Strategy Protecting Preparing Homeland Against Threats Electromagnetic Pulse Geomagnetic Disturbances
Strategy Protecting Preparing Homeland Against Threats Electromagnetic Pulse Geomagnetic Disturbances
Strategy Protecting Preparing Homeland Against Threats Electromagnetic Pulse Geomagnetic Disturbances
October 9, 2018
Vision: The United States is prepared for extreme electromagnetic incidents and capable of
quickly restoring critical infrastructure and supporting communities to fully recover.
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3
Mandate and Scope ......................................................................................................................4
Background ..................................................................................................................................5
Strategy Summary ........................................................................................................................6
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................8
Goal 1: Improve Risk Awareness of Electromagnetic Threats and Hazards.........................10
Goal 2: Enhance Capabilities to Protect Critical Infrastructure ............................................13
Goal 3: Promote Effective Electromagnetic-Incident Response and Recovery Efforts ........16
Appendix A: Technical Background ...................................................................................... A-1
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 2
1 See Appendix A: Technical Background for an expanded discussion of EMP, GMD, and their potential impacts.
2 There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so
vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic
security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof. Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): “Critical
Infrastructure Security and Resilience” identifies DHS as the lead for 10 critical infrastructure sectors including chemical, commercial
facilities, communications, critical manufacturing , dams, emergency services, government facilities (with the General Services
Administration), information technology, nuclear reactors, materials, and waste, and transportation systems (with the Department of
Transportation). (See
3HEMP incidents are exo-atmospheric. Most EMP impacts from a nuclear blast within the atmosphere would be overtaken by the
physical damage caused by pressure, heat, and radiation of the blast.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 3
to increase national preparedness for any electromagnetic incident. 4,5 These documents will also
guide Departmental management, oversight, and optimization of taxpayer resources.
The DHS Strategy development included engagement and collaboration across DHS Components
and with interagency partners (including the Department of Energy (DOE), the Sector-Specific
Agency (SAA) for the energy sector), as well as solicitation of input from the private sector
through the Sector Coordinating Councils (SCC). Accordingly, development of the
Implementation Plan will also include contributions from Federal partners and the private sector.
The Implementation Plan will detail DHS roles and responsibilities, current and projected
capabilities, timelines, and governance to effectuate the Strategy. 6
4 Definition of “Strategy” per 2017 DHS Strategic Planning Guidance: Articulates the vision, goals, objectives, and outcomes that
inform key budget, acquisition, and operational activities within the Department, specifying the current “problem,” “why” the
organization is particularly well-suited to address the problem, and “what” the organization needs to do to achieve the desired
outcomes. A strategy does not direct specific operations and tactics, and in this sense is distinguished from an implementation plan,
acquisition roadmap, or operational plan.
5 Definition of “Implementation Plan” per 2017 DHS Strategic Planning Guidance: Establishes the sequence of activities that the
Department must perform for a strategy to succeed. An implementation plan identifies Department roles and responsibilities, current
and anticipated capabilities, and any necessary resource considerations for each objective within the strategy’s overarching goal
and objective framework.
6 Descriptions of DHS Component/Office roles and responsibilities will be delineated in the Strategy’s implementation plan and will
be linked to the Department’s annual budget decision-making and review cycle.
7 Additional requirements directed under FY 2017 NDAA Section 1913 (2)(A) to include an intelligence-based review and
comparison of the risks and consequences of EMP and GMD were used to inform this strategy, but are classified and provided
elsewhere. Requirements under FY 2017 NDAA Section 1913 (319) related to EMP and GMD mitigation research and development
are incorporated into, and will be executed in, the implementation of this Strategy.
