Overview of MYP Objectives
Overview of MYP Objectives
Overview of MYP Objectives
MYP year 1
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
A Analyse text
i. Identify and comment upon Texts are made up of different Sequence events in a story to demonstrate the narrative arc
significant aspects of texts features and analysing a text
Identify how the character appears and what they do in the narrative
involves being able to identify the
significant features and comment on Identify similarities between texts—happy ending, hero, villain and climax
Identify some persuasive techniques in advertising
Map plot
Map characters
Compare and contrast texts
Create passages to insert into texts
Persuasive text (letter to the editor): Identify the linguistic and literary features and
comment upon the purpose of the text
ii. Identify and comment upon Creators make conscious choices Create an image/collage that illustrates the way they felt at the end of the story
the creator’s choices when producing text
Discuss: “Which characters do you like or dislike? Why?”
Identify for whom each of a range of given text types was written
Compare two texts created about the same topic but for different audiences
Identify the linguistic and literary features of a letter to the editor and give a
personal response to the writer’s intent and choices
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
iii. Justify opinions and ideas, Opinions and ideas need to be Discuss: “Which characters do you like or dislike? Where do you find information
using examples, explanations supported with examples and in the text that gives you a reason for your feeling?”
and terminology explained using appropriate
Annotate text and/or use colour coding to identify examples, terminology and
Map out analytical responses
Study formulas for analysis
Study analytical terminology
Model analytical essays
Explore exemplar essays
Identify the point of view used in a letter to the editor, using accurate terminology
iv. Identify similarities and Similarities and differences exist Work in groups to identify similarities and differences in a range of texts
differences in features within between and within texts
Study a range of short stories within one genre and identify the similarities
and between texts
Study two texts from different genres and identify features that are similar and different
Compare and contrast letters to the editor (possibly from different newspapers)
and identify features that are similar and different
i. Employ organizational The organizational structure of texts Compare: 1) instructions for making a simple toy, 2) letter to Mum and Dad from
structures that serve the context varies according to the genre, camp, 3) cartoon strip—look at how each one is structured to perform its purpose,
and intention purpose and audience then compare and contrast all three
Highlight the organizational structure in a provided paragraph and then write their
own paragraph on a given topic modelled on this structure
Write poetry in different styles
Write letters for different purposes and audiences
Write a personal account or diary
Within the context of a local community issue, view varied letters to the editor to
identify how they are organized as well as their purpose and audience
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
ii. Organize opinions and ideas in To communicate clearly, ideas and Organize their ideas and opinions in the context of a letter to the editor, including:
a logical manner opinions need to be ordered in a address, salutation, introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion
logical way
Reassemble a letter to the editor that the teacher has cut into pieces
Un-jumble a persuasive text that has been cut into sections
Understand a basic narrative structure
Model how to order ideas and opinions in paragraph and essay writing
iii. Use referencing and formatting Ideas and information gathered from Use BibMe as a referencing tool
tools to create a presentation sources need to be referenced and
Model how to reference a source by writing a bibliography
style suitable to the context and formatted correctly according to the
intention purpose and context Model how to quote from a text correctly
Be given all the different parts of information needed for a bibliography jumbled
up and put them in the right order
C Produce text
i. Produce texts that Creators of texts can explore and Write diary entries depicting a character’s point of view
demonstrate thought and consider ideas in new ways through
Research an historical event and represent it as a narrative
imagination while exploring personal engagement with the
new perspectives and ideas creative process Write a newspaper article based on a studied text
arising from personal
engagement with the creative Gather ideas about issues in the local community and use these to produce an
process original letter to the editor
Research the Elizabethan era, create a character suitable to this period in history,
and write a short story passage
Select a minor character in a novel and write a new scene from their point of view
ii. Make stylistic choices in Creators make stylistic choices to Write a letter to the editor and make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic and
