ATP Session 4-2
ATP Session 4-2
ATP Session 4-2
[No. 33580. February 6, 1931] The defendant denies generally and specifically all the allegations of the
complaint which are incompatible with his special defenses, cross-complaint
MAXIMILIANO SANCHO, plaintiff and appellant, vs. SEVERIANO and counterclaim, setting up the latter and asking for the dissolution of the
LIZARRAGA, defendant and appellee. partnership, and the payment to him as its manager and administrator of
1.JUDGMENT; APPEAL FROM AN ORDER ON RENDITION OF ACCOUNTS.—In P500 monthly from October 15, 1920, until the final dissolution, with
accordance with the doctrine laid down in the case of Natividad vs. Villarica interest, one-half of said amount to be charged to the plaintiff. He also prays
(31 Phil., 172), it is held that an appeal taken from a decision ordering the for any other just and equitable remedy.
rendition of accounts is deemed premature. The Court of First Instance of Manila, having heard the cause, and finding it
2.PARTNERSHIP; FAILURE OF PARTNER TO PAY THE WHOLE AMOUNT duly proved that the defendant had not contributed all the capital he had
PROMISED; RESPONSIBILITY.—Owing to the defendant's failure to pay to bound himself to invest, and that the plaintiff had demanded that the def
the partnership the whole amount which he bound himself to pay, he endant liquidate the partnership, declared it dissolved on account of the
became indebted to it' for the remainder, with interest and any damages expiration of the period for which it was constituted, and ordered the
occasioned thereby, but the plaintiff did not thereby acquire the right to defendant, as managing partner, to proceed without delay to liquidate it,
demand rescission "of the partnership contract under article 1124 of the Civil submitting to the court the result of the liquidation together with the
Code. accounts and vouchers within the period of thirty days from receipt of notice
of said judgment, without costs.
3.ID.; ID.; ID.; STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION.—Article 1124 of the Civil Code
cannot be applied to the case in question, because it refers to the resolution The plaintiff appealed from said decision making the following assignments
of obligations in general, whereas articles 1681 and 1682 specifically refer to of error:
the contract of partnership in particular. And it is a well known principle that "1. In holding that the plaintiff and appellant is not entitled to the rescission
special provisions prevail over general provisions. of the partnership contract, Exhibit A, and that article 1124 of the Civil Code
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. Revilla, J. is not applicable to the present case.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. "2. In failing to order the defendant to return the sum of P50,000 to the
plaintiff with interest from October 15, 1920, until fully paid.
Jose Perez Cardenas and Jose M. Casal for appellant.
"3. In denying the motion for a new trial."
Celso B. Jamora and Antonio Gonzalez for appellee.
In the brief filed by counsel for the appellee, a preliminary question is raised
ROMUALDEZ, J.; purporting to show that this appeal is premature and therefore will not lie.
The point is based on the contention that inasmuch as the liquidation
The plaintiff brought an action for the rescission of a partnership contract ordered by the trial court, and the consequent accounts, have not been
between himself and the defendant, entered into on October 15, 1920, the made and submitted, the case cannot be deemed terminated in said court
reimbursement by the latter of his 50,000 peso investment therein, with and its ruling is not yet appealable. In support of this contention counsel
interest at 12 per cent per annum from October 15, 1920, with costs, and cites section 123 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and the decision of this
any other just and equitable remedy against said defendant. court in the case of Natividad vs. Villarica (31 Phil., 172).
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This contention is well founded. Until the accounts have been rendered as
ordered by the trial court, and until they have been either approved or
disapproved, the litigation involved in this action cannot be considered as
completely decided; and, as it was held in said case of Natividad vs.
Villarica, also with reference to an appeal taken from a decision ordering the
rendition of accounts following the dissolution of a partnership, the appeal in
the instant case must be deemed premature.
But even going into the merits of the case, the affirmation of the judgment
appealed from is inevitable. In view of the lower court's findings referred to
above, which we cannot revise because the parol evidence has not been
forwarded to this court, articles 1681 and 1682 of the Civil Code have been
properly applied. Owing to the defendant's failure to pay to the partnership
the whole amount which he bound himself to pay, he became indebted to it
for the remainder, with interest and any damages occasioned thereby, but
the plaintiff did not thereby acquire the right to demand rescission of the
partnership contract according to article 1124 of the Code. This article
cannot be applied to the case in question, because it refers to the resolution
of obligations in general, whereas articles 1681 and 1682 specifically refer to
the contract of partnership in particular. And it is a well known principle that
special provisions prevail over general provisions.
Appeal dismissed. Sancho vs. Lizarraga, 55 Phil. 601, No. 33580 February 6,
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G.R. No. 109248. July 3, 1995.* culminating in its termination.—The dissolution of a partnership is the
change in the relation of the parties caused by any partner ceasing to be
GREGORIO F. ORTEGA, TOMAS O. DEL CASTILLO, JR., and BENJAMIN associated in the carrying on, as might be distinguished from the winding up
T. BACORRO, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, SECURITIES of, the business. Upon its dissolution, the partnership continues and its legal
AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION and JOAQUIN L. MISA, respondents. personality is retained until the complete winding up of its business
Commercial Law; Partnership; A partnership that does not fix its term is a culminating in its termination.
partnership at will.—A partnership that does not fix its term is a partnership Same; Same; The liquidation of the assets of the partnership following its
at will. That the law firm “Bito, Misa & Lozada,” and now “Bito, Lozada, dissolution is governed by various provisions of the Civil Code.—The
Ortega and Castillo,” is indeed such a partnership need not be unduly liquidation of the assets of the partnership following its dissolution is
belabored. We quote, with approval, like did the appellate court, the findings governed by various provisions of the Civil Code; however, an agreement of
and disquisition of respondent SEC on this matter. the partners, like any other contract, is binding among them and normally
Same; Same; The birth and life of a partnership at will is predicated on the takes precedence to the extent applicable over the Code’s general
mutual desire and consent of the partners.—The birth and life of a provisions.
