Te 243684
Te 243684
Te 243684
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Document Classification
Plant: 571/572 Document Type: DOC - DOCUMENT
Unit: ALL
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. PROJECT OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2. ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL .................................................................................................................................11
2.2 PIPING .................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3 ELECTRICAL.......................................................................................................................................................12
2.4 TELECOMMUNICATION....................................................................................................................................12
3.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK ..................................................................................................... 12
3.1 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ......................................................................................................................................12
3.2 PIPING: ................................................................................................................................................................20
3.3 ELECTRICAL: .....................................................................................................................................................25
3.4 TELECOMMUNICATION: ...................................................................................................................................30
4.0 STANDARDS, CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS: .................................................................................... 36
4.1 Saudi Aramco Standards / Material System Specifications..............................................................................36
4.2 SAUDI ARAMCO General Instruction ................................................................................................................38
4.3 SAUDI ARAMCO Material Specifications ..........................................................................................................39
4.4 SAUDI ARAMCO Engineering Procedures .......................................................................................................39
4.5 Industry Codes and Practices.............................................................................................................................40
4.6 SAUDI ARAMCO General Instruction ................................................................................................................41
5.0 GENERAL PROJECT REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Survey and Routing .............................................................................................................................................41
5.2 Right Of Way (ROW)...........................................................................................................................................41
5.3 Welding ................................................................................................................................................................42
5.4 Tie-ins ..................................................................................................................................................................42
5.5 Hot Taps and Stopple .........................................................................................................................................42
5.6 Painting and Coating Work .................................................................................................................................43
5.7 Trenching .............................................................................................................................................................44
5.8 Unloading, Hauling and Stringing .......................................................................................................................44
5.9 Material Handling and Storage ...........................................................................................................................45
5.10 Internal Cleaning and Gauging ...........................................................................................................................45
5.11 Lowering and Backfilling .....................................................................................................................................46
5.12 Kilometer Markers, Warning Signs and Erosions ..............................................................................................46
5.13 Power line, Utility and other Pipeline Crossing..................................................................................................47
5.14 Traffic Management and Detours .......................................................................................................................47
5.15 Stabilizing.............................................................................................................................................................47
5.16 Clean-Up ..............................................................................................................................................................47
6.0 PROJECT OPERATING INTERFACES .................................................................................................... 48
7.0 TIE-INS AND SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENT............................................................................................ 48
8.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING ............................................................................................................................. 48
8.1 Hydrostatic Testing..............................................................................................................................................48
8.2 Cleaning and Gauging ........................................................................................................................................49
8.3 Filling ....................................................................................................................................................................49
8.4 Testing .................................................................................................................................................................50
8.5 Dewatering...........................................................................................................................................................50
8.6 Drying ...................................................................................................................................................................50
8.7 Electronic Caliper Survey....................................................................................................................................50
8.8 Spare Parts List ...................................................................................................................................................51
8.9 Commissioning Assistance .................................................................................................................................51
9.0 COMMISSIONING AND START-UP PLAN .............................................................................................. 54
10.0 SAFETY AND SECURITY DIRECTIVES (SSDS) REQUIREMENTS.............................................. 54
10.1 SAFETY ...............................................................................................................................................................54
10.2 ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................................................................55
11.0 MATERIALS........................................................................................................................................ 55
11.1 SAUDI ARAMCO SUPPLIED MATERIALS .......................................................................................................55
11.2 CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED MATERIALS .........................................................................................................56
12.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING ..................................................................................................................... 57
13.0 QA/QC REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................. 57
14.0 CLEAN-UP .......................................................................................................................................... 57
The South Ghawar field consists of 3 main areas namely Uthmaniyah, Hawiyah,
and Haradh. The Haradh area is on the southmost part of the field while
Uthmaniyah lies on the north. In between the two areas lie the Hawiyah area. The
facilities in the South Ghawar Producing Department are comprised of 14 Gas Oil
Separation Plants (GOSP), each having wet crude handling (WCH) facilities and
gas gathering (GG) facilities
The Wet Crude Handling section consists of two HPPTs, a single LPPT, Charge
pumps, dehydrator, desalter, crude booster & shipper pumps to ship crude oil to
oil pipeline network. HPTT is used for well testing. A multiphase Flowmeter is
provided in parallel to HPTT as an alternate well testing equipment
Gas gathering (GG) has two HPPT compressors that are used to compress HPPT
gas and gas from LP compressor to transfer it to the gas network. A single LP
compressor is used to compress the LP gas to HP gas compressor suction
Produced water from the two HPPTs, dehydrator and desalter is routed to Water
Oil Separator (WOSEP) where oil traces are removed from the formation water
and then high-pressure injection pumps are used for downhole injection for
reservoir pressure management
Demulsifier is injected at the production header for tackling any tight emulsion and
to enhance free water knock out from the HPPTs. An emergency demulsifier
injection point is also provided upstream of the dehydrator to help tackle tight
emulsion. Corrosion and scale inhibitors chemicals are also injected at production
header and gas to tie-line for corrosion and scale inhibition
Haradh GOSP-3 is currently designed for 300 MBCD at 30% water cut. It has been
forecasted that there will be an increase in production rate within Haradh GOSP-3
up to 420 MBCD starting from 2026. it is therefore necessary to develop extra
processing capacity to accommodate the increase in the production
New areas for expansion of this project is towards Western & Northern side of the
existing GOSP. For details, refer detail drawings and approved LUPs
The expansion area is accessible through the existing roads which will provide
access during all phases of the project
Description Status
No No.
