Atkinson 2
Atkinson 2
Atkinson 2
University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, England
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.
1. Introduction
The recent literature on optimal taxation may be seen as attempting to clarify the
structure of the arguments advanced to support changes in the tax system, tracing the
implications of taxes and quantifying (analytically) the trade-offs between the various
objectives of tax policy. This literature has examined the optimal structure for particular
types of taxation taken in isolation, such as the optimal rates of excise tax and the
optimal income tax schedule. Our purpose, on the other hand, is to provide a broader
framework and to consider the inter-action between different kinds of taxation. To
illustrate this, we reexamine the age-old question of direct versus indirect taxation and
the relationship of these taxes to the goals of efficiency, vertical equity and horizontal
After describing in section 2 the general framework of the analysis, and arguing that
any treatment of the choice of tax structures must be centrally concerned with
distributional considerations, we begin in section 3 with the extension of the classic
Ramsey formula for optimal excise taxation to include vertical equity objectives. This
was considered by Diamond and Mirrlees (1971), but the results
*This is a revised and condensed version of the paper given at the ISPE meeting under the title
‘Alternative approaches to the distribution of income.’ This in turn was based on part II of ‘The
structure of indirect taxation,’ Cowles Foundation, 1970 [part I appeared as Atkinson and Stiglitz
(1972)] and on the draft of chapter 15 of Lectures on Public Economics, University of Essex, 1971.
Parts of the paper have been presented by the first author at seminars at the universities of Essex,
Harvard and Namur, and by the second author at Chicago, National Bureau of Economic Research-West
and Stanford, and they are grateful to participants in these seminars for their helpful comments. This
work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant %X74-22182 at the Institute for
Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, and in part by the Guggenheim and
Ford Foundations.
56 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
given here are in a rather different form.’ The rest of the paper is concerned with the
case where the government can employ both income and excise taxes. In section 4 it is
shown that the existence of an optimal linear income tax may lead to quite different
results. Section 5 introduces the possibility of a general non-linear income tax, and
argues that under a relatively wide class of conditions - separability between leisure and
consumption - the optimal tax system can rely solely on income taxation. This brings
out clearly the importance of considering simultaneously the whole range of tax
instruments open to the government.
Finally, section 6 examines the relationship between vertical and horizontal equity, and
the implications of differences in tastes.
The general problem of taxation of individuals may be posed as follows. There are a
large number of people in any economy who differ with respect to a number of
characteristics, in particular their endowments and tastes. On the basis of certain ethical
premises, it is decided that individuals with different character-istics should pay varying
amounts of tax. If we could observe these charac-teristics costlessly and perfectly, that
would be the end of the analysis: we would simply impose a lump sum tax on
individuals, with the amount differing ac-cording to their characteristics. The theory of
optimal taxation would then be concerned simply with deriving, on the basis of the
specified ethical premises, what the functional relationship between characteristics and
taxes ‘ought to be.”
It is the difficulties associated with observing characteristics which make the theory
of taxation an interesting and difficult problem. The theory may be seen as being
concerned with the choice of certain easily observable characteristics which are related
systematically to the unobservable characteristics in which we are really interested. It is
thus part of what has come to be called the ‘theory of screening.’ The use of these
surrogate characteristics gives rise to a number of problems similar to those discussed
in the screening literature [see, for example, Spence (1973) and Stiglitz (1975)].
(1) Many of the characteristics which may be used for screening are, at least to some
extent, under the control of the individual, and basing a tax on these is inevitably
(2) Almost all characteristics which may be used for screening are imperfect; that is,
the surrogate characteristics employed to determine tax liability are not perfectly
correlated with the characteristics with which we are really concerned.
‘This section includes the distributional results referred to in our earlier paper [Atkinson and Stiglitz
2Another potentially important function of the tax system - to provide signals concerning
(3) There are costs (e.g. of administration) associated with even nondistor-tionary
screening systems.
This general view of taxation shows that the analysis of tax systems must be
inherently concerned with individual differences. As a consequence, the treat-ment of,
say, optimal excise taxation in a world where individuals are assumed to be identical is
at best of limited relevance. In what follows we assume that people differ with respect
to their abilities (earning power) and their tastes, although for the main part of the paper
(sections 3-5) we concentrate on differ-ences in ability. For simplicity, we assume that
this can be measured by a single parameter, n, so that an individual of ability n, can do
in l/n, hours what an individual of ability n2 can perform in l/n, hours. We assume,
however, that ability is not observable directly. What one can identify depends on the
nature of the employment relationship. The following are three of the most important
possibilities, where L is the number of labor hours worked, e is the level of effort, and
income is given by Y = neL.
