Empowering Women To Become Self-Reliant
Empowering Women To Become Self-Reliant
Empowering Women To Become Self-Reliant
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About organisation
Grameen Vikas Sewa Samiti was developed by likeminded people with a goal to capitulate and abet the
process of economic development and social change. To achieve this goal organisation has created
vision and mission which is as under:
To challenge the social inequalities and empower vulnerable population by enabling them to help
To mobilise and harness the power of community at large to combat against social evils and
discriminations which hinders the progress of the community
Compassion: Being aware of the suffering and difficulties of others and want to contribute for it.
Respect: Having compassionate consideration of others by listening and trying to understand.
Responsiveness: Moving to action with an understanding of the needs of our community.
Stewardship: Using resources, we to be responsive to the community, to provide maximum value to
people who access our services, and to be accountable to all who support our work. Organization is
actively providing community services in the felids of HIV/AIDS Prevention Care and Support; other
Health care programmes like Tuberculosis, Hepatitis and Leprosy; Integrated development of
villages under village development programme; Water and sanitation, Empowering Women through
skill development and SHG formation; Education of Women and Children and Primarily prevention
activities and building Capacity of Civil Society Organisations.
Type of NGO :
Registration No :
City of Registration :
State of Registration :
Date of Registration
FCRA details
Contact Details
City : Basti
Telephone : 0500000000
Mobile No : 09451000000
E-mail : yxxxxxdav[dot]xgmail[dot]com
Website Url : ggxxxabcabc
Fax : 5555555555
Major assignments:
Road Safety Awareness Program Prevention of HIV through Targeted Intervention Project among IDUs, Basti Prevention of HIV through Targeted
Intervention among Migrants Prevention of HIV in rural areas of District Basti through Link Worker Scheme
Innovations In Health Advocacy by PATH International Child Manifesto
Axshya Project – the global funds round - TB Project
Village Development Programme, Ministry of Rural Development
National Environment Awareness Campaign
Disater Management and awareness programme in Distt Basti
Sure Start Project PATH International
Sir Dorab ji Tata Trust
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
India's Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) has recognized for the first time that women are not just as equal citizens but as agents of economic and social growth
[1]. Any development strategy will be lopsided without involving women who constitute half of the world population. Women entrepreneurship has gained
momentum since the early 1980s when countries in Asia (particularly India and China) and elsewhere started liberalizing their economies [2]. The resultant
globalization propelled by Foreign Direct Investment, technological innovations and manufactured exports has brought a wide range of economic and social
opportunities to women entrepreneurs.
Empowerment of women is closely linked to the opportunities they have in education, health, employment and for political participation. The role played by rural
women in India's economic development has not been assigned sufficient importance. Women face gender-specific barriers in access to education, health, and
employment. As well, women have little control over assets. Women are often under-paid or unpaid for their work. Though, data on literacy rates, enrolment and
drop rates in primary education, life expectancy, infant mortality, maternal mortality rates, etc. has shown a progressive trend, other parameters that reflect the
status and position of women in society such as work participation rates, sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years and gender based violence continue to be heavily
distorted against women.
Need and scope of the present proposal
Basti District is one among 71 Districts of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It is Located 206 KM west towards State capital Lucknow. District is sharing border with
District Ambedkar Nagar, District Faizabad and Gonda.
As per the census 2011, total population of the district is 2464464 out of which there are 1255272 males and 1209192 are females. Population wise this is 41st
district in the state and 178th district at national level and if considering the land area it is 2 largest district in the state. As per 2011 census, 94.39 % population of
Basti districts lives in rural areas of villages. Literacy rate of the district is around 56% which is low against the national average of around 60%. Only 33% male
and 23% females are literate in the district which shows the backwardness of the district. This district has 39th rank in the state and 397th rank in India in literacy.
Female literacy rate of rural area is far below therefore there is less exposure and most of the females are treated as marginalized population. As per census 2011
data there are only 32% population engaged in any income generation activity out of which only 9% females are involved in any kind of income generation
As per the need assessment and observation through other programmes being implemented but the organisation following issues has emerged categorically:
Women, for both physiological and social reasons, are more vulnerable than men to reproductive health problems. Reproductive health problems, including
maternal mortality and morbidity, represent a major – but preventable -- cause of death and disability for women. As far as District Basti is concerned as per
available data it is found that still there is high IMR and MMR in the district. There is huge gap in providing information, services and conditions to help women
protect their reproduction health therefore constitutes gender-based discrimination and a violation of women’s rights to health and life.
