ITI Electrician SEM 2 TT

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2nd Semester


SECTOR : Electrical



Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032

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Sector : Electrical
Duration : 2 - Years
Trade : Electrician 2nd Semester - Trade Practical - NSQF LEVEL - 5

Copyright ©2018 National Instructional Media Institute, Chennai

First Edition : October, 2018 Copies: 1,000
First Reprint : January, 2019 Copies: 5,000

Rs. 180/-

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National
Instructional Media Institute, Chennai.

Published by:
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The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising of various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.

National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has come up with instructional material to suit the
revised curriculum for Electrician 2nd Semester Trade Practical NSQF Level - 5 in Electrical sector
under Semester Pattern required for ITIs and related institutions imparting skill development. The NSQF
Level 5 will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and
competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase the scope of recognition
of prior learning. NSQF level 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill
development. I have no doubt that with NSQF level 5 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders
will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the
quality of Vocational training in the country.

The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.

Jai Hind

Director General / Addl. Secretary,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.

New Delhi - 110 001

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The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Ministry
of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship), MSME Government of India, with technical assistance from
the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to develop and provide
instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi (NSQF) under the Craftsman and
Apprenticeship Training Schemes.

The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.

The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.

IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.

The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.

The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.

NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.

Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

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National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Practical) of 2nd Semester for the trade of Electrician NSQF LEVEL - 5 under
Electrical Sector for ITIs.


Shri D.S. Varadarajulu _ DD/Principal (Retd.),

Govt. ITI, Ambattur,
Chennai - 98

Shri G. Ethirajulu _ Principal (Retd.),

Govt. ITI, Guindy
Chennai - 32

Shri P. Natarajan _ Assistant Training Officer

Govt. ITI, Anaikatti,
Coimbatore (Dist)

Shri K. Mohandass _ Assistant Training Officer

Govt. ITI, North Chennai
Chennai - 21.


Shri K. Srinivasa Rao - Joint Director

NIMI, Chennai - 32.

Shri Subhankar Bhowmik - Assistant Manager

NIMI, Chennai - 32.

NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.

NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.

NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.

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This manual for trade practical is intended for use in the ITI workshop. It consists of a series of practical exercises
that are to be completed by the trainees during the first semester of course is the Electrician trade under
Electrical Sector. It is National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) - Level 5, supplemented and
supported by instructions/information to assist the trainees in performing the exercise. The exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills prescribed in the syllabus are covered including the allied trades.The syllabus for the2 nd
Semester Electrician Trade NSQF Level 5 under Electrical Sector Trade Practical is divided into seven
modules.The allocation of time for the various modules is given below:

Module 1 - Cells and Batteries 5 Exercises 50 Hrs

Module 2 - Basic Wiring Practice 7 Exercises 100 Hrs
Module 3 - Wiring Installation and Earthing 9 Exercises 100 Hrs
Module 4 - Illumination 6 Exercises 50 Hrs
Module 5 - Measuring Instrument 8 Exercises 75 Hrs
Module 6 - Domestic Appliances 6 Exercises 75 Hrs
Module 7 - Transformer 9 Exercises 75 Hrs

Total 50 Exercises 525 Hrs

The syllabus and the content in the modules are interlinked. As the number of workstations available in the electrical
section is limited by the machinery and equipment, it is necessary to interpolate the exercises in the modules to
form a proper teaching and learning sequence. The sequence of instruction is given in the schedule of instruction
which is incorporated in the Instructor's Guide. With 25 practical hours a week of 5 working days 100 hours of
practical per month is available.

Contents of Trade Practical

The procedure for working through the 50 exercises for the 2nd semester with the specific objectives as the learning
out comes at the end of each exercise is given is this book.

The skill objectives and tools/instruments, equipment/machines and materials required to perform the exercise are
given in the beginning of each exercise.Skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical
exercises/experiments to support the related theory to make the trainees get hands on trainning in the Electrician
trade along with the relevant cognitive skills appropriate for the level. A minimum number of projects have been
included to make the training more effective and develop attitude to work in a team. Pictorial, schematic, wiring and
circuit diagrams have been included in the exercises, wherever necessary, to assist the trainees broaden their views.
The symbols used in the diagrams comply with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications.

Illustrations in this manual, help trainess visual perspective of the ideas and concepts.The procedures to be followed
for completing the exercises is also given. Different forms of intermediate test questions have been included in the
exercises, to enhance the trainee to trainee and trainee to instructor interactions.

Skill Information

Skill areas which are repetitive in nature are given as separate skill information sheets. Skills which are to be
developed in specific areas are included in the exercises itself. Some subexercises are developed to fulfill the
sequence of exercises in keeping with the syllabus.

This manual on trade practical forms part of the Written Instructional Material (WIM). Which includes manual on
trade theory and assignment/test.

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Exercise No. Title of the exercise Page No.

Module 1 : Cells and Batteries

2.1.65 Use of various types of cell 1

2.1.66 Practice on grouping of cells for specified voltage and current under different
conditions and care 3

2.1.67 Prepare and practice on battery charging and details of charging circuit 6

2.1.68 Practice on routine, care / maintenance and testing of batteries 9

2.1.69 Determine the number of solar cells in series / Parallel for given power requirement 11

Module 2 : Basic Wiring Practice

2.2.70 Identify various conduits and different electrical accessories 13

2.2.71 Practice cutting, threading of different sizes of conduits and laying installations 21

2.2.72 Prepare test boards/extension boards and mount accessories like lamp holders,
various switches, sockets, fuses, relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB Etc. 27

2.2.73 Draw layouts and practice in PVC casing - capping, conduit wiring with minimum to
more number of points of minimum 15 metre length 29

2.2.74 Wire up PVC Conduit wiring to control one lamp from two different places 31

2.2.75 Wire up PVC conduit wiring to control one lamp from 3 different places 33

2.2.76 Wire up PVC Conduit wiring and practice control of sockets and lamps indifferent
combinations using switching concepts 36

Module 3 : Wiring Installation and Earthing

2.3.77 Wire up the consumer's main board with I.C.D.P. switch and distribution fuse box 39

2.3.78 Prepare and mount the energy meter board 41

2.3.79 Estimate the cost/bill of material for wiring of hostel/residential building and workshop 45

2.3.80 Practice wiring of hostel and residential building as per IE rules 51

2.3.81 Practice wiring of Institute and workshop as per IE rules 53

2.3.82 Practice testing /fault detection of domestic and industrial wiring installation and repair 55

2.3.83 Prepare pipe earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester/megger 57

2.3.84 Prepare plate earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester / megger 60

2.3.85 Test earth leakage by ELCB and relay 63

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Exercise No. Title of the exercise Page No.

Module 4 : Illumination

2.4.86 Install light fitting with reflectors for direct & indirct lightings 65

2.4.87 Group different wattage lamps in series for specified voltage 66

2.4.88 Practice installation of various lamps eg. fluorescent tube, HP mercury vapour,
LP mercury vapour, HP Sodium vapour, LP Sodium vapour, Metal halide etc. 69

2.4.89 Prepare decorative lamp circuits using drum switches 74

2.4.90 Prepare a decorative lamp circuit to produce rotating light effect/ running light effect 75

2.4.91 Install light fitting for show case lighting 77

Module 5 : Measuring Instrument

2.5.92 Practice on various analog and digital measuring instruments 78

2.5.93 Practice on measuring instrument in single and three phase circuit eg. multimeter,
wattmeter, energy meter, phase sequence and frequency meter etc. 82

2.5.94 Measure the power in 3-phase circuit using two wattmeter methods 85

2.5.95 Measure power factor in three phase circuit by using power factor meter and verify

the same with Voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter readings. 87

2.5.96 Measure electrical parameters using tong tester in three phase circuit 90

2.5.97 Practice for range extension and calibration of various measuring instruments 93

2.5.98 Determine errors is resistance measurement by voltage drop method 99

2.5.99 Test single phase energy meter for its errors 101

Module 6 : Domestic Appliances

2.6.100 Dismantle and assemble electrical parts of various electrical appliance

e.g cooking range, geyser, washing machine and pump set 104

2.6.101 Service and repair of Bell / Buzzer 107

2.6.102 Service and repair of electric iron, electric kettle, cooking range and geyser 109

2.6.103 Service and repair of Induction heater and oven 115

2.6.104 Service and repair of mixer and grinder 118

2.6.105 Service and repair of Washing machine 125

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Exercise No. Title of the exercise Page No.

Module 7 : Transformer

2.7.106 Verify terminals identify components and calculate transformation ratio of

single phase transformer 129

2.7.107 Perform open circuit and short circuit test to determine the efficiency of
single phase transformer 131

2.7.108 Determine Voltage regulation of single phase transformer at different loads and
power factors 134

2.7.109 Perform series and parallel operation of two single phase transformers 136

2.7.110 Verify the terminals and accessories of three phase transformer HT and LT side 138

2.7.111 Perform 3 phase operation (i) delta - delta (ii) delta - star (iii) star-star (iv)
star - delta by use of three single phase transformes. 141

2.7.112 Test and replace transformer oil 144

2.7.113 Practice on winding of small transformer 146

2.7.114 Practice of general maintenance of transformer 153


On completion of this book you shall be able to

• Install, test and maintain Batteries and Solar Cell

• Estimate, Assemble, Install and Test Wiring System

• Plan and prepare Earthing Installation

• Plan and execute Electrical Illumination System and Test

• Select and perform measurements using analog / digital instrument

and its calibration

• Peform testing, verify errors and calibrate instruments

• Plan and carryout installation, fault defection and repairing of

Domestic Appliances

• Execute testing, evaluate performance and maintenance of


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Second Semester Duration: Six Month

Week Ref. Learning Professional Skills(Trade Practical) Professional Knowledge

No. Outcome with Indicative hours (Trade Theory)

27 - 37 • Install, test and 65. Use of various types of Chemical effect of electric
maintenance of cells. (08 Hrs) current and Laws of electrolysis.
batteries and 66. Practice on grouping of Explanation of Anodes and
solar cell cells for specified voltage cathodes.
and current under Types of cells, advantages /
different conditions and disadvantages and their
care. (12 Hrs) applications.
67. Prepare and practice on Lead acid cell; Principle of
• Apply safe working battery charging and operation and components.
practices details of charging circuit. Types of battery charging, Safety
(12 Hrs) precautions, test equipment and
68. Practice on routine, care/ maintenance.
maintenance and testing of Basic principles of Electro-
batteries. (08 Hrs) plating
69. Determine the number of and cathodic protection
solar cells in series / Grouping of cells for specified
parallel for given power voltage and current.
Principle and operation of solar

29 - 30 • Estimate, 70. Identify various conduits I.E. rules on electrical wiring.

Assemble, and different electrical Types of domestic and
install accessories. (8 Hrs) industrial
and test 71. Practice cutting, threading wirings.
wiring of different sizes & laying Study of wiring accessories e.g.
system Installations. (17 Hrs) switches, fuses, relays, MCB,
72. Prepare test boards / ELCB, MCCB etc.
extension boards and Grading of cables and current
mount accessories like ratings.
lamp holders, various Principle of laying out of
switches, sockets, fuses, domestic wiring.
relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB Voltage drop concept
etc. (25 Hrs)

31 - 32 • Estimate, 73. Draw layouts and practice PVC conduit and Casing-
Assemble, in PVC Casing-capping, capping
install Conduit wiring with wiring system.
and test wiring minimum to more number Different types of wiring -
system of points of minimum 15 Power, control, Communication
mtr length. (15 Hrs) and entertainment wiring.
74. Wire up PVC conduit wiring Wiring circuits planning,
to control one lamp from permissible load in sub-circuit
two different places. (10 and main circuit
75. Wire up PVC conduit wiring
to control one lamp from
three different places. (10

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76. Wire up PVC conduit wiring
and practice control of
sockets and lamps in
different combinations
using switching concepts.
(15 Hrs)

33 - 35 • Estimate, 77. Wire up the consumers Estimation of load, cable size,

Assemble, install main board with ICDP bill
and test wiring switch and distribution of material and cost.
system fuse box. (10 Hrs) Inspection and testing of wiring
78. Prepare and mount the installations.
energy meter board. (10 Special wiring circuit e.g.
Hrs) godown, tunnel and workshop
79. Estimate the cost/bill of etc
material for wiring of
hostel/ residential building
and workshop. (10 Hrs)
80. Practice wiring of hostel
and residential building as
per IE rules. (15 Hrs)
81. Practice wiring of institute
and workshop as per IE
rules. (15 Hrs)
82. Practice testing / fault
detection of domestic and
industrial wiring
installation and repair. (15

36 • Plan and 83. Prepare pipe earthing and Importance of Earthing.

prepare measure earth resistance Plate earthing and pipe
Earthing by earth tester / megger. earthing
installation (10 Hrs) methods and IEE regulations.
84. Prepare plate earthing and Earth resistance and earth
measure earth resistance leakage circuit breaker
by earth tester / megger.
(10 Hrs)
85. Test earth leakage by ELCB
and relay. (5 Hrs)

37 - 38 • Plan and 86. Install light fitting with Laws of Illuminations.

execute reflectors for direct and Types of illumination system.
electrical indirect lighting. (10 Hrs) Illumination factors, intensity of
illumination 87. Group different wattage of light.
system and lamps in series for Type of lamps, advantages/
test specified voltage. (5 Hrs) disadvantages and their
88. Practice installation of applications.
various lamps e.g. Calculations of lumens and
fluorescent tube, HP efficiency
mercury vapour, LP
mercury vapour, HP
sodium vapour, LP sodium
vapour, metal halide etc.
(18 Hrs)

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89. Prepare decorative lamp
circuit using drum
switches. (5 Hrs)
90. Prepare decorative lamp
circuit to produce rotating
light effect/running light
effect. (6 Hrs)
91. Install light fitting for show
case lighting. (6 Hrs)

39 - 40 • Select and 92. Practice on various analog Classification of electrical

perform and digital measuring instruments and essential
measurements Instruments. (5 Hrs) forces
using analog / 93. Practice on measuring required in indicating
digital instruments in single and instruments.
instruments three phase circuits e.g. PMMC and Moving iron
multi-meter, Wattmeter, instruments.
Energy meter, Phase Measurement of various
sequence meter and electrical parameters using
Frequency meter etc. (15 different analog and digital
Hrs) instruments.
94. Measure power in three Measurement of energy in
phase circuit using two three
wattmeter methods. (8 phase circuit
95. Measure power factor in
three phase circuit by using
power factor meter and
verify the same with
voltmeter, ammeter and
wattmeter readings. (12
96. Measure electrical
parameters using tong
tester in three phase
circuits. (10 Hrs)

41 • Perform 97. Practice for range

extension and calibration Errors and corrections in
of various measuring measurement.
verify errors
instruments. (10 Hrs) Loading effect of voltmeter and
98. Determine errors in voltage drop effect of ammeter
resistance measurement in circuits.
by voltage drop method. (8 Extension of range and
Hrs) calibration of measuring
99. Test single phase energy instruments
meter for its errors. (7 Hrs)

42 - 44 • Plan and 100.Dismantle and assemble Working principles and circuits

carry electrical parts of various of
out electrical appliances e.g. common domestic equipment
installation, cooking range, geyser, and appliances.
fault washing machine and Concept of Neutral and Earth
detection pump set. (25 Hrs)
and repairing 101.Service and repair of bell/
of buzzer. (5 Hrs)
domestic 102.Service and repair of
appliances electric iron, electric kettle,
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cooking range and geyser.
(12 Hrs)
103.Service and repair of
induction heater and oven.
(10 Hrs)
104.Service and repair of mixer
and grinder. (10 Hrs)
105.Service and repair of
washing machine. (13Hrs)

• Execute 106.Verify terminals, identify Working principle, construction

45 - 46 testing, components and calculate and classification of
evaluate transformation ratio of transformer.
performance single phase transformers. Single phase and three phase
and (8 Hrs) transformers.
maintenance of 107.Perform OC and SC test to Turn ratio and e.m.f. equation.
transformer determine and efficiency Series and parallel operation of
of single phasetransformer. (12 transformer.
Hrs) Voltage Regulation and
108.Determine voltage efficiency.
regulation of single phase Auto Transformer and
transformer at different instrument transformers (CT &
loads and power factors. PT).
(12 Hrs)
109.Perform series and parallel
operation of two single
phase transformers. (12
110. Verify the terminals and
accessories of three phase
transformer HT and LT
side. (6 Hrs)

• Execute 111. Perform 3 phase operation Method of connecting three

47 single phase transformers for
testing, (i) delta-delta (ii) delta-star
evaluate (iii) star-star (iv) star-delta, three phase operation.
performance by use of three single Types of Cooling, protective
and phase transformers. (6 Hrs) devices, bushings and
maintenance 112. Perform testing of termination etc.
of transformer oil. (6 Hrs) Testing of transformer oil.
transformer 113. Practice on winding of Materials used for winding and
small transformer. (8 Hrs) winding wires in small
114. Practice of general transformer
maintenance of
transformer. (5 Hrs)
Project work / Industrial visit
48 - 49 Broad Areas:
a) Overload protection of electrical
b) Automatic control of street light/night
c) Fuse and power failure indicator using
d) Door alarm/indicator
e) Decorative light with electrical flasher

50 - 51 Revision
52 Examination
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Electrician - Cells and Batteries Exercise 2.1.65

Use of various types of cell

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the different type of cells from the chart or physically available cells
• name the cells, parts and uses.

Equipments Materials
• Different types of cells - 1 each • Chart showing different types of cells - 1 No.


Instructor may arrange the available different types of cells on the table. Explain the types of cells and
their uses

1 Identify the type of cell and write their names to 2 Write the name of the parts against the number and
corresponding cell placed on the table or by referring uses in the blank space provided against each cell in
from chart as in Table1 (Fig 1 to Fig 6) table 1.

Table 1

Sketches Name of Cell Parts of cell Uses

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Sketches Name of Cell Parts of cell Uses

3 Get it checked by your instructor.

2 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.65

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Electrician - Cells and Batteries Exercise 2.1.66

Practice on grouping of cells for specified voltage and current under

different conditions and care
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• make grouping of cells in series connection
• make grouping of cells in parallel connection
• make grouping of cells in series and parallel connection.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• MC Ammeter 0-1A - 1 No. • Cells 1.5V - 8 Nos.
• MC Voltmeter 0-15V - 1 No. • SP Switch 6A, 250V - 4 Nos
• MC Ammeter 500 mA - 1 No. • Connecting leads - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Resistor 5 Ω , 10W - 1 No.
• Rheostat 20 ohms 3.7A - 1 No. • 4 Cell battery pack - 2 Nos.
• miniature lamp 6V / 9V, 300 mA - 1 No.
• Resistor 10 Ω , 10W - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Grouping of cells in series connection

1 Check the individual cells for their condition.

• Select 500 mA DC current range in mulimeter or
500 mA DC ammeter.
• Connect the cell across the meter in series with a
3 ohm resistor.
• Watch the deflection.

Full deflection shows good condition of cell.

Low deflection shows disharged condition of
the cell.

Cells having a higher internal resistance should

not be used for series connection.
Care should be taken for the cells polarity. 5 Connect the terminal ‘G’ to the terminal A and observe
the ammeter reading and the glow condition of the
2 Connect the cells as shown in Fig 1. lamp.
3 Measure the voltage of one cell V1, two cells V2, three 6 Change the contact of termnal ‘ G’ terminals B,C and
cells V3 and four cells V4 connected in series. D in succession.
4 Record your observations in the first and second 7 Record your observations under the columns 3 & 4 in
columns of Table 1. Table 1

Table 1
Sl No. No. of cells in series Voltmeter reading Ammeter reading Glow

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TASK 2: Grouping of cells in parallel connection

1 Check the voltage of each cell. Table 2

2 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 2. Sl. No. No. of Cells in Parallel V I

4 Check and record the readings of V and I after closing

switch S2, then S3, and S4 in succession.

Unequal voltage cells cannot be connected in



When cells of equal voltage are connected in parallel

the terminal voltage is equal to

As the load current is shared by the cells in parallel, the

terminal voltage across the load is when
3 Close the switch S1 and measure voltage and current. compared to a single cell supplying current to the
Record the values in Table 2, under columns 2, 3 same load.
and 4.
The effect of a number of cells in parallel to a given load.

TASK 3 : Grouping of cells in series and parallel combination connection

Series parallel combination is for higher

voltage and higher current

1 Set the movable arm of 20 ohms 3.7A rheostat to get

12 ohms with the help of an ohmmeter.
2 Connect four 1.5 V cells in series to form one group.
Form one more similar group of 4 cells. (Fig 3)
3 Connect two series groups of 4 cells and form the
circuit as shown in Fig 3.
4 Close switch S1, observe the voltmeter and ammeter.
Record the values in row 1 of Table 3
5 Keep the switch positions S1, S2 and S3 as indicated
in row 2 of Table 3. Record V and I in the respective
6 Repeat step 5 for different combinations of switch
positions as indicated in rows 3 to 6 of Table 3.

4 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.66

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This indicates that the internal resistance of group ‘A’ is
Both the open circuit voltages of group (a) and
the internal reistance of
group (b) should be the same, or more correctly
group ‘B’
their Terminal Potential Difference should be
the same when supplying the same load current.
The no-load voltage in series-parallel combination

The total current drawn by the load is equal to the sum of
When group `A' alone supplies the load current, the fall in the
voltage (EMF - TPD) is

When group ‘B’ alone supplies the load current the fall in
voltage (EMF - TPD) is

Table 3

Position of the switches

Row I1 I2 V
S1 S2 S3

1 Close Open Open

2 Close Open Close
3 Open Close Open
4 Open Close Close
5 Close Close Open
6 Close Close Close

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.66 5

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Electrician - Cells and Batteries Exercise 2.1.67

Prepare and practice on battery charging and details of charging circuit

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect and charge the battery by using a battery charger
• connect and charge the battery by the constant current method
• connect and charge the battery by the constant potential method
• prepare of electrolyte.


Tools/ Instruments Materials

• Cutting plier 150 mm - 1 No. • Distilled water - 1 bottle
• Screw driver 150 mm - 1 No. (450ml)
• MC Voltmeter 0-15V - 1 No. • Petroleum jelly - as reqd.
• MC Ammeter 0-10A - 1 No. • Sandpaper - as reqd.
• Hydrometer - 1 No. • Test leads with crocodile clips - 1 pair
• High rate discharge tester - 1 No. • Clips - 1 pair
• concentrated sulphuric acid - 100 ml
• Clean jar for mixing 1 litre capacity - 2 Nos.
• Battery charger for 12V - 1 No. • Cotton Waste - as reqd.
• Low voltage DC power supply • Soda bi-carbonate - as reqd.
0-30 volts 10A. - 1 No.
• Variable resistor 10 ohms, 5A capacity - 1 No.
• Battery 12V lead acid type - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Charging a battery using a battery charger

1 Clean the battery terminals, if corroded, with sandpaper :

if sulphated, clean with wet cotton waste or with soda

Do not damage the battery terminal by scraping

with any metal strip.

2 Unscrew all the vent plugs and check the level of the

Do not clean the battery top surface keeping

the vent plugs open. The accumulated dirt may
fall inside the cells and form sediments.
6 Connect the battery charger's +ve lead to the +ve
3 Top up the electrolyte to the marked level in all the cells terminal of the battery and the -ve lead of the charger
with distilled water. to the -ve terminal of the battery. (Fig 2)
No electrolyte to be used to top up battery. 7 Adjust the battery charger output voltage equal to or
a little higher than the voltage of the battery to be
4 Check the initial specific gravity of the electrolyte of
each cell using a hydrometer (Fig 1) and record in
Table 1. 8 Set the charger voltage to produce the determined value
of initial charging current.
5 Measure the cell voltage and the battery voltage with
a voltmeter and record in the Table 1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation
for current setting for charging as well as
Do not use a high rate discharge tester for discharging.
measuring voltage.

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11 Check the battery for its working voltage under load
using a high rate discharge tester for a short period.
(Fig 3)
Do not keep a high rate discharge tester for
along period, say more than five seconds.

9 Check the voltage of each cell of the battery and specific

gravity of the electrolyte at regular intervals (say ONE

Remove the vent plug to enable the gas to


10 Disconnect the battery when fully charged. Fit the vent

plugs, clean the outer surface with wet cloth. Apply
petroleum jelly to the terminals.

Table 1

Initial condition Charged condition after

Cell No.
1 Hr 2 Hrs 3 Hrs 4 Hrs 5 Hrs
Specific gravity Voltage


TASK 2 : Charge a battery by constant current method

1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 4. 7 Set the lamp bank to produce the determined value of
the initial charging current.
2 Clean the battery terminals and unscrew all the vent
plugs. Don't touch the battery terminals since the
3 Check the level of the electrolyte and top up. circuit is connected to 220V DC.

4 Check the specific gravity and voltage of each cell and Proper protective devices should be provided
record and prepare a blank table (as shown in Table 1). in the circuit.

5 Connect the given batteries in series with the lamp bank 8 Read the voltage and specific gravity of each cell at
as per Fig 4. regular intervals and record in Table 1.
6 Adjust the current rating through the lamp bank. 9 Repeat the steps 10 and 11 of Task 1.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.67 7

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TASK 3 : Charge a battery by constant potential method

1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 5.

2 Repeat the steps 2 to 4 of Task 2.
3 Adjust the voltage by adjusting the rheostat to the
required value.
4 Read and record the voltage, current and specific
gravity at regular intervals in Table 3. (Prepare a blank
table as shown in Table 1)
5 Repeat the steps 10 and 11 of Task 1.

TASK 4 : Preparation of electrolyte

1 Prepare the necessary materials for electrolyte 4 Allow the mixture to cool sufficiently to the ambient
preparation. temperature.
2 Fill distilled water of the required quantity in the glass 5 Read the specific gravity (Fig 1). If the specific gravity
jar. is below 1250, add a little more acid to bring to the
correct specific gravity.
3 Add concentrated sulphuric acid little by little to the
water and stir with a glass rod simultaneously. Take care not to sprinkle the electrolyte.
Don't pour excess acid at a time to the water to
avoid excess generation of heat.

8 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.67

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Electrician - Cells and Batteries Exercise 2.1.68

Practice on routine, care / maintenance and testing of batteries

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare and follow the routine care/maintenance schedule chart for batteries
• carry out the general procedure and maintenance for batteries.


Tools/ Instruments Equipment/Machines

• Ring spanner (6 mm - 25 mm) - 1 Set • Lead acid battery 12V / 60 AH - 1 No.
• Combination pliers 150mm - 1 No.
• Insulated screw driver 200mm - 1 No.
• Hydrometer - 1 No. • Banian cloth - as reqd.
• High rate discharger tester - 1 No. • Distilled water - as reqd.
• Sodium bicarbonate solution - as reqd.


TASK 1: Prepare and follow the routine care/maintenance schedule chart for batteries

1 Collect the care/maintenance activities required for lead 3 Perform the routine care/maintenance activities of
acid batteries. battery by referring the following chart 1.
2 Make a care/maintenance chart for daily, weekly,
monthly, six monthly maintenance schedule as in
chart - 1.

Routine Care/ Maintenance Schedule Chart-1

Sl.No. Routine Activities to be done Remarks

1 Daily • Inspect the batteries visually.

• If it is found abnormal, report and do necessary action.

2 Weekly • Inspect all batteries visually

• Clean surface, check tightness of connectors and vent plugs
• Check supporting clamps

3 Monthly • Check level of electrolyte

• Do charging of battery, if not been automatically charged
• Clean terminals, reconnect, apply protection jelly.
• Clean top surface by sodium bi carbonate solution in water.
• Wipe surface for dryness.
• Check that other materials surface should not have contact with
batteries and top surface of battery

4 Six Monthly • Check level and specific gravity, charging rate, charging hours,
voltage cell

(Life of well maintained lead acid battery can be about five to six years)

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TASK 2 : Carry out the general preventive maintenance of lead acid battery

1 Perform the following steps for the preventive

maintenance of battery.

Steps to be followed for preventive maintenance of


• Maintain the level of the electrolyte 10 to 15 • Apply a thin layer of Vaseline (or) petroleum
mm above the plates (or) as per manufacturer's jelly over them to prevent corrosion.
• Do not charge or discharge the battery in higher
• Add the distilled water to the acid; and do not rate continuously.
add acid to water.
• Remove the lead sulphate which is formed due
• Connect the positive terminal of the battery to
to over charge after four months.
the positive terminal of the supply, and connect
the negative terminal of the battery to the • Maintain well-ventilated room for battery
negative terminal of the supply while charging charging.
the battery.
• Use high rate discharge tester only for charged
• Keep the vent plug open for the liberation of battery not for discharged battery.
gases during charging.
• Clean the vent plugs holes for proper discharging • Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte
of gas. before charging and discharging.

• Keep the battery terminals always cleaned.

10 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.68

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Electrician - Cells and Batteries Exercise 2.1.69

Determine the number of solar cells in series / Parallel for given power
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• determine the number of solar cells required for a series group for a given voltage requirement
• determine the number of group of solar cells in parallel for a given ampere hour capacity
• calculate the total number of solar cells required for a given power requirement
• connect the given cells in series and parallel groups to charge the battery.


Tools/Instruments Materials/Components
• Cutting pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • Solar cells 125 mW/cm2, 0.45 V, 57 mA - 87 cells
• Screw driver 250 mm - 1 No. • Connecting wires 3/0.91mm PVC - 20 m
• Connector screw driver 100 mm - 1 No. insulated cable
• Voltmeter MC type 0 - 15V - 1 No. • Insulation tape 30 cm long - 1 No.
• Ammeter 0-500 mA - MC - 1 No. • Miniature bulb B.C Type 3W 12 V - 1 No.
• Soldering Iron 35W 240V 50 Hz - 1 No. with holder
• ‘On’ and ‘Off’ flush mounting - 2 Nos.
switch 6A 240 Volts - 2 Nos
• Resin core solder 60:40 - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Determine the number of cells required for a series group

A village panchayat office requires a light of 12V 3Watts for display purpose for four hours which has
to be energized through a battery. The battery is to be charged through an array of solar cells having
125 mw/cm2 capacity. The light from sun expected to be available for 8 hours a day. Calculate the
number of solar cells in series group and the number of groups in parallel to charge the battery and wire
up the solar cells accordingly.