(i) Income is observable, but effort and labor time are not. This makes sense for
unincorporated businesses, although not necessarily for employees.
(ii) Wages per hour (w = ne) are observable, but not labor hours and hence not income.
This applies where individuals may have several jobs and it may be difficult to
keep track of them. It should be noted that where effort is unobservable, one
cannot infer ability, even when one can observe the wage rate.
(iii) Both wages and hours are observable, but since effort is not, ability cannot be
Case (i) corresponds to that where income taxation is employed (Y is the surrogate
characteristic), case (ii) to that where there is a wage tax (w is the surrogate
characteristic), and in case (iii) there is a choice of screening devices.
In addition to income and wages, other economic variables on which taxation might
be based are purchases by different individuals of different commodities. In a world
where income and wages are unobservable, but purchases of certain luxuries are
observable, the latter may provide the best screening device. Whether such purchases
remain good screening devices when income and wages are observable is one of the
questions to which we address ourselves in this paper. Still other economic variables
that may be useful as screening devices are the sources of income: e.g. the government
could distinguish between salaried and wage workers, between earned and unearned
income, or, within unearned income, between dividends and capital gains. For the
purposes of this paper, however, we consider only labor income and do not distinguish
among types of jobs, except in terms of the wages they pay. There are certain other
distinctions, such as the sex, age, and marital status of the worker, which are relatively
costless to observe. An argument can be made for differentiation
58 A.B. Atkinson and3.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
on this basis [see Boskin (1973)], but again, for present purposes, we ignore these
Thus, if x1 are the individual’s purchases of commodity i, we can describe a general
tax system as a relationship between potentially observable charac-teristics, Xi, Y and
w, and his tax payments :
T = T(x, Y, w).
In practice, almost all tax systems possess a high degree of separability, and indeed are
often linear in some or all of the arguments. There are good reasons why this is so. Not
only are there greater costs of calculating tax liabilities when nonseparable and
nonlinear tax systems are employed, but also there are significantly higher costs of
record-keeping and enforcement (with linear commodity taxes, for example, no record
of the number of units purchased by a given person need be kept). Thus although
separability and linearity have great analytical advantages, and will be assumed in
much of what follows, there are also strong economic grounds for making these
Within this framework, we can consider the following taxes.
Excise tax : T = C tiXl = t.x,
where t.x denotes the inner product of the two vectors. In the simplest case the tax rates
ti are constant, but in certain situations (e.g. housing subsidies) the tax may be
nonproportional. Taxes may also be income-related, ti(Xi, Y), or wage-related ti(xi, w),
the latter applying, for example, to job-related sub-sidies.
Income tax: T = T( Y) .
In certain cases the tax base may depend on the consumption of commodities (e.g.
medical care), so that T = T( Y, Xi); it may be constrained to be linear (constant
marginal tax rate) or allowed to vary freely.
Wage tax: T = z(w)L.
Again the tax schedule may be constrained to be linear. (The problem of the optimal
wage structure in a socialist country may be viewed as determining the function 7.)
Thus the theory of optimal taxation must be concerned with the choice of tax base as
well as the structure of taxes imposed. A full analysis would, of course, begin with the
general function T(x, Y, w) and examine its properties. The difficulty with such a
completely general approach is that it does not appear - at least at this juncture - to lead
to any simple or clear prescriptions. In this paper we attempt a less ambitious task and
focus primarily on the relationship between excise and income taxation, This piecemeal
approach has obvious
A. B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, 7’he design of tax structure 59
The optimal structure of indirect taxation, and particularly whether there should be
differential rates of tax, is an old issue which has recently be re-examined in a series of
papers. Much of this literature has ignored differences in endowments and has
concentrated on efficiency aspects. At the same time, it has been recognized that the
policy prescriptions would need to be modified when distributional considerations were
introduced. This aspect of the problem was first discussed by Diamond and Mirrlees
(1971); their treatment was, however, somewhat different from that given below.
Uh = V(X, L).
where q is the price of the commodity to the consumer, and wh is his after-tax wage.
The solution leads to individual demand and labor supply functions. Substituting these
back into the utility function gives the indirect utility function Vh(q, w”). There is no loss
of generality (with the assumptions made below) in letting labor be the numeraire and
in assuming it to be untaxed (a proportional tax on labor income is simply equivalent to
a uniform commodity tax). This will be done throughout the analysis. Finally, we
denote by Xi the total demand for good i summed over all individuals (&$).
At this stage it is assumed that the only taxes open to the government are
proportional excise taxes at the rate ti on commodity i, and that no lump-sum taxes or
subsidies are allowed.4 For simplicity, we take producer prices as fixed and normalize
them at unity, so that q1 = 1 + ti. We assume that the govern-
3The labor variable may be treated more generally as a vector, including elements such as hours,
effort, etc.
