings into the grooves can damage both
bore. the ring and the piston.
3. File the ring from the face to the inside diameter of the ring 3. Lubricate new piston rings with a light assembly oil or
to prevent chipping or damage of the face coating. motor oil before installation onto the piston.
4. File only one end of the ring end gap, using the unfiled end 4. Stagger the end gaps on each compression ring, oil rail
as a reference point. and expander.
5. Lightly debur the gap edges.

Top Compression
Ring Gap

Oil Ring
Wrist Pin Expander
Engine Front Gap Range

Bottom Oil Top Oil

Ring Rail Gap Ring Rail Gap

2nd Compression
Ring Gap

22 | © mahle 2014
nitro-fueled piston rings

PC479 Fire-power™ .078 Plasma-Moly Dykes Compression Rings

The MAHLE Original® PC479 Fire Power™ high strength ductile iron ring dramatically improves the torsional rigidity and radial
tension stability of the ring with the .078” wide cross section of the dykes, or pressure-backed ring. These features combine to
better resist the pressure-twisting phenomenon caused by the high firing pressures of today’s nitro-fueled engines. The improved
stability provides for increased durability and superior combustion sealing and oil control while the plasma face helps to protect
the cylinder walls under these extreme operating conditions.

.078 Ductile Plasma-Moly Barrel Faced Second Rings

MAHLE Original® Performance .078” ductile plasma-moly barrel-faced second ring provides superior strength, improved torsional
rigidity and radial tension along with plasma-moly face to protect the cylinder wall. These features provide a better sealing and
more stable second ring over previous designs and materials, resulting in more power and decreased part failure.

CP-20™ High Tension Nitro Oil Assemblies

MAHLE Original® Performance nitro specific high tension 3/16” chrome oil ring assemblies provide superior oil control with minimal
friction loss. All CP-20™ oil assemblies are designed to provide enhanced conformability, utilize the exclusive 20°­ear angle for
the best possible side seal, and receive the ChemPolish™ process to improve oil drain back. The CP-20 oil ring also simplifies
installation by eliminating wire latches and or nylon blocks while maintaining a low deflection rate.

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Coating Ring Type Position Part Number
4.1900" .078" .170" PC479 PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0271B
4.1900" .098" .170" PC479 PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0887B«
4.1900" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0060B
4.1900" .017" .173" PC479 PB-18 UCR 301-0236B
4.1870" .010" .173" PC479 PB-18 UCR 301-0886B«

4.1900" .078" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF LCR 300-0199B

4.1900" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF LCR 302-0147B
4.1900" 1/16" .190" Carbon Steel PM278 BR-13PF LCR 301-1101Bl
4.1900" .078" .170" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF LCR 302-1127B«

4.1900" 3/16" .201" Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0186B

4.1900" 3/16" .201" Steel Chrome CP-20 (Std) OCR 303-0133B

l New Number « Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 23
claimer race applications

MAHLE Original® claimer performance piston ring sets are engineered for oval track claimer series engines.
These economy performance ring sets feature many of the same benefits as our race proven premium sets
at an economical price. Positively twisted 5/64” or 1/16” top rings provide outstanding high RPM sealing in
a choice of plain cast iron or plasma-moly face coatings. These sets also utilize a 5/64” RBT or 1/16” THG
second ring which provides unmatched oil control in race conditions. CP-20™ oil rings are also utilized in
standard and low tension for optimum power output.
1.5MM, 1.5MM, 4.0MM Grey Iron Non Coated Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0009« 4.0000" 301-0870 .171" 302-0060 .170" 303-0291 .156"
310-0009.020« 4.0200" 301-0871 .171" 302-0062 .170" 303-0292 .156"
310-0009.030« 4.0300" 301-0872 .171" 302-0064 .170" 303-0293 .156"
310-0009.040« 4.0400" 301-0873 .171" 302-0294 .170" 303-0294 .156"
310-0009.060« 4.0600" 301-0874 .171" 302-0295 .170" 303-0295 .156"

1/16", 1/16", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0012.030 4.0300" 301-1016 .190" 302-0112 .170" 303-0158 .201"
310-0012.040 4.0400" 301-1018 .190" 302-0114 .170" 303-0159 .201"
310-0012.060 4.0600" 301-1020 .190" 302-0116 .170" 303-0161 .201"

1/16", 1/16", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0011 4.1250" 301-0128 .193" 302-0127 .170" 303-0168 .201"
310-0011.030 4.1550" 301-0129 .193" 302-0131 .170" 303-0171 .201"
310-0011.040 4.1650" 300-0111 .193" 302-0133 .170" 303-0172 .201"

1/16", 1/16", 3/16" Grey Iron Non Coated Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0002« 4.0000" 301-0120 .187" 302-0108 .170" 303-0115 .201"
310-0002.030« 4.0300" 301-0121 .187" 302-0112 .170" 303-0118 .201"
310-0002.060« 4.0600" 301-0123 .187" 302-0116 .170" 303-0121 .201"
310-0001.030« 4.1550" 301-0125 .193" 302-0131 .170" 303-0131 .201"
310-0001.060« 4.1850" 301-0127 .193" 302-0137 .170" 303-0133 .201"

1/16", 1/16", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0004 4.0000" 301-1012 .190" 302-0108 .170" 303-0115 .201"
310-0004.030 4.0300" 301-1016 .190" 302-0112 .170" 303-0118 .201"
310-0004.040 4.0400" 301-1018 .190" 302-0114 .170" 303-0119 .201"
310-0004.060 4.0600" 301-1020 .190" 302-0116 .170" 303-0121 .201"

1/16", 1/16", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0003 4.1250" 301-0128 .193" 302-0127 .170" 303-0128 .201"
310-0003.030 4.1550" 301-0129 .193" 302-0131 .170" 303-0131 .201"
310-0003.040 4.1650" 300-0111 .193" 302-0133 .170" 303-0132 .201"

« Discontinued

24 | © mahle 2014
5/64", 5/64", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0014 4.0000" 301-0966 .147" 302-0265 .187" 303-0155 .201"
310-0014.020 4.0200" 301-0968 .147" 302-0269 .187" 303-0157 .201"
310-0014.030 4.0300" 301-0969 .147" 302-0271 .187" 303-0158 .201"
310-0014.040 4.0400" 301-0970 .147" 302-0272 .187" 303-0159 .201"
310-0014.060 4.0600" 301-0971 .147" 302-0274 .187" 303-0161 .201"

5/64", 5/64", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Grey Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0013 4.1250" 301-0150 .193" 302-0246 .193" 303-0168 .201"
310-0013.020 4.1450" 301-0855 .193" 302-1038 .193" 303-0170 .201"
310-0013.030 4.1550" 301-0151 .193" 302-0247 .193" 303-0171 .201"
310-0013.040 4.1650" 301-0152 .193" 302-0248 .193" 303-0172 .201"
310-0013.060 4.1850" 301-0153 .193" 302-0249 .193" 303-0174 .201"

5/64", 5/64", 3/16" Grey Iron Non Coated Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0005 4.0000" 301-0138 .187" 302-0265 .187" 303-0115 .201"
310-0005.020 4.0200" 301-0790 .187" 302-0269 .187" 303-0117 .201"
310-0005.030« 4.0300" 301-0139 .187" 302-0271 .187" 303-0118 .201"
310-0005.040 4.0400" 301-0140 .187" 302-0272 .187" 303-0119 .201"
310-0005.060 4.0600" 301-0141 .187" 302-0274 .187" 303-0121 .201"
310-0007 4.1250" 301-0146 .193" 302-0246 .193" 303-0128 .201"
310-0007.020 4.1450" 301-0798 .193" 302-1038 .193" 303-0130 .201"
310-0007.030 4.1550" 301-0147 .193" 302-0247 .193" 303-0131 .201"
310-0007.040 4.1650" 301-0148 .193" 302-0248 .193" 303-0132 .201"
310-0007.060 4.1850" 301-0149 .193" 302-0249 .193" 303-0133 .201"

5/64", 5/64", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0006 4.0000" 301-0966 .147" 302-0265 .187" 303-0115 .201"
310-0006.020 4.0200" 301-0968 .147" 302-0269 .187" 303-0117 .201"
310-0006.030 4.0300" 301-0969 .147" 302-0271 .187" 303-0118 .201"
310-0006.040 4.0400" 301-0970 .147" 302-0272 .187" 303-0119 .201"
310-0006.060 4.0600" 301-0971 .147" 302-0274 .187" 303-0121 .201"

5/64", 5/64", 3/16" Plasma-Moly Grey Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
310-0008 4.1250" 301-0150 .193" 302-0246 .193" 303-0128 .201"
310-0008.020 4.1450" 301-0855 .193" 302-1038 .193" 303-0130 .201"
310-0008.030 4.1550" 301-0151 .193" 302-0247 .193" 303-0131 .201"
310-0008.040 4.1650" 301-0152 .193" 302-0248 .193" 303-0132 .201"
310-0008.060 4.1850" 301-0153 .193" 302-0249 .193" 303-0133 .201"

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 25
PC479 FIRE-power™ ring sets

MAHLE Original® PC479 Fire-Power™ piston ring sets are engineered to withstand the punishment of
today’s high powered nitrous oxide injected, turbocharged and supercharged race applications. PC479
compression rings will provide superior ring durability, stable radial tension, superior combustion sealing
and oil control, while protecting the cylinder walls. All these benefits will net additional horsepower while
extending engine life. MAHLE Original PC479 Fire-Power™ rings can be purchased in boxed engine sets
as well as open stock to meet your performance requirements.
1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM PC479 Fire-Power Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0201.005« 4.0050” 301-0880 .160” 302-0061 .170” 303-0305 .151”
315-0201.035« 4.0350” 301-0894 .160” 302-0065 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0201.045« 4.0450” 300-0660 .160” 302-0066 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0201.065« 4.0650” 301-0885 .160” 302-0069 .170” 303-0311 .151”
315-0202.010« 4.1300” 301-0893 .160” 302-0076 .170” 303-0320 .153”
315-0202.040« 4.1600” 301-0884 .160” 302-0082 .170” 303-0326 .153”
315-0202.050« 4.1700” 301-0902 .160” 302-0084 .170” 303-0328 .153”
315-0202.070« 4.1900” 301-0903 .160” 302-0087 .170” 303-0691 .153”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” PC479 Fire-Power Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0072.005 4.0050” 301-0206 .187” 302-0109 .170” 303-0115 .201”
315-0072.035 4.0350” 301-0208 .187” 302-0113 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0072.045 4.0450” 301-0209 .187” 302-0115 .170” 303-0119 .201”
315-0072.065 4.0650” 301-0210 .187” 302-0117 .170” 303-0121 .201”
315-0073.005 4.1300” 301-0211 .192” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0073.035 4.1600” 301-0213 .192” 302-0132 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0073.045 4.1700” 301-0214 .192” 302-0134 .170” 303-0132 .201”
315-0073.065 4.1900” 301-0215 .192” 302-0138 .170” 303-0133 .201”
315-0074.035 4.2850” 301-0217 .198” 302-0142 .170” 303-0136 .201”
315-0074.065 4.3150” 301-0218 .198” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0075.005 4.3250” 301-0219 .201” 302-1067 .170” 303-0258 .201”
315-0075.035 4.3550” 301-0220 .201” 302-1069 .170” 303-0261 .201”
315-0077.005 4.3800” 301-0222 .204” 302-1073 .170” 303-0290 .201”
315-0076.035 4.3950” 301-0224 .203” 302-1075 .170” 303-0142 .201”
315-0078.005 4.4450” 301-0226 .207” 302-0316 .170” 303-0642 .201”
315-0078.035« 4.4750” 301-0227 .207” 302-0317 .170” 303-0668 .201”
315-0079.005 4.5050” 301-0228 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0359 .201”
315-0079.035 4.5350” 301-0230 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0360 .201”
315-0079.065 4.5650” 301-0231 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0361 .201”
315-0081.005 4.6050” 301-0232 .210” 302-0323 .170” 303-0362 .201”
315-0081.025« 4.6300” 301-0233 .210” 302-0324 .170” 303-0644 .201”

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

26 | © mahle 2014
1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” PC479 Fire-Power Ductile Iron High Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0108.005 4.5050” 301-0228 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0647 .201”
315-0108.035 4.5350” 301-0230 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0648 .201”
315-0108.065 4.5650” 301-0231 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0649 .201”
315-0109.005 4.6050” 301-0232 .210” 302-0323 .170” 303-0650 .201”
315-0109.025« 4.6300” 301-0233 .210” 302-0324 .170” 303-0654 .201”

.017”, 1/16”, 3/16” PC479 Fire-Power Ductile Iron Dykes Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0087.005 4.3150” 301-0239 .173” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”

.017”, 1/16”, 3/16” PC479 Fire-Power Ductile Iron Dykes High Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0088.005 4.3800” 301-0240 .173” 302-1073 .170” 303-0296 .201”
315-0089.005 4.4700” 301-0242 .173” 302-0900 .207” 303-0298 .201”

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 27
gas nitride steel ring sets

MAHLE Original® gas nitride steel (GNS) piston ring sets are engineered to withstand the extreme
punishment of today’s high compression naturally aspirated; nitrous oxide injected, turbocharged and
supercharged race engines. GNS ring sets provide the overall strength only offered by a steel ring as well
as provide high conformability features, reduced ring mass, and less friction. All these benefits will net
greater horsepower and extend the service life of the engine.

