Agreement To Sell For Furnitures and Fittings
Agreement To Sell For Furnitures and Fittings
Agreement To Sell For Furnitures and Fittings
And whereas the above said seller has agreed to sell the fittings, fixtures and furniture
provided in the above said flat to the said purchaser and the purchaser has also agreed to purchase
the such fittings, fixtures and furniture from the said seller and both the parties have agreed with
each other on the following terms and conditions:-
1. That the total sale price of the fittings, fixtures and furniture provided in the said flat, has been
fixed of Rs.………..........…….lakh only.
2. That the said purchaser has paid to the seller sum of Rs. …………………………/-(Rs…………….………… only)
in cash as earnest money against the sale of fittings, fixtures and furniture provided in the above
said flat and the said seller hereby acknowledges the receipt of the same.
3. That the balance amount of Rs. ……………………. Lakh shall be paid on or before _____________ at
time of transfer of said flat in the name of said purchaser
4. That the said seller shall deliver the physical possession of the fittings, fixtures and furniture
provided into he said flat to the said purchaser at the time of full and final payment i.e., on .
The fittings, fixtures and furniture should be in good/ working order condition at the time of full
and final payment.
5. That in case the purchaser backs out from this bargain then his earnest money shall stand forfeited
in favour of the seller and in case the seller backs out from this bargain then she will be liable to
refund to the purchaser double of the earnest money.
6. That this agreement to sell is made in duplicate, original will be kept by the purchaser and copy of
thereof by the seller for their records.
In witness where of both the parties have set their hands on this deed at Chandigarh, on
the day, month and year mentioned above, date, month and year in the presence of witnesses.