1 78441 Expansion Area Approved
WCH Stormwater Drainage Pit /
2 86382 Evapo-Transpiration Field /115kV Approved with Condition
Stormwater Drainage Pit / Oilywater
3 86531 Evaporation Pond / Oilywater ISSUED
with Condition
Accumulatio Pit 19-Mar-2023
The table below is a list of the abbreviations and acronyms used within this
Abbreviation /
AC Alternating Current
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AL Arab Light (Crude)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
Air Conditioning Engineers 19-Mar-2023
The project scope for the site preparation of the expansion area is briefly
summarized as follows:
• Demolition of abandoned dry type lighting transformer and panel and removal
of the existing disconnected LV Power cables in the expansion area
• Provide Earthing for expansion area Type-IV general purpose fence
• Installation of new 13.8kV power lines including foundation and power poles for
re-routing the existing power lines
• Demolition of existing 13.8kV power lines including poles
• Construction of Right-of-Way (ROW) marl road along with newly re-routed
power lines. Rough grading with compaction is required
• Provide Solar lights with battery backup for temporary access road at highway
junction only
• Re-routing of existing Fibre Optic Cable (FOC) 103,1-12 LINK#19 to OIL WELL
• Installation of new cable trench/conduits and subduct.
• Install new Fibre Optic Patch Panel (FOPP) in the Rack Room# 114 in the
central control building R405 of Haradh GOSP-3 for the re-routed fibre optic
cable to OIL WELL # 1410
• Provide complete support for all necessary reservations to gain SA approvals
for all required work for Outside Plant (OSP) /Inside Plant (ISP).
• CONTRACTOR to verify and utilize approved Mandrell study before
commencement of work
• Demolition of existing telephone copper cable BUEF25-22P 151-175 and
pedestal #104 in former existing abandoned camp area
3.1.1 General The CONTRACTOR shall construct and install new structural concrete and
steel (if exist) in accordance with applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering
Standards, Engineering Specifications and Applicable International
Engineering Codes. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all the necessary
excavation, backfilling, casting of concrete and fabrication, erection, painting The CONTRACTOR is responsible to check and verify the underground utilities
prior to installation, construction or cast-in-place new concrete foundations.
Where excavation is required at existing facilities, radar mapping, exploratory
pits and/or other field investigation techniques to aid in identifying underground
obstructions shall be conducted. Excavation shall be by hand digging in order
to mitigate the risk of damage to buried facilities/underground facilities/cables
and other installations. In case underground utilities are encountered during
excavation, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the Saudi Aramco Representative
for further resolution. The CONTRACTOR shall repair or restore the concrete
or asphalt paving to its original size and shape if damaged during construction
of new foundations and piping supports. CONTRACTOR shall plan and
execute the work as per SAUDI ARAMCO Procedure and Standards The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute the works in sequence such that
the new facilities are constructed, tested and put in operation prior to
commence complete demolition works The Civil works shall include but not limited to all necessary works to support
and provide a complete functional facility. The work shall be done in
accordance with the latest applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
(SAES) and American Building Code requirements for Reinforced Concrete
(ACI), other Saudi Aramco Standards & Specifications and relevant Industry
Codes & Standards The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute the work as per Saudi Aramco
Procedures and Standards The CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed project execution plan for Saudi
Aramco approval prior to the start of work The CONTRACTOR shall carry out site surveys to verify actual field conditions,
dimensions and elevations, review all design and Vendor drawings and
ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR shall install temporary barricade, enclosure or temporary 19-Mar-2023 The CONTRACTOR shall carry out all excavations for foundations and
underground facilities as required to complete the works in accordance with
SAUDI ARAMCO Engineering Standards SAES-A-114 and SAES-Q-005 and
shall excavate to the levels and depths specified in the drawings and/or SAUDI
ARAMCO Standards. Excavation shall include soft and rock soils and
dewatering if exists Care shall be taken to avoid damage to existing underground facilities during
excavation work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide protection for the existing
underground facilities as per section 5.5.3 of SAES-A-114. This is especially
important when crossing other existing pipelines and cables. If CONTRACTOR
encounters pipes, cables, concrete or other obstructions not indicated on the
drawings, CONTRACTOR shall immediately inform the Saudi Aramco
Representative and subsequent construction operations shall continue in
accordance with instruction issued by the Saudi Aramco Representative CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for location and protecting all kinds of
underground facilities, all kinds of cables, buried facilities by the Saudi Aramco
Approved methods whether shown or not in the drawings prior to excavations.
Any damaged caused by the CONTRACTOR to the existing utilities and/or
facilities shall be restored and made acceptable to SAUDI ARAMCO at no
additional cost Excavations shall be limited to the minimum necessary to perform the Work.
CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval prior to excavation from Saudi Aramco
Representative. All excavation shall be hand excavation CONTRACTOR shall not excavate for all foundations at one time All fill material utilized on this project around and under foundations shall be
select fill. The type of fill material and fill compaction shall be in accordance
with SAES-A-114. In place density tests shall be performed as directed by the
COMPANY Representative to ensure compliance with the compaction
requirements CONTRACTOR shall provide and utilize all equipment required to backfill all
soil types to the depth specified on the drawings and/or SAUDI ARAMCO
Standards. CONTRACTOR shall obtain Saudi Aramco Representative
Approval prior to backfilling
19-Mar-2023 CONTRACTOR shall load and haul all sand and marl required for the WORK
from a borrow pit approved by SAUDI ARAMCO CONTRACTOR is responsible for meeting the requirements, and obtaining the
necessary permits from relevant government authorities, to utilize the LUP
stated in Clause 1.1.2, as a borrow pit. CONTRACTOR shall provide, construct temporary access and haul roads if
required. Prior to construct roads CONTRACTOR shall obtain written approval
from Saudi Aramco of the new routing and type of construction to be used CONTRACTOR shall locate, get approval from CPMD and transport ready-mix
concrete which shall conform to SAUDI ARAMCO Material Specifications 09-
SAMSS-097 and from a source approved by Saudi Aramco Representative. All
concrete work shall conform to SAUDI ARAMCO Engineering Standard SAES-
Q-001 CONTRACTOR shall supply, place and cure structural ready-mix concrete per
SAES-Q-001. A minimum compressive strength of 40MPa (5800 PSI) after 28
days shall be obtained unless otherwise specified on the project drawings.