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Gas Nitride Steel Ultra Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0017.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0351 .140” 303-0016 .153”

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Gas Nitride Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0164.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0351 .140” 303-0238 .151”
315-0169.045« 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0351 .140” 303-0238 .153”

.043”, .043”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0163.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0351 .140” 303-0172 .201”

.043”, .043”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0185.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0351 .140” 303-0132 .201”

.043”, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Gas Nitride Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0178.085 4.0850” 301-1153 .172” 302-0071 .170” 303-0080 .151”
315-0179.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0084 .170” 303-0238 .151”
315-0183.045« 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0084 .170” 303-0238 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0127.065 4.5650” 301-1099 .172” 302-0321 .170” 303-0206 .201”
315-0131.005 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0202 .201”
315-0117.005« 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0202 .201”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0083.035 4.0350” 301-1141 .172” 302-0113 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0084.005 4.1300” 301-1144 .172” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0084.035 4.1600” 301-1149 .172” 302-0132 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0084.045 4.1700” 301-1150 .172” 302-0134 .170” 303-0132 .201”
315-0084.065 4.1900” 301-1151 .172” 302-0138 .170” 303-0133 .201”
315-0085.005 4.5050” 301-1097 .172” 302-0319 .170” 303-0359 .201”
315-0085.035 4.5350” 301-1098 .172” 302-0320 .170” 303-0360 .201”
315-0128.065 4.5650” 301-1099 .172” 302-0321 .170” 303-0361 .201”

« Discontinued

28 | © mahle 2014
.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets (Cont’d.)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0085.065 4.5675” 301-1100 .172” 302-0321 .170” 303-0361 .201”
315-0132.005« 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0362 .201”
315-0118.005« 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0362 .201”
315-0080.005 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0362 .201”
315-0080.025 4.6300” 301-1046 .172” 302-0324 .170” 303-0749 .201”
315-0082.005« 4.6800” 301-0187 .175” 302-0811 .170” 303-0645 .201”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Gas Nitride Steel High Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0110.005 4.5050” 301-1097 .172” 302-0319 .170” 303-0647 .201”
315-0110.035 4.5350” 301-1098 .172” 302-0320 .170” 303-0648 .201”
315-0110.065 4.5675” 301-1100 .172” 302-0321 .170” 303-0649 .201”
315-0111.005 4.6050” 301-1041 .172” 302-0323 .170” 303-0650 .201”
315-0111.025« 4.6300” 301-1046 .172” 302-0324 .170” 303-0654 .201”
315-0112.005« 4.6800” 301-0187 .175” 302-0811 .170” 303-0655 .201”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 29
plasma-moly steel ring sets

MAHLE Original® plasma-moly steel top rings provide the ultimate in tensile strength, hardness, and fatigue
resistance. The MAHLE Original SAE 9254 steel is combined with proprietary plasma face coating to extend
life, eliminate ring breakage, reduce side wear and minimize groove pound out problems. The smaller
cross-section of the steel ring allows the top ring groove to be moved closer to the top of the piston. This
reduces the crevice volume portion around the top ring land for reduced unburned fuel. Smaller cross-
sections mean lower ring mass; this lighter ring design will better tolerate inertial forces and thus seal
against the bottom of the ring groove more effectively. The smaller cross-section permitted with higher
strength material greatly improves the ability of the ring to conform to cylinder bore distortion often found
in today’s high output, high RPM engines.

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0015.035« 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0075 .153”
315-0015.040« 4.0400” 301-0945 .151” 302-0331 .140” 303-0076 .153”
315-0015.045« 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0332 .140” 303-0076 .153”
315-0015.065« 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0334 .140” 303-0079 .153”
315-0059.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0075 .151”
315-0059.040« 4.0400” 301-0945 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0076 .151”
315-0059.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0332 .140” 303-0076 .151”
315-0059.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0334 .140” 303-0079 .151”

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0168.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0308 .151”
315-0168.040« 4.0400” 301-0945 .151” 302-0331 .140” 303-0309 .151”
315-0168.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0332 .140” 303-0309 .151”
315-0168.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0334 .140” 303-0311 .151”

.043”, .043”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0140.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0158 .201”
315-0140.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0332 .140” 303-0159 .201”
315-0140.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0334 .140” 303-0161 .201”

.043”, .043”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0184.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0330 .140” 303-0118 .201”
315-0184.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0332 .140” 303-0119 .201”
315-0184.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0334 .140” 303-0121 .201”

.043”, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0178.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0065 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0178.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0066 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0178.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-1209 .170” 303-0079 .151”

« Discontinued

30 | © mahle 2014
.043”, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0181.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0065 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0181.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0066 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0181.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-1209 .170” 303-0311 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0156.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0156.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0151.035« 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0151.045« 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0309 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0154.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0150.035« 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0154.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0150.045« 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0076 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0119.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0158 .201”
315-0133.035« 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0158 .201”
315-0119.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0159 .201”
315-0133.045« 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0159 .201”
315-0119.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0117 .170” 303-0161 .201”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0120.035 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0027.035« 4.0350” 301-0944 .151” 302-0113 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0120.045 4.0450” 301-0946 .151” 302-0115 .170” 303-0119 .201”
315-0120.065 4.0650” 301-0948 .151” 302-0117 .170” 303-0121 .201”

1.2MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Ultra Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0066.035« 4.0350” 301-0006 .147” 302-0065 .170” 303-0287 .153”
315-0066.045« 4.0450” 301-0007 .147” 302-0066 .170” 303-0288 .153”
315-0066.065 4.0650” 301-0010 .147” 302-1209 .151” 303-0289 .153”
315-0065 4.1250” 301-0016 .147” 302-0075 .170” 303-0008 .153”
315-0065.005 4.1300” 301-0017 .147” 302-0076 .170” 303-0008 .153”
315-0065.020 4.1450” 301-0020 .147” 302-0079 .170” 303-0012 .153”
315-0065.025 4.1500” 301-0021 .147” 302-0080 .170” 303-0012 .153”
315-0065.030 4.1550” 301-0022 .147” 302-0081 .170” 303-0014 .153”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 31
plasma-moly steel ring sets

1.2MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Ultra Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall (Cont’d.)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0065.035 4.1600” 301-0023 .147” 302-0082 .170” 303-0014 .153”
315-0065.040« 4.1650” 301-0024 .147” 302-0083 .170” 303-0016 .153”
315-0065.045 4.1700” 301-0025 .147” 302-0084 .170” 303-0016 .153”
315-0065.060 4.1850” 301-0028 .147” 302-0087 .170” 303-0020 .153”
315-0065.065« 4.1900” 301-0029 .147” 302-0087 .170” 303-0020 .153”
315-0065.070 4.1950” 301-0030 .147” 302-0089 .170” 303-0022 .153”

1.2MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0064« 4.0000” 301-0001 .147” 302-0060 .170” 303-0072 .153”
315-0064.005 4.0050” 301-0002 .147” 302-0061 .170” 303-0072 .153”
315-0064.025 4.0250” 301-0004 .147” 302-0063 .170” 303-0074 .153”
315-0064.035 4.0350” 301-0006 .147” 302-0065 .170” 303-0075 .153”
315-0064.045 4.0450” 301-0007 .147” 302-0066 .170” 303-0076 .153”
315-0064.065 4.0650” 301-0010 .147” 302-1209 .151” 303-0079 .153”
315-0067 4.1250” 301-0016 .147” 302-0075 .170” 303-0085 .153”
315-0067.005 4.1300” 301-0017 .147” 302-0076 .170” 303-0085 .153”
315-0067.020 4.1450” 301-0020 .147” 302-0079 .170” 303-0089 .153”
315-0067.025 4.1500” 301-0021 .147” 302-0080 .170” 303-0089 .153”
315-0067.030 4.1550” 301-0022 .147” 302-0081 .170” 303-0090 .153”
315-0067.035 4.1600” 301-0023 .147” 302-0082 .170” 303-0090 .153”
315-0067.040« 4.1650” 301-0024 .147” 302-0083 .170” 303-0238 .153”
315-0067.045 4.1700” 301-0025 .147” 302-0084 .170” 303-0238 .153”
315-0067.060 4.1850” 301-0028 .147” 302-0087 .170” 303-0240 .153”
315-0067.065« 4.1900” 301-0029 .147” 302-0087 .170” 303-0240 .153”
315-0067.070 4.1950” 301-0030 .147” 302-0089 .170” 303-0243 .153”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0038.025 3.9170” 301-0113 .151” 302-0215 .163” 303-0268 .151”
315-0038.035« 3.9271” 301-0114 .151” 302-0216 .163” 303-0269 .151”
315-0038.045 3.9426” 301-0115 .151” 302-0217 .163” 303-0270 .151”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0039.025 3.5762” 301-0108 .155” 302-0210 .166” 303-0515 .151”
315-0039.035 3.5862” 301-0109 .155” 302-0211 .166” 303-0516 .151”
315-0039.045 3.5962” 301-0110 .155” 302-0212 .166” 303-0517 .151”
315-0037.005 3.9027” 301-0495 .151” 302-0213 .163” 303-0279 .146”
315-0037.025 3.9170” 301-0113 .151” 302-0215 .163” 303-0281 .146”
315.0037.045 3.9426” 301-0115 .151” 302-0217 .163” 303-0283 .146”
315-0060« 4.0000” 301-0506 .155” 302-0060 .170” 303-0072 .151”

« Discontinued

32 | © mahle 2014
1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall (Cont’d.)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0060.030 4.0300” 301-0508 .155” 302-0064 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0060.065 4.0650” 301-0975 .151” 302-1209 .151” 303-0311 .151”
315-0200.015 4.1350” 301-0983 .151” 302-0077 .170” 303-0320 .151”
315-0200.050« 4.1700” 301-0990 .151” 302-0084 .170” 303-0328 .151”
315-0200.070« 4.1900” 301-0994 .151” 302-0087 .170” 303-0691 .151”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0203.065 4.0650” 301-0975 .151” 302-1209 .151” 303-0079 .151”
315-0204.015 4.1350” 301-0983 .151” 302-0077 .170” 303-0086 .151”
315-0204.050 4.1700” 301-0990 .151” 302-0084 .170” 303-0239 .151”
315-0204.070 4.1900” 301-0994 .151” 302-0087 .170” 303-0241 .151”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 4.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0020 4.0000” 301-0506 .155” 302-1204 .151” 303-0291 .156”
315-0020.030« 4.0300” 301-0508 .155” 302-0064 .170” 303-0293 .156”
315-0020.060 4.0600” 301-0510 .155” 302-0295 .170” 303-0295 .156”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0050.005« 4.0050” 301-1013 .190” 302-0109 .170” 303-0072 .151”
315-0050.025« 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0050.030« 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0050.035« 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0050.040« 4.0400” 301-1018 .190” 302-0114 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0050.045« 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0050.060« 4.0600” 301-1020 .190” 302-0116 .170” 303-0079 .151”
315-0050.065« 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0079 .151”
315-0049.005 4.0050” 301-1013 .190” 302-0109 .170” 303-0072 .151”
315-0049.025 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0049.030 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0049.035 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0049.040 4.0400” 301-1018 .190” 302-0114 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0049.045 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0049.060 4.0600” 301-1020 .190” 302-0116 .170” 303-0079 .151”
315-0049.065 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0079 .151”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 33
plasma-moly steel ring sets

1/16”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0139.005 4.0050” 301-1013 .190” 302-0109 .170” 303-0305 .151”
315-0139.025 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0307 .151”
315-0139.030 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0139.035 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0139.040 4.0400” 301-1018 .190” 302-0114 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0139.045 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0139.060 4.0600” 301-1020 .190” 302-0116 .170” 303-0311 .151”
315-0139.065 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0311 .151”

1/16”, 1/16”, 1/8” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0033.025 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0035 .201”
315-0033.030 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0036 .201”
315-0033.035 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0036 .201”
315-0033.045 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0037 .201”
315-0033.060 4.0600” 301-1020 .190” 302-0116 .170” 303-0038 .201”
315-0033.065 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0038 .201”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0005.005 4.0050” 301-1013 .190” 302-0109 .170” 303-0155 .201”
315-0005.025 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0157 .201”
315-0005.030 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0158 .201”
315-0005.035 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0158 .201”
315-0005.045 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0159 .201”
315-0005.065 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0161 .201”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0036 4.0000” 301-1012 .190” 302-0108 .170” 303-0115 .201”
315-0036.005 4.0050” 301-1013 .190” 302-0109 .170” 303-0115 .201”
315-0036.025 4.0250” 301-1015 .190” 302-0111 .170” 303-0117 .201”
315-0036.030 4.0300” 301-1016 .190” 302-0112 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0036.035 4.0350” 301-1017 .190” 302-0113 .170” 303-0118 .201”
315-0036.040 4.0400” 301-1018 .190” 302-0114 .170” 303-0119 .201”
315-0036.045 4.0450” 301-1019 .190” 302-0115 .170” 303-0119 .201”
315-0036.060 4.0600” 301-1020 .190” 302-0116 .170” 303-0121 .201”
315-0036.065 4.0650” 301-1021 .190” 302-0117 .170” 303-0121 .201”

« Discontinued

34 | © mahle 2014
5/64”, 5/64”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0051 4.0000” 301-0966 .147” 302-0265 .187” 303-0155 .201”
315-0051.030 4.0300” 301-0969 .147” 302-0271 .187” 303-0158 .201”
315-0051.040 4.0400” 301-0970 .147” 302-0272 .187” 303-0159 .201”
315-0051.060 4.0600” 301-0971 .147” 302-0274 .187” 303-0161 .201”
315-0051.065« 4.0650” 301-0971 .147” 302-0274 .187” 303-0161 .201”

5/64”, 5/64”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Carbon Steel Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0034 4.0000” 301-0966 .147” 302-0265 .187” 303-0115 .201”
315-0034.030 4.0300” 301-0969 .147” 302-0271 .187” 303-0118 .201”
315-0034.040 4.0400” 301-0970 .147” 302-0272 .187” 303-0119 .201”
315-0034.060 4.0600” 301-0971 .147” 302-0274 .187” 303-0121 .201”
315-0034.065« 4.0650” 301-0971 .147” 302-0274 .187” 303-0121 .201”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 35
plasma-moly DUCTILE ring sets

MAHLE Original® plasma-moly ductile ring sets are designed for the serious racer. These sets feature rings
that maximize combustion sealing and minimize frictional losses to increase horsepower and oil control.
These sets include reduced radial wall (RRW) top rings, and CP-20™ oil rings to reduce tension, improve
conformability and maximize power output. Ring sets with low and ultra low tension oil rings are not
recommended for street use and should utilize a vacuum pump for maximum performance.