1 Determine the number of solar cells in series group. ampere hour lost in actual usage
Charging current rating = No.of possible ch arg ing hours
Total required voltage
No. of cells in series group =
Volt per cell
= = 0.125 amperes
Assuming charging voltage is 8
equal to battery voltage + 1 volt = 12 + 1 = 13 V
Output current
Total No. of cells in parallel group =
13 Cell current
No. of cells in series group = 29 cells
0 .125 amp
Calculate the ampere hour requirement =
57 mA
Power 3 watts 1
The current required = Voltage = = amps 125
12 volts 4 = 2 .2
say 250 mA
= say 3 cells/group
The charge taken from the batteries at the rate of 250
mA for 4 hours Hence total number of cells required = 29 x 3

250 = 87 cells
Hence ampere hour requirement ×4
= 1 AH

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TASK 2 : Connect the given 87 cells in series parallel groups to charge the 12 v battery

1 Connect 29 cells in a series group and solder the

2 Make 3 groups of 29 cell series groups.
3 Connect the three series groups in parallel and solder
the connections ends.
4 Connect the series parallel group of cells with a
voltmeter, an ammeter, battery and a 6A Switch as
shown in the Fig 1.
5 Measure the voltage across the groups with the help of
0-15 V M.C. voltmeter and enter the values in Table 1.
6 Close the switch and measure the charging current and
enter the values in Table 1.

Table 1

Open circuit voltage of coils Load voltage Charging current

12 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.69

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.70

Identify various conduits and different electrical accessories

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify and name the conduits and conduit accessories and write their specification and uses.
• identify and name the electrical accessories
• write the specification and uses of the electrical accessories
• draw the electrical accessories IE symbols.

Tools/Instruments • Tube light starter holder 6A - 1 No.
• Insulated screw driver 4mm x150mm - 1 No. • Combined tube and starter holder 6A - 1 No.
• Insulated connector screw driver • Tube light holder - 6A - 1 No.
4 mm x100 mm - 1 No. • Brass batten-holder 6A 250V - 1 No.
• Tray 60x30x4 cm - 1 No. • Bakelite batten-holder 6A 250V - 1 No.
• I.S. books on graphic symbols - 1 No.
• Brass pendent-holder 6A 250V - 1 No.
(B.I.S 2032 all parts)
• Bakelite pendent-holder 6A 250V - 1 No.
Materials • 3-pin 6A wall socket, mounting type - 1 No.
• PVC conduit pipe - 19 mm and • 3-pin 16A wall socket, mounting type - 1 No.
25 mm - 3M long - 1 No. each • 3-pin 6A wall socket, flush type - 1 No.
• GI conduit pipe - 19 mm and
• 3-pin 16A wall socket, flush type - 1 No.
25mm - 3 m long - 1 No. each
• PVC Channel - 20mm and 25mm • 2-pin 6A wall socket, flush type - 1 No.
- 1M long - 1 No. each • 2-pin 6A mounting type - 1 No.
• PVC pipe coupling - 19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • Ceiling rose 6A 250V 2 plate - 1 No.
• PVC junction box - 1,2,3 and • Ceiling rose 6A 250V 3 plate - 1 No.
4 way -19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • Fan regulator - 1 No.
• PVC bend - 19 mm & 25mm - 1 No. each
• Kit-kat fuse 16A 250V - 1 No.
• PVC Elbow - 19 mm & 25 mm - 1 No. each
• PVC Tee - 19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • Intermediate switch 6A 250V - 1 No.
• GI conduit coupler & Inspection • 3-pin 6A 250 V plug - 1 No.
Coupler - 19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • 3-pin 16A 250 V plug - 1 No.
• GI Elbow & Inspection Elbow - • Terminal plate 16A 250 V 3- way - 1 No.
19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each
• I.C.D.P. switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Tees & Inspection Tee -
19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • I.C.T.P. switch 16A 400V - 1 No.
• GI junction box -1,2,3 & 4 way • Neutral link 16 amps - 1 No.
square type 19mm & 25mm - 1 No. each • I.C. cutouts 16A 250V - 1 No.
• S.P. switch 6A 250V flush type, • Distribution box 4-way - 1 No.
single way - 1 No. • Bell-Push/switch 6A, 250V flush type - 1 No.
• S.P. switch 6A 250V flush type
• Bell-Push/switch 6A, 250V
two way - 1 No.
• S.P. switch 6A 250V mounting type - 1 No.
mounting type single way - 1 No. • HRC Fuse - 16A - 1 No.
• S.P. switch 6A 250V • Iron connector - 5A - 1 No.
mounting type two-way - 1 No. • Toggle switch 6A - 1 No.
• MCB 1,2 & 3 Pole - 1 No. each

TASK 1 : Identify various conduit and conduit accessories

1 Identify each items and write the name in the table. 2 Write the specification and use of each conduit &
(Fig 1 to Fig 11) conduit accessory in the column given.

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Conduit Pipe & Conduit accessories

Sketch Name Specification Use

14 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70

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Sketch Name Specification Use

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70 15

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Sketch Name Specification Use

TASK 2 : Identify electrical accessories and write their names

1 Identify each accessory and write the name in the 2 Write the specification of each accessory in the column
table 2 (Fig 12 to 30) given by the side of each (accessory) figure.
Different manufacturers design the outline of Most of the specifications can be collected from
accessories differently to suit various conditions. the markings on the accessory itself. Otherwise
However, the electrical contact positions of the try to get them from an approved catalogue or
accessories remain the same. As such there approach the instructor for guidance.
should not be much difficulty in identifying the
accessories. 3 Identify the I.E symbols used for the accessory from the
related theory or B.I.S.books and sketch the symbols
On the other hand, single way and two-way
in the columns/spaces provided.
switches as well as two and three plate ceiling
roses look alike. A careful look at the rear of the 4 Show the completed sheets of specifications,
accessory will make the identifying process identification and symbols to the instructor and get his
much easier. approval.

Table 2 - Electrical accessories

Sketch Name Specification Use IE Symbol

16 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70

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Sketch Name Specification Use IE Symbol

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70 17

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Sketch Name Specification Use IE Symbol

18 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70

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Sketch Name Specification Use IE Symbol

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70 19

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Sketch Name Specification Use IE Symbol

20 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.70

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.71

Practice cutting, threading of different sizes of conduits and laying installations

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• cut metal conduit pipes of heavy gauge to the required dimensions
• fasten the conduit pipe in the pipe vice and prepare the conduit ends for threading
• cut the threads on heavy gauge metal conduit,according to requirements using a conduit die set
• fix the conduit accessories to the pipes according to the pipe size using the threaded method
• fix the conduit with the necessary clamps and spacers on surface installation in accordance with the
• draw cables in the metallic conduit pipes
• bond the conduit pipes at joints and junctions
• earth the conduit as per B.I.S. recommendations
• prepare metal boxes and fix electrical accessories
• terminate the cable ends at the accessories according to the wiring diagrm
• test the wiring.


Tools/Instruments • Metal Box 90 mm Square of

hexagonal type with top cover - 4 Nos.
• Screwdriver 200mm with 5mm blade - 1 No.
• Conduit pipe inspection Tee 19 mm - 3 Nos.
• Connector screwdriver 100mm with
• Conduit elbow 19 mm - 4 Nos.
3mm blade - 1 No.
• Conduit bend 19 mm - 1 No.
• Pipe vice 50 mm - 1 No.
• Conduit junction box 3-way 19 mm - 4 Nos.
• Steel rule 300 mm - 1 No.
• T.W. spacers 60mm long 19 mm
• Hacksaw with a blade of 24 teeth
width and 12mm thick - 25 Nos.
per 25 mm (25 TPI) - 1 No.
• Tinned copper wire 14 SWG - 12 mts.
• Flat file bastard 250 mm - 1 No.
• Earth clamps, tinned copper suitable for
• Half round file 2nd cut 200 mm - 1 No.
19 mm pipe with bolt, nut and washers - 3 doz.
• Reamer 16 mm - 1 No.
• G.I. saddles 19 mm - 25 Nos.
• Oil can 250ml - 1 No
• Wood screws and machine screws - as reqd.
• Conduit stock and dies for 19 mm &
25 mm conduit - 1 Set
• P.V.C. aluminium cable 1.5 sqmm
• Wire brush 50 mm - 1 No.
250 V grade - 18 mts.
• Plumb bob with thread - 1 No.
• S.P.T. switch 6A 250V - 1 No.
• Electrician’s knife DB 100 mm - 1 No.
• Two-way Flush type switch 6A 250V - 3 Nos.
• Poker 200 mm - 1 No.
• Ceiling rose 2-way 6A 250V - 4 Nos.
• Ball peen hammer 500 grams - 1 No.
• Pendent-holder, bakelite 6A 250V - 4 Nos.
• Hand drilling machine 6 mm capcity
• B.C. bulbs 40W, 230V - 4 Nos.
with 4 mm drill bit - 1 Set
• Colour chalk - 1 piece
• Scriber 200 mm - 1 No.
• Terminal plate 16 amps 3-way - 1 No.
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No.
• G.I. wire as fish wire 14 SWG - 6 mts.
• P.V.C. bushes suitable for 19 mm pipe - 40 Nos.
• Conduit check-nut 19 mm - 8 Nos.
• Conduit pipe, heavy gauge 19 mm dia. -6m • Lubricant coconut oil - 100 gm
• Conduit pipe,heavy gauge 25 mm dia -3m • Cotton Waste - as reqd.


TASK 1: Preparation of conduit pipe for cutting

Assume the job needs a 300 mm long conduit make the required conduit drop, the standard
drop but a standard length pipe of 3000 mm is length 3000 mm pipe is to be cut for a length of
only available. Normally both the ends of a 300 mm and threaded again at one end.
standard length pipe will have threads. To

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Cutting could be done either by pipe cutters or
with hacksaws. In practice, cutting with a
hacksaw is popular, and the method is
explained below.

1 Measure 300mm from the threaded end of the 19 mm

pipe and mark it with chalk as shown in Fig 1.

2 Open the jaw of the vice and insert the pipe so that it is
horizontal and parallel to the jaw serrations.
3 Keep the chalk mark of the pipe within 100 mm of the
vice as shown in Fig 2.

9 When the initial cut has been made, move the left hand
to the front end of the hacksaw frame and use both
hands for the cutting operation as shown in Fig 6.
10 When sawing, use the full length of the blade, increasing
gradually the pressure on the forward stroke, and
releasing the pressure as the blade is drawn back.
(Fig 6)

4 Close and tighten the vice jaw.

5 Select a hacksaw with a blade having 24 teeth per
25mm (25 TPI), as shown in Fig 3.

Ensure that the hacksaw blade is firmly

tightened in the frame and that the teeth point
11 Saw with steady, even strokes, keeping the blade
in the forward direction.
upright and square to the cut as shown in Fig 7.
6 Take up the hacksaw and position yourself, as shown
in Fig 4, with your left shoulder pointing in the direction
of the cut. Note the position of the feet, which allows for
free and controlled movement of the body when cutting.
7 Grip the hacksaw handle with the right hand and
position the hacksaw blade on top of the cutting line.
8 Prepare to cut by guiding the blade with the thumb of
your left hand exactly on the cutting line against the saw
blade as shown in Fig 5.

22 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.71

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12 When getting near to the end of the cut, the conduit
must be supported with your left hand as shown in
Fig 8. Finish the cut.

Support the free end of the conduit to prevent

the blade of the hacksaw from being damaged.

13 Use a reamer or half round file to remove the inside burrs

as shown in Fig 9.
14 Use the flat portion of the half round file to smoothen the
sharp edges. (Fig 10) 16 Clean the hacksaw and vice after the end of the work
15 Again follow the steps 2 to 14 for cut the 300 mm long and keep them in their respective places.
from the threaded end of 25 mm dia. 3 m long pipe.

TASK 2 : Preparation of conduit pipe for threading

1 Open the jaw of the vice and insert the 19 mm dia pipe
so that it is horizontal and parallel to the jaw serrations.
2 Keep the end of the tube within 150 mm of the vice.
3 Close and tighten the vice as shown in Fig 11.

Assembly drawing for the quick cut stock and

dies is given in Fig 13. The die size is engraved
on the die itself. Check the size with that of the
pipe. The handle of the stock is not shown in the
picture for clarity.
6 Insert each half of the die in the cap(stock) with the
chamferred threads (leading faces) being adjacent to
4 File the end of the tube flat and chamfer the outer edge
the guide.
to an angle of about 20° as shown in Fig 12.
7 Screw the guide into position.
Make the depth of the chamfer equal to the
pitch of the thread (1.5 mm for conduit). 8 Adjust each adjusting screw equally to make the die
halves centralized to the pipe axis.
5 Choose the correct dies and stock suitable for the pipe
9 Slide the stock guide over the end of pipe, adjust the
to be threaded. (Fig 13 shows the conduit stock and
adjusting screws such that the dies just grip the pipe
dies set)
evenly on both sides.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.71 23

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12 Apply the lubricant to the part to be threaded after the
thread has been started.

The lubricant allows the die to cool off the heat

developed and thereby helps the edges to stay
sharp and to produce a better thread finish.

13 Make one or two complete turns in a clockwise direction.

Check whether the stock is at right angle to the

pipe axis.

14 As indicated by the increased resistance of rotation,

ease the handle as frequently as necessary, back in an
anticlockwise direction for half a turn.

Reverse turning is necessary to break off long

cuttings and to clear the cutting edges of the

15 Apply the lubricant at frequent intervals.

Use a brush to remove the metal burrs from the

10 Apply pressure to the stock and keep the handles at
right angles to the pipe as shown in Fig 14. 16 Remove the stock. Check the length and fit of the thread
by screwing on the female fittings (coupling etc.).

The length of the thread should be sufficient to

fit half way into the couplings and fully into the
other fittings.

17 If the thread is not smooth (i.e.tight in the fittings) mount

the stock and tighten the adjusting screws by half turn
evenly and repeat working steps 10 to 16.
18 Remove any burrs or sharp edges from inside the end
of the pipe with a reamer or half round file as shown in
Fig 16, and file off the sharp edges, if any.
19 Again follow the steps from 2 to 18 in the task-2 for
thread the 25 mm dia conduit pipe.
20 Clean the die stock and vice. Keep them in their
respective places.

11 Rotate the handles clockwise in a plane at right angles

to the pipe axis as shown in Fig 15.

24 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.71

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TASK 3 : Install and wire up in metal conduit in the lighting circuit for godown
1 Form the circuit with the required wiring accessories as
Knock out the holes in the square/hexagonal
per circuit diagram (Fig 17) on the workbench.
metal boxes for conduit pipe terminations as
shown in Fig 19.

2 Get the circuit approved by the instructor.

If it is incorrect, trace the circuit and correct it.

3 Mark the layout on I.P.C. (Installation Practice Cubicle)

as per the layout given in Fig 18 11 Measure and cut the cables as per the cable route given
in the wiring diagram. (Fig 20)

Make an allowance in cable lengths for

4 Select the required conduit fittings as per the layout. terminations.
5 Measure the length of the conduit pipes required for 12 Provide bushes in the conduit ends.
each run as per the layout.
13 Insert the given fish wire in the pipe run for drawing
Take into consideration the length of cables.
accessories to be used in various places along
Drawing of cables should be done stage by
with the conduit threads while taking conduit
stage, taking each run one by one, and
consolidating the number of cables in each
6 Cut the length of the conduit as per markings and run.
remove the burrs.
14 Skin the cables and mark each cable legibly at both
While marking on the conduit pipe for cutting, ends.
consider the economical way to utilize the 15 Group the cables as per cable route and cable runs and
pipes without much wastage in the lengths. fasten them to the fish wire as shown in Fig 21.
7 Cut threads in the pipes and remove the burrs. Check the continuity of cables before fastening
8 Prepare the T.W. spacers with through holes for fixing the cables to the fish wire.
on the I.P.C. and pilot holes to fix the saddles.
16 Pull the cables by means of the fish wire, and, at the
9 Fix the T.W. spacers as per the layout. same time push the cables from the other end as shown
10 Fix the conduit pipe and conduit accessories as per the in Fig 22.
layout by means of saddles.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.71 25

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It is necessary to follow the looping system to
avoid joints in the earth wire runs.
As an alternate to the looping method, the
bonding system could be used. Wherever
accessories are used, bonding by earth clamps
and earth wire as shown in Fig 23 is
Remove the paint on the surface of the conduit,
the copper wire and the clamps before fixing.

You may require a helper while drawing cables.

There should not be any kink or twist in the
cables while drawing the cables through the
conduit pipe. For long conduit runs, it is better,
the drawing of the cables is done in stages,
firstly from one end to the inspection type
accessory, and then from the inspection type
accessory to the end of the conduit, and so on.

17 Prepare top covers of the square metal boxes for fixing

the accessories by drilling through holes for cable entry 24 Prepare the pendent-holders and connect the cables to
and accessory fixing. the ceiling roses.
18 Fix the ceiling roses on the one-way junction boxes. 25 Fix the bulbs.
Ceiling roses can be fitted directly on the A completed installation looks as shown in Fig 24.
one-way junction boxes, using the machine 26 Get the wiring checked by the instructor.
screws provided for fixing the cover.
27 Connect the supply and test the wiring.
19 Prepare the cable ends and terminate them in the
accessories as per Fig 17 and 20, and cable markings
done as per step 14.
20 Fix the accessories with machine screws.
21 Close the top covers of the metal boxes.
22 Close the inspection windows of the inspection type
23 Run the given earth wire along the conduit pipe by
means of earth clamps and terminate at the junction
boxes and metal boxes. (Fig 24)

26 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.71

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.72

Prepare test boards/extension boards and mount accessories like lamp

holders, various switches, sockets, fuses, relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB Etc.
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify and use electrical accessories like double-pole switch and indicating neon lamp
• select the correct size of board to mount specified accessories
• position the accessories and mount them on the T.W. board
• wire up and test the test board. / Extension Board.


Tools/Instruments • Flush mounting 250V 6A 3-pin socket - 3 Nos.

• Flush mounting 250V 6A
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No.
S.P.T. switch 250V, 6A - 2 Nos.
• Screwdriver 200 mm with 5 mm blade - 1 No.
• PVC copper cable 3/20 -2m
• Screwdriver 150 mm with 3 mm blade - 1 No.
• 14 SWG G.I. wire -1m
• Poker 200 mm - 1 No.
• 12 mm No.5 wood screws - as reqd.
• Firmer chisel 12 mm - 1 No.
• 20 mm No.6 wood screws - as reqd.
• Try square 150 mm - 1 No.
• 25 mm No.6 wood screws - as reqd.
• Tenon-saw 300 mm - 1 No.
• Neon lamp flush-mounting 250V
• Gimlet 5 mm dia. 200 mm - 1 No.
with holder 6A - 1 No.
• Ball peen hammer 250 gms - 1 No.
• BC bulb 60W, 250V - 1 No.
• 4 mm drill bit - 1 No.
• Kit-kat fuse-carrier with base
• Connector screwdriver 100 mm - 1 No.
flush-type 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine 6 mm capacity - 1 No.
• Insulated terminals non-
• Mallet 75mm dia. head with handle - 1 No.
detachable 4 mm plug entry - 3 Nos.
• Steel Rule 30 cm - 1 No.
• Flush mounting type D.P. switch
• Key hole saw 200 mm - 1 No.
250V 20A with neon indicator - 1 No.
Materials • Twin twisted flexible wire 23 / 0.2mm - 5 metre

• T.W. hinged box 375x250x80 mm - 1 No.

• B.C. batten lamp-holder 6A 250V - 2 Nos.


TASK 1 : Prepare the test board / Extension board

1 Identify the D.P. switch, its incoming/outgoing terminals
If incorrect, make necessary changes.
and its operation. Identify a neon lamp and its connection.
2 Form the circuit as per the schematic diagram Fig 1, 4 Effect supply and test the circuit.
using a flexible wire for the testing circuit. 5 Place the accessories on a cardboard to suit the
technical and aesthetic aspects and draw a layout.
Select the size of the T.W. board accordingly.
6 Compare the layout drawn by you with the layout given
in Fig 2 and discuss with your co-trainees about their
merits and de-merits.
7 Mark the position of the double-pole switch and
other accessories on the T.W. board as per the
given layout (Fig 2) and the supplied drawing of the
front panel. (Fig 3)
8 Cut profiles for fixing the accessories to the T.W. board
and drill holes for cable entries, insulated terminals and
fixing screws, and make pilot holes wherever necessary.
3 Get the formed circuit checked by the instructor.

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Use the B.I.S. recommended colour code for
cable connections within the test board.

12 Route the connecting cables between accessories

neatly, harness (strap - bunch) the cables.
13 Connect the accessories and the insulated terminals
after identifying phase and neutral.
14 Connect the earth wire with earthing terminals of socket
outlets, one of insulated terminals and the double pole
switch. A completed test board will look as shown in
Fig 4.

15 Provide bulbs in the lamp-holders.

16 Get the approval from your instructor and test the test
9 Fix the electrical accessories on the T.W. board. board.
10 Fix three numbers of insulated terminals.
11 Measure and cut cables for harnessing, according to
the circuit diagram. (Fig 1)

28 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.72

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.73

Draw layouts and practice in PVC casing - capping, conduit wiring with
minimum to more number of points of minimum 15 metre length
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• mark the layout on the work station/location
• prepare PVC channel as per the marked layout
• fix the PVC channel and other PVC accessories
• run the cable as per the circuit diagram
• fix the top cover on the casing
• prepare & fix the PVC boxes
• mount the switches, fan regulator, socket on the switch board
• connect the end terminals to load as per the circuit diagram & test it.


Tools and Instruments • Single pole one way switch-6A,230V

Flush type - 4 Nos.
• Electrician tool kit - 1 No.
• Electronic fan regulator - socket type - 1 No.
• Hacksaw frame with blade - 1 No.
• 3 Pin socket - 6A 250V Flush type - 1 No.
• Rawl jumper No.14 - 1 No.
• Batten lamp holder - 6A, 250V - 2 Nos.
• Screw driver 100mm - 1 No.
• Ceilling rose 6A, 250V - 1 No.
• Steel tape 5 m - 1 No.
• PVC insulated aluminimum cable
• Steel Rule 300mm - 1 No.
1.5 sq. mm - 100 mtr.
• Electric/Hand drilling machine
• Wood Screw No. 6 X12 mm - 20 Nos.
(capacity 6mm) - 1 No.
• Wood Screw No.6 X 20 mm - 7 Nos.
• Twist drill bit 5mm - 1 No.
• PVC Casing and capping Elbow -25 mm - 1 No.
Material required • PVC casing and capping Tee
• PVC casing and capping (3 way) - 2 Nos.
25mm x 10 mm - 20mtrs • PVC Casing and capping
• PVC round block - 90 mm x 40 mm - 3 Nos. internal coupler - 3 Nos.
• T.W. box 250 mm x 100 mm with • Colour chalk / pencil - 1 No.
Sunmica cover - 1 No. • PVC insulation tape roll 20mm -1 Roll
• Terminal plate 16 Amps - 3 way - 1 No.

1 Analyze the layout diagram Fig 1 showing the location
of fittings, accessories and their distances.
2 Draw the wiring diagram for the given circuit as per
layout plan. Check the correctness of the wiring
diagram with the help of Fig 1 (supplied by the
3 List out the materials required for this wiring along with
complete specifications and quantity required for this
wiring .
4 Check your material list with that of supplied list.

Hand over the list to the instructor for checking

and get the approval.

5 Collect the materials as per the list.

6 Mark the layout as per the work station/location. Cut 7 Drill holes in the PVC channel for fixing with a gap of
and prepare the casing as per the installation plan 60cm using drilling machine.

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8 Place the PVC channel in the route mark coinciding
with the jumper holes for fixing.
9 Prepare the joints on PVC channel (refer layout).
10 Fix the PVC channel on the work station as per the
11 Run the cable into the PVC channel as per wiring
diagrams (Fig 2)
12 Fix the cover on the channel.
13 Mark and cut the PVC boxes for the channel entries.
14 Drill holes for cable entry and take out cables as per
installation plan.
15 Terminate the cable in accessories and mount the
switches, regulator & socket over the switch box.
16 Test the circuit for insulation resistance, continuity
test & polarity.

Only after obtaining satisfactory results of the

above test, circuit to be energised.

17 Connect the circuit with supply and test it.

30 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.73

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.74

Wire up PVC Conduit wiring to control one lamp from two different places
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• form the circuit using two-way switches to control one lamp from two different places
• cut the profiles in a wooden board according to marking for flush-type accessories
• wire up a circuit in PVC conduit pipe to control one lamp from two different places.


Tools/Instruments • PVC terminal box - 1 No.

• Wood screws No.6x12 mm - 3 Nos.
• Cross Peen hammer 250 gms - 1 No.
• Wood screws No.6x20 mm - 4 Nos.
• Insulated screwdriver 200 mm width
• PVC--Insulated aluminium cable
5 mm blade - 1 No.
1.5 sq mm. 250V grade -6m
• Insulated screwdriver 150 mm width
• Flush mounting two-way switch 6A,
5 mm blade - 1 No.
250V - 2 Nos.
• Electrician's knife (100 mm) - 1 No.
• Batten lamp-holder, 6A, 250V - 1 No.
• Connector screwdriver 100 mm - 1 No.
• Terminal plate 3-way - 1 No.
• Mallet 5 cm dia. -500 gram - 1 No.
• Bulb 40W, 250V, BC type - 1 No.
• Gimlet 5 mm dia. 200 mm long - 1 No.
• PVC round block (90mm x 40 mm) - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine 6 mm capacity - 1 No.
• PVC box 100 mm x 100 mm - 2 No.
• Drill bit 3 mm to 5 mm - 1 each
• PVC ‘Tee’ 19 mm - 2 Nos.
• Try square 150 mm - 1 No.
• Marking Pen/Pencil/Chalk - as reqd.
• Bradawl 150 mm - 1 No.
• Marking thread - as reqd.
• Insulated combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No.
• PVC Insulation tape - 1 Roll
• Hacksaw frame with blade (24 TPI) - 1 No.
• Self tapping screw (20 mm) - as reqd.
• Steel rule (300 mm) - 1 No.
• PVC bend 19mm - 2 mtrs
• PVC conduit pipe -19 mm dia. - 2 mtrs

1 Estimate the tools and materials required for the job 5 Form the circuit as per the schematic diagram shown
according to the layout (Fig 1) and the wiring diagram. in Fig 2.
(Fig 3) Compare the list with the given list. Discuss with
your co-trainees/instructor about the variations between
the two lists.

Get the approval of the instructor. If necessary,

make alterations in the connections.

6 Connect the supply, check the function of the circuit

and note the results in Table 1.
2 Collect materials as per the list.
3 Identify and confirm the switches received are two-way
switches only.
4 Identify the terminal points, cable entry holes and fixing
holes of the switches and batten lamp-holders.

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TABLE 1 9 Mark the posistion of the saddles on the building and
fix them loosely on one side only.
S1,S2 position up
S1,S2 position down Observe the N.E. Code for the distance between
saddles. In the case of brick/concrete walls,
S1 up and S2 down the wooden plugs (gutties) are to be fixed flush
S1 down and S2 up with the walls, cemented and cured.

10 Fix the PVC pipe and accessories in the saddle and

tighten the saddle screws. Cut the cables according to
the wiring diagram (Fig 2)

Keep an extra 200 to 300 mm for termination

11 Insert the cables in the pipes and fittings and push /

draw the cables to the other end of the pipes according
to the wiring diagram (Fig 3)

For longer lengths of PVC conduit runs, use

fish wire/curtain spring to pull the cables
through the conduits.

12 Mark the entry profile of the conduit in the round block

and boxes. Based on the conduit entry position,
7 Mark the layout points on the building as per the position the accessories on the round block, mark the
installation plan (Fig 4) through holes for cable entry, and the pilot holes for
fixing the accessories.
13 Prepare the conduit entry profile, drill/make through
and pilot holes in the round block and boxes.
14 Insert the cables through the cable entry holes of the
round blocks and boxes and fix the round block and
boxes on the building.
15 C onnect the cable ends to the accessories according
to the wiring diagram and fix the accessories on round
blocks and boxes.

The completed installation should look as per

the installation plan shown in Fig 4

16 Test the circuit after getting the approval of the instructor.

8 Cut the required length of PVC pipes as per the layout

Take into consideration the length of bends,

tees and corners in appropriate places to reduce
the measured length of the P V C conduits.

