ATS-B Press Kit

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WW 21-'1"


W December 2, 1966
* RELEASE NO: 66-308


E 7'
, .than
^(To be launched no earlier
December 6, 1966)

GENERAL RELEASE---------------------------------------1-5
COMMUNICATIONS EXPERIMENTS ---------------------------- 6-1o
TECHNOLOGY EXPERIMENTS----------------------------------11-14
SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS----------------------------------15-16
PTS-B SPACECRAFT--------------------------------------17
Electrical Power Subsystem-------------------------17-18
Phased Array Control Electronics (PACE) Subsystem---18
Command & Telemetry--------------------------------18-19
Reaction Control Subsystem-------------------------20
ATS GROUND STATIONS & TRACKING------------------------ 21-22
Sequence of Events----------------------------------25
Atlas-Agena Flight Events-------------------------- 27

K Launch Vehicles-------------------------------------28
ATS-B TEA ---------------------------------------------29
Major Subcontractors--------------------------------30-31


NGTON, D .C . 20546
TELS WO 2-4155
*WO 3-6925


December 2, 1966
RELEASE NO: 66-308


One of the most versatile spacecraft ever developed,

Applications Technology Satellite-B (ATS-B), will be launched
by an Atlas-Agena rocket from Cape Kennedy, Fla., no earlier
than Dec. 6.

The ATS program consists of a series of five satellites

to be launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Admini-
stration over the next two and one-half years. They will in-
vestigate technology common to a number of spacecraft applica-
tions, through flight experiments carried on spin-stabilized
and gravity-gradient stabilized spacecraft.

The ATS-B (ATS-I if successfully launched) will be boosted

into a synchronous, stationary orbit 22,300 miles over the equa-
tor and allowed to drift to an apparently stationary position
at 151 degrees west longitude.

It will carry experiments designed to advance the fields

of spacecraft communications, meteorology and control tech-
nology. At the same time, it will carry a number of scien-
tific experiments to measure the orbital environment of the

In addition, radio signals from ATS-B will be used to

help determine the ion content of the ionosphere.

The spacecraft will be capable of transmitting wide-band

(black-and-white and color TV) and narrow band (voice) communi-

cations among stations located in North America, Asia and Aus-
tralia. It will also be capable of multiple access ( a number

of ground stations transmitting through the satellite at the

same time) communications. The stations are located at Rosman,

N.C.; Mojave, Cal.; Kashima, Japan; and Cooby Creek (near Too-

woomba), Australia.

NASA has a number of experiments for the first time with

the spin stabilized ATS-B. These include:

Two-way VHF voice communications between a ground station

and an airplane in flight. Although this is the first voice

test, its feasibility was established with one-way teletype

signals sent via the Syncom III communications satellite.

Its Spin Scan Cloud Cover (SSCC) camera is expected to

return the first high quality cloud cover pictures taken from

synchronous orbit. The pictures will show the disk of the

Earth with a maximum resolution, depending on spacecraft sta-

bility, of two miles and cover up to 54 degrees north and south.

It will be able to provide continuous coverage of 39 percent of

the Earth during the daytime when so scheduled.



ATS-B will also be used to transmit the first weather

data (weather maps and nephanalyses) from the Environmental

Science Services Administration (ESSA) facility at Suitland,

Md., through ground stations and the satellite to Automatic

Picture Transmission (APT) stations in the United States, Ja-

pan, and Australia. APT stations are relatively inexpensive

unite already in operation receiving real time cloud cover

pictures of local areas from ESSA and Nimbus satellites. These

same units are capable of receiving facsimile data from ATS-B.

An experimental antenna system, Electronically De-spun

Antenna, the first of its kind, will be tested with the micro-

wave communications system. It continuously directs a cone-

shaped radio beam at the Earth. By rotating the beam in the

opposite direction to that of the spacecraft spin, the an-

tenna produces 10 times more power at ground stations on the

Earth than would be possible without it.

A low-thrust resistojet will be evaluated for uses sucn

as spin control and orbital maneuvers. It produces a thrust

of 450 millionths of a pound -- about equal to the weignt of

a common house fly. This will be its first flight test.

Another technological experiment is the Nutation Sensor.

It is designed to measure the spin axis wobble (nutation) of

the spacecraft to within one-thousandth of a degree.

This will be the first attempt to measure nutation with
such precision. Nutation must be minimal for a system such as
the SSCC camera.

A scientific experiment package, Environmental Measurement

Experiment (EME), consists of seven separate experiments to
measure the orbital environment of the ATS-B and the effects
of the environment on the spacecraft.

The ATS program is directed by NASA's Office of Space

Science and Applications. Project management is under the di-
rection of NASA's Goddari Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.,
with experiments provided by investigators at Government, uni-
versity and private industry laboratories.

All operations of the ATS-B are coordinated and controlled

from the ATS Operations Control Center (ATSOCC) at Goddard. The
three ATS ground stations at Rosman, Mojave and Toowoomba are
equipped for all of the mission's tests.

Hughes Aircraft Co., Spaee Systems Division, El Segundo,

Cal., is responsible for spacecraft design, development, fabri-
cation and integration of experiments into the spacecraft.


NASA's Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, is responsible

for the Atlas first stage booster and the second stage Agena.

General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, Cal., developed the Atlas

and Lockheed Missiles and Space Corp., Sunnyvale, Cal., de-

veloped the Agena. Launch operations are directed by Kennedy

Space Center, Fla.


