Individual Differences-Personal Attributed Vary From One Person To Another
Individual Differences-Personal Attributed Vary From One Person To Another
Individual Differences-Personal Attributed Vary From One Person To Another
Dimensions of Fit
1.Person-Job Fit - fit between persons abilities and the demands of the job.
2.Person-group Fir- individual fits with work group’s and supervisor’s work styles, skills, and goals.
3.Person-organization fit- fit between individual’s values, beliefs, and personality and the values, norms
and culture of org
4. Person-vocation fit-fit between a persons interest,abilities,values, and personality and a profession.
Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) - the presentation of both positive and potentially negative information to job
Personality- stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person to another.
“Big Five” Personality Traits - a set of five fundamental traits that are especially relevanant to organization
1. Agreeables- persons ability to get along with others
2. Conscientiousness- an individual being dependable and organized
3. Neuroticism- persons tendency to experience unpleasant emotions such anger, anxiety, depression and
feelings of vulnerability.
4. Extraversion- quality of being comfortable with relationships.
Introversion- tendency being less comfortable in relationships and social situations
5. Openness- capacity to entertain new ideas and to change as a resulr of new information
Locus of control- one believes one’s circumstances are a function of either one’s own actions or of
external factors beyond one’s control
Self Efficacy- persons confidence in his or her ability to organize and execute the courses of action
necessary to accomplish a specific task
General self-efficacy - your generalized belief that you will be successful at whatever challenges or
tasks you might face
Self Esteem- our feelings of self worth and our liking or disliking of ourselves
Authoritarianism- belief of power of status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social
systems such as organizations.
Machiavellianism - a trait causing a person to behave in ways to gain power and control the
behaviors of others
Tolerance for Risk - the degree to which a person is comfortable with risk and is willing to take chances and
make risky decisions.
Tolerance for Ambiguity- reflects tendency to view ambiguous situations as either threatening or desirable.
Type A personality- Impatient, competitive, ambitious, and uptight.
Type B personality- more relaxed and easygoing and less overly competitive than Type A.
Workplace Bullying- repeated mistreatment of another employee through verbal abuse, conduct that is
threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or sabotage of that interferes with other person’s work.
General Mental Ability- the capacity to rapidly and fluidly acquire, process and apply information
Information Processing Capacity- involves the manner in which individuals process and organize
Multiple Intelligence- suggest that there are a number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual
possesses in varying degrees. (Gardners Theory)
1. Linguistic: Words and language
2. Logical- mathematical, logic, and numbers
3. Musical- music, rhythm, and sound
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic: body movement and control
5. Spatial -visual: images and space
6. Interpersonal-other people’s feelings
7. Intrapersonal-self awareness
Emotional Intelligence (EI)- interpersonal capability that includes the ability to percieve and express
emotions to understand and use them, and to manage emotions to oneself and other people.
1. Self awareness- being aware of what you are feeling
2. Self motivation- persisting in the face of obstacles, set backs and failures
3. Empathy- sensing how others are feeling
4. Social Skills- effectively handling the emotions of others
Learning style- individual differences and preferences in how we process information when problem
solving, learning, or engaging in similar activities.
Sensory Modality- is a system that interacts with environment through one basic senses.
1. Visual- seeing
2. Auditory-hearing
3. Tactile-touching
4. Kin-esthetic-doing