Review Lemon

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Chaturvedi Dev et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm.

2016, 7 (6)

ISSN 2230 – 8407

Review Article
Chaturvedi Dev *, Shrivastava Rishi Raj Suhane Nidhi
Daksh Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Chhatarpur (M.P.), India
*Corresponding Author Email:

Article Received on: 26/04/16 Revised on: 17/05/16 Approved for publication: 28/05/16

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.07653


Citrus lemon is most important fruit in all over world. Citrus limon is well known nutritional and medicinal property. All part of citrus limon is used
as a traditional medicine. Citrus limon belong to the family rutaceae. The main characteristic of lemon plant is thorny branches and white flowers with
purple edges. Major medicinal property of Citrus limon include anti-cancer activity, Prevent kidney stones, Bring down a fever, Balance pH.
Phytochemically in whole plant contain citral, limonene, terpineol, geranyl acetate, linalyl.

KEY WORDS: Citrus limon, anti-cancer, lemon

INTRODUCTION Lemon and lime trees should not be grown in cooler winter
areas, because they are more sensitive to winter cold than other
Lemon (Citrus × limon) is a hybrid of the plant genus Citrus, as citrus fruits. The largest producer’s places are Italy and the
well as the common name of the popular edible fruit of this United States. Lemons are commercially grown in cooler-
small tree. The citrus fruit known in ancient times in Europe summer or moderate-winter coastal Southern California in the
since the lemon (Citrus limon), lime (Citrus × auantiifolia), United States, since sweetness is neither attained nor expected in
pomelo (Citrus maxima) and bit- ter orange (Citrus × aurantium retail lemon fruit. Other top producing nations include Greece,
L.) were all introduced in Europe by the Muslims via the Sicily Spain and Argentina.
and Iberian Peninsula.1 The main characteristic of lemon plant is
thorny branches and white flowers with purple edges, the acidic, Table 1: Botanical classification of limon7
juicy fruit is oval (shaped like egg), has an aromatic rind that is Kingdom Plantae Plants
yellow when ripe (green as immature and under certain Subkingdom Tracheobionta Vascular plants
environmental conditions), and has a prominent bulge or nipple Superdivision Spermatophyta Seed plants
on the blossom end. Division Magnoliophyta Flowering plants
Class Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons
Subclass Rosidae -
Lemon is an important medicinal plant of the Rutaceae family
Order Sapindales -
that originated in tropical and subtropical Southeast Asia.2 It has
Family Rutaceae Rue family
a distinctive berry with its internal parts divided into segments. Genus Citrus L. citrus P
It is cultivated mainly for alkaloids, which show anticancer
activities and the antibacterial activities in crude extracts of Table 2: Indian synonyms of lemon8
different parts (viz., stem, root, leaves, and flower) of Lemon Language Name
against clinically significant in bacterial strains.3 Other Sanskrit Jambira, Maha Nimbu
members of the Citrus genus include citrons, oranges, limes, Bengali Patinebu, Kagghinebu, Baranebu
pomelos (pummelo, pommelo), grapefruit, and mandarins English Lemon
(tangerines). Most members of the genus Citrus arose as Hindi Nimbu, Bara Nimbu, Pakari Nimbu
hybrids, and the types of hybridized of citrus, such as lemon Kannada Nimbe, Lime hannu, Nimbe hannu
(Citrus limon), may or may not be recognized as species Punjabi Nimbu
according to different taxonomies.4,5 Urdu Limu, Neebu

Table 3: International synonyms of Lemon

Lemon peel contained crude fibres (15.18%), crude fat (4.98%),
Country Name
and protein (9.42%). Ash content of lemon peel is 6.26%.6 French Citron
Lemon juice is about 5% acid, which gives lemons a sour taste German Zitrone
and pH of 2 to 3. Italian Limone
Japanese Remon
A lemon tree can grow up to 10 meter (33 feet), but they are Romanian Lămâi (tree), Lămâie (fruit)
usually smaller. The branches form an open crown and are Russian Limon
thorny. The leaves are green, elliptical-acuminate and shiny. Serbian Limun
Flowers have a strong fragrance and are white on the outside Spanish Limón
with a violet streaked interior. On a lemon tree, flowers and Thai Manao farang, Ma nao leung, Som saa
fruits can be found at the same time.