terms of linguistic, literary and produce an impact on the audience literary conventions—such as persuasive techniques, modals, sequencing
visual devices, demonstrating connectives—in order to persuade an audience
awareness of impact on an
Write a poem, deliberately applying literary devices to create symbolism and
imagery for the reader
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
iii. Select relevant details and Ideas need to be supported with Select relevant examples and evidence to justify their ideas and opinions when
examples to support ideas relevant details and examples writing a letter to the editor
Reading comprehension: Back up statements about characters with quotes from
the story
D Use language
i. Use appropriate and varied Effective communication relies on Create word walls
vocabulary, sentence structures appropriate and varied use of
Explicitly study use of dictionary and thesaurus
and forms of expression vocabulary, sentence structure and
forms of expression Use grammar books
Explicitly study grammar
Complete instructional text activities
ii. Write and speak in an The register and style of writing and Practise writing and speaking in various text types and genres, for example:
appropriate register and style speaking needs to suit the audience
• Panel discussions
and purpose
• Persuasive writing
• Creative writing
• Letters
• Advertisements
• Eulogies
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax Correct grammar, syntax and Proofread and edit
and punctuation punctuation are necessary for clear
Practise writing simple, compound and complex sentences
Receive peer assessment
Receive teacher feedback
Write in a set register (using accent and dialogue)
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), Correct spelling, character formation Proofread and edit
write (character languages) and pronunciation are necessary for
Practise phonemes and graphemes with familiar and unfamiliar words
and pronounce with accuracy clear communication
Complete spelling tests
Create personal spelling lists
Study spelling rules
v. Use appropriate non-verbal The use of appropriate non-verbal Present using eye contact, appropriate stance and movement, and gestures,
communication techniques techniques can enhance oral comparing the effectiveness of communication with and without
MYP year 3
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
A Analyse text
i. Identify and explain the Textual analysis involves identifying Identify persuasive techniques in speeches
content, context, language, and explaining the content, context,
Identify the linguistic and literary features of a persuasive essay and comment
structure, technique and style of language, structure, technique and
upon the purpose of the text
text(s) and explain the style, and explaining the
relationships among texts relationships among texts Read a short story and answer comprehension questions
ii. Identify and explain the effects Creators can make choices to Substitute language in a text to examine the change in effect
of the creator’s choices on an produce an effect on an audience
Identify and explain the linguistic and literary features of a persuasive essay and
give a personal response to the writer’s intent and choices
iii. Justify opinions and ideas, Opinions and ideas need to be Annotate text and/or use colour coding to identify examples, terminology and
using examples, explanations supported with examples and explanations
and terminology explained using appropriate
Hold table debates where they have to argue different points of view on the same
issue and support their opinions with examples
Identify accurate terminology, evaluate point of view and justify ideas, opinions
and evidence in a persuasive essay
iv. Interpret similarities and Conclusions can be made regarding Discuss characterization and gender roles in two texts from different socio-
differences in features within the similarities and differences in historical contexts
and between genres and texts features within and between genres
Compare and contrast persuasive texts, identify relationships and literary and
and texts
linguistic conventions
i. Employ organizational The organizational structure of texts Compare and contrast persuasive essay and letter to the editor
structures that serve the context varies according to the genre,
Construct a poem that follows a specific organizational structure for a particular
and intention purpose and audience
purpose, eg haiku, cinquain, ballad, limerick, etc
Write on a given topic using two different forms, eg feature article and poem
Prepare feature articles
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
ii. Organize opinions and ideas in When ideas and opinions are Organize ideas and opinions in the context of a persuasive essay that includes:
a coherent and logical manner ordered in a logical and coherent introduction, body paragraphs, counter argument and conclusion
manner, communication is clear and
Write a persuasive essay that demonstrates a logical connection between each
Develop a set of instructions
iii. Use referencing and formatting Ideas and information gathered from Compare and contrast the formatting and referencing style of persuasive essay
tools to create a presentation sources need to be referenced and and letter to the editor
