Castings: John Campbell, Qbe, Feng
Castings: John Campbell, Qbe, Feng
Castings: John Campbell, Qbe, Feng
Dr Peter Beeley of Leeds University has made a Brandes was my first encounter with an impressive
significant contribution to this work in the form of mixture of unassuming technical competence, pas-
kind and valuable advice during its whole course. sionate conviction, and forthright exposition of
Professor John Knott and Dr Paul Bowen of materials processing. Alf Vickers, as Managing
Birmingham University have given me valuable Director of the Cos worth Group, had the foresight
assistance on parts of the section on properties. and steadfastness to support the development of the
On a longer time scale, I am grateful to my former Cos worth process through good and bad years. This
supervisor and good friend, Dr Voya Kondic, of was a turning point for me, and possibly for the
Birmingham and Warwick Universities, whose casting industry. Time will tell.
enthusiasm for castings has been an inspiration. Eric
This book is dedicated to James A. Doel, Chairman Division which is at the forefront of commercial
of Triplex-Lloyd pic, who volunteered the sponsor- castings. The Deritend International Division pro-
ship which supported me during the writing of the duces sophisticated aluminium and magnesium
work. I trust it will be a fitting tribute to such investment castings for the aerospace market.
generous philanthropy which in time will prove to be It has been my privilege to have worked with
commercial vision. foundries from both Divisions. This happy and
The development of Triplex-Lloyd pic has been invaluable experience has been a trial by fire for the
bound up with the advance of casting technology. concepts contained here, and has contributed in no
Triplex Foundry was established in the 1930s to small way to the completeness and practicality of
manufacture domestic fire grates in grey iron. Today this volume.
it is part of the Automotive and Engineering
Preface to the paperback edition
The publication of a paperback has given the apace since the writing of the first edition. In the
opportunity for the revision of a number of minor past twelve months the work at Birmingham has
errors in the first text. In particular the units, whose established a sound theoretical and experimental
curious form crept in at a proof stage, are now basis for critical maximum velocities through ingates,
returned to standard SI form. Figure 2.12 is above which surface turbulence has been shown to
considerably revised, presenting a new diagram damage castings. This finding has advanced under-
which is more appropriate for iron and steel standing considerably, and has underpinned the
castings. Table 4.2 has also been corrected. methodology of the first edition. It is now clear for
Concern was expressed at the first volume in that the first time that the strength of most castings
it contained almost no reference to continuous (particularly light alloy castings) is limited by the
casting, nor to mathematical modelling, nor yet to presence of two macro defects: (i) oxide films and
casting alloys, particularly Al-Si and cast iron since (ii) residual stress as a result of the casting having
both are widely used and both are eutectic systems. been quenched into water after heat treatment.
However, there are a number of texts on continuous However, a detailed account of these developments
casting, and no shortage of development effort and will have to await a second edition. The rapidity of
expertise expended in this mainstream area of casting developments makes it a privilege to live in
casting. The continuous casters are therefore well such exciting times.
able to look after themselves. Regarding mathema- In the meantime, it is hoped that this paperback
tical modelling, vast efforts are under way through- edition will reach an even wider audience, assisting
out the world. There will be no shortage of texts the industry out of its everyday problems, and
here. There is also no shortage of existing works on inspiring students to achieve even higher standards
the metallurgy of cast alloys. of castings in the future.
No text dealt with the problems of making a
shaped casting. This was my aim. JC
A work of this kind cannot satisfactorily be kept Worcester
up to date. Casting developments have proceeded November 1992
Author's note
With each reprinting it has been possible to make 2. In Chapter 3, page 106, the opportunity has
minor improvements to the text which readers have been taken to correct the formula and the units
kindly drawn to my attention. On this occasion for permeability.
three main changes are noted: 3. In Chapter 4, page 163, equation 4.23, the plus
(+) and minus (—) signs have been exchanged.
1. It has become clear that a number of readers
have found difficulty with the use of the nomo- JC
grams in Figure 2.12. To clarify the operation of Worcester
these figures construction lines have been added (January 1995)
as examples.
Castings can be difficult to get right. Creating things This book is an attempt to examine these events,
never is easy. But sense the excitement of this new treating them as rapidly changing dynamic inter-
arrival: actions. It is this rapidity, this dynamism, which
The first moments of creation of the new casting characterizes the first seconds and minutes of the
are an explosion of interacting events; the release of casting's life. An understanding of them is crucial to
quantities of thermal and chemical energy trigger a success.
sequence of cataclysms. This is the story of the casting from melt to
The liquid metal attacks and is attacked by its finished product. It is an attempt to provide a
environment, exchanging alloys, impurities, and framework of knowledge to guide understanding; to
gas. The surging and tumbling flow of the melt avoid the all too frequent disasters; to cultivate the
through the running system can introduce clouds of targeting of success; to encourage a professional
bubbles and Sargasso seas of oxide film. The mould approach to the design and manufacture of castings.
shocks with the vicious blast of heat, buckling and The reader who learns to guide the production
distending, fizzing with the volcanic release of methods through this minefield will find the rare
vapours which flood through the liquid metal by reward of a truly creative profession. The student
diffusion, or reach pressures to burst the liquid who has designed the casting method, and who is
surface as bubbles. present when the mould is opened for the first time
During freezing, liquid surges through the den- will experience the excitement and anxiety, and find
drite forest to feed the volume contraction on himself asking the question asked by all foundrymen
solidification, washing off branches, cutting flow on such occasions: 'Is it all there?' The casting
paths, and polluting regions with excess solute, design rules in this text are intended to provide, so
forming segregates. In those regions cut off from the far as present knowledge will allow, enough
flow, continuing contraction causes the pressure in predictive capability to know that the casting will be
the residual liquid to fall, possibly becoming not only all there, but all right!
negative (as a tensile stress in the liquid) and sucking The clean lines of the finished engineering
in the solid surface of the casting. This will continue casting, sound, accurate, and strong, are a pleasure
until the casting is solid, or unless the increasing to behold. The knowledge that the casting contains
stress is suddenly dispelled by an explosive expan- neither defects nor residual stress is an additional
sion of a gas or vapour (shrinkage) cavity. The powerful reassurance. It represents a miraculous
surface sinks are halted, but the internal defects now transformation from the original two dimensional
start. drawing to a three dimensional shape, from a mobile
The subsequent cooling to room temperature is liquid to a permanently shaped, strong solid. It is an
no less dramatic. The solidified casting strives to achievement worthy of pride.
contract whilst being resisted by the mould. The The reader will need some background
mould suffers, and may crush and crack. The casting knowledge. The book is intended for final year
also suffers, being stretched as on a rack. Silent, students in metallurgy or engineering, for those
creeping strain and stress change and distort the researching in castings, and for casting engineers
casting, and may intensify to the point of catas- and all associated with foundries who have to make
trophic failure, tearing it apart, or causing insidious a living creating castings.
thin cracks. Most treacherous of all, the strain may Good luck!
not quite crack the casting, leaving it apparently JC
perfect, but loaded to the brink of failure by internal Worcester
residual stress. September 1990