Plankton Species Present in Ust Fountains
Plankton Species Present in Ust Fountains
Plankton Species Present in Ust Fountains
Planktons are composed of different organisms that can be classified into two types, namely: Phytoplankton
and Zooplanktons. Phytoplanktons can be found in fresh or salty bodies of water. On the other hand, a
Zooplankton can be found in freshwater systems, and in oceans. In this laboratory activity, samples were
obtained from two fountains within UST to determine the presence of phytoplankton on each fountain,
namely: Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Blue-Green Algae, and Green Algae. The two fountains, Fountain of
Wisdom, and the fountain found in Botanical Garden obtained a pH level of 8 respectively. Phytoplanktons
were more prevalent in the fountain of wisdom than of fountain on botanical garden because the
environment where the fountain lies were exposed to sunlight and carbon dioxide, etc since its location is
near the main road and open field. The Fountain of Wisdom does not have fishes and turtle, instead few
plants and algae were present that contributed to the population of the phytoplankton. Change of pH level
can disturb organisms that will lead to a decrease in hatching rate and survival rate. pH level determines if
a substance is either acidic or basic. A neutral pH level is 7, while majority of aquatic creatures lives in the
pH range of 6.5-9.0’
Management and conservation of aquatic resources is governed by the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR). [1] As ecologists of the BFAR, the current condition of two fountains around
the University of the Santo Tomas namely The fountain of knowledge, and The fountain located in the
Botanical Garden must be examined to determine the quality of the water, and what phytoplankton species
are present in the sample obtained.
A plankton is composed of plants and animals that are not capable to swim, causing them to be
carried away by the currents. Plankton is derived from the greek word planktos, which means wandering
or drifting. [2] Planktons are further classified into two types, namely: Phytoplanktons, and Zooplanktons.
Phytoplankton came from the Greek words phyto (plant) and plankton.[3] These species commonly live in
either salty or fresh watery environments. Phytoplankton have a wide diversity, differing from
photosynthesizing bacteria (cyanobacteria), to plant-like diatoms, and to armor-plated coccolithophores. [4]
Although there are different types of phytoplankton, all use photosynthesis to turn their captured sunlight
(through the use of photosynthesis) to turn it into chemical energy. [5] The growth of phytoplankton is
dependendent on the amount of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and nutrients. A few nutrients that a phytoplankton
has to obtain are nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and calcium; the amount of these nutrients depend on their
classification. Other than that, the growth rate of a phytoplankton can also be affected by water temperature
and salinity, water depth, wind, and what kinds of predators are grazing on them. [6] Zooplanktons, on the
other hand came from the greek words zoon(animal), and planktos.[7] Zooplanktons is classified as a
heterotrophic plankton; Heterotroph is defined as an organism that derives its nutritional needs from
Plankton species present in UST fountains
complex organic substances.[8] The said plankton is commonly found within oceans and freshwater systems,
and they have become an important part of the food chain. Zooplankton also has a wide variety, a few of
its most important types are dinoflagellates, cnidarians, crustaceans, and mollusks. [9]
Four microorganisms were targeted to be examined under the microscope, namely: Diatoms,
Dinoflagellates, Green algae, and Blue Green Algae. An estimation of 20% to 25% of all organic fixation
that occurs in the planet is caused by Diatoms, this makes them a source of food for animal larvae and other
microorganisms found in marine and freshwater. [10] Diatoms are easy to classify because of their distinct
cell structure, they possess geometrical shapes, they vary from circular to complex lobed shapes. Since their
cell walls contain brittle silica, their shapes are maintained in any environmental conditions. [11]
Dinoflagellates are classified as unicellular eukaryotic organisms. [12] Dinoflagellates possess flagella which
they use for movement. Some Dinoflagellates are heterotrophic, while some are photosynthetic.
Dinoflagellates are classified based on their rigid outer cell covering. [13] Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria),
can be commonly found in warm bodies of water that are enriched with nutrients. Its growth can be affected
by environmental conditions. From the name itself, this type of algae usually comes in the blue-green color,
but it could also obtain the colors blue, green, reddish-purple, and brown. [14] Lastly, green algae can be
commonly found in lakes, oceans, and fresh water. From its name, green algae are classified by its green
color which is caused by the chlorophyll it contains. [15]
Gathering of Samples
Two (2) 500 mL water bottles was filled with dirty water from different fountains or ponds inside
the UST campus. The pond to be chosen should be dirty because it is to be examined under the
microscope, therefore the first 500 mL bottle was filled with water from the Fountain of Wisdom,
and was labeled as Bottle A making sure there was algae included in the bottle. While the other
500 mL bottle was filled with water from the Botanical Garden, and was labeled as Bottle B.
