Flute Music
Flute Music
Flute Music
Laura E. Gilliam & William Lichtenwanger
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This Checklist has been published under the auspices of the Dayton G.
Miller Fund, a portion of Dr. Miller's generous bequest to the Library of
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in 2011 with funding from
Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries
ated with Prof. Edward W. Morley in those ether drift experiments that
still concern astronomers and mathematicians dealing with Einstein's theory
Lightning and Cosmic Rays (1939), and (translated and annotated) Theo-
bald Boehm's The Flute and Flute Playing (1908, revised 1922, reprinted
1960) .Death came to Dr. Miller at Cleveland on February 22, 1941, just as
he was preparing to move with his entire collection of flutes, books, and
related materials to the Library of Congress, and here complete the varied
investigations that remained unfinished and unpublished.
A similar variety of interests is reflected in Dr. Miller's collection of flutes
and allied instruments, which are here listed publicly for the first time. No. 1
in the collection is his father's Civil War fife, used as a toy and broken during
young Dayton's childhood. No. 4 betrays the eager enthusiasm of the adult
flutist, finally able to afford a first-class instrument made especially for him.
Nos. 8 and 10 show Dayton G. Miller as both the theoretical scientist and the
expert craftsman ; the first is of silver and the second of gold, and this concern
with the properties of diflferent materials for musical instruments was a major
factor in his development of the phonodeik and in the many acoustical
experiments he subsequently carried out, using examples in his collection.
(When war work of 1917-19 he had started plans for a
interrupted by his
platinum were never resumed.) But though his interest in acoustics
flute that
reasons for admiring and acquiring whistles, recorders, flageolets, fifes, flutes,
and even a few other species of instruments of many kinds from many lands.
It is interesting to note that a great part of the collection, close to 85 percent,
was acquired after Dr. Miller had passed his 50th birthday.
The information given in this Checklist is based very largely on the infor-
mation found in Dr. Miller's neatly pencilled ledgers, in which each instru-
ment is accorded a single page that is supplemented upon occasion by
drawings, letters, and other documentation. Only rarely has it been possible
to add to or corroborate Dr. Miller's data by securing the opinions of spe-
cialists in the many fields that come into question. Often, for example, it
1. FIFE (FRAGMENT). Hopkins, Village, Pan-American Exposition, Buf-
Troy, New York, c. 1860. falo, New York, 12 Sept. 1901.
5. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & Co., 12. FLUTE IN C. Clair Godfroy, aine,
London, 1898. Paris, c. 1840.
Boehm system with some Rockstro fea- Boehm's 1832 system, Dorus G-sharp;
tures, open G-sharp; foot to B; silver; cocus with silver fittings; 655 mm; illus.
704 mm; flute made to order for DCM; (p. 11, fig. 6) DCM's Flute Flute- &
illus. (Plate Girard's La Flute,
viii) Playing, 1922. Bought from William R.
1953. Bought from Rudall, Carte & Co., Gibbs, Boston, 24 March 1906.
London, 5 March 1899.
open G-sharp, extra thumb lever for B- bamboo stained brown with bone ferrules
16. T'AI P'ING HSIAO (VERTICAL Boehm's 1832 system, Dorus G-sharp,
WHISTLE FLUTE). Chinatown, San Briccialdi thumb lever added; cocus with
Francisco, c. 1900. silver fittings; 679 mm. Gift of Charles
H. Ditson Co., New York, 1 Sept. 1908.
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes; bam-
boo stained brown with bone ferrules at
each end, blue tassel; 525 mm. Gift of
A. P. Miller, Oakland, California, 1906
Boehm & Mendler, Munich, 1870{?).
or 1907. 13 holes with raised edges spaced ac-
cording to the Boehm system; 2 joints;
17. CHI NA (DOUBLE-REED PIPE), boxwood with brass rings; 870 mm; illus.
Chinatown, San Francisco, c. 1900. (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 1) DCM's Flute &
Flute Playing, 1922. Gift of James S.
7/1 ; redwood body with brass bell and Wilkins II, Preston, Cuba, 1909.
staple; 330 mm (without reed). Gift
of A. P. Miller, Oakland, California,
Dec. 1906(?). 25. FLUTE IN C. A. G. Badger, New
York, 1845-92.
Carte & Co., London, c. 1900. Bought from estate of Joseph Fischer,
18 karat gold with engraved lip plate; Cleveland, 2 March 1913.
225 mm. Bought from WiUiam R. Gibbs,
Boston, 11 Jan. 1908. 29. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-19th
22. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose, Lon-
8 keys plus 6 covered finger holes; rose-
don, 1832-37.
wood or cocus with silver fittings; 665
6 or 10 keys; D* and B-flat foot joints; mm. Bought from estate of Joseph
grenadilla with silver fittings; 600 or 742 Fischer, Cleveland, 2 March 1913.
30. PICCOLO IN E-FLAT. Firth, Hall 38. FLUTE IN C. Djalma Julliot {?),
& Pond, New York, 1833-47. "La Couture," late 19th cent.
1 key; boxwood with brass key and 6 keys with raised finger holes; silver;
ivory rings; 280 mm. Bought from es- 615 mm. Brought from Lyon & Healy,
tate of Joseph Fischer, Cleveland, 2 Chicago, 25 Apr. 1913.
March 1913.
39. FLUTE IN C. Martin Thibouville
31. MUSETTE. Basque, Saintes, France, Aine, Paris, late 19th cent.
mid-19th cent.
Boehm system with perforated keys,
6/1; 6 keys; cocus with silver fittings; closed G—sharp; silver; 675 mm. Bought
361 mm
(without reed). Bought from from Harris Loan Office, San Francisco,
estate of Joseph Fischer, Cleveland, 2 Aug. 1913.
March 1913.
40. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-19th
32. PANPIPES. 19th cent. cent.
20 pipes; D^—D'; bamboo; 145—64 5 keys; boxwood with silver keys (shell-
mm. Bought from estate of Joseph shaped) and black horn rings; 640 mm.
Fischer, Cleveland, 2 March 1913. Bought from Carl (Max) Fischer, New
York, 1 Nov. 1913.
33. OBOE IN C. Cahusac, London,
1780-1810. 41. FLUTE INC. Philip p Euler, Frank-
furt, 1818^0.
2 keys (one with double touch) box- ;
wood with brass keys and ivory rings; 12 keys; foot to A; cocus or grenadilla
586 mm. Bought from estate of Joseph with silver fittings; 800 mm. Bought
Fischer, Cleveland, 2 March 1913. from Carl Fischer, New York, 1 Nov.
13 keys (extra C
key on outer side)
43. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Rose, Carte
Bought from estate of Joseph Fischer, Carte's 1851 patent; silver; 650 mm.
Cleveland, 9 March 1913. Bought from F. E. Higgins, Worcester,
Mass., 10 June 1914.
36. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th
cent. 44. FLUTE IN C. Cornelius Ward,
London, 1842-60.
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
ivory rings; large brass bell attached to Ward's 1842 patent; foot to A; cocus
foot; 670 mm
(without cap), 596 mm with silver fittings; 730 mm. Bought
(without cap and bell). Bought from from Allen Loomis, Detroit, 5 Apr. 1915.
estate of Joseph Fischer, Cleveland, 9
March 1913. 45. DOUBLE FLAGEOLET. E. Riley,
New York, 1819-31.
37. FIFE IN A-FLAT. Firth, Son & Right tube: 3 keys plus shutter; left
Co., New York, 1865-67.
tube: 2 keys; boxwood with brass keys
Rosewood or cocus with brass ferrules; and ivory rings, studs and beak; 470
425 mm. Bought from estate of Joseph mm. Bought from The Little French
Fischer, Cleveland, 9 March 1913. Shop, New York, 22 July 1916.
46. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. Anon., 53. PICCOLO IN C. Boehm & Men-
early 19th cent. dler, Munich, 1862-81.
3 keys; boxwood with silver keys and Boehm system, open G-sharp; grena-
ivory rings, studs, and beak; new upper dilla with silver fittings; 300 mm; illus.
jointand beak made by DCM; 400 mm. (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 8) DCM's Flute &
Bought from The Little French Shop, Flute-Playing, 1922. Bought from George
New York, 22 July 1916. W. Haynes, New York, Dec. 1916.
Right tube: 3 keys plus shutter; left 8 keys; cocus with silver fittings; 650
tube: 3 keys plus shutter; boxwood with mm. Body and foot bought from George
brciss keys and ivory rings, studs, and W. Haynes, New York, Jan. 1917; head
beak; 395 mm. Gift of Wm. S. Haynes, gift of William S. Haynes, Boston, 5 Feb.
Boston, Sept. 1916. 1917.
Boehm system, open G-sharp; boxwood Boehm system, closed G-sharp; 2 head
joints (high and low pitch) cocus with
with silver fittings; head not original; 650 ;
mm. Gift of William S. Haynes, Boston, silver fittings; 320 mm. Bought from
Sept. 1916.
Alexander Selmer, New York, 10 Jan.
49. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm & 56. PICCOLO IN C. Anon., 19th cent.
Mendler, Munich, 1862-81.
6 keys plus 6 covered finger holes;
Boehm system, open G-sharp; silver
wood lacquered black with silver fittings;
plated with cocus head; 865 mm; brought
303 mm. Bought from pawn shop on
to U.S. by Carl Wehner; illus. (p. 94, fig.
North Clark Street, Chicago, 26 Jan.
31, no. 16) DCM's Flute &
1922. Bought from George W. Haynes,
New York, 26 Sept. 1916.
57. FLUTE IN C. Boehm & Mendler,
Munich, 1862-81.
50. PICCOLO IN C. Schulze, New
Haven, Connecticut, 1890. Boehm system, open G-sharp; grena-
dilla with silver fittings, 685 mm; illus.
5 keys, 4 rings (simplified Boehm sys-
(p. 94, fig. 31, no. 4) DCM's Flute &
tem) ;
grenadilla with silver fittings; 314 Flute-Playing, 1922. Bought from George
mm. Bought from Louis P. Fritze, W. Haynes, New York, 1 Feb. 1917.
Brooklyn, Dec. 1916.
52. FLUTE IN C. Boehm & Mendler, 59. FLUTE IN C. Boehm & Mendler,
Munich, 1862-81. Munich, 1879.
Boehm system, open G-sharp; grena- Boehm system, open G— sharp; foot to
dilla with silver fittings; 687 mm; illus. B; silver with wood head; 675 mm; illus.
(p. 94, fig. 31, no. 3) DCM's Flute & (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 13) DCM's Flute &
Flute-Playing, 1922. Bought from Louis Flute-Playing, 1922. Bought from Eugene
P. Fritze, Brooklyn, Dec. 1916. R. Shippen, Detroit, 5 Feb. 1917.
60. FLUTE IN C. C. G. Christman, Kearney Street, San Francisco, 5 Sept.
New York, 1837-54. 1917.
Carte's 1851 patent modified; other Nickel-plated brass; 412 mm. Bought
holes have been cut into body and then from pawn shop, Chicago, 29 Nov. 1917.
filled; silver with ebonite tube at em-
bouchure; 628 mm. Bought from Baxter-
84. FLUTE IN C. "Monzani & Co.,"
Northup Co., Los Angeles, 13 Sept. 1917.
London, c. 1850 {?).
76. FLUTE IN C. Frank Aman & Co., Siccama model (British Patent No.
Chicago, 1917. 10,553, Abel Siccama, 1845) ;cocus with
silver at embouchure and silver fit-
open G-sharp; DCM:
9 keys, 5 rings, tings;656 mm. Bought from Baxter-
"Special 'Aman' Model, of conical bore. Northup Co., Los Angeles, 18 Jan. 1918.
Boehm system made with the idea of a
good flute for cheap, quantity produc-
Silver; 673 mm. Bought from
85. FLUTE IN D FLAT. H. F. Meyer,
Hannover, c. 1900.
Frank Aman & Co., Chicago, 29 Sept.
1917. 12 keys; foot to C^; grenadilla with eb-
onite head an silver fittings; 676 mm.
77. FLUTE IN C. Karl Stecher, Vien- Bought from Baxter -Northup Co., Los
na, late 19th cent. Angeles, 18 Jan. 1918.
81. PICCOLO IN C. Rudall, Carte & 11 keys; foot to B; cocus with ivory
Co., London, 1918. head and silver fittings; 723 mm. Bought
Boehm open G-sharp; cocus
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles,
with 316 mm. Bought
silver fittings;
March 1918.
1860. 1872.
Boehm system with perforated keys, Boehm system with perforated keys,
Dorus G-sharp; foot to B; cocus with closed G-sharp; foot to D^; cocus with
silver fittings; 703 mm. Bought from ebonite head and silver fittings; 533 mm.
George W. Haynes, New York, 22 March Bought from Baxter-Northup Co., Los
1918. Angeles, 20 Nov. 1918.
92. FLUTE IN C. Th. Boehm & Men- 99. FLUTE IN C. Th. Boehm, Munich,
dler, Munich, 1877. c. 1850.
Boehm system, open G-sharp, octave Boehm system with keys mounted on
key; foot to B; silver with gold lip plate; far side, open G-sharp; 2 head joints;
671 mm; illus. (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 11) silver with one head of wood; 663 mm;
DCM's Flute & Flute-Playing, 1922. illus. (p. 11, fig. 7 and p. 94, fig. 31,
Bought from George W. Haynes, New no. 9) DCM's Flute & Flute-Playing,
York, 22 March 1918. 1922. DCM: "This isprobably the first
metal Boehm flute to be brought to
93. FLUTE IN C. Martin Freres, Paris, America [1864 by Martin Edward
mid-19th cent. Heindl]." Boehm' s No.
Bought from 19.
Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles, 20 Nov.
4 keys; cocus or rosewood with silver
615 mm. Bought from "Atlas,"
927 D Street, N.W., Washington, 16 May
PIPES). Egypt, 19th cent.
94. FLUTE IN C. T. Berteling & Co.,
Each pipe 6/0; bamboo pipes (3 joints
New York, 1857-90.
each) bound together with string; a coiled
14 keys, Berteling's system, extra key snake of braided wire is attached; 339 mm
for E^; grenadilla (head and barrel cov- (without reeds). Bought from James S.
ered with silver tube) with silver fittings; Gibson, Boston, 23 Dec. 1918.
660 mm. Bought from "Atlas," 927 D
Street, N.W., Washington, 16 May 1918. 101. IRISH UNION PIPE (CHANTER
ONLY). Michael Egan, Liverpool, c.
95. FLUTE IN C. Carl Fischer, New 1845-51.
York, c. 1900.
7/1 (double holes), 1 key; wood with
13 keys plus 6 covered finger holes; foot brass key and ivory ring; 380 mm.
to B; grenadilla with 715
silver fittings; Bought from James S. Gibson, Boston,
mm; "E. Vanloock/Washington D.C." 23 Dec. 1918.
stamped on lower end. Bought from
"Atlas," 927 D Street, N.W., Washington, 102. NOSE FLUTE. Indonesia{?),19th
16 May 1918. cent.
105. WHISTLE. North American Indi- Giorgi system (9/2); ebonite; lowest
an, 19th cent. pitch D^; 2 joints; 523 mm. Bought
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles,
Eagle wing bone ( ? ) stained purple 9 Apr. 1919.
with thong loop; 150 mm. Bought from
travelling salesman, Cleveland, Jan. 1919.
113. FLUTE IN C. Wm. A. Pond &
Co.,New York, 1865-77.
106. WHISTLE. North American In- 8 keys; cocus or rosewood with silver
dian or Mexican, 19th cent. keys and ivory rings; 665 mm. Bought
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles,
2 tone holes in front below neck;
9 Apr. 1919.
pottery stained brown; in the shape of
cow or dog; 100 mm. Bought from
travelling salesman, Cleveland, Jan. 1919.
Bulgaria, 19th cent.
7/0 ; mahogany
with broad deco-
( ? )
109. FLUTE IN C. Clinton & Co., 117. DOUBLE FLAGEOLET. Bacon &
London, c. 1863. Hart, Philadelphia, 1818-32.
Clinton's Equisonant Model; silver; Right tube: 5/0, 3 keys plus shutter;
657 mm. Bought from D. Ehrlich, New left tube: 7/0, 2 keys plus shutter; box-
York, 15 Feb. 1919. wood with brass keys and ivory beak and
studs; 480 mm. Gift of Robert R. Tat-
nall, Philadelphia(?), 11 Oct. 1919.
110. FLUTE IN C. Louis Lot, Paris,
c. 1875. 118. FLUTE IN LOW F. George W.
Boehm system with perforated keys, Haynes, Los Angeles, 1898.
closed G-sharp; cocus with silver fittings; Boehm system, closed G-sharp; tube of
675 mm. Bought from George W. Mexican silver dollars; lip plate of $20
Haynes, New York, 17 March 1919. gold piece; tube has the first drawn tone
holes, originated by G. W. Haynes; 954 (British Patent No. 16039, Alberti, 1914)
mm. Bought from Baxter-Northup Co., has an inner tube which can be shifted by
Los Angeles, 18 Oct. 1919. a semitone distance for the primary finger
holes. The keys are oblong in shape to
the two different hole spacings.
119. FLUTE IN C. F. Schauffler & J.
fit 294
Leukhardt, Boston, 1851-57. and 310 mm. Gift of Nicholas Alberti,
Chicago, 22 May 1920.
13 keys; foot to A; cocus with ivory
head and silver fittings; 785 mm. Bought 127. ALTO RECORDER IN F. P.
from Edward F. Chapin, Chicago, Nov. Bressan, London, c. 1720-24.
Boxwood withivory rings and beak;
125. FLUTE IN C. Bollard, Dublin, Sounds G-sharp^ and E'; boxwood with
1822-36. ivory beak; 245 mm. Bought from A. P.
5 keys ; C-sharp ^ ivory with
foot to ;
Miller, Oakland, CaHfornia, 19 July 1920.
silver 640 mm.
fittings; Bought from
Redman, Chicago, 24 May 1920. 133-A. FLUTE IN C. Abel Siccama,
London, 1850.
126. PICOLO IN C AND D-FLAT. 12 Siccama model; cocus with
Nicholas Alberti, Chicago, c. 1914.
643 mm; made for Chris-
silver fittings;
Boehm system with Alberti patent, topher Welch. Bought from John Finn,
closed G-sharp; the Alberti patent Essex, 21 July 1920.
133-B. FLUTE IN C. Abel Siccama, rings; 602 and 630 mm. Bought from
London, c. 1850. Jean Mignolet, Denver, Colorado, 20
Sept. 1920.
12 keys, Siccama model; cocus with
silver fittings; 643 mm. Source unknown.
Boehm system, open G-sharp; silver 6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes, hole
with gold lip plate; 650 mm; used in at upper end for drying wind chamber
Buffalo Bill's Wild West European tour (stopped with paper plug) lowest pitch
in 1887; illus. (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 10) C"; bamboo with bone ferrules and green
DGM's Flute & Flute-Playing, 1922. tassel;477 mm. Bought in Chinatown,
Bought from Paul H. Oliver, Nutley, New San Francisco, 16 Aug. 1920.
Jersey, 7 Aug. 1920.
Bought from John Finn, Essex, 20 Sept. Bought in Chinatown, San Francisco, 16
1920. Aug. 1920.
136. PICCO PIPE. Anon., mid-1 9th 143. FENG HUANG HSIAO
cent. (NOTCHED FLUTE) . Chinatown, San
Francisco, early 20th cent.
Boxwood; 90 mm. Bought from John
Finn, Essex, England, 20 Sept. 1920. 5/1, tassel holes; bambo with bone tips;
550 mm. Bought from Pierce's Old Book
137. NOSE FLUTE. India, 19th cent. & Curio Store, Berkeley, California, 17
4/0; bamboo with incised design; Aug. 1920.
small hole (size of a pin) opposite the first
finger hole 244 mm.
; Gift of John Finn, 144. SEITEKI (CROSS FLUTE). Ja-
Essex, England, 20 Sept. 1920. pan, early 20th cent.
147. FLUTE IN C. Boehm & Mendler, of John B. Taylor, Schenectady, New
Munich, c. 1870. York, 4 Dec. 1920.
169 mm;
fittings; illus. (p. 94, fig. 31, no.
Francisco, 20 Aug. 1920.
3) DCM's Flute & Flute Playing, 1922.
Bought from George W. Haynes, New
148. FLUTE IN C. Cahusac, London, York, 3 Dec. 1920.
late 18th cent.
1 key; boxwood with brass fittings; 156. FLUTE FOOT JOINT. Boehm &
621 mm. Bought from A. Masino, Oak- Mendler, Munich, c. 1870.
land, California, 23 Aug. 1920.
4 keys (foot to B) cocus with silver
3 keys (1 with double touch); ebony
2/0; bamboo; 303 mm. Gift of Jean with silver keys and ivory rings and bar-
Mignolet, Denver, Colorado, 5 Nov. 1920. rel;568 mm. Bought from Friedrick's
Music House, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
152. FLUTE IN G. Proser, London, 26 Jan. 1921.
1 key; boxwood with brass fittings; 604
159. FLUTE IN C. Wm. S. Haynes Co.,
Boston, 1921.
mm (without cap) ; Boehm's first flute;
illus. (p. 4, fig. 2) DCM's Flute Flute- & Boehm system, open G-sharp; silver;
Playing, 1922. Bought from Franz Rath, 673 mm; illus. (Plate xxvii) Girard's
San Diego, California, 20 Sept. 1920. La Flute, 1953. Made especially for this
collection. Bought from Wm. S. Haynes
153. FLUTE IN D-FLAT. A. Buffet, Co., Boston, 18 Feb. 1921.
jeune, Paris, mid-19th cent.
593023— Gi- ll
silver with gold lip plate and gold plates 166-D. WHISTLE. North American In-
on all keys; 675 mm; illus. (p. 94, fig. 31, dian, late 19th cent.
no. 12 and p. 97, fig. 34) DCM's Flute
Pitch F"*; black pottery in the shape of
& Flute-Playing, 1922. Made for Gen-
eral Daniel Macauley, former mayor of a jug(?); height 35 mm. Bought from
Indianapolis. Bought from A. Gastman, Whalen's Curio Store, Los Angeles, Cali-
Chicago, 5 March 1921. fornia, 21 March 1921.
164. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. ivory top opens by a screw thread joint,
North American Indian, early 20th cent. for storing spare membrane paper; 720
mm. Bought from Hakubun-Do Co., Los
6/0; pottery with 3 bands of purple Angeles, 17 March 1921.
stains and bands of reddish-brown stains
below embouchure and around finger 169. TAKE-BUE OR SHINO-BUE
holes; small bell at lower end; 200 mm. (CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th
Gift of Eckstein Case, Calif ornia (?) , Apr. cent.
7/0; bamboo lacquered red inside with
12 narrow and wide windings of rattan;
165. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & 425 mm. Bought from shop on 7th or
Co., London, c. 1877.
9th Street between Brandy and Webster,
Boehm system (Rockstro Model) with Oakland, California, Apr. 1921.
perforated keys, open G-sharp; silver; 640
mm. Bought from Baxter-Northup Co., 170. TAKE-BUE OR SHINO-BUE
Los Angeles, 22 Apr. 1921. (CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th
166-A. WHISTLE. North American
7/0 bamboo lacquered red inside with
Indian, late 19th cent.
12 narrow and wide windings of rattan;
Pitch E-flat'"; pottery bird painted red, 465 mm. Bought from shop on 7th or
green, and blue; height 55 mm. Bought 9th Street between Brandy and Webster,
from C. H. Schroeder, Pasadena, Cali- Oakland, California, Apr. 1921.
fornia, 21 March 1921.
166-B. WHISTLE. North American In- (CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th
dian, late 19th cent. cent.
Pitch C-sharp^; pottery bird( ?) painted 7/0 ; bamboo lacquered red inside with
red; height 58 mm. Bought from C. H. 1 narrow and wide windings of rattan
Schroeder, Pasadena, California, 21 490 mm. Bought from shop on 7th or
March 1921. 9th Street between Brandy and Webster,
Oakland, California, Apr. 1921.
166-C. WHISTLE. North American In-
dian, late 19th cent. 172. TAKE-BUE OR SHINO-BUE
Pottery bird with red, pink, blue, black
(CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th
and gold markings; height 83 mm.
Bought from
curio store, San Diego, 7/0; bamboo stained brown and lac-
California, Sept. 1923. quered red on inside with 3 rattan wind-
ings; 410 mm. Bought from Hakubun- 180. FLUTE IN C. A. G. Badger, New
Do Co., Los Angeles, Apr. 1921. York, mid-19th cent.
655 mm; illus. (p. 94, fig. 31, no. 2) Music Loan Exhibition Catalogue, 1909.
DCM's Flute & Flute-Playing, 1922. Formerly in the Southgate Collection.
Bought from H. H. Honeyman, Detroit, Bought from John Finn, Essex, England,
12 May 1921. 5 July 1921.
178. FLUTE IN C. Emilio Plana, Flor- 185. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 19th
ence, c. 1860-80. cent.
187. FLUTE IN C. William Hall & 195. FLUTE IN C. Franzeri, Guarena,
Son, New York, 1848-75. Spain, early 19th cent.
8 keys; cocus with silver fittings; 652 6 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
mm. Bought from A. P. Miller, Oak- ivory rings; 600 mm. Flute is stamped:
land, California, July 1921. "Franzeri/Guarene." Bought from G.
Meriggioli, Milan, 14 Oct. 1921.
188. FLUTE IN C. Tulou, Paris, 1860.
196. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 18th
12 keys (Tulou model) ;
grenadilla with
silverfittings; 682 mm. Bought from
Harry V. Baxter, Geneva, 2 Aug. 1921. 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
ivory rings; 615 mm. Bought from G.
189. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Mollen- MeriggioH, Milan, 14 Oct. 1921.
hauer, Fulda, Germany, mid-19th cent.
B; silver; 710 mm. Body marked Ram- pone, Milan, late 19th cent.
pone; head marked Stowasser. Bought
from McMillin Music Co., Cleveland, 1 7 keys, 2 rings ; foot to A ; ivory with
24 Aug. 1921. silver fittings and enamelled cap and tip;
780 mm. Bought from G. Meriggioli,
193. FLUTE IN C. Djalma Julliot, Milan, 14 Oct. 1921.
"La Couture," late 19th cent.
Boehmsystem (Julliot model) with 4
201. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm & Mend-
ler, Munich, 1862-81.
perforated keys, closed G— sharp; silver;
680 mm. Bought from James S. Gibson, Boehm system, open G-sharp; silver
Denver, Colorado, 26 Aug. 1921. with ebonite lip plate; 835 mm; illus. (p.
94, fig. 31, no. 15) DCM's Flute Flute- &
194. FLUTE IN C. Collard, London, c. Playing, 1922. Bought from William
1885. Keinath, Bayonne, New Jersey, 29 Oct.
Carte's 1867 patent with Collard's
modifications (British Patent No. 4661,
202. WHISTLE. North American In-
Collard August Drake, 1885); 2 joints;
dian {Haida), 19th cent.
ebonite with silver fittings; 665 mm.
Bought from F. A. Halls, New York, 7 Two pieces of wood cemented together
Sept. 1921. with black gum; 320 mm. Bought from
Harvey's Indian Curio Store, Albu- 210. SEITEKI (CROSS FLUTE). Ja-
querque, New Mexico, 12 Nov. 1921. pan, early 20th cent.
204. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Beltrami, 6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes; low-
Lugano, Switzerland, early 19th cent. est pitch A^; bamboo lacquered red in-
side with ivory tips and blue tassel; ivory
6 keys; boxwood with brass keys and top opens by a screw thread joint, for
ebony rings; 513 mm. Bought from Bax- storing spare membrane paper; 750 mm.
ter-Northup Co., Los Angeles, 26 Nov. Bought from Aoki, San Francisco, 14 Dec.
1921. 1921.
1 2 pipes ; bamboo wrapped with leather 6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes;
strips; 300 — 110 mm.
Bought from bamboo stained black with ivory tips and
Pierce's Old Book and Curio Shop, Berke- green tassel; lowest pitch B-flat^; 596 mm.
ley, California, 15 Dec. 1921. Bought from Chew, Chong, Tai & Co.,
San Francisco, 14 Dec. 1921.
South Sea Islands, late 19th cent. 214. T'AI P'lNG HSIAO (VERTICAL
WHISTLE FLUTE). Chinatown, San
6/0 (very small holes) heavy wood; ; Francisco, early 20th cent.
660 mm. Bought from E. Bloch Mer-
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes;
cantile Co., San Francisco, 14 Dec. 1921.
lowest pitch C^; bamboo stained black
with ivory tips; 430 mm. Bought from
209. WHISTLE. North American In- Chew, Chong, Tai & Co., San Francisco,
dian, late 19th cent. 14 Dec. 1921.
cap). Bought from William Keinath, 224. FLUTE IN C. Sternberg, Buda-
Bayonne, New Jersey, 2 Jan. 1922. pest, early 19th cent.
216. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose, rings; 5 joints;612 mm. Bought from G.
London, 1821-27. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922.
622 mm. Bought from Julius Heisinger, joints ; boxwood with and ivory silver keys
Oconto, Wisconsin, 2 Jan. 1922. rings; 663, 675 and 683 mm. Bought
from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922.
219. FLUTE IN C. Louis Lot, Paris,
late 19th cent.
Scalvini, Brescia, Italy, early 19th cent.
Boehm system with perforated keys,
1 key; boxwood (cut to look like bam-
closed G-sharp; silver with gold lip plate; boo) with brass key and black ebony
666 mm. Bought from Christensen & knob; 936 mm. Bought from G.
Co., Boston, 20 Jan. 1922. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922.
1 Feb. 1922.
221. PICCOLO IN D-FLAT. /. Zieg-
ler, Vienna, mid-1 9th cent. 230. FLUTE IN C. /. Ziegler {?), Vi-
6 keys; ebony with silver fittings; 296 enna{?), mid-1 9th cent.
mm. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 17 keys; foot to G; ivory with silver
1 Feb. 1922.
with recurved foot joint; 705 mm.
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb.
222. PICCOLO IN D-FLAT. P. 1922.
Maino, Milan, mid- 19th cent.
5 keys; boxwood with brass keys and 231. FLUTE IN C. S. Koch, Vienna,
black horn rings; 294 mm. Bought from mid-19th cent.
G. MeriggioH, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922. 15 keys; foot to G; ebony with silver
fittings; 880 mm. Bought from G.
223. GIORGI FLUTE IN C. Maino & Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922.
Orsi, Milan, c. 1900.
xxvii) Girard's La Flute, 1953. Es- from George R. Moore, Janesville, Wis-
pecially built Mascagni's opera La
for consin, 22 Feb. 1922.
Parisina. (see also Nos. 1342 and 1345).
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 239. CROSS FLUTE. North American
1922. Indian {Seminole) , 19th cent.
234. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & fig. 5) DCM's Flute Flute-Playing, &
1922. Bought from Arthur Gemein-
Co., London, c. 1878.
hardt, Markneukirchen, Germany, 23
RadclifF system; cocus with silver fit- Feb. 1922.
tings; 653 mm. Bought from Emma Pen-
dleburry, Fall River, Massachusetts, 6 241. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
Feb. 1922. North American Indian, 19th cent.
wood. Foot keys in Boehm style of 1832." 243. WHISTLE. John Spear {North
Grenadilla with silver fittings; 630 mm. American Winnebago Indian), 1922.
Bought from J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey,
Pitch G-sharp"; cane with thong hold-
England, 17 Feb. 1922.
ing paper for upper lip; 290 mm. Made
especiallyfor this collection. Bought
237. WHISTLE. North American In- from Oliver La Mere, Winnebago. Ne-
dian, 19th cent. braska, 16 March 1922.
fastened on with snake skin, thong wrap- tion;260 mm. Gift of Philip P. Quayle,
ping at lower end; 410 mm. Bought Washington, 28 March 1922.
246. FLUTE IN C. T. Prowse, London, 254. FLUTE IN C. Anon., c. 1880.
mid-19th cent.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; ex-
8 keys ("C. Nicholson's Improved"); perimental flute ( ? ) , all body keys may
cocus with silver and silver fit-
lip plate be removed by drawing out only one rod;
tings; 655 mm. Bought from Percy M. 2 joints; phosphor-bronze with silver lip
Teasdale, Bushey, England, 29 March plate and silver fittings; 635 mm. Bought
1922. from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 24 May 1922.
247. VIVO SHU (NOSE FLUTE). 255. FLUTE IN C. Jul. Heinr. Zimmer-
Papeete, Tahiti, early 20th cent. mann, St. Petersburg, late 19th cent.
Denver, Colorado, 8 Apr. 1922. 2 silver rings (7.7 mm) for inside of
barrel joint and outside of body joint
248. VIVO SHU (NOSE FLUTE). to lower the pitch. Bought from G.
Papeete, Tahiti, early 20th cent. Meriggioli, Milan, 24 May 1922.
262. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Rose, Carte with those from another flute. Bought
& Co., London, c. 1860. from G. W. Beaman, Princeton, Massa-
chusetts, 12 July 1922.
Carte's 1851 patent modified; silver;
641mm. Bought from William R. Gibbs,
Boston, 7 June 1922. 270. FLUTEIN C. Buhner & Keller,
Strasbourg, late 18th cent.
263. FLUTE IN C. Th. Boehm & Mend- 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
ler, Munich, 1862-81. ivory rings; 615 mm (without cap).
Boehm system, open G-sharp, Schleif Bought from Victor R. Sleeter, Bloom-
ington, Illinois, 18 July 1922.
key; silver with silver head (with gold lip
plate) and wood head, gold plates on all
keys; foot to B; 682 mm; illus. (Plate 271. WALKING STICK FLUTE IN C.
viii) Girard's La Flute, 1953. Bought Anthony, Philadelphia, 1794-1830.
from Paul H. Siebeneichen, Jamaica,
New York, 12 June 1922. 4 keys; wood stained brown and black
and covered with "thorns"; ivory cap;
957 mm. Gift of W. P. Harrell, Ports-
264. PITCH PIPE. Anon., late 18th
mouth, Virginia, 24 Aug. 1922.
266. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th Sumac; 294 mm. Bought from Fran-
cent. ces Densmore, Red Wing, Minnesota, 15
Sept. 1922.
4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
black horn rings; 603 mm. Bought
from G. W. Beaman, Princeton, Massa- 274. CLARINET IN C. Graves & Co.,
chusetts, 12 July 1922. Winchester, New Hampshire, 1852-63.
267. FLUTE IN C. Herman Wrede, 5 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
London, 1829-46. ivory rings; 598 mm. Bought from G.
W. Beaman, Princeton, Massachusetts,
6 keys; foot to C*; boxwood with silver
12 July 1922.
keys; 670 mm. Bought from G. W. Bea-
man, Princeton, Massachusetts, 12 July
1922. 275. CLARINET IN C. Herman Wrede,
London, 1829-46.
place unknown, early 19th cent.
8 keys; boxwood with
brass keys and
ivory rings; 527 mm
(with mouthpiece).
1 key; boxwood with brasskey and Bought from G. W. Beaman, Princeton,
ivory rings; 299 mm. Bought from G. W. Massachusetts, 12 July 1922.
Beaman, Princeton, Massachusetts, 12
July 1922.
269. FLUTE IN C. Stanesby Junior, Chinatown, San Francisco, 19th cent.
1 key; ivory with silver fittings; 616 Bought in Chinatown, San Francisco, 16
mm; DCM replaced the 2 middle joints Aug. 1920.
277. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & Flute . ,1911. Formerly in the Tap-
. .
cans marked "Best Petroleum"; 470 mm.
Formerly in the Southgate Collection.
Bought from Harold Reeves, London, 24
283. END-BLOWN PIPE. Hungary {?)
Oct. 1922.
late 19th cent.
7/1; cane; 786 mm. Formerly in the 288. NOTCHED FLUTE. Nande, West
Southgate Collection. Bought from Har- Uganda (Ruenzori), late 19th cent.
old Reeves, London, 24 Oct. 1922.
4/0; bamboo with tuft of grey hair
attached at lower end; 390 mm; illus. (p.
284. END-BLOWN PIPE. Rumania,
126, fig. 37 and p. 154, fig. 51, no. 1)
late 19th cent.
J. Finn's 77ie Recorder, Flute , 1911. . . .
6/1 ; wood painted with red and green Formerly in the Southgate Collection.
bands at each end; 338 mm; illus. (p. 151, Bought from Harold Reeves, London, 24
fig. 49, no. 6) J. Finn's The Recorder, Oct. 1922.
289. string near hole at upper end; 357 mm.
IDIOGLOTTAL BEATING REEDS). There is no sign of a flue. lUus. (p. 154,
Egypt, late 19th cent. fig. 51, no. 4) J. Finn's Recorder, Flute
1911. Formerly in the Taphouse
Chanter: 6/0; drone; bamboo bound .,
. .
301. FLUTE IN A. Monzani & Co., 308. FLUTE IN C. Clement Masson,
London, c. 1815. "La Couture," 1922.
6 keys; foot toA; boxwood with silver Bourne- JuUiot system (Boehm system
787 mm. Bought from J. Clayton
fittings; with extra keys) 4 perforated keys; silver;
Boyes, Bushey, England, 16 Nov. 1922. 672 mm. Made especially for this col-
lection. Bought from Clement Masson,
302. PICCOLO IN C. Anon., late 19th La Couture, 4 Jan. 1923.
don, late 19th cent. tings; 670 mm. Bought from Clayton
Boyes, Bushey, England, 27 Jan. 1923.
1 key; rosewood with silver fittings; 380
mm. Bought from Baxter-Northup Co.,
Los Angeles, 2 Dec. 1922. 311. FLUTE IN C. P. Plana, Milan,
early 19th cent.
305. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm, Mu- 1 key; boxwood stained black with
nich, 1847-62.
brass key and black horn(?) rings; 607
Boehm system, open G-sharp, Schleif mm. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan,
key; 863 mm; Boehm's No. 4;
silver; 7 Feb. 1923.
315. FLUTE INC. G. Esposito, Naples, 323. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose,
late 19th cent. London, c. 1850-54.
8 keys, 2 rings (Piazza model?) ; en- 8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
amelled black wood with silver fittings 655 mm. Boiaght from J. Clayton Boyes,
670 mm. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Bushey, England, 26 Apr. 1923.
Milan, 7 Feb. 1923.
324. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose,
316. FLUTE IN C. /. M. Camp, Litch- London, c. 1837-47.
field, Connecticut, c. 1830.
8 keys; boxwood with inset silver lip
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and plate, silver keys, and ivory rings 660 ;
ivory rings; 610 mm. Gift of R. E. Wil- mm. Bought from J. Clayton Boyes,
liams, New York, 7 Feb. 1923. Bushey, England, 26 Apr. 1923.
8 keys; ivory with silver fittings; 659 1 key with double touch; boxwood
mm. Bought
from J. Clayton Boyes, with brass key and ivory rings; 710 mm.
Bushey, England, 10 March 1923. Bought from Sumner Healey, New York,
25 Apr. 1923.
318. NOSE FLUTE. New Caledonia,
late 19th cent. 326. ALTO RECORDER IN F. L.
No finger holes; bamboo incised with Hotteterre, Paris {?), late 17 th cent.
zigzag lines and wound with snakeskin in
Boxwood with ivory rings and beak;
5 places; 957 mm. Bought from George 525 mm. Bought from Sumner Healey,
R. Moore, Jamesville, Wisconsin, 20
New York, 25 Apr. 1923.
March 1923.
Bone with neck cord of thong wrapped Ivory; 490 mm. Bought from Sumner
with red and green porcupine quill Healey, New York, 25 Apr. 1923.
strings; 196 mm. Bought from N. E. Car-
ter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 12 Apr. 1923. 328. RECORDER
IN A(?). S. Sch-
vechbaur, place unknown, mid-18th cent.
320. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & Ivory; 5 pieces (barrel and foot screw
Co., London, 1883. on) 448 mm. Bought from Sumner
332. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. 340. FLUTE IN G. Rudall, Carte &
Anon., 19th cent. Co., Ltd., London, c. 1913.
6/0 ; white porcelain with blue and gilt Carte's 1867 patent; cocus with silver
design; 310 mm. Bought from Sumner fittings; 655 mm. Bought from Louis
Healey, New York, 25 Apr. 1923. Rossi, New York, 31 May 1923.
334. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Martin, 342. FLUTE IN C. Clinton & Co., Lon-
Paris, mid-1 9th cent. don, c. 1850.
Boxwood; 223 mm. Bought from 8 keys, 2 rings (Clinton's 1848 patent
Sumner Healey, New York, 25 Apr. 1923. system); cocus with silver fittings; 650
mm. Bought from William Powell,
Birmingham, England, 15 June 1925.
(FRENCH). Collin, Paris, 1780-1820.
343. FLUTE IN C. /. Wood, London,
Chanter: 4/2; right tube: drone; left 1804{?).
tube: 1 key(?); boxwood; 375 mm. 8 keys; ebony with silver fittings; 670
Bought from Sumner Healey, New York, mm. Flute marked "patent" on slide
25 Apr. 1923. joint and "A. Ashe, Opera London. 1804"
on head. DCM: "This flute seems later
336. END-BLOWN FLUTE. Corinth, than 1804; 'patent' was issued in 1814!"
Greece, c. 1912. Bought from William Powell, Birming-
ham, England, 15 June 1923.
6/1; wood bound with wire at lower
end 3 1 1 mm obtained from a shepherd
; ;
344. PICCOLO IN C. Boehm & Mend-
boy who was playing this pipe at the ler, Munich, 1862-81.
Acropolis. Gift of John D. Batchelder,
Washington, 22 Apr. 1923. Boehm open G-sharp; grena-
dilla with silver
fittings; 314 mm.
Bought from Anthony Wehner, Reading,
337. FLUTE IN C. William Henry Pot-
Pennsylvania, 22 June 1923.
ter, London, 1809-17.
6 keys; foot to C^; boxwood with silver 345. WHISTLE. North American In-
keys and ivory rings; 668 mm. Bought dian (Sioux), late 19th cent.
from William Powell, Birmingham, Eng- Leg bone of a fawn or eagle wing
land, 17 May 1923. bone ( ? ) pitch
C-sharp^ 212 mm. ;
348. FLUTE IN G. Eisenbrant, Gbt- 354. FLUTE IN C. Stengel, Bayreuth,
tingen, c. 1785. mid-19th cent.
lined head joint, with tuning slide, is all Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 29
new excepting the ivory cap. It bears no Sept. 1923.
name. All other pieces are marked.
[2] Middle joints have no key; . . . . . .
355. PICCOLO IN E-Flat. Anon., 19th
Lower cent.
[1] has one silver key for B-flat.
middle joint has keys for G-sharp and 6 keys; ebony with silver fittings; 263
short F. The short foot joint has key mm. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan,
for D-sharp. All keys are hemispherical 29 Sept. 1923.
cup, and are on posts. The original flute
had only the one key for D-sharp, and 356. PICCOLO IN F. /. Ziegler, Vi-
this was a square-flat flapped key, enna, 1820-47.
mounted in the ivory ring. The silver
ferrules are probably new, also." Bought
4 keys (no short F key —long F only) ;
J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, Aug. 4/1 ; bamboo lacquered red inside; 420
1923. mm. Bought from Hakabun-Do, Los
Angeles, 13 Sept. 1923.
352. FLUTE IN C. dementi, London,
early 19th cent. 360. OCARINA. Anon., early 20th
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
665 mm. Bought from J. Koenigsberg, 8/2 white porcelain ornamented with
New York, Aug. 1923. blue design; 155 mm. Bought from Bax-
ter-Northup Co., Los Angeles, September
353. FLUTE IN C. Pask, London, 1923.
9 keys; rosewood with silver lip plate
A7ion, 19th cent.
and silver fittings (keys, ferrules, cap, and
lip plate are engraved ; inlaid silver rings 6 keys body of ordinary flute type with
at all finger holes; inlaid pearl at em- special flageolet head ebony with silver
362. PANPIPES. Anon., early 20th 367-B. PANPIPES IN B-FLAT. Anon.,
cent. Brianza, Italy, 1923.
23 Oct. 1923.
is used as a 'Piccolo,' that is, it is always
370-A. PANPIPES IN B-FLAT. Anon., for Harmony [Nos. 372 A & B]. These
Brianza, Italy, 1923. instruments play the bass note one octave
higher than Group IX [374], one on the
19 pipes; range F^ —
F"; bamboo; 244
beat, one on the after beat." See No.
22 mm. DCM: "Four Second Harmony 366. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan,
Altos or Little Basses. This group [Nos. 23 Oct. 1923.