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Ultra Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0015.060« 4.0600” 300-0187 .160” 302-0191 .165” 303-0079 .153”
315-0017.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0344 .140” 303-0008 .153”
315-0017.015 4.1400” 300-0011 .160” 302-0447 .140” 303-0010 .153”
315-0017.025 4.1500” 300-0013 .160” 302-0347 .140” 303-0011 .153”
315-0017.030 4.1550” 300-0014 .160” 302-0348 .140” 303-0013 .153”
315-0017.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0349 .140” 303-0014 .153”
315-0017.065 4.1900” 300-0021 .160” 302-0355 .140” 303-0020 .153”

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0059.030« 4.0300” 300-0133 .160” 302-1123 .140” 303-0075 .151”
315-0059.055« 4.0550” 300-0139 .160” 302-0333 .140” 303-0077 .151”
315-0059.060« 4.0600” 300-0187 .160” 302-0191 .165” 303-0079 .151”
315-0059.105 4.1050” 300-0345 .190” 302-0340 .140” 303-0082 .151”
315-0164.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0344 .140” 303-0085 .151”
315-0164.015 4.1400” 300-0011 .160” 302-0447 .140” 303-0087 .151”
315-0164.020« 4.1450” 300-0012 .160” 302-0346 .140” 303-0088 .151”
315-0164.025 4.1500” 300-0013 .160” 302-0347 .140” 303-0089 .151”
315-0164.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0349 .140” 303-0090 .151”
315-0164.040« 4.1650” 300-0016 .160” 302-0350 .140” 303-0242 .151”
315-0164.050 4.1750” 300-0018 .160” 302-0352 .140” 303-0239 .151”
315-0164.065 4.1900” 300-0021 .160” 302-0355 .140” 303-0240 .151”

.043”, .043”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0168.055« 4.0550” 300-0139 .160” 302-0333 .140” 303-0310 .151”
315-0168.105« 4.1050” 300-0345 .190” 302-0340 .140” 303-0316 .153”
315-0169.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0344 .140” 303-0319 .153”
315-0169.015 4.1400” 300-0011 .160” 302-0477 .140” 303-0321 .153”
315-0169.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0349 .140” 303-0325 .153”
315-0169.040« 4.1650” 300-0016 .160” 302-0350 .140” 303-0326 .153”
315-0169.050« 4.1750” 300-0018 .160” 302-0352 .140” 303-0328 .153”
315-0169.060« 4.1850” 300-0020 .160” 302-0354 .140” 303-0330 .153”

« Discontinued

36 | © mahle 2014
.043”, .043”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0163.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0344 .140” 303-0168 .201”
315-0163.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0349 .140” 303-0171 .201”

.043”, .043”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0185.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0344 .140” 303-0128 .201”
315-0185.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0349 .140” 303-0131 .201”

.043”, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0178.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0061 .170” 303-0072 .151”
315-0178.025« 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0063 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0179.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0076 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315-0179.010 4.1350” 300-0010 .160” 302-0077 .170” 303-0086 .151”
315-0179.015 4.1400” 300-0011 .160” 302-0078 .170” 303-0087 .151”
315-0179.025 4.1500” 300-0013 .160” 302-0080 .170” 303-0089 .151”
315-0179.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0082 .170” 303-0090 .151”

.043”, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0181.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0061 .170” 303-0305 .151”
315-0181.025 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0063 .170” 303-0307 .151”
315-0183.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0076 .170” 303-0319 .151”
315-0183.010 4.1350” 300-0010 .160” 302-0077 .170” 303-0320 .151”
315-0183.015 4.1400” 300-0011 .160” 302-0078 .170” 303-0321 .151”
315-0183.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0082 .170” 303-0325 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0150.025« 4.0250” 300-0339 .187” 302-0111 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0150.065« 4.0650” 300-0342 .187” 302-0117 .170” 303-0079 .151”
315-0152.005 4.1300” 300-0347 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315-0152.035« 4.1600” 300-0351 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0090 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0151.025« 4.0250” 300-0339 .187” 302-0111 .170” 303-0307 .151”
315-0151.065« 4.0650” 300-0342 .187” 302-0117 .170” 303-0311 .151”
315-0153.005 4.1300” 300-0347 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0319 .151”
315-0153.035« 4.1600” 300-0351 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0325 .151”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 37
plasma-moly DUCTILE ring sets

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0154.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0109 .170” 303-0072 .151”
315-0154.025« 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0111 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0155.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0128 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315.0155.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0132 .170” 303-0090 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0156.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0109 .170” 303-0305 .151”
315-0156.025« 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0111 .170” 303-0307 .151”
315-0157.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0128 .170” 303-0319 .151”
315-0157.035 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0132 .170” 303-0325 .151”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0133.025« 4.0250” 300-0339 .187” 302-0111 .170” 303-0157 .201”
315-0133.065« 4.0650” 300-0342 .187” 302-0117 .170” 303-0161 .201”
315-0135.005 4.1300” 300-0347 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0168 .201”
315-0113.035 4.2850” 300-0355 .198” 302-0142 .170” 303-0177 .201”
315-0113.065 4.3150” 300-0356 .198” 302-0146 .170” 303-0179 .201”
315-0054.005 4.5050” 300-0367 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0204 .201”
315-0054.035« 4.5350” 300-0368 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0205 .201”
315-0054.065 4.5650” 300-0369 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0206 .201”
315-0104.005 4.5675” 300-0370 .212” 302-0902 .212” 303-0663 .201”
315-0104.045« 4.6075” 300-0642 .212” 302-0940 .175” 303-0202 .201”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0027.025« 4.0250” 300-0339 .187” 302-0111 .170” 303-0117 .201”
315-0027.065« 4.0650” 300-0342 .187” 302-0117 .170” 303-0121 .201”
315-0134.005 4.1300” 300-0347 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0134.035« 4.1500” 300-0350 .193” 302-0130 .170” 303-0130 .201”
315-0134.045« 4.1600” 300-0351 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0115.035« 4.2850” 300-0355 .198” 302-0142 .170” 303-0136 .201”
315-0115.065 4.3150” 300-0356 .198” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0116.005 4.3800” 300-0361 .204” 302-1073 .170” 303-0290 .201”
315-0055.005 4.5050” 300-0367 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0359 .201”
315-0055.035 4.5350” 300-0368 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0360 .201”
315-0055.065 4.5650” 300-0369 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0361 .201”
315-0107.005 4.5675” 300-0370 .212” 302-0902 .212” 303-0669 .201”
315-0107.045 4.6075” 300-0642 .212” 302-0940 .175” 303-0362 .201”

« Discontinued

38 | © mahle 2014
.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0119.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0109 .170” 303-0155 .201”
315-0119.025« 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0111 .170” 303-0157 .201”
315-0121.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0128 .170” 303-0168 .201”
315-0123.035 4.2850” 300-0383 .160” 302-0142 .170” 303-0177 .201”
315-0123.065 4.3150” 300-0384 .160” 302-0146 .170” 303-0179 .201”
315-0127.005 4.5050” 300-0626 .175” 302-0319 .170” 303-0204 .201”

.043”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0120.005« 4.0050” 300-0128 .160” 302-0109 .170” 303-0115 .201”
315-0120.025« 4.0250” 300-0132 .160” 302-0111 .170” 303-0117 .201”
315-0122.005 4.1300” 300-0009 .160” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0122.035 4.1500” 300-0013 .160” 302-0130 .170” 303-0130 .201”
315-0122.045 4.1600” 300-0015 .160” 302-0132 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0124.035 4.2850” 300-0383 .160” 302-0142 .170” 303-0136 .201”
315-0124.065 4.3150” 300-0384 .160” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0128.005 4.5050” 300-0626 .175” 302-0319 .170” 303-0359 .201”
315-0128.035 4.5350” 300-0627 .175” 302-0320 .170” 303-0360 .201”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0060.025 4.0250” 300-0282 .160” 302-0063 .170” 303-0307 .151”
315-0060.035 4.0350” 300-0283 .160” 302-0065 .170” 303-0308 .151”
315-0060.045 4.0450” 300-0284 .160” 302-0066 .170” 303-0309 .151”
315-0060.085« 4.0850” 300-0409 .160” 302-0071 .170” 303-0313 .151”
315-0200.005« 4.1250” 300-0410 .160” 302-0075 .170” 303-0319 .151”
315-0200.010 4.1300” 300-0411 .160” 302-0076 .170” 303-0320 .151”
315-0200.030« 4.1500” 300-0415 .160” 302-0080 .170” 303-0324 .151”
315-0200.035« 4.1550” 300-0416 .160” 302-0081 .170” 303-0324 .151”
315-0200.040« 4.1600” 300-0417 .160” 302-0082 .170” 303-0326 .151”
315-0200.060« 4.1800” 300-0421 .160” 302-0085 .170” 303-0330 .151”

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0203.025 4.0250” 300-0282 .160” 302-0063 .170” 303-0074 .151”
315-0203.035 4.0350” 300-0283 .160” 302-0065 .170” 303-0075 .151”
315-0203.045 4.0450” 300-0284 .160” 302-0066 .170” 303-0076 .151”
315-0203.085 4.0850” 300-0409 .160” 302-0071 .170” 303-0081 .151”
315-0204.005« 4.1250” 300-0410 .160” 302-0075 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315-0204.010 4.1300” 300-0411 .160” 302-0076 .170” 303-0086 .151”
315-0204.020« 4.1400” 300-0413 .160” 302-0078 .170” 303-0088 .151”
315-0204.025 4.1450” 300-0414 .160” 302-0079 .170” 303-0088 .151”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 39
plasma-moly DUCTILE ring sets

1.5MM, 1.5MM, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Reduced Radial Wall (Cont’d.)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0204.030 4.1500” 300-0415 .160” 302-0080 .170” 303-0687 .151”
315-0204.035 4.1550” 300-0416 .160” 302-0081 .170” 303-0687 .151”
315-0204.040« 4.1600” 300-0417 .160” 302-0082 .170” 303-0242 .151”
315-0204.060« 4.1800” 300-0421 .160” 302-0085 .170” .151”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Ultra Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0146 4.1250” 300-0106 .193” 302-0127 .170” 303-0007 .153”
315-0146.005 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0008 .153”
315-0146.010 4.1350” 300-0107 .193” 302-0291 .170” 303-0009 .153”
315-0146.015 4.1400” 300-0158 .193” 302-0292 .170” 303-0010 .153”
315-0146.025 4.1500” 300-0108 .193” 302-0130 .170” 303-0012 .153”
315-0146.030 4.1550” 300-0109 .193” 302-0131 .170” 303-0014 .153”
315-0146.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0014 .153”
315-0146.040 4.1650” 300-0111 .193” 302-0133 .170” 303-0016 .153”
315-0146.045 4.1700” 300-0112 .193” 302-0134 .170” 303-0016 .153”
315-0146.065 4.1900” 300-0114 .193” 302-0138 .170” 303-0020 .153”
315-0149.005« 4.6050” 300-0125 .212” 302-0323 .170” 303-0681 .153”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0049.085 4.0850” 300-0103 .193” 302-0121 .170” 303-0081 .151”
315-0071 4.1250” 300-0106 .193” 302-0127 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315-0071.005 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0085 .151”
315-0071.010 4.1350” 300-0107 .193” 302-0291 .170” 303-0086 .151”
315-0071.015 4.1400” 300-0158 .193” 302-0292 .170” 303-0087 .151”
315-0071.025 4.1500” 300-0108 .193” 302-0130 .170” 303-0089 .151”
315-0071.030 4.1550” 300-0109 .193” 302-0131 .170” 303-0090 .151”
315-0071.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0090 .151”
315-0071.040 4.1650” 300-0111 .193” 302-0133 .170” 303-0238 .151”
315-0071.045 4.1700” 300-0112 .193” 302-0134 .170” 303-0238 .151”
315-0071.065 4.1900” 300-0114 .193” 302-0138 .170” 303-0240 .151”
315-0141.005 4.5050” 300-0122 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0092 .151”
315-0142.005 4.6050” 300-0125 .212” 302-0323 .170” 303-0095 .151”

« Discontinued

40 | © mahle 2014
1/16”, 1/16”, 3.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0143 4.1250” 300-0106 .193” 302-0127 .170” 303-0318 .153”
315-0143.005 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0319 .153”
315-0143.010 4.1350” 300-0107 .193” 302-0291 .170” 303-0320 .153”
315-0143.015 4.1400” 300-0158 .193” 302-0292 .170” 303-0321 .153”
315-0143.030 4.1550” 300-0109 .193” 302-0131 .170” 303-0325 .153”
315-0143.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0325 .153”
315-0143.040 4.1650” 300-0111 .193” 302-0133 .170” 303-0238 .153”
315-0143.045 4.1700” 300-0112 .193” 302-0134 .170” 303-0238 .153”

