Half and Full Adder Circuit Report
Half and Full Adder Circuit Report
Half and Full Adder Circuit Report
The following report details for Half Adder and Full Adder, an Adder is digital logic circuit
in electronics implement the addition of number. Basically it consist of XOR and AND Gate
where XOR is used to calculate sum and AND is used carry. The half adder circuit has two
inputs: A and B, which add two input digits and generate a carry and sum. The full adder
circuit has three inputs: A and C, which add the three input numbers and generate a carry and
sum. Binary Adders are arithmetic circuits in the form of half-adders and full-adders used to
add together two binary digits. Generate reports/analyse statistics, and they logic gates to
perform the binary digital addition.
I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them.
I am highly indebted to __________ for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing
the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of Suresh Gyan Vihar
University for their kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in completion of this
My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.
S.No. Title Page No.
Adders are digital circuits that carry out addition of numbers. Adders are a key component of
Arithmetic Logic unit. Adders can be constructed for most of the numerical representations
like Binary Coded Decimal (BDC), Excess – 3, Gray code, Binary etc. out of these, binary
addition is the most frequently performed task by most common adders. Apart from addition,
adders are also used in certain digital applications like table index calculation, address
decoding etc.
Binary addition is similar to that of decimal addition. Some basic binary additions are shown
The adder that performs simple binary addition must have two inputs (augend and addend)
and two outputs (sum and carry). The device which performs above task is called a Half
Half adder is a combinational circuit that performs simple addition of two binary numbers.
The block diagram of a half adder is shown below.
The sum output of the binary addition carried out above is similar to that of an Ex-OR
operation while the carry output is similar to that of an AND operation. The same can be
verified with help of Karnaugh Map.
The truth table and K Map simplification for Sum output is shown below.
Sum = A B ̅ + A ̅ B.
The truth table and K Map simplification for carry is shown below.
Carry = AB
If A and B are binary inputs to the half adder, then the logic function to calculate sum S is Ex
– OR of A and B and logic function to calculate carry C is AND of A and B. Combining
these two, the logical circuit to implement the combinational circuit of Half Adder is shown
As we know that NAND and NOR are called universal gates as any logic system can be
implemented using these two, the half adder circuit can also be implemented using them. We
know that a half adder circuit has one Ex – OR gate and one AND gate.
Limitations of Half Adder
The reason these simple binary adders are called Half Adders is that there is no scope for
them to add the carry bit from previous bit. This is a major limitation of half adders when
used as binary adders especially in real time scenarios which involves addition of multiple
bits. To overcome this limitation, full adders are developed.
Full adder is a digital circuit used to calculate the sum of three binary bits which is the main
difference between this and half adder. Full adders are complex and difficult to implement
when compared to half adders. Two of the three bits are same as before which are A, the
augend bit and B, the addend bit. The additional third bit is carry bit from the previous stage
and is called Carry – in generally represented by CIN. It calculates the sum of three bits along
with the carry. The output carry is called Carry – out and is represented by COUT.
The block diagram of a full adder with A, B and CIN as inputs and S, CoUT as outputs is
shown below
Based on the truth table, the Boolean functions for Sum (S) and Carry – out (COUT) can be
derived using K – Map.
For Sum S
The simplified equation for sum is S = A ̅ B ̅ Cin + A ̅ BC ̅ in + ABCin
In order to implement a combinational circuit for Full Adder, it is clear from the equations
derived above, that we need 4 three input AND gates and 1 four input OR gate for Sum and 3
two input AND gates and I three input OR gate for Carry – out.
Implementation of Full Adder using Half Adders
A full adder can be formed by logically connecting two half adders. The block diagram that
shows the implementation of a full adder using two half adders is shown below.
S = A ̅ B ̅ Cin + A ̅ BC ̅ in + ABCin
S = A ̅ B ̅ Cin + A ̅ BC ̅ in + ABCin
= Cin (A ̅ B ̅ + AB) + C ̅ in (A ̅ B + A B ̅ )
= Cin XOR (A XOR B)
Cout is simplified as
= A B + ACIN + ̅A B CIN
= AB + ACIN (B + ̅B ) + ¬ ̅A B CIN
= AB + A ̅B CIN + ̅A B CIN
= AB + CIN ( ̅AB + A ̅B )
Based on the above two equations, the full adder circuit can be implemented using two half
adders and an OR gate. The implementation of full adder using two half adders is show
Full Adder using NAND Gates
As mentioned earlier, a NAND gate is one of the universal gates and can be used to
implement any logic design. The circuit of full adder using only NAND gates is shown
Full adder is a simple 1 – bit adder. If we want to perform n – bit addition, then n number of
1 – bit full adders should be used in the form of a cascade connection.
The purpose of this lab is to better understand how two binary gates would be work together.
Also this lab helps get a better knowledge of how inputs have an effect on two combined
binary gates.
Name Function Picture
One SK-50 A breadboard is used to make up a
Breadboard temporary circuit for testing
socket purposes or trying something out.
6 wires A cable which is made out of
insulated metal, it allows the flow of
1) The ALU (arithmetic logic circuitry) of a computer uses half adder to compute the binary
addition operation on two bits.
2) Half adder is used to make full adder as a full adder requires 3 inputs, the third input being
an input carry i.e. we will be able to cascade the carry bit from one adder to the other.
3) Ripple carry adder is possible to create a logical circuit using multiple full adders to add
N-bit numbers. Each full adder inputs a C(in), which is the C(out) of the previous adder. This
kind of adder is called RIPPLE CARRY ADDER, since each carry bit "ripples" to the next
full adder. Note that the first full adder (and only the first) may be replaced by a half adder.
In this lab we learned how to build a one bit adder, two bits adders and a three bit increment ;
using a half adder and a full adder those mentioned previously were made it. The part A was
made with a half adder, part B with a full adder or two half adders and part C with three half
adders. The program Xilinx was used again to build the logic circuits, once the appropriate
was written, the VHDL Test Bench was implemented to find our outputs. An Adder is a
circuit that produces the addition of numbers. The most common adders work with binary
system. A full Adder accepts three inputs (A, Band a Carry in) and two outputs (Carry out
and sum). A half Adder accepts two inputs (A and B) and two outputs (Carry out and sum).