Medical Certificate: Part-Time Study Under Sikap Grant
Medical Certificate: Part-Time Study Under Sikap Grant
Medical Certificate: Part-Time Study Under Sikap Grant
This form shall be accomplished by the physician examining the Applicant. Any medical examinations
required must be complied accordingly by the Applicant. Note that a certified-true copy of the result/s by
the attending physician may be attached for verification, if deemed necessary. Any erasures in the form
shall invalidate all remarks indicated.
PATIENT’S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) SEX (Male or Female) DATE OF CHECK UP
2. Does the applicant have any pre-existing or current conditions that ❏ Yes ❏ No
may be aggravated by high stress situations?
❏ Based on the overall result of the medical examinations, the nominee is PHYSICALLY AND
MENTALLY FIT to undergo the stress of study and to pursue the scholarship grant.
❏ Based on the overall results of the medical examinations, the nominee is NOT PHYSICALLY
AND MENTALLY FIT and is recommended to seek further medical attention.
This certification is issued in connection with Mr./Ms __________________ and his/her application for the
Grants under the CHED Memorandum Order No. 28, s. 2021.
By submitting this medical certificate, I certify that I am physically and mentally prepared to undergo the
stress of study and pursue the scholarship grant.