Quantum Physics

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Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,

No. 8, January 2011

Quantum Consciousness: A Scientific Theological

Perspective of Sant Mat
(Religion of Saints : Radhasoami Faith)

Sanjay BHUSHAN1, Saurabh MANI2

1 Faculty of Social Sciences

Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University)

Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005
Email : bhushan.sanjay@rediffmail.com
2 Dept. Of Applied Business Economics, Faculty of Commerce,

DEI, Dayalbagh
Email: saurabhmani@rediffmail.com

Human Cognitive consciousness, in some difficult to
define sense is holistic in character. This gives hope that it can
finally be explained in ‘quantum’ terms. Classical mechanics,
on the other hand, does not naturally accommodate and
adequately explain the dynamics of cognitive consciousness.
Cognitive consciousness appears to exhibit "quantum" like
qualities. However, this realization can come only when we
look at the sub-atomic scale of cognitive consciousness where
all regular solid structures disappear or dissolve into waves or
waves of probabilities. The way we perceive the reality around
cognitive consciousness as of now is basically an illusion or
‘perceived reality’. A number of theories propounded in this
regard aim to subscribe to the idea of "quantum neurophysics”
explaining how the classical world of consciousness can
originate from quantum processes inside the human mind/
brain. Moreover, by introducing consciousness, one obtains a
philosophically elegant resolution of the paradox of quantum
measurement which says that ‘probabilistic occurrences in the
quantum world can be replaced by definite occurrences when
they enter consciousnesses.
In the area of theological (Science of religion) research,
following the architect and biomechanics of human brain, one
needs to acknowledge the dynamic possibility of exciting,
inducing or setting kinetic quantum conscious neurons
through the performance of concentration meditation
practices, prescribed as ‘SURAT-SHABDA’ yoga in the religion
of saints (more precisely in Sant Mat: Radhasoami Faith) for

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

the awakening of a fairly dormant conscious-spiritual

dynamics inside a human mind/brain and transforming it into
an enlightened quantum brain.

Quantum consciousness can be understood as a Neuro-

Spiritual phenomenon which is inseparably associated and in
communion with the dynamic Genetic-physical existence of a
human being. The present paper postulates a dynamic
hypothesis and scientific exploration of quantum
consciousness, it’s neural-genetic correlate and the prospect of
quantum computation apart from proposing a thrilling
prospect of genetic engineering in order to evolve a perfectly
compatibility human physical system in communion with the
‘quantum conscious spiritual system’.

Keywords: Quantum Consciousness, Neural-Genome

Correlate, Quantum Computation

Human Cognitive consciousness, in some difficult to
define sense is systemic and holistic in character. This gives
hope that it can somewhat be explained in ‘quantum’ terms,
as the classical mechanics, on the other hand, does not
naturally accommodate and adequately explain the
dynamics of cognitive consciousness. ‘Quantum
Consciousness’ is one of those multidisciplinary areas of
integrative systemic research where we borrow the
principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics to
find answers for some of the most intriguing questions
pertaining to cognitive consciousness. Most of the
nineteenth century science was founded upon a "Newtonian
Absolute Physics" which provided a description of the world
as interplay of forces obeying immutable laws and following
a predetermined trajectorial pattern. This was considered
as the "billiard ball" view of the world. This comfortably
solid and deterministic world view of the materialists has
however been undermined by the new physics, and in
particular through quantum science. Discovering the
properties of sub-atomic matter, an element of probability
had to be introduced into the physicists' calculations, and
each sub-atomic event was characterized in itself inherently

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

unpredictable and uncertain - one could only ascribe a

probability to the outcome. In the Quantum picture of the
world, each individual event cannot be determined exactly,
but has to be described by a ‘wave’ of probability. Thus the
simple billiard ball model collapses at the sub-atomic level

The famous equation of Quantum theory embodying

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is:

Planck's constant = (uncertainty in energy) x

(uncertainty in position)

