Hindu - Predictive - Astrology by BV Raman PDF

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The key takeaways are that astrology is an ancient science that relies more on intuitive skills than strict rules, and comprehends relationships between all natural objects. It gives insights into one's life by reflecting one's figure.

The three main divisions of astrological research according to the passage are Parasari, Jaimini, and Tajaka astrology.

The most common method of astrology that has won general acceptance is Parasari astrology.

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B.V. Raman

. I


Astrology Is the most ancient of all sciences. It Is not a

science like Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry or
Physics, the study of which requires strict adherence to the
world’s conventionalities of commonsense reasoning and ordi¬
nary logic. Astrology comprehends something higher,
mysterious and subtle. It is not a mere appeal to the reasoning
faculty of man but it is an appeal to his hidden powers and
capacities. Astrological predictions cannot be simply based
upon strict hypothetical principles or vague guesses but a
certain amount of intuitive capacity must be brought to bear
upon such attempts. The various rules given for future
predictions are merely intended for our guidance and we must
substantiate them by recourse to the study and examination
of a large number of practical horoscopes. Collect the
horoscopes of a number of people of all grades, ranks,
temperaments and peculiarities and study them in the light of
the principles enumerated in the following pages and then
you will really get some precious intellectual food *or your
mental refreshment and you will be doubtless convinced that
astrology is a practical and useful science.

Astrology relies more upon the skill and intuitive capacities

of the interpreter than upon complicated rules. It gives a
sketch of life. It is a mirror in which one’s own figure is
clearly reflected. Astrology comprehends the manifestation
of a sort of relationship among all objects in nature, animal,
vegetable and mineral. It records the interaction of influences

of all things, visible and invisible. While Ayurveda ranks as

an Upateda. Jyotisha or Astrology is ooe of the Vcdangas. It
was not a mere accident that distinguished practitioners of
one of these arts were generally proficient in the other also.
Cosmos is a unity and knowledge cannot be cut up and
confined in rigid water-tight compartments.

Astrology when properly u^erstood will be most useful

in the daily transactions of life. A repetition of this idea
would be superfluous as the very first chapter of the book
deals with the ''Necessity for the Study of Astrology*'.

This science had been cultivated to a high degree of per¬

fection by the Hindus long before the so-called period of
authentic history. Their researches may be brought under
the following three important divisions : (II Parasari.

Jaimini and (3) Tajaka. Almost all astrological books

iif India are after Parasara who is said to have lived before
the dawn of Kali Yuga (more than 5,000 years ago). Even
eminent authors and commentators like Varahamihirs,
Bhattotpala, Venkatesa and others, who have enriched the
astrological field by the effusions of their fertile brains, have
held Parasara in high esteep and have based all their writings
on the principles propounded by him. Thus there is absolutely
no ground to doubt the accuracy of the Parasari system. The
Jaimini School of Astrology* considerably differs from that of
Parasari inasmuch as the method followed by the former in
the treatment of even the fundamental principles, is at
considerable variance from that of the latter. In spite of
Jaimini being held in very high esteem as the author of the
great Poorva Meemamsa Sastra or the subtle and recondite
system of philosophy, his astrological methods are not in

* The beautiful Astrological Aphorisms of Jaimini have been

rendered into Eoglisb by Prof. B. gnryanereinBso. My own publication
Studies im Jalmlui Astrology may also be studied with advantage.

vogue in India excepting that they are consulted as an

alternative to Parasari. The T ajaka* is entirely devoted lo
the deciphering of Varshaphal or the annual results and its
importance is revealed only in recent times. Thus the Parasari
is the most common method having won the general acceptance
of all eminent people in all ages.

I have mainly followed Parasara in the collection of

material for this book and have devoted myself to a clear
exposition of the various principles of astrology by following
which the future of man can be revealed with sufficient

In chapters dealing with Casting the Horoscope, Ashtaka-

varga. Death. Horary Astrology, Medical Astrology, Lost
Horoscopes or Unknown Birth Times, etc., every effort has
been made to illustrate the theoretical principles with practical

The chapters on Death and Unknown Birth Times open

fresh fields for research and investigation. It is with a view
to drawing the attention of the reader to the necessity of
instituting inquiries into the problem of Unknown Birth
Times that these chapters have been included.

The chapters are systematically arranged. As a matter of

fact the book is so graduated as to make even the beginner
well acquainted with all the principles easily, while the advanced
student will find much useful information with which he will not
have come into contact hitherto.

The theory of Astrology has b£en fully dealt with by my

grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao in his Introduction to
the Study of Astrology and by me in my book Astrology and
Modern Thought . Both these books may be studied with
great benefit.

• See my book Varthaphal or The Hindu Pro fretted Horoterje a

unique treatise based on Tejaka.

I trust that my honest snd humble endeavours to further

the cause of Astrology will not go in vain and that this
humble venture will be appreciated by all well-wishers of



1st February 1938


Index of Technical Terms



— Three humours in Hindu



— Trines

Trikona Reduction

— Reduction in triangular signs

like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius


— J/30th division of a sign

Thu la

— Libra

Ubhayodayu Rasis

— Signs rising both by head and

hinder part


— Exaltation

Udaya Lagoa

— Rising sign—Ascendant


— Sun's northerly course


— Initiation into divine knowledge

or investiture of sacred thread
among higt^ caste Hindus

— Traders, third caste among

the Hindus


— Retrogression


— Annual reading


— An obstructing point


— l/60th of a ghati or 24 seconds


— State of a planet in combustion


— Taurus


— Lord of the 12th bouse


— Weekday


— Fight (Planetary)



I. Necessity for the Study of Astrology

II. The Zodiac and the Solar System

III. Hindu Time Measure

IV. Planets, Signs and Constellations

V. Peculiarities of the Zodiacal Signs

VI. Astrological Terminology

VII. Planetary Strengths and A vast has

VIII. Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope

IX. Western Method of Horoscope Casting

X. The Sbadvargas

XI. On Birth Verification and Rectification

XII. Dasas and Bhuktis (Periods and sub-periods)

XIII. - On Aspects

XIV. Ayurdaya or Longevity

XV. Marakas or Death Inflicting Planets

XVI. Judgment of a Horoscope

XVII. Key-Planets for Each Sign

XVIII. Results of Ascending Signs
XiX. Judgment of Bhavas (Houses)

XX. Some Special Yogas

XXI. Planets in Different Bhavas or Houses

XXII. Planets in Different Rasis or Signs

XXIII. Characteristics of the Signs and Planets

XXIV. Results of Dasas and Bhuktis

XXV. Source and Nature of Death

XXVI. The Ashtakavarga System

XXVII. Prasna Sastra or Horary Astrology
XXVIII. Unknown Birth Times - 210

XXIX. Medical Astrology _ 217

XXX. Female Horoscopy — 226

XXXI. Mundane Astrology — 231

XXXII. Mubortba or Election - 239

XXXIII. Annual Horoscopes - 246

XXXIV. Gocbaraphala or Results of Transits — 254

XXXV. Practical Horoscopes — 265

XXXVI. Drekkanas (Dccanates) and Stellar Influences - 272

Appendii A- Calculation of the Ayanamsa _ 270

Table I—Oblique Ascension Table for places in

0* to 60* H. Lat. _ 280

Table II—Daaa Bhuktl Tables _ 213

Table III—Proportional Parts for Dasasof Planets _ 286

Table IV—Ayanamsa (1891 to 1980 A.D-) — 287

Index of Technical Terms _ 288


Necessity for the Study of Astrology

Various theories have been set up to discover the influences

of planets upon the terrestrial phenomena. While some people
admit the intimate relationship that exists betwixt the move¬
ments of those “mysterious intelligences” in the heavens and
the fortunes and misfortunes of men, rise and fall of Empires,
ebb and flow of human passions and the regeneration and
degeneration of Arts, Sciences, Literature and Philosophy,
there are others who always deny the existence of any sort of
connection between the stars and the inhabitants of this earth.
This attitude is due to the fact that they do not approach the
subject with an unbiassed and unprejudiced mind. Dispassio¬
nate enquiry alone can enable one to appreciate the truth
behind any branch of knowledge. In any field of enquiry,
the student will find it useful to remember, it is a major error
of the intellect to attempt to oppose prejudices based on
a priori arguments to the evidence afforded by facts- The final
test of a theory is that it should work satisfactorily in prac¬
tice. This is the test by which astrological theory should be

No science or art is more interesting, instructive and use¬

ful to mankind in contributing to bis moral and material
advancement than the sublime science of astrology. This is

Hindu Predictive Astrology

the most ancient of ail sciences and had reached considerable

perfection in India thousands of years ago.

While the modern scientists acknowledge astronomy, some

of them sneer at astrology and reject it with contempt charg¬
ing it with the dogmatism of charlatanry and superstition.
They preach frankness and research as fair and reasonable;
but show the greatest bigotry, when the subject of astrology is
taken up or introduced.

Astrology is the science which comprises the foretelling of

the regular movements of the planets, the fortunes and mis¬
fortunes of men, fates of nations, inundations, earthquakes,
plagues, volcanic eruptions, pestilences, and other incidents
relating to terrestrial phenomena. In Sanskrit it is called
Hora Sastra meaning the science that treats of Time. It is
also called Jyotisha o r the Knowledge of Light from Jyoti or
Light which is the root-cause for ail known creation. Accord¬
ing to the Western interpretations. Astrology is derived from
Aster —a star, and Logos —reason or logic.

No sane brain could ever deny the influence of planets

upon man and how they affect, deter and facilitate his future
career on the three planes of human existence, viz., physical
characteristics, mental peculiarities and spiritual aspirations.

That a certain subtle power, derived from nature, pervades

the entire universe, and the earth we inhabit is also subject to
this mysterious and subtle power is evident to all. The various
elements, encompassing all matter, are altered by the motions
of this ethereal power. The acts of creation ( srlshtl ), protec¬
tion ( sthlti ) and destruction (laya) are embedded in the womb
of the All-Powerful Time and these variations are brought
about as a consequence of this subtle power. The Sun by his
daily movements and the change of seasons brings to

Necessity for the Study of Astrology

perfection the embryo in plants and animals and brings about

various changes on the earth. The Moon being nearest to the
earth exercises much influence on it and as she wanes and
waxes rivers swell, the tides of the sea are ruled and the plants
and animals aflected.

The Sun as the central figure predominates over the entire

arrangement of the celestial system and the other planets aod
stars are directed by his rays.

Thus, it invariably follows, that all bodies in nature,

whether animate or inanimate, are subject to the motions of
the celestial bodies.* Not only those that are already in exis¬
tence are influenced by the movements and configurations of
planets, but also the impregnations and growth and develop¬
ments of the seeds from which all bodies emanate are moulded
by the quantity and quality of these influences at the time of

Astrology must not be confused with fatalism, witchcraft.

palm istry and card^shuffiing. It interprets what it conceives
to be the future of man as jnoulded by his previous Karma
and indicated by the planetary positions at the time of birth.

The greatest men of the world believed in and practised

astrology. Dante declared it to be “the highest, the noblest
and without defect’’. Kepler, Bacon, Pythogoras and Demo-
crates were masters in astrology. The ancient Hebrews called
the astrologer Asphe meaning “the mouthpiece of the star".
It is recorded that Newton was attracted to the study of
mathematics and astronomy by the contemplation of an
astrological figure of the heavens

* Vide my book Astrology and Modern Thought for an exposition of

the rationale of Astrology, in the light of modern concepts.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

When one has acquired a thorough knowledge of the ever*

lasting and ever-changing influences of the stars, he will be
able to prognosticate correctly the mental and physical
qualities of any man and the fortunes and misfortunes that
await him and his progress in the world whose actual moment
of birth is accurately known.

By thus knowing the future correctly, man can so create

an environment that, be can cope with the adverse periods of
his life and alleviate the evils, indicated by the planets to a
great extent. The human will is free to a certain extent and
advance knowledge of the future can enable one to mitigate
many evils. There is a proverb: “Fools obey planets while
wise men control them.”


The Zodiac and the Solar System

The zodiac is a broad band or belt in the heavens extend¬

ing 9 degrees on each side of the ecliptic. The ecliptic or the
path of the Sun passes exactly through the centre of the zodiac
longitudinally. It is an imaginary circle of 360 degrees and
the ancients divided this zodiac into 12 equal parts of 30
degrees each, each being named after the constellation.
Though each of these signs differs considerably from the
other, yet there is a sort of continuity through all the twelve.
The quality of each sign is not equally spread, but every
degree in a sign has its own peculiar qualities. The zodiac,
jcnown as the Bhachakra in Sanskrit, revolves on its axis once
in a day from east to west.

The planetary orbs, which the ancients recognised as

having the most powerful influences on our earth are seven,
leaving aside the shadowy planets, Rahu and Ketu, and the
so called newly discovered planets Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto which Hindu astrology does not recognise.
As inhabitants of the earth, we are concerned with the
influences of these celestial bodies on our planet. AH the
planets perform the double function of not only revolving on
their own axes once in a day (from west to east) but also
round the Sun. According to Suryasiddhanta, Saturn is the

Hindu Predictive Astrology

most distant planet from the earth. Jupiter, Mars, the Sun,
Venus, Mercury and the Moon come next in the order of their
distance from the terrestrial globe. Thus we see that the
nearest planet to our own orb is the Moon. The velocity of
each planet diminishes as its distance from the earth increases.

The Sun moves at the rate of roughly 1 degree of this

Circle of Light (zodiac) in one day composed of 24 hours or
boras, and takes 365 days and 6 hours to complete a circuit
round the zodiac. The Moon takes the average rate of 4^
ghatis or I hour and 48 minutes to traverse through a degree
of this space. Mars moves at the average rate of 4S days for
30 degrees o r takes 1^ days per degree. Mercury moves at
the average rate of 1^ degrees a day; but on account of his
closeness to the Sun and due to the solar influence, he is very
unsteady. He completes his average run in 27 days. He gets
into forward and backward motions from the Sun and attains
what is called astam or combustion. He hardly takes a day
to move in each degree, but moves on more rapidly for some
time, gets in front of the Sun and then begins to move slowly
and goes backwards from the Sun. These two states of
combustion, viz., moving forwards and backwards
from the position of the Sun, are designated in the astro¬
nomical works as pragasthambha and paschadasthambha—prcg
indicating towards the East of the Snn, and paschad indi¬
cating towards the West of the Sun. In these double motions
of backwards and forwards. Mercury never gets away more
than 28 degrees in either direction from the Sun. Though the
time allotted to Jupiter is one year in each sign of 30 degrees,
there is also some variation and the Jovian year or Barhas-
pathyamana will be a little less than 12 years in the 12 signs.
Venus moves at the rate of 1 degree per day. Saturn is the
The Zodiac and the Solar System

slowest moving planet of the lot. He takes about 2} years or

30 months to move in a sign of 30 degrees and thus he takes
1 month to move in a degree. Rahu and Ketu which revolve
in the Apasavya order, i.e., from east to west, take 18 months
to travel through each sign of the zodiac.

All the planets, excepting the Sun, the Moon and the
shadowy planets Rabu and Ketu, undergo retrogression or
vakra and this will be folly explained in a future chapter.
This much of the explanation of the solar system seems to be
necessary to facilitate comprehension of the astrological terms
described in the subsequent chapters. For further details
about the astronomical peculiarities. I must refer the readers
to my A Manual of Hindu Astrology.


Hindu Time Measure

Among the Hindus, 60 lunar years constitute one cycle

they are

1 .







Vi jay a































11 .


























































Hindu Tine Measure




















The first year of the cycle denotes the evolution of a new

creative force which apparently is supposed to end in the last
or 60th year after getting fully matured, when the new year
gives rise to a new force: In Vibhava this force is expanded ;
Shukla denotes its vitality; Pramoduta causes development;
Prajotpatti increases activities; Angirasa connotes the diffe¬
rent forms the newly evolved force takes and similarly the
names are given for all the 60 years indicative of the function
that the force is supposed to do, till the year Akshaya or
destruction sets in which means that the force generated in
Prabhava has been destroyed.


There are two Ayanas —periods—in a year, the Uttarayana

commencing from the winter solstice, when the Sun enters
Capricorn or Afakara and moves in a northerly direction, and
Dakshinayana beginning with the summer solstice or the
ingress of the Sun into Cancer or Kataka when the Sun takes
a southerly course.

Ruthns or Seasons

The principal seasons among the Hindus are six, whereas

the Europeans consider only four, viz.. Autumn, Spring,
Winter and the Summer.

The six seasons are :—

Vasantha Ruthu: Chaitra and Vaisakha(Spring),Greeshma

Ruthu : Jyeshta and Ashadha (Summer), Varsha Ruthu :


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Sravana and Bbadrapada (Rainy season), Sarad Ruthu :

Aswija and Kartika (Autumn), Hemantha Ruthu : Margasira
and Pusbya (Winter), Sisira Ruthu: Magha and Phalguna

The twelve lunar months are:—




Apri 1-May




Jun e-July



August-Sept ember






N ovem bcr-December







The name of each lunar month is given as a result of the

constellation falling on the Full Moon day of the particular


Solar months with their Tamil and English equivalents

Solar Months

















Dhanus—M argali








Hindu Time Measure


ShakU and Krishna Pakshas

Shukla Paksba consists of the bright hair of the lunar

month when the Moon waxes. The fifteen days from the next
day of the New Moon to including the Full Moon constitute
the Shukla Paksba. The dark half of the lunar month or the
other IS days from the next day of the Full Moon to the New
Moon day make up the Krishna Paksba.


Planets, Signs and Constellations

Nine important planets are considered in Hindu astrology

as affecting the terrestrial phenomena. Their Sanskrit equiva¬
lents and the symbols used by Western astrologers are also
given here for ready reference:—


Surya or Ravi


Soma or Chandra



Kuja or Angaraka


Budha or Soumya


Guru or Brihaspati


Sukra or Bhargava

Sani ot Manda


Dragon’s Head

Rahu or Thama

Dragon’s Tail

Ketu or Sikhi

The twelve signs of the zodiac are

1. Mesba


the Ram

2. Vrishabha


the Bull

3. Mithuna


the Twins

4. Kata k a

the Crab



the Lion

6. Kanya


the Virgin


7. Thula


the Balance

8. Vrischika


the Scorpion


9. Dhanus


the Centaur

10. Makara


the Crocodile

11. Kumbha


the Water-bearer*

12. Meena


the Fishes

f lands. Signs and Constellations


The zodiac is a circle of light and consequently it knows

no beginning or end. In order to measure the distance an
astronomical point (end of the constellation of Revati) is
established which is called the first point of Aries. The zodiac
is marked by 27 constellations or naksbatras. The first point of
the Aswini, the first constellation, synchronises with the first
point of Aries, which is the starting point of the fixed zodiac.
Each nakshatra measures 13° 20' of arc and consists of four
quarters or padas of 3° 20' each. Thus 2* constellations or
nine quarters comprise a zodiacal sign. The Rasis (signs) and
Nakshatras (constellations) are both reckoned from the same
point, viz., the zero degree of the zodiac or the first point of
Mesha (Aries).

The constellations are

1. Aswini—0 Arietis, 3 stars resembling a horse’s face.

2. Bharani—41 Arietis, 3 stars resembling a female sexual


ifi 3. Krittika—q Tauri Alcyone-2, 6 stars resembling a


* 4. Robini— Aldebaran, 5 stars resembling a chariot.

3. Mrigasira— l Orionis, 3 stars resembling a head of a

6. Aridra—a Beteigeuse, one star resembling a head.

7. Punarvasu —p Geminorium Pollux, 5 stars resembling

a bow.

8. Pushyami —8 Cancri, 3 stars resembling a flower.

9. Aslesha—< Hydare, 6 stars resembling a serpent.

10. Makha —p Leonis or Regulus, 3 stars resembling a


11 and 12. Pubba and Uttara —& Leonis, and Denebola 4

stars resembling the legs of a cot.

! 0 >



Hindu Predictive Astrology

'S' 13. Hasta— & Corvi, 5 stars resembling a palm.

^‘f4. China— Virginis Spiea, one star resembling a pearl.

15. Swati—a Booth or Arcturus, one star resembling a


16. Visakha—a Librae, 3 stars resembling a potter's wheel.

17. Anuradha— 8 Scorpii, 3 stars resembling an umbrella.

18. Jyeshta— Antares, 3 stars resembling an umbrella.

19. Moola— i Scorpii, 6 stars resembling a crouching line.
20 and 21. Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha— S and o Sagittarii,

4 stars resembling a square.

22. Sravana—a Aquila, 3 stars resembling an arrow.

23. Dhanishta— fi Delphini, 4 stars resembling a drum.

24. Satabhisha— <t Aquarii, 100 stars resembling a Bower.

23. Poorvabhadra—0 Pegasi ) 4 stars resembling the legs

26. Uttarabhadra—Y Pegasi j of a cot.

27. Revati—£ Piscium, 3 stars resembling a fish.

The following quarters (padas) of the constellations

comprise the twelve zodiacal signs :—

No. Rasi





Space on the
ecliptic from
0° Aries

1. Aries

1. Aswini



2. Bbarani



3. Kriitika


2. Tiaras



4. Robioi



5. Mrigasira


3. Gemini



6 Aridra


7. Punarvasu


4. Cancer




8. Pusbyami



9. Aslesha


Planets. Signs and Constellations


Ho. Ko*i




Pa das

Space on the
ecliptic from
<T Aries







— 11.























20 0


















Moo la









































Tbe above table interpreted means that four -quarters of

Aswini, four quarters of Bharani and the first quarter of
Krittika make up Aries or Mesha. The remaining three
quarters of Krittika, four quarters of Rohini and the first
two quarters of Mrigasira compose Taurus or Vrishabba and
so on. This will enable one to fix the positions of planets in a
horoscope, as in most Hindu almanacs, the planetary
positions are generally given in constellations and quarters.


Peculiarities of the Zodical Signs

Each zodiacal sign has certain peculiarities attributed to it

by ancient Maharishis. For instance, each sign represents
some element in nature, such as fire, air, earth and water.

Moveable signs (Chara Rasis) are Aries, Cancer, Libra

and Capricorn. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ar e fixed
signs (Sthira Rasis) . Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces
are said to be common signs (Dwiswabhava Rasis) . Aries,
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are odd signs.
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are
classified as even signs. All odd signs are cruel and mascu¬
line and all even signs are mild and Feminine. Again, we have
an account of fiery signs (Agnitatwa Rasis), viz., Aries, Leo
and Sagittarius. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy
signs (Bhutatwa Rasis). Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are
airy signs (Vayutatwa Rasis). And finally Cafocer, Scorpio
and Pisces are classified as watery signs (Jalatatwa Rasis).
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are signs
of long ascension and those of short ascension are Capricorn,
Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.* Cancer, Scor¬
pio and Pisces are fruitful and Gemini, Leo and Virgo are
barren. Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius

* Of course, this order has to be reversed for places situated io South

of Equator.

peculiarities of the Zodiacal Signs


file by their beads and are consequently called Sirodaya Rash

wbicb, excepting Gemini, are said to be powerful during the
jay. The Prushtodaya signs ( rising by hinder part) are Aries,
Taurus. Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. These signs along
with Gemini are said to be powerful during the night. Pisces
forms a combination of the two and is called Ubhayodaya
jlasi with power both during day and night. Gemini,
Virgo. Aquarius and the first half of Sagittarius are the signs

gl voice.

These details would be highly useful in the delineation of

character and mental disposition.

Quadrant s (Kendras\ are 1, 4, 7 and 10. Trines (Trikonas)

‘are 5 and 9. Cadent houses (Panaparas) are 2, 5 f 8 and 11.
Succeedent houses ( Apoklimas) are 3, 6, 9 and 12 (9th being a
trikona must be omitted). Upachayas a rc 3, 6, 10 and 11.


Astrological Terminology

The allocation of sign rulership does not appear to be

arbitrary. For instance, the Sun rules Leo. If we replace
the Sun by the earth, then we find that the nearest planet to
the Earth, viz., the Moon, rules the nearest sign to Leo, viz..




























According to Suryasiddhanta, Saturn is the most distant

planet from the Earth ; Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and
the Moon come next in the order of their distance. Based on
such an arrangement, the rulerships are allotted. The planets
and signs are related by what is known as sign rulership.

Astrological Terminology

Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. Venus rules Taurus

and Libra. Mercury governs Gemini and Virgo. The Moon
owns Cancer. The Sun is the lord of Leo. Jupiter governs
^Pisces and Sagittarius. Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by
Saturn. Leo and Ketu rule Scorpio. Rahu owns Leo and
Ketu rules Scorpio.

gxaltatiqns. — The Sun is exalted in the 10th degree of

Aries ; the Moon in the 3rd degree of Taurus; Mars in the
,^8th degree of Capricorn ; Mercury in the ISth degree of
;Virgo; Jupiter in the Sth degree of Cancer; Venus in tbe 27th
degree of Pisces; and Saturn in the 20th degree of Libra,
Jtabu in 20° of Tauruaand Ketu in 20° of Scorpio.

Debilitations.— The 7th house or the 180tb degree from

the place of exaltation is the place of debilitation or fall. The
.Sun is debilitated in the 10th degree of Libra, the Moon in the
3rd degree of Scorpio and so on.

Benejics and. Malefics .— Planets are benefic or malefic

according to their inherent nature. They tend to do good or
evil. Jupiter, Venus, Full Moon and well-associated Mercury
a ft held to be good planets. New Moon, badly associated
Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are evil
or malefic ones: From the eighth day of the bright half of
the lunar month the Moon is full and strong. She is weak
from the eighth day of the dark half.

Sexes^- Jupiter. Mars and the Sun are males; Venus,

^Rahu and the Moon are females; and Saturn, Mercury and
. Ketu are eunuchs or hermaphrodites. This enables us to
determine the sex of tbe child in the birth horoscope and tbe
sex of the person involved if it is a horary chart.

Colours .— Each planet represents a certain colour which

is as follows : —Sun—copper. Mars—blood red. Moon—


Hindu Predictive Astrology

white, Saturn—black, Mercury-green, Jupiter—bright

yellow and Venus-mixture of all colours.

Moolatrikonas^— There are certain positions called Moola-

trikonas which are similar to those of exaltation. The Sun’s
Moolatrikona is Leo (0°-20°); the Moon has Taurus (4 , -20°);
Mercury—Virgo (l6*"-20°); Jupiter—Sagittarius (0°-I0°);
Mars—Aries (0°-12°) ; Venus—Libra (0°-15°) ; and Saturn—
Aquarius (0°-20°).

Planetary Natures . —The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are

divine in nature and indicate Satvikaguna or philosophical and
philanthropic dispositions. Venus and Mercury represent
Rajasa or imperious disposition. Mars and Saturn deoote
Thamasa or dull nature.

The Sun and Mars are fiery planets; Mercury is earthy;

Saturn is airy; Jupiter is ethereal; and Venus and the Moon
are watery.

The Sun represents ego or atma ; the Moon mams or

mind; Mars-martial power; Mercury—good and eloquent
speech; Jupiter indicates wisdom ; Venus shows voluptuous¬
ness and gross sensual pleasures; and Saturn indicates sorrows
and miseries.

The Sun and the Moon are kings; Mars—commander-in-

chief; Mercury—Yuvaraja or heir-apparent; Jupiter and
Venus—Prime Ministers; and Saturn a servant.

Planetary Relations .—By the term friendship and enmity

among planets we have to understand that the rays of one
planet will be intensified or counteracted by those of the other
declared to be its friend or enemy respectively. Friendship
will be both permanent and temporary.


astrological Terminology

Permanent Relationship




Mood, Mars*






Sun, Mercury

Mars, Jupiter,
Venus. Saturn



Sun, Moon.


Venus, Saturn



Sun, Venus

Mars. Jupiter,



Sun, Moon,





Mercury, Saturn

Mars, Jupiter

Sun, Moon


Mercury, Venus


Sun. Moon,

Temporary Relationship

Besides Naisargika or natural friendship, planets become

temporary friends also by virtue of their sign positions.
Planets found in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th signs
from any other planet, become its temporary friends. Those
ip ( the remaining signs become temporary enemies. In judging
athoroscope, both types of relationships should be carefully

fposidered thus:
^anaoeot Friend

Temporary Friend

Best Friend

(«Naisargika Mitra)

{Tatkalika Mltra)

(Adki Mitra)

Permanent Friend

Temporary Enemy


(Naisargika Mttra )

{TatkaUka Satru )


Permanent Enemy

Temporary Enemy

Bitter Eoemy

^Naisargika Satru)

(TatkaUka Satru)

{Adhl Satru)

Permanent Enemy

Temporary Friend


{Jfalsarglka Satru)

(TatkaUka Mitra)


permanent Neutral

Temporary Friend


(Nasargika Sama)

(TatkaUka Mitra)


Permanent Neutral

Temporary Enemy


(Naisargika Sama )

(TatkaUka Satru)



Hindu Predictive Astrology

In the illustration given below, let us find out the tempo,

rary and permanent friendships and enmities between the
olanets. Take for instance, Jupiter. The Moon is in the
seventh, therefore he becomes temporary enemy of Jupiter.
But from the table of permanent relationship given above, it





Horoscope of a
male boro oo
8-8-1912 at 7-43
p. m. (I.S.T.)
Lat. 13 North ;

Long. 77° 34'










will be seen that the Moon is the friend of Jupiter. Now

adding the two :—Temporary enemy plus permanent friend,
we get the compounded relation as neutral. Thus the Moon
is a neutral of Jupiter. Similarly, ascertain the relations with
reference to other planets

Planetary Castes. —Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins or

holy people; the Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas or belong to
the warrior caste; the Moon is Vaisya or trader; Mercury is
Sudra or farmer and Saturn is Antyaja or untouchable. One
should not confuse this with the so-called caste system.
According to Lord Krishna, rarna is based on guno and

Astrological Terminology 23

Planetary Directions . —The Sun, Venus, Mara, Rahu,

.Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter indicate East, S.-E.,
South, S.-W., West, N.-W., North and N.-E., respectively.

According to Hindu astronomy, planets in the course of their

journey in the zodiac are said to be obstructed by certain
invisible forces called mondochcha, seeghroehcha and patha as
g.result of which they become stationary for a while, get
backward movements and again after some time, they regain
Afcfr natural course. This phenomenon of going backwards is
called retrogression. The astronomical aspect of the retro*
mide movements of planets is somewhat cumbersome and for
wtails readers may refer to any standard texts on astronomy.

Athichara or Acceleration .— If a planet moves from one

fi^n to the other faster than its usual speed it gets what is
Allied Athichara or Acceleration.

9 Stambhana or_ Stagnation .— Residence in the same sign for

£iote than the usual period makes a planet get this stage.

Astangota or Combustion . —Planets in intimate conjunction

iflfch the Sun get combustion and become utterly powerless.

Samagama.— Planets with the Moon acquire Samagama.

* ' Arohana .— The ascending direction from the debilitation

- to the exaltation.

The descending direction from exaltation to

Avarohana .


Planetary Strengths and Avasthas

Planetary conjunctions play an important part in the

determination of the various sources of strength and weak¬
ness of the planets in a horoscope. Conjunction of good
planets always produces beneficial results while the reverse
holds good when malefic planets join together.

Planets on account of their incessant movements get into

certain states of existence called avasthas which are ten in
number. Bach avastha produces its own results. In the
judgment of a horoscope all these details have to be fully

Deeptha or Exaltation.— Gains from conveyances, respect

from elders, fame, wealth and good progeny.

Swastha or Own House . —Fame, wealth, position, lands,

happiness and good children.

Muditha or in the House of a Friend .— Happiness.

Sant ha or an Auspicious Sub-division, —Strength and

courage, helping relations, comfort and happiness.

Sakta or Retrogression* — Courage, reputation, wealth and


Peedya or Residence in the last quarter of a sign . —

Prosecution, incarceration, pilfering habits and expulsion
from country.

Planetary Strengths and Avastbas


Deena or in Inimical House. — Jealousy, mental worry,

brain trouble, sickness and degradation.

Vikala or Combustion .— Diseases, orphanage, loss of wife

and children and disgrace.

Khala or Debilitation. — Losses, mean birth, troubles from

various sources, quarrels with parents and relations, imprison¬
ment and hating God and sacred literature.

Bhita or Acceleration* — Losses from various sources,

torture, foes, mean habits and danger in foreign countries.

The ShadbaJas or Six Sources of Strength and Weakness

of Planets Each planet is supposed to get a particular shaie
of strength when it occupies a particular position. The source
of strength can be numerically measured by a certain unit
called Rupa. (For full details, see my book Graha and Bhava
Balas.) There are six kinds of strength considered in Indian
1. Sthanabala* —This is the positional strength which a
planet gets as a result of its occupying a particular house in
the horoscope. A planet gets Sthanabala in its exaltation,
own house, moolatrikona, and friendly house and Swa (own)
Shadvargas (for Shadvargas vide Chapter XI).

2. Digbala. — This is the directional strength. Jupiter and

Mercury are powerful in the East (ascendant). The Sun and
Mars get their directional strength in the North (10th house).
Saturn in the West (7th house) gains Digbala. Venus and the
Moon acquire directional strength in the South (4th house).

3. Chestabala ( Motional strength).— The Sun and the Moon

in the signs ot Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus
and Gemini which constitute the Uttarayana (Sun’s northerly
course) and Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in
retrogression or in conjunction with the Full Moon get


Hindu Predictive Astrolog)

Chestabala. If Jupiter, Veous, Mercury and Saturn are with

Mars, they are said to be defeated in the planetary fight or
Grahayuddha and get Chestabala.

4. Kalabala. — Kalabala means temporal strength. The

Moon, Mars and Saturn are powerful during the night. The
Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during the day. Mercury
is always powerful. Malefics and benefics are powerful during
the dark half and bright half of the lunar month respectively.
Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, the Moon, Venus and Mars are
powerful at sunrise, noon, evening, first part of the night,
midnight and the last part of the night respectively. Jupiter
is always strong. Planets in their weekdays, months and years
are said to be powerful.

5. Drugbala . —Drugbala is reckoned as a result of the

aspect to which each planet is subjected to by the other. The
houses of aspect are given in the next chapter. Aspects of
benefics give full Drugbala or strength, and aspects of malefics
take away the Drugbala

6. Naisargtkabala ■ —This means permanent or natural

strength. Each planet is supposed to produce a particular
measure of strength permanently irrespective of its position.
The Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and
Saturn are strong in order. The Sun is the most powerful and
Saturn is the least powerful.

The strengths of planets can be numerically calculated as

per my book Graha and Bhava Balas.


Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope

The horoscope is simply a scheme or a plan representing

an accurate picture of the heavens, of the positions of the
planets and the stars for the time at which a child is born or
at any particular moment. The map of the heavens contain¬
ing the 12 divisions is drawn in either a square or circular
form. 1 give below the most common kinds of diagrams now
in vogue in India and abroad.

For the benefit of my Western readers, and such Indian

readers who have no access to almanacs, I have also explained
the method of casting the horoscope according to the Western
system and its reduction to the Hindu, in the next chapter.
The following are some of the maps used by different






Hindu Predictive Astrology

For all practical purposes almanacs published by competent

Hindu astronomers, giving the planetary positions, can be
used by beginners, and after acquiring a thorough familiarity
with the various rules for the computation of horoscopes on
the basis of such almanacs, the student may refer to modern
ephemerides for greater accuracy.

Western Countries

Find out the date of birth in the almanac in the particular

year and write on a sheet of paper all the details given for
that day. In most of the almanacs, the positions of the
planets are given in Nakshatra Padas (Constellational
quarters) and by merely copying them, one would be able to
mark the Rasi (zodiacal) and Navamsa (one-ninth division)

Ascertain the exact moment of birth and sunrise. If the

time is in English hours, convert it into ghatis (2^ ghatis
make one hour, .24_minutes make one ghati and 24 seconds
make on \e vfghati). the birth lias occurred^ afFer midnight.

Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope


it must be taken as belonging to the previous day as among

the Hindus a day is reckoned from sunrise to sunrise.
Ascertain how many hours after sunrise the birth has occurred
and convert this into ghatis.

In the almanac, if there are any planets marked on the

day of birth and if the ghatis given against each or

any of them are below the time of birth, reproduce them

as they are ; otherwise trace back and find out the positions
of planets nearest to the date of birth. For the Moon
some calculations are necessary. Find out the constellation
on the day of birth which can be readily seen in the

almanac and note down its duration. If it be the one that

ends on the same day, then add to this duration, the number
of ghatis and vighatis obtained by subtracting from 60, the
extent of the preceding asterism on the previous day. The
sum represents the entire duration of the constellation in
question. One-fourth of this gives the duration of a quarter
or pada. Add birth time to the duration of the constellation
on the previous day. This gives how much of time has

elapsed in the constellation at the time of birth. Dividing

this by the duration of each quarter, we get the particular

quarter of the constellation in which the Moon is.

In case the constellation be the one that ends on the next

day, the duration of the asterism on the day of birth and that
on the next day must be obtained thus :

Let us assume that the sunrise on the day of birth of the

following illustrative horoscope is at 5-35 a.m. The birth has
taken place at 5-35 p.m. Deducting sunrise from birth time
(5-35 p.m. = 17 hours, 35 minutes) we get 12 hours. This
converted into ghatis at 2^ ghatis per one hour gives 30
ghatis as the time of birth after sunrise. From the almanac.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

we find that on the day or birth the constellation Rohini ruled
for 21-59 ghatis. Subtract from 60 ghatis, the number of
ghatis and vigbatis at which the Moon left the previous
constellation. Add to this, the number of ghatis and vighatis
when this constellation terminates the next day. The total
duration of the constellation is obtained. Subtract from the
time of birth (in ghatis) the time when the Moon left the
previous asterism. The time elapsed from the beginning of
the constellation to the moment of the birth is obtained. Now
it will be easy to find in what quarter the Moon is placed.

The following illustration enables the student to grasp the

principles enumerated above easily.

Illustration .—Born 8th August 1912 A.D. at 5-35 p.m. or

30 ghatis after sunrise. Long. 78° E., Lat. 13' N. :

On 8-8-1912. On 9-9-1912

Duration of day = Gh. 60-0 Extent of Mrigaslra

Extent of Rohini 21-59 — Gh. 19-15

Extent of Mrigaaira 38-1

on 8-8-1912

Total duration of Mrigaaira

- Gh. 38-1 + Gh. 19.15 = Gh. 57-16.

Dividing this by 4, we find that each quarter lasts for

-Gh. 14-19

Again, Birth time ... Gh. 30-0

Duration of Rohini .... 21-59

Time elapsed is Mrigaslra ... 8-1

Since the balance is less than ghatis 14-19, the first

quarter of Mrigasira rules at birth, i.e., the Moon occupies
the first quarter of Mrigasira. Tracing back, the positions of
other planets are obtained thus:

Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope


Sun in the

11 quarter of












Makha (Retrogression)






























Take the Sun. He is in the second quarter of Aslesha.

Count from the constellation Aswini upto the constellation
of the planet. It is 8. Convert this into padas or quarters
(one quarter is equal to 31/3 degrees of ecliptic arc); 8 x 4 = 32.
Add the two quarters already passed by the planet in Aslesha.
32 plus 2 - 34. Since 9 padas make one Rasi, divide this by
9; 34/9-3 7/9. The remainder is 7. That is, the Sun passed
three signs from Aries and is in the fourth sign, namely
Cancer. All this trouble can be saved by referring to the


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Table of constellations given on page 14. The Sun, as we

know, is in the 2nd pada of Aslesha. From the table, it will
be seen that the last quarter of Punarvasu, the four quarters
of Pushyami and the four quarters of Aslesha constitute the
sign Cancer. As the Sun is still in the 2nd pada of Aslesha,
we can readily place him in Cancer. Similarly, fix all the
other planets in their respective signs.

Ascendant or the Lagoa

The next step after fixing the planets is the correct determi¬
nation of Lagoa or the Ascendant. The earth is egg-shaped
and rotates once a day on its axis and thus all the zodiacal
signs are invariably “exposed” to the solar influence. As the
earth is egg-shaped, certain signs are exposed to a greater
extent of time than others. The 12 solar months are named
after the 12 signs of the zodiac. On the first day of Aries the
first degree of that particular sign rises in the eastern horizon
at sunrise and the remaining signs gradually ascend till the
next day at sunrise when the sunrise takes place in the second
degree of Aries. The sunrise takes place in the last degree of
the zodiac on the 30th day of Pisces, when the solar year
ends. Thus the Lagna or the Ascendant is that particular
point of the ecliptic considered with reference to the particular
horizon. Therefore, certain periods of time are allotted to
each of the zodiacal signs to rise, the duration of such periods
depending upon the latitude of the place. The duration of
the signs varies in accordance with the degree of the latitude
of tbe place and the student is referred to Appendix B at the
end of the book by means of which the rising periods of the
various signs for the different degrees of latitude can easily
be ascertained.

Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope


•The degree and the sign in which the Sun rises will be
the ascendant at the particular time. The solar date or birth
is readily found out in the almanac. In the illustration given,
the solar date is the 24th of Cancer. The rising sign in that
month will be Cancer itself. But the Sun rises in it on the
first day in the first degree of Cancer. The person was born
on the 24th evening and therefore the Sun has passed 23
degrees of Cancer and rose on that morning in the 24th

Therefore the Sun on the day of birth was in Cancer 24

degrees. Time of birth is 30 ghatis. Cancer extends for
about 5-31 ghatis (see Appendix B) at Lat. 13° N. There¬
fore each degree requires 5-31 x 60/30 - l 3 l ff vighatis to rise.
Therefore the Sun has 23 x 11^-253|| vighatis or 4 ghatis
and 13J|or 14 vighatis.

Duration of Cancer

- 5-31

Ghatis gained by the Sun

- 4-14

Ghatis remaining to be covered

by the Sun

- 1-17


- 5-20f


- 3-6


- 5-6


- 2-20$




_ 27-41|
* The method of finding the Lagna given here is of a general
character intended to serve the purpose of a beginner. The exact situa¬
tion of the Sun must be ascertained and then the rising sign and degree
found out. Full particulars with examples will be found in Chapter VIII
of my book A Manual of Hindu Astrology to which the reader is


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Birth has taken place at 30 ghatis and since Sagittarius

ends at 27-41 2/3 ghatis after sunrise the ascendant is
Capricorn, i.e., 2 ghatis and 18 1/3 vighatis have elapsed in

The positions of the planets and the Lagna in their exact

degrees are thus calculated with the aid of the almanacs.

Each sign is composed of 30 degrees. In the illustration,

Capricorn is the ascendant. Its duration is 312 2/3 vighatis
at 13 degrees north latitude. Therefore as 312 2/3 vighatis
are to 30 degrees, so are 138 1/3 vighatis to the degrees
required 30/312| x 138 1/3=13 degrees 17 minutes. Thus
the ascendant is 13 degrees 17 minutes Capricorn. This is the
Bhavamadbya or the mid-point of the first bouse, and the
first house or the first Bhava extends roughly IS degrees on
either side of this point. For determining the cusps of houses
(Bhavamadhya, etc.) reference may be made to my A Manual
of Hindu Astrology. For ordinary purposes*, it may be sup¬
posed that each Bhava extends IS degrees on either side of the
mid-point. In the illustration, 13 degrees Capricorn is the
Bhavamadhya of the first house and it roughly extends from
29 degrees of Sagittarius to 28 degrees of Capricorn. The
second house extends from 28 degrees Capricorn and so on.

In “Table of Houses" the cusps of the houses are readily

available and the student will not find it difficult to enter
them in the chart. At the outset, the beginner will do well to
confine his attention to these primary rules without worrying
himself with the technique of mathematical astrology.

The exact Nirayana longitude, say of the Sun, is to be

determined at the birth of a person on 8th August 1912 A.D.,
at 5-35 p.m. (I.S.T.). That year’s almanac will give the
following information

* Even this supposition holds rood only with reference to places that
lie ncur the equator.

Hindu Method of Catting the Horoscope


5th August 1912— Sun enters 3rd quarter of Aslesha at

4(5-30 ghatis. I J

9th August 1912—Sun enters 3rd quarter of Aslesha at

17-44 gbatis. /

Therefore the period taken by the Sun'to pass through one

pada or 3 1/3 degrees of the ecliptic are is : —

5th August Gh. 13—30 subtracting the time of entry from

60 gh. being duration of the day.

6th do. 60— 0

7tb do. 60- 0

8th do. 60— 0

9th do. 17 44

Total • 211—14 or 12,674 righatis.

Time elapsed from the entry of the Sun into the 2nd pada of
Aslesha (which is nearest to the time of birth) upto the
moment of birth.

5tb August Gb. 13—30

6th do. 60— 0

7th do- 60— 0

*th do. 30—0 (moment of birth)

Total .... 163—30 or 9,810 vighatis.

In 12, 674 vighatis the Sun covers V degrees.

In 9,810 vighatis the Sun covers x *1*°^ r.e., equal to

2 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds of arc.

In the 2nd pada or quarter of Aslesha, the Sun has passed

2 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds. We know that the last
quarter of Punarvasu, the four padas of Pushyami and four
padas of Aslesha compose Cancer. Upto the 2nd pada of
Aslesha, the number of padas passed in Cancer is Punar¬
vasu 1 plus Pushyami 4 plus Aslesha I, total 6 padas or
6 x 10/3 « 20 degrees. This added to the number of degrees


Hindu Predictive Astrology

passed in the 2nd pada of Aslesha gives the exact Nirayana

longitude of the Sun at the time of birth, viz., 20 degrees plus
2 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds will be equal to 22
degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds. Thus in the illustrative
horoscope, the Nirayana Sun is in 22 degrees, 34 minutes and
48 seconds Cancer. For other planets the longitudes must be
computed similarly.


Western Method of Horoscope Casting

and Its Reduction to the Hindu

A short account of the difference existing between the

Hindu and Western zodiacs seems necessary before explaining
the method involved in the erection of the heavenly map
according to the Western system and its reduction to the
Hindu zodiac. The Hindu astronomers of the Nirayana
school trace their observations of planets to the fixed zodiac
while the Western astronomers, belonging to the Sayana
system, consider the moving zodiac commencing from the
ever-shifting vernal equinox. The exact period when both
the zodiacs were it: the first point is doubted by a number of
astronomers and accordingly the Ayanamsa—precessional
distance—or the increment between the beginning of the fixed
and moveable zodiacs, varies from 19 to 23 degrees. This
Ayanamsa is reckoned roughly at 50 1/3 seconds of arc per
year (see Appendix A).

Erect the horoscope as per rules given below. Subtract

the Ayanamsa for the year of birth from such positions and
the Hindu horoscope is obtained. In one year the Ayanamsa
gains by 50 ]/3 seconds of arc so that precession for odd days
may conveniently be omitted.

In an # ephemeris (Raphael’s or Die Deutsche’s or any

standard one) the longitudes of planets are calculated daily

• "Raman’s Ninety-year Ephemeris" (1891-1980) can be used with

great advantage by Indian as well as Western students of astrology.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

for Greenwich Mean Noon. Therefore Local Mean Time of the

place of birth must be turned into its equivalent Greenwich
Time. Add to the Local Mean Time of birth, if the birthplace
is west of Greenwich, four minutes for every degree of
longitude. Subtract four minutes from the Local Mean Time
of birth for every degree of longitude, if the birthplace is
east of Greenwich. Having converted this Local Mean Time
of birth into Greenwich Mean Time the planetary longitudes
can be calculated from the ephemeris easily. To find out the
exact longitude of the planet for a given time the difference
of longitude between the previous noon (if birth is a.m.) and
the noon of the birthday or the difference between the noon
of the day (if birth is p.m.) and the next noon must be noted.
(In some publications the daily movements of planets will be
given in a separate section). This difference is the motion of
the planet in 24 hours. Then the following rule must be
applied: As 24 hours are to the dally motion so is the difference
between the given time and noon to the motion required.

Illustration— Born 8th August 1912, Thursday 7 hours 23

minutes p.m., L.M.T., longitude 77 degrees 35 minutss east
and latitude 13 degrees north.

Long. 77 degrees 35 minutes = 5h. 10m. 20s-io time-

Local Mean Time of birth 7 23 6 p.m.

Long, of birthplace (in time) — 5 10 20 p.m.

G.M.T. of birth 2 12 46 p.m.

Since the place of birth is east of Greenwich subtracting

the difference of longitude in time from Local Mean Time, we
get the corresponding Greenwich Mean Time, which is equal
to 2 hours, 12 minutes and 46 seconds p.m. Referring to
Ephemeris for 1912, for 8th August 1912, the Sun’s longitude
on that noon is given as Leo 15 degrees, 32 minutes and
4 seconds. On page 35 the daily motion of the Sun on the
day is given as 57 mioutes and 34 seconds.

Western Method of Horoscope Casting


Sun’s motion in 24 hours 57' 34"

57' 34"

do. „ 2h. 12m. 46s. 24 x 2h. 12m. 46s.


Long, of Sun at noon 15° 32* 4"

Add Sun’s motion in 2h. 12m. 46s. 5' 17"

Long, of Sun at birth moment 15 D 37' 21"

This is according to the Western method. Subtract from

this the Ayanamsa for 1912 to get the Hindu longitude.
Sayana Longitude •••15° 37' 21" in Leo.

Less Ayanamsa for 1912 ...21 11 29

Hindu Nirayana Longitude 24 25 52 in Cancer.