8 As defined in Sec. 1913 of the FY 2017 NDAA, the term “EMP” means an electromagnetic pulse caused by a nuclear device or
nonnuclear device, including such a pulse caused by an act of terrorism. The term “GMD” means a geomagnetic disturbance
caused by a solar storm or another naturally occurring event.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 4
Findings of EMP-GMD research and development activities conducted by DHS, DOE
National Labs, and other partners;
Consultation with relevant Sector-Specific Agencies and Sector Coordinating Councils;
Consideration of specific EMP-GMD threats and hazards to the electrical grid;
Determination of critical utilities and national security assets that are at risk from extreme
EMP and GMD incidents;
Evaluation of emergency planning and response technologies that would address the
findings and recommendations of EMP and GMD subject-matter experts;
Review of the feasibility of rapidly isolating one or more portions of the electrical grid;
Analysis of technology options that are available to improve the resiliency of critical
infrastructure threats from EMP and GMD, to include neutral content-blocking devices
that can protect high-voltage transmission lines;
Discussion of the restoration and recovery capabilities of critical infrastructure under
differing levels of damage and disruption; and
Analysis of the feasibility of a real-time alert system to inform the electrical grid.
Some of these elements are addressed in Appendix A: Technical Background; and the Strategy’s
Threat and Consequences Assessment. The DHS Strategy will remain in effect for calendar years
2018–2026 and will be updated every two years.
Extreme EMP and GMD incidents certainly fit into the categorization of “hard problems”—both
are low probability/high consequence scenarios that challenge effective policymaking. A major
electromagnetic incident caused by either EMP or GMD would pose immediate and simultaneous
challenges to national and local decision-makers, Sector-Specific Agencies, private sector critical
infrastructure owner-operators, and emergency managers at all levels of government. For
example, significant uncertainties exist regarding the likely effects of extreme EMP and GMD
events on existing civilian critical infrastructure. HEMP attacks by an adversary with basic nuclear
weapons and missile capabilities may be disruptive on a regional scale, but are unlikely to cause
catastrophic damage to the U.S. electric grid on a continental scale. Adversaries with highly
developed nuclear capabilities might cause widespread harm to U.S. infrastructure with complex
HEMP attacks in the context of an escalating international conflict. Space weather phenomena are
relatively well understood within the scientific community, but the historical rarity of extreme
GMD events limits availability of data useful for predictive analysis. Past events, such as the 1989
solar storm that led to the interruption of power in much of Québec for nearly nine hours, offer
proof of the disruptive potential of GMD, as well as their potential to cascade impacts across
critical infrastructure sectors and geographic regions.
The impacts to critical infrastructure resulting from electromagnetic incidents differ significantly
from other large-scale, naturally occurring hazards, such as hurricanes. Many of the most harmful
effects caused by electromagnetic incidents occur within milliseconds or seconds. These effects
may simultaneously damage critical energy distribution nodes and industrial control systems over
wide geographic areas through damage to microprocessors and power transformers. Such
simultaneous disruptions over large areas of the country would likely undermine the
implementation of mutual aid plans and agreements, a cornerstone of our approach to disaster
response. Response and recovery may be further complicated by the relative lack of awareness of
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 5
electromagnetic threats and hazards in government and industry, the potential unavailability of
communication systems, and the dearth of operational experience in dealing with the aftermath of
electromagnetic incidents.
Therefore, it is imperative that the Department work with key stakeholders at all levels of
government, and with relevant industries, to implement the goals of this Strategy.
While developing the DHS Strategy with key partners, several core principles were established
that guide the themes and tenets of the Strategy:
In the event of an electromagnetic incident, minimizing the loss of life and protecting and
restoring critical infrastructure to pre-event levels should be the Department’s highest
Assessments of electromagnetic incident risk in the planning stage of preparedness must
be based upon sound science and, in the case of EMP, consensus Intelligence Community
(IC) findings.
Critical infrastructure protection activities should be prioritized based on risk
management principles.
The interdependence of critical infrastructure sectors must be accounted for when
assessing risk and considering protective measures.
Government and the private sector should share responsibility for critical infrastructure
Sharing of threat assessments and analyses among departments, critical infrastructure
owners and operators, and private sector partners is critical to achieving a whole-of-
Nation approach to preparing for, and responding to, electromagnetic incidents.
