Field Report Diploma ZPC
Field Report Diploma ZPC
Field Report Diploma ZPC
I would like to express my special thanks to all who helped me in the placement of the practical
training and writing this field report. Though it is not possible to mention all of them but just to
mention few may represent all who I am indebted to for their untiring support and cooperation.
God of Host, creator of the living and non-living, who created me and granted me with good
health at the time of training and writing this report.
My beloved parents, who provided all necessities as I was in the practical training, without them
it would not be easy for me to undertake practical training and writing this report.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the head of Procurement management Unit at Zanzibar
Port Corporation of Mr. Khalil for all support needed to facilitate the practical training and
writing field report.
Other thanks should go to the officers in PMU department for receiving me with worm welcome
and good support.
And lastly my thanks should go to all lecturers, staffs of ICPS and the management of ICPS for
being with me friendly in all years of my study.
First of all we should like to thank Almighty God for enabling us to restrain all the time we was
in training and the time we was so far from my family.
Secondly to my Mother, Father and Grandmother who have given us the chance to participate
fully in the time of Report.
Third to all our follow students we just wish them the best. Almighty
Me Jamila Ramadhan Ali I declare to the Report Proposal titled “Zanzibar Port Corporation ”
(ZPC) is my own original work and has not been submitted for the same or similar award to any
other Institution of higher learning.
Candidate name:
Supervisor name:
OS Office Supervisor
HR Human Resource
This report is very valuable to business management practical in the field of procurement and
supplies who require knowledge the main goal to serve the procurement and supplies learners,
who starts from ZPC.
This field report based on Clearing and forwarding, Procurement Audit, Inventory, Principle of
management, QM and Research Methodology.
Chapter one
Chapter two
This include the description of the activities, background of (ZPC) and organization structure.
Chapter three
Include the literature review objectives and performed during whole period of my field training
practice and advantage of what I have learned on that training.
Chapter four
Due to this chapter regarding deals on interpretation, analysis and achievement on carrying task
and challenge faced during the period of any field at (ZPC).
Chapter five
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..............................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1:0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 The focus of the field.........................................................................................................................4
1.2 Methods of collecting data.................................................................................................................4
1.2.1 Documentary review.......................................................................................................................4
1.2.2 Interview.........................................................................................................................................5
1.2.3 Observation....................................................................................................................................5
1.2.4 Internet...........................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES............................................................................................5
2.1 Procurement management Unit..........................................................................................................6
2.2 Minor Value Procurement..................................................................................................................7
2.3 Open competitive tendering...............................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Invitation of Tender........................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 Receiving and Opening Tender.......................................................................................................8
2.3.3 Evaluation of Tender.......................................................................................................................8 Preliminary examination of the supplier......................................................................................8 Detailed evaluation of Bids..........................................................................................................9
2.3.4 Submission of the evaluation report to the tender board on award decision..................................11
2.3.5 Notification of award and signing of contract...............................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................................12
3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................12
3.1 Theoretical review...........................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Conceptual definitions of the key terms........................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................14
4.0 INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS...........................................................................................14
4.1 Experience, lessons and skills..........................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................15
5.0 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION................................................................................15
5.1 Recommendations...........................................................................................................................15
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................16
Organization structure...............................................................................................................................19
The Zanzibar Port Corporation (ZPC) is a puplic entity, which has full autonomy for operation
and development of ports. Zanzibar is located in the indian ocean, about 22 miles of the cost of
mainland Tanzania. Malindi port was built in 1925 as a modest lighter port .The wharves f the
main seaport were constructed in1989-1991 with financial assistance from the European
Union.The port handles more than 90% of Zanzibar trade.Malindi port is in a poor state in terms
of infrustructure (quays, container stacking yard etc) as well as very limited operation area and
storage facilities.
The objective of the Corporatoin is to create a harmonious and enabling environment within the
maritime industry which will ensure the provision of safe, secure and efficient shipping
operations in the country.
To provide efficient, effective and responsive port services for socio- economic development of
Zaanzibar Port Corporation leading in the provision of efficient and customer – responsive
services in the Eastern African Region.
Core Values
The core values which also shape the Authority’s culture are:
• Integrity: Corporation strives to be fair, honest and trustworthy in all our dealings.
• Accountability: At all times the corporation prepares to account for its actions and
omissions to stakeholders and the industry with a view to building Public confidence.
• Transparency: The Corporation is open with the community and industry about its
Practices and policies, for the information it collects, analyses and decisions it makes.
• Efficiency: Provides services with speed and accuracy to avoid service disruption.
• Team Spirit: The Corporation is imbued in Team Spirit and work as an institution and
individuals to ensure sustained service to the Public.
Procurement reforms in Tanzania started way back in 1997. The Reform led to the enactment of
Public Procurement Act No,3 in March, 2001 (PPA 3.2001)
It became operational in July, 200. In 2002 a country procurement review assessment was carried
out which suggested further reforms from centralized procurement systems.
The reforms culminated in the enactment of public procurement Act No.21 of 2004.
