BSC Botony I&II
BSC Botony I&II
BSC Botony I&II
UNIT- I: MICROBIAL WORLD (Origin and Evolution of Life, Microbial diversity (12hrs)
1. Discovery of microorganisms, origin of life, spontaneous, biogenesis, Pasteur
experiments, germ theory of disease.
2. Classification of microorganisms – R.H. Whittaker’s five kingdom concept, Carl
Woese’s- Domain system.
3. Brief account of special groups of bacteria- Archaebacteria, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia,
Actinomycetes, Rickettsias and Cyanobacteria.
Suggested activity: Seminar, Quiz, debate, collection of diseased plant parts –studying
symptoms and identification of pathogen, collection and study of
fresh and marine Algae available in local area.
**Student Activities like Seminars, Assignments, Fieldwork, Study Projects, Models etc. are
Part of Curriculum for all units in all papers.
1. Knowledge of Equipment used in Microbiology: Spirit lamp, Inoculation loop, Hot-air oven,
Autoclave/Pressure cooker, laminar air flow chamber and Incubator.
2. Preparation of liquid and solid media for culturing of microbes (Demonstration).
3. Study of viruses and bacteria using electron photo micrographs (TMV, Bacteriophage, HIV, Cocci,
Bacillus, Spirillum bacteria).
4. Gram staining technique.
5. Study of Plant disease symptoms caused by Bacteria (Citrus canker, leaf blight of rice, Angular leaf
spot of Cotton) and viruses (TMV, Bhendi vein clearing and Leaf curl of Papaya),Fungi (Late blight
of potato, Red rot of Sugarcane and Paddy blast).
6. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of the following :
a) Cyanobacteria: Nostoc and Scytonema.
b) Algae: Oedogonium, Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia,
c) Fungi: Rhizopus, Penicillium and Puccinia .
7. Study of plant materialinfected by Fungi (Rot of tomatoes,blue and greenmoulds of Ciitrus fruits and
wheat rust(Section cutting of diseased parts of Wheat and Barberry -identification of different
8. Lichens: Morphology and of anatomy of different thalli.
9. Field Visit.
Paper-1 P: Microbial Diversity, Algae and Fungi
1. Identify giving reasons two of the given Algal mixture” A". Leave your preparation for evaluation.
Draw labeled diagrams. (Slide--1mark, Diagrams--1mark, Identification--1mark)
3x 2 = 6 Marks
2. Make suitable stained preparation of the material "B" to bring out the details of internal structure--
identify giving reasons. Draw labeled diagrams and leave your preparations for evaluation.
(Slide-4 marks, diagrams-3 marks, Identification-3marks)
10 Marks
1. Bryophytes: General characters, Classification (up to classes)
2. Structure, reproduction and Life history of Marchantia, and Funaria.
3. Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.
Suggested activity: Collection of Marsilea sporocarp, Pinus needles, male and female cones,
study of Pinus pollen grains, collection of locally available economically useful timbers.
Total : 50 Marks
A. Bryophyta/ Pteridophyta material
B. Gymnosperm material.
C. Anatomy material.
D. Whole specimen or permanent slide of Bryophyta/ Pteridophyta
E. Whole specimen or permanent slide of Gymnosperm.
F. Whole specimen or permanent slide of wood.
1.Fundamental components of taxonomy (identification, nomenclature, classification)
2. Taxonomic resources: Herbarium- functions& important herbaria, Botanical
gardens, Flora, Keys- single access and multi-access.
3. Botanical Nomenclature- Principles and rules of ICBN (ranks and names; principle
of priority, binomial system; type method, author citation, valid-publication).
Suggested activity: Collection of locally available plants of medicinal importance, observing pollen grains
in honey, Aero palynology-collection of pollen from air using glycerin strips in different seasons.
Plant Taxonomy and Embryology
Total hours of laboratory Exercises 30hrs @ 2 per week
1. Systematic study of locally available plants belonging to the families prescribed in theory
2. Demonstration of herbarium techniques.
3. Structure of pollen grains using whole mounts (Catharanthus, Hibiscus, Acacia, Grass).
4. Demonstration of Pollen viability test using in- vitro germination (Catharanthus).
5. Study of ovule types and developmental stages of embryo sac using permanent slides /Photographs.
6. Structure of endosperm (nuclear and cellular); Developmental stages of dicot and monocot
Embryos using permanent slides / Photographs
7. Isolation and mounting of embryo (using Symopsis / Senna / Crotalaria)
8. Field visits .
9. Study of local flora and submission of Field Note Book.
1. Describe the given Plant specimens (A & B) in technical terms. Draw neat labeled diagrams of
twig with inflorescence, L.S. of Flower, T.s. of Ovary and floral Diagram. Give floral formula.