Strategy Summary
The DHS Strategy articulates three main EMP/GMD risk mitigation goals with key objectives
identified under each goal. 9
9 Additional details, including sub-objectives are detailed in the body of the Strategy.
10 “Electromagnetic threats and hazards” includes both EMP and GMD.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 6
1.2 Increase coordination of intra-Departmental, Federal interagency, and civilian scientific
research on EMP and GMD and their effects on critical infrastructure.
1.3 Provide timely distribution of information on credible electromagnetic threats and
promote greater EMP and GMD awareness.
DHS will use the DHS Strategy and corresponding Implementation Plan to identify, assign,
execute, and track prioritized actions that will drive our comprehensive and coordinated national
EMP-GMD protection efforts. This Strategy will also inform Departmental resource allocation
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 7
decisions, beginning with associated budget processes for FY 2020. Relevant DHS Office and
Component heads will receive annual progress reports from the DHS Office of Strategy, Policy,
and Plans regarding the implementation of the DHS Strategy. In FY 2018/2019, DHS will develop
the companion Implementation Plan, including outlining lead and support roles, responsibilities,
programs, and timelines for meeting the DHS Strategy’s goals and objectives. DHS will utilize
this Strategy and the Implementation Plan to support capability gap analyses and requirements
Additionally, a draft executive order on coordinating national resilience to electromagnetic pulse
incidents is currently being developed under the auspices of the National Security Council staff in
coordination with Federal departments and agencies. Upon issuance, the executive order will
obviously inform—and potentially alter—the Department’s approach to the EMP-GMD threat that
is articulated in this DHS Strategy.
Through the partnership structure described in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, DHS
will engage with public and private sector critical infrastructure partners to implement this
Strategy. 11,12 DHS engagement with the private sector is critical to the Strategy’s success, given
that the majority of critical infrastructure potentially vulnerable to electromagnetic threats and
hazards is privately owned. DHS does not have direct regulatory authority over these critical
infrastructure sectors, and so realization of the goals, objectives, and end-states described in this
strategy will not be possible without close and continued collaboration with the private sector and
FSLTT partners.
This Strategy was developed by the DHS Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans/Strategy, Planning,
Analysis, and Risk (SPAR) in close coordination with the following DHS Offices and
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (CWMD);
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA);
National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD);
Office of the General Counsel (OGC);
Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A);
Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA);
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T);
United States Coast Guard (USCG); and
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
SPAR led a working group composed of members from each of these Offices and Components.
In fulfilment of this Congressional requirement, DHS examined critical infrastructure
vulnerabilities to electromagnetic incidents, considered updated Intelligence Community threat
11 The SCCs are self-organized and self-governed councils that enable critical infrastructure owners and operators, their trade
associations, and other industry representatives to interact on a wide range of sector-specific strategies, policies, and activities (see
12 Upon Strategy approval, DHS will consult with the relevant Federal Sector-Specific Agencies and Sector Coordinating Councils
for critical infrastructure to specifically identify and validate capability gaps and mechanisms to address them, including necessary
resources and timelines.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 8
assessments, reviewed scientific literature and ongoing research on electromagnetic phenomena,
conducted engagements with interagency partners, and reviewed relevant Department and
interagency policies and programs to inform this Strategy. SPAR also consulted with the
Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability and the Department
of Defense’s (DoD) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) to ensure appropriate linkages
exist between DHS initiatives and those of key interagency partners. SPAR engaged informally
with industry stakeholders at informational meetings organized by DTRA and DOE, and at an
annual Electric Infrastructure Security (EIS) Summit. DHS also consulted with members of the
Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack (EMP
Commission) and carefully reviewed the Commission’s research reports and threat assessments,
which helped inform this Strategy.
Finally, through NPPD, DHS consulted with the critical infrastructure Sector-Specific Agencies
(SSA) and the Sector Coordinating Councils (SCC). 13,14 The SCCs, in particular, provided insights
related to local and regional issues relevant to critical infrastructure protection from potential
electromagnetic threats and hazards.