partnership at will is predicated on the mutual desire and consent of the Same; Same; It would not be right to let any of the partners remain in the
partners. The right to choose with whom a person wishes to associate partnership under such an atmosphere of animosity.—On the third and final
himself is the very foundation and essence of that partnership. Its continued issue, we accord due respect to the appellate court and respondent
existence is, in turn, dependent on the constancy of that mutual resolve, Commission on their common factual finding, i.e., that Attorney Misa did not
along with each partner’s capability to give it, and the absence of a cause for act in bad faith. Public respondents viewed his withdrawal to have been
dissolution provided by the law itself. Verily, any one of the partners may, at spurred by “interpersonal conflict” among the partners. It would not be
his sole pleasure, dictate a dissolution of the partnership at will. He must, right, we agree, to let any of the partners remain in the partnership under
however, act in good faith, not that the attendance of bad faith can prevent such an atmosphere of animosity; certainly, not against their will. Indeed,
the dissolution of the partnership but that it can result in a liability for for as long as the reason for withdrawal of a partner is not contrary to the
damages. dictates of justice and fairness, nor for the purpose of unduly visiting harm
Same; Same; Neither would the presence of a period for its specific duration and damage upon the partnership, bad faith cannot be said to characterize
or the statement of a particular purpose for its creation prevent the the act. Bad faith, in the context here used, is no different from its normal
dissolution of any partnership by an act or will of a partner.—In passing, concept of a conscious and intentional design to do a wrongful act for a
neither would the presence of a period for its specific duration or the dishonest purpose or moral obliquity.
statement of a particular purpose for its creation prevent the dissolution of PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
any partnership by an act or will of a partner. Among partners, mutual
agency arises and the doctrine of delectus personae allows them to have the The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
power, although not necessarily the right, to dissolve the partnership. An
unjustified dissolution by the partner can subject him to a possible action for Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo for petitioners.
damages. Misa Law Offices for private respondent.
Same; Same; Upon its dissolution, the partnership continues and its legal Adrian Sison collaborating counsel for private respondent.
personality is retained until the complete winding up of its business
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VITUG, J.: interest in the two floors of this building. I would like to have this resolved
because it has to do with my own plans.’
The instant petition seeks a review of the decision rendered by the Court of
Appeals, dated 26 February 1993, in CA-G.R. SP No. 24638 and No. 24648 “On 19 February 1988, petitioner-appellant wrote respondents-appellees
affirming in toto that of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in another letter stating:
SEC AC 254.
“ ‘The partnership has ceased to be mutually satisfactory because of the
The antecedents of the controversy, summarized by respondent Commission working conditions of our employees including the assistant attorneys. All
and quoted at length by the appellate court in its decision, are hereunder my efforts to ameliorate the below subsistence level of the pay scale of our
restated. employees have been thwarted by the other partners. Not only have they
refused to give meaningful increases to the employees, even attorneys, are
“The law firm of ROSS, LAWRENCE, SELPH and CARRASCOSO was duly dressed down publicly in a loud voice in a manner that deprived them of
registered in the Mercantile Registry on 4 January 1937 and reconstituted their self-respect. The result of such policies is the formation of the union,
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on 4 Au-gust 1948. The SEC including the assistant attorneys.’
records show that there were several subsequent amendments to the
articles of partnership on 18 September 1958, to change the firm [name] to “On 30 June 1988, petitioner filed with this Commission’s Securities
ROSS, SELPH and CARRASCOSO; on 6 July 1965 x x x to ROSS, SELPH, Investigation and Clearing Department (SICD) a petition for dissolution and
SALCEDO, DEL ROSARIO, BITO & MISA; on 18 April 1972 to SALCEDO, DEL liquidation of partnership, docketed as SEC Case No. 3384 praying that the
ROSARIO, BITO, MISA & LOZADA; on 4 December 1972 to SALCEDO, DEL Commission:
BITO, MISA & LOZADA; on 7 June 1977 to BITO, MISA & LOZADA; on 19 “‘1. Decree the formal dissolution and order the immediate liquidation of
December 1980, [Joaquin L. Misa] appellees Jesus B. Bito and Mariano M. (the partnership of) Bito, Misa & Lozada;
Lozada associated themselves together, as senior partners with ‘2. Order the respondents to deliver or pay for petitioner’s share in the
respondents-appellees Gregorio F. Ortega, Tomas O. del Castillo, Jr., and partnership assets plus the profits, rent or interest attributable to the use of
Benjamin Bacorro, as junior partners. his right in the assets of the dissolved partnership;
“On February 17, 1988, petitioner-appellant wrote the respon-dents- ‘3. Enjoin respondents from using the firm name of Bito, Misa & Lozada in
appellees a letter stating: any of their correspondence, checks and pleadings and to pay petitioners
“ ‘I am withdrawing and retiring from the firm of Bito, Misa and Lozada, damages for the use thereof despite the dissolution of the partnership in the
effective at the end of this month. amount of at least P50,000.00;
‘I trust that the accountants will be instructed to make the proper liquidation ‘4. Order respondents jointly and severally to pay petitioner attorney’s fees
of my participation in the firm.’ and expense of litigation in such amounts as maybe proven during the trial
and which the Commission may deem just and equitable under the premises
“On the same day, petitioner-appellant wrote respondents-appellees another but in no case less than ten (10%) per cent of the value of the shares of
letter stating: petitioner or P100,000.00;
“Further to my letter to you today, I would like to have a meeting with all of ‘5. Order the respondents to pay petitioner moral damages with the amount
you with regard to the mechanics of liquidation, and more particularly, my of P500,000.00 and exemplary damages in the amount of P200,000.00.
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‘Petitioner likewise prayed for such other and further reliefs that the During the pendency of the case with the Court of Appeals, Attorney Jesus
Commission may deem just and equitable under the premises.’ Bito and Attorney Mariano Lozada both died on, respectively, 05 September
1991 and 21 December 1991. The death of the two partners, as well as the
“On 13 July 1988, respondents-appellees filed their opposition to the admission of new partners, in the law firm prompted Attorney Misa to renew
petition. his application for receivership (in CA-G.R. SP No. 24648). He expressed
“On 13 July 1988, petitioner filed his Reply to the Opposition. concern over the need to preserve and care for the partnership assets. The
other partners opposed the prayer.