If a planet is in retrogression, it will be mentioned so in

the ephemeris. Similarly, the planetary positions for other
celestial bodies must be computed. Calculation of the Moon’s
longitude, or for that matter the longitude of any planet,
may be conveniently done by means of logarithms. Her
position for 12 noon on 8th August 1912 is found to be
Gemini 15° 0' 56°. Her motion for that day is 14° 24' 57" or
14° and 25'. Turning to Tables of logarithms at the end of
the ephemeris, we find that:

Motion Log for 14° and 25' ... 0.2213

Time Log for 2 hours and 13 minutes ... 1.0345


In the Table of logarithms we find that for the nearest

number (this exact number is not found there) to 1.2558 at
the top of the column degrees and on the left of the table,
minutes showing the number of degrees and minutes the
Moon has progressed in 2 hours and 13 minutes, viz., 1° 20'
Moon’s Sayana Long, at noon ... 15° 0' 56* Gemini

Plus Moon’s Motion for 2h. 13m. + 1 20 0

Total ... 16 20 56 Gemini

Less Ayanamsa for 1912 ... 21 II 29

Hindu Loogitude of Moon

25° V' 27" Taurus


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Thus we find that the Moon is in Taurus 25 degrees,

9 minutes and 27 seconds according to the Hindu method.
Taurus is composed of three quarters of Krittika, four of
Rohini and the first two of Mrigasira. Table of constellations
on page 15 will tell us that 25° Taurus corresponds to the
first quarter of Mrigasira, the Moon is in the first pada
or quarter of Mrigasira.

Latina or the Ascendant . —Find out the Sidereal Time at

G.M.T. which will be found in the first column of the
ephemeris. This is calculated for 12 noon Greenwich Time.
Add to this the Local Mean Time of birth (number of hours
passed after the local noon), and also add 10 seconds per
hour since noon as this represents the difference between the
Sidereal Time (S.T.) and the Mean Time. If the place of
birth is east of Greenwich, deduct at the rate of 10 seconds
per hour of every 15 degrees of longitude (or 1 hour in time)
and if the place of birth is west of Greenwich, add a similar
quantity. This quantity represents the Sidereal Time at the
moment of birth and when this is converted into degrees it
represents what is called the R.A.M.C. of birth. Then refer
to the table of houses for the place of birth or for the latitude
nearest to the place of birth. The ascendant and the cusps
of the six houses will be found marked. Considering the
same illustration, we proceed thus

h. m. s*

Sidereal Time for noon preceding birth ... 9 6 30

Number of hours passed since noon upto birth... 7 23 6

Corrections between S.T. and \

Mean Time at 10s. per hour j +0114

16 30 50

Less correction for the difference of time

between the place of birth (east of
Greenwich) and Greenwich ... — 0 0 52

Local Sidereal Time of birth ... 16 29 58

Western Method of Horoscope Casting


16 hours

... 240°



29 minutes



58 seconds




R.A-M.C. of birth

... 247°



The "Table of Houses for Madras must be referred to at

the latitude of Madras (13° N.) is nearest to the’ latitude of
birthplace and as no tables of houses are available for the
birthplace itself.

Having found the nearest Sidereal Time corresponding to

16 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds (under the column
Sidereal Time) we see in the next column (10) the sign Scorpno
and the number 17° 35', opposite the Sidereal Time showing
that 17* 35' of Scorpio is on the cusp of the 10th house. In
the next column (II), we find 15° 35' Sagittarius, Capricorn
13° 35' on the 12th and 11° 34' Aquarius on the ascendant or
first house. The cusps of the six houses are thus obtained
and addihg 180 degrees to each of these, the cusps of the other
opposite six are ascertained. Now for example, by adding
180 degrees to the cusp of the 10th house, that of the fourth
can be found and so on. If you consult a Sayana table of
houses, deduct the Ayanamsa from the figures obtained and
you will get the Nirayana longitudes of houses. From the
Sayana ascendant so obtained and the cusps of the houses,
deduct the Ayanamsa, viz., 21 degrees, 11 minutes and 29
seconds and the bouses ( Bhavas ) and the ascendant ( Lagna )
of the Hindu zodiac are obtained. fCusp of the Western

* Vide Page 111 of The Nirayana Tables of Houses 0* to 60* by

Dr. B. V. Raman and Prof. R. V. Vaidya.

S There is a slight difference in the mode of reckoning cusps of non*

angular houses between the Western and the Hindu systems. This may
be ignored for the present as it will not materially affect further proce¬
dure of interpreting horoscopes as explained in the pages of this book.

The Nirayana Tables of Houses by Dr. B. V. Raman and Prof. R. V.

Vaidya calculated according to Hindu methods may be used in preference . ^
to Raphael's or any other Western publication.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

bouses less Ayanamsa will give tbe Bhavamadhya (mid-point of

tbe house) of tbe Hindus.

Cusps of the first bouse or ascendant 2° 45'

Less Ayanamsa for 1912 ... 28° II'

Bhavamadhya of tbe first house

or Lagna ... ... 11° 34'

Tbe illustrated horoscope is to be represented


24° 16'


11° 37'
25* 11'


11 34*

24° 26'

22° 50'
15° 50'
3° 43'

14° 26'

24° 16'

Similarly, deduct tbe Ayanamsa from the cusps of the

other houses obtained above and you will get the correspond¬
ing Hindu Bhavamadhyas (mid-points of houses).


as follows


The Shadvargas

The Shadvargas are the six-fold divisions of a zodiacal

sign. A consideration of the Shadvargas will enable us to
estimate the strength of planets. They a re Rasi. Hora,
Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa. Generally
most of the astrologers mark the Rasi and the Navamsa
diagrams and base their predictions on these two. The
Navamsa system is the most important division. The readers
will do well at the beginning to cast the Rasi and Navamsa
diagrams and see how accurate some of the predictions based
on these two charts turn out. For determining the strength
of planets Sap thavargas (seven-fold divisions) are taken into
account. This has been fully explained in my Graha and Bhava

Rasi. —The arc of 30 degrees forming a zodiacal sign is

called Rasi. The twelve zodiacal signs are the twelve Rasis.
The limits and lordships of the various Rasis have been
already named.

Hora%r- When a sign is divided into two equal parts, each

is called a bora. In odd signs like Aries, Gemini, etc., the
first hora is governed by the Sun and the second by the
Moon. In even signs like Taurus, Cancer, etc., the first hora
is governed by the Moon and the second by the Sun.

Example .—Ascendant 11° 34' Aquarius. It falls in the

first hora as it is within IS degrees. Aquarius is an odd sign


Hindu Predictive Astrology

and the first hora is governed by the Sun; therefore, the

ascendant falls in the Sun’s hora.

PrgJiJumQ . —When a sign is divided into three equal parts,

each is called a drekkana getting 10 degrees. The first drekkana
is governed by the lord of the Rasi; the second by the lord of
the Sth from it; and the third by the lord of the 9th from it.
Take Aries: the first drekkana is governed by Mars, its lord;
the second is ruled by the Sun, the lord of the Sth from Aries;
and the third Jupiter rules over, as he is the lord of the 9tb
from Aries.

Example .—Ascendant 11 0 34' Aquarius. Since it falls

between 10° and 20°, the birth has occurred in the second
drekkana whose lord is the lord of the 5th, viz.. Mercury.

~ Navamsa. — The most important sub-division of a zodiacal

sign is the navamsa. When a sign is divided into nine equal
parts, each part becomes a navamsa measuring 3* degrees.
In Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the navamsas are governed by
the lords of the nine signs .respectively from. Aries. Take
Aries, and divide it into nine equal parts. The first navamsa
is governed by the lord of Aries, viz., Mars; the 2nd by the
lord of the 2nd, viz., Venus; the 3rd by Mercury, lord of the
3rd; and so on, till the last or the ninth navamsa which is
governed by Jupiter, lord of the ninth from Aries. Now divide
Taurus into nine equal divisions. We have left the counting
of the navamsa at the 9th from Aries, viz., Sagittarius. There¬
fore, the first navamsa of Taurus is governed by the lord of
the 10th from Aries—Capricorn, viz., Saturn; the 2nd by the
lord of the 11th, viz., Saturn ; the 3rd by the lord of the 12th,
viz., Jupiter; the 4th, Sth, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th by Mars,
Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury respec¬
tively. Then the first navamsa of Gemini is governed by the
lo r d of the first Libra, viz., Venus, the last of Gemini by the
lord of the 9th from Libra, Mercury. Again the first of

The Shadvargat


Cancer is governed by the lord or the first, viz., the Moon.

Again the cycle begins from Aries. It invariably follows that

for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius the navamsas must be counted

from Aries to Sagittarius; for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

from Capricorn; for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius from Libra;

and for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces from Cancer.

Example. —Taking the Sun in 24 degrees, 25 minnles. 52

seconds Cancer (vide page 41) ; each navamsa is equal to

„ 24° 25' 52' x 3 _

3* degrees-—-= 7 navamsas.

The Sun has passed 7 navamsas and I degree, 5 minutes and

52 seconds in the 8th navamsa. The 8th navamsa in Cancer
is Aquarius and the Sun must be placed there.

In the horoscope illustrated on page 42 the navamsa posi¬

tions are as follows :—







Moon 1



Jupiter Mars

In Chapter VIII, the positions of planets of the horoscope

illustrated are marked in constellations and quarters. Take
the Sun. He is in the 2nd pada of Aslesha. Counting from
Aswini upto Aslesha we get 8 constellations. This converted
into padas or quarters gives 32. Adding the two quarters


Hindu Predictive Astrology

passed in Aslesha, it is 34. Divide this by 9, the number of
padas for each sign ** = 3*. The remainder is 7. Each pada
is equal to a navamsa. The Sun has passed 3 signs from
Aries and 7 padas or navamsas in the 4th sign Cancer.
According to the above rule, for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces,
navamsas must be counted from Cancer itself. The 7th from
Cancer is Capricorn. Its lord is Saturn. Therefore, the Sun
is in the navamsa of Saturn. In the navamsa diagram, mark
the Sun in Capricorn.

|} Qwadasamsa .— When a sign is divided into twelve equal

parts each portion is called a Dwadasamsa getting 2} degrees.
The lords of the 12 Dwadasamsas are the lords of the 12
signs from the sign in question.

Example.—Sun is in 24 degrees. 26 minutes Cancer . He

has passed 24 degrees 26 minutes

-- 9 Dwadasamsas.

2 h

9 Dwadasamsas having been passed and the Sun is in

the 10th. The 10th from Cancer is Aries, therefore in the
Dwadasamsa diagram, place the Sun in Aries.

0 Trimsamsa . —When a sign is divided into thirty equal

parts, each becomes a Trimsamsa.

In odd signs —

Mars Saturn Jupiter Mercury Venus

5 5 8 7 5 = 30

In even signs —

Venus Mercury Jupiter Saturn Mars

5 7 8 5 5 -30

In odd signs, the first five degrees are governed by Mars,

the second five by saturn and so on. In even signs, the first
five arc governed by Venus and so on according to the above

The Shadvargas

Sapthamsa.— I may also casually refer to Sapthamsa.

When a sign is divided into 7 equal parts, each is called a
Sapthamsa getting *° 4* degrees. In odd signs, they are
governed by the lords of the seven Rasis from it and in even
signs, by the lords of the seventh and following signs.

In fact, according to Parasara, there are sixteen divisions

(Shodasavareas) to be considered. Each division is made use
of for studying certain aspects of the horoscope— e.g.,
Navamsa for wife, Dwadasamsa for parents, Sapthamsa for
children, Dasamsa for profession, etc. It is not necessary for
a beginner to bother himself with these technicalities at this


On Birth Verification and Rectification

The importance of the exact moment of birth need not be

stressed. And one of the toughest jobs of an astrologer is to
find the exact moment of birth before venturing to make any
predictions. In most cases, the precise time of birth will not
have been recorded for it is natural that considerable time will
have elapsed from the moment of birth to that of recording it.
While the importance of the correct instant is so much, we
cannot lay any hard and fast rules which will enable us to
find out this exact instant. It is accepted by eminent astro¬
logers that the time of birth means the time of the first cry of
the child which generally accompanies the first breath.

According to Varabamihira, there is an intimate connec¬

tion existing between the planetary positions at conception
and those at birth. Based on this, the Westerners have
developed their so-called “Prenatal Epoch Theory”. The
Moon is the source of impregnation. Therefore it is possible
to rectify the time of birth by adjusting the Moon and ascen¬
dant at birth and at conception. Varabamihira observes thus
in Stanza 26 of Chapter IV of Brihat Jataka ( Eng. Trans, by
B. Suryanarain Rao):

“Find the number of Dwadasamsas occupied by the Moon

at the time of conception. Note the zodiacal sign whose name
the Dwadasamsa bears. Count from the next sign as many
' signs as the number of Dwadasamsas by which the Moon may

On Birth Verification and Rectification


have advanced in any particular sign. When the Moon comes

to such last sign, the birth of the child will occur

The author has been investigating into this theory and

proposes to place before the learned readers, the fruits of his
labours in due course. This branch of astrology does not
come within the scope of a beginner or an amateur. And birth
times can be rectified only by men of experience by a conside¬
ration of pronounced life events.

The following are some of the rules which are generally

employed by astrologers:—

I. Multiply the time of birth in vighatis by 4 and divide

the product by 9. The remainder must give the ruling constel¬
lation when counted from Aswini, Makna or Moola.

Example :

Time of Birth 7 h 42“ 44* p.m. (l.S.T.)

Time of Sunrise: 6* 25“ 32* a.m. (l.S.T.)

Janma Nakshatra—Mrigasira.

No. of hours passed from sunrise to birth 13 h 17“ 12*.

Converting this into ghatis and vighatis we get 33-53

ghatis or 2035 vighatis.



> i

Rejecting the quotient and counting 5 from Aswini. we get

Mrigasira as Janma Nakshatra (birth constellation) which is

If suppose the remainder in the above is say 8. which

means Pushyami. In such a case adjust the remainder in such
a way as to give the Janma Nakshatra and rectify the time of
birth accordingly.

• Based on this, a series of articles has appeared in The Astbological

Magazine. Volumes 28, 29, 38 and 39.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

2. Multiply the number of gbatis from birth by 6 and add

the longitude of the Sun (the number of degrees passed in the
sign). Divide the sum by 30. The quotient plus 1 counted
from the Sun's sign will give the rising sign.


The Sun’s position 3* 24°

Number of gbatis passed from birth—33-53.

Multiply the number of ghatis from birth by 6 and adding

the Sun’s longitude (devoid of the sign) we get:

Gh. 33- 53
= 33.88x6 + 24°

203.28 + 24

- 227.28

227.28 17.28

30 “ 7 30
Quotient plus one (7 + 1) added to the Sun’s sign, viz..
Cancer, we get Aquarius as the ascendant.

The above can also be stated thus:

The number of hours passed from sunrise to time of birth

should be multiplied by 15, the Sun’s longitude (devoid of
signs) added, the sum divided by 30, remainder rejected and
the quotient plus one counted from the Sun’s sign gives the

Example :

The Sun’s position 3* 24°

No. of hours passed from sunrise to birth

13" 17® 12*

- 13 h -287

_ (13 287 x 15) + 24


199.305 + 24

■= 36

- 7.4435.

On Birth Verification and Rectification


The quotient, viz., 7+1 counted from Cancer gives

Aquarius as the ascendant which is correct.

3. The Sth or the 9th sign from the bouse occupied by the
lord of the sign in which the Moon is placed becomes the
Janma Lagoa or the ascendant. The 7th from the sign occu¬
pied by the lord of the Moon’s sign or the Sth or the 9th from
the similar sign and in some cases the sign where the Moon is
at radix itself becomes the ascendant.

Dasas and Bhuktia

(Pertods and Sub-periods)

The vexed question of timing events is solved to a great

extent by the Dasa system in vogue among the Hindus. From
a scientific point of view, we cannot say with any sort of
definiteness, upon what basis each planet is allotted a certain
number of years as its term of Dasa. But in actual^ practice,
t he D asa system yields very satisfactory results."

There are any number of Dasas in vogue among the

Hindus, but we propose to deal with Vimshottari. . In the
choice of any particular type of Dasa, the criterion must be
that of experience and Vimshottari has answered this test.

The position of the Moon at birth is important in the

calculation of the Dasas. Every constellation covers l.u
degrees of the zodiacal space. Each nakshatra has a planet
assigned as its lord and the Dasa at birth is determined rather
indicated by the constellation occupied by the Moon at the
moruent of birth.

Table of Dasas

Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha



.... 6

Rohini, Hasta and Sravana


... 10

Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta

... 7

Aridra, Swati and Satabhisha


... 18

Dims and Bhuktls


Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorvabhadra


... 16

Pushyami, Anuradhaand Uttarabhadra


... 19

Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati


... 17

Makha, Moola and Aswini


... 7

Pubba, Poorvashadha and Bharani


... 20

The total of the different periods, viz..

120 years
is consi-

dered as tbe natural life period of a human being. But there

are examples of persons having lived longer. The combinations
for such horoscopes have been mentioned in the future
chapters. The position of the Moon at birth determines the
ruling period. And tbe next Dasas succeed in the order given
above. If, at the birth time, the Moon is in the first degree
of the naksbatra (constellation), the full period assigned to
the planet will run. If the Moon occupies some intermediate
degrees, accordingly the period must be reduced.

We shall give below two methods of finding the ruling

Dasa and its balance at birth. The first method is intended
solely for readers who still follow the Panchangas taking into
consideration the balance (in ghatis) of the ruling constel¬

Take an example .— The Moon is in the first quarter of

Mrigasira in the example horoscope given in Chapter IX.
Therefore, Mars* Dasa rules the native at birth. If tbe Moon
were in tbe very beginning of Mrigasira, Mars would control
the native for the full period of 7 years assigned to him. But
8 ghatis and 1 vighati have already passed in Mrigasira out of
the total duration of S7/16 ghatis which means the corres¬
ponding period must be deducted out of the Dasa of Mars.

By ascertaining the duration of the nakshatra or constel¬

lation in question, we say in this case—if 57/16 ghatis give 7
years, what will 8 1/60 ghatis give:


Hindu Predictive Astrology

57 j« : 7 : : 8^ : required number of years.

7 8 ’

* x -£5- - 11 months, 23 days.

57 jj I

Years Months Days

Total of the Dasa of Mars .... 7 0 0

Expired period ... 0 11 23

Balance of the Dasa of Mars at birth ... 6 0 7

Similar results can also be obtained by knowing the exact

degree in which the Moon is situated.

To five an example. —Take a birth when the Moon is in

Taurus 25 degrees, 10 minutes. Reference to the table on
page 14 shows that the sign Taurus is composed of the last
three parts of Krittika, four of Rohini and the first two of
Mrigasira. Each quarter is equal to 3| degrees in extent.
Therefore, 3 of Krittika and 4 of Rohini=23 degrees, 20
minutes; and 25 degrees, 10 minutes minus 23 degrees, 20
minutes = 1 degree, 50 minutes should be-accounted for as
Moon having passed in Mrigasira at the time of birth. We
know that Mrigasira is ruled by Mars whose period is seven
years. Each asterism being 13 degrees and 20 minutes we
must find out wbat will be the period for 1 degree and 50

13 degrees and 20 minutes : 1 degree and 150 minutes : 11

months 16 days.— This period has expired before birth and
from the time of birth only the balance of (7 years—11 months
and I6 days) = 6-0-14 days of Mars Dasa will go to the benefit
of the native.

After finding out the Dasa, the sub-periods in each of the

particular period must be determined :

Dasas and Bbuktis

Table of Bbuktis



Sub’s Dasa—6 Years Mood's Dasa— 10 Years

Bhuktis :




_ 0 3 18


0 10 0


- 0 6 0


0 7 0


- 0 4 6


1 6 0


_ 0 10 24


1 4 0


- 0 9 IS

1 7 0


- 0 11 12


1 5 0


- 0 10 6



0 7 0


- 0 4 6


1 8 0


- 1 0 0


0 6 0

Total Years


Total Years

10 0 0

Mars’ Dasa-

—7 Years

Raho Dasa—

18 Years

Bhuktis :


Bhuktis :



- 0 4 27



2 8 12


- 1 0 18


2 4 24


- 0 11 6

.2 10 6


- 1 I 9


2 6 18


- 0 11 27


1 0 18


- 0 4 27


3 0 0


- 1 2 0


0 10 24


- 0 4 6

1 6 0


- 0 7 0


1 0 18

Total Years


Total Years

18 0 0


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Jupiter's Dasa-

-16 Years

Satarn's Dasa-

19 Years

Bhuktis :

Bhuktis :



2 1 18


- 3 0 3


2 6 12


- 2 8 9


2 3 6


— 1 1 9


0 116




2 8 0


- 0 11 12


0 9 18


- 1 7 0


1 4 0




0 116


- 2 10 6


2 4 24


. 2 612

Total Years

16 0 0

Total Years
_ 19 0 0

Mercory's Dasa

—17 Years

Ketu’s Dasa-

7 Years

Bhuktis :


Bhuktis :



2 All


- o 4 r


0 11 27


1 0


2 10 0




0 10 6


- (• 7 .If


1 5 0


- 0 4 T7


0 11 27


- 1 0 18


2 6 18




2 3 6



2 8 9


. 0 11 27

Total Years

17 0 0

Total Years


Venus Dssa—20 Yeats





3 4 0


1 0 0


1 8 0


1 2 0


3 0 0


2 8 0


3 2 0


2 10 0


Total Years

1 2 0

. 20 0 0

Dasas and Bhuktis


I shall also give an easy method by means of which the

sub-periods (Bhuktis) can be independently calculated.

Multiply the number of years of the Dasa period of the

planet by the number of the years of the Dasa period of the
planet whose sub-period is desired. Then cutting of! the last
digit of the product, multiply it by 3 and keep that figure as
days, the other figures in the product will be months. Suppose
we want to find the sub-period of the Sun in the major period
of venus. Multiply the Dasa term of Venus 20 years by that
of the Sun 6 years, i.e., 20x6= 120= 12 months. There is a
zero for the last digit of the product and therefore the sub-
period is 12 months.

Find the sub-period of Rahu in Jupiter's major period —

Rahu’s period being 18 years and that of Jupiter 16 years,

18x 16 = 288 = 28 months and 24 days.

The Bhuktis are further sub-divided into still more minute

divisions called the antarams or inter-periods; these into
antarantarams and so on, till swara or the period necessary
for the inhaling and the exhaling of breath is reached. Never¬
theless, for all practical purposes the antaram (inter-period)
will be found to be quite sufficient. The antarams (inter¬
periods) have to be determined for each Bhukti (sub-period).

Exempt *.—Required the antaram (inter-period) of Jupiter in the sub-

period of Saturn in the major period of Ketu:

Ketu’s period 7 years.

Saturn’s sub-period in Ketu is 13 months and 9 days.

In 120 years—Jupiter’s 16 years.

In 13 months and 9 days. r^txl3 months 9 days

— 1 month, 23 days and 4.8 hours.

We know how to find the unexpired (balance of) Dasa at

birth. With the expired portion of Dasa at birth there are
certain sub-periods (Bhuktis) ruling under the period which
have also expired. After determining them, we can say under
what sub-period one’s birth has occurred. To do this, find


Hindu Predictive Astrology

all the sub-periods (Bhuktis) in a period (Dasa). Add together

the Buktis from the beginning of Janma Dasa (ruling period)
one by one till the total is a little in excess over the expired
portion of Dasa at birth. Diminish the aggregate by the
expired part of birth Dasa and the remainder gives the
balance of unexpired Bhukti (of the planet in question) at

Illustration. — Required the balance of Bhukti at birth in

the case of a person born with a balance of years 5-11-28 in
Mars’ Dasa.

The ruling period*-Mars 7 years

Expired period = 11 months, 16 days

Y. M. D.

Mars’ Bhukti .0 4 27

Rahu . 1 0 18

Total ... 1 5 15

Therefore, ly. 5m. and 15d—11m. and 16d., viz., 5 months

and 29 days: is the balance of Rahu Bhukti in Kuja Dasa at

The balance of Dasa at birth can be easily ascertained

without any calculations by referring to Appendix ‘C’. Take
for instance the same example. The Moon being in Taurus
25° 10:

Y. M D.

Table I: For 25° balance of Mars* Dasa is 6 115

Table II: For 10' (deduct) 0 1 1

Balance of Mars’ Dasa at birth 6 0 14

The results likely to happen during such periods, sub-

periods and inter-periods as a result of planetary positions
have been sketched in a separate chapter.


On Aspects
The power of a planet to produce good or inflict evil, on
an individual, is modified to a great extent by the natural
sympathies or antipathies of the aspecting and the aspected

According to Hindu astrology, all aspects are impersonal

and the aspects are counted from sign to sign. An aspect is
good or bad according to the relation between the aspecting
and the aspected planet. All the planets aspect the *3rd and
10th houses from their location with a quarter sight; the 5th
and 9th houses with half a sight: the 4th and 8th houses with
three-quarter of a sight and the 7th house with a full sight.
Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have special aspects- Saturn power¬
fully aspects 3rd and 10th houses; Jupiter, 5th and 9th
houses; and Mars, 4th and 8th houses.

It will be seen that Jaimini and Tajak writers consider an

altogether different method of reading aspects- Beginners
should never mix the one system with the other. According
to Jaimini all moveable signs aspect all fixed signs, except
the adjacent ones- Similarly, all fixed signs aspect all move-
able signs except the adjacent ones. Common signs aspect
each other. In this book we are devoting ourselves exclusively
to Parasara.

• 3rd house 60° to 90° ; 10th house 270° to 300° ; 5th bouse 120° to
150° ; 9th house 240° to 270°; 4th house 90° to 120’; 8th house 210° to
340°; and 7th house 180°.


Hiadu Predictive Astrology

The aspect is signified by referring to the number ot signs

from the significator which the aspecting planet may hold.
Thus if the Sun is in Cancer and Saturn is in Taurus, we say
that the Sun is in the third from Saturn and consequently
receives the aspect (3rd house aspect) of Saturn.

The opposition aspect becomes extremely good when it is

produced by Jupiter and the Moon. It is held to be good
when benefics aspect each other (7th house aspect). A planet,
aspecting its own house, whether by the 7th house aspect or
special aspect, will naturally increase the signification of that
We have said that Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses in
addition~to tne usual 7th house aspect. The 8th house aspect
is a square aspect and sometimes this is evil and sometimes
beneficial. For instance, if Mars, as lord of the 4th and the
9th houses (see Chapter on Key Planets) in which circum¬
stance he gets special qualification as a Yogakaraka to
produce good, aspects by the 4th house aspect a frieodly
planet, the significations of the aspected planet and the house
are greatly enhanced. The same principle applies even in
case of the 8tb house aspect.

Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses which, in Western

astrology, are, trine aspects. The results vary according to
the natural and temporal dignities of the aspecting and the
aspected bodies. Jupiter’s aspect over any planet as a natural
. benefic is of weighty importance apart from the fact that he
may be temporarily ill-disposed.

Saturn aspects the 3rd and the 10th houses . As a natural

malefic, his aspects ate bad. But the aspects produce good
in case Saturn acquires beneficence by temporal situation.

Here some observations on aspects have to be made. The

exact quantum of an aspect cast by an aspecting body on an
aspected body can be mathematically measured by following

On Aspects


the method given in Graha and Bhava Balas. But Tor the
genera] purposes of predication, until the reader is quite
familiar with astrological mathematics, it will be in order if
full aspects (7th house or 180) for all planets and special
aspects of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are taken into account.

In the chart illustrated on page 42 the following aspects

are present: Saturn aspects the Sun (3rd house), Jupiter
(7th house) and the ascendant (I0tb house). The Moon
aspects Jupiter (7th house). Mars, Mercury and Venus
aspect the ascendant. Mars also aspects Jupiter (4th house),
and Rahu (8th house). Jupiter aspects Rahu (5th house),
Saturn and the Moon (7th house) and the Sun (9th house).

According to Western astrology, aspects are reckoned

from mutual longitudinal distances cf planets. When one
planet is at a certain number of degrees away from another
body, they are said to be in aspect.

The following are the major aspects : -

Conjunction:—Two heavenly bodies in the same longitude.


The distance between the two bodies is


Trine :



Square :






Paraliel*'declination :

When two bodies

have the same

declination (Kranti).

The effect of an aspect is felt even if the planets are not

exactly in the mutual distances mentioned above. Therefore
a so-called orb of aspect—and this varies in each aspect—is
allowed. The orbs of aspects are:

Conjunction o ... 8°

Square □ ... 8°

Sextile • ... 7 #
* For an explanation of Kranti vide Graha and Bhava Balas.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Trine A ... 8°

Parallel P ... 1°

The influence of an aspect (e.g., sextile) starts when the

planets are 53° away from each other, gradually increase
(applying) and it will be maximum at 60; it then decreases
(separating) when the effect is almost nil at 67.

Take for instance Saturn and the Sun in the example

chart. The angular distance between the two planets is 72?
49. The sextile aspect ceases at 67. Therefore there is no
aspect between them. Take again Saturn and Mercury. The
mutual distance is 94° 13'. It is a square aspect (separating)
between Saturn and Mercury. There are also other variations
of aspects brought about by two planets remaining in the
same sign and not in conjunction but another planet occupy¬
ing a trine in respect of the two. Readers will do well to
refer to any text-book on Western astrology for more details.

The good or bad nature of aspects depends upon the angle

of aspects. For instance, opposition (180°) and square (90°)
are always held to be evil irrespective of the nature of the
planets forming the aspects. The trine and sextile are gene¬
rally held to be good.

Such a classification of aspects is erroneous. If for

instance Jupiter is in Cancer and Mars in Aries, Western
astrologers hold this bad. Commonsense suggests this is an
excellent aspect and Hindu astrology says so. Why should a
square aspect be always bad unless planets involved are
malefics ? Iam not'convinced of the soundness of this view.
The reader need not worry with these controversial points.
But he may take it that aspects as considered by the Hindu
system have a sound and scientific basis.

Ayurdaya or Longevity

Many advantages can be derived by ascertaining before¬

hand, the presence or otherwise, of combinations, indicating
early death of the child We know very well that despite the
utmost care on the part of the parents, diseases of a dangerous
nature and violent accidents do happen to children and place
their lives in jeopardy. Astrology can forewarn the parents
of such times of danger to their children. Astrologers, not
the rank and file, those really well-versed in the science, do
hold that they can afford the physician a certain prognosis.
An astrologer’s work in this respect is priceless in value when
compared to that of the doctor.*

After the horoscope is cast, the primary question is

necessarily the probable duration of life. For, when a child
has a poor longevity to its credit, it would be unnecessary to
examine the other favourable combinations. However promi¬
sing the horoscope may be, it will be futile to study the
future, unless long life is assured.

The span of human life can be brought under four impor¬

tant divisions. They are :

1. Balarishta (infant mortality). —The combinations of

planets rendering the child die before it is 8 years.

2. A/payu (short life) .—Death between 8 and 32 years.

• Id my work How to Judge a Horoscope I have dealt with the

question of longevity more extensively with suitable examples.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

6 *

3. Madhvayu (middle life).— Takes the life as far as 75

from the 33rd year.

4. Purnavu (full life).— From 75 to 120.

Some authors hold that Madhyayu extends from 32 to 70

and Purnayu extends to 100 years. But this classification
does not seem to have won general acceptance as the natural
span of life is 120 years according to Vimshottari Dasa and
consequently, Purnayu must extend to this limit.

I shall take the reader through all Hiese various divisions

in separate paragraphs. First, the nature of the horoscope,
viz., whether it is a Balarishta, Alpayu, Madhyayu or Purnayu
must be ascertained; then the marakas (death-inflicting
planets) determined-

Balarishta (Infant mortality);

The following combinations produce Balarishta:

1. Malefics in the last navamsa of Rasis (signs).

2- The Moon in a kendra (quadrant) with malefics.

3. The Moon in the 7th* the 8th and the 12th houses
from the ascendant with male6cs and without being aspected
by benefics.

4. Birth 48 minutes before sunrise and 48 minutes after

sunset when the Moon’s hora is rising and when malefics are
posited in the navarasas of signs ruled by malefics.

5. Malefics in the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

6. Weak Moon in the ascendant or in the 8th and

malefics in quadrants or kendras.

7. The Moon in the ascendant. Mars in the 8th, Sun in

the 9th and Saturn in the 12th-

8. Week Moon in the ascendant, and the Stb, the 8th

and the 12th being aspected by evil planets. *

9. The Moon in the 8th, Mars in the 7th, Rahu in the

9th and Jupiter in the 3rd.

Ayurdaya or Longevity


10- The lord of the Dasa (major period) at birth in

conjunction with many evil planets*

11. Birth when the Sun is rising with malefics in kendras

(quadrants) or trines, and Venus in the 6th or the 12 house.
12. Lord of the ascendant or the lord of the Sth and the
9th in enemy's houses and in the 8th and the 9th.

13. Ketu in the 4th with or aspected by malefics.

14. Rahu in the 7tb aspected by the Sun and the Moon.

1$. Ascendant lord’s Dasa (major period) at birth or the

Dasa of the lord of the 8th or the inter-period (antara) of the

lord of the 8th in the Dasa of the lord of the ascendant or
vice versa.

16. Lords of the ascendant, and the navamsa lagna and

the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon in conjunction
with the Sun.

17. The ascendant and the 8th from the Moon’s sign
being aspected by malefics.

18. The Moon in the 8th, Mars in the 7th and Saturn in
the ascendant.

19. The Moon being aspected by Saturn in h»s 3rd

Drishti (90“ aspect).

20. The Moon in the 6th or Sth without having any


21. The Moon in the ascendant with malefics and without

beneficial aspects bring the death of the child with the mother.

22. The Moon in the ascendant with Rahu and Mars in

the 8th produce death of the child and the mother.

23. The Sun in the ascendant with Saturn, and Rahu and
Mars in the 8th produce the death of the child and the mother
after surgical treatment.

24. Evil planets in the 5th, the 8th and the 9th houses and
the Sun or the Moon in the ascendant without the conjunction
or aspect of beoefics.

HiodaPredictive Astrology

25. Saturn in the 12tb, Sun in the 9th, Moon in the

ascendant and Mars in the 8th without Jupiter aspecting any
one of these. If Jupiter is in the 5th this misfortune is

26. Saturn and Mars in the Lagna (ascendant) or in the

8th or in the 7th without being aspected by any good planets.

27. When the Moon attain s Mrithyubhasas (fateful degrees)

ftz., Aries 26, Taurus 12, Gemini 13, Cancer 25, Leo 24, Virgo
11, Libra 26, Scorpio 14, Sagittarius 13, Capricorn 25,
Aquarius 5 and Pisces 12, and is at the same time posited in a
kendra or 8th house, death of the child will occur soon.

28. When the lord of the ascendant or of the sign occu¬

pied by the Moon at birth is weak and badly posited, the
child is said to die within as many years as are represented by
the said sign when counted from Aries.

29. The child may live upto 4 years if the Moon occupies
the 6th or 8th house from the ascendant and receives the
aspects of both malefic* and benches.

30. The Moon in a similar situation, as mentioned above

but being aspected by benches alone, confers longevity which
may last upto the age of 8.

In certain charts evil afflictions will be present indicating

early death to the infant, but certain other configurations try
to act as aotidotes. Children born under such combinations
suffer a lot io their early years from all kinds of diseases, but
survive the attacks.

The following are a few of the many combinations indi¬

cating counteraction of Balarishta

1. Jupiter powerfully posited in the ascendant removes


2. Balarishta is averted if the lord of the Lagna is power-

tally situated and has beneficial aspects.

Ayurdaya or Longevity

3. Even if the Moon is in the 8fh sign no dangei of Bal'a-

risbta is indicated provided she occupies the Drtkkanas of
Mercury. Jupiter or Venus.

4. Full Moon in a beneficial sign with good aspects

causes destruction of Balarishta.

5. The strong position of Mercury, Venus or Jupiter is

an antidote for Balarishta.

6. Even when the Moon is placed in the 6th house,

Balarishta is overcome if she occupies Drekkanas of Jupiter,
Venus or Mercury.

7. If the Full Moon is between two benefics, there will be

no danger to the child.

8. If the Full Moon is in the 8th or the 6th, she will

protect the child born during the night of Full Moon days.

9. If the Full Moon aspects the Lagna with Jupiter in

quadrants, there is no fear.

10. Malefics in beneficial Shadvargas aspected by benefics

posited in auspicious navamsas overcome Balarishta.

We shall give below a few examples as illustrating the

above combinations

Illustrations :—





Chart No 1


(Sign Position)











Hindu Predictive Astrology

♦ Horoseo£e m No. / —Female child born on 11th January 1928

at 7 ghatis after sunrise. Longitude 74* E., Latitude 12° N.
The sub-period of Venus io the major period of Venus rules
for 16 months at birth. Mark the following combinations:—

1. Moon in a kendra (7th) powerfully aspected A>y

Saturn without beneficial aspects.
2. The lord of the Dasa at birth, viz., Venus, in con¬
junction with the planets Saturn and Ketu and
aspected by Rahu. The child died within 16 months.






Chart No. 2









• Horoscope No. 2. —Male born on 6th August 1912 at
42-30 gbatis after sunrise (at Bangalore). Balance of Sun’s
period at birth: years 4-3-9. (1) Ascendant between two
malefics, Rahu and Saturn, (2) Moon is afflicted by a malefic
Saturn, and (3) lord of Dasa is also powerfully aspected by
Saturn. Died in bis 13th month on 14th August 1913.

• Horoscope No. 3.— Male born on 12th February 1856 at

12 noon at Chicacole, Orissa State. (1) Mark the malefics on
either side of ascendant, (2) Moon is in the grip of Rahu,
and (3) Rahu is powerfully aspected by Mars and Ketu;
suffered very much till 8 years. The redemption from Bala-

Ayurdaya or Longevity









Chart No. 3








rishta is seen by the strong position of Jupiter in a quadrant.

Died in bis 82nd year.

We next come to what is called Alpayu or short life,

which extends from 8 to 32 years of age. The following
combinations indicate Alpayu : —

Alpayu—Life between 8 and 32 years

1. Saturn in the 8tb house, Mars in the Sth and Ketu in

the ascendant*

2. Malefics iu 6-8-12 cause Alpayu.

3. Saturn in the Lagna (ascendant) and the Sun, the

Mbon and Mars in the 7th.
4. Alpayu is caused if the lord of the 8th is in the
ascendant with Ketu.

3. If malefics are in the ascendant and the Moon is in

conjunction with evil planets, Alpayu occurs

6. If the lord of the 8th is in the ascendant and Lagnadhl-

pati (ascendant lord) is powerless, death takes place at a
similar period.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

7. If Scorpio is Lagna with tha Son and Jupiter there

and if the lord of the 8th occupies any quadrants, the person
dies at 22.

8. If Rahu and the Moon are in the 7th and 8th respec¬
tively with Jupiter in the ascendant the person lives upto 22.

9. Saturn in the ascendant owned by malefics with benc¬

hes in 3, 6, 9 and 12 makes the person die between the age of
26 and 27.

10. Death takes place in the 27th year if the lords of the
1st (ascendant) aod the 8th join together io the 8th with
malefics and without beneficial aspect.

11. Evil planets in the 1st, 2nd and 8th bouses with bene-
fics in houses other than kendras make the person die in the
28th year.

12. If the lord of the birth is weak and the lord of the
8th is in a kendra, death comes in the 30th year.

13. Death comes in the 32nd year if the lord of the

ascendant and that of the 8th are in quadrants with a planet
in the 8th and no planets in kendras.

14. The person dies before the 32nd year if strong male¬
fics occupy kendras and with no beneficial aspects.

15. If Lagna is a common sign and if the Moon occupies

a common sign, death takes place before the 32nd year.
Combiaatioos for Madhyayu or Middle Age : 32 to 75 years

1. If lord of the 3rd or of the 6th is in a kendra, the

person gets Madhyayu.

2. A person gets Madhyayu if out of the lords of the

8th, the llth, ascendant and the 10th, at least two are power¬

3. Mercury, Jupiter aod Venus in the 2nd, 3rd and llth

houses from the ascendant confer Madhyayu.

4. Madhyayu is conferred if all the planets occupy the

middle 4 houses from the Lagna.

Ayurdaya or Longevity


5. Sun in the Lagna which must be hii enemy’s house

between two evil planets, thoroughly powerless, with no bene¬
ficial aspects, kills the person in the 36th year.

6. A person lives upto 46 if the birth lord is in 6or 8

with malefics unaspected by bcnefics.

7. Death occurs in the 31st year if Saturn is in birth,

the Moon in 8 or 12 and other planets in the 1 Ith.

8. The person dies in his 57th year if Scorpio is Ligna

with Jupiter in it and Mars and Rahu in the 8tb.

9. Lord of the 8th in the 7th and the Moon afflicted,

takes the life in the 38th year.

10. 60 years of life is assured provided evil planets are in

the quadrants with Jupiter in the 8th and the Lagna is Aries.

11. 60 years of life is assured if Saturn is in birth, Moon

in the 4th, Mars in the 7th and Rahu in the 10th with Jupiter,
Venus and Mercury in unfavourable houses.

12. If Mars and Mercury are in quadrants, Venus in the

ascendant and exalted planets occupy 3 and II, 60 years of
life is guaranteed.
13. A person lives upto 70 years if good planets occupy
quadrants, do not aspect the birth and the lord of the birth
has the aspect of evil planets.

14. Mars in the 3th, the Sun in the 7th aod Saturn
debilitated make the person live upto 70.

13. Benefics in kendras (quadrants) and Trikonas (trines)

with Saturn powerful, confer 73 years of life.

Combinations for Pnrnayo or Fall Life : 75 to 120 Yean

1. If Lagna is aspected by its own lord, the 8th house

by its lord and Jupiter is in a kendra, the person gets Purnayu.

2. If the first 6 houses are occupied by a|l the bentfics

and the last six by all the malefics, 80 years of life will be


Hindu Predictive Astrology

3. A person lives Tor 100 years if Jnpiter is in a

quadrant from the lord of the birth with no malefica in the

4. Long life will be given if Cancer is birth with Jupiter

there and when one or more planets are exalted.

5. If the birth lord and the Sun are in the 10th, Saturn
in the birth and Jupiter in the 4th house, a person lives long.

6. Jupiter in the Lagna, Venus in the 4th and Saturn

and the Moon in the 10th make a person live for a long time.

After ascertaining to which class a particular horoscope

belongs, the marakas or the death-inflicting planets must be
determined and the death predicted under the Dasas of such

Marakas or Death inflicting Planets

Marakas are planets possessed of the power of inflicting

death. Death generally occurs during the periods and sub-
periods of such planets. Suppose a horoscope indicates
middle life or Madhyayu whereas the Dasa of a most powerful
maraka comes into operation after 80 years. In such a
circumstance the period of a planet, no matter even if it is
less malicious in causing death which comes within the
maximum number of years allotted for Madhyayu, must be
considered as bringing about death, in preference to the most
malicious one. Ascertain beforehand, whether a horoscope
indicates short, middle or long life; determine the maraka
planets and the times when their influences will come to

The 8th house from Lagna (ascendant) and the 8th from
that, i.e., the 3rd from Lagna are termed bouses of life. The
7th house and the 2nd bouse are called houses of death. The
2nd house is always stronger in inflicting death than the 7th.
Planets who occupy the 2nd are stronger than the planets who
own it, in tending to cause death and the planets who are in
association with the lord of the 2nd are the most powerful in
causing death.

Thus the lords of the 2nd and the 7th, their occupants
and the planets who are in conjunction wjtb them are the
maraka planets. If marakas cannot be found out of these
three, then the planet in conjunction with the lord of the 12th,


Hindu Predictive Astrology

even if it is a benefic, causes death in his Dasa (period), in the

Bhtikti (sub-period) of a papa (malefic) if he is the lord of the
3rd or 8th house. If the Dasa of Vyayadhipathi (lord of the
12th) does not come, then one most powerful among the lords
of the 3rd, 6th and 8th becomes maraka. If the Sun and
Sukra (Venus) or lords of the 2nd and 7th get Kendradhipatya
(lordship of quadrant)—they are sure to become marakas.

Summarising the above, death will be caused by:

1. Planets who occupy the 2nd and 7th houses.

2. Planets who are lords of the 2nd and 7th houses.

3. Planets who are not owoers of the 2nd and the 7th
houses, and who are not occupying those houses but who join
with the lords of those houses, /.*., the 2nd and the 7th.

4. If the periods of the planets occupying or owning

death houses do not come in time, then death may occur in
the Dasa of planets who are not Yogakarakas but who
become evil and conjoin lords of the bouses of death.

3. Lords of the 3rd and the 8th are also probable causers
of death if death does not occur in the Dasas, etc., mentioned
in item 4.

6. If the Dasa of a death-ioflicting planet does not at all

come into operation, then the most malicious planets in the
horoscope will cause death.

Saturn, inclined to produce evil by his conjunction with

the lords of death houses, will cause death in preference to
any of those planets.

There are many rules to ascertain the probable time of

death knowing beforehand Maraka Dasas. Any detailed
information in regard to this would increase the bulk of the
book beyond reasonable prbportioh.

• Add together the longitudes of Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun

and the Moon. This gives us a point in the zodiac after
expungiog multiples of 12. In the case of short, middle and
long life, death occurs when Saturn transits over this point,
in his first, second and third cycles respectively.


Judgment of a Horoscope

The notable triumphs in Hindu astrology so far as the

predictive portion is concerned are entirely due to the great
scrutiny the planetary influences are subjected to in the
analysis of a horoscope and the relative values of the good
and evil sources of strength of different planets and bhavas.

The following points are noteworthy in the consideration

of a horoscope: —

The lords of trines are always au spicio us apd_produce

good. Wh $p henefica o wn ke odras / quadrants), they becgjng
pvil. When malefics become lord£of quadrants/tbey iavan-
. ably beco me goo<f. Thclords of the* 2nd and the IfttT'fiouse*
give good results~if they are in ^conjunction with favourable
planets. The lord of the 8th, if\he happens to be the lord/of U.
the 1st, or is in conjunction with a benefic, becomes good.
Mars in addition to the 10th house, if he also becomes the
lord of the 5th, produces good, £ahu and Ketu produce good ,
results wh en they a re posited in the signs of benefic jilancts. V

Good and evil planets become more and more powerful

as they are lords of the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses; 5th and ..
9th houses; or 3rd, 6th and lltfThouses respectively.

tor3s of tfielrd, <5th. 8th anti ilth~^6 evil''and, cause*

miseries in life. The lords of the 2nd and the 12tb remain
neutral. Jupiter and Venus owning quadrants become very
inauspicious. In addition to this, when they occupy the 2nd


Hindu Predictive Astrology

and the 7th houses they become very powerful and conse¬
quently inflict death upon such natives. Mercury as the lord
of a quadrant is less malicious than Jupiter and Venus and
the Moon, less than Mercury. Mars does not become good
when he owns the 10th house. Rahu and Ketu in evil signs

TEe lords of quadrants and trines in conjunction, without

any other bad aspects, become extremely powerful in
producing good results.•

If the lords of the 9th and 10th houses exchange places,

they produce much good.

The greatest assets of a man in this life, apart from the

shadowy wealth and fame, are self-respect, courage and
prowess. In a horoscope these can be determined by consider¬
ing Mars and the characteristics attributed to him which are
discussed in the future chapters. But here I shall confine
myself to the discussion of the most salient points involved in
the judgment of a horoscope. The lord of the 3rd also must
be considered ; both of them must occupy a friendly house
and must be found not in a Bhavasandhi (junction of two
houses) but in a Bhavamadhva (mid-point of a house). Mars
must occupy the 10th for good courage and the lord of the
3rd and the 11th occupy favourable and friendly navamsas.
The position of Jupiter also considerably improves the situa¬
tion by making the person not depend upon another but to
earn the name of a self-made man. Jupiter adds to the
dignity of the person in a sure but silent way.

Marriage is a landmark in the history of the human race.

With regard to the number of wives, the character and tem¬
perament of one's wife, her disposition towards the husband
and her own health and happiness, much information is
incorporated in Chapter XIX under the caption 7th house or

" See How to Judge a Horoscope.

i Judgment of a Horoscope


Sapiamabhava , and the student must pay special attention to

the chapter for fuller details. Venus gets the Commander-in-
Chief post over matrimonial alliances and all things concerned
about them and the 7th house controls marriage in general.
In hundreds of horoscopes, it has been observed thatJVenus,
when afflicted, has given rise to more than one legal wife. It
could be vouched for with sufficient conhdence that Venus in
favourable positions is certain to assure marital felicity and
success with a single wife. The marriage aspect would be
most important to the Hindus among whom the dangerous
contagion of divorce has not spread as in the Western nations.
Considerable attention has been bestowed upon this subject
by the ancient writers. When Venus occupies the house of
Jupiter or that of the lord of the 1st or the 9th, either in the
Ra>i or Navamsa, the native will have a chaste, loving and
happy wife. The 7th house should not be occupied by any
planet save a benefic. In the case of a woman, the Moon
must occupy the navamsa of Jupiter to make her loyal and
chaste and should not fall in the navamsa of Saturn or Mars.
Mars in the 8th house causes widowhood provided there are
no other counteracting factors.