370A-D] plays the bass note an octave
higher than Group VII [372 A & B], and
two octaves higher than Group IX [374].
Brianza, Italy, 1923.
Two of the instruments play on the beat,
and two on the after-beat." See No. 366. 19 pipes; range small F F^; bamboo; —
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 23 Oct. 475—24 mm. See Nos. 372-A and 366.
1923. Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 23 Oct.
593023—61- 27
378. FLUTE IN G. Claude Laurent, 385. FLUTE IN G. J. Hale, London,
Paris, 1813. 1784-1804.
4 keys; clear cut glass with silver 6 keys; 3 upper body joints; foot to G*;
fittings; 618 mm; illus. (Plates x and satinwood with silver keys and ivory rings
XIV ) Girard's La Fldte, 1953. Pre- 6 7 1 6 78, and 688
, ; illus. mm
( Plate viii
& Co. [?), London, c. 1878. 1 key; glass with silver fittings; 337
Boehm system with Gollard's arrange- mm; illus. (Plate x) Girard's La Flute,
ment of hinges and clutches (British 1953. DGM: "Mr. Baxter visited M.
Patent No. 5266, Collard Augustus Drake, Charly in 1921, and was told that the
factory was hit by a German bomb in the
1878), open G-sharp; ebonite with sil-
ver fittings; 298 mm. Bought from J. war. Piccolo in its case was thrown into
Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, 14 Nov. the street and cracked. Charly . . .
382. FLUTE IN G. Claude Laurent, dition of the five keys, by cutting the
Paris, 1826. tenon off the head, shortening the head
to make high pitch, by putting in a lining
8 keys; clear fluted glass with silver and slide joint and by enlarging
. . .
391. FLUTE IN G. Firth, Pond & Co., 399. FLUTE IN G. Martin, Potsdam,
New York, 1848-65. 1820.
4 keys; rosewood with silver fittings; 8 or 11 keys; 2 upper body joints (one
615 mm. Gift of(?), Rochester, New with 2 keys and one with 5 keys) ebony ;
York, 1923. with silver keys and ivory rings; 680 mm.
Bought from W. H. Wilkinson, Antiques,
392. FLUTE IN C. E. Riley, New York, Kansas Gity, Missouri, 13 March 1924.
1 rosewood with silver key and
key, 400. FLUTE IN G. Scherer, Paris {?),
ivory rings; 613mm. Bought from J. R. c. 1764.
394. FLUTE IN G. Monzani & Co., 4 keys; ebony with silver keys and
ivory rings; 627 mm. Gift of D. A. Mc-
London, c. 1814-20.
Donald, Ghicago, 13 March 1924.
9 keys; 2 head joints; lower body and
foot are one joint; cocus with silver fit-
tings; 665 and 670 mm. Bought from Wallis &
Son, London, early 20th cent.
J. Glayton Boyes, Bushey, England, 4
March 1924. 6 keys (ordinary 6 keyed piccolo with
keys slanted for vertical holding) cocus ;
395. FLUTE IN G. Anon., 18th cent. with ebonite head and silver fittings; 263
mm. Bought from William Powell,
1 key; 8 pieces (plus missing piece) ;
Birmingham, England, 22 March 1924.
ivory with silver key and silver inlaid at
finger 568
holes; mm
403. FLUTE IN G. Potter, London,
DGM: "Study of the scale indicates that late 18th cent.
a piece about 2/2" or 3" long is missing
from the head joint." Bought from 6 keys; foot to G'; boxwood with silver
Maude P. Hull, Antiques, Richmond, keys and ivory rings; 670 mm. Bought
Virginia, 7 March 1924. from John T. Shiel, Walkden, England,
4 Apr. 1924.
ter, Markneukirchen{?), early 19th cent. 404. FLUTE IN G. T. Prowse, London,
early 19th cent.
5 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
black horn rings; 487 mm. Bought from 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
J. R. Gragg, Bainbridge, Ohio, 10 March ivory rings; 602 mm. Bought from John
1924. T. Shiel, Walkden, England, 4 Apr. 1924.
4 keys; rosewood with silver keys and 6 keys (plus added key for high G);
ivory rings; 615 mm. Bought from Peter foot to G'; ivory with silver keys; 665
R. Sleight, Newark, New York, 13 March mm. Gift of Louis P. Fritze, Brooklyn,
1924. New York, 7 Apr. 1924.
407. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. T. ]. 415. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm &
Weygandt, Philadelphia, c. 1840. Mendler, Munich, 162-81.
7/1, 1 key; boxwood with brass key Boehm system, open G-sharp : phosphor
and ivory beak and studs; 395 mm. Gift bronze with cocus head; 640 mm. James
of Mrs. J. McArthur Harris, Philadelphia, S. Wilkins: "Mr. Boehm made three
24 Apr. 1924. sample flutes, one 'G' and two 'C 's, of
phosphor bronze. This metal Mr.
. . .
7/1, 1 key; applewood(?) with brass flutes of it." Bought from Mrs. James
key and ivory beak and studs; 480 mm. S. Wilkins, Newton Center, Mass., 6 June
1 key; ivory with silver key; 607 mm. 1 key ; boxwood ( ? )silver key and
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 24 May ivory rings; 620 mm. Bought from Sum-
1924. ner Healey, New York, 7 June 1924.
14 keys; foot to B-flat; ivory with silver 6/1, 5 keys; grenadilla with silver
fittings; 755 mm. Bought from G. Merig- fittings and horn knob; 903 mm. Bought
gioli, Milan, 24 May 1924. from Sumner Healey, New York, 7 June
413. PICCOLO IN C. /. Ziegler, Vi-
enna, 1820-47. 421. TABOR PIPE. Anon., 19th cent.
6 keys; Ivory with inlaid gold rings at 2/1; wood with
ivory beak and rings;
finger holes, gold key cups, and silver 315 mm. Bought from Sumner Healey,
touch pieces; 315 mm. Bought from G. New York, 7 June 1924.
Meriggioli, Milan, 24 May 1924.
422. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 18th
414. FLUTE IN C. Anon., 19th cent. cent.
brass keysand black horn rings; 658 mm. body joints; 633, 647, and 664 mm.
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 24 Bought from Sumner Healey, New York,
May 1924. 7 June 1924.
423. OBOE IN C. Rouge, London{?), 431. FIFE IN B-FLAT. Anon., early
C.1780. 20th cent.
3 keys ; ivory with silver keys and black Raised finger holes; nickel plated brass
horn ferrules; 503 mm. Bought from (?) with ebonite tube at embouchure;
Sumner Healey, New York, 7 June 1924. 348 mm. Gift of Mrs. William E. Cory,
Mt. Wilson Hotel, California, 31 Aug.
424. FLUTE IN C. William Henry 1924.
Potter, London, 1809-1817.
6 keys; foot to C^; boxwood with silver
432. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & Co.,
keys and ivory rings; 670 mm. Bought London, c. 1871-78.
from William Powell, Birmingham, Eng-
land, 7 July 1924. Boehm system with perforated keys
(Rockstro model), open G-sharp; silver;
425. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. Anon., 640 mm. Bought from Baxter-Northup
19th cent. Co., Los Angeles, 8 Sept. 1924.
426. FLUTE IN C. Keith, Prowse & 3 pipes pitched G-flat^, A-flat^, and
Co., London, 1832-46. B-flat^; cane pipes tied together with two
bands of braided grass; 247-202 mm.
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
Gift of Clarence Elkin, North Sydney,
650 mm. Bought from J. Clayton Boyes,
AustraHa, Sept. 1924.
Bushey, England, 16 July 1924.
tuning slide; ebony with silver keys and 436. NOTCHED FLUTE. Malo Is-
ivory rings; 650 mm. Copied from a flute land, New Hebrides, 19th cent.
in the Brussels Museum which is a copy
3/0; cane; 655 mm. Gift of Clarence
of a Quantz flute in the Hohenzollern
Elkin, North Sydney, Australia, Sept.
Museum in Berlin. Bought from Eugene
Joseph Albert, Brussels, 24 July 1924.
438. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Rose & 445. FLUTE IN C. John Simpson, Lon-
Carte, London, 1853-54. don, c. 1826-30.
Boehm's 1832 system, open G-sharp; 4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
cocus with silver fittings; 653 mm. ivory rings; 600 mm. Bought from Wil-
Bought from J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey, liam Powell, Birmingham, England, 4 Nov.
England, Sept. 1924. 1924.
452. FLUTE IN C. Louis Lot, Paris, 460. FLUTE IN C. E. Rittershausen,
1880. Berlin, c. 1916.
Boehm system with perforated keys, Boehm system, closed G-sharp; foot to
closed G-sharp; silver; 680 mm. Gift B; silver; 711 mm. "E. Rittershausen/
of Charles D. Chapman, Morristown, New Berlin/Carl Fischer/New York/4420"
Jersey, 15 Dec. 1924. stamped on flute. Bought from George
W. Haynes, New York, 27 Feb. 1925.
453. FLUTE IN C. /. Wood{?), Lon-
461. FLUTE IN C. H. Fentum, Lon-
don{?), 1799-1808{?).
don, mid-19th cent.
8 keys (originally 6 keys) foot to C^; ;
8 keys (Nicholson
holes) rosewood ;
carved ivory with silver fittings (engraved with silver 662 mm. Bought
keys) 678 mm; illus.
; (Plate ix) from J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England,
Girard's La Flute, 1953. DCM: "Keys 11 March 1925.
of unique style : flat flaps, hinged at one
edge, closing down like a 'trap-door,' 462. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. Key, Lon-
raised by a lever engaging in a loop on the don, early 19th cent.
upper side." Bought from John T. Shiel,
4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
Walkden, England, 1 Jan. 1925.
ivory rings; 400 mm. Bought from J.
Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, 1
454. DOUBLE NOSE FLUTE. Bengal March 1925.
Province, India, early 20th cent.
463. FLUTE IN C. T. Prowse, London,
4/0 (both pipes identical) wood ;
early 19th cent.
stained red, pipes bound together with
string; 440 mm. Gift of J. S. Lovejoy, 4 keys; satinwood with silver keys and
Calcutta, March 1925 (?). ivory rings; 600 mm. Bought from J.
Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, 15 Apr.
455. DOUBLE NOSE FLUE. Bengal 1925.
Province, India, early 20th cent.
464. FLUTE IN C. W. Milhouse, Lon-
4/0(both pipes identical) bamboo ;
don, 1799-1828.
stained with red, green, yellow, and black
bands; 315 mm. Gift of J. S. Lovejoy, 8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
Calcutta, March 1925 (?). 672 mm. Head is reduced in diameter
at embrouchure. Bought from J. Clayton
456. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. Boyes, Bushey, England, 15 Apr. 1925.
Bengal Province, India, early 20th cent.
465. PICCOLO in E-FLAT. Hawkes
7/1; wood stained red; 292 mm. Gift & Son, London, c. 1905.
of J. S. Lovejoy, Calcutta, March
6 keys; grenadilla with rubber barrel
and silver fittings; 260 mm. Bought from
457. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. William Powell, Birmingham, England,
Bengal Province, India, early 20th cent.
16 May 1925.
468. FLUTE IN C. Staudinger, Dres- 475. FLUTE IN G. Claude Laurent,
den, 1819. Paris, 1814.
1 key; boxwood with brass key and 4 keys; 2 upper body joints; 3 pewter
black horn rings; 581 mm
(without cap). rings have been included to fill socket
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 20 space when the joints are pulled for tun-
Apr. 1925. ing; clear glass with 607 silver fitings;
and 624 mm; and x)
illus. (Plates vm
469. FLUTE IN C. Bernhart, place un- Girard's La Flute, 1953. Bought from
known, late 18th cent. Francis Rotch, Seattle, Washington, 12
May 1925.
1 key; satinwood(?) with silver key
and ivory rings; 600 mm. Bought from
G. MeriggioH, Milan, 20 Apr. 1925.
476. FLUTE IN C. W. Card, London,
from Haynes Brothers, New York, 6 May of Thurlow Lieurance, Lincoln, Nebraska,
1925. 9 June 1925.
481-A. GIORGI FLUTE IN C. Joseph 488. PICCOLO IN C. Berteling, New
Wallis & Son, London, c. 1888. York, late 19th cent.
Giorgi system (8/0 with 3 keys) ; ebon- Boehm system, closed G-sharp; grena-
ite with silver fittings; 520 mm. Bought dilla with silver fittings; 292 mm. Gift
from WilHam Powell, Birmingham, Eng- of M. Earl, Oakland, California, 29 Aug.
land, 9 June 1925. 1925.
unknown; bought from Powell? bound together with string; 240 mm.
Bought from Pierce's Old Book Store,
Berkeley, California, 31 Aug. 1925.
early 19th cent.
7/1, 1 key; boxwood with brass key and Japan, early 20th cent.
ivory beak; 405 mm. Bought from Wil-
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes; bam-
liam Powell, Birmingham, England, 9
boo stained brown in a mottled design
June 1925.
and lacquered red inside with ivory tips;
550 mm. Bought from Aoki, San Fran-
483. FLAGEOLET-PICCOLO IN F. cisco, 3 Sept. 1925.
Anon., 19th cent.
486. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. Hawkes & 5/1, tassel holes; jade formed on out-
Son, London, c. 1905. side in imitation of bamboo with yellow
tassel; 563 mm. Bought from The Ming
6 keys; grenadilla with ebonite barrel Co., San Francisco, 3 Sept. 1925. (See
and silver fittings 380 mm. Bought from
Lyon & Healy, Chicago, 15 July 1925.
494. WHISTLE. North American In-
487. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. Hawkes & dian (Sioux), 19th cent.
Son, London, c. 1905.
Pitch G"; elder (?) with decorations
6 keys 6 covered finger holes;
plus burned in; piece of thin skin tied over
grenadilla with ebonite barrel and silver the upper end; thong at lower end; 225
fittings; 380 mm. Bought from Lyon & mm. Bought from Bloch Mercantile Co.,
Healy, Chicago, 15 July 1925. San Francisco, 26 Sept. 1925.
495. PICCOLO IN G. C. G. Conn, 503. FIFE IN B-FLAT. Anon., late
Elkhart, Indiana, early 20th cent. 19th cent.
Boehm system, open G— sharp; silver Pewter with pewter mouthpiece; 365
with ebonite head and gold plated keys mm. Bought from Polly Scully, Lowell,
and cap; 327 mm. Bought from Harris Mass., 1 Oct. 1925.
Loan Co., San Francisco, 26 Sept. 1925.
496. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose, WHISTLE). Congo or Angola {Pygmy
London, 1837-47. ?), 19th cent.
8 keys (Nicholson holes) rosewood ; 1/0; wood covered with leather and
with silver lip plate and silver fittings; skin (with fur attached) of monkey's tail
661 mm. Bought from Lyon & Healy, at lower end; 335 mm. Bought from
Chicago, 1 Oct. 1925. Jean Mignolet, Denver, Colorado, 1 Oct.
497. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 19th
cent. 505. FLUTE IN C. Martin Freres,
Paris, c. 1840.
6 keys ; boxwood with silver fittings ; 605
mm. Bought from Lyon & Healy, Chi- Boehm's 1832 system, Dorus G-sharp;
cago, 1 Oct. 1925. rosewood with silver fittings; 672 mm.
Bought from Jean Mignolet, Denver,
498. FLUTE IN C. Wunnenberg, Colorado, 1 Oct. 1925.
Cologne, late 19th cent.
511. FLUTE IN G. Metzler, London, c. 518. FLUTE IN G. Kusder, London,
1812-25. 1782.
known. North American Indian (Pottowatomi),
late 19th cent.
Bamboo pipe closed at both ends; de-
sign in; 13 holes burned through
burned 6/0; wood with spiral "burn" marks
lower end; small hole in body at upper entire length of flute; 614 mm. Bought
end; 631 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 7 Dec. 1925. 23 Dec. 1925.
5/0; wood stained red with 5 raised 6/0; wood stained canary yellow;
rings; lower end in shape of bird's head; bound with thong; flue cover carved in
679 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, shape of horse; 450 mm. Bought from
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 7 Dec. 1925. N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23
Dec. 1925.
North American Indian (Sioux), late 19th 534. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
cent. North American Indian (Winnebago),
late 19th cent.
5/0; wood decorated with many col-
ors; wood flue cover attached with thong; 6/0; wood stained brown with a few
645 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk- yellow streaks; flue cover carved in form
horn, Wisconsin, 7 Dec. 1925. of bird's head; 538 mm. Bought from
N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec.
528. FLUTE IN C. Clinton & Co., Lon-
don, 1863-71.
Clinton's Equisonant System; cocus or North American Indian (Chippewa) , late
rosewood with silver fittings; 662 mm. 19th cent.
Bought from J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey,
6/0, tassels holes; nickel plated brass
England, 10 Dec. 1925.
tube; wood flue cover car\'ed in shape of
horse's head; brightly colored braided
529. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. wool tassels; 563 mm. Bought from N. E.
North American Indian (Sioux), late 19th Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.
536-A. WHISTLE. North American In-
5 (plus plugged hole)/0; wood
dian (Crow), late 19th cent.
stained light yellow with reddish brown
stained incised designs; 5 brightly colored Bone; 200 mm. Bought from N. E.
feathers attached; 625 mm. Bought Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.
from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,
15 Dec. 1925. 536-B. WHISTLE. North American In-
dian (Crow), late 19th cent.
530. VERTICAL WHISTLE. North Bone; 222 mm. Bought from N. E.
American Indian (Sioux), late 19th cent. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.
Hard wood; longitudinal slit 120 mm
from the upper end; finger is used as a 537. WHISTLE. North American In-
flue cover and the instrument easily pro- dian (Chippewa), late 19th cent.
duces overtones; 578 mm. Bought from Bone with neck strap of thong; 165
N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 15 Dec. mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn,
1925. Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.
North American Indian (Sioux) , late 19th North American Indian (Sioux) , late 19th
cent. cent.
5/0; wood stained brown; turtle carved 5/0; wood stained reddish brown with
on flue cover; 348 mm. Bought from incised designs; feather attached; 750
N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 29 Dec. mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk-
1925. horn, Wisconsin, 29 Dec. 1925.
and blue beads at lower end; 460 mm. N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 29 Dec.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- 1925.
consin, 29 Dec. 1925.
signsburned in; bird carved on flue cover; 7 (lowest plugged )/0; wood
hole is
478 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk- stained light green; blow tube
is leg bone
horn, Wisconsin, 29 Dec. 1925. of turkey or eagle; 610 mm. Bought
from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,
North American Indian (Sioux) , late 19th
5/0; wood stained bright red; 5 turtles North American Indian (Winnebago),
carved on flute, 1 on flue cover; 635 mm. late 19th cent.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
consin, 29 Dec. 1925. 6/0; wood stained red with iron fer-
rule atupper end; 533 mm. Bought from
544. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 4 Jan.
North American Indian (Sioux) , late 19th 1926.
553. OCARINA. H. Fiehn, Vienna, 561. NOSE FLUTE. Java, c. 1893.
6/0 cane with finger holes and de-
8/2; lowest pitch D^; black clay with signs burned in; 376 mm. Gift of
gilt markings; 144 mm. Bought from Charles K. Wead estate, Ann Arbor,
J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas City, Michigan, 4 Jan. 1926.
Missouri, 31 Dec. 1925.
562. PICCOLO IN C. Wm. S. Haynes
554. OCARINA. H. Fiehn, Vienna, Co., Boston, c. 1926.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; silver;
8/2; lowest pitch B-flat^; black clay 315 mm; illus. (Plate xxvii) Girard's
with gilt markings; 170 mm. Bought La Flute, 1953. Bought from Wm. S.
from J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas Haynes Co., Boston, 4 Jan. 1926.
City, Missouri, 31 Dec. 1925.
563. FLUTE IN C. /. A. & W. Geib,
555. OCARINA. H. Fiehn, Vienna, New York, 1818-21.
1 key; boxwood with silver key and
8/1 lowest pitch F' black clay with
; ; ivory rings; 604 mm. Bought from R. C.
gilt markings; 202 mm. Bought from Hurry, New York, 20 Jan. 1926.
J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas City,
Missouri, 3 1 Dec. 1925. 564. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
North American Indian (Sioux) , late 19th
556. OCARINA. H. Fiehn, Vienna, cent.
5/0; wood stained dark brown with 20
7/1; lowest pitch E-flat^; black clay round-headed tacks driven upper end in
with gilt markings; 195 mm. Bought for decoration; design of beadssewn on
from J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas skin wrapped around lower end; 537 mm.
City, Missouri, 31 Dec. 1925. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
consin, 20 Jan. 1926.
7/1; lowest pitch small G; black clay 566. WHISTLE. North American In-
with gilt markings; 258 mm. Bought from dian (Sioux), late 19th cent.
J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas City,
Missouri, 31 Dec. 1925. Bone; 109 mm. Bought from N. E.
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 20 Jan. 1926.
559. OCARINA. H. Fiehn, Vianna,
1925. 567. FLUTE IN C. Manzane, London,
early 19th cent.
8/2; lowest pitch F-sharp^; black clay
with gilt markings; 127 mm. Bought 8 keys; ivory with silver fittings; 659
from J. W. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas mm. Bought from S. J. Pegg, Leicester,
City, Missouri, 31 Dec. 1925. England, 23 Jan. 1926.
560. NOSE FLUTE. Java, c. 1893. 568. FLUTE IN C. Meacham & Pond,
6/0; cane with finger holes and de-
Albany, New York, 1828-33.
signs burned in; 589 mm. Gift of 1 key; boxwood with brass fittings; 604
Charles K. Wead estate, Ann Arbor, mm. Bought from Charles W. Gray, Bris-
Michigan, 4 Jan. 1926. ben. New York, 29 Jan. 1926.
569. FLUTE IN C. Metzler & Co., red pipestone flue cover; 452 mm.
London, c. 1837-50. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
consin, 30 March 1926.
8 keys; cocus with silver tube at
bouchure, silver insets at finger holes
other silver fittings; 655 mm. Bought
North American Indian (Sioux), late I9th
from William Powell, Birmingham, Eng-
land, 10 Feb. 1926.
5/0; wood stained brown with design
570. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Bu§et, burned in; carved greystone flue cover;
Crampon & Cie, Paris, c. 1926. feathers and colored grass wrapped around
thong attached; 327 mm. Bought from
8 keys, 5 rings; cocus with silver fit-
N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 30
tings and pearl beak; 418 mm. Bought
March 1926.