I. Science of Quantum Consciousness and Neural


Seen from a distant macro perspective, we may have the

impression about the pre-structured cognitive consciousness
expressed in an exact and precise predictable way, but, in fact,
cognitive consciousness does also exhibit, albeit at the
quantum scale level, "quantum" like qualities. The way we
perceive the reality around consciousness as of now is
basically an illusion or ‘perceived reality’ and according to the
quantum explanation, even the formation of so called
deterministic consciousness structures can not be achieved
through a linear deterministic route.
A growing number of investigators believe that the first
step toward a science of consciousness is to discover the
neural correlates of consciousness. Indeed, Neuro-Genetic
scientists have gone so far as to proclaim that we need to
discover the neural correlates of consciousnesses. In this way,
Cognitive neuroscience can be found to be a branch of the
scientific study of biological mechanism underlying cognition,
with a specific focus on the neural substrates of mental
processes and their behavioral manifestations. It addresses the
questions of how psychological and cognitive functions are
produced by the neural circuitry [2]. One of the strongest
proponents of a theory of consciousness founded on Quantum

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

Theory, Sir Roger Penrose, a leading British physicist (in

association with his American associate Stuart Hameroff)
opined that consciousness must be a quantum phenomenon
because neurons are too big to account for consciousness.
According to him, inside neurons there is a "cytoskeleton"
(also known as Corticons as primitive substance than
neurons), the structure that holds cells together, whose
"microtubules" (hollow protein cylinders 25-nanometers in
diameter, Figure 1) control the function of synapses [3].
The hypothesis propounded by Penrose is also affirmed
by the Japanese physicist Kunio Yasue and the American
physicist Gordon Globus who claim that brain substrates
uphold second-order quantum fields. Their idea is derived
form the quantum field theory developed in the 1960s by
another Japanese physicist Hiroomi Umezawa and on his
concept of "Corticons" as more primitive substance than
"neurons". We can call it ‘quantum conscious neuron’ and
hypothesize it to be like a light or photon like entity- a
superluminal (photogenic/ photonic) particle having dynamic
quantum motions inside the gray-white matter of cerebral
cortex. Hence, the above hypotheses primarily aim to
subscribe to the idea of "quantum neurophysics explaining
how the classical world of consciousness can originate from
quantum processes inside the mind/ brain.
Quantum neuro-physicists also believe that the several
layers of the brain can host quantum processes, whose
quantum properties can effectively explain the dynamics of
cognitive consciousness. They conceptualize the human brain
as a macroscopic quantum system made up of sub-atomic
structures such as microtubules which lie inside the neuron,
and which contain quasi-crystalline water molecules that
again lend themselves to quantum effects [3].
In the discipline of theology (Science of religion) too,
following the architect and biomechanics of human brain, one
can easily acknowledge the dynamic possibility of exciting,
inducing or setting kinetic these quantum conscious neurons
through the performance of concentration meditation
practices, prescribed as ‘SURAT-SHABDA’ yoga in the religion
of saints (more precisely in Sant Mat: Radhasoami Faith) for
the awakening of a fairly dormant conscious-spiritual

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

dynamics inside a human mind/brain and transforming it into

an enlightened quantum brain [4].
The possibility of such excitation and transformation is
firmly founded on the postulate of the quantum neural states
(super positioned wave like entities) having their own space-
time geometry coined as ‘objective reduction’. And, under
special circumstances (such as in the case of electrical or
concentration-meditation induced excitation), which
microtubules of quantum neurons are suitable for, the
separation of space-time geometry reaches a point-known as
the quantum gravity threshold where the system must choose
another state or collapse into other state.
Hence, when a quantum neuron system collapses from,
say, a quantum superposition state of low consciousness to a
state of high consciousness during the meditation process
without any external environmental intervention or
assistance, by objective reduction criterion (Figure 2), we
sense out an internal intervention of a non-computable
element in it causing the self-collapse.
Objective Reduction Postulate of Quantum Consciousness:
According to Robert Penrose, Consciousness is an actual
physical process, a sequence of quantum state reductions
connected by E=h/t to an objective threshold inherent in
spacetime geometry. He further stresses that underlying
structure of the quantum world embeds Platonic information
and precursors of life and consciousness. As we all also know
that Einstein had also stated that matter is equivalent to
curvature in space-time, which also means not only at large
scales, but at infinitesimally tiny scales – the basement level of
the universe at the Planck scale…10-33 cm. Penrose observed
that quantum superposition – an object in two places/states
simultaneously – equated to two space-time curvatures in
different directions: a bubble or separation in the fabric of
reality. But the separations are unstable, and after a time t
(given by E=h/t) will spontaneously self-collapse to one
curvature or the other (an “objective reduction” – O.R., Figure
Enhancing and reaching to the higher quantum neural
potential above the quantum gravity threshold level can be