“On 31 March 1989, the hearing officer rendered a decision ruling that:
The Court of Appeals, finding no reversible error on the part of respondent
“ ‘[P]etitioner’s withdrawal from the law firm Bito, Misa & Lozada did not Commission, AFFIRMED in toto the SEC decision and order appealed from. In
dissolve the said law partnership. Accordingly, the petitioner and fine, the appellate court held, per its decision of 26 February 1993, (a) that
respondents are hereby enjoined to abide by the provisions of the Atty. Misa’s withdrawal from the partnership had changed the relation of the
Agreement relative to the matter governing the liquidation of the shares of parties and inevitably caused the dissolution of the partnership; (b) that
any retiring or withdrawing partner in the partnership interest.’ ”1 such withdrawal was not in bad faith; (c) that the liquidation should be to
the extent of Attorney Misa’s interest or participation in the partnership
On appeal, the SEC en banc reversed the decision of the Hearing Officer and which could be computed and paid in the manner stipulated in the
held that the withdrawal of Attorney Joaquin L. Misa had dissolved the partnership agreement; (d) that the case should be remanded to the SEC
partnership of “Bito, Misa & Lozada.” The Commission ruled that, being a Hearing Officer for the corresponding determination of the value of Attorney
partnership at will, the law firm could be dissolved by any partner at Misa’s share in the partnership assets; and (e) that the appointment of a
anytime, such as by his withdrawal therefrom, regardless of good faith or receiver was unnecessary as no sufficient proof had been shown to indicate
bad faith, since no partner can be forced to continue in the partnership that the partnership assets were in any such danger of being lost, removed
against his will. In its decision, dated 17 January 1990, the SEC held: or materially impaired.
“WHEREFORE, premises considered the appealed order of 31 March 1989 is In this petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioners
hereby REVERSED insofar as it concludes that the partnership of Bito, Misa & confine themselves to the following issues:
Lozada has not been dissolved. The case is hereby REMANDED to the
Hearing Officer for determination of the respective rights and obligations of 1. Whether or not the Court of Appeals has erred in holding that the
the parties.”2 partnership of Bito, Misa & Lozada (now Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo) is a
partnership at will;
The parties sought a reconsideration of the above decision. Attorney Misa, in
addition, asked for an appointment of a receiver to take over the assets of 2. Whether or not the Court of Appeals has erred in holding that the
the dissolved partnership and to take charge of the winding up of its affairs. withdrawal of private respondent dissolved the partnership regardless of his
On 04 April 1991, respondent SEC issued an order denying reconsideration, good or bad faith; and
as well as rejecting the petition for receivership, and reiterating the remand
of the case to the Hearing Officer. 3. Whether or not the Court of Appeals has erred in holding that private
respondent’s demand for the dissolution of the partnership so that he can
The parties filed with the appellate court separate appeals (docketed CA- get a physical partition of partnership was not made in bad faith; to which
G.R. SP No. 24638 and CA-G.R. SP No. 24648). matters we shall, accordingly, likewise limit ourselves.
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A partnership that does not fix its term is a partnership at will. That the law of the partners may, at his sole pleasure, dictate a dissolution of the
firm “Bito, Misa & Lozada,” and now “Bito, Lozada, Ortega and Castillo,” is partnership at will. He must, however, act in good faith, not that the
indeed such a partnership need not be unduly belabored. We quote, with attendance of bad faith can prevent the dissolution of the partnership4 but
approval, like did the appellate court, the findings and disquisition of that it can result in a liability for damages.5
respondent SEC on this matter; viz:
In passing, neither would the presence of a period for its specific duration or
“The partnership agreement (amended articles of 19 August 1948) does not the statement of a particular purpose for its creation prevent the dissolution
provide for a specified period or undertaking. The ‘DURATION’ clause simply of any partnership by an act or will of a partner.6 Among partners,7 mutual
states: agency arises and the doctrine of delectus personae allows them to have the
power, although not necessarily the right, to dissolve the partnership. An
“ ‘5. DURATION. The partnership shall continue so long as mutually unjustified dissolution by the partner can subject him to a possible action for
satisfactory and upon the death or legal incapacity of one of the partners, damages.
shall be continued by the surviving partners.’
The dissolution of a partnership is the change in the relation of the parties
“The hearing officer however opined that the partnership is one for a specific caused by any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on, as might
undertaking and hence not a partnership at will, citing paragraph 2 of the be distinguished from the winding up of, the business.8 Upon its dissolution,
Amended Articles of Partnership (19 August 1948): the partnership continues and its legal personality is retained until the
“‘2. Purpose. The purpose for which the partnership is formed, is to act as complete winding up of its business culminating in its termination.9
legal adviser and representative of any individual, firm and corporation The liquidation of the assets of the partnership following its dissolution is
engaged in commercial, industrial or other lawful businesses and governed by various provisions of the Civil Code;10
occupations; to counsel and advise such persons and entities with respect to
their legal and other affairs; and to appear for and represent their principals “ART. 1837. When dissolution is caused in any way, except in contravention
and client in all courts of justice and government departments and offices in of the partnership agreement, each partner, as against his co-partners and
the Philippines, and elsewhere when legally authorized to do so.’ all persons claiming through them in respect of their interests in the
partnership, unless otherwise agreed, may have the partnership property
“The ‘purpose’ of the partnership is not the specific undertaking referred to applied to discharge its liabilities, and the surplus applied to pay in cash the
in the law. Otherwise, all partnerships, which necessarily must have a net amount owning to the respective partners. But if dissolution is caused by
purpose, would all be considered as partnerships for a definite undertaking. expulsion of a partner, bona fide under the partnership agreement and if the
There would therefore be no need to provide for articles on partnership at expelled partner is discharged from all however, an agreement of the
will as none would so exist. Apparently what the law contemplates, is a partners, like any other contract, is binding among them and normally takes
specific undertaking or ‘project’ which has a definite or definable period of precedence to the extent applicable over the Code’s general provisions. We
completion.”3 here take note of paragraph 8 of the “Amendment to Articles of Partnership”
The birth and life of a partnership at will is predicated on the mutual desire reading thusly:
and consent of the partners. The right to choose with whom a person wishes “x x x In the event of the death or retirement of any partner, his interest in
to associate himself is the very foundation and essence of that partnership. the partnership shall be liquidated and paid in accordance with the existing
Its continued existence is, in turn, dependent on the constancy of that agreements and his partnership participation shall revert to the Senior
mutual resolve, along with each partner’s capability to give it, and the Partners for allocation as the Senior Partners may determine; provided,
absence of a cause for dissolution provided by the law itself. Verily, any one
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however, that with respect to the two (2) floors of office condominium which ———o0o——— Ortega vs. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 529, G.R. No.