Cement shall be Type I + Pozzolana or Slag with exposure class C2 as per
Geotechnical report. One set of four (4) test cylinders shall be made for each
50 CU.M. Of concrete or portion thereof, poured on any day. All four test
cylinders in a set shall be taken from the same truck load of concrete. These
cylinders shall be tested per SAES-Q-001 by SAUDI ARAMCO approved third
party Testing Agencies. Test results shall be provided to the Saudi Aramco
Representative within 48 hours from the test date All concrete reinforcement bars shall be (FBE) Fusion bonded epoxy coated
mild steel deformed bars with a minimum yield strength of 60 KSI as per SAUDI
ARAMCO Engineering Standard SAES-Q-001 & 09-SAMSS-106 CONTRACTOR shall cut and cold bend reinforcing steel to shapes and
dimensions specified in the steel bending detail drawings and place as shown
and detailed on the Project drawings and in accordance with ACI-315 if detailed
diagrams are not shown. Coating repair material compatible to the rebar
coating shall be supplied from the same source along with the rebar delivery,
in accordance with 09-SAMSS-106. FBE coating to rebar shall be repaired
using APCS-113A material with SAUDI ARAMCO Stock No. 09-697-833 or
equivalent approved proprietary FBE rebar patching material. All cut ends of
bars shall be epoxy coated in accordance with SAES-Q-001. Reinforcing steel
having a reduced section, kinks, visible transverse cracks at bends, or epoxy
coating damaged in any way shall not be acceptable. Epoxy coating material
for repair shall be compatible with original epoxy coating and ISSUED
supplied by
the same rebar supplier. CONTRACTOR shall review all bending details prior
to fabrication to verify that final cutting length, the required concrete cover and
anchor bolt clearances can be maintained, bar bending details provided on the
drawings are indicative only All FBE coated reinforcement bars in foundations shall be constructed with a
minimum of 75mm concrete cover. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all
reinforcement PVC/Epoxy coated tie-wire. FRP reinforcement shall be used to
replace steel reinforcement for non-critical structural elements in C1 & C2
exposures, including but not limited to; slab on grade, sidewalks, surface
drainage channels, concrete paving, pipe sleepers Concrete shall be poured on lean concrete layer 50mm thk. Minimum or one
layer of 0.25MM (10mil) THK polyethylene sheeting extended 100 mm on all
four sides of the form work of all poured in place concrete Anchor bolt shall be hot-dip galvanized as per SAES-Q-005, Para 4.8 & 12-
SAMSS-007, Para 5.2. Anchor bolts in concrete foundations shall be installed
per the drawings and shall not touch the reinforcement rebar steel. A minimum
clear distance of 100mm from the edge of the concrete to the anchor bolt shall
be maintained All non-shrink grout shall be applied under base plates of equipment and
supports in accordance with SAES-Q-010 and manufacturer's recommended
procedures. Grout shall be poured in a high fluidity range and shall be free of
voids and air pockets. CONTRACTOR shall follow grout manufacturer's
recommended procedure precisely. In case, epoxy grout is recommended by
equipment manufacturer, SAES-Q-011 shall be followed All concrete surfaces in direct contact with ground shall be coated with 2 coats
of Coal Tar epoxy paint (up to 300mm above ground) as per APCS-3 of SAES-
H-003 prior to backfilling & all concrete surfaces above grade shall be painted
as per APCS-1B of SAES-H-003 unless otherwise specified Prior to placing concrete into forms, both forms and rebar shall be sprayed with
water to prevent loss of moisture from the concrete CONTRACTOR shall submit the concrete and asphalt mix designs for approval
by Project Inspection. This is a hold point and no concrete or asphalt shall be
placed until the mix designs are approved by Project Inspection
19-Mar-2023 CONTRACTOR shall provide the minimum number required of concrete test
cylinders for strength tests as per 09-SAMSS-097. All tests shall be as per
ASTM C94, C172 & ASTM C 39/C 39M Quality control shall be maintained at the batch plant and the construction site
as per 09-SAMSS-097 Sub-base, aggregate base & asphalt material and compaction shall be in
accordance with SAES-Q-006 CONTRACTOR shall restore any adjacent facilities damaged such as berm,
marl road, asphalt road etc. All existing facilities at the WORK site shall be
carefully protected from damage CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining all kinds of Work Permits for
all Road crossing activities from Saudi Aramco & related 3rd parties if required All co-ordinations with PDD, Operations and other SA departments shall be
through CPMD All existing facilities at the work site shall be carefully protected from damage CONTRACTOR shall perform, provide and install the following civil
scope for the site preparation in the expansion area Construct Access Road-1 from Highway to connect the expansion area
including site preparation, grading, earth filling and compaction, asphalt
paving, marking and signage, and all the improvement of existing MOT
roads. CONTRACTOR shall comply all MOT requirements for
construction the roads
ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Construct Access Road-2 (Marl Road) from the existing Saudi Aramco
Marl Road to the new Flare Area including site preparation, grading,
earth filling and compaction. Construct new drag anchor, pipe sleepers, pipe support and foundation
for relocated 16” Disposal Line The Disposal Pit is located at the Well no. HRDH-1727. The existing
Disposal Pit shall be refurbished by compacting and providing Rough grading works shall commence after complete demolition and
relocation of existing Concrete Drag Anchor and 16” disposal line
3.2.1 General CONTRACTOR shall not force piping spools together for more than 1/8-
inch to correct fabrication misalignment. Any misalignment greater than
1/8-inch, CONTRACTOR shall cut the affected piping spool, do the
necessary correction on the misalignment and re-weld at no additional
cost to SAUDI ARAMCO All spools that are to be internally coated shall be shown on coating
maps and the spool configuration shall be approved by the coating
contractor, prior to the initiation of fabrication When the wall thickness of the fitting or pipe at the welding
end exceeds the wall thickness of the matching pipe
resulting in an unequal external and/or internal diameters,
the welded joint design shall comply with the requirements
as stipulated in SAES-L-110 para 5.1 Excavate and provide trench, berm cover and right of way
(ROW) for the re-rerouted pipeline in accordance with
SAES-L-450 sec. 6.2, sec. 13.8 & Appendix-C and project
19-Mar-2023 Provide limit stop and saddles with clamp for above ground
pipeline at designated pipe support/sleeper locations as
per project drawings Execute and complete tie-in works for Tie-in #001 and Tie-
in #002 shown in the drawings during Haradh GOSP-3
Plant shutdown window on November 19 – 26, 2023 CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute the works such that
fabrication, installation and testing of the above ground and
underground piping sections are independently done prior to
Haradh GOSP-3 plant shutdown Provide FBE coating (internal/external) for field girth welds. All
