1. An accessory of a steam generator that is used in reducing the steam temp. – economizer 26. Special types of periscope are fitted to the boiler to observe – combustion gases entering the uptake
2. A contact heater that is specially designed to remove non-condensable gases – deaerator 27. A faulty steam trap on the fuel oil heater can cause – lowering of heating capacity of heater
3. Pyrometer cone measures temp. base on its – melting point 28. The presence of oil or scale in boiler tubes causes – oxidation
4. The valve that prevents water from backing out of the boiler into the feedline is – feed check valve 29. The boiler feed water in the feed water heater is heated by – steam from boiler
5. The steam that is discharged from the safety valves goes to the – atmospheric line 30. How much time should be taken to raise steam on a water tube boiler – 1 hr.
6. The safety device located in the crown sheet of a Scotch boiler is called – fusible plug 31. How much time should be taken to raise the water in a fire tube boiler – 1-3 hrs.
7. What is the average fuel oil temp. range in the discharge line to the burners – (180°-200°) 32. A device used to keep moisture from passing through the system is called – humidifier
8. A fuel oil meter placed bet. the fuel oil service pumps & the fuel oil heaters would be – hot-type meter 33. The solenoid valve is located bet. the – scale trap & the thermal expansion valve
9. Another name for fuel discharge meter – hot strainer 34. The charging valve is located bet. the – compressor & the receiver
10. The bottom blow valve on a water tube boiler is located on the – mud drum 35. In geothermal power plants, the steam is separated from the underground hot water using –
11. The feed-stop valve is located – on the main steam line
36. Heat addition is gas turbine plant occurs in – combustor
12. In a Brayton cycle or gas turbine cycle, what do you call the heat exchanger that passes the exhaust
heat to the compressed air prior to combustion – recuperator 37. The compression process in a gas turbine Brayton cycle follows what actual process – s ≠ c
13. In a cylindrical boiler drum, the ratio of the boiler of the force tending to a burst longitudinal seam to 38. The throttling process from the well bottom to the separator in a geothermal plant follows –
the force tending to burst a circumferential seam is mostly isenthalpic process
14. Of the ff. the least likely case of faulty atomization of fuel oil in a rotary cup burner is 39. Which of the ff. may be done on the brine that will be separated on a geothermal system – will be
treated before re-injecting to the ground
15. Which of the ff. is the reason why an economizer is used in a steam boiler – to raise the temp. of the
boiler feed water by utilizing some of the heat in the exit flue gases 40. Gas turbine cycle commonly used when combining it w/ steam plant – open cycle
16. How do you call an instrument for measuring high temp. gases – pyrometer 41. Discarded substance from the separator that is re-injected underground is – brine
17. An induced draft fan is generally connected bet. the – stack & breeching 42. The thermal energy stored beneath the earth’s surface – geothermal energy
18. An electrical component known as the step-up transformer operates be – raising voltage & 43. A mixture of steam & water that occurs when hot water under pressure moves to a region of lower
decreasing amperage pressure – flashed steam
19. Economical partial load operation of the steam turbines is obtained by minimizing throttling losses. 44. Which of the ff. is not an application of a gas turbine to utility electric generation – supercharged
This is accomplished by boilers
20. A thermo-hydraulic feed water regulator is used to regulate the flow of water to a drum type boiler. 45. It is the increase of temp. of partially expanded gas by burning more fuel – compression
The amount of water input to the boiler is controlled in properly – water level in the drum
46. The product bet. the load factor & utilization factor is also equal to – reciprocal of capacity factor
21. The main advantage of operating a steam engine or steam turbine condensing is that it – increase the
mean effective pressure in the prime mover 47. The intake part of a hydraulic turbine from a dam – penstock
22. The automatic shut-off valves for a water gauge installed on a high pressure boiler must be – ball 48. The process of supplying slightly compressed air into the engine cylinder through a compressor, to
check valves remove all burned gases & supply more charging air for compression – scavenging
23. Electrostatic separator are installed bet. – furnace & chimney 49. The ratio of the sum of individual max. demands of the system to the overall max. demand of the
whole system – diversity factor
24. Water tube boilers have – no fusible plug
50. The heat transfer of energy from exhaust gases to compressed air flowing bet. compressor & 72. A tank is to be heated by direct steam injection. How will the quality of heat required compare w/
combustion chamber - regeneration steam coil heating – the same amount of heat will be required
51. When the dia. of the runner varies at constant head, the mathematical relation bet. the dia. & speed 73. Which of the ff. parameters has the greatest limiting effect on the thermal performance of an open,
is – directly proportional evaporative cooling tower – wet-bulb temp.
