A171-1 s2 Guide

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Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)

Implementation guidelines for the second generation system

for Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and
other broadband satellite applications;

Part I (DVB-S2)

Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);

DVB Document A171-1

March 2015

Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 5
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 6
3 Symbols and abbreviations....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
4 General description of the technical characteristics of the DVB-S2 system .......................................... 11
4.1 Commercial requirements ................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1.1 Commercial Requirements for Broadcast Services .................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Commercial Requirements for Non-Broadcast Services ............................................................................ 13
4.1.3 Common Commercial Requirements ......................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Application scenarios ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 System architecture .......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 The system block diagram .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 Reference performance............................................................................................................................... 19
4.4 Adaptive Coding and Modulation .................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.1 ACM: the principles ................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Functional description of the DVB-S2 subsystem for ACM ...................................................................... 34
4.4.3 DVB-S2 performance in ACM mode ......................................................................................................... 39
4.5 System configurations ...................................................................................................................................... 40
5 Broadcast applications............................................................................................................................ 40
5.1 SDTV broadcasting.......................................................................................................................................... 41
5.2 SDTV and HDTV broadcasting with differentiated channel protection .......................................................... 41
6 Interactive applications .......................................................................................................................... 42
6.1 IP Unicast Services .......................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1.1 Single Generic Stream and ACM command .............................................................................................. 43
6.1.2 Multiple (Generic or Transport) Streams ................................................................................................... 45
6.1.3 Encapsulation efficiency of ACM modes................................................................................................... 46
6.1.4 Scheduling issues ....................................................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Independent frames structure for Packetized streams with VCM/ACM .......................................................... 51
6.2.1 Independent framing issues (applicable to MPEG-TS) .............................................................................. 51
6.2.2 Example slicing process ............................................................................................................................. 52
6.2.3 Specific cases ............................................................................................................................................. 52
7 Contribution services, data content distribution/trunking and other professional applications .............. 53
7.1 Distribution of multiple MPEG multiplexes to Digital Terrestrial TV Transmitters ....................................... 53
7.2 DSNG and other professional applications ...................................................................................................... 53
7.2.1 DSNG bit rates and symbol rates ............................................................................................................... 54
7.2.2 Phase noise recommendation ..................................................................................................................... 54
7.2.3 Receiver filter mask ................................................................................................................................... 54
7.2.4 DSNG carrier spacing ................................................................................................................................ 54
7.2.5 Link budget examples for DSNG ............................................................................................................... 56
7.2.6 DSNG transmitting station identification ................................................................................................... 62
7.2.7 DSNG Services using ACM ....................................................................................................................... 62
8 Transmission on wideband satellite transponders using time-slicing..................................................... 64
A.1 Structure of Parity Check Matrices of Standardized LDPC Codes ........................................................ 67
A.2 Description of Standardized LDPC Codes ............................................................................................. 68
A.3 Performance Results............................................................................................................................... 69
B.1 Structured PLS code for Frame Synchronization ................................................................................... 72
B.2 Pilot Structure......................................................................................................................................... 74

DVB BlueBook A171-1

C.1 Modulator with Pre-Distortion ......................................................................................................................... 76
C.2 Clock Recovery................................................................................................................................................ 77
C.3 Physical Layer Frame Synchronization ........................................................................................................... 78
C.3.1 An algorithm for Frame Synchronization................................................................................................... 78
C.3.2 An Alternative Frame Synchronization Algorithm .................................................................................... 79
C.4 Carrier Frequency Recovery ............................................................................................................................ 82
C.1 Automatic Gain Control ......................................................................................................................... 84
C.2 Carrier Phase Recovery .......................................................................................................................... 84
C.6.1 Pilot-Aided Linear Interpolation ...................................................................................................................... 84
C.6.2 Fine Phase Recovery for High Order Modulations .......................................................................................... 86
C.3 Performance Results............................................................................................................................... 86
D.1 System Sizing Issues .............................................................................................................................. 89
D.2 Methodology Description ....................................................................................................................... 89
D.3 Study Case Results ................................................................................................................................. 90
E.1 Channel estimator................................................................................................................................... 97
E.2 Physical Layer Selector .......................................................................................................................... 99
E.2.1 Shifted Threshold ........................................................................................................................................... 100
E.2.2 Hysteresis ....................................................................................................................................................... 101
E.3 Performance results .............................................................................................................................. 101
F.1 Type 1 receiver ..................................................................................................................................... 108
F.2 Type 2 receiver ..................................................................................................................................... 108
G.1 PL-Header for time slicing ............................................................................................................................ 110
G.2 Simple time slice setups ................................................................................................................................. 110
G.2.1 Time Slice Sequence ................................................................................................................................ 110
G.2.2 Simple Scheduling Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 111
G.2.3 Examples of TimeSliceCylces .................................................................................................................. 111
G.3 Calculation of symbol rate of a simple time slice setups ............................................................................... 111
G.3.1 Examples of calculation of symbol rate (simple time-slicing setups) ...................................................... 112
History ............................................................................................................................................................ 115

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Intellectual Property Rights

IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information
pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found
in ETSI SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in
respect of ETSI standards", which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web
server (http://webapp.etsi.org/IPR/home.asp).

Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web
server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.

This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by Joint Technical Committee (JTC) Broadcast of the European
Broadcasting Union (EBU), Comité Européen de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique (CENELEC) and the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

The work of the JTC was based on the studies carried out by the European DVB Project under the auspices of the Ad
Hoc Group on DVB-S2 of the DVB Technical Module. This joint group of industry, operators and broadcasters
provided the necessary information on all relevant technical matters (see clause 2).

NOTE: The EBU/ETSI JTC Broadcast was established in 1990 to co-ordinate the drafting of standards in the
specific field of broadcasting and related fields. Since 1995 the JTC Broadcast became a tripartite body
by including in the Memorandum of Understanding also CENELEC, which is responsible for the
standardization of radio and television receivers. The EBU is a professional association of broadcasting
organizations whose work includes the co-ordination of its members' activities in the technical, legal,
programme-making and programme-exchange domains. The EBU has active members in about
60 countries in the European broadcasting area; its headquarters is in Geneva.

European Broadcasting Union

Tel: +41 22 717 21 11
Fax: +41 22 717 24 81

Founded in September 1993, the DVB Project is a market-led consortium of public and private sector organizations in
the television industry. Its aim is to establish the framework for the introduction of MPEG-2 based digital television
services. Now comprising over 200 organizations from more than 25 countries around the world, DVB fosters
market-led systems, which meet the real needs, and economic circumstances, of the consumer electronics and the
broadcast industry.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


1 Scope
The present document is part 1 of a multipart deliverable and gives an overview of the technical and operational issues
relevant to the system specified in EN 302 307-1 [2] "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB): Second generation framing
structure, channel coding and modulation systems for Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other
broadband satellite applications; Part I (DVB-S2)", including service quality and link availability evaluation for typical
DSNG and fixed contribution links, with the purpose to facilitate its interpretation.
Correspondingly, part 2 considers technical and operational issues relevant to the system specified in EN 302 307-2 [2]
"Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB): Second generation framing structure, channel coding and modulation systems for
Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband satellite applications; Part II (DVB-S2X)", but
it can be applied also to DVB-S2, when enhanced S2 receivers and channel models are implemented.

2 References
For the purposes of this Technical Report (TR), the following references apply:

[1] ETSI EN 300 421: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for
11/12 GHz satellite services".

[2] ETSI EN 302 307-1: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second generation framing structure, channel coding and
modulation systems for Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband satellite
applications; Part I (DVB-S2)".

[3] ISO/IEC 13818 (parts 1 and 2): " Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio

[4] ETSI EN 301 210: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for
Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) and other contribution applications by satellite".

[5] ETSI TR 101 154: " Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Implementation guidelines for the use of Video and Audio
Coding in Broadcasting Applications based on the MPEG-2 Transport Stream".

[6] ETSI EN 300 468: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for Service Information (SI) in DVB

[7] ETSI EN 301 192: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB specification for data broadcasting".

[8] ETSI EN 300 429: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable

[9] ETSI TR 101 221: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); User guideline for Digital Satellite News Gathering
(DSNG) and other contribution applications by satellite".

[10] U. Reimers, A. Morello: "DVB-S2, the second generation standard for satellite broadcasting and unicasting",
International Journal on Satellite Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[11] R. Gallager: "Low Density Parity Check Codes", IRE Trans. on Info. Theory, January 1962.

[12] M. Eroz, F.-W. Sun and L.-N. Lee: "DVB-S2 Low Density Parity Check Codes with near Shannon Limit
Performance", International Journal on Satellite Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[13] E. Casini, R. De Gaudenzi, A. Ginesi: "DVB-S2 modem algorithms design and performance over typical satellite
channels", International Journal on Satellite Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[14] F.-W. Sun Y. Jiang and L.-N. Lee: "Frame synchronization and pilot structure for DVB-S2" International Journal
on Satellite Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[15] R. Rinaldo, M. Vazquez-Castro, A. Morello: "DVB-S2 ACM modes for IP and MPEG unicast applications",
International Journal on Satellite Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[16] S. Cioni, R. De Gaudenzi, and R. Rinaldo, “Channel estimation and physical layer adaptation techniques for
satellite networks exploiting adaptive coding and modulation”, Int. Journal of Satellite Commun., John Wiley &
Sons, vol. 26, pp. 157-188, Jan./Feb. 2008.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


[17] H. Bischl, H. Brandt, T. de Cola, R. De Gaudenzi, E. Eberlein, N. Girault, E. Alberty, S. Lipp, R. Rinaldo, B.
Rislow, J. A. Skard, J. Tousch and G. Ulbricht, “Adaptive coding and modulation for satellite broadband networks:
From theory to practice”, Int. Journal of Satellite Commun., John Wiley & Sons, vol. 28, pp. 59-111, Mar./Apr.

[18] Final Report of ESA Contract No. 19572/06/NL/JA, DVB-S2 Satellite Experiment, EADS Astrium, September

[19] R. Rinaldo, R. De Gaudenzi: "Capacity analysis and system optimization for the forward link of multi-beam
satellite broadband systems exploiting adaptive coding and modulation", International Journal on Satellite
Communication Networks, 2004; 22.

[20] U. Reimers (ed.): "Digital Video Broadcasting - The DVB Family of Standards for Digital Television", 2nd ed.,
2004, Springer Publishers, New York, ISBN 3-540-43545-X.

[21] M.A. Vazquez-Castro et Al.: "Scheduling issues in ACM DVB-S2 systems: performance assessment through a
comprehensive OPNET simulator", under preparation.

[22] C.E. Gilchriest: "Signal to Noise Monitoring" JPL Space Programs Summary, No 37-27, Vol IV, pp 169-176.

[23] D. J. MacKay and R. M. Neal: "Good codes based on very sparse matrices", 5th IMA Conf. 1995, pp.100-111.

[24] D. J. MacKay and R. M. Neal: "Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes", Electronics
Lett. Mar. 1997, vol. 33, no.6, pp. 457-458.

[25] T. Richardson and R. Urbanke: "Efficient encoding of low-density parity check codes", IEEE Trans. Info. Theory,
vol. 47, pp.638-656, Feb. 2001.

[26] T. Richardson, A. Shokrollahi and R. Urbanke: "Design of capacity approaching irregular low density parity check
codes", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Feb. 2001, vol. 47, pp. 619-637.

[27] U. Mengali and A.N. D'Andrea: "Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers", Plenum Press, New York,
USA, 1997.

[28] R. De Gaudenzi, A. Guillen i Fabregas, A. Martinez Vicente: "Turbo-coded APSK Modulations for Satellite
Broadcasting and Multicasting- Part I: Coded Modulation Design", submitted to IEEE Trans. On Wireless
Communications 2004.

[29] R. De Gaudenzi, A. Guillen i Fabregas, A. Martinez Vicente: "Turbo-coded APSK Modulations for Satellite
Broadcasting - Part II: End-to-End Performance" submitted to IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications 2004.

[30] G. Karam and H. Sari: "A Data Pre-distortion Technique with Memory for QAM Radio Systems", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-39, No. 2, pp 336- 344, February 1991.

[31] R. De Gaudenzi and M. Luise: "Design and Analysis of an All-Digital Demodulator for Trellis Coded 16-QAM
Transmission over a Non-linear Satellite Channel", IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. 43, No. 2/3/4,
February/March/April 1995, part I.

[32] F. M. Gardner: "A BPSK/QPSK timing-error detector for sampled receivers", IEEE Trans. On Communications,
vol. COM-34, no. 5, May 1986.

[33] M. Luise and R. Reggiannini: "Carrier Frequency Recovery in All Digital Modems for Burst Mode Transmissions",
IEEE Transactions on Communications, COM-43, pp. 1169-1178, Feb./March/Apr. 1995.

[34] M. Oerder and H. Meyr: "Digital Filter and Square Timing Recovery", IEEE Trans. Commun., COM-36, May

[35] Jack K.Holmes: "Coherent spread spectrum systems", Wiley Interscience, pp 395 to 426.

[36] A. Morello, V. Mignone: "DVB-S2 ready to lift-off", IBC'04 Conference, Amsterdam,

9-13 September, 2004.

[37] D.R. Pauluzzi and N.C. Beaulieu: "A Comparison of SNR Estimation Techniques for the AWGN channel", IEEE
Trans. Comm., vol. 48, pp. 1681-1691, Oct. 2000.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


[38] L. Castanet et al.: "Comparison of Various Methods for Combining Propagation Effects and Predicting Loss in
Low-Availability Systems in the 20-50 GHz Frequency Range", Int. Journ. on Sat. Comm., Vol. 19, pp. 317-334,

[39] E. Casini: "DVB-S2 end-to-end performance with linearized and non-linearized TWT amplifiers" ESA document
Ref. TEC-ETC/2004.84/EC/ec.

[40] F. J. Williams, N.J.A. Sloane: "The Theory of error correction coding", Elsevier, New York, 1977.

[41] ETSI EN 300 744: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for
digital terrestrial television".

[42] ETSI EN 301 790: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Interaction channel for satellite distribution systems".

[43] ETSI ETS 300 801: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Interaction channel through Public Switched
Telecommunications Network (PSTN)/ Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN)".

[44] ETSI EN 301 195: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Interaction channel through the Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM)".

[45] ETSI ES 200 800: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB interaction channel for Cable TV distribution systems

[46] ITU-R Recommendation SNG.770-1: "Uniform operational procedures for satellite news gathering (SNG)".

[47] ETSI TS 102 606: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) Protocol”.

[48] ETSI TS 102 771"Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) implementation

[49] S. Mirta, T. Schierl and T. Wiegand , P.Inigo, C.LeGuern, C.Moreau, L.Guarnieri, J.Tronc, “HD Video
Broadcasting using Scalable Video Coding combined with DVB-S2 Variable Coding and Modulation”, In the Proc.
of the 2010 5th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 11th Signal Processing for Space
Communications Workshop, Cagliari, Italy, 13-15 Sept. 2010 , pp. 114-121.

[50] ITU-T Recommendation H.264 (11/2009), Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services | ISO/IEC
14496-10:2008, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects (MPEG-4) – Part 10: Ad-vanced video
coding, Version 13, November 2009.

[51] H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand: “Overview of the Scalable Video Coding Extension of the H.264/AVC
Standard,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Special Issue on Scalable Video
Coding, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1103-1120, September 2007.

[52] ETSI EN 302 307-2: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second generation framing structure, channel coding and
modulation systems for Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband satellite
applications; Part 2 (DVB-S2X)"

3 Symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

 Roll-off factor
BS Bandwidth of the frequency Slot allocated to a service
c codeword
C/N Carrier-to-noise power ratio (N measured in a bandwidth equal to symbol rate)
C/(N+I) Carrier-to-(Noise + Interference) ratio
DFL Data Field Length
Eb/N0 Ratio between the energy per information bit and single sided noise power spectral density
Es/N0 Ratio between the energy per transmitted symbol and single sided noise power spectral density

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Es/(N0 +I0) Ratio between the energy per transmitted symbol and single sided noise plus interference power
spectral density
 Antenna diameter
 MPEGL MPEG encapsulation efficiency
 DVB S 2 L Overall DVB-S2 encapsulation efficiency
 MS ,L DVB-S2 Mode and Stream adaptation efficiency
 framing   DVB-S2 Physical layer framing efficiency
i LDPC code information block
i0 ,i1 ,...,ik ldpc1 LDPC code information bits
H( N K)N LDPC code parity check matrix
I, Q In-phase, Quadrature phase components of the modulated signal
KBCH number of bits of BCH uncoded Block
NBCH number of bits of BCH coded Block
kldpc number of bits of LDPC uncoded Block
nldpc number of bits of LDPC coded Block
 Spectral efficiency
c code efficiency
MOD number of transmitted bits per constellation symbol
L IP packet length
m BCH code information word
m(x) BCH code message polynomial
p0 , p1 ,...pn k 1 LDPC code parity bits
ldpc ldpc

q code rate dependant constant for LDPC codes

rm In-band ripple (dB)
Rs Symbol rate corresponding to the bilateral Nyquist bandwidth of the modulated signal
Ru Useful bit rate at the DVB-S2 system input
S Number of Slots in a XFECFRAME
Ts Symbol period
Tloop loop delay
Tprop propagation time
Tq waiting time
UPL User Packet Length
TST Threshold on SOF in Tentative state
TPT Threshold on PLSCODE in Tentative state
TSL Threshold on SOF in Locked state

3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation

AGC Automatic Gain Control
AVC Advanced Video Coding
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
BB Baseband
BER Bit Error Ratio
BCH Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem multiple error correction binary block code
BS Broadcast Service
BW Bandwidth (at -3 dB) of the transponder
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CCM Constant Coding and Modulation
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
D Decimal notation
DAGC Digital AGC

DVB BlueBook A171-1


DA-VT AGC Data-Aided version of the Vector-Tracker Automatic Gain Control

DD Decision Directed
DNP Deleted Null Packets
DSNG Digital Satellite News Gathering
DTH Direct To Home
DTT Digital Terrestrial Television
DTV Digital TeleVision
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting project
DVB-S DVB System for satellite broadcasting as specified in EN 300 421
DVB-S2 DVB-S2 System as specified in EN 302 307
EBU European Broadcasting Union
EN European Norm
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
FDM Frequency Division Multiplex
FEC Forward Error Correction
FF Feedforward
FIFO First In First Out
GS Generic Stream
GSE Generic Stream Encapsulation
HDTV High Definition Television
HP High Priority
HPA High Power Amplifier
IBO Input Back Off
IF Intermediate Frequency
IMUX Input MUltipleXer - Filter
IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder
IS Interactive Services
ISCR Input Stream Clock Reference
ISI InterSymbol Interference
ITU International Telecommunications Union
LDPC Low Density Parity Check (codes)
LG Low Gain
LNB Low Noise Block
LP Low Priority
ML Maximum Likelihood
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MPE Multi-Protocol Encapsulation
MUX Multiplex
NA Not Applicable
NCO Numerically Controlled Oscillator
NG Nominal Gain
OBO Output Back Off
OMUX Output Multiplexer - Filter
NP Null Packets
PER (MPEG TS) Packet Error Rate
PID Packet Identifier
PFA Probability of False Alarm
PND Probability of Non Detection
PL Physical Layer
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
PLS Physical Layer Signalling
PS Professional Services
PSD Power Spectral Density
PSK Phase Shift Keying
QEF Quasi-Error-Free
QoS Quality of Service
QPSK Quaternary Phase Shift Keying
RF Radio Frequency
r.m.s. root mean square
RX Receiver

DVB BlueBook A171-1


RR Round Robin
SDTV Standard Definition Television
SNG Satellite News Gathering
SNR Signal to Noise Power Ratio
SMATV Satellite Master Antenna TeleVision
SOF Start of Frame
SRRC Square Root Raised Cosine Filter
TDM Time Division Multiplex
TS Transport Stream
TV Television
TX Transmitter
TWTA Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier
UW Unique Word
VCM Variable Coding and Modulation
16APSK 16-ary Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying
32APSK 32-ary Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying
8PSK 8-ary Phase Shift Keying

4 General description of the technical characteristics of

the DVB-S2 system
DVB-S2 is the second-generation DVB specification for broadband satellite applications, developed on the success of
the first generation specifications, DVB-S for broadcasting and DVB-DSNG for satellite news gathering and
contribution services, benefiting from the technological achievements of the last decade. It has been designed for:

 Broadcast Services for standard definition TV and HDTV.

 Interactive Services including Internet Access for consumer applications.

 Professional Applications, such as Digital TV contribution and News Gathering, TV distribution to terrestrial
VHF/UHF transmitters, Data Content distribution and Internet Trunking.

The DVB-S2 standard has been specified around three key concepts: best transmission performance, total flexibility and
reasonable receiver complexity.

To achieve the best performance-complexity trade-off, DVB-S2 benefits from more recent developments in channel
coding (adoption of LDPC codes) and modulation (use of QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK). The result is typically
a 30 % capacity increase over DVB-S under the same transmission conditions. In addition, for broadcast applications,
DVB-S2 is not constrained to the use of QPSK and therefore it can deliver significantly higher bit rates over high power
satellites, thus still increasing capacity gain with respect to DVB-S. Furthermore, when used for interactive point-to-
point applications like IP unicasting, the gain of DVB-S2 over DVB-S is even greater: Variable Coding and Modulation
(VCM) functionality allows different modulations and error protection levels to be used and changed on a
frame-by-frame basis. This may be combined with the use of a return channel to achieve closed-loop Adaptive Coding
and Modulation (ACM), thus allowing the transmission parameters to be optimized for each individual user, dependant
on its own link conditions.

DVB-S2 is so flexible that it can cope with any existing satellite transponder characteristics, with a large variety of
spectrum efficiencies and associated C/N requirements. Furthermore, it is not limited to MPEG-2 video and audio
source coding, but it is designed to handle a variety of audio-video and data formats including formats which the DVB
Project is currently defining for future applications. DVB-S2 accommodates any input stream format, including
continuous bit-streams, single or multiple MPEG Transport Streams, IP as well as ATM packets. This future proofing
will allow other current and future data schemes to be used without the need for a new specification. An optional
transmission format for high symbol-rate satellite carriers for broadcasting, professional and interactive services is also
specified, that may optionally be adopted for wideband satellite transponders (e.g. 200 MHz to 500 MHz), where the
transmission of a single or few wide-band carriers is preferable to the transmission of a multiplicity of narrow-band
carriers, for power and efficiency optimisation or other needs.

It is based on the "tool-kit" approach that allows to cover all the application areas while still keeping the single-chip
decoder at reasonable complexity levels, thus enabling the use of mass market products also for professional

DVB BlueBook A171-1


4.1 Commercial requirements

(Extracted from doc. DVB-BSS17rev1 "Advanced Coding and Modulation Schemes for Broadband Satellite Services -
Commercial Requirements").

The DVB-S standard was developed primarily with unidirectional broadcast applications in mind, but has been adopted
for other purposes, such as point-to-point data transmission. One of the reasons for this is the availability of inexpensive
receive silicon as a result of the high volume broadcast receiver market. The Commercial Module of DVB (DVB-CM)
foresaw a similar process for the new system, where the volume driver is expected to remain broadcast applications.

To avoid confusion in the distinction between broadcast and non-broadcast applications, with increasing provision of
entertainment services over IP networks, and increasing use of interactivity with TV, DVB-CM introduced the
following definitions:

 Broadcast services are defined as TV, radio and associated data (e.g. teletext, EPG, etc.) in contribution
(e.g. DSNG), distribution (e.g. SMATV and cable feeds) and direct to home applications. In the case of
interactive services, it is intended only the forward path.

 Non-broadcast services are defined as point-to-point and point-to-multipoint data services.

4.1.1 Commercial Requirements for Broadcast Services

Broadcast services are characterized by having a large coverage area and providing audio-visual and data services to an
extensive base of similar reception systems (both antennas and receivers) with a high degree of availability. For
broadcasters there are various reasons to use higher order modulation and/or advanced coding schemes, including:

 Increased data throughput in a given bandwidth.

 Increased availability through improved link margin.

 Increased coverage area.

At the launch of DVB-S2 a key factor for many established broadcasters was the issue of backwards-compatibility.
Large populations of DVB-S receivers in the field must continue to provide service to customers for at least several
years. This was particularly important where there was a subsidy. Backwards-compatible modulation systems that allow
DVB-S receivers to continue operating, while providing additional capacity and services to new, advanced receivers,
are seen as the only commercially viable way forward for some operators. Backwards-compatible systems however
suffer from two disadvantages:

 Compatibility will cause the overall performance to fall short of that achievable by non backwards-compatible

 There will be some performance penalty in the behaviour of existing QPSK receivers. Note that some
operators are reluctant to accept even a slight performance penalty, as this increases service call-outs and

On the basis of the above considerations, DVB-CM concluded that the technical specification should provide for two

 A non backwards-compatible scheme, intended for use in systems requiring the highest efficiency, and not
requiring that transmissions should be receivable by existing receiver populations.

 A backwards-compatible scheme that can be received by existing receiver populations, but provides additional
capacity to enhanced receivers. This should have the capability of migrating to a more efficient non
backwards-compatible mode once all DVB-S receivers have been replaced.

The above considerations are no longer applicable; therefore DVB-CM concluded that the backward-compatible
scheme is obsolete and is not included in the revised version of the DVB-S2 standard [2].

Furthermore the technical specification should also take into account the following:

 A bit-rate increase of at least 35 % over DVB-S should be achieved.

 Service availability targets remain no more than one uncorrected error per hour.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


 For DVB-S2 transmissions, reliable reception should be possible using receive antenna diameters in the range
0,4 m to 0,8 m. Due account shall be taken of anticipated satellite system characteristics (e.g. power,
bandwidth, interference) over the next ten years.

 While the technical specification is concerned with the transmission format, it is important that this does not
impose an undue burden on receiver costs. New receiver silicon, enabling multi-mode reception, including
DVB-S, DVB-S2, in volume should cost no more than 15 % more than current DVB-S devices.

4.1.2 Commercial Requirements for Non-Broadcast Services

In general, DVB-CM stated that characteristics that are desirable exclusively for non-broadcast services should only be
included in the base specification if the burden of cost to the broadcast receiver is negligible. The specification should
be available for consideration as an alternative forward path for DVB-RCS Ku- and Ka-band systems and other data
systems currently using DVB-S. In the future non-broadcast two-way services will need to take advantage of such
techniques as adaptive modulation, adaptive coding and adaptive power systems. The services provided will include:

 Point-to-point services (e.g. IP-backbone).

 Point-to-multipoint services (e.g. VPN services).

 Two way mass market services (e.g. Internet access via satellite).

The above services are differentiated from broadcast services by the following requirements and characteristics:

 The possibility of targeting particular receivers with particular content within the common transport system. It
is therefore not necessary to be able to decode the entire data stream at a typical user terminal.

 The possibility of establishing different quality of service targets for services to different customers in
different areas.

 Receiver network volumes may not be as high as broadcast applications, but could benefit from inexpensive
silicon arising from broadcast applications.

 Satellite capacity is generally the most expensive part of a link, always more expensive compared to the
equipment behind it.

 Business users may be able to accept significantly larger receive antennas that residential users. In such cases
it would be desirable to use this to allow greater user data rates to be transmitted.

The technical specifications shall additionally take into account the following requirements:

 Non-broadcast services should be receivable on antennas down to typical consumer sizes.

 A wide range of system parameters should be available to address applications across consumer to business
antenna sizes, and telecom to broadcast satellite powers.

 As in the case of broadcast applications, it should be possible to manufacture low cost receivers. If the impact
of advanced features such as adaptive coding and modulation that are not relevant to broadcast applications is
to raise broadcast receiver costs excessively, then these features could exist in an enhanced profile, available as
an option.

 The technology shall aim to optimize the use of the transponder (keeping all other technical parameters the
same, a minimum capacity increase of 100 % shall be targeted for the professional, non-broadcast market case
using adaptive technologies).

 The target BER shall be at least as good as for broadcast applications.

 The system shall allow for power control technologies, adaptive modulation and adaptive coding.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


4.1.3 Common Commercial Requirements

The primary goal of new broadband satellite systems is to deliver a significantly higher net data rate in a given
transponder bandwidth than the current DVB-S standard. Technical specifications for such a new standard shall not
prevent operators from taking into account all issues covered by local, national, and international laws, especially those
related to security (protection of personal data, encryption of data and services). The new specification will cover
transmit-end functions only, but take into account the consequent cost of receive silicon. The market will determine
what features are actually implemented in receive silicon. For the protection of existing business, the current DVB-S
standard shall not be modified, nor shall changes to other standards cause any existing feature to become invalid. The
new specification will contain a range of options for coding that are appropriate to a wide range of applications. The
new specifications must be application neutral and media content independent. The specifications must be transmission
frequency neutral, or contain the elements allowing for an adaptation to the specifics of certain frequency ranges
(e.g. Ka Band). Specifications for broadcast and non-broadcast applications shall be provided by the definition of a
limited number of profiles. The specification shall not prevent the use of any kind of scrambling and security system at
the transport layer.

4.2 Application scenarios

The DVB-S2 system has been optimized for the following broadband satellite application scenarios.

 Broadcast Services (BS): digital multi-programme Television (TV)/High Definition Television (HDTV)
broadcasting services.

DVB-S2 is intended to provide Direct-To-Home (DTH) services for consumer Integrated Receiver Decoder
(IRD), as well as collective antenna systems (Satellite Master Antenna Television - SMATV) and cable
television head-end stations (possibly with remodulation, see [8]). DVB-S2 may be considered a successor to
the current DVB-S standard [1], and may be introduced for new services and allow for a long-term migration.
BS services are transported in MPEG Transport Stream format. VCM may be applied on multiple transport
stream to achieve a differentiated error protection for different services (TV, HDTV, audio, multimedia).

 Interactive Services (IS): interactive data services including internet access

DVB-S2 is intended to provide interactive services to consumer IRDs and to personal computers, where
DVB-S2's forward path supersedes the DVB-S standard [1] for interactive systems. No recommendation is
included in the DVB-S and DVB-S2 standards as far as the return path is concerned. Therefore, interactivity can
be established either via terrestrial connection through telephone lines, or via satellite. DVB offers a variety of
return link specifications, such as for example DVB-RCS (EN 301 790 [42]), DVB-RCP (ETS 300 801 [43]),
DVB-RCG (EN 301 195 [44]), DVB-RCC (ES 200 800 [45]). Data services are transported in (single or
multiple) Transport Stream format according to [7] (e.g. using Multiprotocol Encapsulation), or in (single or
multiple) generic stream format. DVB-S2 can provide Constant Coding and Modulation (CCM), or Adaptive
Coding and Modulation (ACM), where each individual satellite receiving station controls the protection mode of
the traffic addressed to it.

 Digital TV Contribution and Satellite News Gathering (DTVC/DSNG)

Digital television contribution applications by satellite consist of point-to-point or point-to-multipoint

transmissions, connecting fixed or transportable uplink and receiving stations. They are not intended for
reception by the general public. According to ITU-R Recommendation SNG.770-1 [46], SNG is defined as
"Temporary and occasional transmission with short notice of television or sound for broadcasting purposes,
using highly portable or transportable uplink earth stations, etc.". Services are transported in single (or
multiple) MPEG Transport Stream format. DVB-S2 can provide Constant Coding and Modulation (CCM), or
Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM). In this latter case, a single satellite receiving station typically
controls the protection mode of the full multiplex.

 Data content distribution/trunking and other professional applications (PS)

These services are mainly point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, including interactive services to professional
head-ends, which re-distribute services over other media. Services may be transported in (single or multiple)
generic stream format. The system can provide Constant Coding and Modulation (CCM), Variable Coding and
Modulation (VCM) or Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM). In this latter case, a single satellite receiving
station typically controls the protection mode of the full TDM multiplex, or multiple receiving stations control
the protection mode of the traffic addressed to each one. In either case, interactive or non-interactive, the
present document is only concerned with the forward broadband channel.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


For all these applications, DVB-S2 benefits from more recent developments in channel coding and modulation,
achieving typically a 30 % capacity increase over DVB-S [1]. When used for point-to-point applications like IP
unicasting or DSNG, the gain of DVB-S2 is even greater. Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) functionality allows
different modulation formats and error protection levels (i.e. coding rates) to be used and changed on a frame-by-frame
basis within the transmitted data stream. By means of a return channel, informing the transmitter of the actual receiving
condition, the transmission parameters may be optimized for each individual user, dependant on path conditions.

Furthermore DVB-S2 is compatible with Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG-2 and MPEG-4) coded TV
services [3], with a Transport Stream packet multiplex. Multiplex flexibility allows the use of the transmission capacity
for a variety of TV service configurations, including sound and data services. All service components are Time Division
Multiplexed (TDM) on a single digital carrier.