the partnership is now acquiring, consisting of the 5th and the 6th floors of 109248 July 3, 1995
the Alpap Building, 140 Alfaro Street, Salcedo Village, Makati, Metro Manila,
their true value at the time of such death or retirement shall be determined
by two (2) independent appraisers, one to be appointed (by the partnership
and the other by the) retiring partner or the heirs of a deceased partner, as
the case may be. In the event of any disagreement between the said
appraisers a third appraiser will be appointed by them whose decision shall
be final. The share of the retiring or deceased partner in the aforementioned
two (2) floor office condominium shall be determined upon the basis of the
valuation above mentioned which shall be paid monthly within the first ten
(10) days of every month in installments of not less than P20,000.00 for the
Senior Partners, P10,000.00 in the case of two (2) existing Junior Partners
and P5,000.00 in the case of the new Junior Partner.”11
The term “retirement” must have been used in the articles, as we so hold, in
a generic sense to mean the dissociation by a partner, inclusive of
resignation or withdrawal, from the partnership that thereby dissolves it.
On the third and final issue, we accord due respect to the appellate court
and respondent Commission on their common factual finding, i.e., that
Attorney Misa did not act in bad faith. Public respondents viewed his
withdrawal to have been spurred by “interpersonal conflict” among the
partners. It would not be right, we agree, to let any of the partners remain
in the partnership under such an atmosphere of animosity; certainly, not
against their will.12 Indeed, for as long as the reason for withdrawal of a
partner is not contrary to the dictates of justice and fairness, nor for the
purpose of unduly visiting harm and damage upon the partnership, bad faith
cannot be said to characterize the act. Bad faith, in the context here used, is
no different from its normal concept of a conscious and intentional design to
do a wrongful act for a dishonest purpose or moral obliquity.
Judgment affirmed.
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[No. 5953. February 24, 1912.] The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
ANTONIO M. PABALAN, plaintiff and appellant, vs. FELICIANO VELEZ, Ariston Estrada, for appellant.
defendant and appellee.
Luciano -de la Rosa, f or appellee.
contracts, when one of the parties fails to comply with his engagements, the TORRES, J.:
party prejudiced is entitled to choose between enforcement of the obligation This case was appealed by counsel for the plaintiff, from the judgment
or a rescission of the contract, with the payment of damages and interest in rendered by the Honorable Judge A. S. Crossfield.
either case.
and the latter, Walter A. Fitton, bound himself to pay into the funds of the Antipolo, within the pueblos of Cainta and Antipolo of the district of Morong,
said partnership, as the plaintiff's capital, the remaining 3,000 pesos of the inscribed in the property registry of this city as of the north district, with an
selling price; that it was furthermore agreed that the two said real properties area of 1,978,022 square meters and bounded on the north by the land of
should constitute the capital of Walter A. Fitton in the partnership, which Victor Vargas and the Sucabin River, by a part of the Tabang River, Mount
would be known by the name of "A. M. Pabalan and Company" and should Magpatong, the sitio of Palenque and another part of the said Tabang River,
be an equivalent for the aforesaid sum of 6,000 pesos; that all the foregoing as far as the f oot of Mount Cay-Alaring, Mount Sapang, and the road
facts set forth in the complaint were recorded in the instrument of sale and leading to the pueblo of Taytay; on the south by the summit of Mount
organization of the partnership, executed on June 27, 1900, before the Matugalo, the Paglilingohan estero, the old Cainta highway, and the land of
notary public Rosado, a copy of which was attached to and made an integral Juan Santa Ana; and one on the west by the lands of Doña Columba Suarez
part of the complaint; that, from June 27, 1900, up to the date when the and Don Mariano Sumulong, the Bilao road, and the lands of Perfecto
partner Fitton died, the latter failed to pay into the partnership funds the Legaspi, Miguel Gonzalez, Zacarias Gonzalez, Juan Adriano, and that of the
said 3,000 pesos, the remainder of the price of the properties purchased by aforesaid Juan Santa Ana. And (b) an urban property consisting of a building
him, or any part thereof, and did not pay the said sum or any part of the lot, with neither street nor district number, situated on Calle Real, pueblo of
same to the plaintiff; that, since Fitton's death, and up to the date of the Cainta, Morong District, and in the north district division of the property
filing of the complaint, neither the administrator of the latter's estate nor registry of this city; it is bounded on its front, which faces the south, by the
any other person had turned into the partnership or paid to the plaintiff the aforesaid Calle Real; on its right, upon entering, or on the east, by the lot
af oresaid 3,000 pesos; that, owing to the failure of Fitton to comply with his belonging to Don Alejandro San Diego and his wife Doña Buenaventura
obligation, the properties in question had been entirely unproductive and Santos; on its left, or the west, by the lot of Don Pablo Ordoñez and his wife
losses and damages had been occasioned to the plaintiff in the sum of 2,000 Dionisia Salandanan; and on its rear, or the north, by the lot of Don
pesos Philippine currency. The latter, therefore, prayed for the rescission of Florencio San Antonio, his wife and Doña Severina Santos, and has an area
the contract entered into, on June 27, 1900, by himself, the plaintiff, and of 361 square meters and 30 square centimeters. Second. That the
Walter A. Fitton, the dissolution of the partnership "A. M. Pabalan and properties hereinbefore described belong to the aforementioned Don Antonio
Company," and the annulment of the sale of the said properties, by Maria Pabalan y Santos, who purchased the same from their former owner,
returning to the defendant a sum in Philippine currency equivalent to the the firm of G. Buchanan and Company, of the city of London, represented by
3,000 pesos in Mexican currency received from Walter A. Fitton, and that the its agent, Herbert Heiden Todd, through a deed, serial number 852, drawn
defendant be sentenced to pay to the plaintiff, as losses and damages, the up in this city and attested before the former notary public of the same, Don
sum of 2,000 pesos, and to the payment of the cost of the suit, in addition José Engracio Monroy y Torres, on the twenty-ninth of November, 1894, as
to the other remedies sought. shown by the notarial instrument containing the description of the said
properties, written by the undersigned notary at the request of their owner,
The instrument attached to the complaint and executed on June 27, 1900, Sr. Pabalan, on the twelfth of the present month of June, which certificate,