52. A type of boiler in which the products of combustion pass through in the tubes & the water lies 74. Air enters a cooling tower at 10°C DB & 9.5°C WB temp. It leaves the lower saturated at 21°C. Which
around outside – fire tube condition is a likely outcome of this – fog
53. Gas turbine operates on the principle of an air standard – Brayton cycle 75. What always accompanies an isentropic expansion of steam – a decrease in enthalpy
54. It is placed bet. front & rear compressors to reduce the temp. of the working substance – intercooler 76. What is the advantage of a pressurized deaerator over an atmospheric deaerator – it moves more
55. If a turbine runner is allowed to revolve freely w/out load & w/ the wicket gates wide open, it will
over speed to a valve called 77. In proximate analysis, the coal analysis is consisting of moisture, fixed carbon, ash, & which of the ff.
– volatile matter
56. For multi stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back work ratio will – decrease
78. How do you call the heating value of the fuel if the water in the products of combustion is in the
57. Which of the ff. valves is the one designed to allow a fluid to pass through in one direction – check liquid state – higher heating value
79. It is a device to control the flow of steam, water, gas, or other fluids. It can be considered a variable
58. Which of the ff. is the one of the main purposes of refractory in a boiler furnace – prevent excessive orifice positioned by an actuator in response to impulse or signals controller. It may be equipped w/ a
furnace heat losses throttling plug, V-port, or rotating ball specially designed to provide a desired flow characteristic. How do
you call this device – automatic valve
59. What is a characteristic feature of thermodynamic steam traps – they operate by holding back
condensate until it has cooled 80. Assume that you are checking the water level in a boiler which is on the line in a power plant. Upon
opening the gage cocks, you det. that the water level was above the top gage cocks ff. actions, the best
60. Can temp. controlled applications be trapped – if the pressure on the trap is always higher than
one to take first in this situation would be to – close the steam outlet valve from the boiler
81. It is a component in a hydro plant that absorbs water hammer during load fluctuations & serves as an
61. Unless they are designed to flood, what is the important when removing condensate from heat
auxiliary reservoir during high load demands. What is this component – surge tank
exchangers – that the trap is fitted level w/ or above the heater outlet
82. It is a closed vessel in which steam or other vapor (to be used externally to itself) is generated by the
62. How is flash steam produced – from condensate passing from high to low pressure systems
direct application of heat used for power generation. How do you call this boiler – power boiler
63. Are steam traps required to pass air – air should be removed as soon as it reaches the trap
83. It is a closed vessel in which intended for use in heating water of for application of heat to generate
64. Why is a boiler feed tank heated to approximately 85°C – to reduce the gas content of the water steam or other vapor to be used externally from it. What do you call this pressure vessel – boiler or
steam generator
65. What is used to dry air – a steam trap
84. What do you call a vessel in which pressure is obtained from external sources, or from an indirect
66. What causes water hammer in the boiler – slugs of water in the steam application of heat – unfired pressure vessel
67. How does air enter a steam system – both a, b, & c 85. It is any boiler or unfired pressure vessel constructed, installed, placed in operation but subject to
annual inspection. What do you call this – existing installation
68. Why should strainers installed on steam lines be fitted on their sides – to prevent the build-up of
water in the strainer body 86. It is a boiler that has been inspected & declared unsafe to operate or disqualified, marked & marked
indicating its rejection. How do you call this boiler – condemned boiler
69. What is the result of using a heat exchanger rating to calculate its steam consumption – the true
connected heat load may be diff. from the rated figure 87. When new boilers are installed in either existing or new buildings, a min. height of at least ___ shall
be provided bet. top of the boiler proper & ceiling – 2130 mm
70. What is the disadvantage of heating a tank by direct steam injection – some of the enthalpy of water
is used 88. For power boilers, when the tensile strength of steel is not known, it shall be taken as 379 MPa &