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Super High Frequency (SHF) Tests - Goddard Space Flight Center
The primary ATS-B communications experiments will be con-
ducted with the two microwave repeaters (receiver/transmitter)
which make up the spacecraft's super high frequency (SHF) com-
munications subsystem.

Both repeaters operate in three modes: the first two, (1)

multiple-access and (2) frequency translation, are used in the
microwave communications tests as described below. The third
mode, (3) wideband data, is used for transmitting television
pictures from the spacecraft's Spin Scan Cloud Cover (SSCC)
camera to the ground. (See section on "meteorological experi-

Multiple Access Mode Tests

The basic objective of operating the microwave repeaters
in this mode is to evaluate the Single Side Band (SSB) technique
for multiple-access communications. This technique is a promis-
ing approach to the development of a multiple-access system where
two or more ground stations use the spacecraft simultaneously.
It holds such promise because it affords-a maximum number of
voice channels in the minimum bandwidth of the overcroweded
radio frequencies.
In the multiple-access mode, the two microwave repeaters
serve as telephone relays by permitting the simultaneous two-
way interconnection of many ground stations. Use of both re-
peaters will provide for a total of 1,200 one-way or 600 two-
way voice circuits when properly equipped ground stations are
During the multiple-station access tests, transmissions
from all of the participating ground stations are collected at
the spacecraft as a composite SSB signal in the 6,ooo megacycle
frequency range. This composite signal is converted to a Phase
Modulated (PM) signal in the 4,000 MC range by the repeater be-
fore retransmission to the receiving ground terminals.
The SSB/PM conversion technique is employed for the multiple -
access tests because PM provides a constant power signal which
can be amplified in an efficient manner while utilizing a mini-
mum of weight, space and the spacecraft's onboard power. This
could not be accomplished if SSB were used for the entire com-
munications loop.

Since SSB signals are particularly sensitive to exact fre-

quencies and power levels, precautions have been taken to in-
sure that these two factors remain as constant as possible.

For example, the ground transmitters use ultra-stable os-

cillators and automatically compensate for the Doppler effect
or apparent frequency shift in signals which results if the
spacecraft deviates only slightly from its geo-stationary orbit.

For each degree of inclination that the ATS-B might vary

from the equator, the Doppler effect might be as much as 1,200
cycles per second.

Frequency Translation Mode Tests

The two microwave transponders are operated in this mode

to evaluate a high quality Frequency Modulation (FM) system for
relaying wideband data such as color television, telegraph, digi-
tal and facsimile data. The FM system used for these tests is a
refinement of the systems used on the Relay, Telstar and Syncom
communications satellites.

In the Frequency T. nslation Mode, FM signals are received

from a ground station in the 6,o00 MC frequency range and trans-
lated to and signals in the 4,000 MC range before re-transmission
to the ground, During the translation, the signals are amplified.

The primary design criteria for the Frequency Modualtion

system includes meeting the specifications for color television.
Wideband circuitroy is utilized throughout the signal chain of
the system so that the resulting usable band is 25 MC. This
meets all International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIN)
recommended television standards when utilized with ground sta-
tions appropriately equipped.

Since wide band data transmissions cover a relatively wide

range of frequencies, two-way simultaneous transmissions of such
data will require the use of both microwave repeaters. In such
a case, one ground station will use one complete channel for
transmission one way while the cooperating station will mono-
polize the other microwave channel.

Very High Frequency (VHF) Tests - Goddard Space Flight Center

The ATS-B also cairies a special communications repeater

(receiver/transmitter) which operates in the Very High Frequency
VHF) range (30 to 300 megacycles). Considered an experiment,
this repeater and its antenna system will be evaluated as a re-
lay for two-way voice communications between ground stations and
inflight aircraft.

Both the commercial airlines, represented by Aeronautical
Radio Inc. (ARINC), and the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) will
schedule flights of their own aircraft for the VHF tests. These
airplanes will be custom-equipped with VHF communications equip-
ment for tests.

The VHF repeater is an active frequency translation device

which operates like the microwave repeaters when they are used
in the frequency translation mode. Frequency Modulated (OM)
signals at 149.22 megacycles are received at the spacecraft and
translated to FM signals at 135.6 megacycles, amplified and re-
transmitted. Thus, all communications equipment at the ground
stations and aboard the airplanes transmit at the higher fre-
quency and receiver at the lower one. These frequencies were
selected to make maximum use of existing VF equipment.

The antenna system for the VHF repeater is a phased-array

unit which consists of eight radiating elements located around
the base end of the spacecraft. These antennas, which look like
spider legs when properly phased, concentrate the energy from
the satellite into a beam with a pattern gain of nine decibels.

In addition to tests with participating aircraft, simulated

ground-to-aircraft relay tests will be conducted between two ATS
ground stations. Aircraft simulation will be possible by de-
grading the performance of one of the participating stations.
This is accomplished by using low power antennas and reducing
the radiated power.

During the tests, the airborne and ground terminal per-

formance will be evaluated to help determine how to improve
ground station operation and equipment. The more efficient a
ground station the less communications equipment is required
aboard spacecraft and airplane where space and weight are at
a premium.

The FAA plans to use ATS-B for an evaluation of the future

use of satellites for relaying very high frequency (VHF) voice
communications between air traffic controllers and pilots of
airplanes flying over oceanic and sparsely populated land areas.

With presently-used high frequency (HF) communications,

aircraft in transoceanic flight are sometimes unable to contact
ground stations for periods lasting more than one hour due to
static, interference and fading. Satellite relayed VHF should
provide the capability for continuous static- and fade-free
VHF communications.