4.3 System architecture

To achieve the best performance, DVB-S2 is based on LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes, simple block codes
with very limited algebraic structure, discovered by R. Gallager in 1962 [11]. LDPC codes have an easily parallelizable
decoding algorithm which consists of simple operations such as addition, comparison and table look-up [23], [24];
moreover the degree of parallelism is "adjustable" which makes it easy to trade-off throughput and complexity
(see note 1).

NOTE 1: For the purpose of FEC technology selection during standardization, the maximum decoder complexity
was set to correspond to 14 mm2 of silicon using a 0,13 m technology, and the reference symbol rate
was 55 Mbaud.

Their key characteristics, allowing quasi-error free operation at only 0,6 to 1,2 dB from the modulation constrained
Shannon limit [12], are:

 the very large LDPC code block length (64 800 bits for the normal frame, and 16 200 bits for the short frame);

 the large number of decoding iterations (around 50 SISO iterations);

 the presence of a concatenated BCH outer code (without any interleaver), defined by the designers as a "cheap
insurance against unwanted error floors at high C/N ratios".

In comparison, the DVB-S and DVB-DSNG soft-decision Viterbi decoder takes decisions on blocks of only
100 symbols, without iterations, and the RS code over blocks of about 1 600 bits (interleaving factor 12), offering
already quite good performance (see figure 4), around 3 dB from the Shannon limit.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Digital transmissions via satellite are affected by power and bandwidth limitations. Therefore DVB-S2 provides for
many transmission modes (FEC coding and modulations), giving different trade-offs between power and spectrum
efficiency. Code rates of 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9 and 9/10 are available depending on the selected
modulation and the system requirements. Coding rates 1/4, 1/3 and 2/5 have been introduced to operate, in combination
with QPSK, under exceptionally poor link conditions, where the signal level is below the noise level. Computer
simulations demonstrated the superiority of such modes over BPSK modulation combined with code rates 1/2, 2/3 and
4/5. The introduction of two FEC code block length (64 800 and 16 200) was dictated by two opposite needs: the C/N
performance improves for long block lengths, but the end-to-end modem latency increases as well. Therefore for
applications not critical for delays (such as for example broadcasting) the long frames are the best solution, while for
interactive applications a shorter frame may be more efficient when a short information packet has to be forwarded
immediately by the transmitting station. Four modulation modes can be selected for the transmitted payload (see
figure 1).

10 00 000
 

I 010 I


11 011
(a) QPSK (b) 8PSK

Q 01101
11101 01001
1010 1000
01100 11001
R3 00101 00001
0010 0000 MSB

R2 11100 00100 00000 01000


0110 1110 R1 1100 0100

10100 10101 R1 10001 10000
11110 11000
I text

0111 1111 10110 10111 10010

1101 0101 10011

00110 00010 11010
0011 0001
11111 00111 00011 01010
1011 1001
01111 11011
(c) 16APSK (d) 32APSK

Figure 1: The four possible DVB-S2 constellations before physical layer scrambling

QPSK and 8PSK are typically proposed for broadcast applications, since they are virtually constant envelope
modulations and can be used in non-linear satellite transponders driven near saturation. For some specific broadcasting
applications (i.e. regional spot beams) and interactive application operating with multi-beam satellites, 16APSK
provides extra spectral efficiency with very limited linearity requirements if proper pre-distortion schemes are
employed. 32APSK modes, mainly targeted to professional applications, can also be used for broadcasting, but these
require a higher level of available C/N and the adoption of advanced pre-distortion methods in the up-link station to
minimize the effect of transponder non-linearity. Whilst these modes are not as power efficient as the other modes, the
data throughput is much greater. 16APSK and 32APSK constellations have been optimized to operate over a non-linear
transponder by placing the points on circles. Nevertheless their performances on a linear channel are comparable with
those of 16QAM and 32QAM respectively. All the modes are also appropriate for operation in quasi-linear satellite
channels, in multi-carrier Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) type applications.

By selecting the modulation constellation and code rates, spectrum efficiencies from 0,5 to 4,5 bit/second/Hz are
available and can be chosen dependant on the capabilities and restrictions of the satellite transponder used.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


DVB-S2 also features the presence of a Physical Layer (PL) scrambler that is X-oring the I-Q modulator symbols
(inclusive of the optional pilot symbols but excluding the PL header) with a complex binary randomization sequence of
length truncated to the current PLFRAME duration. The complex randomization sequence has an original period of
262 143 symbols and is the one used in the terrestrial UMTS standard. It provides good auto and cross-correlation
properties and allows to simply generate up to 262 142 distinct complex sequences. The main advantages of the
physical layer randomization presence in DVB-S2 are:

 capability to uniquely "sign" individual carriers present in a multi-carrier multi channel transponder;

 randomization of periodic pilot symbols pattern when pilot is time interleaved in the carrier;

 randomization of other satellite or same satellite other beams interference. It should be remarked that in case of
interfering signals with lower baud rate than the useful carrier the physical layer descrambling present in the
DVB-S2 demodulator will make interferer appearing as wideband interference thus reducing their degradation

 the physical layer randomization also allows the application of repetition coding at the DVB-S2 modulator to
further increase the C/(N+I) operating range of the system.

DVB-S2 has three roll-off factor choices to determine spectrum shape. These are 0,35 as in DVB-S and two others,
namely 0,25, 0,20 for tighter bandwidth shape restriction.

DVB-S2 is suitable for use on different satellite transponder bandwidths and frequency bands. The symbol rate is
matched to given transponder characteristics, and, in the case of multiple carriers per transponder (FDM), to the
frequency plan adopted.

Two levels of framing structures have been designed:

 the first at physical level, carrying few highly-protected signalling bits;

 the second at base-band level, carrying a variety of signalling bits, to allow the maximum flexibility on the
input signal adaptation.

Physical Level framing

The first level of framing structure has been designed to provide robust synchronization and signalling at physical
layer [14]. Thus a receiver may synchronize (carrier and phase recovery, frame synchronization) and detect the
modulation and coding parameters before demodulation and FEC decoding. The DVB-S2 physical layer "train" is
composed of a regular sequence of periodic "wagons" (physical layer frames, PL Frame): within a wagon, the
modulation and coding scheme is homogeneous, but may change (Variable Coding and Modulation) in adjacent
wagons. The PL framing structure is application independent (Constant Coding and Modulation or Variable Coding and

Every PL Frame is composed of:

 a payload of 64 800 bits (normal FEC frame) or 16 200 bits (short FEC frame), generated by encoding the user
bits according to the selected FEC scheme; thus the payload corresponds to a code block of the concatenated

 a PL Header, containing synchronization and signalling information: type of modulation and FEC rate, frame
length, presence/absence of pilot symbols to facilitate synchronization.

The PL-Header is always composed of 90 symbols (using a fixed 2 binary modulation), and the payload is always
composed of an integer multiple of 90 symbols (excluding pilot symbols). Since the PL Header is the first entity to be
decoded by the receiver, it could not be protected by the powerful LDPC/BCH FEC scheme. On the other hand, it had
to be perfectly decodable under the worst-case link conditions. Therefore designers selected a very low-rate 7/64 block
code, suitable for soft-decision correlation decoding, and minimized the number of signalling bits to reduce decoding
complexity and global efficiency loss. For example, assuming a 64 800 bit frame, the worst case efficiency of the PL
Frame is 99,3 % (excluding pilot symbols).

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Base-band Level framing

Another level of framing structure, the "baseband frame", allows a more complete signalling functionality to configure
the receiver according to the application scenarios: single or multiple input streams, generic or transport stream, CCM
(Constant Coding and Modulation) or ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation). Thanks to the LDPC/BCH protection
and the wide length of the FEC frame, the Baseband (BB) Header may contain many signalling bits (80) without
loosing neither transmission efficiency nor ruggedness against noise.

This BB-Header carries other important signalling information, such as: labelling the modulator input streams,
describing the position and characteristics of user packets, indicating the presence of padding bits in the transmitted
"baseband frame", signalling the activation of specific tools (Null-packet deletion function, Input Stream
Synchronization function, as described in [14]), signalling the adopted modulation roll-off factor (see note 2).

NOTE 2: The roll-off factor needs not be signalled at physical layer, since (sub-optimum) reception is possible
even assuming unknown roll-off factor.

4.3.1 The system block diagram

The DVB-S2 System is composed of a sequence of functional blocks as described in figure 2.

The block identified as "Mode Adaptation" is application dependent. Input sequences may be single or multiple
Transport Streams (TS), single or multiple Generic Streams (packetized or continuous) such as Generic Stream
Encapsulation (GSE) [47] continuous streams: the block provides input stream interfacing, optional tools required for
ACM (e.g. synchronization (see note 1) and null-packet deletion for Transport Streams (see note 2), described in clause, CRC coding (and replacement of SYNC bytes) for error detection in the receiver for packetized input streams.
Furthermore, for multiple inputs, it provides merging of input streams in a single transmission signal and slicing in FEC
code blocks, Data Fields. These latter are composed of DFL bits, where KBCH -80  DFL 0, taken from a single input
port, to be transmitted in a homogeneous transmission mode (FEC code and modulation). K BCH is the BCH uncoded
block length, which is dependent on the FECFRAME length (normal or short) and on the coding rate, and 80 bits is the
BBHEADER length. The Base-Band Header is appended in front of the Data Field, to notify the receiver of the input
stream format and Mode Adaptation type.

NOTE 1: Data processing in DVB-S2 may produce variable transmission delay. This block allows to guarantee
constant-bit-rate and constant end-to-end transmission delay for packetized input stream [15].

NOTE 2: To reduce the information rate and increase the error protection in the modulator. The process allows
null-packets re-insertion in the receiver in the exact place where they originally were [15].

NOTE 3: Input Stream Synchroniser, Null-Packet Deletion and CRC-8 encoder sub-systems are not relevant for
GSE streams.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Single Signalling
Input Input Input Stream Null-packet CRC-8 Dotted sub-systems are
Stream interface Synchroniser Deletion Buffer
Encoder not relevant for
COMMAND single transport stream
Merger broadcasting
Multiple applications
Input Input Input Stream Null-packet Buffer
Streams interface Synchroniser Deletion

QPSK, PL Signalling & =0,35, 0,25,

8PSK, 0,20
rates 1/4,1/3,2/5 16APSK, Pilot insertion
1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 32APSK
5/6, 8/9, 9/10
mapper SCRAM BB Filter
PADDER into Q and
SCRAM Encoder Encoder Inter- BLER
constel- Quadrature
) (nldpc
,k )ldpc leaver Dummy Modulation

LP stream for to the RF

BBHEADER BC modes satellite

Figure 2: Functional block diagram of the DVB-S2 system

In case the user data available for transmission are not sufficient to completely fill a BBFRAME, padding is provided
by the "Stream Adaptation" block to complete it. Base-band scrambling is also provided.

"FEC Encoding" carries out the concatenation of BCH outer code and LDPC inner codes. Depending on the application
area, the FEC coded blocks (FEC frames) can have length 64 800 (normal frame) or 16 200 (short frame) bits. When
VCM or ACM are used, FEC and modulation mode are constant within a frame but may be changed in different frames;
furthermore, the transmitted signal can contain a mix of normal and short code blocks. Bit interleaving is then applied to
FEC coded bits for 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK to separate bits mapped onto the same transmission signal.

"Mapping" into QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK constellations is then applied to get a complex XFECFRAME,
composed of 64 800/MOD or 16 200/MOD modulated symbols (MOD being the number of bits carried by a
constellation symbol).

"Physical Layer Framing", synchronous with the FEC frames, provides optional dummy PL frame insertion (when no
useful data is ready to be sent on the channel), PL header and optional pilot symbols insertion (2,4 % capacity loss) and
scrambling for energy dispersal. Pilot symbols insertion occurs at regular intervals (36 pilot symbols each 1 440 data
symbols), starting after each PLHEADER. This allows achieving the high channel estimation accuracy indicated by the
standard and needed to track channel variation when ACM is utilized. The modulated symbols are inserted in a regular
physical layer frame structure, composed of fixed length slots of 90 symbols. As the XFECFRAME length is dependent
on both the frame type (short or normal) and the modulation order, it occupies a variable integer number of slots, which
is larger the lower is the modulation order (see table 11 in [2]). The PLFRAME is obtained by adding the PLHEADER,
which occupies one extra slot and carries the information related to the frame type and to the physical layer mode. After
decoding the PLHEADER, the receiver can derive, through the knowledge of the transmission parameters, the current
frame length and thus the start of the following frame, even if the status of the channel does not allow for successful
data decoding in the current frame.

Finally, "Modulation" applies Base-Band Filtering and Quadrature Modulation, to shape the signal spectrum and to
generate the RF signal. Square-root raised cosine filtering is used at the transmit side, with choice on three roll-off
factors: 0,35, 0,25 and 0,20.

4.3.2 Reference performance

The DVB-S2 system may be used in "single carrier per transponder" or in "multi-carriers per transponder" (FDM)
configurations. In single carrier per transponder configurations, the transmission symbol rate Rs can be matched to
given transponder bandwidth BW, to achieve the maximum transmission capacity compatible with the acceptable signal
degradation due to transponder bandwidth limitations. To take into account possible thermal and ageing instabilities,

DVB BlueBook A171-1


reference can be made to the frequency response mask of the transponder. Group delay equalization at the transmitter
may be used to increase the transmission capacity or to reduce degradation. Alternatively, if no group delay equalisation
at the transmitter is applied, a maximum acceptable characteristic group delay is suggested in Figure 3.

Figure 3

In the multi-carrier FDM configuration, Rs can be matched to the frequency slot BS allocated to the service by the
frequency plan, to optimize the transmission capacity while keeping the mutual interference between adjacent carriers at
an acceptable level. Single carrier per transponder configuration

Dependant on the selected code rate and modulation constellation the system can operate at carrier to noise ratios from
-2,4 dB using QPSK 1/4 to 16 dB using 32APSK 9/10 (assuming AWGN channel and ideal demodulator) figure 4
shows the required C/N (Carrier-to-Noise power ratio measured in a bandwidth equal to the symbol rate) versus the
spectrum efficiency (useful bit-rate for unit symbol rate RS), obtained by computer simulations on the AWGN channel
(ideal demodulator, no phase noise). These results have been obtained by computer simulations for a Packet Error Rate
of 10-7, both for DVB-S2 and DVB-S/DVB-DSNG, and correspond about to one erroneous Transport Stream Packet
per transmission hour in a 5 Mbit/s video service (see note 1).

NOTE 1: It should be noted that this definition is slightly different from the Quasi Error Free target adopted in
EN 300 421 [1]. Furthermore modem implementation margins reported in [1] and [4] are not included in
figure 4.

On AWGN, the result is typically a 20 %to 35 % capacity increase over DVB-S and DVB-DSNG under the same
transmission conditions or 2 dB to 2,5 dB more robust reception for the same spectrum efficiency.

Before Nyquist filtering in the modulator, the peak-to-average power ratio is 0 dB for QPSK and 8PSK, while it is in
the range [1,05  1,11] dB for 16APSK (the exact value can be calculated using expression 4 2/ (3 2 + 1)) and [1,97 
2,12] dB for 32APSK (the exact expression is 8 22/ (4 22 + 312 + 1)).

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Dotted lines = modulation constrained Shannon Limit
Ru [Mbit/sec] per unit Symbol rate Rs

3,5 16APSK


2,5 8PSK





-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
C/N [dB] in BW=Rs

Figure 4: Required C/N versus spectrum efficiency, obtained by computer simulations on the AWGN
channel (ideal demodulation) (C/N refers to average power)


4 32APSK
Ru [Mbit/sec] per unit Symbol rate Rs

3,5 16APSK



2 8PSK




0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 9,00 10,00 11,00

Figure 5: Required Eb/N0 versus spectrum efficiency, on the AWGN channel (ideal demodulation)

Figure 5 shows the efficiency plot versus Eb/N0, to allow comparing the different FEC schemes.

Figure 6 shows instead the DVB-S2 performance for constant satellite bandwidth BW = Rs(1+) on the AWGN channel
assuming ideal demodulation. The figure does not take into account the performance degradation which is expected on
the satellite channel due to the signal envelope, which increases with decreasing roll-off. For DVB-DSNG only the
normative roll-off 0,35 is considered, even if DVB-DSNG also includes, optionally, 0,25.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


3,5 32APSK

Ru [Mbit/sec] per unit BW=Rs(1+)

2,5 DVB-S2


1,5 8PSK



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
C/N [dB] in BW=Rs(1+)

Figure 6: Required C/N versus spectrum efficiency for constant satellite bandwidth BW = R s(1+) on
the AWGN channel (ideal demodulation) (C/N refers to average power)

Figure 7 gives examples of the useful bit rate capacity Ru achievable by the system versus the LDPC code rate,
assuming unit symbol rate RS. The symbol rate RS corresponds to the -3 dB bandwidth of the modulated signal.
RS(1+) corresponds to the theoretical total signal bandwidth after the modulator, with  representing the roll-off factor
of the modulation. The figures refer to Constant Coding and Modulation, normal FEC frame length (64 800 bits), no
padding field, no pilots (the pilots would reduce the efficiency by about 2,4 %). Typical BW/R S or BS/RS ratio is
1+ = 1,35: this choice allows to obtain a negligible ES/No degradation due to transponder bandwidth limitations, and
also to adjacent channel interference on a linear channel. The use of the narrower roll-off factors  = 0,25 and  = 0,20
may allow a transmission capacity increase but may also produce larger non-linear degradations by satellite for single
carrier operation. BW/RS factors less than 1+ may also be adopted, but careful studies should be carried-out on a
case-by-case basis to avoid unacceptable interference and distortion levels.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 8/9 9/10






0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9
LDPC code rate

Figure 7: examples of useful bit rates RU versus LDPC code rate per unit symbol rate RS

When DVB-S2 is transmitted by satellite, quasi-constant envelope modulations, such as QPSK and 8PSK, are power
efficient in single carrier per transponder configuration, since they can operate on transponders driven near saturation.
16APSK and 32APSK, which are inherently more sensitive to non-linear distortions and would require quasi-linear
transponders (i.e. with larger Output-Back-Off, OBO) may be greatly improved in terms of power efficiency by using
non-linear compensation techniques in the up-link station [13]. A significant feature of DVB-S2 standard is to support
high-order modulation such as 16 APSK and 32 APSK. These modulation schemes, although specifically designed for
non-linear channels, are particularly sensitive to the characteristics of the satellite transponders. Computer simulation
studies, based on the use of the satellite transponder model of clause H.7, demonstrated that there are significant
opportunities to further enhance the performance by pre-distortion of the transmitted signal and/or intersymbol
interference suppression technique in the receiver.

In FDM configurations, where multiple carriers occupy the same transponder, this latter must be kept in the quasi-linear
operating region (i.e. with large OBO) to avoid excessive inter-modulation interference between signals. In this case the
AWGN performance figures may be adopted for link budget computations.

Table 1 shows, for the single carrier per transponder configuration, the simulated C/N degradation using the satellite
channel models and phase noise mask given in [2] (non linearized TWTA, IMUX and OMUX filters, phase noise
relevant to consumer LNBs), at the optimum operating TWTA point (see note 2). C SAT is the un-modulated carrier
power at HPA saturation, OBO is the measured power ratio (dB) between the un-modulated carrier at saturation and the
modulated carrier (after OMUX). Phase noise degradation figures refer to a pilot-based carrier recovery system [13].
The figures show the large advantage offered by the use of dynamic pre-distortion for 16APSK and 32APSK. The large
phase noise degradations quoted for APSK, and in particular for 32APSK, can be considered as pessimistic, since they
refer to consumer-type LNBs, while for professional applications better front-ends may be adopted at negligible
additional cost.

NOTE 2: The following parameters have been simulated [13]: Rs = 27,5 Mbaud, roll-off factor = 30 % (not
available in DVB-S2, but giving performance between roll-off 0,35 and 0,25).

Table 1: CSAT/N loss [dB] on the satellite channel

(simulation results, Single Carrier per Transponder, optimum TWTA operating point)

Transmission CSAT/N loss [dB] CSAT/N loss [dB] CSAT/N loss [dB]
Mode without predistortion with dynamic predistortion with dynamic predistortion
without Phase Noise without Phase Noise with Phase Noise
QPSK 1/2 0,62 (IBO = 0; OBO = 0,33) 0,5 (IBO = 0 dB; OBO = 0,38) 0,63
8PSK 2/3 0,95 (IBO = 0,5; OBO = 0,35) 0,6 (IBO = 0;OBO = 0,42) 0,85
16APSK 3/4 3,2 (IBO = 5; OBO = 1,7) 1,5 (IBO = 1; OBO = 1,1) 1,8
32APSK 4/5 6,2 (IBO = 9; OBO = 3,7) 2,8 (IBO = 3,6; OBO = 2,0) 3,5
NOTE: Operationa constraints might require higher OBO.

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3,5 16APSK
0,43 bit/s/Hz
Ru[bit/s] per unit Rs 3,0
8PSK 1,9 dB

2,0 0,4 bit/s/Hz

2,2 dB
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
C/N [dB] in Rs

Figure 8: Examples of RU versus required C/N by satellite,

in single carrier per transponder configuration

Figure 8 shows, in the C/N - Spectral Efficiency plane, the overall performance of DVB-S2 by satellite, compared to
DVB-S and DVB-DSNG (see note 3). The C/N gain of DVB-S2 versus DVB-S and DVB-DSNG, at a given spectral
efficiency, remains substantially constant around 2 dB to 2,5 dB, confirming the results on AWGN. Similarly, the
capacity gain at a given available C/N confirms to be in the range 0,3 to 0,4 bit/s/Hz (2,6 % pilot symbol loss is not
indicated, since pilots are optional). Compared to AWGN simulations, satellite simulation curves for 16APSK and
32APSK are more aligned with QPSK and 8PSK curves, due to the amplitude limitation of the non-linear TWTA

NOTE 3: The transmission modes indicated by circles are fully simulated [13], while the other configurations are
extrapolated. The degradations of table 1 are added to the AWGN simulated figures, for the relevant
constellation order, neglecting the effect of coding rates on degradations; M-QAM degradations is
assimilated to M-APSK.


C/N Total Degradation in dB

TD without NL Compensation
TD with NL Compensation
NL Compensation Advantage












Figure 9: Performance degradation due to the satellite nonlinearity with and without pre-distortion

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Figure 9 from [18] shows measured performance over the Telesat Anik F1R satellite in the case of a single carrier per
transponder without and with dynamic pre-distortion on ground. For each MODCOD tested, the optimum TWTA
operating point is found to minimise C/N total degradation, defined as the sum of non-linear degradation at QEF and
output back-off. Symbol rate is 20 Mbaud for all MODCOD except for 32APSK where 10 Mbaud has been used for
link budget closure reasons. Carrier roll-off is 25%.The measurement results show that, as expected, the TWTA can be
operated close to saturation for the quasi-constant envelope QPSK and 8PSK modulations (with constellation points
located on a single circle). The resulting degradation is in the order of 0,5 to 1,0 dB in line with the simulation results
presented in Table 1., Also in line with Table 1. simulation results, activating non-linear pre-distortion in the modulator
gives a very small improvement for QPSK and 8PSK. Instead for for 16APSK (dual ring constellation) and 32APSK
(triple ring constellation) modulations, higher nonlinearity degradations are measured, up to 3.4 dB, for which non-
linear pre-distortion is able to compensate up to 1,1 dB. The measured dynamic pre-distortion gain is less than what
simulated in Table 1. This may be due to the fact that the dynamic pre-distortion technique used during the test was
based on one of the first 2008 commercial DVB-S2 modulator having such a feature. It can not be guarantee tha the pre-
distortion performance measured corresponds to the current state-of-the-art products. Sensitivity to satellite power amplifier characteristics

The sensitivity to different satellite power amplifiers has been investigated by means of software simulations [39]. The
same channel model and phase noise mask as in [2] has been used. Three different amplifiers have been considered: the
two models defined in [2], linearized TWTA (LTWTA) and non-linearized TWTA (NL-TWTA), and a second
linearized-TWTA (LTWTA2), whose characteristics are reported respectively in figures 10 and 11. Only the 16ASPK
modulation scheme with LDPC rate ¾ is considered for a 27,5 Mbaud link and roll-off factor 0,3.

TWTAs Model
AM-AM Characteristi c 60 DVB-S2 Non-Linearized TWTA
Intelsat DVB-S2 Linearized TWTA
50 TWTAs Model
AM-PM Characteristic
Output Amplitude [dB]

Output Phase [deg]

-10 40



-20 10

DVB-S2 Non-Linearized TWTA

Intelsat DVB-S2 Linearized TWTA


-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Input Amplitude [dB] Input Amplitude [dB]

Figure 10: AM/AM and AM/PM characteristic of DVB-S2 linearized (LTWTA) and
non linearized TWTA (NL-TWTA) models

DVB BlueBook A171-1


0 0


Output Amplitude [dB]

Output phase [deg]



Linearized TWT vs DVB-S2 TWT

Linearized TWT vs DVB-S2 TWT AM-PM Characteristic
AM-AM Characteristic
Linearized Linearized

-20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8

Input Amplitude [dB] Input Amplitude [dB]

Figure 11: AM/AM and AM/PM Characteristic of linearized TWTA LTWTA2

Tables 2 and 3 report results for this configuration; in these tables, D represents the demodulator loss due to the
non-linearity. Simulations findings indicate that linearized TWTAs work better than the non-linearized one. This is true
both for the case when pre-distortion algorithm is used and for the case when the original constellation is transmitted.
LTWTA2 provides the smallest demodulation loss (D) at the price of higher OBO. The total loss is slightly higher than
for LTWTA, that has a less linear characteristic but lower OBO. Furthermore, using simple static constellation pre-
distortion the L-TWTA can bring about 0,3-0,4 dB gain over classical TWTA, whereas without pre-distortion the gain
goes up to 0,8 dB. The performance of NL-TWTA, when a pre-distorted constellation is used, is comparable to the one
of the linearized TWTA without pre-distorted constellation. Since the AM/AM characteristic of the two amplifiers is
very similar in the region of interest when IBO>12 dB, the advantage appears to be related to the flatter AM/PM
characteristic of the linearized amplifier.

Table 2: Summary of results for 1 carrier/HPA with no pre-distortion algorithm, 16APSK 3/4

CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL-TWTA 4,5 1,5 1,7 3,2
LTWTA 4 1,3 1,1 2,4
LTWTA2 3 1,6 0,85 2,45

Table 3: Summary of results for 1 carrier/HPA with static pre-distortion algorithm, 16APSK 3/4

CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL-TWTA 2 1 1,4 2,4
LTWTA 2 1,0 1,0 2,0
LTWTA2 2 1,35 0,8 2,15

The impact of the NL-TWTA and LTWA have also been measured on a DVB-S2 test-bed [17], with an FPGA
implementation of the demodulator, using a 10 Mbaud carrier with 25% roll-off factor. Similar results to Table 2 and
Table 3 simulation results have been obtained in real measurements without and with static pre-distortion. The main
conclusion is that on-ground pre-compensation of TWTA non linearities gives equivalent performances to linearised
TWTA without pre-compensation in the case of 16APSK modulation. Also it can be concluded that simple static pre-
distortion is of interest starting from 16APSK modulation. Sensitivity to roll-off

Decreasing the roll-off factor causes an increase of the loss over non-linear channel due to the fact that the ISI becomes
stronger. Simulations carried on with the same channel model and phase noise as for the previous case have shown
however that the resulting effect is only marginal. A roll-off factor of 0,2 produces a loss of about 0,1 dB w.r.t. the case
of roll-off 0,3 for all the modulation schemes, in case of adoption of static pre-distortion techniques. Similar results are
expected when using dynamic pre-distortion.

DVB BlueBook A171-1

27 Sensitivity to phase noise

The impact of phase noise has been measured on the laboratory test-bed described in [17], which demodulator
algorithms for channed estimation are decribed in Annex C. These tests have been performed at 10 Mbaud with pilot
symbols activated. Different phase noise masks have been synthesised (see Figure 12) from the DVB-S2 Standard
Annex H.8 and from a range a LNB products. Es/N0 degradation has been measured at QEF for the 28 MODCOD.

Frequency Offset
100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz

-30 DVB-S2 Typical Mask

DVB-S2 Critical Mask
-40 DVB-S2 Typical Mask + 5 dB
-50 Professional LNB 1
Phase Noice in dBc/Hz

Professional LNB 2
-60 Professional LNB 3
Professional LNB 4
-70 High Quality LNB







Figure 12: Synthesised phase noise

DVB BlueBook A171-1



DVB-S2 Typical Mask
8.0 DVB-S2 Critical Mask
DVB-S2 Typical Mask + 5 dB
C/N Degradation in dB

Professional LNB 1
Professional LNB 2

Professional LNB 3
Professional LNB 4
4.0 High Quality LNB




QPSK 9/10

8PSK 9/10

16APSK 9/10

32APSK 9/10
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8PSK 3/5

8PSK 2/3

8PSK 3/4

8PSK 5/6

8PSK 8/9

16APSK 2/3

16APSK 3/4

16APSK 4/5

16APSK 5/6

16APSK 8/9

32APSK 3/4

32APSK 4/5

32APSK 5/6

32APSK 8/9

Figure 13: Performance degradation with phase noise

The following results are highlighted:

 The impact of phase noise of the link performance primarily depends on the robustness of the MODCOD.
High order modulations are more sensitive to phase noise because of their constellation more pronounced
sensitivity to recovered carrier phase errors (lower distance between ring constellation points). Similarily more
degradation is measured when LDPC code rate increases (less redundant FEC bits available).

 For the DTH low-cost mass market LNB, degradation varies between 0 and 1,2 dB for QPSK and 8PSK
modulations (normative modulations for broadcasting services), ranges from 0,5 to 1,6 dB for 16APSK (used
by broadband multi-beam systems) and goes up to 8,2 dB for 32APSK rate 9/10 which is typically used for
professional applications. .

 Performance degradation with professional LNB and high quality LNB, representative of interactive, DSNG
and professional services, is generally very limited, even for high order modulations.

It can be concluded that measured performances with different types of LNBs resulted to be better than with the typical
phase noise masks from the DVB-S2 Standard Annex H.8, which can be considered as pessimistic. Impact of demodulator digital equalisation

Linear equalisation is usually implemented in satellite receivers to diminuish the effects of linear distortions coming
from the satellite channel (typically filters group delay) and the ground radio frequency front-end possible mismatches.
Figure 14 from [18] shows how a commercial DVB-S2 demodulator acquisition threshold can be improved by using
equalisation techniques when tranmistting a 20 Mbaud DVB-S2 carrier in a commercial 36 MHz transponder. This test
was performed over satellite using a commercial demodulator. Receiver equalisation can also be useful to limit a
posteriori the received signal inter-symbol interference caused by the combination of TWTA non-linearity and
bandlimiting filters.. Although the gain measured Figure 14 is limited to about 0,4 dB, the gain is largely dependent on
the specific application scenario and will increase when using higher baud rates compared to the transponder
bandwidth. Furthermore, in practical home based DTH implementations the likelihood of mismatches between the LNB
and the satellite receiver is not negligible.

DVB BlueBook A171-1



0.7 Acquisition without Equalisation

Acquisition with Equalisation
C/N Degradation in dB






QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

16APSK 2/3

16APSK 3/4
8PSK 9/10
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 8/9

8PSK 2/3

8PSK 3/4

8PSK 5/6

8PSK 8/9

16APSK 4/5

16APSK 5/6

16APSK 8/9

32APSK 3/4

32APSK 4/5

32APSK 5/6
32APSK 8/9
16APSK 9/10

32APSK 9/10
QPSK 2/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 5/6

8PSK 3/5
QPSK 1/3

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 9/10

Figure 14: Demodulator acquisition with and without equalisation (compared to QEF thresholds from
standard) Multiple carrier per transponder configuration

In [39] simulations of multi-carrier systems have been carried out on the same satellite channel model as in
clause 8PSK rate 2/3 and 16APSK rate 3/4 have been tested in this configuration. Results for 2 carrier/HPA are
summarized in tables 4 to 7. From the tables is immediately clear that there is no great advantage in using a
pre-distortion technique for none of the modulation schemes when 2 carriers travel along the same amplifier. As
expected the conventional TWTA (NL-TWTA) behaves worse than the others. Recalling the characteristics of the two
linearized tubes defined in clause (figures 10 and 11), LTWTA2 is expected to behave better than LTWTA,
since its AM/AM characteristic is more linear. Such a thesis does not match the results. Indeed, despite a slightly less
demodulation loss (D column), the OBO of LTWTA2 is higher and makes the total loss higher. Therefore, once more,
this indicates the importance of OBO factor for the total degradation of the whole system.