which of the ff. for the wrought iron – 310 MPa
71. Steam coils should enter & leave the top of a tank when – the tank contains a corrosive solution
89. Name one characteristic feature of mechanical steam traps – they pass condensate at steam temp.
90. In a mechanical steam trap, why is a float trap better at venting air than an inverted bucket trap – a 111. Gas produced by the combustion of fuel oil & cannot be found in the flue gases is – hydrogen
float is fitted w/ an automatic air vent
112. Scale in boiler can – inhibit circulation & heat transfer
91. In a mechanical steam trap, what added benefit does the automatic air vent after to a float trap – it
significantly increases the cold start-up capacity of the trap 113. Which of the ff. is a characteristics of an impulse turbine – steam striking blades on angle
92. In a mechanical steam trap, what advantage does a bucket trap have over a float type – it can be 114. What is the advantage of an internal water level control over an external one – daily testing of the
used on higher pressure level control chamber is not required
93. A heat exchanger is designed to operate w/out waterlogging of the steam space. What is the usual 115. What is the purpose of testing gauge glasses – to ensure the gauge cocks are operative
choice of trap for its drainage – float trap w/ thermostatic air vent
116. What is the effect of an overloaded boiler – water level drops and lock-out occurs
94. Which is the best trap to use when steam locking can occur – a balanced pressure steam trap
117. Why is slow, controlled warm-up of a steam system essential – to minimize undue stresses &
95. What is a common cause of water hammer in drying coils – condensate has lift after the steam trap eliminate damage
96. Which of the ff. statements is true – air vents around the thermodynamic & inverted bucket traps 118. Which of the ff. is the main purpose of the steam distribution manifold – to provide an extra
can considerably improve start-up times separating function
97. Name the principle cause of water hammer – water allowed to build up in pipes 119. Priming of a boiler is – occurrence of excessive TDS & carryover of water
98. What effect does steam locking have on rotating machinery – it reduces the drying rate of drying 120. What is the advantage of interruptible tariff – price of interruptible gas lower than fixed supply
121. At what pressure should a boiler safety valve be set – max. working pressure
99. What do you call a boiler of which both the location & ownership have been changed after primary
122. What is the purpose of a bottom blowdown valve – to remove sludge
use – second hand boiler
123. How often, as a min., should gauge glasses be tested – once a day
100. It is a boiler removed from its original setting & re-erected at the same location or erected at a
location w/out change of ownership. How do you call this boiler – reinstalled boiler 124. Why are two gauge glasses often fitted – it is a legal requirement
101. Each miniature boiler shall be equipped w/ which of the ff. for the determination of water level – 125. Temporary hardness salts are reduced by – raising the water temp.
water gage glass
126. What is the effect of 𝐶𝑂2 in a steam system – corrosion
102. The max. allowable working pressure of a non-code steel or wrought iron heating boiler of welded
construction shall not exceed to which of the ff. pressure – 1 bar 127. Which of the ff. forms soft scale or sludge – calcium bicarbonate
103. Which of the ff. is a function of a steam nozzle – changes internal energy into kinetic energy 128. Which of the ff. are principal dissolved solids that are scale forming – carbonates & sulphates of
104. Generally steam turbines in power station operate at which of the ff. speeds – 3000 rpm
129. What is the effect of temp. on calcium & magnesium sulphates – they precipitate out sol’n & form
105. Upon entering the boiler room, you find the water out of the glass, the safety valve blowing off hard scale
strong & a fire under the boiler. Your first action would be to – remove the fire w/ draft & damper open
130. What is the treatment for scale forming salts in boiler feed water – they are chemically treated to
106. The A.S.M.E. Boiler code for boiler shells requires a tensile strength of which of the ff. in psi – 55000 produce suspended solids
to 63000
131. Which of the ff. types of alcohol is the most frequently considered as fuel for internal combustion
107. The best time to blow a boiler down is – once a day when the load is lightest engine – ethyl alcohol
108. In performing a hydrostatic test on an existing power boiler, the required test pressure must be 132. In a thermal plant, name the components of a self-acting temp. control system – control valve,
controlled so that it is not exceeded by more than – 2% actuator, capillary tube & sensor
109. It is a device commonly used to cool condenser water in power & ref’n plants. The function of which 133. What is the purpose of over temp. protection w/in the self-acting control system – to protect the
is to reject heat to the atm. by reducing the temp. of water through condenser or other heat rejection control system from irreversible damage
equipment. What is this device commonly called – cooling tower
110. Which of the ff. is a characteristics of an impulse turbine – steam striking blades on angle
134. Why are three-port self-acting control valves used in an industrial steam of a thermal system – to 156. Select the turbine that is diff. from the others – Kaplan turbine
mix or divert liquids especially water
157. A thermometer type that is used to measure temp. up to 260°C – vapor pressure thermometer
135. How do you call a process in which superheated steam is either restored to its saturated state, or its
