Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook

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Rogue Farm Corps

PO Box 533 Ashland, OR 97520 541-951-5105


Western SARE Farm Internship

By Maud Powell

Introduction - Why Have Interns?

On-farm internships provide quality opportunities for hopeful future organic farmers. Well-trained
interns are in a better position to become successful producers, which helps increase the pool of
farmers, especially younger ones.

The number of small farmers in the United States is declining and that population is aging, making
attracting young people to sustainable agriculture vital. In 2007, the average age of U.S. farmers was
approaching 60. Only one percent of the U.S. population directly participates in agricultural production.
Knowledge of food production is no longer passed on from generation to generation.

In contrast, the number of people, especially young people, interested in sustainable agriculture is
increasing. According to the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) project, more
than 10,000 people searched for internships in Western states on ATTRA’s database in 2006.

There are many compelling social and educational reasons to incorporate internship programs into
small farm operations. However, internships entail a great deal of negotiation, patience, energy and time.
This handbook is designed to provide helpful hints to improve the quality of your on-farm internship.
Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Who Should Use this Handbook?

This handbook is designed for producers who have decided to use interns or already have an internship
program in place and are looking for ways to improve it. The decision to add an internship program
to your farm operation should not be taken lightly.You will also need to look into the legalities of
internships in your state or country.

If you are currently considering the question of whether or not to have interns, we highly recommend
the publication “Cultivating a New Crop of Farmers: Is On-Farm Mentoring Right for You?” published
by the New England Small Farm Institute. This workbook raises all the questions and issues that go
into deciding whether or not an internship program is right for your situation. You can order a copy at

Where to Find Interns

Most farmers attract their interns through online databases. These databases allow growers to create
profiles of their farm operations and describe the details of their particular internship program. The
profiles can be edited from season to season to reflect changes in the program. Prospective interns can
then search the databases and contact farms they are interested in interning with. The most common
databases used are:

• ATTRA: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/internships/
• Grow Food: http://www.growfood.org/
• Idealist: http://www.idealist.org/
• Sustainable Food Jobs: http://sustainablefoodjobs.wordpress.com/
• Beginning Farmers: http://www.beginningfarmers.org
• The Greenhorns Blog: http://thegreenhorns.wordpress.com/

Other farmers hang posters around college campuses, place ads in agricultural publications, or
use word-of-mouth to find local intern applicants. If you have a good program, former interns may
recommend your farm to their friends who are interested in interning.

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Selecting Your Interns

Once prospective interns contact a farm, the grower should have a procedure for screening and
selection. This procedure could involve any or all of the following elements:

• A written application
• A formal interview (see list of sample interview questions on page 4)
• Conversations by e-mail, in person, or on the phone
• Checking references
• An on-site visit, a working visit, and a trial-period.

Many farmers have prospective interns complete an application (see Rogue Farm Corps example
application). We highly recommend setting specific policies and discussing them with prospective interns
to provide more information about your expectations. The list of Key Interview Questions (below) can
be used to develop a list of policies. Offering detailed information about your farm operation will allow
prospective interns a chance to self-select.

Most farmers insist on a face-to face meeting

before making a final selection. If a prospective
intern lives too far away to visit beforehand, use all
other available means of screening. Some farmers
recommend a working visit, in which a prospective
intern will visit for an afternoon and work on a
project with the farmer.

Once agreement has been reached, it is

recommended to have the intern sign an on-farm
agreement to establish a formal relationship. Many
farmers say that agreeing on definite start and end
dates helps set a precedent for clear boundaries.
If a farmer has any doubts or concerns about a
perspective intern, he or she should either opt to
offer a short-term trial period or not invite the

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Key Interview Questions

1. What kind of physical labor have you done?

Farmers are looking for reliable people who will stay through the long—and sometimes arduous—
growing season. Many first-time interns have romantic notions about farming, which need to be
tempered with some grit. The reality is that most young people today have not done a lot of physical
labor and are not prepared for the very physical nature of farming.

2. What are your long-term agriculture goals?

Chances are, someone who is really passionate about a future in farming will be more likely to
work hard and stay through the entire season than someone who just wants an interesting summer

3. Tell me about your living preferences.

This question will be more or less important depending on the intern’s living situation. For example, if
interns are expected to live on site and share cooking facilities and meals, eating preferences may be a
big issue.

4. Tell me about your working style.

Asking prospective interns about their working style may give farmers important insights into their
attitudes about work. This may be a difficult question for some interns to answer, so use some of these
follow-up questions to get more information:

• Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

• Do you like a lot of instruction and guidance, or do you prefer to observe and try things
on your own?
• Do you prefer to start and end early or take frequent breaks?
• What have been your favorite jobs?

The answers to these questions will help indicate whether your working styles are compatible.
Compatibility will depend, in part, on your farm situation. For example, a very social person who likes
to work in groups is bound to struggle on a geographically isolated farm that has no other interns.