From the same results it appears that the use of pre-distortion techniques does no mitigate the total loss. It is then clear
that when two or more carriers go through the same tube, the intermodulation products due to the non linearities
represent the main contribution to the global ISI. Therefore, neither a static pre-distortion technique nor one with
memory can attenuate this contribution.

A positive outcome of using pre-distortion techniques is the reduced OBO that results in a slightly higher DC to RF
conversion efficiency (see tables 6 and 7).

Table 4: Summary of results for 2 carriers/HPA with no pre-distortion algorithm for 8PSK 2/3

CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL TWT 1,0 1,0 1,0 2,0
LTWTA 1,5 1,05 0,7 1,75
LTWTA2 0,0 1,25 0,8 2,05

Table 5: Summary of results for 2 carriers/HPA with Static pre-distortion algorithm for 8PSK 2/3

CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL TWTA 1,0 1,0 1,0 2,0
LTWTA 1,5 1,05 0,7 1,75
LTWTA2 0,0 1,25 0,8 2,05

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Table 6: Summary of results for 2 carriers/HPA with no pre-distortion algorithm for 16APSK 3/4

CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL-TWTA 5,0 2,01 2,1 4,1
LTWTA 4,5 1,75 1,35 3,1
LTWTA2 3,0 2,0 1,5 3,5

Table 7: Summary of results for 2 carriers/HPA with Static pre-distortion algorithm for 16APSK 3/4
CSAT/N loss
HPA Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
NL-TWTA 5,0 2,0 2,05 4,05
LTWTA 4,0 1,6 1,5 3,1
LTWTA2 3,0 2,0 1,45 3,45

Simulations for 5 carriers/HPA have been carried only for the LTWTA being the one that performs better in case of
2 carriers/HPA. Moreover since data pre-distortion does not provide any noticeable advantage, only the original
constellation of 8PSK and 16APSK schemes has been used. Results are shown in table 8.

Table 8: Summary of results for 5 carriers/HPA on LTWTA with no pre-distortion algorithm

for 8PSK 2/3 and 16APSK 3/4

CSAT/N loss
Modulation Optimum IBO [dB] OBO [dB] D [dB]
8PSK 2/3 4,0 1.70 1,4 3,1
16APSK 3/4 6,5 2,8 1,6 4,4

4.4 Adaptive Coding and Modulation

The DVB-S2 standard has been conceived for a wide range of satellite broadband applications, including point-to-point
applications like IP unicasting or DSNG, with the adoption of Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), allowing
different modulation formats and error protection levels (i.e. coding rates) to be used and changed on a frame-by-frame
basis within the transmitted data stream. By means of a return channel, informing the transmitter of the actual receiving
condition, the transmission parameters may be optimized for each individual user, dependant on path conditions.

ACM has been considered as a powerful tool to further increase system capacity, allowing for better utilization of
transponder resources. As a consequence, in DVB-S2 standard ACM is included as normative for the interactive
application area and optional for DSNG and professional services.

As IP traffic is driving interactive services and applications offered by broadband unicast systems, the new standard is
intended to be IP friendly, by improving the efficiency of carriage of IP data. This goal has been coupled with the
legacy induced by the current wide utilization of MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS) packets for encapsulating IP
datagrams [7], as well as with the definition of a new adaption layer called GSE [47] aimed at an efficient encapsulation
of IP over generic streams and a more efficient system operation for interactive systems that utilize advanced physical
layer techniques such as Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) [48].
The result is a highly flexible standard, which supports for interactive applications both (GSE) generic streams and
MPEG-TS. One of the implications of such a high flexibility is the multiplicity of solutions allowed by DVB-S2 for
implementing ACM in interactive systems. Finally, support of individual Quality of Service targets has been
recommended for interactive applications.

4.4.1 ACM: the principles

Current point-to-point multi-beam satellite systems based on the DVB-S standard are designed for link closure in the
worst-case propagation and location conditions. The standard, envisaged for broadcasting applications, considers a
fixed coding rate and modulation format, which are selected according to the assumed coverage and availability
requirements. This approach implies the occurrence of high margins in the majority of the cases, when interference and
propagation conditions allow for higher Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SNIR). Typical Ku-band broadcasting
links are designed with a clear-sky margin of 4 dB to 6 dB and a service availability target of about 99 % of the worst
month (or 99,6 % of the average year). Since the rain attenuation curves are very steep in the region 99 % to 99,9 % of

DVB BlueBook A171-1


the time, many dBs of the transmitted satellite power are useful, in a given receiving location, for only some ten minutes
per year. Unfortunately, this waste of satellite power/capacity cannot be easily avoided so far for broadcasting services,
where millions of users, spread over very large geographical areas, receive the same content at the same time. However,
the DVB-S2 VCM mode allows to reduce the static link margins in broadcasting mode if a video quality reception is
acceptable to the end user (see [50] and clause 5.2 for more details).

However, this design methodology devised for broadcasting systems is not optimal for unicast networks. In fact, the
point-to-point nature of link connections allows exploiting spatial and temporal variability of end-user channel
conditions for increasing average system throughput. This is achieved by adapting coding rate and modulation format
(ACM) to best match the user SNIR, thus making the received data rate location and time dependent. Fixed link
margins are therefore avoided and a remarkable improvement in system capacity is obtained thanks to better utilization
of system power resources.

Assuming a fixed beam power allocation, the key parameters responsible for SNIR variability within the satellite
coverage are the fading attenuation, the satellite antenna gain and the antenna C/I. The fading attenuation variation is
due to both geographical dependency of rain statistics and to propagation channel time variations.

Examples of fading attenuations statistics and Satellite Terminal (ST) received power variations during heavy fading
events can be found in [15]. In [19], figure 5, some examples of satellite antenna C/I distributions are shown, which
have been obtained in a study case assuming European coverage. Because of the spread of the distributions, which is
covering 15-20 dB range depending on the selected frequency reuse factor, antenna C/I is an important source of SNIR
variations within the coverage.

In annex D a methodology [19]is illustrated for deriving ACM systems capacity and assessing the advantage with
respect to current DVB-S multimedia systems. Capacity and link availability figures have been derived following the
proposed methodology for a study case of an ACM multi-beam Ka-band system covering Europe, showing an important
gain with respect to non-adaptive systems.

One of the key factors, which can heavily affect capacity, is the granularity of physical layer schemes supported by the
system. It is important to ensure a reasonably small step in E s/N0 and spectral efficiency between consecutive schemes
in order to maximize the data rate provided to STs. In particular, it is of the highest importance for capacity purposes
utilizing a sufficiently fine granularity in the SNIR range experienced in the coverage during clear sky conditions. On
the contrary, larger SNIR intervals can be assumed between the more robust modes without major capacity penalty, due
to their lower occurrence probability. This is confirmed by simulation results shown in annex D. In the DVB-S2
standard code rates have been designed in order to obtain a granularity of about 1 dB in C/N (see figure 4), covering the
wide range from -2 dB up to +16 dB on the AWGN channel.

Figure 15 shows the scheme of an ACM satellite link, composed by the Gateway (GW), which includes the
ACM DVB-S2 modulator, the Satellite, the Satellite receiving Terminal (ST) connected to the GW via a return channel.
Although DVB-S2 standard is also applicable to regenerative satellite systems, here a transparent satellite system
architecture is considered.

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Figure 15: Block diagram of a DVB-S2 ACM link

The DVB-S2 ACM modulator operates at constant symbol rate, since the available transponder bandwidth is assumed
constant. ACM is implemented by the DVB-S2 modulator by transmitting a TDM sequence of physical layer frames,
each transporting a coded block and adopting a uniform modulation format. However, when ACM is implemented,
coding scheme and modulation format may change frame-by-frame. Therefore service continuity is achieved, during
rain fades, by reducing user bits while increasing at the same time FEC redundancy and/or modulation ruggedness.

Physical layer adaptivity which is discussed in Annex E and analysed in detail in [16] is achieved as follows:

 Via a return channel, individual STs provide to the Gateway (GW) information on the channel status, by
signalling the ST current SNIR or the most efficient modulation and coding scheme the ST can support. As
periodic reports increase the signalling overhead on the return link, a preferable approach would be the ST
sending a message whenever channel variations imply a change in the forward link spectral efficiency.

 The ST indications are taken into account by the GW in coding and modulating the data packets addressed to
each ST. Therefore service continuity is achieved, during rain fades, by reducing user bits/frame while
increasing at the same time FEC redundancy and/or modulation ruggedness. On the contrary, during the more
frequent clear sky periods a much higher information rate/frame can be delivered to the ST thanks to a higher
spectral efficient physical layer mode.

 In order to avoid information overflow during fades, a source bit rate control mechanism has to be
implemented, adapting the offered traffic to the available channel capacity. This general principle can be
implemented in different ways according to service requirements, system architecture and traffic
statistics [15]. For example, when the source is co-located with the GTW, its bit-rate may be directly
controlled according to the SNIR reports. Instead, when information providers are remote, network traffic
control policies may be implemented (e.g. TCP/IP protocol automatically reduces bit-rate when large reception
delays are experienced), while low priority packet dropping may be an acceptable strategy to manage short
traffic peaks under "best effort" service level requirement. When the aggregate channel capacity variations are
small (e.g. because of the averaging effect on a large number of users, with different C/(N+I) conditions), and
when capacity margins are allowed on the channel exploitation, user bit-rate control might even be avoided.
The introduction of transmission buffers can be useful to absorb short traffic peaks, at the cost of an increase
of the delays on data and, in some cases, on the ACM control loop.
An alternative approach is to provide more time slots to the faded users to keep the offered bit rate constant.
Being the spectral efficiency of faded users smaller than in the line of sight conditions this approach implies
some capacity reduction but guarantees to maintain the user bit rate and thus the Q.o.S. for faded users.
Normally the number of faded users is a small percentage of the overall population thus the capacity impact is
limited if not negligible.

The GW can impose error protection applied to a given portion of user data according to two methods [15]:

DVB BlueBook A171-1


 via the ACM command (see the system block diagram in figure 2);

 by splitting user data into various streams (one per required protection level), and feeding each of them to a
different DVB-S2 modulator input. The modulator will apply a constant and suitable protection level to each
input stream.

A crucial issue in ACM systems is the physical layer adaptation loop delay, as it is strictly linked to the system
capability of tracking channel variations. The adaptation loop can be defined as the set of operations, which occur
starting from channel estimation at the ST premises ending with reception of the information encoded/modulated
according to the reported channel status. Whenever the user link is degraded in such a way that it requires a protection
level higher than the estimated one, the received packet cannot be correctly decoded. On the contrary, if the channel
conditions have improved so that a higher efficient physical layer mode could be supported, the result is a loss in
efficiency due to the utilization of a not optimum physical layer scheme (i.e. carrying too much code redundancy).
Therefore, the longer the loop delay the higher the impact physical layer adaptation has on user QoS, because of
propagation channel dynamic. Maximum rain variation rates at Ka band have been estimated to be of about 0,5 dB to
1 dB per second, while faster SNIR variations are due to fading components with a high dynamic behaviour.

The loop delay is a sum of several contributions, including: the delay for transmission of the channel status reports, the
return link propagation delay (depending on the selected return channel), the delay introduced within the GW
(buffering, processing and transmission of data packets), and finally the fixed 250 ms propagation delay on the forward
link. Different system architectures assuming different strategies for information processing and buffering at the GW
side will lead in general to different QoS performance for the same channel variation rate.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


A possible algorithm for channel estimation is the DA-SNORE [22], which, relying on pilot symbols, provides unbiased
and accurate SNIR estimation for the Es/N0 range of interest. With the frame format assumptions of the DVB-S2
standard it can be shown that such algorithm leads to small channel estimation delays (in the order of 10 ms) for an
error standard deviation of about 0,2 dB. Together with loop delay reduction, accurate channel estimations are critical
for efficient physical layer adaptation. In case of DVB-S2, as the Es/N0 distance between physical layer schemes is in
the order of 1 dB, an error standard deviation better than 0,3 dB is suggested to fully exploit system capabilities.

NOTE: Group-delay and non linear distortions introduced by typical satellite transponders
have non-negligible impacts on the channel estimation result and have a significant influence
on the error standard deviation, rapidly exceeding 0,3 dB.

Depending on the channel estimation accuracy and on the system dynamicity, the number of physical layer
configurations to be used by a certain ST can be optimized in order to ensure the desired QoS. However, as mentioned
before, a reduction in the physical layer granularity has a direct impact on the throughput. In [16] the key parameters
and trade-offs for efficient physical layer adaptation are shown. Besides, a methodology is illustrated, which allows,
through physical layer thresholds optimization, meeting user Packet Error Rate (PER) requirements with a negligible
impact on link efficiency.

4.4.2 Functional description of the DVB-S2 subsystem for ACM

With reference to the DVB-S2 modulator of figure 2, it may be noted that, unlike DVB-S, the second generation of the
standard allows for several input stream formats, thus enhancing system flexibility. In addition to the widely used
MPEG transport stream, generic streams, of constant (generic packetized streams) or variable (generic continuous
streams) length packets, are encompassed by the standard. When this second configuration is selected, TS rules do not
apply. Moreover, different encapsulation protocols with improved efficiency can be used as an alternative to the Multi
Protocol Encapsulation (MPE) [7], such as the Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) protocol [47] for encapsulation
over generic continuous streams. The data stream packets of both MPEG-TS and generic packetized streams are called
User Packets (UPs). The input interface accepts both single and multiple streams. One additional input signal available
in the standard is the "ACM command". This shall be utilized in ACM systems in conjunction with a single input
stream. It allows setting, by an external control unit, of the transmission parameters to be adopted by the DVB-S2
modulator for a specific portion of input data. The utilization of the ACM command interface allows for a system
configuration, which is completely transparent to the physical layer scheme selection. This functionality is indeed
performed by a unit external to the DVB-S2 modulator, which signals through the ACM command the transmission
parameters associated to the data packets.

In interactive unicast networks, ACM functionality is normative and can be implemented either through a single generic
stream with the utilization of the ACM command, or through multiple transport or generic streams. In order to better
exemplify the DVB-S2 functionalities involved in the three different system configurations, in figure 16-a, -b and -c the
mode adaptation block diagram is shown respectively for the single GS, multiple TSs and multiple GSs case. In DSNG
type of systems ACM can be implemented with a single transport stream or optionally with multiple transport streams.
The different possible system configurations and their features will be illustrated in clause 6.1.

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encoder DATA FIELD

ACM Command


Input Stream Null-packet CRC Signalling
Synchronizer Deletion encoder




Input Stream Null-packet CRC
Synchronizer Deletion encoder









Figure 16: Mode adaptation subsystem in the system configuration:

a) Single GS b) Multiple TS c) Multiple GS

NOTE (on Figure 16): the CRC encoder sub-system is not relevant for (GSE) generic continuous streams.

The input interface is followed by two optional blocks, the Input Stream Synchronizer and the Null Packet Deletion.
These two sub-systems are meant as tools to be utilized for implementing ACM over MPEG transport streams. The first
aims at guaranteeing constant bit rate and end-to-end transmission delay, despite the variability introduced by data
processing in the modulator and demodulator. The second identifies and removes null packets introduced by the
transport stream multiplexer in order to reduce the transmitted information rate, by allowing for null packets reinsertion
at the demodulator side. The two sub-systems will be further analysed and detailed in clause CRC-8 encoding is
applied to transport streams or generic streams with fixed length packets (i.e. packetized streams).

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The input streams are then buffered, allowing a merger/slicer to read frame by frame the information necessary to fill
the data field. In the case of a single stream, only the slicing functionality is required, while if multiple streams are
present the merger/slicer is responsible for composing the data field by reading information bits from one of the input
buffers. Hence, the merging of input streams does not take place within a single data field, but through reading different
data fields from different inputs. Each data field needs to be homogeneous with respect to the physical layer mode, as it
is indeed transmitted in one frame. The merging policy is application dependent. For unicast systems with multiple
input streams the standard considers the possibility of performing a Round Robin polling with a time out for the user
packets in each buffer. However, additional different policies can be implemented. When a data field is not available at
any of the input buffers, a dummy frame is inserted and transmitted. The fixed length BBHEADER (80 bits) is finally
inserted in front of the data field, describing its format.

While for broadcasting and DSNG applications the data field can be filled to its maximum capacity (K BCH -80 bits), for
unicast applications the data field may include an integer number of user packets. This allows for correct recovery of
the user information when adaptive coding and modulation is utilized. As a consequence, padding is required to
complete the constant length (KBCH) BBFRAME. This also happens whenever UP available data are not sufficient to
fill the BBFRAME. The stream adaptation subsystem is responsible for providing padding in case DFL < K BCH -80,
and scrambling the information at the encoder input. In clause 6.1.3 the impact of the introduced overhead on the
overall encapsulation efficiency will be analysed.

Next, the BBFRAME is sent as input to the FEC encoder: in unicast systems, the output FECFRAME can have short
(LDPC = 16 200 bits) or normal length (LDPC = 64 800 bits). Mapping is then applied to get a compleXFECFRAME:
when ACM is used, coding rate and modulation format may be changed frame-by-frame.

PLFraming is then applied. It is worth noting that, as the PLFRAME length is dependent on both the frame type (short
or normal) and the modulation order, it occupies a variable integer number of slots, which is larger the lower is the
modulation order. After decoding the PLHEADER, the receiver can derive, through the knowledge of the physical layer
mode, the current frame length and thus the start of the following frame, even if the status of the channel does not allow
for successful data decoding in the current frame.

When ACM systems are considered, pilot symbols can be inserted in the physical layer frame structure for carrier
synchronization and channel estimation purposes. In fact, phase recovery for 8PSK and higher modulation orders with
the specified phase noise appears very difficult without any pilot. Besides, in ACM system, the key issue is that the
receiver is in general able to decode only a part of the entire stream, and precisely only the frames where transmission
parameters are compatible with user channel conditions. In this context, pilot symbols both allow for carrier recovery
without knowledge of the frame data even in cases when some PLHEADERs are not correctly decoded. Pilot symbol
insertion in DVB-S2 signal is optional, with possibility to carry out pilot switching on a frame-by-frame basis.

Finally, physical layer scrambling, baseband shaping and I-Q modulation are performed. Specific subsystems for supporting ACM with MPEG-TS

Two subsystems have been introduced in the DVB-S2 standard in order to guarantee, even in ACM mode, constant
transport stream bit rate and end-to-end delay, as required by MPEG-2 (see note).

NOTE: The PCR (Presentation Clock Reference) mechanism in MPEG exploits the recovered transport stream
clock to reconstruct the clock for the decoded video signal.

The first problem encountered by DVB-S2 designers was that a transport stream is characterized by constant bit-rate,
while ACM is by definition a variable bit-rate transmission, trading-off user bit-rate with FEC redundancy during rain
fades. The introduction of the "null-packet deletion" block allowed to overcome this. The second problem was that,
during rate adaptation, delay and rate variations may take place in the modem. This is taken into account by the "input
stream synchronizer" block.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Null-packet Deletion

To understand MPEG transport over a DVB-S2 ACM physical layer, it is useful to remind some rules of MPEG
Transport Streams:

 The TS packet length is fixed (188 bytes). The packet Header includes a PID field, with limited addressing

 IP services are mapped into TS by gateways (GTW), using the DSM-CC multi-protocol encapsulation (MPE)
scheme. An IP packet may be split into different TS packets. The TS PID does not include the IP MAC

 Services multiplexed within a TS may be characterized by constant bit-rate (CBR) or variable bit-rate (VBR).

 Input services mapping into TS packets is random (i.e. there is no cyclic fixed allocation), but the packet
position in the stream cannot be modified along the transmission chain, unless precise re-multiplexing rules are

 The TS bit-rate (RTS) must be constant (rate variations require a remultiplexer, updating PCR time stamps).

 The end-to-end transmission delay must be constant. Therefore, should a packet jitter be introduced on the
channel, it must be smoothed before the demultiplexer by a reception buffer of appropriate dimension.

Video Null-packet
insertion TS
Audio DVB-S2
TS Modulator
ACM physical
IP GTW RTS layer

CBR and VBR inputs CBR output

Figure 17: MPEG TS multiplexing scheme

To avoid data overflow in ACM, the useful bit rate generated by data sources (e.g. a video encoder) must be controlled
by a feed-back mechanism using the SNIR report from STs. When the user bit rate is modified at the input of a
conventional MPEG-2 Transport Stream multiplexer, the output bit-rate RTS is kept constant by adding "MPEG
null-packets" (PID = 8 191D) (see figure 17), which do not carry any useful information. To map one/many constant
bit-rate Transport-Stream(s) into a variable bit-rate ACM physical layer, the DVB-S2 modulator activates the subsystem
called "Null-Packet deletion" (see figure 18). The function performed by this block is to discard all (or the majority of)
the null packets, so that the output bit-rate is no longer constant, but corresponds to the useful source bit-rate. A
signalling information (DNP, counting the deleted NPs) allows reinsertion, at the receiver side, of the deleted
null-packets in the exact position where they were after the transmit multiplexer. Figure 18 describes the "null-packet
deletion" process. For multiple transport stream operation, the null-packet deletion function operates independently over
each TS, since the receiver is able to recognize packets belonging to each TS.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Reset after DNP

DNP insertion
Null-packet deletion Counter

Useful- DNP (1 byte)

packets Insertion after
Next Useful
Null- Packet

Input Optional
Null-packet Null-packet UP S


Output Y

Figure 18: Null-packet deletion and DNP field (1 byte) insertion

Input Stream Synchronizer

In an ACM system, end-to-end Transport Stream delay variations DTOT may occur under dynamic bit-rate variations.
For example, the following sources of delay variations may be listed:

 The ACM modulator and demodulator contain fixed length buffers (of typical capacity M [bit] of some LDPC
code blocks). When a useful bit-rate variation R = R1 - R2 occurs (R in bit/s), these buffers are crossed at
different speed, thus the delay dynamically varies in time, in a range of some tens milliseconds:

D = D1-D2 = M [(1/R1)-(1/R2)] = (M R)/(R1R2).

 In case of multiple input streams, the buffers in front of the merger (see figure 2) produce random delay jitter,
depending on the merger priority strategy. Typical figures of such delay jitters are in the range of some tens to
some hundreds milliseconds.

 Using DVB-S2 for video contribution purposes, the ACM bit-rate control-loop may drive the source bit-rate
(e.g. VBR video encoder), but this latter may show a significant delay DS (e.g. hundreds of milliseconds) in
executing rate variation commands (see also clause 7.2.6 and figure 42). Therefore it may happen that the total
control loop delay is too large to allow real time compensation of the fading variation. To increase the control
speed, the rate control loop may be closed in parallel on the video encoder and on the DVB-S2 modulator
(which may immediately react to the rate variation command). In this configuration, a large buffer of many
Mbytes (M = R DS) must be inserted in the modulator after null-packet deletion, to avoid data overflow. This
buffer generates transmission delay variations D = (R/R1) DS during rate adaptation, which can be as large
as some seconds.

In annex F two receiver schemes are proposed to regenerate the Transport Stream clock R' TS under dynamic rate

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4.4.3 DVB-S2 performance in ACM mode

In annex D a method is described for capacity assessment in ACM systems. ACM technique allows to significantly
increase the average system throughput and availability of satellite networks, thus making the system economically
more attractive for interactive applications. The increase is mainly dependant on the adopted frequency band, target link
and service area availability requirements and related system sizing options. Compared to CCM, an ACM-based system
can provide:

 higher system throughput than the one supported by a CCM system, as an ACM system can take benefit from
better link propagation and beam C/I conditions than the worst case link on which CCM physical layer is

 higher availability (time-link and/or spatial) than the one supported by the CCM system as when deeper fading
occurs the ACM system can use a more robust modulation and coding scheme. This is obtained through a very
small reduction of the total system throughput as the number of users affected by these deep fade events is
very limited. The highest link availability and service area supported by the system depends on the lowest
modulation and coding scheme supported by the system;

 more optimization dimensions in the system design to cope with more pushed frequency reuse and more
complex satellite antennas.

Examples reported in annex D indicate that ACM could allow a capacity increase up to 200 % with respect to CCM,
dependent on the link parameters and system configurations.

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4.5 System configurations

The DVB-S2 standard defines four application areas and profiles: Broadcast, Interactive, DSNG and professional.

Table 9 associates them to the system configurations and mechanisms specified in [2], either defined as "Normative" or
"Optional" or "Not Applicable". At least "Normative" subsystems and functionalities shall be implemented in the
transmitting and receiving equipment to comply with [2]. Configurations and mechanisms explicitly indicated as
"Optional" within [2] for a given application area, need not be implemented in the equipment to comply with [2].
Nevertheless, when an "Optional" mode or mechanism is implemented, it shall comply with the specification as given
in [2].

Table 9: System Configurations and Application Areas

System configurations Broadcast Interactive DSNG Professional

profile profile profile profile
QPSK 1/4,1/3, 2/5 O N N N

1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6,

8/9, 9/10 N N N N
8PSK 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 N N N N
16APSK 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 O N N N
32APSK 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 O N N N
CCM N N (see note 1) N N
ACM NA N (see note 2) O O
FECFRAME (normal) 64 800 (bits) N N N N
FECFRAME (short) 16 200 (bits) NA N O N
Single Transport Stream N N (see note 1) N N
Multiple Transport Streams O O (see note 2) O O
Single Generic Stream NA O (see note 2) NA O
Multiple Generic Streams NA O (see note 2) NA O
Roll-off 0,35, 0,25 and N N N N
Input Stream Synchronizer NA except O (see note 3) O (see note 3) O (see note 3)
(see note 3)
Null Packet Deletion NA O (see note 3) O (see note 3) O (see note 3)
Dummy Frame insertion NA except N N N
(see note 3)
N = normative, O = optional, NA = not applicable
NOTE 1: Interactive service receivers shall implement CCM and Single Transport Stream.
NOTE 2: Interactive Service Receivers shall implement ACM at least in one of the two options: Multiple Transport
Streams or Generic Stream (single/multiple input).
NOTE 3: Normative for single/multiple TS input stream(s) combined with ACM/VCM or for multiple TS input streams
combined with CCM.

5 Broadcast applications
In figure 19 a simplified block diagram of the DVB-S2 system for the broadcast profile is given for the single transport
stream and CCM configuration, derived from figure 2.

Baseband PL signalling &

Signalling pilot insertion


interface Encoder Mapper Modulator
Scrambler Encoder Scrambler

Figure 19: Simplified block diagram of the DVB-S2 system for the broadcast profile,
single transport stream and CCM configuration

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5.1 SDTV broadcasting

Table 10 shows comparisons between DVB-S2 and DVB-S broadcasting services via 36 MHz satellite transponders in
Europe, using a 60 cm receiving antenna diameters. The example video coding bit-rates are: 4,4 Mbit/s using traditional
MPEG-2 coding, or 2,2 Mbit/s using advanced video coding (AVC) systems the DVB Project is currently defining for
future applications. The required C/N of the two systems, DVB-S and DVB-S2, have been balanced by exploiting
different transmission modes and by fine tuning the DVB-S2 roll-off factor and symbol-rate. The results confirm the
capacity gain of DVB-S2 versus DVB-S, exceeding 30 %. Furthermore, by combining DVB-S2 and AVC coding, an
impressive number of 21 to 26 SDTV channels per transponder are obtained, thus dramatically reducing the per-channel
cost of the satellite capacity.

Table 10: Example comparison between DVB-S and DVB-S2 for TV broadcasting
Satellite EIRP (dBW) 51 53,7
Modulation and coding QPSK 2/3 QPSK 3/4 QPSK 7/8 8PSK 2/3
Symbol-rate (Mbaud) 27,5 ( = 0,35) 30,9 ( = 0,20) 27,5 ( = 0,35) 29,7 ( = 0,25)
C/N (in 27,5 MHz) (dB) 5,1 5,1 7,8 7,8
Useful bit-rate (Mbit/s) 33,8 46 (gain = 36 %) 44,4 58,8 (gain = 32 %)
Number of SDTV programmes 7 MPEG-2 10 MPEG-2 10 MPEG-2 13 MPEG-2
15 AVC 21 AVC 20 AVC 26 AVC

5.2 SDTV and HDTV broadcasting with differentiated channel

The DVB-S2 system may deliver broadcasting services over multiple Transport Streams, providing differentiated error
protection per multiplex (VCM mode) (see note). A typical application is broadcasting of a highly protected multiplex
for SDTV, and of a less protected multiplex for HDTV. Figure 20 shows an example configuration at the transmitting
side. Assuming to transmit 27,5 Mbaud and to use 8PSK 3/4 and QPSK 2/3, 40 Mbit/s would be available for two
HDTV programmes and 12 Mbit/s for two-three SDTV programmes. The difference in C/N requirements would be
around 5 dB.

NOTE: It should be noted that the DVB-S2 system is unable to differentiate error protection within the same TS

DVB-S2 Modulator
SDTV 3/4
coder 1 Mode adapter
Stream Multiple Transport Streams
MUX Input Interface
Adapter VCM
1 & adaptation tools
M Roll-off=0,25
E FEC Padding: not present
G Coder
HDTV R Pilots: on
coder Mod
2 Input Interface
MUX & adaptation tools
coder rate 3/4

Figure 20: Example DVB-S2 configuration for TV and HDTV broadcasting using VCM

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6 Interactive applications
Interactive data services may take advantage of the possibility offered by DVB-S2 to change the modulation format and
error protection level, by using the ACM functionality, thus allowing to differentiate service levels (priority in the
delivery queues, minimum bit-rate, etc.). By means of a return channel informing the transmitter of the actual receiving
conditions, the transmission parameters may be optimized for each individual user, dependant on path conditions.

Among the alternatives for the return path, DVB-RCS could be used. For DVB-S2 receiver to be used as forward link in
conjunction with DVB-RCS2, the following requirements must be guaranteed:

- The receiver must output the full BBHdr and ideally CRC-8 valid indication.

- The receiver must output the BCH valid indication.

- The receiver must be able to filter out non-viable MODCODs.

6.1 IP Unicast Services

Figure 21 (derived from figure 15) shows a possible exchange of information (info request and info response) between
the user, the Satellite Gateway and one of the information providers during an Internet navigation session by satellite
(forward high capacity link) [15]. These interactive data services may take advantage of:

 non-uniform error protection (ACM);

 differentiated service levels (priority in the delivery queues).

IP unicast links using DVB-S2 ACM must adapt error protection on a user-per-user basis, where the number of users
may be very large (e.g. up to hundreds of thousands). According to the negotiation between the Satellite Terminal (ST)
and the "ACM routing manager", an "ACM router" may in principle separate IP packets per user, per required error
protection and per service level. The aggregate input traffic on the various protection levels shall not overload the
available channel capacity; this applies to the average input traffic, while the peak traffic may temporarily exceed it,
compatibly with the input buffering capacity and the service requirements on maximum delays. To fulfil this constraint
when the total offered traffic becomes larger than the channel capacity, various strategies may be implemented: for
example lower priority IP packets may be delayed (or even dropped) in favour of high priority packets, or the bit-rate
delivered to users under poor reception conditions may be reduced. If the control-loop delays (including routing
manager and ACM router) are too large to allow error free reception under
fast-fading conditions, real time services (e.g. video/audio streaming) may be permanently allocated to a high protection
branch, while lower priority services (e.g. best effort) may exploit the higher efficiency branches (i.e. lower cost)
provided by ACM. In the ACM router, the polling strategy of the input buffers may be statically or dynamically profiled
according to the traffic statistics, the propagation characteristics, and the traffic prioritization policy of the service

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Figure 21: Example of IP services using a DVB-S2 ACM link

As illustrated in clause 4.5.2, the ACM router may interface with the DVB-S2 modulator via a Single Generic Stream
input and the ACM Command input, or via Multiple (Transport or Generic) Stream inputs. The choice between the
different options has a significant impact on the definition of the system architecture (intended as data processing,
routing, buffering and transmission strategy) and consequently on the overall system performance in terms of
efficiency, dynamicity, legacy constraints, user packet format, complexity. In the following two clauses, some examples
of possible architectures for DVB-S2 unicast systems supporting ACM are shown and some considerations regarding
their performance carried out.

6.1.1 Single Generic Stream and ACM command

According to this system configuration, the DVB-S2 ACM modulator receives two input signals. The first is the data
stream, continuous or packetized. The second is the ACM command, carrying the MODCOD information used by the
modulator for encoding and mapping each specific portion of the input data stream. This approach has the important
implication that the scheduling function, which performs the selection and aggregation of the information to be
transmitted in each frame, is located outside the DVB-S2 modulator subsystem. This strategy leads to a complete
transparency of the modulator to layer 2 functions and therefore has the important advantage of an absolute flexibility in
the choice of the scheduling algorithm.