13 Federal SSAs include: DHS, DOE, DOD, Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and
Human Services, General Services Administration, Department of Transportation, and Environmental Protection Agency. See for specific delineation of the SSA roles and responsibilities.
14 Sector Coordinating Councils are self-organized and self-governed councils that enable private sector critical infrastructure
owners and operators, their trade associations, and other industry representatives to interact on a wide range of sector-specific
strategies, policies, and activities (
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 9
Improve Risk Awareness of
Electromagnetic Threats and Hazards
Current EMP-related intelligence gathering, sharing, and analysis remains largely stove-piped
within the Federal Government and across DHS, which leads to disparate understanding of
potential electromagnetic threats and hazards. 15 This problem also creates uncertainties about how
DHS should address critical infrastructure vulnerabilities. In addition, government entities are
often challenged in their ability to understand vulnerabilities and consequences to private and
public sector critical infrastructure from EMP threats. These knowledge gaps make risk-informed
decision-making difficult.
Assessments of the risks to civilian critical infrastructure from electromagnetic incidents are
intrinsically difficult to produce due to the rarity—or complete absence—of actual events, as well
as the fundamental complexity of predicting real-world interactions between electromagnetic
pulses and thousands of diverse infrastructure installations. 16,17 As such, DHS and its private
sector partners that own and operate critical infrastructure have significant uncertainty regarding
risks posed by major electromagnetic events and, correspondingly, which (if any) mitigation
techniques would address current vulnerabilities or increase resilience. These uncertainties make
it difficult for DHS leadership and key private sector stakeholders to evaluate the return on
investments made in preparedness actions and protection measures. In addition, information
asymmetries among DHS and stakeholders increase these uncertainties and complicate efforts at
coordinated action to mitigate electromagnetic incident risk among organizations with differing
priorities and equities.
Finally, limited scientific research exists regarding the vulnerabilities of the electric grid and other
critical infrastructure from the impacts of electromagnetic threats and hazards. Governmental,
academic, and private sector entities need a more unified research effort to better inform risk
assessments that support preparedness measures for the civilian sector. In addition, the
Intelligence Community must leverage increases in scientific knowledge to continually refine
intelligence collection protocols on the capabilities and intent of potential adversaries who may
15 Threat, as defined by the 2010 DHS Risk Lexicon, refers to an individual, entity, action, or occurrence; however, for the purpose
of calculating risk, the threat of an intentional hazard is generally estimated as the likelihood of an attack (that accounts for both the
intent and capability of the adversary) being attempted by an adversary; for other hazards, threat is generally estimated as the
likelihood that a hazard will manifest.
16 Risk can be estimated as a function of threat, vulnerability, and consequences. Risk is defined in the National Infrastructure
Protection Plan 2013: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience “as the potential for an unwanted outcome
resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence, as determined by its likelihood and the associated consequences.(See:
17 Risk Assessment, as defined in the 2010 DHS Risk Lexicon, is the product or process which collects information and assigns
values to risks for the purpose of informing priorities, developing or comparing courses of action, and informing decision-making.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 10
attempt an EMP attack on the United States. Likewise, certain intelligence products may inform
the scientific research agenda to improve EMP risk assessments.
To address these issues, DHS will take steps aligned with the objectives and sub-objectives below
to improve intelligence-related capabilities, threat awareness and communication, and risk
assessment capabilities. These steps will inform and enhance operational and resource decision-
making within the Department and among critical infrastructure stakeholders.
Objective 1.1: Improve EMP-related intelligence gathering, technical analysis, and information
sharing to enhance understanding of the EMP threat.
1.1.1 Provide substantive input to the National Intelligence Priority Framework to
ensure that collection on EMP threats remains an IC priority.
1.1.2 Maintain up-to-date baseline intelligence and collection requirements for EMP
threats to ensure DHS has access to timely and relevant information relative to
changes in the EMP threat environment.