superheated temp. is reduced – desuperheating 158. What characterizes a reaction turbine – steam will react w/ a force in the diaphragm
136. What does MAWP stand for/ - max. allowable working pressure 159. What condition exists in an adiabatic throttling process – enthalpy is constant
137. Name one disadvantage of a direct acting pressure reducing valve – it only has proportional control 160. This is used for speed measurement – stroboscope
138. These are used for installation in thermometer wells in flow lines; measuring temp. of condensate, 161. What type of turbine has low head & high discharge – Kaplan turbine
circulating water, feed water, bearing oil, etc. – glass tube mercury thermometer
162. What condition exists in an adiabatic throttling process – enthalpy is constant
139. A water turbine converts – hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
163. This is used to measure individual boiler output group boiler output, turbine supply, auxiliary steam
140. Adiabatic process w/ no work done is – throttling & industrial steam – steam flow meter
141. Is employed to obtain & maintain the best furnace conditions, to check the operation of automatic 164. Type of turbine that has high pressure & low pressure is called – compound turbine
combustion equipment & to check the condition of the boiler setting & flues – draft gauges
165. What type of turbine has low head & high discharge – Kaplan turbine
142. A type water turbine where a jet of water is made to fall on the blades or buckets & due to the
166. Such are used to measure bleeder steam pressure, exhaust pressure, etc. – helical tube or
impulse of water, the turbine starts to move – Pelton wheel
diaphragm type
143. What is the ideal cycle for the gas turbine work – Brayton cycle
167. Francis turbine has what flow – inward flow reaction
144. Heat exchanger used to provide heat transfer bet. the exhaust gases & the air prior to its entrance
168. Type of turbine that has high pressure & low pressure is called – compound turbine
to the combustor – regenerator
169. Measure condensate, feed water pump discharge – water flow meters
145. When these are used, they are generally in the form of diff. draft gauge – air flow meters
170. A type of water turbine – Pelton
146. A type of water turbine – Pelton
171. Francis turbine has what flow – inward flow reaction
147. These are used to give warning of high generator or transformer coil temp. generator cooling air
temp., lubricating oil temp., of high water in the hot well, or of the boiler feed tank – gong alarms 172. A thermometer for accurate measurement of feed water & condensate temp. & for measurement
of the temp. of windings of electrical machines – electrical resistance thermometer
148. A Kaplan turbine is – low head axial flow turbine
173. Brayton cycle has – two isentropic & two constant pressure processes
149. Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocating engines even for same adiabatic compression ratio &
work output because – large vol. of low pressure air cannot be efficiently handled in a reciprocating 174. A slant nozzle changes – heat energy into kinetic energy
175. Extensively used for measuring the pressure of moderate & high pressure steam – bourdon tube
150. It is used to measure high-range temp. such as furnace, flue gas, pre-heated air, or superheated type
steam temp. – thermocouple thermometer
176. Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocating engines even for same adiabatic compression ratio &
151. Which of the ff. cycle is employed in the liquefaction of air & other gases & in cooling planes – work output because – large vol. of low pressure air cannot be efficiently handled in a reciprocating
Brayton cycle engine
152. What characterizes a reaction turbine – steam will react w/ a force in the diaphragm 177. Curtis turbine is – an impulse turbine
153. Select one turbine that is diff. from the others – Pelton cycle 178. These are used to parallel alternator – synchroscope
154. These are used to measure condenser vacuums & heater pressures – vacuum gauges & 179. Which cycle is generally used for gas turbines – Brayton
180. Which engine is suitable in the power plant to generate power of 100hp & 5000hp – diesel
155. What condition exists in an adiabatic throttling process – enthalpy is constant
181. This is used for det. the nature of the smoke & the arbitrary scale for its measurement – conradson 205. The thermodynamic cycle used in a thermal power plant is – Rankine
206. In turbine installation, the air is removed from the condenser by ___. – air ejector
182. When r is the compression ratio, the efficiency of Brayton cycle is given by – 1-1/𝑟 (𝑘−1)/𝑘
207. A steam nozzle changes – heat energy into kinetic energy
183. An increase in the deposition of slag & ash on the surface for heating of oil-fired boilers in bath
marine & stationary service has affected boiler efficiency. The ff. are the causes except – slagging of high 208. Rankine cycle efficiency for fixed steam temp. of any vol. up to critical temp. will be max. for steam
temp. superheater surfaces pressure of – critical pressure
184. A regenerator in a gas turbine – improves thermal efficiency 209. As the diff. bet. the ambient air & average plate (or inlet) temp. increases, what happens to the
collector efficiency – decreases
185. Which of the ff. compressors is generally used for gas turbines – axial flow type
210. Generally steam turbine in power station operates at – 3000 rpm
186. An existing installation boiler, the lowest factor of safety permissible shall be – 4.5
211. The ratio of energy absorbed by the transfer fluid to the original incident energy striking the
187. The constant pressure gas turbine works on principle of – Brayton collector – collector efficiency
