Waste Energy

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A publication of


VOL. 61, 2017 The Italian Association
of Chemical Engineering
Online at www.aidic.it/cet
Guest Editors: Petar S Varbanov, Rongxin Su, Hon Loong Lam, Xia Liu, Jiří J Klemeš
Copyright © 2017, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
ISBN 978-88-95608-51-8; ISSN 2283-9216 DOI: 10.3303/CET1761185

Waste Energy Recovery – Including Pressure and Thermal

Energy – From LNG Regasification
Si Nguyen Tien Lea, Jui-Yuan Leeb, Jung-Chieh Chiua, Cheng-Liang Chena,*
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Chem. Eng. and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei 10608, Taiwan, R.O.C.

The world has been concentrating on waste heat recovery for several decades, with the vast majority of
achievements making a significant contribution to the development of industry and economy. The attention
has recently been paid to waste energy from cold streams. This work focuses on the recovery of waste cold
energy released from Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regasification process, including pressure and thermal
energy. A direct expansion configuration involving different steps of expansion and mass flow rate extraction
at intermediate pressure levels is adopted in the mathematical models for pressure and cold energy recovery.
An equation of state for methane (the main component of LNG) is employed to calculate LNG thermodynamic
properties in a long-range phase transition of the regasification process. A direct configuration of the organic
Rankine cycle (ORC) is employed to recover waste cold energy. The modified Peng-Robinson (PR) and
Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equations of state (EOS) play important roles in calculation of thermodynamic
properties of the organic working fluids used in the ORC. Several fluids are examined to select the most
suitable one as the ORC working fluid. All the models are developed and solved by using MATLAB. By
adopting propane as the working fluid in the ORC, the multi-stage expansion along with thermal energy
extraction is shown to be the most thermodynamically efficient configuration with the recovery of up to 170 kJ
pressure energy for each kg of the flowing LNG, and up to 74 kJ from thermal energy recovery.

1. Introduction
Starting from last decade, cold energy recovery from Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processes attracted a lot of
interest. The LNG produced is commercially delivered to the market via LNG import terminals. Predictions of a
highly significant number of new LNG import terminals (and expansion sites) are expected to go ahead.
At import terminals, there are two conventional processes used for regasification of LNG at receiving and
expansion sites. The majority of current LNG import terminals use parallel operating vaporizers with spares.
Seawater is employed to heat and vaporize LNG in Open Rack Vaporizers (ORVs). It does not make use of
the cold energy stored by LNG during liquefaction processes before LNG departure around the world.
Submerged Combustion Vaporizers (SCVs) use send-out gas as fuel to combust and provide heat for
vaporization. Lost of cold energy is going to be dispatched uneconomically to the environment.
A considerable number of improvements in exploiting the cold energy available in LNG have been applied,
such as CO2 capture technology, air separation, etc. The organic Rankine cycles (ORC) efficiency also has
been improved due to studies on working fluids, rather than making use with water or air. However, thermal
stability at high pressure and condensation at cryogenic temperature without issues of freezing causes ORC
application on a limited front.
1.1 LNG regasification and potential
A tremendous amount of energy is required during LNG production processes, such as separation, purification,
distillation, etc. Natural Gas (NG) is chilled to cryogenic liquid state which only takes a volume of 1/600 of the
gaseous phase. Liquefied state promotes storage and transportation to market with comparative ease. It is not
an economical way to transport LNG through long distances once it is off-loaded at receiving terminals from

Please cite this article as: Le S.N.T., Lee J.-Y., Chiu J.-C., Chen C.-L., 2017, Waste energy recovery – including pressure and thermal energy –
from lng regasification, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1123-1128 DOI:10.3303/CET1761185

