Transformer Inrush Mitigation For Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Direct Flux Linkage Control
Transformer Inrush Mitigation For Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Direct Flux Linkage Control
Transformer Inrush Mitigation For Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Direct Flux Linkage Control
Research Article
ISSN 1755-4535
Transformer inrush mitigation for dynamic Received on 9th August 2014
Revised on 18th May 2015
voltage restorer using direct flux linkage Accepted on 18th June 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2014.0640
Abstract: Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) based on transformer-coupled topology is the most cost-effective solution to
protect consumer from voltage sags. However, an important issue about this topology is the transformer saturation.
Magnetic saturation of the transformer will generate large inrush current which may greatly distort the compensation
voltage or even trigger the over-current protection. To prevent the transformer from saturation, this study proposes a
novel direct magnetising flux linkage control strategy. Distinguished from existing DVR models which ignored the
transformer magnetising branch, this study establishes a comprehensive DVR model by adopting the magnetising flux
linkage as a state-variable. Therefore, by adopting flux linkage feedback, the magnetising flux linkage would be directly
controlled. Otherwise, to implement the flux linkage control, this study proposes a robust flux estimation method to
carry out the proposed control scheme. Finally, the whole system is verified on a 380 V/10 kVA three-phase
experimental DVR prototype.
Fig. 3 Proposed direct flux linkage control scheme Fig. 5 Eliminate the flux linkage deviation by Loop II
lm = Lm · im (10)
uncompensated dc flux may lead to saturation when the between method IV and this method is the attenuation of the dc
compensation voltage fluctuates. flux linkage. As analysed before, although method IV regulates the
Fig. 10e demonstrates the principle of the proposed method. The magnitude of the flux linkage timely, the dc flux linkage is
proposed method limits the magnitude of flux linkage and the dc flux essentially open-loop regulation. In addition, for method IV if the
linkage can be exponentially attenuated. One essential difference estimated flux linkage does not reach its limit, the dc thrust would
Fig. 14 Single phase voltage sag with different phases, depths and durations
a Depth: 70%, duration: 200 ms (time: 50 ms/div, CH1-CH3: 500 V/div, CH4: 0.34 A/div)
b Depth: 90%, duration: 1.8 s (time: 200 ms/div, CH1-CH3: 500 V/div, CH4: 0.34 A/div)
5.2 Single phase voltage sags which is important for sustainable compensation in complicated
voltage sag events.
The following experiments are carried out by single phase voltage Hence these experimental results have proved that besides the
sags in which vS, vDVR, vL and im in the same phase are measured. traditional voltage control function, the proposed control scheme is
Figs. 13a and b show the experimental results for the voltage sags also effective in both flux linkage magnitude limitation and
with initial phase angle of 0° and 180° respectively. When vS deviation elimination for DVR series transformer. By using direct
drops to 30% of its nominal value at t1, DVR rapidly output vDVR flux linkage control scheme, the transformer flux linkage could
to restore the load voltage. Accompanied with the compensation, work on a balanced condition. Hence the transformer magnetic
the flux linkage in Figs. 13a and b reach their lower and upper saturation and inrush current are avoided.
limit at t2. Then lm are kept to −0.92 Wb and 0.92 Wb
respectively, while the load voltage vL drops to the sagged vS,
avoiding the transformer saturation. When the direction of v∗DVR 6 Conclusion
reverses at t3, the flux linkage quits limitation and the voltage
compensation continues. This paper proposed a novel direct flux linkage control scheme for
The following experimental results demonstrate the dc flux DVR applications. First, a comprehensive DVR state-space model
linkage attenuation of the proposed control strategy. As shown in was established by using the transformer magnetising flux linkage
Fig. 14a, the DVR restores a voltage sag with the depth of 70% as a state variable. Then, a detailed controller design process based
for 200 ms. The compensation voltage vDVR generates a positive on state-feedback technique was implemented. This control
dc flux linkage deviation at the beginning of the compensation. scheme is emphasised by its flux linkage magnitude limitation and
However during the whole compensation cycle, the positive dc deviation attenuation features. Meanwhile, to implement this
component in flux linkage is declining and its influence on vDVR is algorithm, this paper also proposed a robust flux estimation
negligible. Another experiment is carried out by longer voltage sag method for the transformer with unit turns ratio. Finally, this
event. As shown in Fig. 14b, the DVR restores the voltage sag scheme is tested on a 380 V/10 kVA three-phase experimental
with the depth of 90% for 1.8 s. The compensation voltage vDVR prototype under different voltage sag conditions. The experimental
generates a negative flux linkage deviation at the beginning of results proved the effectiveness of the control algorithm.
compensation. Then, the negative flux linkage deviation begins to Furthermore, other than DVR application, this transformer direct
damp and the deviation is eliminated after 1 s compensation. flux linkage scheme is also suitable for other converters that using
Finally, the transformer is working under a balanced condition, the transformer-coupling topologies.