It is worth noting that in ACM systems the choice of the physical layer mode to be used in each frame is necessarily
linked to the scheduling process, as all the User Packets included in one frame are transmitted with the same physical
layer parameters. From a different perspective, the data for filling a specific frame need to be selected taking into
account the physical layer mode requested by the STs to whom they are addressed. This is the reason why the
MODCOD information is generated at the same time of the user data selection and sent as an input to the DVB-S2
ACM modulator.

Figure 22 shows the block diagram of a possible architecture for buffering and processing the data prior to conveying
them to the ACM modulator. The input data stream, composed of a sequence of User Packets, is routed according to the
addressed user and his QoS requirements. Therefore, if L is the number of active users and N the possible QoS levels in
the network, L*N is the maximum number of buffers needed to appropriately discriminate UPs. As active users we
mean those STs, which have an open session. When no traffic is sent to an individual ST for a certain period of time, a
time-out is exceeded and the user is not considered active any more. As a result, the associated buffers are de-allocated.
In general, a user can simultaneously support applications requiring different QoS levels. However, as most of the users
will probably support less than N simultaneous different applications with different QoS requirements, the number of
allocated buffers is consequently reduced. In the simplified case where the service level agreement defines only one
QoS level for each user, the number of buffers equals the number L of active users.

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Figure 22: Block diagram of a possible system architecture

with single generic stream input to the ACM DVB-S2 modulator

For each frame the merger selects from the input queues a number of packets, and combines them for building a set of
information bits. Frame by frame successive data sets composed in this way are sent to the ACM modulator, together
with the associated transmission parameters. When the number of bits in one set is not sufficient to completely fill the
BBFRAME, the modulator will provide padding by automatically choosing the most suitable type of FECFRAME, with
short or normal length.

The merger selection is driven by an ACM Routing Manager, which is responsible for packet scheduling. The
scheduling policy is application dependent and needs to be designed for maximizing system efficiency while meeting
QoS requirements. In order to achieve these goals, the ACM Routing Manager can take advantage of the channel status
information reported by the STs, of the different priority levels and QoS requirements of the input queues, and finally of
the information concerning the buffer occupation. In fact, the first type of information is needed in order to combine in
one frame packets with the same transmission parameters; the second allows for meeting QoS requirements (maximum
delay, minimum rate, etc.); the third can be used e.g. for satisfying QoS requirements without sacrificing efficiency (see
clause 6.1.3) in presence of scarce traffic associated to a certain physical layer mode. In this case indeed, a smart
scheduler policy could decide of merging these few packets with others more numerous requiring a lower efficient
physical layer mode.

It is worth to mention that the high level of discrimination of the input flow (packets are routed according both to their
QoS level and to the addressed user) increases the degree of choice in the packet selection process, allowing for a
scheduler policy very flexible and effective. The above described queue organization thus makes easier support of
individual ST QoS targets.

Furthermore, in the analysed system architecture the loop delay is minimized, thanks to the fact that the choice of the
transmission parameters is made immediately before the encoding and mapping functions. The waiting time in the
buffers before the scheduling process is not contributing to the loop delay, as a channel variation occurring when UPs
are waiting in the queue does not lead to a wrong physical layer mode selection. On the other hand, no queues are
present within the DVB-S2 modulator and the time interval comprised after the decision on the physical layer mode and
before signal transmission is minimized. The complete separation between scheduler and modulator allows for a robust
system, whose dynamicity is not affected by data buffering delay within the GW.

The system good performances in terms of flexibility, channel tracking capabilities and QoS satisfaction need
nevertheless to be traded off against system architecture complexity. The quite large number of buffers, though of
limited memory size requirements, and their dynamic allocation dependent on user traffic variations make
implementation a challenging task. However, a functionally equivalent solution can be implemented with only N input
buffers, in which the user packets are separated per QoS levels. As for each frame the ACM Routing Manager shall
aggregate packets with the same requirements in terms of transmission parameters, there is a need for accessing all the
buffers memory locations, instead of the first one only. Thus, the L*N FIFO buffers of figure 22 can be in principle
replaced by N buffers of larger dimension, where all the packets in the buffers are made available to the merger for
building the data field. This prevents the need for dynamic buffer allocation, thus simplifying implementation . Other

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simplified yet high-performance scheduler implementations can be envisaged in the system implementation. Another
example, for a single GSE generic stream configuration, is presented in section 6.3 of ETSI TS 102 771 [48]. What
shall be avoided is to devise architectures whereby the STs affected by the less favourable link conditions are
significantly impacting the delay in packet delivery to other users [15].

6.1.2 Multiple (Generic or Transport) Streams

Figure 23 shows the block diagram of the DVB-S2 ACM system according to the system configuration where the
DVB-S2 modulator interfaces with a number of input data streams. As regarding the data stream format, two solutions
are possible:

 IP datagrams can be encapsulated in Transport Streams (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation - MPE), according to

EN 301 192 [7];

 IP datagrams can be fragmented and encapsulated in variable or fixed length layer-2 packets, or directly
mapped in the transmitted TDM stream. GSE, MPE or other encapsulation protocols can be assumed.

As explained in clause 4.5.2, the merger within the DVB-S2 modulator reads the data fields from one of its inputs.
Since physical layer mode homogeneity is required for the data field, each data stream within the modulator needs to be
associated with a certain physical layer mode. For this reason, the ACM router splits the users' packets per service level
(priority) and per required protection level, and sends them to the multiple DVB-S2 input interfaces, each stream being
permanently associated to a given protection level. Therefore, each input stream merges the traffic of all the users
needing a specific protection level, and its useful bit-rate may (slowly) change in time according to the traffic

DVB-S2 Modulator DVB-S2 Demodulator

MPEG-TS only
Protection Framing decoding
NP level 1 TS /Protection level
Source 1 deletion selection
TS &
MUX Buffer
IP (TS only)
IP 2 M ACM Re-
services GTW E insertion
MUX Mod Dem
ACM R (TS only)
Router G &
E Buffer
Source K
TS deletion
IP &
(TS only) measure recovery
ACM Protection level K
Routing Level
Manager Return channel

NOTE: For Generic input Streams, GTWs, TS Muxes and null-packet deletion are not required.

Figure 23: IP Unicasting and ACM: Multiple input streams - uniform protection per stream

Dotted boxes in figure 23 address the specific case of IP services encapsulated in Transport Streams (Multi-Protocol
Encapsulation - MPE), according to EN 301 192 [7]. In this case, K MPE gateways (GTWi) are associated to K TS
multiplexers, to feed K DVB-S2 input streams (one per active protection level). Null-packet deletion, applied to each
branch, reduces the transmitted bit-rate. The decoded TS, after null packets re-insertion, is a valid TS (the input stream
synchronizer may optionally be activated). To fully exploit the potential ACM advantages, the additional control-loop
delays introduced by the TS-specific equipment (Gateways, TS Muxes) should be minimized.

The Merger/Slicer in figure 23 cyclically polls the input buffers, and conveys to the ACM modulator a block of users'
data ready to fill (or partially fill) a Data Field. A timeout may be defined in order to avoid long delays in each
merger/slicer buffer. During traffic peaks, overloading the physical channel, a simple Round Robin policy may not fulfil
the requirements of suitable distribution of the available throughput among users. Therefore, alternative policies to
profile the Round Robin priority may be adopted.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


It is important to note that the queuing time spent in the Merger/Slicer inputs buffers contributes to the overall ACM
control-loop delay. In fact, channel variations occurring within the time interval between physical layer mode decision
and signal transmission can lead to the utilization of a sub-optimum physical layer mode or to unsuccessful decoding of
UPs. To the purpose of minimizing such waiting time, a time out can be introduced. Moreover, other approaches can be
followed, such as appropriately limiting the dimension of the Merger/Slicer input buffers according to the system
requirements. By limiting the input buffer size to a small number of data fields, the queuing time would be consequently
reduced. However, an additional buffer is needed before the ACM router to absorb traffic peaks, whose size shall be
designed taking into account the IP traffic flow at the GW input. Figure 24 shows the block diagram of a possible
system architecture, which follows the approach described above. If we assume N possible QoS levels in the network,
the input data packets are first split according to their QoS requirements. As an individual ST can support
simultaneously several services with different requirements, its packets can be routed to different buffers. The ACM
router, driven by the ACM Routing Manager, reads the UPs in the input FIFO queues and separates them according to
the channel status indications sent by the STs via the return channel. As for the architecture described in the previous
clause, the ACM routing manager policy may also take advantage of the information concerning buffer occupation in
order to increase traffic aggregation and thus maximizing efficiency.

Figure 24: Block diagram of a possible system architecture

with multiple DVB-S2 input streams (one per protection level)

In the multiple input streams configuration, unlike the single input stream configuration, the scheduling functions are
not completely decoupled with respect to the DVB-S2 modulator. On the contrary, part of the scheduling functionalities
is associated to the merging operation, and part takes place outside the DVB-S2 modulator and can be therefore system
and application dependent. The overall system performance is thus driven both by the merger policy (cyclic polling in
the reference case) and by the routing/scheduling algorithms applied outside the modulator.

In the system architecture case presented here the buffer organization is definitely less complex than the one described
in the previous clause. However, simple FIFO queues, where UPs are aggregated without any differentiation, coupled
with a Round Robin merging policy, can present some performance limitations when adaptive systems are considered.
The impact on throughput and packet delay of this system architecture is analysed in depth in clause 6.1.4.

6.1.3 Encapsulation efficiency of ACM modes

The Internet Protocol (IP) interconnects multiple networks attached to the Internet and the DVB-S2 network can be seen
as another upcoming access network offering adaptive physical layer. When an IP packet enters/exits a particular access
network, it can be encapsulated into a local packet or capsule, having only meaning within the local network and adding
some additional overhead. The capsule of DVB-S2 is called BBFRAME (in information bits) or FECFRAME (in
encoded bits). The layered architecture of the DVB-S2 interface is presented in figure 25.

DVB BlueBook A171-1



80 bits 0<DFL <K BCH

Layer STREAM Padding

FECFRAME (64800 or 16800 encoded bits)
(36 symbols every 16 slots)
slot (90 symbols)


Figure 25: Air interface architecture of the DVB-S2 using ACM

From the layered air interface architecture of figure 25, following the detailed description of [15], the overall
encapsulation efficiency for the MPEG encapsulation may be computed as a function of the spectral efficiency  and of
the IP packet length L, according to the following expression:

 DVBS2 , L  MPEGL MS , L framing   (1)

While DVB-S was only based on MPEG transport streams, DVB-S2 allows a second flavor, the so-called generic
stream either packetized (fixed packet length) or continuous (variable packet length). The efficiency of the MPEG
encapsulation,  MPEGL , equates one if IP packets are encapsulated directly on the DVB-S2 (note however that any
other encapsulation is possible).  MS ,L includes both the encapsulation efficiency of DVB-S2 Mode adaptation and
of the Stream adaptation, while  framing   includes the effects of the physical layer frames.

IP over MPEG encapsulation is currently performed via the Multi Protocol Encapsulation MPE, which allows
concatenating IP packets [7]. Figure 26 shows the MPEG encapsulation efficiency as a function of the IP packet length:
when the IP packet length is significantly shorter than the TS packet length (188 bytes) the encapsulation efficiency is
low, and this is even more evident when concatenation of packets is not allowed (i.e. only one IP packet per TS packet).

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Figure 26: IP over MPEG encapsulation efficiency

Figure 27 shows  MS , L when only one single IP packet is directly encapsulated (without MPEG-MPE). The large
size of the DVB-S2 capsules in case of normal FECFRAME configuration (around 8 000 bytes after FEC coding,
including a BBHeader, showing a very high efficiency, larger than 99 %) is the result of pursuing a synergy between
broadcast and unicast systems (see note 1). As shown in figure 27, in order to achieve a large protocol efficiency at
DVB-S2 Mode and Stream Adapter level, the encapsulation process should multiplex many IP packets from different
users in the same FECFRAME, to avoid padding losses. When MPEG MPE encapsulation is adopted, the MPEG packet
length is fixed (188 bytes) and rather short, therefore the above mentioned need to concatenate multiple packets in each
FECFRAME is confirmed.

NOTE 1: Broadcast systems requires BER < 10-11, where large code blocks offer better C/N performance.

NOTE: Encapsulation efficiency ( MS  , L  ) for a single IP packet: large efficiency may be achieved only for
multiple IP packets encapsulation.

Figure 27: Mode and Stream adaptation layers

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The framing efficiency  framin g  is fixed by the standard and is very high (above 97 %) for all the physical layer

In order not to make assumptions on buffer statistics, a straightforward way to calculate preliminary figures on
encapsulation efficiency is as a function of the percentage of actual payload (Data Field Length) being encapsulated.

Table 11 shows the total encapsulation efficiency assuming different percentages of payload and is clear that the system
is highly efficient only when buffers are constantly full (i.e. the padding field is small). Moreover a 10 % of efficiency
is lost when MPEG encapsulation is used even assuming continuous filling (IP packet concatenation).

Table 11: Total DVB-S2 encapsulation efficiency as a function of percentages of available payload
Full 80 % 50 % 20 % Full 80 % 50 % 20 % Full 80 % 50 % 20 %
FECFRAME 0,97 0,78 0,479 0,19 0,88 0,71 0,44 0,18 0,78 0,62 0,39 0,16
64 800 bits
FECFRAME 0,96 0,77 0,48 0,19 0,87 0,70 0,44 0,18 0,77 0,61 0,38 0,15
16 800 bits

Regarding the effect of the statistical distribution of the IP packet length L on the encapsulation efficiency, from [15]
we can infer that its effect is limited to the case of MPEG MPE (see note 2). This also means that buffer utilization
statistics will influence system efficiency more than packet size. As it is shown in [15], assuming buffers are always
full, the encapsulation efficiency for the streaming video case is 86 % and 70 % (case of 64 800 coded bits) depending
on whether IP concatenation is allowed in MPE or not, respectively. Therefore, when using MPEG encapsulation, the
aggregate efficiency may be further reduced due to the IP packet size distribution.

NOTE 2: The Mode and Stream adaptation encapsulation may multiplex many input packets in a BBFrame, thus
avoiding large padding sequences.

An appropriate design and dimensioning of the system should yield little encapsulation losses most of the time. Actual
figures of encapsulation losses in presence of bursty traffic and time-varying channel conditions should be computed
through simulations involving realistic models of traffic [21] and of DVB-S2 physical layer TDM composition.

A performances analysis of the overall encapsulation efficiency for GSE over DVB-S2 generic streams, taking into
account the different components of DVB-S2 systems in ACM mode, is provided in Annex A of ETSI TS 102 771 [48]
. This analysis also includes a comparison of GSE and MPE/MPEG-TS encapsulation efficiency.

6.1.4 Scheduling issues

The example scheduler architectures considered in clauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 are summarized in figures 22 and 24. Both of
them, in principle, assume FIFO buffering (of un-specified depth) at any queuing entity, and both allow for any type of
encapsulation. Figure 22 refers to a single input stream plus the ACM command, thus avoiding DVB-S2 modulator
scheduling functionality. Figure 24 refers to multiple Input Streams (one per each of the K protection levels), where
scheduling functionality is included in the DVB-S2 modulator (merger/slicer function). The baseline scheduling policy
(so-called "merging policy") is a cyclic polling of input buffers (Round Robin, RR) plus a timeout, as explained in
clauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. The use of Normal and Short FECFRAME is allowed. The scheduling relevant to service level
(N buffers, one per each QoS) is performed by the ACM router, outside the DVB-S2 system.

In order to perform a preliminary analysis, the following simplistic design decisions were taken according to figure 24:

 Single QoS services (best effort) and fixed user packets length.

 Total number of physical layers and FIFO buffers K = 24, out of the 28 allowed by DVB-S2.

 Depth of the K buffers: equal to two times DFL (see note 1) (DFL depends on modulation and coding

 Slicing/merging policy: simple Round Robin plus timeout, no padding, only Normal FECFRAME.

NOTE 1: To be noted that the K FIFO buffers are included in the ACM control loop, therefore their depth should
be minimized.

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A more complete analysis, including the effect on performance of user packet length, is described in [21].

In order to set up a simulation framework, a jointly event and time driven simulator has been developed in OPNET,
based on the block diagram of figure 28. A multi-beam system has been implemented in order to simulate the
location-and-time dependant SNIR. The RF interference from the neighboring beams is assumed to be constant in time
but location-dependent. The model allows arbitrary number of beams and arbitrary antenna pattern and frequency reuse
pattern. Each beam is split in a number of uncorrelated fading regions [typically 4 for a ~0,67° beam aperture].

Figure 28: Block diagram of the jointly time and event driven simulator

Assuming a total number of U users within the beam, the corresponding SNIR levels at location of user ui (including
time and location variations) are computed, and the spectral efficiencies i (useful bits per unit transmission bandwidth
by satellite) are derived from the DVB-S2 characteristics (according to the DVB-S2 specification [2], clause H.1).

A "SNIR report" is sent back to the GW any time a change in the physical layer is detected. One of the key parameters
under analysis is the end-to-end delay experienced by user data packets in the forward link path. This can be derived as
Tloop  Tprop  Tq , where Tprop, propagation time, is around 240 ms to 250 ms, depending on the latitude and longitude
of the user location, and Tq is the waiting time at the queues encountered across the system.

Traffic injected into the system is event-driven and exponential inter arrival times are considered. Also the whole packet
scheduling procedure is event-driven.

In [15] a study-case simulation is illustrated, verifying the behavior of the ACM subsystem in case the unique FIFO
architecture is implemented. The load of the simulated DVB-S2 system should be either limited below 90 % or
controlled by some admission control mechanism. FIFO queuing places an extremely low computational load and
implementation complexity compared with more elaborate policies. Their behavior is easily predictable, since
maximum delay is determined by the maximum depth of the queue. However, a unique FIFO queuing also poses the
following limitations:

 routers may not organize/access buffered packets, e.g. according to a particular physical layer;

 the queuing delay equally impacts all flows without discrimination. In the ACM case, "congestion" due to the
bit rate reduction of "bad" users (low SNIR) will affect "good" users (high SNIR);

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 during congestions, non-TCP flows are favoured over TCP flows, since TCP-based applications adaptively
reduce their transmission rate;

 a very bursty flow may consume the entire buffer space causing all others not to be serviced for a while. A
worst-case would occur if a bursty flow occurs on a faded channel.In the case of ACM using multiple TS or
generic streams, assuming a per-physical layer buffering, the simple Round Robin polling strategy adopted as baseline
in the specification can dynamically distribute the capacity between the various protection levels when the average
traffic load is below the maximum capacity. Instead, during overload periods, it implies a pre-defined (overall and per
protection level) capacity allocation profile (see note 2), and predefined delay characteristics penalizing both "good"
and "bad" users. It should be noted that "bad" users consume a significant amount of the overall system "transmission
time" resources, while achieving a reduced throughput (due to the low code rate). Therefore the baseline Round Robin
policy is a sort of "simple solution" not specifically designed to facilitate good-users or to maximize the overall system
throughput during channel fades. In order to allow optimizations according to specific service requirements, the DVB-
S2 specification opens the door to additional merging/slicing policies, for example weighted Round Robin strategies
(see note 3) profiled by the service operator.

NOTE 2: One data field contains KBCH bits and is transmitted in a time interval inversely proportional to the
modulation capacity: for example rate ¼ users receive at half bit rate than rate ½ users assuming the same
modulation, but QPSK users are allocated double "transmission time resources" than 16APSK users.

NOTE 3: For example, the merger may read ki consecutive data fields from the i-th protection branch, where ki
may be profiled by the service operator.

6.2 Independent frames structure for Packetized streams with

6.2.1 Independent framing issues (applicable to MPEG-TS)
Packetized streams are composed by user packets (UP) of constant length UPL bits (the maximum UPL value is 64K,
therefore constant length packets exceeding 64kbit are treated as continuous streams). UPs are processed by CRC-8
encoder, whose output replaces the SYNC byte of the following UP. In ACM or VCM applications, MODCOD may
change on a frame by frame basis, therefore some PL frames may use MODCOD configurations that some receivers
cannot demodulate. This case is represented in figure 29, where PL frame n is not demodulated by receiver # 2, so part
of the packets at PL frame boundaries is lost and the streams merged at the two receivers differ.

Figure 29: Example of different reconstructions for VCM mode

As, at the output of CRC-8 encoder, packets contain CRC computed on the data part of the previous packet and current
packet payload, if SYNCD = 0 it is also possible that the receiver can decode the payload, but not the corresponding
CRC, part of next PL frame.

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The example cases reported imply that care should be taken in defining the slicing process in order to generate PL
frames with independent contents, so that the streams can be rebuilt correctly at the receiver. In addition, the slicing
process should minimize the overhead and therefore avoid solutions like re-inserting null packets (this solution remains
available if needed). EN 302 307 [2] leaves maximum flexibility in the definition of the slicing process, allowing to
transport packetized streams with independent contents of the PL frames, thus avoiding the occurrence of the above
mentioned cases. In the following clause an example slicing method is described, applicable to ACM/VCM packetized
streams, to exclude possible reception problems.

6.2.2 Example slicing process

The principle is to put in a PL frame only the data that can use the associated MODCOD and the corresponding CRC
values. As the CRC-8 value of each UP is appended at the beginning of next packet, this results in splitting packets at
the boundaries of the PL frame between the CRC value and next payload data. Padding will then be inserted to fill PL
frames (grey blocks in figure 30).

CRC-8 Slicing
SYNCD index SYNCD index


PL frame #n-1 PL frame #n PL frame #n+1

Figure 30: Slicing process with padding and SYNCD index value

Using this scheme, the overhead induced by padding is smaller than the one obtained by reinserting null packets.

It is important to notice that this means, for a receiver decoding only frames n-1 and n+1, a specific interpretation of
SYNCD value when a PL frame is recovered and the previous one not. With reference to figure 30:

 if SYNCD value is equal to UPL-8 (UP length field of BB header), then a full UP is available before SYNCD
pointer (because CRC is always 8 bits) and its associated CRC is also available; therefore it shall be used by
the merging process;

 otherwise, data before SYNCD pointer value are linked to previous PL frame and are therefore not exploitable,
so they shall be discarded by the merging process.

In a symmetrical way, a CRC closing the PL frame shall be exploited to check the correctness of the preceding UP,
even if the rest of the packet in the following PL frame cannot be decoded.

6.2.3 Specific cases

It is possible to imagine cases of consecutive PL frames having different values of UPL that could, in some occasions,
generate a wrong interpretation of the packets sequence when adopting the slicing procedure of clause 6.2.2, because
UPL refers to the size of packets in the current PL frame as the continued part of payload data could, theoretically, use a
different size in the previous frame. Those cases may be avoided by using a simple rule:

The merging process in the receiver assumes continuity of the BB frames that it is able to decode correctly
(see note) and that belong to the same packetized input stream ID. In particular, when SYNCD  0 then the
UPL parameter applied to parse the first SYNCD bits of the data field is the UPL of the previous correctly
decoded frame within the same transport stream ID.

NOTE: Correctly decoded BB frames are determined by the CRC-8 check for the BB header, optionally
combined with further error detection offered by BCH decoding of the frame.

The proper solution for transporting user packets with heterogeneous packet sizes is by using generic continuous
streams with appropriate encapsulation protocol, e.g. GSE.

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7 Contribution services, data content

distribution/trunking and other professional
7.1 Distribution of multiple MPEG multiplexes to Digital
Terrestrial TV Transmitters
Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) is being introduced in many countries in the world. One of the possible solutions to
distribute the MPEG streams to the digital terrestrial transmitters is via satellite. Current systems are based on DVB-S,
allowing the transmission of a single MPEG multiplex per signal. The result is that, for the distribution of n MPEG
multiplexes, n carriers per transponder should be transmitted, requiring a large HPA OBO. Alternatively, n transponders
must be used, or remultiplexing performed at each transmitting site. The adoption of DVB-S2 could allow the
distribution of multiple MPEG multiplexes using a single carrier per transponder configuration, thus optimizing the
power efficiency by saturating the satellite HPA. For example, assuming the availability of a BW = 36 MHz
transponder, a symbol rate of 30 Mbaud may be transmitted using  = 0,20. Thus to transmit two DTT MUXes at
24 Mbit/s each, a spectrum efficiency of 1,6 [bit/s/Hz] is required, corresponding to QPSK rate 5/6. The required C/N is
around 6 dB. Figure 31 shows an example configuration at the transmitting side.

DVB-S2 Modulator

TV rate
coder 1 Mode adapter 5/6
Stream Multiple Transport Streams
MUX Input Interface
& adaptation tools Adapter CCM
1 M Roll-off=0.20
E FEC Padding: not present
G Coder
TV R Pilots: off
coder Mod
DTT 2 Input Interface
MUX & adaptation tools
TV Constant
coder Coding
& Modulation

Figure 31: Example of DVB-S2 configuration for multiple DTT multiplexes distribution

The target link availability (99,9 % a.y.) could be achieved with a 3 m up-link antenna (EIRP of 64 dBW),
near-saturated transponder in clear sky, and 1,2 m receiving antennas at the terrestrial transmitters sites. Using
DVB-DSNG with 8PSK 2/3 and allocating two FDM carriers in 36 MHz at a symbol rate of 13,3 Mbaud, the required
C/N would be of 9 dB in the receiver bandwidth. To guarantee 99,9 % a.y. link availability the transmitted up-link EIRP
could be set to 75 dBW, the transponder gain setting adjusted to achieve OBO = 5,5 dB per carrier in clear sky and the
receiving antenna size could not be less than 2 m [36]. Therefore DVB-S2 would allow significantly smaller receiving
antennas (nearly halved diameters) and cheaper up-link stations.

7.2 DSNG and other professional applications

For professional applications, DVB-S2 offers many advantages over DVB-S. Its bandwidth efficiency increase in
Constant Coding and Modulation mode can be exploited in different ways:

 narrower frequency slots for the same service bit rate;

 higher service bit rates for the same frequency plan;

 increased availability;

 reduced uplink power need.

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The transport stream multiplexing feature could be used in several ways:

 simultaneous uplink of multiple sources, e.g. multiple camera viewpoints, without MPEG multiplexer;

 multiplexing of service channels (for example voice or IP return).

The Variable Coding and Modulation mode allows unequal protection of the components of a transport multiplex,
e.g. different protection of primary and secondary camera.

Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) allows to dynamically adapt the service bit rate to variations in the link
margin without glitches in the service, ideally keeping the link margin constant and small. In general this requires:

 link margin measurement and feedback to the DSNG uplink location;

 coordinated operation of variable rate encoders and DVB-S2 uplink equipment.

Simplified ACM scenarios are also possible. For example the feedback and the action taken could be binary,
e.g. feedback = "link margin sufficient/critical" and action = "insert or drop the secondary camera - no change in service
bit rate per camera".

7.2.1 DSNG bit rates and symbol rates

The introduction of DVB-S2 coincides with advances in compression technology (MPEG-4) and with the introduction
of high resolution broadcast (HDTV). As outlined in [9] the required bit rate also depends on the video content, video
post-processing needs and on the number of code/decode steps before the program reaches the viewer. MPEG-2 bit
rates are listed in [9]. Advanced video coding techniques currently allows delivery of SDTV programs at bit rates of
1 Mbit/s to 3 Mbit/s and of HDTV programs at 6 to 12 Mbit/s. Multiple sources can be multiplexed to higher aggregate
bit rates, either using MPEG multiplexing or by direct use of the multiplexing features of DVB-S2. Therefore there is a
need to address 1-30 Mbit/s transmissions. In the following clauses, examples are given for extreme bit rates: 1 Mbit/s,
associated to DVB-S2 mode 16APSK 4/5 and an approximate symbol rate of 300 ksymbol/s and 30 Mbit/s, associated
to DVB-S2 mode QPSK 1/2 and an approximate symbol rate of 30 Msymbol/s.

7.2.2 Phase noise recommendation

The system phase noise mask of table 12 is recommended for DSNG applications. The recommendation is within reach
of C-band and Ku-band phase locked block converter technology. Note that at low frequency offsets, it is much more
severe than the simulation mask for broadcast in [2], clause H.8.

Table 12: DSNG Phase Noise Recommendation

@ System phase noise Possible split of system phase noise

10 Hz -30 dBc/Hz -32 dBc/Hz -35 dBc/Hz
100 Hz -58 dBc/Hz -60 dBc/Hz -63 dBc/Hz
b1 kHz -68 dBc/Hz -70 dBc/Hz -73 dBc/Hz
10 kHz -78 dBc/Hz -80 dBc/Hz -83 dBc/Hz
100 kHz -87 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz
1MHz -93 dBc/Hz -96 dBc/Hz -96 dBc/Hz
10 MHz -105 dBc/Hz -108 dBc/Hz -108 dBc/Hz

7.2.3 Receiver filter mask

In [2] no mask is provided for the Nyquist receiver (RX) filter. However, in multi-carrier per transponder applications,
the RX filter will influence the allowed channel spacing. It is recommended to use a RX filter design mask identical to
the transmission (TX) filter mask, i.e. as provided in [2], table A.1.

7.2.4 DSNG carrier spacing

Following the notation of [9], the normalized carrier spacing is expressed as BS/Rs where BS is the frequency slot
bandwidth and Rs is the symbol rate. When the TX and RX filters are ideal and the TX frequency reference is very
accurate there is zero adjacent channel interference (ACI) for BS/Rs > 1+. In [9] a carrier spacing of BS/Rs > 1+ was

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therefore adopted as a general rule and it was indicated that lower values should be applied only with caution after a
case-by-case study. This is further analyzed below for DVB-S2 carriers.

The degradation due to adjacent channels depends on the C0/(N0+I0) failure point of the DVB-S2 mode (MODCOD)
and on the relative level of the interfering adjacent carriers. These effects are illustrated in figure 32, and a
recommendation for carrier spacing is given in table 13. In deriving figure 32 and table 13, it was assumed that:

 TX and RX filters satisfy the normative/recommended upper masks;

 all carriers have the same symbol rate and roll-off factor;

 the C0/(N0+I0) failure point is 2 dB above the value listed in [2], table 13 (pessimistic assumption as safety

 the TX HPA is operated in linear mode with 40 dB regrowth rejection (typically corresponding to 7 dB to
11 dB HPA OBO);

 the transmit frequency uncertainty is less than 0,5 % of the symbol rate.

It is seen that the value BS/Rs > 1+ is about right for 16APSK 4/5 with two adjacent carriers at +8 dB, but that
significantly lower carrier spacings are possible in many cases. Additional cases are summarized in table 13. Situations
where the carrier under test and the adjacent carriers do not have identical symbol rate and roll-off factor should be
analyzed separately.

NOTE: Curves are shown for all roll-off factors and for an interfering carrier level +0 dB and +8 dB above the
carrier under test. Use this figure with caution if the assumptions listed in the main text are not satisfied.

Figure 32: Expected degradation caused by adjacent channel interference

for QPSK 3/4 and 16APSK 4/5 modes and assuming two adjacent carriers
using the same symbol rate and the same roll-off factor

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Table 13: Typical minimum carrier spacing BS/Rs

Mode of carrier under test Roll-off factor Adjacent carrier level Adjacent carrier level
+4 dB each +8 dB each
QPSK 3/4: Failure point  = 0,20 1,10 (see note 2) 1,11
assumed  = 0,25 1,10 (see note 2) 1,14
C0/(N0+I0) = 4 dB+2 dB  = 0,35 1,14 (see note 2) 1,22
8PSK 3/4: Failure point  = 0,20 1,11 1,17
assumed  = 0,25 1,14 1,21
C0/(N0+I0) = 8 dB+2 dB  = 0,35 1,22 1,30
16APSK 4/5 Failure point  = 0,20 1,15 1,20
assumed  = 0,25 1,19 1,25
C0/(N0+I0) = 11 dB+2 dB  = 0,35 1,27 1,35
NOTE 1: Use this table with caution if the assumptions listed in the main text are not satisfied.
NOTE 2: Values below 1,10 were not allowed in the table.

7.2.5 Link budget examples for DSNG Generic Hypothesis
In order to illustrate some potential examples of the use of the system, link budget analysis have been carried out
assuming the following hypothesis:

 It is considered a full 36 MHz transponder loaded with 4 equals digital carriers each one in a 9 MHz
bandwidth slot.

 A symbol rate of 7,20 Mbaud in 9 MHz (BW/Rs = 1,25) is considered. In table 14 the useful bit rate at the
DVB-S2 modulator input for some transmission modes is summarized.

Table 14: Useful bit rate (Mbit/s) for a symbol rate of 7,2 Msymb/s
1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 8/9 2/3 3/4 5/6 3/4 4/5 5/6
7,12 9,52 10,71 11,91 12,72 14,26 16,04 17,85 21,36 22,79 23,76

The satellite TWTA overall operating point is related to typical multicarrier per transponder operation in a
non-linearized transponder: total IBO = 8 dB, total OBO = 3,4 dB.