damaged coating shall be repaired
PIPING PLAN TA-321230.001
3.3.1 General The Electrical work shall include but not limited to all necessary works
to support, provide, and install a complete functional facility. The works
shall be done in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
(SAES), other Saudi Aramco Standards & Specifications, and relevant
Industry Codes & Standards and to the satisfaction of Saudi Aramco
Representative Contractor shall supply, install and test all electrical equipment for a
complete operable system as shown in the drawings and specifications Contractor shall plan and execute the work so that all the existing
facilities remain in service, Contractor shall schedule work activities to
avoid or to have minimum shutdown of existing facilities Before the Contractor leaves the job site, following the completion of
construction work, The CONTRACTOR shall remove all spoil; scrap
debris etc. produced by his construction activities and transport it to
approved dumping site Saudi Aramco reserves the right to have, at all times, Saudi Aramco
Representatives who will inspect the work to ensure the quality and
progress of all work Contractor shall, as part of his full responsibility and scope, carry out site
surveys to verify actual field conditions. The Contractor shall also check
all the requirements, aspects and details necessary for coordinating with
new or existing systems of electrical works
• Contractor shall provide the Solar lighting for access road connecting
with highway junction only. All the installation works shall conform to
SAES-P-103, SAES-P111 and SAES-P-123 and refer the project
drawing TA-321254
3.4.1 General CONTRACTOR shall perform a site survey to fully understand all related
project requirements to be provided Adequate working clearances shall be provided at the front and the rear
of equipment racks All fiber cables shall be terminated within the respective Fiber Optic
Patch Panels as per design drawings All the cable splice closure and equipment racks shall be connected to
Telecommunications Grounding Busbar For FOC cables entering a building, the metallic elements such as cable
shield and armor shall be grounded to Telecommunications Grounding
Busbar Grounding wires from the building ground grid to the TMGB shall be
ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR shall verify any possible underground cables, conduits
and any other utilities or pipelines Firestops shall be provided when fire rated walls and floors constructed
to meet SAES-M-100 (Saudi Aramco Building Code). All materials that
are used to seal penetrations in fire rated walls and floors shall be listed
for the specific application and comply with UL 1479 requirements Trenches or other excavations that are 1.2 meters (4 ft) or more in depth
shall be safeguarded by shoring or sloping the trench walls per SAES-
A-114 All Saudi Aramco Safety and Security Requirements and Policies shall
be observed. Refer to GI-0002.100, SAES-T-628, the SAES-B-Series,
the SSD's and the Construction Safety Manual. The Saudi Aramco
Safety Policy (Loss Prevention Policy Statement) is presented in GI-
0005.002 The Saudi Aramco Inspection Department shall be notified two working
days prior to beginning any construction or testing so that all necessary
inspections can be scheduled. The Inspection Department shall be
notified two working days prior to backfilling any trenches or starting any
acceptance testing CONTRACTOR shall verify and confirm the final trench route of new
single mode fibre optic cables to replace the existing F.O.C in the
expansion area The new trench route shall avoid passing crossing the expansion area
and instead will run near existing flare sleepers till the nearest tie-in point
outside of the expansion area CONTRACTOR shall utilize the proposed pipeline trench for the
installation of Direct buried FOC as shown in drawing TA-321258-001 The new fibre optic cable shall take into consideration all existing
manholes, pedestals, conduit duct bank, road crossings and other
obstructions of the new cable trenching. The new fibre optic cable shall
be suitable to direct buried installation and in accordance with 18-SAMS-
625, ITU-T G655 and ITU-T G.652D respectively CONTRACTOR shall provide thorough work execution plan with utmost
precaution to ensure zero outage of all working circuits from the existing
IT/non-IT communication cables along the new cable trench or within
the coverage area of this project during the construction period CONTRACTOR shall provide new trenches and install (2) 4” Ø HDPE
(for pipeline crossing) to cater Non-IT fibre optic cable requirement
between existing Oil well #1410 and Fibre optic patch panel # TBD in
rack # Z inside Rack room #114 in central control building R405 of
Haradh GOSP-3. This includes placing of pull rope, solid rubber plugs
or duct sealant and plastic caps at both ends of the conduits. One duct
shall be provided by 4-1” Ø plain sub ducts CONTRACTOR shall terminate the new fibre Optic ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION
Cables to the
designated new fibre optic patch panels in Rack Room #114 19-Mar-2023 CONTRACTOR shall validate and confirm fiber cable routing during
construction phase considering compliance with SA standard SAES-T-
928, SAES-L-450, SAES-B-64 and SAES-B-68 CONTRACTOR shall ensure all LUP conditions are met during the
execution of the job and relevant permission from the COMPANY Tagging and marking of cables. Cable Markings shall conform to SAES-
T-916 and SAES-T-018 CONTRACTOR shall install Terra tape (warning tape) on top of concrete
encased conduits All outside plant work including access to the work site, manpower
safety, traffic safety and conduits, must be done in accordance with
applicable Saudi Aramco Standards Perform cable testing before and after cable splicing and terminations
and prepare test documents and submit to Saudi Aramco Fibre Optic Cable shall be fusion spliced. Specification and installation
shall be in accordance with Saudi Aramco Standards This SOW shall be used in conjunction with project drawings (Page 30)
3.4.3 Grounding Grounding requirements shall comply with all applicable Saudi Aramco
Standards, as specified in SAES-T-916 and SAES-T-795 Test plans and procedures for all field tests shall be included as
deliverables in the system design. All test and inspection records shall
be provided to Saudi Aramco, including manufacturer’s certified test
records and all software recordings from field test equipment All fibre splices shall be arc-fusion type and individual splice loss
measurements shall be recorded at the time of splicing
General This section describes the test procedures to be carried out before and
after the installation of fibres to ascertain the capability of the telephony
system and network equipment to support telephone and data services
in the building. It is mandatory that the CONTRACTOR should have
FOC Splicers that are certified by Saudi Aramco
Attenuation An optical fibre can be characterized by the parameters that limit its
performance as a communication medium. Fibre attenuation or loss is
one of the main performance limitations. Attenuation is defined as one
way drops in power level between any two points chosen along the fibre.
