Ma'Din Polytechnic College Malappuram: Department of Electrical & Electronicsengineering
Ma'Din Polytechnic College Malappuram: Department of Electrical & Electronicsengineering
Ma'Din Polytechnic College Malappuram: Department of Electrical & Electronicsengineering
While submitting this seminar report I would like to thank a few persons whose able advice and co-
operation made my work smoother. My foremost and heartier gratitude goes to our principal, Mr.
ABDUL HAMEED CP who provided me necessary facilities to proceed with the seminar.
I hereby express my sincere gratitude to our Head of the Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Mr. MUHAMMAD ASIF Kand seminar guideMs.SRUTHI K for providing me with the
entire necessary infrastructure to complete my seminar.
I hereby express my sincere gratitude to our tutor Mr. RAGESH P, Department of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering, for providing me with the entire necessary infrastructure to complete my
I also express my sincere thanks to all the faculty members of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department for their kind co-operation and valuable suggestions during the period of this work. I take this
opportunity to thank all my friends who helped me throughout this work and for their patient discussion
and suggestion and for their timely aid.
Finally, I take opportunity to thank my parents for their blessings and suitable help. Above all, I
thank God Almighty for His abundant blessings without His blessings I would not have been able to
complete this venture
Transportation is a basic need of society. It’s make human life more easy and comfortable. As
far as increasing transportation, accident is also increasing. It cause death of human and damages any part
of body. To prevent the particular action, We try to implement a system is Accident detection and
messaging system using GPS and GSM. In this system, the vibration sensor is used as an input to the
systemand corresponding response is analyzing by the Arduino. If accident occurs, sensors reading
exceed the threshold and it takes the appropriate action. The SMS is send to the authorities and provide
the immediate help to the people who met in an accident. The proposed embedded approach provides the
promising result.
3.1 Arduino Uno(ATMEGA328P) 7
3.1.1 Features 9
In twentieth country, the number of vehicles exponentially increase due to growth in the
automobile industry. As the number of vehicle increases, the accident also increases. The reasons of most
of the road accident are heterogeneous traffic and lack of traffic separation. According to World Health
Organization(WHO), India is leading country in the road accident deaths. In India, 13 million peoples
were dead in road accident in the year of 2018-19. These statistics are reported accidental records but
there are numbers of accident which are unreported. Hence the numbers of actual accident are more than
the statistic of WHO. According to the survey of Global Status Report on Road Safety, the reasons of the
road accident are speeding, drunken driving, minimum use of safety appliances lie helmet and seat belts
etc. The existing system mostly focused on the safety of the passenger but not on the immediate help after
accident.Our goal for the Integrated Automotive Safety system is to provide a level playing of all
vehicles, regardless of age, when it comes to outfitting car as well as possible for any risks one can face
on the road. These risks include rollovers, collision and non-responsive drivers after accidents and lack of
location information after accident has occurred. These sort of risks plague every driver in the US and
abroad, but sadly only the newest vehicle provide protection from dangers such as these. Where does that
leave the average teen driving a late 90s, early 2000s high mileages car or perhaps an elderly person
driving the same car they’ve had for 40 years? These car likely do not have sufficient safeguards for today
risks, but our project can remedy this. India has earned the dubious distinction of having more number of
fatalities due to road accident in the world. Road safety is emerging as a major social concern around the
world especially in India. Drinking and driving is already serious public health problem, which is likely to
emerge as one of the most significant problems in the near future. The system implemented by us aims at
reducing the road accidents in the near future due to drunken driving. The system detects the presence of
Alcohol in the vehicle and immediately locks the engine of the vehicle.
Figure 2.1 shows block diagram of vehicle tracking and accident alert system. This shows the
overall view of the vehicle tracking and accident alert system circuit. The blocks connected here are
LCD display, GPS, GSM, Arduino UNO, Power supply, Accelerometer.
Fig.2.1:Block Diagram
GSM module’s Tx and Rx pins of are directly connected to pin D2 and D3 of Arduino. For
GSM interfacing, here we have also used software serial library. GSM module is also powered by 12v
supply. An optional LCD’s data pins D4, D5, D6, and D7 are connected to pin number 6, 7, 8, and 9 of
Arduino. Command pin RS and EN of LCD are connected with pin number 4 and 5 of Arduino and RW
pin is directly connected with ground. A Potentiometer is also used for setting contrast or brightness of
An Accelerometer is added in this system for detecting an accident and its x,y, and z-axis ADC
output pins are directly connected to Arduino ADC pin A1, A2, and A3.