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

closely associated to the state of “Trance” or Higher degree

Consciousness as referred in the various religious literatures.
The state of trance is described as the elimination or the
cessation of the functions of the physical media resulting in
spirits being endowed with higher powers of senses, foresight
and access to a plane which is different from the planes of the
three dimensions etc. [5]. This may also be attributed to the
quantum spin carrying quantum information and different
configurations of quantum spin geometry ultimately leading to
varieties of quantum coherent ‘spiritual experiences’. This is
probably why quantum consciousness has yet not been
measured applying any physical measurement or it is not even
conceivably measurable by the quantum computers. Note that
in the case of external environmental intervention, as it turns
out; the systems in quantum state can perform massively
parallel and efficient computing and may collapse to the
solution. This is the basis for so-called quantum computing
which is currently a very live topic.
Several quantum scientists wonder about this non-
computable element of self-collapse to be something they
don't yet know about, something perhaps engrained as ‘God’s
particle’ at the Planck scale and Time* from the Big Bang and
something quite intrinsic to the creation of the universe.
However, scriptures of Sant Mat (In particular, the
Radhasoami faith, initiated by His Holiness Param Guru Huzur
Swami Ji Maharaj, Agra) authoritatively describe it to be the
current force of spirit, the current of life, the current of nectar
and light and the current of Sabda (Sound) which is
responsible for the elevation of an ordinary cognitive
consciousness to a higher degree of quantum consciousness.
On the other hand, it also collaborates with the spiritual thesis
regarding the hidden potentiality of brain, which is as it were,
the reservoir of nerve power, have other important functions
to perform which are distinct form the functions of and
sustenance of the physical frame [5].
We can thus infer that Quantum conscious neurons can be
rendered ‘spiritually active’ by constant concentration training
(meditation) towards the desirable optimum collapsing goal of
consciousness awakening or absolute consciousness in the
trance state of mind. In other word, access to these quantum

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

consciousness states originates when a self-organizing process

(the objective reduction) somehow coupled with neural
activity collapses quantum wave functions at Planck-scale
geometry. On the above lines of the excitation theory, In 1986
John Eccles, the British neurophysiologist who discovered
neurotransmitters, had also speculated that synapses in the
cortex respond in a probabilistic manner to neural excitation, a
probability that could well be governed by quantum
uncertainty given the extremely small size of the synapses
"microsite" that emits the neurotransmitter.
[*Planck Scale and Planck Time: Max Planck in 1899 gave
two constants: Gravitational constant and Planck constant.
Planck scale under Planck constant equals to 10 * -35 meter
whereas Planck Time equals to 10* - 44 Seconds. It is pertinent
to note here that according to quantum physics, at Planck
Scale, all the laws of universe (Electromagnetic, weak and
strong nuclear force and gravitational force) come as unison –
The grand unified field theory (GUT symmetry) - and can be
applied to explain virtually everything that exists in the known
It may also be indicated here that in the process of
meditation, repeated or continuous quantum synaptic
activation can result in alteration of the physical structure of
neural synapse itself and hence, may bring about a permanent
and radical change in the human consciousness and spiritual
awakening via a neural mechanism of synaptic plasticity. Here,
the extensive mutual networking of neural synapses of an
activated bunch of quantum neurons and their corresponding
synapses can also awaken ‘weak neighbour neurons’ having
dormant or very low synapse not reaching to the quantum
consciousness threshold for action potential initiation. It can
be facilitated by a simultaneous firing or bursts of action
potentials of trained and activated consciousness neurons
(through repetitive meditation practices) initiating
“awakening impulse’ in their cells where quantum neural
synapses are weak, dormant or even dead. It can be termed
equivalent to the Hebb's biological learning law, according to
which the more frequently activated synapses strengthen,
while those ones less frequently activated weaken.