Lords of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th play an important
par t in causing debts, diseases and ill-health. The best feature
in a horoscope would be that those lords of the 3rd, the 6th
and the 11th remain isolated and unassociated with any other
planet. The lord of the 3rd causes debts and diseases in a
sudden {pur{ ; ill-timed courage and head-long spirit work
much in the native. Egotism and mfcanthrophy are mar ked
by th e lord of the 6th r m exercisingjliscretion, who has special
control over debts and diseases. Anarchic" qualities would
result if the lord of the 11th is very powerful. Delicate cir¬
cumstances involving life and honour for the sake of debts
and diseases can be overcome but for Mars and Saturn who,
if they occupy unfriendly signs, give riseuT excess of evil.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

TheSun govern* father, and the 9th houssjndicates father.

Jopiter has control over children as he is called Putrakaraka
and the Stb house is Putrasthana or the house of children. The
fourth represents mother and the Moon governs her. When
the lords of the 4th, the Sth and the 9th and the Moon,
Jupiter and the Sun are well situated, and occupy favourable
and friendly navamsas prosperity for father, mother and
children is invariably indicated. An examination of a number
of horoscopes has revealed that the Moon, Jupiter or the Sun
ia the 4th, the Sth or the 9th with Saturn has caused death to
moth er, children or father respectively, early in Ii f e. Moon
with Saturn without any favourable aspect has caused death
to the mother within one year of the birth of the child.
Mercury and Mars in the 5th house make the children short¬
lived. Jupiter in the ascendant is the best gift in a horoscope
and the native gets dutiful children and long-lived parents.

Long life for an individual may be predicted if the lords

of the 1st and the 8th and Saturn are in good positions and
have the aspect of Jupiter.

This important and final event is elaborately dealt with in

a separate chapter and the readers must study the principles
contained in it very carefully.

Kny-plannts for Each Sign

As soon as the Dasas and Bhukds are determined, the next

step would be to find out the good and evil planets for each
ascendant so that in applying the principles to decipher the
future history of man, the student may be able to carefully
analyse the intensilty of good or evil combinations and proceed
further with his predictions when applying the results of
Dasas and other combinations.

It the ascendant is :

^r/gs.— Saturn. Mercury and Venus are ill-disposed.

Jupiter and the Sun are auspicious. The mere combination
of Jupiter and Saturn produces no beneficial results. Jupiter
is the Yogakaraka or the planet producing success. IP Venus
becomes a maraka, be will not kill the native but planets like
Saturn will bring about death to the person.

Taurus^ — Saturn is the most auspicious and powerful

planet. Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are evil planets. Saturn
alone produces Rajayoga. The native will be killed in the
periods and sub-periods of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon if
they get death-inflicting powers.

, Gemini. - Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Venus alone
is most bfcneficial and in conjunction with Saturn in good
signs produces and excellent career of much fame. Combina¬
tion of Saturn an Jupiter produces similar results us in Aries.
Venus and Mercury, when , well associated, cause Rajayoga.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

The Moon will not kill the person even though possessed of
death-inflicting powers.

•J Cancer .— Venus and Mercury are evil. Jupiter and Mars

give beneficial results. Mars is the Rajayogakaraka (conferor)

of name and fame). The combination of Mars and Jupiter
also causes Rajayoga (combination for political success). The
Sun does not kill the person although possessed of maraka
powers. Venus and other inauspicious planets kill the native.
Mars in combination with the Moon or Jupiter in favourable
houses especially the 1st, the 5th, the 9th and the 10th
produces much reputation.

Leo Mars is the most auspicious and favourable plaoet-

The combination of Venus and Jupiter does not cause Raja¬
yoga but the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in favourable
bouses produce Rajayoga. Saturn, Venus and Mercury are
evil. Saturn does not kill the native when he has the maraka
power but Mercury and other evil planets inflict death when
they get maraka powers.

Virgo. — Venus alone is the most powerful. Mercury and

Venus wten combined together cause Rajayoga. Mars and
the Moon are evil. The Sun does not kill the native even if
be becomes a maraka but Venus, the Moon and Jupiter will
inflict death when they are possessed of death-inflicting power.

Libra .— Saturn alone causes Rajayoga. Jupiter, the Sun

and Mfars are inauspicious. Mercury and Saturn produce good.
The conjunction of the Moon and Mercury produces Raja¬
yoga. Mars himself will not kill the person. Jupiter, Venus
and Mars when possessed of maraka powers certainly kill the

Scorpio ^—Jupiter is beneficial. The Sun and the Moon

produce 1 Kajayoga. Mercury "and Venus are evil. Jupiter,
even if he becomes a maraka, docSlibt inflict death. Mercury
and other evil planets, when they get death-inflicting powers,
do nol certainly spare the native.

Key-planets for Each Sign


' Mars is the best placet and, in conjunction

with Jupiter, produces much good. The Sun and Mars also
produce good. Venus is evil. When the Sun and Mars
combine together they produce Rajayoga. Saturn does not
bring about death even when he is a maraka. But Venus
causes death when he gets jurisdiction as a maraka planet.

gagricorn .—Venus is the most powerful planet and in

conjunction with Mercury produces Rajayoga. Mars, Jupiter
and the Moon are evil.

Aguayos ,—Venus alone is auspicious. The combination of

Venus and Mars causes Rajayoga. Jupiter and the Moon are

Pisces .—The Moon and Mars are auspicious. Mars is

most powerful. Mars with the Moon or Jupiter causes Raja*
yoga. Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Mercury are evil. Mars
himself does not kill the person even if he is a maraka.


Results of Ascending Signs

As soon as the map is cast and the ruling planet, constella¬

tion and the balance of the Dasa period are decided, the next
step would be to find out the probable results of the ascendant
or Lagna falling in any of the 12 signs. This gives us a clue
to the determination ofone's physical features, stature, marital
disposition and other peculiarities.

The following details are only general in nature and should

not be applied hastily. The strength of the rising sign, its
ruler, the planets aspecting the ascendant, the peculiarities
attending on the ascendant and its lord both in Rasi and
Navamsa should be carefully considered before any predictions
are ventured.

Arietj —-Persons born in Aries vdill have a certain amount

of independent thinking and reasoning faculty. They will be
capable. They may not be strict followers of convention.*
They are lovers of scientihc thought and philosophy; have
their own ideas of right and wrong and are strongly bent upon
educational pursuits. As the Ram rules them, they are rather
stubborn but often frank, impulsive and courageous. They
are more gossipers than practical men. They, sometimes
require a certain amount of cajolery and sycophancy to raise
them to action. They becpme pioneers. As Mars is the lord
of Aries, they will be martial in spirit. Their constitution will
he hot. and they are occasionally subject to hot complaints,
piles and the like, and must avoid enterprises obviously

Results of Ascending Sign*


involving any serious risks. They love beauty, art and elegance.
The diseases they suffer from will be mostly those of the head
and unpleasant sight-seeing may often lead to mental affliction
and derangement of brain. Their build will be slender and
females generally possess fairly perfect contours. One
peculiarity is craning the neck.

Taurus , —The stature of the persons born in this sign will

be medium or short and often inclined towards corpulence,
lips thick, complexion swarthy, square face, well-shaped lips
and dark hair are prominent features. Women are generally
handsome. They generally resemble the bull in their behaviour
towards new people if they are not listened to properly. They
have their own principles and ways. Often they have a pierc¬
ing intellect- They shine well as authors, book dealers and
journalists. They are not bound by sentimentality but appre¬
ciate truth. They are remarkable for their ability to commit
to memory. Their physical and mental endurance . are note¬
worthy. They have much business knack and good intuition.
They often think they are born to exercise authority over
others and in a sense they are right. They are sensitive to
physical influences. They are often liable to extremes,
zealous and easily accessible to adulteration. They generally
suffer from nervous complaints after their 6ftieth year but their
memory and powers of imagination will never deceive them.
They are slow to anger, but when provoked, furious like the
bull. They are passionate and may become preys to sexual
diseases in ttieir old age unless they moderate their pleasures
and learn to exercise self-control.

QcmM .—Persons born when Gemini is rising have a

wavering mina, often tali and straight in nature and active in
motion, forehead broad, eyes clear and nose, a bit snub. They
are active and become experts in mathematical sciences; and
mechanical sciences provided Saturn has some strong influence
over them. They wUl be “a jack of all trades but master of


Hindu Predictive A Urology

none”. They are vivacious, but liable to be inconstant.
They will have sudden nervous breakdowns and must exercise
a certain amount of caution in moving with the opposite sex;
a habit of self-control must be cultivated. Their mind will be
often conscious of their own faults. They are liable to fraud
and deception. If evil planets are found in Gemini, trickery
and deceit will characterise their nature. Many of thee* traits
can be corrected by training.

^/jcgr^—Persons born under Cancer have a middle-sized

body, face full, nose snubbed to some extent and complexion
white. They often have a double chin. They are very intelli¬
gent, bright and frugal and equally industrious. Their frugality
often takes the form of miserliness. They are sympathetic
but moral cowardice will be present. They will be much
attached to their children and family. Their extreme sensitive¬
ness renders them nervous and queer. Their minds will be
bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. The often meet
with disappointments in marriage and love affairs. They are
very talkative, self-reliant, honest and unbending. They have
reputation for love of justice and fairplay. Saturn’s situation
in the ascendant is not desirable.

Leo.— Persons born under Leo will be majestic in appea¬

rance^) road shoulders, bilious constitution and bold and
respectful in temperament. They possess the knack to adapt
themselves to any condition of life. They are rather ambitious
and sometimes avaricious too. They are independent thinkers.

.They stick up to orthodoxical principles in religion but are

perfectly tolerant towards others’ precepts and practices.
They are lovers of fine arts and literature and possess a certain
amount of philosophical knowledge. They are voracious
reader*.* If the ascendant or the tenth house is afflicted, they
may not succeed in life as much as they expect. They put
forth much struggle. Their ambitions remain unfulfilled to

Resalts of Ascending Signs


some extent unless the horoscope has certain definite Raja-

yogas. They are capable of non-attachment and contentment.
As Saturn happens to be lord of the 7fb, they must resist the
temptation of yielding much to their wives or husbands if
domestic happiness is to prevail.
F/rggj^-PeopIe born when Kanya or Virgo is rising will
exhibit their intelligence and memory when quite young.
They will be middle-sized persons and exhibit taste in art and
literature. Their chest will be prominent and when afflicted,
very weak also. They are discriminating and emotional and
are carried away by impulses. As authors, they make real
progress especially in Bhouthika Sastras and Rasayana Sastras
(Physical and Chemical Sciences) and can judge things at a
glance. They love music and fine arts and acquire much
power and influence over other people. They are liable
to suffer from nervous breakdowns and paralysis when the
sign is afflicted. Other combinations warranting they can
become great philosophers or writers. They are generally
lucky in respect of their wives or husbands.

iib£g£-The complexion of persons born in this sign will

be fair, tneir stature middle-sized, face broad, eyes fine, chest
broad and light, appearance handsome, constitution rather
phlegmatic, seosual disposition and keen observation. They
have keen foresight and reason but things from the stand¬
point of their own views'. Firm in conviction and unmoved
by mean motives they are somewhat susceptible to the feelings
of others’ minds. They are more idealists than realists or
practical men and often contemplate upon schemes like build¬
ing castles in the air. They are not sensitive to what others
say of them. But as political leaders and religious reformers
they exeftTremendous influence over the masses and some¬
times their zeal and enthusiasm go to such a high pitch that
they force their views upon others of opposite thought not
realisinc the baneful after-effects of such procedure. They


Hindu Predictive Astrology

love excitement and have the power of intuition upon which

they often rely for their own guidance. They are not easily
amenable to reason. T hey are.jgeat loVers o f music. They
have a special liking for truth and honesty and do not hesitate
to sacrifice even their lives at the altars of freedom and fair-
play. Their domestic life may be crossed by frequent tension.

Scorpij jL ,—Those born under this sign have youthful appea¬

rance, a generous disposition and fierce eyes. They are fickle-
minded and love much excitement. They are inclined to
sensual things in reality while they will not hesitate to
philosophise upon the merits of controlling sensual pleasures,
gycn females born in will ha ve more of m asculine

tendencies. They are good correspondents and invite friend¬

ship from among people throughout the world. They can
become expert musicians if they care to practise that art.
They are proficient in fine arts, dancing and the like and no
doubt they have a philosophic disposition. They set at naught
conventional habits axuLciistams They vehemently uphold
their own views but nevertheless will not clash with those
holding opposite ones. Their constitution will be hot and
they are liable to suffer from piles after their 30th year. They
are silent and dignified and never speak before weighing each
and every word. They are good conversationalists as well as
writers and often rely too much on their own intelligence.
Married life may not be quite happy not only due to. tempera¬
mental differences but also due to illness affecting the genera¬
tive system of the partner, unless there are other compensa¬
ting combinations.

Sagittarius . —Jupiter rules this sign and persons born

under this sign will generally be inclined towards corpulence.
They possess almond eyes and their hair is brown. They are
of a phlegmatic temperament. They are somewhat conven¬
tional and sometimes businesslike also. They are prompt

Results of Ascending Signs


and uphold conservative views. They will be attracted to¬

wards the study of occult philosophy and sciences. In these
departments of knowledge they can acquire mastery. They
are too callous and enthusiastic. They hate all external show.
They are God-fearing, honest, humble and free from hypo¬
crisy. They never think of schemes which are calculated to
disturb the progress of others. They generally exercise control
over their food and drinks but in regard to their relationship
with the opposite sex restraint is called for. They are
brilliant, their manners affable, winning and hearts, pure.
They are prone to be misunderstood unintentionally by others
on account of their hastiness in conversation. In their later
years they must be careful about their lungs as they are liable
to suffer from rheumatic pains and the like. Combinations
for political power warranting, persons born in this sign will
exercise power with firmness and justice and without yielding
to corruptive influences.

^jggjcgrg i --Persons born in this sign will be tall, reddish-

brown in colour with prominent hair on the eye-brows and
the chest. Women will be handsome and youngish in appea¬
rance. They have large teeth sometimes protruding outside
the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the 2nd
house is afflicted. Their lips are flushy and ladies have an
inviting appearance.* They have the knack of adopting them¬
selves to circumstances and environments. They have great
aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even if they
were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest,
libera] and gentlemanly in business transactions. They are
noted for their perseverance and strong-mindedness. In fact
they are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of
sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest
in literature, science and education. Sometimes they are
vindictive. When Saturn is badly posited, they are possessed

Hiodn Predictive Astrology

of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good husbands

or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house
they can become philosophically minded or develop social

Aguarius .— This “Water Bearer" sign in which the birth

of an individual is condemned as the birth lord becomes the
lord of the house of loss, has to its credit some of the greatest
philosophers and seers. Those born under this sign will be
tall, lean, fairly handsome, manners winning, appearance
attractive, disposition elegant. Their lips are flusby, cheeks
broad with prominent temples and buttocks. They are highly
intelligent and make friends of others very soon. Th ey ar e
peevish and wrhen provoked, rise like a bul1dpgj >uttheir anger
is very soon subsided! They are pure in heart and always
inclined to help others. They shine very well as writers and
good Spokesmen. They are at times timid. They feel shy to
exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most inte¬
resting and highly instructive. They will specialise in subjects
like astrology, psychology and healing arts, etc. Their literary
greatness will come before the world when they are quite
young and they themselves will not be able to estimate their
capacities well, while others find in them something remark¬
able and extraordinary. They are intuitive and good judges
of character. They have no organising capacity and are
capable of acquiring very fine education. They will be much
devoted to their husbands or wives and never betray the
interests of even their enemies, when trust is placed in them.
They are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take
special precautions to safeguard themselves against diseases
incidental to exposure to cold weather. On the whole
Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears
them to all they come in contact with.

Results of Ascending Signs


Pisces ^ Persons born in this sign will be fair, stout and

moderately tall. They are reserved in their manners and are
liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. They
are God-fearing. They are generally superstitious and
religious, rigid in the observance of orthodoxical principles
ahd can forego anything but their orthodoxy ; or they can
be exactly the opposite. They are somewhat stubborn, rather
timid, and ambi tious to exercise a uthority over others. They
are true friends and are proud of their educational and other
attainments. If the lord of the 7th is badly afflicted, they Will
have double marriage.' They are restless and fond of history,
antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. They are
frugal in spending money and though generally dependent
upon others throughout their life still bear a mark of inde¬
pendence. They are just in their dealings and fear to transgress
the laws of truth- With all this, they lack self-confidence.


Judgment of Bhavas (Houses)

The twelve bbavas or bouses represent tbe entire bistory

of tbe individual. By a careful scrutiny of tbe planetary
combinations and aspects in tbe twelve bouses, the
whole life of a person can be predicted with sufficient
accuracy. Tbe combinations given below are not chosen at
random but are chosen from a study of the horoscopes of
persons of various ranks and eminences. Many have been
gathered from tbe best and tbe most standard works on
Hindu astrology. In applying these rules to practical horo¬
scopes, the student must definitely bear in mind that they^are
merely for his guidaoce. In addition to this, he must also
exercise discretion and common sense coupled, of course,
with a certain amount of intuition. For instance, the astro¬
logical principles say that if the 4th house is occupied by
benefics and its lord well situated, the native gets high edu¬
cation. This is quite sufficient for an intelligent student to
anticipate certain other things not mentioned here. In fact
they strike themselves to the student. In a horoscope, a
benefic may be found in the 4th—which may be his house of
exaltation, debilitation, or enmity or a friend's sign. Even
though a benefic may be in the 4tb, the results it gives
apparently vary according to its disposition towards the lord
of that sign. If Jupiter is in exaltation in the 4th bouse,
religious learning may be predicted. If he is in debilitation.

Judgment of Shaves (Houses)


in the 4th house, the kind of education must necessarily

differ. Still in both cases, it is Jupiter that occupies the 4th
house. Similarly, with regard to other combinations one
must consider all these problems carefully and then venture
a prediction. The relations and interrelations of planetary
placements must be carefully scrutinised and then predictions
ventured. Deterministic interpretation of the combinations
should not be given.

First Bhava CHSUftL .—Tbe first house represents the

beginning of life, childhood, health, environment x person ality^
the ph ysci al body a nd character aud the general str ength of
the horoscope.

If the lord of the birth or 1st house is exalted, well

associated, strongly placed, occupies quadrants, has the
aspects of good planets, the person will have health, good
appearance, and a generally happy future.

If the lord of the birth is in conjunction' with an evil

planet and occupies the 8th house, the health will suffer.

If the birth lord is in conjunction with the lord of the 6th,

the 8th and the 12th, the body will suffer from constant
complaints. If the lord of birth is in the 6th, the 8th or the
12th, the native has a sickly constitution.

If the birth lord is conjoined with an evil planet, and

Rabu or Saturn occupies the Lagoa, the person fears from
deception from thieves and swindlers.

Urinary and bladder troubles and swelling of testicles

are likely if Rahu, Mars and Saturn are in Lagna.

The body of the native willI be^ epgciafed if Lagna is

occupied by planets like Mars, the Sun and Saturn.

Birth in watery signs make the person corpulent.

The native suffers from asthma and consumption if the

Sun (Ravi) is in Lagna and Mars aspects him.

Many evil planets in the birth indicate either misery or a

checkered career.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Venus in the first half of the Lagna makes the person

happy in the beginning. Venus in the second half with evil
planets in the 4th and the Sth houses makes the person
miserable in the end.

Second Bhata (House J.—Sec ond house represents family,

face, speech, right eye, food, wealth, litera ry gift; manner
and source of dcatE.seTT-acquisitioo and optimism.

If the lord of the 2od is exalted and Ts aspect e<Tby Jupiter,

the native will be a man of considerable wealth.

If the lord of the 2nd is exalted and quadrants are

aspected by benefics, the eye-sight will be good and the facial
expression charming.

One becomes an orator and wealthy if Jupiter is with

the lord of the second or the latter is aspected by Mercury,
or Venus occupies favourable positions.
'Poverty will attack the native if the lord of the second is
weak, debilitated or aspected by malefics.

If the lord of the 2nd is in quadrants aspected by malefics,

the person will look ugly and grotesque.

If the lord of the 2nd is a watery planet and combines

with or is aspected by the lord of the navamsa of the 2nd
house-lord, and if the Ascendant falls in a watery sign, the
person will be an international trader and the source of his
income will be mostly from beyond the confines of his

Defective speech can be predicted if malefics are with the

lord of the second or aspects it.

Mercury in a quadrant and the lord of the 2nd powerfully

situated make one proficient in occult sciences, especially

Confiscation of property and penal action by Government

is likely if the Ascendant is weak and its lord joins malefics
and the lord of the 2nd is in conjunction with the Sun in the
12th house.

judgment of Bhavet (Homes)


If the lord of the 12th joint' the 2nd and the lord of the
11th joint the 12th with the lord of the 2nd in the 6th, the
8th or the 12th, one has to pay fines to the Government.

Lots of wealth by thieves and rulers can be foretold if the

lord of the 2nd is aspected by or combined with Mars in
debilitation or in cruel navamsa.

The occupation of the 2nd by malefics indicates that the

person becomes showy and the period must be predicted under
the Dasa of such planets.

If the 7th house occupied by the lord of the 10th has the
beneficial aspects of Jupiter and Venus, the native earns a
substantial amount during the periods of such planets.
If the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd and lord of the
2nd is in the 11th with the lord of the 11th in the 1st, the
native mav come across hidden t reasures.

If the lord of the 2nd is debilitated and is in conjunction

with evil planets, the person contracts hopeless debts-

Third Bhava (House ). —The third bouse represents

brothers and sis ters and intelligence, s horts journeys, neig h-
bourSjj mmediate re l ations and letters a nd w ritings. It al so
deno tes courage, right ear and breast.

Tf a malefic planet is in the 3rd or the 3rd is between two

evil planets, one will not have brothers ; or all the brothers
may pass away.

If the lord of the 3rd or Mars occupies the 8th, the 6th or
the 12th and has no beneficial aspects, prosperity to brothers
is rarely to be predicted.

If the lord of the 3rd occupies a beneficial navamsa and

Mars is well posited, the native will be courageous and will
have thriving brothers.

If the lord of the 3rd is in the 12th aqd is aspected by evil

planets, the person will be funky and henpecked.

If the lord of the 3rd is in conjunction with the Sun, the

native will be bold in mind, and stubborn and angry.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

The number of brothers may be approximately known by

the nav&msa the 3rdJxou£e falls in or by the number ofthf
navamsa the lord of the 3rd or" the karaka for the brothers
falls in.

Fourth Bhava (House ). — Peace of mind and happiness,

mother, home life, relatives, house, self-prosperity, enjoy¬
ments, conveyances, landed and ancestral property, general
happiness, education, vehicles and the general build of the
neck and shoulders.

If the lord of the 4th is with the lord of the 1st occupying
a good place or if the 4th lord occupies trines or quadrants,
the perstyi possesses many houses.

If the lord of the 4th is with powerful Jupiter and Meccury

aod occupies quadrants, the person will have an aristocratic
disposition and commands respect, conveyance and name.

Jf tbeJ.ord.of the 9th is in quadrants and the lord of the

4th well situated, the person wi’U have a good taste fdr artistic

.If Mercury is in the 3rd, and the lord of the4tb is well

placed, the person possesses an attractive house or houses.

If the lord of the 4th occupies the 12th, loss of ancestral

property is to be feared.

If the 4th is occupied by Saturn with the Moon in exalta¬

tion and Jupiter aspecting it, the person will be an author in
his early age and have much education but the mother dies

If the lords of the Ascendant and the 4th are in the 11th
and the lord of the 2nd is in the 12th with the Sun, the person
possesses limited education but good landed property. These
results have to be applied taking into consideration of other

Jupiter in exaltation in the 4th house and the lord of the

4th in his own sign makes the person get high legal education.

Jud g m ent of Bbim (H omb ) 99

If Lagoa ia Sagittarius and its lord and Saturn are in the

same house, the person will acquire high education.

If Venus or the Moon occupies the 4th without any aspects

from any malefics, the person will be a voracious eater.

If lord of the 4th is debilitated and joins evil planets, the

native becomes sinful and licentious*

If the Moon and Venus are in quadrants occupying evil

navamsas and aspected by or joined with evil planets, one
becomes guilty of improper relations with close relatives of
the opposite sex.
If the lord of the 4th is badly situated and is aspected by
malefics, the person's private life will be questionable.
a If the Moon occupies birth with Rabu or Ketu, the mother's
character cannot be above board- C' ’< •'* *'

Saturn in conjunction with the lord of the 4th or with the

Moon will kill the mother early.

The person becomes dishonest and indulges in fraudulent

schemes if the 4tb is combined with Saturn, Rabu and Ketu.

Fi£t!\_Bhaya (Jiouse)^— Intelligence, father, atman, discri¬

minating power, children, fame and position should be
predicted from the Sth house.

If the lord of the Sth occupies the 3rd, the 6tb or the 12th
and is aspected by malefics, the person's children die early.

' If the Sun is in the Sth house and is badly placed, the
father will die. If the lord of the Sth house joins favourable
planets, the person gets many issues.

If Jupiter becomes lord of the Sth and being powerful is

aspected by the lord of the birth, the person will have children.

If the Sth as well as its lord are placed between evil planets
and Jupiter is in company with malefics, there will be loss of

If all the malefics occupy the 4th or if all of them occupy

the 12tb, the Sth. the 8th and the 1st, the person’s family
becomes completely extinct.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

The person will have a piercing intellect if the Sth house

is between beneficial planets.

If Saturn is in the Sth, or aspects the lord of birth or

Jupiter, there will be brain derangement.

If Mercury and Saturn have major influence on tbe child

at birth, the child born will be impotent.
If the Sth house falls in a sign of Mercury or Saturn and
its lord combines with Saturn the person will have an adopted

If the lord of the Sth is masculine, joins a masculine sign,

and combines in a masculine navamsa, tbe first-born child to
the native will be a male-

If tbe lord of the Sth joins a female sign with a feminine

planet and combines in a feminine navamsa, tbe first born
baby will be a female.

Sixth Bhava (House ).—Represents enem ies, thieves, cuts

findJKftUJP.d&jq Jhe body, disappointments,.. juiser|es x sgjmw,
debts, illness, paternal ^relations, sinful deeds, battjegnd
disease s.

Two or more malefics in the 6th make the native a prey

to complicated diseases and a malefic aspect will practically
confine the person to bed.

If the lord of the 6th occupies the 1st or the 8th with evil
associations and with no beneficial aspects, the native will
have many sores.

If the Moon, Venus and the lord of birth combine with

tbe Sun or Rahu, the person may sufTer from syphillis.

If the lord of birth and tbe 6th are in conjunction with the
Moon, water accidents occur, and if Mars joins the birth lord,
danger in violent fights or battles is indicated.

If the lord of the 6tb and birth conjoin Saturn and occupy
quadrants and trines, imprisonment is indicated. If Saturn
is lord of Lagoa, this result should not be predicted.

Judgment of Bbavas (Houses)


If Saturn is in the 9th, Jupiter in the 3rd and the Moon

in the 7th or the 8th, the person’s hands will become deformed.

If the 10th house is occupied by Rahu, Saturn and

Mercury, the native’s bands may be amputated.
Venus in conjunction with the lord of the 6th, and Saturn
or the Sun with Rahu in cruel amsas, indicate capital punish*
mem. Neutralising factors should be carefully considered.

When the Moon occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th
aspccted by the lord of Lagoa and conjoined with Saturn and
Rahu, the person may meet with accidents.

If the lord of the 6th or the 8th or Mars joins the lord of
the 3rd, and Saturn and Rahu are in cruel navamsas, the
person dies in a battle or fight.

If the lord of the 6th be a malefic and conjoins Mercury,

who is in debilitation, the person suffers from toothache
early in bis life.

Mercury in the 6th, debilitated with Saturn and Mars, will

render the persoo an invalid throughout life.

If the lord of the Ascendant joins the 6th aspected by the

lord of the 6th, the person will suffer much from the machi¬
nations of his close relatives.

If the lord of the 9th joins the 6th aspected by the lord of
the 6th and the lord of the 6th has the conjunction of Saturn
and Mars, the person will suffer from fires, thieves and

Seventh Bhava (House ) .—Represents wife, husband,

marriage, urinary organs, marital happiness, sexual diseases,
trade and speculation, desire, diplomacy and honour, travels,
business tact and the latent energies.

If the lords of the 2nd and the 6th have evil conjunctions
and occupy the 6th house or if the afflicted lord of the 7th
joins the birth, the moral character of the person will be


Hindu Predictive Astrology

If tbe lord of the 7th joins Rahu or Ketu and is aspected

by Mars or Saturn, and Venus is ill-placed, one becomes loose
in morals in his early years.
If evil planets occupy the 1st and the 6th, tbe person will
be licentious and indulges in clandestine pleasures.

If the weak Moon joins a malefic in the 7th, the person

becomes immoral.

If Venus combines with the lord of the 2nd, the 7th and
the 6th and occupies the Ascendant, the native’s moral
character will be questionable.

Venus in Jhe, 7thmakes ope passionate.

"Afflicted Mercury and Venus in the 7th make tbe native

inclined towards secret pleasures.

Mars, Mercury and Venus in the 7th aspected by no

benefics render the person passionate and make him seek un¬
natural sources of gratification, unless Jupiter is in a kendra.

Jupiter in the 7th or the 10th with no malefic aspects will

make the person principled and chaste in sexual matters.

If the lord of the 5th is in the 7th and the lord of the 7th
is with malefics and Venus is weak, the wife dies during

If the lords of the 2nd and the 7th are in their own houses,
the person will have only one wife.

If the lord of the 7th is powerful and exalted occupying

birth, more than one wife must not be predicted.

If the 7th falls in an evil sign, if the lord of the 7th joins
debilitation, two marriages may be indicated.

If the lord of tbe 7th and the 12th is Venus and he occupies
the 9th aspected by Saturn, the person will have more than
one wife.

If the lord of the 7th is in the 6th aspected by Rahu and

with no beneficial conjunction, two marriages should be

Judgment of Bhavas (Hou ses)

If the lords of the 7th and the 10th exchange their houses
and the lord of the 2nd occupies a beneficial navamsa. the
person will have all marital happiness.

If the Sun is in the 7th one will have liaison with barren

If the Moon is in the 7th debilitated, sex-relations take

place with maid-servants.

If Mars is in the 7th house with no aspects of benefics,

intercourse occurs with unmatured girls.

If three quadrants are occupied by evil plaoets, happiness

with wife is not indicated.

Eighth Bhava (House ) .—Indicates longevity, secret organ,

death legacies and gifts and unearned wealth, cause of death,
wills, disgrace and degradation, the place and surroundings
of death, defeat or insult, sorrow, blame, servants and

If the lord of the 8th joins the 12th with a malefic, there
will be short life.

Life will be short if the lord of the birth and the lord of
the 8th join the 6th.

There will be long life if the birth lord occupies beneficial

houses with the lord of the 8th.

If all malefics occupy the 8th, one will have short life.

If Saturn is in the 12th and the lord of the 8th is in the

2nd with a benefic, death occurs in the 21st year.

If the lord of the 8th is in the 5th in conjunction with

malefics, and the lord of the 10th is in the 2nd aspected by
malefics, the native dies in the 2nd year.

If quadrants are occupied by benefics aud the lord of birth

combines with a benefic planet aspected by Jupiter, long life
may be predicted.

If the lords of the 8th, the 1st and the 10th combine with
Saturn and occupy quadrants, life will be long.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

When the lords of the 2nd and 6th combine with Saturn
and occupy the 3rd, the 6th and the 12th, death will be due to

If Saturn becomes the lord of the 6th and joins with Rahu
or Ketu. death will be from the attack of beasts.

If in the same combination Jupiter has prominence,

danger arises from elephants.

If Saturn joins the Sun and occupies or aspects the 8th,

death will be from canine bites.

If the weak Moon occupying the 8th with Rahu joins

malefics, the person dies by the troubles of apparitions and

If the 6tb house is occupied by its lord and the lord of the
8th is with Rahu, and Saturn with Ketu aspected by Mars,
the person will be killed by weapons.

If the Sun in debilitation occupies the 6th or the 8th

aspected by a malefic, the father will die through the dis¬
pleasure of the state.

If Mercury is not well situated and occupies an unfavour-

abie position, death takes place from sudden heart failure.

If the 8th is favourably situated with the aspects of

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, the native will bequeath vast
legacies to his successors.

If the 8th is occupied by Saturn, and Mars aspects it with

his special aspects, the person will contract many debts and
no redemption can be expected.

If the 8th becomes a moveable sign and its lord is also

found in a moveable sign, death takes place in a foreign

If the 8th and its lord are in a fixed sign and Saturn is
similarly placed, the person dies in his own house.
If the 8th house falls in a common sign and its lord also
occupies a common sign, death will occur while travelling.

Judgment of Bhavat (Houses)


If Mars gets prominence and the combinations are placed

as above, death takes place io automobiles and aeroplanes.
Accidental deaths are always due to Mars.

Mercury kills the native in balloons and airships. Brain

fever, anaemia, neuritis and paralysis bring about death when
Mercury is afflicted in the 8th.

The Moon causes death through watery diseases, cholera

and lung troubles.

Jupiter brings about death by diabetes, dropsy, liver and

spleen trouble and swelling of the body.

Saturn inflicts death on water or by typhoid.

The Sun causes death through fire or heart trouble or by

self-hnmolation for others’ cause provided he is not

Rahu indicates death by skin troubles, leprosy, poisoning,

smallpox and drowning.

Kct u causesileath by suicide and other.unnnhiral cautaa.

Ninth Bhava (House ).— Represents godliness, righteous¬

ness, preceptor, grandchildren, metaphysical studies, imagi¬
nation and intuition, religious devotion, law, sympathy,
philosophy, science and literature, lasting fame, leadership,
charities, communication with spirits, ghosts and the like,
long journeys, foreign travels and father.

If the weak Moon occupies the 9th in a debilitated state

or Venus is bad and occupies evil conjunctions or if the lord
of the 9th is debilitated, the native will be guilty of improper
relations with his preceptor’s wife.

If the 9tb is occupied by benefics and the lord of the 9tb

combines with no malefics, the person rests content with his
own wife.

If the lord of the 9th is in the 8th or any moveable sign,

the child will be born when its father is not in the place.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

If the lord of the 9th joins the navamsa of Jupiter, the

person becomes righteously inclined and charitable in dis¬

If the 9th is occupied by Venus, Ketu and the Sun, profici¬

ency in miscellaneous subjects is to be predicted; Ketu in the
9th makes a man interested in mesmerism.

If the lord of the 9th is in the 4th aspected by Saturn, the

person will be charitable in disposition, irritable in tempera¬
ment and generally bigotted.

If the lords of the 1st and the 9th are powerful and the
Sun is aspected by benefics, the native will be obedient and
dutiful to bis father.

If the lord of the 9th is in quadrants or in trines, the

person becomes well acquainted with metaphysical lore
provided such a combination has the aspect of Jupiter or
Jupiter is in a kendra.

If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th and otherwise badly

situated, the person will be cold-hearted, engaged in inflicting
miseries and injuries on innocent people and quite unsympa¬

Mars and Ketu in the 9th with Jupiter in the 2nd, and
Mercury, the Sun and Venus in the Sth, the 6th and the 7th
respectively, make the man very rich.

If the lord of the Ascendant joins the 9th and combines

with the lord of the 5tb, wealth may be predicted through

If Mercury is the lord of the 9th or aspects its lord and if

Jupiter occupies an exalted position, the person will be highly
learned in mystical philosophy. If the lords of the Ascendant
and the 9th are combined or are in mutual aspect or in
mutual kendras, one will have foreign travels.

Tenth Bhgra f House J— Represents occupation, rank,

temporal honours and success, respect, medns of livelihood,
self-respect, religious knowledge and dignity.

Judgment of Bhavas (Houses)


If the lord of the 10th is the Sun, who is well placed and
powerfully aspected, income will be from inherited wealth,
from drugs, medicines and chemical dealings.

If the Moon occupies the 10th house and Mars aspects it,
the native will earn money by selling precious stones and
dealings with aristocracy, women of questionable character
and agriculture to some extent.

If Mars is the lord of the 10th or occupies it and is

aspected by the Sun or the Moon, the person will be a res¬
pectable Commander-in-Chief; if by Saturn, a gang leader
and a robber; if by Mercury, a doctor.

If the 10th is occupied by Mercury, the native will be a

professor in religious philosophy, mathematical sciences, and
earns his livelihood as such.

If Jupiter becomes the lord of the 10th or aspects it, livili-

bood might be predicted through being a preceptor, teacher,
judge, etc.

Venus as the lord of the 10th house gets the native income
from brokerage, as manager of art gal lanes, cinemas, music
houses and if afflicted, brothels and other mean associations.

If Saturn occupies the 10th or aspects it with no beneficial

conjunction, earnings will be from being a municipal official,
a scavenger, a factory worker, etc.

If Pisces becomes the 10th house and Mercury or Mars

occupies it, the person will have Mukti or emancipation and
will have dips in sacred waters.

If Jupiter joins Mercury or Mars, the person builds chari¬

table institutions and performs meritorious deeds.

If the Moon occupies a quadrant and Jupiter aspects her,

he will have pure reputation for his conduct and truthful

If Mars and Saturn are in the 10th aspected by other

malefics, the person will have communication with super¬
naturals or Uchchista Devatas.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

If the 10th bouse is a watery sign and its lord occupies a

moveable Rasi and Navamsa, the person will have foreign
travels. If the Sun is also in the 10th, the travel will be on
some political mission.

Eleventh Bhava (House ).— Represents means of gains,

accomplishment, friends, personality, ornaments, elder
brother and freedom from misery and pain.

If the lord of the Uth is in exaltation and in a kendra

(quadrant), and if Mercury becomes the lord of the 2nd,
much gain will accrue from trade.

If the lord of the I Itb is aspected by the lords of the 2nd

and the 4th and combines with the lord of the 9th, the man
becomes very rich and exercises frugality in expenditure.

If the lord of the llth is a benefic and has beneficial

aspects, the person will be attracted towards decent ornaments.

If Jupiter occupies the 11th and Mercury aspects it, the

person gains much reputation as a philosopher and lecturer.

If the lord of the 1 Ith is a benefic aspected by benefics and

occupying favourable positions, the person will have perfect

If the above combination is afflicted by Saturn or Mars,

the person becomes deaf.

If the lord of the llth audits occupants are powerful,

the native will have powerful influence in society.
If the llth is occupied by Saturn, Mars, Rahu and the
Sun with no other benefics aspecting it, the person will be
mentally miserable but financially well off.

Twelfth Bhava (House ).—Indicates misery, loss, expendi-

ture, waste, extravagance, sympathy, piety, divin e knowledge
and worship, Moksha (final emancipation) and the state after

If the lord of the 12th is aspected by the lord of the 7tb

and these two are powerful, the native's money and influence
will be wasted through the agency of his wife.

Judgment of Bhavas (Houses)


If tbe 12th is occupied by a malefic and its lord is an evil

planet, money will be spent on immoral purposes.

If the powerless lord of the 12th occupies unfavourable

positions in the navamsa, the native will have deformed

If the lord of the 12th is Jupiter and has no malefic

influences or aspects, the person will die in divine contem¬

If tbe lord of the 12th is Mars and Saturn occupies the

12th, death takes place on account of piles and other bloody

If tbe lord of the 12th is weak and is seen by the lord of

tbe 6th, money will be spent on useless litigation.

If tbe Sun and the Moon are in the 12th without any
favourable aspects, the native will be a simpleton.

If benefics occupy the 12th or its lord joins with them, the
person will have close relations surrounding him at his death.

For a detailed discussion of each Bhava reference may be

made to tbe author’s How to Judge a Horoscope.

Soma Special Yogas

Yogas in Sanskrit astrological nomenclature mean special

planetary combinations for the production of high political
power and influence, great wealth, philanthropy, asceticism,
misery, debts, demoralisation and curruption. In all horo¬
scopes, these yogas must be properly scrutinised along with
the application of the usual astrological rules. These impor¬
tant yogas make or mar a man for, if special arishtas or
misfortunes are found in a horoscope, the person will be
always miserable, even though according to ordinary astro¬
logical rules, such a horoscope is a promising one. The word
Yoga is quite indigenous and such a system cannot be found
in the astrological principles of other nations. These reveal
a flood of information to the astrological student, when pro¬
perly studied and applied. The Western reader must clearly
comprehend the technicalities involved in the application of
these yogas and try to understand their significance thoroughly.

There are different types of yogas— Rajayoga —producing

high political power; Dhanayoga or combination for great
wealth ; Gnanayoga or combination for real higher knowledge
and renunciation of the world : and Arishtayoga —series of
misfortunes of the most baneful nature. There are thousands
of such yogas given in the original Sanskrit works and their
reproduction here would mean firstly a great strain on the
comprehending powers of the reader and secondly, increase
of the bulk of the book beyond proportion. The results

Some Special Yogas


ascribed to each yoga will completely manifest themselves if

the yogakarakas (planets producing such yoga) are not
afflicted. For more detailed information 1 would refer my
readers to my book Three Hundred Important ComUna lions.

I shall now briefly sketch some favourable yogas and

their probable results.
1. Chamara Yoga. —This is produced when ihe lord of
the Ascendant is exalted and occupies a quadrant ind has the
powerful aspect of Jupiter; or two benefics in theAscendant,
the 7th or the 10th also cause the same yoga.

Tbe person will be greatly respected by rulers and the

aristocracy, good conversationalist, a profound scholar and
lives more thao 70 years.

2. Shankha Yoga.— When the lord of the 10th or Ascen¬

dant occupies moveable signs like Aries, Cancer, etc., and
tbe lord of tbe 9th is powerful, this yoga is caused. If the
lords of the Sth and tbe 6th are in mutual quadrants from
each other and tbe ruler of the rising sign powerful, this yoga
is caused.

Fond of pleasures, learned in sciences and philosophy,

philanthropic, agreeable family surroundings, charitable
disposition and long life upto 80.

3. Sreenatha Yoea. —When the exalted lord of the 7th

occupies tbe lOtb and the lord of the 10th combiies with the
lord of the 9tb— Great respect, reputation, honoutible living,
much wealth and nice surroundings.

4. Bheri Yog a. —Lord of the 10th powerful with three

planets in the 12th, tbe 2nd, tbe 1st and the 7thhouscs ; or
lord of the 9th is powerful and Venus and lord of Ascendant
are in quadrants from Jupiter—Landed estates, free from
encumbrance, high family traditions, exalted soul, courageous,
expert in sciences and arts, long lived, free from iny kind of


Hindu Predictive Astrolog)

5. Sarada Yoga.— Jupiter in a trine from the Moon, and

Mars in trine to Mercury or Jupiter in the 11th from Mercury
or lord of the 10th occupies the 5th, Mercury in a quadrant
and the Sun in his own sign—Attracted by fair ladies, respec-
tor of preceptors and religiously inclined, praised by the
royalty and aristocracy, saintly disposition and a patron of
fine arts and sciences.

_6. Matsya Yoga (Fish combination).—Malefics in birth

and the 9th, benefics and malefics in the 5th and malefics in
the 4th and the 8th—Lover of astrology * sympathetic tempera¬
ment and religious nature.

7. _ Kesari Yoga-— The Moon and Jupiter in quadrants to

each other—Respected by relations and friends. Municipal

Commissioner or Manager of a big corporation, name goes to
posterity, possession of all worldly enjoyments.

8. Adhi Yoga , -^Benefics in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th
from the Moon—Commander, Minister or a king or eqaul to
him, foeless, long-lived and free from diseases.

9. Anapha Yoga .— Planets in the 12th from the Moon-

Man of commanding and majestic appearance, healthy,
moral, free from mental sorrow, renowned, fond of sense
pleasures and renunciation of worldly concerns later on in

10. Sunapha Yoga.— Planets in the 2nd from the Moon—

Self-mademan, self-acquired wealth, intelligent and reputed.

11. Durdhura Toga, —Planets in the 2nd and the 12th

‘from the Moon—Enjoyment of all pleasures, conveyances,
liberal and generous and commanding, dutiful and faithful

12. Kahala Yoea . —The lord of the 4th and Jupiter in

mutual quandrants, and the lord of the Ascendant powerful—
Stubbornness, courageous and adventurous, commanding
infantry, cavalry, artillery, etc., and ruling towns and cities.

Some Special Yogas


^•>13. Vasi Yoga.— Planets in the 12th from the Sun—

Influential, rich and wealthy.

V14. Ve£i-Xu&u— Beneficial planets in the 2nd from the

Sun—Good conversationalist, fluent speaker, wealthy, coura¬
geous and extremely charitable.

15. Obhaygchari Yoga. — Benefics in the 2nd and the 12th

from the Sun—Equal to a king, good, sympathetic and

16. Mridanga Yoga - — The lord of the navamsa occupied

by an exalted planet in a quadrant and himself exalted, in
his own sign or in a friendly house and the lord of the
Ascendant powerful—Healthy throughout life, attractive per¬
sonality, great influence among the people.

17. Koorma Yog a,— Benefics in the 5th, the 6th and the
7th in the Rasi and exalted and in friendly and own navamsa—
Royal enjoyments, charitable disposition, courageous, happy
and philosophical.

18. Khadga Yoga-— Lord of the 2nd in the 9th, and the
lord of the 9th in the 2nd and the lord of Ascendant in a
quadrant or a trine—Religiously inclined, courage, strong,
penetrating intelligence.

19. Lakshmi Yoga.- Lord of the 9th in a quadrant,

moolatrikona or in deep exaltation or lord of Lagna in
conjunction with the 9th lord—Extremely handsome appea¬
rance, noble qualities and virtues, possessed of high reputa¬
tion for honesty and honoured by aristocracy.

20. Kusuma Yoga— Venus in a fixed sign, in a quadrant,

a weak Moon in a trine and the Sun in the 10th house—
Extremely liberal, war-like and possessed of unsullied reputa¬
tion and good enjoyment.

Bad Yogas

21. Kemadruma Yoga.— No planets in the 2nd and the

12th houses from the Moon at birth—Misery and poverty


Hindu Predictive Astrology

throughout life and generally capable of neutralising all

beneficial yogas.

22. Rajjujfoga^— All planets in moveable signs—Resident

in foreign country, unjust.

23. Brihadbiia Kog g.—Rahu with Mars and Saturn in

the Ascendant or the lord of the Ascendant in the 8th with
Rahu and malefics—Testicles swelling and venereal com¬

24. Daridra Yoga .— Lord of the Ascendant in the 12th

and vice versa —Loss of wealth, generally poor and mean

25. Asatiavadi Yota —If the lord of the house occupied

by the lord of the 2od is Saturn—Likes falsehood and indul¬
ges in fraudulent schemes.

Gnana Yoga

Gnana means knowledge which may mean for the acquisi¬

tion of power and wealth or the kind of knowledge which
makes a man “know thyself’* as Socrates says- In acquiring
knowledge there are two aspects to be considered. One is
scholarship, culture, literary power and imagination and the
other is spiritual knowledge and the realisation of Self.

Literary power and scholarship are obtained from the

position of Venus and Mercury and this is also controlled by

When Jupiter is powerful, well aspected and occupies a

Vargottama (occupying the same sign in Rasi and Navamsa),
the person becomes a great lecturer and orator.

When Mercury is in a kendra, Venus in the 2nd, the

Moon or Jupiter in the 3rd, it makes the native a great astro¬

Mars strongly posited in the 2nd with Mercury and the

Moon or the Moon, Mars and Mercury in a quadrant makes
a person a great mathematician.

Some Special Yogas


Jupiter or Venus becoming lord of the 2nd and aspected

by Mars and the Sun in exaltation or moolatrikona, the
person becomes a great logician and psychologist-

Jupiter and the lord of the 2nd powerful and Jupiter in

conjunction with the Sun produces a man extraordinarily
well-versed in grammar and prosody.

A man becomes a versatile genius if Jupiter and Venus

are in quadrants and Mercury becomes the lord of the
navamsa occupied by the lord of the 2nd.

A person becomes a great philosopher when the lord of

the 2nd, Mercury, is in deep exaltation and Jupiter is in the
navamsa of Leo.

^hana m Yo^a ^—The Moon, Jupiter, lords of the 2nd, the

4th, the 9th and the 11th houses control wealth. The favour¬
able position of these planets in the Rasi or in the Navamsa
invariably leads to great wealth- The lords of the 2nd, the
4tb and the 9tb should be aspected by the Moon and be dis¬
posed friendly towards it. The lord of the 2nd with the lord
of the 9th occupying the 11th with the Moon and Jupiter will
make the person a millionaire.


Planets in Different Bhavas or Houses

». V

• THE SUN: In the fi rst fiQUSC+r - Righteous-minded, healthy,

bilious, eye-disease, intelligence, good morals, political
success, stately appearance, humanitarian instincts, lazy in
work, fond of daring deeds, hot constitution, careless of
reputation, strong will, caprice, generosity, neglect of personal
credit or respect, good work, not combative or impetuous
and pioneering.

Second house .—Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecu¬

tions good earnings, inclined to waste, bright speech, enquiring,
well-educated, scientific, stubborn and peevish temper, danger
in the 2Sth year, will stammer.

Third house. —- Courageous, liberal, adventurous, famous,

intelligent, wealthy, successful and restless.

Fourth house — Mental worry, meditative defective organs,

success in foreign cobntries, hatred of relations, keen-minded,
sensitive, good reputation, success after middle age, quarrels
without causes, weak constitution, introspective, unhappy,
philosophical, squanders paternal property.

Fifth house.— Intelligent, poor, few children, paternal

danger, corpulent, danqerjo f ather early , unhappy, disturbed
in mind, lover of fine arts, and tactful in decision.

