III Accontabilit and CI
III Accontabilit and CI
III Accontabilit and CI
The school articulates the accountability Stakeholders are engaged in School community
3.The accountability assessment framework with basic the development and operation of stakeholders continuously and
system is owned by components, including implementation an appropriate accountability
the community and is collaboratively review and
guidelines to the stakeholders. assessment system. enhance accountability systems’
enhanced to ensure processes, mechanisms and tools
that management 1. Minutes of consultative meeting
structures and - M & E tools and mechanisms used to 4. Guidelines on Committees
5.School Monitoring and Evaluation
mechanisms are Track : organized involving internal and
Adjustment (SMEA) Reports
responsive to the a. School performance external stakeholders in M&E
emerging learning b. SGC/GPTA operations
needs and demands of c. Resources utilization
the community 2. Documentation/presentation of SRC and
(System of Processes,
accomplishment reports in School
Mechanisms and Tools
)Ownership 3. Annual report of performance review
4. Accountability The school with the participation of Stakeholders are engaged Stakeholders continuously
assessment criteria stakeholders articulates an in the development and and collaboratively review and
and tools , feedback accountability assessment framework operation of an appropriate enhance accountability systems,
, mechanisms, and
with basic components including accountability assessment processes, mechanisms and tools
implementation guidelines. system.
collection and
1. Letter to the Stakeholders 12. On-site Validation and
techniques and 7. Memorandum / Letter
processes are 2. Memorandum: Organizational Meeting 8. Monitoring and Evaluation Tool 13. Report on Benchmark Activities
inclusive and of the Different Committees 9.Validation Report / Feedbacks by other School
collaboratively 3. Documentation 10. Utilized Assessment Tool 14. Report on Review and
developed and
4. Prepared Assessment Criteria 11. Documentation Refinement of Accountability
agreed upon.
5. Prepared Assessment Tool System Process and Tools through
6. Prepared Implementing Guidelines and Post Evaluation, Exit Meetings and
Implementation Plan in Gantt Chart Feedback Mechanism with all the
15. Documentation in soft and hard
5. Participatory School initiates periodic Collaborative conduct of School-community
assessment of performance assessments with the performance assessment developed performance
performance is participation of stakeholders. informs planning, plan assessment is practiced and is
done regularly
adjustments and requirements the basis for improving
with community .
for technical assistance monitoring and evaluation
results and lessons systems, providing technical
learned serve as 3. Situational analysis assistance and recognizing and
basis for feedback, 4. Individual or Team Technical refining plans.
assistance , 1. Periodic report on school performance Assistance Provision Plan
7. Approved adjusted AIP /
recognition and and assessment review 5. Actual TA provision report Supplemental/ Enhanced Plan
plan adjustment.
2. Report of SRC presentation 6. Quarterly SMEA Report or any
other equivalent reports
presented to stakeholders