Women in Basti district are usually in charge of securing water, food and fuel and of overseeing family health and diet. Therefore, they tend to put into
immediate practice whatever they learn about nutrition and preserving the environment and natural resources.
Economic empowerment:
More women than men live in poverty. Women hardly have any money at their discretion therefore totally dependent on husband or family members to fulfil
their petty needs. Economic disparities persist partly because much of the unpaid work within families and communities falls on the shoulders of women and
because they face discrimination in the economic sphere.
Educational empowerment:
As far as Basti is concerned about two thirds of the illiterate adults are female. Further analysing the data it was found the around 60% of the total literate
women have studied up to 5th standard. Higher levels of women's education are strongly associated with both lower infant mortality and lower fertility, as well
as with higher levels of education and economic opportunity for their children.
Political empowerment:
Social and legal institutions still do not guarantee women equality in basic legal and human rights, in access to or control of land or other resources, in
employment and earning, and social and political participation. Laws against domestic violence are often not enforced on behalf of women.
Reproductive health is a lifetime concern for both women and men, from infancy to old age. UNFPA supports programming tailored to the different challenges
they face at different times in life.
Identification and Formation of SHGs: This is the most important activity, since the progress of the project depends on the women selected to compose SHG
groups. Out of a total of 201 gram panchayats in the four blocks, 50 village panchayats would be selected based on organisation's past intervention and expected
project outcomes. 100 SHG groups, two each in every panchayat shall be formed constituting 10 members in each group. A total of 1000 beneficiaries would
target during the project tenure.
S.N. Blocks Total Gram Number of village Total number of Total number of
Panchayat panchayats SHGs formed beneficiaries
targeted targeted
1 Kudraha 70 15 30 300
2 Dubaulia 55 10 20 200
3 Bahadupur 74 15 30 300
4 Kaptanganj 61 10 20 200
Total 328 50 100 1000
Project Description
The proposed project titled "Empowering Women to become Self-reliant" aims to improve the economic and health condition of women in selected intervention
villages of Basti district through SHG formation and capacity building/skill development training programs. The project envisages providing a sustainable source of
income to the beneficiaries by establishing production centres and improving their health parameters through nutritional awareness.
"To improve economic and health conditions of women beneficiaries in Kudraha, Dubaulia, Bahadupur, Kaptanganj blocks of Basti district, Uttar Pradesh."
I. To form 100 women Self Help Groups in Kudraha, Dubaulia, Bahadupur, Kaptanganj blocks of Basti district and improve their saving habits through
capacity building programs.
II. To improve the health parameters of the SHG members and generate livelihood opportunities for the beneficiaries by promoting group entrepreneurship
in the target areas.
III. To sustain the income generating activities in the areas through establishment of production units and their market linkages.
Implementation Area
The project shall be implemented in 50 selected villages of Kudraha, Dubaulia, Bahadupur, Kaptanganj blocks of District Basti, U.P.
Proposed Outcomes
100 identifiable SHG groups formed in 50 gram panchayat of Kudraha, Dubaulia, Bahadupur and Kaptanganj blocks of District Basti. The members of the
groups have inculcated the saving habit within them and have established a culture of self-help.
Improvement in the health parameters, professional, technical and social skills of 1000 women beneficiaries of the SHG groups.
400 women beneficiaries empowered through skill development training programs in food processing and packaged drinking water to become rural
Approach and Methodology
The project envisages to empower women to become self-reliant through formation of SHGs and inculcating saving habits in them. The project will be
implemented with the full cooperation of the women beneficiaries from the villages and village leaders. It shall strive on their participation at every level and at
every stage of the program.
Baseline survey:
At the onset, a baseline survey would be conducted in all the four blocks to study the socio-economic conditions of women in the areas. This survey shall also
focus on availability of local resources and demand for skill development training programs in the areas of intervention. Primary research using questionnaires/
schedules will be conducted. Government officials, village leaders, private players etc. shall be contacted to prepare a detailed report on the status of the blocks.