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles,
25 Feb. 1926.
578. WHISTLE. North American In-
dian (Sacramento County, California),
571. FLUTE IN C. P. G. Milnes, Ips-
19th cent.
wich, England, c. 1860.
Bone decorated with incised lines; 56
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
647 mm. Gift of M. Earl, Oakland, Cali-
mm. Found in an Indian grave in Sac-
ramento County. Bought from N. E.
fornia, 16 Feb. 1926.
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 30 March
572. FLUTE IN C. Cornelius Ward,
London, c. 1842.
579. WHISTLE. North American In-
Ward's patent system; 2 head joints, dian (Sacramento County, California),
1 with patent tuning adjustment; rose- 19th cent.
wood with silver fittings; 653 and 664
Bone; 82 mm. Found in an Indian
mm. Bought from J. Clayton Boyes,
grave in Sacramento County. Bought
Bushey, England, 23 Feb. 1926.
from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 30
March 1926.
573. FLUTE IN C. Herman Wrede,
London, 1810-1846. FLUTE IN E-FLAT.
580. Firth and
key; boxwood with brass fittings; 610
1 Hall, New York, 1821-33.
mm (without cap). Bought from O. C.
1 key; boxwood with
brass key and
Lingg, Boulder, Colorado, 15 March 1926.
508 mm (without cap)
ivory rings ; Gift .
584. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. /. T. Uhl- 592. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 18th
mann, Vienna, early 19th cent. cent.
12 keys; foot to G; satinwood with sil- 1 key; flute has 8 pieces; ivory with
ver fittings; 873 mm. Bought from Eu- silver key; 617 mm. Bought from Fen-
gene Weinberger, New York, 29 Apr. ton, London, 14 June 1926.
593. FLUTE IN G. Wigley & Mc-
585. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. Gregor, London, 1811—16.
North American Indian {Sioux), late
19th cent. 4 keys plus 2 keys for highest and
lowest finger holes (British Patent No.
5/0; wood stained red with snake 3349, McGregor, 1810); boxwood with
carved in high relief around flute; red silver keys and ivory rings; 673 mm.
pipestone flue cover carved in form of a Bought from Arnold Dolmetsch, Hasel-
rabbit; 570 mm. Bought from N. E. mere, England, 23 June 1926.
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 5 May 1926.
594. FLUTE IN G. Bilton, London,
586. FLUTE IN C. Potter, London, 1840^1 {?).
late 18th cent.
8 keys; boxwood with
brass keys and
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and ivory 875 mm. Bought from
ivory rings; flute has Potter's patent reg- Arnold Dolmetsch, Haselmere, England,
ister; 578 mm. Bought from A. Blaker, 23 June 1926.
London, 9 June 1926.
595. FLUTE IN C. S. Koch, Vienna,
587. FLUTE IN C. Clementi & Co., early 19th cent.
London, c. 1822-32.
9 keys (low B is operated by right
8 keys ("C. Nicholson's Improved"); thumb) foot to B; ebony with silver
cocus(?) with silver fittings; 665 mm. keys and ivory rings; 716 mm. Bought
Bought from A. Blaker, London, 9 June at Puttick & Simpson auction, London,
1926. 24 June 1926.
11 keys; cocus with silver fittings; 671 6 keys; ebonite with silver fittings; 510
mm. Bought from A. Blaker, London, mm. Bought from A. Blaker, London,
9 June 1926. 26 June 1926.
1/0; wood; with a tuning slide; 159 8 keys;rosewood with silver fittings;
mm. Bought from A. Blaker, London, 648 mm(without cap). Bought from
9 June 1926. A. Blaker, London, 26 June 1926.
1/0; rosewood with metal tuning slide; missing; boxwood with silver keys and
sounds A-flat^ and F"; 60 mm. Bought ivory rings; 465 mm. Bought from A.
from Fenton, London, 14 June 1926. Blaker, London, 26 June 126.
600. FLUTE IN C. Gerock & Wolf, 608-B. VERTICAL WHISTLE
London, 1831-32. FLUTE. Hercule, Paris, 1926.
6 keys; foot to C^; boxwood with silver 6/0; lowest pitch F"; white celluloid;
keys and ivory rings; 665 mm. Bought 249 mm. Bought at music shop on Rue
from A. Blaker, London, 26 June 1926. du Louvre, Paris, 21 July 1926.
1 key; boxwood with silver key and 6/0; lowest pitch G^; white celluloid;
ivory rings 6 1 2 mm. Bought from Pierre
224 mm. Bought at music shop on Rue
Schneider, Paris, 15 July 1926. du Louvre, Paris, 21 July 1926.
604. FLUTE IN C. Holtzapfel, Paris, c. pitch D'' ( ? ) wood with brass keys and
294 mm. Bought at music shop on Rue Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28
du Louvre, Paris, 21 July 1926. July 1926.
593023—61- 43
FLAGEOLET. Anon., early 19th cent. rock, London, 1804-21.
7/1, 1 key; yellow wood with brass key 7/1, 1 key; rosewood with silver key
and ivory and brass rings; 753 mm. and ivory beak, rings and studs; 426 mm.
Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28 Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28
July 1926. July 1926.
617. FLUTE IN C. Guillaume Triebert, 4/2 ; rosewood with ivory rings and
Paris, c. 1810-48. beak; 162 mm. Bought from Andre Ros-
signol, Paris, 28 July 1926.
5 keys ebony with silver keys and ivory
rings; 618 mm. Bought from Andre 626. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Anon.,
Rossignol, Paris, 28 July 1926. mid-19th cent.
618. FLUTE IN Herouard 4/2 ebony with ivory rings and beak
C. Freres,
258 mm. Bought from Andre Rossignol,
Paris, mid-19th cent.
Paris, 28 July 1926.
1 key; boxwood with silver key and
ivory rings; 622 mm. Bought from Andre 627. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Treu-
Rossignol, Paris, 28 July 1926. mann, Lyon, c. 1840.
4/2, 1 key ;
yellow wood with brass key
619. FLUTE IN C (PART ONLY). A. and hard rubber rings and beak; 375 mm.
Grenser, Dresden, 1739-96. Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28
1 key; head, lower body, and foot only; July 1926.
boxwood with key and ivory rings;
463 mm. According to DCM's record 628. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Noblet
this specimen was purchased with an
& Thibouville, Ivry la Bataille, c. 1863.
upper body joint marked "2/G. A. /Rotten- 4/2, 3 keys; yellow wood with brass fit-
burgh" but this joint has not turned up tings;320 mm
(without beak). Bought
in the collection. Bought from Andre from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28 July 1926.
Rossignol, Paris, 28 July 1926.
629. FLUTE IN C. Klein, Cologne,
620. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. Simp- mid-19th cent.
son, London, c. 1826-50.
II keys (uppermost key, which sounds
6/0, 5 keys; rosewood with silver keys F, forked with 2 cups) foot to B; yellow
is ;
and ivory rings and studs; 480 (with- mm wood with silver keys and ivory rings 695 ;
OTJt beak). Bought from Andre Rossig- mm. Bought from Andre Rossignol,
nol, Paris, 28 July 1926. Paris, 28 July 1926.
630. END-BLOWN FLUTE. Source use, and altered to accommodate right
unknown. hand with thumb, first and second fingers
partly amputated (the first or second
6/0; bamboo with 8 knots, each wound joint)." Bought from H. Field Antiques,
with silver covered thread; silver end
Oxford, 11 Aug. 1926.
pieces; 783 mm. Bought from Andre
Rossignol, Paris, 28 July 1926.
638. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & Co.,
London, c. 1880.
Boehm, Munich, c. 1829. 8 keys plus 6 covered finger holes (
3 keys head, barrel,
(originally perforated) cocus with silver fittings;
8?) ;
and upper body joint; boxwood with brass 653 mm. Bought from William Powell,
keys and ivory and brass rings; 413 mm. Birmingham, England, 13 Aug. 1926.
Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28
July 1926. 639. FLUTE IN B-FLAT. Hawkes &
Son, London, early 20th cent.
6 keys plus 4 covered finger holes; foot
19th cent.
to C ^; recurved head; ebonite with silver
1/0; redwood (?) carved at lower end; head and silver fittings; 575 mm. Bought
168 mm. Bought from Andre Rossignol, from Donald Critchett, London, 14 Aug.
Paris, 28 July 1926. 1926.
633. CROSS FLUTE. Southeast Asia 640. WHISTLE. Anon., 19th cent.
(?) 19th cent.
Ivory carved in the form of a lion's
6/0; yellow wood with a natural bore, head and folded paws surmounted by a
carved ornamenta-
slightly curved, highly crown; 71 mm. Bought from Fenton &
tion for the entire length; 242 mm. Son, London, 17 Aug. 1926.
Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28
IN G. "J.H.," London, c. 1926.
6/0; metal lacquered gold color; 211
Anon., 19th cent.
mm. Bought from A. V. Ebblewhite,
7 keys (2 perforated) ; light colored London, 17 Aug. 1926.
wood with brass fittings; 247 mm.
Bought from Andre Rossignol, Paris, 28 641-B. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE
July 1926. IN F. "J.H.," London, c. 1926.
641-F. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE 646-B. WHISTLE. Anon., early 20th
IN B-FLAT. "J.H.," London, c. 1926. cent.
641-G. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE 647. OCARINA. Anon., early 20th cent.
IN A. "J.H.," London, c. 1926.
8/2; lowest pitch D^; blue majolica
6/0; metal lacquered gold color; 374 with gilt decorations and flower medallion
mm. Bought from A. V. Ebblewhite, near mouthpiece; 173 mm. Bought from
London, 17 Aug. 1926. Jacob's Musikhaus, Munich, 8 Sept. 1926.
6/0; metal lacquered gold color; 426 8/2; lowest pitch C-sharp^; white ma-
mm. Bought from A. V. Ebblewhite, jolica with gilt markings and colored
flowers; 177 mm. Bought from Sigmund
London, 17 Aug. 1926.
Koch, Munich, 8 Sept. 1926.
644. FLUTE IN C. H. Grenser, Dres- 651. FLUTE INC. Godfroy aine, Paris,
den, 1806-24. 1825.
4 keys; 3 upper body joints; ebony 6 or 7 keys (one joint has B-flat for
with silver keys and ivory rings 640, 647,; thumb and high C for right index finger;
and 655 mm. DCM: "Foot joint two joints have high C for thumb and B-
unique; it extends below usual length flat for thumb and right index finger) ;
and the speaking open end is determined 3 upper middle joints; rosewood with
by a lateral hole." Bought from Debelaer silverfittings; 628, 631, and 638 mm.
Antiques, Brussels, 23 Aug. 1926. Bought from Sigmund Koch, Munich, 8
Sept. 1926.
645. FLUTE IN C. F. Hofinger, Brus-
sels, c. 1911. 652. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm, Mu-
nich, 1847.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; silver
with inner tube of gold and silver Boehm's 1847 system; 2 joints; brass
fittings; 674 mm. Bought from Florent with wood tube at embouchure and silver
Hofinger, Brussels, 24 Aug. 1926. fittings; 635 mm. No. 1 of two brass
flutes listed in Boehm's record book.
646-A. WHISTLE. Anon., early 20th Bought frona Sigmund Koch, Munich, 9
cent. Sept. 1926.
Boehm's No. 21. Flute is said to have 661. DOUBLE VERTICAL WHISTLE
belonged to Knierer, a former pupil of FLUTE. Serbia, 19th cent.
Boehm. Bought from Sigmund Koch,
Munich, 9 Sept. 1926. 3/0 (right channel) and 4/0 (left
channel); hard wood; 282 mm. "Milos
N. Ignjatovic" is carved on instrument.
654. FLUTE IN G. Rodol. Greve or Bought from Sigmund Koch, Jvlunich, 9
Boehm & Greve, Munich, before 1838.
Sept. 1926.
Boehm's 1832 system, open G-sharp; 7/1; light wood with black horn rings;
boxwood with brass fittings; 514 mm. 340 mm. Bought from Sigmund Koch,
Bought from Sigmund Koch, Munich, 9 Munich, 10 Sept. 1926.
Sept. 1926.
7/1; boxwood; 503 mm. Bought from 666. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Thibou-
Sigmund Koch, Munich, 9 Sept. 1926. ville Freres, "La Couture/' c. 1857-75.
659. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET, Anon., 4/2 boxwood with ivory rings 426
; ; mm
1828-37. (withoutbeak). Bought from Andre
Rossignol, Paris, 13 Sept. 1926.
6/0, 8 keys; ebony with ivory beak,
silver keys, and elaborate silver mountings
528 mm. Flageolet is stamped "I. Ebner/ 667. PICCOLO IN C. Lot, Paris, c.
Miinchen" (a dealer, not a maker)
Bought from Sigmund Koch, Munich, 9 1 key; boxwood with brass key and
Sept. 1926.
black horn rings; 330 mm. Bought from
Andre Rossignol, Paris, 13 Sept. 1926.
660. FLUTE IN C. Piering, Berlin, late
18th cent.
2 keys(D-sharp and G-sharp) 3 ;
Paris(?), c. 1827-40.
upper body joints; ebony (?) with silver
keys and ivory rings; 619, 627, and 634 4/2; boxwood with horn rings and
mm. Bought from Sigmund Kcch, beak; 165 mm. Bought from Andre
Munich, 9 Sept. 1926. Rossignol, Paris, 13 Sept. 1926.
669. FRENCH FLAGEOLET. Martin, 677. PICCOLO IN G. A. Buffet Jne.,
Paris(?), c. 1827-40. Paris, mid-1 9th cent.
8 keys; fluted crystal glass with silver Boehm system adapted to specifications
fittings;672 mm; illus. (Plate x) Girard's of Mr. Daintith(?); open G-sharp; 2
La Flute, 1953. Bought from Andre joints; cocus with head lined with gold
Rossignol, Paris, 13 Sept. 1926. and silver fittings; 680 mm. Bought from
John T. Shiel, Walkden, England, 24
Sept. 1926.
671. FLUTE IN G. Anon., late 18th
4 keys ebony with silver keys and ivory
; Gino Bartoli, Milan, c. 1925.
rings; 623 mm. Gift of W. C. McQuillen,
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; lowest
Los Angeles, 15 Sept. 1926.
pitch small C; recurved head; silver; 924
mm; illus. (Plate xxvii) Girard's La
672. PICCOLO IN C. A. Osmanek, Flute, 1953. Bought from Gino Bartoli,
Schonbach, mid-19th cent. Milan, 3 Oct. 1926.
6 keys; yellow wood with brass fittings; 680. PICCOLO IN C. C. Bonnet, New
291 mm(without cap). Gift of W. G. York, 1883-1910.
McQuillen, Los Angeles, 15 Sept. 1926.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; cocus
with fittings
silver 304 mm. Bought
Merklein, Vienna, c. 1825-47. FLUTE. Spain, early 20th cent.
7/1, 4 keys; boxwood with brass keys, 6/0 (4 round and 2 square holes) reed ;
ivory rings, and brass ferrule; 840 mm. cane stained reddish purple; 223 mm.
Gift of Allen Loomis, Elkhart, Indiana, Gift of Carleton Sprague Smith, New
18 Nov. 1926. York, 18 Dec. 1926.
Clinton's Equisonant system; ebonite 6/0 (4 round and 2 square holes) reed ;
with silver fittings; 654 mm. Bought cane stained reddish purple; 218 mm.
from J. Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, Gift of Carleton Sprague Smith, New
29 Nov. 1926. York, 18 Dec. 1926.
6/0; cedar stained brown with feathers cane stained reddish purple; 224 mm.
attached at each end; 690 mm. Bought Gift of Carleton Sprague Smith, New
693. DOUBLE REED PIPE. Spain, 700-B. END-BLOWN FLUTE. Arabia,
early 20th cent. early 20th cent.
9/0; cane with incised lines which are 8/0; cane with incised lines which are
stained red; 674 mm. Gift of Carleton stained pink; 619mm. Gift of Carleton
Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927. Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927.
8/0 ; cane with incised lines which are 8/0; cane with incised lines which are
stained red; 620 mm. Gift of Carleton stained pink; 551 mm. Gift of Carleton
Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927. Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927.
705-A. END-BLOWN FLUTE. Arabia, 711. FLUTE IN C. E. Rittershausen,
early 20th cent. Berlin c. 1900.
6/0; cane with incised lines which are 713. FLUTE IN C. Bilton, London,
stained pink; 333mm. Gift of Carleton 1840-41.
Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927. 6 keys foot to C^ boxwood with silver
; ;
6/0; cane with incised lines which are 714. FLUTE IN C. F. O. Uebel, Leip-
stained pink; 323mm. Gift of Carleton zig, c. 1925.
Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927.
Special system similar to the Schwedler
Reform Flute (17 keys— 2 perforated);
706. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. foot to B grenadilla with silver head and
Arabia, early 20th cent. silver fittings; 719 mm. Gift of Louis
Rossi, New York, 2 June 1927.
6/0; cane with incised lines which are
stained red; 317 mm. Gift of Carelton
715. FLUTE IN C. Gino Bartoli,
Sprague Smith, New York, 2 March 1927.
Milan, c. 1925.
and horn cap; 668 mm. Bought at T. W. Taphouse Collection. Bought at
Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1821 (C. Van Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1827b (C. Van
Raalte Collection), Bournemouth, Eng- Raalte Collection), Bournemouth, Eng-
land, 6 Aug. 1927. land, 6 Aug. 1927.
719. FLUTE IN C. Claude Laurent, 724. BIRD PIPE. Beckett ("from Wood
Paris, 1809. & Ivy"), London, 1850-73.
3 keys; glass with silver fittings; 629 7/1 (thumb hole has been filled) rose- ;
mm; illus. (Plate x) Girard's La Flute, wood with ivory beak; 215 mm. Ex-
1953. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, hibited at the Music Loan Exhibition,
No. 1822 (C. Van Raalte Collection), London, 1904 (p. 182). Formerly in the
Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927. T. W. Taphouse Collection. Bought at
Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1897a (C. Van
720. ALTO RECORDER IN F. /. Raalte Collection), Bournemouth, Eng-
Heytz, Berlin, c. 1724. land, 6 Aug. 1927.
7/1; wood covered with tortoise shell 725. FLUTE IN C (PART ONLY).
with ivory beak and rings; 510 mm.
Anon., early 19th cent.
Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1825
(C. Van Raalte Collection), Bourne- 4 keys; white china tube; keys and head
mouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927. missing; 364 mm. Bought at Brownsea
Castle Sale, No. 1896a (C. Van Raalte
721. TRIPLE FLAGEOLET. Bain- Collection), Bournemouth, England, 6
bridge, London, c. 1820. Aug. 1927.
Right tube: 4 keys plus shutter; mid- 726. WALKING STICK FLUTE IN C.
dle tube: 5/0, 4 keys plus shutter; left Staudinger {?), Dresden{?) , c. 1820.
tube: 7/0, 4 keys; boxwood with silver
keys and ivory rings, studs, cap, and beak 1 key; wood varnished black with brass
620 mm. Bought at Brownsea Castle key, ivory ring, 2 black horn rings, and
Sale, No. 1765 (C. Van Raalte Collec- brass tip; 862 mm. Exhibited at the
tion), Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug. Music Loan Exhibition, London, 1904 (p.
1927. 187). Formerly in the T. W. Taphouse
Collection. Bought at Brownsea Castle
722-A. TABOR PIPE. Anon., early Sale, No. 1864 (C. Van Raalte Collec-
and bottom; 309 mm. Exhibited at the 727. WALKING STICK CZAKAN.
Music Loan Exhibition, London, 1904 (p. Anon., early 19th cent.
219). Formerly in the T. W. Taphouse
Collection and said to have been played 7/1,2 keys; wood with silver keys, horn
in Oxfordshire Morris dances for nearly
ferrule and brass ferrule; cane has ham-
40 years by Thomas Humphries (d. 1886). mer shaped head; 811 mm. Exhibited
at the Music Loan Exhibition, London,
Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1777
(C. Van Raalte Collection), Bourne-
1904 (p. 184). Formerly in the T. W.
mouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927. Taphouse Collection. Bought at Brown-
sea Castle Sale, No. 1866 (C. Van Raalte
Collection), Bournemouth, England, 6
722-B. TABOR AND STICK. Anon.,
Aug. 1927.
early 19th cent.
Wood rims laced together with white 728. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th
cotton tape; diameter 215 mm. See No. cent.
722-A. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale,
Rectangular shaped mahogany, like an
No. 1777 (C. Van Raalte Collection),
organ pipe, with a plug; produces only
Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927.
one note (A"); 178 mm. Exhibited at
the Music Loan Exhibition, London, 1904
723. TABOR PIPE. Anon., England {?),
Formerly in the T. W. Tap-
(p. 181).
early 19th cent.
house Collection. Bought at Brownsea
2/1 ; wood 270 mm. Ex-
light colored ; Castle Sale, No. 1894d (C. Van Raalte
hibited Music Loan Exhibition,
at the Collection), Bournemouth, England, 6
London, 1904 (p. 182). Formerly in the Aug. 1927.
729. PITCH PIPE. Anon., c. 1820. 734. CROSS FLUTE. India, late 19th
Mahogany; rectangular shaped, like an
organ pipe, with a sliding plug;, range: 5/0; bamboo painted red and yellow;
marked C—
G; actually E-flat'—E-flat' 275 mm. Formerly in the T. W. Taphouse
(A:=440) ;433 mm. "From Black Collection. Bought at Brownsea Castle
Bourton Church." Formerly in the T. Sale, No. 1827c (C. Van Raalte Collec-
W. Taphouse Collection. Bought at tion), Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug.
Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1894c (G. 1927.
Van Raalte Collection), Bournemouth,
England, 6 Aug. 1927. 735. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
Biskra, Algeria, late 19th cent.
730. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th
cent. 5/0; bamboo with design of incised
lines; 298 mm. Formerly in the T. W.
Wood; rectangular shaped, like an Taphouse Collection. Bought at Brown-
organ pipe, with a sliding plug; range sea Castle Sale, No. 1827a (C. Van Raalte
F^—F'; 348 mm. Formerly in the T. Collection), Bournemouth, England, 6
W. Taphouse Collection. Bought at Aug. 1927.
Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1894b (C. Van
Raalte Collection), Bournemouth, Eng-
land, 6 Aug. 1927.
736. END-BLOWN FLUTE. Madagas-
car, late 19th cent.
731. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th 6/0, membrane hole(?) ; bamboo with
cent. black horn rings and bell incised pictures ;
732. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th 6/1; light colored wood; 365 mm.
cent. Formerly in the T. W. Taphouse Collec-
Wood stained brown; range C* C^; — tion. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale,
No. 1818a (C. Van Raalte Collection),
390 mm. Bought at Brownsea Castle
Sale, No. 1783 (C. Van Pvaalte Collec- Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927.
tion), Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug.
WHISTLE FLUTE). China, late 19th
733. (EX- cent.
FLUTE PIPE). R. Koenigi?), Paris 6/0, membrane hole; bamboo; 420 mm.
{?),c.l880. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, No. 1818c
(C. Van
Raalte Collection), Bourne-
Cylindrical rosewood tube with flageolet
mouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927.
mouthpiece; upper end is threaded to re-
ceive a second section of pipe this in turn
740. NOSE FLUTE. Source unknown, 747. PICCOLO IN C. Anon., late 19th
late 19th cent. cent.
bamboo with holes burned in; 650 8 keys; foot to C^; grenadilla with ivory
4/1 ;
mm. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, No. head and silver fittings 340 mm. Bought
rings,and ebony mouthpiece; 485 mm. mm. Bought from William Powell, Bir-
Formerly in the T. W. Taphouse Collec- mingham, England, 7 Sept. 1927.
tion. Bought at Brownsea Castle Sale, No.
1818b (C. Van Raalte Collection). 749. WHISTLE. Central American In-
Bournemouth, England, 6 Aug. 1927. dian, 19th cent.
755. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. Gift of L. Chester Smith, San Francisco,
North American Indian {Pawnee), late 2 Jan. 1928.
19th cent.
loop of skin with brown fur attached; 195 Natural or artificial stone; 125 mm.
mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
Wisconsin, 14 Oct. 1927. consin, 11 Jan. 1928.
5/0; wood stained light yellow with 766. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-19th
eagle's claw and red feathers attached;
red carved turtle with bead eyes on flue 1 key; rosewood with silved fittings;
cover; leather band covered with beads at 603 mm. Gift of W. C. McQuillen, Los
lower end; 662 mm. Bought from N. E. Angeles, 4 Feb. 1928.
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 10 Dec. 1927.
767. FLUTE IN C. H. Grenser, Dres-
759. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. den, and Tuerlinckx, Malines, late 18th
North American Indian (Sioux), late cent.
19th cent.
4 keys ebony with silver keys and ivory
with red feathers attached; 857 mm. marked but probably Tuerlinckx; lower
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- body and foot marked: "H. Grenser/
consin, 16 Dec. 1927. (See illustration). Dresden." Gift of W. C. McQuillen,
Los Angeles, 4 Feb. 1928.
760. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. C. G. Conn,
Elkhart, Indiana, c. 1925. 768. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte &
Co., London, 1886.
2 keys (D-sharp and long F) ; 2 joints;
bakelitewith silver fittings; 402 mm. Rockstro's model with perforated keys;
Loomis: "This is the ever made
first flute ebonite with silver fittings; 671 mm.
of molded Bakelite. Only the holes for Bought from William H. Guyon, Butte,
the key-posts were drilled." Gift of Allen Montana, 7 Feb. 1928.
Loomis, Elkhart, Indiana, 23 Dec. 1927.
769. PICCOLO IN D-FLAT. Euler,
761. FLUTE IN F. Heyl, Frankfurt, c. Frankfurt, c. 1818-40.
1839. and
6 keys; grenadilla with ivory head
7 keys (7th key for high E?) ; boxwood silver fittings; 294 mm. Bought from
with silver keys and ivory rings; 495 mm. William R. Gibbs, Boston, 3 March 1928.
770. PICCOLO IN D-FLAT. Anon., 778. FLUTE IN Emilio Piana,
mid-19th cent. Florence, c. 1875.
6 keys ; cocus with ivory head and silver Briccialdi system; 2 joints; silver; 664
fittings;291 mm. Gift of Edward Lippe, mm. Flute is marked "Brizzi e Niccolai/
Philadelphia, 10 March 1928. Firenze/E. Piana Fabb*"." Bought from
Pablo Colon, New York, 2 May 1928.
771. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm,
Munich, 1847-62. 779. PICCOLO IN C. Euler, Frankfurt,
c. 1818-40.
Boehm system, Dorus
cocus (?) with silver lip plate and silver 6 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
fittings; 669 mm. Bought from Percy W. 315 mm. Bought from William R. Gibbs,
Treat, Cahfornia, 13 March 1928. Boston, 2 May 1928.
3/0; bone; 250 mm. Found in an In- 4/2; wood with ivory rings and beak;
dian grave in Lake County. Bought from 354 mm. Formerly in the de Lery Collec-
Albert G. Heath, Chicago, 14 Apr. 1928. tion. Bought from Harold Reeves, Lon-
don, 8 May 1928.
North American Indian (Southern Arapa- 784. SCHALMEI (DOUBLE-REED
hoe, Oklahoma) , late 19th cent. PIPE). Source unknown.
6/0; redwood (?) with flue cover in 6/1 ( ?) brown colored wood; 350 mm.
form of bird's head (painted blue, red, Formerly in the de Lery Collection.
and green) 542 mm. Bought from Albert
; Bought from Harold Reeves, London, 8
G. Heath, Chicago, 14 Apr. 1928. May 1928.
785. MUSETTE. Provence{?), 19th 793. WHISTLE. North American In-
cent. dian {Lake Co., California), 19th cent.
6/1; ivory; 348 mm. Formerly in the Bone with incised lines; 109 mm.
de Ler>' Collection. Bought from Harold Found in an Indian grave in Lake County.
Reeves, London, 8 May 1928.
Gift of Albert G. Heath, Chicago, 16 May
6 (one plugged) /O; wood encased in a 6 keys; head missing; grenadilla with
tightly stretched piece of the intestine of silverfittings; 203 mm
(body only).
a buffalo; bear-shaped flue cover; 629 mm. Bought from Edward Lippe ( ? ) place and ,
801. FLUTE IN G. Schlegel, Basel, c. 810. FLUTE IN G. Schlegel, Basel, c.
1780-92. 1780-92.
1 key; 3 upper body joints; boxwood 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
with silver key and ivory rings; 621, 630, ivory rings; 619 mm; finger holes are not
and 637 mm.
Bought from Henning
Basel, 7 Aug. 1928.
in straight line —slanted outward for left
hand and inward for right hand. Bought
from Henning Oppermann, Basel, 7 Aug.
802. FLUTE IN C. Felchlin, Berne, c. 1928.
1 key; 3 upper body joints; curly box- 811. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
wood ( ? ) with silver key and ivory rings North American Indian {Winnebago),
623, 632, and 640 mm. Bought from late 19th cent.
Henning Oppermann, Basel, 7 Aug. 1928.
6/0; red cedar bound with 12 wire
803. PICCOLO IN D-FLAT. Felchlin, bands; 540 mm. Bought from H. H.
Berne, c. 1824-51. Bennett Studio, Kilbourn, Wisconsin, 25
Sept. 1928.
1 key; boxwood with key and silver
ivory rings; Bought from
305 mm.
Henning Oppermann, Basel, 7 Aug. 1928. 812. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th
main, Paris,
M. Lot, St. Ger- Pitch pipe has two tuning slides one —
c. inside the other;wood with ivory rings;
1 key; boxwood with and brass key —
range small A G'( ?) 327 mm. Bought
807. PITCH PIPE. "H-L," place un- 4/0, keys, 1 slide for changing pitch a
known, early 19th cent. semitone; metal painted red; 210 mm.
Gift of Harry Bernard, Chambersburg,
Boxwood with horn and cap; ring
range C^ — C^; Bought from
249 mm. Pennsylvania, 1921.
Henning Oppermann, Basel, 7 Aug. 1928.
815. OCARINA. Harry Bernard, Cham-
808. FIFE. Anon., Switzerland, late bersburg, Pennsylvania, c. 1910.
19th cent.
6/0, hole above flue for changing pitch
"Appenzeller LandsgemeindepfifTen" a semitone; aluminum; 195 mm. Gift of
boxwood with brass ferrules; 319 mm. Harry Bernard, Chambersburg, Pennsyl-
Bought from Henning Oppermann, Basel, vania, 2 June 1923.
7 Aug. 1928.
:^> d
I 'i
1 :;» \<
817. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th 825. FLUTE IN G. Rudall & Rose,
cent. London, c. 1830.
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings; 8 keys; rosewood with silver keys and
680 mm. Bought from G. A. Rose, Lon- silverand horn rings; 820 mm. Bought
don, 14 Nov. 1928. from G. A. Rose, London, 24 Dec. 1928.
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and 828. FLUTE INC. Badger & Monzani,
and beak; 617 mm; trans-
ivory rings, lip New York, 1858-59.
verse flute with flageolet mouthpiece. Boehm system, Dorus G-sharp; flute
Bought from W. Howard Head, London, originallyhad 5 perforated keys; foot to
7 Dec. 1928. B; ebonite with silver lip plate and silver
fittings; 717 mm. Gift of Clayton Lind-
821. FLUTE IN C. A. E. Fischer, Bre- say, Washington, 22 Jan. 1929.
men, c. 1920.
829. FLUTE IN C. Milot, place un-
17 keys, 3 rings (similar to the Reform
known, late 18th cent.
Flute); foot to B; grenadilla with silver
head and silver fittings; 738 mm. Bought 1 3 upper body joints; pear
from W. Valderpoort, Rotterdam, 14 Dec. wood ( ? with brass key and ivory rings
of Carolyn A. Alchin, Los Angeles, 15 6/2; bone decorated with incised dots
Dec. 1928. and lines, crucifix, woman, heart, "1894,"
59302a—'61- 59
and "Pietro Padalino"; 200 mm. Gift 840. VERTICAL WHISTLE. North
of Mrs. William Sloane, Norfolk, Virginia, American Indian {Winnebago) , late 19th
18 Feb. 1929. cent.
foot of different wood; 575 mm. Bought 842. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
from Henning Oppermann, Basel, 4 North American Indian {Winnebago)
March 1929. late 19th cent.
6/0; cedar stained darkbrown; dog 5/0 wood painted black with lower
carved on wood flue cover; 560 mm. end forming effigy of a deer's head(?);
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- 630 mm. Bought from Albert G. Heath,
consin, 30 March 1929. Chicago, 15 Apr. 1929.
847. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. 855. FLUTE IN C. Monzani & Co.,
North American Indian {Winnebago), London, 1808-29.
late 19th cent.
9 keys; ebony with silver fittings; 677
6/0; lead inlay; 644 mm.
wood with mm. Bought from John T. Shiel, Walk-
Bought from Albert G. Heath, Chicago, den, England, 3 May 1929.
15 Apr. 1929.
c. 1860.
7/1, 1 key with double touch; wood
8 keys (Nicholson holes) satinwood ; with brass key and brass and ivory rings;
with silver keys and ivory rings; 655 mm. 815 mm. Bought from G. H. F. Hanken,
Bought from John T. Shiel, Walkden, Rotterdam, 16 May 1929.
England, 3 May 1929.
861. WHISTLE. Central America In-
853. FLUTE IN C. William Henry dian {Aztec, Nahua), 19th cent.{?).
Potter, London, 1809-17.
Terra cotta; height 56 mm. Found in
6 keys; foot to C; ebony with silver
San Miguel Amantha, Mexico, 1 % meters
keys and ivory rings; 672 mm. Bought
below the surface. Bought from William
from John T. Shiel, Walkden, England,
Niven, Tampico, Mexico, 20 May 1929.
3 May 1929.
854. FLUTE IN C. Monzani & Co., 862. WHISTLE. Central American In-
London, 1820-29. dian (Totonac) , 19th cent.
9 keys; 2 head joints; rosewood with Terra cotta; 112 mm. Found in
675 and 680 mm. Bought
silver fittings; Tempoal, Vera Cruz, 3 meters below the
from John T. Shiel, Walkden, England, surface. Bought from William Niven,
3 May 1929. Tampico, Mexico, 20 May 1929.
863. WHISTLE. Central American In- 871. ALTO RECORDER IN F. E.
dian (Totonac), 19th cent. Terton, place unknown, early 18th cent.
Terracotta; height 77 mm. Found in Boxwood with ivory rings and beak;
Panuco, Vera Cruz, 3 meters below the 448 mm. Bought from G. Hanken &
surface. Bought from William Niven, Zoon, Rotterdam, 12 June 1929.
Tampico, Mexico, 20 May 1929.
872. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th
WHISTLE. Central American In- cent.
dian (Totonac), 19th cent. 10 keys; ebony with silver fittings and
mm. Found Panuco, pearl inset at embouchure and finger holes;
Terra cotta; 81 in
Vera Cruz, 3 meters below the surface. 663 mm. Bought from Sigmund Koch,
Bought from William Niven, Tampico, Munich, 23 July 1929.
Mexico, 20 May 1929.
873. FLUTE IN C. Freyer & Martin,
Potsdam, early 19th cent.
865. WHISTLE. Central American In-
dian {Totonac), 19th cent.
6 upper body joints; pear
keys; 3
Terra cotta; 60 mm. Found in Panuco, wood ( ? ) and ivory rings
with silver keys
Vera Cruz, 3 meters below the surface. 616, 625, and 633 mm. Bought from
Bought from William Niven, Tampico, Sigmund Koch, Munich, 23 July 1929.
Mexico, 20 May 1929.
874. FLUTE IN C. Herold, Wurzburg,
866. WHISTLE. Central American In- c. 1860.
mm. Found in Panuco, Vera Cruz, 3 from Sigmund Koch, Munich, 23 July
meters below the surface. Bought from 1929.
William Niven, Tampico, Mexico, 20 May
North American Indian {Sioux), late
19th cent.
868. WHISTLE. Central American In-
dian {Totonac) 19th cent.
, 5/0; carved light wood forms into
bird's head at lower end feathers
? ) ;
2/0; sounds E^ and F'; terra cotta; (
1 key;boxwood with brass key and mm. Head is marked "T. P. Monzani/
ivory rings; 735 mm. Bought from G. New-York/931 /George P. Reed/Boston."
Hanken & Zoon, Rotterdam, 12 June Gift of M. Earl, Oakland, California, 19
1929. Aug. 1929.
(CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th North American Indian {Jicarilla Apache,
cent. near Santa Fe), late 19th cent.
7/0; bamboo speckled brown and lac- 4/0; light colored wood with carved
quered red on inside; 530 mm. Instru- flue cover; 415 mm. Bought from(?),
ment has a very large embouchure ( 1 3 x Pasadena, California, 28 Aug. 1929.
15 mm). Bought from Aoki-Taiseido
Book Co., San Francisco, 22 Aug. 1929.
887. PANPIPES. South American In-
dian {Aymaras, La Paz, Bolivia), late
880. T'AI F'ING HSIAO (VERTICAL 19th cent.
WHISTLE FLUTE). Chinatown, San
Francisco, early 20th cent. 6 pipes; bamboo bound with 2 bands
of split bamboo; range(?) B^; 483 187 — —
6/0, membrane hole; bamboo painted mm. Bought from Whalen's Curio Store,
black with ivory or bone tips; 388 mm. Los Angeles, 30 Aug. 1929.
Bought in Chinatown (about 941 Grant
Avenue), San Francisco, 23 Aug. 1929.
888. PANPIPES. South American In-
dian {Aymaras, La Paz, Bolivia), late
881. KUAN TZU (DOUBLE REED 19th cent.
PIPE). Chinatown, San Francisco, early
20th cent. 7 pipes; bamboo bound with
2 bands of
8/2; lowest pitch C-sharp^; black clay open G—sharp; rosewood with engraved
with gilt markings; 88 mm. Bought from silver band at embouchure and silver
music store on Market Street, San Fran- fittings; 666 mm. Bought from J. Clay-
cisco, 23 Aug. 1929. ton Boyes, Bushey, England, 6 Sept. 1929.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp, extra 3 (twin holes )/0; 2 body joints;
low C—sharp lever for left hand; cocus ebony (?) with silver ring; 303 and 315
with silver fittings; 665 mm. Bought mm; illus. (Plate viii) Girard's La Flute,
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles, 1953. Bought from Masspacher, Paris,
27 Aug. 1929. 6 Sept. 1929.
893. FLUTE IN C. Tabard, Lyon, c. 901. FLUTE IN G. A. Hopkins, Litch-
1820-48. field, Connecticut, c. 1830.
5 keys; ivory with silver fittings; 614 9 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
mm. Bought from Masspacher, Paris, 6 662 mm. Gift from the estate of Roy
Sept. 1929. Desmond Huxley, Cleveland, 8 Nov. 1929.
897. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. 5 keys; boxwood with ivory keys and
North American Indian (Winnebago), rings; 622 mm. Gift of W. Louis Chap-
late 19th cent. man, Providence, Rhode Island, 12 Dec.
5/0; wood stained red with 9 sinew
wrappings and 2 bands of beads; 642 mm. 906. FLUTE IN C. /. Ziegler, Vienna,
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- 1820-47.
consin, 28 Sept. 1929.
15 keys; foot to A; grenadilla with ivory
head and silver fittings; 789 mm. Bought
898. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE. from Sumner Healey, New York, 14 Dec.
North American Indian (Ute), late 19th
6/0; wood stained yellow with incised 907. BASS RECORDER IN F. Anon.,
design; flue cover carved in shape of 18th cent.
animal; 12 thong windings with fringe;
1 key; wood with brass fittings; 952
543 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk-
mm. Bought from Henning Oppermann,
horn, Wisconsin, 28 Sept. 1929.
Basel, 2 Jan. 1930.
899. FLUTE IN C. Firth, Pond & Co., 908. WALKING STICK FLUTE IN G.
New York, 1848-65.
Lambert, Paris, 18th cent.
8 keys; rosewood with silver keys and 1 key; light colored wood with key of
ivory rings ; 664 mm. Bought from Arthur the same wood and brass ferrule 890 mm. ;
Stringer, Portland, Oregon, 1 Nov. 1929. Bought from Sumner Healey, New York,
10 Jan. 1930.
900. FLUTE IN G. Firth, Hall & Pond,
New York, 1843-48. 909. FLUTE
IN G. Astor & Co., Lon-
don, 1798-1800.
4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
ivory rings; 604mm. Bought from W. 1 boxwood with ivory key and
Brackenburg, La JoUa, California, 6 Nov. rings;608 mm. Bought from Charlotte
1929. W. Hardy, Brewer, Maine, 20 Jan. 1930.
910. FLUTE IN C. Firth, Pond <2? Co., It remained in
II to his minister, Wollner.
New York, 1848-65. Wollner's family until was sold by Dr.
Boehm system, open G-sharp; silver 6/0; wood with holes burned in; 498
with ebonite head; 665 mm. Bought mm. Bought from Charles Fischer, Bu-
from Baxter Northup Co., Los Angeles, 1 dapest, 4 March 1930.
March 1930.
922. FLUTE IN C. W. J. Davis, New
915. FLUTE IN C. Wm. S. Haynes, York, 1845-53.
Boston, c. 1900. 8 keys holes) rosewood
(Nicholson ;
Boehm system, closed G-sharp (left- with silver 666 mm. Bought
hand flute) grenadilla with gold plated from Alfred M. Uhler, Concord, Mass.,
925. FLUTE IN C. Firth, Hall & Pond, 933. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Blume, Lon-
New York, 1833-47. don, c. 1800.
1 key pear
wood ( ? ) with brass fittings 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
608 mm. Bought from Norval Stewart, ivory rings; 506 mm. Bought from Whit-
Binghamton, New York, 17 March 1930. lock's Book Store, New Haven, Connecti-
cut, 5 Apr. 1930.
941. RIBBON REED INSTRUMENT. 949. FLUTE INC. A. Grenser, Dresden,
North American Indian (Kwakiutl, Brit- 1789.
ish Columbia) , late 19th cent.
4 keys ebony with silver keys and ivory
"Box" of pine(?) hollowed out with a rings; flute has a register; 601 mm.
flat cover; 173 mm. Bought from Albert Bought from Schmehl-Kundsen, Martinez,
G. Heath, Chicago, 7 May 1930. California, 9 July 1930.
7/2, 4 keys plus shutter (British Patent Ivory; carved head and shoulders; 75
No. 2995, Scott, 1806) wood with silver
mm. Bought from Antique Art Galleries,
keys and ivory rings, studs and beak; Ltd., London, 30 July 1930.
433 mm. Bought from W. Howard
Head, London, 9 May 1930. 951. FLUTE IN C. George Wood, Lon-
don, 1829-36.
943. FLUTE IN C. Schroder, London,
6 keys; foot to C^; boxwood with silver
c. 1800.
fittings; 664 mm. Bought from W. Hayes,
1 key; stained boxwood or apple wood London, 30 July 1930.
with brass key and ivory rings; 596 mm
( without cap ) Bought from Norval
952. FLUTE IN C. Robert Wolf & Co.,
Stewart, Binghamton, New York, 13 May London, 1837-40.
4 keys; boxwood with silver fittings;
603 mm. Bought from W. Hayes, Lon-
944. FIFE IN A-FLAT. W. Crosby,
don, 30 July 1930.
Boston, c. 1850-74.
945. ALTO RECORDER IN F. Anon., bouchure and silver fittings; 675 mm.
18th cent. Bought from W. Hayes, London, 30 July
7/1; ivory engraved with leaves,
flowers, birds, etc.; head joint consists of
954. FLUTE IN C. Potter, London,
2 pieces which screw together; foot joint early 19th cent.
consists of 3 pieces which screw together;
488 mm. Bought from Antique Art upper body joints; rosewood
1 keys; 3
958. FLUTE IN C. C. Gerock, London, 966. FLUTE IN G. Dupre, Tournay,
1804-1821. Belgium, early 19th cent.
6 keys ; foot to C ; boxwood or satin- ebony with silver keys and ivory
5 keys ;
wood with silver keys and ivory rings; rings 625 mm.
j^ Bought from George
619 mm. Bought from W. Hayes, Lon- Cloetens, Brussels, 9 Aug. 1930.
don, 17 Sept. 1930.
967. CZAKAN. Anon., Germany, 1929.
959. FLUTE IN C. Prosser, London, 7/1, 1 key; grenadilla with silver
pre-17 67-17 77. fittings; mm.
Bought from Julius
Heinrich Zimmermann, Leipzig, 19 Aug.
1 key; boxwood with silver key and
ivory rings; 607 mm. Bought from W.