To assist in the evaluation of the ATS-B satellite, an

FAA C-135 flight check Jet will be specially equipped for tests
to begin in May, 1967. The plane will be flown to California,
then north to Alaska, thence south to a point under the satel-
lite near the equator southeast of the Hawaiian Islands.

Spin Scan Cloud Camera -- University of Wisconsin and Environ-

mental Science Services Administration

A Spin Scan Cloud Camera (SSCC) on the ATS-B satellite will

monitor weather developments and motions over a large area of
the Earth's surface during selected intervals of time to demon-
strate the feasibility and utility of continuous coverage.

Although the TIROS, Nimbus and ESSA satellites provide ex-

tremely valuable observations of the Earth's weather, their
view of any weather system is fleeting. A synchronous satellite,
remaining stationary in relation to the Earth, will permit con-
tinuous surveillance of short changes over large
areas of the globe.

Unlike other spacecraft television camera systems with com-

plex despinning or image motion compensation schemes, the spin
scan camera makes use of the spacecraft spin. The west-east or
horizontal scan of the camera is generated by the spinning mo-
tion of the spacecraft whereas the vertical scan is generated
by a mechanical step motor.

The camera employs a reflecting telescope with a five-inch

diameter and a folded 10-inch focal length. A defining pinhole
aperture is located at the image plane. This combination pro-
vides an effective lens aperture number of f/2.

Light from the telescope passes through a filter, which

removes some of the blue light scattered by the atmosphere,
hence to a photomultiplier tube. Electrons given off by the
photomultiplier tube represent about 13 shades of gray. These
electrons constitute a current which is amplified and trans-
mitted to the Earth station for reconstruction as a cloud
cover photograph.

The picture or frame scan mechanism of the camera scans

through an angle of 15 degrees, which corresponds to an Earth
coverage from 52.5 degrees north latitude to 52.5 degrees south
latitude. Since the complete frame is made up of 2,000 scan
lines and the spacecraft is spinning at 100 revolutions per
minute, the camera scans 100 horizontal lines each minute. Thus,
one picture is produced every 20 minutes. In the normal mode
of operation, the telescope is made to retrace to the 52.5 north
latitude position at the conclusion of each picture. Retracing
takes about two minutes.

Though not designed for astronomical photography, the camera

can scan outer space to include the Sun, the Moon and the brighter
stars when it is turned away from the Earth. A view of the Moon
is useful in providing a means to monitor the camera's sensitivity.
The photographs of the Earth, taken when the ATS-B is on its
planned station, will show an area well over a third of a billion
square miles. It will extend from the east coast of North America
to mid-Australia and from the lower tip of South America to Hudson
Bay in Canada.
Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) - NASA - ESSA

Weather data in facsimile format, prepared by ESSA, will

be transmitted to the satellite by the ATS Mojave ground station
and relayed through the satellite to special ground stations
within communications range. In additivn, selected spin scan
camera pictures will be transmitted via the satellite to the
Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) ground readout stations.
The WEFAX experiment is designed to test satellite trans-
mission of facsimile proeucts, and to explore the feasibility of
increasing the amount of data available to stations equipped for
reception of Automatic Picture Transmission photographs from the
ESSA and Nimbus satellites.
The WEFAX experiment will begin after the satellite reaches
its planned position above the equator. ESSA's National Meteoro-
logical Center and National Environmental Satellite Center, both
at Suitland, Md., will prepare data for transmission by ATS-B and
send it via landline to the ATS Mojave ground station. The WEFAX
field center at Mojave will transmit the data to the spacecraft
at the rate of 240 scans per minute. The spacecraft will relay
the data via a VHF down-link directly to ground stations
equipped t) receive and record APT cloud-cover pictures.
APT stations from the east coast of the United States to
mid-Australia and Japan will be able to receive the transmissions
and they hive been invited to participate in the experiment. Par-
ticipating stations will evaluate the quality of the transmissions,
sending samples and comments to Goddard, which will conduct a sys-
tems evaluation based on thiese returns.
Data will be selected for transmission on the basis of value
and interest to stations in the Pacific and adjacent areas. A
daily alert message giving WEFAX transmission times will be sent
on meteorological teletypewriter circuits, and a monthly schedule
of transmissions will be mailed to participants.
-11 -

Electronically De-spun Antenna System - Goddard Space Flight Center
This experiment will evaluate an antenna system capable of
producing a high directional radio beam which can be pointed con-
tinuously toward the Earth from a spinning spacecraft in synchro.-
nous orbit.
It is dubbed an Electronically De-spun Antenna because it is
a phased array system whose directional radio beam is "electroni-
cally" de-spun so that it can remain pointed at the Earth. De-
spinning is necessary because the ATS-B, a spin-stabilized space-
craft turns about 100 revolutions per minute Like a gyroscope.
This antenna system, operating at the power levels of the
ATS-B, will produce 10 times the effective radiated power that
could be achieved without the system. It will be used as the
antenna link on the ATS-B during the microwave communications
tests. This will be the first use of such an antenna system
aboard a spacecraft.
The Electronically De-spun Antenna is designed to produce
a radio beam to cover the entire area of the globe in view of the
spacecraft. It will be an elliptical beam measuring about 18
degrees north and south and 23 degrees east and west. The net
gain or radiated power of this beam will be about 14 decibels.
The basic components of this experiment consist of a cir-
cular cluster of 16 radiating elements each measuring eight inches
long. A single receiving element, located in the center of the
cluster, is 18 inches long. These elements are affixed to the
spacecraft and rotate with it.
All of the 16 radiating elements are continuously energized
but are phased so that their radiated output tends to reinforce
in a given direction. In effect, a main beam of energy is made
to radiate in rotation around the spin axis at the same rate as,
but in the opposite disection of, the spinning spacecraft. Thus,
the rotation of the antenna beam cancels out the spin of the
spacecraft to produce a stationary and directional radio beam.
The Electronically De-Spun Antenna is controlled by the
Phased Array Control ElectrDnics (PACE) of the spacecraft sub-
systems. Should this system fail, the antenna would still pro-
duce a conventional radiation pattern which would be effective
for communications purposes.