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Five Benchmarks of a Successful Farm Internship

While many small farmers are interested in developing a mutually beneficial relationship with young
people interested in spending a season working on a farm, internship programs bring with them a range
of challenges. Many farmers tell tales of being left in the middle of the summer with no help after an
intern decided to move on with little or no warning. Interns may find the learning experience of farming
falling short of their initial expectations.

How can you avoid this? Through experience as interns and as farmers working with interns, and
through interviews with fifteen other farmers, we have identified five key benchmarks to a successful
farm internship.

1. Communication
Communication is the most significant benchmark. It starts well before the internship
begins and is constantly reflected in the relationship between the farmer and intern.
We have found that investing a lot of time up-front to set clear expectations of the
internship—including everything from long stretches of hard physical labor through
the week, to policies about visitors, to when the best time to ask questions is—is
paramount. Use your answers to the list of Key Interview Questions (above) to
develop policies for your farm. In some cases, because of the dynamic nature of farming,
expectations will need to be somewhat ambiguous. For example, some farmers specify a
range of time spent on farm work per week, as dictated by season and weather. Interns
must understand that farm work is not governed by clocking in and clocking out, but by
tasks that need to be completed. Any ambiguous guidelines may, of course, need to be
revisited at intervals with the interns.

Most experienced farmers have found that checking in with interns on a regular basis,
at least once a week, forestalls misunderstandings. Weekly meetings may consist of the
farmer laying out a plan for tasks to be performed during the next five to seven days,
offering feedback from the previous week, discussing any concerns or frustrations, and
addressing questions.

These meetings can be conducted efficiently, but must allow for a supportive atmosphere
where interns can air any concerns they may have. Fostering open communication in a
relaxed meeting environment will provide both interns and farmers to broach topics that
may be potentially contentious or complicated.

Once a topic has been raised, it may be appropriate to continue the discussion while
working at a farm task, like hoeing or harvesting. Working together will allow time to
be silent and reflect on the issue. For example, if an intern expresses frustration at
the number and type of tasks he or she is responsible for, it might be useful to have a
discussion about the seasonal ebbs and flows of work on a farm; strategies for pacing
yourself while farming; or the ways in which our culture does not value or promote
Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

physical work. Although this particular

frustration cannot usually be resolved during
one meeting, it may be an opportunity to
open up a longer discussion that could be an
excellent opportunity to educate and inspire
other interns.

In other situations, it may be more

appropriate or prudent to resolve an issue
immediately. For example, if an intern is
complaining about a plumbing leak in their
living quarters, it is best to come up with a
plan of action to immediately address the problem.

2. Diversity
Quality internships give interns a realistic sense of the repetitive nature of many farm
tasks, while also providing a diversity of experiences. Giving interns opportunities to
perform a variety of farm tasks, including infrastructure development projects, marketing,
and distribution, gives them a greater sense of the whole farm operation and also helps
train them to be knowledgeable, skilled farm managers.

Diversity in this context refers to creating a range of experiences in responsibilities,

tasks, and physical challenges. As an intern becomes more knowledgeable about the farm
operation during the course of the season, offering greater levels of responsibility is a
great way to build morale and confidence. For example, an experienced intern could be
assigned to call local restaurants and grocery stores and take weekly orders of produce,
or be in charge of bottom-lining the day’s harvest.

We have found that offering a diversity of farm tasks seems to increase the level of
satisfaction among interns. Often, there are repetitive tasks that may take many hours or
even days to complete. Interns who are serious about farming need to understand that
a great deal of difficult, “boring” work goes into the job. It may be useful to acknowledge
the fact that the task at hand is a grind, and remind them of other upcoming tasks.

3. Teaching Healthy Habits

Part of training interns is helping them to work hard without causing bodily harm.
Interns should be taught to check in with their bodies and switch tasks when they notice
acute soreness. It is helpful to spend some time explaining the ergonomics of every
new task you teach. If you notice an intern stooped over while hoeing or not bending
their knees as they pick up a heavy item, gently correct them. One farmer actually hires
a chiropractor early in the season to review basic body mechanics with her interns.
Offering a diversity of farm tasks and encouraging correct body positioning will reduce
the chance of injury.

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

4. Context
Providing context allows an intern to understand why they are doing the work and
what they are accomplishing. Often, providing context is the key to both motivation
and knowledge retention. Interns who understand why they are doing something
in a particular way will be far more likely to follow directions and grasp the larger
significance of the task at hand.

Context can be broken down into three general categories. First, it can refer to how
your farm operation fits into the sustainable agriculture movement. The movement seeks
to reassert a system of agriculture that ensures the continued existence of the resources
it is using, primarily soil and water. It is useful to explain how your farm operation fits
into this (or your particular) vision of the greater movement.