1.1.3 Produce intelligence-based, IC-coordinated EMP threat assessments that
accurately define adversaries’ intent and capabilities.
1.1.4 Share EMP threat information, as appropriate, to critical infrastructure owners and
operators to improve situational awareness and decision-making.
Outcome: DHS and key critical infrastructure owners and operators have improved
understanding of the threat posed by an intentional EMP attack.
18 Actions taken in alignment of Objective 1.2 will be aligned with the National Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
Research and Development Plan (
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 11
Outcome: Scientific knowledge of electromagnetic phenomena relevant to electromagnetic-
incident risk is increased across the Department, Federal interagency, and critical infrastructure
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 12
Enhance Capabilities to Protect Critical Infrastructure
from the Impact of an Electromagnetic Incident
The protection calculus for critical infrastructure vulnerable to extreme EMP and GMD incidents
is challenging, from detection and notification, to hardening, redundancy, and restoration. For
example, translating scientific discovery into updated and more effective protective measures
against electromagnetic threats is difficult due to the distributed ownership of the Nation’s critical
infrastructure and its diverse regulatory regime. Similarly, Federal Government networks operate
under a distributed oversight model, making uniform protection standards difficult.
National means of detecting imminent GMD-hazard events and notifying critical infrastructure
owners and operators exist, but analogous capabilities to address EMP threats require further
development. In addition, potential disruption to the continuity of government (COG) by an
electromagnetic event has not been fully assessed and remedied. This includes assessing what
redundant capabilities may be needed to ensure the impact of electromagnetic incident is limited
and infrastructure remains resilient.
These uncertainties in the probability and potential consequences of an electromagnetic incident
make it difficult for key FSLTT and private sector critical infrastructure stakeholders to evaluate
the return on investments made in potential protection measures. Information asymmetries among
stakeholders increase these uncertainties and complicate efforts for coordinated action to mitigate
risk. Commercial interests and the specter of regulatory enforcement create disincentives for
owners and operators to openly share information about potential disruptions to their systems
caused by electromagnetic events. DHS critical infrastructure protection efforts are largely
centered on voluntary partnerships and heavily depend on information sharing. The Department
actively supports vulnerability mitigation but does not generally have authority to compel it.
Objective 2.1: Identify the national critical functions and associated infrastructure that need to be
protected against an extreme electromagnetic incident, assess the systemic risk to these functions
and infrastructure from such incidents, and determine whether existing plans meet the
requirements for an effective recovery.
2.1.1 In coordination with the SSAs and SCCs, identify the priority critical
infrastructure, including space-based assets, that are acutely vulnerable to extreme
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 13
electromagnetic incidents and that, if disrupted, could reasonably result in
catastrophic regional or national effects on national security, economic security,
or public health or safety.
2.1.2 In coordination with the SSAs and SCCs, review existing restoration plans and
capabilities for the critical infrastructure identified in Sub-Objective 2.1.1 and, as
appropriate, identify consensus risk tolerances for such infrastructure within each
2.1.3 Identify DHS-owned and operated mission-critical facilities’ vulnerability to
extreme electromagnetic incidents, prioritizing “lifeline” capabilities, and
referencing existing governmental and non-governmental continuity, redundancy,
and restoration standards and guidelines. 19
Outcome: DHS has an improved, comprehensive awareness of those national critical functions
and associated critical infrastructure systems, facilities, and networks that compel protection
from an electromagnetic incident and where risk can be safely tolerated.
Objective 2.2: Increase the rigor and volume of analytical efforts to support advanced
capabilities development for EMP-GMD protection, response, and recovery measures.
2.2.1 Identify how an electromagnetic incident would specifically impact individual
critical infrastructure systems, utilities, and communications to better support the
development of protective capabilities.
2.2.2 Determine and prioritize operational needs for responding to, and recovering
from, an electromagnetic incident and enhance existing Departmental EMP-GMD
response and recovery capabilities, where necessary.
