Charge Pump Circuit Concept For Single-Phase Transformerless Inverter With Fuzzy Logic Controller For Grid-Tied PV Applications
Charge Pump Circuit Concept For Single-Phase Transformerless Inverter With Fuzzy Logic Controller For Grid-Tied PV Applications
Charge Pump Circuit Concept For Single-Phase Transformerless Inverter With Fuzzy Logic Controller For Grid-Tied PV Applications
according to (1) and the leakage current appears due modes. This topology does not allow for reactive
to a varying CMV. If L1 = L2 (symmetrical power flow [12].
inductor), vcm is simplified to Topologies based on H6 are also proposed
+ in [13] and [14] to eliminate the leakage current of
= = (2) the grid-tied PV application. These inverters consist
In this state, the CMV is constant and the of six power switches and some diodes for
leakage current is eliminated. In some structures such disconnecting the dc side from the grid. These
as the virtual dc-bus inverter [10] and NPC inverter, topologies are more costly than the FB inverter,
one of the filter inductors is zero and only one filter because they use extra switches and diodes. Another
inductor is used. In this state, after simplification of disadvantage of these topologies is lower efficiency
vcm, it will have a constant value according to (3) due to the current that circulates through three power
and the leakage current will be eliminated switches at the same time [15]. Several high efficient
= + = ( = 0) new H6 transformerless inverters are proposed in
[16] and [17] to achieve lightweight and also lower
cost. They have the capability of reactive power
+ − injection to the grid. The leakage current is not totally
= −
2 2 eliminated in these topologies, which is the main
= ( = 0) disadvantage of them.
(3) Another solution to eliminate the leakage
current is the direct connection of the negative PV
As shown in Fig. 2, there are various terminal to the neutral point of the grid, such as the
transformerless grid connected inverters based on the virtual dc-bus inverter in [10] and the unusual
FB inverter in the literature to overcome these topology in [18]. In these topologies, the leakage
problems. current is completely eliminated by the topology
structure. As shown in Fig. 2(c), the virtual dc-bus
inverter is composed of five insulated-gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs), two capacitors, and one filter
inductor Lf . Only one filter inductor is used in this
topology to eliminate the leakage current, but it is
very large. The virtual dc-bus generates the negative
output voltage. The main drawback of this topology
is that there is no path to charge the capacitor C2
during the negative cycle and this will cause a high
output total harmonic distortion (THD). The topology
presented in [18], which is shown in Fig. 2(d), has a
common ground with the grid. The number of
semiconductors used in this topology is low.
However, the output voltage of this inverter is only
Fig. 2. Single-phase grid-tied transformerless PV
two levels including positive and negative voltages
inverter topologies: (a) H5 inverter, (b) HERIC
without creating the zero voltage, which requires a
inverter, (c) virtual dc-bus inverter [10], and (d) CM
large output inductor L2 and a filter. The inductor
inverter proposed in [18].
medium-type inverter [19] also called “Karschny” is
The H5 inverter that is a FB-based inverter
another topology that is derived from the buck–boost
topology, com pared to the conventional FB inverter,
topology. This inverter has a high reliability without
needs one additional switch (S5) on the dc side to
capability of giving the reactive power to the grid and
decouple the dc side from the grid as shown in Fig.
has four power switches in the current path at the
2(a). This inverter has a variable CMV with a small
same time, which will reduce the efficiency.
leakage current and it suffers from low efficiency due
This paper introduces a new transformerless
to three switches operating at the same time [11].
inverter based on charge pump circuit concept, which
As shown in Fig. 2(b), the HERIC topology
eliminates the leakage current of the grid-connected
needs two extra switches on the ac side to decouple
PV systems using a unipolar sinusoidal pulse width
the ac side from the PV module in the zero stage.
modulation (SPWM) technique. In this solution, the
HERIC combines the merits of unipolar and bipolar
neutral of the grid is directly connected to the
modulation. The main advantage of the HERIC
negative terminal of the charge pump circuit, so the
inverter is its high efficiency due to only two
voltage across the parasitic capacitor is connected to
switches operate at the same time in all operation
zero and the leakage current is eliminated. The
as described in Section II-A. An LCL-filter is used to When the switches S1 and S2 are ON, the
eliminate harmonics of the output current. output voltage of the inverter (vAn) will be + Vdc
(positive state) as shown in Fig. 6(a) and (g). During
this time interval, diode D1 is reverse biased and D2
is ON, so the capacitor C1 is charged through diode
D2 and the voltage across the capacitor C2 maintains
to be constant. In this state, when the switches S2 and
S3 are ON, vAn will be 0 (zero state) as shown in
Fig. 6(b) and (h).