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

As a quantum equivalent of the neural summation

process, the "self-collapse" of quantum neural state results in
particular "conformational states" that may further regulate
neural processes. These conformational states can interact
with neighboring states to represent, propagate and process
information and each self-collapse corresponds to a discrete
quantum conscious event taking place under cortical brain [6].
Sequences of such events then give rise to a "stream" of
enhanced quantum consciousness. In nut shell, the quantum
neural phenomenon controls the cognitive consciousness
operation of the brain through its underlying quantum
coherent state which is speculated by neurophysisists and
scientists to be arranged systemically in space-time geometry
at the fundamental Planck scale and that a self-organizing
Planck-scale process results in quantum consciousness in
humans or better to say, across the humanity.

II. Quantum Consciousness & Genetic Framework

Genetic Correlate to Quantum Conscious Neurons

In his discussion about the neural underpinnings of
consciousness, Francis Crick, co-discoverer of molecular
sequence of nucleic acid (DNA) had once said- “You are
nothing but a pack of neurons” [7]. Now it is established that
neurons are basically the expressions of genes and hence, the
building blocks of brain including quantum conscious neurons.
Recent advances in the emerging field of imaging genetics have
demonstrated a much tighter link between genetic makeup
and the functioning of brain and mind. Genes not only control
the development of neurons to make up brains, but they also
govern neuronal gene expression during our daily lives. It may
thus be safely hypothesized that quantum conscious
information loaded over the quantum spins as elaborated in
the previous section, derives its quantum properties through
its genetic encryption or coding pattern. It has also been
speculated that “if consciousness is a definite, inheritable
characteristic, it must have had survival value for it to evolve.
It then follows that consciousness must be en-coded
somewhere in our genes [8].

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

Genes are also said to be virtually responsible for every

step of the neurotransmitter cycle, including the formation,
transport, pre-synaptic expression and post-synaptic
reception of the transmitter. It further reiterates that, genes
thus operate at every level of the neural process. They can
indeed be treated like fundamental building blocks for both
the structure and the functioning of the brain and set the stage
for how neurons and functional groups of neurons act in
response to different inputs.

Genetic Dualism of Quantum Consciousness

It has been hypothesized that, every quantum behavior of
cognitive consciousness shall have a dual characterization as
self-governing super positioned coherent entity grounded on
the genetic platform. The consciousness problem is, therefore,
made of two parts, one that deals with the quantum expression
of cerebral neurons and the other that deals with how/why
those expressions originate. This dualism proves that
consciousness is an expressed and potentiated feature of
human brain which is somehow related to its genetic
properties. It also states a tight relationship between the
quantum structure of consciousness and its genetic or
functional organization in the form of Genome. From these
principles, it follows that manifestation of quantum
consciousness is due to the genetic and functional organization
of the brain. What it also suggested is that quantum
consciousness doesn't come simply from the act of putting
cerebral neurons together by magic. Although it is a
fundamental property of human neurons, its quantum
conductivity depends on the proper circumstances to take
place or say, genetic constitution to build in the human
genome in order to derive the optimum results.
The neuro-genetic thesis of quantum consciousness
proposed here can further be validated on the Darwinist
theory of human evolution. If we assume that a similar law of
evolution is responsible for all living phenomena, from the
creation of species to the physiological system, and we admit
that mind is one of them, then, a possible scenario of neural-
genome interface emerges, which is compatible with our