32 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.74

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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.75

Wire up PVC conduit wiring to control one lamp from 3 different places
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• verify and draw the I.M. switch connections in alternate positions of the knob
• draw a schematic diagram to show one lamp being controlled from 3 different places based on the I.M. switch
• form the given circuit with the I.M. switch.
• cut and lay the PVC pipes as per dimensions with the required number of bends, elbows and different types
of junction boxes in the ceiling and the wall
• draw the cables through pipe according to the wiring diagram
• fix the accessories on boards and terminate the cables in accessories .
• test the circuit.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Hacksaw frame 300mm with 24 TPI • PVC pipe 20mm dia. - 4 mtrs
blade - 1 No. • PVC bend 20mm dia. - 2 Nos.
• Steel tape roll 5 Meter - 1 No. • PVC elbow 20mm dia. - 1 No.
• Insulated Screwdriver 250mm with • PVC Tee 20mm dia. - 3 Nos.
4mm blade width - 1 No. • Saddles 20mm dia. heavy gauge - 10 Nos.
• Insulated Screwdriver 150mm with • Wood screws No.6 12mm - 40 Nos.
3mm blade width - 1 No. • Wood screws No.6 18mm - 8 Nos.
• Insulated Connector screw driver • PVC cable 1.5 250V grade - 15 m
100mm with 3mm blade width - 1 No. • T.W. round blocks with box
• Plumb bob with thread - 1 No. 90 x 40mm - 4 Nos.
• Try square 250mm - 1 No. • Terminal plate 3-way - 1 No.
• Ball peen hammer 250 grams - 1 No. • S.P.switch 2-way Flush type
• Poker 4mm dia. 200mm - 1 No. 6A 250V - 2 Nos.
• Gimlet 4 mm dia. 200mm - 1 No. • Intermediate switch 6A 250V - 1 No.
• Electrician's D.B knife 100 mm - 1 No. • Bakelite batten-holder of B.C.
• Cutting pliers, insulated 200mm - 1 No. type 6A 250V - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine, 6mm capacity - 1 No. • B.C. lamp 40W 250V - 1 No.
• S.S. drill bit 3mm and 4mm - 1 each
• Side cutting pliers 150mm - 1 No.
• Firmer chisel 12 mm - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Ascertain the connections of an intermediate switch

1 Collect the accessories and materials for the exercise.

2 Identify the mode of connections to the terminals with
respect to the position of the knob and draw the
connection diagram in your record book.
3 Keeping the above connections as the base, draw a
schematic diagram to control one lamp from three
different places, in your record book.
4 Compare the schematic drawn by you with the schematic
diagram given in Fig 1.
5 Show the connections to your instructor and get his

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TASK 2 : Form the circuit on the workbench/trainer board
1 Form the circuit according to the approved diagram on Table 1
the workbench/trainer board.
Position of Position of Position Condition
2 Show the circuit to the instructor and get his approval. S1 knob S2 knob of S3 knob of lamp
3 Operate the switches as given in Table 1 and note down ↑ ↑ ↑ ON/OFF
the results in Table 1.
↓ ↑ ↑
↓ ↓ ↑
↓ ↓ ↓
↑ ↓ ↓
↑ ↑ ↓
↓ ↑ ↑
↓ ↑ ↓

TASK 3 : Execute PVC conduit wiring

1 Mark the layout on the installation practice cubicle as

per the layout given in Fig 2.

For longer lengths of P V C conduit runs, use

2 Cut the required length of P V C pipes as per the layout fish wire/curtain spring to pull the cables
marking. through the conduits.
Take into consideration the length of bends, 7 Mark the entry profile of the conduit in the round block.
tees and corners in appropriate places to reduce 8 Based on the conduit entry position, position the
the measured length of the P V C conduits. accessories on the round block, mark the through holes
for cable entry, and the pilot holes for fixing the
3 Mark the position of the saddles in the I.P.C. and fix
them loosely on one side only.
9 Prepare the conduit entry profile, drill/make through and
Observe the N.E. Code for the distance between pilot holes in the round block.
saddles. In the case of brick/concrete walls, the
wooden plugs (gutties) are to be fixed flush 10 Insert the cables through the cable entry holes of the
with the walls, cemented and cured. round blocks and fix the round block on boards.
11 Connect the cable ends to the accessories according
4 Fix the PVC pipe and accessories in the saddle and
to the wiring diagram and fix the accessories on the
tighten the saddle screws.
T.W. round blocks.
5 Cut the cables according to the wiring diagram. (Fig 3)
The completed installation should look as per
Keep an extra 200 to 300mm for termination. the installation plan shown in Fig 4.
6 Insert the cables in the pipes and fittings and push/draw 12 Test the circuit after getting the approval of the instructor.
the cables to the other end of the pipes according to the
wiring diagram. (Fig 3)

34 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.75

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Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.75 35
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Electrician - Basic Wiring Practice Exercise 2.2.76

Wire up PVC Conduit wiring and practice control of sockets and lamps
indifferent combinations using switching concepts
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• determine the size of the cable for power wiring
• cut non-metallic conduit pipes
• fix the accessories to the pipes according to the pipe size with the tight grip method
• fix conduit with the necessary clamps and spacers on surface installation in accordance with I.S.
• draw wires with non-metallic conduit pipes
• wire up the power circuits in P.V.C. conduit
• test the circuit.

Tools/Instruments Materials
• Insulated combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • PVC pipe 20 mm dia. - 11 mts
• Insulated screwdriver 200mm width • 3-way junction box 25 mm - 3 Nos.
4mm blade - 1 No. • 20mm sadles - 19 Nos.
• Insulated side cutting pliers 150mm - 1 No. • TW Box 200 x 150 x 40mm - 4 Nos.
• Electrician's knife 100 mm - 1 No. • PVC sheathed aluminium cable
• Bradawl 150mm - 1 No. 4 sq mm. 250 V - 52 mts
• Ball peen hammer 250 grams - 1 No. • Copper wire 14 SWG - 13 mts
• Hacksaw with 24 TPI blade - 1 No. • SPT switch 16A 250V - 2 Nos.
• Firmer chisel 6mm x 200mm - 1 No. • 3-pin socket 16A 250V - 2 Nos.
• File rasp half round 200 mm • 3-pin socket with switch 16A 250V - 2 Nos.
basted with handle. - 1 No. • T.W. wooden spacers - 20 Nos.
• Flat file rasp 200mm - 1 No. • Terminal plate 16 A 6-way - 1 No.
• Neon tester 500V - 1 No. • Wood screws No. 6 x 25 mm - 20 Nos.
• Drill bits 6mm, 3mm - 1 No. • Wood screws No. 6 x 12 mm - 40 Nos.
each • PVC elbow 20 mm - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine 6mm capacity - 1 No. • Surface-mounting type Kit-kat
fuse 16A, 250V - 2 Nos.


TASK 1: Determine the size of cable for power wiring

1 Ascertain the load particulars of each socket, assuming 2 Determine the number of circuits, the size of cables for
each socket is feeding one room air-conditioner of the circuit and branch circuits.
1.5 ton capacity.
Refer to the table of current-carrying capacity
Refer to I.E. regulations, NE code and I.S. of cables.
recommendations regarding socket
connections, loading and maximum number 3 Fill in Table 1 and get the approval of the instructor for
of sockets per circuit. the results.

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Table 1

Name-plate details of the Capacity : 1.5 ton

air-conditioner Voltage : 230 V 50 Hz
Current : 13 A
Load on each socket ......... amps

Number of permitted sockets in one circuit ......... sockets

Number of circuits required for the given task ......... circuits

Current in the main circuit cable when four

air-conditioners are working ......... amps

Current in the branch circuit Cable when both

the air-conditioners are working ......... amps

Cable selected for the main circuit Area of cross-section: ....... sq. mm
Size : ......... mm
Volts grade :......... volts

Cable selected for the branch circuit Area of cross-section: ....... sq. mm
Size : ......... mm
Volts grade : ......... volts

TASK 2 : Form the circuit and test it

1 Form the circuit on the workbench/trainer board with the

required accessories as per schematic diagram. (Fig 1)
2 Get the approval from your instructor.
3 Effect supply and test the circuit.

TASK 3 : Wire the power circuit with P V C conduit

1 Mark the layout on I.P.C. as per the layout diagram.

(Fig 2)
2 Cut the PVC conduit according to the layout by taking
the length of the fittings into consideration.
3 Fix the wooden spacer on the layout marking as per
installation plan shown in Fig 3, with the help of 25mm
wood screws.
4 Fix the saddles on one side only on the wooden
5 Cut the cable length according to the route length
taking into consideration the layout diagram, Fig 2 and
the wiring diagram, Fig 4.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.76 37

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Keep an extra length of 200 to 300 mm in each
cable run.

6 Fix the PVC conduits and accessories in the saddles

and tighten the saddles by means of wood screws.
7 Insert the cables and the earth wire in the pipe and
fittings, and push the wires to the other end of the pipe.
8 Prepare wooden boxes for conduit terminations, for
fixing accessories and for taking cable terminations.
9 Fix the base of the boxes on the I.P.C. and fix the cover
on the boxes after inserting the cables in the respective

Expansion of the acronym I.P.C. is Installation

Practice Cubicle/Wiring cabin/Wiring booth.

10 Connect the cable ends to the accessories and fix the

accessories to the boxes with screws.
11 Connect the earth wire. (The completed installation
should look as shown in Fig 3.)

The minimum size of earth wire, 14 SWG,

tinned copper must be used.

12 Get the approval of the instructor.

38 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.2.76

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.77

Wire up the consumer's main board with I.C.D.P. switch and distribution fuse
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• place the I.C.D.P switch and distribution fuse box on the board as per the given layout observing the standard
code of practice
• mark on the board to drill holes for the purpose of drawing wires and for fixing the accessories
• drill suitable holes to fix accessories and for cable entry
• fix the accessories
• identify and earth the metal parts
• identify the cable to be connected for phase and neutral according to the colour of insulation
• select and confirm the size of the cables according to the capacity of the main switch and D.B.

Tools/Instruments • Firmer chisel 12mm - 1 No.
• Wood rasp file 200mm flat - 1 No.
• Steel rule 300mm - 1 No.
• Insulated Side cutter 150mm - 1 No. Material
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No.
• Iron-clad double pole switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine 6mm
• Distribution fuse box 4-way 16A 250V - 1 No.
capacity with 3mm,6mm bits - 1 Set
• Wood screws No. 25 x 6 mm - 4 Nos.
• Poker 200mm - 1 No.
• Wood screws No. 20 x 6 mm - 4 Nos.
• Insulated Screwdriver 200mm with
• Wood screws No. 15 x 6 mm - 2 Nos.
4mm blade - 1 No.
• PVC aluminium cable 2.5 sq mm - 1.5 m
• Insulated Screwdriver 150mm with
in red and black colour each.
3mm blade - 1 No.
• Tinned copper wire 14 SWG -3m
• Connector screwdriver 100mm - 1 No.
• T.W. hinged box 300 x 250 x 80 mm - 1 No.
• Neon tester 500V - 1 No.
• 3mm dia. 25 mm long full-threaded G.I
• Wooden mallet 7.5cm dia.500 g - 1 No.
bolt, nut and washer - 10 Nos.
• Electrician's knife DB 100 mm - 1 No.
• PVC Cable clips 10 mm wide 2 mm
• Tenon-saw 300mm - 1 No.
thick - 300 mm
• Gimlet 200mm with 4mm dia. stem - 1 No.


1 Mark the position of the given ICDP and DB on the top

surface of the T.W. board as shown in Figs 1 and 2.

2 Mark the position of through holes for cable runs and

earth conductor.
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3 Drill suitable holes (either pilot or through) in the T.W. While using connecting cables observe the
board to fix ICDP and DB. colour code. Phase:red, Neutral:black.
4 Drill holes for cable entry.
10 Locate the earth connecting points on the ICDP and DB
5 Provide holes in the top and bottom of the base T.W. and drill suitable holes for the earthing leads in the T.W.
board for the supply and outgoing cables. board.
6 Fix ICDP and DB using wood screws/other fasteners. 11 Connect the earth wire to the DB and ICDP, and then
7 Select and confirm the size of the cables according to connect the E.C.C. to the meter board earth plate.
the ratings of the main switch and DB. 12 Fix the fuses in the DB and main switch according to
8 Connect the supply leads to the ICDP through the T.W. the circuit/main loads.
board. Mark the end of the phase cable. Individual circuit loads have to be indicated in
While connecting the incoming and outgoing amperes by fixing labels on the D.B
cables to the I.C.D.P. and D.B. they should pass
through the holes in the top board and then
through the holes provided in the top and
bottom sides of the base board.
In both cases sufficient allowance of length
should be given in the cables such that the
hinged top board could be opened at an angle
of 120o from the base board. Harnessing of the
cables inside the board should be done with
the P.V.C. cable clips, and the cables should
pass in or out from the I.C.D.P. and D.B. through
the P.V.C. bushed holes.

9 Interconnect the ICDP and DB as shown in Fig 4.

Provide 4 pairs of outgoing cables from the D.B. for
four branch circuits. Compare the wiring diagram
(Fig 4) with the Circuit diagram (Fig 3).

40 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.77

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.78

Prepare and mount the energy meter board

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• make holes on the wall according to requirement with a rawl jumper and hammer
• fill the holes with filling material
• make recess holes for fixing wooden gutties
• fix wooden gutties (wooden plugs) in the wall
• use a pipe jumper for making holes through the masonry wall
• mount the given energy meter, iron-clad cut out and the neutral links on the meter board
• connect the meter, iron-clad cut out and the neutral link as per regulations
• mount the meter board on the wall.

Tools/Instruments Equipment Machines
• Insulated Steel rule 300mm - 1 No. • Single phase energy meter 10/15A 250V
• Insulated Side cutter 150mm - 1 No.
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No.
• Hand drilling machine with 3mm and • PVC insulated copper cable
6mm drills - 1 No. 2.5 square mm -3m
• Insulated Screwdriver 200mm with • Tinned copper wire 14 SWG -1m
4mm blade - 1 No. • Iron-clad cut out 16A - 1 No.
• Insulated Connector screwdriver 100mm - 1 No. • Neutral link 16A - 1 No.
• Poker 200mm long with 4mm dia. stem - 1 No. • T.W. board 250x250x40mm - 1 No.
• Electrician's knife DB 100 mm - 1 No. • Porcelain spacers - 4 Nos.
• Firmer chisel 12mm wooden handle - 1 No. • Teak wood gutties (wooden plugs)
• Rawl jumper No.8 with holder and bit - 1 No. 40mm square x 60mm long x 30mm
• Cold chisel 200mm long with 12mm square - 4 Nos.
edge - 1 No. • Wood screws No.4 x 25 mm - 3 Nos.
• Ball peen hammer 500 gm. - 1 No. • Cement - 1/2 kg.
• Tenon-saw 250mm - 1 No. • River sand - 2 kgs
• Mallet with 7.5cm dia. head 500 gm - 1 No. • Rawl plug No.8 - 4 Nos
• Neon tester 500 V - 1 No. • Rawl plug Compound - 25 gms.
• Scriber 200mm with 3mm dia. stem - 1 No. • Chalk piece (colour) - 1 No.
• Mason's trowel - 1 No. • G.I. pipe 20mm - 400 mm.
• Tray for cement mortar - 1 No. • Wood screws No. 50 x 8 mm - 4 Nos.

TASK 1 : Preparation of wall for mounting meter board

Method 1 (Rawl plug)

If the masonry wall is of a rigid type, follow this
1 Drill four numbers of through holes of 3mm dia. in the
T.W. board as shown in Fig 1.
2 After ascertaining the height of the meter board position
with respect to the ground, keep the T.W. board on the
wall and mark the position of the holes of the board on
the wall with a scriber.
Take care to keep the board in a correct
horizontal/vertical position on the wall.
3 Select a No.8 rawl bit with the jumper handle.
First make a slight impression with a rawl
4 Keep the rawl bit of the jumper on the mark and hammer jumper on all the four markings and verify their
it lightly to mark the position of the holes. correctness with the holes in the board.

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5 Keeping the rawl jumper on one of the markings, 3 Remove the plaster and the brick at the marked surfaces
hammer and rotate the jumper handle by 90o for each to a depth of 70 mm from the wall surface with the help
stroke of hammer. of a cold chisel and hammer.
4 Prepare cement and sand mortar in the ratio of 1:4.
This will enable the broken pieces of mortar to
come out without gripping the rawl bit. Let the mortar be in a semi-solid condition.
Otherwise the bit will not come out easily at the
end of the operation or the bit may even break. 5 Sprinkle water in all the pits.
6 Insert a small quantity of cement mortar inside the pit
6 Make a hole to a depth of 40mm.
with the help of a mason's trowel.
7 Repeat this method in the other three markings.
7 Insert the wooden gutties inside the hole pit such that
8 Dip the rawl plugs in water, plug them in the holes and the broad portion is inside and the narrow portion is
slightly hammer on them to make them flush with the outside and is just flush with the surface of the wall.
wall. (Fig 3)
Now the wall is ready for mounting the T.W.

9 Fix the board on the wall with 45mm long wood screws.

You may use rawl powder compound (asbestos

based) in the place of rawl plugs. In this case
the powder needs to be mixed with water to
make a semi-solid paste before filling it into the
holes tightly.

Method 2 Wooden gutties (Plug)

If the wall is not too rigid, follow this method.

1 Repeat working steps 1 and 2 of Method 1. 8 Apply the cement on all sides of the gutty such that the
2 Mark 50mm square around the marking as shown in gutty remains in the centre of the square hole.
Fig 2. 9 Smoothen the surface of the wall with a mason's trowel.
Allow the cement to dry for 4 hours and sprinkle
water on the cement every one hour so that the
cement settles. The gutties become rigid after
approximately 24 hours. Then only the boards
could be fixed on to the gutties.
Now the wall is ready for fixing the T.W. board.
10 Fix the T.W. board with the help of 45mm long wood
Trainees are required to identify the relationship
between the stem thickness of 45mm long
wood screws and the respective designation

TASK 2: Preparation of wall for drawing the service connection

1 Take a 20mm dia. G.I. pipe of 400mm length.
Sometimes the service connection wires need
to be taken through the wall using a G.I. pipe. 2 Make serrations by cutting at one end of the pipe as
There is then the necessity of making a hole shown in Fig 4 using a hacksaw.
through the wall with the help of a pipe jumper.
The method to do it is as explained below. The This type of pipe jumper is also called crown
diameter of the pipe jumper depends on the jumper, due to its very look.
diameter of the service connection pipe and 3 Inspect the wall and mark a place on the wall considering
the length of the pipe jumper depends upon the the nearest point to the electric service pole.
wall thickness.

42 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.78

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The marking should be close to the meter
terminals. It should not be on the R.C. . beam or
granite stone embedded in the wall.
In the case of an old building check whether
any concealed wiring is running through the
wall at the place of marking. In such cases the
marking should be done at a different place. 7 Fix the meter, I.C. cut out and the earth plate.
However, in buildings, where wiring exists,
8 Determine the length of the cables according to the
switch `off' the mains, remove the fuse-carrier
layout and cut them with reference to Figs 5 and 6.
and keep it under your custody.

4 Keep the pipe jumper on the mark and hammer it lightly.

5 Rotate the pipe jumper for every stroke of hammer.

This process removes the broken masonory

and allows free movement of the pipe jumper.
Take care to keep the pipe jumper
perpendicular to the wall surface.

6 Slow down the hammer strokes when the pipe jumper

reaches near to the other end of the wall.

Hitting hard on the hammer at the end of a hole

will make a larger sized plaster to fall out at the
other end of wall.
9 Connect the supply leads and the outgoing phase wire
7 Clear the hole. to the I.C. cut–out. Pass the neutral directly as per the
wiring diagram. (Figs 7 and 8)
8 Insert the G.I. pipe for the service cable in the hole and
plaster around the pipe with cement.

Wiring up a meter board

1 Confirm the capacity of the energy meter.

2 Select and confirm the size of the cable as per the meter

Follow the standard colour code for phase and


3 Position the meter, I.C. cut-out and earth-plate as per

layout (Fig 5) and mark their position as per layout on
the T.W. board.
4 Mark the cable entry positions and mounting screw
5 Select the drill bit according to the cable size.
6 Drill through holes in the T.W. board for cable entry and
pilot holes for fixing the meter, I.C. cut out and the earth

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.78 43

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10 Earth the casing of the meter and the I.C. cut out body
to the earth plate.
11 Keeping the meter board in a vertical position, test the
circuit after getting the approval of the instructor.
12 Mount the meter board on the previously prepared wall
with the help of 45mm wood screws.
The completed work should look as shown in Fig 9.

44 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.78

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.79

Estimate the cost/bill of material for wiring of hostel/residential building and

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• calculate the total load in sub-circuit
• select the size of cable in the sub circuits
• estimate the quantity of materials
• estimate the cost of wiring.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Measuring tape 0-25 m - 1 No. • A-4 Paper - as reqd.
• SWG - 1 No. • Pencil/HP - 1 No.
• Steel rule 300 mm - 1 No. • Eraser - 1 No.
• Micrometer 0-25 mm - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Estimate the cost/bill of material for wiring of hostel / residential building

1 Obtain the building plan as shown in Fig.1 The type and quantity of loads depend upon
the customer's requirement. Hence, complete
data are to be collected before starting estima-
tion. A sample requirements is given for the
trainee's reference.
The wall thickness - 40 cm
The height of roof from ground - 3.5 m
Height of conduit run -3m
Height of main board - 2.5 m
Height of switch - 1.5 m
Height of light brackets -3m

2 Collect the requirements of lights, fans, lighting and Height of main board -3m
power sockets etc. The details of standard requirement of electrical loads are
3 Mark the location of switch board, electrical loads and given in Table - 1
DB in the plan.

Table -1
Location Light (60 W) Fan (80 W) 6A Plug Point 16A Power
(80 W) Plug (1000 W)
Verandah 1 1 1 1
Kitchen 1 1 Nil 1
Bedroom 2 +2 1+1 1+1 Nil
Drawing Room 2 1 1 Nil

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4 Calculate the number of sub circuits required for the Total current = 2.696+2.522+8.696 = 13.9 A
above load as per IE rules.
16A, 250V flush type DP main switch is sufficient
Indian electricity rule states that there should 7 Calculate the length of PVC conduit and cable as
be separate sub circuits for light/fan loads and shown below.
power loads. Therefore 6A plug points
(Sockets) are considered as light / fan load 19mm conduit can be used up to ABC length
points as they are meant for connecting table and for remaining length, 12mm conduit is
fan /table lamp etc. 16A power plug are sufficient.
considered as power points as they are used Horizontal runs
for connecting heavy loads like heaters, kettles
etc. 19mm conduit for length ABC = 2.4 m
19mm conduit for length at
Total wattage of light points = 8 x 60 = 480 W C (wall thickness) = 0.4 m
Total wattage of fan points = 5 x 80 = 400 W Total = 2.8 m
Total wattage of (6A) sockets = 4 x 80 = 320 W 12 mm Conduit
Total 17 Nos = 1200 W Length CDEHI ( 4 + 3 + 1.5) = 8.5 m
As there are 17 points, we need two sub - circuits. The Length EG = 2.0 m
division of outlets on each sub circuit is made more or
less uniform, ie., 8 & 9. Refer Fig 2 Length HJ = 2.0 m
Length CMNQSVW (3+3+4+2) = 12.0 m
Length MS3 = 1.5 m
Length NP = 2.0 m
Length QR = 2.0 m
5 Draw the layout of conduit, switch board, loads and DB Length ST = 2.0 m
as shown in Fig 3. Length SV = 1.0m
Length BK = 3.0 m
Length AXYZ (6+1) = 7.0 m
Length (wall thickness) at
C, H, M, Q, S & Y (6x0.4) = 2.4 m
Total = 45.4 m
Vertical down drops (horizontal run to SB's) :
19 mm conduit
Length B to roof = 0.5 m
Length E to roof = 0.5 m
Length N to roof = 0.5 m
Length S to roof = 0.5 m
Total = 2.0 M
Total 19 mm conduit required = 2.8+1.5+0.5 = 4.8 m
6 Calculate the size of each cable as shown below.
Wastage 10% = 0.48 m
i current through subcircuit-1
Total = 5.28 m
(5 x 60) + (2 x 80) + (2 x 80) (Take 6m)
= = 2.696 A
Total 12mm conduit required 45.4+10.50 = 55.9 M
ii Current through subcircuit -2
Wastage 10% = 5.59 m
(3 x 60) + (3 x 80) + (2 x 80) Total = 61.49 m
= = 2.522 A
230 (Take 62m)

2000 Cable for (power) sub circuit -3 (1/1.8m AI)

iii Current through sub circuit 3 = = 8.696A
230 = 3 x (6+1+1.5+1.5) = 30 m

46 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.79

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Cable for subcircuit 1 & 2 ( 1.0 mm2 copper) Labour cost / point should be taken by referring
= 3 x ( 6+62-10) = 174 m the local rate list.

Trainee shall select the cable size by refering For example, take the labour cost is Rs.100/point
the table given in related theory Then, total labour cost is 23 x 100 = Rs. 2300/-
8 Calculate the labour cost. 9 Prepare a list of "material of schedule and cost" as
Meter board = 2 Points shown in Table-2.
Distribution board = 2 Points
Light / fan = 17 Points
Power = 2 Points
Total points = 23 Points

Table 2
Material of schedule and cost

Sl.No. Material Specification Rate Cost

Qty. Rs. Ps. Per Rs. Ps. Remarks

1 D.P Main switch 10A, 240V flush type 1 No ....... each ....... For M.B For
power load
2 I.C cut out 16A, 240V 1 No ....... each .......
3 Flush type fuse unit 16A 1 No ....... each .......
4 Flush type fuse unit 6A 2 Nos ....... each .......
5 PVC conduit 19 mm (heavy guage) 6m ....... length ....... 1 length
6 PVC conduit 12 mm (heavy guage) 62 m ....... length ....... 1 length = 3 m
7 1.0mm2 multistrand copper, VIR cable 174 m ....... 100m .......
8 1/1.8 mm aluminium VIR cable 30 m ....... 100m .......
9 1/1.8m copper VIR cable 2m ....... 100 m ....... From M.B
to D.B
10 Switches 6A, 240V one way flush type 17 Nos ....... each .......
11 2-pin sockets 6A, 240V 4 Nos ....... each .......
12 3 -pin sockets 16A, 240V with switch and neon 2 Nos ....... each .......
13 Ceiling rose 2 - plate 6A 240V 5 Nos ....... each .......
14 Lamp holders brass batten type 8 Nos ....... each .......
15 PVC junction boxes 25 mm 4 - way 1 No ....... each .......
12 mm 3-way 7 Nos ....... each .......
12 mm 2-way 5 Nos ....... each .......
16 PVC bends 12 mm 4 Nos ....... each .......
17 PVC reducers (25 mm to 12 mm 1 No ....... each .......
18 Saddles 25 mm 24Nos Doz .......
12 mm 144No 144 Nos .......
19 Wooden boards (a) 30 x 30 Cm 2 Nos ....... each ....... For M.B &
D.B For S.D's
(b) 18x10 Cm 7 Nos ....... each .......
20 Round blocks 5 Nos ....... each .......
21 Wooden gutties/plugs 9cm2 x 4 cm2 x50 mm 3 doz doz ...... For boards
22 Nails 25 mm 1 kg kg Per conduit
23 Wooden screw 60 mm 25 Nos 100 For boards
Wooden screw 12 mm 25 Nos 100 .... Forholders
24 Copper wire (16SWG) for earth 1 Kg kg .....
(GI WIRE 14 SWG) 1 Kg kg
25 Earth set (Pipe, salt, coal) 1 set ... ......
26 Cement 2 kg kg
27 Labour cost 2 kg ...... For 4 gutties
Total ......
Contingency 10% .......
Grand Total

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.79 47

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The rate of each material shall be obtained
from the price list of the branded items

TASK 2 : Estimate the cost / bill of materials for wiring of workshop.

1 Obtain the floor plan of the workshop. 3 Calculate the size of cable
2 Mark the positions of motors on the floor plan with the Assuming the motor efficiency to be 85% power factor to
consultation of the customer. be 0.8 and supply voltage is 400 V for all the motors.
A sample requirement is given below for trainee's reference
5 x 735.5
1 One 5HP, 415V 3 phase motor FL current of 5HP motor = = 7.806A
3 x 400 x 0.85 x 0.8
2 One 3HP, 415V 3 phase motor
3 One ½ HP, 240V 1 phase motor 3 x 735.5
FL current of 3HP motor = = 4.68 A
4 One 1HP, 415V 3 phase motor 3 x 400 x 0.85 x 0.8
The motors are to be arranged as shown in Fig.4
0.5 x 735.5
FL current of ½ HP motor = 240 x 0.85 x 0.8 = 2.25 A

1 x 735.5
FL current of 1HP motor = = 1.56 A
3 x 400 x 0.85 x 0.8

The main switch and the cable from meter to main switch
should be capable of handling starting current of one motor
of high rating plus full load current of the all other motors.
i.e, 15.6+4.68+2.25+1.56 = 24.9A
4 Prepare a table showing cable size of each motors to
be installed as shown in Table 3.

The main switch, motor switch and starters are

assumed to be mounted at a height of 1.5m
from the ground level.
Height of horizontal run from ground level will
be 2.5 m
The cost of motors and starters are not to be
included in the estimate.

Table 3

FL current Starting
Sl. No. Motor IL (A) current Recommended cable size
IS= 2IL(A)

1 5HP motor 7.5 15.0 2.0mm2 copper conductor cable (17A) or

2.5mm2 aluminium conductor cable (16A)

2 3HP motor 4.68 9.36 2.0mm2 copper conductor cable (17A)

3 1/2 HP motor 2.25 4.5 1.0mm2 copper conductor cable (11A)

minimum recommended cable

4 1HP motor 1.56 3.12 1.0mm2 copper conductor cable (11A)

minimum recommended cable

48 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.79

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• 16A, 240V, ICDP switch with fuses can be used for
The type and gauge of cable shall be selected ½ HP motor.
by referring the table given in related theory
• 415V, 4 way, 16A per way IC distribution board with
5 Select the suitable switches and distribution board neutral link can be used for power distribution.
• 32A, 415V ICTP switch with fuses can be used as 6 Draw the single line diagram of power wirings as shown
main switch. in Fig 5.
• 16A, 415V, ICTP switches with fuses can be used 7 Calculate the size and length of conduit.
for 5HP, 3HP, & 1HP motors.