Satellite resources per carrier are, assuming that the percentage of the power consumption per carrier is the same as the
percentage of bandwidth consumption per carrier:

 Power resources per carrier = 1/4 of the total power taking into account the overall operating point.

 Bandwidth resources per carrier = 1/4 of the total transponder bandwidth (i.e. 9 MHz).

 Quality of the links: PER equal to 10-7.

 Es/N0 performance as summarizes in table D.2 (clause D.3).

Transmit DSNG transportable earth station characteristics:

 Location: at beam edge.

 Antenna diameter  = 0,9, 1,2 and 1,8 m.

 65 % antenna efficiency, 0,3 dB coupling losses, 0,5 dB pointing losses.

 Equipped with a TWT amplifier of 250 W.

 Maximum operational EIRP (for 3 dB OBO) = 67 dBW for 1,8 m, 63 dBW for 1,2 m and 60 dBW for 0,9 m).

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Receive earth station characteristics for DSNG transmissions:

 Location: at beam edge.

 Antenna Diameter  = 2,4 m (G/T = 25 dB/K); 4,5 m (G/T = 30 dB/K) and 8,1 m (G/T = 35 dB/K).

 65 % antenna efficiency, 0,3 coupling losses, 0,5 pointing losses, 1,2 dB noise figure.

Satellite characteristics:

 G/T = 5,5 dB/K at beam centre (-0,5 dB/K at beam edge).

 EIRP (at saturation) = 50 dBW at beam centre (42 dBW at beam edge).

 IPFD = -85,5 dBW/m2 (Nominal gain - NG) at beam centre (-79, dBW/m2 at beam edge). A low gain setting
of the IPDF = -82,5 dBW/m2 is also considered.

Other assumptions are:

 Reference satellite orbital location: 0ºE.

 Uplink frequency: 14,25 GHz.

 Downlink frequency:11,75 GHz.

 Sea level height for the transmit and receive earth stations: 100 m.

 Atmospheric absorption: 0,3 dB for uplink and 0,2 dB for the downlink.

 Worst case polarization (Linear horizontal).

In figure 33 an example link budget is given.

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Figure 33: Example DSNG link budget

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59 DSNG Examples

Clear Sky Margin

Figures 34, 35 and 36 summarize the results in terms of clear sky margins obtained for the DSGN links using the above
hypothesis for the transponder nominal gain operation.

0,9m terminal (maximum EIRP= 60 dBW) (NG)

Clear Sky margin (dB)

Rx:2,4 m
Rx: 4,5 m
3,00 Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6
Modulation Scheme

Figure 34

1,2m terminal (maximum EIRP= 63 dBW) (NG)

Clear Sky margin (dB)

Rx:2,4 m
Rx: 4,5 m
3,00 Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6

Modulation Scheme

Figure 35

1,8m terminal (maximum EIRP= 67 dBW) (NG)

Clear Sky margin (dB)

Rx:2,4 m
Rx: 4,5 m
3,00 Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6

Modulation Scheme

Figure 36

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Figures 37, 38 and 39 provide the results for the computations in transponder low gain setting.

0,9m terminal (maximum EIRP= 60 dBW) (LG)


Clear Sky margin (dB)

5,00 Rx:2,4 m
4,00 Rx: 4,5 m
3,00 Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6
Modulation Scheme

Figure 37

1,2m terminal (maximum EIRP= 63 dBW) (LG)

Clear Sky margin (dB)

Rx:2,4 m
Rx: 4,5 m
3,00 Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6

Modulation Scheme

Figure 38

Clear Sky margins for DVB-S2-DSNG links (beam

centre-to-Beam centre) using 1,8m terminal
(maximum EIRP= 67 dBW) (LG)
Clear Sky margin (dB)

Rx:2,4 m
Rx: 4,5 m
Rx: 8,1 m
QPSK 1/4

QPSK 1/3

QPSK 2/5

QPSK 1/2

QPSK 3/5

QPSK 2/3

QPSK 3/4

QPSK 4/5

QPSK 5/6

QPSK 8/9

8-PSK 2/3

8-PSK 3/4

8-PSK 5/6

16-APSK 3/4

16-APSK 4/5

16-APSK 5/6

Modulation Scheme

Figure 39

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Link availability

In figures 40 and 41 it is summarized the availability (% of the averaged year) in terms of the required margin (dB) for
Ku band (14/12 GHz), following the ITU model (P.618-7, P.837-3, P.839-3), for a number of cities.

ITU rain characteristics for the examples are summarized in table 15.

Table 15: ITU rain characteristics

City Country I0,001 mm/h ho (m) Sea level height

(P.837-3) P.839-3 (m)
Miami USA 95,8 4 209 0
La Paz Bolivia 84,7 4 829 2 761
Sao Paulo Brasil 68,1 4 181 708
Rome Italy 41,0 2 685 73
Paris France 25,4 2 226 92
Madrid Spain 18,7 2 647 786


99 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.9 100

Figure 40: Attenuation (dB) versus availability (% a.y.) @ 14 GHz


99 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.9 100

Figure 41: Attenuation (dB) versus availability (% a.y.) @ 12 GHz

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Overall Availability Considerations

For a given service an overall availability is usually requested. Considering a 99,5 % availability for a link, for example
from Rome (up-link) to Paris (down-link ), the global availability can be computed as follows.

It can be assumed that the rain does not occur simultaneously in both places (up and down-link). The total unavailability
(0,5 %) can be equally divided: 0,25 % in uplink and 0,25 % for the downlink. The margin required to assure this
availability (99,75 %) could be estimated following the above graphics: about 2 dB for Rome in the up-link (14 GHz)
figure 40, and 0,6 dB for Paris in the down-link (12 GHz) (figure 41).

Following this example, to assure an overall availability of 99,5 %, a clear sky margin of about 2,6 dB should be

In the DSNG examples, for 0,9 m DSNG transmitting antenna and 2,4 m receiving antenna in NG (see figure 34 for the
99,5 % ), a maximum useful rate of 11,91 Mbit/s (QPSK 5/6) can be transmitted (2,6 dB clear sky margin operation).
Taking advantage of the new DVB-S2 features, under clear sky conditions the margin can be used to increase the useful
data rate up to 16,04 Mbit/s with 8PSK 3/4.

7.2.6 DSNG transmitting station identification

The proliferation of SNG stations and, in particular, the fact that operators sometimes do not strictly adhere to standard
operating regulations, has created the problem of how to identify the interference origin. This happens also for fixed
earth stations, that, having to be repositioned when working with several satellites, are very often not correctly aligned.

Solutions to this problem are nowadays mostly based on operational rules (by recommending mandatory procedures
when operating satellite stations). A technical device which gives information about the transmitting station
identification is necessary to facilitate application of the operational rules. The DVB-S2 specification allows to use the
physical level scrambling sequence as signature sequence for identification of the interfering signal. The number of
possible codes offered by this process seems to be largely sufficient.

The operational requirements on:

 A registration procedure must be established. The elements to be registered are (i) a country code and (ii)
identification of the owner of the station. A similar procedure already exists in the DVB structure.

 The identification code has to be set up by the supplier of the equipment and access to the identification code
has to be protected. This will guarantee the system against tampering to disable or modify the identification

 The identification process for a previously unknown carrier should be as rapid as possible.

 Transmission on the satellite could be of very short duration; "a few minutes" can be taken as a typical
minimum value.

In addition to this, it would be useful if information about the geographical location of the station could be included
in the stream. Inclusion of this information must be fully automatic in order to avoid error and falsification. The
knowledge of geographical location information is essential, in any case, to permit correct setting up of the station

7.2.7 DSNG Services using ACM

In point-to-point ACM links, where a single TS is sent to a unique receiving station (e.g. DSNG), the TS packets
protection must follow the C/(N+I) variations on the satellite channel in the receiving location. When propagation
conditions change (see figure 42, yellow arrow), the PL frames Fi switch from protection mode Mj to protection mode
Mk to guarantee the service continuity. Constant Transport Stream bit-rate and end-to-end delay, as required by MPEG,
may be guaranteed by using DVB-S2 stream adaptation tools which are described in detail in clause

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Mj Mk

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Figure 42: PLFRAMEs changing protection during a rain fading

The DVB-S2 system may operate as follows (see figure 43):

1) the bit-rate control unit keeps the video encoder bit-rate at the maximum level compatible with the actual
C/(N+I) channel conditions. In parallel, it may set the DVB-S2 modulator transmission mode via the "ACM
Command" input port.

2) The variable bit-rate (VBR) source encoder outputs a constant bit-rate transport stream, where rate variations
of the useful bit-rate are compensated by the insertion of MPEG null-packets.

3) The Null Packets (NP) are deleted in the Mode Adapter, so that the actual bit-rate on the channel corresponds
to the source bit-rate [15]. The deleted NPs are signalled in the DNP byte.

4) The receiver re-inserts Null Packets exactly in the original position, and the Transport Stream clock is
regenerated using the Input Stream Clock Reference (see clause

With reference to figure 43, during a deep fading the bit rate control unit may impose a rate reduction first on the source
encoder, and only after the command has been executed (e.g. after 100 ms to 500 ms), to the DVB-S2 modulator (via
ACM Command). A drawback of this configuration is that the video encoder and MUX delays (D5 and D6 in figure 43)
are included in the control loop, with the risk of service outage under deep fading conditions. To overcome this
additional delay the ACM Command can be instantly delivered also to the modulator, but to avoid packet losses large
buffers have to be inserted in the DVB-S2 modulator and demodulator (see clause 6.1.1).

TS Satellite
RTS=50 Mbit/s channel TS
DVB-S2 Modulator DVB-S2 Demodulator CBR
D1=260 ms

RSource= Framing decoding

1050 Mbit/s NP
Deletion ACM Framing NP TS
Video TS & & ACM Re- DE
VBR MUX Buffer Mod signalling Dem insertion MUX
Source & FIFO
D6= Buffer
D5= 1-2 ms
100-500 ms SNIR
measure RTS
D7=10 ms D7=1ms D8=10ms recovery
Command D2=1 ms
Bit-rate D4=200-300 Return channel
D3=100 ms
control modem

Figure 43: Single TS - uniform protection for long periods: transmission and receiving schemes

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8 Transmission on wideband satellite transponders

using time-slicing
See Annex G.

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Annex A:
Low Density Parity Check Codes
LDPC codes [11], [23], [24] are linear block codes with sparse parity check matrices H(N K)N , where each block of K
information bits is encoded to a codeword of size N.

As an example, an LDPC code of codeword size N = 8 and rate 1/2 can be specified by the following parity check

n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 m1
 0 m
H  0
1 1 0 1 0 1  2
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 m3
 
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0m4

The same code can be equivalently represented by the bipartite graph in figure A.1 which connects each check equation
(check node) to its participating bits (bit nodes).

vnk 1  un
n3 m1
vnk  un

n4 m2
n5 m3 Bit node n
n6 m4 :
bit nodes n8 check nodes vnki  un

A.1 (a) A.1 (b)

Figure A.1: (a) Bipartite graph of an LDPC code; (b) Initialization of outgoing messages from bit

The purpose of the decoder is to determine the transmitted values of the bits. Bit nodes and check nodes communicate
with each other to accomplish that. The decoding starts by assigning the received channel value of every bit to all the
outgoing edges from the corresponding bit node to its adjacent check nodes. Upon receiving that, the check nodes make
use of the parity check equations to update the bit node information and send it back. Each bit node then performs a soft
majority vote among the information reaching from its adjacent check nodes. At this point, if the hard decisions on the
bits satisfy all of the parity check equations, it means a valid codeword has been found and the process stops. Otherwise
bit nodes go on sending the result of their soft majority votes to the check nodes.

The decoding algorithm is described in the following, and a detailed explanation can be found in [12]. The number of
edges adjacent to a node is called the degree of that node.

 Initialization:

vnki  un , n  0,1,..., N 1, i  1,2,..., deg(bitnoden)

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Here vnk denotes the message that goes from bit node n to its adjacent check node ki undenotes the channel
value for the bit n and N is the codeword size. The initialization process is also shown in figure G.1(b).

 Check node update:

Let us denote the incoming messages to the check node k from its dc adjacent bit nodes by
vn1 k ,vn2 k ,..., vndc k (see figure G.2(a)). Our aim is to compute the outgoing messages from the check node
k back to dc adjacent bit nodes. Let us denote these messages by wk n1 , wk n2 ,..., wk ndc .

wk n1 vnk1

wk1 n
wk n2
vn1 k
wk n3 vn2 k vnk2
Bit node n
wk n
. vn3 k

Check node k
. wk n


. vndc k . vnk3
wkdv n
wk ndc (a) (b)
v n kdv

Figure A.2: Message update at check nodes (a), and at bit nodes (b)

wk n  g(vn k ,vn k ,. .. , vn k ,vn k ,. .. , vn k

i 1 2 i1 i1 dc

where g(a,b)  sign(a) sign(b){min(| a |,| b |)} LUTg (a,b) ;

and LUT g(a,b)  log(1 e ab )  log(1 e ab ) .

 Bit Node Update:

Let us denote the incoming messages to the bit node n from its dv adjacent check nodes by
wk1 n , wk2 n ,...., wkdv n (see figure G.2(b)). Our aim is to compute the outgoing messages from the bit
node n back to dv adjacent check nodes. Let us denote these messages by vnk1 , vnk2 ,...., vnkdv .

They are computed as follows: vnki  un  w

j i
k j n .

 Hard Decision Making:

After the bit node updates, hard decision can be made for each bit n by looking at the sign of vnki + wki n
for any ki . If the hard decisions satisfy all the parity check equations, it means a valid codeword has been
found, therefore the process stops. Otherwise another check node/bit node update is performed. If no
convergence is achieved after a pre-determined number of iterations, the current output is given out. As SNR
increases, the decoder converges with fewer iterations.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


A.1 Structure of Parity Check Matrices of Standardized

LDPC Codes
LDPC codes can be specified through their parity check matrices. However, in general, generator matrices are needed
for encoding. Of course, for any linear code once the parity check matrix is known, a generator matrix can be derived
using for instance Gaussian elimination method. But, even though parity check matrices of LDPC codes are sparse, the
resulting generator matrix would no longer be sparse leading to storage and encoding complexity problems, since the
standardized LDPC codes are tens of thousands of bits long. Therefore, to facilitate the description of the codes and for
easy encoding, certain structure has been imposed on the parity check matrices H of the DVB-S2 codes. Even though
there are methods that partially solve the problem [25], restricting a sub-matrix of the parity check matrix to be lower
triangular eliminates the need to derive a generator matrix and leads to linear encoding complexity. More specifically,
the parity check matrix of the DVB-S2 codes was restricted to the form
H(N K)N [A(N K)K B(N K)(N K) ] where B is staircase lower triangular as in figure A.2.

1 1

1 1
B= 1 ..
0 1

1 1

Figure A.3: Submatrix of Parity Check Matrix

Then any information block i  (i0 ,i1,..., ik 1 ) is encoded to a codeword c  (i0 ,i1,..., ik 1, p0 , p1,... pnk 1 ) using HcT = 0,
and recursively solving for parity bits.

a00i0  a01i1  ...  a0,k1ik1  p0  0 Solve p0

a10i0  a11i1  ...  a1,k1ik1  p0  p1  0 Solve p1

: : :

aNK1,0i0  aNK1,1i1 ...  aNK1,k1ik1  pNK2  pNK1  0 Solve pNK1

The matrix A is sparse; as a result encoding has linear complexity with respect to the block length.

Simulations show that the above lower-triangular restriction on the parity check matrix lead to negligible (within
0,1 dB) performance loss with respect to a general parity check matrix for the cases of relevant interest.

Furthermore to reduce the storage requirement of the matrix description by a factor of M, the following restriction on
the A submatrix of parity check matrix design has been applied.

For a group of M bit nodes, if the check nodes connected to the first bit node of degree, say dv , are numbered as
a1, a2 ,..., avd then the check nodes connected to ith bit node (i  M ) are numbered as,
{a1  (i 1)q}mod(N  K),{a2  (i 1)q}mod(N  K),....., {adv  (i 1)q}mod(N  K) where N  K = total number
of check nodes and q  .
For the following groups of M bit nodes, the check nodes connected to the first bit node of the group are in general
randomly chosen so that the resulting LDPC code is cycle-4 free and occurrence of cycle-6 is minimized. From the
above description, it is clear that adjacent check nodes of only one bit node need to be specified in a group of M. In
DVB-S2, M is equal to 360.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


A.2 Description of Standardized LDPC Codes

In DVB-S2, a wide range of bandwidth efficiency from 0,5 bits/symbol up to 4,5 bits/symbol is covered by defining ten
different code rates 1/4, 1/3, 2/5,1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9 and 9/10 with four different modulation schemes QPSK,
8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK. These codes are optimized for broadcast modes. For each code rate, a parity check
matrix is specified by listing adjacent check nodes for the first bit node in a group of M = 360. The coded block length
is N = 64 800 bits for all rates for broadcast mode. To improve the performance, irregular LDPC codes are used where
degrees of bit nodes are varying [26]. The list of bit node degrees and the total number of nodes with those degrees are
shown in table A.1 for all the code rates of this length.

Table A.1: Number of Bit Nodes of Various Degrees for N = 64 800 codes
Code Rate 13 12 11 8 4 3 2 1
1/4 5 400 10 800 48 599 1
1/3 7 200 14 400 43 199 1
1/2 12 960 19 440 32 399 1
3/5 12 960 25 920 25 919 1
2/3 4 320 38 880 21 599 1
3/4 5 400 43 200 16 199 1
4/5 6 480 45 360 12 959 1
5/6 5 400 48 600 10 799 1
8/9 7 200 50 400 7 199 1
9/10 6 480 51 840 6 479 1

For non-broadcast applications, a set of codes with N = 16 800 has also been generated with the same value of M,
i.e. M = 360. Table A.2 shows the list of bit node degrees and the total number of node with those degrees. The q value
for the 64 800 bit codes and the 16 200 bit codes are listed in tables A.3 and A.4, respectively. Constellation labellings
for all the modulations specified are shown in figure 1.

Table A.2: Number of Bit Nodes of Various Degrees for N = 16 200 codes
Code Rate 13 12 11 8 4 3 2 1
1/5 360 2 880 12 959 1
1/3 1 800 3 600 10 799 1
2/5 2 160 4 320 9 719 1
4/9 1 800 5 400 7 999 1
3/5 3 240 6 480 6 479 1
2/3 1 080 9 720 5 399 1
11/15 360 11 520 4 319 1
7/9 12 600 3 599 1
37/45 360 12 960 2 879 1
8/9 1 800 12 600 1 799 1

Table A.3: q Values for Codes with N = 64 800 bits

Code Rate q
1/4 135
1/3 120
2/5 108
1/2 90
3/5 72
2/3 60
3/4 45
4/5 36
5/6 30
8/9 20
9/10 18

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Table A.4: q Values for Codes with N = 16 200 bits

Code Rate q
1/4 36
1/3 30
2/5 27
1/2 25
3/5 18
2/3 15
3/4 12
4/5 10
5/6 8
8/9 5

A.3 Performance Results

Even though the above design restricts the parity check matrix to be structured, the performance is still very good due to
the careful choice of check node/bit node connections. Performance of various code rates with different constellations
on AWGN channel is depicted in figure A.3 for N = 64 800, for QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK modulation. Each
LDPC frame is divided to form multiple MPEG packets, 188 bytes each. Since the error rate requirements of DVB-S2
are rather stringent (10-7 packet error rate), an outer BCH code with the same block length as LDPC frame and an error
correction capability of up to 12 bits is employed, as defined in [2].

Performance of the N = 16 200 bit codes for QPSK modulation is shown in figure A.4. Typically, these codes are about
0,25 dB to 0,3 dB worse than the N = 64 800 bit codes.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


1.E-01 3/5 1.E-01 3/4 8/9
2/3 9/10
1/2 5/6 8/9
1.E-02 1.E-02
3/4 2/3
Packet Error Rate

Packet Error Rate

1.E-03 4/5

1.E-04 1.E-04

1.E-05 1.E-05

1.E-06 1.E-06

1.E-07 1.E-07
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Es/No (dB) Es/No (dB)

(a) (b)


1.E-01 3/4 8/9 1.E-01 5/6

4/5 8/9
1.E-02 1.E-02
2/3 9/10
Packet Error Rate
Packet Error Rate

1.E-03 1.E-03

1.E-04 1.E-04

1.E-05 1.E-05

1.E-06 1.E-06

1.E-07 1.E-07
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 15 16
Es/No (dB) Es/No (dB)

(c) (d)

Figure A.4: Performance of LDPC+BCH Codes over AWGN Channel, N = 64 800 bits,
(a) QPSK, (b) 8PSK, (c) 16APSK, (d) 32APSK

1/3 8/9
1.E-02 3/5
Packet Error Rate

2/5 2/3





-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Es/No (dB)

Figure A.5: Performance of LDPC+BCH Codes over AWGN Channel, N = 16 200 bits

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Annex B:
DVB-S2 Physical Layer Frame and pilot structure
Frame synchronization is needed to indicate the start of each FEC block for the decoder. It also provides the necessary
information for the receiver to apply the appropriate demodulator and decoder to demodulate and decode the
transmitted information. Given that some overhead is necessary for frame synchronization, it is also designed such that
it can be used to reduce initial frequency and phase uncertainty of the modulated signal. The frame synchronization is
designed to provide reliable operation in the worst case E s/N0 with minimum overhead. It is also used to minimize the
demodulator implementation loss in the presence of consumer quality low-noise-block (LNB) phase noise. In fact,
phase noise is particularly detrimental to demodulator performance for higher-order modulation such as 8PSK,
16APSK, and 32APSK. To preserve the near Shannon limit performance of the DVB-S2 FEC, pilot symbols may be
added to assist the demodulator to minimize probability of cycle-slips and to provide more accurate phase estimates.
These pilot symbols are also designed to use a minimum overhead of the overall bandwidth, and can be turned on or off
as desired. The frame synchronization structure and the pilot structure are described in this annex. The frame and carrier
synchronization algorithms that make use of this framing structure are described in annex C.

B.1 Structured PLS code for Frame Synchronization

Figure B.1 illustrates the general structure of DVB-S2 physical layer frames. Each LDPC coded block is preceded by
the Start of Frame (SOF) and the Physical Layer Signalling (PLS) code (PLSCODE). SOF is a known 26-symbol
pattern. PLSCODE is a 64-bit linear binary code, which conveys 7 bits of information with a minimum distance 32,
i.e. a [64, 7, 32] code. In total, SOF and PLSCODE occupy one slot (90 symbols).

SOF PLSCODE LDPC coded frame

Figure B.1: Frame structure of DVB-S2

Independent from the modulation scheme of the LDPC coded block that follows, these fields are modulated by
π/2-BPSK modulation to reduce the envelope fluctuation in comparison with the classic BPSK scheme. π/2-BPSK
rotates the signal constellation 90 degrees every symbol. The 7 bits carried by the PLSCODE inform the receivers about
the modulation scheme, code rate, pilot configuration, and length of the LDPC coded data. In the broadcasting mode,
the length of LDPC codes is 64 800 coded bits regardless of code rates and modulation schemes. In the Adaptive
Coding and Modulation (ACM) mode, LDPC codes of length 16 200 can also be used. Once frame and phase
synchronization are acquired, the probability of incorrectly decoding the PLSCODE is negligible. As long as the
PLSCODE is correctly decoded, the next SOF can be located and the frame synchronization can be maintained. In the
broadcast mode, since modulation and coding scheme will not change on a frame-by-frame basis, maintaining frame
synchronization does not require the correct decoding of PLSCODE. Instead, frame synchronization can be maintained
as long as the symbol timing loop is in lock. In both cases, the frame synchronization can be maintained after it is
initially acquired. Therefore, we will focus our discussions on the initial frame synchronization.

Extensive analysis showed that SOF by itself is too short to provide reliable and rapid frame synchronization. Given
that PLSCODE uses a rather low rate code, it is natural to consider embedding certain structures into this code to aid the
initial frame synchronization. There are many ways to construct a [64, 7, 32] linear block code. For instance, it can be
constructed as an extended BCH code, the dual of an extended Hamming code, an extended maximum length code, or a
first-order Reed-Muller code [40]. In the DVB-S2 standard, a construction is used that is particularly useful for rapid
frame synchronization and efficient maximum likelihood (ML) decoding.

The construction utilizes the first-order Reed-Muller code of parameters [32, 6, 16]. A generator matrix for [32, 6, 16]
Reed-Muller code is shown as follows:



DVB BlueBook A171-1


The generator matrix can be constructed recursively by the well-known |u|u+ v| construction. This notation indicates
how to use two codes of length n to construct a code of length 2n, i.e. u and v are drawn from each of the component
codes respectively. In the case of a first order Reed-Muller code, v uses the trivial linear code 0 and 1, the all-zero and
all-one vectors of length n, as codewords, and u belongs to a first-order Reed-Muller code of length n.

The formulation of a PLSCODE codeword is shown in figure B.2. For 7 information bits, we encode the first six bits by
the [32,6,16] first-order Reed-Muller code to obtain a binary vector Y. The vector Y is further duplicated into two
identical vectors.

Figure B.2: Construction of PLSCODE

Every bit at the lower branch is binary summed with the seventh information bit. The upper and the lower branches are
multiplexed bit by bit to form a vector of length 64. In other words, let Y = (y0,y1,·· ,y31) be a codeword of the
first-order Reed-Muller code [32,6,16]. Then two code words of the [64,7,32] code can be generated as
( y0 , y0 , y1, y1,..., y31, y31) and ( y0 , y0 , y1, y1,..., y31, y31) respectively, where y represents the binary complement of y.
Instead of bit by bit multiplexing the upper and lower vector, if the two vectors were cascaded together, it would have
resulted in the |u|u+ v| construction of the first-order Reed-Muller code of parameters [64, 7, 32]. This shows that the
PLSCODE constructed in such a way is actually an interleaved first-order Reed-Muller code of parameters [64, 7, 32],
which is known to achieve the best minimum distance for a binary [64,7] code, therefore, the code as constructed in
figure B.2 is an optimal binary [64,7] code.

A very useful property of the code for frame synchronization is that y  y 0 if y2i 1  y2i
2i 2i 1 
1 if y2i 1  y2i
for i = 0, 1,…, 31.

Therefore, if we take a 64-bit codeword and form 32 pair-wise differences between the adjacent bits, we will obtain the
same result for all 32 pairs. We can improve the reliability of the difference by averaging all 32 values. If the
modulation is BPSK, the pair-wise difference can average to a value equal to  or +180°. We can easily detect the
seventh information bit and , since the pair wise difference represents frequency offset, and if the frequency offset is
small. For π/2-BPSK modulation, a constant π/2 shift need to be subtracted out from each pair-wise difference, the
result is the same.

As DVB-S2 requires the receivers to acquire with a initial frequency offset up to 5 MHz, i.e. as large as 25 % of the
symbol rate for a typical 20 Msymbol/s data stream, the carrier phase can rotate up to 90° in one symbol interval. There
are only two options in such a scenario: frequency offset resistant non-coherent differential detection or searching
through multiple hypotheses. The latter is clearly less preferred since it takes much longer time to acquire, up to
2 seconds (based on earlier analysis carried out during the standard development). That is too long during initial
installation, when antenna pointing often requires an indication of proper reception of the signal. The differential
detection scheme described above using information embedded in the PLSCODE is therefore preferred. In fact, as long
as the difference, not necessarily a constant, is known a priori, receivers can take advantage of it. For this reason, we
are able to further scramble the codeword of PLSCODE to improve the autocorrelation property. The specific sequence
used for the scrambling is as follows:


The scrambling sequence is essentially just an extended m-sequence.

In annex C, the algorithms for rapid frame synchronization by utilizing SOF and PLSCODE are described.

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B.2 Pilot Structure

The design goal of DVB-S2 carrier recovery scheme is to deliver channel outputs reliably to the LDPC decoder at very
low SNR with small synchronization overhead. The design objectives include:

 Negligible LDPC decoding performance loss due to carrier synchronization impairment (less than 0,1 dB to
0,3 dB for most modes);

 Capability of working at extremely low SNR, as low as E s/N0 = -2,0 dB;

 Capability of acquiring large carrier frequency offset (up to 5 MHz) with a 30 KHz/s ramp;

 Robustness to LNB phase noise characteristics specified by DVB-S, which works at higher SNR and allows
more implementation margin;

 Rapid initial acquisition;

 Simple implementation.

The DVB-S2 phase noise specification is rather challenging due to the desire to reuse the millions of LNBs and
antennas that have already been deployed for DVB-S reception. The major challenge for carrier recovery is to handle
severe phase noise and large frequency offset at low SNR. Unlike DVB-S, that supports only QPSK modulation,
DVB-S2 supports several modulation schemes, such as QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, and 32APSK. In order to expedite
carrier recovery, the standard allows two operating modes for each modulation type: pilot-less and piloted, where pilot
symbols are inserted to aid carrier synchronization. The system operators have the option to choose either operating
mode. The receivers are informed of the pilot configuration from the PLSCODE residing in the PLHEADER. Thorough
investigations on real mass market demodulators show that the following modes benefit in performance from pilot
assistance for carrier recovery: QPSK ¼, 1/3 and 2/5, 8PSK rate 3/5, 2/3, ¾ and 5/6, 16APSK rate 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 8/9,
and all code rate for 32APSK. Clearly, for most high rate codes, their operating SNRs are sufficiently high such that
traditional decision-directed second order phase locked loop (PLL) should suffice. Therefore, when implementation
complexity is concerned, a generic carrier recovery strategy that is suitable for all the modulation schemes with/without
pilots is desired.

Based on these observations, the standard adopted the following aggregated pilot structure. Each LDPC coded frame is
preceded by a one-slot (90-symbol) PLHEADER containing the SOF and PLSCODE. Afterward, 36 pilot symbols
follow every 16-slot coded data symbols. If the pilot symbols coincide with the PLHEADER of the following frame,
they will not be inserted. In [14] it is shown that this pilot structure is a good balance between the synchronization
overhead and performance of 8PSK rate 2/3 modulation. Figure B.3 shows an example of the pilot structure, for 8PSK

PLHEADER code seg 0 UW1 code seg 1 UW2 code seg 13 UW14 code seg 14

1 slot 16 slots 36 syms

Figure B.3: Pilot structure for 8PSK modulation, where UWs (unique words) refer to pilot symbols

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Annex C:
Modem algorithms design and performance over typical
satellite channels
The DVB-S2 standard has been designed having in mind the peculiarities of the satellite channel, in particular the
on-board satellite linear and non-linear distortions, the link fading impairments and the carrier phase noise dominated
by the user terminal RF front-end. The adoption of high order modulation formats (up to 32-ary QAM) makes the
potential channel impairments much more important than those encountered by the classical QPSK modulation format
adopted by the former DVB-S standard [1]. In the following of the annex a design of the main modulation and
demodulation units of a modem compliant with the new DVB-S2 standard is proposed, to minimize the end-to-end link
losses for the reference satellite channel and receiver characteristics defined in [2]. The downlink satellite channel
impairments (signal fading due to rain, scintillations, atmospheric gas absorption, etc.) have been modelled as a
constant signal attenuation, taken into account within the signal E s/N0 at the demodulator input. The other impairments
that are modelled within the downlink channel mostly pertain to the terminal receiver, like clock and carrier frequency
errors as well as carrier phase noise. Clock frequency errors are due to long term instabilities of the terminal oscillator
which provides the terminal demodulator sampling clock, while Doppler effects due to the GEO satellite movements are
usually negligible. The precision of the oscillator depends on its quality (i.e. its cost) but usually it can be considered to
be limited to a maximum of 10 p.p.m.. Carrier frequency errors can be attributed to several factors, but the main
contributors are the terminal LNB oscillator instabilities and Doppler effects. Within DVB-S2 a maximum carrier
frequency error of 5 MHz has been specified for consumer-type of terminal receivers. However, the residual differential
frequency errors when tuning to a different downlink carrier can be considered much smaller, i.e. in the order of max
100 kHz. The main contributor to the carrier phase noise is the terminal LNB RF oscillator, especially in low cost
equipments. The terminal tuner contribution can also be not negligible. The worst case PSD (Power Spectral Density) of
the combined phase noise contribution of terminal satellite receivers' tuners and LNB's is specified in [2].

The architecture of a demodulator compliant with the DVB-S2 standard comprises of an RF/IF part whose architecture
depends on the RF frequency band used by the application (Ku vs. Ka) as well as to whether low cost user equipments
or professional equipments are used. Also, a number of choices can be made on the down-conversion strategy. For
example, in low cost DTH terminals usually the RF received signal is first down-converted to a intermediate frequency
by a LNB (Low Noise Block) that is placed in the proximity of the antenna feeder, then the signal is further down-
shifted in frequency by a tuner, which usually, in low rate equipments, directly converts the signal to complex-
baseband. A couple of well matched A/D converters sample the signal and feed the digital demodulator section of the
receiver. The block diagram of the digital demodulator is shown in figure C.1. It is assumed that the signal from the
RF/IF front end is down-converted to baseband and so that the two I-Q components are made available to the digital
demodulator input, sampled at a rate high enough to avoid signal aliasing.