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

hypothesis. In nutshell, quantum consciousness engrained in

human mind is a mental equivalent of a genetic thread.
Similarly, if quantum consciousness comes from a fundamental
property of matter or say, human genome, then, we can study
why and how, under special excitation circumstances (as
described in the earlier section), that very property enables a
particular configuration of matter (the cerebral neuron) to
exhibit quantum consciousness.
The basic postulate here is, as we know, genes predispose
to various ailments and diseases much before their actual and
physical manifestation in the life of a human being and this has
been proved substantially and authoritatively through the
research findings of the human genome projects carried out in
number of countries where scientists have succeeded in
sequencing the human genome. Following this line, we can
also say that cognitive consciousness might also be coded
somewhere in the human genome knowing the genetic-neural
gateway and transmission mechanism. This theory, however,
admits the existence of quantum consciousness as separate
from the physical properties of neural matter as we know
them, but, at the same time, we also need to accept quantum
consciousness arising from a physical genetic property of
humans that behaves in a fundamentally different way from
the physical genetic properties of other low conscious species.
So, in a sense, quantum consciousness is not a "physical"
property, but it is still a property derived form its constituting
genetic physical matter. It can be reiterated here that although
neural wiring in human brain is carried out by processes that
are derived from the genome, but the information for this
wiring is not entirely contained within the genome itself.
Rather, a human brain develops by a progressive sequence of
steps each involving interplay between genetic programs and
environmental influences as propounded in the Darwin theory
of evolution.

Quantum Uncertainty and Genetic Certainty

The famous equation of Quantum theory embodying
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle emphasizes that in the
quantum picture of the world, each individual event cannot be
determined exactly, but has to be described by a ‘wave’ of

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

probability. However, if we trace the evolutionary placement

of neurons in the human brain migrating and developing axon
connections from early childhood to maturity in a human
being (as discovered by the human genome project, mapping
genome sequences all over the world), we have no choice than
to draw a conclusion that the Nature is highly deterministic in
all instances of specificities including the arrangement of
cerebral neurons firing quantum pulses of consciousness.
Nonetheless to say that certain genes in the human genome
have a unique function in space and time in developing
quantum neural consciousness in the brain as hypothesized
earlier in the section ‘quantum conscious neurons’, but that
too must also be under the dynamic evolutionary influence of
the environmental factors.
Genes are, therefore, fundamental for they constitute the
basic neural framework and leading the way we experience
quantum consciousness. It is no wonder that the DNA has been
reported to emit electromagnetic radiation (photons) in the
microwave spectrum (1-4 billion cycles per second derived
from the electricity that is flowing through our nervous system
and spinal cord) and hence it may also carry a message to the
quantum conscious neurons having photon receptors or
neurotransmitter receptors through ‘electrical synapses’
which exist much less in number than chemical synapses in the
neural arrangement but are more reliable [9]. This conceivably
builds a tunnel of DNA-Photon exchange through Cognitive-
Cerebral gateway.
Going by the same premise of Microcosm-Macrocosm
theory elaborated in the faith of saints, it is suggested that the
human physical body possess those genotype-phenotype
patterns of DNA, which can emit a radiation of higher order,
building an inseparable communion with the consciousness
photons (neurons), thus, evolving into a quantum conscious
Neuron-Genome gateway.
Illusion or Perceived Reality?
It would be prudent to bring back here the issue of
perceived reality or impressions about the pre-structured and
deterministic cognitive consciousness versus quantum
consciousness. The fact is when we measure a quantity in a

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

quantum state, we unconsciously apply subjective reduction,

which means that though the system itself is not in any specific
state, rather it is in a quantum position of possible states
(wave form), but at the point of observation, the observation
causes the quantum state to reduce or ‘collapse’ to a specific
state giving an impression or illusion of its static
manifestation. The American physicist Henry Stapp also holds
that the Quantum Theory does not talk about matter, it talks
about our perceiving matter. Stapp, here, rediscovers George
Berkeley's idealism – “we only know our perceptions
(observations)” [10].