19mm heavy gauge conduit should be used for 3 cable Length from 3HP motor starter to motor base = 3.0 m
runs and 25 mm heavy gauge conduits should be used for
Total = 6.75 m
6 cable runs.
10% wastage = 0.67 m
• 19 mm heavy gauge conduit
Total = 7.42m, Say 8.0m
Length from main board of 5HP motor starter
• 25 mm flexible conduit for 5HP & 3 HP motor (0.75+0.75)
= 1+1+3+1 = 6.0m
= 1.5, Say 2.0m
Length from main board to 3HP motor starter
8 Calcualte the length of cables.
= 1+1+5.5+1 = 8.5m
2.0mm2 copper conductor from main board to 5HP motor
Length from main board to ½ HP motor base terminals = 3(1+1+3+1) + 6(1.5+1.5+0.75) = 40.5m
= 1+1+8+1+1.5+1.5 = 14.0m 15% wastages & end connections = 7.2 m
Length from main board to 1HP motor base Total = 55.2m , Say = 56.0m
= 1+1+10.5+1+1.5+1.5 = 16.5m 1.0mm2 copper conductor from main board to 1/2 HP
Total = 45.0 m motor terminals = 2(1+1+8+1+1.5+1.5+0.75) = 29.5 m
10% wastages = 4.5m 15% wastages & end connections = 7.76m
Total length = 49.5m, say 50.0m Total = 59.51m, Say 60.0m
• 25.4 mm heavy gauge conduit. 9 Calculate the labour cost as per the local rate and rules
for calcualting number of points.
Length from meter to main switch = 0.75 m
Length from 5HP motor starter to 5HP motor base 10 Prepare "Schedule of material and cost as shown in
Table 4.
(1.5 +1.5) 3.0 m

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.79 49

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Table 4
Material of schedule and cost

Rate Cost
Sl.No. Specification of material
Qty. Rs. Ps. Per Rs. Ps

1 32A, 415V- Iron -clad triple - pole (ICTPN)

switch with fuses 1 No. ...... each ......
2 16A, 415V, Iron- clad triple -pole switch
with fuses 3 Nos. ...... each ......
3 16A, 240V, Iron -clad double - pole
switch with fuses 1 No. ...... each ......
4 4-Way distribution box, 415V, 16A 1 No. ...... each ......
5 Conduit heavy gauge .................... 19 mm 50 m ...... m ......
25mm 8m ...... m ......
6 Flexible conduits .......................... 19 mm 2m ...... m ......
25 m 2m ...... m ......
7 2.0 mm copper conductor single core (17A)
47 m ...... 100 m ......
8 1.0mm copper conductor single core (11A)
56 m ...... 100 m ......
9 1.0mm2 copper conductor single core (11A) 34 m ...... 100 m ......
10 1.0mm2 copper conductor single core (11A) 60 m ...... 100 m ......
11 Angle iron frame 50 x 30 m 5 Nos. ...... each ...... For M.B & D.B
12 Conduit bends ............................... 19mm 10 Nos. ...... each ......
25 mm 2 No. ...... each ......
13 Saddles ....................................... 19 mm 150 Nos. ...... 100 ......
25 mm 25 No. ...... 100 ......
14 Conduit couples ............................ 19mm 6 No. ...... each ......
25 mm 1 No. ...... each ......
15 Wooden gutties 120 No. ...... doz ......
16 Earth wire, GI, 8 SWG 40 m ...... kg. ...... 1kg. 10 m
17 Lugs for connecting leads to motors 17 No. ...... each ...... (6+6+2+3)
18 Earthing pipe perforated 25.4mm dia 2.5 m ...... m ...... Two earths
19 Coal 40 kg. ...... kg. ......
20 Salt 40 kg. ...... kg. ......
21 Funnel with wire mesh 1 No. ...... each ......
22 Labour charges for earthing (Civil work) 2 Nos. ...... pit ......
23 Caution plate 1 No. ...... each ......
24 Nails 25.4 mm 2 ...... kg. ......
25 Shock treatment chart 1 ...... each ......
26 Labour cost - ...... point ......
Total ...... ...... ...... ......
Contingency 10% ...... ...... ...... ......
Grand total ...... ...... ...... ......
Say ...... ...... ...... ......

50 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.79

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.80

Practice wiring of hostel and residential building as per IE rules

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the circuit diagram of a bank/ hostel/ jail
• mark the layout of the wiring scheme
• prepare and install a conduit frame as per layout
• draw the cables through the conduit
• connect the accessories as per circuit
• test the circuits.

Tools /Instruments Materials
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • 2 way switch 6A 250V - 4 Nos.
• Screw driver 200 mm with 4 mm • Batten holder 6A 250V - 4 Nos.
blade - 1 No. • PVC switch box 100 X 100 X 40 mm - 4 Nos.
• Side cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • PVC Cable 1.5 sq mm, 660 V - as reqd.
• Electrician’s knife 100 mm - 1 No. • Saddle 19 mm - 20 Nos.
• Bradawl 150 mm - 1 No. • Wooden gutties - 20 Nos.
• Ball peen hammer 250g - 1 No. • Conduit bend 19mm - 20 Nos.
• Hacksaw with 24 TPI blade - 1 No. • Fish wire - as reqd.
• Firmer Chisel 6 mm - 1 No. • PVC Conduit 19 mm - 50 m
• Flat rasp file 200 mm - 1 No. • Flexible conduit 19 mm -2m
• Neon tester 500V - 1 No. • Conduit coupler 19 mm - 6 Nos.
• Electirc drilling machine 6 mm capacity • Earth wire G1, 8 SWG - 20 m
with 5mm drill bit. - 1 No. • Wood Screw 25 x 6 mm - 1 box
• Wood Screw 12 x 6 mm - 1 box

1 Read and interpret the schematic diagram (Fig 1) and
the layout diagram (Fig 2).

2 Draw the wiring diagram based on Figs 1 and 2 and

compare with the given wiring diagram. (Fig 3).
3 Draw your own wiring diagram according to the layout.
8 Fix the conduit pipe on the IPC with the help of saddles.
4 Estimate the material required for wiring installation
referring to the layout as well as the wiring diagrams. 9 Insert the fish wire into the conduit pipe.
5 Mark the layout on the Installation Practice Cubicle 10 Draw the cable as per the wiring diagram. (Fig 3)
Leave an excess length of 200 to 300mm in
6 Prepare the PVC conduit frame as per the layout plan. each cable for termination
7 Mark the saddles position and fix them loosely as per
11 Fix the batten holders as per the Fig 2 and terminate
the layout plan.
the cable ends.
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12 Fix the switches on the PVC switch boxes.
13 Prepare the end termination of cables and connect the
accessories as per the circuit.
14 Test the circuit after getting the approval of the

52 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.80

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.81

Practice wiring of Institute and workshop as per IE rules

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the floor plan of a workshop.
• mark the single line diagram of power wiring in workshop.
• prepare and install a conduit frame as per line diagram
• draw the cables through the conduit
• connect the accessories as per circuit
• test the circuits.


Tools/Instruments Material
• Electrical drilling machine 6mm • PVC pipe 20 mm - 10 m
with 5 mm drill bit - 1 No. • PVC ways junction box - 20 Nos.
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • TW box 200 X 150 X 40 mm - 3 Nos
• Side cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • TW box 300 x 200 x 40 mm - 4 Nos.
• Electrician’s knife - 1 No. • TPIC 16A - 415V - 2 Nos.
• Bradawl 150mm - 1 No. • DPIC 16A, 250V - 2 Nos.
• Ball peen Hammer 250 gm - 1 No. • Saddles 19 mm - 50 Nos.
• Hacksaw with 24 TPI blade - 1 No. • Wooden gutties - 50 Nos.
• Firmer Chisel 6 mm - 1 No. • Conduit bend 19 mm - 10 Nos.
• Neon Tester 500V - 1 No. • Angle Iron frame 50 x 30mm - 5 Nos.
• 3φ Energy meter 30A, 440V - 1 No. • Fish wire - as reqd.
• PVC sheathed aluminium cable
Equipment / Machines
4 Sq mm 250 V - 60 m
• 5 HP 3φ 440V AC motor - 1 No. • Copperwire 14 SWG - 15 meter
• 3 HP 3φ 440V AC motor - 1 No. • PVC Elbow 20 mm - 25 Nos.
• 1/2 HP 1φ 240V AC motor - 1 No. • Distribution box 4 ways 200x150x40mm - 1 No.
• 1 HP 1φ 240V AC motor - 1 No. • TW wooden spacer - 30 Nos.
• Star Delta starter 4, 5V 50 Hz - 2 Nos • Wood screws 25 x 6 mm - 1 Box
• DOL starter 1φ, 10A, 250 V - 2 Nos. • Wood screws 12 x 6 mm - 1 Box
• Surface mounted kit kat fuse
16A 250V - 4 No.


1 Obtain the floor plan of the work shop (Fig 1). 1 One 5 HP, 415V 3 phase motor.
2 One 3 HP, 415V 3 phase motor.
3 One 1/2 HP; 240V, 1 Phase moor
4 One 1 HP, 240V, 1 Phase motor
The motors are to be arranged as shown in Fig 1.

The mainswitch, motor switch and starter are

assumed to be mounted at a height of 1.5 m
from the ground level.
Height of horizotal run from ground level will
be 2.5 m

3 Draw the wiring diagram based on Fig 1.

2 Mark the position of motors on the floor plan with the 4 Mark the layout based on Fig 2.
consultation of the customer.
5 Prepare the PVC coduit frame as per layout.
A Sample requirement is given below for trainees
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54 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.81
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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.82

Practice testing /fault detection of domestic and industrial wiring installation

and repair
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• detect and repair open circuit fault in domestic and industrial wiring
• detect and repair shortcircuit fault in wiring
• detect and repair earth fault in wiring
• prepare the flow chart for location rectification of fault in domestic wiring installation.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Connecting screw driver 100 mm - 1 No. • Test lamp 100W, 240 V - 1 No.
• Cutting plier 150 mm - 1 No. • Crocodile clip 15A - 2 sets
• Screw driver 200 mm - 1 No. • PVC flexible cable, 660 V - 10m
• Neon tester 500 V - 1 No.
• D.E. Electrician knife100 mm - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No.
• Megger 500V - 1 No.


Open Circuit Fault 4 Check one circuit at a time and then proceed step by
1 Consider the circuit as shown in Fig 1 in a domestic
installation. 5 Check the circuits having 2 way switches, the concerned
switches may be operated alternately to ensure the
correct test result.
6 Check the defective fan, regulators or lamps by shorting
the suspected appliance if necessary and then retest
Short circuit fault
1 Make the circuit as shown in Fig 2 and connect the
megger, if it shows continuity in both ON and OFF
positions of the switch, this indicates short in circuit.

For open circuit fault removal of fuses, etc

are to be done before doing the test by using
megger. 2 Check insulation resistance between the cables of the
installation and earth.
2 Check whether the cables used in an installation have
proper continuity or not using megger. 3 Connect the megger terminal ‘E’ to the live wire and L
to the corresponding neutral wire, the megger will
3 Check circuit fuses whether in order or not, if not,
read zero or very low value of insulation resistance
rewire the fuses.
and confirms the short circuit.

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4 Repeat the test procedures in each and every circuit Isolate the live conductor from neutral, remove
and locate the shorting point of the live and neutral all other lamps and other equipments
wire by inspection and remove it by insulating the connected with wiring.
bare conductors.
Earth fault 2 Switch ‘ON’ all the switches.

1 As per the circuit as shown in Fig 3 keep all the fuses, 3 Using Insulation resistance Tester, terminal ‘E’ of the
switches bulbs etc in closed position as indicated in megger connect to the earth point of the system
the figure. provided at the Meter Board and Terminal ‘L’ of the
megger with each conductor in turn at the main board
cut-out terminal and rotate the handle of the megger
to send current through closed circuit formed between
conductor and earth.
4 Note down the reading of the meter which gives directly
the insulation resistance between the conductor and
5 Repeat the step 3 and 4 for other circuits, subcircuits,
live conductors and main switch board etc.
Flow chart for rectification of fault
Prepare the flowchart for finding fault and rectification
The Figure 4 shows the flow diagram for rectification of
the fault in a domestic wiring installation.

56 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.82

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.83

Prepare pipe earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester/megger

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare the pipe for earthing
• dig the pit in the ground
• install the earth pipe and test it.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• G.I. die stock with 12.7 mm, 19mm • G.I. pipe 12.7mm dia. -5m
and 38mm dies - 1 Set • G.I. bend 12.7mm dia. - 2 Nos.
• D.E. spanners 5mm to 20mm of six. - 1 Set • C.I.cover hinged to C.I. frame 300 mm
• Blowlamp, 1 litre with kerosene - 1 No. square - 1 No.
• Crowbar, hexagonal 1800mm long - 1 No. • G.I. pipe 19mm dia. -1m
• Powrah (spade) - 1 No. • G.I.pipe 38mm dia. having
• Pick axe - 1 No. 12mm dia. holes - 2.5 m
• Cement mortar tray - 2 Nos. • Reducer 38 x 19 mm - 1 No.
• Tongs 300mm - 1 No. • Funnel with 19mm dia. sleeve &
• Measuring tape 5m - 1 No. wire mesh - 1 No.
• Ladle - 2 Nos. • G.I.nut for 19mm dia. sleeve & wire
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. mesh - 1 No.
• Pipe wrench 50mm - 1 No. • G.I. check-nuts for 19mm dia. G.I.pipe - 4 Nos.
• Hacksaw with 32 T.P.I. blade - 1 No. • G.I.washer 40mm with 19mm hole - 1 No.
• Wooden box 150(l) x 150(b) x • G.I. wire No.8 SWG - 10 m
300(h) mm - 1 No. • Copper lug 200 amps with 19 mm
• Soldering pot (melting) - 1 No. dia. hole - 1 No.
• Sledge Hammer 2 Kg. - 1 No. • Solder 60/40 - 100 gms.
• Matchbox - 1 No.
• Soldering paste - 10 gms.
• Earth tester with connecting leads • Cement - 10 kgs.
and spikes - 4 Nos. - 1 No. • Blue metal chips 6mm size - 40 kgs.
• River sand - 80 kgs
• Salt (common) - 3 bags
• Coke or charcoal - 3 bags


1 Collect G.I.pipes and the accessories.

An earth electrode should not be installed in
2 Make a slant cut of 30o in the 38mm dia. G.I.pipe to proximity to a metal fence to avoid the
have sharp edge as shown in Fig 1. possibility of the fence becoming live. If the
3 Make threads in the other end of 38mm dia. G.I.pipe to metal fence is unavoidable, it should be
a length of 25mm. earthed.

4 Make threads in both ends of 19mm dia. G.I.pipe to a 7 Dig an earth pit of dimensions 1 m width x 1 m
length of 25mm on one side and 75mm on the other breadth x 3.75 m depth.
The depth given here is the minimum
5 Fabricate the 38mm and 19mm dia. G.I. pipes as recommended. However, the depth may be
shown in Fig 1. increased till moist soil is reached.
6 Select an earth pit site atleast 1.5 metres away from
the building foundation. 8 Place the fabricated pipe in an upright position as
shown in Fig 1 and position the pipe with the help of
bamboo sticks.

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9 Place the wooden box around the pipe and fill it to a 13 Prepare the concrete mixture and build the structure
height of about 15cm with charcoal, and fill the as shown in Fig 1.
sorrounding outer space of the box with soil.
14 Fix the G.I. cover also.
It is difficult to dig a pit 150mm square. A pit of
Atleast allow one day for curing the concrete
dimension 1 metre square is therefore
structure. Pour water every 2 hours. (A wetted
suggested to be dug. The area sufficient to be
gunny sack will hold the moisture for several
filled with salt and charcoal is about 150mm
square. Hence fill the surrounding extra area
with the soil which was taken out earlier.
15 Insert the G.I.wire No.8 SWG through the 12.7mm dia.
10 Lift and place the wooden box above the coke layer. Fill
up with salt to a height of about 15cm and to an area
The size of the earth wire depends upon the
of 150 x 150mm area around the pipe.
incoming supply cable size.
Fill up the surrounding area with soil.
16 Use the ladle and the blowlamp and melt the solder.
11 Repeat the above steps 10 and 11 up to 2.5 metres as 17 Solder the lug in the G.I. wire.
shown in Fig 1. 18 Insert the lug in the 19mm dia. G.I.pipe and tighten it
12 Place the G.I.pipe 12.7 mm dia. meter with G.I. bends with the G.I.nut and check-nut.
in proper position for E.C.C. connection. 19 Pour three or four buckets of water through the funnel.

Allow an hour for the water to be absorbed in

the earth.

20 Test the earth electrode resistance with an earth


The earth continuity conductor (E.C.C.) should

not be connected to the earth electrode while
measuring the earth electrode resistance.)

21 Enter the value of the earth electrode resistance in

Column 5 of Table 1. Fill up the other particulars also.
The acceptable value of the earth electrode resistance
has been given earlier. Check the value if it.
22 Check the value of the earth resistance is found higher
than the acceptable value, make one more pipe earth
electrode at a distance of 8 metres from the earlier one
and connect both of them in parallel.
23 Measure the earth electrode value and enter it in
Column 6 of Table 1.

The second reading with two electrodes will

be approximately half the first reading which
was taken with one electrode. The measured
value should be within the recommended

24 Get it checked with your instructor.

58 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.83

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Table 1

Sl.No. Date Climate Earth electrode Earth resistance in ohms Remarks

Location Single Double

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.83 59

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.84

Prepare plate earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester / megger
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare the plate for earthing according to ISI standard
• prepare the earthing pit in ground according to required standard
• install the plate in earthing pit
• test the earthing and measure the earth resistance using earth tester / Megger.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• G.I. die stock with 12.7 mm, 19mm • G.I. plate 600mmx600mmx63mm - 1 No.
and 38mm die - 1 Set • G.I. pipe 12.7mm dia. - 5 m.
• D.E. spanner set 6mm to 25mm - 1 Set • G.I. pipe 19mm dia. - 1 m.
• Blowlamp, 1 Pint - 1 No. • C.I.cover hinged to C.I. frame 300mm
• Crowbar38mmx 1800mm long - 1 No. square - 1 No.
• Spade 300mm x150mm - 1 No. • Funnel with 19mm dia. sleeve &
• Cement mortar tray - 1 No. wire mesh - 1 No.
• Tongs 300mm - 1 No. • G.I.nut for 19mm dia. sleeve & wire mesh - 2 Nos.
• Hacksaw frame with 24 TPI blade - 1 No. • G.I. check-nuts for 19mm dia. G.I.pipe - 2 Nos.
• Pipe wrench 50mm - 1 No. • G.I.washer 40mm with 19mm hole - 2 No.
• Soldering pot with ladle - 1 No. • G.I. wire No.8 SWG - 10 m
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Copper lug 200 amps with 19mm
• Measuring tape 5m - 1 No. dia. hole -1m
• Sledge Hammer 2 Kg. - 1 No. • Solder 60x40 - 100gms.
• Soldering paste - 10 gms.
• Matchbox - 1 No.
• Earth tester with spikes and • Cement - 10 kgs.
connecting lead - 1 Set • Blue metal chips 6mm size - 40 kgs.
• River sand - 80 kgs.
• Charcoal or coke - 5 kgs.
• CommonSalt - 5 Kgs.


TASK 1: Prepare the plate for earthing according to ISI standard

1 Collect G.I plate and accessories for earthing

2 Mark thread on one side of 19mm dia GI pipes to a
length of 25mm
3 Fabricate GI plate as shown in Fig 1 600mmx600mm
square plate with a thickness of 63mm
4 Fabricate 19mm dia G.I pipe as shown in Fig 2

TASK 2 : Prepare the earthing pit in ground as per standard

1 Select an earth pit site atleast 1.5meters away from An earth electrode should not be installed is
the building foundation proximity to a metal fence to avoid the
possibility of the fence becoming live. If the
metal fence is un avoidable it should be
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2 Dig an earth pit of dimensions 1m width x 1m breadth
x2.5m depth

The depth given here is the minimum

recommended. However the depth may be
increased till moist soil is reached

3 Fabricate G.I pipe 12.7mm diameter with GI bonds in

proper position and insert the G.I wire missing through
GI pipe by soldering lug at external and fix GI plate
with bolt and nut as shown in (Fig 2)

TASK 3 : Install the plate in earthing pit already prepared

1 Place the fabricated 19mm GI plate in an upright

Fill up the surrounding area with soil.
position as shown in fig 2 and position the pipe with
the helps bamboo sticks 4 Prepare the concrete mixture and build the strcuture
2 Place the wooden box around the plate and fill it to a as shown in figure 2.
height of about 15cm with charcoal and fill the 5 Fix the GI core with the plates
surrounding outer space of the box with soil.
At least allow one day for curing the concrete
It is difficult to dig a pit 150mm square .A pit of structure. Pour water every 2 hours (A wetted
dimension 1 meter square is therefore gunny is a act will hold the moisture for several
suggested to be dig. The area sufficient to be times.
filled with salt and charcoal is about 150mm
square. Hence fill the surrounding area with 6 Pour three or four buckets of water through the funnel
the soil which was taken out earlier to the earth pit

3 Lift and place the wooden box above the coke layer Allow an hour for the water to be obsorbed in
and fill up with salt to a height of about 15cm and to the earth.
an area of 150x 150mm area around the pipe.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.84 61

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TASK 4 : Test the earthing and measure the earth resistance using earth tester

1 Test the earth electrode resistance with an earth tester.

The second reading with two electrodes will
2 Record the earth electrode resistance. be approximately half the first reading which
was taken with one electrode. The measured
If the earth resistance is found higher than the
value should be with in the recommended
acceptable value, make one more plate earth
value. If not have an another earth electrode
electrode at a distance of 8 meters from the
may be distance of 8 meters from the other
earth in one and connect both of them in

3 Measure the resistance of earth electrode value and


62 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.84

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Electrician - Wiring Installation and earthing Exercise 2.3.85

Test earth leakage by ELCB and relay

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the terminals of ELCB
• connect the ELCB in an electrical circuit and test its functioning
• measure the leakage current at which ELCB trips off.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Cutting plier 150mm - 1 No. • 10KW 1W wire wound variable resistor - 1 No.
• Screw driver 150mm - 1 No. • 5KW 1W fixed resistor - 1 No.
• Electrician’s knife 100 mm - 1 No. • Pushbutton switch 250V, 6A - 1 No.
• Wire stripper 150 mm - 1 No. • Water rheostat - 1 No.
• Ammeter MI (0 - 10A) - 1 No.
• Ammeter MI (0 - 100mA) - 1 No.
• Philips star screw driver 100 mm - 1 No.
• ELCB 240V, 25A, 2 pole with
Tripping leakage current 30mA - 1 No.
• MCB 240V, 10A, 2 pole - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Identify the terminals of ELCB

1 Collect the ELCB from your instructor and read the

specification given on it.

Identify the supply terminals and load terminals

referring the marking on the unit as given in
Figure 1.

TASK 2 : Connect and test the operation of ELCB

1 Wire up the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 4 Press the test switch and vary the variable resistance
(Fig 2) and note the leakage current and record
2 Switch on the main supply keeping the MCB and _______________________
ELCB in ON position.
5 Record the leakage current at which the ELCB trips off
3 Close switch S1 and operate the water rheostat till the ________________________
ammeter ‘A’ reads about 5 A current.
6 Open the external test switch and reset the ELCB.
Keep variable resistance in full cut in position.

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7 Test ELCB for ‘Trip function’ by operating the ‘Test
button’. In this case the ELCB must trip off when the
button is pressed.

64 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.85

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.86

Install light fitting with reflectors for direct and indirect lightings
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• design the light reflectors to a given room according to working situation
• install and check the effect of light reflection.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Cutting plier 200mm - 1 No. • Incandescent lamp 100W 240V
• Screw driver 150mm - 1 No. with lamp shades of similar design - 2 No.
• Drilling machine electric 6 mm • Reflector lamp 100W 240V - 2 No.
capacity with drill bit - 5 mm - 1 No. • Silvered bowl lamp 100W 240 - 2 No.
• Wiring materials - as reqd.


1 Identify the loaction and working situation, for light

2 Carry out the marking for fixing the two ceiling roses at
close proximity.
3 Carry out the wiring as per the circuit.
4 Check the wiring with a series test board.
5 Hang one lamp shade to face down, and one lamp
shade up side down as shown in Fig 1 with suitable
6 Fix similar type (incandescent) bulbs in both the
7 Keep some display articles just beneath the lamp
shades on a table.
8 Give the supply and check the lighting emitted by
direct and indirect lights one by one. Conclusion :
9 Check the illumination of the lighting emitted by direct
and indirect lights one by one.
10 Change the bulbs of similar variety (say reflector type)
of same wattage in the shades and repeat the steps 8
and 9.
11 Write the conclusion based on the illumination level
and suitability of direct and indirect lighting of displaying

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.87

Group different wattage lamps in series for specified voltage

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the data stamped on a given lamp
• measure the voltage drop across the lamp when unequal wattage lamps are connected in series to the supply
• state the reasons for the behaviour/condition of glow of unequal wattage lamps in series.

Tools/Instruments Materials
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Bulbs screw cap - 6V 100 mA - 10 Nos.
• Voltmeter MC 0-15V - 3 Nos. • Bulbs screw cap - 6V 150 mA - 6 Nos.
• Ammeter MC 0-500 mA - 1 No. • Bulbs screw cap - 6V 300 mA - 4 Nos.
• Bulb-holders - 20 Nos.
Equipment/Machines • Connecting leads - as reqd.
• Knife switch DPST 16A - 1 No.
• DC variable source 0-24 volts,
5 amps with output current &
voltage indicator - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Connect 3 lamps of 6 volts in series across 18 volts supply (unequal wattage) and test it
1 Connect the three lamps with ammeter A in series 6 Open the switch S and reset the supply voltage to OV.
to the variable voltage DC supply source Fig 1a. Replace the bulb L1.
7 Form the circuit Fig 1(b) with 3 voltmeters 0-15 volts
connected across each lamp.

Keep the output of DC source at minimum, say

0 volts.
8 Close the switch S and increase the supply voltage
2 Connect a MC voltmeter (0-15 V) across L1 (i.e low until the current reaches 100 mA., (i.e. rated current of
current rating/low wattage bulb). Close the switch S. low wattage bulb in the series circuit).
3 Gradually increase the supply voltage from 0 volts, 9 Read the voltages V1, V2 & V3 and record in Table 1.
observing ammeter, voltmeter and lamp L1.
Table 1
4 Increase the voltage upto 18 volts. Record your
Supply Voltage V1 V2 V3

5 Does the lamp L1 fuse? If yes, give your reasons, 10 Give your reasons for the unequal distribution of supply
stating the observation made just before fusing. voltage.
11 Connect each lamp L1, L2 & L3 independently in the
circuit Fig 2 and record the value of current and voltage
when the supply voltage is 6 V in Table 2.

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Table 2 Conclusion
The voltage across each of the lamps connected in
Lamp in Supply V I V/I series varied because of
circuit voltage

L1 6 V 100 mA 6V

L2 6 V 150 mA 6V
The stamped value of voltage and current on the lamp
L3 6 V 300 mA 6V means that the specified when
applied will cause a to flow.

Resistance of lamp varies because of different

of lamp.

TASK 2 : Connect two low wattage L1 lamps in parallel as in Task 1 and test it

1 Form the circuit as per the diagram, Fig 3. 3 Does the lamp L2 fuse? If yes, give your reasons
stating observations made just at the time of L2 fusing.

4 Open the switch S, connect the 3 voltmeters as shown

in Fig 4.

5 Replace the lamp L2 and reset the DC source at OV.

Close the switch S. Increase the supply voltage until
a current of 150 mA flows in the circuit.

2 Observe the effect of increasing the supply voltage from 6 Read and record the voltages V1, V2 & V3 in Table 3.
0 to a value that causes 6 volts across low wattage
lamps L1. Table 3

Supply Voltage V1 V2 V3

The voltage is V2 is greater than V1. Also V2 > V3,

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.87 67

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TASK 3 : Connect two (L2 lamps) in parallel as in task 1 and test it

1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 5. 4 Is there any difference in the values as compared with
the one in Task 1? Give your response.
5 Open the switch S. Replace the fused lamp L1. Reset
the supply voltage to 0V. Close the switch S and
increase the current through the circuit to 100 mA.
Record the voltages V1, V2 & V3 in Table 4.

Table 4

Supply Voltage V1 V2 V3

2 Gradually increase the supply voltage up to 18V after Conclusion

closing the switch S. Observe the voltage V1, current
and glow of lamp L1.
3 Does the lamp L1 fuse again? What are the conditions
at the time of fusing?
_____________ V1
_____________ DC supply voltage
_____________ current

TASK 4 : Connect three L1 lamps connected in parallel and the whole in series with one lamp L3 two L2 lamps
in parallel as in task 1

1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 6. measure the voltage across the lamp group L1, lamp
group L2 and L3.
3 Now all the lamps glow with their normal brightness.
No lamp fused. Why?

In a serial set of lamps, while replacing a fused lamp the
lamps voltage and also or
should also
wattage lamp, replacement should be

2 Close the switch S. Increase the supply voltage

gradually to 18 V. Observe the lamps, ammeter and

68 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.87

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.88

Practice installation of various lamps eg. fluorescent tube, HP mercury

vapour, LP mercury vapour, HP Sodium vapour, LP Sodium vapour, Metal
halide etc.
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• Connect a flourescent tube with accessories, install and test it
• Assemble the instant start fluorescent lamp with an instant start ballast
• Assemble the rapid start fluoresceent lamp fitting with accessories
• Connect a H.P. M.V lamp with acccessories, install and test it
• Connect a H.P.S.V lamp with accessories install and test it
• Connect a L.P.S.V lamp with accessories install and test it
• Connect a metal halide lamp with accessories install and test it.

Tools/Instruments • Choke 40w, 250V - 1 No.
• Tube light starter - 40W,250V - 1 No.
• Insulated combination plier - 150 mm - 1 No.
• Tube light holder plain - 2 Nos.
• Insulated screwdriver - 200 mm x
• Starter holder - 2 Nos.
4mm - 1 No.
• MV lamp holder suitable for 240W, 250 V
• Insulated connector screw driver -
lamp (Goliath screw type) - 2 Nos.
100 mm - 1 No.
single patti - 1 No.
• Long round nose plier - 150 mm - 1 No.
• MV lamp choke - 240 Watts, 250 V - 1 No.
• D.B. Electrician's knife 100 mm - 1 No.
• Capacitor 4 MFD / 380 U - 1 No.
• Test lamp 100 W, 250 V - 1 No.
• L.P.M.V lamp 40 W, 250 V - 1 No.
Materials • MV lamp 240W, 250V - 1 No.
• Tube light fitting 1200 mm -
single patti - 1 No.


