Daily Vocab Dose - 22062019
Daily Vocab Dose - 22062019
Daily Vocab Dose - 22062019
Abashed (adj)
- If you are abashed, you feel embarrassed and ashamed
- Eg.She looked abashed, uncomfortable
Ablaze (adj):
-Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely = on fire
-The hospital was completely ablaze by the time firefighters arrived
Bizarre (adj):
-Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange = weird, fantas- tic
-Her behaviour became more and more bizarre with age
Bleak (adj):
-If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to improve = gloomy, cheerless
-Scientists predicted a bleak future
Chaotic (adj):
-Something that is chaotic is in a state of complete disorder and confusion = in utter disorder
-The chaotic situation seems to be settling now
Chronic (adj):
-A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time Compare acute
-The persistent infighting has led to chronic poverty in the Central Asian Countries
Compliant (adj):
-If you say that someone is compliant, you mean they willingly do what they are asked to do = yielding
-For years she had tried to be a compliant and dutiful wife.
Concise (adj):
-Something that is concise says everything that is necessary with- out using any unnecessary words =
-The essay was concise and explicit
Despicable (adj):
-If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are empha- sizing that they are extremely nasty,
cruel, or evil
-“I hate you! You are despicable,” he said
Deft (adj):
-A deft action is skillful and often quick = skillful and quick
-His father is very deft at handling critical situations
One Word Substitutions
1. One who has become dependent on something or drugs – Addict
Root Words