style suitable to the context and formatted correctly according to the
Practise how to cite quotations from a play (Act, scene, line)
intention purpose and context
Write a report that involves research and includes a reference list that is
formatted correctly as well as some in-text citations
C Produce text
i. Produce texts that Creators of texts can explore and Produce a persuasive essay that demonstrates personal voice, register and style
demonstrate thought, consider ideas in new ways through and includes a counter argument
imagination and sensitivity while personal engagement with the
Write a short story set in Elizabethan England and develop an authentic setting,
exploring and considering creative process
plot and characters by selecting and including details appropriate to that context
new perspectives and ideas
arising from personal
engagement with the creative
ii. Make stylistic choices in The linguistic, literary and visual Make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic and literary conventions—such as
terms of linguistic, literary and choices that creators make impact persuasive techniques, modals, sequencing connectives—in order to persuade
visual devices, demonstrating on an audience an audience
awareness of impact on an
Write a poem, deliberately applying literary devices to create symbolism and
imagery for the reader
iii. Select relevant details and Ideas are developed through the use Select relevant examples and evidence to justify their ideas and opinions when
examples to develop ideas of relevant details and examples writing a persuasive essay or speech
D Use language
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
i. Use appropriate and varied Effective communication relies on Use a dictionary and thesaurus
vocabulary, sentence structures appropriate and varied use of
Use a glossary
and forms of expression vocabulary, sentence structure and
forms of expression Use vocabulary lists
Use grammar books
ii. Write and speak in an The register and style of writing and Practise reading work in different register and tone to vary meaning
appropriate register and style speaking needs to suit the audience
Deliver the same message orally to the class, pretending that they are speaking
and purpose
to: 1) their friend, 2) their principal, 3) an unknown person or group of people
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax Correct grammar, syntax and Proofread and edit
and punctuation punctuation are necessary for clear
Receive peer edit and feedback
Complete cloze activities with grammatical, syntax and punctuation errors that
require fixing
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), Correct spelling, character formation Proofread and edit
write (character languages) and pronunciation are necessary for
Rehearse speeches in front of peers for feedback
and pronounce with accuracy clear communication
v. Use appropriate non-verbal The use of appropriate non-verbal Present using eye contact, appropriate stance and movement, and gestures,
communication techniques techniques can enhance oral comparing the effectiveness of communication with and without
Participate in debates, speeches, panel discussions, advertising campaigns,
PowerPoint presentations, performances and mime
MYP year 5
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
A Analyse text
i. Analyse the content, context, In order to analyse a text, the Identify persuasive techniques in speeches
language, structure, technique content, context, language, structure,
Discuss the use of poetic devices in a range of poetry
and style of text(s) and the technique, style of text and the
relationship among texts relationship among texts need to be Analyse characters’ motivation and values
deconstructed and interpreted in
detail Compare and contrast texts
Deconstruct a range of texts
Create passages to insert into texts
Demonstrate reading comprehension
ii. Analyse the effects of the The creator’s choices can position Substitute language in a text to examine the change in effect
creator’s choices on an the audience to take on particular
Read poetry to determine the impact of literary devices and experiment with
audience values, attitudes and beliefs
removing imagery and comparing effect
Deconstruct texts
Complete different readings of texts
Conduct comparative study of texts
Identify and explain the linguistic and literary conventions of feature articles and
give a personal response as to the writer’s intent and choices
iii. Justify opinions and ideas, Opinions and ideas need to be Annotate text and/or use colour coding to identify examples, terminology and
using examples, explanations supported with examples and explanations
and terminology explained using subject-specific
Map out analytical responses
Study formulas for analysis
Study analytical terminology
Model analytical essays
Explore exemplar essays
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
iv. Evaluate similarities and Making connections between the Discuss characterization and gender roles in two texts from different socio-
differences by connecting similarities and differences across historical contexts
features across and within and within genres and texts involves
Do a comparative exploration of texts