tankers to storage tanks. It is then pumped for final transmission to the distribution system. Before arrivals of
LNG to consumers, regasification is operated to return LNG into vaporized natural gas.
During the liquefying process, a considerable amount of mechanical energy is supplied to bring natural gas to
cryogenic temperature (-161.5 C). Regasification process consists of two operations. First, pump LNG up to
the pressure of the distribution grid. Second, heat LNG up to required distribution temperature (typically in the
o o
range between 0 C and 20 C). In real liquefaction plants, it possibly to identify a level of 2,900 kJ/kg as the
realistic amount of energy consumed during the process (Alessandro and Claudio, 2015). However, roughly
2,070 kJ/kg of energy, accounting for 9 0% of energy consumed in liquefaction, is dispatched undesirably into
the environment. It is estimated 830 kJ/kg of energy, so-called “cold energy”, is preserved in LNG. Under
theoretical consideration, an ideal amount of 830 kJ/kg of energy, equivalent to 0.23 kWh per kg LNG, would
be recovered (Alessandro and Claudio, 2015). Considering the typical annual handling capacity at LNG import
terminals, the order of magnitude of Mt/y, an enormous amount of cold energy is wasting.
1.2 Cold energy recovery
A critical element of LNG regasification plants are cryogenic operating condition and high pressure. The
maximum level of operating pressure about 15 MPa is a pressure ceiling technically allowed during the LNG
regasification process. These features of the process provide a high opportunity of recovering the potential
energy preserved in LNG, including thermal energy and pressure energy. Cryogenic power generation is a
major cold energy application, the most interesting option due to its much more significant economical value,
rather than the traditional electricity generation through combustion. There are several solutions to explore the
energy given off by LNG regasification for electricity generation basically belonging to two widely-used
mechanisms: (a) direct expansion; and (b) organic Rankine cycle.
LNG, under direct expansion cycle (Figure 1), is first compressed to a pressure level higher than the gas-
supplying pressure at the distribution stations, most of the cases the VNG is requested at supercritical
condition, maximum pressure allowance in conventional schemes is on the order of magnitude of 15 MPa
(Alessandro and Claudio, 2015). High pressure LNG is then heated up and vaporized due to the employment
of seawater or the ambient air as heat source. After that, LNG is expanded to the gas-supplying pressure
requested. Multi-stage expansion of LNG is implemented by turbines in series to generate electrical power.
The primary objective of this mechanism is to exploit the pressure energy and the cold energy from LNG

Figure 1: The LNG regasification with direct expansion scheme and organic Rankine cycle.

Organic Rankine cycle in Figure 1 is one of feasible technologies to recover waste heat and to generate
electricity. ORC applied for LNG cold energy recovery is driven by the temperature difference between

cryogenic conditions and, usually seawater whose sensible heat is exploited as energy input for operation of
ORC. The energy extracted from seawater is carried by an auxiliary fluid, called “ORC working fluid”, then
delivered to ORC evaporator where the energy from heat source is transferred to vaporize LNG. Working fluid
also goes through pumps to increase its working pressure and passes in turbines to drive the motor for the
power generation purpose. This mechanism recovers the thermal portion of cold energy.
The aim of this study is to combine two above fundamental principles of pressure energy and thermal energy
recovery under a variety of different thermodynamic schemes. Both direct expansion cycle and organic
Rankine cycle are utilized to enhance the process performance, and the higher cold energy recovery
efficiency can be economically achieved. By lowering condensing temperature in condensers employed within
the cycle causes a greater temperature difference between heat source and heat sink, which is expected to
increase the net power output, and to enhance a higher thermal efficiency of the power cycle (Matsuda, 2013).