%uch a restriction makes sense in the context of the general approach taken in this paper only if
‘individuals’ are not directly observable as individuals: e.g., with a lump-sum subsidy, they could collect
twice under different ‘names’ or with a lump-sum tax they disappear into the bush.
60 A.8 Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
and that subject to this constraint it aims to maximize a social welfare function of the
Bergson form G(U’, . . ., UN), where G is increasing in all its arguments. Forming the
.Y = G(V”)+A[;rx”K], (4)
straightforward manipulation yields the result that the first-order conditions imply ’
bh = ph+aR
T 2’
the net social marginal utility of income for household h, using government income
as numeraire;
aG avh
avh aP
5This by making use of the fact that aV/aq, = -~,*a*, where ah is the private marginal utility of
income of individual h, and of the Slutsky equation
- - &r-x1
aqf Z’
where ax,/aZ is the derivative with respect to income (evaluated at Z = 0 in this case) and & is the
compensated price term.
A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure 61
In interpreting bh, note that there are two effects of transferring a dollar to the hth
household: the direct effect, which is just Ph/A measured in government revenue, plus
an indirect effect - the effect of the transfer on government income. It may also be
noted that the mean (6) is the net value of giving an equal lump-sum payment to
everyone. Thus, if uniform lump-sum payments or taxes were allowed, the government
would set them at a level such that 6 = 1. The implica-tions of this are explored in the next
The left-hand side of (5) has the usual interpretation of the proportional
reduction of the consumption of the ith commodity along the compensated
demand schedules. We can immediately see that this is no longer necessarily
the same for all commodities. Sufficient conditions for it to be independent of i are either that bh
be the same for all h or that X:/Xi be the same for all
commodities (there are no goods which are consumed disproportionately by
rich or poor). In general, where these are not satisfied, the compensated reduc-tion in demand
with the optimal tax structure is smaller : 6 (1) the more the good
is consumed by individuals with a high net social marginal utility of income,
(2) the more the good is consumed by households with a high marginal propen-sity to consume
taxed goods.
Eq. (5) can be rewritten in two ways which will prove useful in the subsequent discussion :
iti bh .
Xi (6)
T ’
i = 1,. . ., n, (5”)
where di I ri- 1 is the normalized covariance between the consumption of the ith
commodity and the net social marginal utility of income [a result derived
independently by Diamond (1975)]. In the first of these formulae, ri is a general-
ization of the ‘distributional characteristic’ of Feldstein (1972a) and (1972b). It shows that if ti is
large, i.e. if there would be large gains from a uniform !ump-
sum payment, then distributional considerations are to be weighted more
6Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) derived the analogous expression for the uncompensated
changes. Since the uncompensated reductions in demand with the optimal tax structure are not the
same even without distributional considerations, to make comparisons with the Ramsey results
more direct, we have employed compensated derivatives. In the uncompensated form, Diamond
and Mirrlees have identified a third factor determining the percentage reduction in demand: it will
be greater the more the demand for the commodity is concentrated among individuals for whom
the product of the income derivative of demand for that good and total taxes paid is large.
62 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, l%e design of tax structure
The extension of the Ramsey formula given above is relatively general. In particular,
it allows individuals to differ with respect to both tastes and endow-ments; other taxes
(e.g. a lump-sum tax) may be imposed; and not all com-modities need be taxed. (As in
the earlier Ramsey analysis, the result does, however, depend on there being either
constant returns to scale in production or 100 per cent profits taxes - see Stiglitz and
Dasgupta (1971).) However, to obtain detailed results on the optimal tax structure, we
need to make more specific assumptions about the nature of differences between
individuals and the form of the utility function. Here, and until section 6, we assume
that everyone has the same tastes, that effort is not a variable, and that individuals differ
solely with respect to their ability (wage rate). For ease of analysis, we assume a
continuum of individuals, and replace the summation signs in the previously derived
formulae by integrals. We let F represent the distribution function of abilities, where we
normalize such that F(m) = 1. The special case of the utility function we consider for
purposes of illustration is that where all individuals have independent compensated
demand schedules. Eqs. (5’) and (5”) then give
l-6ri (l--@-Q,
3 (7)
l+ti li f4
where Bi is the weighted average compensated price elasticity, the weights being the
consumption of the different individuals.’
In the case where everyone is identical, (7) reduces to the familiar formula that taxes
should be inversely proportional to demand elasticities. Eq. (7) provides a simple
adjustment to this formula for distributional considerations. The value of ri depends
now solely on the social marginal valuation of income received by different households
and on the proportion of total consumption which goes to them. In particular, it depends
on the degree of aversion to inequality. If p is constant, i.e. society is indifferent with
regard to the distribu-tion, then the optimal tax formula is the familiar one. But if the
social marginal valuation of income falls with w, this tends to increase the tax rate on
goods which are primarily consumed by those at the top of the scale.8
7The first-order conditions need careful interpretation since they may not lead to a unique solution.
