Water Distribution EPANEt
Water Distribution EPANEt
Water Distribution EPANEt
v. 10.1
View an existing water distribution model within the EPANET interface. Import the model into WMS
and make changes to the link/node properties. Export and run the model to visualize changes in the water
distribution system.
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Getting Started .................................................................................................................... 2
3 Visualizing the Existing Conditions Model ....................................................................... 3
3.1 Opening and Reviewing the Model Within EPANET .................................................. 3
3.2 Running the Model and Reviewing the Results ........................................................... 5
3.3 Exporting the Pipe Network ......................................................................................... 6
4 Importing the Pipe Network into WMS ............................................................................ 6
4.1 Setting up the Projection .............................................................................................. 6
4.2 Importing the Pipe Network ......................................................................................... 6
5 Background Image .............................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Downloading a Background Image .............................................................................. 7
5.2 Importing a Background Image Without an Internet Connection ................................ 8
6 Making Modifications to the Network............................................................................... 9
6.1 Creating the New Link and Node ................................................................................. 9
6.2 Modifying the New Link and Node ........................................................................... 11
7 Exporting and Running the Modified Network in EPANET ........................................ 11
7.1 Exporting the Modified Network ............................................................................... 12
7.2 Opening the Modified Network in EPANET and Re-running the Model .................. 12
8 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 13
1 Introduction
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed an application called
EPANET to model the hydraulic and water quality behavior of water distribution piping
systems. It is capable of handling models with varying water demands both spatially and
temporally. A single or extended period analysis can be set up and run for a water
distribution network.
For the hydraulic analysis, EPANET will calculate pressures at each node and velocities,
flows, and headloss in each link. Minor losses from fittings and major losses due to
friction are included in the calculations. For the water quality analysis, EPANET
calculates the water quality at each link and node as well as the relative age of the water
in the pipes. Water quality will not be analyzed in the model used for this tutorial.
This tutorial first opens an existing model into the external EPANET application, runs it
to observe the existing conditions solution, and exports the network as an EPANET input
file. It then opens the input file into WMS where the coordinate projection is set and a
base map is downloaded.
Link and node properties will be changed, editing options will be explored and the model
will be exported so it can be imported back into the external EPANET application. In
EPANET, the model will then be run and reviewed.
The model used is from a development near Denver, Colorado. It has several links and
nodes that make up the pipes, valves, junctions, and tank used to build the network. After
some of the parameters in the links and nodes are modified, the model will be run again
to observe the changes in the results.
2 Getting Started
Starting WMS new at the beginning of each tutorial is recommended. This resets the data,
display options, and other WMS settings to their defaults. To do this:
It is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EPANET\ folder by default. Download and install the
software from https://www.epa.gov/water-research/epanet if needed.
Throughout the development, nodes have been created at pipe junctions and different
intervals. Water demand has been assigned to the nodes based on the water usage of the
surrounding homes.
6. Select Window | 1 Browser to view the Browser dialog.
The Browser dialog should appear similar to Figure 2.
More detailed model outputs for individual nodes or links can be extracted using the
Graph and Table tools. For information on using these tools, refer to the
EPANET documentation.2 Feel free to explore these options if desired.
See https://nepis.epa.gov/Adobe/PDF/P1007WWU.pdf.
5 Background Image
The following section requires an internet connection. If no internet connection is
available, skip to section 5.2 to use the previously-downloaded background image
provided with the tutorial files.
1. Using the Get Data tool, click and drag a selection box around the entire pipe
network to bring up the Data Service Options dialog.
2. Select Web Services and scroll to the right to find and select World Imagery.
3. Click OK to close the Data Service Options dialog and bring up the Save Web
Services Data File(s) dialog.
4. Select “Web Services Files (*.web)” from the Save as type drop-down.
5. Enter “Aerial_CO.web” as the File name and click Save to close the Save Web
Services Data File(s) dialog.
6. Click Yes when asked to “create the following file(s)” to bring up the Image
Pixel Size dialog.
7. Enter “3.0” in the Enter the image pixel size (ft) field.
8. When the download completes, click No if asked to build image pyramids.
The world imagery will now be shown (Figure 7). Feel free to Zoom in to review the
development and the alignment of the pipe network with the streets and easements.
3. Select “Aerial_CO.tif” and click Open to import the background image and exit
the Open dialog.
4. Click No if asked to generate image pyramids.
The world imagery will now be shown (same as in Figure 7). Feel free to Zoom in to
review the development and the alignment of the pipe network with the streets and
7. Using the Create Feature Arc tool, create a new arc from the corner node
visible in the street below the clubhouse to the intersection of the road and the
parking lot across the street from the clubhouse (Figure 9).
Ensure that the new arc is connected to the existing network at the node located at the
starting point in Figure 9. This is accomplished when starting the arc by clicking close
enough to the existing node that the new arc snaps to it. If it is not connected, delete it
and recreate it.
7.2 Opening the Modified Network in EPANET and Re-running the Model
1. Open the external EPANET application.
2. Click Open to bring up the Open a Project dialog.
3. Select “Input file (*.INP)” from the Files of type drop-down.
4. Select “Water_Dist_CO_Modified.inp” and click Open to import the input file
and exit the Open a Project dialog.
The project should appear similar to Figure 11.
5. Using the Select Object tool, double-click on the new link to bring up the Pipe
P-121 dialog.
This dialog allows the various property values of the link to be reviewed.
6. Click the in the top right corner to close the Pipe P-121 dialog.
7. Repeat steps 5–6 as desired for any other links and nodes.
Notice that the Roughness values have changed for all of the links.
8. Click Run to bring up the Run Status dialog.
9. When the run completes, click OK to close the Run Status dialog.
10. In the Browser dialog, on the Map tab, select “Pressure” from the Nodes drop-
down and “Flow” from the Links drop-down.
This allows visualization of the computed pressures and flows.
11. Observe the flows and pressures over time in the solution by advancing the time
steps individually using the right arrow (directly below the Time drop-down)
or by clicking Forward at the bottom of the Map tab.
12. Open the original model (“Water_Dist_CO.inp”) in another instance of EPANET
for a side-by-side comparison.
More detailed model outputs for individual nodes or links can be extracted using the
Graph and Table tools. For information on using these tools, refer to the
EPANET documentation.3
8 Conclusion
This concludes the “Water Distribution System Modeling – EPANET Hydraulic Model”
tutorial. The following key concepts were discussed and demonstrated:
Opening an existing model in the EPANET interface and running it to observe
the existing conditions solution
Exporting the network as an EPANET input file (*.inp)
Opening the existing model input file in WMS
Setting the coordinate projection
Downloading a basemap
Making changes to link and node properties
Exploring editing options
Exporting the modified model and opening it within the EPANET interface
Running and viewing the modified EPANET model
See https://nepis.epa.gov/Adobe/PDF/P1007WWU.pdf.