It is an important consideration in the system design since attenuation
plays a major role in determining the maximum transmission distance
between a transmitter and receiver. Typical single mode G.652D fibres
have an attenuation coefficient around (db/km)ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION
<0.38/<0.25 19-Mar-2023 Fibre has three basic loss mechanisms: scattering, absorption and
radiation losses Radiation losses are the third loss mechanism. These losses are caused
by perturbations in the fibre geometry, both at microscopic and
macroscopic level. These phenomena are referred to as micro bending
and macro-bending
BA-593587-001 DEMO - FO & COPPER CABLE
TA-321231-001 PEDESTAL DETAILS 19-Mar-2023
The CONTRACTOR shall perform all necessary survey of the intended pipeline
route and all other sites in the Project, grade and vertical profile required to support
pipeline detail design and construction. Right of Way shall be restored based on
the survey monuments and project drawings. New Topographic survey shall be
conducted by CONTRACTOR for the missing or adjusted segments of the
proposed pipeline re-route
The CONTRACTOR shall take the proposed pipeline route, its related facilities and
right of way limits prior to construction per Saudi Aramco standards. The
CONTRACTOR shall check and verify all dimensions and elevations prior to
fabrication and erection
The CONTRACTOR shall verify all the buried electrical and communication cables
along the pipeline route and adjust the pipeline with the required spacing to meet
the standard safety requirements
The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate and obtain permits from Saudi Aramco for
pipeline operations for existing pipeline corridor crossings in case necessary.
Permit also required to be secured from MOT, SEC, SAR and other owner for
crossing their facilities along the pipeline route and perform the topographic survey
as required during for detail of crossings 19-Mar-2023
The CONTRACTOR shall design and construct the pipeline within the specified
pipeline corridor and confine all construction operations within the ROW. The
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for conducting all surveys required to
determine orientation and true location of existing pipelines and related facilities
5.3 Welding
5.4 Tie-ins
The CONTRACTOR shall verify each tie-in with regard to location, orientation,
dimensions, etc., prior to final fabrication. Where the existing lines requires cold-
cut for tie-ins, the CONTRACTOR shall assist SAUDI ARAMCO to isolate blow
down, purge, hydrostatic test and re-commission each system to be tied into
The CONTRACTOR shall perform and complete tie-ins for Tie-in #001FOR
#002 during Haradh GOSP-3 Plant shutdown window on November 19 – 26, 2023 19-Mar-2023
5.6.1 The CONTRACTOR is responsible for painting and coating (internal &
external) of all pipes. The Scope of WORK includes procurement,
storage, handling, application per Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
5.6.2 The CONTRACTOR shall clean, prepare and paint piping in accordance
with SAES-H-001, SAES-H-101V and SAES-H-002. Painted surfaces
including, but not limited to pipe, flanges, reducers and valves shall
comply with coating system specified in project drawings and approved
manufacturer's Data Sheet for spray applied coatings listed in SAES-H-
5.6.6 The CONTRACTOR shall inspect and repair all coatings, whether field
or factory applied, prior to burial. FBE coating repairs shall be in
accordance with the relevant standards in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications or as directed by an authorized
representative of the coating manufacturer
5.7 Trenching
5.7.1 Trench for coated pipe in normal laying conditions shall be the minimum width and
depth provided on the construction drawings except in areas where otherwise
specified. All extra depth trenches are required for road crossings, utility crossings,
pipeline crossings, wadi crossings, bends, valve sites, scraper traps and special
identified areas shall be included as part of the project's Scope of work. The
CONTRACTOR shall take special care in trenching to ensure existing pipelines,
sewer lines, water lines, electrical cable, conduit and communication lines are not
disturbed or damaged by construction Operations. Hand excavation and/or the use
of sheet piling may be necessary to prevent damages at sites (existing or under
construction) where conduit, water, sewer, oil and fuel lines and electrical cables
may exist
5.7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall conduct survey of scope area through pipe/cable
locators in advance of trenching activities. Also, MOT booklet, checklists and
permits are required to be signed by all 3rd parties prior to excavation works
5.7.3 The CONTRACTOR shall verify the elevation of existing 16” saltwater disposal
pipeline and maintain the same elevation as well as the depth cover for the newly
re-routed 16” saltwater disposal pipeline ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION
5.8.1 The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate material and equipment delivery into the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether by sea or air transport, with the proper Saudi
Arab Government Authorities. The CONTRACTOR shall make arrangements to
receive and transport all such materials and equipment to the work site(s)
5.8.2 The CONTRACTOR shall exercise care in loading, unloading, hauling and
stringing operations, so as to avoid damage to the coating, pipe ends and pipe
walls, valve stems, valve bodies, valve hand wheels and valve operators. Padded
side booms, cranes, or gin poles shall be used in loading and unloading pipe. In
no event shall pipe be allowed to free fall from carriers, trailers or trucks
5.8.3 Line pipe coated with Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) corrosion protection coating
shall be handled in accordance with SAES-H-200, Storage, Handling, and
Installation of Pipe. Externally Coated with Fusion Bonded Epoxy. End caps shall
also be provided to prevent pipe exposure during stringing. The CONTRACTOR
shall be responsible to ensure endcaps are in place until pipe is welded to ensure
internal cleanliness
All material, including pipe, valves, fittings, equipment, bulk materials shall be
handled and stored as per manufacturers recommendations in order to avoid
damage due to transportation, climate, UV degradation etc. The CONTRACTOR
shall be liable if there is any delays, rework, costs incurred for replacement material
due to improper material handling and storage as defined by the manufacturers
Each joint of pipe shall be swabbed before being welded into a string. In addition,
The CONTRACTOR shall install a swab device inside the pipe string prior to weld
up to provide positive removal of dirt, animals or other obstructions. Where
windblown sand collects in the pipe after stringing, The CONTRACTOR shall, prior
to pipe being lined-up for welding into the string, remove sand deposits by blowing
out the pipe with compressed air
Company Representative
The cleaning and sizing scraper operation shall be repeated after the line is
installed and backfilled, but prior to completion of final tie-ins. This operation shall
be repeated until the pipeline is clean and free of all material which could cause
damage to valves and equipment
During any scraping operation, if construction related debris, such as welding rods,
is extracted from the pipeline, then the scraping run shall be repeated until the
pipeline section is free of debris. As part of the internal cleaning and gauging of
Proprietary – Third-party Confidential.