Where the price elasticity varies with q, there may be multiple solutions, and the optimal tax structure
may involve taxing at different rates two goods with identical demand curves.
BThat is, letting rl be a function of p, some measure of inequality aversion with p = 0 corresponding
to no inequality aversion, then rL(0) = 1, for all i, and
z M--i) @“-6) ai
--Tz----- 30 as Jp%O,
i.e. households which consume more of x1 (relative to mean consumption &) have a higher or lower
valued net marginal social utility of income. (For the meaning of inequality aversion, see Atkinson
(1970) and Diamond-Stiglitz (1974).) Because of our normalization, 2, = X,.
A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure 63
A formula similar to (7) was given by Feldstein (1972a,b), but he did not bring out the inherent
conflict between equity and efficiency considerations. With an additively separable utility
function and constant marginal utility of leisure, demands depend on the ratio of commodity price
to wage. This means that a commodity with a low elasticity of demand appears from an efficiency
standpoint to be a good candidate for taxation, but that since the consumption of such a
commodity rises only slowly with w, this points to low tax rates for
equity reasons. Which of these factors will predominate depends on the form
of the social welfare function and on the shape of the distribution of abilities.
One especially simple case to examine is that where the government maxi-mizes the sum of
utilities -the classical utilitarian case - and where the compen-sated demand curves have constant
elasticity. In table 1, we present the value of Cpi and the associated form of eq. (7) for the Pareto
and lognormal distri-
butions. For the Pareto distribution, it follows that where the government would like to make a
uniform lump-sum transfer to everyone (6 > I), the tax
Table 1
Values of distributional characteristics: Pareto and lognormal distributions.
(b) Lognormal distribution (where (e”* - 1)“’ is the coefficient of variation): $&=
e-c”2__1 ,
rate rises with the elasticity of demand; this is therefore a sufficient condition
for equity to outweigh efficiency considerations and for goods with a high price elasticity to be
taxed more heavily. It may also be noted that the magnitude of
the distributional term falls with 6, or as the distribution of abilities becomes less unequal [for the
same mean, see Chipman (1974)]. For the lognormal distribu-
tion, if 6 > 1 and cr is small, then again the distributional considerations
dominate; but if c is not small, then as the elasticity of demand increases, the
tax rate may at first increase (for low elasticities, distributional considerations
are more important) and then decrease (for high elasticities, efficiency domin-ates). ’
Thus far we have considered the indirect taxation in isolation from the rest of we
tax system, and in particular have not examined how the possibility of
gThis may be seen by expanding the term exp (-err?) and first considering terms of order aa, and then
of order o4 (it is assumed that uZel < 1).
64 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
employing direct taxes affects the optimal structure of indirect taxation. HOW does the
existence of a progressive income tax affect the balance between equity and efficiency
considerations in determining the optimal rates of excise taxation?
A first step towards considering the interaction between direct and indirect taxation
may be taken by a relatively straightforward modification of the analysis of the
previous section. The simplest progressive income tax is that where there is an
exemption level and a proportional rate of tax both above and below this level (the tax
below the exemption level being a negative income tax, so that the taxpayer receives a
supplement from the revenue). Such a linear income tax schedule can readily be
incorporated into the model we have been discussing, since wages are the only source
of income and a uniform tax on all commodities is equivalent to a proportional tax on
wages. The only difference therefore is in the exemption level, which can be introduced
by supposing that the government provides a lump-sum payment identical in amount
(E) to all individuals (if E is negative, it is a lump-sum tax). We assume an additive,
sym-metric, social welfare function and write the Lagrangian
The indirect utility function now depends on E, where aV/aE = a, the mar-ginal
utility of income. The first-order conditions give:
a9 *
(A- G’cr)x,+ I ;tk ‘2 ildF = 0, i = 1,. . ., n , (9 o
The point at issue may be illustrated by one very special example. Suppose that the
utility function is quadratic (an example used by Ramsey), that the cross-terms are zero,
and that the marginal utility of leisure is constant:
In the absence of the income tax, it may be shown that the optimal tax rates vary
according to a,(1 -@>, and would in general differ across commodities. However, the
introduction of an income tax with the exemption level E means that 5 = 1, and that the
optimal tax structure is uniform. It follows that no indirect taxation need be employed,
and that the optimum may be achieved simply through a linear income tax. (Another
example is the linear expenditure system.)