TASK 1: Assembling of a fluorescent lamp (LPMV lamp) with its accessories

1 Check the choke for its short and open with a test lamp
as shown in Fig 1, and record the results.
Indicate the result by marking a tick (9) here.

State of lamp glow Condition of choke

a Normal glow Internal short circuit

b Dim Good working condition
c No glow even after Open circuit in the choke
checking the leads
and connection


2 Check the starter with a series test lamp as shown in

Fig 2. Observe the flickering of the lamp which indicates
good condition of the starter.
3 Assemble the following fluorescent tube accessories
in the fitting base. Refer to the sketch. (Fig 3)
1) Holders for tube 2) Starter-holder 3) Choke.
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7 Then insert both the ends (pins) into the holder of the
fittings on either side of the tube.

One end is shown in Fig 6. Push the socket pins

all the way into the fittings until you feel that
you can turn the tube in the sockets.

4 Connect the accessories as shown in Fig 4 (for a

single tube light). Also install the tested starter.

5 Test the filament on both sides of the fluorescent tube

for its continuity as shown in Fig 5. Discard the
fluorescent tube with open or fused filament in either

8 Turn the tube at both ends in any one direction by a

quarter turn. Stop when you feel that the pins have
`snapped' into position.

Be careful not to bend the pins at either end of

the tube.
6 Fix the bulb in the holder. 9 Test the tube light assembly for its working.
Firstly, you have to make sure that the slot in
the inner parts of the holder is turned to the
proper position.

TASK 2 : Installation of tube light fitting

1 Follow the recommended method and procedure

depending on the type of wiring. Check the supply at the ceiling rose. Switch off
the supply before making any connection.
The fixing of the tube to the wall, ceiling or
tubular post should be strong enough to support 3 Fix the fluorescent tube in the fitting.
the weight of the fitting.
Use a stable ladder and a helper to hold the
The installed fitting must be below the level of ladder while you are working on the ladder.
the ceiling fan to avoid the flickering effect of
the shadow. 4 Switch `ON' the supply and observe the glow of the
tube. If the tube is not glowing, check for proper
2 Connect the tube light fitting to the ceiling rose. housing of starter and tube.

70 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.88

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TASK 3 : Connect and test Instant start fluorescent lamp
1 Identify the accessories for an instant start fluorescent
2 Assemble the accessories and connect as per circuit
in Fig 7.

5 Switch ‘ON’ the supply and observe the starting of both

Test the ballast for insulation and confirmation the tubes. Repeat it for sufficient number of times.
of terminals. 6 Record your observation on the performance of either
of the tube lights.
3 Switch ‘ON’ the main supply and observe the tube.
4 Connect a single tube light with the starter in parallel
with the instant start tube light circuit. (Fig 8)

TASK 4 : Connect and test rapid start fluorescent lamp

1 Repeat the steps 1 to 3 of Task 3 for the rapid start

fluorescent lamp. (Fig 9)

3 Switch on the supply and observe the starting of both

the tubes.
2 Connect the instant start tube light circuit in parallel 4 Record your observation on the performance of either
with rapid start tube circuit. (Fig 10) of the tubes.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.88 71

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TASK 5 : Install and test the H.P.M.V (High Pressure Mercury Vapour) lamp with accessories
1 Read the specification of the mercury vapour lamp and
the choke from the markings. (Fig 11)

2 Connect the H.P.M.V. lamp in series with the 60W

7 A modern M.V. lamp with a built-in resistor needs no
240V bulb and test in 240V AC supply. Check whether
external accessories to be connected as discussed
the series test lamp glows.
above. It can be connected as we do an incandescent
3 Test the choke for its working condition. lamp.
4 Assemble the accessories (choke, holder and capacitor) in
Installation of the M V lamp fitting
the fitting, following the manufacturer's instructions.
8 Assemble, connect and test the M.V. lamp fitting on a table,
5 Connect the accessories as per circuit diagram, Fig 12
for its working. Then remove the cover and bulb.
(Pictorial diagram Fig 13) using the recommended type
of termination. Mount at the location
9 Observetherecommendedmethodandprocedurespecified
by the manufacturer in the installation leaflet.

Do not alter the specifications recommended by

the manufacturer because it should be strong
enough to support the weight of the fitting.

10 Connect the M.V. lamp fitting to the supply. The

method depends on the system of wiring, location of
fitting etc.

Ensure that the supply line is dead (not live),

Choose the tapping of the choke suitable to the before making the connections.
rated supply system voltage.
11 Fix the bulb in the holder securely and refit the cover.
6 Fix the bulb in the holder and test the working of the 12 Switch on the supply and wait until the high pressure
lamp with the supply voltage. mercury vapour lamp glows with its full brightness.
then switch off the supply.
Ensure the fitting is properly earthed at the
earthing terminal provided, before testing.

TASK 6 : Install and test H.P.S.V. (High Pressure Sodium Vapour) and LPS lamp with accessories

1 Read the specification from the markings on the leak 2 Check the transformer and choke with a test lamp for
transformer, choke and bulb. shorts and open.

72 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.88

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3 Assemble the accessories (choke, leak transformer 6 Fix the bulb in the holder.
and lamp-holder) in the fitting.
Ensure the fitting is properly earthed.
Follow strictly the manufacturer's instructions.
7 Test the working of the assembled fitting by connecting
4 Give connections as per diagram shown in Fig 14 it to the mains.
8 Note the time taken for the bulb to give full illumination.
Use the recommended type of termination
only. 9 Repeat the above steps for a high pressure sodium
vapour lamp. Connect as per the diagram shown in
5 Choose the appropriate voltage tapping suitable to the
Fig 15.
supply voltage. (Fig 14)

TASK 7 : Testing of High prssure metal Halide

1 Read the specifications of the given Halide lamp as 240V AC supply. Check whether the series test lamp
Fig. 16 collect the required accessories. glows. If the test lamp flows it means that HPMV lamp
in good codition.
3 Connect as the circuit diagram and test with 240V
4 Measure the current and test with 240V supply.
Measure the current and voltage. Calculate the power
and verify with the rated values.
Voltage :__________________________________Volt

Current : _________________________________Amp

Power : _________________________________Watt
2 Connect the HPMH lamp in sries with a 60W. 250V
incandescent amp as shown in fig. 16 and test with

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.88 73

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.89

Prepare decorative lamp circuits using drum switches

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• use drum switches for decorative illumination.

Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician knife 100 mm - 1 No. • T.W. Board 600 x 1200 x 25 - 1 No.
• 150 mm cutting pliers - 1 No. • Batten holders 250V/6A - 25 Nos.
• Heavy duty screwdriver 200mm - 1 No. • B.C. lamps 40W /25V - 25 Nos.
• Connector screwdriver 100 mm - 1 No. • Tube light holder plain - 2 Nos.
• Hammer ball peen 1/2 kg - 1 No. • PVCA 1/18 P.V.C. Copper wire - 25 Mtr.
• PVCA 3/20 P.V.C. Copper wire - 25 Mtr.
Equipment / Machines
• I.C.D.P 250V / 16A - 1 No.
• Fractional HP motor coupled
with drum switch - 1 Set

1 Mark the layout of bulbs for the letters ITI as per Fig 1 4 Connect individual cables to the other left out terminal
on the board 60 cm x 120 cm. of the lamp-holder of suitable (estimated) length for
connection to the drum switch.
5 Make the connections of the phase wire from each
lamp to the finger strips as per the sequence indicated
in Fig 2.
6 Mount the drive-motor pulley on the shaft with proper
tension over the drive belt. Connect the motor through
a suitable starting gear. Run the motor, check for the
smooth functioning of the drum switch. (Fig 2)

2 Fix the lamp-holders (batten) on the board after making

through holes for cable entry.
3 Loop one terminal of each lamp-holder with cable for
connection to the neutral and draw a cable up to the
isolating switch.

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.90

Prepare a decorative lamp circuit to produce rotating light effect/ running light
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• select lamps/sequential control for light decoration
• design lighting layout for running light
• design layout for rotating light
• connect the motor for 3-point running light (sequential control motor)
• connect lamp circuits in the electronic sequential controller.

Tools/Instruments Materials
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cams - 3 Nos.
• Brushes - 3 Nos.
• Connection leads flexible - as reqd.
• Single phase motor FHP with • Cam drive arrangement with shaft - 1 No.
reduction gear - 1 No. • Lamps 240V, 15W, BC - 54 Nos.
• 240V operation output load 5 to 10 A • Batten Lamp holder 6A, 250 V - 54 Nos.
with speed and intensity control - 2 Nos. • DPST knife switch 16A 250V - 2 Nos.
• Electronic sequential controller - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Prepare a rotating

1 Connect the lamps, switches and the flasher motor.

(Fig 1).
2 Keep the D.P.S.T switches S1 & S2 Open.
3 Close the D.P.S.T switch S1 and start the flasher motor
(sequential light controller.
4 Close the D.P.S.T Switch S2 and observe the make and
break contacts 1,2,3 and “ON” “OFF” operations of the
3 lamp banks.

Do not touch live wires

6 Open the D.P.S.T. switch S 1 and S2

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TASK 2 : Prepare a running light effect

1 Prepare the lighting design as shown in Fig 2.

2 Close the D.P.S.T. switch S1 and observe the lighting.
3 Increase the speed of operation by operating the speed
4 Adjust the intensity of light-adjusting the knob on the
electric sequential controller.
5 Reduce the speed and intensity of the lighting system.
6 Open the D.P.S.T. switch S1.

76 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.90

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Electrician - Illumination Exercise 2.4.91

Install light fitting for show case lighting

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• install and wire up the show case window lighting for tie rack
• wireup a show case window lighting to display clothes.


Tools and Instruments Materials

• Insulated cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • Complete set of circline tube light
• Screw driver set of five - 1 Set 30 cm 32 watts 250V 50 Hz with
• Line tester 500V - 1 No. suitable shade and stand - 1 No.
• Electric hand drilling machine • Complete set of 1200 mm fluorescent
6 mm capacity - 1 No. lamp fitting 40 watts 250V 50 Hz - 4 Nos.
• Wiring materials - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Install and wire up the show case window lighting for tie rack

1 Place a suitable sized plywood board in the base of the

window with spacers.
2 Locate the circline tube fitting with its stand in proper
position in the show case so that complete stand is
visible from the window. Refer Fig.1.
3 Wire up in such a way that a 3 pin 5 amps socket is
fitted in the inner side of the window.
4 Mark the position of stand base and drill a hole in the
marked centre to allow the circline tube cable to pass.
5 Draw the cable through the hole and connect a 3 pin
plug at the cable ends.
6 Check the connections and connect the plug to the
7 Give supply and check the lighting for the tie rack.

TASK 2 : Wire up the show case window lighting for a mannequin (dummy figure used for to display clothes)

The show case needs four (400mm) tube light

fittings to be wired in parallel and the tubes are
hidden behind the frame. Refer Fig 2. Draw
the connection diagram and wire up the
fluorescent tubes in concealed wiring.

1 Prepare suitable frame for 4 tube light fittings which are

to be hidden behind the frame (Fig 2)
2 Draw the connection diagram and wireup the 4 tube
lghts in parallel.
3 Place the dummy figure at the centre used to display
the clothes
4 Get the supply and check for its functioning.

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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.92

Practice on various analog and digital measuring instruments

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect various analog measuring instruments and measure electrical parameters
• connect various digital measuring instruments and measure electrical parameters.


Tools / Instruments Equipment / Machines

• MI voltmeter 0 - 500V (analog) - 1 No. • Squirrel cage Induction motor
• Digital voltmeter 0 - 500V - 1 No. 3 phase, 440V, 5 HP - 1 No.
• MI ammeter 0 - 30A (analog) - 1 No.
• Digital ammeter 0 - 30A - 1 No.
• Power factor meter 0.5 lag - 1 - 0.5 lead • Connecting leads - as reqd.
(Analog) - 1 No. • TPIC switch 16A, 500V - 1 No.
• Digital power factor meter - 1 No.
• Analog wattmeter 0-1500W - 1 No.
• Digital wattmeter 0-1500W - 1 No.
• Analog frequncy meter 45-55HZ - 1 No.
• Digital frequncy meter 45-55HZ - 1 No.


TASK 1: Measure the value of current, voltage, power factor, power and frequency by connecting respective
analog meters in the circuit
1 Identify the analog type of voltmeter, ammeter , 4 Close the switch
wattmeter power factor meter and frequency meter from
5 Measure the corresponding values from the
the given Figure Nos. 3 to 13.
instruments and record the values in Table 1.
2 Verify the range of analog voltmeter, ammeter
6 Switch off the Power Supply and disconnect the
wattmeter, powerfactor meter and frequency meter.
3 Connect the power supply with switch, fuse, analog
meters and load as shown in Fig 1

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Table 1
Sl. No. Meter Reading

1 Voltmeter
2 Ammeter
3 Watt meter
4 Power factor meter
5 Frequency meter

TASK 2 : Measure the value of current, voltage, power factor, power and frequency by connecting respecitve
digital meters in the circuit
1 Identify the digital type of voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, 4 Close the switch.
power factor meter and frequency meter from the given
5 Measure the corresponding values from the instruments
figure nos. 3 to 13.
and record the values in Table - 2
2 Verify the range of digital voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter,
6 Switch off the power supply and disconnect the
power factor meter and frequency meter.
3 Connect the power supply with switch, fuse, digital
meters and load as shown in Fig 2

Table 2
Sl. No. Meter Reading

1 Voltmeter
2 Ammeter
3 Watt meter
4 Power factor meter
5 Frequency meter

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.92 79

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80 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.92
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Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.92 81
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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.93

Practice on measuring instrument in single and three phase circuit eg.

multimeter, wattmeter, energy meter, phase sequence and frequency meter
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, energy meter, frequency meter and power factor meter in single
phase load
• connect voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, energy meter, frequency meter, power factor meter and phase
sequence indicator in 3 phase balance load
• measure voltage, current, power, energy, frequency, power factor and record the values
• connect phase sequence meter to find the phase sequence.


Tools/Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Electrician Tool kit- 1 Set • Lamp load 1000W - 1 No.
• MI volmeter 0 - 300 v - 1 No.
• MI Ammeter 0 - 5 A - 1 No.
• wattmeter AC 0 - 1500 W - 1 No. • Fuse carrier - 5A - 1 No.
• Energy meter 3φ 4 15V - 1 No. • DPIC Switch 16A, 250v - 1 No.
• power factor meter 0 -5 leg-1 - 1 No. • 14 SWG copper wire - 0.5 kg.
• Frequence of meter 0 - 50 Hz led - 1 No. • Insulation tape 25 mm of 5 m - 1 roll
• 1.5 mm2 pvc copper wire -5m
• TPIC switch 16A - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Connect voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter single phase energy meter, power factor meter and frequence
meter in single phase circuit
1 Collect the required materials, meters and load. 2 Make necessary connections with meters and load as
per circuit diagram (Fig 1)

The current coil of the wattmeter, energy meter 4 Switch ‘ON’ the power supply and observe deflections
and P.F meter must be connected in series with of the meters.
load. Provide 5 Amps fuse in the fuse carrier. If the wattmeter shows reverse direction
3 Get the circuit approved by the instructor. interchange the connection of current coil

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5 Note down the meter readings and enter in Table 1. 6 Switch “OFF” the power supply and disconnect the

Table 1

Sl. Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter Frequency Power factor Energy

No. reading reading reading meter meter meter
(Amps) (volts) (watts) (Hz) (Cosφ ) (kwh)

TASK 2 :Connect voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, energy meter, frequency meter, power factor meter and
phase sequence indicator in 3 phase circuit
1 Collect the required materials, meters and load. 4 Switch ‘ON” the power supply and observe deflections
of the meters.
2. Make necessary connections with meters and load as
per circuit diagram (Fig - 2) If the wattmeter shows reverse direction
interchange the connection of current coil.
The current coil of the wattnmeter, energy
meter and P.F. meter must be connected in 5 Find out the phase sequence of the 3 phase supply.
series with load. Provide 5 amps fuse in the
fuse carrier. 6 Note down the meter reading and enter in Table - 2.
7 Switch ‘OFF’ the power supply and disconnect the
3 Get the circuit approved by the instructor.

Table 2

Sl. Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter Frequency Power factor Energy Phase

No. reading reading reading meter meter meter sequence
(Amps) (volts) (watts) (Hz) (Cosφ) (kwh) RY B / R BY

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.93 83

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84 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.93
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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.94

Measure the power in 3-phase circuit using two wattmeter methods

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect two wattmeters in the circuit as per the given diagram
• measure the power and calculate the power factor.


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Wattmeter 500V/5A, 3 KW - 2 Nos. • 200W, 250V lamps - 3 Nos.
• M.I. Voltmeter 0-500 V - 1 No. • 100W, 250 lamps - 3 Nos.
• M.I. Ammeter 0-5A - 1 No.
• Connecting leads - as reqd.
Equipment / Machines • Pendent-holders 6A 250V - 6 Nos.
• 3-phase, 415V AC induction motor
3 HP - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Measure the power in 3 phase circuit using two wattmeter method and calculate power factor

1 Form the circuit as per the given circuit diagaram. 4 Read wattmeters W1 & W2 and record in Table 1. Add
(Fig 1) the readings W1 and W2 and record the total power; go
to setp 6.
Connect proper ranges of meters suitable for
the given load. 5 Switch on the supply and read the wattmeters W1 &
W2. Record the values in the Tables. Record the
readings of the wattmeter with the changed potential
coil as negative quantity.
6 Measure the 3-phase power for different load conditions
specified below :
a L1 = 300 W bulb
L2 = 300 W bulb
L3= 300 W bulb
b L1, L2, L3 water load to take a current of max. 3 amps
c Induction motor 3 HP on no load
2 Switch ‘ON’ the 3-phase supply and observe for the d Induction motor 3-HP with load
proper deflection of wattmeters. If both wattmeters
deflect properly, go to step 4, otherwise continue from The instructor personally to connect the
step3. three-phase motor for proper running.
3 Switch ‘OFF’ the supply, if any one wattmeter deflects
in the reverse direction. Change the connection of the 7 Calculate the power factor in all the above cases and
potential coil of the reverse deflection wattmeter. Go to enter them in Table 1.
step 5. 8 Get your work checked by Instructor.

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Table - 1

Calculated Power factor Cos θ

Type of Wattmeter Wattmeter Total

1 1
2 2

Load W1 W2 W1 + W 2 ⎡ − ⎤
= ⎢ ⎥ Cos θ
⎣ + ⎦


Conclusion: __________________________________

86 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.94

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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.95

Measure power factor in three phase circuit by using power factor meter and
verify the same with voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter readings
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect a single phase P.F. meter in 3-phase balanced load and read the P.F
• verify the P.F. by voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter readings and determine the error
• connect the capacitor bank in the 3-phase circuit and measure the P.F.


Tools / Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Single phase P.F. meter 250V/ 500V; • 3-phase induction motor 415V 2.25 KW
5A/ 10A - 1 Set (with loading arrangement) - 1 No.
• Wattmeter 250/500V, 5A/10A 1500W - 1 Nos. • Power factor improving capacitor bank
• M.I Ammeter 0-5 A/ 10A - 1 No. single phase 250V, 50 Hz 1kvar - 1 Set
• M.I Voltmeter 0-300V/ 600V - 1 No. • 3 Phase lamp load 3 KW 415 V 50 Hz - 1 No.
• Insulated combination plier 200mm - 1 No.
• Insulated screwdriver 200mm - 1 No.
• PVC insulated copper cable 2.5 sq. mm
650 V - grade - 20 m
• T.P.I.C. switch 16A, 500V - 2 Nos.


1 Collect the meters and the 3-phase lamp load. 3 Get the circuit approved by the instructor.

The lamp load should have equal wattage in 4 Switch ‘ON’ the power supply momentarily observe de-
all the three phases. flections of all the meters. Keep the switch closed if
nothing is abnormal.
2 Make necessary connections of the meters and load
5 Equally load all the three phases and note down the
as per circuit diagram - Fig 1.
meter readings and enter in Table 1.
Connect the current coils of wattmeter and P.F. 6 Switch ‘OFF’ the power supply.
meter in series with load.

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Table 1

Load Ammeter Volt- 3-phase Wattmeter 3-phase Calculated P.F. Remarks

condition reading meter apparent reading in power value of P.F. measured
in Amps. reading power Watts W Wx3 W ×3 value
(Iph) in Volts in watts P.F. =
3 × E Ph × I ph
(Eph) 3xEphxIph


Motor without

Motor without
load but
with capacitor

Motor with

Motor with
load and
with capactior

If P.F. meter shows leading P.F. for inductive 8 Compare the calculated power factor and power factor
load, switch ‘off’ the supply and interchange meter reading and write your observation.
current coil connections of the P.F. meter. Observation _____________________________
7 Determine the power factor by using the formula, _____________________________
W ×3
P.F. = 9 Show the readings to your instructor for approval.
3 × E Ph × I ph
10 Disconnect the lamp load and connect the 3 phase
Where W- Wattmeter reading (power in one phase) induction motor with P.F. improving capacitor as shown
Eph- Phase voltage in Fig 2.

Iph - Phase current (Also equal to line current) 11 Ensure that the range of current coil in wattmeter and
P.F. meter are well higher than the load current of the
connected load.

88 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.95

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12 Keep the capacitor switch in OFF condition. Switch 16 Observe the P.F. each load condition and write your
ON the power supply and observe the deflection of the observations.
Observation _____________________________
13 Record the meter readings in Table 1 for the load
conditions shown in Table 1.
14 Switch ‘OFF’ the power supply and disconnect the
connection. 17 Show the readings and observation to your instructor
15 Calculate the power factor in each case and compare for approval.
with the measured P.F.
Consider the multiplying factor of the wattmeter
which depends on the range of watt meter with
respect to current and voltage ranges and C.C.
and P.C. range selected. The reading of the
wattmeter should be multiplied with the
multiplying factor to get the actual power.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.95 89

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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.96

Measure electrical parameters using tong tester in three phase circuit

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• select a sutiable range in tong testers to measure the different electrical parameters
• measure the AC volt, DC volt and frequency
• measure the AC and DC current
• measure kw, KVA, PF and phase angle in AC circuit
• measure resistance
• measure capacitance
• measure AC and DC micro ampere.


Tools / Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Tong - tester - 1 No. • Single phase lamp load - 1 Set
• Welding Transformer - 1 No.
• 3 phase Induction motor 3 HP
440V, with suitable load - 1 Set


TASK 1 : Measure the AC and DC voltage and frequency

4 The meter will automatically switch to ACV or DCV
The operating instruction given below is for
one particular tong Tester. Some other model
Tong Testers are also be available in market. 5 The meter will automatically select the appropriate
Follow the operating instructions accordingly range.
1 Set the rotary switch to the ‘V’ Position. 6 Read the voltage and frequrency values displayed on
the LCD and note down in Table (Fig 1)
2 Insert the test leads into the input Jack (Black to COM
and Red to V)
3 Connect the test leads in parallel to the measured

TASK 2 : Measurement of current in AC circuit

1 Set the rotary switch to the ‘A’ position. 3 The clamp will automatically select the appropriate
2 Press the trigger to open the jaw and fully enclose the
conductor to be measured. 4 Read the current values displayed on the LCD and note
down in Table (Fig 1).
No gap is allowed between the two half Jaws

TASK 3 : Measurement of AC kW, KVA, PF and ∅ (phase angle)

1 Set the rotary switch to the KW / KVA Position 6 Read the watt and HP values displayed on the LCD
and note down in Table.
2 Insert the test leads into the input Jack. (Black to COM
and Red to V) 7 Press range button to display required parameters.
3 Connect the Black lead COM to the neutral line. KW
PF = = Cosθ
4 Connect the Red lead ‘V’ to power line and clamp the KVA
same connductor where V (red) terminal is connected. 8 For 3 phase 3 wire balanced load system, insert 3
5 The power clamp will automatically select the plug in adapter in terminals “ COM” and “V”. Connect
appropriate range. three crocodile clips to appropriate phase (R, Y and B)
3 phase power = 3 x meter indication (Fig 1).

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TASK 4 : Measurement of Resistance
1 Before taking resistance measurement, make sure the 4 Connect the test leads to the circuit being measured
circuit is not live and discharge any capacitor present and read the displayed value.
in the circuit.
5 Note down the reading in Table.
2 Set the rotory switch to the Ω or M Ω range.
3 Insert the test leads into the input jack.
(Black to com and red to Ω )

TASK 5 : Measurement of capacitance

1 Insert the test leads into the input Jacks (Black to 3 Connect the rotary test lead to the anode side and
COM and Red to black test lead to the cathode side of the capacitor
being tested
2 Set the rotary switch to the “ ” Positon.

4 Read capacitance value on LCD and note it in Table.

TASK 6 : AC + DC Micro Ampere measurement

1 Set the rotary switch is “ μA” position.

≅ 3 Connect the meter in series the with the circuit being
measured and read the displayed value and note down
2 Insert the test leads into the input Jack (Black to COM
the reading in Table.
and Red to/μA) (Fig 1)


Sl. Measurement Reading Reading

No. 1 2

1 AC voltage
2 DC voltage
3 Frequency
4 KW
6 PF
7 Phase angle
8 Resistance
9 Capacitance
10 AC Micro Ampere
11 DC mircro Ampere

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.96 91

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92 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.96
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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.97

Practice for range extension and calibration of various measuring instruments

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• extend MC 0-15V voltmeter range to MC 0-30V voltmeter
• extend MC 500 milli ammeter range to MC 2.5 ampere
• extend MC 500 milli ammeter range to MC5 ampere
• extend MC 100 milli ammeter range to MC1 ampere
• calibrate MC 0-50V voltmeter
• calibrate MI 0-300V voltmeter
• calibrate MC 0-500 m.A. ammeter
• calibrate MI 0-1 A ammeter.


Tools / Instruments Equipment/Machines

• Electrician’s Tool Kit - 1 Set • Variable D.C. power supply 0-50V - 1 No.
• Combination pliers 150mm - 1 No. • Standard resistors for multipliers
• Wire stripper 150 mm - 1 No. (Decade reistance box in 5 decades
• Electric soldering iron 230V 35W - 1 No. 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000) OR - 3 Nos.
• MC milli voltmeter 0-50mV - 2 Nos. Variable tubular wire wounded
• MC milli ammeter 0-10mA - 1 No. resistors
• M C Voltmeter 0-15V - 1 No. • Battery 12V 100 A H - 1 No.
• MC Ammeter 0-500 m.A - 1 No. • Variac 0-300V/5A - 1 No.
• MC Voltmeter 0-100 m V - 1 No.
• MC Voltmeter 0-1V - 1 No.
• Ohmmeter or multimeter - 1 No. • Potentiometer 10k 2W - 1 No.
• MC Voltmeter 0-50V - 1 No. • Resistor 1K 2W - 1 No.
• Digital Voltmeter - 1 No. • Resin core solder - as reqd.
• M.I. Voltmeter 0-300V - 1 No. • Connecting leads - as reqd.
• M I Ammeter 0-1A - 1 No. • Copper wire 18 SWG - as reqd.
• Rheostat 100Ω/5W - 1 No. • Nichrome wire 18 SWG - 1/2 m


TASK 1 : Extension MC 0-15V voltmeter range to MC 0-30V voltmeter

1 Remove the cover of the MC 0-15V Voltmeter, 4 Close the switch; gradually increase the DC voltage
examine and disconnect the series resistance, if any. until full scale deflection is acheved in M1 (voltmeter
under test).
2 Connect the moving coil ends to the meter terminals
and close the cover. 5 Record the reading of M2 and then the voltage drop
across M1 at full scale deflection in Table 1.
3 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 1.
6 Open the switch and disconnect the circuit.
7 Calculate the M C resistance of M1 using Ohm’s Law
and record in Table 1.
Table 1
Reading of M2 at Voltage drops. Resistance of
f.s.d. of M1 across M1 at f.s.d. MC of M1

1 2 3

Keep the switch open and the variable DC 8 Calculate the resistance of the multiplier for the
supply at minimum level. proposed range (say 0-30V) using the formula

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Multiplier resistance = 13 Record the readings of M1 and M3 in Table 2 for each
setting (in M 3) until M 1 reaches the full scale
Proposed range of voltage-Voltage drop across MC at FSD
MC current at FSD 14 Open the switch and disconnect the circuit.
9 Calculate the multiplying factor (M.F.) by the formula 15 Calculate the actual voltage using ‘M1 reading’ and
the ‘Multiplying factor’ of the multiplier connected.
16 Calculated the error using the formula given below and
record in Table 2.
10 Select the standard resistance suitable for the value Error = standard meter - calculated voltage from the
of the multiplier reistance calculated in step 8 and reading of M1
connect them all in series with meter M1.
In case of non-availability of wire-wound
11 Form the circuit as ahown in Fig 2, keeping the switch resistors of different values of suitable
open. wattage to form the multiplier resistance, you
Keep the variable D C Supply at minimum may make use of wire-wound tubular variable
level. resistance for laboratory use and verify the
working of the instrument in the extended
12 Close the switch and increase the voltage gradually to range.
get exact divisions in standard voltmeter M3.
Set the value of variable wire-wound
resistance exactly equal to the multiplier
resistance using the Wheatstone bridge.

Table 2
SI Reading of Reading of Multiplying Voltage Error
No M3 M1 factor = M1 x MF (Col.2)-(Col.5)

1 2 3 4 5 6

TASK 2 : Extension of M.C 500 milliammeter range to 2.5 amperes

1 Connect the 0-500mA range milliammeter as shown

in Fig 3 to the variable DC power supply. If a variable
DC power supply is not available, make connections
to a battery as shown in the circuit Fig 4.
2 Set the output voltage to the circuit at the minimum
and close the switch S.
3 Gradually increase the voltage until the milliammeter
reads full scale deflection.