Paper copies of this document are uncontrolled.
HARADH GOSP -3 EXPANSION – 120 MBCD INCREMENT – Contract No.: 6600050845 (IK) Revision 0
The cleaning and gauging operation shall be scheduled to start after completion of
welding, lowering-in, backfilling, gauging and tying-in the final pipe string just
before each mainline valve. The PROJECT's plan and procedure shall indicate the
sections of pipe to be included in each separate operation and the location of all
temporary scraper launchers and receivers
All loose rock, debris, metal of any kind and other hard objects shall be removed
from the trench prior to lowering-in and shall be removed by CONTRACTOR from
the right-of-way. The line shall be inspected, lowered-in, and padded with a
minimum protective, mechanically screened, as required, clean sand envelope
around the pipe. The clean sand material shall not contain stones larger than 6
mm (0.25 inch). After lowering-in and prior to backfilling, The CONTRACTOR shall
examine the pipe, record pipe profile, depth of cover and other data as required
for as-built documentation and attach cathodic protection leads
Kilometer markers are required at as-built whole kilometer stations, at paved road
crossings, pipeline crossings, lateral deflections, and pipe bend points of inflection
(PIs), block valves, changes in pipe wall thickness, thrust anchor locations,
insulated cased crossings and cathodic protection test points. After installation,
The CONTRACTOR shall peen the bolts securing the kilometer marker or steel
signs. Sand gauges shall be installed in sand dune areas. In Wadi areas The
CONTRACTOR shall fabricate and install erosion monitoring devices
At Installations to cross the MOT highways for the location and methodology of 19-Mar-2023
installation shall be coordinated and prior approval obtained with MOT or other
respective authorities. The CONTRACTOR shall provide additional line-of-sight
pipeline marker posts (unobstructed vision from one marker post to the next
marker post) where the pipeline enters the areas of development and growth to
ensure the pipeline route is easily identifiable and prevent accidental
The CONTRACTOR shall provide warning signs, cross bonding stations and line
markers at crossings in accordance with SAUDI ARAMCO Engineering Standards.
For pipeline crossing the existing buried cables, CONTRACTOR shall coordinate
with the owner of the respective authority
The CONTRACTOR shall develop traffic management plan and shall obtain
approval by Saudi Aramco and Other governing authorities (such as MOT) prior to
start of any construction activity along the MOT. The traffic management plan shall
include major activities like Hauling of pipes, Utilization of MOT lane/ shoulders
during construction, access roads, detours etc., but not limited to. The
CONTRACTOR shall construct the detours and perform traffic management per
5.15 Stabilizing
The CONTRACTOR shall stabilize the berm with compacted marl of 152mm
minimum depth or approved environment friendly stabilization materials with a
minimum of 13mm penetration in accordance with SAES-L-450 sec. 13.8 and
5.16 Clean-Up
During the reclamation of pipe and equipment all construction debris, non-
hazardous waste, oily waste and hazardous waste will be disposed of in an area
as designated by the Company Representative. Clean-up WORK shall follow
completion of the backfill closely and at no time shall clean-up be allowed to lag
behind the completed backfill operation further than a distance of 8 KM without the
approval of Company Representative. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct clean-up
WORK so that it shall be finished as soon as possible after completion of the
pipeline. WORK will be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner
During the reclamation of pipe and equipment all construction debris, non-
hazardous waste, oily waste and hazardous waste will be disposed of in an area
as designated by the Company Representative. Clean-up WORK shall follow
completion of the backfill closely and at no time shall clean-up be allowed to lag
behind the completed backfill operation further than a distance of 8 KM without the
approval of Company Representative. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct clean-up
WORK so that it shall be finished as soon as possible after completion of the
pipeline. WORK will be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner
The CONTRACTOR shall clean the Pipeline Mechanically and chemically before
commissioning as specified in SAES-A-008, SAEP-388 and new issued Saudi
Aramco Best Practice SABP-A-051
Cleaning contractor shall be from the CSD approved list to perform the cleaning
operations and shall have the overall responsibility for the planning and execution
of the chemical cleaning process. It is the project’s responsibility to have the
pipeline in clean condition prior to turn over of the pipeline to Proponent
Labor and equipment shall be provided by the project in assisting Saudi Aramco
during closing of valves, and other activities deemed necessary by Saudi Aramco
The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a field survey to verify the ground elevation for
the pipeline and prepare a detailed Hydrostatic Test Plan and schedule for the
pipeline and its associated piping
The CONTRACTOR shall determine the source of the hydrostatic test water that
complies with the minimum water quality requirements of SAES-A-007
The CONTRACTOR shall develop and perform the necessary steps of the test
procedure Including, but not limited to, fabricating and installing temporary spools,
hoses, vents/drains, temporary pipe supports, test headers and manifolds,
cleaning, filling with water (including the fabrication and installation of a fill line,
jump over, installation of pumps, meters, etc.), installing monitoring equipment,
performing the strength and tightness test, repairing defects and tie-ins
The CONTRACTOR shall perform and complete the Hydrostatic test for new
pipeline prior to tie-in works and Haradh GOSP-3 Plant shutdown on November
19 -26, 2023
Saudi Aramco Standards required every string of pipe to be cleaned and gauged
on the side of the ditch prior to lowering into the ditch and tie-in. The
CONTRACTOR shall also run scrapers with magnets through the pipeline to
ensure the pipeline is free of any metallic debris. The CONTRACOTOR shall
obtain the approval of SAPMT/PIU (Project Inspection Unit) for the internal
cleaning and gauging procedure
8.3 Filling
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for identifying the hydrostatic test water
source and obtaining Saudi Aramco approval of the source and quality. This shall
include the option of drilling new wells, providing pumps and tanks, making
connections to the pipelines and filling the pipelines