1/16”, 1/16”, 1/8” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0021.005« 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0040 .201”
315-0021.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0043 .201”
315-0021.065 4.1900” 300-0114 .193” 302-0138 .170” 303-0045 .201”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0013.005« 3.7850” 300-0171 .175” 302-0221 .175” 303-0284 .201”
315-0011.005 3.8050” 300-0172 .178” 302-0222 .178” 303-0273 .201”
315-0011.025« 3.8250” 300-0174 .178” 302-0224 .178” 303-0275 .201”
315-0012.035 3.9100” 300-0178 .181” 302-0228 .181” 303-0147 .201”
315-0012.065 3.9400” 300-0179 .181” 302-0229 .181” 303-0151 .201”
315-0005.010« 4.0100” 300-0168 .187” 302-1118 .170” 303-0156 .201”
315-0008.035 4.0750” 300-0102 .189” 302-0119 .170” 303-0162 .201”
315-0005.085 4.0850” 300-0103 .189” 302-0121 .170” 303-0163 .201”
315-0008.065« 4.1050” 300-0104 .189” 302-0124 .170” 303-0165 .201”
315-0004 4.1250” 300-0106 .193” 302-0127 .170” 303-0167 .201”
315-0004.005 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0168 .201”
315-0004.010 4.1350” 300-0107 .193” 302-0291 .170” 303-0657 .201”
315-0004.015 4.1400” 300-0158 .193” 302-0292 .170” 303-0169 .201”
315-0004.025 4.1500” 300-0108 .193” 302-0130 .170” 303-0170 .201”
315-0004.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0171 .201”
315-0004.045« 4.1700” 300-0112 .193” 302-0134 .170” 303-0658 .201”
315-0004.065 4.1900” 300-0114 .193” 302-0138 .170” 303-0174 .201”
315-0002.005 4.2550” 300-0116 .198” 302-0140 .170” 303-0175 .201”
315-0002.035 4.2850” 300-0118 .198” 302-0142 .170” 303-0177 .201”
315-0002.065 4.3150” 300-0121 .198” 302-0146 .170” 303-0179 .201”
315-0003.005« 4.3250” 300-0181 .201” 302-1067 .170” 303-0303 .201”
315-0003.035« 4.3550” 300-0182 .201” 302-1069 .170” 303-0304 .201”
315-0010.005« 4.3650” 300-0184 .203” 302-1071 .170” 303-0180 .201”
315-0014.005 4.3800” 300-0180 .204” 302-1073 .170” 303-0278 .201”
315-0003.065 4.3850” 300-0183 .201” 302-0231 .204” 303-0182 .201”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 41
plasma-moly DUCTILE ring sets

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets (Cont’d.)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0010.035 4.3950” 300-0185 .203” 302-1075 .170” 303-0183 .201”
315-0058.005 4.4450” 300-0166 .207” 302-0316 .170” 303-0661 .201”
315-0058.035« 4.4750” 300-0167 .207” 302-0317 .170” 303-0662 .201”
315-0001.005 4.5050” 300-0122 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0204 .201”
315-0001.035 4.5350” 300-0123 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0205 .201”
315-0001.065 4.5650” 300-0124 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0206 .201”
315-0105.005 4.5675” 300-0611 .212” 302-0902 .212” 303-0663 .201”
315-0006.005 4.6050” 300-0125 .212” 302-0323 .170” 303-0202 .201”
315-0105.045 4.6075” 300-0612 .212” 302-0940 .175” 303-0202 .201”
315-0006.025 4.6300” 300-0126 .215” 302-0324 .170” 303-0665 .201”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0136.005 3.8050” 300-0172 .178” 302-0222 .178” 303-0600 .201”
315-0136.025« 3.8250” 300-0174 .178” 302-0224 .178” 303-0629 .201”
315-0137.035 3.9050” 300-0178 .181” 302-0228 .181” 303-0107 .201”
315-0137.065 3.9400” 300-0179 .181” 302-0229 .181” 303-0111 .201”
315-0036.010« 4.0100” 300-0168 .187” 302-1118 .170” 303-0116 .201”
315-0036.075 4.0750” 300-0102 .189” 302-0119 .170” 303-0122 .201”
315-0036.085 4.0850” 300-0103 .189” 302-0121 .170” 303-0123 .201”
315-0032 4.1250” 300-0106 .193” 302-0127 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0032.005 4.1300” 300-0107 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0032.025 4.1500” 300-0108 .193” 302-0130 .170” 303-0130 .201”
315-0032.030 4.1550” 300-0109 .193” 302-0131 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0032.035 4.1600” 300-0110 .193” 302-0132 .170” 303-0131 .201”
315-0032.040 4.1650” 300-0111 .193” 302-0133 .170” 303-0132 .201”
315-0032.045 4.1700” 300-0112 .193” 302-0134 .170” 303-0132 .201”
315-0032.065 4.1900” 300-0114 .193” 302-0138 .170” 303-0133 .201”
315-0035 4.2500” 300-0115 .198” 302-0139 .170” 303-0134 .201”
315-0035.005 4.2550” 300-0116 .198” 302-0140 .170” 303-0134 .201”
315-0035.030 4.2800” 300-0117 .198” 302-0141 .170” 303-0136 .201”
315-0035.035 4.2850” 300-0118 .198” 302-0142 .170” 303-0136 .201”
315-0035.060 4.3100” 300-0120 .198” 302-0145 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0035.065 4.3150” 300-0121 .198” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0029« 4.3200” 300-0162 .201” 302-1066 .170” 303-0258 .201”
315-0029.005 4.3250” 300-0181 .201” 302-1067 .170” 303-0258 .201”
315-0029.035 4.3550” 300-0182 .201” 302-1069 .170” 303-0261 .201”
315-0025.005« 4.3650” 300-0184 .203” 302-1071 .170” 303-0139 .201”
315-0029.060 4.3800” 300-0180 .204” 302-1073 .170” 303-0141 .201”
315-0029.065 4.3850” 300-0183 .203” 302-0231 .201” 303-0141 .201”
315-0025.035 4.3950” 300-0185 .203” 302-1075 .170” 303-0142 .201”
315-0025.060« 4.4250” 300-0186 .203” 302-0256 .203” 303-0144 .201”

« Discontinued

42 | © mahle 2014
1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets (Cont’d)
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0057.005 4.4450” 300-0166 .207” 302-0316 .170” 303-0642 .201”
315-0057.035« 4.4750” 300-0167 .207” 302-0317 .170” 303-0668 .201”
315-0053.005 4.5050” 300-0122 .210” 302-0319 .170” 303-0359 .201”
315-0053.035 4.5350” 300-0123 .210” 302-0320 .170” 303-0360 .201”
315-0053.065 4.5650” 300-0124 .210” 302-0321 .170” 303-0361 .201”
315-0106.005 4.5675” 300-0611 .212” 302-0902 .212” 303-0669 .201”
315-0056.005 4.6050” 300-0125 .212” 302-0323 .170” 303-0362 .201”
315-0106.045 4.6075” 300-0612 .212” 302-0940 .175” 303-0362 .201”
315-0056.025 4.6300” 300-0126 .215” 302-0324 .170” 303-0644 .201”

1/16”, 5/64”, 4.0MM Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0009.005« 3.1925” 300-0169 .135” 302-0219 .135” 303-0543 .152”

.031”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Dykes Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0016.065 4.0650” 301-0076 .173” 302-0117 .170” 303-0161 .201”
315-0194.065 4.3150” 301-0088 .173” 302-0146 .170” 303-0179 .201”
315-0195.005 4.3800” 301-0090 .173” 302-1073 .170” 303-0278 .201”

.031”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Dykes Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0196.065 4.0650” 301-0076 .173” 302-0117 .170” 303-0121 .201”
315-0198.065 4.3150” 301-0088 .173” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”
315-0199.005 4.3800” 301-0090 .173” 302-1073 .170” 303-0290 .201”

.017”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Dykes Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0187.005 4.1900” 301-0060 .173” 302-0147 .192” 303-0133 .201”
315-0188.005 4.2550” 301-0062 .173” 302-0140 .170” 303-0134 .201”
315-0188.065 4.3150” 301-0064 .173” 302-0146 .170” 303-0138 .201”

.017”, 1/16”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Dykes High Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0190.005 4.1900” 301-0060 .173” 302-0147 .192” 303-0186 .201”
315-0191.005 4.2550” 301-0062 .173” 302-0140 .170” 303-0187 .201”
315-0191.065 4.3150” 301-0064 .173” 302-0146 .170” 303-0646 .201”

5/64”, 5/64”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Low Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0051.005 4.0050” 300-0653 .187” 302-0266 .187” 303-0155 .201”
315-0051.035« 4.0350” 300-0565 .187” 302-0271 .187” 303-0158 .201”
315-0051.045 4.0450” 300-0230 .187” 302-0272 .187” 303-0159 .201”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 43
plasma-moly DUCTILE ring sets

5/64”, 5/64”, 3/16” Plasma-Moly Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0034.005 4.0050” 300-0653 .187” 302-0266 .187” 303-0115 .201”
315-0034.035« 4.0350” 300-0565 .187” 302-0271 .187” 303-0118 .201”
315-0034.045 4.0450” 300-0230 .187” 302-0272 .187” 303-0119 .201”
315-0023« 4.1250” 300-0200 .193” 302-0246 .193” 303-0128 .201”
315-0022.005 4.1300” 300-0197 .193” 302-0243 .193” 303-0128 .201”
315-0023.030 4.1550” 300-0201 .193” 302-0247 .193” 303-0131 .201”
315-0022.065 4.1900” 300-0199 .193” 302-0245 .193” 303-0133 .201”
315-0028 4.2500” 300-0214 .198” 302-0257 .198” 303-0134 .201”
315-0028.005 4.2550” 300-0215 .198” 302-0258 .198” 303-0134 .201”
315-0028.030 4.2800” 300-0216 .198” 302-0259 .198” 303-0136 .201”
315-0028.035« 4.2850” 300-0217 .198” 302-0260 .198” 303-0136 .201”
315-0028.060 4.3100” 300-0218 .198” 302-0261 .198” 303-0138 .201”
315-0040.035 4.3475” 300-0246 .201” 302-0300 .201” 303-0260 .201”
315-0019.035 4.3550” 300-0190 .201” 302-1161 .201” 303-0261 .201”
315-0019.065 4.3850” 300-0191 .201” 302-0240 .201” 303-0141 .201”

« Discontinued

44 | © mahle 2014
chrome DUCTILE ring sets

MAHLE Original® chrome ductile ring sets are engineered to maximize combustion sealing and minimize
frictional loses to increase horsepower and oil control. These sets contain a chrome ductile top ring for
superior strength and high rpm combustion sealing. The grey iron RBT or THG second ring provides
unmatched oil control. CP-20™ oil rings are also utilized in standard tension for optimum power output.

1/16”, 1/16”, 1/8” Chrome Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0031.005« 4.0050” 300-0073 .187” 302-0109 .170” 303-0034 .201”
315-0031.060« 4.0600” 300-0080 .187” 302-0116 .170” 303-0038 .201”

1/16”, 1/16”, 3/16” Chrome Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0026.005« 4.1300” 300-0083 .193” 302-0128 .170” 303-0128 .201”
315-0026.040« 4.1650” 300-0086 .193” 302-0133 .170” 303-0132 .201”

5/64”, 5/64”, 3/16” Chrome Ductile Iron Standard Tension Engine Sets
Part Number Bore Top Ring Radial Second Ring Radial Oil Ring Radial
315-0030.005« 4.0050” 300-0223 .187” 302-0266 .187” 303-0115 .201”

« Discontinued

© mahle 2014 | 45
ring codes and definitions

Piston Ring Position

Top Ring UCR (Upper Compression Ring)
Second Ring LCR (Lower Compression Ring)
Oil Ring OCR (Oil Control Ring)

Piston Ring Types 1 Type Code Description

Radius Faced RF Barrel Faced, Upper Compression Ring
Beveled Radius Faced BR Positive Twist, Barrel Faced, Upper Compression Ring
Pressure Backed PB L-Shaped, Dykes Cut, Gas Pressure Backed Upper
Compression Ring
Beveled Taper Face BT Positive Twist, Taper Faced, Upper Compression or
Lower Compression Ring
Reverse Beveled Taper Face RBT Reverse or Negative Twist, Taper Faced, Lower
Compression Ring Only
Napier/ Tapered Hook Groove THG Tapered Face, Hook Shaped Undercut, Lower
Compression Ring Only
Napier/ Tapered Hook Micro THM Tapered Face, Reduced Hook Shaped Undercut,
Lower Compression Ring Only
3 Piece Oil Ring CP20 Chem-Polished Stainless Steel Expander, Chrome
Plated Carbon Steel Rails
1 Piece Oil Ring U-Flex U-Shaped, Segmented Carbon Steel, Oil Control Ring

Piston Ring Base Materials 2 Material Code Description

Cast Iron 10 Grey Cast Iron
Ductile Iron 18 High Strength Nodular Cast Iron
PC479 19 Hardened High Strength Nodular Cast Iron
Stainless Steel 12 Gas Nitrided Stainless Steel
SAE 9254 13 9254 Carbon Steel

Piston Ring Face Coatings 3 Facing Code Description

Chrome U Chrome Plated Face Coating
GNS NG Gas Nitrided Surface Hardening Treatment
PVD PVD Physical Vapor Deposition Surface Treatment
PF251 PF Traditional Plasma Thermal Spray Coating
PF278 PF Carbide Fortified Plasma Thermal Spray Coating
HV385 PF 385 HVOF High Density Thermal Spray Coating