94 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.97

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8 Set the ratio arm and variable resistance to the value
which causes balance of the bridge when the unknown
resistance value equals Rsh. Connect one lead from
the instrument to the end of the wire, and with the
other lead touch and move to cause null deflection.
The point at which null deflection occurs indicates the
length of wire.
9 Cut the wire 1 cm greater in length than measured.
10 Coil the wire with eye formation at both ends. Exercise
care to see the excess length of 1 cm is used for eye
4 Observe and the record the reading of the voltmeter formation at the ends. (Fig 6)
and ammeter in Table 3. The measuring element
indicates full scale deflection at Vi = ____ V
Ii = ____ A.
Table - 3

Voltmeter Ammeter
reading in Volts reading in Amps. 11 Connect the coiled wire as shunt across the
terminals of the milliammeter.
12 Set up the circuit accroding to the circuit diagram.
(Fig 7)
5 Open the switch S and disconnect the circuit elements.
6 Calculate the shunt resistance Rsh.

The voltage across the shunt resistance is then

equal to V i . The current I sh in the shunt
resistance is the difference between the end
value of the measuring range I = 2.5A and the
current in the measuring element Ii.
ie. Ish= I- Ii. 13 Adjust the variable load resistance RL to 4 ohms.

7 Measure the exact length of the Manganin wire that 14 Switch on the power and adjust the ouptut voltage to
has a resistance equal to Rsh as shown in Fig 5, using circuit, equal to 10V. Observe the ammeter
an ohmmeter and go to step 9. If a Wheatstone bridge deflection.
is used, go to step 8. 15 Read the value of current ‘I’.
16 Verify that the readings shown are in in amperes by
inserting a 5A ammeter in series.

TASK 3 : Extension of 500 milliamperes ammeter range to 5 amperes

1 Calculate the shunt resistance Rsh following the 2 Repeat the step 7 and 15 of Task 2.
instruction in step 6 of Task 2.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.97 95

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TASK 4 : Extension of 100 milliampere ammeter range to 1 ampere

1 Following the steps 1 to 15 under Task 2 for 100 2 Consider the 100 milliampere ammeter with its range
milliampere ammeter to extend its range to 1 ampere. extended to 1.0A by external shunt as a single

TASK 5 : Calibrate a 0-50V MC type voltmeter

1 Check and set the pointer of the meter under 4 Increase the output voltage of the DC PSU such that
calibration to read zero (mechanical zero setting). the standard meter (V2) reads 5V (1/10th of the range
of the meter under calibration.).
2 Connect the 0-50V meter to be calibrated and a
standard digital voltmeter across a regulated DC power 5 Record the corresponding voltage reading of the meter
supply as shown in the Fig 8. under calibration (V1) in Table 4
6 From the readings of the standard meter and the
reading shown by the meter under calibration, find the
% of error in the meter under calibration as given in
Table 4
7 Repeat steps 4,5 and 6 to find the % error at different
readings of the meter under calibration as given in
Table 4
8 From the % error found at different readings, calculate
3 With the output of the adjustable DC PSU set to zero and record the average % error of the meter under
Volt, get the connections checked by your instructor. calibration.
9 Get your work checked by the instructor.

Table 4
Type of meter :
Range :

Voltmeter readings in volts

PSU error % of error
SI. No. output Standard undercalibration (V2 - V1)
volts V2 V

1 5 5
2 10 10
3 15 15
4 20 20
5 25 25
6 30 30
7 35 35
8 40 40
9 45 45
10 50 50

TASK 6 : Calibrate a 0 - 300V MI voltmeter

1 Check and set the pointer of the meter under calibration 2 Connect the given 0-300V MI AC meter to be calibrated
to read zero(mechanical zero setting). and a standard digital AC voltmeter across the variac
(0-300) output using rheostat as shown in that Fig 9.

96 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.97

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4 Power-on mains supply to varaic. Increase the output
of the varaic such that the standard meter (V2) reads
30V (1/10th of the range of the meter under calibration.).
5 Record the corresponding voltage reading of the meter
under calibration(V1) in Table 5
6 From the readings of the standard meter and the
reading shown by the meter under calibration, find the
% of error in the meter under calibration using formula
given in Table 5.
Use well insulated wires for interconnection.
7 Repeat steps 4,5 and 6 to find the % error at different
Insulate all open contacts and terminals
readings of the meter under calibration as given in
before connecting the circuit to mains. Do not
Table 5.
connect the variac to mains supply terminals
till the wiring is completed and checked by 8 From the % error found at different readings, calculate
your instructor. Insulate yourself while and record the average % error of the meter under
handling and taking readings. calibration using formula given in Table 5.

3 With the output of the variac set to zero Volt, connect 9 Get your work checked by the instructor.
the Variac to 240V, 50Hz mains supply (with mains 10 Paste a slip on the calibrated meter indicating date of
switched-off). Get the connections made checked by calibration and average % error.
your instructor.

Table 5
Type of meter :
Range :

Voltmeter readings in volts

PSU error % of error
SI. No. output Standard undercalibration (V2 - V1) V2 − V1
volts V2 V1 ×100

1 30 30
2 100V 100
3 150V 150
4 250V 200
5 250V 250
6 300V 300

Total % error
Average% error =
No. of reading

TASK 7 : Calibrate a 0-500mA MC type ammeter

1 Check and set the pointer of the meter under calibration

to read zero(mechanical zero setting).
2 Connect the given 0-500mA DC meter to be
calibrated and a standard digital DC Ammeter for some
range across the output of a regulated DC power supply
via a rheostat as shown in the Fig 10
3 Set the Rheostat to its half resistance position and
set the output of DC PSU to zero volts. Get the wired
circuit checked by your instructor.
5 Adjust the rheostat such that the standard ammeter(A2)
4 Increase the output of the PSU slowly till the standard
reads 450mA (decrease in current equivalent to 1/10
ammeter (A2) read 500 mA (full scale value of the
of the full range of the meter under calibration).
ammeter under calibration (A1).

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.97 97

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6 Record the corresponding reading on the ammeter (A1) 9 From the % error found at different readings, calculate
under calibration in Table 6. and record the average % error of the meter under
7 From the readings of the standard meter and the
reading shown by the meter under calibration, find the 10 Get your work checked by the instructor.
% of error in the meter under calibration using the
11 Paste a slip on the calibrated meter indicating date of
formula given in Table 6.
calibration and average % error.
8 Repeat step 5,6 and 7 for the values given in Table 3
to cover the complete range of the ammeter under
Table 6

SI.No Ammeter reading in mA Error % of error

Standard Undercalibration (I2 - I1)
I2 I1
1 50
2 150
3 250
4 350
5 450
6 500

TASK 8 : Calibrate a 0 - 1A MI type ammeter

1 Check and set the pointer of the meter under calibration
to read zero (mechanical zero setting).
2 Construct a circuit as in Fig 11. Note that the circuit
at Fig 10 similar to that of Fig 11 except for the variable
DC Power Supply is replaced by a variac to provide
suitable AC current. Get the wired circuit checked by
your instructor.
Use well insulated wires for interconnection.
Insulate all open contacts and terminals before
connecting the circuit to mains. Do not connect
the variac to mains supply terminals till the previous task 7 for calibrating a MC ammeter except
wiring is completed and checked by your that the source is mains supply and the current levels
instructor. Insulate yourself while handling and are different. Record your observation in
taking readings. Table 7.

3 The procedure for calibrating the given MI ammeter by 4 Get your work checked by the instructor.
comparison method is similar to that practiced in the

Table 7

SI. Average reading error % error

No. Standard under calibration
I2 (mA) I1

1 900
2 800
3 500
4 300
5 100

98 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.97

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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.98

Determine errors in resistance measurement by voltage drop method

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• determine errors in resistance measurement by voltage drop method
• connect suitably the voltmeter and ammeter to minimize measurement errors.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Insulated cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • DPST knife switch 16 A - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 150 mm - 1 No. • SPDT knife switch 16A - 1 No.
• Connector screwdriver 100 mm - 1 No. • 5A fuse wire - 1 No.
• 0-30V mC panel type voltmeter - 1 No. • P.V.C. cable 48/0.2mm - 10 m
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Glass catridge fuse with
• 0-5 amps ammeter, P.M.M.C type - 1 No. holder 100 mA - as reqd.
• Ohmmeter, Shunt type 0-100 ohms - 1 No.
Equipment / Machines
• 24V DC power supply unit - 1 No.
• Rheostat 10 ohms, 20 ohms
and 50 ohms 4A capacity each - 1 No.

1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 1. (Use only high 4 Calculate the resistance value from the measured
sensitivity voltmeter.) quantities using the formula R = V/I, and enter the
values in Table 1.
5 Change switch S2 to position 2, across the resistor and
ammeter. Read and record the voltage and the current.
6 Repeat step 4 for these values.
7 Calculate and enter the error occurred in the
measurement of resistance by using the formula

(R 2cal − R 2mes ) × 100

% error =
R 2 mes

2 Measure the value of resistor R and enter the 8 Repeat the same proceduce for different values of R as
measured value in Table1. given in Table 1.
3 Switch on the supply keeping switch S2 at position1,
across the resistor only. Read the voltmeter and am-
meter and record the readings in Table 1 switch off the

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Table 1

Resistance value Voltmeter Calculated % error =

connected Voltage Current value of
(R 2cal − R 2mes ) × 100
SI Marked Measured across resistance
No. RMar RMes R = V/I R 2 mes
R only
1 10
R only
2 20
R only
3 50

100 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.98

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Electrician - Measuring Instruments Exercise 2.5.99

Test single phase energy meter for its errors

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the creeping in energy meter
• test the energy meter for starting current error
• select suitable loading arrangements for determining errors in energy meters
• determine the percentage error in an energy meter.


Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Electrician’s Tool Kit - 1 No. • Single phase capacitor motor with
• Single phase energy meter 5A brake load 240V 50 Hz AC 1/2 kW - 1 No.
250 V 50HZ - 1 No. • Lamp load single phase
• Voltmeter MI 0 - 300V - 1 No. 250 V 50 Hz 1.25 kW - 1 No.
• Ammeter MI 0 - 5 A - 1 No. • Auto-transformer 0 to 270V 8A 50 Hz - 1 No.
• Power factor meter 240 V 5 A 50 Hz - 1 No. Materials
• Ammeter MI 0 - 50mA - 1 No.
• Electric bulb 5 W 240 V with holder - 1 No.
• PVC insulated cable 1.5 sq. mm
250 V grade - 10 m


Adjustment of errors inside the energy meter is beyond the scope of this course as it requires costly
equipment like rotating sub-standard meter etc. Hence the simplified method of finding errors only is
included here.

TASK 1 : Check the energy meter at no load (to find the creeping error)

1 Connect the energy meter through an auto-transformer 2 Vary the input voltage to the energy meter between
as shown in Fig 1. 80% and 110% of the rated voltage of the energy meter.

For an energy meter rating of 240 Volts the input

voltage is between 192 V to 264 V. Observe, if
the meter disc is rotating or not. The load should
not be connected or the load switch should
be ‘off’ during the observation period.

3 Write your observations correlating your findings from

the above experiments with the recommendation given
in IS 722.

As per IS 722 (Part I) 1977 the meter shall not

make a complete revolution at any voltage
between 80% and 110% of the reference

TASK 2: Task for starting current error in energy meter

1 Connect low load (5 W lamp) as shown in Fig 2. 3 Write your observations, correlating your finding from
the above experiment with the recommendation given
2 Switch on the load and observe the meter rotation.
in IS 722 (Part III).
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As per IS 722 (Part II) 1977 the starting current

shall be 0.5% of the rated basic current across
= 1 for dial and pointer type register whereas
for drum type register it will be 0.75%. For
meters provided with reverse stop the values
will be 1% and 1.5% respectively.

TASK 3 : Task for percentage error in single phase energy meter

1 Make the connections as shown in Fig 3 with the lamp 5 Calculate the true energy by using the formula
E × Ι × Cos φ × t
True energy = kWh
1000 × 3600

where ‘t’ is the time in seconds.

6 Calculate the energy registered (recorded ) by the meter
using the formula

No.of revolution s N
Recorded energy = kWh = kWh
Meter constant K

7 Find the error using the formula

Error = Recorded energy - True energy.
2 Switch ‘ON’ the lamps so that 25% of the rated current
8 Calculate the percentage error, using the formula
of energy meter flows in the circuit.
3 Tabulate the voltmeter, ammeter and P.F. meter R−A
Percentage error = × 100
readings in Table 1. A
4 Keeping the load constant, count the number of where R = Energy registered by the meter
revolutions of the energy meter disc for 2 minutes (120
seconds) and record the same in Table 1. A = True energy.

102 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.99

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Table 1

SI. Load Voltmeter Ammeter P.F. meter Time True energy Revolution Meter Recorded %
No. reading reading reading reading in Sec counted constant energy error
1 25%
2 50%
3 75%
4 100%

1 25%
2 50%
3 75%
4 100%

Repeat the working steps from 2 to 8 for 50%, 75%, For checking the proper registraion of energy,
100% resistive and inductive loads and enter in verify the readings through initial and final
Table 1. reading differences recorded in the energy
For inductive load, make the connection as meter. As per I.S. 722 (Part III) 1977, the
shown in Fig 4. percentage error shall not exceed ±2%, both
at unity power factor and at 0.5 lagging.

If the above errors are beyond the limitation

prescribed in I.S., take action for calibration
of the energy meter at the meter testing
department attached to the electricity board.

TASK 4 : Plot the error graph

1 From the tabulated readings, plot the graph of

percentage load versus percentage error separately for
unity PF and for lagging PF in Fig 5.
2 Show the error graph to your instructor and discuss
with him regarding meter calibration.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.99 103

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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.100

Dismantle and assemble electrical parts of various electrical appliance e.g

cooking range, geyser, washing machine and pump set
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• dismantle the cooking range, geyser, washing machine and pump set
• assemble the dismantled electical appliances
• test them for their working
• replace the faulty parts with good ones where ever necessary.


Tools / Instruments • Washing machine ordinary or

semi automatic types 240 V / 50 Hz - 1 No.
• Electrician Tool Kit - 1 Set
• Pump set coupled with single phase
• Spanner set 6 to 22 mm ( 6 Nos) - 1 Set
motor 240V /50Hz - 1 No.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No.
• Test lamp 60 w / 240 V - 1 No. Materials
• Pulley puller 3 leg 150 mm - 1 No.
• Service manual - 1 No.
Equipment / Machines • Cleaning brush - 2.5 cm dia - 1 No.
• Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Cooking range 1500 W / 240 V - 1 No.
• Kerosine - as reqd.
• Geyser 1500W/240 V - 15 liters - 1 No.
• Grease - 200 gms


TASK 1 : Dismantle and assemble the cooking range

1 Note the name plate details of the electric cooking

range in Table 1.
2 Disconnect the power supply from the cooking range
3 Open the terminal connection box (Refer Fig 1)

8 Check the condition of the oven racks (Fig 1)

9 Measure the insulation value between the all terminals
to body of the cooking range.
10 Assemble and connect the electric cooking range to
the supply (Fig 3)

4 Check the proper tightness of the screw at selector

switch, indicator lamp, range timmer and thermostat.
5 Remove the cooking range and check the continuity
of the surface heating unit element one by one.
6 Check the correct shape, wattage and voltage of the
element (Refer Fig 2)
7 Open the porcelein end panel which is at bottom of
the cooking range.
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TASK 2 : Dismantle and assemble the geyser

1 Note down the name plate details of the geyser in a

separate Table simlar to table 1
2 Disconnect the power supply from the geyser
3 Open the inspection cover for electrical terminals
connection and thermostat installation. (Refer Fig 4)
4 Check proper tightness of the screw at thermostat,
pilot lamp, and heating element
5 Conduct visual examination of the power cord pin
terminals and termination of applicance.
6 Conduct insulation test between the leads, lead and
earth and record in a separate Table
7 Measure the insulation resistance between element
and body and record in a separate Table
8 Assemble and connect the geyser to the supply.

TASK 3 : Dismantle and assemble washing machine

1 Note the name plate details of the washing machine in 3 Open the terminal connection panel and check the
a separate Table (Fig 5) proper tightness of the screws
4 Remove the washing drum from the washing machine.
5 Check the inlet pipe and out let pipe
6 Check the outgoing valve
7 Check the tightness of shaft pulley / drum belt
8 Check the rubber bushings that are used is the machine
for absorbing mechanical vibration
9 Conduct insulation test to the motor by using a megger.
10 If every thing is ok, place the drum and close the
inspection hatch/cover.
11 Connect the machine to the supply for its working
2 Disconnect the power supply from the washing

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.100 105

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TASK 4 : Dismantle and assemble pumpset

1 Note the name plate details of the pumpset in separate

2 Disconnect the supply from the pumpset
3 Dismantle the pumpset (Fig 6)
4 Check the shaft for smooth running, carbon seal, motor
adaptor, Drive collar, impeller, casing gasket, bearings
(refer Fig 6)
5 It every thing is satisfactory, assemble the pumpset
6 Connect the pumpset to the supply for its working .
(Fig 7)

Table 1

Name of the appliance : ....................................... Serial No : ........................................................

Voltage : ....................................... Current : ........................................................
Supply : ....................................... Wattage : ........................................................
Capacity : ....................................... Make : ........................................................

Cord Insulation Between line Between line/body Date of servicing

............. Megohm ............... Megohm

Element insulation Between terminal and Recommended Repair

body / thermostat Replacement if any



106 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.100

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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.101

Service and repair of bell / buzzer

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• test, identify the fault and repair the calling bell
• test identify the fault and repair the buzzer.


Tools / Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Trainee’s kit - 1 No. • Electrical bell-12V/24V - 1 No.
• Wire stripper 150 mm - 1 No. • Buzzer-12V/24V - 1 No.
• D.B. Electrician Knife 100mm - 1 No.
• Mini Screwdriver set - 1 Set
• Insulated nose plier 150mm - 1 No. • Connecting wires - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Insulation tape 20mm P.V.C - 1 Roll
• Megger 500V - 1 No. • Spare components - as reqd.
• Nylon mallet 125 gm - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Test, identify the fault and rectify the electrical bell

If the bell is not working it means the fault

may be in any part of bell circuit from push
button to the bell.
Assume, the fault is in push button, bell
assembly circuit wiring

i Fault in push button

1 Remove the fixing screw and pull out the push button
2 Disconnect the wires by loosening the terminal.
3 Bring the two bare wire ends together.

if bell rings, the fault is in push button. Remove

the buttons and replace it.
4 Connect them to 12V.
4 Install new push button, by connecting the two wires
to terminal screws of new push button. If bell sounds (or) bulb gives light when the
bell button is pushed, it means, the bell is in
5 Test it for its good working condition and fix the push
good working condition.
ii Fault in bell / assembly 5 Replace and install a new and test it.

1 Connect and test the bell for its working. Important parts of an electric bell are :
1 Electromagnet
If bell does not ring, the fault may be in bell
assembly wiring. We assume the fault is in bell. 2 Armature

2 Remove snap-on cover of bell by lifting the cover slightly 3 Spring

upward then pull out and remove the cover. 4 Armature rod
Look for the number of wires, 2 or 3 or more 5 Hammer
which depends on number of tones in ring bell.
6 Gong
But standard bell or buzzer has two wires only.

3 Disconnect the wires by loosening terminal screws.

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TASK 2 : Test, identify the faults and repair the buzzer

1 Connect the components of buzzer as in Fig.2

2 Press the key switch.

It gives off a loud noise (buzz) - if it does not

make noise/ sound it means, fault may be in
circuit or battery or solenoid coil.

If fault in cell/battery

3 Check the circuit by testing with other cell, if it gives

peep sound replace with new cell of same range and
test it.

If fault is in solenoid
5 Trace the circuit for loose connection, and rectify it.
4 Connect the buzzer with new cell and switch ‘ON’ the
circuit. If the switch contacts are found carbonized,
clean it (or) replace it.
If it does not give sound it indicates, the fault
is with switch (or) connections.

108 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.101

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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.102

Service and repair of electric iron, electric kettle, cooking range and
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect and test the given automatic iron for its working
• dismantle the automatic iron and reassemble it
• trace and identify (or) locate the faults in an automatic iron
• replace the faulty parts with good one
• test the electric kettle element and identify the defect
• replace the old element with a new one
• assemble the kettle and test for its working
• dismantle the suspected parts of the cooking range
• test the continuity of heating element
• replace the burn out heating element and worn out selector switch
• reassemble, connect and test the cooking range
• test the line cord for continuity
• dismantle a geyser
• trace identify and locate faults in a geyser
• replace faulty parts with good ones
• assemble the geyser and test for its working.


Tools/Instruments Materials

• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. • Kettle Element 500W/250V - 1 No.

• Spanner set 6 to 22mm (6 Nos) - 1 Set • Asbestos sheet and fibre washers - as reqd.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Test lamp 100W/240V - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Element suitable for available
• Electircian tool kit - 1 Set Cooking range 1500W, 250V - 1 No.
• Cutting plier 150mm - 1 No. • Geyser heating element 1500W, 240V - 1 No.
• Tester 500 V - 1 No. • Geyser thermostat - 1 No.
• Nose piler 150 mm - 1 No. • 3- core flexible cord
(48/0.2 with 15A, 3 pin plug) - 1 No.
• Insulating material such as asbestos
• Automatic electric iron box and mica sheets Suitable for electric
750W 250 V - 1 No. Iron - as reqd.
• kettle (sauce pan type) 500W/ 250V - 1 No.
• Electric cooking range1500W/250 V - 1 No.
• Geyser 1500W 250V 25 liters - 1 No.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No.

TASK 1 : Service and repair of electric iron

1 Conduct a visual examination of the power cord and 3 Replace the cord, if necessary
plug, after interpreting the name plate details
4 Check for the insulation resistance between line
2 Conduct preliminary test for terminal of the iron and the body of the iron (Fig 1) and
record in Table 1.
- short circuit, continuity & insulation
- earth fault
- defective element circuit

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Table - 1
Terminals Value in Megohms
L & Body
N & Body
E & Body
Plug pin L & Body
Plug pin N & Body
Plug pin E & Body

Disconnect the indicator bulb if any before the by 1 in Fig 3. If the test lamp glows the thermostat
short, open and IR test. is defective.

Always disconnect the iron from supply while - Connect the terminals of the indicating bulb by a
piece of insulating wire, shown by 2 in Fig 3. If the
testing with insulation tester / Megger.
test lamp glows the trouble is in this section.
5 Check for insulation resistance between the neutral - Short the terminals of the element shown by 3 in
terminal and earth. Fig 3. If the lamp glows the element is open. Replace
the element.
6 Connect the electric iron to the mains and check for
its working
7 Check the presence of dangerous voltage existing be-
tween the body and earth of the supply with a neon
tester or voltmeter.
In case of earth fault
8 Disconnect the electric iron from the supply, dismantle
it. Visually inspect and test with a multi-meter/megger
for any contact of live wire with the body
- insulation failure
- broken parts Failure of temperature setting controller
- damaged thermostat/actuating leaf porcelain 11 Check the adjusting knob for proper fixing and
- switch actuator. actuation of shaft. (Fig 4)
- Check for continuity of thermostat and heating 12 Open the contacts of the thermostat and inspect them
element. visually.
9 Rectify the fault by replacing the defective part 13 Clean the pitted or burnt out contacts.
(element, thermostat etc.) Fig 2 (A & B). 14 Check for the actuating mechanism. (Heat the
In case of open in element circuit thermostat by a suitable external heating device.)
10 Remove the cover to check the thermostat, indicator 15 Assemble the iron and test for good working.
bulb circuit and element

- Connect the series test lamp to the element circuit

shorting the contacts of the thermostat indicated
110 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.102
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TASK 2 : Service and repair of a Kettle

1 Record the name-plate details of the appliance.

Name-plate Details

2 Disconnect the power cord and check the power cord

for continuity of the cable, soundness of the terminal
connection and insulation resistance between the line,
neutral and earth terminals.

If found defective, either repair or replace

the power cord.

3 Check the continuity of the kettle heating element ei-

ther by using a test lamp or a Megger without opening
the kettle.

If there is no continuity, the element is as

sumed to be open and it has to be replaced

4 Check the insulation resistance between the appliance

socket terminals and the body of the kettle.

If the insulation resistance is less than one

Megohm, the kettle element needs to be

5 Read the assembly diagram in the instruction book of

the kettle and dismantle the parts in the sequence rec- - Bottom cover
ommended by the manufacturer. - Pressure plate
6 In the absence of the manufacturer’s recommended - Sole-plate with asbestos insulation
sequence diagram of the assembly, the following parts
may be removed observing the correct procedure as - Element
shown in the exploded Fig 5.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.102 111

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7 Obtain a suitable element of the right shape, wattage 11 Measure the insulation resistance between the body
and voltage and necessary mica and asbestos sheets of the appliance and its terminals before and after
of the same type and quality. connecting the power cord.
8 Check the element for its continuity and ohmic value. Switch ‘ON’ the kettle only after filling water
9 Replace the new element in position. in it.

10 Assemble the parts in proper order and connect the 12 Test the appliance with supply for its working.

Take care to fit the asbestos sheet and the sole

plate at the sole plate housing in the correct

TASK 3 : Service and repair of a cooking range

1 Note the name plate details of the electric cooking
2 Disconnect the power supply from the appliance.
3 Study the connection diagram, given by the
manufacturer or trace the connections of the cooking
range (Fig 6).

6 Assemble and connect the electric cooking range.

7 Measure the insulation value between the terminal to
body of the appliance at various positions of all the
4 Check the continuity of the surface unit element one
by one. Insulation resistance value should be more
than one Megohm.
5 Replace the burnt out surface unit element as shown
in Fig 7. 8 Check the appliance with the supply for its working
Before replace the coil check the correct shape,
wattage and voltage of the element. Do not
attempt to open parts whcih are not notified
as defective.

TASK 4 : Replace the wornout selector switch of cooking range

1 Open the cover of the defective switch, trace the con- 4 Confirm the condition of the contacts. If found wornout,
nections and note down the position and column of then remove the switch from the appliance. (as shown
cables. in Fig 8).
2 Open the connections of the switch from the termi- Take care to fix the screws, washers at the
nals. complete housing of the selector switch.
3 Check the continuity of input and output of the selector
5 Replace the new selector switch in position.

112 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.102

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6 Connect the cables as per made in step 1.
7 Measure the insulation resistance between line
terminals and the body of the cooking range at various
positions of all the switches. Measured insulation
resistance should be above one megohms.
8 Test the assembled switch with the supply for its

TASK 5 : Service and repair of a geyser

1 Record the details of the appliances in Table 2

2 Open the inspection cover for electrical terrminals con-
nection and thermostat installation in the geyser
after removing the power plug. (Fig 9)

Check and ensure that the switch is off before

removing the power plug.

3 Connect a visual examination of the i) power cord ii)

plug pin termination and iii) termination at appliance.
4 Check for proper tightness and good electrical contact
at terminations. Replace the plug pin if found pitted.
5 Conduct the insulation test on the cord - between the
leads, lead and earth. Enter in Table 1
6 Measure the insulation resistance between the element
and the earth/body and record in Table 1. The
minimum value of the insulation resistance should be
one megohm. If it is less than one megohm, send the
geyser for repair and rectification.
7 Connect the geyser to the supply and switch on the
appliance, keeping the inspection/bottom cover of the
electrical connections open.

The geyser should be switched on only with

water in the container.

8 Observe that the heating process is cut off by the

actuation of the thermostat. (The time depends on the
capcity of the geyser and the thermostat setting).
9 Switch off the supply. Remove the plug. Measure the
insulation resistance value between the terminals and
the body of the heater/thermostat while it is hot and
record the value in Table 1
10 Replace the thermostat if unit in the insulation value is
less than one megohm.
11 Refit the inspection cover. If the insulation value is
normal (i.e. above one megohm) apply grease over the
screw before fitting.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.102 113

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Table 2
Name of the appliance : ....................................... Serial No : ........................................................
Voltage : ....................................... Current : ........................................................
Supply : ....................................... Wattage : ........................................................
Capacity : ....................................... Make : ........................................................

Cord Insulation Between lines Between line/body Date of servicing

............. Megohm ............... Megohm
Element insulation Between terminal and Recommended Repair
body / thermostat Replacement if any


Listen to the complaints of the customer/user and note b Defective thermostat
them. Proceed as stated below for the specific nature of
i) Check the setting of the thermostat and adjust
fault complaint.
it to a lower value. Switch on the geyser. Wait
Nature of fault for the thermostat to cut off the supply, or for
1 No hot water : Check for the undermentioned causes about 20 minutes. Open the inlet. Collect the
in the given sequence. water at the outlet and measure the hot water
a No power
ii) If the water temperature is much higher than the
b Defective thermostat set value of the thermostat, replace the
c Thermostat out of calibration thermostat with a good one. If the temperature
of the hot water is close to the range setting of
d Defective heater element
thermostat it indicates a defective setting as the
i) No power only cause.
Check the fuse of the circuit, and replace the fuse, if 3 Water not hot enough
Check for the undermentioned causes.
Check the availability of power at the socket outlet using
a test lamp a Thermostat set too low

Open the inspection cover and check the cord for its b incorrect heater element
continuity. Replace the cord, if necessary. c Excessive lime in tank
Switch off the supply and remove the plug i) check the thermostat setting and adjust it to a
before opening the cover. higher value. If the geyser produces hot water
ii) Defective thermostat : Check the thermostat for with the resetting, then the earlier setting was
continuity between its terminals at diferent settings. wrong.
Replace the defective thermostat with a good one. No ii) Check and test the wattage of the heating
continuity between the terminals indicates element. If it shows a lower value, replace it with
defectiveness. a higher wattage element.
iii) Thermostat cut off calibration : Adjust the thermostat
iii) Remove the heating element, inspect the
for a higher setting. If the thermostat is found to be
element and the inner side of the copper vessel
good, switch ON supply. Observe the fuse.
for deposit of excess lime coating. In case the
iv) Defective element : Check the element for its heating element is of correct wattage, and the
continuity and insulation value between the terminal thermostat is properly set remove the lime
and the body (sheating of the element). coating.
Replace the defective heating elementwith an identical Drain the water from the container of the
good one . Switch on the supply and observe. geyser before removing the element.
2 Water too hot
Check for the undermentioned causes.
a Thermostat set too high
114 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.102
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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.103

Service and repair of induction heater and oven

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• dismantle the induction heater and identify or locate the faults
• replace the faulty parts with good ones
• dismantle the oven and identify or locate the faults
• replace the faulty parts with good ones
• assemble the induction heater and oven and test for its working.