8.4 Testing
Test pressure shall be in accordance with the requirements of Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standard SAES-L-150. The basic criteria for the pressure limits shall
be 90% of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) of the pipe at the high
point and not to exceed 100% of the SMYS at the low point of the section under
8.5 Dewatering
The CONTRACTOR shall dewater the pipeline in accordance with SAEP-327
Disposal of Wastewater from cleaning, flushing and hydrostatic testing. The
CONTRACTOR shall prepare a water disposal plan and submit it to Saudi Aramco
for approval prior to start of filling
8.6 Drying
After acceptance of the pressure test, the test water shall be displaced and
discharged into approved disposal areas. The CONTRACTOR shall dry the lines
to the required dew point in accordance with Saudi Aramco Standards
The electronic caliper scraper will be launched with compressed air or other
medium approved by Company Representative. An electronic caliper scraping run
with XYZ mapping shall be performed for the proposed pipelines to ensure the
absence of significant pipe wall deformities and defects. The CONTRACTOR shall
conduct an instrumented scraper inspection after the pipelines are pre-
commissioned to establish a base line for subsequent pipeline monitoring.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the scrapers used shall not damage the
internal coating
8.9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall conduct all field, topographic and geotechnical surveys
to verify soil type and update the pipeline routes, pipeline lengths, above ground
and underground facilities and infrastructures, soil characteristics if required
8.9.2 All WORK shall be executed as per Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAES),
Saudi Aramco Material System Specifications (SAMSS), Saudi Aramco Standard
Drawings, Saudi Aramco Drafting Manual, other Saudi Aramco Standards &
Specifications and relevant industry standards. Further to theISSUED
provisions of the
CONTRACT documents, The CONTRACTOR shall furnish without limitation all 19-Mar-2023
facilities, tools, labor, supervision, technical and professional services, material,
equipment, testing materials, testing equipment, supplies, startup spares, and
shall perform all operations and incidentals required to detail design, procure,
deliver, install, construct and test the Project facilities
8.9.3 The CONTRACTOR shall update drawings by incorporating new facilities and as-
built it upon completion. The areas where existing drawings may not be available,
CONTRACTOR shall produce area as-built prior to proceeding with detailed
design. The WORK to be performed by CONTRACTOR is the complete testing,
8.9.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to deliver coated pipes from the coating
yard to the site. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for completing the
coating requirements in the site such as field girth weld internal and external
coating and restoration of damaged coating (ex. due to welding, etc.)
8.9.6 The CONTRACTOR shall adjust the work schedule to complete works during plant
shutdown within the plant shutdown duration. This could necessitate working more
than one shift in one workday during plant shutdown period. This would not entail
any change order or any additional compensation for the work during shutdown
8.9.7 The scope shown in one drawing or document is considered part of project’s scope
even if any other relevant drawings/documents do not cover that item. This Project
Scope of Work shall be read in conjunction with project drawings and project
Contract. In case of conflict between project drawings/documents and Saudi
Aramco Standards, the more stringent requirements shall be followed
8.9.8 The underground drawings are not highly accurate in the plants. Hence, it cannot
be guaranteed that there are no underground obstructions. The CONTRACTOR
shall verify the underground utilities by trial excavation, magnetic exploration
survey during design stage. The CONTRACTOR shall also confirm any
underground obstructions before starting any construction and make any
necessary modifications to the design and installation at no additional cost to Saudi
Aramco. If existing underground cables interfered with the new foundations, the
existing cables shall be placed on top of foundation
8.9.9 The CONTRACTOR shall relocate vents or drains if interfered with the new
8.9.10 The CONTRACTOR shall make necessary modifications to FOR CONSTRUCTION
the design and
construction as required to avoid interference with the existing foundation. Existing
structure may be utilized but PROJECT should check the capacity of the existing
foundation, structural & pipe supports
8.9.11 The CONTRACTOR shall purchase all Materials, equipment’s from Saudi
ARAMCO approved vendors only. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct review of
NMR 601, 602 & 603 for all materials. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all tools,
tackles, construction equipment’s; provide temporary works etc. for installation,
construction and testing
8.9.12 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare Material Requisitions and quotation requests as
per SAUDI ARAMCO Standards and Procedures for all materials. The
CONTRACTOR shall not place Purchase Order for materials prior to approval of
8.9.13 All deviations to standards shall be provided to Saudi Aramco for review and
resolution. The deviations shall not impact the safety, operability and
maintainability of the Materials/Equipment
8.9.14 For Procurement of Materials, CONTRACTOR shall submit minimum three (3)
technical quotations for approval by SAUDI ARAMCO. The CONTRACTOR shall
not purchase materials without written approval from SAUDI ARAMCO. Technical
quotations shall list all exceptions and /or, additions to applicable project Drawings
and SAUDI ARAMCO Specifications. If there is no exception to specifications, The
CONTRACTOR shall make a statement to that effect
8.9.15 Inspection and Testing of materials shall be performed as per applicable SAUDI
ARAMCO Inspection Requirement form A-175. The CONTRACTOR shall arrange
with his sub suppliers to comply with these requirements by stating on all sub
suppliers’ purchase order SAUDI ARAMCO’s intention to inspect material in
accordance with Saudi Aramco standards
8.9.16 The CONTRACTOR shall provide three (3) sets of bounded project record books
after completion of the Project as per SAEP-122. The Project record book shall
contain all project drawings, Inspection records of construction, Inspection records
and Operation/Maintenance manuals, vendor drawings & manuals
8.9.17 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all Non Material Requirement (NMR-602/603),