1 2 3

Example: RF - 13 PF
1 Ring Type Code: RF = Barrel Faced, Upper Compression Ring

2 Material Code: 13 = 9254 Carbon Steel

3 Face Coating or Treament: PF = Thermal Spray Coating (Can be Traditional or Fortified Plasma, or High Density HV385)

46 | © mahle 2014
Compression ring and oil ring design illustrations

RF-13PF BR-18PF / BR-13PF BR-12NG BR-19

Radius Back Steel Twisted Barrel Faced Positive Twist Gas Nitrided
Stainless Steel

RF-13U PB-18PF PB-18 / PB-19

Non-Twisted Barrel Faced Dykes Dykes

THM-13 / THM-10 / THG-10 RBT-10 CP-20™ U-Flex

Taper Hook Groove (Napier) Reverse-Twist Taper

© mahle 2014 | 47
open stock rings

Axial Radial Face

Bore Height Wall Base Material Coating Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
2.912" 2.8MM .126" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0764l

2.933" 2.8MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0753

2.953" 2.8MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0490

2.972" 4.0MM .152" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0532

2.973" 2.8MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0491

2.982" 2.8MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0492

3.091" 4.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0538

3.149" 3.0MM .145" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0772l

3.189" 2.8MM .126" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0494
3.189" 3.0MM .121" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0498«

3.190" 4.0MM .168" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0732l

3.192" 1/16" .135" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0169

3.194" 1.5MM .145" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1148

3.207" 1/16" .135" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0677l

3.209" 3.0MM .121" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0499

3.212" 4.0MM .152" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0545

3.226" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0437

3.226" 3.0MM .117" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0500

3.228" 1.5MM .135" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0441

3.244" 1.2MM .126" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0302

3.245" 3.0MM .117" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0501

3.248" 1.5MM .135" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0442

3.248" 1.5MM .146" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1170
3.248" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0756

3.255" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0439

3.255" 3.0MM .117" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0502

3.258" 1.5MM .135" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0443

3.263" 1.2MM .126" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0303

3.265" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0440

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

48 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.267" 3.0MM .142" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0504

3.273" 1.2MM .126" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0305

3.287" 1.5MM .135" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0445

3.287" 1.5MM .147" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1169
3.287" 3.0MM .142" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0505
3.287" 4.0MM .145" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0549
3.287" 4.0MM .165" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0548

3.307" 3.0MM .142" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0506«
3.307" 4.0MM .156" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0550

3.316" 3.0MM .115" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0759

3.326" 3.0MM .130" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0773l
3.326" 3.0MM .142" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0507«
3.326" 4.0MM .152" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0551

3.338" 1.5MM .138" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0895«

3.339" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0446

3.346" 1.2MM .135" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0308

3.346" 3.0MM .121" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0508
3.346" 4.0MM .139" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0552

3.358" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0447

3.358" 1.5MM .138" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0896«

3.366" 3.0MM .138" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0754

3.368" 1.5MM .127" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0935

3.376" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel Chrome RF-13U UCR 301-0910l

3.376" 3.0MM .138" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0765l

3.385" 1.2MM .134" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0309

3.385" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0449
3.385" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0448
3.385" 2.5MM .141" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0488

3.386" 1.5MM .146" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0793

3.386" 3.0MM .121" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0509«
3.386" 4.0MM .141" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0554

3.395" 3.0MM .145" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0727

3.400" 3/16" .185" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0604

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 49
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.405" 1.5MM .140" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1147

3.406" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0510
3.406" 4.0MM .141" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0555

3.415" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0511

3.420" 3/16" .185" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0605

3.425" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0453

3.425" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0512

3.426" 4.0MM .141" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0557

3.430" 3/16" .185" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0606

3.440" 3/16" .185" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0607

3.444" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0310

3.444" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0936
3.444" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0489
3.444" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0513

3.445" 4.0MM .159" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0558

3.460" 3/16" .185" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0608

3.464" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0311

3.464" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0454
3.464" 2.0MM .114" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0748l
3.464" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0758

3.465" 4.0MM .159" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0560

3.474" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0455

3.484" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0456

3.503" 1.2MM .144" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0312

3.503" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0760l

3.504" 1.5MM .136" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0457«

3.504" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0458

3.505" 1/16" .164" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0865

3.516" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0609«

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

50 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.523" 1.2MM .144" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0314
3.523" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0459
3.523" 4.0MM .139" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0731l

3.525" 1/16" .164" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0692

3.530" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0055

3.533" 1.2MM .144" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0315

3.533" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0460
3.533" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0755

3.535" 1/16" .164" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0573

3.535" 1/16" .164" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0866

3.536" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0610

3.543" 1.2MM .150" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0317

3.543" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0275«
3.543" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0461
3.543" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0743

3.546" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0611

3.551" 1.2MM .142" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0320

3.551" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0469
3.551" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0463«
3.551" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0262
3.551" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0514

3.553" 1.2MM .150" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0318

3.556" 1.5MM .155" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0897«

3.556" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0107«
3.556" 1.5MM .166" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0209
3.556" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0612«

3.561" 3.0MM .150" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0763l

3.563" 1.2MM .150" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0319

3.563" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0462
3.563" 1.5MM .145" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1184l

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 51
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.570" 1.2MM .142" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0321
3.570" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0470
3.570" 1.5MM .155" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0898«
3.570" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1155
3.570" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0515

3.576" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0108

3.576" 1.5MM .155" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0899«
3.576" 1.5MM .166" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0210

3.580" 1.2MM .142" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0322

3.580" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0471
3.580" 1/16" .164" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0649«
3.580" 1/16" .167" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1144
3.580" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0264
3.580" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0516

3.586" 1.5MM .155" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0900«

3.586" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0109
3.586" 1.5MM .166" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0211

3.590" 1.2MM .142" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0323

3.590" 1.5MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0472
3.590" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0265
3.590" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0517

3.596" 1.5MM .155" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0901«

3.596" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0110
3.596" 1.5MM .166" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0212

3.602" 4.0MM .142" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0774l

3.622" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0324

3.622" 1.2MM .153" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0327
3.622" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0518
3.622" 4.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0572

3.641" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0325

3.641" 1.2MM .153" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0328

3.642" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0519
3.642" 4.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0573

3.651" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0326

3.651" 1.2MM .153" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0329
3.651" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0520

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

52 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.661" 1.5MM .140" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0473
3.661" 5/64" .154" 9254 Steel Chrome RF-13U UCR 301-0904l
3.661" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0521

3.671" 1.5MM .140" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0474

3.680" 1.5MM .140" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0475

3.680" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0613

3.681" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0522

3.690" 1.5MM .140" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0476

3.691" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0523

3.700" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0738
3.700" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0059
3.700" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0614

3.710" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0615

3.720" 5/64" .154" 9254 Steel Chrome RF-13U UCR 301-0905l

3.736" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0961l

3.736" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0617

3.750" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0619

3.755" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0872

3.756" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0962l

3.756" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0620

3.761" 1/16" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0589

3.761" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0873

3.766" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0963l

3.766" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0621

3.770" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0622

3.771" 1/16" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0591

3.771" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0874«

3.776" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0964l

3.776" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0623
3.779" 1.2MM .150" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0330
3.779" 1.5MM .152" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0937
3.779" 3.0MM .145" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0735

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 53
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.780" 4.0MM .139" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0581

3.785" 1/16" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0171

3.785" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0221
3.785" 5/64" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0552

3.790" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0625

3.796" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0965l

3.796" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0626

3.800" 1.2MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0334

3.800" 5/64" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0671
3.800" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0063
3.800" 4.0MM .139" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0582
3.800" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0273

3.801" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0911

3.804" 5/64" .172" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0669«

3.805" 1/16" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0172

3.805" 1/16" .178" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0222

3.809" 1.2MM .150" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0332

3.810" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0064
3.810" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0628
3.810" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0276
3.810" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0274

3.811" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0486

3.811" 1.5MM .159" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0482«

3.815" 1.5MM .160" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0489

3.815" 1/16" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0173

3.820" 1.2MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0335

3.820" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0478
3.820" 3.0MM .140" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0768l
3.820" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0275

3.825" 1/16" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0174«

3.825" 1/16" .178" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0224

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

54 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.830" 1.2MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0336
3.830" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0479«
3.830" 1.5MM .159" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0483«
3.830" 5/64" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0696
3.830" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0066
3.830" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0630

3.831" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0487«

3.831" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0491«

3.835" 1/16" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0175

3.835" 1/16" .178" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0225«
3.835" 5/64" .178" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0675

3.840" 1.2MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0337

3.840" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0480

3.841" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0488

3.844" 5/64" .172" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 301-0891

3.850" 1.5MM .159" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0485

3.851" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0489

3.860" 1.2MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0338

3.860" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0481«
3.860" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0632

3.875" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0068
3.875" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0105
3.875" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0145

3.880" .043" .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0333

3.880" 1/16" .181" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0226

3.895" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0106

3.897" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1007 l

3.897" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0494
3.897" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0279

3.900" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0277

3.902" 1.5MM .151" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0892«

3.902" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0495
3.902" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0213
3.902" 1.5MM .168" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0490«

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 55
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.905" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0069
3.905" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0107
3.905" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0147

3.907" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0954

3.907" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1156
3.907" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0280«
3.907" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0267«

3.910" 1/16" .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0178

3.910" 1/16" .153" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0915
3.910" 1/16" .181" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0228
3.910" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0108

3.912" 1.5MM .151" PC479 BR-19 UCR 300-0659«

3.912" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0496
3.912" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1146«
3.912" 1.5MM .168" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0491«

3.915" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0109
3.915" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0149

3.917" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1008l

3.917" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0112
3.917" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0113
3.917" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0955
3.917" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0214
3.917" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0281
3.917" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0268

3.922" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0956

3.922" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0215

3.927" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1009l

3.927" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0114
3.927" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0957
3.927" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0282«
3.927" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0269«

3.930" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0110
3.930" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0150

3.932" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0958

3.932" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0216

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

56 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
3.935" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0070
3.935" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0033«
3.935" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0111
3.935" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0151

3.937" .043" .150" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0655

3.937" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1010l
3.937" 1.2MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0912
3.937" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-1011l
3.937" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0959
3.937" 1.5MM .168" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1187«
3.937" 3.0MM .146" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0283
3.937" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0270

3.938" 5/64" .184" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1185

3.940" .043" .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0335

3.940" 1/16" .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0179
3.940" 1/16" .181" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0229
3.940" 4.0MM .150" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0769l
3.940" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0112

3.942" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0115

3.942" 1.5MM .163" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0217

3.950" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0113

3.957" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0960

3.970" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0114

3.997" 5/64" .184" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1186

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 57
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.000" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1052l
4.000" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1210l
4.000" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0938l
4.000" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0175
4.000" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0001
4.000" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0506
4.000" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1204l
4.000" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0060«
4.000" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1012l
4.000" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0108
4.000" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0966l
4.000" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0808l
4.000" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0775l
4.000" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0072
4.000" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0305
4.000" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0285
4.000" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0034«
4.000" 4.0MM .156" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0291
4.000" 3/16" .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0633
4.000" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0115
4.000" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0155

4.001" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0463

4.005" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1053l

4.005" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0939l
4.005" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1137l
4.005" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0176«
4.005" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0002
4.005" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0972
4.005" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0880«
4.005" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0281
4.005" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0061
4.005" 1/16" .187" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0206
4.005" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1013l
4.005" 1/16" .157" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0918«
4.005" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0109
4.005" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0875
4.005" 5/64" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0653
4.005" 5/64" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0266
4.005" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0809l
4.005" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0776l

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

58 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.006" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0464

4.010" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1054l

4.010" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1211l
4.010" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0940l
4.010" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1138l
4.010" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0973
4.010" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0876«
4.010" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0967l
4.010" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0810l
4.010" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0777l
4.010" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0116
4.010" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0156

4.011" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0465

4.015" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1055l

4.015" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1139l
4.015" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0328
4.015" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0178
4.015" 1.2MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0395«
4.015" 1/16" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0652«
4.015" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0218
4.015" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0811l
4.015" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0860l
4.015" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0720

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 59
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.020" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1056l
4.020" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1212l
4.020" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0941l
4.020" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0179
4.020" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0507
4.020" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1205l
4.020" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1014l
4.020" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0110
4.020" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0968l
4.020" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0812l
4.020" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0778l
4.020" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0074
4.020" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0307
4.020" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0035
4.020" 3/16" .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0634
4.020" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0117
4.020" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0157

4.021" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0466«

4.025" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1057l

4.025" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0942l
4.025" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1140l
4.025" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0180
4.025" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0004
4.025" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0282
4.025" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0063
4.025" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1015l
4.025" 1/16" .157" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0919«
4.025" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0111
4.025" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0877
4.025" 5/64" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0227
4.025" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0813l
4.025" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0857l

4.030" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1058l

4.030" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1213l
4.030" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0943l
4.030" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0181
4.030" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0508
4.030" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1206l
4.030" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0064
4.030" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1016l

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

60 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.030" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0112
4.030" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0969l
4.030" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0814l
4.030" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0779l
4.030" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0075
4.030" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0308
4.030" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0036
4.030" 4.0MM .156" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0293
4.030" 3/16" .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0635
4.030" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0118
4.030" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0158

4.031" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0467«

4.035" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1059l

4.035" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1238l
4.035" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0944l
4.035" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1141l
4.035" .043" .187" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0165
4.035" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0330
4.035" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0182
4.035" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0006
4.035" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0894«
4.035" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0283
4.035" 1.5MM .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0658
4.035" 1.5MM .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0494
4.035" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0065
4.035" 1/16" .187" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0208
4.035" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1017l
4.035" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0113
4.035" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0878
4.035" 5/64" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0267«
4.035" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0815l
4.035" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0858l
4.035" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0744