FRAME frame sync



INTEGRATOR +  j ˆ ( k )

SYMBOL frame frame frame TABLE
sync DEMUX DEMUX sync sync DEMUX


frame sync (freeze on

data symbols)

Figure C.1: Block diagram of the DVB-S2 digital demodulator

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A number of synchronization sub-systems are present in the demodulator in order to coherently demodulate the
received signal. They will be described in details in the next clauses but here a general overview is given. The first
correction the signal receives is about the carrier frequency. The coarse frequency correction unit provides a first
correction with an all-digital second-order frequency loop. The target is for a lock-in range of up to 5 MHz, which
corresponds to half the minimum hypothesized symbol rate of 10 Mbaud. Then, the next block deals with clock
recovery whose timing adjustment is carried out through a digital interpolator. Typically this latter can be implemented
as a parabolic or cubic interpolator (4 taps) in order to limit the distortions to the minimum. Matched filtering follows,
at two samples per symbol. The number of taps of this filter depends on the roll-off factor. In the simulations an impulse
response that spans 20 symbol periods was assumed with no particular optimization. As we will see, this leads to a
performance degradation of less than 0,1 dB. Then, two distinct feed-forward units perform fine frequency and phase
compensation. Digital automatic gain control (DAGC) is then performed in order to adjust the level of the incoming
symbols to the reference constellation and further carrier phase adjustment is carried out by a DPLL. The de-rotated
symbols are finally passed to the decoder where the pilot symbols are first discarded and the channel intrinsics are
computed on the data symbols.

All the synchronization units are fully pilot-aided, i.e. do not make any use of the data symbols, except for the clock
recovery, the frame synchronizer and the last DPLL. This latter works on the data symbols only and its presence is
required to lower the phase error RMS for high-order constellations (16 and 32APSK). The frame synchronizer uses a
unique word correlator that works on symbol-by-symbol basis and feed with its final frame alignment the two
demultiplexer of the demodulator.

During initial acquisition the synchronization tasks are performed with the following order:

1) Clock recovery is activated first; in fact the Gardner algorithm can work with relatively large frequency errors.

2) Once the clock recovery has converged, frame synchronization can be carried out using techniques that are
relatively insensitive to the maximum specified carrier frequency error.

3) Coarse and fine carrier frequency recovery is then carried out.

4) Finally, phase recovery is performed.

The requirement of 100 ms acquisition time for channel zapping can be met down to QPSK 1/2. For lower code rates, a
slightly longer convergence time is required.

In the following of the annex the key algorithms for a DVB-S2 modem are described, from signal pre-distortion
techniques to combat the channel non-linear effects, to the clock and carrier synchronization algorithms and finally the
digital AGC algorithm. The following notation is adopted: z(k) are the samples at the signal matched filter output
(SMF), zP(k)'s are the z(k) samples which refer to pilot symbol location within the DVB-S2 physical layer frame, c(k)'s
are the complex information data symbols belonging to a QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK or 32APSK constellation, cP(k)'s are
the pilot symbols and L0 is the pilot symbols periodicity in number of symbols. DVB-S2 allows for inserting pilot fields
of Lp = 36 symbols every 16 slots, i.e. L0 = 1 476 symbols in both the broadcast and unicast profile.

C.1 Modulator with Pre-Distortion

The selected Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (APSK) modulation for DVB-S2 is characterized by the fact that
constellation points lie on concentric circles. This circular symmetry is particularly suited to non-linear amplification as
it is easier to maintain the APSK circular constellation shape over a non-linear HPA than for classical squared
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellations. In [29] it has been shown that by proper APSK constellation
parameters optimization it is possible to achieve performance that is very close or even slightly superior to QAM over
AWGN channels. PSK modulation formats (QPSK and 8PSK) result to be a particular case of APSK corresponding to
the case when the points are all lying on a single circumference. For 16APSK two rings of points are present with
4 points on the inner ring and 12 points on the outer ring. In the case of 32APSK three rings are present with 4 points on
the inner ring, 12 points on the middle ring and 16 points on the outer ring. Over non-linear channels the APSK
constellation, when observed at the demodulator symbol matched filter decimated output, is affected by two main kinds
of impairment:

1) The constellation centroids (see note 1) warping due to the AM/AM and AM/PM HPA non-linear

NOTE 1: By centroid we consider the compilation of received constellation cluster centre of mass conditioned to
each constellation point.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


2) The clustering effect due to the inter-symbol interference (ISI) experienced at the demodulator matched filter

The warping phenomenon is responsible for the reduction of the distance among APSK rings (AM/AM compression) as
well as a differential phase rotation among them (AM/PM differential phase). The ISI causing the constellation
clustering is related to the demodulator SRRC filter mismatch on the received signal due to the combination of the
signal band limiting introducing memory in the channel, the IMUX filter linear distortion, the HPA memoryless
non-linearity, the OMUX linear filter distortions, resulting in a non-linear channel with memory.

Clearly the warping effect has no impact on single ring constellations such as QPSK and 8PSK (see note 2) but is
causing important degradations for 16APSK and 32APSK. This is because the decoder log-likelihood ratios are
typically computed using the "standard" APSK constellation and do not take into account the centroid locations
distortion caused by the HPA. In [28] two kinds of pre-distortion techniques have been considered for APSK: "static"
and "dynamic". The static pre-distortion technique simply consists in modifying the APSK constellation points to
minimize the demodulator SMF samples centroids distance from the "wanted" reference constellation. The static pre-
compensation is preferably performed off-line in the absence of AWGN once we know the satellite channel
characteristic according to the following steps [13]:

1) Generation of a S blocks of W symbols over which the SMF centroids are computed;

2) Computation of the error signal at the end of each block;

3) Pre-distorted constellation point update.

NOTE 2: The phase and amplitude PSK distortion will be compensated for by the demodulator AGC and phase
recovery sub-systems.

The static pre-distortion is able to correct for the constellation warping effects but it is not able to compensate for the
clustering phenomenon.

The dynamic pre-distortion algorithm takes into account the memory of the channel conditioning the pre-distorted
modulator constellation not only to the current symbol transmitted but also to the (L-1)/2 preceding and (L-1)/2
following symbols (L symbols in total). This calls for an increased look-up table size of ML points. By exploiting the
APSK constellation symmetry the amount of memory size can be reduced to 3ML/16 for M = 16 and 32. The clustering
effect reduction is obtained at the expenses of an increased outer constellation points amplitude, with two main

a) the augmentation of the HPA Output Back-Off (OBO) which negatively affects the overall system efficiency;

b) the possible impact on the HPA (TWTA) safe operation due to the higher peak-to-average ratio making the
instantaneous signal power occasionally well beyond the saturation point.

Based on the previous considerations an improved dynamic pre-distortion approach has been devised, as illustrated
in [13]. The quantity to minimize is in fact not the r.m.s. of the centroids conditioned to a certain data pattern but rather
the total link degradation DTOT given by:

 E NL E
DTOT (s)[dB]   s  (s)[dB]   s  (s)[dB]  OBO(s)[dB] (1)
 N0 req  N0 req
E E
being  s  and  s  the average symbol energy over noise density required to achieve the target Frame
 N 0 req  N0 req
Error Rate (FER) in the non-linear and linear channel respectively and OBO the HPA output back-off. This approach
ensures the best trade-off between ISI minimization and the OBO penalty due to the increased peak-to-average ratio
caused by dynamic pre-compensation.

C.2 Clock Recovery

Symbol clock recovery can be performed first using the well-known Gardner's algorithm [32]. This algorithm is non-
data aided and thus can be run without any frame synchronization in place. The performance of this algorithm is quite
insensitive to the modulation format at least over the range of E s/N0 of interest as well as to a carrier frequency error up

DVB BlueBook A171-1


to 0,1-0,2 times the symbol rate. That means that for 25 Mbaud symbol rates, the timing recovery can work with a
carrier frequency error up to 5 MHz. For lower symbol rates (down to 10 Mbaud) a possible technique is to use two
timing recovery algorithms working in parallel. The first with a signal pre-rotated in frequency by +1/4 of the symbol
rate (Rs) and the second with -1/4 of Rs. Then, after pre-determined time left for the transient, the algorithm that has
converged can be selected. The jitter RMS of the algorithm depends on the signal roll-off factor. In particular, it
worsens as the roll-off decreases. For the DVB-S2 range of roll-offs and Es/N0, a normalized (to the symbol rate) loop
bandwidth of 5∙10-5 seems to be required for negligible impact to the receiver performance. With this loop bandwidth
and using a second order loop, a clock frequency error of 10 p.p.m. can be tracked with no residual error bias. Also, the
overall acquisition transient of the timing recovery unit would be around 105 symbols, which corresponds to 5 ms at
Rs = 25 Mbaud.

C.3 Physical Layer Frame Synchronization

After the receiver symbol timing has reached steady state the next step to be performed is frame synchronization by
searching for the physical layer header. This can be performed even in the presence of a strong carrier frequency error
through differential detection. Reference [14] shows that the mean acquisition time is around 20 ms for 25 Mbaud
transmissions at -2 dB and less than 4 ms at 0,7 dB. At 99 % probability the acquisition time for frame synchronization
is around 130 ms at -2 dB and 10 ms at 0,7 dB (see note). In case of the unicast profile exploiting ACM, until the carrier
frequency and phase synchronization estimators are not in steady-state condition the physical layer frame configuration
field (MODCOD) [10] cannot be decoded. Hence pilot locations for successive frames shall be determined based on
PLHEADER synchronization verification at the four possible locations (one per modulation format). Once carrier phase
synchronization has been established, then the position of the pilot symbols is also known (by decoding the MODCOD
fields of the PLHEADERs of each physical layer frame [XFECFRAME]).

NOTE: Those acquisition times can be largely improved by using more complex frame detection schemes.

C.3.1 An algorithm for Frame Synchronization

Figure C.2 illustrates a scheme to correlate on both the SOF and PLSCODE differentially. The shift registers in the
circuit can be partitioned into two sections. The first is associated with SOF, the second with PLSCODE. There are in
total 57 taps associated with the 89 registers. In the first part, 25 of them are associated with the pair-wise difference of
SOF. In the second part, 32 nonzero taps are associated with PLSCODE since only 32 out of the 64 differentials are
known. The taps associated with the shift register for computing the correlation can be obtained as follows. First set all
the registers to zero, then shift the modulated SOF and a modulated and scrambled codeword of PLSCODE into the
circuit. Once the rightmost register becomes nonzero, the tap associated with a register is just the complex conjugate of
the content of the corresponding register. Given that the modulated SOF and PLSCODE take only ±1, ±i, the taps only
take these four possible values as well. Clearly these are trivial multiplications from the implementation point of view.

DVB BlueBook A171-1



25 coef. SOF
32 coef. PLSC

summer summer

max of the absolute value

To peak

Figure C.2: Differential detection of the SOF and PLSCODE

When used for frame synchronization, the incoming signal arriving at the correlator is sampled at one sample per
symbol. It is first differentially decoded and the resulting samples are then sequentially shifted into a shift register of
length 89. The contents of the shift register are multiplied with the taps. The first 25 and the last 32 values at the output
of the multipliers are separately summed together in two different branches. The outputs of the two summers are
respectively added and subtracted to produce two values. The maximum of the absolute value out of the two branches is
the final output of this correlation circuit.

The output is then further processed by a peak search algorithm. The conventional approach is to compare the output of
the correlator with a predetermined threshold. If the value is larger than the threshold, it is declared that preliminary
frame synchronization has been achieved. Post verification may then follow. In [14], an algorithm is presented for rapid
search and verification.

C.3.2 An Alternative Frame Synchronization Algorithm

When the initial frequency uncertainty is small, the acquisition of frame synchronization may use a simple finite state
machine using correlators which exhibit a good probability of acquisition after a few number of physical frames. The
solution described hereafter is proposed to show that an acceptable performance may be achieved for all noise levels
used by the standard. This solution also has the advantage of being compatible with CCM, VCM or ACM modes, with
or without pilot insertion. Tunable parameters are also introduced in this process, in order to allow fine optimization of
the acquisition, assuming specific operating conditions.

C.3.2.1 Acquisition procedure description

The acquisition of the carrier frame structure may only rely on the detection of the SOF and PLSCODE sequences in
the incoming frame. The symbol rate acquisition is assumed to be already locked, the whole process may be achieved
with 1 sample/symbol.

The carrier and fine frequency acquisition may not be used for frame acquisition as they often depend on the
modulation which is not known before determining the PLSCODE value. Symbols are assumed to have an arbitrary
phase and a small residual frequency deviation that will impact the correlator performance. The proposed procedure
may be summarized as follows:

1) Unlocked state, the demodulator looks for the 26 symbols of the SOF sequence on the fly on the incoming
carrier plus noise samples.

2) Tentative state, the correlation of the samples with the SOF sequence exceeds a specified threshold T ST
(Threshold on SOF in Tentative state), the demodulator tries to decide which PLSCODE follows on the next
64 symbols. If the maximum correlation result over the 128 PLSCODE values exceeds a second threshold TPT

DVB BlueBook A171-1


(Threshold on PLSCODE in Tentative state), the demodulator goes in locked state, deciding when the next
SOF should occur on the value of the PLSCODE. Otherwise, the demodulator remains unlocked.

3) Locked state, the demodulator tests that a SOF sequence is present at the expected position by comparing the
correlation to a TSL (Threshold on SOF in Locked state) value. If the threshold is not exceeded, the
demodulator goes back to unlocked state.

4) Locked state, the demodulator determines the maximum correlation result with the 128 PLSCODE pattern
values and compares it to a threshold T PL (Threshold of PLSCODE in Locked mode). If the value exceeds the
threshold, the demodulator remains in locked state and computes where the next SOF should occur, otherwise
is goes unlocked.

It is described with the state machine presented in figure C.3. Using this model, the behaviour of the acquisition
depends on the combination of thresholds [T ST, TPT, TSL, TPL] which determine the transition from one state to the




(symbol clock SOF decision
locked) detection
decision Tentative transition detection



Figure C.3: Acquisition state machine

The procedure is in fact reduced to 2 states which mainly differs in the fact that correlation with SOF symbols is done
"on the fly" in unlocked state when it is done at a defined location in the frame in locked state.

C.3.2.2 Performance Analysis

The performance of the procedure resides in the time needed to obtain a true locked state with a given channel,
characterized by its C/N and other impairments like frequency deviation or symbol clock error. For the following
analysis, only C/N is considered as frequency deviation and clock error mainly result in a reduction of the correlation
energy between the received signal and the known patterns and therefore may be approximated as a corresponding
increase of the Gaussian noise.

The performance analysis considers that the incoming carrier is always present as it deals with acquisition. False
acquisition in the absence of carrier is out of scope. To simplify computations, the signal is assumed to be composed of
random QPSK symbols separated by consistent (e.g. the number of "information" symbol corresponds to the
PLHEADER code value) PLHEADER symbols. This reduction to QPSK corresponds to the C/N range assumed for
worst case acquisition and is also supposed to be a worst case for false alarms as correlation of QPSK PLHEADER
symbols with higher order modulations symbols exhibit a lower energy on average.

As the actual performance in terms of absolute time is largely dependant on system parameters such as symbol rate,
block length, blocks distribution, the performance analysis presented here is limited to the number of PLFRAMEs
required for acquisition.

Considering a given channel, the thresholds [T ST, TPT, TSL, TPL] are selected upon the following criteria:

1) Provide a low false detection probability, i.e. low probability of getting in locked state after a given number of
PLFRAMEs as the demodulator is in fact not locked on frames

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2) Provide a low non-detection probability, i.e. low probability of staying in unlocked state after a given number

The probability of exceeding, or not, the thresholds in the presence of QPSK signal and additive Gaussian noise (with
one sample per symbol), has been derived from the method described in [34], applied to the corresponding patterns. The
results are then obtained by combining those probabilities, estimated by a quasi-analytical method. Monte-Carlo
simulations are on-going to verify the quasi-analytical results.

C.3.2.3 Acquisition parameters optimization

The Probability of False Alarm (PFA) and Probability of Non Detection (PND) for the transition from the unlocked
state to the locked state as a function of thresholds for C/N = -2 dB are shown in figure C.4 hereafter. The values of
thresholds are normalized to 1,0 (meaning all symbols are correlated).

False alarm probability Non-detection probability



1.E-05 0.05 1.E-03 0.8
1.E-06 0.25 0.55
1.E-07 0.45 1.E-04
0.65 TPT 0.8




Figure C.4: PFA and PND variations with TPT and TST for C/N = -2 dB

False alarm means a transition that occurred when no start of frame was present (only random symbols and noise) and
non detection means that a correct PLHEADER was present but no transition occurred. As can be seen on those charts,
the threshold on PLSCODE should be higher than the one on the SOF to avoid too many unwanted transitions due to
false alarm. As expected, a tradeoff is required to avoid too many false alarms while preserving a low number of frames
needed to achieve detection.

As the frame contains, in the worst case, nearly 1 000 times more data symbols than PLHEADER symbols, the tentative
thresholds pair (TST and TPT) should be selected to give a low false alarm probability even if there are many

For the locked state, if false alarm is low due to the first transition, a higher false alarm should be accepted as it
degrades fewer the overall false alarm probability of the system. Concurrently, a lower non detection rate is admitted as
it guarantees that the demodulator gets locked after some frames, even with a high input noise.

Table C.1 shows the result for a possible optimization of the thresholds values (Thresholds combination [T ST = 0,61,
TPT = 0,88, TSL = 0,36, TPL = 0,65]).

Table C.1: PFA and PND for optimized thresholds values

C/No [dB] PFA a = Number of frames PND for K frames
for a 1E-7 PND K = 10 K=a K = a+1
10 4,684 E-33 2 5,234 E-30 1,4 E-6 1,643 E-9
1 3,553 E-14 8 8,525 E-9 3,485 E-7 5,451 E-8
0 5,69 E-12 10 1,005 E-7 1,005 E-7 2,015 E-8
-1 6,763 E-10 11 9,146 E-7 2,291 E-7 5,741 E-8
-2 5,136 E -8 13 7,7 E-6 2,298 E-7 7,131 E-8

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Considering the obtained results, it seems that the simple procedure presented here gives acceptable performance in
terms of low detection time and low false detection probability. It should be noticed that this procedure is applicable
seamless for uniform or variable coding (e.g. CCM or VCM modes) by the demodulator. A few parameters remain
tuneable for specific system conditions and should be accessible for the demodulator user.

C.4 Carrier Frequency Recovery

A significant portion of DVB-S2 deployment replaced/enhanced the DVB-S users. In this situation, it is highly
desirable that the outdoor equipment including the LNB is retained. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out,
using the critical phase noise model of consumer LNB from [2], Annex H.8, and implementing variants of three
baseline carrier recovery techniques:

 decision directed digital phase locked loops with "blind" phase error detection (DD-PLL), operating on the
modulated symbols;

 pilot-symbol aided DD-PLL (phase estimations extracted from the pilot symbols and from the PLHEADER
are used to reset the DD-PLL circuit, which otherwise operates on the modulated symbols);

 pilot-symbol interpolation techniques (phase estimations extracted from the pilot symbols are interpolated over
the modulated symbols).

With the receiver algorithms taken into consideration, the simulation results demonstrate that carrier synchronization
can be achieved in presence of phase noise and worst-case thermal noise for any DVB-S2 mode. Some of the
transmission modes, such as for example 8PSK rate 3/5 and rate 2/3, 16APSK rate 3/4, 32APSK 4/5 required the use of
pilot symbols to avoid cycle slips. For ACM operation, the use of pilot symbols can guarantee continuous receiver

As the carrier phase recovery unit (the linear interpolator in particular) tolerates residual normalized carrier frequency
offsets up to 3,5∙10-4, the task of this unit is to bring the precision of the recovered carrier frequency down to that max
value. Assuming that the frequency error is Gaussian distributed, the normalized standard deviation of the frequency
jitter has to be lower than 5,3∙10-5, for a probability of exceeding the maximum value lower than 10 -11. For an initial
maximum frequency uncertainty around 5 MHz, which represents 20 % of the symbol rate at 25 Mbaud, Carrier
frequency is acquired through a two-step procedure: coarse estimation and fine tuning/tracking.

In [27] a simple pilot-aided carrier recovery technique is proposed, which can perform a first coarse frequency recovery.
The algorithm can be implemented in a feedback structure where a second order loop filter drives an NCO and is fed by
a frequency error detector (FED) that implements the following equation

 
e(k)  Im z(p)(k)c( p)(k)z( p)(k  2)c(p )(k  2) (2)

where z(p)(k) are the signal samples at the matched filter output corresponding to the pilot symbols c(p)(k). The loop is
active only during the pilot symbols and is frozen (i.e. the value of the frequency estimate is kept constant) during the
data symbols. In [13] examples are given of the tracking performance of the coarse frequency synchronizer. Extensive
simulations have shown that, for the worst case and with the required range of E s/N0, this synchronizer is able to bring
the max value of the frequency error down to 100 kHz (which normalized to the symbol rate of 25 Mbaud corresponds
to 4∙10-3) in about 100 ms by using a normalized loop bandwidth of 10 -4. Note that this coarse frequency acquisition in
theory needs to be run only at system initialization when the max carrier frequency error can be as large as 5 MHz. For
channel zapping in broadcast mode, as a result of a channel tuning the specified maximum short-term normalized
carrier frequency uncertainty is less than 100 kHz. Hence, in principle once the nominal acquisition time of the coarse
carrier recovery unit is passed, this unit could be frozen and its NCO kept running with the last frequency estimate.
However, due to very slow carrier frequency drifts, it is required to let this coarse frequency acquisition unit running
also after initial acquisition but with a reduced loop bandwidth, say 10 times less.

A fine frequency estimation completes the carrier frequency acquisition process. This can be accomplished by a
pilot-based feedforward algorithm derived from the L and R technique [33] and whose block diagram is depicted in
figure C.5.

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frame sync e j 2ˆkT



 R(m)

Figure C.5: Block diagram of the fine frequency estimator

The deviation from the known L and R algorithm is that here the mean N point autocorrelation function  R(m) is
m 1
also averaged over L consecutive pilot fields before computing the argument function. The expression of the frequency
estimate thus reads:

1 
L N 
T arg  Rl (m) (3)
 (N 1) l 1 m1 

where Rl(m), for m = 1, …, N, are the N points autocorrelation vector computed over the l-th pilot symbol fields
(36 symbols) [13]. By simulation it has been found that with L = 1 000 and N = 18, the RMS of the residual normalized
frequency error RMS is 6∙10-5 at Es/N0 = -2 dB, 5,2∙10-5 at Es/N0 = 1 dB, 2,72∙10-5 at Es/N0 = 6,6 dB and 1,82∙10-5 at
Es/N0 = 10 dB. Therefore, with this configuration it is guaranteed that the RMS is below the target of 5,3∙10 -5 for SNRs
down to about 1 dB. The acquisition time for this algorithm is 1 000 pilot fields, that is about 60 ms at 25 Mbaud. No
outliers have been recorded over long simulations at SNR as low as -2 dB and with frequency error of 100 kHz.
However, in this case the parameter L has to be increased to about 2 500 in order to get the required jitter RMS. Note
that this algorithm can work over non-overlapped blocks of 1 000 pilot fields each.

In [14] an alternative frequency recovery method is described, based on a coarse frequency estimation obtained by a
feed-forward algorithm that works only on the pilot symbols (referring with the term "pilot symbols" to both the
90-symbol PLHEADER and the aggregated pilots if any), and a fine tuning stage, where frequency estimation is
achieved by another feed-forward estimator that works only on the pilot symbols in the pilot mode, or by a simple
frequency estimator using both the modulated data and pilot. Unlike conventional continuous mode receivers, that
usually operate continuously with no regard to the frame structure of transmit data, the new DVB-S2 receiver tracks the
carrier phase of received data on a segment by segment basis like a burst mode modem. More specifically, the segment
can be a 16-slot coded data segment in the pilot mode or a whole LDPC frame in the pilotless mode. The phase tracking
loop is reinitialized with the phase estimates obtained from the pilot symbols for each segment, making its operation
independent from other segments, thus, preventing any error propagation. Therefore, the block processing eliminates
the impact of traditional cycle slips. From phase tracking perspective, the only difference between different modulation
schemes is the phase error detector used in the phase tracking loop. The data-aided frequency estimators are
independent of modulation schemes and feed-forward, thus always stable. They work very well with large frequency
offset (up to 25 % of symbol rate) under extremely low SNR (as low as -2 dB). It takes the coarse frequency estimator
less than 20 frames to bring the frequency offset from 25 % to less than 10 −4 of the symbol rate, and it takes the fine
frequency estimator just 1 frame to bring the frequency offset further to the range of 10−6 of the symbol rate, which can
be very well handled by the phase tracking loop.

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C.5 Automatic Gain Control

The Automatic Gain Control (AGC) represents an important demodulator sub-system. In fact, the decoder needs
accurate soft information about the received symbol distance from the reference constellation points. The soft
information accuracy is critically dependent on the channel estimation, i.e. symbol, clock timing, carrier phase and
signal amplitude normalization. The AGC deals with the latter estimation. In DVB-S2 interactive profile the task of the
AGC is complicated by the presence of a frame-by-frame variant physical layer and the wide range of SNR
(-2,5 < Es/N0 < 16 dB). It is proposed [13] to use the pilot symbols exploited for the carrier phase estimation also for
AGC thus adopting the data-aided version of the vector-tracker AGC (DA-VT AGC), [31]. This means that the AGC
will only be activated in the presence of the pilot symbols and amplitude normalization frozen in between consecutive
pilots. As pilot symbols are QPSK scrambled at physical layer, their constellation amplitude may in general be
characterized by a different energy than the frame payload data due to the satellite HPA distortion effects. This
unwanted effect can be easily removed applying the (static) pre-distortion technique to the pilot symbols too and by
ensuring that the pilot symbols average energy at the HPA output is the same as the payload symbols one. Furthermore,
although a DA-VT AGC has been selected, to avoid unwanted interactions with the carrier phase estimator subsystem,
we only use the real amplitude of the complex AGC estimate to normalize the signal power. A non pilot-aided AGC
will need to remove the payload data by using some reliable symbol estimates to get an unbiased estimate that
complicate the demodulator processing. Also in this case the modulator pre-distortion shall ensure that the received
constellation centroids are characterized by the same energy for all possible physical layer constellation configurations
even when operating the satellite HPA close to saturation.

C.6Carrier Phase Recovery

The carrier phase recovery unit has to cope with a residual carrier frequency error from the carrier frequency recovery
unit as well as a strong phase noise. To this end, a very simple pilot-aided technique exists which provides satisfactory
results at least for low order modulations (QPSK and 8PSK), while for 16 and 32APSK some extra data-tracking
algorithm is needed.

C.6.1 Pilot-Aided Linear Interpolation

The pilot-aided interpolation techniques consist in deriving the phase trajectory over the data symbols by just linear
interpolation of estimates performed over two consecutive pilot fields. As the symbols transmitted over the pilots are
known, it is clear that the best estimator that can be used there is the Maximum Likelihood (ML) [27], chapter 5. Also,
as the Lp is short a feedforward (FF) approach is also suggested in order to speed up the required estimation process.

The block diagram of the FF ML estimator is represented in figure C.6 where the variables with superscript "p" indicate
that the they refer to the pilot symbols.

ˆ ( p )
X 
arg{ }

c( p) (k)

Figure C.6: FF ML Phase Estimator

The phase estimate is carried out by collecting the Lp matched filter output samples zp(k) at baud rate corresponding to
the pilot fields, and performing the following algebraic operations

L p1   
 
ˆ( p)  arg  (cp) (k) z( p) (k) 


 k 0 

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It is clear from (4) that just one estimate is provided every pilot field, so if the carrier phase is actually time variant due
to a phase noise or an uncompensated carrier frequency error, the estimate provided will be an average of the phase
evolution during the pilot field. However, if Lp is small and the phase process relatively slow, the time variation
property of the carrier phase can be neglected. Under this hypothesis and with relatively high signal-to-noise ratio, it
can be shown (see [27], chapter 5) that (4) can be re-written as

ˆ( p)    NI (5)

with NI being the zero-mean Gaussian noise contribution to the phase estimate, with variance:

N I2  ˆ2p( )  2L E / N
p s 0 (6)

which is independent from the modulation used in the pilot fields. In [13] it is shown that, for Lp = 36, the differences
between (4) and (5) are very small down to SNR values of -6 dB. Also it is worth noting that under the assumption of
ideal matched filtering (the noise samples at symbol rate at its output are white), the process consisting of the sequence
of noise samples NI relative to different pilot fields, is white, as no correlation exists between the noise in different

The linear interpolation technique makes use of the phase estimates performed over consecutive pilot fields to derive
the vector of phase estimates over the data portion of the slot. In these cases, as the FF ML estimator (4) provides a
phase estimate in the interval [-, ] while the true carrier phase may grow beyond this range over a time slot period, in
order to be able to consistently use the pilot-based estimates, an unwrapping technique has to be applied to these latter.
This can follow the approach outlined in [13], [33] and [34], and depicted in figure C.7.

If the index "l" counts the number of pilot-based estimates, the final unwrapped pilot estimates ˆ
( p)
f (l) are computed
from  ˆ( p) (l) as:

ˆ( p) f (l)  ˆ( p) f (l 1)  SAW ˆ( p) (l)  ˆ( p) f (l 1)  (7)

where SAW      is a saw tooth non-linearity that reduces  to the interval [-, ) and  is a parameter in the

range 0 <   1, which in the following we will assume equal to 1.

It is easy to verify that equation (7) provides a good final unwrapped pilot phase estimate, provided the difference
between the carrier phase in the current pilot field and the final estimate ˆ f (l  1) on the previous slot is less than .
( p)

If that condition is not met, we can think of the feedback algorithm of figure C.7 as in a cycle slip. This can be the case,
for example, when as a result of a residual carrier frequency offset , the carrier phase grows linearly over two
consecutive pilot fields of more that , i.e.

2LsT    T 
 (8)

where Ls is the distance between pilot fields in number of symbols, i.e. 1 476.

ˆ( p) (l) ˆ( p) f (l)

+ X +

ˆ( p) f (l 1)

Figure C.7: The unwrapping algorithm

In [13] more details on the cycle slip probability of the algorithm are given.

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The performance of this very simple algorithm has been assessed in terms of phase error jitter RMS in the presence of
phase noise and with a normalized carrier frequency error of 10 -4, for 25 Mbaud transmission rate. The error RMS
decreases with the Es/N0 value, but it tends to reach a floor at about 3 degrees for large values of E s/N0. This is due to
the reason that even in absence of noise, the phase estimator is not able to track the phase noise trajectory within the
data portion of the pilot repetition period. A more efficient technique would be to use a Wiener filter interpolation
technique over the data symbols, even though the expected performance improvements do not justify the added
complexity. Therefore, it is expected that for high order and more phase jitter sensitive modulations like 16APSK and
32APSK a data symbol phase tracking algorithm needs to be used to limit the performance degradation. This is
addressed by the Fine Phase recovery unit which is described in the next clause.

C.6.2 Fine Phase Recovery for High Order Modulations

The best Non-data aided (NDA) algorithms that we have found in literature for 16 and 32APSK are described in [29].
They consist of Q-th power close-loop NDA phase synchronizers whose block diagram is depicted in figure C.8.

X ( )Q X X

ej sign(Re{ })-

jsign(Im{ })

LOOP e(k)
Im{ }

Figure C.8: Fine phase recovery unit

The corresponding phase error detector algorithm has the following form: 

q(k)  z(k) e  j

e(k)  Imq(k)signReq(k) jsignReq(k) (10)

where  is a fixed phase rotation of 0 radians for 16APSK and /4 for 32APSK, while Q is 3 for 16APSK and 4 for

Raising a 4+12 APSK constellation to the 3rd power (in the complex domain), the original 4+12 APSK constellation
transforms into a QPSK-like one. It is easy to see that the external ring points fall into a QPSK ring, while the internal
points collapse towards the origin. Hence, a four-quadrant closed loop phase estimator can be efficiently applied to the
cubic non-linearity output. Same considerations apply when raising the 32APSK constellation to the 4th, although now a
/4 phase shift is required to have the same decision zones as before. Note that most remarkable features of this
algorithm are its simplicity and that it is relatively insensitive to amplitude errors due to the quadrant slicing operation
involved. This would not apply to a full hard decision-directed scheme implementing the 16 and 32APSK constellation
hard decision rules.