Plankton species present in UST fountains
Preparation of Samples
Once Bottle A and Bottle B was labeled, a small amount of water from the bottles was then poured
into separate beakers, in order to measure the pH level of the samples. Afterwards, about 8 to 10
drops of Betadine was added to Bottle A and B so that both samples can be preserved and last for a
couple of days up to a week.
Figure 2. Addition of Betadine to each sample. Figure 3. Measurement of pH levels of both samples.
Figure 4. Preparation of wet mount. Figure 5. Examination of slides under the microscope.
Plankton species present in UST fountains
Phytoplankton play important roles in climate control, oxygen supply and food production in our
world. They happen to be the reason for more than 40% of the Earth’s photosynthetic production. [16]
Phytoplankton conduct oxygenic photosynthesis where carbon dioxide, H20, and sunlight that produces
glucose and oxygen. With this, they help regulate carbon dioxide levels and provide oxygen for other
organisms to live. [16]
Another importance of phytoplankton is its role in the oceanic food web. [16] Phytoplankton are
known to be autotrophic, meaning that it produces its own food, thus they are also the primary producers
that make up the bottom of the food web. [16] Being at the bottom of the food web make all other organisms
rely on them for food source, which the chain will continue up to apex predators, including sharks, polar
bears, and human. [16]
Water samples that were used came from botanical garden and fountain of wisdom inside the campus
of University of Santo Tomas. Both water sample measure a pH level of 8 using pH meters (Fig. 6), which
lies along the alkaline level.
Plankton species present in UST fountains
Eucampia in Fig. 14,17, &18) to elliptical (phytoplankton Navicula, Gyrosigma in Fig. 8,9,15,&17) to
spicular (phytoplankton Licmophora in Fig. 8,11,&18) to complex lobed shape (phytoplankton Biddulphia
in Fig. 16). The cells of a diatom may form chains of colonies like the phytoplankton Lauderian in Fig.17.
On the other hand, dinoflagellates have only been observed in Figures 10-12 particularly found in the
botanical garden. Dinoflagellates are single-celled aquatic organisms bearing two-dissimilar flagella.
Plankton species present in UST fountains
Plankton species present in UST fountains
Water quality, specifically temperature and pH level affects the number of phytoplankton population in a
sample. Water temperature affect the photosynthesis rate because in a chemical reaction, heat initiate and
speeds up photosynthesis. [16] Rate of photosynthesis is directly proportional to the production growth of
phytoplankton. However, phytoplankton have different optimum temperature range. When the temperature
exceed the range, heat will then denature the enzymes resulting to a decrease rate of photosynthesis. [16]
Although in this activity, temperature was not taken into account thus this factor was not considered.
The other factor affecting the population of phytoplankton is the pH level of the water. pH level determine
the acidity or alkalinity. [17] The neutral pH level is 7 but the majority of aquatic creatures lives in the pH
range of 6.5-9.0. Change of pH level can disturb organisms that will lead to a decrease in hatching rate and
survival rate. Extreme level of pH most of the time increases the solubility of elements and compounds,
Plankton species present in UST fountains
thus an increase movement of toxic substance will make aquatic life more prone to this dangerous
substances that can cause death. [17] A pH level of 7.8 shows the most abundant number of phytoplankton.
With the pH level of 8, this shows the least number in population between pH level of 7.6 and 7.8. [18]
In this experiment both water samples shows the same pH level thus it cannot be use as a factor to
determine the difference of the two water samples. Despite the similarities , water samples from Fountain
of Wisdom showed more varieties of phytoplankton than water samples from the botanical garden.
Witihin the vicinity of the University of Santo Tomas, two fountains were examined whether phytoplankton
were present; specifically Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Blue-Green Algae, and Green Algae. The activity has
provided a thorough understanding on how these species are helpful in determining the condition of aquatic
ecosystems and why these microscopic marine organisms are essential to life on Earth. Phytoplankton plays
a critical role because their photosynthesis accounts for up to half of global primary production and
atmosphere’s oxygen. They also form the base of every oceanic food chain; thus, they make most other
ocean life possible. Furthermore, it was found out that these microorganisms can determine the current
conditions or status of any body of water by the phytoplankton species present in it and by examining its
water quality. In this laboratory activity, it was showed that the water samples obtained from the Fountain
of Wisdom has more varieties of phytoplankton than the water samples obtained from the fountain at
botanical garden; both samples from the two fountains has a pH level of 8. This further proved that change
in the temperature and pH level, the abiotic factors of water quality, affects the population of phytoplankton
and even the small changes in the growth of phytoplankton might affect the atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations, which would feed back to global surface temperatures.
Plankton species present in UST fountains