In the zero state at positive cycle, the
capacitors C1 and C2 are connected in parallel
Fig. 4. Proposed single-phase transformerless grid- through D1. The capacitor C2 is charged by the
connected inverter capacitor C1 with negative polarities by the charge
This new topology is modulated using pump circuit to provide the negative voltage level.
simple SPWM. Fig. 5 shows the gate drive signals for
the proposed inverter under the current lagging In the regions II and III, the negative and
condition. According to the direction of the inverter zero voltage levels are produced. Fig. 6(c) and (e)
output voltage and output current, theoperation of the shows the equivalent circuit that S4 and S1 are ON.
proposed inverter is divided in four regions as shown The negative voltage is generated, when switch S4 is
in Fig. 6. These four different regions can be defined turned ON and the voltage across the capacitor C2
as follows. appears at the inverter output voltage (vAn = −Vdc)
(negative state). The negative output voltage of the
inverter is produced by the capacitor C2. In this state,
S1 is switching simultaneously with S4. In addition
to this, C1 is charged by the capacitor CB through S1
in order to maintain a constant voltage for the
capacitor C1.
The voltage across the capacitor C1 can be
kept constant in this state by the modulation strategy.
In this period, the circuit operation of the zero state is
similar to the zero state of positive half-period of the
grid as shown in Fig. 6(b) and (h). Based on the
analysis given above, three sequences exist for the
output voltage and current of the proposed inverter.
1) If the sequence is I → III, then the inverter is in
Fig. 5. Switching pattern of the proposed topology the unity power factor condition (PF = 1). 2) If the
with reactive power flow. sequence is IV → I → II → III, then the inverter is in
the current lagging condition. 3) If the sequence is I
1) Region I: the inverter output voltage and the → IV → III → II, then the inverter is in the current
output cur rent are positive; energy is transferred leading condition. The aluminum electrolytic
from dc side to grid side as shown in Fig. 6(a). capacitors are used for the capacitors C1 and C2 of
2) Region II: the inverter output voltage is negative the proposed inverter in the experimental setup.
and the output current is positive; energy is These capacitors have a limited life span
transferred from grid side to dc link as shown in Fig. because the electrolyte finally dissipates in to the
6(c). element. Inrush current and voltage stress on the
3) Region III: the inverter output voltage and the capacitors decrease the lifetime of them.
output current are negative; energy is transferred Consequently, in order to reduce the equivalent series
from dc link to grid side as shown in Fig. 6(e). resistance (ESR) losses and to ensure the capacitor’s
4) Region IV: the inverter output voltage is positive lifetime, the capacitance of the aluminum electrolytic
and the output current is negative; energy is capacitors is chosen a little higher than the design
transferred from grid side to dc side as shown in Fig. values. One of the important elements in the
6(g). In the regions I and IV, the switches S1 and S3 capacitor design is the inrush current of the
will be ON and OFF with the switching frequency fs capacitors. In this case, the charging time constant of
to produce positive and zero voltage while S2 capacitor C2 (τC 2) can be expressed as follows:
remains ON for the whole positive half cycle.
( )
1, ℎ ℎ
= 0, ℎ ℎ (15)
−1, ℎ ℎ
Rearranging (13) and (14) and using the averaging
method in switching cycle Ts, we have
(a) 〉 (1 + ( )) 〈 .
〈 . 〉 −
( + )
〈 . 〉 ( )
( + )
〈 〉 (1 + ( )) ( ) ( )
=− −
( + ) ( + )
(b) 〈 〉 ( )
Fig. 8. Equivalent circuit of the proposed converter − (16)
during (a) zero state and (b) negative state. 〈 〉 ( )
According to Fig. 8(a), at the zero state 〈 . 〉 +
. . −
= (8) 〉 (1 + ( ))〈 .
( + ) +
. . −
( + )
= − (9) 〈 〉 (1 + ( ))
( + ) = −
According to Fig. 8(b), in -ve state ( + )
. + .
( ) ( )
= + (10) − (17)
( + )
. − .
= + (11) where d(t) and ig (t) are
( )= sin (18)
where in (8)–(11), Re2 and Ce2 will be as follows:
( )= sin (19)
= + + + , where ω signifies the rakish frequency of O/P
current, M is proportion of dc vtg and grid vtg, and
= (12) Im speaks to pinnacle O/P current of inverter.
By utilizing the averaging strategy at the The normal current of iS 1 and iS 3 amid Ts feasible
switching cycle Ts, and linearizing (8)– (11), the found as takes after:
normal estimation of iS 1 and iS 3 at the -ve and zero 〈 〉 + 〈 〉
states is equivalent to (13) and (14), separately: 〈 〉 = (20)
. . −
= 1+ ( ) 〈 . 〉 +
( + ) 〈 〉 = (21)
+ .
− ( ) The simulation results of present coursing via the
( + ) switches S1 and S3 for the O/P power 500 W are
+ (13) appeared in Fig. 7. The estimation of present that
goes via S1 and S3 to reach to its greatest at the -ve
. .− state is appeared in this figure as well. At the -ve
= 1+ ( ) − state,
( + )
− ( ) 〈 , 〉 = +1
2 + 1−
− 1−
(14) + (22)
〈 , 〉 = +1
where s(t) denotes the switching state function given 2 + 1−
as follows: 1−
+ (23)
The device manufacturer and circuit generate a sinusoidal current and the outer control
parameters for efficiency evaluation of proposed loop is implemented for the current reference
inverter are listed in Table II. In silicon carbide generation, where the power is controlled. A
power MOSFET switches, the recovery cur rent of proportional resonant (PR) controller provide an
the diodes is eliminated and therefore the switching infinite gain at the resonant frequency (fres) and can
losses for the diodes are negligible. The switching eliminate the steady state error when tracking a
losses of the MOSFET switch can be found as sinusoidal signal, which is an index of power quality.