Identify the family.
2x 10 = 20 Marks
(Description- vegetative - 2 marks, floral – 4 marks; diagrams-3 marks, Identification-1 marks)
2. Derive the plant specimens C & D to their respective families- 2x4 = 08 marks
Total : 50 Marks
1. Mineral Nutrition: Essential elements (macro and micronutrients) and their role in
plant metabolism, deficiency symptoms.
2. Mineral ion uptake (active and passive transport).
3. Nitrogen metabolism- biological nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium, outlines of protein
synthesis (transcription and translation).
4. Enzymes: General characteristics, mechanism of enzyme action and factors
regulating enzyme action.
Suggested activity: Seminars, Quiz, Debate, Question and Answer sessions, observing animations of
protein biosynthesis in you tube.
1. Perform the Experiments A & B. Give the aim, principle, procedure and observation. Tabulate the
results if any. Draw labeled diagram. 2 x 15 = 30 marks
Total 750 - - 30 25
#DSC: Domain (Subject) Specific Course (Paper)
Foundation Course: value or skill based
Note: For Science Domain Subjects which had no lab practical component earlier (eg.
Mathematics) the following format is applicable. They, however, will have co-curricular activities
(eg. Problem solving sessions etc.). The total marks will change accordingly for such
combinations. For example for Maths, Physics and Chemistry the total marks will be 700.
DSC (without Lab 100 25 75 6 5
*Mid sem exam at the college (The marks split between Formal Test and Co-curricular activities
may be decided by the University concerned). End Sem Exam by the Univ.
*Practical component will not be applicable to those science subjects which had no such
component earlier (ex. Mathematics)
**Syllabus size shall be in accordance with the number of teaching hours
Total 750 - - 30 25
Sno Course Total Mid Sem Sem End Teaching Credits
Marks Exam Exam Hours
1 First Language 100 25 75 4 3
2 Second Language 100 25 75 4 3
3 Foundation Course - 5 50 0 50 2 2
4 Foundation course – 6 50 0 50 2 2
5 DSC 1 Paper-3 100 25 75 4 3
6 DSC 1 Practical 50 0 50 2 2
Total 750 - - 30 25
Sno Course Total Mid Sem Sem End Teaching Credits
Marks Exam* Exam Hours**
1 Foundation Course – 7 50 0 50 2 2
CSS – 2
2 Foundation Course – 8 50 0 50 2 2
Analytical Skills
3 Foundation Course - 9 50 0 50 2 2
4 Foundation course – 10 50 0 50 2 2
Leadership Education
5 DSC 1 Paper-4 100 25 75 4 3
6 DSC 1 Lab Practical 50 0 50 2 2
Total 750 - - 30 23
*Analytical Skills: To be taught by Maths/Stat Teachers (may be partly by English Teachers)
Entrepreneurship: To be taught by Commerce Teachers
Leadership Education: To be taught by Telugu Teachers
Total 900 - - 30 30
3 Elective-1: 100 25 75 3 3
DSC 2, Paper -7
4 Elective-2 Lab Practical 50 0 50 2 2
5 Elective-1: 100 25 75 3 3
DSC 3, Paper -7
6 Elective-3 Lab Practical 50 0 50 2 2
Total 900 - - 30 30
*7th paper of each of the domain specific subjects (1st paper of semester VI) will be a domain related
Elective. More than one Elective may be offered giving choice to students. The Electives may be of Domain
specific applied or advanced (specialization) in nature. The number of Electives may be decided (along with
the syllabus) by the University concerned keeping the feasibility of conduct of University examinations in
** Applied Elective: It is desirable that around 25% of syllabus is taught by field experts. The college has to
make such an arrangement.
*8th paper of each of the domain specific subjects (2nd paper of semester VI) will also be an Elective. The
Electives may be of Inter-domain Clusters**- each Cluster having three papers with or without project work.
or General in nature. The number of Clusters may be decided (along with the syllabus) by the University
concerned keeping the feasibility of conduct of University examinations in view. It is desirable that around
25% of syllabus is taught by field experts.
**Cluster:: In the last semester, for paper-8, each domain subject has one elective totaling three papers for
each student. Electives may be given as Clusters of three papers each for each subject. A student can opt
for all the three papers of the same subject (cluster or stream) including or excluding project work for a
wider learning experience. The student will not study the other two domain subjects for paper-8.