2. Evolutions of LNG regasification cold energy recovery

The main goal of an LNG regasification site is to transform the LNG from the LNG storage tanks under typical
storage condition, at the cryogenic temperature of –161.5 C and at the atmosphere pressure of 0.101325
MPa. Then turns LNG into its normally utilizable gaseous phase and delivers LNG to distribution stations, from
where the LNG departs for consumers/clients through regional distribution networks or National Grid. In
general, the send-out LNG from the storage requires a certain level of the output pressure from LNG
vaporizing. This pressure varies within a low range of pressure around 2.5 – 3 MPa in case of local distribution.
For long distribution, the typical requested pressure level up to 6 – 8 MPa.
As discussed above, there are two fundamental mechanisms applicable for the goal of energy recovery,
including pressure energy and thermal energy. Therefore, the option of combination of both direct expansion
cycle and organic Rankine cycle promotes a promising thermodynamic configuration.
2.1 Pressure energy recovery via direct expansion cycles
The direct expansion mechanism is basically the simplest thermodynamic scheme for power generation. LNG
is compressed up to a pressure higher than those of distribution terminal requirement, most of cases the
maximum pressure allowed approaches the level of 15 MPa; then passes through the evaporator system
(heat exchangers) where it is warmed up, regasified and superheated by means of seawater; thereafter the
vaporized LNG drives the turbine-generator and eventually reheated to the VNG condition requested.
Basically, direct expansion generates electrical power. Nevertheless, somehow it appears inconvenient from
the perspective of energy recovery. Thermodynamically, it is possible to consider recycle a part of the main
flowrate back to create a small thermodynamic cycle with another step of expansion to generate power. A
feasible version of multi-stage expansion is given in Figure 2a (Alessandro and Claudio, 2015), which shows a
meaningful thermodynamic scheme from the point of view of energy recovery. Similar to direct expansion
scheme, nonetheless, instead of pumping directly cryogenic liquid LNG at storage condition to the very high
pressure, three compressing stages are utilized to first increase LNG pressure up to an intermediate level.
Furthermore, vaporized LNG before leaving for distribution terminals, a portion of the main flowrate is recycled
and mixed with the main stream in the mixer locating after the intermediate pumps. A process-to-process heat
exchanger is suggested install to internally recover heat based on temperature difference among process
streams. This modified version is optimized to obtain the maximum of net power based on power produced
from turbines and work consumed by pumps. For the optimization of this scheme, there are several key
manipulating variables defined as flow rates of recycle streams and the intermediate pressure levels. For each
value of intermediate pressure, varying the recycling stream flowrate shows range of net power obtainable.
For the sake of simplicity, LNG is assumed to be composed totally of pure substance methane CH4 so that
CH4 represents a significant advance in fields of physical properties and chemical behaviours. The process
works under some constrained conditions: the outlet of mixer has to be fully guaranteed of single liquid phase;
the mixer operates at a particular pressure, requiring all inlet and outlet streams equally pressured. A
mathematic model is written for this thermodynamic scheme based on mass balances and energy balances of
each point along the flow streams as well as each of device employed along the process.
o o
Given data at LNG storage (-161.5 C and 0.101325 MPa), and at LNG distribution terminals (15 C and 6
MPa). Assume that LNG storage condition is the low bound of temperature and pressure, while VNG condition
is the upper bound. Furthermore, the maximum pressure allowance of the process is 15 MPa. All heat
exchangers using seawater give the outlet stream temperature of 15 C. All pumps and turbines have
isentropic efficiency of 0.9.
Thermodynamic properties of methane primarily based on the new equations of state in the form of a
fundamental equation explicit in the Helmholtz free energy developed by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST, see Setzmann and Wagner, 1991). All calculations and computing programming

codes are written and solved using the programming language and computing environment MATLAB.
Mathematic models including those relevant material and energy balances and those operating constraints for
describing this scheme are skipped here due to space limitation.

Figure 2: The LNG regasification with two internal cycles and internal heat exchangers (Alessandro and
Claudio, 2015), and implementation of two ORCs for further energy recovery.