Nutation Sensor - Goddard Space Flight Center

This experiment has the primary objective of deterring
the degree to which a nutation damper will be effective in
minimizing the nutation (wobble about the spin-axis) of a spin-
stabilized spacecraft. This sensor, capable of measuring nuta-
tion angles from five degrees down to a thousandth of a degree,
will be controlled by ground command.
No spacecraft has ever been instrumented to measure nuta-
tion. For many systems carried aboard spin-stabilized space-
craft, however, it is necessary to know the degree of nutation.
This is particularly true of a system such as the Spin-Scan
Cloud Cover camera which requires low nutation if its resolution
capabilities are to be realized. Low nutation is also required
for a system such as the Electronically De-spun Antenna if its
highly directive radio beam is to be utilized most effectively.
The Nutation Sensor experiment weighs only about one and
one-third pounds. It consists of a low-frequency transducer or
piezoelectric accelerometer, mounted near the periphery of the
spacecraft with its sensing axis parallel to the spin axis, and
a sitgnal amplifier. This type of transducer is an inertial de-
vice which requires no extravehicular references such as the Sun,
Moon or stars.
During launch, thesensitive Nutation Sensor is protected
against high acceleration by a caging mechanism which keeps the
sensor inoperative. Not until the ATS-B Is in its final orbit
will the sensor be uncaged to become operative. This will be
done by ground command which .sill fire squibs to release the
caging mechanism.
Special tests will be conducted in orbit to evaluate the
Nutation Sensor. During these tests, nutation will be induced
into the spacecraft's spin by firing one of the jets (perpen-
dicular to the spin axis) in the spacecraft's hydrogen peroxide
reaction control subsystem. The Nutation Sensor will record the
initial nutation and any residual nutation after the nutation
damper has operated.
Signals from the sensor will be amplified by the experi-
ment's amplifier and relayed to the ground stations by way of
the spacecraft's telemetry system for analyses.


Nutation Damper

This is a simple device designed to remove nutation or

wobble about the spin axis from the spacecraft. It is
essentially a hollow tube, measuring 19 inches long by 3/8
inches inside diameter, which is half filled with liquid
Mercury. Total weight of this unit is about two pounds.

The nutation damper is mounted inside the spacecraft

structure off to one side but parallel with the spin axis.
Any nutations introduced into the spacecraft spin cause the
Mercury to slosh around in the tube. As a result, the
nutation energy is dissipated in the sloshing Mercury and
the nutation motion is removed.

Resistojet - Goddard Space Flight Center

The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the

usefulness of a low thrust resistoiet engine aboard space-
craft for such uses as spin control and orbital maneuvers.
However in the ATS-B the resistojet will be used solely for
conducting de-spin tests upon ground command.

In full operation, the resistojet produces a thrust

measured at 450 millionths of a pound. Continuous operation
at this thrust level for four hours is adequate to de-spin
the ATS-B by one revolution per minute. Enough fuel is
carried to de-spin the satellite as much as 10 RPM.

The entire resistojet system is contained in a single

package measuring four inches in diameter by eleven inches
long. It weighs seven pounds and requires about 10 watts
of power in full operation.

In addition to a propellant tank, containing a half-

pound of liquid ammonia, the resistojet has a feed system
and two exhaust valves located on the equator of the ATS-B.
A signal conditioning unit on the resistojet enable ground
stations to monitor and control its performance.

During operation, the ammonia liquid is converted to a

gas at a low pressure by the regulator system. Then the gas
is heated to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit on its way to the jet
expulsion system. Thrust is produced when the gas is expelled
through the exhaust valves to de-spin the spacecraft.

Although the de-spin of the ATS-B resulting from
operation of thr resistojeD is not expected to iffec3t the
stability of the spacecraft, the ATS-B can be spun-up again
during tests with the Nutation Sensor. For example, when
the hydrogen peroxide jet in the spacecraft's reaction
control subsystem is used to induce nutation, the effect of
the spacecraft's nutation damper converts the induced
nutation into spin energy. This results in spin-up.