188. The age limit of a hor. return tubular flue or cylinder boiler having a longitudinal lap joint & 212. Prony brake is used for testing of – small engines
operating at a pressure in excess of 0.345 MPa or 3.45 bar gage shall be – 30 years
213. The shading factor in calculating the absorbed by the solar collector has a value of approximately –
189. Flow measuring devices include all of the ff. except – magnetic dynamometers 0.95 to 0.97
190. Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on – compression ratio 214. The mean effective pressure of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio will increase if cut off
ratio is – increased
191. In steam power generating plant the substance that enters the boiler is – subcooled liquid
215. Which of the ff. collectors are useful when extremely hot transfer fluid is needed & are generally
192. In parallel pipe system originating & terminating in common junctions – pressure drops through limited to commercial projects – concentrating collectors
each branch are equal
216. Load curve refers to the plot of – load curve versus generating capacity
193. The ratio of the sum of the individual max. demands of the system to the overall max. demand of
the whole system – diversity factor 217. Beaufort scale is used for measuring what – wind speed
194. Which of the ff. is not a similarity bet. a submerged culvert & a siphon – Torricelli’s equation holds 218. A plate or vane used to direct or control movement of fluid or air w/in the confined area is called –
195. The internal combustion engine never work on ___ cycle – Rankine
219. Betz law is widely used in – wind mills
196. The coefficient of velocity is equal to the – actual velocity divided by the theoretical velocity
220. The valve that prevents water from backing out of the boiler into the feedline is the – feed-check
197. The ratio of the average load to the peak load over a designated period of time is – load factor valve
198. The fact that a velocity fluid increases the cross sectional area of the pipes through which it flows 221. Solar energy is captured in – solar collector
decreases is due to – the continuity equation
222. The fuel oil heater is located – on the discharge side of the service pump
199. What air pressure is needed for air starting a diesel engine about – 250 psi
223. How many percent of solar energy survives absorption and reflection – 40 to 70
200. All of the ff. fluid phenomena are based on the force momentum principle of a flowing fluid except
– diesel automobile engines 224. Boilers pulsations are caused by – AOTA
201. The max. continuous power available from hydro-electric plant under the most adverse hydraulic 225. Solar energy arrives at the outside of the earth’s atm. at an average rate of ___. – 1.354 kW/𝑚2
conditions is called – firm power
226. In the closed fireroom system – the fireroom is supplied w/ air from one fan
202. In fluid flow, linear momentum is – a vector quantity equal to the product of mass & velocity
227. Rocks having excessive internal stresses may produce spalling. This rocks are called as ___. –
203. The ratio of max. load to the rated plant capacity is called – utilization factor stratified rocks
204. The primary purpose of a turbine in a fluid loop is to – extract energy from the flow 228. The air cock on a boiler is located at the – highest pt. of the steam & the water drum
229. How many feed water lines are connected to the boiler – two 250. To ensure that a boiler will not be limited in performance by fans, it is necessary to add safety
factors to the calculated or net fan requirements. These factors are intended to cover conditions
230. The statement that the product of the error in the measure determination of a particle’s position & encountered in operation that cannot be evaluated. The usual factors are in what order in net weight
its momentum is of the order of Planck’s constant h is known as – the Heisenberg uncertainty principle increase of air gas – 5-10%
231. Measure of the ability of a boiler or steam generator to transfer the heat given by the furnace to 251. Physical limitations usually preclude more than how many stages of intercooling & reheating – 2
the water & steam – boiler efficiency
252. The total stack flow loss is usually less than how many percentage of the calculated draft – 5%
232. Generates a voltage from incident light, usually light in the visible region – a/b
253. If 𝑊𝑡 is the turbine power and 𝑊𝑐 is the compressor power than the network is – 𝑊𝑡 -𝑊𝑐
233. An apparatus used to reduce the oxygen content of the feed water by heating & subsequentation –
deaerator 254. The ratio of the average load over the designated period of time to peak load in that period – none
of these
234. Converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy – fuel cell
255. If 𝑊𝑡 is the turbine power and 𝑊𝑐 is the compressor power than the back work ratio is – 𝑊𝑐 /𝑊𝑡
235. The ratio of the kW-hr generated to the product of the capacity of the plant in kW to the number of
hours the plant has been actual use – load factor 256. The reheat Rankine cycle is proposed to decrease – moisture content in the low pressure stages of
the turbine
236. Heat exchanger used to provide heat transfer bet. the exhaust gases & the air prior to its entrance
to the combustor – regenerator 257. Which of the ff. is an example of regenerator – a counter flow heat exchanger
237. Tidal power is the power generated from – rise & fall tides 258. A steam power cycle is modeled by the ideal cycle known as the – Rankine cycle
238. Acid will react w/ fly ash in the cooler areas in the boiler to form hygroscopic salts. Which of the ff. 259. In a Brayton cycle multiple stages of compression & expansion will ___. – increase thermal
belongs to the group of hygroscopic salts – sodium bisulfate efficiency