For designing this hardware many types of devices are used to make it perfectly working. All the
devices are purchased from different manufacturers. These components are soldered on a soldering board.
The following list of hardware are required for this system.
3.1.1 Features
• High Performance, Low Power AVR® 8-Bit Microcontroller
Fig.3.3:Vibration Sensor
It generates a loud beep when somebody tries to break the door or window. The alarm stops
automatically after three minutes. The circuit uses a piezoelectric element as the vibration sensor.It exploits
the piezoelectric property of the piezo electric crystals. The piezoelectric effect may be direct piezoelectric
effect in which the electric charge develops as a result of the mechanical stressor or indirect piezoelectric
effect (Converse piezoelectric effect) in which a mechanical force such as vibration develops due to the
application of an electric field.
GSM is used as a media which is used to control and monitor the vehicle or person from
anywhere by sending a message. It has its own deterministic character. Thereby, here GSM is used to
monitor and control the vehicle or person by sending a message through GSM modem. Hence it is
considered as highly efficient communication through the mobile which will be useful in industrial
controls, automobiles, and appliances which would be controlled from anywhere else. It is also highly
economic and less expensive; hence GSM is preferred most for this mode of controlling.
A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a
subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a GSM
modem looks just like a mobile phone.
When a GSM modem is connected to a computer, this allows the computer to use the GSM modem
to communicate over the mobile network. While these GSM modems are most frequently used to provide
mobile internet connectivity, many of them can also be used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS
GSM/GPRS MODEM is a class of wireless MODEM devices that are designed for communication
of a computer with the GSM and GPRS network. It requires a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card
just like mobile phones to activate communication with the network. Also they have IMEI (International
Mobile Equipment Identity) number similar to mobile phones for their identification. A GSM/GPRS
MODEM can perform the following operations:
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from the
constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. Global Positioning System tracking is a method of
working out exactly where something is. A GPS tracking system, for example, may be placed in a
vehicle, on a cell phone, or on special GPS devices, which can either be a fixed or portable unit. GPS
works by providing information on exact location. It can also track the movement of a vehicle or person.
There are 24 satellites being used in the US GPS system at all times. These satellites orbit the
earth in such a way that at any given time and location, at least four satellites are visible to a GPS driven
device. Each satellite is equipped with an extremely accurate atomic clock so the satellite is always
aware of the current time on Earth at the Prime Meridian. The satellites are also aware of their own
positions with the assistance of ground stations that give continuous updates. The 24 satellites orbit the
earth transmitting their time and position. These pieces of data are received by the antennas attached to
radio receivers inside a GPS device.
As a GPS device starts up, it must scan its radio tuner for very faint GPS satellite signals. Once it
has collected data (the position of a satellite and the time the satellite sent the position) from at least
three satellites, a location fix can be made.
3.4.2 Trilateration
Trilateration is a method that is used to determine position on Earth in three
dimensions. GPS deals with three-dimensions rather than two. Since the distance from the Earth
to a satellite results in a sphere rather than a flat circle, the calculation is a bit complex.
Using trilateration, rather than draw circles to determine position we need to draw
spheres. For example, if the first acquired satellite is 25,000 miles from position one cannot
simply draw a circle around that satellite and determine a position 25,000 miles from it. A
sphere must be plotted, extending toward Earth and away from Earth. A second satellite is
calculated to be 25,001 miles from position, resulting in another sphere. The two spheres
intersect, creating a perfect circle. A circular plane now exists, extending down through the earth
and out into space. A large number of potential positions have now been eliminated, but there is
not yet an exact location. Many potential positions still exist and a third satellite is needed to
define a sphere that intersects with the two current spheres resulting in two points that define
possible position. One point is in space and one is on earth. Since the world is roughly a sphere,
the point in space can be eliminated and the approximate position of the GPS receiver is located
on Earth. A fourth satellite is necessary to account for altitude and provide an exact fix of the
location. The plotting of a fourth sphere provides the exact location and altitude of the receiver
at the time the four measurements were taken.
3.5 Accelerometer
An accelerometer is an electromechanical device used to measure acceleration forces.
Such forces may be static, like the continuous force of gravity or, as is the case with many
mobile devices, dynamic to sense movement or vibrations. Acceleration is the measurement of
the change in velocity, or speed divided by time.
Some accelerometers use the piezoelectric effect - they contain microscopic crystal
structures that get stressed by accelerative forces, which causes a voltage to be generated. ... If
an accelerative force moves one of the structures, then the capacitance will change.