Where the utility function is more general, but the compensated demands are still
independent, we can see from eq. (7) that ti/(l + ti) = - Qi/Bi. We may note two features
of this result. Firstly, it implies that there is no case for subsidizing normal goods; an
increase in the lump-sum subsidy is always superior. Secondly, the tax rates depend on
the level of revenue to be raised only through the depen-dence on the covariance of xi
with net marginal social utility of income. With a constant marginal utility of leisure
and G’ = 1, $J~is independent of the level
of revenue to be raised-any increase in W is met by a reduction in E. Hence for
sufficiently large i?, the tax system is regressive.
From table 1 we can derive the optimal tax rates in the constant elasticity case. For
the Pareto distribution, the tax is higher on goods with a higher price elasticity (which is
also the elasticity with respect to w). With 6 = 3.0, the tax rates vary from 9.5 percent
with E = 0.5 to 16.7 percent with E = 2.0. In the case of the lognormal, it is quite
possible for the tax rate to fall with E: for ex-ample, if ((~‘a) is sufficiently less than 1
for third and higher powers to be neglected, then the tax rate may be approximated by
c2 -&a4/2, which gives the following results (where all individuals work).
The fact that the tax structure may be regressive (i.e. the rates fall with E) may appear
to conflict with the intuitive notion discussed above that efficiency considerations
would point to the use of a poll tax and that it is concern for the distribution which leads
to the use of commodity taxes. However, when distri-
66 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, i%e design of tax structure
butional objectives are relevant, indirect taxes play two roles. Firstly, by taxing luxuries
at a higher rate they may increase the progressitivity of the tax system; secondly, they
provide an alternative source of revenue, allowing the regressive poll tax to be reduced
or converted into a lump-sum payment. In the latter case, the revenue would be raised
in the distortion-minimizing way, and the final tax structure would balance the two sets
of considerations.
Going back to the general formulation (5’7, we can see that
so that the reduction of consumption along the compensated demand curve is simply
equal to the covariance between the consumption of that good and the net marginal
social utility of income. For small variance, the tax structure may be approximated by
taking a Taylor series expansion of the RHS of (12),
dxi i3b
xi4i = ;i;;-$’
where cri is the variance of wages (abilities). Thus, the percentage reduction (along the
compensated demand curve) in consumption is exactly proportional to the
uncompensated derivative of the commodity with respect to the wage. If there is
constant marginal utility of leisure and separable demand functions, we obtain
xiC#li w
We assume that the income tax schedule is differentiable,” but apart from that may
be of any form. We also allow for the possibility that the tax rate on commodities may
be a function of the level of consumption.” The individual with wage w faces a budget
T ti(XJ+T(WL) 1 dF = R )
wL- xxi--j?
1 dF= 0. (1
This problem may be treated in a number of different ways. In the heuristic argument
which follows, we take x2, . . ., x, and L as the control variables, treating U as a state
variable, and making use of the fact that x1 depends on u,x2,.**, x,, and L. Moreover,
The Hamiltonian may then be written
f gxJ,,
H = G(U)i-A(wL- 1 xi --R) (17)
loSee Mirrlees (1971). In general this need not be the case. For an analysis of such non-
differentiabilities within the context of this class of ‘screening’ problems, see Stiglitz (1974a).
“Actually we could have considered a general tax function of the form T(x, L, w). In fact, for this
particular problem, the results for the more restrictive, but practically more important, tax structure
involving separability assumed here are identical to those in which the separability is dropped. This may
be seen most easily by observing that nowhere in the analysis is the separability restriction on the tax
function actually used.
12For an interior solution; we do not consider the case where labor supply is zero, although the
analysis could easily be modified.
68 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
where f is the density function. Maximizing H with respect to xi, we obtain as necessary
axi n=-u,=-(1St;)’
II 1_PyJi”‘O;20.
d log z
tf POE 0 1
1+t;=;If dL *
Tax rates are simply proportional to the rate at which the marginal rate of
substitution between commodity i and commodity 1 changes with a change
in the consumption of leisure.
From this analysis we obtain at once an interesting result. If the utility
function is weakly separable between labor and all consumption goods (taken together), then no
commodity taxation need be employed (ti = 0). It is immedi-ate that we could have allowed U to
depend on IZas well, as long as we maintain
our separability hypothesis: U = U(V(x,, . . ., x,), L, n). With the greater flexibility provided by
the nonlinear income tax schedule, the result found for special cases in the previous section now
holds for much more general utility
functions. The assumption of separability between consumption and labor may
well be regarded as a reasonable first approximation for our purpose; and even
if it is in fact empirically rejected, it is a useful benchmark case.13 From the
results given above, it follows that goods which are complementary (in the Edgeworth, not the
more usual Hicksian, sense) with leisure (Ui, < 0) will face lower tax rates, whereas substitutes
face higher tax rates. Finally, it is interesting
to note that relative tax rates are independent of the social welfare function, so that they may be
viewed as conditions for constrained Pareto optimality.’ 4
“Where a subset of commodities is separable from labor, then the commodities in this group should
all be taxed at the same rate.