239. What do you call a conversion technology that yields electricity straight from sunlight w/out the aid 260. Measure of combustibility of diesel fuel – cetane number
of a working substance like gas or steam w/out the use of any mechanical cycle – photovoltaic-energy
conversion 261. A regenerator in a gas turbine has no effect in – compressor & turbine work
240. Ash is introduced in the crucible at an elevated temp. & held that temp. until it becomes uniformly 262. Presence of impurity droplets of water in the steam flow – carry over
fluid & decomposition gases have been expelled, this temp. is usually in the range of – NOTA
263. Which of the ff. is an effect of having a regenerator – less heat is added
241. In a liquid-dominating geothermal plant, what process occurs when the saturated steam passes
264. Peak load for a period of time divided by installed capacity – utilization factor
through the turbine – polytropic
265. The full load thermal efficiency of existing heavy duty combustions turbines in simple cycle is
242. Difficulty in tapping the slag has been experience when the calculated coal-ash viscosity at 2600°F
approximately – 34 to 36%
exceeds how many poises – 270
266. Is the removal of the burnt gases from & admitting the fresh charge into the power cylinder of an
243. In geothermal power plants waste water is – discharged back to earth
engine by the use of air – scavenging
244. If dust collecting equipment is installed for a cyclone furnace boiler unit, the ash escaping from the
267. Which of the ff. engines are typically used by turbojet & turboprop – open combustors
stack to the atm. may be diminished by how many percent of the total – 1-2%
268. Diff. in pressure measure above or below atmospheric pressure – draft
245. An opening in lava or in volcanic area through which steam & other hot gases are escaping into the
air is called – fumarole 269. Approximately how many percent of the turbine power is used to drive the high efficiency
compressor – 50 to 75%
246. Furnaces fired w/ oil are usually for furnace heat release rates above – 135,000 Btu/hr-𝑓𝑡 2
270. Dust which are mainly fine ash particles – soot
247. A dense, fine grained, light colored igneous rock which is rich in silica – felsite
271. The exhaust flow rate in modern heavy duty turbines per 100 MW is approximately – 240 to 250
248. Which of the ff. should not be used for cleaning anthracite & bituminous coals – NOTA
249. A popular term used by utilities to mean upgrading existing plant – reorganizing
272. A valve which constitute the ultimate line of defense against occurrence of hazardous steam
pressure in the boiler – safety valve
273. The temp. of the gas entering the expander section is typically – 1200 C to 1290 C 299. The lowest portion to storage basin from where the water is not drawn, is – dead storage
274. Superheated vapor behaves – approximately gas 300. Percent excess air is the diff. bet. the air actually supplied & theoretically required divided by the –
the theoretically air supplied
275. Aeroderivative combustion turbines have higher compression ratios typically – 19 to 21
301. In a steam generator w/ good combustion control, what occurs if the load is increased – air temp.
276. A boiler gage glasses should be blown down – at the beginning of every watch entering air heater increases
277. The coef of contraction is the ratio of the – the area of vena contracta to the orifice area 302. What do you call a conversion technology that yields electricity straight from sunlight w/out the aid
of a working substance like gas or steam w/out the use of any mechanical cycle – photovoltaic-energy
278. Which of the ff. is a common type of oil burner – all of the above
279. When a falling object reaches a speed at which the drag force equals its weight, it has achieved –
303. Tidal power plant is attractive because it has – cheap energy source
turbulent boundary layer
304. The flow process through shock wave is highly irreversible & cannot be approximated as being –
280. What is the average fuel-oil temp. range of the oil in the discharge line to the burners - 180°-200°
281. In the absence of any heat & work interactions & any changes in potential energy, the stagnation
305. Beaufort scale is used for measuring what – wind speed
enthalpy of a fluid remains constant during ___. – steady flow
306. Which of the ff. collector are more complex but their efficiencies are higher – evacuated tube
282. Which of the ff. extinguishers would not be found in the fireroom - 𝑆𝑂2
283. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the ff. cases except – closed-
307. A vena contracta in a fluid jet issuing through a hole in a plate is located approx. – at the orifice min.
pipe turbulent pipe flow
284. One of the main purpose of refractories in a boiler furnace is to – prevent excessive furnace heat
308. What is the lowest temp. to which water could possibly be cooled in a cooling tower – the dew pt.
temp. of the air
285. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of the ff. cases except – weirs
309. What is a check valve – a valve designed to allow a fluid to pass through in one direction only
286. The amount of steam generated by a boiler is dependent upon – all of the above
310. What is the prime purpose of providing a lubricating oil-preheater in an emergency stand-by diesel
287. The ff. are all examples of indirect (secondary) miscellaneous methods to measure flow except – genset – to keep the lube oil viscosity down under cold condition & enhance the starting of the cold
positive displacement meters engine
288. When you are cleaning fuel-oil burner tips, use a – brass knife 311. What is absorbed by sulphites in boiler water treatment – impurities settled in mud drum