Pin Description of accelerometer:
To enable terminal latch of LCD high to low pulse is sent and RS bit is enabled. Once
the latch is enabled the data is transferred through the interfacing pins parallel and the LCD
shows the display on it. These LCD are easy to program and they are economical too. LCD
interfacing with microcontroller is very easy. Here in our vehicle tracking project LCD displays
the output i.e. latitude and longitude of the vehicle. The following figure 3.16 shows the LCD
display of latitude and longitude.
When we are ready with our hardware after programming, we can install it in our
vehicle and power it up. Now whenever there is an accident, the car gets tilt and accelerometer
changes his axis values. These values read by Arduino and checks if any change occurs in any
axis. If any change occurs then Arduino reads coordinates by extracting $GPGGA String from
GPS module data (GPS working explained above) and send SMS to the predefined number to
the police or ambulance or family member with the location coordinates of accident place. The
message also contains a Google Map link to the accident location, so that location can be easily
tracked. When we receive the message then we only need to click the link and we will redirect
to the Google map and then we can see the exact location of the vehicle. Speed of Vehicle, in
knots (1.852 KPH), is also sent in the SMS and displayed on the LCD panel.
Complete Program has been given below in Code section; here we are explaining its various functions in brief.
First we have included all the required libraries or headers files and declared various variables for calculations and
storing data temporary.
After this, we have created a function void initModule(String cmd, char *res, int t) to initialize the GSM module
and checking its response using AT commands.
After this, in void setup() function, we have initialized hardware and software serial
communication, LCD, GPS, GSM module and accelerometer .
void setup()
.... ......
...... .....
Accelerometer calibration process is also done in setup loop. In this, we have taken some
samples and then find the average values for the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. And store them in a
variable. Then we have used these sample values to read changes in accelerometer axis when
vehicle gets tilt (accident).
lcd.print("Callibrating ");
for(int i=0;i<samples;i++)
After this, in the void loop() function, we have read accelerometer axis values and done a
calculation to extract changes with the help of samples that are taken in Calibration. Now if any
changes are more or less then defined level then Arduino sends a message to the predefined number.
void loop()
int value1=analogRead(x);
int value2=analogRead(y);
int value3=analogRead(z);
int xValue=xsample-value1;
int yValue=ysample-value2;
int zValue=zsample-value3;
..... .....
........ ...
Here we have also created some other function for various puposes like void gpsEvent() to get GPS
coordinates, void coordinate2dec() for extracting coordinates from the GPS string and convert them
into Decimal values, void show_coordinate() for displaying values over serial monitor and LCD,
and finally the void Send() for sending alert SMS to the predefined number .
Whenever accident of vehicle is occurred then the device sends messages to given mobile number.
Exact position
Sudden process
The proposed system deals with the detection of the accidents. But this can be extended
by providing medication to the victims at the accident spot. By increasing the technology we
can also avoid accidents by providing alerts systems that can stop the vehicle to overcome the
The proposed system deals with the accident alerting and detection. Arduino is the
heart of the system which helps in transferring the message to different devices in the system.
Accelerometer will be activated when the accident occurs and the information is transferred to
the registered number through GSM module. Using GPS the location can be sent through
tracking system to cover the geographical coordinates over the area. The accident can be
detected by a vibration sensor which is used as major module in the system.
To minimize the deaths and severe condition due to accidents the wireless technology
are used where the immediate action would be takes place by the ambulance/police service
which might reduce the severity
[1] World Health Organization Road Traffic Injuries Fact Sheet No 358, March 2013,
Available from [Last accessed on 2017
Dec 16]
[2] National statistics of road traffic accidents in India, September 2013, Available from
7341;year=2013;volume=6;issue=1;spage=1;epage=6;aulast= Ruikar /[Last accessed on 2017
Dec 16]
[3] “Vehicle Accident Detection And Reporting System Using Gps And Gsm.” by
AboliRavindraWakure, ApurvaRajendraPatkar, IJERGS April 2014.
[4] Tanushree Dalai, "Emergency Alert and Service for Automotives for India", International
Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) Mysore India,
vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 08-12, 2013.
[5] Amit Meena, Srikrishna Iyer, Monika Nimje, Saket JogJekar, Sachin Jagtap, Mujeeb
Rahman, "Automatic Accident Detection and Reporting Framework for Two Wheelers", IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies
(ICACCCT), pp. 962-967, May 2014.