Hayes, London, 17 Sept. 1930.
968. CZAKAN. Anon., early 20th cent.
Munich, 1832-47. Anon., early 19th cent.
Boehm's 1832 system, open G-sharp; 1 key; light wood with brass fittings;
cocus with silver fittings; 653 mm. 817 mm. Bought from Sigmund Koch,
Bought from Sigmund Koch, Munich, 27 Munich, 27 Aug. 1930.
Aug. 1930.
983. PANPIPES. Anon., Germany,
975. FLUTE IN G. Th. Boehm,
Munich, c. 1829. 8 pipes; range E-flat^ — E-flat"; pink
5 keys; boxwood with silver keys and 5 keys; rosewood or grenadilla with sil-
ivory rings; 628 mm. Bought from Sig- ver fittings; 607 mm. Bought from H.
mund Koch, Munich, 27 Aug. 1930. Maniere, Paris, 5 Sept. 1930.
London, c. 1800. FLUTE. Source unknown.
7/1; lowest pitch F^; boxwood with Right tube: drone; left tube: 6/0;
ivory studs and beak; 340 mm. Bought lowest pitches F^ and C ^; light colored
from W. Howard Head, London, 16 Sept. wood; 298 mm. Bought from Zimmer-
1930. mann, Markneukirchen, Germany, 27
Sept. 1930.
Prowse, London, 1834—68.
1000. FLUTE IN C. Franz Hofer, place
7/1, 1 key; boxwood with brass key unknown, c. 1820.
and ivoiy studs and beak; 423 mm.
Bought from W. Howard Head, London, 6 keys; boxwood or curly wood with
16 Sept. 1930. brass keys and black horn rings; 590 mm.
Bought from Emil Miiller, Presnitz,
993. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. Abel, Czechoslovakia, 27 Sept. 1930.
Northhampton, c. 1794.
1007. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th cent. 1016. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
Natural, slender pointed horn; 115 mm.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- Carved eagle's head of wood with ivory,
consin, 2 Oct. 1930. beak; iron ring in beak; 89 mm. Bought
from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,'
2 Oct. 1930.
1008. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th cent.
Ivory tuck mottled with brown stain; 1017. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19tit
111 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk- cent.
horn, Wisconsin, 2 Oct. 1930. Carved dog's head of wood; 103 mrn.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
1009. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th consin, 2 Oct. 1930.
1018. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
Carved ivory with pointed silver tip;
103 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter,
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 2 Oct. 1930. Pointed natural horn; 120 mrri.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
consin, 2 Oct. 1930.
1010. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
1019. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
Wood polished black; with a piece of cent.
horn and a silver band; 78 mm. Bought
Smooth horn with curved point; 96
from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 2
mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn,
Oct. 1930.
Wisconsin, 2 Oct. 1930.
1011. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th 1020. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
cent. cent.
Horn shaped like arm and hand; 94 Tinted carved ivory rose on carved
mm. Bought from N, E. Carter, Elkhorn, wood support 89 mm. Bought from N.
face; 118 mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Carved wooden foot with shoe; height
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 2 Oct. 1930. 116 mm. Bought from N, E. Carter,
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 2 Oct. 1930.
1014. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
cent. 1023. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
Carved ivory head with black horn
neck and long tapered hat; 101 mm. Brass spigot; height 125 mm. Bought
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis- from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,
consin, 2 Oct 1930.. 2 Oct. 1930.
1025. PITCH PIPE. Anon., early 19th 1032. FLUTE IN G. Llado, Mahon,
cent. Spain, c. 1825.
Mahogany ( ? ) ; ivory inset with pitch 8 keys; satinwood with silver keys and
markings; 204 mm. Bought from Whit- ivory rings; 647 mm. Bought from Whit-
lock's Book Store, New Haven, Connecti- lock's Book Store, New Haven, Connecti-
cut, 28 Oct. 1930. cut, 2 Dec. 1930.
a metal flute it was replaced by a wooden wood (?) with silver fittings; 369 mm.
one." Bought from W. Valderpoort, Gift of Allen Loomis, Elkhart, Indiana,
Rotterdam, 6 Nov. 1930. 24 Dec. 1930.
15 keys; foot to B-fiat; double-walled This flute is old-style like 1068, with
silver tube; 735 mm. Bought from J. Gordon's improvements!" Bought from
Clayton Boyes, Bushey, England, 1 Dec. Wilhelm Riick, Niirnberg, Germany, 17
1930. Feb. 1931.
1039. FLUTE IN C. S. Koch, Vienna, 1046. FLUTE IN C. Hollings, London,
1835. 1874-88.
10 keys; foot to B; cocus with silver 8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
fittings; 701 mm. Bought from John T. 655 mm. Bought from Charles E. Derry,
Shiel, Walkden, England, April 1931. Omaha, Nebraska, 20 Apr. 1931.
c. 1862. 1931.
1054. FLUTE IN C. Clair Godfroy 1062. OBOE IN C. Anon., mid-19th
Aine, Paris, mid-19th cent. cent.
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings; 15 keys; wood stained dark brown with
664 mm. Gift of Henri Selmer, Paris, 4 silver and ivory rings; 526 mm.
Aug. 1931. Bought from H. Maniere, Paris, 5 Aug.
1055. ALTO RECORDER IN F. Bizey,
Paris, c. 1716-52. 1063. FLUTE IN C. Breton', Paris,
7/1; wood; 525 mm. Bought from H.
Maniere, Paris, 5 Aug. 1931. 10 keys (8 keys plus D-sharp lever for
left little finger and key for high E);
green fluted glass with silver fittings; 588
1056. FLUTE IN C. Th. Boehm, Mu-
nich, 1832-47 mm. Exhibited at the London Interna-
tional Exhibition of 1862. Bought from
Boehm's 1832 system, closed G-sharp Couesnon & Cie., Paris, 5 Aug. 1931.
open G-sharp, now closed with
extra lever for right first finger), key be- 1064. CUCKOO WHISTLE. Anon.,
tween Aand A-sharp holes purpose un- — [ate 19th cent.
known; rosewood (?) with silver fittings;
Pitches A ^ and F-sharp^; hole closed
675 mm. Bought from H. Maniere,
Paris, 5 Aug. 1931.
by lever (bird's head feathers) wood ;
ver fittings; 668 mm. Bought from H. 1065. FLUTE IN C. Collinet, Paris, c.
Maniere, Paris, 5 Aug. 1931. 1821-42.
key; ebony with silver key and ivory
1070. FLUTE IN C. Adler, Bamberg, 1078. FLUTE IN C. /. Brendling, Lon^
Germany, c. 1830. don, 1835-54.
Riley & Sons Ltd., Birmingham, England, keys and ivory rings; 678 mm. Bought
1895 {?). from W. Hayes, London, 26 Sept. 1931.
593023— Gl 6 73
1087. FLUTE IN C. Goulding & Co., 1094. FLUTE IN C. Burghley, Cam-
London, late 18th cent. den Town, c. 1845.
*; boxwood with
5 keys; foot to C-sharp 7/2 (left thumb hole is a twin hole),
and ivory rings 642 mm. Gift
silver keys ;
1 key (Burghley's experimental chromatic
of W. Hayes, London, 26 Sept. 1931.
open-hole system); foot to C-sharp^;
mahogany with black wood key and
ivory rings and screws; 635 mm. Bought
1088. PICCOLO IN C. W. Card, Lon- from Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 2 Oct.
don, 1840-61. 1931.
5 keys, 3 rings, closed G-sharp (simpli-
fied Boehm system) rosewood with silver
1095. FLUTE IN G. Burghley, Camden
fittings; 301 mm. Bought from W. Town, c. 1845.
Hayes, 3 Oct. 1931. 6/1, 6 keys (Burghley's experimental
chromatic open-hole system) ; mahogany
1089. FLUTE IN C. Rudall, Carte & with black wood fittings; 850 mm.
Co., London, c. 1926. Bought from Rudall, Carte & Co., Lon-
don, 2 Oct. 1931.
Boehm system modified, open G-
sharp McAvoy Model (British Patent 1096. FLUTE IN G. Burghley, Cam-
No. 254,395, McAvoy(?), 1926) foot to ;
den Town, c. 1845.
B; 2 joints; ebonite with silver fittings;
719 mm. Bought from Mrs. John Wil- 6/1, 6 keys (Burghley's experimental
liam McAvoy, Coedfryn, Bangor, North chromatic open-hole system) mahogany ;
foot. Bought from Cheetham, Birken- 1109. KENA (CROSS FLUTE). South
head, England, 1
Oct. 1931. American Indian (Nasca — Pisco, Peru),
said to be pre-Incan.
1101. FLUTE IN C. C. Gerock, Lon-
don, c. 1821-31. 4/1 (?) ; bone; 233 mm. Gift of Scott
E. Forbush, place and date unknown.
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 608 mm. Bought from J.
Cheetham, Birkenhead, England, 1 Oct.
South American Indian (Guayaquil,
Ecuador) , early 20th cent.
1102. FLUTE IN C. W. Milhouse,
2/1; bamboo; 273 mm. Gift of Scott
London, 1799-1828. E. Forbush, place and date unknown.
8 keys; curly wood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 667 mm. Bought from J. nil. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
Cheetham, Birkenhead, England, 1 Oct. South American Indian (Guayaquil,
1931. Ecuador), early 20th cent.
1103. FLUTE IN C. Card & Co., 2/1; bamboo; 292 mm. Gift of Scott
1104. FLUTE IN C. Bellissent, Paris, wax, feathers, stones, and bright paints
1818-42. and stains; 435 mm. Gift of Scott E.
Forbush, place and date unknown.
6 keys; 2 upper body joints; rosewood
with silver 612 and 624 mm.
1113. CROSS FLUTE. South American
Gift of J. Cheetham, Birkenhead, Eng-
Indian (Jibaros, Eastern Ecuador), early
land, 1 Oct. 1931.
20th cent.
1105. KENA (CROSS FLUTE). South 4/0; bamboo decorated with beads,
American Indian {Hunncayo) , early 20th wax, feathers, stones, and bright paints
cent. and stains; 390 mm. Gift of Scott E.
6/0; reed pipe painted all over with Forbush, place and date unknov^m. (See
and black designs; 790 illustration.)
green, red, white
mm. Gift of Scott E. Forbush, place and
1114. CROSS FLUTE. South American
date unknown.
Indian (Jibaros, Eastern Ecuador) , early
1106. RANDADOR (PANPIPES). 20th cent.
Guayaquil, Ecuador, early 20th cent. 3/0; bamboo decorated with beads,
30 pipes; range E° —D-sharp*; bamboo; wax, feathers, stones, and bright paints
268—53 mm. Gift of Scott E. Forbush, and stains; 470 mm. Gift of Scott E.
place and date unknown. Forbush, place and date unknown.
1107. WHISTLE. South American In- 1115. CROSS FLUTE. South American
dian {Manabi, Ecuador). Indian (Jibaros, Eastern Ecuador), early
20th cent.
Black clay; height 70 mm. From the
ruins near Manta, Ecuador. Gift of 2/0; bamboo decorated with beads,
Scott E. Forbush, place and date wax, feathers, stones, and bright paints
unknown. and stains; 345 mm. Gift of Scott E.
Forbush, place and date unknown.
1108. CROSS FLUTE. South American
Indian (Nasca — Pisco, Peru), said to be 1116. NOTCHED FLUTE. South
pre-Incan. American Indian (Peruvian frontier in
Ecuador) , early 20th cent.
5/l(?); black terra cotta with incised
lines;200 mm. Gift of Scott E. Forbush, 5/1; bamboo; 405 mm. Gift of Scott
place and date unknown. E. Forbush, place and date unknown.
1117. ENGLISH HORN IN F Kies, 1124. FLUTE INC. Cahusac, London,
Vienna, c. 1820. 1755-98.
9 keys; boxwood with brass keys and 1 key; ivory with silver key; 613 mm.
ivory rings; 790 mm. Bought from Bought from W. Howard Head, London,
Schmidt Bros., Cleveland, 6 Nov. 1931. 13 Feb. 1932.
cocus with silver fittings; 673 mm. Bought from John T. Shiel, Manchester,
Bought from Harold Reeves, London, 4 England, 4 Apr. 1932.
Apr. 1932.
1141. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Wood &
1133. WALKING STICK SHAKU- Ivy, London, 1836—47.
HACHI. Japan, 1932.
1 key; wood stained red-brown with
4/1; bamboo with bakelite cap; 860 brass and ivory
key rings; 504 mm.
mm (without tip). Gift of Isamu Hira- Bought from John T. Shiel, Manchester,
bayashi, Tokyo, 4 Apr. 1932. England, 4 Apr. 1932.
1149. FLUTE IN C. Goulding, D'Al- 1156. FLUTE IN C. /. Wood, London,
maine and Co., London, and Goulding & 1799-1808.
Co., London, early 19th cent.
7 keys; foot to C^; 3 upper body joints;
1 key; boxwood with
key and brass satinwood with silver keys and ivory rings
ivory rings; 601 mm. "Goulding D'Al- 666, 674, and 687 mm. Bought from W.
maine And Co." on head; "Goulding & Howard Head, London, 22 July 1932.
Co." on body and foot joints. Bought
from Max Rosenstock, San Francisco, 4 1157. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
May 1932. North American Indian, late 19th cent.
Natural bamboo with human scalp at- 1160. FLUTE IN C. Clinton & Co.,
tached; "ceremonial flute"; 304 mm. London, c. 1857.
Bought from Albert G. Heath, Chicago, 8 keys, Clinton's 1857 patent key con-
16 May 1932. (See illustration.) struction (British Patent No. 3192, Clin-
ton, 1857) silver; 648 mm. Bought from
1164. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET. 1172. FLUTE IN C. C. Gerock, Lon-
Camp, London, c. 1838. don, 1832-37.
7/1, 1 key; boxwood with brass key 6 keys foot to C^ curly wood with sil-
; ;
and ivory studs and beak; 426 mm. ver keys and ivory rings; 661 mm. Bought
Bought from J. Cheetham, Birkenhead, from William Powell, Birmingham, Eng-
England, 30 Nov. 1932. land, Nov.-Dec. 1932.
1179. ALTO RECORDER IN F. Dol- 1186. FIFE IN A. Anon., 19th cent.
metsch, Haslemere, England, 1932.
Glass with mouth hole and finger holes
7/1 rosewood with ivory rings and
; blown out; 464 mm. Gift of W. Howard
beak; 505 mm. Bought from Harold Head, London, 1 Aug. 1933.
Reeves, London, 30 March 1933.
1187. FLUTE IN C. Goulding, D'Al-
1180. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Thibou- maine. Potter & Co., London, 1811—23.
ville Pere & Fits, Paris, early 19th cent. 8 keys; boxwood with
silver keys and
1 key; boxwood with silver key and ivory rings; 648 mm.
Bought from Wil-
ivory rings; 550 mm. Gift of Robert
liam Powell, Birmingham, England, 1
Shackleton, Louisville, Kentucky, 1
Aug. 1933.
Apr. 1933.
1188. SHAO-TZU
(PIGEON WHISTLE) China, late 19th
Bressan, London, early 18th cent.
Stained gourd, very light weight; di-
7/1; boxwood stained dark red-brown
ameter c. 87 mm. The whistle is attached
with ivory rings and beak; 508 mm.
to two middle feathers of the pigeon's tail
Gift of C. G. Herbert, Altadena, Cali-
so that as the bird flies, it whistles. Gift
fornia, 13 Apr. 1933.
of Canon W.
Galpin, Richmond, Eng-
land, 18 Aug. 1933.
1182. FLUTE IN C. G. Catlin, Phila-
delphia, c. 1825. 1189. FLUTE IN C. Kusder, London,
c. 1799.
4 keys; rosewood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 623 mm. Bought from 1 key; boxwood with silver key and
Dora E. Seeley, Ambler, Pennsylvania, 26 ivory rings; 603 mm. Bought from W.
May 1933. Hayes, London, 24 Aug. 1933.
1 key; light wood with metal key and 6 keys; curly wood with brass keys and
ivory rings; 612 mm. (cap missing). black horn rings; 611 mm. Bought from
Bought from W. Howard Head, London, W. Hayes, London, 24 Aug. 1933.
29 May 1933.
lad & Co., London, 1830-37.
American Indian {Quapaw), late 19th 4/2, 3 keys; ebony with silver keys and
cent. ivory rings and beak; 340 mm. Bought
from W. Hayes, London, 24 Aug. 1933.
Natural hard wood forms into bird's( ?)
head at lower end; piece of bone tied on
with animal fibers; 590 mm. This instru- 1 192. FLUTE IN C. W. Milhouse, Lon-
ment has no finger holes; perhaps it is don, 1788-1828.
an unfinished vertical whistle flute.
7 keys; foot to C^; 3 upper body joints;
Bought from Albert G. Heath, Chicago,
ebony with silver keys and ivory rings;
8 June 1933.
664, 672, and 680 mm. Bought from W.
Hayes, London, 24 Aug. 1933.
1185. FLUTE
IN E-FLAT. D'Almaine
& Co., Late Goulding &
D'Almaine, Lon- 1193. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. C. Gerock,
don, 1836-58. London, 1804-37.
4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and 1 key; boxwood with brass key and
498 mm. Bought from Mrs.
ivory rings; ivory rings; 315 mm (without cap).
Fred H. Rogers, Weymouth, Mass., 6 Bought from unknown person, Richmond.
July 1933. England, 25 Aug. 1933.
1194. FLUTE IN A. /. Hale, London, Antiques, Seattle, Washington, 1 1 Oct.
1784-1804. 1933.
1195. FLUTE IN C. Monro & May, closed G—sharp; silver; 675 mm. Bought
London, 1823-48. from Baxter & Northup Co., Los Angeles,
23 Oct. 1933.
4 keys; rosewood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 605 mm. Bought from
Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 26 Aug. 1202. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. /. C.
1933. Haynes & Co., Boston, late 19th cent.
1208. FLUTE IN G. A. Jordan & Co., 1215. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
Liverpool, 1876-82. North American Indian (Sioux), late
19th cent.
8 keys (Nicholson rosewood holes) ;
with silver fittings; 655 mm. Bought from 4/0; animal's leg bone with bells and
J. Cheetham, Birkenhead, England, 28
thimble attached; 140 mm. Bought from
Feb. 1934. N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 7 May
places have been filed, etc., perhaps had barrel and embouchure; all in silver."
wood lugs, body seems to have been
as Bought from William Moore, Claremont,
refinished. Perhaps had wood head, no West Australia, 24 Nov. 1934.
slide." Source unknown.
1231. FLUTE IN C. Anthony, Phila-
1223. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-1 9th delphia, 1794-1830.
5 keys; 3 upper body joints; ebony
10 keys; foot to B; rosewood (?) with with silver fittings ; foot to C-sharp' ; 560,
silver fittings; 706 mm. Gift of Pierre 575, and 587 mm. Bought from James
Hans, Brussels, 1930. Denning Price, West Hartford, Connecti-
cut, 6 Dec. 1934.
1224. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th cent.
Crudely made from a piece of an ani-
LET. Anon., mid-19th cent.
mal's tooth or tusk; 83 mm. Bought
from William Powell, Birmingham, Eng- 7/1, 1 key; wood stained black with
land, April 1931. brass key and tip; 827 mm.
Bought from
James D. Price, West Hartford, Connecti-
1225. FLUTE IN C. A. Hopkins, Litch- cut, 6 Dec. 1934.
field, Connecticut, c. 1830.
1233. FLUTE IN C. Schuchart, Lon-
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
don, c. 1730.
ivory rings; 609 mm. Gift of Caroline
Osborn, Cleveland, 4 Aug. 1934. 1 key; ivory with silver key; 3 upper
body joints; 604, 612, and 642 mm.
1226. FLUTE IN C. Potter, London, Bought from W. Howard Head, London,
early 19th cent. 7 Jan. 1935.
nia), late 19th cent. clear fluted glass with silver fittings; 606
and 660 mm. Exhibited at the Royal
3/0; bamboo decorated all over with
Military Exhibition, London, 1890 (p.
geometric incised designs (stained brown
36, no. 71), Crystal Palace Exhibition,
and blue) 488 mm. Bought from N. E.
London, 1900 (p. 19, no. 58) and Music
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 30 Sept. 1934.
Loan Exhibition, London, 1904 (p. 187).
C foot was added in 1935. Bought from
1229. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-1 9th the Desiree Ellinger Collection (Rudall,
Carte & Co.), London, 7 Jan. 1935.
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
670 mm. Bought from Whitlock's Inc., 1236. FLUTE IN C. Rudall & Rose,
New Haven, Connecticut, 28 Oct. 1934. London, c. 1850-54.
Boehm system, open G— sharp; silver;
1230. FLUTE IN C. Card & Co., Lon- 650 mm. Flute has rack and pinion
don, 1861-76.
tuning adjustment on the head joint.
9 keys, 2 rings (Card's patent system) ;
Flute is marked "Th. Boehm/Miinchen/
rosewood with silver fittings; 655 mm. Rudall & Rose/Patentees/Southampton
DCM: "With unique slide moved by Gt Strand/London." DCM: "It looks
rack and pinion, half way between like Boehm's own workmanship, but prob-
ably a 'copy' by R & R. Cannot identify
is with holes burned in; 585 mm. Bought
it Boehm's account book."
in Bought from the Desiree Ellinger Collection
from the Desiree EUinger Collection (Rudall, Carte & Co.), London, 7 Jan.
(Rudall, Carte & Co.), London, 7 Jan. 1935.
Munich, 1848.
Boehm system, open G— sharp; silver; 5/0; wood with incised rings and small
706 mm. Boehm's No. 14; sold to Richard circles; 958 mm. Bought from the
Desiree Ellinger Collection (Rudall,
Carte 8 Dec. 1848. Illus. (Plate XI)
Girard's La Flute, 1953. Bought from Carte & Co.), London, 7 Jan. 1935.
the Desiree Ellinger Collection (Rudall,
Carte & Co.), London, 7 Jan. 1935. (See 1243. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
illustration. Source unknown.
1248. FLUTE IN C. A. G. Badger & 1256. FIFE IN A-FLAT. Hollings,
Co., New York, 1860-68. London, 1874-88.