Tools / Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Electrcian Tool Kit - 1 Set • Induction heater 1 kW, 250V - 1 No.
• Screw driver 250 mm - 1 No. • Electric oven 1 kW, 250V - 1 No.
• Connector screw driver 150mm - 1 No. Materials
• Electrician Knife 150 mm - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Metal brush - 1 No. • Thinner - as reqd.
• Soldering iron 60W, 230V - 1 No. • Resin core solder - as reqd.
• Tile cutter - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Service and repair of induction heater

1 Note the name plate details of the induction heater Fig 1
and record them in the Table.

Name Plate Details

SL No. _________ Power ___________KW

Make _________ 1φ / 3φ

Voltage _________V
Current _________A

2 Disconnect the power supply from the induction heater.

3 Check the power cord for continuity of the cable

If found defective, replace the power cord

4 Open the induction heater.

5 Do a thorough cleaning of PCB and other parts.

6 Remove the main board for visual inspection and trouble

shooting. DRY SOLDERS

7 Check whether PCB is covered by varnish.

10 Check whether any capacitor cracked in the PCB
8 Apply thinner and rub with metal brush and scrap with
(Fig 2). If so remove it from the PCB with the help of tile
a knife and expose the dry solder points. (Fig 1)
cutter (Fig 4) .
9 Retouch all the points with fresh solder.
11 Check the electrolytic capacitors on the board and
replace with a new one if they are found at the brim.

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12 Press the switches on the control board and if they 15 After completing the work put the PCB and other parts
show resistance, it may be due to improper contact. back into the cabinet, (Fig 3). Fig 6 shows the cook
top of induction heater.
13 Replace all the Press-to-on button switches.
16 Test the appliances with supply for its working.
If buttons are slightly longer than the one on
the board, nip the extra length with tile cutter

14 Defective switche is shown below (Fig 5)

Fig 2


0.27/1200V CAP

Fig 3

TASK 2 : Service and repair of oven

1 Identify the oven model number or part number on the 3 Remove the screws that secure the element to the
element oven

The package (Fig 8b) of the new element will 4 Pull the element 10 to 12.5 cms away from the back
list the manfacturers, model numbers and part wall of the oven (Fig 7)
numbers for which it serves as a replacement 5 Remove the screws that hold the wires of element
2 Turn off the power to the oven at the breaker box and 6 Install the new oven element attaching the wires as
unplug the oven they were before

116 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.103

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7 Secure the new element to the back wall of the oven

(Fig 8a) shows element.
8 Plug the oven back in and return the breaker back to
the “ON” position
9 Test the oven with supply for its working.

There may be little smoke when the new

element heats up it’s likely just the factory

coating burning off.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.103 117

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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.104

Service and repair of mixer and grinder

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the data of the given mixer
• identify the area of problem in the mixer by visual inspection and tests
• dismantle the mixer
• trace, identify and locate faults in the mixer
• replace faulty parts with good ones
• clean and lubricate the bearings
• assmble mixer and test for its working
• read and interpret data of wet grinder
• test the line cord for continuity
• measure insulation resistance between the terminals
• trace, identify and locate faults in a wet grinder
• replace faculty parts with good ones.


Tools and Instruments Equipment / Machines

• Electrician Tool kit - 1 Set • Mixer 250 V 50 Hz. 400 watts - 1 No.
• Test lamp 100 W, 240 V - 1 No. • Grinder 250 V 50 Hz 0.25 HP - 1 No.
• D.E. spanner set of six 6 mm to 22 mm - 1 Set • AC Ceiling Fan 60 W, 250V - 1 No.
• Plastic spanner for opening the jar screw - 1 No.
• Box spanner set of 6mm to 22 mm - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Grease/lubricating oil - as reqd.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Kerosene - as reqd.
• Philips screwdriver 4 mm blade dia - 1 No. • Cleaning brush - 1 No.
• Pulley puller 3leg 200 mm - 1 No. • Sandpaper smooth - as reqd.
• Soldering lead, 40:60, soldering flux - as reqd.
• Service manual (if available ) - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Service a mixer

1 Note down the name-plate details in the maintenance - good condition of switches
cards. (Table 1)
- proper mounting of the motor.
2 Enter the details of the complaint from the customer
Check whether the nyon/rubber coupling of the jar and
in the maintenance card.
motor are properly seated, if not replace.
3 Switch on the mixer and check for its functioning.
Sometimes the retaining spring and washer
4 Isolate the mixer from the supply. might have got spoiled and need to be
5 Open the bottom cover and conduct visual inspection replaced.
for :
- damages in the supply cord and loose terminal

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Table 1
Maintenance Card

Name of the customer Address

Name of the appliance Serial No

Wattage Current Voltage

Supply Make

Date of Consumer’s Defects noticed Details of repair and

servicing complaint by visual inspection replacement

Enter the mixer details in the maintenace card (Table 1)

6 Conduct an insulation test of the motor and record in
the maintenance card (Table 2). The schematic digaram
of a mixer circuit is given in Fig 1.

The insulation resistance value should not be

less than one megohm.

7 Improve the insulation value by heating or varnishing, if

the insulation value is less than one megohm and enter
the test results in the maintenance card. (Table 2)
8 If the motor is opened for varnishing, clean thoroughly
the stator and armature and bush bearings. (Fig 2) could be removed by CTC. Seat the bushes properly
over the commutator. Check for adequate length of
9 Conduct the insulation test after varnishing and enter
brushes to exert spring pressure.
the results in the maintenance card (Table 2).
If the brush length is shorter by 1/3 of its original
Remember that the nuts at the blades and the
length it is better to replace with the brushes
centre shaft holding nut are to be loosened by
of the same grade and size. The new brush
clockwise movement and tightened by anti-
has to be bedded on the commutator properly.
clockwise movement in most of the mixers.
12 Assemble the motor and tighten the terminal screws.
10 Lubricate the bearing as recommended by the manu-
facturer before assembly. 13 Assemble the blade with the jar and nylon coupling at
the bottom.
Most of the bearings need no lubrication. If
required,a drop of light oil like 3-in-1 oil could 14 Connect the motor to the supply and start the mixer.
be used. 15 Observe the working of the mixer for smooth running.
11 Clean the commutator surface. A black carbon deposit

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104 119

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Table 2
Insulation resistance before Insulation resistance after
varnishing/heating varnishing/heating
Date of Details for
servicing Between terminal Between Armature Between terminal Between Armature repair and
and body and field and body and field replacment

TASK 2 : Repairing of mixer

1 Listen to the complaints of the customer/user and enter 2 Inspect visually the following parts for trouble.
in the maintenance card (Table 1).
- Power cord and plug
Common complaints are listed in the troubleshooting chart
- Terminal connections at the switch (back cover to)
along with reasons for the possible cause and the corrective
action to be taken. - Couplings
- Freeness of the shaft
- Burnt smell or discolouring of windings.

TASK 3 : Service a grinder

1 Switch on the grinder and check for its functioning. 5 Conduct an insulation test of the motor and record in
Table 4. If the insulation value is above 1 megohm,
2 Isolate the grinder from the supply.
switch on the grinder and observe its function.
3 Open the inspection cover. Note down the name-plate
6 If the insulation resistance is less than 0.5 megohm,
details in Table 3.
improve the insulation value by heating or varnishing,
Table 3 provided the motor is opened for varnishing.
Name of appliance r.p.m Table 4
Serial No. Volt Insulation resistance Between Between
Capacity H.P Current terminals winding
and body
Phase Frequency
Date of servicing
4 Conduct visual inspection: Recommended repair
- for supply cord Replacement if any
- for good condition of switches 7 Clean thoroughly the motor and the bearing of the
- for proper mounting of motor and drive alignment grinder.
(Fig 3) 8 Lubricate the bearing as recommended by the
manufacturer before assembly.
9 Assemble the motor and tighten the terminal screws,
pulley screws, flywheel nuts, motor fixing bolts etc.
(After adjusting belt tension)
10 Connect the motor to the supply and start the grinder.
Observe the working of the motor and the grinder for
smooth running.

120 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104

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TASK 4 : Repairing of grinder
1 Listen to the complaints of the customer/user com-
plaints may be:
i) Grinder not working
ii) fails to start, but runs in either direction, when
started manually
iii) starts but heats rapidly
iv) reduction in speed - motor gets too hot
v) grinder is noisy
Check the capacitor. Replace it if defective.
vi) grinder gives shock.
Starts but heats rapidly.
Grinder not working
Check the cetrifugal switch. If it is not opening, rectify or
Check whether there is open connection in line. Rectify
the fault if observed.
Reduction in speed - motor gets too hot.
Check for any open circuit in motor winding (starting and
running winding). Send it for repairs, if open circuited. Check the winding for its short circuiting and grounding
(Fig 4) (earthing).
Check the bearing to know whether it is sticky. Repair or
replace, if found defective
Grinder is noisy
Check for worn out bearings - replace the bearings and
inspect the shaft for scoring.
Check the end play, add additional end for preventing
wahers, if the play is too much.
Check the loose parts (that is loose hold-down bolts, loose
Check tightness of the belt. Adjust the belt for proper tension
fan, pulleys etc). Tighten them.
as recommended by the manufaturer. (Fig 3)
Check whether there is misalignment. Align the pulleys
Check whether it is due to tight bearings. Test by turning
correctly. (Fig 3)
the shaft by hand. If lubrication does not help, the bearing
must be replaced. Check the belt. Replace if it is worn out. (Fig 3)

Fails to start, but runs in either direction when Check the shaft of the motor. Replace or send the motor
started manually. for repair, if found bent.
Grinder gives shock
Check the contact of the centrifugal switch. If the contact
of the centrifugal switch is not closed, repair it or replace Open the inspection cover and check for any line contact
it. (Fig 5) with the metallic body. Also ensure earthing is proper.
Rectify the accidental contact, if any, and insulate them

TASK 5 : Servicing on AC ceiling fan

1 Switch `ON' the fan and check for its smooth functioning 4 Open the switch cover. Remove any external deposits,
at different settings of the regulator. using a hair brush.
2 Isolate the fan circuit from supply by 5 Check firmness of termination. Open the regulator and
clean the inside with a brush. Check and adjust the
– removing the circuit cut-out or contacts, terminations. (Fig 6)
– switching off the mains and removing the fuse units. 6 Measure the insulation resistance between the outgoing
3 Conduct visual inspection terminal of the regulator and earth. (Fig 7) Record its
value in Table 1.
– for good condition of switch
7 Make arrangements to reach to the ceiling fan through
– for proper mounting of regulator and firm fitting of stable means of elevation. (ladder, table etc. The
knob. safety of a person is of utmost importance. Fig 8)
Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104 121
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12 Inspect the cotter pin, check-nut, connections to the
capacitor, fan leads, connector. (Fig 10) Clean the
external dust, dirt with a brush.

13 Clean the fan body first with a dry cloth and then with
a wet cloth.

On inspection after sliding the canopy, if any

excess of moisture or water is found, bring the
fan down with the rod for testing its insulation

14 Dry the fan body by external heating with 500W or

8 Note down the visual marking made on the fan, if any, 1000W bulb or in an oven, if insulation is weak due to
and the name-plate details for filling up the entries in dampness.
Table 5.
15 Clean the blades thoroughly and mount them back.
9 Remove the fan blades in succession and refit the Apply grease/oil on the screws at the time of fixing the
screws and spring washers in their place, in the body blade.
of the fan.
16 Test the fan for its smooth functioning, after resuming
10 Slide the top and bottom canopies for inspection and supply to the fan circuit.
cleaning. (Fig 9)
17 Record your observations about the points listed in
11 Inspect the supporting hook, grommet, shackle, Table 6.
supporting system, split pin etc.
Table 5
Name of appliance
Serial No. Voltage
Sweep Make
Supply Current
Watts Special marking
Insulation resistance between terminal & body Megohms
Date of servicing
Recommended repair/
replacement made, if any

122 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104

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Table 6

Sl.No. Points to be observed Normal Abnormal

1 Speed
2 Noise
3 Heat (after 10 min. run)
4 Wobbling
5 Function of regulator in all positions

TASK 6 : Repairing of ceiling fan

Listen to the user's complaints. Complaints may be

– fan is not running
– fan is noisy
– fan wobbles excessively
– motor runs hot.
Fan is not running.
1 Check the concerned branch circuit fuse and ensure
the availability of supply in the fan circuit.
2 Check for the supply in the outgoing lead from the
regulator to the fan.

If any fault is noticed in the switch and/or

regulator, rectify or replace it and ensure free
rotation of the fan by rotating it manually.

3 Check the supply at the fan terminals (either at the fan b Worn out/partly out shackle.
terminals or at the ceiling rose). c Loose element of the blade.
4 Give temporary connection for further testing, if there is d Loose or missing screws.
no supply at the ceiling rose.
e Capacitor housing slack.
5 Check the connection of the capacitor for loose
connection after switching off the supply if the fan is still f Broken or worn out split pin at the top and bottom.
not running. g Lack of lubrication, or dirt in bearing.
6 Switch ON the supply. h Worn out bearing/bush.
7 Replace the capacitor with an identical good capacitor, i Blade distortion/breakage.
if the fan is not running.
j Alignment of blades.
8 Lower the fan if even after replacing the capacitor the
Fan wobbles excessively.
fan is not running. Test winding and take the necessary
repair work if needed. 1 Check to be sure that the screws which attach the fan
blade flanges to the motor hub are tight.
Fan is noisy
2 Check to be sure that the fan blade flanges seat firmly
1 Collect the history and nature of the noise of the fan
and uniformly to the surface of the motor hub.
from the user.
2 Run the fan and observe the noise. If the flanges are seated incorrectly, loosen the
flange screws and re-tighten.
3 Identify whether the noise is due to one or a combination
of the following. (The parts are shown in Fig 11). 3 Tighten the hanger bracket screws to the junction box,
secure the hook.
a Slack canopy - touching the rotating body.
4 Interchange the adjacent (side by side) pair of blades.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104 123

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2 Check for tight bearing, if it is defective, replace it with
If the fan blades are out of balance, it can
good bearing.
redistribute the weight and result in smoother
operation. Repeat the above steps for 3 different makes.
Motor runs hot
1 Check for partial short circuit in winding. If defective,
send it for rewinding.

TASK 7 : Installation of ceiling fan

1 Cut/select the down rod length such that the blades

remain at 2.4 to 2.7 m above the floor.

Do not mix the blades of one set with another

set as the blades are matched as a set.

2 Slip in the canopies back to back through the down rod

(Fig 11) and insert the connection wires.
3 Insert the down rod on the spindle and tighten with the
bolt and nut separately packed with the hanger clamp.
(Fig 11)
4 Remove the bolt and nut from the hanger assembly.
(Fig 12)

Ensure the split pin is inserted in the bolt and

bent/ or the lock-nut is fitted.

11 Connect the wires to the ceiling rose. Slacken, slide

and fix the canopies to cover the top hook and spindle
terminals' block and capacitor.

Ensure that the canopies are fitted with

sufficient spacing.

12 Fix the blade with the screws already provided on the

5 Insert the down rod top end in the hanger clamp 13 Fix and connect the (Electronic) regulator between the
assembly and tighten with bolt and nut. fan switch and ceiling rose.
Providing split pin, cotter pin at both ends of 14 Test the fan for its working by connecting to the supply.
the down rod in a fan is a must to prevent
falling of the fan by slackening of the bolt/nut 15 Check the speed control of the fan by varying knob of
securing. electronic regulator

6 Connect the wires to the terminal block, as per the If the electronic regulator is found faulty /
instructions of the manufacturer. defective it is better to replace it with new one
instead of repairing it.
7 Refit the bolt, nut with rubber shackle in the hanger
clamp assembly.
8 Suspend the fan (without blades) by a pipe or rod
inserted through the shackle as shown in Fig 13.
9 Connect it to the rated supply for a short while and
observe for smooth running in the proper direction.
10 Mount the fan in the ceiling hook/supporting hook.

124 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.104

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Electrician - Domestic Appliances Exercise 2.6.105

Service and repair of washing machine

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• recod the name plate details of the wahing machine
• listen to the complaint of the customer and identify the type of fault
• rectify the fault in the washing machine
• service the washing machine through general checks and visual inspection
• conduct insulation resistance test on a wahing machine
• record the details of maintenance in the service card.


Tools and Instruments Equipment/Machines

• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Washing machine ordinary or
• Test lamp 60W,240V - 1 No. semi automatic type 240V, 50Hz - 1 No.
• Combination plier 150 mm - 1 No.
• D.E spanner set 6 of 22mm set of 8 - 1 Set Materials
• Philips screw driver 150 mm - 1 Set • Washing machine spares - as reqd.
• Grease gun 1.2 litre cap - 1 No.
• Oil/grease - as reqd.
• Oil cane 1/2 litre cap - 1 No.
• Geal pulley puller 3 leg 150 mm - 1 No. • Oil/grease - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Water proofing kit - 1 No.
• Teflon tape/m seal - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Repairing of washing machine

1 Record the details of the washing machine (Fig 1) in Table 1

Table- 1.
Name-plate details


Sl.No. Phase

Capacity R.P.M

H.P/K.W Voltage Hz

Max.weight Current
of clothes/

drum capacity

2 Listen to the complaints of the customer/user. The

complaints may be anyone listed in the left side column
of the table 2 The causes and remedies are given in
the right side column of the table 2

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Table - 2
Troubleshooting chart for washing machine

Sl.No. Complaints Causes and remedies

1 Machine not Swiching “ON” I

Check for open connection and rectify the same
Check the incoming supply
Check the fuse on the machine
IVCheck the motor windings and repair of minor repairs can be
carried out, if needed send it for repairs/rewinding for internal
open circuit.
V Check the speed governing starting switch, repair or replace
with a new switch.
2 Water not filling up in the washing drum I The inlet pipe is chocked. Open the inlet valve, clean it and
reconnect it using water proofing teflon tape
II Check incoming water supply and replace the same.
3 Water does not drain out of the I Check the outgoing valve, clean and reconnect it with proper
wash drum water proofing
II Check the outgoing pipe for any kinks - repair or replace the
4 Machine does not switch ‘OFF’ after I Check the timer working. The timing mechanism at pre-deter-
mined times set on the timer have been closed or clogged - if
possible, repair it.Otherwise replace the timer with a new one.

II The timer may be okay but the switch may be stuck -replace
the switch.
5 Machine becomes ‘ON only for a very I The timer setting may be incorrect;set the timer properly.
short duration and then switches off
II The speed governor switch may be faulty; dismantle the motor
and repair the same, If possible, or replace the starting speed
governor swivel mechanism.
III The running winding impedance could have increased due to
open circuit and insulation failure. Check the running winding
impedance and rewind the motor, if necessary.
6 The machine is noisy I Check the balancing of the drum and correct the same if found
off balance.
II The motor shaft pulley/drum driver pulley may be loose,tighten
the same.
III The belt of the machine drive might have loosened thus giving
IV Check the bearings of the motor, replace the worn out or grease
the same using the recommended grease.
V Check all rubber bushings that are used in the machine for
absorbing mechanical vibration, and replace, if found spoilt or
7 The machine gives shock I Isolate the machine from the spply and carry out megger test
II If there is an insulation failure found in the plug, isolate the
motor and check the winding with body.
III If winding insulation failure is detected, send the motor for
IV If insulation failure is detected, trace the complete wiring of
the machine and locate the faulty or leaky insulation area.
V Replace the complete wire that is found faulty

126 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.105

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Sl.No. Complaints Causes and remedies
VI Check for any water leakage/seepage into the electrical wiring
area and carry out water proofing for all such areas where
leakage of water is detected.
VII Check the machine body if it has been earthed and the earth
brought to the plug. Check if the socket board earthing is
present; then correct the same by providing proper earthing
8 When power is swiched ‘ON’ motor I Check if the motor shaft is rotating; the pulley to the hum is
heard but the wash agitator does motor shaft may be loose,
tighten the same.
II Check the belt tension. If the belt has become loose tighten
the same by the tension adjustor or replace the belt with a
new one.
III Check if the agitator of the machine is sufficiently loose,i.e.
the bearing if free and not tight; carry out lubrication of the
bearing if necessary.
9 When the machine control switch is I Isolate the machine from the supply, isolate the motor terminals
switched ‘ON’ the fuse blows and check if there is an insulation failure/short circuit in the
motor or in the wiring of the machine.
II If short circuit/insulation failure in the motor, rewind the motor.
III If short circuit/insulation failure is present in the rest of the
machine, trace the same and remove the short circuit.

TASK 2 : Servicing of washing machine

1 Read the instruction manual of the washing machine. not, disconnect the machine from the supply then level
2 Connect the machine to the supply and switch on the the machine on the floor and let the water is drained
machine in steps as indicated by the operating/ out.
instruction manual. 5 Isolate the machine from the supply. Open the
3 Check the water flow at the inlet to the machine. If inspection cover of the machine and carry out visual
found incorrect clean the inlet and reconnect the water inspection of :
supply using proper waterproofing method. If leakage - the supply cord and its terminations i.e. between
is present at the connecting point between the machine plug and machine terminals
and the water pipe, use teflon tape between the - condition of the motor pulley-belt and drive alignment
couplings to prevent leakage.
- all internal connections between the control panel
4 Check the water flow at the outlet and check whether and the machine motors, timer and switches, shown
all the water is drained out of the wash drum. If it does in Fig 2.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.105 127

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6 Lubricate the bearings of the motor with a suitable 9 Close the inspection hatch/cover and connect the
grease as recommended by the manufacturer with the machine to the supply and load the machine with the
help of the grease pump. number of clothes recommended by the manufacturer
for the smooth running of the washig machine.
7 and especially where maximum vibration of the
machines is felt, use a dot of grease or oil in the Table 3
Insulation resistance between
8 Conduct an insulation test of the motor and record it terminal & body windings
in Table 3, using a 500V Megger. Insulation resistance
Date of servicing
should be around 1 megohm; if found less then check
the wiring and internal accessories and all electrically Recommended repair
live parts for moisture and weak insulation. Remove
Replacement of parts
the moisture and prevent any water leakage near the
electrical parts suitably. Reconduct the insulation test.

128 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.105

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.106

Verify terminals identify components and calculate transformation ratio of

single phase transformers
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the details of the name-plate of single phase transformer
• identify H.T & L.T. winding
• determine transformation ratio (turns ratio) by the
- voltmeter method
- ammeter method.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• VoltmeterM.I. 0 - 250/300V - 2 Nos. • Knife switch DPST 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Ohmmeter (0 - 500 ohms) - 1 No. • Push-button 6A, 250V - 1 No.
• Ammeter M.I. type (0 - 10 Amp) - 1 No. • Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Ameter M.I. 100 mA - 1 No.
• Voltmeter M.C. 0-15V - 1 No.
• D.C. supply 12 volts - 1 No.
• Single phase transformer 115/230 volts,
1KVA - 1 No.
• Auto-transformer (IP-240V)
OP 0-270V, 5A - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Identification of terminals

1 Find out the corresponding terminals of two windings

(H.T. & L.T) with ohmmeter as shown in Fig 1, by
checking the continuity.

4 Mark HT terminals as A1 and A2. Mark at LT terminals

as a1 and a2.

2 Determine HT and LT winding by measuring 5 Press the push-button switch. Observe the deflection
resistances with the ohmmeter. of the pointer of the voltmeter. If the pointer deflects in
the right direction, retain the markings made on
L.T. windings will have low resistance in the case terminals.
of step down transformer.
6 Change the voltmeter connections made to LT
Record resistance of both pairs. terminals and change the marking made on the LT
terminals if the deflection is in the reverse direction.
1st pair ___________ ohms. This is HT/LT winding. Now press the push-button switch once again and
2nd pair ___________ ohms This is HT/LT winding. observe that the voltmeter deflects in right direction.
3 Connect DC supply to HT through push-button swithch
and connect the voltmeter to LT as shown in Fig 2.

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TASK 2 : Verification of transformation ratio (by voltmeter method)
1 Connect the auto-transformer and the voltmeters to 4 Calculate the transformation ratio from the measured
the transformer as shown in Fig 3. Check and set the V1 & V2 values.
auto-transformer at zero volt output position.
Applying the formula -

Transformation ratio = V

Table 1
Sl. V1 V2 Transformation
No. ratio K=V2/V1

1 100 Volts
2 Switch on ‘S2’ and adjust the autotransformer to get 2 125 Volts
the output voltage V1 = 100 volts and read V2 record
the value in Table 1. 3 150 Volts

The output voltage of the auto-transformer 4 200 Volts

should be adjusted to about 50% of the rating 5 225 Volts
of the H.T. side.
5 Compare the calculated transformation ratio with the
3 Set the V1 value for the values indicated in Table 1 and transformation
record the corresponding readings of V2 in Table 1.
6 Transformation ratio calculated
from measurements =
from markings =

TASK 3 : Verification of transformation ratio (by ammeter method)

1 Connect the auto-ransformer output to the transformer 3 Increase the voltage to give the required current in H.T.
H.T. winding through a milliammeter in the line as winding.
shown in Fig 4.
4 Read the L.T. current. Record in Table 2.
5 Change the H.T. current to different values and record
the corresponding L.T. current.
Table 2
Sl. I1 I2 Transformation
No. ratio K=I1/I2
The current in the H.T. winding should be kept
low, but should be large enough to be 4
measured accurately with a milliammeter. 6 Verify the transformation ratio with the markings on
2 Connect the L.T. winding to the ammeter. The ammeter the name-plate and record your findings.
should carry the rated current of L.T. side.

Use the current transformer and ammeter if the

secondary rating is very high.

130 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.106

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.107

Perform open circuit and short circuit test to determine the efficiency of single
phase transformer
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• conduct open circuit test to determine iron or core loss
• conduct short circuit test to determine full load copper loss
• determine effiiciency of the transformer at different loads.


Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Voltmeter M.I. 100V - 1 No. • Transformer 100/250V 1 kVA 50 Hz - 1 No.
• Voltmeter M.I. 150V - 1 No. • Auto-transformer input 240V
• Wattmeter 250V, 5A - 1250W - 1 No. Voutput 0 to 270V, 5A - 1 No.
• Ammeter M.I. 5A - 1 No.
• Ammeter M.I. 15A - 1 No.
• Frequency meter 45 to 55Hz. - 1 No. • Knife switch DPST 16A, 240V - 1 No.
• Power factor meter 0.5 lag -1-0.5 • Connecting cables - as reqd.
lead 250V rating - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Conduct open circuit test to determine iron or core loss

1 Identify the LT and HT windings of the given transformer. Increase the voltage slowly up to (100%) of the
2 Connect the Auto-transformer, frequency meter, rated value of the transformer L.T.
ammeter, wattmeter. Voltmeter to the LT side of the 4 Check for the supply frequency is at rated value.
transformer as shown in Fig 1.
5 Observe the meters and record the readings in Table.
6 Repeat the above steps for 110% rated value of
transformer voltage and record the readings in Table.

Sl.No. Rated Voltage Current Total Iron
V A loss W
1 100%
2 110%

Ensure that the auto-transformer is initially set From the above data the No Load Loss is equal
at zero volt output position. to iron loss. Since the copper loss is negligible.
3 Close the switch ‘S’.

TASK 2 : Conduct shot circuit test to determine full load copper loss of a transformer
Short circuit test
1 Connect the auto-transformer, ammeters, voltmeter The secondary is short circuited by the
and wattmeter in the HT side of the transformer as ammeter.
shown in Fig 2.
3 Increase the voltage gradually to obtain full load current
Ensure the auto-transformer is initially set at in the secondary winding of the transformer.
zero volt output position.
4 Observe the wattmeter and record the readings.
2 Close the switch ‘S’
W = Copper loss (full load).

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TASK 3 : Determine efficiency of transformer or different loads
1 Prepare and draw the circuit diagram for the said task 4 Close switch S1 and gradually increase the output of
and get approved by your instructor. the auto-transformer to reach the rated voltage.
2 Collect the equipments and materials and check their Keep all the switches in the lamp bank in ‘off’
condition. position.
3 Connect the circuit as per the approved circuit diagram 5 Close switch S2 and switch ‘on’ the incandescent
(Fig 3). lamps one by one till ammeter A2 reads 25% of the
Keep the switches s1 and s2 open. Set the auto
transformer for zero volt output. 6 Adjust the auto-transformer Tr2 if necessary to keep
the primary voltage constant.

7 Record the readings of the instruments in Table 1. 11 Calculate the efficiency using the formula
8 Increase the incandescent lamp load to 50% of the Output
full load 75% of the full load and 100% of the full load Percentage efficiency × 100 OR
and record the reading in each case.
9 Reapeat the above steps by switching on the tube Percentage efficiency = Output + losses ×100
lights to get a power factor of about 0.9, 0.8 and 0.7
and record the readings in Table 2.
10 Switch ‘OFF’ supply after bringing the knob of the auto = W + W × 100
transformer to minimum (zero) postition.
where W1= Iron loss + copper loss.