cp 'E






Environmental Measurement Experiment (EME) - Goddard Space

Flight Center, and University and Industrial Laboratories
The primary scientific experiment aboard the ATS-B is
the Environmental Measurement Experiment (EME). This experi-
ment actually consists of seven separate scientific experiments
integrated into a single unit. It is designed to measure the
orbital environment of the ATS-B spacecraft and the effect of
this environment on the spacecraft.
The major scientific advantage of the ATS-B mission is the
stabilization of the spacecraft at one longitude (151 degrees W)
to observe the disturbances in these belts caused by magnetic
storms over long periods of time.
Radiation damage to the solar power plant of a satellite and
to other components varies greatly depending upon the energy and
intensity of the radiation to which the satellite is exposed.
Included in the EME is an experiment to measure current-voltage
characteristics of various types of solar cells when exposed to
radiation. The radiation effects on the stability of various
spacecraft thermal coating samples will also be evaluated.
The EME package is essentially self-contained in that it
provides the seven separate experiments in the unit with a single
mounting structure, an encoder, a command module, and a power
supply. A power level of 24 volts is supplied to the EME package
by the spacecraft power system. Signals from the EME package
are encoded in a standard pulse frequency modulation (PFMi) format
and then sent to the ground by means of the spacecraft telemetry
The following is a list of the experiments which make up
uhe EME and the cognizant experimenters:
1. Suprathermal Ion Detector -- (Dr. John W. Freeman,
Rice U., Houston) This experiment measures positive ions from
0.25 to 50 ev per unit charge in 20 different energy channels.
A primary objective of this experiment is to determine the
particle flux as a function of the direction of arrival o! the
2. Magnetometer -- (Dr. Paul J. Coleman, UCLA) This
experiment measures the magnetic field environment of the ATS
spacecraft and resolves the field into two orthogonal components;
one parallel to the spacecraft's spin axis, and one perpendicular
to the spin axis.


3. Omnidirectional Electron-Proton Detector -- (Dr.

George A. Paulikas, Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles) This
experiment measures electrons in the 0.1 to 1.1 Mev energy
range and protons in the 5 to 20 and 20 to 40 Mev range, to
determine the omnidirectional fluxes and spectra of the particles
in t:e region of the spacecraft.
4. Electron Magnetic Deflection Spectrometer -- (Dr.
John R. Winckler, U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis) This experiment
measures the electron flux in the energy intervals 45 kev to
150 kev, 150 kev to 500 kev, and 500 kev to 1.0 mev using a
magnetic deflection spectrometer.
5. Multi-element Particle Telescope -- (Dr. Walter L.
Brown, BelU=elephone Labs., Murray Hill, N. J.) This experi-
ment measures electrons, protons, and alpha particle spectra in
the following energy ranges using a silicon-Junction particle
telescope detector:
Electrons 0.4 Mev to 1.2 Mev 2 ranges
Protons 07 Mev to 100 Mev 6 ramges
Alphas 1.8 Mev to 85 Mev 5 ranges

6. Solar Cell Radiation Damage -- (Dr. Raymond C. Waddel,

Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.) This experiment
measures the I-V curves of 30 selected cells having different
dopants and cover slides of different types, including the cells
used on the ATS solar array.
7. Thermal Coatings -- (Jack J. Triolo, Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.) This experiment measures the
absorptanc6-to-emittance (a/e) ratio of nine selected surfaces
(four spacecraft surfaces) and compares them to a standard
surface (stacked blackened razor blades).
8. Ionospheric Beacon -- (Dr. 0. G. Villard, Radio Science
Lab., Stanford U.) In this experiment, radio signals from the
spacecraft's VHF transponder as well as a tower level signal at
its third harmonic, will be monitored at Stanford University and
the University of Hawaii to help determine the ion content of
the ionosphere. These data will complement similar data
recorded at different frequencies from the Orbiting Geophysical
Observatory-I and III.
By monitoring the VHF signals from the ATS-B at its relative
fixed point, scientists will better be able to discern the daily
behavior of the ionosphere including its motions and irregulari-
ties over a long period of time. Of particular interest are the
variations of the ionosphere at sunrise and sunset.



The ATS-B is a spin-stabilized spacecraft with the general

shape of the Syncom communications satellites, also
cylindrical but much larger. It weighs 1550 pounds, about
10 times the Syncom, and measures about five feet diameter by
five feet long. It will weigh 775 pounds after the apogee kick
motor is fired.

The apogee kick motor protrudes from one end, the SHF
phased array antenna from the other end, while whip VHF antennas
protrude from the periphery at each end.

The entire cylindrical surface of the spacecraft is covered

with 22,000 solar cells, except for openings for experiment

The 850-pound apogee motor was built by NASA's Jet Propul-

sion Laboratory, Pasadena, Cal. This motor is fitted into the
base of a structure tube which runs through the center of the

It is loaded with 760 pounds of JPL-540 solid propellant.

It has a maximum thrust of 6,250 pounds when operating at a
chamber pressure of 260 pounds per --uare inch. The burn time
is about 44 seconds.

Electrical Power Subsystem

This subsystem consists of an upper and a lower solar array

and two nickel-cadmium batteries. Initially, it supplies about
185 watts of power. This is expected to drop no lower than
125 watts even after three years in orbit, despite the degrada-
tion caused by radiation on the solar cells. Most non-peak
electrical loads can be sustained by this lower power level.

Each of the solar arrays contains 11,000 solar cells to

give the spacecraft a total of 22,000 solar cells to power the
spacecraft while in sunlight. These are negative-on-positive
(N/P) cells which are protected against much of the space
radiation damage by fused silica covers measuring 30 thousandths
of an inch thick.

Each of the two batteries contains 22 cell units which pro-

vide a total storage capability of ±2 ampere-hours. This is
sufficient to operate the spacecraft when it is eclipsed from
the sun or when transient peak loads are required.


The two solar arrays and two batteries are divided into
separate power subsystems which can be paralleled into one
unit on command. Each main solar array directly power space-
craft systems and maintains the voltage between about 25 and
33 volts. The upper limit is maintained by a voltage limiter
and the lower by a battery discharge control circuit.