14We are indebted to J.A. Mirrlees for pointing this out in his discussion of the paper at the Paris
A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, l%e design of tax structure 69
There are three interesting applications of the results given above which should be
mentioned briefly [see also Atkinson (1974)]. First, if the goods are interpreted as
consumption at different dates, then the analysis shows that the conventional
presumption in favor of consumption rather than income taxation may be interpreted as
assuming separability between leisure and consumption. Perhaps a more reasonable
structure of preferences in this context is
u = U,(c,J)+ Uz(c*>,
in which case whether there should be an interest income tax or subsidy depends on the
complementarity or substitutability (in the Edgeworth sense) between the first-period
consumption and labor. The second application is to the question of the differential
treatment of safe and risky assets: xi is then treated as pur-chases of the ith security.
Our theorem then says that where the individual maximizes V(L) +EU( Y), there
should be no differential treatment of risky assets [Stiglitz (1970) and Atkinson and
Stiglitz (1972)].
The third application is to the use of quotas of specific allocations for distri-buting
certain goods. Some economists [e.g. Tobin (1970)] have argued that there exist certain
inelastically supplied commodities (medical care, at least in the short run) where quotas
might be desirable. Such quota systems can be viewed as an extreme nonlinear
commodity tax-subsidy scheme: below the quota the price is zero, above the quota,
infinite. Viewed this way, the question of the desirability of quotas is equivalent simply
to the question of whether it is optimal to have such an extreme form of progression for
some particular com-modity. The import of our theorem is that, provided the
separability assumption is satisfied, not only should no quota be employed for such
commodities, but not even a tax should be imposed. The result does not depend on the
supply elasticities for the commodities in questi0n.l’
The basic intuition behind the argument that quotas might be desirable for inelastic
commodities was that, if commodities are elastically supplied, then individuals should
be allowed to trade off consumption of one good against the other: an individual’s
increased consumption of vanilla ice cream cones does not deprive someone else of his
consumption of vanilla ice cream cones. When commodities are inelastically supplied,
then there is no production inefficiency introduced by quotas. But prices serve as
signals not only for the production of goods but also for the allocation of goods among
individuals (the conventional exchange model). So long as tastes differ, the use of
quotas will result in exchange inefficiency.
‘%I our proof, we assume an elastic supply of all commodities, but it is easy to establish that,
provided profits (rents) are fully taxed, the results are true for any production technology (including the
limiting case of a perfect inelastically supplied commodity).
70 A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
solution would entail allocating the same amount of the given good to everyone (if
they had the same utility function) and hence we could achieve a first-best allocation of
this particular good, with no loss of production efficiency. Such an argument, though
plausible at first sight, fails to recognize the second-best nature of the problem we are
considering: satisfying one of the first-best con-ditions (equating marginal utilities of
consuming this particular good) does not necessarily represent an improvement when
the other conditions are not satisfied.
A more plausible argument is that if we are able to discriminate among those with
higher incomes by charging them a higher price (e.g. by having price an increasing
function of quantity consumed) we would improve welfare, since such a differential
price imposes a higher cost on those with lower marginal utilities of income. But there
is a cost in deadweight loss from such differential pricing, and the import of our
theorem is that in the central case examined, the cost outweighs the gains.r6
The existence of differences in tastes among individuals of the same ability raises
issues in the design of the tax structure which we have not yet taken into account. In
the conventional treatment, the principle of horizontal equity - that people who are in
all relevant senses identical ought to be treated identically - plays an important role. In
this section, we discuss, necessarily briefly, the nature of this principle as well as its
implications for the design of tax policy. We first point out that the principle of
horizontal equity may be in direct conflict with the utilitarian maximum even when
tastes are identical; next we examine the case where tastes differ and show that the
principle does not imply, as some have suggested, uniform taxation; finally, we
consider more generally the status of horizontal equity as an objective of government
The literature on optimal taxation has typically assumed that the redistribu-tive goals
of the government may be represented by maximizing a Bergsonian social welfare
function, such as G(U) defined above, and has not discussed the relationship between
this and the concept of horizontal equity. Some earlier authors have taken the view that
there is no conflict: ‘the requirements of horizontal and vertical equity are but different
sides of the same coin’ [Musgrave (1959, p. 160)]. However, this need not be so. It is
quite possible that the maxi-mization of a Bergsonian social welfare function may
indicate that individuals with identical tastes and endowments should be taxed at
different rates (if this
‘%pence (1975) and Weitzman (1974) have discussed this issue in a partial equilibrium context. The
fact that their results differ from those given here is attributable to the fact that the presence of the
optimal income tax has important implications for the role to be played by other distributive
mechanisms, as we have emphasized throughout this paper.