before the notary public José M.a Rosado y Calvo, by Antonio M. Pabalan y without number, on account of its notarial character, was exhibited to me by
Santos, on the one hand, and Walter A. Fitton, on the other, contains the the latter and I certify to the same. Third. That the properties in question
following clauses: are free of all encumbrance, charge, and liability, and Don Antonio Maria
"First. That Don Antonio Maria Pabalan y Santos is the sole and exclusive Pabalan y Santos and Mr. Walter A. Fitton having agreed to sell the same
owner in fee-simple of the following landed properties, to wit: (a) A rural and to form a regular mercantile partnership for the purpose of their
estate consisting of an hacienda, known as Pantayaning or Pantaen, devoted improvement and the utilization of their products, hereby execute the
to agriculture and situated on the roads which lead from Mariquina to present instrument, in order that all its contents may appear' in an
authenticated form, and solemnly stipulate: That Don Antonio Maria Pabalan
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 10
y Santos hereby sells absolutely and finally to Mr. Walter A. Fitton, the proper. 4. The management of agricultural matters pertaining to the rural
property which. under the letters A and B, is mentioned and described in the and the urban property described in the first paragraph of this instrument,
first paragraph of this instrument, together with all the rights, actions, uses shall be solely and exclusively in charge of the partner Antonio Maria
and easements thereto pertaining, for the price of 5,900 pesos, for the Pabalan or of the person by him designated f or this purpose. 5. The capital
property specified under letter A, and the price of 100 pesos, f or that stock is composed of the total sum of 9,000 pesos contributed by the
described under letter B, that is, for the total price of 6,000 pesos, of which partners. in the following proportion and form: Antonio Maria Pa-balan,
the vendor received in the act, in my presence and in that of the witnesses 3,000 pesos in cash, which shall be paid into the partnership fund by Walter
hereunto, which I, the notary, hereby attest, and from the hands of the A. Fitton, who, for this purpose, has retained them in his possession upon
vendee, the sum of 3,000 pesos in coin, counted to his entire satisfaction, his paying the amount of the sale herein set forth; Walter A. Fitton, 6,000
for which the said Walter A. Fitton hereby acknowledges by a binding receipt pesos, represented by the two properties described under letters A and B in
which secures the said Antonio M. Pabalan in all his rights and the vendor the first paragraph herein, and in which the said lands are by common
binds himself to protect and defend the title to the properties hereby sold accord appraised. 6. The partners may not engage, in the Province of Mo-
and guarantees them in accordance with law; and the vendee shall retain rong, in the same kinds of business engaged in by this company, but they
the remaining 3,000 pesos for the purpose of bringing them, as the vendor's mutually authorize each other personally to carry on and conduct any such
capital, into the partnership which is also a subject of this public instrument. business at any other place outside of the said province. 7. Any and all rural
Fourth. Walter A. Fitton, in his turn, covenants: That he accepts this sale in or city properties which Mr. Pabalan may acquire to the west of the hacienda
the precise terms in which it is executed by Antonio Maria Pabalan y Santos. hereinabove described under letter A, shall necessarily form a part of the
Fifth. That, by virtue of the preinserted stipulations, both parties to this hacienda itself. 8. The term of the existence of this partnership shall be
contract, by this same public instrument, form a regular mercantile twenty-five years, which shall begin to run from this date and may be
partnership, upon the f ollowing bases and conditions: 1. The company extended at the will of the contracting parties. 9. In order that a regular and
organized through the present public instrument shall operate under the firm orderly course be pursued in the management of the company, and the
name of 'A. M. Pabalan and Company' and shall have its domicile, for all losses and profits of the latter ascertained, an annual balance of accounts
legal purposes, in this city of Manila. 2. The object and aim of the company shall be struck in the month of June of each year, in addition to such other
is the cultivation and improvement of the two properties described under balances as the partners may, by mutual accord, determine. 10. If, during
letters A and B of the first paragraph hereof, the manufacture and sale of the term of this contract, either of the partners should die, the company
their products, and the conduct of all other business connected with, shall not, on such account, be considered as dissolved, but shall be
incidental or pertinent to the said lands. 3. The management, direction and continued by the surviving partner and the heirs of the deceased partner,
administration of the company shall be in charge of the two partners who unless it should suit the former to be separated from the latter, in which
shall both be entitled to use the firm name, it being therefore understood case he shall deliver to such heirs the part of the capital that belonged to the
that they are authorized to carry on, jointly or severally, all kinds of deceased, together with all the latter's vested rights. 11. The profits
operations comprised within the purposes of this partnership, with the sole obtained and losses suffered by the company shall be shared by the partners
limitation that neither of them may make the company a surety or borrow in proportion to the capital invested by each respectively. 12. The partners
money f or the same, without its being necessary, with respect to this latter may, by agreement, change the company hereby organized into a joint stock
prohibition, for Mr. Pabalan to state that it does not suit him to increase his company, in which case they shall observe and comply with the formalities
capital to an amount equal to that invested by Mr. Fitton. Both partners are provided and prescribed by the existing Code of Commerce in respect to
likewise authorized, for the purposes of management, to appoint general or companies of this kind. 13. All questions, controversies, doubts or
special attorneys-in-fact to represent the company, as well as attorneys to differences which may arise between the partners, by reason of this
demand and collect such credits and bring such suits before the courts as be company or from any acts performed by them on account of the same, shall
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 11
be determined by the decision of friendly arbitrators appointed one by each Philippine currency; the latter, therefore, prayed that the complaint be
party, such appointees so designated to choose a third arbitrator in case of dismissed and that, by reason of his cross-complaint and counterclaim, an
disagreement." award be made in his behalf, and against the plaintiff, for losses and
damages, in the sum of P3,000 Philippine currency, with the costs.