All experiment payloads and major electrical units are

powered by 24-volt regulators which automatically disconnect the
payloads from the spacecraft if they draw more than the pre-
scribed current. A few high current transient loads, such as
the spacecraft spin-up system and the apogee motor squibs, are
not regulated in this manner. These units are automatically
disconnected after firing to insure against short circuit.
All of these systems can be reset by the VHF command system.

Phased Array Control Electronics (PACE) Subsystem

This subsystem provides control signals which form and de-

spin the radio beam of the Electronically De-spun Antenna
experiment used with the microwave communications systems.

The PACE uses a sun-sensor mounted on the spacecraft as a

reference source to provide one pulse each spacecraft revolution.
Digital circuits in the PACE give timing information between
sun sensor pulses while digital-to-analog converters provide the
necessary control signals for the phase shifters. A built-in
clock provides a time of day correction which rotates the beam
one revolution per orbit, keeping it pointed at the Earth.

Operation of the PACE during eclipse of the spacecraft is

accomplished by synchronizing a stable oscillator on the ground
with the sun pulses prior to eclipse and then generating and
transmitting pulses to the spacecraft when it is in eclipse. The
antenna beam is initially positioned and then updated as
required by ground controlled signals trans-mitted via the space-
craft command system.

The PACE also provides for control of the antenna system of

the Very High Frequency transponder experiment.
Command & Telemetry Subsystems

The command and telemetry subsystems on the ATS-B are

designed to provide ground control of the spacecraft and to send
experiment and "housekeeping" data back to the ground.

Command sequences are initiated at Goddard and transmitted

to one of the three ground stations for ultimate transmission to
the spacecraft.


The command subsystems on the spacecraft consists of two

duplicate receivers and two Goddard FSK decoders. Command
signals generated at a ground station are addressed to one of
the command decoders but are received simultaneously by both
command receivers. The addressed decoder automatically locks
onto the receiver with the best signal and stores the command

For verification, the telemetry subsystem repeats the

command for the ground station. After verification, the
spacecraft is made to execute the command signal by an execute
tone sent from the ground station involved. Normal telemetry
signals can be checked to verify that the spacecraft has pro-
perly executed the command.

Eight command & telemetry whip antennas are affixed to the

top outside edge of the ATS-B.

The telemetry system has four two-watt VHF transmitters which

operate in redundant pairs on different frequencies and two
standard Goddard encoders which can operate in the pulse code
modulation (PCM) or the pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) mode.
Each encoder has 64 main and 96 sub-channels.

Two of these transmitters are used solely for telemetering

data from the spacecraft's Environmental Measurement
Experiment package. The EME has its own pulse frequency modu-
lation (PFM) encoder.

The two remaining transmitters, operating with the telemetry

subsystem encoders, are used to telemeter "housekeeping" data in
both "real time" and delayed time. "Real time" data, which
uses six or eight channels of an encoder in the PAM mode, in-
cludes information on the apogee motor firing, the nitrogen spin-
up, and the hydrogen peroxide orientation system operations.
It also includes information from the phase shifter wave forms
from the microwave electronically de-spun antenna, and outputs
from the Sun (psi) sensor which measures the spin rate and
solar aspect angle of the spacecraft.

The remainder of the "housekeeping" data, for which there

is no "real time" requirement, uses the PCM encoder mode. In
this mode, the encoder samples all 64 of the main channels in
three seconds and all the sub channels in three minutes.
The ATS-B carries no VHF tracking beacon since the carrier
wave of the telemetry transmitters is always present and can be
used for tracking purposes. Microwave tracking beacons are pro-
vided in the microwave (SHF) repeater.


Reaction Control Subsystem

The reaction control subsystem on the ATS-B consists of

a nitrogen spin-up unit for spacecraft stabilization and two
redundant hydrogen peroxide units for orienting the space-
craft and placing it on station in a circular synchronous orbit
directly over the equator.

The nitrogen spin-up unit consists of two storage tanks

containing nitrogen gas under 3,000 pounds-per-square-inch of
pressure. Both tanks are connected in common to exhaust Jets,
which are located on opposite sides of the spacecraft and which
produce about 75 pounds of initial thrust when opened.

When the spacecraft separates from the second stage Agena

rocket, the nitrogen spin-up system is actuated automatically
and operates for about 17 seconds, then the supply system is
depleted. This spins the ATS-B up to the desired 100 rpm.

The two hydrogen peroxide units are labeled "A" and " B ".
Each system has its own supply tanks, two thruster Jets and
associated solenoid valves for operation. One thruster jet in
each system fires parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft
while the other thruster Jet in each system fires perpendicular
to the axis. Unit "A" has two supply tanks with a full load
capacity of about 45 pounds of 90 per cent hydrogen peroxide
while unit "B" has twice this amount in four tanks.

Unit "B" is intended for use in re-orienting the spacecraft

after the apogee motor firing and for initially placing the
spacecraft on station. This will require precessing the space-
craft spin-axis so that it is perpendicular to the equatorial
plane. It also may call for correcting any error in the
orbital inclination so that the spacecraft is directly over the
equator and moving the spacecraft across the sky from the point
of orbital insertion to the planned station.

About 45 pounds of fuel in the "B" hydrogen peroxide unit is

expected to be used for this purpose. -This will nominally leave
both units"A" and "B" units with equal amounts of fuel for future
orientation and station-keeping purposes.



Command sequences are initiated at Goddard and trans-

mitted to one of the three existing ATS ground stations for
ultimate transmission to the spacecraft.

Of the three ATS ground stations, two are located at

tracking stations of the world-wide Space Tracking and Data
Acquisition Network (STADAN) operated by Goddard. The prLmariy
ATS ground station is located at the Rosman STADAN facility
which has an 85-foot dish antenna. The other is at the Mojave
STADAN facility which has a 40-foot parabolic antenna.