289. A fireroom that is completely isolated (closed) operates – forced draft 312. What is the color code of steam pipe lines – silver gray
290. What is the first thing that you would check on taking over a watch – the water level 313. In a diesel engine, what elements in the fuel that make the work of the lubricant more difficult –
sulfur & asphaltene content
291. Soot blowers should be used in proper sequence so that – the soot will be swept toward the
uptakes 314. Cooling water system consists of equipment to dissipate heat absorbed by the engine jacket water,
lub oil & the heat to be removed from air intercooler to keep the engine oil water temp. constant & the
292. The air cock in the boiler is located at the – highest pt. of the steam & the water drum differential of the cooling water at a min. preferably not to exceed – 10 to 20°F
293. In the forced draft system – one fan supplies air to all furnaces 315. A chemical method of feed water treatment which uses calcium hydroxide & sodium carbonate as
reagents – lime soda treatment
294. Water tube boilers have – no fusible plug
316. The heat transfer process in a cooling tower consists of a transfer of heat from water to – saturated
295. Dryness factor of steam is – (weight of stuff-weight of moisture)/weight of stuff air
296. A lungstorm turbine is – inward flow impulse reaction turbine 317. Any boiler which does exceed any of the ff. 405 mm inside dia. & 1065 mm overall length of outside
heads at center – miniature boiler
297. A pass-out turbine mostly operates on low pressure in the range – 150-300 kg/𝑐𝑚2
298. In a diesel engine fuel is injected – before the end of compression stroke
318. A closed vessel intended for use in heating water or for application of heat to generate steam or 340. For power boiler, the resistance to crushing of mild steel shall be taken at ___ N/𝑚𝑚2 of cross
other vapor to be used externally to itself – steam generator section area – 855
319. A vessel in which pressure is obtained from an external source, or from an indirect application of 341. The lowest factor of safety permissible on existing shall be ___ excepting for horizontal return
heat – unfired pressure vessel tubular boiler having continuous lap seams more than 3650 mm in length where the factor of safety shall
be ___. – 4.5, 90
320. Any boiler or unfired pressure vessel constructed, installed, placed in operation but subjected to
annual inspection – existing installation 342. Reinstalled secondhand boiler shall have a min. factor of safety of ___ when the longitudinal seams
are of lap riveted construction, and a min. factor of safety of ___ when the longitudinal seams are of butt
321. A boiler in which that has been inspected & declared unsafe to operate or disqualified stamped & & double strap construction – 6, 5
marked indicating its rejection - condemned
343. The age limit of a horizontal return, flue or cylinder boiler having a longitudinal lap joint & operating
322. No part of the steam generator should be closer than ___ meter from any walls of the buildings – at a pressure in excess of 0.345 MPa shall be ___. – 30 yrs.
344. For power boiler, a responsible time for replacement shall be given at the discretion of the
323. Steam generators should be mounted over a suitable foundation or concrete pad of not less than inspector not to exceed ___ yr. – 4
___ thick & w/ sufficient base area – 305 mm
345. For power boiler, each boiler shall have at least one safety valve & if it has more than 46.5 sq. m of
324. When new boilers are installed in either existing or new buildings, a min. height at least ___ shall be heating surface or the generating capacity exceeds 910 kg/hr. It shall have ___ safety valves – two or
provided bet. the top of the proper & ceiling – 2130 mm more
325. When feeding hot water, feed pump should at least be ___ below hot well to prevent vapor lock – 346. For miniature boilers, the lowest permissible water level shall be at a pt. ___ of the height of the
1220 mm shell, except where the boiler is equipped w/ internal furnace – 1/3
326. A steel catwalk or platform at least ___ wide & provided w/ standard handrails & toe board on 347. Where ground water or surface water are used for feed water, water hardness of 0-10 ppm (parts
either side shall be installed across the tops of adjacent boilers – 455 mm per million) & alkalinity of ___ be considered – pH 10 to pH 11
327. In a Brayton cycle, reheating & intercooling will ___. – increase thermal efficiency 348. A closed vessel in which or other is generated at a pressure of more than 1.055 kg/𝑐𝑚2 gage by the
direct application of heat – power boiler
328. In a Brayton cycle, reheating has no effect in – heat added
349. The heating surface area of a miniature boiler is 1.85 𝑚2 & the max. allowable working pressure is
329. In a Brayton cycle, intercooling has no effect in – turbine work
___ kg/𝑚2 – 9.85
330. Refers to the internal heat from the earth – geothermal
350. A boiler of which both the location & the ownership has been changed after primary use – second
331. A rock-forming crystalline mixed silicate which constitute about 60% of the earth’s surface – hand boiler
351. As a general requirement, smokestacks should be sufficient capacity to handle flue gases, self-
332. A compound rock a crypto-crystalline form of silica, which is dense, tough, breaking w/ a conchoidal supporting or guyed to w/stand a wind load 160 kph & rise at least ___ mm above the eaves of any
fracture – flint building w/in a radius of 50 meters – 5000
333. Is the process of using injection wells to bubble air through groundwater – sparging 352. Each miniature boiler shall have equipped w/ ___ for determination of water level – water gage
334. Tidal power is the power generated form – rise & fall tides
353. The max. allowable working pressure of a non-code steel or wrought iron heating boiler of welded
335. Converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy – fuel cell construction shall not exceed – 1 bar
336. Generates a voltage from incident light, usually light in the visible region – a or b 354. Low pressure heating boiler is operated at pressure not exceeding 1.055 kg/𝑐𝑚2 gage steam or
water temp. not exceeding ___ °C – 121
337. All of the ff. terms are synonymous w/ quanta of electromagnetic theory except – x-rays
355. A boiler removed from its original setting & re-erected at the same location or erected at a location
338. Tidal power plant is attractive because it has – cheap energy source w/out change of ownership – reinstalled boiler
339. For power boiler, when the tensile strength of steel is not known. It shall be taken as ___ N/𝑚𝑚2 & 356. As a general requirement, no smokestacks should be closer than ___ mm from any exposed
310 N/𝑚𝑚2 for wrought iron – 379 woodworks or framing – 305
357. Each miniature boiler, shall equipped w/ a sealed, spring-loaded, pop-type safety valve not less than 377. Is the power developed by an engine as measured by a force applied to a friction brake or by an
___ pipe size, connected directly to the boiler – 12.7 mm absorption dynamometer applied to the shaft or flywheel – brake power
358. Each miniature boiler shall be equipped w/ a steam gage having a dial range not less than ___ times 378. Is the ratio of the brake power to the indicated power – mechanical efficiency
& not more than twice the max. allowable working pressure – 1.5
379. Is the power dissipated in a machine through friction – friction power
359. A boiler test method based on the amount of time it takes generated sound waves to pass through
a material & back to the source after being reflected – sound test 380. Is the weight flow rate of fuel required to produce a unit of power or thrust. It is also known as
specific propellant consumption – fuel rate
360. During hydrostatic test, hydrostatic pressure should not exceed ___ times the max. allowable
working pressure – 1.5 381. Is an expression of the conversion efficiency of the thermal power plant engine, as heat input per
unit work output – heat rate
361. A boiler device which automatically cut-off the fuel supply &/or supply requisite feed-water when
the surface of the wall falls to the lowest safe water line – low water fuel cut off 382. Is a duct that connects the boiler & the chimney – breeching
362. Where ground water or surface water are used for feed water, water hardness of 0-10 ppm & 383. Is the ratio of the developed boiler hp. to the rated boiler hp. – percent rating
alkalinity of ___ be considered – pH 10 to pH 11
384. Is the actual heat absorption per kg. of steam divided by the latent heat of vaporization of the
363. For miniature boilers, the lowest permissible water level shall be at a pt. ___ of the height of the steam – factor of evaporation
shell, except where the boiler is equipped w/ internal furnace – 1/3
385. Is the ratio of the mass of the steam & mass of fuel – actual specific evaporation
364. Piping color for boiler feed water is – yellow
365. Piping color for the substance like water – green
*In a steam power plant, 5 kg of coal… calc. the ht. of the chimney – H=41.15 m
366. Water droplets that are carried out of the cooling water w/ the exhaust air – drift
*A steam generator w/ economizer… theoretical ht., flue gases are the same as that for air – H=550 m
367. Water droplets blown out of the cooling tower by wind, generally at the air inlet openings. Water
*A coal fired steam boiler uses 3000 kg. of coal… find the dia. of the chimney – D=1.91 m
may also be lost, in the absence of wind, through splashing or misting. Devices such as wind screens,
louvers, splash deflectors & water diverters are used to limit these losses – blow-out *If the air required for combustion is 20 kg/kg of coal… det. the mass, ash loss 15% – mg=62,550 kg/hr
368. The stream of saturated exhaust air leaving the cooling tower – plume *Coal w/ higher heating value of 6700 kcal/kg… what is the heating surface area – 182 𝑚2
369. The portion of the circulating water flow that is removed in order to maintain the amount of *Calculate the rate of steam evaporated – 4,424.68 kg/hr
dissolved solids & other impurities at an acceptable level – blow down
*What is the percent rating developed – 152.50%
370. The loss of wood preservative chemicals by the washing action of the water flowing through a wood
structure cooling tower – leaching *Determined the ASME evaporation unit in kBTU/hr – 10,211.57
371. Sound energy emitted by a cooling tower & heard (recorded) at a given distance & direction. The *A 6MW steam turbine gen. power plant… compute for the steam consump. 75% in kg/hr – 37,800
sound is generated by the impact of falling water, by the movement of air by fans, the fan blades moving
in the structure & the motors, gearboxes or drive belts – noise *The vacuum in the surface condenser… the vacuum efficiency – 90.56%
372. The ___ is the diff. in temp. bet. the cooled-water temp. & the entering-air wet bulb temp. (twb) – *A steam turbine has an entrance enthalpy of 3000 kJ/kg… what is the stage eff. In 2,200 kJ/kg – 80%
*Find the rated boiler hp. of a HRT boiler is 6 in. – 95.09
373. The ___ is the temp. diff. bet. the water inlet & water exit – range
*In a cooling tower 28.34 𝑚3 /min. how many kg/hr of make-up water, flow of 34 kg/hr – 19.21 kg/hr
374. Is the vol. displaced by the piston as it moves from top dead center to the bottom dead center –
piston displacement
375. Is the total distance a piston travels in a given time – piston speed
376. Is the power delivered by an engine as calculated from the average pressure of the working fluid in
the cylinders & the displacement – indicated power