Number of village
Total number of Total number of
S.N. Blocks panchayats
SHGs formed beneficiaries targeted
1 Kudraha 15 30 300
2 Dubaulia 10 20 200
3 Bahadupur 15 30 300
4 Kaptanganj 10 20 200
Total 328 50 100
Awareness programs on health, hygiene and nutrition:
After the formation of SHG groups awareness programs on health, hygiene and nutrition would be conducted. Good health care and nutrition during pregnancy,
infancy, and childhood are essential but are often overlooked factors in the growth and development due to lack of awareness specially in villages. The mobilizers
shall disseminate such information in the groups for achieving a better health status of the SHG members. The awareness programs would be followed up by
health check-up camps. Eye check-up camps, blood test, etc would be conducted free of cost in the villages. Also iron capsules, sanitary napkins etc. would be
distributed for free during the health camps.
Assessment of SHGs:
Once the SHG groups are formed, trained and stabilized they will be assessed for the sake of identifying the 40 best SHGs out of the 100 SHGs formed. The main
components of assessment would be the attendance level of the SHG members, their regularity of savings, inter-loaning history, repayment history, group
cohesiveness, leadership qualities etc.
Conducting skill development training programs: The selected beneficiaries shall undergo skill development training in two of the trades chosen. In Kudraha
and Dubaulia, Training on ‘Packaged drinking water’ shall be imparted and in Bahadupur and Kaptanganj training on ‘Food Processing’ shall be imparted. Detail
study material shall be provided to each beneficiaries printed in their local language.
The training shall be provided batch wise as per the table below catering a total of 400 beneficiaries from all the four blocks.
Total number of
S.N. Blocks Intervention Trade Duration
1. Kudraha Packaged Drinking 100 (4 batches)
Water 3 months
2. Dubaulia Group 100 (4 batches)
3. Bahadupur 100 (4 batches)
Food Processing 3 months
4. Kaptanganj 100 (4 batches)
Total 400
Conducting training programs on Group Entrepreneurship & Life Skills:
Training on group entrepreneurship is necessary to build a successful microenterprise. The self-help group is not a static institution; it grows on the resources and
management skills of its members and their increasing confidence to get involved in issues and programs that require their involvement in the public and private
spheres. Special training classes on group entrepreneurship shall be imparted to the trained SHG members so that they can run and manage their enterprise
independently. Also life skills like, managing emotions, building relationships, resisting peer pressure, communication and negotiation skills shall also be taught to
the beneficiaries. Information about proposal writing and submission, land development, subsidy details, funding agencies, central/state government schemes
etc. shall also be a part of the training program. This shall enable the beneficiaries to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.
This is very important strategy for selling the final product. If this is done properly, this would impact the whole project. Permanent and long term market is
required to make this project sustainable. Local shopkeepers, wholesalers, retailers, and vendors shall be contacted for placing the final products manufactured
by the beneficiaries. Since Eastern U.P. is a tourist destination due to Buddhist circuit attending melas and trade events in the district shall also be laid importance
to. Further, proper attention will be given to improve the packaging quality for creating and sustaining market demand.
Project Review Meetings:
Project review meetings will be held on a quarterly basis which shall be attended by the project team, and selected leaders from the beneficiaries. The objective
of these meetings will be to review the strategies, discuss the challenges, conflict resolutions, and to devise ways to combat the challenges. In the review
meetings, redress mechanisms will be set up. Through supportive discussions, solutions will be found for improving the quality levels. The existence of such
mechanism is expected to strengthen the project intervention.
11 Review Meetings
12 Certificate distribution &
Dissemination workshop
Implementation Team
1. Project Manager: S/he will be the head of the project and responsible for overall
management and monitoring of the project. S/he will assign task to other staff of the
project. S/he will also be responsible for identification of market linkages and credit linkages
3. SHG Coordinators: S/he will be responsible for SHG formation in the villages, assessment
and selection of the beneficiaries under the guidance of Project Manager
4. Accounts Officer: He/she will be responsible for maintaining project accounts.
5. Support Staff: S/He will be responsible in carrying out documentation and supporting
Project Manager & Monitoring Officer in all respect.
Monitoring reports would be prepared and submitted as per the specifications, highlighting the
activities, achievements and challenges faced during the month Regular check on all these
parameters and feedback provided thereafter for improvements shall lead to the achievement of
the outcomes of the project.