Scott Adkins - Rutinas Músculos, Routines Muscles
Scott Adkins - Rutinas Músculos, Routines Muscles
Scott Adkins - Rutinas Músculos, Routines Muscles
The Scott Adkins Workout Routine
Updated on April 13, 2016
(Be Like Water)
15 Articles
Scott Adkins
God has given me a gift – only one – I am the
most complete fighter in the world.
— Yuri Boyka
If you have watched the movie Undisputed 3, you are definitely a Scott Adkins fan.
Everyone is impressed with his amazing MMA fighting skills which include the most
awesome Taekwondo kicks that I have ever seen. You may have also seen his
fight scene with Jason Statham in Expendables 2. Popular
He has a worldclass fighter physique that most people only dream of. He looks WORKOUT ROUTINES 65
like a badass Russian Hercules with tattoos and scars. He is 5 ft 11 inches and How to Exercise
weighs 165 lbs (75 kg). Transverse Abdominal
To develop a body like Boyka, you will have to gain lot of muscle and have Muscles
minimum fat in your body. You will have to do all the right exercises to get the by Abby Campbell
shape and proportion right. You must have noticed his square pecs and wide abs
which make him look like a sculpture of some Greek god.
Cycling Benefits: Tone
Your Abs, Legs, Stomach,
and Buttocks
by Liam Hallam
P90X 24
Ab Ripper X Exercises
with Photos: P90X, P90X2,
by vanchen
Fighting Skills
Scott Adkins is not just a badass on screen – he is even tougher in real life. He
has training in various martial arts styles. When he was 14, he got inspired by
Bruce Lee and started learning Taekwondo. He got his first black belt when he
was 19. He also holds a black belt in kickboxing. 65
That's not all – he also has training in Karate, Judo, Jujutsu, Wushu, Muay Thai How to Exercise
and Ninjutsu. I am not kidding – watching Bruce Lee films can do that to people. Transverse Abdominal
by Abby Campbell
We can turn this around – we can turn this into
our advantage. We can say this is work, or we
Cycling Benefits: Tone
can say this is training. Your Abs, Legs, Stomach,
— Yuri Boyka and Buttocks
by Liam Hallam
P90X 24
Ab Ripper X Exercises
with Photos: P90X, P90X2,
Training Smart P90X3
by vanchen
Despite his big, muscular frame, Scott is very quick. He moves fast. He kicks fast.
And he does all kinds of crazy ass Taekwondo moves that he is too big for.
Why, you ask?
Because he trained smart!
I know some fighters who were quick and flexible before, but ended up getting too
slow and stiff after they started weight training. Eventually they quit martial arts.
Does that mean weight training slows you down?
Well, that depends on how you train. Training with weights won't slow you down as
long as you stick to a routine that consists of mostly compound lifts – focusing on
gaining functional strength as well as muscle – and don't rush for results.
Sample Exercises for All
Muscle Groups
Pull ups
Incline dumbbell press
Inclined bench press
Push ups
Overhead press
Leg raises
Alternate leg raises
L sits
V sits
Jump rope
Vertical jumps
Forearms Popular
Dead hangs on pull up bar WORKOUT ROUTINES 65
How to Exercise
Transverse Abdominal
Routine by Abby Campbell
Cycling Benefits: Tone
Day Muscle groups Exercise Your Abs, Legs, Stomach,
Deadlift (5X10), pull ups
and Buttocks
Monday Legs, back, arms (maxX5) or bicep curls by Liam Hallam
Leg raises (20X3), L sits P90X 24
Tuesday Abs, forearms
(1 minX5) Ab Ripper X Exercises
with Photos: P90X, P90X2,
Deadlift (5X10), incline
Wednesday Legs, chest dumbell press/ Incline
by vanchen
bench press (5X10)
Leg raises (20X3), L sits
Thursday Abs, calves
(1 minX5), verticle jumps
Deadlift (5X10),
Friday Legs, shoulders
overhead press (5X10)
Alternate leg raises
Saturday Abs
Sunday Rest
Winning takes many things: who can be the best
fighter, yes, of course – but most important –
who can survive.