The third ATS ground station is a transportable unit located

at Cooby Creek near Toowoomba, Australia. This station is
equipped with a 40-foot parabolic antenna. The antenna system
employs a cryogenic low-noise, high-gain amplifier, including
a combination of MASER and parametric amplifiers. Both
amplifiers are operated in the same refrigerator at an actual
temperature of minus 453 degrees F for the MASER and minus 430
degrees F for the parametric amplifier.

The performance of both the MASER and the parametric

amplifiers will be compared in communications tests. Remote
seLection of either the MASER or the parametric amplifier is

In addition to command equipment, these stations have Super

High Frequency (SHF) and Very High Frequency (VHr) communications
equipment as well as improved range-and-range-rate (R&RR) equip-
ment for tracking purposes.

The R&RR equipment at the ATS ground stations was designed

to send and receive signals through the SHiF or microwave trans-
ponder on the ATS-B. The high power and broad bandwidth of this
transponder provides an R&RR signal with a high s:>nal-to-noise
ratio. As a result, range of the ATS-B can be determined with
a resolution of about five feet in range and approximately
1/3-inch per second in range rate.

Range is a measure orC distance from a fixed ground point

Lo the moving spacecraft, and range-rate is the rate of change
of this distance from the point.

The ATS-B also will be tracked by the world-wide STADAN

stations at launch and during the early phases of powered flight.
In addition the RADPX will receive telemetry data from the
environmental measur_..sentl experiment on-board the ATS-B.

-m;ore -

Participating 3tati.ons
In addition to the ATS ground stations, several foreign
ground stations will participate in the ATS missions. For the
ATS-B mission, however, the only participating station is
located at Kashima near Tokyo, Japan. This facility, operated
by Japan's Radio Research Laboratory of the Ministry of Posts
and Telecommunication, has a 99-foot parabolic antenna. It
is equipped with SHF communications equipment and the same
improved range-arid-range-rate equipment used for tracking at
the ATS ground stations.



Super High Frequency - Test communications GSFC
techniques for multiple-
station access, color TV
relay and other wideband
data relay

Very High Frequency - Test ground-to-spacecraft- GSFC

to-aircraft systems FAA

Spin-F'can Cloud Cover - Evaluate spin-scan camera Univ. of
Weather Dissemination - Evaluate dissemination of GSFC
weather information via ESSA

Electronically - Evaluate performance of GSFC
De-Spun Antenna electronically de-spun

Nutation Sensor - Evaluate nutation damper GSFC

for spin-stabilized space-

Resistojet - Eveluate low thrust hot GSFC

ammonia system for de-spin
and orbital maneuvers

Environmental - Measure synchronous orbital GSFC
Measurement environment and effects of Univ. &
same on spacecraft materials Industry
and solar cells Labs

Ionospheric Beacon - Monitor VHF signals from Stanford

spacecraft to help determine Univ.
ion content of ionosphere

-24 -


Weight at launch: About 1550 pounds

Weight in orbit: About 775 pounds

Configuration: Cylindrical structure measuring

about 58 inches in diameter by
five feet long.


Site: Complex 12, Cape Kennedy, Fla.

Vehicle: Atlas (SLV-3)-Agena

Azimuth: About 104 degrees

ORBIT (on station)

Orbit: Synchronous (22,300 miles altitude)

Inclination: Zerc (equatorial)

Period: 24 hours


Sequence of Events: Launch to Orbital Station

The ATS-B will be launched on an azimuth of about 104

degrees. It will be placed in a synchronous, stationary,
equatorial orbit where it will circle the globe once every
24 hours watching the Earth's rotational period and appearing
to remain in a fixed spot above the Earth. The launch window
is 8:42 to 9:42 p.m., EST. ATS-B will be placed in circular
parking orbit about 112 miles above the Earth. This is
accomplished with the Atlas booster engine burn (five minutes-
11 seconds) and a first burn (two minutes - 43 seconds) of the
restartable Agena second stage.

After about 20 minutes into the flight, the Agena will be

re-ignited and burn Vol about one minute - 20 seconds to place
the spacecraft into a highly elliptical transfer orbit.
Perigee of the transfer orUit is 112 miles (same as the parking
orbit altitude) and the apogee is slightly higher than the
synchronous orbit altitude of 22,300 miles. This orbit is
inclined about 31 degrees to the equator.

After the second burn of the Agena, the Agena guidance

package will orient the spacecraft so that its ap: bee motor
is prealigned for ignition. The ATS-B will then be separated
from the Agena and spun up to 100 RPM. Spin-up occurs about
two minutes - 16 seconds after completion of Agena second burn.

On the second apogee cf the transfer orbit, the apogee

motor on the ATS-B will be fired. This occurs over the west
coast of Sc'ith America abort 16 hours 32 minutes after lift-off.

The 44-second burn of the apogee motor will accelerate

the spacecraft into a circular drift orbit slightly higher
than the synchronous orbit. This burn will remove the inclination
of the orbit so that the spacecraft is directly over the

In its drift orbit, the ATS-B moves westward until it

reaches its final station.