Sixth house . —Defier of customs and castes, good adminis¬

trative ability, few cousins and few enemies, bold and
successful, war-like, licentious, wealthy, gains from enemies,

Planets in Different Bhavas or Houses


clever in planning, terror to enemies, executive ability, colic


Seventh house* — Late marriage and rather troubled, loose

morals and irreligious, hatred by the fair sex, fond of travel¬
ling, submissive to wife, wealth through female agency, fond
of foreign things, discontented, wife’s character questionable,
subservient to women and risk of dishonour and disgrace
through them*

Eighth house- — Long life, uncharitable, sickly constitution,

sudden gains, complaints in eyes, sores in the head, poor and
uneventful life, narrow and obscure.

Ninth house .— Well read in solar sciences, attracted by

sublime phenomena, charitable, godly, lucky and successful,
devoted, ordinary health, little patrimony, dutiful sons, a
man of action and thought, self-acquired property, many
lands, philosophical, glandular disease, lover of poetry and
music, successful agriculturist, learned in esoteric and occult
subjects, ambitious and enterprising*

Tenth house. Bold, courageous, well known, famous,

clever in acquiring wealth, superior knack, healthy, learned,
adventurous, educated, quick decision, fond of music, founder
of institutions, high position, dutiful sons, much personal
influence, successful military or political career.

Eleventh house. — Learned, wealthy, stately and persever¬

ing, success without much effort, famous, many enemies,
wealth through fair means, good reputation, profound insight,
capacity to befriend, many political enemies, man of
principles, great sagacity, great success and position.

Twelfth house .— Sinful, poor, fallen, thieving nature, un¬

successful, adulterous, neglected, long limbs, ceremonial-
minded and lover of esoteric and occult knowledge, no
happiness from children.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

• THE MOON: In the Ascendant.— Fanciful and romantic,

moderate eater, an attractive appearance, inclioed to corpu¬
lence, windy temperament, much travelling, disease in private
organs and ears, capricious, licentious, sociable, easy going,
educated, warring, loved by the opposite sex, shy, modest,
stubborn, proud, fickle-minded and eccentric.

Second house. —Wealthy, handsome, attractive, generous,

highly iutciligent, breaks in education, charming, poetical,
great respect, sweet speech, persuasive, squint eyes and much

Third house .— Sickly, dyspeptic and later on piles, mild,

lean, disappointments, impious, many brothers, cruel, edu¬
cated, consumption, famous, sisters, intelligent, unscrupulous,
purposeless, miserly, fond of travelling and active-minded.

Fourth house.— Comfortable, fine taste, good perfumes

and dressT p"olite*and affable manners, high education, happy,
licentious, helped by all, wealthy and successful, good mother,
popular and death to mother early if in conjunction with

Fifth house. —Subtle, handsome wife, shrewd, showy,

many daughters, intelligent, gains through quadrupeds, inter¬
rupted education, high political office.

Sixth house. —Submissive to the opposite sex, indoleot,

imperious, short-tempered, intelligent, lazy, slender body,
weak sexual connection, widow-hunter, poor, drunkard, re-
fiocd, tender, pilfering habits stomach troubles, many foes,
worried by cousins.

Seventh house. - Passionate, fond of women, handsome

wife, mother short-lived, narrow-minded, good family, pains
in the loins, social, successful, jealous and energetic in several

Ei ghth hous£, — Unhealthy, legacy, capricious, mother

short-lived, few children, bilious, slender bad sight, kidney
disease, unsteady, easy acquisitions.

Pltoett in Different Bhavas or Houses


Ninth House .— Popular, educated, intelligent, well read,

lover of fiction, builder of charitable institutions, wealthy,
active, inclined to travel, godly, good children, immoveable
property, religious, mystical, righteous, agricultural success,
devotional, successful and good reputation.

Tenth house .— Persuasive, passionate, charitable, shrewd,

adulterous, bold, tactful, ambitious, great position, active,
trustee of religious institutions, obliging to good people, many
friends, easy success, popular and able, wealthy, comfortable
and long life.

Eleventh house . —Many children, powerful, philanthropic,

polite, literary and artistic taste, helpful, influential, cultured,
charitable, many friends, great position, reputation, good
lands, easy success, liked and helped by the fair sex, gi*er of
donations, man of principles.

Twelfth finux *.—Obstructed deformed, narrow-minued,

cruel, unhappy, obscure, powerless, deceived, solitary, miser¬

• MARS: In the first house *—Hot constitution, scars in the

body, pilfering habits, big navel, early danger to father,
reddish complexion, active, adventurous, powerful and low-

Second hous e . —Quarrelsome, extravagant, harsh speech,

adulterous, short-tempered, wasteful, sharp-tongued, broken
education, satirical, large patrimony, bad-tempered, aggres¬
sive, unpopular and awkward.

Third hous e.— Pioneering, few brothers, sex-morals weak,

courageous, intelligent, reckless, adventurous, short-tempered,
unprincipled, easy morals, unpopular.
Fourth house . -Sickly mother, quarrels, unhappy home
life, danger to father, domestic quarrels and conveyances,
uncomfortable, coarse, brutal, tyrannical, vulgar.

Fifth /foliar -Unpopular, no issues, ambitious, intelligent,

persevering, unhappy, bold, unprincipled, decisive.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Sixth /yawi*.— Successful, good lands, rich success over

enemies, intelligent, political success, powerful, worry from
near relations.

Seventh hou se.— Two wives or friction with wife, dropsy,

rash speculations, unsuccessful, intelligent, tactless, stubborn,
idiosyncratic, peevish, passionate, tension in marriediife.

Eighth hou se- —Short life, few children, danger to maternal

uncles, widower later, hater of relations, bad sight, extra¬
marital relations.

Nint h house.— Unkind, worldly, successful trader, loss

from agriculture, sickly father, naval merchant, dependent
life, self-seeking, acute, stubborn, impetuous, logical.

Tenth house. —Founder of institutions and towns, ener¬

getic; adventurous, wealthy, active, healthy, famous, self-
made man, good agriculturist, good profits, clever, successful,
loved by relations, decisive.

Eleventh house . Learned, educated, wealthy, influential,

property, crafty, happy, commanding.

Twelfth house. — Unsuccessful, poor, rotten body, unpopu-*

lar, incendiary diseases, suffering, stumbling, active, fruitless,
liable to fraud and deception, dishonest, unseen, impediments,
deformed eyes.

• MERCURY: In the First house, — Cheerful, humorous,

well read, clever, many enemies, learned, fond of accult
studies and astronomy, witty, influential, intellectual, respected,
long-lived, love of literature and poetry.
Second hous e. — Learned in religious and philosophical
lore, sweet speech, good conversationalist, humorous, clever,
many children, determined, fine manners, captivating look,
self-acquisition, wealthy, careful, thrifty, clever in earning

Third house .— -Daughter, happy mother, clever, cruel,

loved by fair sex, tactful, diplomatic, discretion, bold, sensible.

Planets la Different Bhaves or Houses


Fourth house —Learned, agriculturist, good mother, un¬

happy, skilled io conjuring tricks, obliging, cultured, affec¬
tionate, popular, inclined to pursue literary activities^ •

Fifth hnuse .— Showy, learned, quarrelsome, dan ger to

mat ernal uncles, parents sickly, good administrative capacity,
fond of good furniture and dress, respect from moneyed men,
ministerial office, executive ability, speculative, scholar, vain,
d anger to father , combative.

Sixth house. - Respected, interrupted education, subordi¬

nate officer, executive capacity, quarrelsome, showy, dissimu¬
lation, losses in money, peevish, bigoted, troubles in the feet
and toes.

Seventh house. —Diplomatic, interesting literary ability

early in life and success through it, early marriage, wife hand¬
some, dutiful and short-tempered, breaks in education, learned
in astrology, astronomy and mathematics, success in trade,
successful, dashing, gay, skilful, religious, happy mother and
early death to her, cunning, adulterous, charitable, strong

Eighth house .—Long life, landed estate, easy access to

anything desirecT grief through domestics, obliging, few
issues, many lands, famous, respected, ill-health-

Ninth house .— Highly educated, musician, many children,

obliging, licentious, philosophical, lover of literature, creative
mind, inquisitive, scientific-minded, popular, well known.

Tenth house — Determined, fortunate, enjoyments in life,

intelligent, bad sight, active, cheerful, charitable, able,

Eleventh house.— Wealthy, happy, mathematical faculty,

good astroIogeF, many friends among famous men, many
lands, logical and scientific, success in trade.

Twelfth house. —Philosophical, intelligent, worried,

adulterous, obliging, capricious, wayward, narrow-minded.


Hind a Predictive Astrology

gifted, despondent, passionate, few children, lacking in

opportunities, danger to mother.

• JUPITER ; In the First house.— Magnetic personality,

good grammarian, majestic appearance, highly educated,
many children, learned, dexterous, long-lived, respected by
rulers, philologist, political success, sagacious, stout body,
able, influential, leader.

Second^ house- —Wealthy, intelligent, dignified, attractive,

happy, fluent speaker, aristocratic, tasteful, winning manners,
accumulated fortune, witty, good wife and family, eloquent,
humorous, and dexterous.

Third house .— Famous, many brothers, ancestors, devoted

to the family, miserly, obliging, polite, unscrupulous, good
agriculturist, thrifty, good success, energetic, bold, taste for
fine arts and literature, loved by relatives.

Fourth house. - Good conveyances, educated, happy,

intelligent, wealthy, founder of charitable institutions, com¬
fortable, good inheritance, good mother, well read, contented

Fifth house. —Broad eyes, handsome, statesmanly ability,

gooH'Tnsigfit, high position, intelligent, skilful in trade,
obedient children, pure-hearted, a leader.

Sixth house.— Obscure, unlucky, troubled, many cousins

and grandsons, dyspeptic, much jocularity, witty, unsuccess¬
ful, intelligent, foeless.
Seventh house. —Educated, proud, good wife and gains
through her, diplomatic ability, speculative mind, very sensi¬
tive, success in agriculture, virtuous wife, pilgrimage to
distant places.

Eighth house . —Unhappy, earnings by undignified means,

obscure, long life, mean, degraded, thrown with widows,
colic pains, pretending to be charitable, dirty habits.

Ninth house. - Charitable, many children, devoted,

religious, merciful, pure, ceremonial-minded, humanitarian

Planets in Different Bbavas or Houses


principles, principled, conservative, generous, long-lived

father, benevolent, God-fearing, highly cultured, famous,
high position.

Tenth ho use .—Virtuous, learned, clever in acquisition of

weahETconveyances, children, determined, highly principled,
accumalated wealth, founder of institutions, good agricul¬
turist, non-violent, ambitious, scrupulous.

Eleventh house.— Lover of music, very wealthy, states¬

man ly ability, good deeds, accumulated funds, God-fearing,
charitable, somewhat dependent, influential, many friends,

Twelfth house *— Sadistic, poor, few children, unsteady

character, unlucky, life lascivious, later life inclined to
asceticism, artistic taste, pious in after-life.

• VENUS: In the Ascendant .—Expert mathematician, very

fortunate, ambitious, bold, long life, pioneering, fond of wife,
strenuous, skilled in sexual science, successful, practical,
scents, flowers, women skilled in fine arts, pleasing, vivacious,
astrologer, much magnetic power, leader of people.

Second hous e .—Large family, happy, delicious drinks,

luxurious meals, handsome, large fair eyes, charming wife,
witty, brilliant, polite, educated, hating women, obliging,
rapid in mind, clever in speech, agreeable, creative author,
conservative, composer, economical, wealthy, logical, able-
Third house .—Lover of fine arts, prosperity to mother,
wealthy, miserly, obliging, well placed, travelling, original.

Fourth house.— Intelligent, happy, affectionate, learned,

affectionate mother, agriculturist, educated, scientific
methods, peaceful life, protector of cattle, endeared by
relations, fond of milk, famous, literary, successful, popular.

—Clever, intelligent, statesmanly ability, good

counsel, danger to mother, commander, educated, able,
sociable, kind-hearted, affable, good-natured, many daughters
and few sons, affable manners.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

fifth house -- Licentious, foeless, loose habits, anger, low-

minded, well informed, destruction to enemies, fond of other

Seventh hous e- —Passionate, unhealthy habits, happy

marriage, sensual, inclined towards sex pleasure.

Eighth house .- Danger to mother, happy, given to bad

habits, short-lived, famous, celebrated, unexpected legacies,
trouble in mind, disappointment in love affairs, pious later in

Ninth house. - Selfish, religious, respect for preceptors,

able, successful, commander, lover of fine arts, generous.

Tenth house^— Respect for divine people and parents,

carriage, broken education, successful as a lawyer, popular,
social, moderate eater.

Eleventh house. — Influential, learned, wealthy, good conve¬

yances, successful, many friends, much popularity.

Twelfth house, —Meeo-minded, fond of low women,

miserly, obscure, licentious, unprincipled, weak eyes, fond of
sexual pleasures, clever, liar, pretentious, unhappy love

• SATURN : In the First house. - Foreign customs and

habits, perverted mind, bad thoughts, evil-natured, tyrannical,
unscrupulous, well-built thighs, strong-minded, cunning,
thrifty, unclean, passionate, aspiring, curious, deformed,
sickly, exploring, flatulence, licentious, addicted to low-class

Second house .— More than one marriage, diseased face,

unpopular, broken education , weak sight, unsocial, harsh
speech, stammering, addicted to wine .

Third house. —Intelligent, wealthy, wicked, loss of

brothers, polite, adventurous, bold, eccentric, cruel, coura¬
geous, obliging, agriculturist.

Fourth house . —Daneer to mother if with the Moot, un¬

happy, sudden losses, colic pains, narrow-minded, crafty.

Planets in Different Bbavas or Houses


estates encumbered, good thinker, success in foreign countries,

political disfavour, licentious, interrupted education.

f ifth house- — Narrow-minded. mediocre life, no children,

perverted views, tale-teller, government displeasure, troubled
life, clear-minded.

Sixth house - Obstinate, sickly, deaf, few children,

quarrelsome, sex diseases, clever, active, indebted.

* Sev enth house . - More than one wife, enterprising, sickly,

colic pains, deafness, diplomatic, stable marriage, ambitious,
political success, travelling, dissimulator, foreign honours,

Fifthth house,— Seeking disappointments, big belly, few

issues, corpulent, inclined to drinking, friendship with women
of other castes, colic pains, defect in sight, seductive, clever,
well-informed, impious, daDger by poisons, asthma, consump¬
tion, etc., if with maletics, dishonest, ungrateful children,
cruel, long life.

Ninth house. — Legal success, founder of charitable insti¬

tutions, very miserly, thrifty in domestic life, scientific, irreli¬
gious, logical, ceremonial-minded, unfilial.
Tenth /louse-—Visits to sacred rivers and shrin s, great
worker, bilious, good farmer, sudden elevations anc depres¬
sions, residence in foreign countries uncertain, later on in life
an ascetic.

Eleventh house. — Learned, feared and respected, very

wealthy, much landed property, broken education, conve¬
yances, political success, influential, political respect.

Twelfth houses —Deformed, squint eyes, losses in trade,

learned in occult science, poor, spendthrift, many enemies,
dexterous, unpopular, attracted towards yoga in later life.

• RAHU : in the Ascendant. — Obliging, sympathetic,

abortion, courageous, sickly wife or husband.

S££Ql4 Pnnr and more than one wife if afflicted,

dark complexion, diseased face, peevish, luxurious dinners.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Third house .—Few children, wealthy, bold, adventurous,

courageous, good gymnastic, many relations.

Fourth hou se -—Liaison with women of easy virtue, sub¬

ordinate, proficient in European languages.

Fifth house . —Childless, flatulent, tyrannical, polite,

narrow-minded and hard-hearted.

Sixth house .— Enjoyment, venereal complaints, no enemies,

many cousins.

Seventh house .— Wife suffering from menstrual disorders,

widow or divorcee connection, diabetes, luxurious food, un¬

Eighth house. — Vicious, degraded, quarrelsome, narrow¬

minded, immoral, adulterous.

Ninth house-— A puppet in the hands of the wife, impolite,

uncharitable, emaciated waist, loose morals.
Tenth house .— Intimacy with widows, taste in poetry and
literature, good artist, traveller, learned.

Eleventh house .— Wealthy, influential among lower castes,

many children, good agriculturist.

Twelfth house . —Deformed, few children, defective sight,

very many losses, saintly.

• KETU : In the Ascendant.— Emaciated figure, weak con¬

stitution, much perspiration, weak-hearted, slender, piles,
sexual indulgence , diplomatic.

Second house . —Bad speaker, quiet, quick in perception,

peevish, hard-hearted, thrifty and economical.

Third house. — Adventurous, strong, artistic, wealthy,


Fourth house.— Quarrelsome, licentious, weak, fear of


Fifth hou se. —Liberal. loss of children, sinful, immoral if


Sixth ho use .—Fond of adultery, good conversationalist,

licentious, v?Sereal complaints, learned.

Planets in Different Bhavas or Houses


Seventh house . —Passionate, sinful, connections with

widows, sickly wife.

Eighth house* —Senseless, obscure, dull, sanguine com¬

plexion, piles and similar troubles.

Ninth house * —Short-sighted, sinful, untruthful, thrifty,

many children, good wife.

Tenth House - —Fertile brain, happy, religious, pilgrimages

to sacred rivers and places, fond of scriptures.
Eleve n th house^ — Humorous, witty, licentious, intelligent,

Twelfth house .— Capricious, unsettled mind, foreign

residence, attracted to servile classes, much travelling, licen¬
tious, spiritual knowledge.


Planets in Different Rasis or Signs

• THE SUN: !n Aries. — Activ e, intelligent, fa nious^jraveller,

wealthy, warrior, variable fortune, ambitious, phlegmatic,
powerful, marked personality, impulsive, irritable, pioneering,
initiative "

Taurus. — Clever, reflective, attracted by perfumes and

dealer in them, hated by women, slow to action, musician,
self-confident, delicious drinks, happy meals, tactful.original,
sociable, intelligent, prominent nose

Gemini Learned, astronomer, scholarly, grammarian,

polite, wealthy, critical, assimilative, good conversationalist,
shy, reserved, lacking in originality.

Cancer .— Somewhat harsh, indolent, wealthy, unhappy,

constipation, sickly, travelling, independent, expert astrologer.

Leo. — Stubborn, fixed views, strong, cruel, independent,

organising capacity and talents for propaganda, humanitarian,
frequenting solitary places, generous, famous.

Virgo. — Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature,

well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty,
effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in
religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation.

Libra . —Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless, base,

drunkard, loose morals, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive,

Scorpio. —Adventurous, bold, fearing thieves and robbers.

Planets in Different Rasis or Signs


reckless, cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive, idiotic,

indolent, surgical skill, dexterous, military ability.

Sagittarius. —Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obsti¬

nate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy,

Capricorn .—Mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly,

pushful, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging,
humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm.

Aquarius —Poor, unhappy, stubborn, unlucky, unsuccess¬

ful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem.

Pisces . —Pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful,

religious, prodigal, loved by women.

• THE MOON : In Aries .—Round eyes, impulsive, fond of

travel, irritable, fond of women, vegetable diet, quick to
decide and act. haughty, inflexible, sores in the head,
dexterous, tickle-minded, war-like, enterprising, good position,
self-respect, valiant, ambitious, liable to hydrophobia if the
Moon is afflicted, large thighs, popular, restless, idiosyncratic,

Taurus r. —Liberal, powerful, happy, ability to command,

inteTfigeoT, handsome, influential, fond of fair sex, happy in
middle life a nd old age , great strides in life, beautiful gait,
large thighs and hips, phlegmatic afflictions, rich patience,
respected, love-intrigues, inconsistent, wavering mind, sound
judgement, voracious eater and reader, lucky, popular,
influenced by women, passionate, indolent.

Gemini . —Well read, creative, fond of women, learned in

scriptures, able, persuasive, curly hair, powerful speaker,
clever, witty, dexterous, fond of music, elevated nose, thought
reader, subtle, long life.

Cancer ♦—Wise, powerful, charming, influenced by women,

wealthy, kind, good, a bit stout, sensitive; impetuous, un¬
profitable voyages, meditative, much immovable property.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

scientist, middle stature, prudent, frugal, piercing, con¬


Leo. — Bold, irritable, large cheeks, blonde, broad face,

brown eyes, repugnant to women, likes meat, frequenting
forests and hills, colic troubles, inclined to be unhappy,
haughty, mental anxiety, liberal, generous, deformed body,
steady, aristocratic, settled views, proud, ambitious.

Virgo. — Lovely complxcion, almond eyes, modest, sunken

shoulders and arms, charming, attractive, principled, affluent,
comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest; truthful,
modest, virtuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women,
acute insight, conceited in self-estimation, pensive, conver¬
sationalist, many daughters, loquacious, astrologer and
clairvoyant or attracted towards them, skilled in arts like
music and dancing, few sons.

Libra.— Reverence and respect for learned and holy people,

saints and gods; tall, raised nose, thin, deformed limbs,
sickly constitution, rejected by kinsmen, intelligent, principled,
wealthy, business-like, obliging, love for arts, far-seeing,
idealistic, clever, mutable, amicable, losses through women,
loves women, just, not ambitious, aspiring.

Scorpio .— Broad eyes, wide chest, round shanks and

thighs, isolation from parents or preceptors, brown com¬
plexion, straight-forward, frank, open-minded, cruel,
simulator, malicious, sterility, agitated, unhappy, wealthy,
impetuous, obstinate.

Sagittarius Face broad, teeth large, skilled in fine arts,

indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, deep and
inventive intellect, yielding to praise, good speech, upright,
help from wife and women, happy marriage, many children,
good inheritance, benefactor, patron of arts and literature,
ceremonial-minded, showy, unexpected gifts, author, reflective
mentality, inflexible to threats.

Planets in Different Rasis or Signs


Capricorn .— Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous,

good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active,
crafty, somewhat selfish, sagacious, strategic, liberal, merci¬
less, unscrupulous, inconsistent, low morals, niggardly and


Aquarius. —Fair-looking, well-formed body, tall, large

teeth, belly low, youngish, sensual, sudden elevations and
depressions, pure-minded, artistic, intuitional, diplomatic,
lonely, peevish, artistic taste, energetic, emotional, esoteric,
mystical, grateful, healing power.

Pisces.— Fixed, dealer in pearls and fond of wife and

children, perfect build, long nose, bright body, annihilating
enemies, subservient to opposite sex, handsome, learned,
steady, simple, good reputation, loose morals, adventurous,
many children, spiritually inclined later in life.

• MARS : In Aries. —Organising capacity, commanding,

rich, social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician,
active, powerful, inspiring, pioneering, able, statesmanly.
frank, generous, careful not economical in domestic dealings,
vague imaginations, combative tendencies, hard-hearted.

Taurus —Influenced by women, timid, rough body,

stubborn, sensual, liking for magic and sports, somewhat
unprincipled, selfish, tyrannical, not soft-hearted, rash,
emotional, animal instinct strong sensitive.

Gemini . —Loving family and children, taste in refinement,

scientific, middle stature, well built, learned, ambitious,
quick, rash, ingenious, skilled in music* fearless, tactless,
peevish, unhappy, subservient. diplomate. humiliating,

Cancer .— Intelligent. wealthy, rich travels and voyages,

wicked, perverted, love of agriculture, medical and surgical
proficiency, fickle-minded, defective sight, bold, dashing,
headlong, speculative unkind, egoistic.

Hindu Predictive Astrology

i :*
/.co. —Tendency to occultism, astrology astronomy an d
mathematics, love for parents, regard and respect for ciders and
preceptors, independent thinking, peevish, liberal, victorious,
stomach troubles, worried by mental complaints, generous,
noble, author early in life, successful, combative, restl. ns.

MJrgo •— 1 m it able, explosive, trouble in digestive organs,

no marital harmony, general love for the fair sex, revengeful,
self-confident, conceited, affable, boastful, materialistic,
ceremonial-minded, positive, indiscriminative. pretentious,
deceptive, scientific enterprises.

Libra .— Tall, body symmetrically built, complexion fair

and~swarthy, ambitiou*. self-confident, perceptive faculties,
materialistic, love for family, self-earned wealth, affable, war¬
like, foresight, business-like, deceived by women, sanguine
temperament, kind, gentle, fond of adulation, easily ruffled,
boastful. *

Scorpio. -Middle stature, clever, diplomatic, positive

tendency, indulgent, tenacious memory, malicious, aggressive,
proud, haughty, great strides in life.

Sagittarius. — Gentlemanly, many foes, famous minister,

statesman, open, frank, pleasure loving, few children, liable
to extremes, conservative, indifferent, exacting, impatient;
severe, quarrelsome, litigation troubles, good citizen.

Capricorn. Rich, high political position, many sons,

brave, generous, love for children, middle stature, industrious.
indefatigable, successful, penetrating, bold, tactful, respected,
generous, gallant, influential.

Aquarius. —Unhappy, miserable, poor, not truthful, in¬

dependent, unwise, wandering, impulsive, controversial,
combative, well-versed in dialects, free, quick in .forgiving
and forgetting, conventional, danger on water, morose,

Pisces Fair complexion, troubles in love affairs, few

Planets in Different Rati* or Signs

children, passionate, restless, antagonistic, exacting, uncer¬
tainty of feeling, faithful, unclean, colic, indolent, wilful.

•MERCURY: In Aries.— Evil-minded, middle stature,

obstinate, clever, social, great endurance, materialistic ten¬
dencies. unscrupulous, wavering mind, antagonistic, fond of
speculation, impulsive, greedy, dangerous connections,
deceitful, swerving from rectitude.

Taurus. — High position, well built, clever, logical, mental

harmony, many children, liberal, persevering, opinionative,
wealthy, practicable, friends among women of eminence,
inclination to sensual pleasures, well read, showy.

Gemini , Inclination to physical labour, boastful, sweet

speech, tall, active, cultured, tactful, dexterous to mothers,
indolent, inventive, taste in literature, arts and sciences, win¬
ning manners, liable to throat and bronchial troubles, musiciftn,
mirthful, studious.

Cancer . —Witty, likes music, disliked by relations, low

stature, speculative, diplomatic, discreet, flexible, restless,
sensual though religious, liable to consumption, strong
parental love, dislike for chastity.

Leo.— Few children, wanderer, idiotic, proud, indolent,

not fond of women, boastful, orator, good memory, two
mothers, poor, early marriage, independent in thinking,
impulsive, positive will, remunerative profession, likes travel¬

Virgo. — Learned, virtuous, liberal, fearless, ingenious,

handsome, irritable, refined, subtle, intuitive, sociable, no
self-control, morbid imaginations, dyspept»c. difficulties,
eloquent, author, priest, astronomer.

Libia .— Fair complexion, sanguine dispusition, inclination

to excesses, perceptive faculties, material tendencies, frugal,
agreeable, courteous, philosophical, faithful, ceremonial-
minded, sociable, discreet.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

JScorpio. — Short, curly ha ir, incentive to ind ulgence,
liable to disease of the generative organ, general debility,
crafty, malicious, selfis h, subtle, indiscreet, bold, reckless.*

Sagittarius . — Taste in sciences, respected by polished

society, tall, well built, learned, rash, superstitious, vigorous,
executive, diplomatic, cunning, just, capable.

Capricorn ,— Scl fl ess, business tendencies, economical,

debtor, inconsistent, low stature, cunning, inventive, active,
restless, suspicious, drudging.

Aquarius .— Middle stature, licentious, proud, quarrelsome

frank, sociable, rapid strides in life, famous, scholar,
cowardly, weak constitution.

Pisces. —k dependent, serves others, dexterous, peevish,

indolent, petty-minded, respect for gods, and Brahmins.

• JUPITER : In Aries.— Love of grandeur, powerful, wealthy,

prudent, many children, courteous, generous, firm, sympa¬
thetic, happy marriage, patient nature, harmonious, refined,
high position.

Taurus. —Stately, elegant, self-importance, liberal, dutiful

sons, just, sympathetic, well read, creative ability, despotic,
healthy, happy marriage, liked by all, inclination to self-

Gemini.— Prato rial ability, tall, well-built, benevolent,

pure-hearted, scholarly, sagicious, diplomatic, linguist or
poet, elegant, incentive.

Cancer. —Well read, dignified, wealthy, comfortable

intelligent, swarthy complexion, inclined to social gossip,
mathematician, faithful.

Leo.— Commanding apperance, tall, great, easily offended,

ambitious, active., happy-, intelligent, wise, prudent,, generous
broad minded, literary, harmonious surroundings, likes hills
and dales.

Planets in Different Rasis or Signs

Virjzo-. —Middle stature, ambitious, selfish, stoical, resig¬
nation, affectionate, fortunate, stingy, lovable, a beautiful
wife, great endurance, learned. 0

Libra• —Handsome, free, open-minded, hasty, attractive,

just, courteous, strong, able, exhaustion from over-activity,
religious, competent, unassuming, pleasing.

Scorpio .— Tall, somewhat stooping, elegan:^ manners,

serious, exacting, well built, superior airs, selfish, imprudent,
weak constitution, sub-servient to women, passionate, con¬
ventional, proud, zealous, ceremonious, unhappy life.

Sagittarius- — Pretty ioheritaner, wealthy, influential,

handsome, noble, trustworthy, charitable, good executive
ability, weak constitution, artistic qualities, poetic, open-
minded, good conversationalist.

Capricorn. — Tactless, good intention, disgraceful beha¬

viour, generous, unhappy, irritable, inconsistent, avaricious,
unmanly, jealous.

Aquarius.— Learned , not rich, controversial figure, philo¬

sophical, popular, compassionate, sympathetic, amiable,
prudent, humanitarian. melancholic, meditative, "dreamy ,
den taj^ troubles . — — ~~

Pisces -— Good inheritance, stout, medium height, two

marriages if with malefics, enterprising, political’diplomacy,
high position.

• VENUS : In Aries.— Extravagant, active, mutable, artistic,

dreamy, idealist, proficient in fine arts, licentious, sorrowful,
fickle-minded, prudent, unhappy, irreligious, easy going, loss
of wealth due to loose life. #

Taurus .— Well built, handsome, pleasing countenance,

independent, sensual, love of nature, fond of pleasure, elegant,
UsteJn^daucing^ndjnusic^ voluptuous.

Gemini. — Rich, geotle, kind, generous, eloquent, proud,

respected, gullible, love of fine arts, learned, intelligent, good
logician, just, dual marriage, tendencies towards materialism.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Cancer . — Melancholy, emotional, timid, more than one
wife, haughty, sorrowful, light character, inconsistent, un¬
happy, many children, sensitive, learned.

Leo. —Money through women, pretty wife, wayward,

conceited, passionate, fair complexion, emotional, zealous,
licentious, attracted by the fair sex, premature in conclusions,
superior airs, unvanquished by enemies.

Virgo. —Petty-minded, licentious, unscrupulous, unhappy,

illicit love, agile, loquacious, rich, learned.

L/ftra, —Statesman. poet, intelligent, generous, philo¬

sophical, handsome, matrimonial felicity, successful marriage,
passoinate, proud, respected, intuitive, sensual, wide travels.

Scorpio . — Broad features, quarrelsome, medium statured,

independent, artistic, unjust, proud, disappointed in love,
haughty, not rich.

Sagittarius —Medium height, powerful,-wealthy, respected,

impertinent, generous, frank, happy domestic life, high
position, philosophical.

Capricorn .—Fond of low class women, imprudent, ambi¬

tious, unprincipled, licentious, boastful, subtle, learned, weak

Aquarius . —Liked by all, middle stature, handsome, affable,

persuasive, witty, timid, chaste, calm, helpful and humani¬

Pisces. —Witty, tactful, learned, popular, just, ingenious,

caricaturist, modest, refined, powerful, exalted, respected,

• Aries- - Idiotic, wanderer, insincere,

peevish, resentful, cruel, fraudulent, immoral, boastful,

quarrelsome, gloomy, mischievous, perverse, misunderstand¬
ing nature.

Taurus .—Dark complexion, deceitful, successful/powerful,

unorthodox, clever, likes solitude, voracious eater, persuasive.
Planets in Different Rasis or Signs


cool, contagious diseases, many wives, self-restraint, worried


Gemini —Wandering nature, miserable, untidy, original,

tbin, subtle, ingenious, strategic, few children, taste for
chemical and mechanical sciences, narrow-minded, specu¬
lative, logical, desperado.

Cancer. —Poor, weak teeth, pleasure-seeking, few sons,

cheeks full, slow, dull, cunning, rich, selfish, deceitful,
malicious, stubborn, devoid of motherly care.

4.ea.—Middle stature, severe, obstinate, few sons, stub¬

born, unfortunate, conflicting, hard worker, good writer,

Vireo , —Dark complexion, malicious, poor, quarrelsome,

erratic, narrow-minded, rude, conservative, taste for public
life, weak health.

Libra . —Famous, founder of institutions and the like, rich,

tall, fair, self-conceited, handsome, tactful, powerful, respec¬
ted, sound judgment, antagonistic, independent, proud,
prominent, charitable, sub-servient to females.

Scorpio .— Rash, indifferent, hard-hearted, adventurous,

petty,self-conceited, reserved, unscrupulous, violent, unhappy,
danger from poisons, fire and weapons, wasteful, unhealthy.

Sagittarius — Pushful, artful, cunning, famous, peaceful,

faithful, pretentious, apparently generous, troubles with wife,
courteous, dutiful children, generally happy.

Capricorn —Intelligent, harmony and felicity in domestic

.life, selfish, covetous, peevish, intellectual, learned, suspicious,
reflective, revengeful, prudent, melancholy, inheritance from
wife’s parties.

Aquarius . —Practical, able, diplomatic, ingenious, a bit

conceited, prudent, happy, reflective, intellectual, philosophi¬
cal, vanquished by enemies.

JPisces- — Cleuer, pushful, gifted, polite, happy, good, wife

trustworthy, scheming, wealthy, helpful.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Rahu and Ketu are aprakasha grab as or lustreless planets

and they give the results of the lords of the house they

In the above description of the characteristics of the per¬

sons born when the different planets are in different signs,
the qualities ascribed hold good only when a particular planet
is not either glorified or afflicted. Results must be duly modi¬
fied or qualified according to the affliction or otherwise of the
planets concerned.


Characteristics of the Signs and Planets

The following information will be of much use in Horary

Astrology, when it is a question of ascertaining the nature of
the lost goods or articles, their location, how, when, where
and by whom such things were stolen or robbed, the person
involved in the crime and so on. It will also assist one to
obtain a clear insight into the study of Mundane and Medical

SIGNS: Aries governs —Lands frequented by sheep and

goats, jungles, caves, mountains, forests, cattlesbeds, mines
and places worked up by internal fires, head of Kalapurusha
(Zodiacal Man or Time Personified).

Taurus . — Neck of the Kalapurusha, pastoral and cultivated

fields, projecting rocks, lively tracts, wilderness, mountains,
lands frequented by cattle and jungles abounding in elephants.

Gemini . —Musical and entertainment halls, brothels, dens

frequented by fair girls and debauchees, shoulders of Kala¬
purusha. carpenters, parks, gambling houses, cinemas,
theatres, countries, noted for special manufactures and tracts
where vice is largely found, libraries, granaries, store-houses,

Cancer . Chest of Kalapurusha, watery places, tanks,

rivers, pearls, lands, and fields of wet cultivation, canals,
reservoirs, marshes, holy places, picturesque localities and
sandy places.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Leo ■ —Heart of Kalapurusha, inaccessible peaks and rocks,

jungles and thick forests frequented by ferocious beasts, deep
forests, forts, palaces, extensions, fortifications, smelters,
government institutions, caves and mountains, chemical
laboratories, explosives, manufacturing places, hunting places,
glass factories and localities infected with beasts and birds of

Virgo- —Stomach of Kalapurusha , arts, sciences, literature,

meadows, grassy plains, banks, exchange places, large manu¬
facturing cities, secret organisations, industries, brothels,
oceanic surface, nurseries and gambling rendezvous.

Libra Racing and gambling centres, abdomen, navel of

Kalapurusha , roads, commercial places, betting places, streets,
exchanges, byeways, thoroughfares, forests, planes.

Scorpio .— Sexual organ of Kalapurusha , natural crevices,

dark retreats, caves, openings in the earth, dens, kitchens,
vaults, vineyards, underground cells or constructions,
strategic fortifications, molehills, places abounded by serpents,
vermin and reptiles, wilderness containing anthills, orchards,
stagnant pools.

Sa gittariu s.— Camping grounds, military retreats, chariots,

armouries, cavalry, stables, army barracks, battlefields,
infantry, battery lines, magazines, places of offence and
defence, ammunition depots, war implements, racing grounds,
sacrificial places, military stores.

C ^qpr{cq (i f } .•• Rivers, forests, lakes, caves, churchyards,

temple precincts, tombs, sepulchres, arsenals, jungles, marshy
places, waters abounding in whales and crocodiles.

Aqua riu s. — Marshy places, inferior grains, rendezvous of

debauchees, prostitutes and vulgar folk, toddy shops, intoxi¬
cating drinks, gambling dens, mines, aeronautic machinery,
drunkard localities, infamous houses, vineyards, caves.

Pisces. — Feet of Kalapurusha , holy shrines, altars, sacred

places and rivers, tanks, all oceans, hermitages, fountains.

Characteristics of the Signs and Planets


sacred pagodas, localities frequented by mahatmas , pumps,

cisterns, fish ponds and excessive watery tracts.

PLANETS : The Sun represents Soul, father, personal

magnetism, patrimony, self-reliance, psychic development,
political power, Satwa guna , Godliness, nobility* fires, windy
and bilious temperaments, pomp, despotism, positions of
authority, temples and places of worship, Greeshma Ruthu ,
hot and pungent tastes, goldsmiths, money-lenders, chemists,
druggists, sacrificial places, coronation chambers, courage,
bones, doctoring capacity.

The Moon. — Mind* mother, clothes, water, women, culti¬

vation, seamen, travelling agents, navigators, pearls, milk,
gems, vegetation, politeness, manners, juicy articles, spirit
mediums, white umbrellas* fishermen, jollity, salt, watery
places, bath-rooms, springs, mental happiness, blood, Sa twa
guna, stubbornness, strength of mir.d, the psycho-physiological
consciousness, moral and religious acts, vision, water
journeys, feminine tendencies, human fancies, romances,
popularity and human responsibilities.

Mars.— Brothers, sisters, bile, heir-apparents, endurance,

physical strength, Thamasa guna (mild-nature), mental power,
poisonous gases, fires, firemen, warriors, stifes, scars and
wounds, human impetuosity, earthquakes, military operations,
weapons of offence and defence, extravagance, treasures,
catastrophes, caprice, litigation, red woollen shawls, blood,
deserts, mountains, forests, fortifications, cannon, sulphur,
courage, southern directions, zeal and enthusiasm, prowess,
manliness, chemists, druggists, gold, copper, surgeons,
sapphire, corals, beasts, burning gases, dentists, 'fire places,
brokers, burnt clothes, engineers, butchers, engines, cook-
rooms, iron and steel, chemical laboratories.
Mercury.— Mercantile activity, trade and trading associa¬
tion. wisdom, intelligence, cunning, dexterity, journalists,


Hindu Predictive Astrology

hawkers, accountants, mathematicians, orators, public

speakers, shrewdness, ambassadors, booksellers, publishers,
brokers, sexual intercourses and enjoyments, putrificd and
rotteo things, commerce, aerial and land journeys, imports
and exports, industries, poets, architecture, weaving, vegeta¬
tion, beauty, elegance, inferior or base metals, wit, humour,
green colour, northern direction, psychological development,
refined taste, Rajasa guna, betel leaves, nuts and limestone.

Ju£iter. — Vedas, Vedanta, preceptor, _fai|h, devotion,

honours, legal affairs, diplomacy, religiousness, guardianships,
truthfulness, proficiency in arts and sciences, power of dis¬
cussion, religious institutions, morality, shrines, temples,
progeny, fairness, Satwa guna, ministers, lawyers, philosophi¬
cal wisdom, asceticism, baokers, philanthropists, silver,
ordinary clothes, merchants, mental calibre, corpulence, manli¬
ness, restaurants and hotels, north-eastern direction,
devotion, faith, charity, respect astrology and reputation.

Venus;— Poetical, faculty, attachments, wife, children,

love affairs, singers, musicians, sexual pleasures, dress, fine
arts, family bliss, actors, artists, botanists, feminine grace,
venereal complaints, lustre in the eyes, scandals, adulation,
indolence, sycophancy, sexual intercourse, toilets, marriage,
pearls, meats aod intoxicating drinks, authorship, rains, bed¬
rooms, dens of prostitutes, harems, dancing, passions, environ¬
ments, south-eastern direction, lakes, foresight, variegated
colours, learniog, amiability, kindness, perseverance and

Saturn. — Stubbornness, impetuosity, servitude, idiosyn¬

crasies, impediments, despondency, defects, imprisonment,
obstructions, demoralisation, bondage, servants, windy
diseases, evil purposes, sorrows, injuries, risks, mean acts,
jails, thieves, miners, brick layers, base-tricks, negro es,
drunkenness, gambling, oils, seeds, pots, woollen fabrics,
Characteristics of the Sign* tod Planets


architectural skill, iron, lead, inferior orders, cereals, western

direction, atmosphere, conservatives, whirl-winds and storms,
7 hom o guna, hair, teeth, houses, sinners, spoils and jow
people. ~~

Rahur— Serpents, diseases, scan, courage, adventures,

Christians and Mohammedans, execution, venomous reptiles,
stones, mud, travellers, inventors, lecturers, widowhood,
litigation, duplicity, ant-hills, goldsmiths, aviators, pumps,
cracks, crevices, astrologers, scientists, thieves, sepulchres,
mole-hills, hunters, archers, buttock, spies, sediments of
liquor, fevers, portentous evils, radio, aerial navigation,
.psychologists, metaphysical students, south-western direction,
men of infamous characters, inflammable gases, renunciation,
epidemics, violence and corruption, sudden accidents, political
plots and exiles.

ATetu.— Religion, astrology, moksha or final emancipation,

intrigues’, spiritual initiation, religious resignation, sectarian
principles, artistic taste, literary geniuses, pride, dissimulation,
mendicancy, bankruptcy, miserliness, ascetics, quarrels,
deception, biliousness, philosophers, selfishness, occultists,
skulls, religious show, assassinations, friends, charms, amulets,
vicious tendencies, secret intrigues and association, backbiting.


Results of Dasas and Bhuktis

(Periods and Sub-periods)

We have already learnt the method of finding the ruling

period (Vimshottari Dasa), its balance at the time of birth,
and how it is succeeded by subsequent dasas in a particular
order ( vide Chapter XII). Dasas are major periods in which
the indications of the planets are realised.

Say, for instance when a man will have marriage, or

issues or promotion in his position, has to be determined. For
marriage, the 7th house is examined and then the most bene¬
ficial planet which assures all marital happiness found out.
To determine the probable period of marriage, we must find
out when that particular planet assumes control over this
event in preference to others so that the time of realisation
may be ascertained.

A number of combinations are given below which give the

probable results a particular planet will produce during its
Dasa. The student must be careful in applying these prin¬
ciples to practical horoscopes. He must bear in mind that they
should not be applied verbatim . The results vary according
to the strength and weakness of the Dasa (main period) lord,
the Bhukti (sub-period) lord and the Antara (sub-sub-period)

In predicting the events* in a Dasa, a Bhukti or a still

minor period Antara, the general results due to the planet
should be carefully weighed and incongruous results, when-

Results of Dasts and Bbuktis


ever they occur, should be avoided. It is difficult to lay down

any particular rules which will apply in all cases. Therefore,
we give some of the important rules by way of example. The
reader may draw similar canclusions, having all the time
regard to the strength and propensity of the planet. The
result should be consistent with the person for whom it is
intended, under the condition of life in which he is brought
up as well as the physical possibility at the time. For instance
political success may be predicted in the Dasa of the Sun, if
he is in Aries in the 10th house. This political success will be
at its maximum provided the Sun is not aspected by malefics
and his position is equally strong in the Navamsa. If he is
aspected by Saturn who may be in Aquarius, then in spite of
the Sun being in Aries, complete political success cannot be
and ought not to be predicted.

The lord of the Dasa has a quality of his own stamped

upon him. This will again be modified by the nature of the
house, the nature of the sign, the nature of the aspecting
bodies, the nature of the lord of the constellation the Dasa
lord is in, the favourable and unfavourable situation of the
lord of Dasa in the Navamsa and various other factors.
In general we may say :

1. The Dasa period of Saturn, if it happens to be the 4th

Dasa, will be unfavourable.

2. The Dasa period of Jupiter will be unfavourable if it

happens to be the 6th Dasa.

If Saturn and Jupiter are strong and favourably disposed,

the evil effects get considerably modified.

3. The Dasa period of the lords of the 6th and the 8th
produce harmful results unless they acquire beneficence

4. The Dasa periods of planets in Bhava sandhis (junc¬

tional points) will be unable to produce their full results.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

5. la the course of a Dasa, a planet produces such results

as it indicates by virtue of ownership, association, location
and aspect. For instance, favourable position of the lord of
the 2nd will give good income and wealth during his Dasa.

6. The Dasa results stand to be modified by the effect of

Gochara or transiting planets.

7. When Lagna (Ascendant) is powerful, during the Dasa

of lord of Lagna, favourable results can be expected to occur
—such as rise in profession, good health and general pros¬

8. Lord of the 2nd in his Dasa gives wealth.

9. Lord of the 3rd during his Dasa gives new friends,

help to brothers, leadership, and physical pain (if afflicted).

10. If the lord is well placed as already explained above,

he will do good regarding the house or bouses with which he
may have anything to do either by way of ownership or aspect
or location during his period, while if the lord is weak and ill-
placed, he will inflict misery.
11. The periods of lords of the 5th and the 9th are said
to be good, so much so that the periods of planets, which are
joined or otherwise related with them, are also supposed to
give rise to good.

12. The general effect of the Dasa (major period) get

modified by the planet that rules the particular Bhukti (sub¬
period). In such a case, however, the influences of both the
planets are to be compounded and the relation between them
taken into account

13. During the Dasa period of a malefic planet wheo

the sub-period of a planet ruling the 3rd, the 5tb or the 7th
star (reckoned from the natal star) is in progress, the subject
will have a period of trial and tribulation.

14. Unfavourable results will be realised when the sub-

lord and the major lord are situated in the 6th and the 8th or
the 12th and the 2nd from each other respectively.

Results of Dasas and Bhuktit


15. The sub-period of the lord of the 5th in the major

period of the lord of the 9th or vice versa is supposed to
produce good effects.

These are all general principles and they should not be

applied verbatim No Dasa can prove exclusively beneOcial
or exclusively harmful. For a fuller appreciation sec How ta
Judge a Horoscope . I give below general results produced
during the Dasas and Bhuktis.of different planets-

The Sun’s Dasa—6 years

The Dasa of the Sun in Aries in deep exaltation.— Sudden

gains in cattle and wealth, much travelling in eastern
countries, residence in foreign countries, quarrels among
friends and relations, pleasure trips and picnic parties and
company of beautiful women. Moolatrikona Birth of
children, much respect from high personages, gains in cattle
and money, acquisition of power and political success..
Taurus .— Increase in landed properties, fame among relations
and friends, cultivation of love and reverence for holy people
and saints. Gemini. — Much wealth, education, inclination
to interest oneself in music and such other fine arts, and
generally happy and cheerful. Cancer . —Political success,
always gay and happy, travelling in foreign countries and
increase inlands, bouses and wealth. Lea.— Respect from
kings and noble personages, righteous conduct, birth of
children and respect among children. Virgo .—'Suffering off
and on from physical complaints, loss of cattle, wealth and
house and misunderstandings with close relatives and friends.
Libra. — Reduced to poverty, troubled by enemies, failure in
undertakings, death of b r ot h ers and friends and miserable
and.^*mplicai£ r d life. Scorpio. —Starting new schemes and
enterprises, realisation of many ambitious things, travelling
in hilly tracts and countries. Sagittarius .—Happiness, success


Hindu Predictive Astrology

in undertakings, good health, destruction of enemies, satis¬

faction in every way. Capricorn .— A wandering life, loss of
patrimony, self-respect and good name, misunderstanding
among his own people. Aquarius .- Mental worries, loss or
illness to wife, loss of property and wealth. Pisces. — Gains
in wealth, auspicious celebrations, respect among relations,
increase in family members and smooth sailing in every way.
Sthanabala (Positional Strength ).— Gains from cultivation
lands, conveyances, general happiness, good reputation and
meritorious work, and pilgrimages to holy shrines. Digbala
(Directional Strength) .—Respect from many directions, happi¬
ness, power and pecuniary success. Kalabala (Temporal
Strength ).— Respect among rulers, success in lands and culti¬
vation. Naisargikabaia (Natural Strength ) Unsolicited
pleasures and enjoyment of articles of comfort, pleasure trips
and excursions and much respect. Chestabala (Motional
S(rencth ).— Birth of children, felicity and harmony hi married
life, financial gains and success in speculation.

Bhaktis or Sub-periods in Su p’s p .asa

The Sun's sub-period— 3 months, 18 days.

Unpleasantness with relatives and superiors, anxieties,

headache, pain in the ear, some tendency to urinary or kidney
troubles, sickness, fear from rulers and enemies, fear of death,
loss of money, danger to father if the Sun is afflicted, stomach¬
ache and travels, gains through religious people, mental
sufferings, a wandering life in a foreign country.