The demurrer interposed to the complaint having been overruled by an order
of April 1,1908, and exception thereto taken by the defendant, the latter, on By a written motion of March 19, 1909, Antonio Vasquez represented: That,
the 11th of the same month, filed a written answer wherein he set forth that owing to the death of the plaintiff, the hearing of the case had to be
he admitted the allegations contained in paragraphs 1, 2, and 4 of the suspended until, on the 4th of March, as aforesaid, letters of administration
complaint and denied, generally and specifically, each and all of those were issued in his behalf, relative to the estate of the plaintiff Pabalan; and
contained in paragraphs 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. he therefore prayed that he be admitted as a party in the capacity of
administrator of the estate of the deceased Antonio M. Pabalan.
As a special defense the defendant alleged that the action prosecuted by the
plaintiff had prescribed; that the fact that the properties of the company The case having come to trial on April 29, 1909, with the introduction of oral
known as "A. M. Pabalan and Company" had been unproductive was evidence by counsel for the plaintiff, the court, on July 9 of the same year,
exclusively due to the great negligence of the plaintiff, since he had had pronounced judgment and found that the defendant had not proved any of
more than sufficient time, from June 27, 1900, to the date of the death of the damages alleged in his answer, and was not entitled to any recovery
Fitton, to have demanded from his copartner the sum offered by the latter therefor, nor the plaintiff for the taxes that he had paid. The court ordered a
and which he was to contribute to the common assets, and that, dissolution of the partnership formed between the plaintiff and the deceased
notwithstanding all the time that had elapsed since the execution of the Walter A. Fitton and a rescission of the sale and contract of partnership
articles of partnership, up to the date of the presentation of the complaint executed between them on July 27, 1900, and further ordered that the
the plaintiff had never required his copartner to turn into the partnership defendant, as the administrator of the estate of the said deceased Walter A.
funds the capital pledged. Fitton, deliver to the plaintiff, upon the latter's paying to the defendant, out
of the property which belonged to the af oresaid deceased, the sum of
The defendant, in his cross-complaint and counterclaim, set forth: That, P3,000 Mexican currency, equivalent to P2,700 Philippine currency, the
according to the said articles of partnership, the plaintiff had the following real properties:
management of agricultural matters pertaining to the properties, rural and
urban, described therein, and, consequently, was alone responsible for the "A. A rural estate consisting of an hacienda, known as Pantayani or Pantaen,
successful management of the company; that, also, according to the articles devoted to agriculture and situated on the roads from Mariquina to Antipolo,
of partnership, either of the two partners had charge of the management, within the pueblos of Cainta and Antipolo of the old district of Morong, now
direction, and administration of the company; that, some months after the Province of Rizal, having an area of 1,978,822 square meters, bounded on
execution of the said instrument of partnership, Walter A, Fitton was the north by the land of Victor Vargas and the Sucabin River; on the east by
obliged, for reasons of health, to go abroad, where he resided until his a part of the said Sucabin River, a part of the Tabang River, Mount Nag-
death, and during his absence from this city the plaintiff, Antonio M. tapong, the sitio of Palenque, and by another part of the Tabang River
Pabalan, with notable negligence and abandonment of the interests of the toward the base of Mount Cay-Alaring, Mount Sapang, and the road leading
company, failed to attend to the administration of its affairs and did not to the pueblo of Taytay; on the south by the summit of Mount Matugalo, the
employ on his part any means to maintain in a productive condition the two Paglilingohan estero, the old Cainta highway, and the land of Juan Santa
properties brought into the partnership by the partner Fitton, and that, Ana; and on the east by the lands of Columba Suarez and Mariano
through the negligence, abandonment, and carelessness of the plaintiff Sumulong, the Bulao Road, and the lands of Perfecto Legaspi, Miguel
Pabalan, the defendant suffered losses and damages in the sum of P3,000
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Gonzalez, Zacarias Gonzalez, Juan Adriano, and of the aforementioned Juan "The person prejudiced may choose between exacting the fulfillment of the
Santa Ana. obligation or its rescission, with indemnity for damages and payment of
interest in either case. He may also demand the rescission, even after
"B. An urban property consisting of a building lot, without either street or having requested its fulfillment, should the latter appear impossible.
district number, situated on Calle Real in Cainta, a municipality of the
Province of Rizal; bounded on its front, which faces the south, by the "The court shall order the rescission demanded, unless there are sufficient
aforesaid Calle Real; on its right, upon entering, or on the east, by the lot causes authorizing it to fix a period.
belonging to Alejandro San Diego and his wife Buenaventura Santos; on its
left, or the west, by the lot of Pablo Ordoñez and his wife Dionisia "This is understood without prejudice to the rights of third acquirers, in
Salandanan; and on its rear, or the north, by the lot of Florencio San accordance with articles 1295 and 1298, and with the provisions of the
Antonio and his wife Severina Santos, with an area of 361 square meters Mortgage Law."
and 30 square centimeters." Article 116 of the Code of Commerce prescribes:
This litigation concerns the dissolution of a regular mercantile partnership "Articles of association by which two or more persons obligate themselves to
and the rescission of the sale of certain real properties, the contracts with place in a common fund any property, industry, or any of these things, in
'respect to which were entered into between Antonio M. Pabalan y Santos, order to obtain profit, shall be commercial, no matter what its class may be,
on one hand, and Walter A. Fitton, on the other, according to a notarial provided it has been established in accordance with the provisions of this
instrument executed by the contracting parties on July 27, 1900. code."
The plaintiff's claim is founded on the alleged fact that the said Walter A. After the organization of the general mercantile partnership denominated "A.
Fitton f ailed to comply with his obligations as stipulated in the said double M. Pabalan and Company," through the aforesaid instrument of June 27,
contract, inasmuch as he did not pay into the funds of the company entitled 1900, the partner Fitton did not turn into the company funds the sum of
"A. M. Pabalan and Company," as the capital of the partner Pabalan, the P3,000, in the name and to the credit of Pabalan, as the latter's capital,
sum of P3,000, or the remainder of P6,000, the price of the properties which which sum was a part of the price of the sale of the two real properties
he had purchased from the plaintiff, did not pay to the latter the said purchased from the said Pabalan by his partner Fitton who, in turn, brought
amount, nor any part thereof, nor was such payment made, after the said the said two parcels of land, as his capital, into the common fund, without
Fitton's death, by the' administrator of the latter's estate. having paid the said sum up to the time when he absented himself from
Article 1506 of the Civil Code prescribes: these Islands, a few months after the establishment of the partnership, and
died in a foreign country.