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 61
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.040" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1060l
4.040" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1214l
4.040" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0945l
4.040" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0331«
4.040" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0133
4.040" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0509
4.040" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1207l
4.040" 1.5MM .182" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0241«
4.040" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1018l
4.040" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0114
4.040" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0970l
4.040" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0816l
4.040" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0780l
4.040" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0076
4.040" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0309
4.040" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0037
4.040" 3/16" .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0636
4.040" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0119
4.040" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0159

4.041" 2.5MM .119" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0468

4.045" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1061l

4.045" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1239l
4.045" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0946l
4.045" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1142l
4.045" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0332
4.045" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0184
4.045" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0007
4.045" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 300-0660«
4.045" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0284
4.045" 1.5MM .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0676
4.045" 1.5MM .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0495«
4.045" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0066
4.045" 1/16" .187" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0209
4.045" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1019l
4.045" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0115
4.045" 1/16" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0879
4.045" 5/64" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0230
4.045" 5/64" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0273
4.045" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0817l
4.045" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0859l

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

62 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.050" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1095l
4.050" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1215l
4.050" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0008
4.050" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0818l
4.050" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0781l
4.050" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0120
4.050" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0160

4.055" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1062l

4.055" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0333
4.055" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0275
4.055" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0009
4.055" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0974
4.055" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0068
4.055" 1/16" .189" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0600
4.055" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0819l
4.055" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0782l
4.055" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0078

4.057" 5/64" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0302

4.057" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0637

4.060" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1096l

4.060" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0947l
4.060" 1.5MM .155" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0510
4.060" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1208l
4.060" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0295
4.060" 1.5MM .182" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0242«
4.060" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1020l
4.060" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0116
4.060" 5/64" .146" 9254 Steel PM251 RF-13PF UCR 301-0971l
4.060" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0820l
4.060" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0783l
4.060" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0079
4.060" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0311
4.060" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0038
4.060" 4.0MM .156" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0295
4.060" 3/16" .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0638
4.060" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0121
4.060" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0161

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 63
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.065" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0076
4.065" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1063l
4.065" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1216l
4.065" .043" .151" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0948l
4.065" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1143l
4.065" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0334
4.065" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0191
4.065" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0010
4.065" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0975
4.065" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0885«
4.065" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0285«
4.065" 1.5MM .181" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 301-0888
4.065" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1209l
4.065" 1.5MM .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0496«
4.065" 1.5MM .181" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1150«
4.065" 1/16" .187" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0210
4.065" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1021l
4.065" 1/16" .157" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0923
4.065" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0117
4.065" 1/16" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0881
4.065" 5/64" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0647«
4.065" 5/64" .187" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0268«
4.065" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0821l
4.065" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0784l

4.070" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1064l

4.070" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1240l
4.070" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0976
4.070" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0118
4.070" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0822l
4.070" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0785l
4.070" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0080
4.070" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0122
4.070" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0162

4.075" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0077

4.075" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1128l
4.075" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1217l
4.075" .043" .188" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0343
4.075" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0192
4.075" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0011
4.075" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0070

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

64 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.075" 1/16" .189" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0102
4.075" 1/16" .158" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0924
4.075" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0119
4.075" 1/16" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0882«
4.075" 5/64" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0558«
4.075" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0862l
4.075" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0861l

4.077" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0639

4.080" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1065l

4.080" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0977
4.080" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0120
4.080" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0823l
4.080" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0786l
4.080" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0081
4.080" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0039
4.080" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0123
4.080" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0163

4.085" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1129l

4.085" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1218l
4.085" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0145«
4.085" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1153l
4.085" .043" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0193
4.085" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0012
4.085" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0409
4.085" 1.5MM .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0497«
4.085" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0071
4.085" 1/16" .189" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0103
4.085" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0121
4.085" 5/64" .189" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0559
4.085" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0824l
4.085" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0787l

4.087" 5/64" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0303

4.087" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0640

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 65
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.090" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1130l
4.090" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0978
4.090" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0122
4.090" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0825l
4.090" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0788l
4.090" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0124
4.090" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0164

4.095" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1131l

4.095" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1219l
4.095" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0147
4.095" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0013
4.095" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0072
4.095" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0123«
4.095" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0826l
4.095" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0789l

4.100" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1132l

4.100" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0979
4.100" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0827l
4.100" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0790l
4.100" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0125«
4.100" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0165

4.105" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1133l

4.105" .043" .187" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0345
4.105" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0340
4.105" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0014
4.105" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0073
4.105" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0124
4.105" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0828l
4.105" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0791l

4.110" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1134l

4.110" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0980
4.110" 2.0MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0829l
4.110" 2.0MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0792l
4.110" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0083
4.110" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0126
4.110" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0166

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

66 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.115" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1135l
4.115" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0074
4.115" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0125
4.115" 1/16" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0310

4.117" 5/64" .189" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0304«

4.117" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0641«

4.120" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1136l

4.120" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0126
4.120" 2.0MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0830l
4.120" 2.0MM .131" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0793l
4.120" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0084
4.120" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0007
4.120" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0318
4.120" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0127«
4.120" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0167

4.125" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1066l

4.125" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1220l
4.125" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0008
4.125" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0343
4.125" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0016
4.125" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0981
4.125" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0034«
4.125" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0075
4.125" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1102l
4.125" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0127
4.125" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0200«
4.125" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0831l
4.125" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0794l
4.125" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0085
4.125" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0008
4.125" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0319
4.125" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0300«
4.125" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0040«
4.125" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0128
4.125" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0168

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 67
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.130" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0234
4.130" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0057
4.130" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1067l
4.130" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1241l
4.130" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0009
4.130" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1144l
4.130" .043" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0168
4.130" .043" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0347
4.130" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0344
4.130" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0009
4.130" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0017
4.130" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0982
4.130" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0893«
4.130" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0411
4.130" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0076
4.130" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1103l
4.130" 1/16" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0211
4.130" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0107
4.130" 1/16" .161" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0926
4.130" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0128
4.130" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1154«
4.130" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0884«
4.130" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0197
4.130" 5/64" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0243
4.130" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0832l
4.130" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0795l
4.130" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0086
4.130" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0009
4.130" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0320
4.130" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0666
4.130" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0657

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

68 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.135" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1068l
4.135" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1221l
4.135" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0010
4.135" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1145l
4.135" .043" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0348
4.135" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0010
4.135" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0018
4.135" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0983
4.135" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0412«
4.135" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0036«
4.135" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0077
4.135" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0157«
4.135" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0291
4.135" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0886
4.135" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0833l
4.135" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0796l
4.135" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0469
4.135" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0087
4.135" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0010
4.135" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0321
4.135" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0129
4.135" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0169

4.140" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1069l

4.140" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0011
4.140" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1146l
4.140" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0447
4.140" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0019
4.140" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0984
4.140" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0413«
4.140" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0078
4.140" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0158
4.140" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0292
4.140" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0887«
4.140" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0834l
4.140" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0797l
4.140" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0470
4.140" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0088
4.140" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0011

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 69
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.145" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1070l
4.145" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1222l
4.145" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0012
4.145" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0012
4.145" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0020
4.145" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0985
4.145" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0414
4.145" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0038«
4.145" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0079
4.145" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0159
4.145" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0835l
4.145" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0798l
4.145" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0471
4.145" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0089
4.145" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0012
4.145" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0130
4.145" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0170

4.150" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1071l

4.150" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0013
4.150" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1147l
4.150" .043" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0350
4.150" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0347
4.150" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0021
4.150" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0986
4.150" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0415
4.150" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0039«
4.150" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0080
4.150" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1104l
4.150" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0108
4.150" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0130
4.150" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0888«
4.150" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0836l
4.150" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0799l
4.150" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0472
4.150" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0013

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

70 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.155" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1072l
4.155" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1223l
4.155" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0014
4.155" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1148l
4.155" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0348
4.155" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0022
4.155" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0987
4.155" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0416
4.155" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0040
4.155" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0081
4.155" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1105l
4.155" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0131
4.155" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0201
4.155" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0837l
4.155" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0800l
4.155" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0473
4.155" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0090
4.155" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0014
4.155" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0325
4.155" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0043
4.155" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0131
4.155" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0171

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 71
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.160" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0235
4.160" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0058
4.160" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1073l
4.160" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1242l
4.160" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0015
4.160" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1149l
4.160" .043" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0169
4.160" .043" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0351
4.160" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0349
4.160" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0015
4.160" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0023
4.160" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0988
4.160" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0884«
4.160" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0417«
4.160" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0041
4.160" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0082
4.160" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1106l
4.160" 1/16" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0213
4.160" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0110
4.160" 1/16" .161" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0927«
4.160" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0132
4.160" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0889«
4.160" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0198«
4.160" 5/64" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0244
4.160" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0838l
4.160" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0801l
4.160" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0474
4.160" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0242«

4.165" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1074l

4.165" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1224l
4.165" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0016
4.165" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0350
4.165" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0024
4.165" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0989
4.165" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0042
4.165" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0083«
4.165" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0111
4.165" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0672«
4.165" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0133
4.165" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0202«
4.165" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0839l

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

72 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.165" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0802l
4.165" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0016
4.165" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0327«
4.165" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0238
4.165" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0044
4.165" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0132
4.165" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0172

4.170" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1075l

4.170" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1243l
4.170" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0017
4.170" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1150l
4.170" .043" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0170«
4.170" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0351
4.170" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0017
4.170" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0025
4.170" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0990
4.170" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0902«
4.170" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0419«
4.170" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0043
4.170" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0084
4.170" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1107l
4.170" 1/16" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0214
4.170" 1/16" .194" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0112
4.170" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0134
4.170" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0890«
4.170" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0840l
4.170" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0803l
4.170" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0017
4.170" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0239

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 73
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.175" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1076l
4.175" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1225l
4.175" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0018
4.175" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0018
4.175" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0026«
4.175" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0991
4.175" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0044
4.175" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0085
4.175" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0450B
4.175" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0135
4.175" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0400B
4.175" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0841l
4.175" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0804l
4.175" 2.0MM .135" Stainless Steel CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0477
4.175" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0018
4.175" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0173

4.177" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0451B
4.177" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0402B

4.180" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1078l

4.180" .043" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0171
4.180" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0019
4.180" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0027
4.180" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0992
4.180" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0421
4.180" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0045
4.180" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0452B
4.180" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0136
4.180" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0404B
4.180" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0405B
4.180" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0842l
4.180" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0805l
4.180" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0019
4.180" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0659

4.182" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0453B
4.182" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0406B
4.182" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0407B

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

74 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.185" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1080l
4.185" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1226l
4.185" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0020
4.185" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0354«
4.185" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0020
4.185" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0028
4.185" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0993
4.185" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0046
4.185" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0087
4.185" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0454B
4.185" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0137
4.185" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0203
4.185" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0408B
4.185" 2.0MM .107" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0409B
4.185" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0843l
4.185" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0806l
4.185" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0020
4.185" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0240
4.185" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0133
4.185" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0174

4.187" .010" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0886

4.187" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0729B
4.187" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0241
4.187" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0045
4.187" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0186

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 75
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.190" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0236
4.190" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0060
4.190" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1081l
4.190" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0021
4.190" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1151l
4.190" .043" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0172
4.190" .043" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0352
4.190" .043" .140" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-0355
4.190" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0021
4.190" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0994
4.190" 1.5MM .160" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0903«
4.190" 1.5MM .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0422«
4.190" 1.5MM .105" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Ultra Low) OCR PMCU303-0730B
4.190" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1101l
4.190" 1/16" .192" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0215
4.190" 1/16" .192" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0114
4.190" 1/16" .161" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0928«
4.190" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0138
4.190" 1/16" .193" Ductile Iron Plasma Moly BR-18PF LCR 302-0147
4.190" 1/16" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0891«
4.190" .078" .170" Ductile Iron Plasma Moly BR-18PF LCR 302-1127«
4.190" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0199
4.190" 5/64" .193" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0245
4.190" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0844l
4.190" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0807l
4.190" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0021

4.195" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1227l

4.195" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0007«
4.195" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0030
4.195" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0048
4.195" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0089
4.195" 5/64" .193" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0668
4.195" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0845l
4.195" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0022
4.195" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0243

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

76 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.200" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1082l
4.200" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0031
4.200" 1.5MM .151" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-0995
4.200" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0049
4.200" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0090
4.200" 1/16" .194" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0603
4.200" 2.0MM .113" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0846l
4.200" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0023
4.200" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0244

4.205" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1228l

4.205" .043" .158" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0062
4.205" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0024
4.205" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0032
4.205" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0050
4.205" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0091
4.205" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0024
4.205" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0245

4.210" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0051

4.210" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0092

4.215" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0052

4.215" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0093

4.216" 1/16" .194" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0253

4.216" 1/16" .194" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0312

4.220" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0053

4.220" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0094

4.225" .043" .158" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0066

4.225" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0028
4.225" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0054
4.225" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0095

4.230" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0055

4.230" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0096

4.235" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0097

4.235" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0030

4.240" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0057

4.240" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0098

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 77
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.245" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0058
4.245" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0099
4.245" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0032

4.250" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1083l

4.250" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1229l
4.250" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1154l
4.250" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0041«
4.250" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0059
4.250" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0100
4.250" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1108l
4.250" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0139
4.250" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0214
4.250" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0332
4.250" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0188
4.250" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0046
4.250" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0134
4.250" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0175
4.250" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0187

4.255" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0237

4.255" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0062
4.255" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1084l
4.255" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0382
4.255" .043" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0353
4.255" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0446
4.255" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0042
4.255" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0101
4.255" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1109l
4.255" 1/16" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0116
4.255" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0140
4.255" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0892
4.255" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0215
4.255" 5/64" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0258
4.255" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0189«