The Moon's sub-period—b months.

Winning favour from superiors, increase in business, fresh

enterprises, troubles through women, eye troubles, many
relatives and friends, indulgence in idle pastimes, jaundice
and kindred ailments, new clothes and ornaments, will be
happy, healthy, good meals, respect among relatives.

Bbuktis in Sun’s Dasi


Mars' sub-period—4 months, 6 days.

Rheumatic and similar troubles, quarrels, danger of

enteric fever, dysentery, troubles to relatives, loss of money
by thefts or wasteful expenses, failures, acquisition of wealth
in the form of gold and gems, royal favour leading to pros¬
perity, contraction and transmission of bilious and other
diseases, mental worries, danger from fire, ill-health, loss of
reputation, sorrow.

Rahu's sub-period -10 months, 24 days.

Many troubles, changes according to the position of Rahu,

family disputes, journeys, pang of death, trouble from
relatives and enemies, loss of peace or mental misery, loss of
money, sorrows, unsuccessful in all attempts, fear of thieves
and reptiles, scandals.

Jupiter's sub-period—9 months, 18 days.

Benefits from friends and acquaintances, increase in edu¬

cation, employment in high circles, association with people of
high rank, success through obstacles, birth of a child, wealth
got through sons (if there is a son), honour to religious people,
virtuous acts, good traditional observances, good society and
conversations, reputation, gains and court-honours.

Saturn's sub-period— 11 months, 12 days.

Constant sickness to family members, new enemies,* some

loss of property, bodily ailments, much unhappiness, dis¬
placement from home accidents, quarrels with relatives, loss
of money, disease, lacking in energy, ignoble calls, mental
worries, loans, danger from thieves and rulers.

Mercury's sub-period— 10 months, 6 days.

Gain in money, good reputation, acquisition of new

clothes and ornaments, new education, trouble through
relatives, mental distress, depression of spirits, waste of
money and nervous weakness, no comforts, friends becoming


Hindu Predictive Astrology

enemies, much anxiety and fears, health bad, children un¬

grateful, disputes and trouble from ruler or judge, suffer
disgrace, many short journeys and wanderings.

Ketu's sub-period—A months, 6 days.

Loss of money, affliction of mind with troubles, faintings

or nervous exhaustion, mind full of misgivings, a long journey
to a distant place, change of house due to disputes, troubles
among relatives and associates, throat disease, mental anguish,
ophthalmia, serious illness, fear from kings or rulers and
enemies, diseases, cheated by others.

Venus' sub-period— 1 year.

Gain of money, respect by rulers and gain of vehicles,

likelihood of marriage, increase of property, illness, does
many good works, acquisition of pearls or other precious
stones, fatigue, addiction to immoral females and profitless

The Moon’s Dasa—10 Years

The Moon in Aries — Physical and mental happiness,

gains in wealth and perfect contentment. Taurus . —Increase
in fame and name, collection of enormous wealth, mental and
physical happiness. Gemin i —Progress in education and
acquiring of much immovable and movable properties. Qancer .
—Addition in wealth, success in litigation, unexpected findings
of treasure, travels. Leo.—Progress in education, much gains
from unexpected sources. Virgo. —Death of serious illness to
mother, worries from enemies and swindlers, mental and
physical restlessness. Libra .— Gains in wealth, increase in
friends, visits to holy places and shrines, realisation of
schemes and destruction of enemies. Scorpio. —Fear from
political heads, destruction of relatives, disappointments in
every respect, loss of wealth, liberty and honour at risk and
much mental uneasiness. Sagittarius. —Domestic happiness

Bbuktis in tbe Moon’s Dasa


and felicity, celebration of happy functions, accumulation of

wealth and undisturbed progress of normal private affairs.
Capricorn . —Increase in lands and houses and wealth, success
in every new enterprise, pilgrimages to holy places and success
in litigation. Aquarius . —Destruction of property, fear from
political authorities, mental worries from enemies, misunder¬
standings among relatives and friends. Pisces > —Taking
charges of fresh office, reciting religious texts and moral codes
and easy access to anything coveted without effort. Ascendant .
—The Moon's Dasa produces charitable feeling and good
friends. Avaroha (moving from exaltation to debilitation ) •—
Losses and troubles to wife, mental worry and illness,, dis¬
pleasure of his own people, fear from rulers, wells, poisons
and the like- Neecha (debilitation) .—Losses and troubles
from various sources and mental worry. Moolatrikona .—
Respect among rulers, money gains, acquisition of landed
property, much happiness and sexual enjoyment.

Bhoktis is the Moon's Dasa

The Moon's sub-period—10 months.

Devoted attention to learning, love oi music, good cloth¬

ings, company of refined society, sound health, good reputa¬
tion, journey to holy places, acquisition of abandoned wealth,
power, vehicles and lands; marriage, reletives, fortunate
deeds, inclination to public life, change of residence, birth of
a child, increase of wealth, prosperity to relatives.

Mars' sub-period—1 months.

Quarrels and litigation among friends and relatives, head¬

long enterprises, danger of disputes between husband and
wife, between lovers or in regard to marital affairs ; disease,
petulence, loss of money, waste of wealth, trouble from
brothers and friends, danger from fever and fire, injury from
instruments or stones, loss of blood and disease to household


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Rahu’s sub-period—l year, 6 months.

Distress or risks from falls and dangerous diseases, waste

of wealth and loss of relatives and no ease to body, loss of
money, danger of stirring up enemies, sickness, anxiety, enmity
of superiors and elders, anxiety and troubles through wife,
scandals, change of residence, diseases of skin, danger from
thieves and poison, ill-health to father and mother, suffering
from hunger.

Jupiter's sub-period—l year, 4 months.

Increase of property, plenty of food and comforts, pros¬

perous, benefits from superiors such as masters or governors,
birth of a child, vehicles, abundance of clothes and ornaments
and success in undertakings, patronage of rulers, gain of
property, respect, learned.

Saturn's sub-period - I year, 7 months.

Wife's death or separation, much mental anguish, loss of

property, loss of friends, ill-health, mental trouble due to
mother, wind and bilious affections, harsh words, and dis¬
cussions with unfriendly people, disease due to indigestion, no
peace of mind, quarrels with relatives.

Mercury's sub-period— I year, 5 months.

Acquisition of wealth from maternal relatives, new

clothes and ornaments, settlement of disputes, pleasure
through children or lover, increase of wealth, accomplishment
of desires, intellectual achievements, new education, honour
from rulers, general happiness, enjoyment with females,
addiction to betting and drinks.

Ketu’s sub-period— 7 months.

Illness to wife, loss of relatives, suffering from stomach

ache, loss of property, sickness of a feverish nature, danger
from fire, subject to swellings or eruptions, ’eye troubles,
mind filled with cares, public criticism or displeasure, dis¬
honour, danger to father, mother and children, scandals

among equals, eating of prohibited food, bad acts, bad

company, loss of money and memory.

Venus 9 sub-period —1 year, 8 months.

Sudden gain from wife, enjoys comforts of agriculture,

water products and clothing : suffers from diseases inherited
by mother, sickness, pain, loss of property, enmity, gain of
houses, good works and good meals, birth of children,
expenses due to marriage or other auspicious acts.

The Sun's sub-period - 6 months.

Feverish complaints, pains in the eyes, success or failure

according to position of the Sun and the Moon, legal power,
free from diseases, decadence of enemies, happiness and
prosperity, jaundice, dropsy, fever, loss of money, travels,
danger to father and mother, piles, weakness, loss of
children and friends.

Mars* Dasa—7 years

Mars in Aries. — Acquisition of wealth, increase in repu¬

tation and respect, much gain. Taurus^ Destruction of
enemies, success in all struggles, respect from elders and rulers
and good produce from lands. Gemin i .—Access to great
wealtb 9 precious stones and metals, agricultural success,
general success in all undertakings. Cancer . —Danger from
enemies, of honour and reputation, domestic disharmony and
misunderstandings among brothers or close relatives. Leo.—
Happy and successful all through the period of 7 years, taste
in fine arts and material gains through them, increase of in¬
come from bouse and lands. Virgo . — Beneficial results, success¬
ful termination of educational pursuits, ability to address
meetings and deliver lectures, and happiness from relatives
and friends. Libra. — Most miserable life, misunderstandings
with cousins and brothers, death of wife and children, loss of
wealth and grains and mortgaging of landed property. Scorpio .
—Increase in wealth, good earnings, friendship and intimacy

Hindu Predict! v* Astrology

with exalted personages, love for own people, always happy

and active. Sagittarius. — Earnings from political or royal
sources, courting their friendships, destruction of enemies and
realisation of all hopes and desireft. Capricorn . —Success in
battles and respect for military skill, gains from quadrupeds
and increase in wealth. Aquariu s.— Great hardships and
difficulties, misunderstandings with rulers and the immediate
superiors in office, unpleasant relations with mother and
servants. Pisces. —Much wealth, general success and
happiness, bumper crops in lands, prosperity and acquisition
of bouse and business, respect as a learned man, great repu¬

Bhukd's la Mars’ Dasa

Mars' sub-period— 4 months, 27 days.

Great heat, dislike of friends, annoyance from brothers

and sisters, danger from rulers, failure of all undertakings,
danger of hurts according to the sign held by Kuja, trouble
with superiors and some anxiety through strangers, foreigners
or people abroad and through warlike clan. Danger of open
violence, quarrel with relations, loss of money, skin disease,
consumption, loss of blood, fistula, and fissures in anus, loss
of females and brothers, evil doings and boils.

Rahu's sub-period — 1 year, 18 days.

Danger from rulers and robbers, loss of wealth, success

in evil pursuits, suffering from poisonous complaints, loss of
relatives, danger from skin diseases, change of residence,
some severe kind of cutaneous disease, journey to a foreign
country, scandals, loss of cows and buffaloes, illness to wife,
loss of memory, fear from insects and thieves, falls into well,
fear from ghosts, affection of gonorrhoea, fretting and

Bhuktis in Mart* Dasa

Jupiter's sub-period— 11 months, 6 days.

Loss of wealth, enemies, end the unfortunate period,

favour from superiors and persons in position, gain of
money, birth of children, auspicious celebrations, acquisition
of wealth through holy people, freedom from illness, public
reputation, ascendancy and happiness.

Saturn's sub-period— 1 year, 1 month, 9 days.

Loss of money, diseases, loss of relatives and danger from

arms or operation, illness leading to misery, evil threatened by
enemies and robbers, disputes with rulers, loss of wealth,
quarrel, disputes, litigation, loss of property, cutaneous
effects, loss of office or position and much anxiety.

Mercury's sub-period— 11 months, 27 days.

Marriage or inclination to marriage, knowledge and fruits

of knowledge, wealth, bodily evils disappear, slander, fear of
insects, poisoned by animals and insects, gain of wealth by
trade, abundance of houses, trouble from enemies and mental
worries, service rendered to friends and relatives, new know¬
ledge, success in litigation.

Ketu's sub-period— 4 months, 27 days.

Enmity and quarrels with low people, loss of money due

to evil works, commission of signs, great sufferings due to
troubles from relatives and brothers and opposition of bad
people, family disputes, troubles with one’s own kindred
diseases, pio>onous complaints, trouble through women, many

Venus' sub-period—\ year, 2 months.

Acquisition of property, gain of money, domestic happi¬

ness, successful love affairs, inclination towards religious
observances and festivities, favourable associations, influenced
by priests, skin eruptions, boils, pleasure from travelling,
jewels to wife, clothings, money from relatives and brothers,
odium.of females and their society, increase of intelligence,
enjoyment of females and gain of money.

Hindu Predictive Astroloty

The Sun's sub-period—4 months, 6 days.

Gain or money in bad ways, destruction of enemies, good

reputation, long journey to foreign lands and peace of mind,
blame, odium of elders, quarrels with them, sufferings by
diseases, heartache occasioned by one's own relatives, fever or
other inflammatory affection, danger of fire, troubles through
persons in position, many enemies.

The Moon's sub-period —7 months*

Profit, acquisition of wealth, house renovated or some

improvements effected in it, comforts of wealth, heavy sleep,
ardent passion, enjoyment by the help of women.

Ra ho's Daaa—18 Years

Rahu in Aries .— Auspicious celebrations in the housq r

recitations of sacred texts, acquisition of tracts of land,
perfect domestic happiness, respect from rulers and a life of
harmony in every respect. Taurus — Pilgrimages to shrines
and holy places, increase in philosophical knowledge, enter¬
tainments, gains from cattle and dealings with quadrupeds,
gggjjjt—Multiplication of enemies, always peevish and short-
tempered, fear from police and magistrates, sickness to wife
and family, misunderstandings and disfavour. Cetcer . —
Serving the suffering, humanitarian propaganda, zu 1 and
enthusiasm for national service, gains and increase in wealth,
riches and honour and great reputation. Leo.— Fear of
imprisonment of fraud and deception or misappropriation or
political offences, destruction of property and mental worries
distractions. Kirgo.— Gain in wealth, general prosperity and
success, acquisition of new lands, elevation to exalted posi¬
tions, respect for learning, sexual happiness and domestic
harmony, birth of children and sudden access to much wealth.
L//>ra.— Destruction of property, loss of wealth, waste of
agricultural products, loss of position, fear of imprisonment,

Bbuktis in Ribu'f Dui

residence io foreign countries—rather in exile, many miseries,
hardships, business failure, litigation troubles and physical
and mental sufferings* Scorpio . —Rahu is debilitated here
and as such, causes great havoc to the native. The results in
Rahu’s Dasa will be :—abortion, loss of children, inclination
to bid farewell to moral aspect of life, failure in business
enterprises and mental discontentment. Sagittarius^ Acqisi-
tion of wealth, sudden and unexpected gain without effort,
great success in any undertakings, loss of near and dear
relatives and mental unrest. Capricorn .—Sudden promotions
to higher positions, recognition of one’s merits by the State
and rulers, marriage festivities at home, increase of wealth
and general prosperity. Aguarius^ Orphanage, disappoint¬
ments, mental derangement and affection, sorrowful news,
loss of wife or children, premature death and mean instincts.
Pisces .— Great fear in life from thieves, swindlers and such
people, inclination to matrimonial alliance, progress of edu¬
cation, some gains, ill health and mental uneasiness. Rahu
in Pisces gives mixed results—his position, viz., whether he is
in a friendly or unfriendly sign, in the house of loss or gain,
wife or children, etc., should be correctly determined. These
results are merely general and are to be modified with refe¬
rence to the planet’s correct position and the exact nature of
strength or weakness it has to its credit.

Bbuktis in Rahn's Dasa

Rahu’s sub-period— 2 years. 8 months, 12 days.

Disturbance in mind, anxieties, quarrels among relatives,

death of partner, master or the head of the family, mental
anxiety, danger of poisoning, transfer, all sorts of scandals
and quarrels, fever, bites of insects or wounds by arms, death
of ralatives, going to court as witness, quarrels with parents,
diseases, illness to wife, failure of intellect, loss of wealth,
wandering in far-off countries and distress there.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Jupiter's s ub period^yew, 4 months, 24 days.

Total disappearance of enemies and sickness, royal favour,

acquisition of wealth, birth of children, increase of pleasure,
gain through nobles or persons in power, benefits and
comforts from superiors, success in all efforts, marriage in
the house, increase of enemies, litigations and dips in sacred

Saturn's sub-period -2 years, 10 months, 6 days.

Scandal, danger due to fall of a tree, bad associations,

divorce of wife or husband, incessant disputes and contests,
rheumatism, biliousness, etc., throughout: disease due to
wind and bile, distress of relatives, friends and well-wishers,
residence in a remote foreign land.

Mercury's sub-period —2 years, 6 months, 18 days.

Many friends and relatives, wife and children, accession

to wealth or royal favour. In the first 18 months of this
period very busy, seriously inclined to marry. In the latter
12 months, enemies increase through bis own action, happi¬
ness, birth of children, acquisition of vehicles, happiness to
relatives and family, enjoyments with prostitutes, showy,
gains through trade, fraudulent schemes.

Ketu s sub-period — 1 year, 18 days.

Danger, diseasejn the anus , no good and timely meals,

epidemic diseases, danger of physical hurts and poison, ill-
health to children, some swellings in the body, troubles
through wife, d anger from superiors, loss of wealth and
honour, loss of children, death of cattle and misfortunes of
all kinds.

Venus* sub period— 3 years.

Accession to vehicles and things of foreign land, troubles

from foes, relatives and diseases, acquisition of wealth and
other advantages, friendly alliances, wife a source of fortune
and happiness, benefits from superiors or heads above in

Jupiter's Dasa


office, liable to deception, false friends, gain in land, birth

of a child or marriage.

The Sun's xuh-pprind— 1 Q months, 24 days.

Hot fevers, giddiness, fear and enmity of people, quarrels
in family, benefits from persons in good position, fear and
suspicion in connection with wife, children and relatives,
change of position or residence, love of charitable acts,
contentment, cessation of all violence and outrage of conta¬
gious diseases, success in examinations, private life happy,
much reputation and fame, but mental unrest.

The Moo n'JL^uL-JieziQtL -1 year, 6 months.

Abundance of enjoyments, good crops, coming in of

money and communion with kith and kin, loss of relatives,
loss of money through wife, pains in the limbs, change of
position or residence, danger of personal hurts, unstability of
health, sea voyages, gain of lands and money, loss or danger
to wife and children.

Mars' sub -p erio d --1 year, 18 days.

Danger Irorn rulers, fires or thieves and by arms, defeat

in litigation, loss of money due to cousins, difficulties,
sorrows, danger to the person due to malice of enemies,
tendency to ease or difsolute habits, disputes and mental
anxiety, combination of all possible calamities, bewilderment
in every work and culpable failure of memory.

Jupiter's Dasa—16 Years

Jupiter in Aries . —-Acquisition of landed property, general

prosperity and success in all undertakings and litigations,
elevation to a responsible office or appointment as a trustee
and great respect from his or her own people. Taurus .— If a
king or a president—access to new territories, fresh treaties
and pacts, if an ordinary person—acquisition of wealth, esta¬
blishment of business on a firm foundation, gains in trade
and agriculture, increase in lands and cattle, respect from


Hindu Predictive Astrology

friends and foes. Gemini .— Death of wife if married or

sweet heart, loss of children, brothers and cousins, deporta¬
tion, fear from rulers and mental uneasiness. Cancer -—Jupiter
is exalted here and gives all beneficial results such as much
political success, promotions, exalted positions, humanitarian
work, national service, acquisition of wealth from unexpected
sources and without efforts, journalistic success, minister of
education or lands and perfect harmony in domestic life.
Leo. —Respect from rulers, gain of lands, much agricultural
produce, and realisation of one's own desires and ambitions.
Virgo .—Residence in foreign countries, destruction of wife
and property, loss of wealth, misunderstandings among rela¬
tives, strife, body ill-health and symptoms of nervous
troubles and diseases. Libra *—Residence in desolate places,
dissolute and shameful life, active part in perverted social
reform, selfish interests, great and unbearable difficulties and
troubles, tendency to create factions in societies and families.
Scorpio . —Mental calm and happiness, acquisition of new
lands and estates, undisturbed progress and religious worship
and philosophical discourses and triumph of spiritual influ¬
ences over sensual passions, reputation at stake if aspected by
malefics. Sagittarius . —Many sons, much wealth, success in
every undertaking, increase in relations and family members,
widespread fame and perfect happiness. Capricorn . —Death or
illness of children, wife always ill, loss of property, reputation
and self-respect, irreligious acts, sacrilegious attacks upon
sacred institutions, predominance of mean motives, liable to
prosecution and the upspringing of numerous enemies.
Aquarius * —Consumption and fear from wild beasts, animals,
bad luck, many hardships and loss of wealth. Pisces . —Much
fame throughout this long period of 16 years, high education
and gain from exhibition of knowledge, acquisition of
property and general success and bappioess.

Bbuktis In Jupiter's Dasa


Bhaktb in Jupit er’s Dm

Ju piter's su h-perwd—2 years, 1 month, 18 days.

Increase of property, domestic happiness, benefit from

employment or occupation, birth of children, reputation,
good meals, good deeds, health, royal favour, great diligence,
success in all attempts, travels, dips in sacred rivers, pilgri¬
mage, honour at stake if afflicted.

Saturn's sub-period 2 years, 6 months, 12 days.

A feeling of aversion, mental anguish, waste of wealth'

through sons, failure of business, increase of wealth and
prosperity, pain in the body, rheumatic pains in limbs,
trouble through wife or partners, failure in profit and credit,
sorrows, fears, enmity of friends and relatives, adultery,
unrighteous, a witness in court, quarrels in family, mental
depression, funeral ceremonies for others^

Mercury's sub-period —2 years, 3 months, 6 days.

Increase of wealth, good and auspicious works in the

bouse, communion with relatives, happy, increase of know¬
ledge, acquisition of wealth through trade, favour from
rulers, material comforts, perfect practice of hospitality, gain
through knowledge in fine arts, birth of a well-favoured child,
advantages from superiors.

Ketu's sub-period — 11 months, 6 days.

Pilgrimages to holy shrines, increase of wealth, suffering

for the sake of several seniors and rulers, death of partner if
in business, change of residence, separation from relatives
and friends, may forsake business, poisonous effects, loss of
wealth, destruction of work, illness, boils.

Menus' sub-peria d—l years, 8 months.

Appointment, wealth, reputation, gain of money, savings,

development of sons and grandsons, jewels, good and
delicious meals, marital happiness, auspicious works, reunion
of the family, good success in profession or business, gain of


Hindu Predictive Astrology

land io the month of Taurus or Libra, much enjoyment,

relatives, friends, peace of mind, acquisition of valuables,
troubles from females and odium of public.

The Sun's sub-period 9 months, 18 days.

Enemies, victory, ease, great diligence, coming in of

wealth, royal favour and sound health, gain, good actions or
fruits of good action, loss of bodily strength.

The Moon's sub-period— 1 year, 4 months.

Increase of prosperity, gain of fame and fortune, acquisi¬
tion of property, benefits through childreo, sexual intercourse
with beautiful womeo, good meals and clothing, success and
birth of a female child or marriage to some male member in
the family, gain of money.

Mars' sub-period - 11 months, 6 days.

Disappointments and troubles of various kinds, loss by

thefts, loss of near and dear relatives, inflammatory disease,
transfer or leave, failure in hopes and business, wandering,
high fever, great risks, loss of wealth and depression of mind,
pilgrimage to temples, acquisition of wealth and fame,

Rahu's su bj[£[j/ut—2 years, 4 months, 24 days.

Income through low-caste people, apprehension of diseases,

possibility of every possible calamity, deprivation of wealth.

S aturn’s Dasa—19 Years

Saturn in Aries. — The worst period in a man’s career,

unexpected losses, disappointments in every undertaking, mis¬
understandings among relatives and friends and increase in the
number of enemies. Taurus. — Success and gains in agricultural
operations, much prosperity to the cattle and other domestic
animals, great income, and access to things desired. GemM —
Recognition of his services, great humanitarian work, profits
in speculations and trade, respect from rulers, political
success, reputation, fame and much general happinesa.

Bbuktis in Saturn's Dasa


Cancer . — Miseries and calamities, family strife, increase of

enemies,trouble from relatives and physical diseases and mental
affliction. Leo . —A period of uneasiness, distrust, disappoint¬
ments and unrest, misappropriation of money and consequent
prosecution if Saturn is afflicted powerfully, hatred by all and
courting death as a source of relief from mental worries.
Virgo .—Elevation to exalted positions, royal favour, business
success and establishment of fame and reputation. Libra ,. —
Travelling in countries inhabited by Christians and Moslems,
establishment of fresh branches if proprietor of a business
concern, acceptance of invitations for public lectures and
great honour and respect throughout the long period of 19 years
and perfect domestic happiness. Scorpio .—Odium of superiors,
disliked and hated by all, loss of prestige, self-respect and
fame and destruction and damage to property and possessions.
Sagittarius . —Inclination to study philosophical and religious
treatises and success in such studies, auspicious occasions like
marriage ceremonies, etc., at home and happiness and mental
peace throughout. Capricorn .—Increase in lands, gains in
wealth and business, friendship with great and illustrious
personages. Aouarius . - Great travelling in Western countries,
success in litigation, mental happiness and acquisition of
wealth. Pisces .— Pilgrimage to sacred shrines and holy
places, indifference towards sectarian restrfetions and obser¬
vances, sorrows, misery and unrest.

Bhuluk In Satnrn’. n«.»

S SUhsfiUUuj- 3 years, 3 days.

Brings on diseases, troubles and torments, much mental

anguish, capacity of kings and free-booters, loss of wealth,
fear of poisonous effect to cattle, much sufferings to family,
fever, wind or phlegm, bodily ailments and colic, body
languishes, loss of money and children, serious enmities, dis-


Hindu Predictive Astrology

pute and troubles from relatives, blood and bilious complaints,

quarrels in family, loss of money, mental derangement.
Mercury's sub-period —2 years, 8 months, 9 days.

Charitable works, gain of wealth, birth of children,

increase of knowledge in some branch, prosperity to children,
success to relatives, general prosperity, favours and approba¬
tion from superiors, increase of happiness, wealth and fame,
benefits occurring from acts of piety and customary religious
observances, agriculture and commerce.

Ketus sub-period— \ year, 1 month, 9 days.

Rheumatism or sickness, danger of poison, danger from

sons, loss of money, contentions and quarrels with vile and
wicked people, dread of evil dreams, quarrels in family.
Venus' sub-perio d— 3 years, 2 months.

Auspicious, general happiness, attentions and favours

from others, gifts, profits in business, increase- of family
members, victory over enemies, success in life, goodwill of
relatives, accession to wife's property and wealth.

Jhe Sun's sub-period —11 months, 12 days.

Loss of wife and children, trouble from rulers or robbers,

sinking of heart, danger of blood poisoning, haemorrhage of
the generative system, chronic poisoning, intestinal swellings,
affliction of the eyes, sickness even to healthy children and
wife, body full of pain and disorders, danger of death, fear of
death to father-in-law.

The Moon s sub-period - 1 year, 7 months.

Increase in cattle, enmity of friends and relatives, cold

affections, troubles and sickness, family disputes, loss of
money and property, reduction to great need, mortgage of
property and its recovery after a lapse of time, death of a

near relati ve, sorrow, dislike of relatives, coming in of money,

windy diseases.

Mercury's Dali


Marx ' xuh-perlnd — I year, 1 month, 9 days.

Some disgrace, serious enmity, strife, much blame,

wanderings from place to place, unsettled life, many enemies,
loss of money by fraud or theft, change of residence, serious
illness, distress to brothers and friends, hot diseases.

Rahu's sub-period —2 years, 10 months, 6 days.

Disease in every limb, loss of wealth by rulers, robbers

and foes, danger of physical hurts, various physical troubles,
fevers, enemies, increase of troubles.

Juoiter's sub-period —2 years, 6 months, 12 days.

Worship of gods and holy people, happiness to family,
increase in bodily comforts, accomplishment of intentions by
the help of superiors, increase of family circles, attainment of

Mercury’s Pasa-17 years

Mercury fn Aries. —Marriage, performance of religious and

social work, charity, increase in religiousness and intelligence,
favour of rulers, gains from cultivation, cattle, precious
stones and conveyances and happiness through these. Taurus.
— Great happiness, sexual contact with beautiful young
women, getting titles and name, ornaments and authority over
men, acquaintance of sweet girls and their company and
practice of music and kindred sciences. Gemin i —Access to
great intellectual treasures, increase in knowledge, successful
termination of educational career, acquisition of fame and
wealth, happiness from wife and children, marriage cere¬
monies and recitation of sacred scriptures. Cancer.— Degrada¬
tion, change of residence, fines and imprisonments, penalties,
confinement in chains, hatred of relations, loss of lands,
failure of crops and enmity with all. Lea .—Good courage
and elevation, travelling in hilly and mountainous tracts.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

acquisition of wealth from various countries, progress in

knowlenge, expeditions to mountains, caves and similar
places, marriage and great reputation. F/rgo .—The most
aaspicious and happy period of life, favour of kings, admirers
and royal courts and great success in them, undisturbed
health, marriage in the house, increase in intelligence, reli¬
giousness, charitable foundings, and unexpected gains. Ubra .
—Great works published in the native's name, favour of
wealthy and educated people without effort, and leadership
overmen. Scorpio .—Loss of wife, children, riches, mental
troubles, losses from merchandise, great hatred of people and
relations and loss of reputation and power. Sagittarius . —
Success in education, meeting with learned and religious
people, worship of holy men, virtuous and charitable deeds,
travelling in Eastern countries, inclination for marital enter¬
prises and great exhilaration. Capricorn .—Success in trade,
inception of new business-like trades in tanneries, leather
goods, glassware, etc., recitation of religious scriptures. Godly
contemplations, patronage of kings, destruction of foes and
enemies and general success in life. Aquarius . —Acquisition
of paraphernalia, access to good and much wealth, indulging
in a pleasurely life and good fame and name. Pisces .—Trouble
from thieves, dysentery, destruction of relations, litigation,
quarrels with relatives, mental derangement, nervous break¬
down and failure in attempts.

Bhnktls In Mer cu r y’s Pasa

Mercury's sub-period .—2 years, 4 months, 27 days.

Acquisition of beautiful house and apparel money through

relatives, success in every undertaking, the birth of a brother
or sister, increase in family, gain in business, good mind,
charitable acts, learning of mathematics and arts.

Bhuktit in Mercury's Dssa


Ketus sub-period —11 months, 27 days.

Sorrow, disease, loss of work and Dharma, bilious sick¬

ness, aimless wandering, loss of property, misfortune to
relatives, troubles through doctors, mental anxiety, trouble
from relatives, mental agony, loss of comfort, dread ofenemy,
failure in business.

Venus' sub-period—2 years, 10 months.

Observance of duty, conformable to religion and morality,

acquisition of wealth, clothes and jewels, birth of good
children, happiness in married state, relatives prosper, trade
increases, knowledge gaioed, return from a long journey, if
not married, betrothal in this period, health, ornaments,
vehicles, house, money gained.

The Sun's sub-period —10 months, 6 days.

Pains in head and stomach, enmity of people, loss of

respect, danger of fire; anxieties, sickness to wife, troubles
from enemies, many obstacles, troubles through superiors,
acquisition of wealth.
The Moon's sub-period— 1 year, S months.

Loss of health, some swellings or hurts in the limbs,

quarrels and troubles through women, many difficulties, gain
of money through ladies and agriculture and trade, success,
happiness, diseases, ill-will of enemies, miscarriage of every
concern, risk from quadrupeds.

Mars' sub-period —11 months, 27 days.

Disappearance of all dangers diseases, or enemies, fame

derived from acts of charity and beneficence, royal favour,
danger from jaundice or bilious fever, affections of the blood,
neuralgic pains and headaches, troubles through neighbours,
sickness, wounds or hurts, quarrels, addiction to drinks,
betting and prostitutes, boils and hurts of arms, travels in
forests and villages, sorrows, royal disfavour, imprisonment.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Rahu $ sub period—2 years. 6 months, 18 days.

Intercourse with servants and prostitutes, skin diseases,

sufferings from hot diseases, bad company and dirty meals,
change of present position, fear and danger through foreigners,
disputes concerning property, failure in litigation, evil dreams,
headaches, sickness and loss of appetite, wealth from friends
and relatives, happiness, new earnings.

Jupiter s sub-period—2 years, 3 months 6 daj's.

Hatred of friends, relatives and elders, wealth, liable to

diseases, acquisition of land and wealth, gain by trade, repu¬
tation, good happiness, good credit, benefits from superiors,
birth of a child or marriage.

Saturn's sub-period -2 years, 8 months, 9 days.

Bad luck, stranger to success and happiness, severe reversal,

enmity, pain in the part governed by Saturn, downfall or dis¬
grace to relatives, mind full of evil forebodings and distress,
fear from diseases, loans, loss of children, destruction of
family, scandals, troubles from foreigners, earnings through
evil ways, acts of charity and beneficence, acquisition of
wealth, material comforts through petty chiefs, failure in
agricultural operations.

Kelp’s Dasa-7 years

Ketu in Aries .— Disgrace, troubles from relatives, loss of

properly, cattle and other domestic animals, constant travels
in Eastern countries, great hardship, sudden quarrels, loss of
mother and wife or their serious sickness, want of prudence
and capacity in private matters. Taurus —Many dangers,
death of wife, acquisition of wealth through evil ways and
means, sexual sorrows, visits to sacred shrines and holy
waters, inclination to religious study and success in it,
compunction and in the end appeasing sins by resort to foul
stratagems. Gemini . —Good health, happiness, elevation to res¬
ponsible and exalted positions, founding of sacred institutions,

Kctu’a Du*


good food, advent of relations and in later years venereal

troubles, death of near relation and loss of reputation and
self-respect. Cancer .—Many dangers, disturbances from bis
place and a period of exile, serious sickness to wife, parents
or children, and if badly afflicted, their death, quarrels with
friends, initiation ioto the mysteries of philosophical know¬
ledge. Leo . - Increase of lands, cultivation, progress in edu¬
cation, heated debates and discussions on philosophical and
scientific subjects with great scholars and eminent people,
attracted by females and company with them, travels in
mountainous tracts and hilly countries to spread any righteous
cause, and treated to great musical entertainment. Virgo. -
Fear from fires, weapons and poisonous gases, beasts and
reptiles, destruction of dear lives, properties and self-respect,
unrighteous acts and nasty venereal complaints. Ultra .—
Happiness and prosperity to wife or husband, self and
children, enmity of relations, gains from gold and precious
stones, headache, heart disease, nervous breakdown, trouble
in the anus and much discontent. Scorpio .—Living dependent
on relations, sycophant acts, acquisition of much wealth,
loss of few children, gains from lands, contraction of new
friendship from among the members of the fair sex and liable
to suffer from venereal complaints. Sagittarius . —Perfect
domestic harmony and happiness, favour from aristocrats,
progress in education, religious discussions, moral elevation
and manifestation of a spirit of tolerance and equality.
Ca£riconu —Misappropriation of private and governmental
funds and consequent prosecution, wife or husband catching
consumption and such diseases, death of a few children,
anxiety about everything, misunderstanding with relations
and disgrace and disappointments. A^uarius^ — Hating all
and hated by all, incurring the displeasure of superiors, pessi¬
mistic about every hope, abject dependency and servile

Hindu Predictive Astrology

flattery; in the end, happiness and prosperity to wife and

children. Pisces, — Learned discussions, general success, helping
the suffering, mental depression, promotion, acquisition of
fertile lands, favour of the superiors and moneyed people,
moral and religious devotions, vigorous and clear understand¬
ing, travel on water to distant countries and respect there.

gh ufctto in Kefs Dasa

Ketu's sub-period— 4 months, 27 days.

Fear of death of wife or children, loss of wealth and

happiness, mental troubles, separation from relatives, subject
to some estrangement, restraint or detention, danger of

Venus’ sub-period ■ I year, 2 months.

Wealth and happiness, birth of a child, efforts crowned

with success, in the end sickness, wife ill, illness to children,
quarrels, loss of relatives and friends, fever and dysentery.

The Sun’s sub-period— 4 months, 6 days.

Disappointment, physical pain, exile in foreign country,

peril and obstruction in every business, increase of knowledge,
sickness in family, long journey and return, anxiety about
wife's health.

The Moon s sub-period— 7 months.

Disputes about “fair sex", trouble through children,

gains and financial success, diseases of biliousness and cold,
loss of relatives and money, destruction of wealth and
distress of mind.

Mars’ sub-period— 4 months, 27 days.

Odium of sons, wife and younger brothers, loss of

relatives, trouble from diseases, foes and bad rulers, path of
progress obstructed, fear and anxiety, disputes and contests
of different kinds, enemies arise, danger of disputes and
destruction through females, sufferings from fever, fear of

Venus* Dess


robbers, death, imprisonment, urinary diseases, loss and diffi*

cutties and surgical operations.

Rahus sub-period—\ year, 18 days.

Loss of lands, imprisonment, quarrel with friends, danger

of blood poisoning, danger of ruin, loss of property, fame
and honour, fear of kings and robbers, sorrow, ruin of all
business, adultery with mean women.

Jupiter's sub-period— 11 months, 6 days.

Exemption from ailments, acquisition of lands and birth

of children, profitable transactions, association with people of
good position, danger of poison, wife an object of pleasure,
if unmarried marriage takes place.

Saturn's sub-period— 1 year, 1 month, 9 days.

Loss of wife, danger from enemies, imprisonment, loss of

wealth, indigestion, property in danger or ruin, heavy loss in
different ways, change of residence, some cutaneous diseases*
anxiety owing to sickness of partner misgivings in the heart,
mental anguish, difference of opinion with relations, exile in
foreign countries.

Mercury s sub-period—\\ months 27 days.

Society of relatives, friends and the like, material gains

from knowledge, danger from relatives, anxiety on account of
children, failure in plans, deception, jealousy, falsehood, and

Vcnns* Pasa - 20 Yeara

Venus in Aries. — Residence in palatial buildings, acquain*

tance with noble personages, wearing good clothes, good
earnings, spread of fame, much respect, birth of child, happy
sexual relations and praised by friends and enemies. Taurus .—
A life of great ease and indulgence throughout the period of
20 years, enjoyment of much happiness, company of beautiful
girls and joy through association with them, travels on seas


Hindu Predictive Astrology

to foreign countries particularly southern, all ambitions of

life fairly realised, redemption from debts, symptoms of
venereal troubles. Gemini .—Gain of territory, affording
protection to brothers, sisters, cousins and paternal uncles
and aunts, gain of vehicles, increase of reputation, children,
harmony with wife, mental peace and a check over inclination
to indulge in loose life. Cancer .—Paroxysms of grief and
terror, destruction of property, discontent with relations, in¬
crease of enemies, loss of wealth, disturbance to good work
and some mental ease in the end. Leo. —Mental disease and
sorrow, troubles from fires, poisons and hurts, evil women,
foul language and mental disorder, exile, and aimless wander¬
ings in deserts and woods to evade detection by law, dangerous
sickness to the better half or a child, stigma on self-respect
due to mean fellows and inclination to conceal true identity-
Virgo —Quarrels with wife or husband and separation from
him or her, mortgage of all property, trouble in the generative
organ often leading to surgical operation, symptoms of
arthritis, troubles relating to nervous breakdown, mental
unrest, separation from relatives and friends and much grief
and sorrow. Libra .—Great reputation, gain of wealth from
royal patronage, comforts, good enjoyment of life, luxurious
invitations and worships of mammon and a period of extreme
sensuality. Scorpio —Hatred for all, many miseries and
troubles, serious risks, vengeance against relatives, loss of
wealth and property, mental affliction and imbalance. Sagit¬
tarius ■—Much fame and name, religious and philosophical
studies, recitation of sacred writings, regard for holy people
and ascetics, success in any undertaking and general pros¬
perity. Capricorn .—Travels in foreign lands, freedom from
domestic worries, discussion with learned people, progress
in general education, acquaintance with low class people,
development of perverted ideas of social or religious reform

Bhukiis in Venus* Dasa


and success in all endeavours. Aquarius .— Acquisition of

fresh property, a good library, lands and houses, honours
and unexpected gains, love for Christian or Islamic literature
and its studies, stray intercourse with servile women, domestic
happiness and harmony. Pisces . —High political power and
great success, promotion to responsible office, acts of charity
and generosity, exercise of prudence in official matters and
perfect happiness in domestic life and smooth-sailing in every

Bhuktis in Venus* Dasa

Vtnus' sub-period —3 years, 4 months.

Success, good servants and good many pleasures, money

plentiful, disappearance of enemies, attainment of fame and
birth of children.

JMJSua^j^^eriod—l year.

Anxious about everything, prosperity collapses, troubles

with wife, children, land, family, disputes and quarrels,
diseases affecting head, belly and eyes, damage in respect of

The M oon's sub-period— 1 year, 8 months.

Gains of femaies. education, knowledge, money, children

and vehicles, worship of God, accomplishments of desires,
troubles through wife, domestic happiness afterwards, pain
and disease due to inflammation of nervous tissues and from
lust and other passions of human nature.

Mars ' sub-period —1 year, 2 months.

Fiow of biie, disease of the eyes, great exertion, much

income, acquisition of wealth, marriage, acquisition of lands,
venereal diseases, danger from arms, exile in foreign places,
atheistic tendencies, increase of property through the influence
of females, negligence of duty, bent on pleasure and passioo,
temporary affection of eyes.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Rahu 3 subj»e?j£j i —3 years.

Meditation, seclusion, quarrels among relatives and bis

people, entire change of surroundings, schemes of deception,
miserliness, acquisition of lost property, dislike of relatives,
evil from friends and injury by fire.

Jupiter's sub-period —2 years, 8 months.

Means of livelihood settled, gains from profession, benefits

through superiors or employers or persons ruled by Jupiter,
fame, anxietyrquarrels with saints and religious men, gain_of
knowledge, end of dependence, worship of certain ioferior
natural forces, happiness and health, marriages, sexual inter*
course, increase of family reputation and good deeds, wealth,
ultimate happiness, wife and children suffer in the end-
Saturn's sub-period —3 years, 2 months

Sexual intercourse with females advanced in age, accession

to lands and wealth, disappearance of enemies, affection of
excretory system, piles, etc., rheumatic pains in legs and
hands, danger to eye sight, distaste for food, loss of appetite,
physical condition poor, loss of money, wanderings, servitude,
bolting and gambling, addition to liquor, bad company, etc.,
ill-health, loss of memory, impotence.

Mercury's sub-perio d—2 years, 10 months.

Association with prostitutes, enjoyments, knowledge,

mathematical learning, success in litigations, inclination to
learn music, piles and other hot ailments, pleasure through
wife and children, increase of wealth, gain of knowledge in
aru and sciences, wealth, royal favour, prosperity on a large
scale and sound health.

Ketu's sub-period -1 year, 2 months.

Discordance, death of relatives, injury inflicted by enemies,
misgivings in heart, deprivation of wealth, troubles through
wife, danger from quadrupeds, illness to partner or a member

Bbuktis in Venus' Dasa


of the family, accidental blood poisoning, delirious fits, weak¬

ness in body and mind, gradual loss of wealth, loss of
relatives, bad company, abode in seclusion, manifold sorrows,
but happiness in the end.

A careful study of my book How to Judge A Horoscope is

also recommended.


Source and Nature of Death

Fatalists and atheists may indulge in the hallucinations

that death is accidental, that it is merely the resolution of the
component elements of the human body into their former
states and that it signifies an end to the activities of the soul
as it becomes incorporated with the general ethereal currents;
but in reality it does not seem to be so. There is much signifi¬
cance attached to this by the Hindus as well as other people
believing in the existence of a Creator without whose know¬
ledge “not even a sparrow falls to the ground” *

Death does not come all of a sudden ; neither does birth

take place so. Man does not come from nothingness and
disappear into the regions of annihilation. Some mysterious
and subtle power seems to control regulate the various phases
of human existence, like birth, life and death, operating in a
definite order and often transcending reason, logic and com-
monsense. The presence and operation of this power is
demonstrable by everyday occurrences.

Here comes the importance of the laws of Karma and the

laws of continuity and evolution. The Hindus grant the
existence of worlds other than our own and the possibility of
the soul migrating into good or bad states of future existence
after death, according as the Karma done in this world is good
or bad* As Socrates puts it, death is either the cessation of
all human activities or the migration of the soul into a happier

Source and Nature of Death


Philosophers say that death is a state of transition for

the soul to enter into more subtle forms of existence and the
duration of life in such states of existence depends upon the
balance sheet of Karma at one's credit at the time of death


By ascertaining the length of life beforehand, carefully, and

the nature and source of death, it may be possible to prevent
many catastrophes and family strifes in this life. Some aver
that it may also be possible to prolong the life, by recourse
to yoga and other remedies prescribed by the ancient Mahar-
shis. Many times the sudden death of a person leaves his
widow, children and other dependents in a state of abject
poverty. Adequate provision could have been made for
these people if the period of death were previously ascertained.

The following information will be useful to find out the

place, nature and source of death, the particular diseases
which the native suffers from at the time of death, unnatural
deaths bydrownings, tortures, accidents, wild beasts, suicide.
Murder, etc., which can be prevented, the period of uncon¬
sciousness before death, the nature of cremation or burial of
the dead body, the nature of the past and future births and
the possibility or otherwise of attaining moksha or emanci¬

The disease from which a person dies is predicted by the

nature of the planet, which aspects the 8th house and the part
of the body to be affected would be that represented by the
8th house in 'the division under Kalapurusha (see chapter on
Medical Astrology for this division).

In other words, the humour belonging to the planet (which

is given in p. 174) in the 8th house causes the particular disease
which produces death. If many planets occupy the 8th house,
the body will be subject to several attacks resulting from an
excess of the various humours indicated by such powerful
planets and death will ensue. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn is in tbe 8th house, death

will be due to fire, water, weapons. Fever, chronic diseases,
thieves or starvation respectively.

If the 8th house is a movable, a fixed or a common sign,

death occurs in foreign place, own place or while travelling.

If tbe Sun aspects the 8th house, the disease will be deve¬
loped by bile or beat; if tbe Moon by wind and bile; if Mars,
bile or heat; if Mercury, by wind, phlegm and bile; if Jupiter,
by phlegm; if Venus, by phlegm and wind; and if Saturn, by
wind. If one or more of these planets occupy the 8th, disease
prior to death will be from the above-mentioned sources —
the sources indicated by the particular planet. If no planet
occupies or aspects the 8th, then the lord of tbe 8th bouse
must be considered and the nature of disease determined from
the humours indicated by the particular planet.

First take the planet occupying the 8th; if no planet is

there, consider the one that aspects the 8tb; if no planet
aspects it, then give preference to the lord of the 8th. In the
illustration given below, the 8th from tbe Ascendant is Aries.
The Sun and Venus are posited there and are powerfully






gourcc and Nature of Death


•spected by the Moon who is in the 2nd from birth and by

Mars who is in the Sth. Now the diseases the native suffered
from at his death must be ascertained. The Sun in the 8th—
bile; Venus in the 8ih-wind and phlegm ; Moon aspecting
the 8th—bile and wind; Mars aspecting the 8th—bile. Three
planets indicated bile, two wind and one phlegm. Therefore,
the native died on account of the disease caused owing to
inflammation of excessive bile in the head (Aries represents

According to Ayurveda or the Hindu system of Medicine,

the existence of these tridoshas (wind, bile and phlegm) in a
state of harmony constitutes health and when some one or
more among these doshas is or are increased and some others
possessed of opposite attributes are diminished, the result is
disease (vide my book Ayurveda , 4th Edition).

Each dosha (humour) causes certain diseases and the exact

nature of the disease from which a person dies should be
ascertained with reference to the humour attributed to the
planet, ruling, posited in, or aspecting the 8th house in a

The Sun indicates death by fevers, apoplexy, paralysis.

The Moon causes death by watery diseases, drowning,

loose motions, diarrhoea, dysentery, blood impurities.

Mars brings about death by pneumonia, cholera, plague

and such other epidemics, haemorrhage, bronchitis, abortion
aod consequent surgical operation, accidents incidental to
to gun-shots, etc.

Mercury makes a person die by fever of brain, smallpox,

ague, nervous disorders, sleeping sickness, kala-azar, whoop-
iog cough and assaults.

Jupiter causes death by mental worry or by some unknown

disease, pleurisy, liver disease, inflammation of the lungs,
heart failure and sparms.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Venus indicates death by excessive thirst, fast, excessive

heating, syphilis, gonorrhoea.

Saturn, causes death by suffocation, burns, rheumatic

fever, paralysis, melancholia and consumption.

Accidental death is caused by the following combinations.

If the Sun and Mars occupy the 10th and the 4th at birth,
death will be due to hurts and injuries received by stone-
throwing. If Saturn, the Moon and Mars are in the 4th, the
7th and the IOth respectively, death occurs by drowning in a
well or falling into it. The Sun and the Moon, in Virgo with
or atpected by malefics, cause death by drinking poison or
being poisoned by enemies.

Apart from the 8th house signifying the source and nature
of death, certain other combinations at birth also indicate the
kind of death.

When Mars and Saturn are afflicted, death occurs by

suffocation. Saturn in Taurus in conjunction with a malefic
indicates death by hanging. Death may occur in prison if
Saturn aspects the Sun or the Moon rising. Saturn in a
quadruped sign conjunction with the Sun causes death by
shipwreck, fall of buildings, falls from elevations, recipices.
Saturn in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn at bii^h cause
death by dropsy. The Moon in a sign of Mars or in Virgo
with two malefics on cither side brings about death by ema¬
ciation of the body. If the Moon is in Capricorn or Aquarius
with malefics on either side, death will be due to suicide or
fall from a mountain. Two malefics in the 5th and 9th houses
with no beneficial aspects bring about death in prison. If
Mars and the Sun are in the 4th, and Saturn in the 10th, the
person will be crucified. The Sun in the 4th, Mars in the
10th, aspected by the weak Moon, causes death from
crucifixion. If Mars, the Sun and Saturn occupy the 4th, the
7th and the 10th respectively, death occurs by fire and

Source and Nature of Death


weapons. Saturn, the Moon and Mars in the 2nd, (he 4th
and the 10th respectively cause death by insect bites or wounds
generated in the body. The weak Moon, the Sun and Mars
in the 10th, the 7th and the 4th respectively make the person
die in the midst of night-soil filth and faecal matter. Saturn
in the 8th with weak Moon aspected by powerful Mars causes
death by surgical operation or piles or fistula. In case, the
above combinations do not hold good, then the following
must be applied.