"The sale shall be rescinded for the same causes as all other obligations,"
etc. It was duly proved at the trial of this case, that the partner Walter A. Fitton
failed to observe the stipulations of the two aforesaid contracts; that he did
Article 1124 provides: . not pay any part of the price of the sale of the two parcels of land which he
had purchased from his partner, Antonio M. Pabalan, and, consequently, did
"The right to rescind the obligations is considered as implied in mutual ones, not turn into-the company funds, as capital of the said Pabalan, the sum of
in case one of the obligated persons does not comply with what is incumbent which the said price consisted; it is therefore unquestionable that he did not
upon him. comply with his two principal obligations, assumed in the said double
contract wherein he expressly agreed that the said P3,000, a part of the
price of the two pieces of land that he purchased from Pabalan, would be by
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 13
him turned into the fund of the general partnership which they had formed, have paid the said tax to the Government, and the same being paid by the
as capital of the partner Pabalan. partner Pabalan out of his private funds and not of those of the company, he
was solely entitled to be reimbursed for two-thirds of the said sum paid, in
In case one of the parties to a contract does not fulfill his obligation as proportion to the amount of the respective capital. brought in, which
stipulated therein, the other contracting party, by the provisions of the twothirds of the sum of P522.30, that is, P348.20, may be deducted from
above-quoted article 1124 of the Civil Code, is entitled to demand the the sum of P2,700 Philippine currency, equivalent to P3,000 Mexican
rescission of the contract, as such obligations are mutual, and the court currency, which the estate of Antonio M. Pabalan must restore to the testate
must order the rescission demanded. The partner, Walter A. Fitton, came or intestate estate of Walter A. Fitton, upon the defendant's returning to the
within such a case, since he failed to pay any part of the price of the two plaintiff the two aforesaid parcels of land.
properties which he had acquired and did not turn into the company fund, as
capital of the vendor partner, the sum representing such sale, and therefore For the reasons hereinbefore stated, we are of opinion that the judgment
justice requires the dissolution of the aforementioned company and the appealed from should be and is hereby affirmed, with no special finding as to
rescission of the said sale, in conformity with the finding contained in the the costs; provided, however, that the administrator of the estate of the
judgment appealed from and the prayer rightfully and lawfully made by the deceased Fitton shall deliver to the administrator of the estate of Pabalan
partner who did not violate his obligations as set forth in the said contract. the two parcels of land, the sale of which was rescinded, upon payment by
the last named administrator to that of the estate of Fitton, of the sum of
During the course of this suit in the Court of First Instance, the plaintiff, P2,700, equivalent to 3,000 Mexican pesos, the said administrator of the
Antonio M. Pabalan, also died; and if the latter, while living, was not obliged, Pabalan estate being entitled to deduct from the said sum that of P348.20,
according to clause 10 of the articles of partnership, to continue in the which is two-thirds of the amount paid as land tax on the properties
company after the decease of his copartner, and had a right to withdraw concerned. So ordered.
therefrom or from the heirs of the deceased Walter A. Fitton, after the death
of the partner Pabalan, neither are the latter's successors in interest obliged Arellano, C. J., Mapa, Johnson, Carson, and Trent, JJ., concur.
to continue in the company, and, therefore, under this circumstance, the
propriety of the judgment appealed from is still more evident. Judgment modified. Pabalan vs. Velez., 22 Phil. 29, No. 5953 February 24,
With respect to the interest on the capital which belonged to Pabalan, and
which Fitton failed to turn into the company fund in conformity with the
agreement made, and in regard to the amount of the losses and damages
occasioned by the noncompliance, on the part of the partner Fitton, with the
stipulated provisions, both such amounts should be considered as the
company's losses and computed pro rata, in proportion to the-extent that
each partner is interested in the company and on the same basis as the
profits. (Arts. 140 and 141 of the Code of Commerce.)
As regards the amount of the land tax, which the partner Pabalan had to
pay, amounting to P522.30, under the assessment levied upon the two real
properties owned by the company, inasmuch as the latter is the owner of the
said two parcels of land, which form the assets of the company known as "A.
M. Pabalan and Company," it is unquestionable that this company should
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[No. L-13680. April 27, 1960] The record discloses that on November 16, 1954 plaintiff Mauro Lozana
entered into a contract with defendant Serafin Depakakibo wherein they
MAURO LOZANA, plaintiff and appellee, vs. SERAFIN DEPAKAKIBO, established a partnership capitalized at the sum of P30,000, plaintiff
defendant and appellant. furnishing 60% thereof and the defendant, 40%, for the purpose of
1.PARTNERSHIP; CONTRIBUTION IN KIND; DISPOSAL BY CONTRIBUTING maintaining, operating and distributing electric light and power in the
PARTIES NOT ALLOWED.—An equipment which was contributed by one of Municipality of Dumangas, Province of Iloilo, under a franchise issued to Mrs.
the partners to the partnership becomes the property of the partnership and Piadosa Buenaflor. However, the franchise or certificate of public necessity
as such cannot be disposed of by the party contributing the same without and convenience in favor of the said Mrs. Piadosa Buenaflor was cancelled
the consent or approval of the partnership or of the other partner (Clemente and revoked by the Public Service Commission on May 15, 1955. But the
vs. Galvan, 67 Phil., 565). decision of the Public Service Commission was appealed to Us on October
21, 1955. A temporary certificate of public convenience was issued in the
2.ID.; ANTI-DUMMY LAW; REFERS TO ALIENS ONLY.—The admission by the name of Olimpia D. Decolongon on December 22, 1955 (Exh. "B"). Evidently
defendant that he and the plaintiff, who are both Filipinos, are dummies of because of the cancellation of the franchise in the name of Mrs. Piadosa
another person, is an error of law, and not a statement of fact. Since both Buenaflor, plaintiff herein Mauro Lozana sold a generator, Buda (diesel), 75
parties are not aliens but Filipinos, the Anti-Dummy law has not been hp. 80 KVA capacity, Serial No. 479, to the new grantee Olimpia D.
