Iso/iec 27001
Iso/iec 27001
Iso/iec 27001
ISO/IEC 27001 does not formally mandate specific information security controls
since the controls that are required vary markedly across the wide range of
organizations adopting the standard. The information security controls from ISO/IEC
27002 are noted in annex A to ISO/IEC 27001, rather like a menu. Organizations
adopting ISO/IEC 27001 are free to choose whichever specific information security
controls are applicable to their particular information risks, drawing on those listed in
the menu and potentially supplementing them with other a la carte options
(sometimes known as extended control sets). As with ISO/IEC 27002, the key to
selecting applicable controls is to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the
organization’s information risks, which is one vital part of the ISMS.
Furthermore, management may elect to avoid, transfer or accept information risks
rather than mitigate them through controls - a risk treatment decision within the risk
management process.
ISO/IEC 27001 is derived from BS 7799 Part 2, first published as such in 1999.
BS 7799 Part 2 was revised by BSI in 2002, explicitly incorporating the Plan-Do-
Check-Act cyclic process.
BS 7799 part 2 was adopted as ISO/IEC 27001 in 2005, with various changes to
reflect its new custodians.
The standard was extensively revised in 2013, bringing it into line with the other ISO
certified management systems standards and dropping explicit reference to PDCA.
See the timeline page for more.
ISMS. Section 4.4 states very plainly that “The organization shall establish,
implement, maintain and continually improve” a compliant ISMS.
8 Operation - a bit more detail about assessing and treating information risks,
managing changes, and documenting things (partly so that they can be audited
by the certification auditors).
Annex A Reference control objectives and controls - little more in fact than a
list of titles of the control sections in ISO/IEC 27002. The annex is ‘normative’,
implying that certified organizations are expected to use it, but they are free to
deviate from or supplement it in order to address their particular information
in the body of the standard as a normative (i.e. essential) standard and there are
several references to ISO 31000 on risk management.
ISO/IEC 27001 is a formalized specification for an ISMS with two distinct purposes:
14. Evidence of nonconformities identified and corrective actions arising
(clause 10.1)
15. Various others: Annex A, which is normative, mentions but does not fully
specify further documentation including the rules for acceptable use of assets,
access control policy, operating procedures, confidentiality or non-disclosure
agreements, secure system engineering principles, information security policy
for supplier relationships, information security incident response procedures,
relevant laws, regulations and contractual obligations plus the associated
compliance procedures and information security continuity procedures.
Certification auditors will almost certainly check that these fifteen types of
documentation are (a) present, and (b) fit for purpose. The standard does not specify
precisely what form the documentation should take, but section 7.5.2 talks about
aspects such as the titles, authors, formats, media, review and approval, while 7.5.3
concerns document control, implying a fairly formal ISO 9000-style approach.
Electronic documentation (such as intranet pages) are just as good as paper
documents, in fact better in the sense that they are easier to control.
showing how the risks are to be treated in the body, and perhaps who is accountable
for them. It usually references the relevant controls from ISO/IEC 27002, but the
organization may use a different framework such as NIST SP800-55, the ISF
standard, BMIS and/or COBIT or a custom approach. The information security control
objectives and controls from ISO/IEC 27002 are provided as a checklist at Annex A in
order to avoid ‘overlooking necessary controls’.
The ISMS scope and SoA are crucial if a third party intends to attach any reliance to an
organization’s ISO/IEC 27001 compliance certificate. If an organization’s ISO/IEC
27001 scope only notes “Acme Ltd. Department X”, for example, the associated
certificate says absolutely nothing about the state of information security in “Acme
Ltd. Department Y” or indeed “Acme Ltd.” as a whole. Similarly, if for some reason
management decides to accept malware risks without implementing conventional
antivirus controls, the certification auditors may well challenge such a bold assertion
but, provided the associated analyses and decisions were sound, that alone would not
be justification to refuse to certify the organization since antivirus controls are not in
fact mandatory.
In effect (without actually using the term “metrics”), the 2013 edition of the standard
requires the use of metrics on the performance and effectiveness of the
organization’s ISMS and information security controls. Section 9, “Performance
evaluation”, requires the organization to determine and implement suitable security
metrics ... but gives only high level requirements.
When the revised version is released, ISO/IEC 27004 will offer advice on what and
how to measure in order to satisfy the requirement. Meanwhile, we recommend the
approach described in PRAGMATIC Security Metrics!
According to the ISO survey for 2014, there were just under 24,000 ISO/IEC 27001
certificates worldwide:
Certification brings a number of benefits above and beyond mere compliance, in much
the same way that an ISO 9000-series certificate says more than just “We are a
quality organization”. Independent assessment necessarily brings some rigor and
formality to the implementation process (implying improvements to information
security and all the benefits that brings through risk reduction), and invariably requires
senior management approval (which is an advantage in security awareness terms, at
The certificate has marketing potential and demonstrates that the organization takes
information security management seriously. However, as noted above, the assurance
value of the certificate is highly dependent on the ISMS scope and SoA - in other
words, don’t put too much faith in an organization’s ISO/IEC 27001 compliance
certificate if you are highly dependent on its information security. In just the same
way that certified PCI-DSS compliance does not mean “We guarantee to secure credit
card data and other personal information”, certified ISO/IEC 27001 compliance is a
positive sign but not a cast-iron guarantee about an organization’s information
security. It says “We have a compliant ISMS in place”, not “We are secure”. That’s an
important distinction.
ISO/IEC 27001 was completely rewritten and re-issued in September 2013. This was
far more than just tweaking the content of the 2005 edition since ISO/IEC JTC1
insisted on substantial changes to align this standard with other management
systems standards covering quality assurance, environmental protection etc. The idea
is that managers who are familiar with any of the ISO management systems will
understand the basic principles underpinning an ISMS. Concepts such as certification,
policy, nonconformance, document control, internal audits and management reviews
are common to all the management systems standards, and in fact the processes can,
to a large extent, be standardized within the organization.
ISO/IEC 27002 was extensively revised and re-issued at the same time, hence Annex
A to ISO/IEC 27001 was completely updated too: see the ISO/IEC 27002 page for
A technical corrigendum published in October 2014 clarified that information is, after
all, an asset.