The 22nd drekkana (dccanate) d eclares the cause of death

and the lord of that drekkana kills the person by that disease
which is attributed to him as given at the beginning of this
chapter. The place where death occurs will be similar to the
sign occupied by the lord of the Navamsa in which the birth
falls. Say the birth falls in the Navamsa of Capricorn. Its
lord is Saturn. In the Rasi he is in Taurus. Therefore the
nature of the place, death occurs in, will be appropriate to
Taurus, i.r.. the place indicated by the lord of Taurus, viz.,
Venus indicating drawing rooms well furnished with exquisite
furniture and tapestry, i If the lord of the sign occupied by
the lo rd of thc_Navamsa. the ascendant falls in, is the Sun—■
the place of death will be a temple, a forest or a religious
institution ; if the Moon —a fertile place, with green vegetation
or a garden : if Mars —hospital, operation room, special
wards: if Mercury —playground, sports club, gambling den :
if Jupiter —treasurehouse, public office, court, lawyer's house:
if Venus —rich flats and apartments, nursing houses, and if
Saturn— dirty places and dens of prostitutes.

The period, for which a person will remain unconscious

before death, will be the time of oblique ascension of the
remaining portion of the rising sign below horizon. This
period must be double if the lord of the Ascendant aspects
the birth, and trebled if benefics aspect the birth.

Hindu Predictive Attrology

Example.— Say 25° Gemini is rising (latitude 28* N). The

remaining portion of Gemini is S'. Reference to oblique
ascension tables in Appendix B gives the duration of Gemini
S gbatis on 28° N. latitude. The time taken for 5° in Gemini
to rise will be 5/30 x 5/6 ghatis or 50 vighatis or 50/60 x 2/5 -
1/3 hour or 20 minutes. Say Mercury, lord of the birth,
aspects Gemini. This time must be doubled — 20x2 -40
minutes. That is, the person will be unconscious for 40
minutes before he expires.

After death takes place, the nature of cremation, burial or

otherwise, should be ascertained with reference to the 22nd
drekkana (decanate). The 22nd drekkana will be the rising
drekkana rather the first drekkana in the 8th bouse. If the
22nd drekkana is fiery, then the body will be cremated and
turned to ashes. If it is a watery drekkana, the body will be
thrown into rivers or tanks. If it is neither a fiery drekkana
nor a watery one, the body will be uncared for and dissolved
by atmospherical forces.

The final thing would be to find out the world the person
has come from and whither he will go for his future existence.
We do not know what exactly is the mystery underlying the
phenomenon of death. But it is held by all sages that the soul
will go from here to some other world, after death, and this
can be ascertained thus

The past birth can be determined by the ruler of the

decanate occupied by the Sun or the Moon ( whichever4s more
powerful) and accordingly the particular Loka or world where
the soul has come from. Find out which is stronger out of
the Sun and the Moon. If the lord of the decanate occupied
by the stronger of these two planets is Jupiter—the deceased
in his past birth belongs to Deva Loka (world of immortals) .
If the decanate belongs to the Moon or Venus, the person
has come from Pitru Loka (world of manes ). If the decanate
belongs to the Sun or Mars, the deceased belongs to Tirivae
Source and Nature of Death


Loka (world of lower animals). If Saturn or Mescury ist he

owner of such a decanate, the person has come from
Naraka Loka (infernal regions) . In the previous birth the
status or rank of the person was high, mediocre or mean
and debilitated according as the lord of such a drekkana is
exalted, ordinary debilitated.

The chapter on death can be brought to a close when we

consider the state of future existence of a person after death.

inhere are no pl anets in the 6th, the 7th _and thejth,

find out the decanate rising in the 6th and the 8th and deter¬
mine the strongest of the two. Then attribute that loka or
world which is denoted by that planet ruling the above-
mentioned decanate. If a planet is found in the 6th, the 7th
or the 8th, then the person goes to the world, indicated by
the planet. If there are two or more planets, always give
preference to the strongest.

Jupiter Oeva Loka (world of Immortals)

Moon and Venus Pitru Loka (world of Manes)

Sun and Mars Tiriyag Loka (world of Lower \nimals)

Saturn and Mercury Naraka Loka (world of Infernal Regions)

One is said to secure moksha or final emancipation if

Jupiter occupies 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 10th from the ascendant.
According to Sastras, moksha or highest spiritual bliss is to
be sought in preference to other states of existence.

Today many persons die by heart-attacks, cancer, blood

pressure and other fashionable diseases peculiar to modern
civilisation. By a careful study we can adapt the principles
given in ancient texts to suit modern conditions and attempt
forecasts of deaths due to the above diseases.

The Ashtakavarga System

This is a peculiar system of ascertaining the various sources

of energy for the different planets. Ashtakavarga helps us to
determine the longevity of a person, the yearly r esults
produced on account of the incessant movements' of the
planets changing their positions from where they were at the
time of birth and to estimate the stability or otherwise of
each Bbava or bouse. Planets will be found in certain
positions at the time of birth, but at any given time after
birth they will be found in different situations both from the
Ascendant and also from their own radix positions. Ashtaka-
varga liberally translated means eight sources of en erg y
for eac h planet including the Ascendant. Rahu and Ketu
are invariably omitted on account of their shadowy nature.
The subject-matter of Ashtakavarga is vast. I have, therefore,
extensively dealt with it in my book Ashat akavar^a System
of Prediction. In this chapter I have given briefly important
outlines necessary for its study, without entering int o details.

Supposing in a horoscope, the Sun is in Cancer. Six

months hence he will not be in Cancer, but in Sagittarius or
Capricorn and in each succeeding month he transits over a
particular sign and consequently forms different angular
positions to his own position at birth and (hose of other
planets. Ashtakavarga records the results of such transits.

I. The Sun is declared auspicious in the 1st, the 2nd, the

4th, the 7th, the 8th, the 9tb, the 10th and the llth houses

Thr AshUkavarga System


from himself; the same houses from Mars and Saturn; in the
Sth, the 6th, the 9th and the 11th from Jupiter; the 3rd, the
6th, the 10th and the 11th from the Moon ; the 3rd, the Sth,
the 6th. the9tb, the 10th, the llth and the 12th from Mer¬
cury; the 3rd. the 4th, the 6th, the 10th. the llth and the 12th
from the Ascendant; aod the 6th, the 7th and the 12th from
Venus. Total 48 points .
2. The benefic places of the Moon are the 3rd, the 6th,
the 10th and the llth houses from the Ascendant. The Moon
is auspicious in the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5lb, the 6th, the 9th,
the 10th and the llth houses from Mars: the 1st, the 3rd,
the 6th, the 7th, the 10th and the llth houses from the Moon
herself; the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th, the Pth, the 10th and the
Iltb from the Sun ; the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th and the llth
from Saturn; the 1st, the 3rd, the 4tb, the Sth, the 7tb, the
Sth, the 10th and the llth houses from Mercury; the 1st,
the 4th, the 7tb, the 8th, the 10th, the llth and the 12th from
Jupiter; and the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th, the 9lh, the
10th and the llth from Venus. T otal 4 9 points.

3. The benefic places of Mars will be the 3rd, the Sth,

the 6th, the 10th and the llth houses from the Sun ; the 1st,
the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and the llth houses from the
Ascendant; the 3rd, the 6th, and the llth houses from the
Moon; the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th, the 10th
and the llth from himself; in 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and II from
.Saturn; in 3, 5, 6 and II from Mercury ; in 6, 8, 11 and 12
from Venus; and in 6, 10, II and 12 from Jupiter. Total
39 points.

4. Mercury produces good in 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 11

from Venus; in I, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and II from Mars and
Saturn; in 6, 8, II and 12 from Jupiter; in 5,6,9, II and
12 from the Sun; in 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, II and 12 from himself;
in 2, 4, 6. 8, 10 and 11 from the Moon ; and in 1,2, 4, 6, 8,
10 and II from the Ascendant. TotaL54 points.


Hindu Predictive Attrology

5. Jupiter will be auspicious io 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 10 and 11

from Mars; in 1, 2. 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 aod 11 from himself: in
1, 2. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 from the Sun ; in 2, 5, 6, 9, 10
and 11 from Venus; in 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11 from the Moon;
in 3, 5, 6 and 12 from Saturn; io 1, 2, 4, 5. 6. 9, 10 and 11
from Mercury; and in 1,2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9. 10 and 11 from the
Ascendant. Total 56 points.

6. Venus produces good in 1,2, 3, 4, 3, 8, 9 and 11 from

Lagna; in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12 from the Moon;
in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 from himself; in 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,
10 and 11 from Saturn; in 8, 11 aod 12 from the Sun; in

5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 from Jupiter; in 3. 5, 6, 9 and 11 from

Mercury; and in 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 aod 12 from Mars. Total 52
points. ~

v. Saturn is beneficial in 3, 5, 6, and 11 from himself;

in 3, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 from Mars; in 1,2, 4, 7, 8, 10 and

11 from the Sun; in 1, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11 from the Ascendant;

in 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 from Mercury; in 3, 6 and 11 from
the Moon; in 6, 11 and 12 from Venus; and in 5, 6, 11
and 12 from Jupiter. Total 39 points .

The to tal individual contribution of benefic points by

any p lanet in any, h oroscope will be the same respective
figures given ab ove. The su m-total of ail planets will be 337
points fo r any h o ro scope. This is constant.

8. These are the benefic positions. The good or bad

results must be ascertained as aiready stated above. It is
usual in preparing the Ashtakavarga Tables to denote the
benefic places with a zero (0) and malefic places with a dot
lines (—). Planets in Upachaya (3,6,10,11) places, in
friendly and own houses or exaltation signs produce benefic
effects if such bouses contain more benefic dots for the
planets than malefic ones. And planets when they pass
through Apaehaya houses or unfriendly or depression signs
produce malefic effects fully. The Upachaya and Apaehaya

The Ashtakavarga System


houses must be reckoned with respect to the Ascendant or

the Moon and not from the positions of planets (Apachayas
are 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 houses from Lagna ; the rest are
all Upachayas).

We shall make ourselves clear by applying the rules to a

practical horoscope. We shall prepare the Ashtakavarga
Table for the Sun in the horoscope given below.





Rasi Diagram










The first from Cancer, where the Sun is found, is Cancer

itself; the 2nd is Leo; the 4th Libra; the 7th Capricorn ;
the 8th Aquarius; the9th Pisces; the 10th Aries; and the
11th Taurus. So when the Sun passes through these signs,
be will produce beneficial results and accordingly in the Sun’s
Ashtakavarga Table mark a small zero (0) in each of these
places and a line (—) in the rest of the houses.

Similarly, prepare diagrams for the Sun with reference

to the remaining planets and the Ascendant, and get eight
tables for each planet likewise. N'w add together all the
zeros in the sign of Aries, in each diagram and we shall
obtain a figure representing the total number of bindus in
Aries due to the position of the Sun with reference to all


Hindu Predictive Astrology

1 0

No. 1


with reference
to the Sun

No 2

iThe Ashtakavarga

' for the Sun with

reference to Mars


• 0

planets and similarly the total 'zeros and lines in Taurus,

Gemini, etc., can be found out. In other words, this gives
us the total Ashtakavarga of the Sun.

The Sun's Ashtakavarga as a whole stands as per

Diagram No. 3.

This diagram indicates that while the Sun passes through

Aries, for instance, the auspicious effects will be S/8 and the
malefic effects 3/8. In other words, he produces benefic
effects to the extent of 5/8 —3/8-2/8 or 1/4. Similarly,
when he passes through Taurus he produces S/8 — 3/8 2/8 or
1/4 beneficial results without any malefic effects. The same
thing holds good with reference to other places.

The Upachaya houses for this horoscope are Aries, Cancer,

Scorpio and Sagittarius.

In the Ashtakavarga of the Sun given in the next page,

when the Sun transits over these Upachaya houses, viz., Aries,
Cancer, etc., he produces beneficial results fully and not to
the extent of 2/8 ; while transiting over Taurus (Apachaya
house) he produces malefic influences to the full extent.

The Ashtakavarga System


00000 *

00000 5

00000 5


... 3

- - - 3

. .-3
... 3

00000 5


... 3

No. 3



... 3

00000 5

... 3

000 3

000 3

000 3

000 3

00 2

... 5
... 5

... 5

* - - 6



We know the maximum number of benefic dots is 8 and

the circles represent beneficial units while lines represent
malefic units. We can omit inserting malefic units in the
tables and instead mark benefic units alone, so that the
malefic units can be ascertained by deducting the benefics
From 8. The Sun's Ashtakavarga as given in Diagram No. 3
can also be put as in No. 4.

No. 4

These numbers
as stated above
indicate benefic
units in Sun's




Hindu Predictive Astrology

9. The table prepared for each planet containing benefic

dots must be subjected to two reductions, viz., Trikona
reduction and Ekadhipathya reduction.

Trikona Reductions

The triangular or Trikona signs are Aries and the signs

forming an equilateral triangle with it, viz., Leo and Sagit¬
tarius ; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn ; Gemini and signs forming
an equilateral triangle with it; and Cancer, Scorpio and

*10. When similar figures, rather the same number of

beneficial dots, are not found in the triangular signs, then
subtract the least of the three figures from the other two and
retain the remainders.

11. No such elimination is necessary provided, no figure

is found in one of the three signs.

12. In the absence of figures in two of the three

triangular signs, the figures in the third must also be
13. If there are similar or equal figures in each of three
signs, all the figures must be removed.

We shall apply this reduction to the Asht^Kavarga table

of the Sun obtained above.

The number in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius—the triangular

signs of Aries—are 5, 3 and 3 respectively. According to
rule (10), subtract 3 (the least of the 3 figures) from each

* Id the matter of Trikona Sodahana (Triangular Reduction) there

are'two distinct views. According to one interpretation, when figures
in the'three triangular signs are not alike, then the least of the three
figures is to be subtracted from the figure in each of the other two of the
triangular group. According to another interpretation, the figures in the
triangular group are to be altered so as to be equal to the least number;
we have adopted the former, for reasons we have dealt with in our book
on Ashtakavarga.

The Ashtakavarga System


and the resultant numbers will be 2, 0, 0. The numbers in

the triangular signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are
S, 2, 5. Applying the same rule, we get after reduction
3, 0, 3. In Gemini, Libra and Aquarius we get 0, 0, 2. In
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces we get 3, 0, 2. The Ashtaka¬
varga of the Sun after this Trikona reduction stands thus

No. 5

Ashtakavarga of
the Sun after
first reduction

Ekadhipatya Redaction

After the Trikona reduction, the Ekadhipatya reduction

must be applied. Ekadhipatya means ownership of two
houses. Ekadhipatya signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

14. No reduction is necessary if there are planets in both

the houses owned by a planet.

15. Out of the two houses of a planet, one of which is

occupied and the other not, (a) if the number in the former
is smaller than that in the latter, then make the latter equal
to the former; ( b ) if the number in the former be greater
than that in the latter, eliminate the latter; and (e) if the
figures in the two are equal, remove the figures in the latter.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

16. If both the signs of a planet are not occupied, and

if the figures in the two houses are equal, eliminate both ;
if the numbers are not equal, reduce the larger to be equal
to the smaller figure.

17. Do not effect any reduction if there is no figure in

one of the two houses.

18. Cancer and Leo are not subject to this reduction as

they are not Ekadhipatya Rasis.

We shall now apply this Ekadhipatya reduction to the

Sun\ Ashtakavarga obtained after Trikona reduction.

Out of Aries and Scorpio which are ruled by Mars,

Ariet is unoccupied and Scorpio occupied. The numbers in
them (Fig. 5) are 2 and 0 respectively. According to Rule
17. no reduction is to be applied- We shall lake Taurus and
Libra, the houses of Venus: Taurus is occupicJ and Libra
vacant, the figures in them arc 3 and 0. According to Rule
17, these do not require any reduction. C oming to Gemini
and Virgo, the houses of Mercury, we find both are un¬
occupied (let alone Ketu in Virgo, a shadowy planet) and
in them the figures arc 0 and 0. As such, no reduction can
be applied to these. Coming to Jupiter’s houses—Pisces
and Sagittarius—both are unoccupied (leaving Rahu) and the
figures, there, are 2 and 0. Rule 17 applies to this and
accordingly no reduction is necessary. Out of Aquarius and
Capricorn, both are unoccupied and the figures arc 2 and 3
respectively. Rule 16 applies to this and accordingly reduce
3 the larger figure equal to the smaller figure 2 and we get 2
and 2 respectively. The numbers in Cancer and Leo, viz.,
3 and 0, require no reduction as they are not Ekadhipatya

After the second or Ekadhipatya reduction, the Sun’s

Ashtakavarga Table stands as given in next page.

Similarly for each planet, the Ashtakavarga Table must

be prepared. These seven separate Ashtakavargas are known

The Asbukavarga System


at Bhinnashtakavargas meaning broken ones, i.e., relating

to each individual planet.

2 ! 3


No. 6


after I & II

In the illustrated horoscope, the following would be the

Ashtakavarga Tables for each planet before and after reduc¬
tion. The use of the tables “before reduction’* will be dealt
with later on, while now we shall confine ourselves to the
explanation of the uses of the Ashtakavaiga Tables “after
reduction.” The tables given in next page.

Use of Ashtakavarga Tables “After Reduction’'

Sun’s Ashtakavarga

19. No auspicious work must be undertaken or

commenced when the Sun transits over signs where there are
no biodus or figures in his own Ashtakavarga.
20. During such times as the Sun transits over signs
containing no bindus (marks), the person suffers from
unexpected diseases, misunderstandings and quarrels.

21. Multiply the total of the figures of the Sun’s

Ashtakavarga arrived at after all the reductions by the figure
in the 9tb sign from the Sun in his own Ashtakavarga and


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Ashtakavarga Tables Before and After Reduction

bun Moon Mars Mer. Jup. Venus Sat. Total


DC. o?
CP <












PC 0c

cci <


... 5

29 6


... 5


33 13


- 3

33 6

... 6

28 12



23 2


27 7


-. 3

28 3



24 8


... 3

30 8


- 5


25 -«


- 5


26 4


... 5

31 8

Total — 48/14 49/1? 39/1 M/15 56/10 52/11 39/18 337 81

Notes— B. R. means marks Before Reduction.

A. R. means marks After Reduction.

divide the product by 27. Note the constellation that is

arrived at by counting the remainder from Aswini. When
Saturn passes through this constellation or its triangular ones,
the death of the person's father or paternal uncle must be
predicted in such a constellation if the particular Dasa is
inclined to clfect maraka (death) to the respective parties.
Taking the illustration : The total of the Sun's Ashtaka¬
varga will be 14. This multiplied by the figure in the 9th
from the Sun, i\e., 2 in Pisces, we get 14x2*28. This
product, divided by 27, yields 1 as remainder. So in this
case, first constellation from Aswini must be counted. This
will be Aswini itself. When Satur n transits over Aswini,
Makha or Moola, t he deat h of t heTatHeir or the pa ternal
uncle occurs, provided such a period indicates death to him.

The Ashtakavarga System


22. Multiply the total figure by the figure in the 8th

house from the Sun in his Ashtakavarga. The remainder
obtained by dividing this product by 12 t when counted from
Aries, gives the sign through which or through one of its
triangular signs, when the Sun passes, the native dies if
that is his mar aka period.

The total of the Sun’s Ashtakavarga after all reductions

made is 14. This multiplied by 2, the figure in the 8th from
the Sun in his Ashtakavarga, gives 28. This divided by 12
gives 4 as the remainder. So we have to take, that when
the Sun passes through Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces he will
die, in case the Dasa period also indicates the same.

23. Add together the figures in Arirs, Leo and Sagit¬

tarius; in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; in Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius; and in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See
which of these totals is the largest and ascertain the dik or
direction indicated by that set of triangular signs. The person
will have success in such a direction.

In the above-given horoscope, the figures in Aries, Leo

and Sagittarius~ 2 ; Taurus and its set of triangles -5;
Gemini and its set = 2 ; Concer and its set =■ 5. The greatest
figure is 5 represented by both Taurus and Cancer. Taurus
represents south and Cancer represents north. Therefore,
the person shines well in southern or northern countries to
his place of birth or the God or Deity he instals to worship
in his house will have been placed in one of these directions.
The Mood

24. Multiply the total of the figures by the bindus in

the 4th house from the Moon in the Ashtakavarga of the
Moon. Divide the product by 27. Ftnd out the constellation
obtained by counting the remainder from Aswini. When
Saturn passes through this or its triangular ones, the person
loseThis mother if fhe period is^unTavourable^to her.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Total of the (A.R. 2) figures in the Moon’s Ashtakavarga

« 12. The A R. figure in the 4th house from the Moon in
her Ashtakavarga is 0; 12 x 0 is 0. So take Aswini; .when
Saturn passes through Aswi ni, Makha o r MooIa 7 the mother
dies [fjhe Dasa period also su pports this p eriod.

25. When the Moon passes through signs in which there

are no figures (bindus), no a uspicious work should be

26. Direction or dik, found out according to Rul* 23,

in the Moon’s Ashtakavarga, gives the quar ter where the
person’s b ath -room will be situated in his house .

In the illustration, Aries and its set gets 3 ; Taurus and

its set 6; Gemini and its set 1 ; Cancer and its set 2. The
grea test figure i s 6 represented by Taurus which indicates
south so that the bath-room in the person’s house will be in
the southern quarter .


27. The quarter where the kitchen or the parlour is

situated in the native’s house can be ascertained by finding
the dik according to Rule 23 in the Ashtakavarga of Mars.

In the illustration, the 4 trines from Aries respectively

get 0, 0, 0 and I. Cancer gets 1 and the kitchen will be
towards the north indicated by Cancer.

28. When Saturn transits over signs in the Ashtakavarga

of Mars, containing no bindus, the native suffers from blood
diseases, and if Mars is powerful he may also die.


29. Saturn's transiting over signs without figures in

Mercury’s Ashtakavarga kills the native’s son.

30. The strong dik or direction locates the playground

in the person's house.

TIM Ashtakavarga System



31. The bindus in the 5tb house from Jupiter in his

Ashtakavarga when doubled give the number of sons of the

32. The treasure box in the house of a person can be

located with reference to the strongest direction obtained as
per Rule 23.

33. The number of children meeting early death will be

the number of planets occupying signs like debilitation and
inimical places.

v 34. Coitus done in the signs containing the greatest

number of bindus or figures in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter
results in the birth of a child.


35. - Venus passing through signs containing the largest

figure in his own Ashtakavarga gives happiness, marriage,
lands and wealth.

36. The dik or the point of compass found as before

gives the direction of the bed-room.

In the illustrated horoscope given above. Cancer and its

set get 5 bindus and as such the bed-room of the native lies
in the northern direction (indicated by Cancer) of his house.

37. When Saturn transits over a sign devoid of any

bindus in his own Ashtakavarga, the native suffers death or

38. When the Sun and the Moon pass through signs in
the Ashtakavarga of Saturn, containing the least number of
marks, the death of the person occurs if that year is fatal to

' the native.



Hindu Predictive Astrology

39. The dik or the compass, obtained as before, points

out the direction where the sweepings are gathered.

40. Add together the B.R. biodus in the Ashtakavarga

of Saturn from the Ascendant to the sign where Saturn is
and from the sign where Saturn is to the Ascendant. These
two totals will indicate the years in which the native suffers
illoess or diseases or miseries. These two totals added
together give the year in which the person dies.


Sarvashtakavarga meant the Ashtakavarga of all the

planets considered together. So far we have considered the
Bhinnashtakavarga , /.*., the Ashtakavarga of each individual
planet and that too after each has been subjected to two
kinds of reductions.

We shall now dispense with the Ashtakavarga Table

obtained after reductions and pitch our attention upon the
Ashtakavarga Table obtained before reduction. To obtain
the Sarvashtakavarga, add together all the B.R. bindus in
each sign separately. For example, the figure in the sign Aries
of the Sarvashtakavarga will be the aggregate of the b*pdus
or the figures in the sign Aries in the several BhinnasHika-
vargas (individual Ashtakavarga Tables). Similarly, the t'tal
bindus in Taurus, Gemini, etc.* must be obtained.
As already stated above, the student must bear in mind
that this addition of bindus must be carried out before the
two reductions are applied.

We shall take the illustrated horoscope given at the

beginning of this chapter as an example.

Adding together all the bindus found in Aries in each

table given above (‘‘before reduction” figures), we get the
Sun’s Ashtakavarga 5, plus the Moon’s Ashtakavarga 4, plus
Mars* Ashtakavarga 3, plus Mercury’s 4, plus Jupiter’s 4,
plus Venus’ 5, plus Saturn’s 4-29 total, which is of course

AshtakSvarga Syttem


£e figure in Aries in the Sarvashtakavarga Table. After

continuing the same process for each sign, we get the
gfarvashtakavarga Table thus:


Sign Fig.


Fig •





Cancer 28




Jiurus 33







Oemini 33




is 30



The above-mentioned table can also be represented as

below which will be easier to understand.

This table will be useful in predicting some of the most

outstanding events concerned with the life of the native and
ttrthe determination of Ayurdaya or longevity. This is called
the Bindusodhana Ashtakavargayurdaya (longevity obtained
after searching the strength of the eight sources of energy
in a horoscope). I shall briefly outline this method for the
benefit of my readers.

















If the calculations are correctly done, it will be seen that

•he sum of all the figures in the Sarvashtakavarga will be


Hindu Predictive Astrology

always 337, this being the total of bindus of the sfeven

Bhinnashtakavargas. In the particular horoscope, we are
illustrating, the total comes to 337 ; so our calculations are

41. If there are more than 30 bindus in a sign, then

planets transiting over it produce happiness, wealth and
mental peace and prosperity, if the figure is between 23 and
30, no good will happen, nor will the result be evil effects;
if the bindus are less than 23, the results will be very bad.

42. Business enterprises, marriage ceremonies and other

auspicious festivities must be commenced when the rising
sign is one which contains the largest number of bindus in
the Sarvasbtakavarga Table

43. The general disposition of such houses or bhavas as

contain a great number of bindus will be favourable or
prosperous. The rule does not bold good with reference to
the 6th, the 8th and the 12th bouses.

44. The person will have gene ral happiness and prosperity
if the numbe/of bindus in the 11th house (representing gain
from the Ascendant) is greater than that in the 10th (represent¬
ing labour and karma) and if the number of bindus in the
12th (representing loss) is smaller than that in the 11th and
if the number of bindus in the Ascendant be greater than
that in the 12th.

In our illustrated horoscope, the 11th house is Sagittarius.

The number of bindus here is 30; that is greater than 24, the
number of bindus in the 10th, and 23 the number of bindus
in the 12th (Capricorn) is not smaller than 24, the number of
bindus in the 10th; but is equal to it. Nevertheless, the
native will be generally happy and will have more gains than

43. Whether a person will be happy in his cbildhobd,

youth or old age can be determined as follows. Add together
the bindus of the four signs from Cancer; and add together the

Tfce Ashukavarga System


Modus of tbe four signs fro m Sco rpio an d also add together
tEe bind us of the four signs from Pisces. Pisces to Gemini,
?Vnwr to Libra ind Scorpio to Aquarius denote childhood,
jguth and old age respectively. Of the three sections of the
life, whichever total is greatest, it indicates happiness and
prosperity during that period of life. If there a re three or more
malefic planets in any of these sections, the person will suffer
miseries in the part of life indicated by the particular division.

' In the illustrated horoscope, the childhood, youth and

old age sections get 126, 106 and 10S marks (bindus) respec¬
tively and accordingly the happy life of tbe person would be
during bis childhood; youth and old age will also be fairly
good and not bad.

46. The sum of bindus, obtained by adding those

contained in tbe bouses occupied by Saturn. Accendant and
Mars, gives the year in which the native suffers miseries and
diseases .

47- Add together the bindus in signs occupied by Rahu,

Mars and Saturn. The total will give the year m which the
dative receives serious injuries from weapons, enters battle¬
fields o r gets poisoned or wounded.

48. When the native would get a son, much wealth, etc.,
can be predicted by adding together the biodus of signs
occupied by benefic planets.

In all tbe above three instances, wherever the age obtained

eiceeds that obtained by considering maraka (death-inflicting)
pjianets or, wherever necessary, such figures must be reduced
by the subtraction of multiples of 12 and 27. |

These rules, applied to the horoscope we have considered,

will give the following results

The total of the figures of the sign occupied by Saturn,

Agceodunt and Mars is 33, 26 and 23-82. TTiis figure
ind i ca tes the age when tbe native suffers miseries or


Hindu Predictive Astrology

illness. Since the length of life of the person may not exceed
75 or 76, this figure must be subjected to a reduction. By
subtracting 5 times 12 we get 22. The native suffers illness
in his 22nd year. In tact he suite.ed seriously from malaria
for 15 days continuously. Miseries and diseases may also be
predicted for this person in bis 28th, 34th, 47th and 58th

The total bindus of the houses occupied by benefics is 47.

Subtracting twice 12 from this, we get 23 as the person's age
to get a soo or a start in life.

49. Multiply the total number of bindus of tbe Ashtaka-

varga of tbe planet who is the lord of the Asc endant, bindus
of the lord o f the 9th and bindus of the lord ot tne 4th by
bindus of the 8th house, 9th bouse and 4tn bouse respectively,
and in each case divide the product by 12. The remainder
gives the month from Aries in whic h the native, h is fathe r
and his mother respectively mav die. ——

In the illustrated horoscope, tbe lord of the 4th is Venus

and his marks or bindus are 52. This multiplied by 33, the
number of bindus in. tbe 4tb house in tht Sarvashtakavarga


gives 52x33 1716. This divided by 12 gives— jj— — 143.

When the remainder is 0 take Aries and the Sun will be in

this sign when the native’s mother dies.

50. The strongest dik or direction obtained must be

chosen for building houses, for travelling, etc., and the other
directions avoided. The four directions get 82, 85, 88 and
82 respectively and generally the native must choose West
(represented by Gemini) as beneficial to him.

Determination of Aynrdaya

Tbe Ayurdaya (longevity) is thus determined with the aid

of Ashtakavarga bindus. There are several methods to find

Afhtakaverge System

oitt Ayurdaya on the basis of Ashtakavarga, but I shall
explain the most common one.

( Now again we must divert our attention to Bhinnasktaka-

itarga Tables of all the seven planets, “after reduction’’ and
.forget for the present the same tables “before reduction’’.

51. The essentials to be considered in the determination

of Ayurdaya are (1) Rasi Gunakara and (2) Graha Gunakara.

Rasi Gnoakara

These are the zodiacal factors or multipliers of the A.R.

bindus in the signs. The figures or bindus left, after the
two reductions are applied, in the several signs from Aries
In the Ashtakavarga of each planet, must be multiplied by
-{heir respective zodiacal factors. All the 12 products must
be added together.

The Rasi Gunakara (zodiacal factors) are as follows:—

Aries 7, Taurus 10, Gemini 8, Cancer 4, Leo 10, Virgo 5,
Libra 7, Scorpio 8, Sagittarius 9, Capricorn 5, Aquarius II,

r l Pisces 12. This is constant for all horoscopes. We

II reproduce the Ashtakavarga of the Sun for ready


Ashtaka vurga

after 1 A II



Hindu Predictive Astrology |

Apply the above rules to the Sun.

Aries 2 (No. of bindus in it) x 7 (Zodiacal factor) = 14





= 30





= 0




= 12





= 0







= 0




= 0




= 0




= 10





= 22





= 24

The sum of the figures 112

Sum = 112.

Applying the same rules to each of the seven planets we


Moon 104; Mars 8 ; Mercury 132: Jupiter 85 ; Venus 81

and Saturn 118.

Keep these figures on one side and consider the other


Graha Gnnakara

These are planetary factors or multipliers of the figures

of the planets. Multiply the several A.R. figures in the signs
occupied by the various planets by the figures of the planetary
factors and add the seven products together.

The Graha Gmakara (planetary factors) are:

Sun 5. Moon 5, Mars 8, Mercury 5. Jupiter 10, Venus 7

and Saturn 5.

In the example horoscope, the Sun is in Cancer; Moon

and Saturn in Taurus; Mercury, Venus and Mars in Leo;
and Jupiter in Scorpio. Considering the Ashtalcavarga

The Ashtakavarga System


Table of the Sun (page 199) there are 3 bindus in Cancer (the
place of the Sud). Multiply thir by the Sun’s planetary
factor 5. We get 5 x 3- 15 ; take the Moon ; she is in Taurus;
there are 3 bindus in Taurus in the Sun’s Ashtakavarga;
multiply this 3 by the planetary factor of the Moon, viz., 3.
We get 5 x 3 = 15. When we apply the same rule to the rest of
the signs containing bindus we get:

Sun-Cancer 3 (No. of bindus) x 5 (Planetary factor) -15

Moon-Taurus 3


x 5


= 15

Mars-Leo 0


x 8


- 0
Mercury 0


x . 5


= 0

Jup.-Scorpio 0


x 10


- 0

Venus-Leo 0


x 7


- 0

Saturn-Taurus 3


x 5


= 15

Total 45

The total of these will be 45 and

this number

is derived from
the Sun’s Ashtakavarga; similarly, ascertained for the
Ashtakavarga of other planets, we get:

Sun 45; Moon 60; Mars 10; Mercury 80; Jupiter 50;
Venus 15 and Saturn 50.

Add together the Rasi figures and Graha figures so

obtained for each planet; multiply the result by 7 and divide
the product by 27. The quotient gives the years of Ayurdaya
the particular planet denotes. The remainder must be
reduced to months and days.

We shall take the Sun in our example horoscope. The

sign total is 112 and the planet total is 45, i.e., 112
plus 45 - 157. This multiplied by 7 and divided by 27

gives - ^27 ~ ~ ~ years. Since this number exceeds 27,

deduct 27 or a multiple of 27. Deducting 27 we get 13.70

years as the term of life granted by the Sun.

202 Hindu Predictive Attrology

Wc get the following terms with reference to other














24 88



(Fractions are omitted for the sake of convenience.)

These years are subject to reduction or haranas on account

of their conjunctions with or aspects of other planets.

52. If there is more than one planet in a sign, reduce its

term of life by one-half.

53. If a planet is debilitated, deduct one-half.

54. For a planet in Astangata (combustion), deduct one-

half. Combustion occurs when the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are 12 deg, 17 deg., 14 deg..
11 deg., 10 deg. and 16 deg. respectively from the Sun back¬
wards or forwards; when retrograde, combustion occurs
wheo Mars, Mercury and Venus are 8 deg., 12 deg., and 8
deg. respectively.

55. If a planet is in its Tatkalika salru's Rasi (temporary

enemy's house), its term of life must be reduced by one-third.
(See page 21 for Tatkalika satrus.)

56. Plaoets above the horizon (12th, llth, iOtb, 9th,

8 th and 7th bhavas) lose one-half of their Ayurdaya.

57. If a planet suffers defeat in Grahayuddha (planetary

fight), one-third Ayurdaya must be deducted.
58. If the Sun or Moon is of unusual appearance (as in
eclipse), deduct one-third Ayurdaya. When one and the same
planet is subjected to several reductions, only the highest
reduction should be made.

fhi Ashtakavarga System


According to the above rules, the Ayurdaya of all the

planets require to be halved excepting that of the Sun as be
it below the horizon and accordingly we get the following


— 13.70


— 7.76


- 2.33


— 0.48


— 4.00


— 12.44


— 8.27
Total 48.98

Multiply this sum of years by 334 and divide the product

by 36S, to convert Chandramana (lunar) years into Sowramana
(solar) years:

48 98

We get x 334 - 44.87 years as the longevity of the


In actual practice the Ashtakavarga system of predicting

longevity has not been found to yield satisfactory results.

But there are other systems, which must also be considered

and above all, the mar aka planets and their Dasas are of
vital importance.


Prasna Saatra or Horary Astrology

Horary Astrology deals exclusively with the answering of

questions in the light of planetary influences, relating to
important events in , the daily transactions of human life.
This branch indeed forms a most useful and prominent aspect
of astrological science inasmuch as it helps us to foretell the
occurrence of many important future events beforehand,
how and when such events will take place, what their exact
nature is whether or not they terminate favourably, who is
instrumental for them and how far such events are beneficial
or detrimental to the interests of the party concerned, without
reference to the birth chart.

Supposing a person wants to know whether his stolen

property can be regained or not, whether an individual
suffering seriously recovers from bis illness or not. whether
it would be profitable to invest money in any business transac¬
tion, whether a man would be successful in any speculations,
whether the lands he is planning to purchase would bring
him luck and whether, in fact, so many everyday human
events would be beneficial or not, then all these can success¬
fully be answered with the aid of Horary Astrology. The
predictions based on its principles seldom go wrong unless
the very foundation is shaky.
If any obstacles are thrown on the way of success jn any
undertaking or enterprise, by ascertaining these beforehand by
means of Horary Astrology, we can resort to remedies to

fur* Sxtrm or Horary Astrology


minimise or completely overcome such evils, tod augment

the good, so that the future way for one’s progress and
prosperity may be smoothened.

In the case of Prasna or Horary Astrology, first ascertain

the exact time at which a question or query is put and for
that time mark the positions of planets and the Ascendant
andjdetermine the balance of the Dasa and Bhukti. Mark
also the Navamsa diagram. In fact construct a map of the
heavens for the question time just as you would do for birth
time. A number of typical questions are also given in my
Astrology for Beginners.

This Ascendant is called the Prasna Lagna or the rising

sign at the time of the question.

1. The success and failure in any undertaking, such as

starting of business, examination results, etc., should be
predicted with reference to the Prasna Lagna. The object of
the querist will succeed if a beneficial sign rises and joins a
favourable navamsa, or if the rising sign be in a Sirshodaya
Rasi. If the beneficial rising sign is aspected by malefics
and its lord has also a similar position the querist will succeed
after some effort.

Whether a particular query refers to minerals, vegetables

or animals must be first ascertained as per rules given below
and then, its success or failure prognosticated.

2. If, at the rime of a query, the rising sign be 1st, 4th

and 7th; 2nd, 5th and 8th ; and 3rd, 6th and 9th navamsas,
the question refers to minerals, vegetables and animals
respectively in an odd sign, and in an even sign, the reverse
holds good.

3. If, at the time of query, Saturn is found in an odd

sign from the Prasna Lagna, the woman will have a male
child, and if Saturn occupies an even sign, a female child
will be born. If male planets occupy masculine Shadvargas


Hindu Predictive Astrology

a male child will be born; if male planets are in female

Shadvargas a female child will be born.

4. If Saturn is in the 7th house, the querist will be

married within 3 months from the date of question. If the
Moon in 3, 3, 6, 7 or 11 is aspectcd by Jupiter, the Sun and
Mercury, and ifbenefics occupy quadrants or trines, the
querist will have marriage very early.

3. If at the time of query it is found that the Sdn,

Venus or Mars joins the 7th house, it means the querist has
committed adultery with another man’s wife. Jupiter in the
7th indicates bis own wife, Mercury, a prostitute, and Saturn
a very low-caste woman.

6. Predict the safe return of the person gone to foreign

lands, if the query refers to this point, if there is any planet
retrograde between the 8tb bouse and the Ascendant.

7. If a query refers to the advent of enemies in a war

or otherwise, such enemies would retreat, even if they have
come some distance, should be predicted when the 4th, 3th
and 6th houses from the Prasna Lagna are occupied by evil
planets. The enemy even if he has come for an attack would
return back within that period (in months) obtained by
reckoning from the Prasna Lagna to the planet fully possessed
of strength. If such a powerful planet falls in a fixed sign,
double the number of months, if be occupies a common sign,
treble the number of months.

Say at the time of a query Cancer rises and Jupiter

possessed of full strength is in the 8th, viz., Aquarius. Count
from Cancer to Aquarius. This is 8. Since Aquarius is a
fixed sign, double 8, you will get 16. That is, if this query
relates to any war, the enemy would return within 16 months
or peace efforts would be successful within 16 months from
date of the commencement of regular hostilities.

8. Success io speculation, etc., should be predicted when

benfcfics are in 3, 3, 7 aod 11 and losses when malefics are

prasoa Sastra or Horary Astrology


in these signs. If the Ascendant is Gemini, Virgo, Libra or

Aquarius with benefics in it, success would invariably follow.

9. Recovery from any illness should be predicted if

benefics are in Prasna Lagna, 5th, 8th and 7th houses and
have auspicious aspects and the Moon is in the 3rd, 6th,
10th or 11th.

10. Predict the safe return of a person from his travels

if there are planets in the 6th or 7th, Jupiter in a quadrant
and Mercury or Venus in a trine at the time of question.

Find out the nearest planet to Prasna Lagna and multiply

the number by 12. The product will indicate the number of
days within which the traveller returns to his native land.
If the nearest planet is in retrograde motion, be will start
to return after that number of days.

11. If a powerful benefic occupies the llth house from

the Prasna Lagna or if the Full Moon occupies it aspected
by Jupiter or Venus, predict speedy recovery of the lost
property, when a question relates to this subject If such a
Prasna Lagna falls in a fixed sign, or in a fixed navamsa,
the article will have been stolen by a near relative of the

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd drekkanas of the Prasna Lagna

indicate the verandah, the central hall or the backyard of the
house of the thief where the stolen thing was deposited.

The particular direction, towards which a stolen article

is removed, can be ascertained either by the Prasna Lagna
itself or by the most powerful of the planets found in
quadrants at the time of query ; when there are no planets
in the quadrants, then have recourse to the Ascendant itself.

In the case of planets, the directions will be as follows : —

Sun—East; Venus—S.-E.; Mars—South ; Rahu—S.-W.;
Saturn—West; tbe Moon—N.-W.; Mercury—North ; Jupiter
In tbe case of signs, the directions will be Aries—East;
0*6 Sbs&O M

|: S s E i-e

^iS« 5 ,-N ^*40 V«^sHE^r»SB x c MS

208 Hindu Predictive Astrology

Leo aod Sagittarius—S.-E.; Taurus—South ; Virgo and

Capricorn—S.-W.; Gemini—West ; Libra and Aquarius* -
N.-W,; Cancer—North ; Scorpio and Pisces—N.-E.

12. Find out the Navamsa of the Prasna Lagna ; if it is

after the 5th in that sign, then find out its number from the
5th and ascribe 9 times as many miles to it as that number
denotes. If the navamsa falls within 5. then the stolen article
will be some where near the precincts of the querist's place.

Say the Prasna Lagna is in the 7th navamsa, i.e., it is the

3rd from the Sth so that 3 navamsas are passed from the
5th. At 9 miles per navamsa, it will be 27 for 3 and as such,
the stolen article will have been removed to about 27 miles
away from the place of the questioner.

13- Predict the nature of the article stolen by considering

the navamsa of the rising sign, the nature of the thief by the
drekkana and age and caste of the thief by the lord of the

Say for instance the Prasna Lagna falls in Aries, the

navamsa in Cancer and drekkana in Leo. It is a sign of short
ascension and the article will be a short one; the lord ol
the navamsa is the Moon apd say he is very powerfully
situated. Then the article will be a valuable one. As the
drekkana is Leo, the 2nd in Arles, the person involved in the
theft will be a man, dark in complexion, fearful in look, red
eyes and armed. (The characteristics of other drekkanas are
given in the last chapter.)

14. In the rainy season predict early rain when Saturn

and Venus occupy the 7th bouse from the Sun and the Moon
respectively and if Saturn and Venus are in the 4th and the
8th from the Prasna Lagna.

An Example of Marriage Question

Illustration .—Mr.puts the query: “Will I marry

or not?" The following are the combinations of planets for the

question tiine:—

9 *.

fntn* Sutra or Horary Astrology


ThePrasna Lagoa is Virgo; its lord is Mercury and he

is in Taurus. The query is about marriage and the lord of
marriage is the lord of the 7th from the Ascendant and he is
Jupiter—Jupiter is in 20° Cancer. Thus the lords of the
Ascendant and the 7th house are Mercury and Jupiter
respectively and Venus is in conjunction with Mercury. The
lord of the Lagna is in conjunction with Venus who Is in









his own sign and thus Venus is well placed* and Jupiter also
well placed. The prediction must be given 4bat the querist
will get married early, the bride will be fair and her introduc¬
tion would be through a pious and religious man as Jupiter
is the lord of the 7th. The subject of Prasna has been dealt
with exhaustively with examples in my English translation of
Prasna Tantra.


Unknown Birth Times

The birth data of many people will not have been recorded
properly. In many a case, even the date of birth will be
unknown* In such cases it is possible to find out, rather
create, a horoscope on the basis of certain fundamental

One should not run away with the idea that the principles
enunciated herein are conclusive. An attempt is made in
the following pages to give the reader an idea of the methods
recommended by ancient Hindu astrological writers for
erecting horoscopes of persons whose birth dates are not
known. And these methods merit further research and
investigation by serious students of astrology. It is hoped
that workers in this field will continue investigations and
carry views herein outlined to a more extended issue since
this work is intended to merely lay down general principles.

The rules involved are laborious and take away the

patience of the reader. I have given only one important
process and have illustrated the same with an example so
that the reader may not find it difficult to understand these
principles clearly.

The astrologer, as soon as a person, who will not have

recollection of his birth date or time, comes to him for
consultation, must record the exact time, the direction and
other details of his coming and find out the exact positions
of planets and the bhavas for that time; or the time at which

Unknown Birth Time*


• person begins to write a letter to the astrologer for knowing

bis future, must be considered, in case of long distance and
n map cast for that time- It must be remembered that this
lime indicates the birth of the mind in.the person as he is
prompted to approach an astrologer. Sometimes this would
be more genuine than the birth time itself. Birth means the
lurth of the mind and not merely the body ; similarly the very
inclination to know the future, raised in the mind of a man,
is given expression to, not at any chosen moment but at
random—rather in a sudden manner.

1. When the time of impregnation or birth is not known,

cast a horoscope for the time of query of the person and
make out the birth chart from the rising sign at the time of
query. If the Prasna Lagna (Ascendant at question time)
be the first half of the Ascendant, the birth of the querist will
have occurred in Uttarayana (Sun’s northerly course); if it
be the other half, the birth will have occurred in Dakshina*
yana (Sun’s southernly course).

2. If the rising Dwadasamsa at the question time is the

1st, 2nd, etc., the sign occupied by Jupiter at the time of
birth will be the 1 st, 2nd, etc., respectively from the Prasna

By knowing the position of Jupiter, fix the age of the

person. Jupiter takes roughly 12 years to go round the
heavens. If we koow the number of circuits passed by
Jupi ter from the time of birth, the age of the person can be.
determined. In many an instance the cycle of Jupiter cannot
be easily determined and in such cases, find out the number
of cycle from the part of the body touched by the querist.
Here the maximum life is taken to be 120 yeara and this is
divided by 12 (the number of years Jupiter takes for one
cycle) so that we get 10 years corresponding to the following
divisions of the human body:


Hindu Predictive Aitrotogy

1. Feet and ankles.

2. Knees, buttocks and shanks.

3. Thighs and sexual organ.

4. The loins and the navel.

5. Belly.

6. The chest and breast-

7. Shoulders.

8. Neck and lips.

9. Eyes and brows.

10. Forehead and the head.

Say the Prasna Lagna is in Cancer and the 4th Dwadas-

amsa rises. Then Jupiter will be in Libra at the birth of the
querist. The number of Jupiter cycles must be determined.
Suppose the things are touched by the querist, then it means
that Jupiter is in the third round. So the age of the person
should be taken to be 12x2 r24/>/i« the number of years
taken by Jupiter to move from the sign occupied by him at
the question time, viz., 3 in this particular instance. That
is, the age of the querist is 24 plus 3 = 27 years.

3. The Ruthu (season), the querist was born in, should

be determined with reference to the ruler of the drekkana
rising on the Prasna Lagna or by the planet occupying the
first house, preference being given always to the strongest of
the two. If the drekkana of the Sun rises or if the Sun
occupies the Prasna Lagua, the Ruthu (see page 42) will be
Greesbma; if Venus drekkana rises or Venus is in Prasna
Lagna—Vasantha; if Mars—Greesbma; if the Moon—
Varsha; if Mercury—Sarat; if Jupiter—Hemantha; and if
Saturn—Sisira, if the Ruthu (season) so obtained does not
agree with the Ay an a (cycle), then change the Moon, Mercury
and Jupiter for Venus, Mars and Saturn respectively. Divide
the rising drekkana into two equal parts and if the first
division is rising, ascribe the first month of the Ruthu, and

Unknown Birth Tinea


if second, the second month as the month of the birth of the


Each sign contains 1.800 minutes of arc and each

drekkana 600 minutes. We have ascribed 2 months to each
drekkana and 1 month to one half so that 1 month is repre¬
sented by 300 minutes (of zodiacal space). Therefore each
day get 300/30-10 minutes of arc and the particular day of
the birth must be determined by the rising minute of the
Prasna Lagna.

4. The lunar day of birth of the querist is represented

by the number of degrees passed over by the Sun in any
particular sign at the time of question.

5. The nocturnal or the diurnal nature of the Prasna

Lagna reveals the birth of the querist during the day or
during the night respectively.