A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure 71
is feasible), thus violating conventional notions of horizontal equity [see Atkinson and
Stiglitz (1976)l.l 7
The point is that if the feasible set of allocations is not convex (as it may be when
only indirect taxes are employed), optimality may entail treating otherwise identical
individuals differently. ‘s An even stronger conflict has been noted by Stiglitz (1974b),
where horizontal equity may conflict with the principle of Pareto optimality. Even
before we introduce taste differences, therefore, there is a possible conflict between
horizontal equity and the maximization of a social welfare function of the type usually
If we now introduce differences in tastes, the immediate consequence is that we
must confront the interpersonal comparability question, which we have ignored thus
far. When individuals have the same indifference curves, it is natural simply to use the
same cardinal number of the indifference curves for different individuals. But when
tastes differ, this is no longer so. Even if everyone had the same homothetic
indifference maps, we must still decide which indifference curve for individual 1
corresponds to a given curve for individual 2.
The point is that the utilitarian system evaluates taxes in terms of the indi-vidual’s
ability to derive utility from goods and leisure, and in this respect may be contrasted
with the alternative criterion of ‘ability to pay,’ that is, of basing taxation on opportunity
sets. When the only differences are those in the ability to produce, then a utilitarian
ethic leads to redistribution from those with ‘better’ opportunity sets to those with
‘poorer’. There is no conflict between it and the ability-to-pay approach. But this may
arise as soon as tastes differ. Suppose individual 1 has a higher productivity, so that his
budget constraint lies outside
“Consider the simplest possible case of labor and a single consumption good (C), with two identical
individuals. We assume that lump-sum taxes (poll taxes) are not admissible. The utilitarian problem may be
formulated as
max I%f)+ I%),
subject to
rlcl+r&z = R,
with first-order conditions
where 1 is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraint. It is obvious that
q1 = q2 = q* = 1+r*,
zr*c(q*) = R,
satisfies the first-order conditions. But
J/,+2 r %+2act
( 1 %t2 3%
may well be positive at q, = q*, which would mean that this represents a local minimum. I8 Analogous
results in different contexts have been noted by Stiglitz (1974b) and Mirrlees
72 A.B. Atkimon and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure
that of individual 2. The ability-to-pay criterion would indicate that individual 1 paid
more tax, but there are obviously numberings of their indifference curves which lead to
the opposite result with the utilitarian objective.
In order to contrast these two approaches, let us suppose that tastes may be
represented by a single parameter, y, so that the indirect utility function may be written
as V(q, w, y). The utilitarian principle recognizes such taste differences as a legitimate
basis for discrimination, and the government maximizes G[V(q, w, y)]. On the other
hand, if we introduce the concept of horizontal equity and interpret this as meaning that
differences in tastes are not ‘relevant’ character-istics on which discrimination ought to
be based, then this has two implications. Firstly, it introduces a cardinalisation V(1, w,
y) = v(l, w), so that only en-dowments, w, and consumer prices (normalized at unity
before tax) are relevant. Secondly, it constrains the government in levying taxes (q # 1)
to maintain
m, w, Y) = %, WI- (22)
Suppose that the government were to adopt this version of horizontal equity; what
would be the implications for the optimal tax structure? It is popularly believed that it
would require uniform taxation. If two individuals are identical in all respects except
that one likes chocolate ice cream and the other likes vanilla, a system which taxes
chocolate ice cream at a higher rate is felt to be horizontally inequitab1e.l’ This is not
however necessarily correct, as may be seen from the following example :
(It should be noted that we are assuming that there are no differences between people in
the marginal utility of leisure, and that si is independent of 7.) Let us further assume
that A, is independent of y, for i = 3, . . ., n, and that A, = y. The requirement of
normalization is then that A Z(y) is such that V(I, w, y) = V(1, w): i.e. that all those
with the same w have the same pre-tax utility. Using this, it can be shown that the
horizontal equity condition (22) requires that”
’ 9Pigou (1947) gives a nice example: ‘When England and Ireland were united under the same taxing
authority, it was strongly argued that, owing to the divergent tastes of Englishmen and Irishmen, it was
improper to subject them to the same tax formulae in respect of beer and whiskey.’ The tax on spirits,
more generally consumed in Ireland, was more than two-thirds of the price, whereas the tax rate on
beer was only about one-sixth of the price.