The Government enacted the procurement Act No.3 of 2001 to guide government ministries,
departments and public bodies including parastatal organizations in the procurement of goods,
woks and services with effect from 2nd July,2001. The public procurement Act No.21 of 2004
repealed this Act.
The procurement Act has the intention of regulating the relations between natural person (s) and
the state and those against the government interest.
The procurement Act provided punishment for damage to those who have inflicted harm against
the government or for those who have caused loss to another natural person.
The procurement Act No .21 of 2004 is an Act of Parliament. The Act and its regulations
override all other laws in respect of public procurement.
The public procurement Act (PPA) as quoted here under states that; Upon the coming into
operation of this Act. Laws, regulations or rules.
Relating to public procurement shall cease to have any public power, function Authority, or
duty in relation to any other matter connected with procurement of goods, works and services.
In matters of procurement of goods, services or works only this Act of parliament applies for any
assertion related to public procurement in this regard sect 88 ( 1),2.
All the time different organizations/ ministries and regional administrative units are in need of
various goods. This process of acquiring these goods is called procurement of goods. This
process is carried out through a competitive tendering process and other methods.
Goods mean raw materials, products equipment’s and other physical objectives of any kind and
description whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form electricity intangible assets and intellectual
property as well as services incidental to the supply of goods themselves provided that the value
of the service does exceed.
The Zanzibar Port Corporation (ZPC) The Corporation is headed by a Director General with
Chairman of the Board of Director heading seven directors of governing body.
The description of the ZPC as the place where I have conducted my field also includes;
The PMU in ZPC was established on 27th June 1995, pursuant to section 33C.
The major objective of Procurement Management Unit is to provide experience and services in
Procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Organization.
• Procurement sections.
• Maintenance and updating of inventory and records of goods and Assets for the
• Warehousing Section.
• To keep and maintain proper records of goods and supplies maintained in warehouses.
Currently the Zanzibar Port Corporation comprise of Seven (7) members chaired by the Director,
Department of Administration and Personnel.
Also other focus was to expand the managerial experience at the ZPC , this is especially when I
get an opportunity to be in the meeting of the T.B.
It was a good opportunity for me to get this chance to be trained at the ZPC because of the high
number of competence staff who work in the PMU.
1.2.3 Observation
During the period of my field I have been involved with the many daily activities of the ZPC that
can enable me to use observation as the method in the collection of data. Much relevant and
efficient information I have obtained by observing those activities that are performed at the ZPC.
For example preparation of the quotation, issuing of quotation, receiving and opening of
quotations, evaluation of quotation, award contract to the lowest evaluated bidder, receiving of
goods by inspecting them and finally payment to the bidder made.
1.2.4 Internet
Finally, this is the method that I have used in the process of collecting data, because there are
various information and data are obtained through internet especially in the procurement
As I conclude this introduction, the rest of the chapters will provide the explanation on the
description of the activities, literature review, interpretation and analysis and finally the
recommendations and conclusion will sum up this report.
• Keep records in the file for every information of suppliers, Contractors and Consultants
and other documents which are involved in Procurement.
• Advice the management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services
and logistics managements of the Company.
• Procure, maintain and manage suppliers, materials and services to support the logistical
requirement of the Company.
• Provide secretariat services to the tender Board as per Public Procurement Act.
• Set specifications/standards for goods and services procured and adherence to them to
ensure value for money, and
• Prepare action plan, progress reports and budget for the unit.
Zanzibar Port Corporation purchases goods, works and services by using different methods. The
common ones are;
2.2 Minor Value Procurement
At the ZPC used to buy items which have low value by using Local Purchasing Order or
Local Purchasing Order is a document which has three leaflets of color. This leaflet is white
which is original and second is pink which is called duplicate and the third is blue color which is
a triplicate. LPO is used when the ZPC wants to buy goods or services from their suppliers who
choose to supply goods by using LPO. This LPO is used for buying goods with values below ten
million (10 m) and works with the value below twenty million (20 m). For the goods or services
above the said threshold tender advertisement is used as a procurement procedure according to
the Public Procurement Act and Regulation No.9 2005.
The LPO should contain the items that organization wants, their quantity and price. The LPO
were signed by authorized person who is head of PMU. The original LPO should remain to the
supplier and the other copies which are duplicated were remained to procuring entity. After that,
supplier allowed to deliver goods required together with delivery note. Organization receives,
inspect and accept goods by signing the delivery note and stamp it. Then supplier issue invoice to
the procuring entity to ask for his payment.
• The subject matter of the advertisement e.g. invitation of tender for computer accessories
and office equipment.
• Name of the Company who quote that tender and the address of supplier inside of
• They read out the bid security and its expiry date.
• In case of joint venture, all partners of the J.V are from eligible source countries.
• Bidders are not affiliated with the firm that provided the consulting services on the
specifications of the related.
Bid security
• If submitted by a J.V they are in the name of all partners of the J.V.
Completeness of bids
• All pages of the bid where entries or amendments made were signed or initiated by the
person or persons signing the bid.
Substantial responsiveness
• Starting price adjustment since in some tender, fixed price bids will be requested.