III. Computation of Quantum Consciousness

The Brain as Measuring Device

In 1989, the British psychiatrist, Ian Marshall suggested
that consciousness in human brain may arise from the
excitation of a sort of condensate (such as Bose-Einstein or
Froelich-style condensate) and, whenever the condensate is
excited by an electrical field, conscious experience occurs. In
his opinion, the brain would maintain dynamical coherence
thanks to an underlying quantum coherent state which is
precisely due to the properties of such a condensate.
Scientifically measuring, the best neuro-physiological correlate
of consciousness (NCC) comes from EEG
(Electroencephalography. Figure 4), voltage fluctuations
recorded from scalp or brain surface. EEG is divided into
frequency bands: Delta (< 4 Hz), Theta (4 to 8 Hz), Alpha (8 to
12 Hz), Beta (13 to 30 Hz) , Gamma (> 30 Hz) and Coherence in
gamma synchrony among different brain regions may be
described as the most appropriate correlate of physically
measurable quantum consciousness.
According to John Dunne, Emory University, “...
consciousness itself is only momentary... a sequence of
moments..causing each other…each moment of consciousness
only lasts for a very short period of time. A very advanced
meditator… is able to detect the transition from moment to
moment… They are..1/64th of the snap of a finger”. Buddhist
writings are also known to quantify the frequency of conscious
moments. The Saarvastivaadins describe 6,480,000 moments

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

in 24 hours (one moment per 13.3 seconds = 75 Hz), and

Chinese Buddhists as 50 ‘thoughts’ per second (50 Hz). Note
that Gamma synchrony EEG is 30 to 90 Hz.
At the quantum level, it is hypothesized that the
computation of quantum consciousness is possible through the
protein qubits orchestrated by synapses inside the
mocrotubular arrangement of neural circuitry (Figure 5).
Hence, the brain is, in effect, treated as a Heisenberg-type
quantum measuring device, according to which, the mental life
of each human being is representable as a sub-sequence of the
full sequence of Heisenberg events. The neural wave function
enfolds superposed possibilities, and then consciousness
chooses one classical branch and annihilates the others [10].
However, some even propose that there is no consciousness
with a random core like above. Instead, consciousness is
cybernetic. Scientists maintain that the evolution of the
quantum wave function of neural circuitry is not random, but
optimized under a principle of "least neural action". In this
way, the random effects of quantum consciousness can be
replaced by a "cybernetic" quantum consciousness operating
as a free-willing agent. This also gels well with the earlier idea,
giving rise to a remarkable and dynamic possibility of
existence of genetically engrained quantum neural
phenomenon in the human brain. Under the cybernetic
approach, consciousness participates in an interaction [11].
According to this, consciousness is a quantum eruption
offering possibilities to the match with sensory input and thus
with reality. Therefore, mental states are not randomly chosen
in mental acts but conserve real symmetry and evolve under
optimal control (i.e., minimization of the neural action). We
can thus infer that ‘Cybernetic consciousness’ here is fully
consistent with the physical principles of quantum field theory
and the spiritual thesis of God’s grand design.
Whichever ways; by introducing consciousness, we can
conclusively recognize that brain substrates uphold second-
order quantum fields, and so should not be treated as ordinary
physical measuring devices. One definitely obtains a
philosophically elegant resolution of the paradox of quantum
measurement which says that ‘probabilistic occurrences in the

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

quantum world are replaced by definite occurrences when

they enter consciousnesses. This implies that Schrodinger's cat
(a quite infamous paradox of ‘half dead-half alive cat’
propounded by Schrodinger to explain quantum uncertainty)
becomes definitely dead or definitely alive when a conscious
being sees it. [12]. In other words, coherent super-positions,
the multifaceted quantum waves, exist in the transcendent
order until consciousness brings them to the world of
appearance with the act of observation and, in the process,
consciousness chooses one facet out of two, or many, that are
permitted by the mathematics of quantum mechanics. Hence,
consciousness is not about doing something to objects via
observing, but consists of choosing among the alternative
possibilities that the wave function presents and recognizing
the result of choice.
This conscious ‘selection’ is a continuous process
happening inside human brain, which also has a measurable
physical channel of manifestation. Collaborating to this
quantum manifestation of human brain, it has long been
known that the global electrical activity of the brain is
characterized by distinct oscillatory components at different
frequencies and that they correlate well with such large
functional states as wakefulness and sleep and during the
period corresponding to REM sleep (in which a subject, if
awakened, reports having been dreaming), 40-Hz oscillation
similar in distribution phase and amplitude to that observed
during wakefulness is observed [13].
Thus, it proves that quantum consciousness has some
direct physical effect and one may then hypothesize that the
entropy reduction of arrays of possible states by human
consciousness is correlated with those changes the states of
conscious systems which correspond to conscious acts. This
further connects to the assertion of the present research that
consciousness is a process which is part of the dynamics of
certain physical systems under ‘an intelligent design and
supreme guidance’ expressing itself physically through neural-
genome gateway.