Countdown Milestones at Launch Complex 12 Cape Kennedy

Event Minus Time (Minutes)

Start Count 415

Start Agena UDMH Tanking 155

Finish Agena UDMH Tanking 135

Start Removal of Gantry 130

Complete Removal of Gantry 100

Start Agena IRFNA Tanking g0

Finish Agena IRFNA Tanking 65

Built-in Hold of 60 minutes to

meet Launch Window Restrictions 60

Start Atlas LOX Tanking 45

Built-in Hold for 10 minutes to

meet Launch Window Restrictions 7

Secure Atlas LOX Tanking 2

Hold for Automatic Secuencer 18 seconds

Atlas Engine to Full Thrust 2 seconds


Atlas-Agena Flight Events

Nominal Time
From Liftoff (sec) Event Description

0.0 Liftoff

129.0 Atlas Booster Engine Cutoff (BECO)

291.0 Atlas Sustainer Engine Cutoff (SECO)

294.5 Start Agena Standard Sequence


311.9 Atlas Vernier Engine Cutoff (VECO)

314.0 Atlas-Agena Separation

366.8 Agena First Burn Ignition

375.5 Nose Shroud Ejection
526.8 First-Burn Shutdown
1176.5 Agena Second-Burn Ignition
1256.7 Agena Second Shutdown
1393.5 Spacecraft Separation



Launch Vehicles

Atlas Agena-D and ATS-B

Height on pad 109 feet

Weight on pad 278,736 pounds

Atlas Agena-D
Booster Upper Stage

Height 67 feet 42 feet*

Weight 261,219 pounds 17,517 pounds*

Propellants 11,563 gallons 570 gallons unsymmetrical

RP-1 dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH)

18,626 gallons 740 gallons inhibited fuming

liquid oxygen nitric acid (IRFNA)

Thrust 388,3110 pounds 16,000 pounds at altitude

at liftoff

Propulsion two booster engines One regeneratively iooled

one sustainer, two engine (Bell Aerocy2tems)

Guidance Atlas autopilot Agena IRP (inertial reference

and G.E. guidance package), horizon sensors,
and onboard flight programmer.

Prime Contractor General DynamIcs Lockheed Missiles and Space

Convair Divison, Co., Sunnyvale, Cal..
San Diego, Cal.

*Including 19 feet of shroud and enclosed payload




-more -


The following key officials are responsible for the

Applications Technology Satelllte-B program:

NASA Headquarters

Dr. Homer E. Newell, Associate Administrator for Space

Science and Applications
Leonard Jaffe, Director, Space Applications Programs Office
Dr. Morris Tepper, Deputy Director, Space Applications
Programs and Director of Meteorology
Joseph R. Burke, ATS Program Manager
Michael Garbacz, TIROS Program Manager (ATS Meteorological
Flight Experiments)
Vincent L. Johnson, Director, Launch Vehicle and Propulsion
J. B. Mahon, Agena Program Manager

Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. John F. Clark, Director

Dr. John W. Townsend, Jr., Deputy Director
Robert E. Bourdeau, Assistant Director for Projects
Robert J. Darcey, ATS Project Manager
Wendell Sunderlin, Assistant ATS Project Manager
James L. Baker, ATS Project Coordinator
Robert H. Pickard, ATLS Spacecraft Manager

Kennedy Space Center

Robert H. Gray, Assistant Director for Unmanned Launch

Harold Zwigbaum, Agena Project Manager, ULO

Lewis Research Center

Dr. Abe Silverstein, Director

H. Warren Plohr, Agena Project Manager
Richard P. Geye, Agena Project Engineer for ATS
N. R. Marchionna, Assistant Agena Project Engineer for ATS


Major Sub-contractors

Airborne Instrument Lab, Deer Park, N.Y., Development of MASER

and parametric amplifier for ATS Transportable Ground Station.

Avco, Space Systems Divison, Wilmington, Mass., Development of


Gene2al Dynamics Electronics, San Diego, Cal., Fabrication of

Range and Range-Rate equipment at all three ATS ground stations.

Gene al Electric Co., Communications Products Division, Lynchburg,

va., Built baseband multiplex microwave communications equip-
ment for all three ATS ground stations.

Geophysics Corp. of America, Bedford, Mass., Development of

Nutation Sensor.

Gulton Industries, Inc., Metuchen, N.J., Fabrication of EME Solar

Cell experiment.

Hughes Research Center, Santa Barbara, Cal., Development of Spin

Scan Camera.

Marshall Labs, Torrance, Cal., Fabrication cf EME Magnetcmeter

and Sulrurathermal ion Detector.

North American Aviation, Columbus, Ohio, Built 40-foot antenna

for ATS Transportable Ground Station.

Philco, Western Division Lab, Palo Alto, Cal., Integrated antenna

feed system at Mojave ATS ground station.

Rantec Corp., Palo Alto, Cal., Integrated antenna feed system at

Rosman ATS ground station.

Raytheon Co., Equipment Division, Norwood, Mass,., Built FM and

SSB communications transmitters for all three ATS ground

RCA Victor, Montreal, Canada, Built communications receivers for

all three ATS ground stations.

Sylvania Electronl.cs Systems, Waltham, Mass., Integration, test

and installtttion of ATS Transportable Ground Station as


Westinghouse Electric Corp., Defense and Space Center Systems

Divison, Baltimore. Integration, test and installation of
ATS ground stations at Rosman, N.C., and Mojave, Cal.
Integration of the Environmental Measurement Experiment (EME)
and fabrication of the EME Thermal Coatings unit. Design and
fabricat ion of Communications Test and Evaluation Console
(CTEC) and Master Control Console at all three ground stations.
Also designed and fabricated the equipment for real time
recording of the Spin Scan Cloud Cover Camera pictures at the
ground stations.


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