2.2.3 In partnership with SSAs and SCCs, support and promote research seeking cost-
effective approaches to reducing vulnerabilities to critical infrastructure from
extreme EMP-GMD events.
Outcome: DHS and critical infrastructure owners and operators have a prioritized list of EMP-
GMD operational needs and cost-effective solution options to improve electromagnetic protective
Objective 2.3: Identify and promote technological advances likely to significantly enhance
resilience or reduce vulnerability of critical infrastructure to electromagnetic incidents.
2.3.1. Identify those technologies and engineering approaches currently available to
improve the resiliency of critical infrastructure to electromagnetic hazards,
including physical protection of electric grid infrastructure, communications
networks, and alert systems.
2.3.2. Explore the feasibility of establishing a forum on critical equipment
interchangeability, supply chain resiliency, and mobility of spares composed of
19 Lifeline critical infrastructure sectors include Electricity, Water and Wastewater, Transportation, and Communications.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 14
representatives from relevant Sector-Specific Agencies and Sector Coordinating
2.3.3. Examine the vulnerability of the Nation’s position, navigation, and timing (PNT)
infrastructure, including lighted aids to navigation, both floating and fixed, and
identify available mitigation technologies and engineering approaches.
Outcome: Critical infrastructure owners and operators use available technologies and measures
to mitigate electromagnetic-incident risks as appropriate, ensuring continuity of lifeline services
and economically essential activities in trade and commerce.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 15
Promote Effective Electromagnetic-Incident
Response and Recovery Efforts
Response to, and recovery from, an extreme electromagnetic incident would pose immediate and
simultaneous challenges to decision makers, Sector-Specific Agencies, private sector critical
infrastructure owner-operators, and emergency managers at all levels of government. Many
harmful effects associated with electromagnetic incidents occur within seconds or milliseconds
and simultaneously affect critical infrastructure systems over wide geographic areas in ways that
are difficult to predict in advance. Response and recovery may be further complicated by the lack
of operational experience in dealing with electromagnetic incidents, including in an environment
where communications may be impaired or nonexistent. Therefore, initial response actions may
be uncertain and require alternative approaches to communication and decision-making relative to
other natural or intentional threats and hazards. Longer-term recovery will also be challenging
and require extended support at all levels of government, with critical infrastructure owners and
operators, and with the private sector. The suite of existing operational plans, procedures, and
capabilities applicable to manage the effects of all hazards may be adapted and maintained to
address the unique requirements from an EMP strike or a space weather event.
Per Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5), “Management of Domestic Incidents,”
the Secretary of Homeland Security is the principal federal official for domestic incident
management, and per the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended, the Secretary is also
responsible for coordinating Federal operations within the United States to prepare for, respond
to, and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. Utilizing the
National Response Framework (NRF), DHS is responsible for coordinating federal operations
within the United States to prepare for, respond to, and recover from an electromagnetic incident
stemming from an intentional attack or natural space weather incident. As part of DHS’s approach,
the Department must understand the potential complexities in responding to, and recovering from,
an electromagnetic incident and work with partners at the FSLTT levels and within the private
sector to promote the security and resilience of the Nation.
Objective 3.1: Establish and maintain the capability to compile, analyze, and share
electromagnetic incident information to enable appropriate response and recovery operations
across all levels of government and with non-governmental, private sector, and international
entities, as appropriate.
3.1.1. Establish, maintain, and exercise processes for electromagnetic-incident alerting,
intelligence and information collection, analysis, and exchange within DHS and
across multi-sectoral stakeholders in a potentially compromised communication
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 16
3.1.2. Enable the rapid sharing of validated electromagnetic-incident modeling
information with appropriate stakeholders to support multi-sectoral decision-
making throughout the response and recovery periods.
3.1.3. In coordination with relevant SSAs and SCCs, identify consensus
recommendations for immediate protective actions to be taken in the event of an
extreme electromagnetic incident alert.
Outcome: DHS and multi-sectoral stakeholders are able to share intelligence and information to
support operational decision-making following alert of an electromagnetic incident.