follows: Due to these features, the PR controller is selected
TABLE II instead of the FLC controller in the current control
SPECIFICATIONS AND POWER DEVICES FOR loop in this topology [22]. The transfer function of
EFFICIENCY EVALUATION this controller can be found as follows:
∗ +
[ ]
( ) ( −
(37) =1 2 (45)
+ ( ) ( − )
where G p(s) and Gq(s) are the PI The second consideration is the current
controllers for active power and reactive power, control strategy effec on the output filter design. In
respectively. the closed-loop control system, the combination of L
The LCL filter is adopted as the grid and C can cause a resonance problem, which may
interfaced filter in this proposed topology. High lead to instability of the controller. The active
output current quality in the proposed inverter can be damping is used to smooth the resonance peak of the
obtained if the output filter is configured cor rectly. LCL filter as shown in Fig. 9 [29], [30]. A block
The first design consideration is the calculation of the diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 10.
filter parameters, which can be determined by current The Bode diagram of the transfer function from vcref
ripple and filter values [25]. The inverter-side to ig is defined by G(s). This diagram is shown in
inductor (Lf ) value is calculated by considering 10– Fig. 11 in order to demonstrate the effect of active
20% of the ripple on the output current, which is damping by the filter capacitor current (Hcic)
given by
( − )( sin )
= (38)
where fsw is the switching frequency and
ΔiL represents the peak-to-peak ripple current on the
Lf . The inverter output volt age (vAn) can be
calculated as follows: Fig. 10. Control diagram of the injected current with
capacitor current feedback active damping.
= sin (39)
comparison of the proposed topology with the The switching losses are calculated based
conventional transformerless topologies on the datasheet of the devices. The calculation
process is studied in detail in the literature [34]. The
total semiconductor losses consist of the switching
losses, conduction losses, switching losses of diode,
and freewheeling losses. It is important to know that
the con duction loss internal SiC diode of MOSFET
This comparison includes conventional H5, implemented in the proposed inverter is less than the
HERIC inverter, and several common ground conduction loss of the IGBT body diode used in the
transformer less inverters like [31]–[33] with the H5, [31]–[33]. As shown in Fig. 12, the H5 and
proposed inverter. It can be seen from Table III that HERIC topologies have almost the same switching
the proposed topology utilizes the least amount of losses, because the number of high frequency
active and passive components compared to the other switches is the same. The proposed topology has the
topologies, which reduces the number of driver cir lowest switching losses according to the analysis
cuits, complexity of control, and power losses of the presented in Section III.
inverter. In this comparison, it is shown that the H5 According to Table III, the conduction
and HERIC inverters are using extra switches to losses of [31] are high because many switches are
disconnect the grid side from the dc side, and this used in the current path during the inverter oper
disconnection is incomplete due to the para sitic ation. Freewheeling losses of all inverter topologies
capacitance of switches. Therefore, the high- are almost the same. As a result, Shen et al. [31] have
frequency CM current flows through parasitic the highest total losses and the proposed topology has
capacitors. Thus, these topolo gies need extra filters the lowest losses because of low switching and
to absorb the CM current according to Table III and conduction losses at 500 W output power, which
the analysis given in Section I. Due to the con validate the theoretical analysis.
figuration of the charge pump circuit in the proposed SIMULATION RESULTS
topology, the CM current is completely eliminated In order to verify the feasibility of the
without extra filters. In addition, the dc voltage used proposed topology, a 500 W, single-phase
in the proposed inverter is the same as the transformerless grid-tied inverter has been built in the
conventional FB inverter, and only half of the dc laboratory and experimentally tested. The
voltage used in conventional HB, NPC, and ANPC configuration and parameters used for the ex
inverters, while the performance in eliminating the perimental tests are listed in Table IV. The
CM current is better than the FB-based inverters. The experimental results of the proposed grid-connected
THD of the grid currents for these topologies is listed inverter with unity power factor (PF = 1) operation
in Table III. It can be seen that all the single-phase are presented in Fig13. The grid voltage has the same
transformerless topologies have similar THD of the phase as the injected grid current as shown in Fig.
grid current. 13(a) and (b). Fig. 13(c) shows that the inverter
The number of switches in the current path output voltage vAn has three levels as + Vdc, 0, and
is related to the conduction losses. It can be seen −Vdc without the LCL-filter circuit. This determines
from Table III that the num ber of switches in the that the proposed topology is
current path and semiconductor devices of the CM TABLE IV
inverter [31] are larger than the other topologies. Fig. PARAMETERS FOR THE 500 W
12 shows the power semiconductor losses PROTOTYPE
distribution ac cording to the switching frequency at
the rated power of all inverter topologies listed Table
III with the same circuit param eters.
strategy, the CMV of the proposed inverter has been may be noted that the efficiency diagram covers the
kept constant. As a result, the CM current of the total power device losses and the filter inductor
proposed inverter is eliminated due to the losses.
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