Chaturvedi Dev et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (6)

Table 4: Different species of lemon

C. medica cedar Cedrat Lemon
C. Javanica C. medica acida
C. medica C. Limetta
C. margarita C. Lumia

Table 5: Different variety of lemon9

S.N. Variety Characteristics
1 The Avon First grown in Florida and used
primarily for frozen concentrate
2 The Baboon A bright yellow Brazilian variety
with a flavour similar to lime
3 The Bearss Which is large and rich in oil, is also Figure 1:
known as the "Sicily", and similar to
the "Lisbon” Fruit
4 The Berna Spain's leading lemon, is a medium- Fruits are ovoid or globose, berry, hesperidium, and yellow
sized fruit when ripe.11 Fruits belonging to the citrus group are called as
5 The Cameron A small, round lemon with pale green “hesperidium,". Fruit shape can change as the fruit matures or
Highlands flesh and many sees was discovered the trees get older and are also largely governed by variety
in the Cameron Highlands of
Malaysia where it grew wild.
choice. Fruit size is influenced by variety, crop load, rootstock
and irrigation practices. Mature lemons turn green to yellow,
HISTORY weigh about 50- 80 g in weight and measure about 5-8 cm in
The lemon was firstly introduced into southern Italy in 200 A.D.
and spread to Iraq and Egypt by 700 A.D. Lemon was
throughout widely distributed the Mediterranean region by
1000-1150 A.D. and was cultivated in China approximately
760-1297 A.D. Lemon was introduce in the Spanish to the
Island of Hispaniola in 1493 and sometime the first settlement
of St. Augustine, Florida. Lemon was introduced into California
in 1751-1768.10 Lemons were originally developed as a cross
between the citron and the lime. Lemons are thought to have
originated in China or India, cultivated in these regions for about
2,500 years. The major productions of lemons today are the Figure 2:
United States, Turkey, Israel, Italy, Spain and Greece. Lemons
originated in Himalaya near the North Eastern India. In 1493, Flowers
the first lemon trees in America planted by the Italian Navigator Flowers male or bisexual. Petals white and tinged purple.
Christopher Columbus. Stamens 20-30; Fruit oblong or ovoid mamillate, yellow when
ripe; pulp strongly acid and abundant.

It is indigenous to North India, but cultivated on a very large

scale in countries like Sicily, Italy and Spain. It is also cultivated
in India, Florida and California. In India, the cultivation is
carried out in U.P., M.P., Punjab and Karnataka. 6


Lemon grows on thorny, small trees which reaches a height of

10 - 20 feet. The colours of leaves of the lemon are dark green.
Leaves are arranged alternately on the stem. The lemon has a
fragrant, white flower with five petals. This specific flower Figure 3:
comes from a lemon cultivar called ‘Pink Lemonade’. The fruit
is striped and the leaves of this cultivar are variegated. The Seed
lemon fruit colour range is from greenish yellow to bright Seeds of lemon nestle within the pulp near the center of each
yellow. Lemons seem very similar to limes, but are yellow when fruit. Their size and numbers vary according to variety, but most
ripe, where limes are green and lemons tend to be a little are white, wrinkled, hard, oval or elliptical and measure about
larger. 7 3/8inch long. 12

Leaves 6.5 to 100 mm, serrulate, acute to acuminate. Leaf
jointed to the petiole. Petiole narrowly winged. Leaf blade
elliptic to ovate, 8-14×4-6 cm, apex usually mucronate, margin
conspicuously crenulate.

Chaturvedi Dev et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (6)

Anticancer properties- Studies have supported the citrus

liminoids show anticancer activity, compounds that protect cells
from damage which is the formation of cancer cells.

Potassium power- Lemons contain 80 milligrams of vitamin C

mineral. Vitamin C with Bananas that helps your body stay
strong and nimble.

Bring down a fever- Drinking a lemon juice mixture can help

bring your fever down faster. When body temperature goes up.

Balance pH -While lemons may seem quite acidic, lemon is

Figure 4: good source of an alkaline food that can help balance pH of
A lemon flower’s stigma must receive pollen which contains the
flower’s sperm. More specifically, the pollen grains sperm must · Blood Purifier
be transferred to the stigma, which found the top and the longer · Blood Sugar Balance
column in the middle of the flower. Lemon trees can be easily · Osteoporosis
grown in open area in warmer climate. Lemon trees can be · Insomnia
growing in pots in cooler region. Pollen was characterized by a · Brain and Nerve Food
very different emission profile with respect to other parts of · Asthma
flower. The trans-nerolidol (30.7%) is the main volatile detected · Nausea, Vomiting and Travel Sickness
in pollen.13 · Rheumatism, Arthritis and Bone-Related Diseases
· Acne, Spots and Pimples
PHYTOCONSTITUENT · Treat Throat Infections
The fruit juice mainly contains fruit acids, mainly citric acid
(8%) and sugars. Lemon peel consists of two layers: The outer
layer (pericarp, zest) contains an essential oil (6%), which is
· The intake of lemon juice and honey is one of the key health
composed of citral (5%) plus traces of citronellal and limonene
benefits associated with Weight loss.
(90%), α-terpineol, geranyl acetate and linalyl. The inner layer
(mesocarp), in the other word, contains no essential oil but a · Lemon juice has a wide property of skin benefits. Lemon
variety of coumarin derivatives and bitter flavone glycosides. It juice is rich in Vitamin C can helps in lightening the skin.
also contains a very little potash, sugar and gum. An imitation · Lemon juice also used by people suffered with UTI (Urinary
lemon juice has been prepared by dissolving tartaric acid into Tract Infection) problem, it can help flush high level of uric
water, then adding sulphuric acid and flavouring with oil of acid.
Lemon. Oil of Lemon is dextrogyre. This contains 7 to 8% of · Mixture of lemon juice and olive oil to cure gall bladder
citral, an aldehyde yielding geraniol upon reduction, a small stones and kidney stones.
amount of citronellal and pinene8 · Lemon juice is also used for liver stimulant, controls nausea
and relieves heartburns and irritable bowel syndrome.
Prevent kidney stones- Citrate levels in the urine raises by
drinking one half-cup of lemon juice every day. In studies lemon · Lemon curd
juice shown that this could protect against calcium stones in the · Lemon syrup
kidney. · Lemon-Garlic soup
· Sour mix
Soothe a sore throat- Honey mixing with lemon juice can help · Lemonade
alleviate and discomfort to treat nasty sore throat. · Pink Lemonade Popsicles