— Yuri Boyka
Workout Guidelines
For gaining muscle mass and strength, keep the rep range between 4 6
reps. Perform 10 sets of all major lifts.
Don't do any cardio or physically demanding activities while you are trying to
bulk up. It will hinder your gains.
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Avoid foods containing gluten, such as rice, wheat, etc.
Limit your fat intake to minimum. Eat less salt.
Add weight to your lifts after each workout. When you stop progressing,
deload 10% of your max, and start again. HUBPAGES.COM 0
Never train to failure. Our goal here is to do a lot of volume with heavy MMA Workout Routine
weights — there is no need to exhaust your muscles. That, at the very least, Lesson #1
may hinder your progress and, at worst, may lead to an injury. Lift safe! by jaybird22
The Bruce Lee Workout
24 Routine
by JG11Bravo
What Would Jason
Statham Do? A No Frills
Rich Man's Gym Workout
by David R Bradley
How to Exercise
Best Exercises for Six
Transverse Abdominal
Pack abs. How to do a
proper Ab workout
by Abby Campbell
Different Body Types by John
Cycling Benefits: Tone
Your Abs, Legs, Stomach,
The trickiest part in weight training is choosing the right workout and diet plan and Buttocks
according to your body type. People react differently to weight training, so one by Liam Hallam
method that worked for someone you know might not work for you.
Fortunately, the workout provided above is designed to work for all three body P90X 24
types. Still there are some guidelines you need to follow so that you can get the Ab Ripper X Exercises
maximum benefit from the workout. with Photos: P90X, P90X2,
Here are some tips regarding the diet and the routine. P90X3
by vanchen
Tips for Ectomorphs
Ectomorphs, A.K.A hard gainers, are people with small joints and a high
metabolism. They have a hard time gaining muscle, maintain low body fat, and
have a small frame.
Your goal should be to add lean muscle to your frame. You can lose what little
body fat you have later.
56 is the ideal rep range
If you are not lactose intolerant, milk can help in gains—don't drink too much
Try to eat enough calories for recovery
Eat proteinrich foods
Eat fiber
Drink lots of water
Avoid physically demanding activities when bulking up
Tips for Mesomorphs
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Mesomorphs have good genetics for muscle gains, and can gain muscle more
easily than ectomorphs. They are naturally muscular and have bigger joints.
Your goal should be gain muscle first and then lose the body fat and get ripped. Related
When you have bulked up enough, do cardio three or more times a week.
810 sets for each exercise MMA Workout Routine
Avoid fatty foods Lesson #1
Eat vegetables by jaybird22
Try to eat enough calories for recovery
Eat proteinrich foods WORKOUT ROUTINES 25
Eat fiber The Bruce Lee Workout
24 Routine
While losing fat, do lots of jumping rope
by JG11Bravo
Drink lots of water
What Would Jason
Tips for Endomorphs Statham Do? A No Frills
Rich Man's Gym Workout
by David R Bradley
Endomorphs are people that have a hard time losing weight. They have big joints,
a wide waist, and a slow metabolism. WORKOUT ROUTINES
A good diet plan is your best bet. Without that, the only thing the cardio sessions How to Exercise
Best Exercises for Six
will do is exhaust you. Find a solid diet plan that works for you. Transverse Abdominal
Pack abs. How to do a
proper Ab workout
Lift heavy
by Abby Campbell
Do a lot of jump rope by John
10 sets for each exercise WORKOUT ROUTINES 3
Avoid fatty foods Cycling Benefits: Tone
Eat vegetables
Your Abs, Legs, Stomach,
and Buttocks
Try to eat enough calories for recovery
by Liam Hallam
Eat proteinrich foods
Eat fiber P90X 24
Drink lots of water Ab Ripper X Exercises
Avoid foods with gluten with Photos: P90X, P90X2,
by vanchen
Gym Membership vs Home
I don't know how much the gym membership costs at your gym but the average in
America is around $50/month, which comes out to around $600 per year. This is
very expensive.