Operation and Instruction Manuals of materials and Project Record book in
electronic format (Acrobat Reader).The table of contents with link shall be provided
to view all drawings and documents
8.9.18 The CONTRACTOR shall provide construction power at remote locations utilizing
temporary generators
8.9.19 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary telecommunication services and
all temporary facilities required by the construction project andISSUED FORAramco
PMT 19-Mar-2023
8.9.20 Critical equipment crane lift plan, requirement for crane for lifting and handling of
large pipe spools at scraper traps sites
8.9.21 The CONTRACTOR shall provide crane and equipment access roads and gates
at valve stations and surge relief facilities
8.9.22 The CONTRACTOR shall identify and outline materials lay down areas for the
project on layout drawings at all site locations
8.9.23 The CONTRACTOR shall dispose the hydro-test water at existing Evaporation
pond. If the existing Evaporation pond does not have the capacity to handle the
quantity of water or if there is no existing Evaporation pond available at site, The
CONTRACTOR shall construct a new Evaporation pond as per Saudi Aramco
Standard requirements
8.9.24 The CONTRACTOR shall not perform any lifting activities when the speed is above
30 knots and shall plan for other alternative activities by not affecting the Project
schedule and shall not consider this as stand-by time
8.9.26 The CONTRACTOR shall transport all demolished material to the designated
location approved by Saudi Aramco representative
8.9.28 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare emergency response plan during construction
phase for Saudi Aramco approval
8.9.29 The CONTRACTOR shall provide the nitrogen during purging works and prior to
introduction of product in the pipeline
8.9.30 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the hydro test package, plan and procedure and
submit for Saudi Aramco approval prior to commencement of Hydrostatic Test
10.1.1 During construction phase and especially during the summer months, heat stress
issues need to be monitored and addressed. Workers should be trained to
recognize the signs and symptoms of the various levels of heat stress (over-
heating). Have plenty of liquids and shaded areas available for rehydration and
10.1.2 During construction, basic PPE needs to be provided and would include: safety
shoes (steel-toed boots), work gloves, hard hats, safety glasses, and hearing
protection when noise levels are in excess of 85 dB A (especially when working
close to, or around, heavy equipment). Workers need to be trained on how to use
and care for the PPE and on its limitations. Other specialized PPE may be
necessary during other activities such as welding, cutting and brazing activities
10.2.1 During Construction, all inert construction debris generated during The
CONTRACTOR shall be disposed of in a Class III landfill in accordance with
SAES-S-007 “Solid Waste Landfill Standard”. Other solid wastes generated, if any,
shall be disposed of in accordance with SAES-S-007
10.2.2 Hazardous waste, if any, shall be managed in accordance with GI 430.001 and the
Hazardous Waste Code. It shall be disposed of at one of the EPD-approved
10.2.3 As per sec.6.3 of Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC) and GI
430.001, all Hazardous waste shipments must be manifested using SAP EH&S.
Hazardous waste should not be mixed with non-hazardous waste. Water Injection
during all hydro test activities should be conducted in accordance with SAEP-327
10.2.4 All excavation and backfill activities shall be conducted in accordance with SAES-
A-114. Secondary spill containment shall be provided for and hazardous materials
stored at the site
11.1.1 The Saudi Aramco supplied materials are provided as per Schedule – G of LSPB
Contract. The pipes, pipe fittings and flanges shall be furnished to CONTRACTOR
by Saudi Aramco, at no cost and will be delivered by othersISSUED FOR staging
location. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for collecting, transporting and 19-Mar-2023
receiving these Saudi Aramco supplied materials at project staging location and
safely storing inside the site. CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for
preserving Saudi Aramco-supplied materials during storage and construction at
site, according to the vendor’s requirements. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible
for relocating Saudi Aramco supplied materials from project staging locations to
coating workshops, and/or project designated area
11.1.3 Upon completion of the work, or at any other time as directed by Company
representative, CONTRACTOR shall identify and return unused or reusable Saudi
Aramco supplied materials to any designated location which is no further from the
work site than the original delivery point of such items. The condition of all returned
Saudi Aramco supplied materials shall be as good as when received by contractor,
normal wear and tear excepted
11.2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials required for the construction of
this project as per project drawings, except those materials with quantities
specifically noted to be supplied by SAUDI ARAMCO
11.2.3 The CONTRACTOR shall use the SAUDI ARAMCO Material Specification
(SAMSS) listed in section 4.5 of this document for procurement of materials The
CONTRACTOR shall use the SAUDI ARAMCO material specification for
procurement of materials whenever the SAMMS stock number is quoted in the
material list as reference
11.2.5 CONTRACTOR shall submit minimum three (3) technical quotations for
approval by SAUDI ARAMCO. CONTRACTOR shall not purchase materials
without written approval from SAUDI ARAMCO. Technical quotations shall list
all exceptions and /or, additions to applicable project Drawings and SAUDI
ARAMCO Specifications. If there is no exception ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION
to specifications,
CONTRACTOR shall make a statement to that effect
11.2.7 Consumable materials such as welding rods, powders, etc., and temporary
materials such as formwork for foundations and scaffolding are not included in
the list and shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR
11.2.9 CONTRACTOR shall provide critical spare parts for Contractor supplied items
in accordance with SAEP-3102
11.2.10 Contractor is responsible to check the materials and equipment physically and
report any damaged prior to receive the materials and equipment’s
11.2.11 Contractor shall raise Request for inspection (RFI) to PID once they received
materials prior to release for installation
Pre-commissioning is the CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR responsibility
ARAMCO Representative
--------------- End of Scope --------------