Boehm system, Dorus G-sharp; rose- 1 key; light yellow wood with brass
wood with silver embouchure
band at 400 mm. Bought from Charles
and silver fittings; 669 mm. Bought Foye, Roxbury, Mass., 10 June 1935.
from Baxter-Northup Co., Los Angeles,
2 Apr. 1935. 1257. RECORDER IN D ("SIXTH
FLUTE" ) . W. Beukers, Amsterdam {?),
1249. CROSS FLUTE. Quibocolo, c. 1750.
Congo, 1934.
7/1; ivory; 307 mm. Bought from
6/0; natural wood; 380 mm. Hugh Walter J. Ford, Upper Darby, Pennsyl-
Tracey: "Not true folk instrument — vania, 22 June 1935. (See illustration.)
holes non-African." Gift of Albert
Riemenschneider, Cleveland, 3 Apr. 1935. 1258. FLUTE IN LOW C. Rudall,
Carte & Co., London, 1933.
1250. FLUTE IN C(?). Maurice Dux-
hurry, Cleveland, 1935.
Boehm system, open G-sharp; head
bent at angle of 63 degrees; double-U
6/0; 2 joints; wood; 642 mm. Replica crook on upper body below slide joint;
of a transverse flute from measurements of silver; 1216 mm; illus. (Plate xxvii)
the figure in Praetorius' Syntagma II, Girard's La Flute, 1953. Bought from
Plate IX, g. Gift of Maurice Duxburry, Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 29 Aug.
Cleveland, 4 Apr. 1935. 1935.
1251. FLUTE INC. Firth, Pond & Co., 1259. SOPRANINO RECORDER IN F.
New York, 1848-65. Anon., 18th cent.
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings; 7/1; ivory engraved with lion, deer,
660 mm. Gift of Clayton Lindsay, Wash- horse, birds, snake, double-flute player,
ington, 25 Apr. 1935. geometrical rings; spiral grapevine the
entire length; 249 mm. Bought from
1252. END-BLOWN FLUTE. North Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 29 Aug.
American Indian {Yuki, Round Valley, 1935.
California), 1929.
1263. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th 1271. PICCOLO IN E-FLAT. T. E.
cent. Purdy, Late dementi & Co., London,
1 key; wood stained (?) reddish brown
(fluted entire length) with brass key and 1 key; boxwood with brass key and
ivory and horn rings; ivory studs for ivory rings; 291 mm. Bought from W.
600 mm. Bought
finger guides at holes; Hayes, London, 11 Sept. 1935.
from W. E. Hill & Sons, London, 2 Sept.
1935. 1272. FLUTE IN C. Longman &
Broderip, London, 1779-98.
1264. FLUTE IN C. Thomas Saxton,
Nottingham, c. 1793-99. key; ivory with silver fittings; 608
plate. Bought from F. G. Bridges, Lon- key and ivory rings; 614 mm. Bought
don, 10 Sept. 1935. from C. A. Tagliere, Los Angeles, 30
Nov. 1935.
1266. TABOR PIPE. Cahusac, London,
1275. FLUTE IN G. Paine & Hopkins,
2/1 ivory; 306 mm. Bought from
; W. London, c. 1821—36.
Hayes, London, 11 Sept. 1935. 9 keys; foot to B; rosewood with silver
lip plateand silver fittings; 697 mm. "C.
1267. FLUTE IN A. Hirchsfein, Leip- N. Weiss's Improved" also stamped on
zig, mid-18th cent. flute. Bought from Mrs. W. C. Bums,
1 key; ivory with silver key; 639 mm. Rochester, New York, 2 Dec. 1935.
Bought from W. Hayes, London, 1 1 Sept.
1935. 1276. FLUTE IN C. Or eve, Mannheim,
1268. FLUTE IN C. Mason, London, and ivory
5 keys ; ebony with silver keys
c.1780. rings; 3 upper body joints; 616, 618, and
1 key; grenadilla( ?) with brass key 623 mm. Flute has one interchangeable
and ivory 604 mm. Bought from
rings; B-flat key for all 3 middle joints. Bought
W. Hayes, London, 11 Sept. 1935. from W. Hayes, London, Jan. 1936.
1269. FLUTE IN C. Brown, place un- 1277. FLUTE IN C. Bacon & Hart,
known, mid-1 8th cent. Philadelphia, 1818-32.
1 key; ivory with silver key; 621 mm. 4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
Bought from W. Hayes, London, 1 1 Sept. ivory rings; with a register; 609 mm.
1935. Bought from W. A. Butterfield, Boston,
30 Jan. 1936.
1270. FLUTE IN C. Button & Co.,
London, c. 1814-19. 1 278. FLUTE IN C. Christensen & Co.,
Boston, 1930.
4 keys curly wood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 608 mm. DCM: "Probably Boehm system, closed G-sharp; silver;
made by Potter." Bought from W. Hayes, 666 mm. Bought from Wm. S. Haynes
London, 11 Sept. 1935. Co., Boston, 31 Jan. 1936.
1279. FLUTE IN C. Wm. S. Haynes 1287. FLUTE (FOR HARMONIC
Co., Boston, 1935. DEMONSTRATION). Wm. S. Haynes
Co., Boston, 1936.
Boehm system with perforated keys,
Made 2 keys (foot C and C-sharp keys plus
closed Cj-sharp; silver; 673 mm.
especially for this collection. Bought from D-sharp touch piece); lowest pitch C^;
Wm. S. Haynes Co., Boston, 31 Jan. 1936.
2 joints; silver; 677 mm. DCM: "De-
signed for lecture demonstrations on har-
monic tones and complex quality due to
1280. PICCOLO IN C. Wm. S. Haynes overtones (overblowing)." Made to
Co., Boston, 1935. order for DCM.
Bought from Wm. S.
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; silver; Haynes Co., Boston, 16 June 1936.
314 mm. Made especially for this col-
lection. Bought from Wm. S. Haynes 1288-A. SAXETTE (VERTICAL
Co.,Boston, 31 Jan. 1936. WHISTLE FLUTE). E. J. Fitchhorn,
Delaware, Ohio, 1936.
1281. FLUTE IN E. C. Gerock, Lon- 6/0; nickel-plated; 397 mm. Gift of
don, 1821-31. Wm. S. Haynes Co., Boston, 30 June
1 boxwood with brass key and ivory
key; 1936.
rings; 471 mm. Bought from Marion
Holt, Lexington, Mass., 10 March 1936. 1288-B. SAXETTE (VERTICAL
WHISTLE FLUTE). E. J. Fitchhorn,
1282. FLUTE IN C. Pond & Co., Delaware, Ohio, 1936.
Albany, New York, c. 1832. 6/0 ; nickel-plated with bakelite mouth-
1 key; pear or apple wood with brass piece; 372 mm. Gift of Wm. S. Haynes
key; 604 mm. Belonged to William Co., Boston, 30 June 1936.
Garretson (1801-1872), prominent poli-
tician. Bought from Emily R. Plummer, 1289. FLUTE IN C. George Rudall
Point Loma, California, 11 March 1936. {"Willis Fecit"), London, c. 1820.
with rawhide); 256 mm (outside diam- 1300. FLUTE IN C. P. J. T anger,
eter). Bought from W. Howard Head, Cologne, 1889.
London, 18 Aug. 1936.
wood with brass head
6 keys; stained
joint (wood cylinder at embouchure) and
1293. FLUTE IN C. Faveryear, Lon-
brass fittings; 492 mm; with Wiinnen-
don, 1806-12.
berg's patent head for vertical holding
6 keys; foot to C^; satinwood(?) with (British Patent No. 11,171, Wunnenberg,
keys and ivory rings; 673 mm.
silver 1889). Bought from Franklin L. Tave-
Bought from A. Pearl Cross, London, 24 nier, Cleveland, 21 Dec. 1936.
Aug. 1936.
1301. WHISTLE. North American In-
1294. FLUTE IN C. /. Tietjen, Lon- dian {Chippewa) , late 19th cent.
don, c. 1800.
0/1 (plugged) whistle at each end of
1 key; boxwood with brass key; 637 instrument; large whistle end: birch with
mm. Bought from J. Cheetham, Presta- bark; body and small whistle end: soft
tyn, North Wales, 23 Sept. 1936. wood with decoration (bird and Indian)
burned in; 487 mm. Bought from N. E.
1295-A. MELODY FLUTE (CROSS Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 5 Jan. 1937.
PIECE. Melody Flute Co., Laurel, 1302. ENGLISH FLAGEOLET.
Maryland, c. 1935. Wright, London, c. 1840.
6/0; nickel-plated brass; 393 mm. 7/1, 1 key; boxwood with brass key
Gift of Walter D. Lanahan, Laurel, Mary- and ivory rings and studs; 370 mm (with-
land, 3 Oct. 1936. out beak) Bought from William Powell,
6/0; nickel-plated brass; raised em- Boehm system, closed G-sharp; silver;
bouchure plate; 393 mm. Gift of Walter 675 mm; "King" model. "First Flute
D. Lanahan, Laurel, Maryland, 3 Oct. made by/The H. N. White Co./Cleveland-
1936. O./June 25— 1936/Presented to/Dayton
C. Miller D.Sc, LL.D." engraved on head
1296. FLUTE IN C. Piering, Berlin, joint. Gift of H. N. White Co., Cleve-
early 19th cent. land, 1 March 1937.
1307. FLUTE IN C. Christiani, Ams- 1314. FLUTE IN E-FLAT. Metzler,
terdam, c. 1822. London, c. 1788-1800.
4 keys; boxwood with silver fittings; 1 key ; boxwood or satinwood with brass
604 mm. Bought from Max Pinettc, key; 507 mm. Bought from H. V. Scott,
Brussels, 2 July 1937. London, 18 Aug. 1937.
8 keys; satinwood with silver keys and 6/0 (unequal diameter and spacing) ;
ivory rings; 665 mm. Bought from Hugh nickel-plated tube with bakelite mouth-
Miller, London, 16 July 1937. piece; screw ring below head for tuning;
316 mm. Bought from Pierre Schneider,
Paris, 31 Aug. 1937.
1310. FLUTE IN C. L. Drouet, Lon-
don, 1820-21.
8 keys; ivory (covered with dark var- R. L. & Co., Germany, early 20th cent.
nish) with silver fittings; 675 mm. Silver
plate on barrel: "No Flute is genuine 7/1 ; cocus with silver ferrule; 326 mm.
not bought at Mr L Drouets/
Bought from Pierre Schneider, Paris, 31
Manufactory/No 358, Oxford St Lon- Aug. 1937.
don/& accompanied by a certificate/under
his hand." Bought from Puttick & Simp- 1318. FLUTE IN C. W afford, London,
son, London, 21 July 1937. c. 1780.
12 keys; foot to B-flat; rosewood with 7/1; reddish brown wood; 610 mm.
silver fittings; 747 mm.
Bought from H. Bought from Alec Hodsdon, Lavenham,
V. Scott, London, 18 Aug. 1937. Surrey, England, 15 Sept. 1937.
593023—61 7 91
1322. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th 1330. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th
cent. cent.
Reddish brown terra cotta girl (stand- Monkey with tall hat of unglazed
ing) height 59 mm.
; Bought from N. E. earthenware with brown, green, red, and
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 30 Sept. black markings; height 92 mm. Bought
1937. from N. E. Garter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin,
16 Nov. 1937.
1323. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th 1331. WHISTLE. Anon., late 19th cent.
White swan of unglazed Parian porce-
Chinese man on stomach with head lain; 53 X 44 mm. Bought from N. E.
raised upward made of white china with Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 16 Nov. 1937.
red, blue, and black markings; 35 x 75
mm. Bought from N. E. Carter, Elk- 1332. FLUTE IN C. Benjamin &
horn, Wisconsin, 16 Nov. 1937. Munger, New Haven, Connecticut, 19th
1324. WHISTLE (WITHOUT FLUE). 8 keys; rosewood with ivory head and
Anon., late 19th cent. silver fittings; 660 mm
(without cap).
Bought from Boston Antique Shop, Bos-
White china (with colored picture ton, 29 Nov. 1937.
"The Babes Wood" mug
with bird
in the )
1326. FIFE in C. Anon., 19th cent. ebony with silver fittings; 753 mm.
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 4 Dec.
Maple varnished black with brass
( ? ) 1937.
tips; 368 mm.
Gift of Professor R. S.
Burington, Cleveland, 16 Oct. 1937. 1335. FLUTE IN C. E. Plana, Flor-
ence, c. 1875.
1338. FLUTE IN A-FLAT. Metzler, 1346. HALF FLUTE IN C. Abelardo
London, early 19th cent. Albisi, Milan, 1910-24.
1 key; boxwood with brass key and Boehm system; flute consists of that
ivory rings; 384 mm. Bought from W. part of a regular flute which is played by
Howard Head, London, 8 Jan. 1938. the left hand lowest pitch G ^
; silver ;
1341. FLUTE
IN C. C. Peloubet, New rings; head bulges at embouchure; 607
York, 1829-35. mm. Maker's stamp illegible. Bought
from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 3 March 1938.
4 keys; boxwood with silver keys and
ivory rings; 602 mm. Bought from. Sadie
I. Sharron, Pittsfield, Mass., 31 Jan. 1938. 1349. FIFE IN(?). W . Crosby, Boston,
Abelardo Albisi, Milan, c. 1913. 6 silver bands and silver
Rosewood with
ferrules ateach end; 442 mm. "Henry
Boehm system, closed G-sharp; foot to
Donnelly/Fife Major/69th Regt" en-
small E; silver; flute is held vertically;
graved on upper ferrule; "New York
815 mm. Especially made for Mascagni's St/V.V./Irish Brigade" engraved on lower
opera La Parisina (see also Nos. 232 and ferrule. Bought from Florence M. Prest,
1345). Bought from G. Meriggioli, Detroit, 7 March 1938.
Milan, 14 Feb. 1938.
1 key; ivory with brass Ivey; 530 mm. 7 keys; foot to C ^; boxwood with silver
Bought from W. Howard Head, London, keys and ivory rings; 660 mm. Bought
16 Feb. 1938. from William Powell, Cardiff, Wales, 1
Apr. 1938.
1344. FLUTE IN F. Abelardo Albisi,
Milan, 1910-24.
1351. ALTO RECORDER IN F. Anon.,
Boehm system, closed G— sharp; foot to
18th cent.
E ^; 2 joints; silver; 544 mm. Bought
from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 3 March 1938. 7/1; ivory; 507 mm. Bought from W.
Howard Head, London, 5 May 1938.
1345. FLUTE IN G. Albisi & Vanotti,
Milan, c. 1913.
1352. FLUTE IN C. /. /. Roedel Jun.,
Boehm system, closed G— sharp; lowest Bremen, c. 1830.
pitch G^; 2 joints; 459 mm.
Especially made for Mascagni'sopera La 10 keys; foot to small B; satinwood with
Parisina (see also Nos. 232 and 1342). brass keys and ivory rings; 707 mm.
Bought from G. Meriggioli, Milan, 3 Bought from John W. Sheriff, Glen Cove,
March 1938. New York, 21 May 1938.
1353. FLUTE IN C. C. G. Conn, Elk- 1361. VERTICAL WHISTLE FLUTE.
hart, Indiana, 1896. Sternberg, Budapest, 19th cent.
1369. NOTCHED FLUTE. Source un- 1377. FLUTE IN C. C. Mahillon &
known. Co., London, 1900.
7/0; wood with band of red string at Boehm system, closed G-sharp, extra
each end; 271 mm. Gift of Weston A. lever for low C-sharp for left little finger
Price, Cleveland, 17 Nov. 1938. silver; 668 mm. Bought from the estate
of John T. Shiel, Walkden, England, 10
March 1939.
1370. WHISTLE. Anon., early 20th
1378. FLUTE IN C. H. Grenser, Dres-
Staffordshire pottery boy (with red cap den, 1806-13.
and pants, green jacket) on a white bi- 1 key; boxwood with brass key and
cycle; 55 X 84 mm.
Bought from N. E. horn rings; 614 mm. Gift of Rex Elton
Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 19 Nov. 1938. Fair, Chicago, 23 Apr. 1939.
8 keys; ivory with silver fittings; 665 bands over entire length of instrument;
mm. Bought from Henry S. Saunders, 710 mm. Bought from C. H. Schroeder,
Toronto, 19 Oct. 1938. Pasadena, California, 28 July 1939.
1385. FLUTE IN C. Louis Lot, Paris, 1393. BIRD WHISTLE. South Ameri-
c. 1879. can Indian {Amazon jungle), early 20th
Boehm system, closed G-sharp, 4 rings;
rosewood with silver fittings; 655 mm. Natural bamboo tube with square em-
DCM: "head seems of different wood bouchure slightly off center; one end
and flute may have been cut at joint." closed by natural septum, the other by a
Bought from A. Whitehead, New York, plug of grass; loose piece of wood in
5 June 1939. instrument rattles when blown; 124 mm.
Price: "A number of birds can be imitated
1386. "SCOTTY PICCOLO RECORD- by the primitives with this device." Gift
of Weston A. Price, Cleveland, 14 Nov.
Scott Mfg. Co., Inc., Plantsville, Connecti- 1939. (See illustration.)
cut, 1939.
7/1; black plastic with metal ferrule; 1394. WHISTLE. Anon., early 20th
327 mm. Bought from G. Schirmer, Inc., cent.
New York, 16 Sept. 1939.
Chef of white china; height 73 mm.
Bought from N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wis-
1387. SOPRANO RECORDER IN C. consin, 16 Nov. 1939.
Johannes Adler, Markneukirchen, 1939.
1399. PICCO PIPE. Hack, London, 1407. FLUTE IN C. Key London,
1842-59. 1808-58.
2/1; boxwood; 87 mm. Bought from 6 keys foot to C— sharp^ boxwood with
; ;
Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 14 Feb. brass keys and ivory rings; 646 mm.
1940. Bought from Rudall, Carte & Co., Lon-
don, 8 Apr. 1940.
1400. FLUTE IN C. Claude Laurent,
Paris, 1815. 1408. FLUTE IN C. George Rudall,
London, 1820-21.
7 keys; foot to C; clear fluted glass
with silver fittings; 676 mm. Exhibited 8 keys; boxwood with silver fittings;
at the Music Loan Exhibition, London, 659 mm.Bought from Rudall, Carte &
1904 (p. 187). Bought from Rudall, Co., London, 8 Apr. 1940.
Carte & Co., London, 14 Feb. 1940.
1409. FLUTE IN C. Sprague, London,
1401. FLUTE IN C. Brickel, London, 1842-82.
c. 1800.
7 keys; foot to C; boxwood with silver
1 key; boxwood with brass key and keys and ivory 664 mm. Bought
ivory rings; 590 mm. Bought from from Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 8 Apr.
Rudall, Carte & Co., London, 14 Feb. 1940.
fittings; 665 mm. Bought from Rudall, mm. Gift of George Samuel Tucker,
Carte & Co.. London, 8 Apr. 1940. Hingham, Mass., 11 July 1940.
1415. FLUTE IN C. Raymond Howard 1421. PIGGOLO IN E-FLAT. A. Bin-
Willoughby, Connecticut, c. 1900. yon, London, 1844-50.
7/2, 1 key (experimental cylindrical 1 key; boxwood with brass key; 295
flute of original design with properly mm. Bought from Boston Antique Shop,
spaced holes — graduated diameters var- — Boston, 4 Dec. 1940.
iously placed around the body to fit the
finger reaches) 1 joint; light wood (key
1422. GLARINET IN G(?). Astor and
missing) 632 mm. Gift of Raymond R.
Horwood, London, 1815-22.
Willoughby, Riverside, Rhode Island, 13
5 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
Aug. 1940.
ivory rings; 590 mm. Bought from Boston
Antique Shop, Boston, 4 Dec. 1940.
1416. OCARINA. Gretsch, Chicago,
1940. 1423. PITGH PIPE. Anon., early 19th
8/2 (2 of these are sealed) ;
red plastic; 145 mm. Bought from a Mahogany with holly and hemingbone
music store (?) in Boston, 19 Sept. 1940.
mahogany inlay; 2 joints; range F^ A^ —
(A=440) marked E— G; 76 x 152 mm.
1503. FLUTE IN G. A. G. Badger, New 1512. TI (GROSS FLUTE). China,
York, mid-1 9th cent. early 20th cent.
Boehm system, Dorus G-sharp; rose- 6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes;
wood with silver fittings; 678 mm. Source bamboo lacquered black with ivory tips;
unknown. green, white, and pink design at upper
end; 592 mm. Source unknown.
5/1, tassel holes; stained bamboo; 601 4/1; bamboo lacquered red inside;
mm. Gift of W. J. Reed, San Francisco, band of wire lacquered black at middle
Sept. 1933. of instrument; 548 mm. Source unknown.
1521. FENG HUANG HSIAO tips; white and green leaves and flowers
(NOTCHED FLUTE). China, early painted on instrument; green tassel; 413
20th cent. mm. Source unknown.
5/1 bamboo stained reddish brown
with ivory tip at lower end; 540 mm. 1529. TAKE-BUE OR SHI-NO-BUE
Source unknown. (CROSS FLUTE). Japan, early 20th
1522. FENG HUANG HSIAO 7/0; bamboo lacquered red inside with
(NOTCHED FLUTE). China, early
8 windings of cane around flute; 403 mm.
20th cent.
Source unknown.
5/1 ; bamboo stained brown with bird,
leaves,and flowers painted on the instru- 1530. SEITEKI (CROSS FLUTE).
ment; ivory tip at lower end; 547 mm. Japan, early 20th cent.
Source unknown.
6/0, membrane hole; mottled bamboo
lacquered red on inside with wood tips
1523. TI (CROSS FLUTE). China,
and ivory rings; 462 mm. Gift of John T.
early 20th cent.
Shiel, Walkden, England, 5 Dec. 1929.
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes;
bamboo brown with
stained bird, flowers, 1531. FLUTE IN C. Geib, New York,
and leaves painted on the instrument 1818-21.
ivory tips; purple tassel; 656 mm.
1 key; pear wood( ?) with brass key and
Source unknown.
ivory rings; 591 mm. Bought from Norval
Stewart, Binghampton, New York, 20
1524. TI (CROSS FLUTE). China,
Jan. 1933.
early 20th cent.
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes 1532. FLUTE IN C. William Hall &
bamboo stained brown with bird, flowers, Son, New York, 1848-75.
and leaves painted on the instrument;
8 keys; rosewood with silver fittings;
ivory tips; 630 mm. Source unknown.
665 mm. Source unknown.