2.2 Thermal energy recovery via organic Rankine cycles

ORC is a promising alternative for recovery of LNG cold energy. As shown in Figure 2, after exploiting a part
of cold energy preserved in LNG by applying thermodynamic cycles, one realizes a noticeable amount of cold
energy wastefully releases to the environment through heat transfer system using seawater. After being
pumped up to the maximum pressure allowed and transferring with all possible internal hot streams within the
process, it is transformed into gaseous phase by the means of seawater. Instead of totally employing
seawater and paying all remained cold energy to seawater, employing ORC for utilizing part of LNG cold
energy releasing purposelessly during the vaporization is declared to be more effective and economical due to
the power generation of ORC. Working fluid, an “energy-man” collecting and delivering energy, is pumped to
high pressure then vaporized by extracting energy from heat source, seawater, to become saturated vapour.
The saturated vapour of working fluid goes drive a turbine to generate power, simultaneously is relaxed the
pressure becoming low pressure vapour. The vapour carrying energy from heat source delivers to LNG at a
condenser by condensing itself into saturated liquid and vaporizing LNG. After leaving condenser, saturated
liquid working fluid now is ready to be pumped again, complete the cycle.
Pump and turbine within ORC are assumed to be isentropic with efficiency 0.8. The modified PR EOS and
SRK are applied for calculations of thermodynamic properties of working fluid. Coefficients for vapour
pressure, heat capacity and latent heat are referenced from Perry’s Handbook (Don and Robert, 2008). Some
working fluids, especially hydrocarbons are potential candidates. In this study, propane, n-butane, n-pentane
and n-hexane were recruited, due to their popularity, availability, and safety.
Any approach value can be feasible but not economical. Lower the value of approach the higher the number
of shells in series and higher the economics. Two following constraints carry a guarantee of design and
operation of a heat exchanger that minimum approaching temperature difference:

tCout − TLNG

f mc pm tTout − tCout ) ≥ ΔT (1)

f mc pm t Eout − t Pout ) − t out
≥ ΔTmin (2)
min E
 FCLNG   FCsea 
   

Assuming seawater is sufficient so that Tseain ≈ Tseaout if seawater flowrate fsea is large enough, the
fraction inside the bracket of Eq(2) approaches zero, and seawater outlet and inlet temperature are almost the
same. Figure 3 illustrates the concept of ∆Tmin of heat exchangers (i.e., evaporator and condenser) where
working fluid isothermally changes phase. LNG receives transferred heat from working fluid in condenser,
since under the maximum pressure level, the transition between cryogenic LNG and vaporized LNG becomes
a second-order transition.

Figure 3: Minimum approaching temperature difference ΔTmin for evaporator and condenser.

Table 1: Optimization result of LNG regasification with two internal cycles and internal HEs.
T (oC) P (MPa) ρ (kg/m3) h (kJ/kg) f (kg/s) W (kW)
1 -161.5 0.10133 422.38 -911.01 1
P3 1.420
12 -161.32 0.64124 422.62 -909.58 1
13 -83.42 0.64124 6.856 -245.90 0.1813
14 -133.15 0.64124 376.86 -807.73 1.1813
P2 11.427
6 -131.35 3.93535 379.37 -798.06 1.1813
7 -67.45 3.93535 50.92 -292.17 0.8554
8 -88.71 3.93535 258.51 -585.58 2.0367
P1 62.962
3 -70.32 15 290.02 -554.67 2.0367
HX4 134.521
11 -55.49 15 255.82 -488.63 2.0367
HX1 624.268
4 15 15 127.19 -182.11 2.0367
T1 165.234
5 -43.53 6 70.12 -263.24 2.0367
HX2 358.322
2 15 6 45.24 -87.31 1
9 15 6 45.24 -87.31 1.0367
T2 49.344
15 -12.92 3.93535 32.81 -134.91 1.0367
10 -12.92 3.93535 32.81 -134.91 0.8554
17 -12.92 3.93535 32.81 -134.91 0.1813
HX3 12.803
16 15 3.93535 28.49 -64.28 0.1813
T3 32.924
Wnet 171.700

3. Results and discussion

Running results show a maximum power recovered 171.7 kW with the optimized low pressure of 0.64124 MPa
and the optimized medium level at 3.93535 MPa, the optimized flowrate of recycling stream to mixer M1
0.18128 kg/s and to mixer M2 0.85541 kg/s for each kg/s of cryogenic LNG. The optimized configurations are
summarized in Table 1. Optimized results with two ORCs for additional energy recovery, 74.8 kW for 1 kg/s of
LNG, are shown in Table 2, where working fluid chosen is propane (C3H8) for the two-ORC scenario.