An alternative method is illustrated in [14].

C.7 Performance Results

This clause shows a summary of the end to end performance results for QPSK, 8PSK, 16 ASPK and 32APSK
modulations reported in more details in [13]. There results concern the non-linear channel with and without pre-
compensation, and with the proposed carrier synchronization algorithms in the presence or not of phase noise and the
carrier frequency error. Timing is considered ideal, as the inclusion of the timing recovery algorithm within the
end-to-end simulation program would have significantly slowed down the simulations. However, its impact into
performance is minimal for all the modulation schemes, as long as the design guidelines outlined in clause 0 are met.

The assumed baud rate is 25 Mbaud, which represents a realistic value for the minimum symbol rate value for the
forward link of a broadband satellite transponder and the roll-off factor of the SRRC filters equals 0,35. Lower symbol
rates are expected to have slightly worse performance, as the phase noise impact to the performance is higher. However,

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lower Baud rates are associated to professional applications for which better RF front-ends are typically used. The
assumed initial carrier frequency error is 5 MHz and both the coarse and fine frequency recovery is active. The overall
impact of imperfect carrier synchronization has been assessed by means of simulations. The Es/N0 degradation on
AWGN channel is very small for QPSK ½ and 8PSK 2/3 (about 0,1 dB for QPSK ½ and 0,25 dB for 8PSK 2/3) even
though only the linear interpolator is used as carrier recovery circuit, thus confirming that no data tracking phase
recovery system is needed for these modulations. For 16APSK the loss is about 0,4 dB at BER = 10 -7 with the fine
phase DPLL running. An additional loss of 0,2 dB is paid if the fine phase DPLL is turned off. 32APSK shows a loss of
about 1,05 dB at BER = 10-7 with an additional loss of 0,2 dB if the DPLL is deactivated. To note that for 32APSK a
better phase noise mask should be adopted considering the more professional type of applications to be supported.
When a phase noise mask with 3 dB reduction in power is considered and the DPLL is active, the 32APSK loss reduces
to 0,3 dB. Over the time spans of the simulation runs, no cycle slip event have been recorded, thus confirming the
robustness of the proposed design. Numerical results show that the distance between pilot symbol fields has been
optimized for QPSK and 8PSK constellations, thus some performance degradation is paid for higher order
constellations requiring higher phase tracking accuracy. For these modulations, a shorter periodicity (given the same
overhead) would have been more efficient.

The simulations with the satellite channel derived for each configuration the optimal IBO and the results are
summarized in table 1. In [13] the results for the static pre-distortion algorithm are reported in details.

As expected, results for QPSK show that the overall loss for the optimized dynamic pre-compensation amounts to
0,52 dB obtained at IBO = 0 dB. Only 0,05 dB gain is achieved using dynamic pre-distortion compared to static.
However, not using the dynamic pre-compensation optimization scheme there will be a loss of 0,1 dB. In case of 8PSK,
the overall loss for the optimized dynamic pre-compensation amounts to 0,6 dB obtained at IBO = 0 dB. The optimized
dynamic pre-compensation loss is 0,35 dB less than static pre-compensation and 0,35 dB compared to non optimized
dynamic pre-compensation. For 16APSK the degradation for the optimized dynamic pre-distortion amounts to about
1,5 dB at IBO of 1 dB; the advantage for exploiting dynamic pre-compensation amounts to about 0,8 dB compared to
static pre-compensation while the dynamic optimization brings about 0,2 dB improvement. It is worth to notice that
when the dynamic optimization scheme is implemented, the total distortion curve is rather flat for IBO smaller than 1
dB. For 32APSK the total distortion for the optimized dynamic pre-distortion amounts to about 2,8 dB at IBO of 3,6
dB; the advantage for exploiting dynamic pre-compensation amounts to about 1,83 dB compared to static
pre-compensation and about 3,4 dB compared to non predistorted constellations.

[13] reports also the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the signal
envelope at the modulator output for the optimized dynamic pre-compensation. The peak-to-average ratio is 5,4 dB for
QPSK, 6,2 for 8PSK, 8,4 for 16APSK and 10,8 for 32APSK. Without the optimization of the dynamic pre-distortion
algorithm the peak-to-average ratio would be approximately the same for QPSK while would be higher by 4,5 dB and
4,4 dB for 8PSK and 16APSK respectively.

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Annex D:
Capacity assessment in ACM modes
Point-to-point multi-beam satellite systems based on the DVB-S standard are currently designed for link closure in the
worst-case propagation and location conditions. Capacity is estimated on the basis of worst case link budgets
(e.g. targeting service availability of about 99 % of the worst month, or 99,6 % of the average year).

The situation is different for DVB-S2 ACM unicast networks: in fact, the point-to-point nature of link connections
allows exploiting spatial and temporal variability of end-user channel conditions for increasing average system
throughput. This is achieved by adapting coding rate and modulation format (ACM) of the downlink Time Division
Multiplex (TDM) frame addressed to a specific user (or a subset of users experiencing the same SNIR condition) to best
match the current user link SNIR. As a consequence, the received downlink carrier bit rate is location and time
dependent, while the Baud rate is instead constant to ease the frequency resource allocation. The individual users bit
rate at which packets are received is dependent in a complex way from the instantaneous carrier bit rate and the
resource management policy implemented at the gateway [15]. If a proper ACM dynamic physical layer adaptation
algorithm, capable to track the instantaneous SNIR variation at the terminal is implemented, then link margins can be
greatly reduced compared to a CCM system. Due to the physical layer adaptation loop latency, some physical layer
threshold margin is still in order [2]. In this reference a possible approach to design the ACM physical layer
configuration control loop is provided. It is shown that by proper control loop design, ACM loop implementation losses
can be kept reasonably small.

Assuming a fixed beam power allocation, there are several key parameters responsible for SNIR variability within the
satellite coverage. Geographically dependent parameters include:

 (Multi-beam) Satellite antenna gain, non-uniform over the coverage (e.g. a difference of 5 dB could exist
between the peak antenna gain, at the centre of the beam, and the edge of beam gain).

 Interference level, variable over the coverage, function of the antenna performance (beam isolation) and
frequency reuse pattern (e.g. a C/I range of nearly 20 dB could exist over the coverage of a multi-beam system
based on a 4-colour frequency reuse scheme and uniform power beam loading). More extreme situations can
occur when, due to the non-uniform traffic loading over the coverage region, different powers and number of
carriers are associated to the different beams.

 Atmospheric attenuation (mainly rain attenuation), variable, for a given availability, over the coverage due to
the different climatic zone (e.g. in Ka-band over Europe, for a target availability of 99,7 %, the range of
attenuation over the coverage is nearly equal to 5 dB).

 User terminal antenna gain, consequence of the different terminal antenna sizes used in the system. ACM
allows to automatically match the physical layer parameters to the user terminal characteristics thus avoiding
system over sizing.

Timely dependent parameters, the major of which is the atmospheric attenuation (mainly rain attenuation), i.e. the
fading difference between clear sky and rain conditions (e.g. in Ka-band over Europe and for a target availability of
99,7 %, the difference between clear sky and rain fading could be up to 6 dB). It must be remarked that the ST SNIR
variation range is smaller than the propagation fading depth due to the co-channel interference effect. In fact, downlink
co-channel interference fades with the useful signal thus smoothing the channel fading impact on the ST SNIR. This
fading mitigation effect grows with the interference over thermal noise power spectral density ratio [19].

It is therefore apparent that the evaluation of the system capacity achievable through the use of the DVB-S2 ACM
profile cannot be performed through conventional one-dimensional link budgets. The same concept of capacity for an
ACM system is much less defined than for a CCM one. In fact, the physical layer throughput in each beam is in general
different and time variant. The presence of geographically and timely dependent system parameters calls for a more
comprehensive physical layer throughput analysis methodology, illustrated in detail in [19].

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D.1 System Sizing Issues

The traditional system design involves fixing a priori the system throughput together with the link availability
requirement to be achieved and the target service area. Based on these requirements, system sizing is then performed.
System sizing involves the definition of several system aspects, the most important being the number of satellite beams
for covering the service area, the on board EIRP per beam (typically defined at the Edge Of Coverage (EOC) as this
represents the worst case) and the G/T requirement of STs. To avoid too much EIRP oversizing it is often accepted not
to meet the link availability target in all locations in the service area. Hence the link availability requirements are often
formulated as: achieving the link closure for, e.g. 99,7 % of the time for a subset of the service area corresponding to,
e.g. at least 95 % of the coverage surface (the remaining 5 % of the coverage having either a lower time availability or a
higher terminal antenna size).

The great advantage of ACM compared to CCM when operating at frequency bands whose link fading attenuation gets
large in the presence of (heavy) rain, is that it allows to individually adapting the ST physical layer configuration (hence
the SNIR modem threshold) thus maintaining the service active even under very unfavourable fading conditions. In this
way the service provision to the "unlucky" active users has minimum impact on the aggregate throughput, as there is
only a very small percentage of them affected at the same time by heavy fading over the satellite coverage region. Also,
the long-term (e.g. yearly) system throughput statistics are very marginally impacted by fading events considering their
limited time duration.

When defining the service availability, we should keep in mind that it refers to a per-user QoS (Quality of Service) thus
is also dependent on the resource management policies put in place in the system [15]. Concerning the service
availability for the most common case of best effort service (like ADSL Internet access offer), thanks to the wide
DVB-S2 operating SNIR range it will typically be equal or very close to 100 %. This is because ACM allows keeping
users connected to the satellite network even under the worst link conditions with negligible impact on the other users.
CCM systems will instead pay a too high cost for providing a very high availability being the physical layer
configuration common to all users in the coverage region.

The minimum bit rate associated with the service availability has to be related to a per-user definition. This complicates
the analysis as the user bit rate also depends on current beam carrier traffic and on the policy of the resource manager.
In ACM systems the latter can counteract the effects of poor propagation conditions by allocating more resources to
users in deep fading conditions (removing resources from users in clear-sky conditions, receiving a carrier bit rate much
higher than in CCM systems), considering that heavy fading events are typically affecting only a limited geographical
area. We refer to [15] for further discussion about this important issue.

D.2 Methodology Description

The methodology described in [18] consists in simultaneously simulate the link budget of thousands of Satellite
Terminals (ST) dispersed over the target coverage area. For each ST location, fading attenuations are generated
according to long-term statistics (one year), so that each ST can experience during the simulation all the possible
propagation conditions. This allows deriving precise global and local (e.g. beam) statistics about the total system
throughput as well as statistics about unavailability (both temporal and spatial) that can be used to assess if the link
availability and service area targets have been achieved.

The input parameters consist in the satellite system fixed characteristic parameters as well as time and spatial varying
parameters within the satellite coverage area enabling a statistical analysis: Satellite Terminal G/T characteristics, ST
required Es/(N0+I0) for each ACM operating modes (also including the required implementation margins), TDM carrier
Baud rate, Adjacent Channel Interference (for both up and down-link), Inter-system Interferences, satellite EIRP maps
and G/T maps, number and position of the GWs and associated RF characteristics (max EIRP per carrier), Frequency
plan, frequency reuse patterns and polarization reuse (if any), Satellite longitude and coverage area limits.

Capacity assessment is performed through the following steps:

1) Generate a sufficient number of STs distributed over the coverage area. If some zone of the coverage area is
deemed more important than others (because more traffic will be likely generated in those areas), STs density
might be made higher in those zones to give higher weight to performance in those areas.

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2) For a given time instant, randomly generate fading at each ST and each GW. For this purpose ITU-R model
for rain, gas (oxygen, water vapour) and scintillation fading can be considered. The generated random fading
shall correctly reproduce the fading CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) at the considered location (see
note). It shall be noted that for the purpose of average capacity evaluation, the fading model is not required to
reproduce the correct time and spatial correlation. In case of polarization reuse, effect of propagation on XPD
should also be considered.

NOTE: Such fading will be dependent, in addition to the carrier frequency, on the station geographical location
and satellite position.

3) For each ST perform a link budget (both up-link from GW to satellite and down-link from satellite to ST)
taking into account the intra-system interference. The co-channel intra-system interference can be exactly
computed as all parameters which influence it are known. Adjacent channel interference can be evaluated
approximately assuming nominal level for adjacent carriers and the channel isolation (to be provided as input
parameters for both up and down-link).

4) For each ST compare the current link budget result, i.e. the obtained Es/(N0+I0) with the one required by each
operating mode. If the obtained value is lower than the one required for the most protected operating mode
than the link is unavailable. Otherwise the link is available. The corresponding throughput can then be logged
assuming to adopt the highest spectral efficient protection mode which can be supported by the obtained

5) Repeat step 2 to 4 for a sufficient number of iterations. The number of iterations required depends on the target
system availability. As a rule of thumb, a number of iterations at least equal to 10 times the inverse of target
unavailability should be considered (e.g. for an availability of 99,9 % of the time, the number of iterations
should be larger than 10/0,001, i.e. 10 thousands).

The post-processing phase consist in the following steps:

 Compute for each ST the link availability (obtained as the ratio of the number of times the ST was available
with the total number of simulation iterations).

 Compute the spatial availability by computing the percentage of STs fulfilling the required link availability

 Compute for each ST the average throughput, by averaging the throughput obtained at each simulation step
over all the simulation iterations.

 Compute the average system throughput by averaging the aggregated throughput of all the STs during the
whole simulation.

D.3 Study Case Results

The aim of this clause is to provide reference scenario examples where the gain of ACM compared to CCM has been
assessed using the described methodology. This scenario, considered as a representative possible scenario of a
broadband system over Europe, remains one possible system implementation. Other implementations may lead to
different results even though the same general conclusions apply. However, a sensitivity analysis to some parameters is
also proposed at the end of the section.

The following assumptions have been introduced:

 Only the physical layer throughput is considered, even if the effective user throughput is also dependent on the
particular radio resource management (RRM) policies implemented. While this is true also for conventional
CCM systems such as DVB-S, DVB-S2 interactions with RRM is certainly more complex to assess [15].

 The required margin for loop control inaccuracy is not included. As the propagation conditions of a satellite
link cannot be estimated and reported to the Gateway instantaneously with an absolute accuracy, a margin
should be implemented in order to ensure that the received traffic is demodulated and decoded by the ST.
However, it is important to mention that simulation results taking into account realistic propagation events,
signalling delay and physical layer adaptation margins, show that the throughput degradation does not exceed
15 %, while the link availability is not impacted [16].

 No encapsulation inefficiencies of the received traffic into the DVB-S2 FEC frames are considered.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


 The method assumes IBO on-board the satellite adjustable on a frame-by-frame basis according to the
transmitted modulation format (the resulting different OBOs are the ones defined in table H.1.1 of DVB-S2
standard), to provide the maximum capacity that can be supported by ACM systems. A more realistic approach
should be to define a single compromised OBO value that can support the different modulation formats with a
small degradation in performance. As shown in [13], the impact to the system throughput would be negligible
as a near-optimum compromised IBO value of 1,2 dB can be found for QPSK, 8PSK and 16APSK. (NOTE:
Operational results indicate that for 16APSK at least 1,5 dB OBO is required)

 The system throughput has been computed assuming a uniform distribution of STs over the coverage, and
equal time allocation to all STs regardless of the location of the STs (e.g. beam edge or beam centre) and
regardless of the experienced fading. It implies that, for example, more traffic is provided at beam centre than
at beam edge. If a uniform traffic distribution over the coverage should be considered, then the time allocation
to all STs should not be uniform and should consider the location and fading of each STs. However, no major
impact on the system throughput is expected due to low probability of extremely robust modes utilization (a
preliminary assessment has only shown 1 % of system throughput decrease).

 As practical systems will have to support a non uniform beam loading whose distribution is going to change
over the satellite lifetime, the capability of ACM to self-adapt in each location to changing interference
patterns (e.g. non uniform frequency reuse patterns) is a key property. In this more practical operating
conditions the ACM advantages shall be assessed on a case-by-case.

 No attempt has been done to optimize the system design when exploiting ACM. In fact, with ACM the system
parameters shall be optimized following a different approach than the conventional one. Furthermore, satellite
multi-beam antenna shall be designed having in mind average performance rather than worst-case figures
(gain, C/I). This may also lead to simplified payload design. ACM may also help to cope with the satellite and
ST antenna mispointing errors.

 Another main benefit of ACM systems with respect to CCM systems that has not been considered in the
simulations is that ACM systems can take advantage of different ST antenna sizes to increase the provided
throughput, which is impossible in CCM systems. It implies that an ACM system is much more scalable than a
CCM system as if a user would like to increase the data rate of its link, then, it could use a bigger antenna.

As a reference system a DVB-S QPSK carrier with a coding rate equal to ¾, dimensioned for 99,7 % target link
availability over 95 % of the coverage region has been used.

The reference system is based on a 40 Ka-band spot beams. The antenna pattern is a 40 Ka-band spot beams system
over a European coverage (see figures D.1 and D.2). Figure D.3 shows the contour-plot of the C/Io (taking into account
only the antenna pattern, no intra-system interference) (note that actually C/I ~ = C/Io - 80, therefore the C/I ranges
from about 16 dB to 38 dB). The beam width is approximately equal to 0,6°.

Figure D.1: 40 Ka-band spot beams spread over a typical European coverage

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Beam Pattern









-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure D.2: u-cut of the beam Pattern for a central beam (Beam 24)


65 116


60 112



45 102

40 98

-10 0 10 20 30 40

Figure D.3: Contour-plot of the C/Io for the down-link of the transparent Forward-Link scenarios

The link is divided in channels of 125MHz bandwidth supporting one carrier of 90 Msymb/s. Only one channel is
allocated per beam: a gateway transmits four channels of 125 MHz, all in the same polarization (in order to have a
simple gateway RF transmit section). Therefore, the feeder link bandwidth is equal to 500 MHz (4x125 MHz in one

On-board, downlink channels are converted in frequency and transmitted to the right polarization according to the
frequency plan. The user bandwidth is equal to 250 MHz (2x125 MHz in two polarizations), see figure D.4.

500MHz Polarisation
Forward Uplink:
[27.5 ; 28] GHz

H or V depending
on the beam where
Forward Downlink: H the gateway is
[19.95 ; 20.2] GHz


Figure D.4: Forward link frequency plan

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Table D.1 lists the main system parameter values considered for the reference system scenario. The total capacity
throughput of the reference system is 4,97 Gbps.

Table D.1: List of main system parameters

Carrier Rate 90 Msymbol/s
Uplink frequency 28,2 GHz
Gateway parameters

Gateway antenna diameter 4,5 m

Gateway HPA 120 dBW
Gateway EIRP per carrier 74 dBW
Gateway NPR 21 dB
Satellite parameters

Satellite EIRP per carrier (EOC) 60,5 dBW

OBO 0,5 dB
EOC Gain 49,5 dBi
Satellite Input Losses 3 dB
Terminal parameters

Terminal Antenna diameter 0,75 m

Terminal G/T 16,5 dB/K
Intersystem Interferences
Adjacent Satellite Systems 25 % (of thermal
noise level)
Intra-system interferences
Co-frequency Co-polarization (95 % of coverage) 21 dB

It should be noted that the feeder link has been dimensioned in order not to contribute significantly to the overall link

The performances of DVB-S2 physical layer considered in the simulations are summarized in table D.2.

Table D.2: modulation and coding schemes and required Es/N0 considered in the simulations

Mode Spectral efficiency Required Es/N0

including all overhead [bit/s/Hz] [dB]
QPSK 1/4 0,357 -1,5
QPSK 1/3 0,616 -0,3
QPSK 2/5 0,745 0,6
QPSK 1/2 0,831 1,9
QPSK 3/5 1,132 3,1
QPSK 2/3 1,261 4,0
QPSK 3/4 1,390 4,9
QPSK 4/5 1,476 5,6
QPSK 5/6 1,562 6,1
QPSK 8/9 1,691 7,1
8PSK 2/3 1,885 7,8
8PSK 3/4 2,078 9,1
8PSK 5/6 2,335 10,5
16APSK 3/4 2,762 11,5
16APSK 4/5 2,933 12,3
16APSK 5/6 3,104 12,9

The above performances correspond to short FEC frame, considering dynamic pre-distortion, implementation margin
and channel degradations derived from [13]. The efficiency refers to all DVB-S2 framing overhead including pilot
symbol insertion.

In addition the output power back off (OBO) at the optimum operating point for the different modulation schemes have
been considered in the link budget [13]. Dynamic pre-distortion has been assumed at the optimum IBO value while both
synchronization jitter-induced and modem implementation losses have been taken into account.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


The Es/(N0+I0) value relative to the target link and space availability lead for the DVB-S2 CCM system to 8PSK
modulation format and 2/3 coding rate. The short FEC frame has been considered (without pilot symbols). The total
system throughput is equal to 6,92 Gbit/sec, which implies a capacity increase of 39 % with respect to the DVB-S

To ease the comparison with the reference system, the ACM performance has first been computed assuming the same
system parameters. The DVB-S2 ACM system could experience both higher availability and throughput than the
DVB-S2 CCM system. The higher availability is guaranteed by the utilization of spectral efficiencies lower then 8PSK
2/3 when in presence of deep fade events, provided the minimum required user bit rate is met. The higher throughput
results by using high spectral efficiency modes in clear sky conditions.

Using the tool previously described, the following modulation and coding histogram has been obtained.

16APSK 4/5;

16APSK 5/6;
16APSK 3/4;
38.1202 8PSK 2/3;

8PSK 3/4;

8PSK 5/6;

Figure D.5: Distribution of modulation and coding usage

The spectral efficiencies lower than 8PSK 2/3 are very rarely used (not even shown in the pie-diagram of figure D.5) by
the ACM system, but they allow to increase the link availability to 99,9 % for a space availability of 98 %. A total
average system throughput of 9,66 Gbit/sec is achieved, which means a capacity increase of 40 % with respect to the
DVB-S2 CCM system and 94 % versus DVB-S. It should be noted that in the current example the 32APSK modulation
is never used.

The gain of the ACM system heavily depends on system parameters. If the target link availability is changed to 99,8 %
(instead of 99,7 %) for QPSK modulation and ½ coding rate (instead of 8PSK 2/3) over 95 % of the coverage and the
satellite EIRP per carrier is equal to 57,8 dBW EOC (instead of 60,5 dBW, adjusted in order to satisfy this new required
operating point), the total system throughput for DVB-S2 CCM mode is in this case equal to 2,99 Gbit/sec (instead of
6,92 Gbit/sec). the assessment method indicates that the usage of lower spectral efficiencies allows to improve the
system availability but do not have impact on the system throughput. The total average system throughput of the ACM
system is equal to 8,65 Gbit/sec, implying a capacity increase of 190 % with respect to the DVB-S2 based CCM system.

This result shows that:

 If the reference system has been sized for a just slightly higher availability (99,8 % instead of 99,7 %), then the
potential gain of ACM is greatly increased. The reason is that high availability means system capability to
cope with deep fading: important link margins should be put in place for CCM to provide the required service
availability. The satellite RF power used for static margins is completely wasted as for the large majority of
the time the users will experience higher SNIR that what required by the demodulator. ACM instead can
exploit the available SNIR at any time implying a significant increase of average throughput.

Similar conclusions would apply when considering larger space availabilities.

 While the satellite EIRP is decreased by 46 %, the average throughput of the ACM system is only decreased
by 10,5 % (the gain of ACM system with respect to the CCM system is higher in the second system scenario
than in the first one, but the absolute capacity is lower). The main reason is that the higher the spectral
efficiency of the modulation and coding scheme, the lower the power efficiency (due to the impact of the
flattening of the capacity curve at high value of SNIR).

DVB BlueBook A171-1


If the system does not implement all the modulation and coding schemes of the DVB-S2 standard, then the efficiency of
the system is somewhat impacted. For example, referring to the system considered in the last example, if only the
following modulation and coding schemes are implemented: QPSK ½, QPSK 2/3, QPSK 5/6, 8PSK ¾, 16APSK 4/5,
then the total average system throughput is equal to 7,53 Gbit/sec, which implies a decrease of 13 % with respect to the
implementation of all modulation and coding schemes. In this case, the ACM capacity increase is equal to 152 % with
respect to CCM system. If the selection could be optimized, the impact on the capacity could be decreased. For
example, if the following modulation and coding schemes are selected: QPSK ½, 8PSK 2/3, 8PSK ¾, 8PSK 5/6 and
16APSK ¾, then the capacity decrease is only 0,3 %.

It means that the ACM system is not very sensitive to the number of modulation and coding schemes implemented
(i.e. the step between the different required Es/(N0+I0)) if the range is kept identical. The implemented physical layer
configurations can be optimized to best fit the SNIR simulated distribution, and depend on the particular system sizing.

Other simulations have been run in order to assess the impact of implementing only QPSK and 8PSK modulations. The
results are shown in figure D.6 for the reference system with scaled satellite HPA power and with full power.

QPSK 1/4; 0.01 QPSK 1/4; 0.00

8PSK 2/3; 0.60
8PSK 3/4; 1.15
QPSK 1/3; 0.01 QPSK 1/3; 0.00

QPSK 2/5; 0.01

8PSK 5/6; QPSK 2/5; 0.01
8PSK 5/6; QPSK 1/2; 0.01
QPSK 1/2; 0.01 98.65

8PSK 3/4; QPSK 3/5; 0.01

11.59 QPSK 3/5; 0.01
QPSK 2/3; 0.0
QPSK 2/3; 0.02 QPSK 3/4; 0.
8PSK 2/3; 0.09
QPSK 8/9; 0.07
QPSK 3/4; 0.02 QPSK 4/5; 0.01
QPSK 8/9; 0.03
QPSK 5/6; 0.05
QPSK 4/5; 0.02 QPSK 5/6; 0.02

(a) (b)

Figure D.6: Distribution of Modulation and coding usage for the reference system (a) with reduced
satellite HPA EIRP (57,8 dBW satellite EIRP EOC) and (b) with full power (60,5 dBW satellite EIRP
EOC) implementing only QPSK and 8PSK

For the case of figure D.6(a) the throughput is now 8,30 Gbit/sec to be compared with 8,65 Gbit/s when all the
modulations are supported (here we have however considered all QPSK modes down to rate 1/4 whilst before the
lowest mode was QPSK 1/2 but this should not impact the throughput in a significant way).

The throughput for the case of figure D.6(b) is 8,40594 Gbit/s which should be compared with 9,66 Gbit/s when the
whole set of modulations are supported (figure D.5). Now the loss is more significant due to the higher use of 16APSK

The previous results show that the impact of supporting only QPSK and 8PSK modulations may be significant (about
15 % for the system of figure D.6(b)) depending on the particular system sizing.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


In CCM systems the satellite multibeam antenna is typically specified through its minimum performance over the
coverage region (or a subset of it) in terms of gain and C/I. This is because the CCM physical layer is dimensioned on
the worst-case location for the worst-case time of the year. Thus, knowing the satellite RF power limitations the antenna
design should ensure that the CCM physical layer efficiency is acceptable for the worst-case location. For ACM instead,
the average antenna performance has more relevance than the worst-case. This is because as for the fading attenuation,
worst-case C/I's or gain variations, if limited in area extension, may be accommodated by the ACM intrinsic
adaptability with minimum impact on the overall throughput performance. This is an essential issue as it allows to:

 Relaxing the multibeam antenna design in terms of minimum C/I for example reducing the number of feeds
required/beam in a multi-feed/beam (AFR) antenna architecture. This has the advantage of simplifying the
payload RF front-end and at the same time easing the introduction of digital processors with DBFN;

 Increasing the beam overlap to one side reduce the gain ripple within the beam while reducing the antenna
mispointing errors impact;

Accept variable frequency reuse over the system coverage region to cope with uneven traffic distributions.

Those features are considered pivotal for designing very efficient broadband satellite networks. The capacity gain factor
of ACM systems with respect to CCM systems is not impacted by the number of beams assumed in the coverage,
meaning that the absolute ACM capacity increase gets significantly higher for systems with a large number of beams.

Simulation tests have been carried out for system study cases with different number of beams, from 60 up to 205 beams.
Results show that the ratio between the average ACM system spectral efficiency and the correspondent CCM efficiency
remains the same regardless of the number of beams. This makes the ACM system capacity increase with the number of
beams noticeably higher than the one of the CCM system. In the particular study case considered, the increase in terms
of absolute capacity from 60 to 205 beams of ACM systems corresponds to 3 times the one of CCM systems.
Considering the sensitivity of the ACM gain to the number of beams, simulation results show that the capacity
improvement achieved by ACM system over conventional systems moves from 10 Gbit/sec (60 beams) up to
30 Gbit/sec (206 beams).

Additional parameters directly impacting system throughput are frequency and polarization reuse. Simulation results
show that for ACM systems an additional gain of about 50 % can be obtained by the use of the two polarizations. The
utilization of a more pushed frequency reuse pattern 1:3 can bring with respect to a more conventional 1:4 frequency
reuse pattern a gain of about 15 %.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Annex E:
Physical layer adaptation in ACM systems
In annex D the benefits of ACM systems over non-adaptive systems have been shown. However, results have been
obtained considering ideal channel estimation and physical layer adaptation. In order to fully exploit the potential
advantage of physical layer adaptation, there is the need for devising efficient techniques for accurately estimating the
satellite channel and consequently adapting the transmission parameters with minimum capacity loss, while keeping
under control the link outage probability. In the following we report some results from [16] about a possible way to
implement physical layer adaptation for ACM systems. For notation simplicity we assume that the pilot symbols used
for the channel estimation are concentrated at the beginning of each slot of the frame. To be remarked that in the
numerical example provided the frame parameters are not in line with the DVB-S2 ones.

E.1 Channel estimator

Various channel estimator algorithms have been investigated for our application. The SNORE channel estimator
algorithm, originally devised by NASA for deep-space missions [22], has been recently shown to be derived from
maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation theory [37]. In figure E.1, the block diagram of the selected channel estimator
algorithm is reported.

Figure E.1: SNORE channel estimator functional block diagram

As discussed in [22], the SNORE algorithm can work in data-aided (DA) or decision-directed (DD) operating mode. In
any case, the SNORE estimator does not rely on the AGC correct operation for SNIR estimation. In case of QPSK
modulation, the latter scheme suffers from an important estimation bias for values of the chip (see note) energy over the
noise plus interference power ratio Ec/Nt lower than 8 dB. This problem is even more pronounced for higher order
modulation schemes. The DA version is instead bias-free until very low Ec/Nt < -20 dB. The pilot presence allows to
use the DA version of the SNORE algorithm operating on the periodic pilot time slots and has therefore been selected
for our application. The pilot [Ec/Nt] can be generically expressed as:



where PS represents the pilot sequence transmitted power and PNt represents all noise plus interference received power.
The useful signal power at time tk = kTslot can be estimated as:
 1 W 1 (k l 1)N  N
ˆ 

  [rp (m)dp ( m N slot )  rq(m)dq ( m N slot )]

slot p

PS [k]  
2N W
 p l 0 m1(k l 1)N slot 

DVB BlueBook A171-1


where rp(m) and rq(m) correspond to the in phase and quadrature pilot component samples at the chip matched filter
output after carrier phase error removal at time tm = mTc, and dp(m) and dq(m) constitute the original pilot spreading
sequence. The operator | |N corresponds to the modulo N operator and Nslot to the slot duration. The integer W 1
represents the number of pilot slots coherent averaging and it is upper bounded by the fading bandwidth to be tracked
(fc). In practical implementations the sliding window can be replaced by a simpler IIR type of filter. The SNORE
estimation time Test can be computed as Test = Nslot W/Rc and the condition Test <<1/fc shall be verified.

NOTE: By chip we intend here the elementary channel signaling duration. We use the name chip as the channel
symbols do not necessarily contain coded information bits (e.g. pilot symbols) and are scrambled by
pseudo-random sequences.

The total received power, PR, can be expressed as follows:

W 1 (k l 1) N slot  N p 
PR [k] 
1 

 m1(k r (m)  r  (m)

2Np W l 0 l 1) N slot

The noise plus interference power estimate is then derived as:

P̂ [k ]  P̂ [k ]  P̂ [k ]
Nt R S

 Êc 
and the estimate k  is given by
 
 Nt 
  Êc  
k   P̂S [k]

 

 N t  P [k]

Figure E.2: SNORE channel estimator simulated standard deviation: Np = 202, Nslot = 2 204 chips

Figure E.2 shows the simulated estimation error standard deviation for various averaging factors W when Np = 192 and
Nslot = 2 204 which corresponds to a pilot overhead of about 9 %. It appears that W  10 is required to achieve an
acceptable estimation error standard deviation (e.g. less than 0,1 dB). As shown before the upper limit on W is
determined by the maximum fade dynamic the estimator shall be able to track. In general, the pilot overhead selection
shall be driven by the phase error estimation requirements rather than the channel estimation accuracy.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


It can also be observed that in order to achieve a standard deviation of the estimated SNIR error less than 0,2 dB over
the DVB-S2 SNIR range [-3 to 15 dB] Np = 128 and W = 50 are required. According to the current frame and overhead
assumptions we will have 2 pilot symbols every 90 symbols. Thus the DA-SNORE estimation time at 25 Mbaud
corresponds to:
 1  2  90 
1  N
slot 
 N symb
Test  p  Np SNOREW   128  50  11,8 ms
  25106  2 
Rs 

N slot
 p 

Which is still acceptable considering that we should be able to cope with channel variations of 0,5 dB/s (e.g. only 0,005
dB/10 ms) for which the dominating control loop delay is due to the GEO satellite propagation time. Assuming that the
channel is quasi-stationary over the SNORE estimation time, the SNORE will use pilot samples corrected by the phase
estimator that can be coherently combined also if spaced by hundreds of symbols.