• Not conforming to delivery critical dates, e.g. delivery period 120 days after signing the
• Taking exception to critical provisions such as applicable law, taxes and duties.
Correction for errors carried out to remaining bids in accordance with Clause 29.1 of the
Instructions to Bidders which state that, any clarification submitted by a bidder in respective to
its Bid and that is not in response to a requested by the Purchaser shall not be considered. The
Purchaser shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Bid shall be sought,
offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the
Purchaser in the Evaluation of the bids.
Corrections for Provisional sums carried out looking that if there was no Provisional sum given
in the Bidding Documents, therefore no correction for Provisional sum will be applied.
Modifications and Discounts carried out to look on the prices and discounts quoted by the bidder
in the Bid Submission form and in the Price Schedules shall conform to the requirements
specified by organization.
This is carried out to examine the Bidder quoted in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country or
the portion of the bid price that corresponds to expenditures incurred in the currency of the
Purchaser’s country. Currency for bid evaluation as per clause of the Instructions to Bidders and
Bid data sheet is the Tanzanian shilling. The Bank of Tanzania had released the official exchange
selling rates used for conversion on, which is the deadline date for submission of bids.
Bids are compared in accordance with Clause 33.1 of the Instructions to Bidders, which said that,
the Purchaser shall examine the Bid to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in the
Bidding Document have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or
This is carried out to look if there were omissions from the Price Schedule and the quantity
required for item as specified by organization in the Bidding Document.
Examine the bidders who quoted the bid price including VAT, assembling and transportation to
final destination. Therefore, adjustments will be done to exclude VAT where it was included in
order to facilitate comparison on equal grounds to all bidders.
Financial evaluation
This is to check the financial status of the bidder if noted clearly in writing and should make the
correction of errors if the financial misrepresentations occur.
This is done to only one bidder who has qualified. ZPCensure that all things that have submitted
are truly found from the bidder. ZPC used to contact with some buyers who have worked with a
particular supplier.
2.3.4 Submission of the evaluation report to the tender board on award decision
After the evaluation committee concludes its evaluation activity submits its written report to the
tender board members for approval on the award decision.
If the report of the evaluation committee is accepted and gets an approval from the tender board,
the chairman of the tender board sends the report to the Principal Secretary for the coming
claims for certain period, if they remain silence at that period the lowest evaluated bidder is
called in order to sign a contract.
Goods; means raw materials, products, equipments and other physical objects of every kind of
description, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, intangible asset and intellectual
property, as well as services incidental to the supply of the goods provided that the value of
services does not exceed the value of the goods themselves.
Lowest evaluated price; means the price offered by a bidder that is found to be the lowest price
after consideration of all relevant factors and the calculation of any weighting for these factors,
provided that such factors have been specified in the tender documents.
Post qualification; means a due diligence procedure applied after tenders have been evaluated
prior to award of contract, to determine whether or not the lowest evaluated bidder has the
experience, capability and resources to carry out the contract effectively.
Procurement; means buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise acquiring any goods,
works or services by a procuring entity and includes all functions that pertain to the obtaining of
any goods, works or services, including description of requirements, selection and invitation of
bidders, preparation and awards of contracts.
Tender document; means a written or electronic document or request for proposal inviting
bidders to participate in procuring or disposal by tender proceeding and includes document
inviting potential bidders for pre-qualification.
Keep records in the file for every information of suppliers, Contractors or Consultants and other
documents which are relevant to the Procurement,
Advise the management of ZPC on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services
Monitor adherence to procurement process and procedures as per the PPA of Zanzibar.
Purchase, maintain and manage suppliers, materials and services to support the logistical
requirement of the ZPC ,
Set specifications and standards for goods procured and adherence to them to ensure value for
Prepare Evaluation Report,
Those are lessons, skills and experience that I personally gained in the period of field. These are
things that I have taught at the Institute of Continuing and Professional Studies theoretical but at
my time I have got an opportunity to face and practice them.
The additional skill that I gain is the computer application which in all activities in the
procurement must be able to use computer.
5.1 Recommendations
The followings are recommendations to ZPC and the Institute Of Continuing And Professional
Studies Zanzibar;
• ZPC should engage on providing some training to local bidders who will lead them to be
competent to use tender documents and quotations.
• Finally it will be better for the institute to teach students who study procurement and
supply the subject of record management because those documents of procurement are
required to be recorded carefully by members of PMU.
5.2 Conclusion
Practical training program has been an essential tool in widening my skills and understanding in
what I have taught theoretically in class. It enabled me to experience different working
environment prior to completion of my certificate program. Practical training program enabled
me to meet different challenges in the career through working with different people of different
level of education. Through this practical training I built confidence and understanding in various
things other than only procurement within this career. There was further gaining of personal
confidence by working with different people of different managerial position and different
Therefore I should say that the practical training is essential and it should be carried on for
students to be competent in what they have been taught in the class.
• Letter of acceptance,
• Bin cards,
Public Procurement Act No 7 of 2011 and its Regulation GN 446 of 2013 (Tanzania)
Organization structure