4.260" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1085l

4.260" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1230l
4.260" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0893«
4.260" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0560
4.260" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0190«

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

78 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.265" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1086l
4.265" 1/16" .198" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0216
4.265" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0894
4.265" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0191

4.270" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1087l

4.270" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1231l
4.270" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0135
4.270" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0176

4.275" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1088l

4.275" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0895
4.275" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0193

4.280" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1089l

4.280" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1232l
4.280" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1110l
4.280" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0141
4.280" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0691
4.280" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0216
4.280" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0194
4.280" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0047
4.280" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0136
4.280" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0177

4.285" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1090l

4.285" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0383
4.285" .043" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0355
4.285" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0046
4.285" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0105
4.285" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1111l
4.285" 1/16" .198" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0217
4.285" 1/16" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0118
4.285" 1/16" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0930«
4.285" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0142
4.285" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0896
4.285" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0217
4.285" 5/64" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0260«
4.285" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0195

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 79
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.290" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1233l
4.290" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0143«
4.290" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0196
4.290" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0137
4.290" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0178

4.295" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1091l

4.295" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0144
4.295" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0197

4.300" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1234l

4.300" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0198

4.305" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1092l

4.305" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0199

4.310" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1235l

4.310" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1112l
4.310" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0145
4.310" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0218
4.310" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0200
4.310" 1/8" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0048
4.310" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0138
4.310" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0179

4.312" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0646

4.315" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0239

4.315" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0064
4.315" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0088
4.315" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1093l
4.315" .043" .160" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0384
4.315" .043" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0356
4.315" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0048
4.315" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0107
4.315" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1113l
4.315" 1/16" .198" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0218
4.315" 1/16" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0121
4.315" 1/16" .165" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0931
4.315" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0146
4.315" 1/16" .198" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1157
4.315" 1/16" .198" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0897
4.315" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0219
4.315" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0201

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

80 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.320" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel HV385 RF-13PF UCR 301-1094l
4.320" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1236l
4.320" 1/16" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0162
4.320" 1/16" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0263
4.320" 5/64" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0299
4.320" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0246
4.320" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0258

4.325" .043" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0357

4.325" 1/16" .201" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0219
4.325" 1/16" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0181
4.325" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1067
4.325" 1/16" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0232
4.325" 5/64" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0189«
4.325" 5/64" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0238

4.330" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0247«

4.340" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0248«
4.340" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0260

4.347" 5/64" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0246

4.350" 1/16" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0163

4.350" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1068«
4.350" 1/16" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0264
4.350" 5/64" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0300
4.350" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0249
4.350" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0261

4.355" .043" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0359

4.355" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1114 l
4.355" 1/16" .201" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0220
4.355" 1/16" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0182
4.355" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1069
4.355" 1/16" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0233
4.355" 5/64" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0190
4.355" 5/64" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0239

4.360" 1/16" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0254

4.360" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0250«
4.360" 4.0MM .187" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0590
4.360" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0139
4.360" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0180

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 81
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.365" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1115l
4.365" 1/16" .203" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0184
4.365" 1/16" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0230
4.365" 5/64" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0250

4.370" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0251«
4.370" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0140«
4.370" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0181

4.373" 5/64" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0301

4.375" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0236

4.375" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0282
4.375" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0290
4.375" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0278
4.375" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0296

4.380" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0240

4.380" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0712
4.380" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0090
4.380" .043" .204" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0361
4.380" 1/16" .204" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0222
4.380" 1/16" .204" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0180
4.380" 1/16" .166" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0932
4.380" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1073
4.380" 1/16" .204" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1158
4.380" 1/16" .204" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0231
4.380" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0252
4.380" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0141
4.380" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0182

4.385" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1116 l

4.385" 1/16" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0183
4.385" 1/16" .201" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0234
4.385" 5/64" .201" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0191

4.390" 1/16" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0255

4.390" 5/64" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0240
4.390" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0253
4.390" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0142
4.390" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0183

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

82 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.395" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1117l
4.395" 1/16" .203" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0224
4.395" 1/16" .203" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0185
4.395" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1075
4.395" 1/16" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0235
4.395" 5/64" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0251

4.400" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0254
4.400" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0143
4.400" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0184

4.410" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0255

4.420" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0314

4.420" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0256
4.420" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0144
4.420" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0185

4.425" 1/16" .203" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0186«

4.425" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0315
4.425" 1/16" .203" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0236

4.430" 3.0MM .154" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0257«

4.437" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0642

4.440" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0065

4.440" 1/16" .168" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0933
4.440" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0661

4.443" 1/16" .207" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0607

4.443" 1/16" .207" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0899

4.445" .043" .207" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0364

4.445" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1118 l
4.445" 1/16" .207" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0226
4.445" 1/16" .207" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0166
4.445" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0316
4.445" 1/16" .207" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0356

4.467" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0643
4.467" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0298

4.470" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0242

4.470" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0662

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 83
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.471" 1/16" .207" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0608
4.471" 1/16" .207" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0900
4.471" 1/16" .208" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1159

4.475" .017" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0067

4.475" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1119l
4.475" 1/16" .207" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0227
4.475" 1/16" .207" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0167
4.475" 1/16" .168" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0935
4.475" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0317
4.475" 1/16" .207" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0901

4.500" 5/64" .198" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 301-0881

4.500" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0092
4.500" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0359
4.500" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0204
4.500" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0647

4.505" .017" .173" PC479 PB-19 UCR 301-0245

4.505" .017" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0717
4.505" .031" .173" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0745
4.505" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1097l
4.505" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0626
4.505" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0173«
4.505" .043" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0367
4.505" .043" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0174
4.505" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0149
4.505" .043" .208" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0388
4.505" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0162
4.505" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1120l
4.505" 1/16" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0228
4.505" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0122
4.505" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0319
4.505" 1/16" .173" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0937
4.505" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1160
4.505" 1/16" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0187

4.530" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0093
4.530" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0360
4.530" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0648

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

84 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.535" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1098l
4.535" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0627
4.535" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0175«
4.535" .043" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0368
4.535" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0150
4.535" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0163
4.535" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1121l
4.535" 1/16" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0230
4.535" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0123
4.535" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0320
4.535" 1/16" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0188

4.560" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1122l

4.560" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0690l
4.560" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0094
4.560" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0206
4.560" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0649

4.562" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0176«

4.562" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0361
4.562" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0663
4.562" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0747

4.563" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0669

4.565" .017" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 PB-18PF UCR 301-0719

4.565" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1099l
4.565" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0628«
4.565" .043" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0369
4.565" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0151
4.565" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0164
4.565" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1123l
4.565" 1/16" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0231
4.565" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0124
4.565" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0321
4.565" 1/16" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0189«

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 85
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.567" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1100l
4.567" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0177«
4.567" .043" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0178«
4.567" .043" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0370
4.567" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1124l
4.567" 1/16" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0611
4.567" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0939
4.567" 1/16" .212" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0902

4.573" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0670

4.577" 1/16" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0624

4.585" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0643

4.587" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0179

4.590" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0644

4.595" 1/16" .210" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0645

4.600" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1022l

4.600" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1189l
4.600" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1040l
4.600" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1196l
4.600" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0322
4.600" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0095
4.600" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0699«
4.600" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0362
4.600" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0202
4.600" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0650

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

86 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.605" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1023l
4.605" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1190l
4.605" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1041l
4.605" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0137«
4.605" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0180«
4.605" .043" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0181«
4.605" .043" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0051«
4.605" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1197l
4.605" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1132
4.605" .043" .170" Grey Iron THM-10 LCR 302-1105«
4.605" .043" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0152«
4.605" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0165
4.605" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1125l
4.605" 1/16" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0232
4.605" 1/16" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0125
4.605" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0323
4.605" 1/16" .209" Ductile Iron RBT-18 LCR 302-1152
4.605" 1/16" .212" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0185

4.607" .043" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0642

4.607" 1/16" .212" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0612
4.607" 1/16" .175" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0940

4.610" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1024l

4.610" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1191l
4.610" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1042l
4.610" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1198l
4.610" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0725
4.610" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0208

4.615" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1025l

4.615" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1192l
4.615" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1043l
4.615" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0648«
4.615" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0182«
4.615" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1199l
4.615" .043" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-1131«
4.615" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1126l
4.615" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-1237l
4.615" 1/16" .212" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0904«

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 87
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.620" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1026l
4.620" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1193l
4.620" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1044l
4.620" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1200l
4.620" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0203

4.625" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1027l

4.625" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1194l
4.625" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1045l
4.625" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1201l
4.625" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0096
4.625" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0644
4.625" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0665
4.625" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0651

4.630" 1.0MM .143" 9254 Steel PM278 RF-13PF UCR 301-1028l

4.630" 1.0MM .136" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1195l
4.630" .043" .171" Stainless Steel GNS BR-12NG UCR 301-1046l
4.630" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0629
4.630" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0183«
4.630" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1202l
4.630" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0166
4.630" 1/16" .190" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-1127l
4.630" 1/16" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0233
4.630" 1/16" .215" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0126
4.630" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0324
4.630" 1/16" .215" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0905
4.630" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0749

4.635" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0325

4.650" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0185

4.650" .043" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0186
4.650" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0167
4.650" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0097

4.675" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0098
4.675" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Standard) OCR 303-0645
4.675" 3/16" .201" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0655

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

88 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.680" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0630
4.680" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0187
4.680" .043" .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0188
4.680" .043" .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1145
4.680" .043" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0155
4.680" .043" .210" PC479 RBT-18 LCR 302-0451
4.680" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0098
4.680" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0168
4.680" 1/16" .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0811
4.680" 1/16" .218" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0908

4.685" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0099

4.690" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0189

4.690" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0169

4.700" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0847l
4.700" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0100

4.702" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0455B

4.705" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0631«

4.705" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0190
4.705" .043" .175" PC479 Plasma Moly BR-19PF UCR 301-0200
4.705" .043" .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1133
4.705" .043" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0157
4.705" 1.2MM .147" 9254 Steel PM278 BR-13PF UCR 301-0100
4.705" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0170
4.705" 1/16" .218" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0909

4.707" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0456B

4.710" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0848l

4.712" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0457B

4.719" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0731B

4.720" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0849l

4.722" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0751B

4.730" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0766B

4.730" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0850l
4.730" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0101

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 89
open stock rings

Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.735" .043" .175" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0632
4.735" .043" .218" Ductile Iron PM251 BR -18PF UCR 300-0057«
4.735" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0851l

4.740" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0852l

4.745" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0853l

4.750" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0854l
4.750" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0102

4.752" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0752B

4.755" 1.2MM .210" Ductile Iron Plasma Moly BR-18PF UCR 300-0673«
4.755" 1.5MM .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1128
4.755" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0172
4.755" 1/16" .218" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0619
4.755" 1/16" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0911
4.755" 2.0MM .110" Carbon Steel U-Flex (Low) OCR PMCU303-0767B
4.755" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0855l

4.760" 2.0MM .128" Stainless Steel GNS CP-20 (Ultra Low) OCR 303-0856l

4.780" .043" .175" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0890

4.780" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0103

4.785" 1.5MM .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1129

4.785" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0173

4.800" 3.0MM .151" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0104

4.805" .043" .170" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0698

4.805" .043" .170" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0161
4.805" .043" .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1137
4.805" 1.2MM .210" PC479 BR-19 UCR 301-0205«
4.805" 1.2MM .210" Ductile Iron Plasma Moly BR-18PF UCR 300-0686
4.805" 1.5MM .170" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1130
4.805" 1.5MM .170" Grey Iron THG-10 LCR 302-0174
4.805" 1/16" .224" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0621
4.805" 1/16" .210" Grey Iron RBT-10 LCR 302-0913

4.880" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1138«

4.905" .043" .170" Ductile Iron PM251 BR-18PF UCR 300-0687

4.905" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1139

4.955" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1143

Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix. l New Number « Discontinued

90 | © mahle 2014
Bore Axial Radial Base Material Face Ring Type (Tension) Position Part Number
Height Wall Coating
4.980" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1149

5.000" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0740
5.000" 3/16" .183" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (High) OCR 303-0739

5.005" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1140

5.055" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1181l

5.085" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1141

5.105" .043" .190" PC479 THM-18 LCR 302-1142

5.125" 3.0MM .153" Stainless Steel Chrome CP-20 (Low) OCR 303-0734

5.130" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1182l

5.130" 1.2MM .158" PC479 Plasma Moly BR-19PF UCR 301-0882

5.225" .043" .200" PC479 BR-19 UCR 300-0699

5.225" .043" .135" 9254 Steel THM-13 LCR 302-1180l

l New Number « Discontinued Note: For bulk open stock rings, add a B suffix.