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes 4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
bamboo stained reddish brown with ivory ivory rings; 592 mm. Gift of Mrs. S. J.
tips; white, green, and red decorations; Sharron, Fittsfield, Mass., 31 Jan. 1938.
red tassel; 432 mm. Source unknown.
1536. FLUTE IN C. Firth, Hall &
1528. T'AI PTNG HSIAO (VERTICAL Pond, New York, 1833-47.
WHISTLE FLUTE). China, early 20th
4 keys; cocus(?) with silver keys and
ivory rings; head (unmarked) seems to
6/0, membrane hole, tassel holes be of different wood; 594 mm. Source
bamboo stained reddish brown with ivory unknown.
1537. FLUTE IN C. Firth Son & Co., 1546. FLUTE IN C. H. F. Meyer, Han-
New York, 1865-67. nover, late 19th cent.
1 key; cocus with silver fittings; 591 11 keys; foot to B; cocus with ivory
mm. Source unknown. head and silver fittings; 768 mm. Gift
of J. A. Douglas, Anniston, Alabama, 30
June 1944.
1538. FLUTE IN C. Anon., mid-19th
1547. FLUTE IN G. Anon., late 19th
6 keys; rosewood with silver fittings; cent.
597 mm(without cap). Gift of A. 8 keys ; cocus with ivoi-y head and silver
Weaver, Cleveland, Aug. 1936. fittings; 714 mm. Source unknown.
645 mm
(without cap). Gift of G. B.
674 mm. Bought from Mrs. Donald
Goodchild, Falls Ghurch, Va., 26 Dec.
Gage, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 3 Jan.
1555. SHAKUHACHI (END-BLOWN 1565. PANPIPES. Source tinknown.
NOTCHED FLUTE ) . Japan, early 20th
10 pipes; range E-flat^ — B-flat^; bam-
boo bound with wire and piece of wood;
4/1 bamboo stained light brown and
; —
138 45 mm. Gift of Rae Korson,
lacquered red inside; 533 mm. Source Washington, 7 June 1946.
1556. FLUTE IN C. C. Peloubet, New Berteling, New York, 1849-90.
York, 1829-35. 13 keys, 2 rings; wood with silver fit-
8 keys; cocus with ivory head and tings; 670 mm. Source unknown.
silver fittings; 660 mm. Source unknown.
1557. FIFE IN B-FLAT. Anon., late
uard Adler, "Grunberg, Schl.," 19th cent.
6/0; rosewood with silver ferrules; 415 668 mm. Bought from Schmidt Bros.,
Cleveland, 6 Nov. 1931.
mm. Gift of Armand J. Barron, Los
Angeles, 25 July 1947.
COMPLETE). Cramer, London, early
1558. FLUTE IN C. William Hall & 19th cent.
Son, New York, 1848-75.
7 keys ; curly wood with and
silver keys
1 key; boxwood with brass key and
ivory rings; 604 mm. Gift of Armand
ivory rings; 497 mm and mouth-
piece missing). Gift of William Powell,
Barron, Los Angeles, 25 July 1947.
Birmingham, England, Nov. 1927.
"L," Germany, 1945.
19th cent.
6/0; tin; 295 mm. Source unknown.
12 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
Lowest pitch G'; white china with pea- 1570. FLUTE IN C. Anon., late 19th
cocks and many colored birds, flowers, cent.
and fruit; 523 mm. Source unknown.
14 keys; foot to B; ebony with silver
1561. CROSS FLUTE. Source un-
fittings; 715 mm. Has an unusual key for
known. right little finger, hole between F and
F—sharp ; exact purpose unknown.
6/0; cane with holes burned in; 376 Bought from Philip N. Jenner, an Ameri-
mm. Gift of Rae Korson, Washington, can then stationed in Tokyo, 29 Sept.
7 June 1946. 1956.
5/0; cane with holes burned in; 370 7/1; redwood; 278 mm. Source un-
mm. Gift of Rae Korson, Washington, known.
7 June 1946.
1563. CROSS FLUTE. Source un- Anon., early 19th cent.
4 keys; boxwood with brass keys and
6/0 (very small and unevenly spaced) ; black horn rings; 395 mm
(head missing).
maroon plastic; very crudely made; 204 Gift of Harold Gabrielsky, Hoboken,
mm. Source unknown. New Jersey, 30 June 1954.
1564. PANPIPES. Source unknown. 1573. ZUMMARAH (DOUBLE-PIPE
4 pipes which sound E^, F-sharp", G", WITH IDIOGLOTTAL REEDS).
and A-sharp'; bamboo bound with wire Egypt, early 20th cent.
and piece of wood 134 91 mm. Gift of
; — 6/0 (both pipes) bamboo pipes bound
Rae Korson, Washington, 7 June 1946. with string; 390 mm. Source unknown.
1574. A R G H U L (DOUBLE-PIPE 1582. FLUTE IN C. Potter, London,
WITH IDIOGLOTTAL REEDS). early 19th cent.
Egypt, early 20th cent.
6 keys foot to C^
; ;ebony with silver keys
Right tube: drone; left tube: 6/0; and ivory rings; 663 mm. Source un-
bamboo pipes bound with string; 319 mm known.
(reeds missing). Source unknown.
1578. FLUTE IN C. G. N. Munger, New 1key; cocus with silver key and ivory
Haven, Connecticut, mid-1 9th cent. rings; lead whistlemouthpiece attached;
595 mm(without cap). Gift of Mrs.
8 keys; cocus with ivory head and silver C. W. Shaver, place unknown, 24 Apr.
fittings; 662 mm. Gift of Mrs. W. S. 1947.
Delford, place unknown, Sept. 1943.
burned in; carved on top side; 309 mm. Whistle (panpipe style) with one
Gift of Spofford Whiting, New York, 5 mouthpiece; cardboard "music discs" with
Nov. 1954. slits to permit air to strike desired pipes
1588. FLUTE IN G. James S. Wilkins 1591. PICCOLO IN c(?; Camp,
Jr., Munich, 1871-7S. London, c. 1838.
Boehm system, open G—sharp, Schleif 6 keys; grenadilla( ?) with silver fit-
key; silver with wood lip plate; 861 mm. tings; 322 mm. Bought from A. J. Blen-
Made in Boehm and Mendler's shop under coe, Geneva, Illinois, 10 Jan. 1961.
the direction of Boehm. Bequest of James
A. Stewart, Wellsville, New York, 16 Apr.
1592. FLUTE IN C. Anon., early 19th
1589. FIFE IN G. Herrouard Pere et 1 key; boxwood with brass key and ivory
Fits, Paris, mid-19th cent. rings; 600 mm. Bought from A. J. Blen-
coe, Geneva, Illinois, 10 Jan. 1961.
6/0; boxwood with brass ferrules; 330
mm. Source unknown.
1593. FLUTE IN C. Badger, Buffalo,
1590. KUAN (DOUBLE-REED PIPE). New York, early 19th cent.
China, early 20th cent.
6 keys; foot to C^; cocus with silver
7/1; bamboo; 197 mm (without reed). fittings; 661 mm. Bought from A. J.
Source unknown. Blencoe, Geneva, Illinois, 10 Jan. 1961.
Index by Maker
Abel: 993 Boehm, Th.: 99, 177, 305, 470, 471, 631,
Adler (Bamberg) 978, 1070 : 652, 653, 771, 782, 875, 974, 975, 1056,
Adler, Eduard ("Grunberg. Schl.") : 1567 1236, 1237, 1398
Adler, Johannes ( Markneukirchen ) : Boehm & Greve: 240, 654(?), 657
1387-1390 Boehm & Mendler, Th. 24, 49, 52, 53, 57,:
Albert, Eugene Joseph: 428, 429 59, 61, 92, 134, 147, 155-157, 161, 201,
Alberti, Nicholas: 126 233, 263, 306, 344, 415, 416, 609
Albisi, Abelardo: 232, 1342, 1344, 1346 Boeuf J.: 892
Albisi & Vanotti 1 345: Boie, F.: 401,467, 1355
Albrecht: 410
Bonnet, C: 680
Alexander: 441 Boosey&Co.: 310
Aman & Co., Frank: 76 Boosey & Sons 439 :
Bercioux, E. 138
: Carl, Fr.: 190,980
Bernard, Harry: 813-815 Carlo: 851, 1321, 1359
Bernhart: 469 Castel: 519, 1359
Berteling & Co., T.: 71, 94, 107, 383, Catlin, G.: 1182
488, 510, 1566 Chapelain&Cie: 376
Beukers, W.: 1257 Chappell, S. A. 912 :
Clementi & Co.: 309, 352, 449, 587, 590, Garrett: 513
748,826,994, 1384, 1406 Gautrot Aine, 66
Clinton & Co.: 109, 342, 379, 528, 685, Gautrot-Marguet : 252
710, 1160, 1196, 1284 Geib, J. A. & W. : 563, 1531
Cloos, George: 96, 1122, 1392 Geib& Walker: 948
Collard: 194, 380(?) Gerock, C: 621, 958. 1101, 1172, 1193,
Collin: 335 1234, 1281
Collinet: 1065 Gerock & Wolf: 88,600,903
CoIonieu&Co., M. H.: 1132 G.H.S.: 1544
Conn, CO.: 495,760, 1353 Gisborne: 522
Couesnon&Cie: 1201, 1212 Godfroy Aine, Clair: 12, 409, 651, 985,
Cramer: 1568 1029, 1054
Crone, I. A.: 744 Goggan & Bro., T. 120 :
Crosby, W.: 206, 523, 944, 1246, 1349 Goodlad&Co.: 1191, 1350
Cuddy, E.: 1085 Goulding & Co. 1045, 1087, 1149
Hofinger, F.: 645 Mahillon, C: 809, 885, 1377
Hollings: 524, 1046, 1256 Maino, P.: 222,225,987
Holtzapfel: 604 Maino e Orsi: 179, 223, 253, 279
Hopkins (Troy) : 1 Manzane: 567
Hopkins, A. (Litchfield, Conn.): 131, Marcil, Joseph L.: 1035
901, 1225 Martin (Potsdam) 399 :
Hotteterre, J. (La Couture): 428 (rep- Martin (Paris): 90, 334, 622, 623, 668,
lica) 669
Hotteterre, L. (Paris) : 326 Martin Freres (Paris) 93, 505 :
rinstrument de Musique pour Tous: 1316 Meacham & Pond: 568, 923, 1162
Melody Flute Co.: 1295 A & B, 1549-
Jollie, A. R.: 1304 1551
Jordan & Co., A. 1208 : Merklein, J.: 684
Julliot, Djalma: 38(?), 138, 139, 193, Metzler: 322, 511, 569, 1314, 1338, 1402,
1053 1507
Metzler & Co.: 1405
Kayser, H.: 830 Meunier &Cie: 1315
Kauffmann, A.: 1130, 1372 Meyer, H. F. 68, 78, 85-87,
: 89, 924,
Keith, Prowse & Co. 426 : 1546
Kenner Products Co. 1586 : Meyer, Nach H. F. 2 :
Key: 462, 599, 1171, 1200, 1407 Mignolet, J.: 176, 1426
Kidder & Hopkins: 1209 Milhouse (Newark) 1073 :
593023—61- 107
Osmanek, A.: 672 Rottenburgh, J. H. : 507
Ottensteiner: 1069 Rouge: 423
Otto, Franz: 386 Rudall, George: 1289,1408
Otto, Rudolf: 1360 Rudall & Rose: 22, 26, 216, 323, 324,
365, 398, 440, 496, 696, 825, 890, 956,
Paine & Hopkins: 1081, 1275 1236, 1410, 1517
Panormo, Joan 327,519 : Rudall, Carte & Co.: 4-6, 21, 54, 81, 149,
Parker: 991, 1126, 1374 165, 234, 277, 320, 340, 432, 531, 581,
Pask: 353 596, 638, 678, 768, 833, 1037, 1089,
Payne, G.C.: 1147 1145, 1258
Peachey, G.: 451 Rudall, Rose & Carte: 75, 438
Pearson; 852 Rudall, Rose, Carte & Co.: 14, 43, 111,
Peloubet, C: 73, 79, 798, 891, 1341, 1556 262,642, 1134, 1312
Pentenrieder: 1038, 1067, 1068 Rudhard: 1190
Pfaff, John: 97, 130 Rushworth & Dreaper : 1 199
Piana, Emilio: 178, 314, 778, 1335, 1336
Piana, P.: 311 S.: 218,268
Piering: 660, 1296 Sautermeister: 1221
Pohlman, H.: 1148 Sautermeister & Miiller: 1049
Pollmanini: 442 Sax: 965
Pond & Co. (Albany): 1282 Saxton, Thomas 1264 :
Thibouville-Grandin 1058 : Whitaker & Co. 1261,1356 :
Thibouville Pere & Fils: 1 180 Whiteley, Wm.: 397, 932, 1204
Thurgood: 1084 Widmann: 819
Tietjen, J.: 1294 Wiesner: 1119-B
Townsend: 322, 484 Wigley: 1099
Treumann: 627 Wigley & McGregor: 593, 1098, 1239
Triebert: 605, 617, 1121 Wild, H.: 259
Tuerlinckx: 767 Wilkins, James S.: 1588
Tulou: 188 Willems, J. B. 508, 509
Index by Types, Trade Names, Systems, Etc.
arghul: 289, 290, 1574 French (single) 334, 430, 570, 623-
flute —Continued flute — Continued
by system — Continued. —
by system Continued.
Bourne-Julliot: 308 —
"Old" system Continued
Burghley: 1091-1097, 1238 1195, 1206, 1225, 1226, 1270,
Briccialdi: 178,314, 778,1335 1277, 1307, 1318, 1348, 1355,
Card: 236, 1230 1356, 1384, 1410, 1418-B, 1424,
Carte's 1851 patent: 43, 75, 262 1502, 1535, 1536, 1572
Carte's 1867 patent: 14, 194, 340, 5 keys: 40, 66, 125, 251, 261,
581 516, 605, 607, 617, 676, 772, 819,
Clinton's 1848 patent: 342 893, 896, 902, 905, 934, 966, 979,
Clinton's 1857 patent: 1160 988, 996, 1087, 1144, 1145, 1231,
Clinton's equisonant: 109, 379, 528, 1276, 1290, 1419
685,710,1284 6 keys: 22, 38, 121, 183, 189,
Colonieu: 1132 195, 204, 217, 227, 250, 267, 301,
Giorgi: 112, 179, 223, 481 A & B 309, 321, 331, 337, 347, 361, 385,
Julliot model: 193 388, 403, 405, 414, 424, 451, 453,
McAvoy model 1089 :
484, 486, 497, 502, 511, 515, 596,
McGregor patent: 593, 1098, 1239 600, 602, 639, 651, 713, 717, 718,
Meyer: see "old" system 798, 831, 849, 850, 853, 859, 873,
Mignolet model: 176 923, 930, 951, 955, 958, 971, 995,
Miscellaneous experimental system: 1000, 1047, 1050, 1066, 1081-
1244 1083, 1099, 1100, 1104, 1121,
"Old" system {see also: walking stick 1139, 1140, 1172, 1175, 1178,
flute) 1190, 1234, 1235, 1293, 1296,
1 key: 20, 27, 28, 65, 79, 120, 1300, 1311, 1373, 1404, 1406,
124, 140, 148, 152, 196, 269, 270, 1407, 1534, 1538, 1540, 1582,
304, 311, 330, 348, 350, 377, 386, 1593
388, 392, 395, 400, 404, 411, 418, 7 keys: 68, 139, 215, 249, 405,
419, 422, 428, 468, 469, 485, 500, 636, 651, 656, 748, 761, 781, 826,
507-509, 518, 519, 524, 563, 568, 953, 954, 1047, 1067, 1069, 1156,
573, 580, 590, 592, 601, 614-616, 1163, 1192, 1198, 1261, 1265,
618, 619, 650, 766, 801, 802, 804, 1289, 1291, 1350, 1400, 1409, 1411
810, 829, 851, 870, 909, 910, 917, 8 keys: 9, 26, 54, 73, 113, 123,
925, 928, 929, 931-933, 936, 943, 130, 146, 185, 187, 198, 206, 216,
948, 959, 961, 962, 977, 981, 984- 246, 257, 317, 322-324, 338, 339,
986, 997, 998, 1001, 1030, 1044, 343, 351, 352, 365, 381, 382, 393,
1045, 1065, 1070, 1071, 1073, 399, 426, 439, 444, 449, 453, 461,
1078, 1079, 1122, 1124-1128, 464, 476, 496, 511-513, 522, 567,
1138, 1141, 1146, 1149, 1154, 569, 571, 583, 587, 594, 597, 604,
1155, 1165, 1180, 1183, 1189, 631, 642, 657, 670, 697, 716, 717,
1193, 1194, 1202-1204, 1207, 748, 757, 780, 817, 822, 825, 827,
1209, 1219-1221, 1227, 1233, 852, 878, 891, 899, 922, 937, 956,
1247, 1263, 1264, 1267-1269, 957, 960, 965, 973, 978, 980, 995,
1272, 1274, 1281-1283, 1286, 1032, 1036, 1043-A, 1046, 1054,
1294, 1314, 1325, 1343, 1367, 1068, 1075, 1076, 1084-1086,
1374, 1375, 1378, 1401-1403, 1102, 1103, 1129, 1130, 1131,
1412, 1504, 1507, 1531, 1533, 1134, 1135, 1142, 1161, 1162,
1537, 1541, 1542, 1558, 1585, 1169, 1171, 1187, 1200, 1208,
1592 1216, 1229, 1235, 1251, 1273,
2 keys: 103, 429, 467, 660, 760, 1285, 1306, 1308-1311, 1319,
916 1332, 1372, 1405, 1408, 1505,
3 keys: 348,467,719 1506, 1516, 1517, 1532, 1539,
4 keys: 36, 60,88, 93, 103, 131, 1547, 1556, 1578
218, 224, 226, 266, 278, 316, 348, 9 keys: 190, 225, 240, 353, 394,
406, 498, 521, 582, 595, 599, 854,
378, 391, 397, 401, 427, 445, 450,
855, 877, 901, 972, 975, 1275,
462, 463, 466, 473, 475, 501, 586,
1304, 1417, 1587
606, 611,644,671, 725, 767,823,
10 keys: 22, 72, 199, 259, 354,
900, 903, 927, 949, 952, 1028, 389, 410, 472, 744, 872, 1038,
1051, 1052, 1077, 1080, 1101, 1039, 1063, 1158, 1223, 1352,
1143, 1174, 1177, 1182, 1185, 1376
flute —Continued mbitu vaka tangi: 1 153
by system —Continued musette: 31, 742,785
"Old" system Continued —
11 keys:
19, 78, 89, 97, 399, nay: 282, 1576, 1577
491, 588, 629, 987, 1210, 1418-A, nose flute (double) 454 :
recorder vertical whistle fluta, single —Continued
alto in F: 127, 326, 327, 658, 720, 745, 759, 764, 776, 777, 788, 790, 791, 806,
835, 871, 945, 1055, 1159, 1179, 811, 813, 832, 838, 839, 842, 845-848,
1181, 1351, 1359, 1388 858, 876, 882, 886, 889, 897, 898,
bass in F: 800,907, 1390 913,935, 1110, nil, 1151, 1157, 1199,
miscellaneous: 328, 834, 860, 989, 1211, 1215, 1228, 1242, 1243, 1288
1214, 1253-1255, 1257, 1262 A & B, 1316, 1328, 1361, 1365, 1368,
sopranino in F: 329, 1259 1371, 1383, 1386, 1396, 1425, 1559,
soprano in C: 663, 1317, 1360, 1387 1562. See also bird pipe, eunuch
rhythm stick: 525 whistle flute, flageolet, khlu ping-aw,
ribbon reed instrument: 941 picco pipe, pitch pipe, recorder, sviralla,
ryuteki: 298, 1033 tabor pipe, t'ai p'ing hsiao, tilinko
vertical whistle flute, double: 295, 499,
schalmei: 784 661, 976, 999. See also: devoynitzas
seiteki: 144, 145, 168, 210, 211, 490, vivoshu: 247,248
shakuhachi: 122, 167, 272, 357-359, 384, walking czakan: 684, 727
1519, 1520, 1554, 1555. See also: walking 613, 824, 1232
stick flageolet:
walking stick shakuhachi walking stick flute: 228, 271, 390, 420,
sviralla: 1579 612, 726, 805, 841, 904, 908, 982, 1040,
1090, 1218,1391
tabor: 722-B, 1292-B walking stick shakuhachi 1133
tabor pipe: 421, 722-A, 723, 1266, whistle: 105, 106, 166 A-D, 202, 203,
1292-A 209, 235, 237, 243, 244, 299, 319, 345,
tabor stick: 786 494, 530, 536 A & B, 537, 538, 547,
t'ai p'ing hsiao: 16, 141, 214, 738, 880, 566, 578, 579, 640, 646 A
& B, 681-
1527, 1528 683, 686, 688, 749, 750, 762, 765, 773-
take-bue or shino-bue: 169-174, 794- 775, 792, 793, 840, 843, 844, 861-868,
796, 879, 1529 938-940, 950, 1007-1024, 1027, 1107,
ti: 13, 64, 142, 213 A & B, 492, 743, 1366, 1152, 1167, 1184, 1224, 1301, 1305,
1512-1514, 1523-1526 1322-1324, 1327, 1329-1331, 1362,
tilinko: 969 1370, 1382, 1394, 1395, 1413, 1420,
1560. See also: amma-no-fuye, bird
vertical whistle flute, single (otherwise whistle, cuckoo whistle
unspecified) : 150, 162-164, 205, 208, whistle flute, horizontal: see horizontal
238, 241, 242, 294, 296, 297, 300, 332, whistle flute
364, 446, 456-458, 480, 504, 526, 527, whistle flute, vertical: see vertical whistle
529, 532-535, 539-546, 548-551, 564, flute
565, 574-577, 585, 608 A-C, 634, 641 whistling vase: 1048
A-H, 643, 687, 689 A-C, 690 A-E,
691 A/B, 692, 706, 735, 751-755, 758, zummarah: 100, 291, 292, 489, 1573
Index by Source of Primitive, Folk, and
Oriental Instruments
Oceania —Continued —
South America Continued
Philippines: 1168 —
Indian Continued
South Sea Islands: 63, 208, 1153 Jibaros: 1112-1115
South America Lalima: 1167
Brazil: 300 Nasca: 1108, 1109
Colombia: 1120 Tribe unknown 1211,1393
HL X-2& . W5 US
Date Due