Day 3 - Session 6
Day 3 - Session 6
Day 3 - Session 6
Observed findings
Explanation of gaps
Implications when not addressed
Organizational Needs Analysis
– Capacity Gaps
BDP Framework
Module C. Module D.
Module A. Module B.
Investment Monitoring and
Planning to Plan Plan Formulation
Programming Evaluation
Step 1 Step 4 Step 10
Step 9
Institutionalization Scoping Barangay Conduct of the M
Preparation and
Vision and E
Legitimization of the
Step 2 Step 5 Investment Program
General Orientation: Situational Analysis
Understanding Local
Planning Step 6.
Setting goals and
Step 3
Data Collection and
Profiling Step 7.
programs, projects
Situational Analysis
Module C. Module D.
Module A. Module B.
Investment Monitoring and
Planning to Plan Plan Formulation
Programming Evaluation
Step 1 Step 4 Step 10
Step 9
Institutionalization Scoping Barangay Conduct of the M
Preparation and
Vision and E
Legitimization of the
Step 2 Step 5 Investment Program
General Orientation: Situational Analysis
Understanding Local
Planning Step 6. A thorough and
Setting goals and
Step 3 correct
Data Collection and
Profiling Step 7. understanding of the
programs, projects
situation is important
in the formulation of
a good BDP.
Why is SA important?
so communities will have
a complete
understanding of the
development concerns in
the barangay.
a comprehensive
situational analysis could
result to a good or
effective plan.
so GIGO will be
Observed findings
Explanation of gaps
Implications when not addressed
Organizational Needs Analysis
– Capacity Gaps
Findings can be the Can be issues that Can be possible increased Capacity gaps can be
improvement or non- contribute to the incidence of poverty lacking in:
improvement of condition (in Col 1)
socio-economic data. Can be related to health • Competency
Can be lacking of data issues • Leadership
Covering two for analysis. • Enabling policies
reference years is Can mean additional • Management systems/
recommended. Can be infrastructures barangay funds needed for admin and finance
that are not within repairs or maintain the • Knowledge and learning
Findings can be gaps standards. integrity of environment
or “what remains to Can mean more capacity
be done” in attaining Can be lacking in Opportunities are also building needed to
the vision. resources. possible in this column. respond to gaps (in Col. 2)
Example: SOCIAL Poverty is seen as a major Cycle of poverty will not Barangay procedures for
contributor to issue on break due to lack of the issuance of barangay
Approximately one-third education. education. clearance for business
of the population are need to be simplifiedin
dependents. Expenses for education Poverty may persist due compliant with RA 11032
may be too much for poor to lack of alternatives for
Population growth rate in families. livelihood by the Barangay need to
the affected areas is above fisherfolks and farmers. organize and train
the Municipal average. These are areas within the volunteers for disaster
high susceptibility flood Potential deaths and risk reduction and
INFRA/SOCIAL areas; with an estimated injuries due to lack of management
Approximately 715 flood height of above 1 early warning system.
persons or (178 families) meter. Residents need to be
are exposed to coastal Lack of monitoring may updated about climate
flooding due to poor The estimated likelihood result increased exposure change and trained on
drainage. of occurrence is 10-30 and vulnerability. preparedness in times of
years. disaster..
Situational Analysis:
Example 1: Transferring readily-available data like CBMS to the PSFM
Situational Analysis:
Example 2: Transferring readily-available data like CBMS to the PSFM
Observed Condition Explanation Implication Organizatio
(Negative) nal Needs
Economic- CBMS Question:
Cycle of
44% of households What contributes poverty will
to this condition not break due
have income below
to lack of
poverty threshold Few alternative education.
29% of households livelihood options
have income below Healthier and
food threshold Dependence on smarter
4% of households palay farming as decisions will
sources of income not be
have experienced
3% of
members are
Situational Analysis
Observed Condition Explanation Implication (Negative) Positive)
Approximately 715 persons or Question: Potential deaths and There’s existing barangay
(178 families) are exposed to What contributes to this condition?
injuries due to lack of resolution on mandatory
coastal flooding.
The area is located along the coast early warning system relocation policy
Approximately one-third of the
population are dependents. Lack of monitoring may BDRRMP is on-going
These are areas within the high result increased exposure Contingency planning is
Population growth rate in the
susceptibility flood areas; with
affected areas is above the Significant barangay on- going
an estimated flood height of
Municipal average resources in the past will
above 1 meter.
Around a 60% of are informal be allocated for rescue
settlers are exposed to coastal
The estimated likelihood of and relief.
occurrence is 10-30 years.
Degree of impacts is high.
FM-LGTDD-10D Capacity
Rev. 00 01/03/2018is Low and
using the Problem-Solution Finding Matrix (PSFM)
Situational Analysis:
Example 4: Transferring problem-tree analysis to the PSFM
Step 5. Situational Analysis (Examples)
Observed Condition Explanations of issues and Implications/Effects Organizational
challenges Needs Assessment
SOCIAL 1. Use of Unsafe Toilet (Dirty, (effects)
Collapsing, Leaking, etc.) a. Mortality anddisease
Core problem: 2. Open Defecation & Flying Toilets b. Badsmells
Poor Sanitary Conditions 3. Poor hygiene practices c. Contaminatedwater
in the Community resources
(immediate cause)
Reduced productivity
Higher expense on
Bad Design and Construction Quality
No Regular Maintenance health services
Lacking access to safe toilet Higher cost for drinking
Insufficient provision of clean water water supply
Lacking health and hygiene
awareness Opportunity for the
barangay to shift its
(secondary cause) interventions to
-Lacking technical knowledge and
- Lacking Willingness to Invest in
-Lacking Ability to Pay for Sanitation
-Lacking Access to Safe Toilet
-Poor education system
1. From the data collected and organized in the previous step, analyze the situation.
2. Use the PSFM in organizing the data analysis.
3. Follow the guide questions. You may revise the question according to realities in the your barangay.
4. A separate sheet (word doc is distributed to the participants)
Barangay Planning, Presentation (uploaded by julsreyes)
Credits to: google photos and images