132 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.107

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Table - 1
(Unity P.F)
% Efficiency
Sl.No. Load V1 A1 P.F (Cos φ ) V2 A2 W =

1 No load
2 1/4th load
3 1/2 load
4 3/4 load
5 Full load

Table - 2
(Different P.Fs)

% Efficiency
Sl.No. Load V1 A1 P.F (Cos ) V2 A2 W

1 No load
2 1/4th load
3 1/2 load
4 3/4 load
5 Full load

12 Complete the tasks and get approved by your instructor Conclusion

and disconnect the circuit.
1 The relationship between load and efficiency _______
2 The relationship between power factor and efficiency
3 The efficiency will be maximum when ________

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.107 133

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.108

Determine voltage regulation of single phase transformer at different loads

and power factors
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect the transformer with suitable instruments to measure load and power factor
• calcutlate the regulation of single phase transformer from the readings of instruments in primary and
secondary side.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Ammeter M.I.-0 to 5A, 0 to 10A each - 1 No. • Connecting cable - as reqd.
• Voltmeter M.I.-0 to 300 V, 0 to 150 V - 1 No. • 40 watts-tube light fitting - 10 Nos.
each • DPST switch 250V 16A - 2 Nos.
• P.F.meter 0.5 lag -1 - 0.5 lead • SPT switch 6 A - 2 Nos.
250 V rating - 1 No.
• Induciton motor with starter & loading
• arrangement 240V 50Hz 1 HP - 1 No.
• Auto-transformer Input 40V
Output 0 to 270 V, 5 amps - 1 No.
• Single phase transformer 115/230V
1 kVA, 50 cycle air cooled - 1 No.
• Lamp bank 5 A, 250V - 1 No.


1 Form the circuit as shown in Fig 1.

Check the auto-transformer Tr2 is set at zero
2 Note down the name-plate details of the transformer. volts output position.
(Table 2)
3 Switch on ‘S1’ and adjust the voltage of primary to
Table 1
rated secondary voltage (Vo) of transformer.
Sl. Load Secondary Change Regulation
No. (Lamp) Terminal of volts 4 Close the load switch S2
Voltage VS VO-VS 5 Adjust the lamp load as indicated in Table 1 and record
the secondary voltages at each load. (Vs)
1 No load VO
6 Calculate % of regulation at different resistive loads.
2 1/4 F.L.
3 1/2 F.L.
4 3/4 F.L.
5 F.L. 7 Put the inductive load with lamp bank (mixed load) so
that the load power factor is lagging.
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Table - 2 8 Gradually increase the mixed load and measure the
terminal voltage, power factor and record in Table 3.
Calculate the % of regulation at different loads and
power factors.
9 Describe the relationship between p.f. and % of
regulation when P.F. changes. Switch off ‘S2’ and ‘S1’.

Table 3
Sl. Load Change Regulation
No. (Mixed)A2 Vs PF of volts

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.108 135

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.109

Perform series and parallel operation of two single phase transformers

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• conduct the polarity test of the transformer (R)
• connect two single phase transformers in parallel
• connect two single phase transformers secondary in series.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Voltmeter MI, 150V - 1 No. • ICDP switch 16A 250V 50Hz - 4 Nos.
• Voltmeter MI, 300V - 2 Nos. • Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Single phase transformer 230/115,
1 KVA 50 H1. - 2 Nos.
• DC supply 12V/Battery 12V - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Connect the transformer secondary in series

1 Connect the transformer as per diagaram. (Fig 1) 2 Close the switches S1, S2 and S3.
3 Measure the primary voltage V1 and secondary voltage
V2 and record in Table 1
Table 1
Transformer in series
Primary Secondary
V1 V2


4 Disconnect the transformers by opening S3, S2 and

Table 2
Sl. No. Type of cooling
KVA Frequency
Date of MFG

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TASK 2 : Connect the transformer in parallel

1 Read and record the name-plate details of both the Table 3

transformers, Tr1 & Tr2 in table 2.
Transformer in parallel
2 Determine the polarity of the two given tranformers.
Primary Secondary
3 Connect the switches, transformers and meters as V1 V2
per diagram. (Fig 2)


7 Check the secondary voltage of Tr1 and record it

table 2.
8 Close the switch S3 and check the secondary voltage
of the transformer Tr2 and record. (Table 2)
9 Close the switch S4 and S5 and measure the secondary
bus bar voltage and record in table 3.
10 Switch off all the switches and disconnect both the

11 The effect on secondary voltage of transformers when
connected in series is

12 The effect on the secondary voltage of transfomers

when connected in parallel is
4 Keep all the switches open.
5 Ensure that the transformers are identical for parallel
6 Connect trasformer Tr1 to the bus bar closing the _________________________________________
switches S1 & S2. Measure the primary voltage V1 and
record in Table 3

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.109 137

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.110

Verify the terminals and accessories of three phase transformer HT and LT

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the name plate details of a three phase transformer
• verify the terminals of HT and LT winding
• Identify the accessories of a three phase transformer.


Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• DE Spanner Set 5mm to 20mm - 1 Set • 3 - Phase transformer 415/240V,
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. 3 KVA - 1 No.
• Screw driver 200mm - 1 No. • 3 - Phase transformer Input 415 V
• M.I.voltmeter 0-500 V - 1 No. Output 0-500 V, 3 kVA - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No.
• Test lamp 40 W, 230 Volts - 2 Nos.
• Connecting leads - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Verify the terminals of three phase transformer

1 Note down the name plate details and enter in Table 1

Table 1

Name plate details

SlNo : ___________ Type of cooling : ________
KVA : ___________ Mass of Coil : ________
Volts HT : __________ Total mass : _________
LT : ___________ Date of MFG : _________
Amps HT : __________ Volume of oil : _________
LT : __________
Frequency : __________

2 Check the continuity test using a multimeter to find

out the two groups of terminals. (Fig 1)
3 Apply 15V 3φ supply to U1, V1 and W1 by switching on
switch ‘S’.
4 Measure the voltage between V2 and W2 and between
V2 and U2. If the voltmeter shows less than 15 volts
then those windings are LT winding. If the voltmeter
shows more than 15 Volts then those windings are HT
winding. (Fig 2)

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TASK 2 : Identify the accessories of 3 phase tranformer

1 Get permission to enter the 11 KV transformer d Breather

substation yard from the appropriate authority
e Cooling pipes
2 Identify the following accessories of a 100KVA three
f Explosion vent with oil gauge
phase transformer. (Fig 3 and 4)
g Earthing terminals
a HV & LV Bushing
h Oil level indicator.
b Buchholz relay
c Conservator

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.110 139

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140 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.110
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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.111

Perform 3 phase operation (i) delta - delta (ii) delta - star (iii) star-star (iv) star
- delta by use of three single phase transformes
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect three single phase transformers to 3-phase supply with different types of primary and
secondary connection
• measure the primary and secondary line voltages in each type of connection
• determine the line volage ratio and compare with the theoretical ratio values.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician tool kit - 1 No. • Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Voltmeter M.I. - 0 to 500V - 1 No. • ICTP switch 500V, 16A, - 2 Nos.
• Voltmeter M.I. - 0 to 300V - 1 No. • HRC fuses, 2 Amp - 3 Nos.
• Single phase transformer
1 kVA 415/230 V 50Hz - 3 Nos.

1 Connect the three single phase transformers and per
All the three transformers should have the
form polarity test and voltage ratio test.
same voltage ratio and same primary and
Note down the voltage ratio of each secondary voltages.
transformer in the table.

2 Mark the termials of the primary (HT) and secondary

(LT) of each single phase transformer as follows.

The Terminal Marking are as per Standards

Terminals Transformer Transformer Transformer

1 2 3

Primary (HT) 1U 1V 1W
Starting Ending Starting Ending Starting Ending
1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2
Secondary(LT) 2U 2V 2W
Starting Ending Starting Ending Starting Ending
2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2

TASK 1 : To connect the transformers as three phase delta-delta transformer

1 Connect the dissimilar ends of the primary together. Connect 2.2. of Tr.1 with 2.1 of tr.2 and mark it as 2 V
i.e. (Fig 1)
Connect 2.2. of Tr.2 with 2.1 of tr.3 and mark it as 2 W
Connect 1.1. of Tr.1 with 1.2 of tr.3 and mark it as 1 U
3 Connect 1U, 1V, 1W to ICTP switch S1.
Connect 1.2. of Tr.1 with 1.1 of tr.2 and mark it as 1 V
4 Connect a volmeter 0-500V across 1U and 1V.
Connect 1.2. of Tr.1 with 1.1 of tr.3 and mark it as 1 W
5 Connect a voltmeter 0-300V across 2U and 2V.
2 Connect the dissimilar ends of the secondary
6 Close the switch S1 and Note down the primary line
windings. i.e.
voltage and secondary line voltage in tabular column
Connect 2.1. of Tr.1 with 2.2 of tr.3 and mark it as 2 U under Delta-Delta connection.
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7 Calculate the ratio of secondary line voltage and
primary line voltage. Compare the values with
Theoretical values.

TASK 2 : To connect in star-star connection

1 Connect any three similar ends of primary winding
together. Say connect 1.2 of Tr.1, 1.2 of Tr.2, 1.2 of
Tr.3 together and mark the junction as 1N. (Fig 2)
2 Mark 1.1 of Tr.1 as 1U,1.1 of Tr.2 as 1V and 1.1 of
Tr.3 as 1W.
3 Connect any three similar ends of secondary winding
together. Say connect 2.2 of Tr.1, 2.2 of Tr. 2, 2.2 of
Tr.3 together and mark the junction as 2N as shown in
circuit 2.
4 Mark 2.1 of Tr.1 as 2U, 2.1 if Tr.2 as 2V and 2.1 of Tr.3
as 2W.
5 Repeat the steps 3,4,5,6,7 of Task 1.

TASK 3 : To connect in star-delta connection

1 Connect three similar terminals of the primary
windings together. Say connect 1.2 of Tr.1, 1.2 of Tr.2,
1.2 of Tr.3 and mark the junction as 1N. As shown in
Fig 3.
2 Mark 1.1 of Tr.1 as 1U,1.1 of Tr.2 as 1V and 1.1 of
Tr.3 as 1W.
3 Connect the dissimilar terminals of the secondary
Connect 2.1. of Tr.1 with 2.2 of tr.3 and mark it as 2 U
Connect 2.2. of Tr.1 with 2.1 of tr.2 and mark it as 2 V
Connect 2.2. of Tr.2 with 2.1 of tr.3 and mark it as 2 W
4 Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Task 1.

142 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.111

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TASK 4 : To connect in delta-star connection
1 Connect the dissimilar terminals of the primary
windings as follows. (Fig 4)
Connect 1.1. of Tr.1 with 1.2 of tr.3 and mark it as 1 U
Connect 1.2. of Tr.1 with 1.1 of tr.2 and mark it as 1 V
Connect 1.2. of Tr.2 with 1.1 of tr.3 and mark it as
1 W.
2 Connect the three similar terminals of secondary
windings together. Say connect 2.2 of Tr.1,2.2 of Tr.2,
2.2 of Tr.3 and mark the junction as 2N as shown in
Fig 4.
3 Mark2.1 of Tr.1 as 2U, 2.1 of Tr.2 as 2V and 2.1 of Tr.3
as 2W.
4 Repeat steps 3,4,5,6,7 of Task 1.

Voltage ratio of each transformer K =.......

Tabular Column

Line Voltage Ration Line Voltage Ration

Type of Connection Primary Secondary (Theoretical)
Line Line
Voltage Voltage

Delta - Delta

Star - Star

Star - Star

Delta - Star

If a 3 single phase transformer is available with six secondary terminals brought out then follow the
same procedure as given in above tasks with the following given terminal markings.

Transformer Windings 1 Transformer Windings 2 Transformer Windings 3

Starting Ending Starting Ending Starting Ending

Primary (HT) 1.1U 1.2U 1.1V 1.2V 1.1W 1.2W

Secondary (LT) 2.1U 2.2U 2.1V 2.2V 2.1W 2.2W

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.111 143

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.112

Test and replace transformer oil

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• conduct field test on the transformer oil
• conduct crackle test on transformer oil
• connect dielectric test on the transformer oil using standard test set.


Tools/Instruments Equipments/Machines
• Glass tumbler - 1 No. • Standard transformer oil test kit with
• Pipette - 1 No. it’s accesories - 1 No.
• 200mm dia. metal tube with one • Electric heater 1000 watts/250V - 1 No.
side closing - 1 No. Materials
• Insulated piler - 1 No.
• 100 mm connector screw driver - 1 No. • Samples transfomer oil
• Double end electrician knife - 1 No. (different samples) - as reqd.
• Distilled water - as reqd.


TASK 1 : To conduct field test

1 Collect a glass tumbler, pipette, oil sample and distilled a The shape of the oil drop ....
water on the work bench.
b The dia for the field .....
2 Fill the glass tumbler with the distilled water to 3/4th
c Condition of oil .... good/bad.
3 Take a sample drop of transformer oil through a pipette If the shape of drops retained, the oil is good.
and drop a single drop on the distilled water. If the shape is flattened and the drop occupies
the area of diameter less than 18mm, the oil
4 Observe, the field of the oil surface and record the may be used. If it is more, it is not suitable
field diameter and shape. and it has to be reconditioned.

TASK 2 : To conduct Crackle test

1 Collect, steel tube, heater and a sample of transformer 5 Record the sound heard.
a Sound heard ......
2 Heat the close end of steel tube.
b The condition of the oil is ..
3 Pour the oil sample into the tube.
If the oil contains moisture, a sharp crackle
4 Take the open end of the tube to the ear and hear the sound will be heard. Dry oil will only sizzle.

TASK 3 : To conduct dielectric test with oil testing kit

1 Examine the oil testing set and read the instructions 3 Take atleast three samples in three bottles from the
given by the manufacturer. (Fig 1) transformer to conduct atleast three tests.
2 Take a sample of the transformer oil in a clean, 4 Clean the standard test cup by washing it with clean
transparent and dry glass bottle. If there is a drain oil and adjust the gap of the electrodes in such a way
valve take the sample from the drain valve. that it should be of 4 mm.
If it is not possible to take the sample from the drain Measure the gap by the calibrated gauge,
valve then the sample may be drawn by syphoning off which is usually supplied with the equipment.
from the conservator tank.
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11 Raise the voltage until the final breakdown of the oil.
The circuit breaker will get tripped. Simultaneously
watch the voltmeter and note the readings of the
breakdown voltage. (Fig 2)

After sparking the oil near the electrode will turn black
in colour.
12 Repeat the steps 5 to 11 with oil in the second sample.

Note that the breakdown voltage of the first

and second samples should be approximately

13 Prepare the test for the third sample.

14 Conduct the test by increasing the test voltage up 40
15 Apply the test voltage for about one minute and observe
that there is no sparking.
Note that good oil should withstand 40 kV for one

Since the water is heavier than oil, it settles

down at the bottom of the tank.
5 Fill the cup with a sample of oil to be tested 1 cm
above the electrodes or the marked level on the cup. 16 If the tested oil is in good condition, fill this oil in the
6 Close the cup with a clean cover and allow 5 minutes transformer tank up to the oil level marked on the body
for the oil to settle so that all air bubbles may disappear. of the transformer tank.

7 Make sure that the test area is clear of all the other
8 Set voltage regulation at zero position.
9 Switch ‘ON’ the supply.
10 Raise the voltage gradually from zero so that the full
voltage is reached within 20 to 30 seconds.

It is quite possible that a spark may occur at a

very early stage i.e even 20 kV due to some
extraneous matter like microscopic strands of
cotton, dust etc. which have a tendency to get
aligned along the strong electrostatic field in
the spark gap. It may burn out and may not
affect the test.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.112 145

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.113

Practice on winding of small transformer

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• dismantle the transformer cores
• measure and determine the size of winding wire for primary and secondary winding
• take the dimensions of a bobbin and prepare the bobbin from suitable materials
• wind the primary and secondary windings layer by layer
• stack the cores and fasten them
• terminate the winding end in a terminal board
• test the transformer for insulation, transformation ratio and performance
• design a transformer when power and voltage ratings are known.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Scissors 150 mm - 1 No. • Super-enamelled copper wires - as reqd.
• Steel rule 300 mm - 1 No. • Empire sleeves 1 mm, 2mm - 1 m each
• Firmer chisel 20 mm - 1 No. • Air-dry varnish - 100 ml.
• Hammer ball pein 0.5 kg - 1 No. • Resin-core solder 16 SWG - 10 G
• Iron soldering 25 W, 240V - 1 No. • Soldering paste -5g
• DE spanner 6 mm to 25 mm - 1 No. • Smooth emery paper - 1 piece
• Mallet hardwood 0.5 kg - 1 No. • Fabric based fibre sheet
• Nylon mallet 5 cm dia. - 1 No. and 6 mm thick - 3 mm
• D.B. Knife 100 mm - 1 No. • Cotton cloth for cleaning -
• Insulation papers - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Dismantling the transformer for rewinding

1 Note down the name plate details in Table 1. 5 Remove the clamps attached to the core.
2 Draw the end connection terminal marking of the 6 Gently tap the transformer core with a nylon mallet so
transformer in your record. that the core gets loosened.
3 De-solder the leads and remove the terminal strips if 7 Remove the stampings starting from the centre of the
they are attached to the core. core using Hylam/fibre knife.
4 Loosen the nuts of the core assembly and remove the In the case of hard stacked stamping,
screws if any. occasionally use a thinner to loosen the

Table 1
Transformer raring plate

No of Phase ........... SI.No........

V.A rating .......... Frequency .......
Primary voltage............volt Secondary voltage..........volt
Primary current...........amp Secondary current..........amp
Manufacturer ...................................

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11 Strip off the winding carefully. During the stripping
If a metal knife is used to remove the tight
process record all the particulars in Table 4.
and sticky stampings, care should be taken not
to damage the stampings.While stripping the 12 Draw the schematic diagram of the primary and
core see that the stampings are taken out secondary sides of the transformer from the above
straight without bends. findings in your record.
8 Remove all the stampings and record the following in 13 Clean the bobbin, write down the bobbin particulars in
Table 2. Table 5 for your guidance.
Table 2 The same bobbin can be used if it is not
Core details damaged.

Type of core ......................................................

No.of.stampings of shape.............. No..........
No. of . stamping of shape............. No..........

9 Wipe the bobbin and winding with a cloth.

10 Record the dimensions of the coil in Table 3 with and
without insulation and prepare a template to check
the winding’s height and length.

Table 3
Size of the coil

With Without
Description Remarks
insulation insulation
Coil height ....... cm.
Coil height ........ cm.

Table 4

Winding details

Total No. of winding/turns .....................

No. of layers ...................................
No. of turns/layer Min .....................
Layer insulation Type ...............Thickness

With Without Wt.of

Insulation Insulation thecoil

Primary winding
1 st Tapping, No. of turns ....diameter of wire .....g
2 nd Tapping, No. of turns ...diameter of wire .....g
3 rd Tapping, No. of turns ... diameter of wire .....g

Secondary winding
Winding 1, No. of turns ....diameter of wire .....g
Winding 2, No. of turns ...diameter of wire .....g
Winding 3, No. of turns ... diameter of wire .....g

Coil insulation - type ..........thickness

Connecting lead ................size

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113 147

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Table 5
Bobbin details

1 Type of bobbin ...............Injection moulded/Built up

2 Bobbin material ..............Thickness
3 Length of the bobbin,,
4 Width of the bobbin,,,
5 Height of the bobbin H,, H2

TASK 2 : Preparation of bobbin

1 Referring to the data taken in Table 5 and as per Fig 1,

prepare the bobbin parts from a hylam/fibre sheet of
the same thinckness.

Bobbin parts of standard sizes are also avail-

able in the market which can be assembled
to form the bobbin.

2 Assemble the parts of the bobbin as shown in Fig 2

which is given for your guidance.
3 Check the size of the assembled bobbin and verify it
with the data taken and recorded in Table 5.

In the case of an injuction moulded bobbin it

can be purchased from the market assuming
it is of standard size.

TASK 3 : Rewinding of transformer

1 Prepare/select a suitable mandrel for the prepared
bobbin as shown in Fig 3 or prepare a wooden block
as shown in Fig 4 depending upon the design of the
winding machines.

2 Clamp the mandrel/wooden block in the winding

See to it that while clamping the mandrel/
wooden block, under no circumstances the
work becomes loose during winding.
3 Fit the bobbin tightly to the mandrel of the winding
machine with the help of fasteners as the bobbin must
turn along with the mandrel without play. (Fig 5).

148 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113

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If the winding wire thickness is sufficiently
large, soldering of connecting lead wire is not
4 Adjust the feed of the winding machine to suit the
selected winding wire size by friction drive or by 8 Start the winding and complete atleast one layer to
changing the gear as shown in number 1 of Fig 6 and7. check whether the coil length is well within the bobbin
as in the original. If not, readjust the transverse feed.

Adjacent turns of the winding wire should not

overlap or have a gap in between them. if
incorrect, readjust the feed.

9 Start and ontinue the winding layer by layer providing

the necessary in-between insulation and specified
number of turms in each layer as per data taken in
Table 4.
10 After the designated number of turns are wound, solder
the end lead and take it out through the bobbin flange

If a coil has a number of taps of winding, never

cut the wire. Instead fold the length into a long
loop and carry the wire to continue the
winding. The looped wire can then be bared
and connected outside the coil.

11 After inspecting the primary winding, wrap the winding

as shown in Fig. 9 with sufficient insulation according
to the data taken in Table 4.

5 Adjust the transverse feed of the winding machine

guides such that the length of the inner side of the
bobbin so as to maintain the length of the coil as in
the original. Refer to number 2 of Figs 6 and 7. You
may need several trials before final setting.
6 Place one layer of paper or cloth as core insulation on
the bobbin smoothly without crease.
7 Solder a connecting lead and sleeve the same with
the beginning end of the selected winding. Place the 12 Select a suitable secondary winding wire as shown in
lead wire at one end of the bobbin and take it through the data taken in Table 4 and proceed as in steps 4
the bobbin flange outlet and tie with a knot to avoid to 7.
slipping as shown in Fig 8.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113 149

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14 Inspect the coil for proper termination of lead and
The transformer may be provided with one or
check the size by using a template and data taken in
more secondary windings or tapped windings.
Table 3.
In such a case follow the data recorded and
also refer to the connection diagram shown 15 Test the windings for continuity and short circuit.
in step 12, Task 1.
If winding data is not available or a new transformer
13 At the end of the winding, wrap and bind the insulation has to be designed and wound, follow the instructions
on the winding tightly. contained in the Related Theory, Exercise No: 1202.

Bindings must cover the winding fully and must

be free of crease and must not project beyond
the coil disc (flange).

TASK 4 : Stacking of transformer cores (E & I)

1 Insert an ‘E’ lamination into the bobbin from both sides 5 Place an ‘I’ shaped lamination in position.
as shown in Fig 10a.
2 Place the right hand side (R.H.S.) laminations below Ensure that it lies flat on the first “E”
the one inserted from the left hand side (L.H.S.). lamination.
3 Place an ‘I’ lamination to the free end of the L.H.S. ‘E’ 6 Likewise insert the laminations alternately without any
piece as in Fig 10b. gap as shown in Fig 11.

Ensure that when all of the specified quantity

of laminations are inserted, the assembly has
the right dimension, from loose laminations
and correct interpolated laminations.

7 Fit both the top and bottom clamp plates on the

assembly as in the original. (Figs 12a and 12b)

Ensure that the slot in the ‘I’ is above the corresponding

slot in the R.H.S. ‘E’ lamination.

The laminated assembly should be flush and

lying flat.

4 Insert the second ‘E’ shaped laminations from the

opposite side.

Ensure that it fits snugly against the bobbin.

150 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113

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Pay particular attention to align the core slots 14 Secure the terminal board with the specified studs.
in the laminations. 15 Check that no leads have been trapped between the
terminal board and the core.
Ensure that the fixing bolts can be easily
inserted. 16 Make the specified mechanical joint between each lead-
out wire and its soldering tag.
8 Push the fixing bolts through the clamp plates.
17 Solder each joint and cut off the surplus wire ends as
9 Use the specified fasteners and tighten the assembly. seen in Fig 13.
10 Varnish the transformer by dipping in an air-dry varnish
and drain it.
11 Fit the specified insulating sleeves over the lead-out
12 Obtain the specified terminal board and pass each
lead-out through the specified hole.

Ensure that all the sleeved leads are correclty


Check that all the sleeved leads terminate at

each hole i.e. no bare leads should be visible
in the terminal board.

13 Place the terminal board in position as shown in

Fig 13.

TASK 5 : Testing of transformer after winding

1 Test the primary and secondary windings for continuity Table 8

with a megger.
No-load measurement
2 Measure and record the primary and secondary
winding resistance in Table 6. Primary voltage ................ volt
Secondary voltage
Table 6
1 ....................... volt
Transformer winding resistance
2 ....................... volt
Primary resistance ................. ohm
3 ....................... volt
Secondary 1 resistance ................. ohm
5 Observe for vibration sound of the core. If it is abnormal,
Secondary 2 resistance ................. ohm
tighten the stampings, also check for tightness of the
Secondary 3 resistance ................. ohm coil.

3 Measure and record the insulation resistance, between 6 Connect the transformer with suitable load so that full
windings and frame in Table7. load current passes through the secondary, and record
the voltage and current at load in Table 9.
Table 7
Table 9
Insulation resistance between
Load measurement
Primary & secondary windings ................ megohm
Primary voltage .............. volt
Secondary windings ............. megohm
Primary current................ amp
(in case of seperate windings)
Secondaryvoltage ........... volt
Windings and frame ............ megohm
Primary current................ amp
4 Connect the primary winding of the transformer with
the rated voltage. Keeping the secondary open, test 7 Keep the transformer on full load for eight hours
the primary and the secondary voltage. Record the continously. Observe the change in temperature of the
finding in Table 8. winding and core by touching. If the temperature raise
is within the class of insulation, the transformer is O.K.

Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113 151

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TASK 6 : Testing of transformer after winding

1 Collect the following data from the customer. secondary and the size of winding wire for primary
and secondary.
- output, power and frequency
3 Follow the procedure stated in this job sheet except
- input and output volt dismantling of the transformer core and complete the
- duty rating, (intermittent or continuous) winding.

2 Follow the procedure outlined in Related Theory for

Exercise No.2.7.113 determine the dimensions of the
transformer, bobbin, number of turns in primary and

152 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.113

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Electrician - Transformers Exercise 2.7.114

Practice of general maintenance of transformer

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• carry out hourly maintenance of transformer
• carry out daily maintenance of trasformer.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician tool kit - 1 No. • Items required for reactivating silica gel.
• Spare relief diaphragm.

Note: The instructor may take the trainess to the transformer yard and demonstrate the maintenance


TASK 1 : To carry hourly maintenance

1 Note down the secondary load current of the transformer b Switch off the load feeders which are not very
read by the ammeter provided. essential
2 Check this value with the rated value as per name c Again charge and switch on the circuit breaker.
plate details.
4 Record the values of primary line voltage and line
3 If the load current is more than the rated value then current and secondary line voltage and line current
reduce the load on transformer by the following and PF in Table 1.
5 Note down the oil temperature which is indicated by
a Trip off the circuit breaker thermostat dial or thermometer in Table 1.

Maintenance chart for hourly maintenance of 3φ
φ transfomer

Primary Secondary Secondary

Sl. Date & Line Voltage Line Voltage Current Power Oil Remarks
No. Time Factor Temp
Phases Voltage Voltage Current
Phases Phases
(V) (V) in Amps

1 1U - 1V 2U - 2V 2U

2 1V - 1 W 2V - 2W 2V

3 1W - 1U 2W - 2U 2W

TASK 2 : To carry out daily maintenance of transformer

1 Inspect the dehydrating breather, by following c If the silicagel is pink in colour, reactivate it in
sequence. following sequence.
a Check whether the air passages are clear, if not 2 Collect the sillica gel crystals in a shallow tray and
clean it brake them at 200°C.
b Check the colour of the active agent i.e. silicagel 3 When the crystals become blue in colour, fill the
breather with reactivated blue crystals.

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4 Inspect the oil level in the transformer. 8 If there is a leak in the transformer tank, take suitable
actions to prevent leakage by consulting the instructor.
5 Observe the conservator sight glass and check the
oil level of the transformer. 9 Inspect the relief diaphragm.
6 If the oil level is low, top up the level through drain 10 Observe the explosion vent of the transformer and
value by filling clean transformer oil. check the condition of relief diaphragm and record the
observations in Table 2.
7 If the oil level drops appreciably over a short period,
then check the tank for any oil leakage. 11 If it is cracked or broken replace it after isolating the
primary supply to the transformer.

Table 2

Maintenance chart for daily maintenance of 3φ oil cooled transfomer

Date Time Oil level Colour of Condition of Remarks

Silicagel relief diaphragm action taken

154 Electrical : Electrician (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.114

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Project Work
Objectives: The Trainees/Participants shall be able to
• select a project work of their choice
• prepare the list of materials required and collect them
• list out the tools required
• prepare a brief note on the project
• complete the project and submit the project report with all the details.

• Get it checked with your instructor.

Note: Instructor has to explain in detail
regarding the project works to be carried out • The project should complete with all operational
in the section. The trainees may be divided in instructions and carry necessary procedure with
groups according to the strength available in switches, controls, labels, symbols etc.
section and give all details how to prepare and
• Safety devices has to be placed according to the project
finish the work with complete workmanship
and its functions.
and accuracy.
• Maintenance and repair instructions should be
• Step to start and follow the project work indicated clearly.
• Motivate the group by emphasising the technical work
Note: Instructor has to evaluate the project work
involved and its future influences.
with all records and reports. Marks to be
• Divide the work equally and make sure in yoke awarded for the project working, accuracy,
participating with full interest. workmanship, safety features and its work
performance related to the viva questions.
• Start the project work, test it stage by stage and
complete it.
Project work
• Test the completed project job for its functionality and
1 Overload protection of electrical equipment.
its utility.
2 Automatic control of street light/night lamp.
• Prepare a project report containing its technical
parameters, specification, material requirement and its 3 Fuse and power failure indicator using relays.
cost, operational procedure, maintenance, utility and 4 Door alarm/indicator.
marketing etc.
5 Decorative light with electrical flasher.
• Indicate the scope of future expansion, easy conversion
to other project for advanced version in the report.

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