6. The degress rising on the Prasna Ascendant indicate

the ghatikas of birth after sunrise or sunset as the case
may be-

7. The lunar months of birth can also be determined

from the navamsa occupied by the Moon at the time of
u'query : or the birth time of the querist will be the Prasna
Lagna, or the 5th or the 9th from it, whichever is most

- 8- The safest thing in such doubtful cases would be to

<ask the querist to touch some part of his body and the Moon
will occupy the sign typifying the part of the body so touched
jjjjTthe querist of his ow n a ccords If the querist touches his
head, face, chest, heart, belly, sexual organ, thighs, knees
buttocks and feet, the Moon’s position will be in Aries,
Taurus, etc., respectively, Pisces corresponding to the feet.

■j 9. If the Moon is in Pisces at the time of query, she

' will be in the same sign at the birth time of the querist.
Some say that if the Moon is not in Pisces at the question

Hindu Predictive Astrology

time, then the will. be in that sign which is equal to the

number of signs gained by her from the Prasna Lagna.

Let ns suppose that a person, who does not know his

birth data, puts a query on 12-4-1937 at about 16-44 gbatis
after sunrise at Bangalore. The positions of planets at the
time of question are shown in the chart given below.

29* 50'





Query on
at 16-44 f ha tis

9° 54'




Then we find according to the above rules that (a) the

query is put in the first half of the Ascendant and hence the
birth of the querist will have occurred in Uttarayana. (6)
The Prasna Lagna falls in the 4th dwadasamsa, the sign
occupied by Jupiter at birth will be the 4th from the Prasna
Lagna, i.e., Libra, (c) The querist touched his thighs and.
therefore, Jupiter will be in the third cycle at the time of
query. He has completed 2 cycles or 24 years and has
passed 3 years in the 3rd cycle—from Libra (where Jupiter
is at birth) upto Capricorn (where Jupiter is at the time
time of query)—the age of the person at the time of
query will be 24 plus 3-27 years passed, (d) The ruler of
the drekkana of the Prasna Lagna is the Moon (1st drekkana)


ppkaown Birth Time*

nd beoct the birth should have occurred in Varsharuthu

(Sravana-Bhadrapada). Since this Ruthu does not agree with
the Ayana, the Ruthu of the alternative planet, that is the
Ruthu of Venus (Vasantha), should be deemed as the Ruthu
of the birth, (e) The rising drekkana is first (9® 54* having
passed in it) and if it is divided into two equal divisions,
each gets 5°. The Prasna Lagna is within the second 5° of
this drekkana so that the birth has occurred in the second
month of the Ruthu, viz., Vaisakha (April-May). (/) The
number of minutes passed in the latter half of rising drekkana
is 2$4’ (4° 54'); each day gets 10 minutes and as such 294'
•94 4

«« -jj-M -jq~, i.e., 29 days have passed and a portion of

the 30th. Therefore, birthday must be the 30th day of lunar

month Vaisakha. (g) The Sun is in 29 50* Pisces and there¬
fore lunar day at birth must be the 30th day (New Moon day)
of the month of Vaisakha. ( h ) Cancer, the Prasna Lagna,
is a nocturnal sign. Therefore, the birth should have
occurred during the day. (/) The duration of day on the
birth date is 30-40 ghatis. Converting this into vigbatis
(1 ghati-60 vigbatis), we get gh. 30 x 60 plus 40= 1840
vighatis. The length of day or night of birth being known,
it is represented by the rising sign and the longitude of the
Ascendant, the exact proportion of the sign that has arisen
above the horizon. Here the length of day is 1840 vighatis
and the number of degrees that has already arisen above the

9 9

horizon is 9° 54' or 9° 9*. Therefore, we get x 1840 =607.2

vighatis or ghatis 10.12 after sunrise. That is, the birth of

the querist took place at 10.12 ghatis after sun rise on the
30th day of lunar month Vaisakha 27 years traced back from
the year of the question.

21 «

Hindu Predictive Aitrotogy

Considerable research must be carried on in this branch

of astrology and then alone we shall be able to appreciate
how far these principles hold good in actual practice.These
rules were propounded by the ancient Mab'arishis, who were
master minds. Knowledge to them did not resolve itself to
mere observation and statistical study. They discovered
many a grand truth by intuition, a process which modern
science sadly lacks.


Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is a part of the grand celestial science

dealing with the several zodiacal, planetary and stellar
influences which affect the health, constitution, functions
and habits of life. In fact, Medicine is a branch of astro*
logy. This conclusion is clear on its very face. Configurations
of planets in the heavens in certain angular positions emanate
certain forces or energies, which, when they are not in
harmony with the energies of an individual, bring about
certain disturbances in his physical and mental dispositions.
To avert the evil influences of planets, the ancients contem¬
plated upon discovering remedies, and the science of Medicine
was gradually founded and developed in this manner.

Each sign of the zodiac represents a certain part of the

human body and the diseases peculiar to it and each planet
also indicates certain types of diseases. Disease and death
are due to the disturbances in the laws of proportion and
conjunction of natural forces emanating from the planets
and the times which these disturbances occur, can be
previously ascertained and adequate provision made to arrest
or minimise such evil influences.

The planetary positions at birth clearly indicate the nature

of the diseases one would suffer from, when and how they
would affect us and how best to alleviate them.

1. The twelve signs of the zodiac commencing from

Aries in general and from the Ascendant in particular govern


Hindu Predictive Astrology

the twelve important organs of the human body and in

addition to this, planets in one sign will affect organs governed
by the sign of the same element or constitution*





* *













Lower belly



Sexual organ


The two thighs


The two knees





In general, such signs as are occupied by evil planets

indicate want of development or deformity in the organs
they represent and those sign's which are occupied by bene¬
ficial planets indicate beauty and health to the organs repre¬
sented by them.

Each planet is given control over some humour (do ha)

causing disease and the type and seat of disease depend u|i In
the nature of the planet and the particular sign occupied by
it and the period of suffering is denoted by the Dasas and
Bhuktis of such a planet as shown below.



the face.


• *

the neck and throat.



upper arm and throat*


breast, epigastric region and



• t

back and forearm.


• t

hands and abdominal region.


lumbar region and loins.


Medical Astrology



external generative and

urinary organs and anus.


9 9


—jr Capricorn





legs and ankles.


♦ 9


Virgo, the 6th from Aries, is a mental sign and this must
always be considered dealing with the question of diseases.
Virgo means Virgin. Virgin is the male or female who has
had no sexual connection and who is chaste, pure and un¬
adulterated. The health is perfectly maintained when all the
chemical constituents of the blood are present in normal
quantities. When they are adulterated, diseases set in.
Disease is the result of the virgin health being adulterated.
Therefore, when the sign Virgo is badly afflicted by the
vibrations of the malefic planets, the whole world must
suffer from ill-health, and diseases of some sort or the other
make their appearance and take away large tolls of life.
In the astrological nomenclature, Virgo is referred to as the
sign representing sickness. Mind has a tremendous influence
on health and when it is free from agonies and distractions,
the health also remains unimpaired. When the mind is
affected, the physical body also suffers. Virgo represents
that part of the Kalapurusha (zodiacal man) in which the
liver and the intestines are situated. The Sun, when he
enters Virgo every year, renders the public health suffer for
want of digestion and from intestinal troubles. The solar
plexus is the seat of feeling and sensation. It consists of a
group of twelve different ganglia and lies directly back of
the stomach. The twelve divisions of the solar plexus corres¬
pond with the twelve zodiacal divisions. The solar plexus
play an important part in man. In finding out the disease,
etc., Virgo alone must be first considered. Similarly the
6th house in any horoscope from the Ascendant rules the


Hindu Predictive Astrology

intestinal and digestive organs and since all troubles, more

or less, arise tvhen these organs become inactive, the sixth
sign in a horoscope operates as the sign of diseare. This is in
general and in particular horoscopes, the Ascendant repre¬
sents Aries and so on.

3. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery signs and control

the vitality of persons; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are
earthly signs and control bones and flesh; Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius are windy signs and they govern the breath;
and Cancer and its trines are watery signs and govern the
homan blood.

4. The following internal organs are governed by the

12 signs of the zodiac:
Aries or the Ascendant — Brain, nerve centres

Taurus or the second — Gullet, cerebellum

Getoini or the third — Lungs, breath, nerve fibres

Cancer or the fourth — Stomach

Leo or the fifth — Heart, blood and liver

Virgo or the sixth — Bowels, and solar plexus

Libra or the seventh — Kidneys.

Scorpio or the eighth — Excretory system and bladder

Sagittarius or the ninth — Arterial system

— Capricorn or the tenth — Bones and joints

Aquarius or the eleventh — Blood circulation, eyes and


Pisces or the twelfth — Lymphatic system

5. Head, face, heart, back, hips and thighs are fiery in

nature. Throat, bowels and neck are earthly. Lungs, kidneys
and blood are airy and stomach and digestive, excretory and
lymphatic systems are watery. The zodiacal signs named
above having these qualities also possess dominion on all these

6. The following anatomical structures are represented

by the different signs of the zodiac

Medical Astrolo gy


Acig. —Cranium, cerebrum, cerebellum, facial bones,

upper jaw, pituitary glands. Taurus^ - Cervical vertebrae, ears,
lower jaw, larynx, thyroid gland, oesophagus. Gemini .—
Humorous, clavicles,shoulders, capillaries, lungs and tracheae
scapula, upper ribs. Cancer. — Diaphragm, sternum, elbow
joint, epigastric region, thoracic duct, ribs in general. leg.—
Radius, ulna, spinal column, heart, spinal cord, vertebrae.
Virgo. — Carpus, alimentary canal, metacarpus, duodenum,
phalanges, abdomen. Libra^- Ovaries and seminal vesicles,
urilers and epidermis, lumbar vertebrae. Scorpio. — Pelvic
bones, testicles, rectum, sacrum and colon and bladder.
Sagittarius, —Femur, hips, sacral region. Capricorn. — Knee-
joint, hairs, nails and skeleton in general, patela. Aquarius .—
Fibula, bones and muscles of the feet and teeth, tibia, ankles,
astragalus. Pisces^ — Taurus blood circulation, meta-tarsus.

7. Diseases and signs :—

Aries. — Brain derangement, headache, fevers like ague,

malaria, sleeping sickness, apoplexy, insomnia, eye troubles,
pyorrhea. Taurus. —Obesity, absecesses, swellings in the neck,
goitre. Gemini. —Consumption, pneumonia, rheumatism,,
asthma. Cancer. — Dropsy, smallpox, flatulency, cancer. Leo.—
Digestive troubles, dyspepsia, diabetes, locomotor ataxia,
swoons, fainting. Virgo. —Constipation, masturbation,

arthritis, anus troubles, venereal complaints. Libra. —Bright’s

disease, lumbago, nephritis, renal, calculi. Scorpio. — Fistula,
ulcers, nervous troubles, haemorrhoids, rectal affection.
Sagittarius .— Gout, paralysis, sudden fits, troubles in the
hip. Capricorn^— Cutaneous troubles, leprosy, leucoderma,
tooth ache, elephantiasis. Aquarius. — Nervous diseases,
spasmodic eruptions. Pisces^ - consumption, tuberculosis,
mucous troubles and tumours.

It may be asked whether the ancient Hindus had any

knowledge of these diseases; if not, how could their ruler-
ship by the different signs and planets be ascribed ? In the


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Ayurvedic text-books a number of these diseases are elabo¬

rately dealt with. In many of the astrological works, in
giving combinations for the occurrence of different types of
diseases, the authors have hinted here and there the zodiacal
signs which have governance over them. Besides on the basis
of the examination of horoscope the information is collected.

8. Apart from the zodiacal influences, the seven planets

also possess dominion oves the different organs of the human
body, their peculiarities, constitution, etc.
The Sim. — Bile, heart, brain, head, eye and bone. The
Moon. — Breast, saliva, womb, water, blood and lymphatic
and glandular systems. A/arz.— Bile, ears, nose, forehead,
sinews, fibre and muscular tissues. Mercur v. —Abdomen.
tongue, lungs, bowels, nerve centres, bile and muscular
tissues. Phlegm, blood, thighs, kidneys, flesh and

fat and arterial system. Kewwj,— Ovaries, eyes, generative

system, water, semen and phlegm. Saturn- — Feet. ' wind,
acids, knees, marrow and secretive system.

9. Each planet rules over certain anatomical structures

in the human body and certain diseases also. This rulership
must be carefully considered.

The Sun. —Cerebellum, brain, blood, lungs, heart, stomach,

breasts, ovaries, seminal vesicles, diseases of the heart,
appendicitis, fistula, inflammatory complaints. The Moon.—
Pericardium, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestinal functions,
eye, alimentary canal, membrane—genito and urinary derange
ments, testicle, wind and colic, bronchial catarrab, dropsy,
tumours, insanity,'defective eyesight. Mars .— Muscular tissue,
muscles, carebral hemispheres—inflammation of the lungs,
heoemoptsis, haemorrhage from the lungs, spitting of blood,
consumption, hypertrophy, typhoid and enteric fever, infec¬
tious and contagious diseases. Mercury. —Nerves, breath,
air cells, sense perception, hair, tongue, mouth—nasal dis¬
orders, impediments of speech, brain and nervous disorders,

Medical Astrology


asthma, bronchitis, delirium, neurasthenia, headaches,

neuralgia, palpitation, worms, genito-urinary troubles.
Jupiter . — Arteries, veins, auricle and ventricle, the pleura,
ear, blood apoplexy, pleurisy, degeneration, piles, tumours,
diabetes. Venus — Kidneys, aorta, flesh, marrow, skin,
cheeks, complexion— suppression of urine, discharge from
eyes, cutaneous eruptions, throat diseases, digestive troubles,
venereal complaints. Saturn.— Spleen, upper stomach,
•odocardium, ribs, bones, hair, nails, cold, catarrab, diseases
incidental to exposure, rheumatism, consumption, bronchitis,
asthma, gout, constipation, Bright's disease.

Precautions in Predictions

10. The house of diseases is the sixth from the Ascendant.

The planets therein, the lord of the 6th, the aspects on the 6th
and the navamsa the lord of the 6th occupies, should all be
considered for predicting diseases. The planets in the 6th
house affect the particular part of the body governed by the
sign, and the diseases will be those that are indicated by its

11. Due attention must be paid to the Ascendant, and

the relationship between its lord and that of the 6tb. The
details given in the earlier chapters of this book about the
planetary and zodiacal peculiarities will be of immense use in
Medical Astrology.

12. The general build-up and strength of the physical

constitution must be ascertained with reference to the position
of the Sun and the mental peculiarities with reference to the
Moon. The Sun in the 6th aspected by Saturn is sure to
bring about loss of vitality by means of unnatural methods
like masturbation and sodomy.

13. Malefics in the 6th with no beneficial aspects cause

continuous illness. (Miss E. A. of New York has Mercury


Hindu Predictive Astrology

in the 6th with Saturn and Mars powerfully aspected by

Rahu—she suffered from continuous arthritis for more than
25 years.)

1 shall give below the combinations for some of the most

terrible diseases from which humanity has not claimed
immunity as yet—as it will not be possible to include in a
small chapter like this, information which relates to the
causation of each and every disease on earth.

14. Abdominal diseases, appendicitis, etc., are cau sed _by

the movemen ts of the Sun and the Moon in Vi rgo.

131 ThtTSun and the Moon in opposition and in con¬

junction with or aspected by Mars produce sudden accidents.

16. Enteric disorders and bowel disorders are brought

about by the Sun in the 6tb, aspected by Saturn. Diarrhoea
is caused by Jupiter in Virgo being afflicted.

17. Mars in Libra, afflicted by Venus and aspected by

Saturn, causes Bright’s disease.

18. If Mars and Venus aspect the Ascendant and if there

a>e evil planets in the 6th aspected by other evil planets, the
person suffers from chronic constipation.

19. If the Moon is afflicted by Saturn in Aries which

governs the pituitary body), and Mars also has influent over
the Moon, the person suffers from leprosy.

20. If Mars and Venus are in the 7th and are aspected by
malefics, the person suffers from inflammation in the testicles.

21. If t he Moon is in Cancer or Scorpio in Rasi or in

Navamsa~ahd is powerfully aspected b y ma lefics. the person
suffers from diseases in the anus.

' 2& Saturn and Mars in the 12th aqd the 2nd ; the Moon

in the Ascendant, the Sun in the 7tb, respectively, make the

native suffer from white leprosy.

23. If the Moon is in the 10th, Mars in the 7th and

Saturn in the 2nd from Qie Sun, the native becomes crippled.

Ifcdical Astrology

22 $

24. If the Moon is between Saturn and Mars and the

Sun is in Capricorn, the person suffers from asthma and

25. If the Sun and the Moon mutually exchange their

houses either in Rasi or in the Navamsa, the person suffers
from consumption.

26. If the Moon is in the Sth navamsa of Sagittarius, or

in the navamsas of Aries, Pisces, Capricorn and Cancer or in
any other signs and aspected by Saturn on Mars, the person
undoubtedly suffers from consumption.

27. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn are in the
6tb, the 8tb, the 2nd or the 12th respectively, the person
becomes blind owing to the excessive accumulation of the
humour represented by the strongest of these planets.

28. The malefic planets in the 3rd f Sth, 9th and lltb,
having no beneficial aspects, produce deafness and this will
be given rise to by the humour indicated by the strongest of
the planets placed in any of the above signs.

29. If the Moon, the Sun and Mars are in the 7th and
have no good aspects, the person suffers from toothache.

30. Weak Moon in the 12th with Satgirn will bring about
insanity to the native.

31. If Aries, Leo, Sco rpio, Capricor n o r Aqu arius

Jwcomes'Lagna and malefics aspect it oo werfullv^-lho native 's

head becomes baldT" ’

"* 321 If Saturn is in the 9th or in the 5th and is aspected

by malefics, the native suffers from innumerable diseases*

The reader must apply these principles to a number of

horoscopes and make a comparative study of the theoretical
rules and practical Medical Astrology.

Disease comes under sixth house and this has been

exhaustively dealt with in my book How to Judge a Horoscope.


Female Horoscopy*

Tbe combinations hitherto treated of in the previous

chapters are applicable to both the sexes but the information
given io this chapter is peculiar to the members of tbe female

For instaoce, there is puberty in girls which indicates that

they are fit for entering the state of motherhood. This is a
peculiar characteristic belonging to the feminine sex. The
importance of first menses has so much of physical, mental
and spiritual significance that it will be impossible to bring
them home unless we devote special attention to its study. So
many other things such as conception, delivery, etc., are
peculiar to the women.

Some of the ancient writers held that even though the

horoscopes of the women indicate any Raja Yogas—like
bestowing political power, etc., such yogas must be applied to
their husbands. Today the order has been rapidly changing.
Advocates of sex equality have been springing up like mush¬
rooms. They want to see that no barriers exist between the
males and the females, God knows for what purpose. Women
have been competing with men in all walks of life. The type
of equality, which we have been aiming at seems to be similar
to that which the West has realised already and for the results

* For further details refer to Slrl Jataka or Female Horoscopy by

Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao.


le Horoscopy

pf which it has begun to repent. In ancient India, the equality

«u of* different nature. History and tradition afford us any
pumber of instances which go to establish that the women
sever occupied an inferior place in Hindu families or in
Hindu society and that a sentiment of reverence and respect
had always been associated with their names. With the
advent of divorce, companionate marriage and other injurious
reforms, the entire fabric of home-life and domestic harmony
be threatened with complete destruction. Pure love is being
replaced by commercial love. And divorce courts are being
resorted to on flimsy grounds or pretexts for getting rid of
the husband 6r wife. A study of the Female Horoscopy will
be of immense interest in view of the rapid advancement
women have been making in all walks of life.

Important Combinations

1. From the rising sign at birth must be ascertained the

complexion, beauty of general appearance. Marital happiness
bust be consulted from the 8th. From the 7th house should
be predicted passions, husband's character, and her own
fortunes; pregnancy, issues, conception and abortion should
tb determined from the Sth house.

2. If the Ascendant or the Moon falls in the Trimsamsa

of Aries or Scorpio and if Mars is not well situated, the girl
becomes a prostitute before puberty. If the Ascendant falls
in the Trimsamsa of Venus, she becomes adulterous; if in
Jupiter—virtuous, modest and dignified; if in Mercury-
cunning ; if in Saturn —dependent and depraved.

3. If Venus and Saturn exchange their navamsas, the girl

becomes extremely passionate and gratifies her instincts by
unnatural methods.

4. If the 7th bhava falls in the navamsa of Mars, and has

(he aspect of Saturn, the girl possesses a diseased sexual


Hindu Predictive Astrology

organ. If the 7th house rises in a beneficial navamsa, she will

have well-proportioned sexual organ and loves her husband.

5. The woman becomes a widow soon after marriage if

Mars is in the 7th house with absolutely no beneficial aspects,
but having malefic aspects. The Sun in the 7th in a similar
position makes her to be neglected by her husband.

Beneficial Combinations (Raja Yogas)

6. If Jupiter is in the Ascendant, the Moon in tbe7tband

Venus in the 10th, the woman becomes the wife of a very rich
man, even if she is born in humble surroundings.

7. If Jupiter is well posited in the Shadvargas and is

powerfully aspected by the Moon, the woman’s husband will
get a responsible and lucrative position as minister or as an
equal to a king.

8. A woman will have great political power if the

quadrants are occupied by benefics and the 7th falls in a
masculine sign.

9. Mars in 3 or 6 and Saturn in auspicious Shadvargas

cause a very powerful Raja Yo«a.
10. A powerful Raja Yoga is caused if Gemini becomes
the Ascendant with waxing Moon there, the Sun in the 11th
and Mercury in the 10th.

11. If the Sun possessing beneficial Shadvargas occupies

the 3rd and Saturn be in the 6th, a powerful Raja Yoga is


12. Conjunction of the lords of the 7th and the 8tb in

the 8th with malefic aspects.

13- Lord of the 7th with Saturn and aspected by Mars.

14. Rahu aod the Moon in the 8th with evil aspects.

15. The Moon and Rahu in the 8tb and the lord of the
7th with Saturn aspected by Mars.



16. The conjunction of the lords of the 1st and the 8th in
12th and malefic aspects over the 8th.

17. The 7th house and its lord between two or more evil
planets without beneficial aspects.

First Menses and its Influence

This physical change in the constitution of a girl has a

tremendous influence over her entire future and a thorough
investigation into the results of planetary influences at the
time of the first menses is more essential,
ji As soon as puberty appears in a girl, cast a horoscope for
that time just like you would do if a birth time is given and
then study the various influences carefully.
' The ancient Maharishis appear to have made such wonder¬
ful researches in this branch of knowledge that they have been
able to trace the influence of weekdays, lunar days, constel¬
lations, etc., on the girl during the first menses.

18. If the first menses appear on a Sunday—the girl

suffers from diseases; Monday—good, noble and virtuous ;
Tuesday—miserable ; Wednesday—domestic harmony ;
Thursday—virtuous and chaste: Friday—obedient to husband;
and Saturday—vicious and bad tempered.

19. The following constellations are auspicious for first

menses : -Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Anuradha, Uttara,

Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Sravana, Moola, Revati,
Obanishta, Satabhisha, Aswini, Pushyami, Robini, and
Mrigasira. First menses is condemned in Pubba, Poorva-
shadha, Poorvabhadra, Bbarani and Aslesha. \

20. The following times are unfavourable for the

appearance of first menses in a girl :—Sunrise, sunset and
twilights; the days of solar entries into the first degree of the
sign; Full and New Moon days; times of eclipses; the 8th
and 14th days of the dark half of a lunar month ; the time


Hindu Predictive Astrology

when the Moon stands in the 8th bouse from the radix Moon
or that of her husband ; in constellations occupied by evil
planets; when halos are seen round the Sun and the Moon;
during the death times of nearest relatives; when abnormal
phenomena like the appearance of comets, etc., occur; when
the Sun moves in the constellations of Bharani, Krittika,
Aridra and Aslesha.

21. The signs of Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and

Capricorn forebode evil if first menses occur in them; the
rest are auspicious ones.

Proper remedies must be undertaken to avert the evil

influences of planets.

22. If the number of drops of menstrual fluid be one or

two, wealth and good enjoyment in life are indicated; other¬
wise the consequences will be baneful.

For fuller information on these points, I should refer my

readers to the excellent book Female Horoscopy by Prof.
B. Suryanarain Rao.


Mundane Astrology

Strictly speaking Mundane means anything that relates

to this material world but somehow, at least so far as
astrology is concerned, it is interpreted as meaning “state**
or “national** and Mundane Astrology meaos astrology of
the State or national astrology which helps us to predict the
general events in the different countries like wars, plagues,
pestilences, revolutions and incidents that directly affect a
State or the head of a State and consequently tel) upon the

So many calamities in this world could have been

prevented had only the different statesmen at the helms of
the various governments heeded to the warnings repeatedly
given by competent astrologers, regarding the occurrence of
nnbappy terrestrial events.

If a statesman knew when his country wouid be attacked,

he could either make such preparations as would enable him
to present a strong and united front to the enemy, or if he
loved peace could devise such plans and negotiations as would
bring about the desired honourable peace. In all these
important affairs, prevention is much better than cure. Why
should a relief propaganda be organised after a certain
catastrophe like plague, earthquake or floods has occurred
and then repent for the colossal loss of precious human lives
and properties. The loss could have been overcome if it had


Hindu Predictive Astrology

been previously ascertained when such dangerous phenomena

would visit us.
My publications World Prospects in 1939 and 1940 and
World Predictions for 1941 to 1945 and my innumerable
editorials in The Astrological Magazine deal with the
practical aspect of Mundane Astrology. Therein I have
made successful predictions about events and happenings that
were most improbable at the time the predictions were ventured
but which were realised subsequently. I have also discussed
several national horoscopes and a student of Mundane
Astrology will find, in the above books, a lot of data for
carrying on research work.

The effects of the planets over the affairs of nations are

found to be just as powerful as they are over the life of the
individual. Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao was noted for his
predictions of national events. Zadkiels I and 11 have made
remarkable predictions. I predicted the second world war
nearly one year in advance. Hitler's aggressive designs:
Mussolini's collaboration, France’s collapse in 1940; return
of the Negus to Abyssinia; Japan's Far-Eastern Policy;
Fates of Holland, Belgium, etc., German invasion of Russia ;
Mussolini's fall; Italy’s capitulation ; the invasion of Europe
by the Allies ; and the fall oT Hitler ; end of (he war, Indian
political developments, Gandhi's assassination. Khruschev's
fall, exit of Nkrumah, Chinese invasion of India, Nixon’s
fall, recent developments in India, etc.,—have all been
correctly foretold by me in my books and in the columns of
The Astrological Magazine. There is enough scientific
basis to warrant the study of Mundane Astrology by those
in control of a national government or to justify the introduc¬
tion into national affairs of a competent Astrological Bureau
to advise on future foreign entanglements. I admit that it
is too much to expect, in the present state of Mundane
A strology, for this Bureau to be always right, but if it could


D^dioe Astrology

give the Government enough insight into future complications

f^ith foreign powers, that would be worth untold millions
even if this supposed Bureau made only 60 per cent of correct

By repeated observation and the development of yoga

ftdya, the Maharishis were able to foresee all these clearly
and assign certain signs of the zodiac as representing or as
directly ruling certain parts of this world. Varaha Mihira
has given a list of countries governed by the signs and plaoets
in his Brihat Samhita and we have interpreted them in this
light of modern geographical distribution of countries.

Zodiacal Signs and Countries

Aries. —France, Switzerland, England, Denmark, Germany,

Lesser Poland, Syria, Burgandy—Naples, Verono, Capua,
Marseilles, Birmingham, Florence.

Taurus .—Greater Poland, Persia, Ireland, Asia Minor,

Georgia, part of Russia, Holland, Greek Archipelago—
Muntua, Leipzig, Dublin, St. Louis, Rhodes.

Gemini.— South-west ofEngland, U.S.A., Flanders, Lower

Egypt, Belgium, Sordinia, Wales, Tripoli—London, Versailles,
Melbourne, Plymouth, Brabant, San Francisco.

Cancer. — Holland. Scotland, New Zealand, Paraguay—

New York. Constantinople, Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, Venice,
Manchester, Genoa and Amsterdam.

Leo .— Italy. Sicily, part of France, Chaldea, Bohemia—

Damascus, Bristol, Bath, Conton and Philadelphia, Chicago
and Bombay.

Virgo .— India, Mesopotamia, Asiatic and European

Turkey, Brazil, Crete, Assyria. West Indies, Greece—Pjiris,
Lyons, Jerusalem and Los Angeles.

Libra. —Some part of India, Portugal, Livonia, Austria,

Alaska, Japan, Tibet— Sheffield, Lisbon, Frankfort, Antwerp,
Charleston, Vienna, Johannesberg.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Scorpio — Bavaria. Judea, Catalonia, Norway, Morocco—

Washington, Dover, Liverpool, Baltimore.

Sagittaiiu, — Spain. Arabia, Hungary, Madagascar—

Cologne, Rottenb'urg, Toledo, Sheffield.

Capricorn .—A part of India, Macedonia, Afghanistan,

Mexico, Greece, Saxony, Thrace—Brandenberg, Oxford,

Aquarius . —Sweden, some parts of Arabia, Russia,

Denmark, Lower Sudan, Abyssinia—Brighton, Hamburg and

Pisces .—Norm any. Portugal, Galicia. Egypt, Nubia,

Sahara—Alexandria, Lancaster, Ratisbon.

We have also an enumeration of the constellations that

govern the different countries and the planets and signs that
govern the different parts of a country in Varaha Mihira's
Brihat Samhita.

Houses in Mundane Astrology

The Lagna or the Ascendant of a country will be the

particular sign that rules over it. For instance, the Lagna of
England is Aries; that of India is Virgo and so on. The
exact rising degree is not definitely known.

The twelve houses from the Ascendant in a national horo¬

scope represent the following important significations :

First house^ - General affairs in the State, public health,

the conditions of the Cabinet.

$econd house .—State revenue, aristocracies in the State,

wealth of the people. State imports and commercial tran¬
sactions, allies and revenue.

Third house. —Telephones, telegrams, railways, aeroplanes,

journals and newspapers and the disposition of the neigh¬
bouring nations.

Fourth house. —Schools, colleges and other educational

institutions, pupils, landed estates, general happiness, trade
and agriculture.



Fifth house. — Mentality of the rulers, children in the State

new' births, crime and places of amusements.
Sixth house. —State loans and debts, diseases of the people
and the rulers, territorial attacks, naval and other forces.

Health of the women, immorality in the

country, rate of infant mortality, war, foreign relations, etc.

Eighth house — Death-rate, State Treasury.

Math house. — Temples, mosques and churches, irreligious¬

ness, judicial courts, law and righteousness.

Tenth house. — The ruler, parliament, foreign trade, exports,

exploitation, revolutions and lawlessness.

Eleventh house .— Gains from other nations, gains in trade,

international relationships.

Twelfth house. — Secret crime, plots, hospitals and such

institutions, war and losses.

In giving the national predictions, the following factors

must be carefully considered :—

1. A horoscope cast for the commencement of the Lunar

year enables one to predict world events during that year with
a fair degree of accuracy.

2. Mark the horoscope for the time of the entry of the

. Sun into Arie s. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and analyse the
^disposition of planetsand the consequentTesuIfT. These will
give the general results for the world during the particular

3. Consider the lunations every month and the planetary

positions and how they stand with reference to the particular
nation or nations.

Say. for instance, the lunation takes place in Aries and

Saturn and Mars are there with other malefic influences ; the
country represented by Aries suffers greatly from public ill-
health, there will be chaos in the debates of the Cabinet and
the general affairs during that month will not be satisfactory.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Daring the same month, the lunation will have taken place in
the 10th house from another sign governing another country.
The results will be that the death of the monarch is indicated,
foreign trade will be at its lowest ebb, lawlessness will prevail
and signs of revolution will be apparent. If the same combi*
nation occurs in the 2nd bouse of another country, then
financial depression in the State will set in, retrenchment
follows, imports affected, etc. Thus it is seen tha t evil combi-
nations in any sign will affect all the countries in some way or
the o ther.

The most important aspect in Mundane Astrology is the

Planetary Cabinet which will be changing portfolios every
-year and thus the results will also be changing. Planetary
Cabinet means simply this—All the seven planets will become
king, prime minister, commander-in-chief, lord of vegetation,
lord of minerals, lord of juices, lord of grains, cattle, etc.,
and these offices will be changing every year. The planet
which becomes king in one year becomes prime minister in the
next year and so on. These details can be ascertained by
looking into any standard almanac.

4. The Sun and the Moon are generally royal planets ; if

in any year either of these does not become king, then during
that year, the royalty will greatly suffer. Similarly, Mars is
the permanent commander-in-chief. If, however, in any
particular year he does not become the commander-in-chief,
the army and navy during that year must suffer. All these
details must be considered.

5. The appearance of eclipses plays a great part in

national astrology. The influences will be exercised for a
period of 6 months before and 6 months after the appearance.
The effects of the eclipse will find manifestation in the
countries through which the eclipse passes. If two eclipses—
of course one solar and one lunar —occur within 14 days, there

IfofldaiM Astrology 237

-xmrallv will be national trouble!, Assassinations and war

activities (fide tbe leading article in the October 1941 issne
of Thb Astrological Magazine).

There were jtwo eclipses in March 19 14 with in 14 days, and

prof. B. Suryanarain Rao, in the MarchTW issue of Thb
Astrological Magazinb, predicted the outbreak of the
Great War in the August of that year and said that its origin
would be in Europe and that it would arise from the assassi¬
nation of a prince.

That Roosevelt would be elected as the President of

America was predicted by the author in tbe September 1932
issue of Thb Astrological Magazinb, while the election
took place in Nevember, on the basis of a solar eclipse in that

It was also pointed out that there would be chaos and

confusion in the Parliamentary debates in London, that a new
Cabinet would be formed, that U.S.A. would suffer from great
financial troubles and that a number of children would die in
England on account of some disease. All these came to pass.
Mr. Roosevelt’s election for the Presidential Chair of
America, for the third time, was clearly predicted in the
September 1940 issue of Thb Astrological Macazinb.

Thus eclipses have great significance in Mundane Astro¬


6. The appearance of comets and the directions in which

they appear should also be considered. The country repre¬
sented by the signs, in which comets appear, suffers, and the
health of the people will be affected.

7. Lastly, the nativities of individuals themselves who

rule either as kings or as Presidents will have great significance
and they should be well studied.

8. Earthquakes must also be considered. Thus Mundane

Astrology is a very difficult and useful branch and the student


Hindu Pradkthn Astrology

must be careful in venturing predictions. For greater details

regarding the influences of eclipses, appearance of ometcs.
lunations and the planetary cabinet, 1 should refer the reader
to the Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira and in a small book
like this, it will not be possible to incorporate more than what
has already been done.

Muhurtha or Election

Muhurtha means auspicious. In astrology. Muhurtha

comprehends the selection of auspicious ti mes. _for every new
even t and hence, we could interpret muhurtha as being
equivalent in the English word election.

' It is an established fact that success in any work entirely

depends upon the auspicious moment at which it is com*
menced. Even though a man may possess the best advantages,
he will not be successful in the end if he commences the work
in an inauspicious time. This means that be has not consi¬
dered the value of moving in harmony with natural forces—
that is - the invisible influences imbedded in the womb of
Time, throw obstacles on his way and deprive him of his

Muhurtha, as a matter of fact, helps us to determine,

when exactly the influences contained in Time are well
disposed, when they are ill-disposed, what combinations of
planets produce beneficial influences and how the invisible
currents could be made to flow easily, after a business is
started in an auspicious moment.

If we start an event in a favourable time, the ethereal

currents, liberated from the planets at that particular moment,
will work in the minds of others and make them help the
person to attain success.


Hindu Predictive AiKolou

Even io marriage*, if in the girl's horoscope widowhood

is threatened, it can be averted by selecting a very auspicious
moment for celebrating the marriage.

We call such an auspicious moment, when all the benefi¬

cial ethereal currents are called into operation, Shubha Lagna
and the inauspicious moment Ashubha Lagna.

1. Favourable Periods /or Administering Medicines . —

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday
and Tuesday are not favourable.

At the time of administering medicine, benefics should be

in quadrant, the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses from the
Ascendant. The constellations Aouradha, Mrigasira, Revati,
Rohini, Chitta, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Dhanisbta,
Satabhisha, Punqrvasu, Swati, Aswini and Hasta are good.

Find out the time for the Lagna (rising sign) when Saturn,
the Sun and Mars are in quadrants on Saturday, Sunday and
Tuesday and at this moment perform surgical operations.

2. Constellations Visakha, Hasta,

Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Dhanisbta, Aswini, Aridra, Pubba,
Jyeshta, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra are good for buy¬
ing and selling domestic animals. When Leo is rising at the
time of this transaction, it is unfavourable. Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, New Moon day, the 4th, the 9th and
the 14th days of the lunar month are unfavourable.

3. Agricultural Operation a.— Commence ploughing opera¬

tions in the constellations Revati, Hasta, Makba, Uttara,
Uttarashadha, Rohini, Uttarabhaara, Mrigasira, Sravana,
Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Pushyami and Chitta. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Saturday are not good. When the signs
Pisces, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo are rising, commence such
operations. Avoid New Moon days. Full Moon days, and the
lunar days of the 8th, the 9th and the 14th of the dark half.

_4j__D^jfag_H^/^ r -This must be done when certain

signs are rising if water were to fall in the well so dug. In

. jkiubariha or Election


Aquarius and Taurus, water can be secured in the wells.

Scorpio, Libra and Gemini give very little of water and the
rest of tbe signs give absolutely no water. Similarly, no
water will be secured if quadrants are occupied by evil planets.
Venus and the Moon in quadrants produce much water in
tbe well. When wells are dug in the sign occupied by tbe
Son, there will be rock found in tbe well. The rising signs
must be watery signs for obtaining a plentiful supply of water
and the planets influencing must also be watery ones.
5. Entering New Houses .— Tbe lunar months Magha,
Pbalguna, Vaisakha and iyeshta are good. Monday.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are good.
Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra and Robini are good. New
houses should not be entered into when the Sun is in Aquarius,
Cancer or Gemini. Constellations occupied by evil planets
must be avoided. Hasta, Swati, Pushyami, Aswinl, Sravana
and Punarvasu are generally considered unfavourable.

^ 2 _£Aavi>i£^-Cutting of hair means much loss of vitality

and to minimise this, favourable days must be selected. The
4th, 14th and 16th days of tbe lunar month and New Moon
and Full Moon days are unfavourable. The constellations
Posbyami, Punarvasu, Revati, Hasta, Sravana, Dhanijhta,
Mrigasira, Aswini, Chitta, Swati, Satabhisha and Jycshta
are good.

_7. Const ructing- N qw Houses.— The Sun must be in Taurus,

Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Aries. Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.
The period when Jupiter and Venus are in combustion must
be avoided. The lunar month of Ashadha, Sravana, Bbadra-
pada, Aswija and Pushya are not good. The constellations
Anuradha, Moola, Aswini, Hasta, Mrigasira, Jyeshta, Swati,
Chitta, Robini, Uttarashadha, Uttara and Uttarabhadra are


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Benefics must be in quadrants (not in the Ascendant) and

the 10th bonse must be occupied by Jupiter, Venus or Mercury
and evil planets must be in the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th.

ft ftrm /jth nf Constellation. — By this we will be able to

ascertain whether a particular day is favourable to a parti¬
cular person or not.

The procedure is this. Count from the birth constellation

to the constellation of the particular day on which any new
work is to be done or any journey undertaken, etc., and
divide the product by 9, if divisible. Otherwise keep it as it
is. If the remainder is one (yanmo),_it indicates danger to
body ; if 2 isentpaf) wealth and prosperity; if _3 {ylpat)
dangers, losses and accidents.; if4 ( kshema) prosperity; if 3
(prat yak) obstacles; if 6 (sadhana) good results and gains; if
7 | [ntdhana ) danger and death ; i£8 (mitra) good ; and if 9
(parama ml Ira) very favourable.

Illustration . —Birth star Mrigasira wants to interview a

superior officer for representing bis grievances on 6-9-1933,

1 p.m. The constellation of that day is Uttarabhadra and

lasts upto 2 p. m. (in Bangalore). Counting from Mrigasira
to Uttarabhadra we get 22; dividing this by 9 we get 22/9.= .
,2 d/9. The balance is 4 and accordingly it represents kshema
or prosperity and the business will be successful.

9. Five Sources o[_ Energy .— In this, five sources of

planetary, stellar and zodiacal energies are concerned.
Supposing a man has fixed a particular time on a particular
day in a particular month for commencing some important
work. Whether or not the five sources of energy operate
favourably at that time can be thus ascertained. In all these
cases, lunar dates must be considered and the constellations
can be found out by the Moon’s position. The method of
counting the lunar days is given in the earlier chapters.

Take the number of lunar days from the first of each

lunar month, the number of weekdays from Sunday, the


| fcfubarthi or Election

f goober of constellations from Aswini and the number of

• zodiacal signs from Aries. Add all and divide the total by 9.

’ if the remainder is 1 it indicates (mrltyu) danger or death ; if

2 (rahni) danger from fire; if 4 (rajapanchaka) very bad;
if 6 (chorapanchaka ) bad; if 8 (roga panchaka) disease bringing;
if the remainder is 3. 5, 7 or no remainder at all, then it is

Illustration .— Mr. X wants to start a new business on

17-9-1933 Sunday at sunrise. The constellation is Aslesha
(rules upto 9 a.m.) and the lanar date is 13th of dark half of
the lunar month Bbadrapada. The rising sign is Virgo.
Calculating the Panchaka for this, we get:—
No. of lunar days — 13

No. of constellations — 9

No. of zodiacal signs — 6

No. of the day from Sunday — 1


Dividing this by y we get 29/9—3 2/9; 2 remainder. It

indicates vahni. So the time selected is not favourable.

10. Marriaee .— The 7th house from the marriage Ascen¬

dant must be free and without any planet. Mars should not
occupy the 8th and Venus must never be in the 6th. Jupiter,
Venus or Mercury should be in quadrants (excepting the 7th
house or 2nd quadrant).

New Moon day. Full Moon day, the 8th and 6th lunar
days must be avoided. The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna,
Vaisskba and Jyeshta are good. Constellations Uttara,
Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Revati, Swati, Makba, Hasta,
Rohini, Annradha, Mrigasira and Moola are favourable.

11. Nuptials or Consummation Ceremony ^ —There should

be no planets in the 8th. Sunday, Saturday and Tuesday are
bad. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius,
Sagittarius and Pisces are good. New Moon day. Full.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Moon day, the 14tb, 6th, 8th and 4th days of the lunar month
must be avoided. The constellations Satabhisha, Hasta,
Rohini, Sravana, Anuradha, Swati, Uttara, Uttarashadha,
Moola and Uttabhadra are good.

12. Name-Giving (Namakarana) o f a New-born Child .—

The 8th house must be free. Friday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Monday are good. The constellations Anuradha, Sravana,
Uttara, Uttarabhadra; Pushyami, Revati, Hasta, Aswini,
Rohini, Mrigasira, Dhanishta and Uttarashadha are favour¬
13. First Feeding, of a Child (Anna Prasana) . —The 10th
house must be without any planet. The lunar days 8, 12, 4,
6, 14 and 9 and New Moon and Full Moon days are not good.
Constellations Sravana, Swati, Anuradha, Aswini, Hasta,
Dhanishta, Pushyami, Punarvasu and Mrigasira are preferable.

14. Rahukala. — Every day certain evil influences are

supposed to be exercised on our planet at the following hours
and they must be avoided for any good work. If the sunrise
is at 6 a.m., then Rahukala will operate on :—

Monday from 7-30 a.m. to

Tuesday „ 3-0 p.m. .,



Wednesday ,, 12- 0 noon

Thursday „ 1-30 p.m.

Friday „ 10-30 a.m.

Saturday ,, 9- 0 a.m.

Sunday „ 4-30 p.m.

15. Upanayana.— Upanavana means

sacred thread or, to be more explicit,
mysteries of Parabrahma or the Supreme
ceremony is performed amongst all high caste Hindus, when
special religious instructions are given.

The 8th house must be free from planets. Aries, Taurus,

Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Pisces are beneficial. The

9- 0 a.m.
4-30 p.m.

1-30 p.m.

3- 0 p.m.
12- 0 noon

10- 30 a.m.

6- 0 p.m.
investiture of

initiation into the

Intelligence. This

Muburtba or Election


constellations Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Maltha,

Pubba, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Satabhisha
and Poorvabbadra are evil constellations and this ceremony
must be performed in any one of the remaining IS constella¬
tions, which are beneficial ones. Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Monday are good weekdays.

16, Travelling -Travelling towards east on Saturday and

Monday, west on Sunday and Friday, north on Tuesday and
Wednesday and south on Thursday does not produce good
results. The astrological writers recommend the following
weekdays for travelling towards the different directions: —
East—Tuesday; South—Monday and Saturday; West—
Wednesday and Thursday ; and North—Friday and Sunday.

Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Libra are favourable

signs for travelling; the rest are unfavourable-

The constellations Mrigasira, Aswini, Pushyami, Anuradha,

Hasta, Punarvasu, Revati,. Moola, Sravana and Dhanishta
are good.

The best time would be 12 noon when the Sun will be most
powerful and this is called Abhijtn Muhurtha. This moment
counteracts all the evil influences; or malefics must occupy 3,
6 and 11.

17. Commencing Education.— By education is meant both

religious and secular. The Sanskritists call this Akshara -
sweekara or bestowing of Akshara (indestructible forms of
sound vibrations) corresponding to the vague term of alpha¬
bets, for the first time on the child.
The 8th house must be without any planet. Lunar days
2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are favourable. Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good. The constel¬
lations Punarvasu, Aswini, Cbitta, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha.
Jyeshta, Revati and Sravana are auspicious.

1 have dealt with this subject exhaustively in my book

entitled Muhurtha or Electional Astrology .


Annual Horoscopes

We have discussed in the previous pages how Hindu

astrologers predict future events by means of Vimsbottari
Dasa, which entirely depends upon the birth positions of
planets. In the next chapter, the popular Gochara system
has been expounded at considerable length. In this chapter
we shall deal with a simple method of ascertaining annual
results. Owing to the limited space at our disposal we have
to be necessarily brief in our exposition. Full details with
copious explanations and a number of illustrations will be
found in my book Varshaph al or the Hindu P rogressed Horo¬
scope, which presents a unique method of deciphering annual
results. The method adumbrated in this chapter can be
advantageously nsed if a snapshot assessment of a*year’s
outlook is desired.

Before predicting events according to rules it propounds,

one should devote some thought for properly comprehending
the principles. In this method which are going to set forth
below, all technicalities have been omitted and one can easily
understand and apply the rules without much effort. It must,
however, be hinted that our book Varshaphal enables one to
make more correct and more detailed predictions as the
procedure employed therein is certainly more comprehensive
and altogether different, though the principle is more or less
the same. The horoscope _for any particular year depends
upon the time of the SunT return to the same point that he

Aaanal Horoscope

occupied at the time of birth. Take the case of a person born
on Thursday 12 A.D. at 33-30 ghatis after sunrise.

Predictions for the 29th year are required* From the table
given below, find the figures corresponding to age. If
there are two digits in age, take the sum of the figures corres¬
ponding. Add the same to the number of weekday of birth

•Table for the Yearly Horoscope





























- 30

















• Tbit table has been based on the duration of the year as given in
Surya Slddhonta. Researches carried out by me have revealed that fbe
duration of the Siddhanta year is not quite correct and that we have to
take the duration of the sidereal year as measured by modern astronomy.
A revised table is given in my book Varshaphai with fuller explanations
and the reader is well advised to follow the method given in Varshapkal
for casting the annual chart.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

(Sunday I Monday 2, etc.), and the birth ghatis. The result

will be the time and day of the week at which the required
year commences. This will correspond with the time in that
year when the Sun occupies the exact position he did at birth.

In the horoscope selected above, the native has completed

28 years and entered on his 29th year.

Age past 28

For 28 we have





For 20

— 4


For 8

— 3


For 28

Add to the above the

— IT”



number of weekday
and time of birth

— 5



We get

— T~



The 29th year commences on the nearest Thursday to 8th
August. That will be 8th August 1940 and the time for setting


; HE ‘




— 1 ~ ~

1 - J

















Annual Horoscopes


the horoscope will be Gh. 48*12. The following are Rasi

and Navamsa diagrams for the yearly horoscope.

The Varsha Dasas are thus distributed. The Sun’s Dasa

110 days, the Moon 60, Mars 32, Mercury 40, Jupiter 48,
Venus 56, Saturn 4, Rahu 5, and Lagna 10.

To find the Dasas and their balances, the following proce¬

dure should be adopted. Take the birth star of the person
(Mrigasira in this case) and count from it to the constellation
that rules on the day of the anniversary. Divide the number
by 9 and take the balance and ascribe the Dasa in the follow¬
ing order: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.
Rabu and Lagna. Take the extent of the star and find out
what fraction of it remains at the commencement of the year
and by the rule of three find the balance of Dasa at the time
of solar entry and ascribe the days to the other planets and
Lagna as per order given above—On 8th August 1950, the star
Hasta rules for 26-20 ghatis. At the time of the commence¬
ment of new year Chitta rules. The duration of Chitta is
55-30 ghatis and the arc of constellation (Chitta) that has
already passed in Gh. 21-52 while that remaining to be
passed being Gh. 33.38. Counting from Mrigasira to Chitta,
we get 10 leaving 1 as balance when divided by 9. This
represents Ravi Dasa lasting for 110 days. If 55.5 ghatis
(duration of Chitta) gives 110 days, what will 33.63 (Chitta
remaining) give ?

x 110 = 66.654 days.