Support weight loss- Ancient time the old notion that the STRANGE FACT
Master Cleanse was the only way lose weight with the help of
lemons. New studies have shown the ways lemon juice supports · Nutritionally, the lemon constitutes potassium, a mineral
weight loss. Lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fibre which that support in normalizing blood pressure, promotes clear
shown weight-loss. thinking and works with sodium to regulate the water
balance in the body.
Start your day right- Leave caffeinated drinks behind, and · Add the equal amount of one lemon juice and hot water for
stimulation of digestive track by the using fresh lemon juice and an anti-bacterial gargle.
hot water and add vitamin C. · Lemons prevent scurvy because of high amount of Vitamin
C, a disease that causes aching joints, loose teeth and
Stop an itch -When it comes to insect bites or poison ivy, lemon bleeding gums.
juice rubbing on the area can soothe the skin. Lemon juice show · Acne scars, marks are embarrassing and pain treated by the
anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic effects. citric acid which is present in lemon juice.
· Lemon juice gives shine on faces.
· Lemon juice also stimulates the metabolism.

Chaturvedi Dev et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (6)

Table 6: Nutritional Value11 4. Komiya, M., T. Takeuchi, and E. Harada: Lemon oil vapor
Elements Amount causes an anti-stress effect via modulating the 5-HT and DA
Sodium (Na) 0.83 activities in mice. Behav Brain Res, 2007, 172: 240-249.
Water 92% 5. Pizzetti, M., F. De Marco, and S. Schuler. Simon and
Potassium (K) 0.24 Schuster's Guide to Trees, New York: Simon and Schuster,
Magnesium (Mg) 0.59 1978.
Zinc (Zn) 0.15
6. Kokate C.K., Purohit A.P., Gokhale S.B.: Pharmacology.
Protein 9.42
Vitamin C 38.7 mg
45th ed. Pune: Nirali Prakashan;2008;11.40.
Phosphorus (P) 0.11
7. M. Mohanapriya, Dr. Lalitha Ramaswamy: Health and
Fibre 15.18 Medicinal Properties of Lemon (Citrus Limonum).
Fat 4.98 International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine
Calcium (Ca) 0.32 2013;3:1095-1100.
Copper (Cu) 0.22 8. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Gov. of India,
Iron (Fe) 0.54 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 4: 83.
CONCLUSION leftover-fresh-lemon-juice, 07/10/2015.
10. Jonathan H. Crane: Lemon Growing in the Florida Home
Citrus is well known for its nutritional and medicinal value in all Landscape. US Florida 2013;1153:1095-1100.
over world. Its plants part are used as a traditional medicine. 11. Javad Feizy, Hamed Reza Beheshti: Chemical Composition
According to available literature does not reveal any adverse of Lemon (Citrus Limon) and Peel its consideration as
effect. Citrus is one of most popular plant in all over world. animal food. Geographic Information and Decision Analysis
2012; 37 :269-270.
1. Beatriz Alvarez Arias, Luis Ramon-Laca: Pharmacological 13. Guido Flamini, Marianna Tebano, Pier Luigi Cioni: Volatile
properties of citrus and their ancient and medieval uses in emission patterns of different plant organs and pollrn of
the Mediterranean region. Journal of Ethnopharmacolgy citrus limon. Analytica Chimica Acta 2007;02:120-124.
2005;97:89-95. 14.
2. Javad Feizy, Hamed Reza Beheshti: Chemical Composition Good-You-14860617, 07/10/2015.
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2012; 3 :267-271.
3. Maruti J. Dhanavade, Chidamber B. Jalkute: Study Cite this article as:
Antimicrobial activity of Lemon (Citrus lemon L.) Peel
extract. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Chaturvedi Dev, Shrivastava Rishi Raj Suhane Nidhi. Basketful
2011; 2 :119-122. benefit of Citrus limon. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016;7(6):1-4

Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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