Secondly, context can refer to the way a given project fits into your whole farm plan:
why you are doing a project on the farm, how it is benefiting the farm, and how it meets
the objectives of the farm. Thirdly, context can be task specific: instructing interns on the
basic steps necessary to accomplish a task, how those steps are executed, and why those
steps are done in the specific way demonstrated. One example is the work of sowing a
green manure crop on a farm. Green manure crops provide cover for the soil over the
winter, add nutrients to the soil and build organic matter in the soil. In this case, the task
–specific context is showing the intern how to use the broadcast seeder, how to prepare
the field for seeding, and how to cover the seeds. The farmer would also explain to
interns the reasoning behind their methods, which are usually based on efficiency, results,
and equipment available.

5. Infrastructure
The infrastructure available must provide for the basic needs of your interns: shelter,
warmth, toilet facilities, and the ability to feed oneself. Infrastructure varies greatly from
farm to farm. Many different arrangements can and do work. Infrastructure will depend
on the needs and comfort level of a particular intern, and what a farmer has available on
their land.

Farmers should spend some time in the winter and early spring assessing the condition
of intern housing and making necessary adjustments before the intern arrives for the
season. Make sure a prospective intern sees the accommodation beforehand. Ideally, he
or she would spend a night in the living quarters to assess comfort level.

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Developing a Farm Policy

Use the answers to these questions to formulate the basis of your on-farm policies. Providing interns
with a clear set of guidelines about your farm is essential to creating a high-quality internship.

1. Time Management
What is your weekly schedule? (For each day, include time of rising, breakfast,
commencement of first task, educational time, other meals, last task, completion of days’
work.) Explain how times and tasks may vary, based on the day of the week (e.g., markets
on Tuesdays and Fridays may require late work the previous evening and earlier-than-
usual rising to accommodate travel time)? Does the schedule vary based on the season?

2. Meals/Consumables
Do you provide any grocery staples for interns? If so, what and how much of each?
Can an intern eat whatever they want from the farm or take produce only when there
is a surplus? Can they share produce with friends or family? Can they preserve farm
products? Should they ask before they harvest any produce?

3. Time Off
Do you provide any time off during the season? How much advance notice do you
require for an intern’s planned trip or break? Must it coincide with slack periods on the

4. Trial Period
Do you have a trial period? If so, how long is the trial period? Do you hold a meeting at
the end of the trial period to formalize the internship?

5. Meetings
Do you hold regular meetings with your
interns? What do your meetings consist of (daily
plan; weekly plan; airing interpersonal issues;
providing feedback)?

6. Questions and Feedback from Interns

Do you prefer to be asked questions about
farming on a need basis? Would you rather be
asked questions at specific times (during farm
meetings; at the end of the day)? Are you willing
to receive constructive criticism from your
interns about your farm? Would you prefer
that the intern conclude their internship before
offering their observations about your farm?

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Can interns invite guests to visit the farm? Are there times or days of the week when
they can visit (in the evenings; on weekends)? Do you expect interns’ visitors to do any
farm work? If you are open to having visitors for more than a day or two, do you have
expectations about them participating in farm tasks? What expectations do you have
about visitors’ behavior while at your farm?

8. Education
What kind of farm education can your interns expect? Do you have a library of farm
books and, if so, do your interns have access to it? Do you offer any classes or reading
assignments? Will interns have opportunities to visit other farms? Will they have
opportunities to participate in any local or regional agriculture workshops or trainings?

9. Alcohol and Drug Policy

Do you review the policy on your farm with all incoming interns? Are the repercussions
clear for an intern who violates your policy?

10. Privacy
Are there times of the day or week that you do not want to be disturbed by your
interns (e.g., after 9 p.m. or on Sunday mornings), except in the case of emergencies? If
you have a family, what times of the day would you like to have alone with them? Are
there rooms in your house that an intern can have access to anytime?

11. Working with interns

How much do you work alongside interns? Does this vary through the season?

Western SARE Farm Internship Handbook
Rogue Farm Corps

Adding Value to Your Farm Internship: A Checklist

A basic internship offers the opportunity to live and work on a farm for part or all of a season. But you
can take certain steps that will increase the value of the intern’s experience. Following are some fairly
simple ways to create a value-added internship and improve the success of your program.

• Meet weekly with interns to review the past week, plan for the coming week, and discuss
any relevant issues.
• Offer interns a small area of land to grow their own crop or let them choose a project
to work on in their free time.
• Include interns in farm-planning discussions.
• Be aware of agricultural workshops in your area, and give interns the day off to attend.
• Offer reading assignments to interns.
• Make your agriculture library available to interns.
• Discuss your philosophy of farming with interns. Ask them about theirs.
• If you live near other farms that also use interns, consider setting up an internship
cooperative so all interns get the benefit of seeing how other farms function.
• If interns have any problem with their housing situation (plumbing, electrical, etc.), make
it a priority to fix it.
• Offer interns preserved food or winter-storage produce when their internship
• Encourage interns to take time off the farm sometimes. Let interns know about any
swimming holes or favorite hikes in your area.
• Offer interns a weeklong break at some point in the season.Vegetable producers find
that the optimal time for this is in mid-July.
• Give interns opportunities to sell at grower’s markets.
• Surprise interns with ice cream on a hot afternoon.



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