Syllabus New
Syllabus New
Syllabus New
Course Overview
Have you ever had difficulties to come up with the right idea for an essay or a social network
post? Or have you ever felt shy whenever you wanted to write something publicly? If you
answered YES for any (or both) of these questions, this Course is for you!
Welcome to take “Unlock Your Voice: Introduction to Authentic Writing” Course designed for
dreamers, thinkers, and creators!
Join a community of fellow writers, share your work in a supportive environment, and ignite
your creativity with feedback and inspiration.
Are you with us? Then grab your favorite pen, dust off that notebook, and let’s embark on an
exhilarating journey through the magic of words! Your adventure in writing awaits!
Aims & Objectives
The aim of the Course is to help you discover your writing potential in various styles, such as
expository, narrative and persuasive writing.
After successful completion of the Course, there is a “Quadruple E” of what you will be able
to do:
Of course, there is nothing wrong with using a laptop instead. But we truly believe that taking
notes on paper will boost your cognitive, critical and creative thinking a lot more than using a
technical device.
If you can also grab some markers to make essential highlights on your writing, that would
make the process even more fun.
Anyway, you are welcome to combine different techniques, as long as they work for you!
Writing skills To expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader’s
interest, and style (conceptual, procedural knowledge)
To construct arguments and use refined vocabulary in the text to
capture reader’s attention (conceptual, procedural,
metacognitive knowledge)
To create meaningful topic sentences and cultivate logical
conclusions in the text (factual, conceptual, procedural,
metacognitive knowledge)
Curriculum Skills Area and
Weeks Main Topic and Subtopics Assessment
Learning Objectives
Submit your
final paper (40
Grading Scale
Student grades will be based on assignments, classwork and final writing submission.
Grade Score
A 90-100
B 70-89
C 60-69
D 55-59
E 50-54
F Below 50
Grading Breakdown
Criteria A (90-100%) B (70-89%) C (60-69%) D (55-59%) E (50-54%) F (below 50%)
The essay
has a
proven by The
The the author requirement The structure
for the essay The structure of
requirements The s for the of the essay is
Cohere structure are
for the essay requirements essay not clear / or the essay is
nce not fully met
structure are for the essay structure are the argument
and and / or the missing and /
met structure are partially met is not
structu essay
(introduction met. or the essay formulated the argument is
re argument is
, main part - However, the thesis is not clearly for the
formulated not formulated
conclusion) essay thesis controversial reader
incorrectly and
is too vague (provable)
/ or is absent
(not specific),
which makes
it difficult for
the author to
prove it.
on fully Argumentatio Argumentati The The Argumentation
corresponds n on partially argumentation argumentation
is missing.
to the thesis corresponds corresponds is based on is not related to
of the work, to the thesis to the thesis trivial ideas the thesis There are
Argum is presented of the work. of the work. and/or the and/or the
ent consistently, There is There is argumentation argumentation
there are no some inconsistenc is presented is presented and internal
logical errors inconsistency y and illogically and illogically and
errors in
and internal , minor internal in a disorderly in a disorderly
contradiction logical errors. errors. manner manner reasoning
n is fully The The
related to the argumentatio argumentati
stated topic, n is fully on is not
argumentation The
the related to the fully related
is weakly The
argumentatio stated topic, to the stated argumentation
related to the argumentation
n and the topic, the
stated topic, is built on is not related to
conclusions argumentatio argumentati
the trivial ideas
are n and on and topic
Conclu argumentation and/or the
presented conclusions conclusions
sions and argumentation and/or
logically and are not are not
and conclusions is not related to
consistently, always always argumentation
are not topic and/or
the process presented presented
inferen of presenting logically and logically and presented argumentation is presented
ces the consistently, consistently, logically and is presented
argumentatio there are there are consistently, illogically and illogically and in
n and minor several There are in a disorderly a disorderly
conclusions internal internal many internal manner
is free of errors and errors and errors and manner
logical errors contradiction contradiction contradictions
Course Policy
Attendance: Attendance in this class is restricted to registered students. Online visitors must
be approved in advance (contact your instructor).
Absences: You are expected to attend the course in person. Students are allowed to miss one
instructional hour during one semester without grade penalty. Additional absences will be
considered only with proper documentation (medical statement, etc). In all other instances,
absences will result in a grade penalty.
Make-up test and exams are only allowed in case of excused absences. Students should
always make the effort to contact the instructor to pass a make-up test. It is students’
responsibility to keep up with coursework and to come to class prepared.
Class Etiquette: Students are expected to pay attention and not distract others with
disruptive activities. Persistently disruptive students will be dealt with through the university
disciplinary system. Students are expected to be aware of the materials covered in the
previous class, even if they missed it.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to adhere to the standards and policies of AlmaU.
Sanctions for academic misconduct may include a failing grade on the assignment or a
reduction in a final course grade. Plagiarism constitutes using others' ideas, words, or images
without properly giving credit to those sources. If you turn in any work with your name affixed
to it, I assume that work is your own. lf you use any external sources to complete homework
assignments, you need to reference it on the submitted work.
Final exam policy: Students who anticipate absences from the final exam, or who are absent
from the final exam for reasons they could not foresee, should discuss these absences with
the Academic Dean. Students who are absent from final examinations may be asked to file a
written explanation of their absence to the instructor or/and The Academic Dean.