Objective 3.2: Establish and maintain effective public risk communication plans to promote
consistent messaging and address public uncertainty.
3.2.1. Ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities for lead agencies responsible for
messaging to FSLTT response officials and critical infrastructure owners and
3.2.2. Ensure provision of timely, regular, coordinated, and consistent risk
communication, including information on response and recovery procedures
across a range of media, accounting for the access and functional needs of the
whole community, including messaging in multiple formats and languages.
Outcome: Effective public information and warning on extreme electromagnetic incidents is
provided effectively to necessary stakeholders through a variety of mechanisms.
Objective 3.3: Develop, maintain, and exercise preparedness plans to enable effective and
efficient response operations across FSLTT governments, critical infrastructure owners and
operators, and, as appropriate, with international, non-governmental, and private sector partners.
3.3.1. Improve policies, plans, and guidance to ensure appropriate and timely FSLTT
response and recovery actions are initiated to manage the consequences of
electromagnetic incidents.
3.3.2. Systematically review after-action reports from previous EMP-GMD exercises to
identify and disseminate recurring resource, capability, and authorities issues.
3.3.3. Develop guidelines to help account and plan for the access and functional needs
of at-risk individuals in planning for electromagnetic incidents.
3.3.4. Incorporate EMP and GMD-related core capabilities and scenarios as regular
design elements within the National Exercise Program.
3.3.5. Support the private sector in addressing any loss of critical infrastructure
capability and capacity as quickly as possible to limit cascading electromagnetic-
incident effects.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 17
3.3.6. Adapt and augment mechanisms by which the Federal Government can use
assistance from non-federal and foreign sources with necessary resources during
an electromagnetic incident response.
Outcome: DHS, FSLTT, and industry partners execute operational plans to support an effective
and efficient response.
Objective 3.4: Provide recovery support and conduct long-term mitigation actions to promote
3.4.1. Establish and maintain capabilities to provide rapid assessment of impacted
critical infrastructure systems and prioritize their restoration based on their level
of importance according to the risk analysis documented in Goal 1.
3.4.2. Support provision of long-term supplement of critical infrastructure capability
loss to affected populations, including emergency responders.
Outcome: DHS is able to support FSLTT and private sector long-term recovery operations
following the initial response to an electromagnetic incident.
Objective 3.5: Ensure DHS is able to preserve the continuity of operations of primary mission-
essential functions following an electromagnetic incident.
3.5.1. Ensure DHS is prepared to secure, protect, and restore, as needed, critical
infrastructure assets necessary for national essential functions and Homeland
Security mission-essential functions that have the potential to impact or be
impacted by an electromagnetic incident.
3.5.2. In coordination with the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council, review the
feasibility of rapidly isolating one or more portions of the North American
electrical grid.
3.5.3. Ensure Departmental capacity to protect DHS equipment, facilities, and services
throughout the event, specifically to ensure continuity of operations.
3.5.4. Employ national alert and warning infrastructure and maintain its operational
effectiveness against electromagnetic hazards.
3.5.5. Employ continuity of government and continuity of operations plans that include
contingencies for electromagnetic incidents (including the mitigation of impacts
on critical infrastructure located within and outside the United States) to ensure
continuation of national essential functions.
Outcome: DHS continues operations and is able to perform primary mission-essential functions
following an electromagnetic incident.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD 18
Appendix A: Technical Background
This Appendix provides a technical background description of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and
geomagnetic disturbances (GMD), information which can better inform the reader of their
potential impacts on the Nation’s critical infrastructure.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD A-1
Figure 1: EMP Waveforms
Source: US Department of Energy, “Electromagnetic Pulse Resilience Action Plan,” p.1.
The E1 waveform is a fast (i.e., nanosecond rise time, hundreds of nanoseconds duration), broad-
band pulse that disrupts systems in general, including long-line electrical systems, computers,
sensors, and electronic-based control systems. E1 can generate electric field strengths on the order
of tens of thousands of volts per meter. E1 EMP can affect a wide area, but the intensity drops
considerably from the area of maximum intensity, which is geomagnetically south of ground zero
of a nuclear burst in the Northern Hemisphere.