*OIt may be noted that (for E* # I).
A.B. Atkinson and J.E. Stiglitz, The design of tax structure 73
The condition for horizontal equity is not, therefore, uniform taxation; only if the price
elasticity is the same-as it may well be in the chocolate/vanilla ice cream case -would
uniform tax rates be horizontally equitable. This may be related to the argument made
by Pigou (1947, p. 77):
Suppose that there are two persons of equal income and general economic status, that
in the aggregate of their tastes they are similar, in the sense that they would get equal
satisfactions from equal incomes if they were permitted to spend them as they chose,
but that one likes and purchases commodity A and not commodity B, the other
commodity B and not commodity A. Sup-pose, further, that taxes are imposed upon
commodities A and B in such ways that both these persons pay the same amount of
tax. It will not necessarily follow that they suffer equal real burdens. If the demand of
one for his commodity is more elastic than the demand of the other for his, the former
will suffer the larger hurt.
The model just described is a very simple one, but it brings out clearly the conflict
between horizontal equity and the maximization of a social welfare function of the
Bergson type. For example, where G’ = 1 (the classical utili-tarian case), the latter leads
to the first-order condition,
1 -Sri
qi 7’
as before. This is not in general consistent with the requirement of horizontal equity,
eq. (23).
This raises the important issue of the status of the horizontal equity principle. It is
often suggested that horizontal equity is in some sense prior to vertical equity: ‘it is
sometimes said that the horizontal aspect is more basic and less controversial’
[Musgrave and Musgrave (1973, p. 199)]. Most authors, including Musgrave and
Musgrave, go on to argue that neither is more basic than the other; however, this ignores
the conflict which we have seen to arise between the two principles, at least in the form
presented here. Faced with this potential conflict, it might seem more reasonable to
view the social welfare function as lexicographic. For certain classes of goods, probably
those marked by consider-able diversity of tastes, the horizontal equity requirement is
imposed, and the government then maximizes a Bergsonian social welfare function
subject to this constraint. As Pigou (1947, p. 51) put it, ‘the ideal of least sacrifice has to
be pursued subject to a handicap.’ The optimal structure of taxation, and the choice
between direct and indirect taxes, will depend on how wide is the range of goods
covered by constraints such as (23).
7. Concluding comments
can evaluate the appropriateness of different tax bases and to apply this frame-work to the
classical question of the use of direct versus indirect taxation.
The general framework employed may be summarized as follows. The necessity for any form
of taxation other than a uniform lump-sum tax arises
from the fact that individuals have differing characteristics (endowments or
tastes). If we could observe all relevant characteristics costlessly and perfectly, we should be able
to achieve a first-best solution. However, in practice we have
to make use of surrogate characteristics, which are related systematically to the
characteristics on which we would like to differentiate individuals, but which are not perfectly
correlated and which are, to some extent, under the control
of the individual. Certain ethical principles, notably those which fall under the
rubric of horizontal equity, limit further the set of surrogates which may be
used. Having established an admissible class of characteristics, the problem
then becomes one of determining which are to be employed (the choice of tax base) and the
structure of the tax schedule.
The application of this framework to the direct/indirect tax problem led to
the following results. Firstly, if the government had no distributional objectives and was
concerned solely with efficiency, it may employ only direct taxation
and this would take the form of a poll tax. This is a very straightforward prescrip-
tion, but it has the implication, which runs counter to much popular belief,
that the use of indirect taxation stems from a pursuit of distributional objec-tives. The extent to
which indirect taxes are employed to this purpose -that is, purchases of different commodities are
used as a screening device - depends on the form of consumer preferences and on the restrictions
(if any) on the type of income taxation employed. If a general income tax function may be chosen
the government, we have shown that, where the utility function is separable
between labor and all commodities, no indirect taxes need be employed. In this
case, the use of consumption of particular commodities as a screening device
offers no benefit. Finally, we have seen that horizontal equity considerations may impose
constraints on the structure of taxes which may be levied.
Throughout the paper, we have stressed the importance of the interactions between different
taxes, and the fact that a piecemeal approach may be mis-leading. In section 4, for example, it
was shown that in the quadratic case con-sidered by Ramsey (plus constant marginal utility of
leisure and independence)
the introduction of an optimal linear income tax meant that indirect taxation
was no longer necessary. The Ramsey-style results would, therefore, only be
relevant where there were constraints on the use of income taxation. Such
interactions are equally a warning that the results given in this paper should be treated with
considerable caution. For this and other reasons, such as the failure
to incorporate the costs of administration,2’ the theory may be more useful in
illuminating the structure of the argument than in providing definite answers to policy issues.
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