Table 2: Optimization result for LNG regasification process with additional ORCs
Propane Butane Pentane Hexane ORC 1 (C3H8) ORC 2 (C3H8)
C3H8 C4H10 C5H12 C6H14 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage
TCout K 257.94 256.69 256.79 256.74 257.94 278.06 263.72 281.38
TPout K 258.42 256.79 256.82 256.75 258.42 278.44 264.23 281.73
TEout K 300.15 300.15 300.15 300.15 300.15 300.15 300.15 300.15
TTout K 259.04 266.27 268.43 269.00 259.04 278.86 264.86 282.07
PE kPa 1002.69 259.193 73.627 22.019 1002.69 1002.69 1002.69 1002.69
PC kPa 289.605 52.963 10.964 2.315 289.61 550.31 352.54 606.03
TLNGin K 217.66 217.66 217.66 217.66 217.66 256.04 229.62 261.86
TLNGout K 256.037 255.037 255.046 254.87 256.04 275.76 261.86 278.76
fm kg/s 0.92186 0.86686 0.87425 0.88279 0.92186 0.44271 0.53661 0.26369
366.685 164.457 209.726 96.635
QC kW 366.685 357.743 357.823 356.25
531.142 438.923
w ORC kW 41.5152 42.0628 42.3161 42.8454 41.5152 9.7685 20.4482 4.8888
wPORC kW 1.4054 0.3429 0.1009 0.0315 1.4054 0.4539 0.7576 0.2396
40.1099 41.7199 42.2152 42.8139 40.1099 9.3147 19.6906 4.6491
wnetORC kW
50.4246 24.3397

Within hydrocarbon family, it seems the heavier alkane is, the better to be ORC working fluid due to the higher
net power recovered. Furthermore, because of longer-chain structure, saturated vapour pressure, operating
pressure of ORC, of heavier alkanes tends to be lower and lower. For n-Butane, n-Pentane and n-Hexane,
vapor pressures are too low (vacuum ORC operating pressure) for technical operation. It is reasonable to
choose Propane as working fluid. According to results obtained, each column represents the optimized
operating condition to recover maximum net power. With respect to given temperatures of heat source
(seawater) and heat sink (LNG), operating pressures in evaporator and condenser are revealed to be the
largest possibly difference satisfying ORC working fundamental. Maximizing ORC net power, subtraction of
pump work from turbine power, is considered as minimizing pump work and maximizing turbine power
simultaneously. Either pump work or turbine power is defined as enthalpy difference between inlet and outlet
streams. For pump, the work is outlet enthalpy subtracts inlet enthalpy, and minimizing the pump work means
maximizing the pump inlet enthalpy. Inversely, turbine power is defined as inlet enthalpy subtracts outlet
enthalpy, maximizing turbine power means maximizing turbine inlet enthalpy. Since operating fundamental of
ORC designs states of pump and turbine inlets are designed to be saturated liquid and vapor.
Thermodynamically, degree of freedom of saturation curve equation is one. Only given temperature, one can
derive saturated pressure and enthalpy. For hydrocarbons mentioned, enthalpy and saturated pressure are
proportional to temperature within temperature range investigated. It is reasonable that the lowest possible
condenser pressure and the highest evaporator pressure propose the maximum net power. After obtaining
results for one ORC, it is easy to recognize that temperature of LNG still far away to the design value (15 C)
will be a potential to install a next ORC. 2-ORCs-in-series results are shown in the right-hand-side of Table 2.
One could say this is results for solving optimization problem separately on 2 ORCs. A better result is
expected if the above optimization problem is considered to be solved simultaneously.

4. Conclusion
This study suggests an additional method to exploit the potential energy resource hiding inside LNG. By
employing pressure energy recovery from direct expansion of LNG and using ORC for LNG cold energy
recovery, 246.5 kW (171.7 kW plus 74.8 kW) net power can be recovered from 1 kg/s of LNG. Approach and
explore LNG cooling capacity by adapting a new appearance of working fluid or enhance performance of
thermodynamic cycles promises a new target of cold energy recovery that is reasonable and soon achievable.

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Franco A., Casarosa C., 2015, Thermodynamic Analysis of Direct Expansion Configurations for Electricity
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