genres and texts critiquing the features in detail
Compare and contrast feature articles, identifying the connections between
features, literary and linguistic conventions
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
i. Employ organizational The organizational structure of texts Within the context of local, national or global issues, view and annotate examples
structures that serve the context varies according to the genre, of feature articles and identify literary, linguistic and visual conventions—such as
and intention purpose and audience persuasive techniques, layout of feature article, design elements—then compose
their own feature article to demonstrate understanding of linguistic, literary and
visual conventions of this informational text
Compare and contrast short story and newspaper article structures
ii. Organize opinions and ideas in To communicate clearly, ideas and Organize ideas and opinions in the context of a feature article, including:
a sustained, coherent and opinions need to be consistently headline, by-line, highlighted quotes, photo, font
logical manner ordered in a logical and coherent
Write a feature article that demonstrates a line of argument carried throughout,
building coherently one idea on the next
iii. Use referencing and formatting Ideas and information gathered from Compare and contrast the formatting and referencing style of short story and
tools to create a presentation sources need to be referenced and newspaper article
style suitable to the context and formatted correctly according to the
Incorporate quotes into analytical response structures
intention genre, context and purpose
Write a report that involves research and includes a reference list that is
formatted correctly as well as in-text citations and footnotes
C Produce text
i. Produce texts that Creators of texts can explore and Write a creative narrative from a character’s point of view
demonstrate insight, reflect critically on ideas in new ways
Write about one incident from multiple points of view
imagination and sensitivity while through personal engagement with
exploring and reflecting the creative process Change the genre and form of a text, for example, turning a poem into a cartoon
critically on new perspectives
and ideas arising from personal Write a feature article that demonstrates personal voice, register, style and
engagement with the creative purpose
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
ii. Make stylistic choices in The linguistic, literary and visual Write analytical essays
terms of linguistic, literary and choices that creators make impact
Creative writing: Include a statement of intent that justifies the choices made in
visual devices, demonstrating on an audience
regards to linguistic, literary and visual devices and the intended impact on the
awareness of impact on an
Write feature articles
Complete language exercises
Study blending genres
iii. Select relevant details and Ideas are developed through the use Write an analytical essay, selecting effective quotations
examples to develop ideas of relevant details and examples
Conduct research for feature articles
Annotate texts for relevant details and quotations
D Use language
i. Use appropriate and varied Effective communication relies on Use grammar books
vocabulary, sentence structures appropriate and varied use of
Use thesaurus
and forms of expression vocabulary, sentence structure and
forms of expression Use glossary
Point of need explicit study of grammar
Complete creative writing
Write in different genres
Compare and contrast genres
Give oral presentations
ii. Write and speak in a register The appropriate register and style of Listen to famous speeches to recognize the application of register and style and
and style that serve the writing and speaking depends on the discuss: “How do they change in different contexts?”
context and intention audience, context and purpose
Study debates, persuasive pieces, opinionative responses, expository writing and
presentations, advertising campaigns
In order to: Students need to understand that: What will students do in the classroom to help them arrive at the
understandings and practise the skills necessary to meet the objectives?
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax Correct grammar, syntax and Proofread and edit
and punctuation punctuation are necessary for clear
Complete peer editing, peer assessment, teacher feedback, grammar exercises,
skills workbooks, knowledge quest, planning towards criteria, self-reflection
Complete cloze activities with grammatical, syntax and punctuation errors that
require fixing
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), Correct spelling, character formation Proofread and edit
write (character languages) and pronunciation are necessary for
Study spelling lists
and pronounce with accuracy clear communication
Complete spelling tests
Rehearse speeches in front of peers for feedback
v. Use appropriate non-verbal The use of appropriate non-verbal Present using eye contact, appropriate stance and movement, and gestures,
communication techniques techniques can enhance oral comparing the effectiveness of communication with and without
Participate in debates, speeches, panel discussions, advertising campaigns,
PowerPoint presentations, performances