Abrasion Resistance Characteristics in Cement Concrete
Abrasion Resistance Characteristics in Cement Concrete
Abrasion Resistance Characteristics in Cement Concrete
Abrasion is the wearing down of particles by friction due to water, wind or ice etc.
Deterioration of concrete surfaces occurs due to various forms of wear such as
erosion, cavitation, and abrasion due to various exposures. Abrasion wear occurs
due to rubbing, scraping, skidding, or sliding of objects on the concrete surface.
This form of wear is observed in pavements, floors, or other surfaces on which
friction forces are applied due to relative motion between the surfaces and moving
objects. The Coarse aggregate has the most important role on the abrasion
resistance of concrete. The strongest available coarse aggregate should be used,
hardness toughness properties should be studied . In addition, inter facial transition
zone and mortar are to be considered for improvement of abrasion resistance. Here
we can discus about the application of geopolymer, rubber aggregate, slag in
abrasion resistance
Resistance to abrasion of ISFS concrete was comparable to normal concrete for sand
replacement to the limit of 50%. Abrasion resistance improved slightly, comparing
with the control mixture,with the deduction in water to cement ratio at the same
It was observed that depth of wear decreased with the increase of duration of charge
for both Geopolymer and control specimens. Comparing Geopolymer specimens with
control specimens the as shown in fig , the depth of wear decreased by 61%for 12hrs
duration 64%for 24hrs duration. This showed that the depth of wear for geopolymer
concrete specimens was smaller than for the control mix OPC concrete specimens ,
which means that the abrasion resistance for geopolymeric concrete was better.
Replacement of Nanosilica and Super fine slag were respectively 5% and 40%
by weight. Rubber Powder was added and replaced by 20% of sand volume.
Rubber Powder in the concrete replaced the sand particles by same size in
order to achieve good gradation curve, and it was obtained .
In order to analyse the effect of Nanosilica and Super fine slag on concrete’s
abrasion resistance, C-1 and C-2 were made. We had the conclusion that the
effect of Nanosilica and Super fine slag on mortar’s strength was just the same
approximately. And considering the high cost of Nanosilica concrete, we
selected Super fine slag to be used together with RP, and C-3 were made.
Cubic concrete samples were prepared with size of 100 mm for compressive
strength and abrasion test, and for elastic modulus test cylindrical samples
with diameter of 150 mm and height of 300 mm were prepared. All samples
were de-moulded and cured on second day of casting , the curing was
conducted in curing chamber with a moisture of 95% and temperature of 21
℃. The samples were then tested at 28 days and 90 days. Compressive
strength, the abrasion resistant strength and the elastic modulus are shown
3.1 Compressive Strength, Abrasion Resistant Strength And Elastic
Modulus Of Concretes
This research was performed based on IS 1237: 1980. Test specimen concrete
cubes of 100 mm size were prepared . cured for 28 days and then oven dried at 65 ± 5
degree celsius for five days. The test was conducted using abrasive powder and a
load of 600 N was applied on the specimen. The surface area ex-posed to wear was
100 cm2.
. The abrasion resistance values of the concrete samples are given in Fig
From the above results, it was clear that the Crumb rubber based concrete showed
better abrasion resistance than that of the control mix.
For the water to cement ratio 0.4, the depth abrasion was 1.4 mm for the control mix
and the abrasion depth for all samples of mix up to 20% crumb rubber addition was
less than 1.4 mm.
For the water–cement ratio 0.5 the abrasion depth was nearly similar to that of 0.4,
where the crumbed rubber based concrete showed better abrasion resistance than the
control mix.
In the crumbed rubber concrete the crumb rubber particles project slightly on the
surface of concrete and acts like protector. This will help against the grinding and
abrasion of concrete surface of specimen. So the crumbed rubber concrete having
more resistance to abrasion when compared to the control mix.
Addition of Imperial smelting furnace (ISF) slag as in concrete improved the abrasion
and compressive strength of concrete.
From this study it was concluded that crumb rubber CAN be utilized as l fine
aggregates up to 7.5%, without significant reduction in its compressive strength.
The crumbed rubber concrete can be utilized for the construction of pavements,
structural works (up to 7.5% substitution) and non-structural works.
From this study it was concluded that the strength of Geopolymer concrete can be
improved by decreasing water to Geopolymer solids ratios. The Geopolymer concrete
had better Abrasion resistance character than conventional OPC concretes.
Average depth of abrasion is 61% higher for OPC with respect to GPC for the charge
of 12hrs duration and 64%, higher for 24hrs duration.
From these findings we can conclude that the abrasion resistance of concrete is
related to the compressive strength but and the toughness. Addition of Nanosilica and
Slag improved the paste strength and the inter facial transition zone so as to make the
failure modes of the test specimen concrete different with the control concrete under
compression and abrasion.
1.Strength and Abrasion Characteristics of ISF Slag Concrete Bhavna Tripathi 1; Anurag
Misra2; and Sandeep Chaudhary3
2.Mechanical Properties of Structural Concrete Containing Fine Aggregates from Waste
Generated by the Marble Quarrying Industry Diogo Silva1; Filipe Gameiro2; and Jorge de
3.Effect of Source of Fly Ash on Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Tarun R. Naik 1;
Shiw S. Singh2; and Bruce W. Ramme3
4.Strength, abrasion and permeation characteristics of cement concrete
containing discarded rubber fine aggregates Blessen Skariah Thomas,
Ramesh Chandra Gupta a, Pawan Kalla a, Laszlo Cseteneyi bDepartment of
Civil Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India b Concrete Technology Unit, University of Dundee, United