This is the balance of Ravi Dasa and subsequent Dasas

succeed as shown io next page:


Hindu Predictive Astrology


No. of Days





8* 8-1940








14- 1-1941



14- 1-1941

23- 2-1941



23- 2-1941

12- 4-1941



12- 4-1941

7- 6-1941


7- 6-1941

11- 6-1941


11- 6-1941

16- 6-1941



16- 6-1941

26- 6-1941



26- 6-1941

8- 3-1941


General Estimates

Consfdfrfi fjon of Birth Horoscope , —In any estimate of

results the radical horoscope is of much importance. The
Dasn and Bbukti ruling at the present time should be care*
fully noted as also Gochara positions. In the example
illustrated. Guru Data, Budha Bhukti will be operating
throughout the 29th year of the native. As both Jupiter aod
Mercury are well situated and they have association with the
10th house, the period is likely to prove beneficial. Accord*
ing to Gochara, the subject is having 7$ years’ Saturn and
both Jupiter and Saturn are in the 12th and Rahu in theSth—
all these being bad. As this is the second time that the native
has been undergoing 7^ years Saturn, the evil effects will only
be moderate. Combining the above two sets of influences,
the resultant is still favourable. Now let us examine the
yearly horoscope.

Lord of Lagna, Venus, is in the 2nd or house of wealth

and is aspected by Saturn—a yogakaraka. In the navamsa,
the Lagnadhipathi is ordinary—being bad by association and

Annual Horoscope*


food by ownership and liberation. In general, the results will

be middling in the course of this year, but tending towards
good. Lord of the 10th has neechabhanga. In the navamsa,
Saturn has Shubbakarthari Yoga. Thus, the 10th house indi¬
cations will be normal, and financial conditions will be
bettered. As Mars occupies the 4th, general happiness will be
lacking. Lord of the 2nd and Sth in the 3rd suggests help to
relatives while the Sun and Mercury in the 11th from the
Moon is indicative of good reputation, name and contact with
high circles. Lord of the 10th (from the Moon) in the 11th
and the parivarthana or exchange of houses between lord of
Lagna (Moon) and the 11th is favourable for business
improvement. The Sun and Mercury in the 3rd in a move-
able sign (Cancer) produce travels in connection with business
which will prove profitable to the native. The 7th lord Mars
in the 10th from the 7th assures domestic happiness but his
being aspected by Jupiter, lord of the 8th (in the Navamsa)
gives rise to quarrels and friction. On the whole, financially
and professionally, the year will be good while the conjunction
of the Moon and Rahu does not give mental happiness.

The first Dasa is that of the Sun. This extends from

8-8-1940 to 14-10-1940. The Sun is lord of the 4th and is in
the 3rd with lord of the Sth forming a yoga. Mercury is the
planet for business, trade and speculation. As the Sun is in a
moveable sign and moveable Navamsa in conjunction with
lord of the 2nd and Sth and in the 2nd from the 2nd, he gives
long travelling in connection with business. As everyone
knows Cancer indicates North and the journey will be in the
Northern countries. In Mars Dasa, expenses will be great and
income good, domestic quarrels, friction and journeys.
Mercury — The Sun's results may be repeated with slight
modification, /wp/fer— Misunderstandings. unexpected losses
Hindu Predictive Astrology


and mental worry. Venus —Financial improvement*, domestic

happiness and good'lh'gsneral.

We may herewith give the general results of Das as which

should be applied consistent with the strength and weakness
of planets obtaining in the yearly horoscope. The results
foretold are to be predicted with great caution, prudence and
practical knowledge of places, times, conditions and circum¬

will give wealth, clothes, jewels,

io general. I f the Sun is un-
favourable, he will cause disappointments, loss of money,
mental worries, and bodily complaints. When the Moon is
powerful, he will give great respect, much money and mental
peace; when unfavourable , increase of enemies, disease,
travelling, and hatred among his relations. When Mars is
favourable, he will cause happiness, official favour, success in
endeavours and otherwise good results. When unfavourable,
causes hatred, loss of money, injuries and accidents, disputes
pertaining to lands, etc. If Mercu j^/ ji_aell disposed,
comforts, success in examinations, business and trade, travel¬
ling and mental happiness. When unfavourable , cruel deeds,
losses in speculation and business. JuoiteFl —Favourable,
religious interest, progress in education, birth of issues, if
Rasi Dasas show such birth—and charitable disposition:
when unfavourable, gives travelling, bad company, sinful
deeds and much expenditure. Venus Favourable: female
happiness, reputation, good income and a pleasant life; un¬
favourable: loss of money, fear from enemies, scandals,
diseases and exhaustion. When Saturn is favourable, houses,
happiness, rank, finances and new introductions. When un¬
favourable, unpleasantness, loss of money, emaciation of
body, bad name and diseases. When Rahu i s favourable he
gives good charitable disposition, promotion and success*

high respect and happiness

Annual Horoscopa

When bad, worry, death or unpleasant news, company with

base men and increase of enemies. Lasna Favourable:
denotes good results in the commencement and indifferent
results later on.

The nature of results of the planetary Dasa depends to a

great extent upon their rulerships, aspects and associations.
Jupiter, as lord of the 8th in the 5th, will certainly cause
sickness to children.


Gocharaphala or Results of Transits

It will be seen that in the preparation of a horoscope,

planetary positions will be fixed in their respective longitudes.
They are there and they will continue to be fixed. But there
is no stoppage of planetary movements. Planets take varyiog
periods for moving from one sign to another. Such move¬
ments give rise to the stimulation of radioactive disintegration
which, on falling on the individual, can- produce psycho¬
physical changes in his character and disposition. Calculations
must be made not only in regard to the Dasas and Bhuktis
ruling at any particular period but also due consideration
should be bestowed on results of transits or Gocbara move¬
ments of planets. Gocbara enables us to predict the effects
of the current period.

In predicting Gochara results, the Moon and the birth

constellation play a prominent part. Mark the position of
the Moon at the time of birth. The sign, in which the birth
Moon is placed, is called the Janma Rasi.

The Transiting' o/~ the Sw jn the 12 Rasis from Ratficflf

A/oon._ —When tBe~5un traverses through the Rasi occupied bv
the Moon, the person suffers from loss of wealth, loss of
prestige, sickness and will have many obstacles and aimless
travels. When he transits in the 2nd house, there will be loss
of wealth, be will suffer deceit, he will have full of financial
worries. In the 3rd house, there will be advent of money,
happiness, relief from diseases, recognition from superiors.

Gocbaraphala or Results of Transits


honours and courage. Ii y^e 4th bouse, there will be diseases,

constant attacks from opponents, no peace of mind, pressure
from creditors, and sorrow and misery. The Sun transiting
tftc Sth will cause mental agitation, ill-health, embarrassment
and accidents. The Sup in the 6th give s rise to release from
sorrows, worries and troubles, destruction of enemies and
peace of mind. The Sun, transiting the 7tb , produces weari¬
some travelling, colic and anal troubles, humiliation and
sickness. In the 8th, Sun’s progress gives rise to quarrels
with friends, diseases, high blood pressure, royal and official
displeasure. The Sun’s transit in the 9th house will cause to
the native danger, humiliation, dependency, disappointment
and separation. One will accomplish his desire and plans,
and success will attend on all kinds of undertakings when the
Sun is in the 10th . In the 11th. the passage of the Sun will
confer on a person honour, health, wealth and success. When
the Sun passes through the 12th house, there will be sorrow,
creation of a situation which causes loss to everything,
quarrels and ill-health.

It must be noted that when passing through the first 10

degrees of a sign, Mars and the Sun produce results. Of the
different planets, the Gochara results of the slow moving
planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are held to be the most powerful.
The triennial results may be ascertained from Saturn, the
yearly effects from Jupiter, the monthly results from other
planets and the daily influences from the Moon.

We shall first enumerate the likely results that are supposed

to accrue on account of transits of the different planets in the
different signs from the Moon and then describe the special
rules governing Gochara. When the Moon transits the sign
occupied by her at the time oTbirthof a person, the native will
get excellent food, bed and clothes. When the Moon passes
through the 2nd house, loss of respect and of money and


Hindu Predictive Astrology

obstacles in the way of success are to be predicted. In the
3rd house, the native gets clothes, pleasure from wife and
finance; in the4th. he becomes mentally uneasy; in the 3th,
suffers from humility, ill-health, pain of mind'and other
obstacles ; in the 6th, enjoys wealth, health, comfort, redemp¬
tion from enemies ; 7th house , conveyances, good food and
financial equilibrium. The Moon transiting the 8th produces
misery, ill-health and fear from unexpected sources; in the9th
from herself, pain of mind, chest pain, fatigue of body and
the like are caused. When the Moon passes throagh the 10th
house, success will attend in every sphere of activity ; in the
11th house, the person will enjoy prosperity, will get wealth
and new friends; when the Moon transits through the 12th
sign, he suffers from accidents and injuries.

It may be remarked in passing that unless Qochara is

combined with Ashtakavarga, results cannot be predicted with
appreciable accuracy. Suppose the Moon is transiting the
sign occupied by her at birth. The Moon produces beneficial
results provided the benefic dots there are above 4. If they
are below 4, then the Moon cannot certainly do as much good
as is ascribed to her. Planets produce good, bad or indifferent
results during their transits at any particular moment, in
accordance with the number of benefic dots which the planets
obtain in tbeir respective Ashtakavargas (see my book Ashtaka¬
varga System of Prediction for more details regarding

Again, we have to consider what is called Vedha (an

obstructing force or point) when delineating results according
to Qochara. The Sun, for instance, transiting the lltb, 3rd,
10th and 6th signs from the radical Moon is supposed to yield
good results. The smooth flowing of such good results will
be obstructed if there are any other planets (simultaneously)
transiting the 3th, 9th, 4tb' and 12th signs from the Moon

gocbarapbal* or Remits of Transits


respectively. To be more explicit with reference to the Sun,

if he transits the 11th, jhe VeH ha?th«ii» {obstructing point)
will be the Sth; if be transits the 3rd, the Vedastbana will be
the 9th; if be transits the 10th; the Vedhasthana will be the
12th. Suppose the Sun is in the 11th ; according to Gocbara,
the results will be honour and health, wealth and success.
These good effects are produced only when the Sth (a house
of Vedha) is not simultaneously transited by any other planet
excepting Saturn ; conversely, if the Sun is in the Sth, in the
course of Gocbara, no evil will be produced provided the 1 Ith
is being transited at the same time by any other planet,
excepting Saturn. Similarly the Vedbasthanas must be con¬
sidered for all the planets and then the results predicted.

The following are the Vedhankas for the different planets.

The figures in the nominator indicate the signs counted from
the birth Moon when passing through which the respective
planets produce good results. Denominator figures indicate
Vedhankas. Take for instance Mars. The nominator figure
3 indicates that Mars transiting the 3rd gives rise to good
effect. The denominator figure 12, just below 3, is the Vedha
point. Any planet transiting this Vedha point, when Mars is
in the 3rd, deprives Mars from causing good effects. It must
be noted that no Vedha occurs between the Sun and Saturn,
and the Moon and Mercury. The denominator figure given
below each nominator figure is the Vedhanka (point of

Sun :

11-3-10— 6
5-9- 4-12


7—1— 6-11-10—3
2—5—12- 8— 4-9
12- 5-9

Mercury :

2 — 4 — 6 - 8 — 10—11 c,
5—3—9—1— 7—d2 b

Jupiter :
Venus :

2—11- 9-5—7 «

12- 8—10—4—3

1-2-3- 4-5-8— 9—11—12

8-7—1 — 10-9—5—11— 6— 3

Saturn :

3 — 11—6 tfooo
12— 5—9 ***►

Let us illustrate the above with the following example :

The Sun is in the 11th with 4 bbtdua which is good. No

other planet transits the 5th. Hence he is free from Vedba
and gives rise to the full good effect of Gochara ; similarly,
the effects are computed for the other planets.

/Vo. of Ashtaka- —————————

Planets the sign varga Vedhas caused. If any

_ transiting Blndus _



11th is good; no Vedba



11th is good; but the

position of Mars in the
8th has given rise to a
Vedha and hence bad.


Mars in the 8th is bad.



Uth is good ; but Saturn

in the 12th has caused the
Vedha and hence bad.


9th is good; no Vedha

caused ; hence good.


Position in the 1st is good;

Vedha caused as Mars is
in the 8th and hence bad.


Saturn in the 12th is bad;

the bindus are 3 and hence
exceedingly bad ; but
Mercury’s position in the
11 tb has mitigated the evil
to some extent: still bad.

OtdunphiU or Results of Transits


From the above, it is seen that only Jupiter and the Sun
are good while the others have been inclined to produce evil.
Hence the worst evil, viz., death, befell the native, especially
because, Saturn is in the 12th and Mars in the 8th.

Hindu Predictive Aetiology


Whep, Mars p enes through the sign occupied by the Moon

at the tune of birth of a person, he will suffer from troubles;
in the 2nd house from the Moon displeasure of king, and
suffering from quarrels, from enemies and disgrace is indi¬
cated. There will be fear from thieves and the body will be
afflicted with bilious and windy complaints. Mars transiting
the 3rd gives rise to gain of objects, pleasure from children,
good health, access to riches and new clothes. In the 4th sign .
Mars produces evil results such as fever, digestive troubles,
blood discharges and depravity of character. Enemies will
increase, fresh diseases will make their appearance and mental
peace will be completely absent when Mars passes through
the 5th house . In the 6th house , relief from troubles, worries
and ill-health should be predicted; he leads an independent
life, obtains riches and becomes pretty cheerful. When
transiting fhe 7th. the native quarrels with wife or husband,
eye troubles, stomach-ache, indigestion, etc., are also likely
to be felt. Mars transiting in the 8th produces quite un¬
favourable effects, such as discharging of blood, loss of
wealth, disgrace and mental worry. The same results are
repeated at the time of his passing through the 9th. In
addition, the subject becomes extremely weak. His transiting
the 10th and the 11th produces quite favourable results.
Amounts due will be realised. Success will attend on his
ventures. Business will improve- In the 12th house, however,
he will suffer from various expenses, troubles, diseases of the
eye, pinpricks from an angry wife, from bilious complaints
and various other worries.

.WfogJg££Cjl£)’j>asses through the sign occupied by the

Moon at tne time of birth of a person, such person will suffer
loss of wealth caused by the advice of wicked men, by tale¬
bearers, by imprisonment and quarrels. He will, besides,
receive disagreeable intelligence when in his journey. When

(jochuiplwlt or Retails of Transits


Mercury passes through the 2nd bouse, the person will suffer
disgrace but gains success and wealth. When he passes
through the 3rd house, the subject will get friends, will be
afraid of troubles from the king and from his enemies, he
will quit his place due to his wicked deeds. When Mercury
passes through the 4th house, the person’s kinsmen and
family will increase and there will be much gain ; in the Sth
house, the person will quarrel with his wife and sons and will
not enjoy the company of an excellent wife; in the 6th house,
the person will be liked by all and will gain renown; in the
7th house, the person's appearance becomes less bright and
there will be quanels. When Mercury passes through the 8th
house, the person will get sons, success, clothes and wealth
and will become happy and powerful. When he passes through
the 9th house from the Moon, the person will meet with
obstacles in bis work; in the 10th house, the person’s enemies
will meet with ruin and the person will get wealth, will enjoy
the company of his wife and will be dressed in the flannel.
When Mercury passes through the 11th house from the Moon,
the person will get wealth, comfort, sons, women, friends and
conveyance and will be bappy and will receive good intelli¬
gence; in the 12th, the person will suffer disgrace from his
enemies, will suffer from diseases and will not enjoy the
company of a good wife.

yhen Jupiter p asses through the sign occupied by the

Moon at the time of birth of a person, such person will lose
his wealth and intelligence, will quit bis place and will suffer
from many quarrels. When Jupiter passes through the 2nd
house from the Moon, the person will have no enemies and
will enjoy wealth and women. When Jupiter passes through
the 3rd house f rom the Moon, the person will quit bis place
and will meet with obstacles in his work. When Jupiter
passes through the 4th house from the Moon, the person will


Hindu Predictive Astrology

suffer from troubles caused by his kinsmen, will become

patient and resigned and will delight in nothing. When Jupiter
passes through the Sth bouse from the Moon, the person will
get servants, prosperity, sons, elephants, houses, bullocks,
gold, women, clothes, gems and good qualities. When Jupiter
passes through the 6th house from the Moon, the person will
be so much afflicted at heart that he will take no delight in
the agreeable faces of beautiful women, in the music of the
peacock and the cuckoo and in houses made pleasant by the
frolic of children playing like the young of the deer. When
Jupiter passes through the 7th house from the Moon, the
person will enjoy good bed, the company of an excellent
woman, wealth, good meals, flowers, conveyance and the like
and he will be of good speech and intelligence. When Jupiter
passes through the 8th house from the Moon, the person will
suffer from imprisonment, diseases, heavy grief, the fatigue
of journey and serious illness. When Jupiter passes through
the 9th house from the Moon, the person will become efficient
at work and influential and he will get sons, success in work,
wealth and gain. When Jupiter passes through the 10th
bouse from the Moon, the person will quit his place and
suffer loss of health and wealth. When Jupiter passes through
the 11 th house, the person will return to his country and will
recover his health and wealth. When Jupiter passes through
the 12th house, the person will suffer grief in his return

Whenl'cnus passes through the sign occupied by the

Moon at the time of birth of a person, such a person will
enjoy excellent perfumes, flowers, clothes, houses, bed, meals
and women. When Venus passes through the 2nd house f rom
the Moon, the person will get sons, wealth, grain and presents
from the king; will have a prosperous family, will enjoy
flowers and gems and will be of bright appearance. When
Venus passes through the 3rd house from the Moon, the

<HntiTT w ~‘~ or Results of Transits


person will become influential, wealthy and respectable and

will get clothes. His enemies will meet with ruin. When
Venus passes through the 4th bouse, the person will get
friends and will become greatly powerful. When Venus passes
through the Sth house, the person will be happy, will get
kinsmen, sons, wealth and friends and will not suffer defeat
by the enemy. When Venus passes through the 6th bouse
from the Moon, the person will suffer disgrace, will be
afflicted with diseases and will be exposed to danger. When
Venus passes through the 7th house, the person will suffer
injuries through women. When Venus passes through the 8th
house from the Moon, the person will get houses, articles of
lacqner and beautiful women. When Venus passes through
the 9th house from the Moon, the person will become
virtuous, happy and wealthy and he will get plenty of clothes.
When Venus passes through the 10th house from the Moon,
the person will suffer disgrace and will also suffer quarrels.
When Veous passes through the 11th house from the Moon,
the person will get wealth of his friends and will also get
perfumes and clothes. When Venus passes through the I2tb
house, the person will get very few clothes.
When Saturn passes through the sign occ upied by the
Moon atTB^ime of his birth, s uch person will suffer from
poison and from fire, will quit bis kinsmen, will suffer from
imprisonment and torture, will travel to foreign lands and
live with bis friends there, will suffer miseries, loss of wealth
and of sons, will suffer also from the fatigues of foot journey
and from humiliation. When Saturn passes through the 2nd
house from the Moon, the person will suffer from loss of
beauty and comfort, will become weak and will get wealth
from other men but will not enjoy this wealth long. When
Saturn passes through the 3rd house from the Moon, the
person will get wealth, servants, articles ot enjoyment.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

camels, buffaloes, elephants, asses and horses. He will

become influential, happy, free from diseases and will become
greatly powerful and will defeat his enemies io fight. When
Saturn passes through the 4th house from the Moon, the
person will be separated from bis friends, wealth, and wife
and ever suspecting evil in everything, will never feel happy.
When Saturn passes through the 5th house from the Moon,
the person will be separated from his sons and wealth and
will suffer from quarrels. When Saturn passes through the
6th bouse from the Moon, the person will be freed from his
enemies and diseases and will enjoy the company of women.
When Saturn passes through the 7th or 8th house from the
Moon, the person will be separated from his wife and sons,
will travel on foot in a pitiable condition. When he passes
through the 9th bouse, the person will have all that has been
stated for Saturn passing through the 8th house and will,
besides, suffer from hatred, chest pain, imprisonmeht and in
consequence will not properly observe the daily duties. When
Saturn passes through the 10th bouse, the person will get
work and will suffer loss of wealth, learning and fame. When
Saturn passes through the 11th house from the Moon, the
person will become cruel and will get women and wealth.
When Saturn passes through the 12th house from the Moon,
the person will suffer from much grief. Rahu transiting the
12th house produces results similar to those of Saturn, and
Ketu to those of Mars.

Practical Horoscopes

For real progress in any science, theory and practice must

keep pace with each other. I have till now treated of all the
important theoretical principles involved in the study of
astrology and shall now close the book with a few practical
horoscopes illustrating such theoretical postulates.

The following horoscopes will greatly help the student if

he carefully analyses them in the light of the short remarks
which I have given for each horoscope illustrated. In the
selection of horoscopes. I have been careful to see that they
are taken from different classes of people—kings, pre (dents,
orphans those that lost their mothers and fathers earl, those
that had more than one marriage, debauchees, philosophers
and in fact people of all temperaments and dispositions which
will prove quite interesting and helpful in the light of

The date, place and time of birth given for each horoscope
are fairly correct and the reader can find out the exact
positions of the planets by himself, if he so desires, as here, I
have given the planetary positions only in Rasi (sign). I like
to give the following 20 horoscopes for the benefit of my

1. Birth Data ■ —Male born on 29th July 1883, 2 p.m.,

near Doria,,Italy.


Hindu Predictive Astrology

Planetary Positions :— 1 The Moon, Mars and Saturn in

Taurus; the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer; Jupiter in
Gemini; Ascendant in Scorpio; Rahu in Libra; Ketu in Aries.

General Remarks One of the greatest men of Europe;

born in humble circumstances as a blacksmith's son ; often
starved without food ; was a great revolutionary ; has a
sudden downfall and a violent end. FahoSo rorau-re.

(2) Birth Data Male, born on 11th July 1872, 7-45 a.m.
(77° 25' E. and IJ* N.).

Planetary Positions .-—Ascendant—Caocer ; the Sun—

Gemini; the Moon—Leo; Mars—Gemini; Mercury—Cancer;
Jupiter—Cancer ; Venus—Gemini; Saturn—Sagittarius ;
Rahu—Taurus; Ketu—Scorpio. ItJ ' A

General Remarks : —Father died in the 2nd year, great

strides in life; mark the position of the Sun in Gemini with a
malefic Mars and powerfully aspected by Saturn ; two wives:
mark how Venus is afflicted; lost two sisters early.

tfJJ) Birth Data :—Male, born on 10th August 1874,

1-40 a.m. (93° 30'~W. and 41° 50' N.). POO\*nu>

Planetary Positions: —Ascendant—Taurus; the Sun, the

Moon, Mars and Mercury—Cancer ; Jupiter and Venus —
Virgo; Saturn—Capricorn; Rahu Aries; Ketu—Libra.

General Remarks :—A great politician and equal to a king

in status; saved Europe from anarchy; humane and tactful.

@ Birth Data: - Female, born on 30th October 1920,

8-30 p.m. (12° N. and 76° 38' E.). HpClO A *4 Auwj
Planetary Positions :—Ketu—Aries; Ascendant and the
Moon—Taurus; Jupiter and Saturn—Leo; Rahu and the
Sun—Libra ; Mercury and Venus—Scorpio ; Mars—


General Remarks :—Mark the aspect of Saturn on the

Ascendant and the Moon, and the conjunction of malefics in
Libra ; suffered seriously from smallpox in the 8th year and

Practical Horoscopes


alto from dropsy; hot constitution ; superior airs, died jn hg ,

Uth year .

Birth Data :—Female, born on 12th June 1909, at

4-25 a m. (77° 25' E and 13° N.).
Planetary Positions Ascendant, the Sun and Rahu—
Taurus; Venus and Mercury— Gemini; Jupiter—Leo; Ketu—
Scorpio; Mars—Aquarius; the Moon and Saturn—Pisces.

General Remarks :—Fair looking; modest and chaste;

mark the position of Mars in the 12th from the Moon—a
strong combination for widowhood which took away her
husband in her 14th year. \jtb0VA

<3£) Birth Data :—Female, born on 11th January 1928, at

8-30 a.m. (77° 25' E. and 13-» N.).

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Aquarius ; Jupiter—

Pisces; Rahu—Taurus; the Moon—Leo; Venus, Saturn and
Ketu—Scorpio; the Sun, Mercury and Mars—Sagittarius.

General Remarks: - A typical Balarishta h oroscope; died

In the ISth month; mark the conjunction ofmaletfcs lh the
fOtb and I Ith from the Ascendant. -'K h£S( ftacrs. -
© Birth Data .‘—Male, born on 28th September 1852
(51* 3' N. and 0“ 30' E ).

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Aquarius; the Moon—

Pisces; Saturn—Aries; Venus—Cancer; Mars—Libra; the
Sun—Virgo; Jupiter - Scorpio; Mercury—Virgo-

General Remarks An excellent military career ; comman¬

ded the British Army in the Great war; attack - on the life
1919; Earldom-1921; breathed his last-1925. M( Ll T+<&
Birth Data :—Male, born on 21st August 1858, at
10-15 p.m. (48° 18' N. and 16* 23' E.).

Planetary Positions Ascendant and Jupiter—Taurus ;

Saturn—Cancer; the Sun and Ketu—Leo; Venus and Mer¬
cury—Virgo ; Mars—Scorpio ; the Moon—Capricorn ;


Hindu Predictive Astrology

General Remarks :—An ill-starred prince; his death rever¬

berated sensationally throughout Europe; handsome and
passionate; still decorum; quarrels with parents; loveless
marriage in 23rd year; clandestine prostitution ; death from

(s) Birth Data :—Male, born on 24th March 1883, at

6 a.m.. Bangalore.

Planetary Positions: —Ascendant and the Sun—Pisces;

Ketu—Aries ; Saturn—Taurus ; Jupiter—Gemini; the
Moon—Virgo; Rabu — Libra; Venus—Capricorn ; Mercury
and Mars—Aquarius. ttQlMD OCCHI

General Remarks: —Two wives, fantastic, scrupulous ;

obstinate; lo ss of vision in 43th year ; mark Mercury and
Mars in Aquarius aipected by Saturn which affected optic

(u>) Birth Data: —Male, born on 25th April 1874, at

9 a.m. (44* 30' N. and 11° 22' E.).

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Gemini; the Moon—

Leo; Jupiter—Virgo; Saturn—Capricorn; Mercury—Pisces;
the Sun—Aries; Venus and Mars—Taurus; Rahu—Aries.

General Remarks :—Expert physicist; revolutionised the

electric world; inventor of wireless; mark the Sun in Aries.

(fi) Birth Data: —Male, bom on 23rd May 1707, at

12-30 midnight (63° N. and 15” E.).

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Capricorn; Venus and

Mercury—Aries ; .the Sun and Saturn—Taurus ; Mars—
Cancer; Jupiter—Leo; the Moon—Aquarius.

General Remarks :—The greatest botanist who introduced

the present system of-bionomkal nomenclature; professor of
botany—1739; Knight of the Polar Star in 1758; attack of
apoplexy—1774 and again in 1776; death in 1778 owing to
ulceration of blood.

(Ti) Birth Data :—Male, bora on 2nd October 1869, at

7-35a.m. (72° E. and 23” N.).


jt^cdcal Horoscope*
' Planetary Positions: —Jupiter—Aries; Rahu aod the
Moon—Cancer; the Sun—Virgo; Mars, Venus, Mercury and
Ascendant—Libra; Saturn—Scorpio; Keto—Capricorn.

General Remarks :—A great Indian leader; always incarce¬

ration ; a strong opponent of British rule in India; inflexible
and obstinate; perverted views in social reforms; great

(Q) Birth Data:—Mule, born on 30th July 1863, at

% p.m. (83° 5' W. and 42° 5' N.). KlCCO

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Scorpio; the Moon-

Capricorn ; the Sun and Mercury—Cancer ; Mars—Leo;
Venus and Saturn—Virgo; Jupiter—Libra; Rahu—Scorpio;

General Remarks :—World's richest man; restless, active

and energetic; conflicting traits; anti-semitic prejudice,
mechanistic monster.

(ft) Birth Data :—Female, born on 3th June 1913, at

1-13 p.m.. Bangalore.

Planetary Positions :—Mars and Rahu—Pisces; Venus—

Aries; the Sun, Mercury and Saturn—Taurus; the Moon—
Gemini; Ascendant and Ketu—Virgo; Jupiter—Sagittarius.

General Remarks Mark the strong combination for

widowhood; Mars and Rahu in Pisces (8th bhava actually);
husband died in her 19th year.

(75) Birth Data :—Female, born on 29th August 1920. at

5-51 p.m. (12° N. and 76° 38' E.). *4*2*0

Planetary Positions :—Ketu—Aries; the Sun, Mercury,

Jupiter and Saturn—Leo; Venus—Virgo ; Rahu—Libra;
Mars—Scorpio; Ascendant and the Moon—Aquarius.

General Remarks :—Father died within 9 months; mark

Venus in debilitation in the house of father and the conjunc¬
tion of Satqrn with the Sun who represents father, which
have caused the death of the father.

Hiodu Predictive Aitroloty

Birth Data Male, bora on 30th September 1910,

at 8 a.m. on Friday (12° and 76° 38' E.).

Planetary Positions Saturn—Aries; Rabu—Taurus;

Venus and the Moon—Leo; Mars, the Sun. Mercury and
Jupiter—Virgo; Ascendant—Libra; Ketu Scorpio.

General Remarks Medical man, eccentric, lost father in

the 7th year; mark the position of the Sun approaching

(Q) Birth Data :—Male born on 7th September 1874, at

7-45 p.m. (14° N. anc 75» 30' E.).

Planetary Positions :—Ascendant—Pisces ; Rabu—Aries;

the Moon—Cancer; the Sun, Mars and Mercury—Leo;
Jupiter—Virgo; Venus and Ketu—Libra; Saturn—Capricorn.

General Remarks : —15 children living, high position; good

temperament; fair-looking wife; mark planets in their own

s’g n K

Q8J Birth Data :—Female, born on 21st January 1905, at

10 a.m.. Bangalore.

Planetary Positions: —Jupiter—Aries; the Moon—Cancer;

Rabu—Leo; Mars—Libra; Mercury—Sagittarius; the Sun
and Saturn—Capricorn ; Venus and Ketu—Aquarius;

General Remarks :—Father died in 7th year; mother 16th

year and husband 19th; many litigations; a daughter surviving.

(t?) Birth Data :—Female, born on 1st April 1930, at

1-50 a.m. (12* N. and 76° 38' E.).

Planetary Positions :—The Sua and Mercury—Pisces; the

Moon, Venus and Rahu—Aries; Jupiter—Taurus; Ketu—
Libra; Ascendant—Capricorn : Saturn—Sagittarius; Mars—
Aquarius. A (p

General Remarks A strong Balarishta horoscope, died

in the 6th month; mark malefics in the 12th from the Moon
and the 2nd and 12th from the Ascendant.
practical Horoscopes 271

@ Bir/A Data'. —Male, boro on 12th February 1856, at

14-30 ghatis after sunrise, at Chicacole, Madras Presidency.

Planetary Positions: —The Moon and Rahu—Aries;

Ascendant— Taurus; Saturn—Gemini; Mars and Ketu—
Libra; Venus—Sagittarius; the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter—

General Remarks :—One of the world's greatest men;

historian and author; two wives; reputed astrologer and
scholar; revived astrology in India; children, not a source of
pleasure; advanced yogi; died in his 82nd year.

The practical application of astrology has been dealt with

exhaustively in my How to Judge a Horoscope, while my
latest book Three Hundred Important Combinations illustrates
the various yogas elaborately.


Drekkanas (Decanataa) and Stellar Influences

The importance of drekkanas has already been impressed

in chapters dealing with Death and Horary Astrology. The
characteristics of drekkanas will help us to determine the
nature, appearance and other peculiarities of the person
involved in a theft or some other crime in Horary Astrology.
The source of death is also predicted with reference to the
characteristics of the rising drekkana of the 8th bhava. The
reader is requested to study this chapter in the light of the
details giveo in the chapter on Death and Horary Astrology.
A study of drekkanas will also be helpful to analyse the
general characteristics of persons, success in undertakings,
journeys, etc.

Each sign is divided into 30 degrees and 10 degues

constitute a drekkana so that we get 3 drekkanas for each
sign- Of the 36 drekkanas, 24 are male and 12 female. Four
of these 36 are birds, 9 of them quadrupeds and 5 of them
serpent drekkanas.

1. A man clad in white dress, particularly round his
waist; dark in complexion, terrific in appearance, reddish
eyes and holding a lifted axe. Ruler—Mars ; masculine.

2. A woman wearing red cloth, fond of jewels and

ornaments, single-footed, with the face of a horse and suffer¬
ing from thirst. Ruler—the Sun ; bird drekkana ; female.

pnkktoai and Stellar Ioflnences


3. A cruel-hearted man, red in colour, active, wearing

ued garments, unprincipled and angry. Ruler—Jupiter;


1. A woman with torn ringlets, inclined to eat, thirsty

and wearing a partly burnt garment. Ruler—Venus; feminine;

2. A man skilled in agriculture, building houses, breed-

cattle, music, science and arts, possessing a neck similar to
that of a bull. Ruler—Mercury ; masculine; quadruped.

3. A man with white teeth, carnet feet, elephantine belly,

fond of sheep and deer and always agitated. Ruler—Saturn;
masculine; quadruped.


1. A handsome female, skilled in needle work, issueless

and menses. Ruler—Mercury ; feminine.

2. A man in garden armed from top to toe with a bow,

warlike and sportive. Ruler—Venus ; masculine ; bird

3. A man rich in jewels, armed with bow, learned and

peevish. Ruler—Saturn ; masculine; armed.


1. A man holding vegetables, flowers and fruits,

elephant-bodied, pig-faced and horse-necked. Ruler—the
Moon; masculine; quadruped.

2. A woman decorated by flowers with a snake in her

hand, possessing stiff decorum and crying loud in the forest.
Ruler—Mars ; feminine, sarpa or serpent drekkana.

3. A man in a boat amidst an ocean, with a serpent

round his waist. Ruler—Jupiter; masculine; serpent


Hindu Predictive Astrology


A jackal and a vult ure sitting oo a sandal tree , a dog and

a man crying for help in torcsL Ruler—the Sun ; masculine,
combination of quadruped an<d Avian characters.

Uo 2. A man resembling centaur covered overby deer-skin

and a blanket, with a bow in his hand and fierce in look.
Ruler—Jupiter ; masculine ; armed.

3. A man resembling a bear in face, a monkey in actions,

with long moustaches. Ruler—Mars; m asculine; quadruped.

1. A beautiful virgin, holding a basket—full of flowers,

limbs covered over by dirty garments. Ruler—Mercury;

2. A man with a dark head and a pen in his hand ^ with

bow^ and body full of dense hair. Ruler^Saturn ;

masculine: armed.

3. A fair woman, with a yellow cloth on her body and *

exposing her breasts and going to a sacred place. Ruler—
Venus; feminine and a bird drekkana .


1. A merchant ora buyer with a measuring pan in his

hand. Ruler—Venus; masculine.

2. A man hungry and thirsty, with the face of a vulture,

and attached to his wife and children. Ruler—Saturn ;

3. A man with a quiver and clad in coat made of a

precious metal, frightening the animals in the forest. Ruler-
Mercury ; masculine and quadruped.


1. A beautiful young woman, quite naked, emerging out

from an ocean towards the shore, feet bound up by a serpent.
Ruler—Mars ; feminine aDd serpent drekkana.


Pftkkaotfl and Stellar Influences

2. A woman of materialistic nature with a serpent coiled

round her. Ruler—Jupiter ; feminine and serpent drekkana.

3. A lion with a face similar to that of a turtle frighten¬

ing wild animals. Ruler—the Moon ; masculine and
quadruped drekkana.

Sa gittarius

1. A man resembling a centaur, stopping in hermitage

and religious places. Ruler—-Jupiter ; masculine; armed,

2. A handsome woman, bright as champaka flowers in

complexion, middle stature ?nd captivating look. Ruler-
Mars ; feminine.

3. A man with long hairs, assuming a nice posture and

wearing deer-skin and silk clothes. Ruler—the Sun ; mascu¬
line, armed.


1. A man with much hair, pig-bodied, camel face, and

carrying a rope and a net. Ruler -Saturn ; masculine.
2. A beautiful woman, skilled in arts, eyes like lotus
petal, decked with costly ornaments. Ruler—Venus;

3. A man covered over by a blanket and armed with a

quiver, arrows and bow. Ruler—Mercury ; masculine.


1. A man disturbed in mind, drunkard, clad with a deer¬

skin and face resembling a vulture. Rule—Saturn; mascu¬

2. A female seated in a partly burnt carriage, bearing

pots on her head. Ruler—Mercury ; feminine.

3. A man black in complexion, with long hair and

wandering with iron pots. Ruler—Venus; masculine.


Hindu Predictive A*tn>lot>


1. A man engaged in handling many articles, decked

with ornaments and crossing the ocean in a boat. Ruler—
Jupiter; masculine.

2. A beautiful woman, sailing in a boat with long flags

towards the other coast. Ruler—the Moon ; feminine.

3. A man stranded in a forest, naked and attacked by

serpents and thieves. Ruler—Mars.

Stellar Influences

The results of the constellation which a person is born

under will be briefly dealt with here. The results given are
merely general and are modified according to other combi¬
nations obtained in the horoscope.

1. Aswini. —The person born in Aswini will be fond of

decoration, lovely in appearance, popular, skilful, clever and
2. Bharani —Determined, trustful, clever, happy, healthy
and obstinate.

3. Krittika.— Voracious eater and writer, capricious,

fond of others* wives, bright appearance and widespread fame.

4. Rohini. —Truthful, pure, renowned, clean, moral

principles, handsome, firm views.

3. Mrigasira. —Capricious, fickle-minded, sharp witted,

timid, skilful, hopeful, voluptuous.

. 6. Aridra.— Dissimulating, skilful, ungrateful, haughty,

mischievous, proud and debaucherous.

7. Punarvasu.— Religious, persevering, happy, many

misfortunes, amiable, self-control, righteous.

8. Pushy ami.— Learned, rich, charitable, wealthy,

virtuous, controlling passions.

9. Aslesha. —Dissimulator, ungrateful, inclined to hoard¬

ing. sinful, deceitful, selfish.

Dnkkuit tod Stellar Influences


10. Makha .—Rejectors of preceptors and religious

people, great wealth, enjoyment, verv enterprising and

11. Pubba —Sweet speech, liberal, handsome, wanderer,


12. Uttara.— Self-acquired property, popular, volup¬

tuous, happy, befriending nature.

13. Hasta. —Enterprising, intelligent, shameless, polite,

cruel, pilfering habits.

14. ' Chitta .—Lotus eyes, proportionate limbs, good looks.

15. Swati.— Sweet-tongued, generous, virtuous, modest,

clever in trade and campassionate.
16. Visakha.— Avaricious, jealous, quarrelsome, clever
in speech.

17. Anuradha .—Magisterial office, in exile, fond of travel¬

ling, unable to suffer hunger.

18. Jyeshta .—Few friends, irritable, charitable.

19. Moola.— Haughty, proud, rich, wealthy, luxurious


20. Poorvashadha .—Beautiful wife, polite, proud, steady.

21. Vttarashadha. — Virtuous, learned, polite, popular,

grateful, amiable.

22. Sravana. —Liberal, renowned, learned and rich.

23. Dhanlshta.— Wealthy, courageous, greedy, fond of


t 24. Satabhisha.— Plain, truthful, trouble through females,

irreconcilable, adventurous.

25. Poorvabhadra.— Skilful, sorrowful, miserly, wealthy,

clever, hen-pecked.

26. Ultarabhadra .—Good conversationalist, happy,

charitable, successful over enemies.

27. Revati .—Symmetrical body, courageous, clean,

healthy, liked by all, popular.


Calculation of the Ayanamsa

There are two systems of Astronomy in India—namely,

the Nirayana and the Sayana. The former traces observations
of planets to a fixed zodiac, while the latter considers the
moving zodiac commencing from the shifting, vernal equinox.
It is certain that the greatest Hiodu Astrological writers
referred to the fixed zodiac for predictions. And this fact is
borne out by experience.

The increment between the beginning of the “fixed” and

the “moveable” zodiacs or the Nirayana and Sayana positions
is referred to as Ayanamsa which increases about 50-1/3
seconds every year. Western astronomy is based upon the
Sayana system so that it considers the moving zodiac
commencing from the shifting vernal equinox as has already
been said above. This, if we deduct this Ayanamsa from the
positions of plaoets and cusps of the houses obtained accord*
ing to the Western system, we will arrive at the Hindu

When exactly the two zodiacs were in the first point is

doubted by a number of astronomers and accordingly the
Ayanamsa—precessions! distance—varies from 19° to 23°. I
do not wish to enter into explaining the complicated processes
of astronomy at large which centre attention on the discussion
of the exact nature of Ayanamsa, but merely confine myself
to giving a suitable and simple method for determining the

Calculation of the Ayanamsa


First of all, cast the horoscope of birth according to the

European manner and convert it into the terms of Hindu
zodiac by the following process :

(1) Subtract 397 from the year of birth (A.D.).

(2) Multiply the remainder by SO 1/3 seconds; and

reduce the product into degrees, minutes and seconds.

(3) Subtract this number of degrees, minutes and

seconds from the cusps of the houses and the planets*
positions in the European figure of birth and the figure thus
obtained will be according to the Hindu system.

Example :—

Determine the Ayanamsa for 1912 A.D.

1912-937 = 1515 x 50*' = 76255".

76255" - 21' 10' 55"

This is the Ayanamsa for 1912 A.D.

Table of Obllqne Ascension showing the durations of signs from 0° to 60* N Cat.

Calculation of the Ayaoamsa


ir)ininvHO«nia«ov>iotn«nininin«Mo< 0 ««««\ 0 ««««

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oooor^>c>¥^^rW<n — — oo. obr^-^iX^rf^ro-iooIoor^


<rnr-ojr*w«oo^oj^ww , tr^h;h«



8^2223253Si22a8Ss22=* -i -R2K!;


The following Ureproduced from Mr. N.C. Lahiri'a Indian Epknmris

Balance of Vimsottarl Dasa by Longitude of the Moon
In the example given on 27. the Moon la in Teurua 25° 10*.

For fbia, balance of Mara* Daaa la Yra. 0-0-14.

Moon fn

Moon in

Moon in

Moon in

Balance of

Balance of

Balance of









y .



y .

m. d.






0 0




7 6





2 12





9 18






4 24




0 0




7 6



2 12



9 18




4 24




0 0






6 9






0 18







6 27






1 6







7 13





1 24





8 3





2 12





8 21






3 0





9 9






3 18







9 21


1 o





4 6




10 15







4 24

1 0





11 3


1 0





5 12



i 0





11 21

Hindu Predictive Adrolofif

TABLE II (cont4.)




Moon in

Moon in
Balance of

Ktoon in



loon in
la taka,

Balance of


Balance of


ilance of


y .


* '










So tarn


















































































































































Calculation of the Ayanamsa


TABLE n (cortd.)

bioom im

WM r rrrwrwM


Moo a im


Mooo i

Me* ha,
Sim ha,


Thula. !






. Metoa

Balance of

Balance of

Balance of


y .



y •































































































































































Hindu Predictive Astrology


Proportional Parts for Dasas of Plaaets







| m.



m. d.

* m.

j ;

| m




m. d

m. d.


: o

0 9

0 3

! 0

I 0

0 7

0 9

i 0

0 18

0 5

| o


0 14

0 17 !


i 0

0 27

0 8



0 22

0 26

0 23

; o


1 6 |
0 11


0 29

1 4

i :

; o


1 15

0 14

1 0 23



1 6

1 13



1 24

0 16




1 13

1 21



2 3

0 19




1 20

2 0


0 25

2 12!

0 22


1 28

2 8



2 21

0 24




2 5

2 17


3 0

0 27

* 1




2 12

2 26





4 15

1 11

, 2



3 18

4 8




6 0

1 24


4 24

5 21


Example.—Moon' Position : Taurus 25 # 10



Moon in Vrishabha 25°—Balance of Mars Dasa 6-1-15


Less for 10'—Balance of Mars Dasa 0-1-1

Balaoce of Mars Dasa at birth



Ayanarasa (1880 to 2000 A.D.)




































































































































































































































































L 59













































































































































19 0






ku >M







Abhijin Muhurtha















Ay ana







Bhava Madhya
Bbava Sandhi

of Technical Terms

— A most auspicious moment

— Bestowing of First Alphabets
— Panchangas
— Early death
— First feeding of a child
— Inter-periods
— Untouchable

— 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 bouses

— 3, 6, 9 and 12 houses
— Ascending direction

— Eight sources of energy the

planets are subjected to
— Inauspicious
— Combustion
— Acceleration
— Descending direction
— States of existence—Planetary
— Direction
— Precessional distance
— Longevity

— The Hindu System of Medicine

— Infant mortality
— Zodiac
— House

— Mid-point of a house
— Junction of two bouses

lodes of Technical T<






Barhaspathyaman a



Char a Basis

Cbeshta Bala



Deva Loka
Dhana Yoga

Dwiswabhava Basis

Ekadhipatbya Reduction

Ghati—A unit of Time

Measure of Hindus
Gnana Yoga
- Ashtakavarga of each planet

— State of a planet during


— Marks or benefic dots in


— Holy and religious people and

the highest caste among the

_ Jovian year

— Mercury

— The Moon

— Moveable signs

— Motional strength

— Planetary periods

— State of a planet in an
unfriendly bouse

— World of Immortals

— Combination for wealth

— Sagittarius

— Directional strength

— Direction

— ]/3rd division of a sign

— Strength of aspect

— 1/12th division of a sign

— Common signs

— The Sun's path

— Beduction on account of a
planet owning 2 signs
Equivalent to 24 minutes of
English Time

— Combination for higher

wisdom and knowledge


Hindu Predictive Aitroloft


— Planetary factors

Grabs Yuddba

— Planetary fight


— Jupiter


— 1/2 division of a sign

Hora Sastra

— Science of Time or Astrology


— Science of Light or Astrology

Kala Bala

— Temporal strength

Kala Purusba

— Time personified

— Virgo


Doctrine of rebirth or human



— Cancer


— Quadrants


—^Dragon’s Tail


— State of debilitation

Krishna Paksha

— Dark half of the Lunar month

Krura Rasis

— Cruel signs


— Warriors and the second

caste among the Hindus


— Mars


— Aquarius


— Destruction

— A system of mathematics to
abridge calculations


— World


— Middle life


— A celestial force


— Capricorn


— Death-inflicting planets


— Aries


— Gemini


— Salvation or final emancipation


— Positions between exaltation

and own house

Index of Technical


— Deatb


— State of a planet in m friendly



— Election, fixing auspicious



— Constellation


— Baptising or giving a name

Naraka Loka

— Internal regions


— 1 /9th division of a sign


— Debilitation


— Fixed zodiac or sidereal zodiac

Naisargika Bala

— Permanent strength


— 3, 6, 10 and 11 bouses


— 2,5,8 and 11 houses

— Malefic


— Setting towards the west


— State of a planet in the last

degree of a sign


— World of Manes


- Full life

Poorva Mimamsa Sastra

— A system of Hindu philosophy

dealing with the results of
Karma written by Maharisbi


— Setting towards the east


— Horary or question

Prasoa Lagna

— Rising sign at the query

Prushtodaya Rasis

— Signs rising by hinder part


— Dragon’s Head

Rabu Kala

— Time influenced by Rahu

Rajasa Guoa

— Courage and love of arts

Raja Yoga

— Combination fpr political



Hindu Predictive Astrology


Rasi Gunakara






Shubha Lagoa
Sidereal Times
Sou my a Rasi*
Stri Rasis
Stain bh an a
Sthira Rasis

Sukla Paksha
Tatkalika Mitra

— Zodiacal sign

— Zodiacal factors

— Certain units of measure of

planetary and house strengths

— Season

— Planets with the Moon

— Saturn

— State of a planet in beneficial

Shad vargas

— The Ashtakavargas of all

planets taken together

— Moving zodiac

— A celestial force

— Six sources of strength and

weakness of planets

— Six kinds of division of a sign

— Auspicious Time

— Star time or Nakshatra Hora

— Rising by the head-signs

— Mild signs

— Creation

— Feminine signs

— Stagnation

— Positional strength

— Fixed signs
— Protection

— Farmers—fourth caste among

the Hindus

— Bright half of the Lunar


— Venus

— Mild nature

— Temporary friend


A Catechism of Astrology Vo
A Manual of Hindu Astrology lVe

1 in Predicting Weather tt EartlujuaJces

avarga System of Prediction fVc
Astrology for Beginners, 26/c
Blvavartha Ratnakara IfVe
Graha it Bluiva BaLxs l.Ve

Hindu Astrology and the West Vc

Muhurtha or Electinnal Astrology
My Experiences in Astrology
Planetary Influence* on Human Affairs, 12/e
Practical Horary Astrology Vc
Prasaru Tnntrn <Ve

Raman's 110 Year Ephemera of Planetary

Positions (1891 to 2010 A.D.) IfVe
Vorsltaplial or tlx? Hindu Progressed Horoscope IVe

Rn 65


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