The E2 waveform is longer and much lower in amplitude than the E1 waveform. As an
intermediate time pulse, E2 manifests itself by enhancing the EMP currents on long lines in the
microsecond and millisecond regime. The waveform is often described as being “like lightning”
and while E2 current pulses are comparable to currents induced by nearby lightning strikes, the E2
pulse’s magnitude is larger than lightning at higher frequencies; therefore the E2 and lightning
protection standards are not equivalent. 3 In addition, because E2 follows E1, E2 protections may
have failed due to the initial pulse.
Varying significantly from E1 and E2, the E3 waveform is a low-amplitude, long-duration pulse
caused by a nuclear detonation at a high altitude which causes a temporary distortion of the Earth’s
magnetic field. E3 pulses are slow, lasting from tens to hundreds of seconds. E3 induces currents
in so-called “long lines”—notably power and communication lines, pipelines, rail lines, and other
vital elements of the Nation’s critical infrastructure. These conductors act as antennas which may
enhance magnetic field coupling and increase EMP/GMD effects, including destabilizing and
damaging connected equipment such as electrical transformers.
3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Design: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Tempest Protection for Facilities
(1990). Available at [] (accessed May 7, 2018).
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD A-2
E3 waveform effects are comparable, but not equivalent, to those from geomagnetic disturbances.
A GMD event typically features multiple peaks of pulses with varying amplitudes over hours or
days; E3 typically is a singular pulse more intense and prolonged any one of these peaks.
4 “Electromagnetic Pulse,” Risk Summary Sheet for the 2017 Homeland Security National Risk Characterization (HSNRC), a
foundational analysis for DHS’s 2018 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. Other nuclear weapons effects and space weather
effects can interfere with radio communications. See Samuel Glasstone and Phillip J. Dolan, eds., The Effects of Nuclear Weapons,
3rd ed. (Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense and Department of Energy, 1977).
5 “Electromagnetic Pulse,” Risk Summary Sheet.
6Lee, K.S.H., ed., EMP Interaction: Principles, Techniques, and Reference Data (Washington D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing
Corporation, 1986).
7 Wagner, V.E., et al., "Effects of Harmonics on Equipment," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 8, no. 2 (1993): 672-680.
8 6 USC 101.
9The sun’s normal solar cycle runs 11 years. See North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), “Introduction to GMD
Studies,” available at [
GMD%20Planning%20Studies%20Workshop%20Presentation_120915.pdf] (accessed)
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD A-3
One to four days after an earth-directed flare or other eruption on the sun takes place, a GMD
arrives at Earth and can cause multiple “space weather” effects. 10 This occurs when the CME
interacts with the Earth’s electrojet and causes changes in the magnetic field. As the GMD field
couples to conductive surfaces on the ground, effects are similar to a slow-pulse E3, particularly
on long-line network systems, such as the electrical power grid, communications lines, and
pipelines. The extent of this effect varies based on the size of the system, the frequency and
magnitude of the field, and environmental factors.
Of particular concern, GMD events can cause widespread blackouts by producing electromagnetic
fields that induce extreme currents in wires, disrupting power lines and damaging large, high-
voltage transformers. GMDs have the potential to impact large areas of the earth. 11 Unlike EMP,
however, GMD events occur with regularity, raising the issue of not “if,” but “when,” the next
event will occur, and what the impacts may be.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12National Research Council of the National Academies, “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Societal and Economic
Impacts,” (2008) accessible at [
FINAL.pdf], accessed May 7, 2018.
13 Ibid.
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD A-4
Table 1, below, offers a concise summary of EMP and GMD characteristics, including causes,
warnings, effects, duration, and scope:
Table 1: EMP and GMD Characteristics
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, “Electromagnetic Pulse Resilience Action Plan,” p.4
Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of EMP and GMD A-5