© mahle 2014 | 91
hastings interchanges

Hastings MAHLE Original Hastings MAHLE Original Hastings MAHLE Original

2M5501.005 315-0021.005 2M5515.065 315-0002.065 2M5525.060 315-0043.065
2M5501.035 315-0021.035 2M5518 315-0028 2M5525.065 315-0043.065
2M5504 315-0051 2M5518.005 315-0028.005 2M5528 315-0029
2M5504.020 315-0051.020 2M5518.030 315-0028.030 2M5528.005 315-0029.005
2M5504.030 315-0051.030 2M5518.035 315-0028.035 2M5528.030 315-0029.030
2M5505.005 315-0005.005 2M5518.060 315-0028.060 2M5528.035 315-0029.035
2M5505.010 315-0005.010 2M5518.065 315-0028.065 2M5528.065 315-0029.065
2M5505.025 315-0005.025 2M5519 315-0035 2M5529 315-0032
2M5505.030 315-0005.035 2M5519.005 315-0014.005 2M5529.005 315-0032.005
2M5505.035 315-0005.035 2M5519.005 315-0035.005 2M5529.025 315-0032.025
2M5505.045 315-0005.045 2M5519.030 315-0035.030 2M5529.030 315-0032.030
2M5505.060 315-0005.065 2M5519.035 315-0035.035 2M5529.035 315-0032.035
2M5505.065 315-0005.065 2M5519.040 315-0035.040 2M5529.040 315-0032.040
2M5508 315-0030 2M5519.060 315-0035.060 2M5529.045 315-0032.045
2M5508 315-0034 2M5519.065 315-0035.065 2M5529.060 315-0032.060
2M5508.005 315-0030.005 2M5520.035 315-0003.035 2M5529.065 315-0032.065
2M5508.005 315-0034.005 2M5521 315-0031 2M5535 315-0020
2M5508.020 315-0034.020 2M5521 315-0033 2M5535.030 315-0020.030
2M5508.025 315-0034.025 2M5521.005 315-0031.005 2M5535.035 315-0020.040
2M5508.030 315-0034.030 2M5521.005 315-0033.005 2M5535.060 315-0020.060
2M5508.035 315-0030.035 2M5521.020 315-0031.020 2M5536.035 315-0010.035
2M5508.035 315-0034.035 2M5521.025 315-0033.025 2M5536.065 315-0010.065
2M5508.040 315-0034.040 2M5521.030 315-0031.030 2M5537 315-0053.005
2M5508.045 315-0034.045 2M5521.030 315-0033.030 2M5537.004 315-0053.005
2M5508.060 315-0034.060 2M5521.035 315-0031.035 2M5537.034 315-0053.035
2M5508.065 315-0030.065 2M5521.035 315-0033.035 2M5537.064 315-0053.065
2M5508.065 315-0034.065 2M5521.045 315-0031.045 2M5538 315-0049
2M5510.005 315-0004.005 2M5521.045 315-0033.045 2M5538.005 315-0049.005
2M5510.025 315-0004.025 2M5521.060 315-0031.060 2M5543.005 315-0047.005
2M5510.035 315-0004.035 2M5521.060 315-0033.060 2M5543.035 315-0047.035
2M5510.045 315-0004.045 2M5521.065 315-0031.065 2M5543.065 315-0047.065
2M5511.035 315-0048.035 2M5521.065 315-0033.065 2M5544.005 315-0062.005
2M5511.065 315-0048.065 2M5523 315-0036 2M5544.035 315-0062.035
2M5511005 315-0048.005 2M5523.005 315-0036.005 2M5545.005 315-0009.005
2M5513 315-0023 2M5523.025 315-0036.025 2M5545.035 315-0009.035
2M5513.005 315-0022.005 2M5523.030 315-0036.030 2M5561 315-0052
2M5513.030 315-0023.030 2M5523.035 315-0036.035 2M5561.030 315-0052.030
2M5513.035 315-0022.035 2M5523.040 315-0036.040 2M5561.060 315-0052.060
2M5513.040 315-0023.040 2M5523.045 315-0036.045 C5530 310-0009
2M5513.060 315-0023.060 2M5523.060 315-0036.060 C5530.030 310-0009.030
2M5513.065 315-0022.065 2M5523.065 315-0036.065 C5530.040 310-0009.040
2M5515.035 315-0002.035 2M5524.005 315-0004.005 C5530.060 310-0009.060

92 | © mahle 2014
Hastings MAHLE Original
C5531 310-0005
C5531.030 310-0005.030
C5531.040 310-0005.040
C5531.060 310-0005.060
C5532 310-0002
C5532.030 310-0002.030
C5532.040 310-0002.040
C5532.060 310-0002.060
C5533 310-0007
C5533.030 310-0007.030
C5533.040 310-0007.040
C5533.060 310-0007.060
C5534 310-0001
C5534.030 310-0001.030
C5534.040 310-0001.040
C5534.060 310-0001.060
CM5530 310-0010
CM5530.030 310-0010.030
CM5530.040 310-0010.040
CM5530.060 310-0010.060
CM5531 310-0006
CM5531.030 310-0006.030
CM5531.040 310-0006.040
CM5531.060 310-0006.060
CM5532 310-0004
CM5532.030 310-0004.030
CM5532.040 310-0004.040
CM5532.060 310-0004.060
CM5533 310-0008
CM5533.030 310-0008.030
CM5533.040 310-0008.040
CM5533.060 310-0008.060
CM5534 310-0003
CM5534.030 310-0003.030
CM5534.040 310-0003.040
CR3002 315-0031
SM8527 315-0027.005

© mahle 2014 | 93
sealed power interchanges

Sealed Power MAHLE Original Sealed Power MAHLE Original Sealed Power MAHLE Original
19100 35 315-0072.035 R-20102 315-0060.020 R-637530 310-0001.030
R-1013335 315-0057.035 R-20102 315-0060.030 R-637540 310-0001.040
R-101335 315-0057.005 R-20102 315-0060.040 R-6902 310-0002
R-1013365 315-0057.065 R-20102 315-0060.060 R-6902.030 310-0002.030
R-1013635 315-0026.035 R-20102 315-0066 R-6902.040 310-0002.040
R-1020235 315-0021.035 R-20102.005 315-0066.005 R-6902.060 310-0002.060
R-102025 315-0021.005 R-20102.020 315-0066.020 R-8375 310-0003
R-1023035 315-0009.035 R-20102.025 315-0066.025 R-837530 310-0003.030
R-102305 315-0009.005 R-20102.030 315-0066.030 R-837540 310-0003.040
R-1024635 315-0024.035 R-20102.035 315-0066.035 R-8902 310-0004
R-1024645 315-0024.045 R-20102.040 315-0066.040 R-890230 310-0004.030
R-102465 315-0024.005 R-20102.045 315-0066.045 R-890240 310-0004.040
R-1024935 315-0046.035 R-20102.060 315-0066.060 R-890260 310-0004.060
R-1031635 315-0054.035 R-20104.005 315-0068.005 R-922435 315-0019.035
R-103165 315-0054.005 R-20104.025 315-0068.025 R-92245 315-0019.005
R-1031735 315-0001.035 R-20105.025 315-0069.025 R-922465 315-0019.065
R-103175 315-0001.005 R-20106.005 315-0070.005 R-922835 315-0044.035
R-10332 315-0052 R-20106.010 315-0070.010 R-927835 315-0003.035
R-10374 315-0023 R-20106.025 315-0070.025 R-92785 315-0003.005
R-1037430 315-0023.030 R-20106.030 315-0070.030 R-927865 315-0003.065
R-1037460 315-0023.060 R-2010735 315-0050.035 R-928165 315-0043.065
R-1045135 315-0053.035 R-2010745 315-0050.045 R-93325 315-0058.005
R-104515 315-0053.005 R-2010765 315-0050.065 R-934435 315-0002.035
R-10471 315-0020 R-20108 315-0071 R-93445 315-0002.005
R-1047130 315-0020.030 R-20108.005 315-0071.005 R-934465 315-0002.065
R-1047140 315-0020.040 R-20108.020 315-0071.020 R-934625 315-0004.025
R-105195 315-0056.005 R-20108.025 315-0071.025 R-934635 315-0004.035
R-1057635 315-0013.035 R-20108.030 315-0071.030 R-93465 315-0004.005
R-105765 315-0013.005 R-20108.035 315-0071.035 R-93465 315-0004.015
R-10596 315-0039.005 R-20108.040 315-0071.040 R-934665 315-0004.065
R-10598 315-0037.005 R-20108.045 315-0071.045 R-9357 315-0008.005
R-2010025 315-0015.025 R-20108.060 315-0071.060 R-935735 315-0008.035
R-2010035 315-0015.035 R-20108.065 315-0071.065 R-935765 315-0008.065
R-201005 315-0015.005 R-5877 310-0005 R-937435 315-0010.035
R-20101 25 315-0059.025 R-587735 315-0030.035 R-93745 315-0010.005
R-20101 35 315-0059.035 R-587835 315-0048.035 R-9401 315-0005.005
R-20101 40 315-0059.040 R-587935 315-0022.035 R-9401 315-0005.010
R-20101 45 315-0059.045 R-58795 315-0022.005 R-9401 315-0005.025
R-20101 5 315-0059.005 R-587965 315-0022.065 R-9401 315-0005.035
R-20101 60 315-0059.060 R-588335 315-0040.035 R-9401 315-0005.045
R-20101 65 315-0059.065 R-595935 315-0031.035 R-9401 315-0005.065
R-20102 315-0060 R-6375 310-0001 R-94065 315-0014.005

94 | © mahle 2014
Sealed Power MAHLE Original Sealed Power MAHLE Original Sealed Power MAHLE Original
R-954835 315-0047.035 R201095 315-0017.005 R996830 315-0033.030
R-95485 315-0047.005 R2010965 315-0017.065 R996860 315-0033.060
R-954865 315-0047.065 R5877 315-0030
R-960235 315-0062.035 R5877 315-0034
R-962135 315-0012.035 R5959 315-0031
R-962165 315-0012.065 R5959 315-0033
R-9745 315-0035.005 R9278 315-0029
R-974535 315-0035.035 R9342 315-0031
R-974565 315-0035.065 R9342 315-0033
R-979835 315-0029.030 R9342 315-0034
R-97995 315-0018.005 R934225 315-0033.025
R-990360 315-0034.060 R934235 315-0033.035
R-990430 315-0035.030 R93425 315-0033.005
R-990460 315-0035.060 R9343 315-0034
R-994135 315-0016.035 R934325 315-0034.025
R-994165 315-0016.065 R934335 315-0034.035
R-998515 315-0011.015 R93435 315-0034.005
R-998525 315-0011.025 R9344 315-0035
R-99855 315-0011.005 R9401 315-0036
R10136 315-0026 R9453 315-0036
R10144 315-0036 R9590 315-0028
R1024825 315-0032.025 R959035 315-0028.035
R1024835 315-0032.035 R95905 315-0028.005
R102485 315-0032.005 R959065 315-0028.065
R10316 315-0054.005 R9745 315-0035
R10375 315-0032 R9771 315-0036
R1037530 315-0032.030 R977135 315-0036.035
R1037540 315-0032.040 R977165 315-0036.065
R1039335 315-0027.035 R9798 315-0029
R1039365 315-0027.065 R979835 315-0029.035
R10451 315-0053.005 R97985 315-0029.005
R10452 315-0055.005 R979865 315-0029.065
R10519 315-0056.005 R9902 315-0036
R10593 315-0025 R990230 315-0036.030
R1059330 315-0025.030 R990260 315-0036.060
R19100 5 315-0072.005 R9903 315-0034
R19100 65 315-0072.065 R990330 315-0034.030
R19108 5 315-0080.005 R9904 315-0035
R19110 5 315-0082.005 R9905 315-0028
R20107 315-0050 R990530 315-0028.030
R2010935 315-0017.035 R990560 315-0028.060
R2010945 315-0017.045 R9968 315-0033

© mahle 2014 | 95
measurement equivalents

Fraction Decimal MM Fraction Decimal MM

1/64 .01563 .3969 1/2 .50000 12.7000
1/32 .03125 .7938 .51181 13.0000
.03937 1.0000 33/64 .51563 13.0969
3/64 .04688 1.1906 17/32 .53125 13.4938
1/16 .06250 1.5875 35/64 .54688 13.8906
5/64 .07813 1.9844 .55118 14.0000
.07874 2.0000 9/16 .56250 14.2875
3/32 .09375 2.3813 37/64 .57813 14.6844
7/64 .10938 2.7781 .59055 15.0000
.11811 3.0000 19/32 .59375 15.0813
1/8 .12500 3.1750 39/64 .60938 15.4781
9/64 .14063 3.5719 5/8 .62500 15.8750
5/32 .15625 3.9688 .62992 16.0000
.15748 4.0000 41/64 .64063 16.2719
11/64 .17188 4.3656 21/32 .65625 16.6688
3/16 .18750 4.7625 .66929 17.0000
.19685 5.0000 43/64 .67188 17.0656
13/64 .20313 5.1594 11/16 .68750 17.4625
7/32 .21875 5.5563 45/64 .70313 17.8594
15/64 .23438 5.9531 .70866 18.0000
.23622 6.0000 23/32 .71875 18.2563
1/4 .2500 6.3500 47/64 .73438 18.6531
17/64 .26563 6.7469 .74803 19.0000
.27559 7.0000 3/4 .75000 19.0500
9/32 .28125 7.1438 49/64 .76563 19.4469
19/64 .29688 7.5406 25/32 .78125 19.8438
5/16 .31250 7.9375 .78740 20.0000
.31496 8.0000 51/64 .79688 20.2406
21/64 .32813 8.3344 13/16 .81250 20.6375
11/32 .34375 8.7313 .82677 21.0000
.35433 9.0000 53/64 .82813 21.0344
23/64 .35938 9.1281 27/32 .84375 21.4313
3/8 .37500 9.5250 55/64 .85938 21.8281
25/64 .39063 9.9219 .86614 22.0000
.39370 10.0000 7/8 .87500 22.2250
13/32 .40625 10.3188 57/64 .89063 22.6219
27/64 .42188 10.7156 .90551 23.0000
.43307 11.0000 29/32 .90625 23.0188
7/16 .43750 11.1125 59/64 .92188 23.4156
29/64 .45313 11.5094 15/16 .93750 23.8125
15/32 .46875 11.9063 .94488 24.0000
.47244 12.0000 61/64 .95313 24.2094
31/64 .48438 12.3031 31/32 .96875 24.6063
.98425 25.0000
MM X .03937 = Inches / Inches X 25.4 = MM
63/64 .98438 25.0031
1 1.00000 25.4000

96 | © mahle 2014

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