Case Studies Induction Hardening: Vasmin
Case Studies Induction Hardening: Vasmin
Case Studies Induction Hardening: Vasmin
-Hardening uses heat and rapid cooling (quenching) to increase the hardness, strength
and/or durability of steel.
-Heating steel or iron above their upper critical temperatures modifies the crystal
structure of the metal to a form called Austenite. With this atomic arrangement the
carbon can then freely migrate to a new location.
-When hardening, the aim is to quickly quench the Austenite, thus trapping the carbon
atoms in their new positions in the crystalline structure.
-The transformed structure, called Marten site, is extremely hard.
-Such hardening creates important internal residual stresses that can be either beneficial
or disadvantageous. Depending on requirements
-Tempering can be carried out after the induction hardening process.
-High throughput
-Shorter leadtimes
-Minimal environmental impact
-Complete control
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