Therefore, the uncertainty surrounding quantum

consciousness exhibits our own conscious choice that we make

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

and the nature replies only what we ask from it. It doesn’t at all
mean we have a degree of control over Nature or its quantum
manifestations. We should also never forget the prime fact that
all mind/brain properties and the hidden potentials at
microcosmic level are subordinate to the ‘spirit force’ which
supplies to them all the needed energy and intelligence and
bliss to realize whatever is contained within or manifested
outside as its physical organization. In fact there is no
contradiction theory so far as we are able to understand the
gradation and potential difference existing between the super
quantum ‘spirit entity’ and that of human mind and their
internal communion and relations.

Future Research: Designing and Developing Quantum

Conscious Genome -
Based on the above discourses, altering the DNA genome
to create a perfect compatibility of a human physical system
with that of the quantum conscious spiritual system might
prove to be another very exciting field of scientific and
theological exploration. The basic claim here is that a genetic
pool of a given population potentially contains the solution, to
a given adaptive problem i.e. evolution of Spiritually Conscious
SUPERMAN (an idea propounded in the religious literature of
Sant Mat). This solution might not be "active" because the
genetic combination on which it relies is split between several
subjects. Only the association of different enlightened genomes
can lead to the solution. No subject has such a genome, but,
God willing and only ‘God willing’, during reproduction,
crossover or even through sudden mutations, new genetic
combination occurs and, finally, a subject can inherit a "Super
gene" from ‘super’ parents. Through this process of
recombining genes, organisms can produce offspring with new
combinations of maternal and paternal traits that may
contribute to or enhance survival-fitness.So, towards this end,
we may propose to possibly design a genetic map for our
‘Quantum Conscious Genome’ carrying genetic map of a
quantum conscious - SUPERMAN possessing a very high grade
of Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Consciousness

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

It can be inferred from the above account that all the
individual entities in the universe, matter or non-matter, are in
constant systemic interaction with each other in a multifaceted
coherent manner under the supervision of the supreme ‘spirit
force’ by exhibiting the quantum properties at the
microcosmic and macrocosmic levels. Their properties are
however manifested under space-time geometry and
unaffected by whatever is the space time separation between
them. In the same manner, Quantum consciousness can be
understood as a Neuro-Spiritual phenomenon which is
inseparably associated and in communion with the dynamic
Genetic-physical existence of a human being.

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12. GOERTZEL, Ben., The Structure of Intelligence: A New
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RC, GELBART WM, Chapter 5. An Introduction to Genetic
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BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

Caption for Figures

Figure 1 - Microtubular Neural Structure

Figure 2 - Objective Reduction Self-Collapse propounded

by Penrose-Hameroff

Figure 3 - Sequence of Preconscious-Conscious Events

Figure 4 - Electroencephalogram Measurement

Figure 5 - Quantum computations in microtubules

orchestrated by synapses- Orch OR

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

Figure 1 - Microtubular Neural Structure

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

Figure 2 - Objective Reduction Self-Collapse

propounded by Penrose-Hameroff

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

Classical Classical Classical Classical Classical

Information Information Information Information Information

Conscious Conscious Conscious Conscious Conscious

E Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre-

conscious conscious conscious conscious
(Superposition/ quantum quantum quantum quantum
Separation) superposition superposition superposition superposition

0 25 50 75 100
Quantum Information Quantum Information Quantum Information Quantum Information

Classical Information Classical Information Classical Information Classical Information

(Memory) (Memory) (Memory) (Memory)
Time (T) msec

Figure 3 - Sequence of Preconscious-Conscious Events

BHUSHAN - Quantum Consciousness

Figure 4 - Electroencephalogram Measurement

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science,
No. 8, January 2011

Figure 5 - Quantum computations in microtubules

orchestrated by synapses- Orch OR


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