Other estimators relying on the demodulator AGC capability of keeping the total noise plus interference plus useful
signal power constant showed less attractive performance as the estimated SNIR standard deviation showed a
symmetrical behaviour around the 0 dB point. This means that the SNIR is growing for both SNIR  - and  +.
This unwanted property together with the estimator accuracy dependency on the real AGC errors let us opt for the
SNORE DA estimator scheme.

E.2 Physical Layer Selector

The physical layer configuration selector contained in the user terminal estimates at any time the optimal physical layer
configuration. To guarantee reliable and efficient system operation, the physical layer selector shall account for:
a) SNIR estimation errors, b) Propagation delay and possible channel variations occurring between the user request and
the updated physical layer.

Concerning point a) we assume that following clause E.1, the SNIR errors are unbiased and distributed according to a
Gaussian distribution with variance depending on the actual SNIR, the pilot duration and the averaging window. Those
dependencies can be formulated as:

Êc E 
2 Ec 
 N  c , s  , N p ,W 
Nt  Nt
  Nt  

2  Ec 
where N  represents a Gaussian process with mean and variance Ec/Nt and  s  , N p ,W  respectively.
 Nt 

Related to point b), it shall be observed that the GEO orbit assumption suffers from a large propagation delay (see
note 1). In the following selector algorithm derivation, supported by experimental evidence reported in [38], it is
assumed that the atmospherical attenuation is a slow fading process compared to the satellite propagation delay, thus
[Ec/Nt][k]  [Ec/Nt][k-2D]. Under this hypothesis, the main contribution to the channel estimation error is related to the
channel estimation algorithm.

NOTE 1: For GEO bent-pipe satellites the round-trip time, D, is about 250 ms.

Denoting Fl tk  and Fˆltk  the discrete physical layer configurations associated with the true and the estimated value of
Ec/Nt at time tk = kTslot, respectively, the two following unwanted events are possible:

If Fl tk > Fˆltk 2D  Slot efficiency loss event

if Fl tk  < Fˆlt k 2D  Slot payload loss event

DVB BlueBook A171-1


where the Slot efficiency loss event corresponds to the event that the available link capacity has not been exploited in the
current time slot. The Slot payload loss event is associated to the event that the received slot payload will be not
correctly decoded (see note 2). It is apparent that, while the first event is causing a capacity reduction, the second one
will affect the ST Frame Error Rate (FER) and shall be accurately controlled. In figure E.3-a and -b, a graphical
explanation of the phenomena mentioned above can be found.

NOTE 2: For any physical layer configuration Fl tk  the payload is assumed to be lost if
[Ec/Nt][k] < [Ec/Nt ]req( Fl tk ).

Figure E.3: a) Slot efficiency loss event - b) Slot payload loss event -
c) Shifted threshold technique- d) Hysteresis technique

The ideal physical layer configuration dependency on [Ec/Nt] is indicated by a step function. The cross represents the
current true SNIR [Ec/Nt][k] and the estimator Gaussian-like [Ec/Nt] pdf is super imposed. The dot represents the
estimated [Ê c/Nt][k - 2D]. In case a), as the estimated value is lower than the true one, a slot efficiency loss event will
occur. On the contrary, in case b) the estimation is higher than the true value, thus a more efficient physical layer is
associated to the current channel condition. In this case a slot payload loss event will occur. In the following, two
possible techniques to control the two above unwanted effects are proposed. It has to be underlined that any technique
aiming at the slot payload loss event reduction will increase the slot efficiency loss event.

E.2.1 Shifted Threshold

The first countermeasure to ST demodulator channel estimation errors is to shift to the right the physical layer
 
configuration threshold to guarantee that Pr F̂l[tk-2D]  Fl[tk]  R1 . This conditioned probability can be derived as

 Ê  E  

Pr  c k  2D  S sh  c k   S 0   R 1

 Nt   Nt  

where Ssh and S0 represent the new shifted threshold and the original threshold value, respectively and R1 represents the
required slot error rate.

Recalling the assumed short-term channel invariance and Gaussian Ec/Nt estimator error from the last expression the
new value of the Shifted Threshold can be derived as follow:

 Êc   Ec  
  Ssh  S0 
  
Pr k  2D  Ssh  k   S0   1 R1  1 Q
 

 
 Nt   Nt      s (S0 ) 

from which:

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Ssh = S0 + s(S0) Q-1 (R1)

The graphical representation of this approach is reported in figure E.3-c. The computation has to be repeated for each
possible physical layer transition as s is dependent on the Ec/Nt corresponding to the threshold level.

E.2.2 Hysteresis
The shifted threshold technique allows to control the probability of slot payload loss event. However, let assume as
working point a value close to one of the shifted thresholds computed according to the previous procedure. Due to the
channel estimator random errors the SNIR value will be jittering around its true value that is close to Ssh. Thus the ST
physical layer will often ping-pong between the two adjacent physical layer configurations causing a large amount of
unwanted reverse link signalling. Nevertheless, the shifted threshold approach will keep the probability of slot payload
loss below the design value R1.

The problem described above can be mitigated by introducing a second threshold and operating the switch through an
hysteresis cycle according to the graphical representation of figure E.3-d. The up and down thresholds indicated with
Sup and Sdown are derived as follows:

The down-threshold is related to the constraint to limit the slot payload loss event:

 Ê  E  

Pr  c k  2D  S down  c k   S 0   R1

 N t   Nt  

The up-threshold is related to the purpose of reducing the amount of reverse link signalling:
 Ê  
Pr c
k  2D  S  Ec k S   R
  down   up  2

 Nt   Nt  

Adopting the same logic of the shifted threshold computation, the hysteresis thresholds can be derived:

Sdown = S0 + s Q-1 (R1)

Sup = Sdown + s Q-1 (R2)

For all the cases where Sdown < Ec/Nt < Sup the decision on the physical layer configuration to use will be based on the
slope of two consecutive Ec/Nt estimates. If the slope sign is positive the Sup threshold will be applied. Vice versa in
case the slope is negative, the Sdown threshold applies. Two considerations are in order. First, the hysteresis reduces
further the packet loss event. Second, a severe constraint on the reverse link signalling reduction further increases the
efficiency loss event.

E.3 Performance results

In [16] the proposed channel estimation and physical layer adaptation for the downlink of a broadband multibeam
satellite system has been deeply investigated. An overall system model able to accurately represent the ACM system
physical layer adaptation has been devised. The simulator is capable of reproducing the useful and other beams
interference signals, channel fading impairments, channel estimation and physical layer selection. Particular attention
has been devoted to the modelling of the other beam interference and the fading channel. The latter has been
implemented by means of a time domain simulator representative of experimental results for both fading amplitude and
spectral characteristics. The DA-SNORE channel estimator has been proposed for tracking typical Ka-band channel
variations with enough accuracy to drive the physical layer selector. For this unit the simple threshold design approach
has been complemented by a more practical solution exploiting shifted threshold and hysteresis that allows to control
the outage probability due to the estimator errors and to limit the reverse link signalling.

The performance of the proposed solution has been verified resorting to a realistic Ka-band multi-beam study case.
Simulation results for optimized algorithm parameters indicate that for both heavy and light fading conditions we can
achieve effective physical layer adaptation with acceptable losses compared to the ideal system. The technique
proposed although investigated for systems at Ka-band can be easily adapted to other frequency bands such as Ku and

DVB BlueBook A171-1


A DVB-S2 test-bed with ACM has been developed to run extensive tests in a laboratory environment [17], and
subsequently over satellite link [18]. The main characteristics of the forward link are as follows:

 10 Mbaud DVB-S2 carrier with 25% roll-off, normal frame size (64800 bits), pilot symbols activated
 Number of MODCOD activated for ACM: 22 (full DVB-S2 set excluding 6 sub-optimal MODCOD at overlap
between modulations) or 4 (reduced set maximising spectral efficiency, based on statistical results of multi-
dimensional link budget simulations)
 IP traffic: web browsing, file transfer, video streaming, voice, telnet, background traffic, coupled with 3 different
quality of service (signalling, high priority and best effort)

The MODCOD thresholds have been set based on the characterisation of the demodulator performance under stable
conditions, adding on top satellite channel margins and ACM margins. ACM margins account for possible variations of
C/(N+I) as perceived by the demodulator during the ACM loop time (1 second). The two main contributors to variations
are the atmospheric conditions in Ka-band and the demodulator C/(N+I) measurement inaccuracy (following a Gaussian
distribution). ACM decision for changing MODCOD depends on the up or down threshold being crossed.

It is important to calibrate the ACM margins properly, in order to avoid outage events (i.e. uncorrectable frames due to
being C/(N+I) lower than MODCOD threshold) while being spectrally efficient (i.e. keeping MODCOD as high as
possible). The ACM loop response time needs to be short enough to be able to track accommodate C/(N+I) variations
due to fading with acceptable margins. Considering that the maximum fade slope corresponding to heavy rain events at
Ka-band does not normally exceed 0,5 dB/s, a – 1 second ACM loop updating time is usually considered achievable
sufficient. To be remarked that there is no need to send continuous ACM control commands. Rather one can limit the
associated signalling by sending ACM MODCOD change requests only when the user terminals observe a C/(N+I)
change exceeding a certain MODCOD threshold (i.e. 0,3 dB).. In order to limit the number of MODCOD changes, an
offset of 0.3 dB has been added on the up threshold compared to the down threshold, resulting in a hysteresis effect.

When analysing the synthetically generated time series of an extreme fading case as the one reported in (Figure 44), it
is observed that the C/(N+I) up and down variations across 1 second intervals are correlated with the C/(N+I) values. In
other words C/(N+I) is jittering less in clear sky conditions are more stable that under bad weather conditions. This
suggests than margins can be individually optimised per MODCOD selecting larger faded conditions margins to better
cope with the increased C/(N+I) speed of variation. To be remarked that by doing so the impact on the system capacity
is very reduced being the deep fading event spatially and time limited while the probability of loosing packets due to the
ACM reduced adaptation speed is minimised.

Figure 44: Example of simulated Ka-band “extreme fading” event C/(N+I) time series and C/(N+I) variation in
one seconds. of simulated Ka-band “extreme fading” event

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Figure 45 illustrates the laboratory measured behaviour exploiting the ACM testbed described in [17] of the ACM loop
under a “deep fading” time zoomed event. After an initial period of relatively stable conditions, where a few MODCOD
transitions occur, the fading event begins and C/(N+I) drops sharply and the MODCODs changes quickly down to the
most robust MODCOD corresponding to QPSK r=1/4. Conditions become even worse during the 17 th minute, where the
link is lost. C/(N+I) then globally improves with up and down variations, and the link is eventually back to the initial
conditions. During the fading event, the ACM loop correctly adapts to the link both on up and down transitions. No
outage event occurs until, in that C/(N+I) remainsis always above MODCOD threshold. The demodulator unlocks
when C/(N+I) is below -2 dB, which should be considered as part of the link unavailability (i.e. the beyond 99.9%

12 32
11 30
10 28
9 26
8 24

Frame Losses / Modcod Number

7 22
SNIR and thresholds in dB

6 20
5 18
4 16
3 14
2 12
1 10
0 8
-1 6
-2 4
-3 2
-4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time in minutes

Figure 45: ACM loop adaptation to a deep fading event:

Legend: top blue curve correspond to the current= C/(N+I) value in dB, bottom red curve corresponds to the=
MODCOD number, middle orange curve = corresponds to the ACM ing threshold in dB.

Different strategies detailed in [17] have been tested and compared for setting the ACM margins:
 Fixed margin: all MODCODs use the same margin for handling variations of SNIR on a 1 second period. The
ACM loop with fixed margin works correctly, although spectral efficiency is not optimal.
 Variable margin: each MODCOD has a different margin, which optimises the ACM loop and spectral
efficiency (approximately +10% compared to fixed margin). The margin must be calibrated for each
 Adaptive margin: consists of reducing the ACM margin progressively until a frame is lost. Adaptive margin
gives a further gain in efficiency, while bursts of packets may be lost because of the slow margin adaptation
loop characteristics. The resulting PLR ranges from 1E-3 to 1E-2, depending on the number of MODCODs
and the fading severity. This performance may be acceptable for certain types of UDP applications which are
usually tolerant against packet losses, but not for all types of applications. The adaptive algorithm could be
improved with a better channel estimator for the distance to QEF – based for instance on the number of bits
corrected by the LDPC decoder – and making sure that the selected MODCOD threshold is always higher than
channel SNIR.

 Fixed margins: identical for all MODCOD;

 Variable margins: calibrated per MODCOD;
 Adaptive margins: margin reduced until an error event occurs, then reset.

ACM performance tests have been run in a laboratory environment on the combination of different time series (5 fading
events ranging from “clear sky” to “deep fading”, simulated from a representative Ka-band 100-beam satellite system
over European coverage detailed in [17]), MODCOD set (basic or reduced) and ACM margins (3 types). It was found
that spectral efficiency is primarily a function of the type of event, and secondly of the MODCOD set and type of ACM
margin (see Figure 46). A fixed margin per MODCOD significantly reduces the overall performance as the most
common MODCODs corresponding to clear sky conditions are “forced” to use the same extended margins as the

DVB BlueBook A171-1


MODCODs used for guaranteeing availability under fast changing channel conditions corresponding to fading events.,
Thus as discussed before, so it is worth calibrating the ACM margin per MODCOD. With fixed and variable margins,
assuming they are correctly calibrated, no outage event is encountered. With adaptive margins, frame errors appear
when the ACM threshold becomes lower than the CCM threshold. This effect could be limited by an early reaction
when approaching the zero link margin by means of betterthe estimation of the distance of the FEC decoder to QEF
and by putting a low limit on the threshold. Link availability is equal to 100 % for the 3 first types of fading events
tested. It is around 99.85% for the extreme and deep fading events, because C/(N+I)_for a short period becomes lower
than QPSK r=1/4 MODCOD threshold.

Basic Set - Fixed Margin Reduced Set - Fixed Margin

Basic Set - Variable Margin Reduced Set - Variable Margin
ACM Efficiency
Basic Set - Adaptive Margin Reduced Set - Adaptive Margin


Spectral Efficiency in bit/s/Hz






Clear Sky Light Fading Moderate Fading Extreme Fading Deep Fading

Figure 46: Spectral efficiency in bit/s/Hz

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Basic Set - Fixed Margin Reduced Set - Fixed Margin

Link Availability Basic Set - Variable Margin Reduced Set - Variable Margin
Basic Set - Adaptive Margin Reduced Set - Adaptive Margin

Link availability (frames correctly transmitted)






Clear Sky Light Fading Moderate Fading Extreme Fading Deep Fading

Figure 47: Link availability

The main results obtained are summarised below. The spectral efficiencies have been calculated as a weigthed average
of the 5 discrete fading events of one hour each: Clear Sky: 50%, Light Fading: 30%, Moderate Fading: 18%, Extreme
Fading: 1,.9% and Deep Fading: 0,.1%. It must be noted that the results naturally depend on the system scenario
simulated and its multiple parameters, and it is not easy to extrapolate to yearly performance based on short samples.

 With 22 MODCOD activated and variable ACM margins, under clear sky conditions, no frame loss occurs and the
gain of spectral efficiency is equal to +130 % compared to CCM MODCOD 7 (corresponding to 99.9%
availability) and to +53 % compared to CCM MODCOD 12 (99,.7 % availability);
 Compared to an ideal ACM loop which would react immediately and without any up/down margin/hysteresis, the
measured loss of efficiency of ACM implementation with variable margin is 2,.4 %
 The measured loss of efficiency when quantising the number of MODCOD from 22 to 4 is between 3 % and 5 %;
 With fixed and variable margins, frame error rate due to ACM outage event is below 10 -7, which demonstrates that
the ACM margins are correctly set. With adaptive margins, spectral efficiency increases by 3 to 5 %, at the cost of
a higher frame error rate – such use could be justified if the above communication layers are tolerant to sporadic

The performance of applications together with the variable link capacity due to ACM has also been assessed. Under
normal circumstances, the ACM loop adapts to the quality of link and can sustain the data rate required by the
applications for each terminal. In this case the available capacity is sufficient and the link is error free at IP level (no
traffic packet loss, no impact on end-to-end delay and jitter). Congestion may occur when the forward link capacity is
globally insufficient to serve the aggregated demands from the terminals. Another issue could be that, for a given
terminal, the MODCOD spectral efficiency multiplied by the symbol rate is lower than the required data rate – ACM
directly limits capacity. In such congested events, where demand is higher than capacity, throughput delay increases due
to saturation of the transmit queues and packets are eventually lost. The effects depend on the transport layer protocol:
UDP packet losses directly impact the applications, while TCP retransmission mechanisms minimise the impact on
applications. It was observed that most Internet applications are usually tolerant to variable capacity links, and therefore
adapt correctly to capacity variations caused by ACM. Also, the gateway resource allocation systems are usually able to
handle congestion. The novelty introduced with ACM is the variability of the capacity per terminal and globally. The
use of QoS mechanisms, which have been tested together with ACM, allow to transmit high priority traffic in a reliable
way, while lower priority traffic can cope with delay increase or packet losses.

The tests performed by satellite have verified the behaviour and performance of ACM in real environment, confirming
previous assessment performed in laboratory. As an example Figure 49 a deep fading Ku-band event has been
encountered on the 2nd of July 2008 at 2.30 PM. Weather conditions (see Figure 48) have been described by the
local weather office as “storm with thunder, heavy rain and water accumulating on ground”. Wind was moving

DVB BlueBook A171-1


from west to east, i.e. in perpendicular direction of the satellite link, at about 20 km/h. The SNIR time series and
associated MODCODs for the two sites (Rambouillet (RMB) near Paris also acting as uplink station and Toulouse
(TLS)) are shown in Figure 49. It is important to note that, since the gateway and terminals in Rambouillet are co-
localised, the fading event impacts both to the uplink and on the downlink. A correlation is clearly observed
between Rambouillet and Toulouse small antennas, by comparing the SNIR curves, which means that the feeder
link is impacted by the fading event. Because satellite transponder ALC was deactivated (fixed gain mode), uplink
power level variations impacted the downlink through the amplifier AM/AM response.
Toulouse terminal is only impacted by the fading event on the uplink, the downlink being under better
and more stable link conditions.

When considering the satellite environment and the multiple-terminal aspect, it must be emphasised that:
 The ACM margins have to accommodate scintillation effects, which oscillatfluctuations are usually faster than the
ACM loop response time, as well as possible variations of the signal level through the satellite channel. Such
effects should not be neglected otherwise ACM margins could be insufficient and outage events may occur.
 C/(N+I) values and its variations are location dependent, due in particular to different satellite EIRP and terminal
dish pointing, possibly also due to different types of terminals being used. One approach for the ACM margins is to
consider a single worst case value on the coverage. Another approach is to customise ACM margins per terminal,
in a pre-determined way (geographical pattern) or automated way (self calibrated terminals).
The optimisation of the TWTA operating point in the case of ACM is more complex than in the case of CCM, because
non-linear degradations are modulation dependent. In order to maximise the system efficiency globally, it is necessary
to take into account the expected C/(N+I) distribution and corresponding MODCOD, and to optimise the TWTA
operating point for the most commonly usedfrequent MODCODs. This way, the relative loss of efficiency for the other
MODCODs remains marginal.

Figure 48: Satellite weather image of the storm event observed on July 2, 2008 and reported in Figure 49

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Figure 49: Example of the SNIR impact of Ku-band a storm event as perceived by 3 terminals operating at Ku-band
and the consequent ACM MODCOD selectionand impact on ACM loop. Dark blue and green curves represent the
SNIR observed in Rambouillet with the large and small antenna respectively. The light blue curve represents the
observed SNIR in Toulouse with a small size terminal antenna. The orange curve represents the MODCOD threshold
levels for the demodulator which C/(N+I) is drawn in light blue.

When considering the satellite environment and the multiple-terminal aspect, it must be emphasised that:
 The ACM margins have to accommodate scintillation effects, which fluctuations are usually faster than the ACM
loop response time, as well as possible variations of the signal level through the satellite channel. Such effects
should not be neglected otherwise ACM margins could be insufficient and outage events may occur.
 C/(N+I) values and its variations are location dependent, due in particular to different satellite EIRP and terminal
dish pointing, possibly also due to different types of terminals being used. One approach for the ACM margins is to
consider a single worst case value on the coverage. Another approach is to customise ACM margins per terminal,
in a pre-determined way (geographical pattern) or automated way (self calibrated terminals).
 The optimisation of the TWTA operating point in the case of ACM is more complex than in the case of CCM,
because non-linear degradations are modulation dependent. In order to maximise the system efficiency globally, it
is necessary to take into account the expected C/(N+I) distribution and corresponding MODCOD, and to optimise
the TWTA operating point for the most commonly used MODCODs. This way, the relative loss of efficiency for
the other MODCODs remains marginal.

In conclusion, ACM has is showing very promising performances for the next generation of satellite broadband systems
like Ka-band multi-beam. The system capacity and availability are greatly improved compared to static systems. The
performance of the ACM loop has been extensively verified in laboratory and by satellite. The important elements to
consider are the accuracy of the demodulator Es/N0o measurements, the ACM loop response time, the ACM margins,
and handling of variable capacity links by the gateway.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Annex F:
ACM receiver implementation
In the following two receiver schemes are proposed to regenerate the Transport Stream clock R' TS under dynamic rate

F.1 Type 1 receiver

With reference to figure F.1, R'TS is regenerated via a PLL which maintains constant, in the steady state, the receiver
FIFO buffer filling condition (the Empty/Full E/F signal is in steady state when the buffer is halfway filled up). The
DVB-S2 receiver, after receiving a useful packet (UP) and storing it in the FIFO buffer, reads the DNP field, and inserts
DNP null-packets in front of it. The NCO (Numerically Controlled Oscillator) is driven by the E/F signal via a low pass
filter (LPF), and generates a steady state frequency R'TS locked to RTS (clock at the transmitting side), independently of
the source bit-rate. During the source rate transient the situation is different. As shown in figure F.1, a step in
DTX+DRX1 (delay increase produced by a bit rate reduction) is immediately absorbed by the FIFO buffer (since the
NCO frequency variation is very slow), which starts to empty up. When the PLL reacts to the rate reduction, R' TS
slightly slows down till the buffer recovers the halfway filling condition, and R' TS may return to the steady-state RTS
condition. After the transient, the end-to-end delay of the TS is increased by D (in fact, in steady state, the reception
buffer delay is constant by definition).

Therefore Type 1 receiver does not guarantee the "constant delay" and "constant bit rate" conditions for Transport
Streams, although, by increasing the PLL time constants, rate variations may be smoothed.

This analysis has driven the design of a DVB-S2 subsystem called "input stream synchronizer", allowing the
implementation of a "type 2" receiver not affected by delay and bit-rate variations.


DE Null-packet Write TS
MOD Re-insertion packets FIFO
packets Read TS
Delay=DTX+DRX1 Delay=DRX2

DTX(t)+DRX1 D

 PLL time
R’TS (t) constant

DTOT(t)=DTX(t)+DRX1+D RX2 t

Figure F.1: Example Type 1 Receiver: delay and bit-rate variations

at the receiving buffer input and output

F.2 Type 2 receiver

With reference to figures F.2 and F.3, R'TS is directly locked to the transmission RTS, by introducing a "time-stamp"
mechanism using the symbol-rate RS as a common frequency reference (RS is recovered by the receiver and is not
affected by the packet delay variations). In this way the reception FIFO buffer filling condition can change and
automatically compensate the chain delay variations, provided it is sufficiently large and suitably initialized to avoid

DVB BlueBook A171-1


overflows/underflows. Figure F.2 shows the principle scheme of the input stream synchronizer (transmitting and
receiving side): in the modulator, a counter runs at speed RS, and its content (ISCR field, Input Stream Clock
Reference) is appended to each TS packet as soon as it crosses the input interface, before null-packet deletion. In the
receiver, a similar counter runs at RS speed (RS is generated by the clock recovery subsystem), and its content is
compared to that of the ISCR field of the packets when they are read out of the FIFO buffer to feed the demultiplexer.
The R'TS clock is generated by a PLL, which is driven by the phase error between the local counter and the transmitted
ISCR. Figure F.3 gives some receiver details: since the reception FIFO buffer is not self-balancing as in the Type 1
receiver, the initial receiver FIFO buffer state may be reset by the transmitter via the BUFSTAT field. Furthermore the
maximum receiver buffer size assumed by the transmitter may be signalled to the receiver (BUFS field), in order to
minimize end-to-end delay when required.

For a Type 2 receiver the "constant delay" and "constant bit rate" conditions for Transport Streams are met, at the cost
of a slightly increased complexity and a capacity loss of about 1 to 1,5 % for the transmission of ISCRs (2 or 3 bytes are
appended to each TS packet). More information can be found in [17].

Recovered Local
Time stamp Time stamp
Inserted in TS Counter Counter Compare NCO
RTS Received R’TS
coding TS
MUX Stream Deletion modul. Dem Re-insertion MUX
Synch & Merger
Framing &
Buffer & FIFOBuffer
signalling SNIR
Mode Adapter
DVB-S2 Demodulator
DVB-.S2 Modulator


Figure F.2: ACM DVB-S2 model using time stamps to lock RTS and R'TS

DEM Rs Mod 222 Load first

Clock Counter ISCR
15 or 22 MSB
Phase LPF
15 or 22 bit

Null-packet Write TS
Re-insertion packets FIFO
packets Read TS packets
Initialise using buffer size BUFS,
and buffer state BUFSTAT

Figure F.3: Example Type 2 Receiver

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Annex G:
Time slicing
The purpose of time slicing is to reduce FEC decoding speed of a receiver. A receiver has to decode the PL-Header of
each PL-Frame and decide, if this PL-Frame contains the target TSN. Signalling of Classical MODCOD and S2X
MODCOD may change PL-Frame by PL-Frame. The sequence of time-sliced transmission is not specified in
EN302307 [2], [52].

Various sequence setups are possible: simple setups and sophisticated setups. In this clause only simple setups are

G.1 PL-Header for time slicing

PL-Header for time slicing (Annex M of [2], Annex M of [52]) is different to the normal PL-Header. PL-Header for
time-slicing lasts 180 symbols (normal 90 symbols) allowing to signal TSN.

PL-Header consists of:

 PL-Header.SOF 26 symbols
 PL-Header.PLScode 154 symbols

SOF (Start Of Frame) will be transmitted without scrambling, duration and content is equal to SOF of normal PL-
Header. PLScode will be protected by convolutional code and afterwards scrambled by a dedicated sequence. 16
information bits are transmitted in the PLScode (u0 ..... u15). MODCOD, Type, TSN will be signalled. Information bit
u0 is important for differences in signalling MODCOD and Type.

Remarks for S2X MODCODs:

 With u0=1 fec frame type is dedicated to MODCOD in all cases.

 VL-SNR MODCODs are transmitted with pilot state = on.
 Some combinations of MODCOD signalling are reserved. For these settings pilot state is dedicated.

u0 = 0 (classical MODCODs):

u0 =0

u1...u5 = MODCOD (see Table 12 in [2])

u6, u7 = type (fec frame type, pilots)

u8...u15 = TSN

u0 = 1 (S2X MODCODs):

u0 =1

u1...u6 = MODCOD (see Table 17a, 17b in 11 in [52])

u7 = Pilots

u8...u15 = TSN

G.2 Simple time slice setups

G.2.1 Time Slice Sequence
Although very complex sequences are allowed a very simple sequence is choosen to explain implementation.

DVB BlueBook A171-1


G.2.2 Simple Scheduling Assumptions:

 TimeSliceCycle: a timeslice cylce consists of num_timeslice pl frames.
 periodical repetition of this time-slice cyle: the TimeSliceCycle is static.
 static order of time-slices: every active TSN is transmitted in one pl frame and transmitted one time in one
 order of time-slices: the transmit order of TSN is static
 static parameters of each time-slice: each TSN uses constant MODCOD and Type

G.2.3 Examples of TimeSliceCylces

Example 1:

num_timeslice = 4

active TSNs: TSN1, TSN2, TSN3, TSN4

transmit order of 1 timeslice cycle: 1  2  3  4

Example 2:

num_timeslice = 3

active TSNs: TSN1, TSN2, TSN3

transmit order of 1 timeslice cycle: 1  2  3

Example 3:

num_timeslice = 8

active TSNs: TSN1, TSN2, TSN3, TSN4, TSN5, TSN6, TSN7, TSN8

transmit order of 1 timeslice cycle: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

G.3 Calculation of symbol rate of a simple time slice setups

In a simple time slice setup (with assumptions listed), average symbol data rate of each time-slice can be calculated:

 with S(i) = S of time-slice(i) (number of Slots - see Table 11 in [2] and Table 16 in [52])
 with pilot_state(i) = 0 when pilots of time-slice(i) are off
 with pilot_state(i) = 1 when pilots of time-slice(i) are on


num symbols of time-slice(i) = 90.0*(S(i)+2.0) + pilot_state(i)*36.0 * ((int)floor((S(i)-1.0)/16.0


num symbols tsl cycle = sum (num symbols of time-slice(i)) , i = 1...num tsl


average symbolrate of time-slice(i) = (num symbols of time-slice(i) / num symbols tsl cycle) * symbolrate

Average maximum useful datarate of each time slice can be calculated in a simular way.

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G.3.1 Examples of calculation of symbol rate (simple time-slicing setups)

Example 1: time-slicing setup with 4 time-slices

num tsl = 4: 1 time-slice cycle consists of 4 time-slices

periodical repetition of this time-slice cyle

static order of time-slices

static parameters of each time-slice

Table 16:
tsl 1 tsl 2 tsl 3 tsl 4

MODCOD 8PSK (S2 classical 8PSK 8PSK 8PSK

or S2-X)
(S2 classical or (S2 classical or (S2 classical or
S2-X) S2-X) S2-X)

FEC Frame normal normal normal normal

Pilots on on on on

TSN 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x44

S 240 240 240 240

num symbols 22284 22284 22284 22284

num symbols 89136

tsl cycle

average symbolrate of time-slice 1 = (22284/89136) * symbolrate

average symbolrate of time-slice 2 = (22284/89136) * symbolrate

average symbolrate of time-slice 3 = (22284/89136) * symbolrate

average symbolrate of time-slice 4 = (22284/89136) * symbolrate

Example 2: time-slicing setup with 3 time-slices

num tsl = 3: 1 time-slice cycle consists of 3 time-slices

periodical repetition of this time-slice cyle

static order of time-slices

static parameters of each time-slice

Table 17:
tsl 1 tsl 2 tsl 3


(S2 classical or S2- (S2 classical or S2- (S2 classical or S2-

X) X) X)

FEC Frame normal normal normal

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Pilots on on on

TSN 0x11 0x22 0x33

S 180 240 360

num symbols 16776 22284 33372

num symbols 72432

tsl cycle

average symbolrate of time-slice 1 = (16776/72432) * symbolrate

average symbolrate of time-slice 2 = (22284/72432) * symbolrate

average symbolrate of time-slice 3 = (33372/72432) * symbolrate

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Figure 50: Timing of example 1 and example 2

1 time-slice cycle
num symbols tsl cycle

tsl 4 tsl 1 tsl 2 tsl 3 tsl 4 tsl 1 tsl 2

time-slice 1: time-slice 2: time-slice 3: time-slice 4:

num symbols tsl1 num symbols tsl2 num symbols tsl3 num symbols tsl4

Example 1: time-slicing setup with 4 time-slices

1 time-slice cycle
num symbols tsl cycle

tsl 3 tsl 1 tsl 2 tsl 3 tsl 1 tsl 2

time-slice 3:
num symbols tsl3
time-slice 1:
num symbols tsl1 time-slice 2:
num symbols tsl2

Example 2: time-slicing setup with 3 time-slices

DVB BlueBook A171-1


Document history
V1.1.1 February 2005 Publication

V1.1.2 September 2011 Revised version

DVB BlueBook A171-1

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