violated. The said law refers to aliens only (Commonwealth Act 1080 as Decolongon, by a deed dated October 30, 1955 (Exhibit "C"). Defendant
amended). Serafin Depakakibo, on the other hand, sold one Crossly Diesel Engine, 25 h.
p., Serial No. 141758, to the spouses Felix Jimenea and Felina Harder, by a
The act of the partnership in furnishing electric current to the franchise On November 15, 1955, plaintiff Mauro Lozana brought an action against the
holder without the previous approval of the Public Service Commission, does defendant, alleging that he is the owner of the Generator Buda (Diesel),
not per se make the contract of partnership null and void' from the valued at P8,000 and 70 wooden posts with the wires connecting the
beginning. generator to the different houses supplied by electric current in the
Municipality of Dumangas, and that he is entitled to the possession thereof,
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo. Pelayo, J. but that the defendant has wrongf ully detained them as a consequence of
which plaintiff suffered damages. Plaintiff prayed that said properties be
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
delivered back to him. Three days after the filing of the complaint, that is on
Antonio T. Lozada for appellee. November 18, 1955, Judge Pantaleon A. Pelayo issued an order in said case
authorizing the sheriff to take possession of the generator and 70 wooden
Agustín T. Misola and Tomas D. Dominado for appellant. posts, upon plaintiff's filing of a bond in the amount of P16,000 in favor of
the defendant (for subsequent delivery to the plaintiff). On December 5,
1955, defendant filed an answer, denying that the generator and the
This is an appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, equipment mentioned in the complaint belong to the plaintiff and alleging
certified to us by the Court of Appeals, for the reason that only questions of that the same had been contributed by the plaintiff to the partnership
law are involved in said appeal. entered into between them in the same manner that defendant had
contributed equipments also, and therefore that he is not unlawfully
detaining them. By way of counterclaim, defendant alleged that under the
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 15
partnership agreement the parties were to contribute equipments, plaintiff P10,000.00 as per Deed of Sale dated October 30, 1955 executed and
contributing the generator and the defendant, the wires for the purpose of ratified before Notary Public, Delfin Demaisip, in and for the Municipality of
installing the main and delivery lines; that the plaintiff sold his contribution Dumangas, Iloilo and entered in his Notarial Registry as Doc. No. 832; Page
to the partnership, in violation of the terms of their agreement. He, No. 6; Book No. XIII; and Series of 1955, a copy thereof is made as Annex
therefore, prayed that the complaint against him be dismissed; that plain-tiff "B" of defendant's answer and counterclaim;
be adjudged guilty of violating the partnership contract and be ordered to
pay the defendant the sum of P3,000, as actual damages, P600.00 as 5. That there was no liquidation of partnership and that at the time of said
attorney's fees and P2,600 annually as actual damages; that the court order Sale on October 30, 1955, defendant was the manager thereof;
dissolution of the partnership, after the accounting and liquidation of the 6. That by virtue of the Order of this Honorable Court dated November 18,
same. 1955, those properties sold were taken by the Provincial Sheriff on
On September 27, 1956, the defendant filed a motion to declare plaintiff in November 20, 1955 and delivered to the plaintiff on November 25, 1955
default on his counterclaim, but this was denied by the court. Hearings on upon the latter posting the required bond executed by himself and the Luzon
the case were conducted on October 25, 1956 and November 5, 1956, and Surety Co., dated November 17, 1955 and ratified before the Notary Public,
on the latter date the judge entered a decision declaring plaintiff owner of Eleuterio del Rosario in and for the province of Iloilo known as Doc. No. 200;
the equipment and entitled to the possession thereof, with costs against Page 90; Book No. VII; and Series of 1955; of said Notary Public;
defendant. It is against this judgment that the defendant has appealed. 7. That the said properties sold are now in the possession of Olimpia
The above judgment of the court was rendered on a stipulation of facts, Decolongon, the purchaser, who is presently operating an electric light plant
which is as follows: in Dumangas, Iloilo;
"1. That on November 16, 1954, in the City of Iloilo, the aforementioned 8. That the defendant sold certain properties in favor of the spouses, Felix
plaintiff, and the defendant entered into a contract of Partnership, a copy of Jimenea and Felisa Harder contributed by him to the partnership for
which is attached as Annex "A" of defendant's answer and counterclaim, for P3,500.00 as per Deed of Sale executed and ratified before the Notary Public
the purpose set forth therein and under the national franchise granted to Rodrigo J. Harder in and for the Province of Iloilo, known as Doc. No. 76;
Mrs. Piadosa Buenaflor; Page 94; Book No. V; and Series of 1955, a certified copy of which is hereto
attached marked as Annex "A", and made an integral part hereof;" (pp. 27—
2. That according to the aforementioned Partnership Contract, the plaintiff 29 ROA).
Mr. Mauro Lozana, contributed the amount of Eighteen Thousand Pesos
(P18,000.00); said contributions of both parties being the appraised values As it appears from the above stipulation of facts that the plaintiff and the
of their respective properties brought into the partnership; defendant entered into the contract of partnership, plaintiff contributing the
amount of P18,000, and as it is not stated therein that there has been a
3. That the said Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was revoked liquidation of the partnership assets at the time plaintiff sold the Buda Diesel
and cancelled by order of the Public Service Commission dated March 15, Engine on October 15, 1955, and since the court below had found that the
1955, promulgated in case No. 58188, entitled, "Piadosa Buenaflor, plaintiff had actually contributed one engine and 70 posts to the partnership,
applicant", which order has been appealed to the Supreme Court by Mrs. it necessarily follows that the Buda diesel engine contributed by the plaintiff
Buenaflor; had become the property of the partnership. As properties of the
partnership, the same could not be disposed of by the party contributing the
4. That on October 30, 1955, the plaintiff sold properties brought into by
him to the said partnership in favor of Olimpia Decolongon in the amount of
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 16
same without the consent or approval of the partnership or of the other Judgment set aside. Lozana vs. Depakakibo, 107 Phil. 728, No. L-13680
partner. (Clemente vs. Galvan, 67 Phil., 565). April 27, 1960
The lower court declared that the contract of partnership was null and void,
because by the contract of partnership, the parties thereto have become
dummies of the owner of the franchise. The reason for this holding was the
admission by defendant when being cross-examined by the court that he
and the plaintiff are dummies. We find that this admission by the defendant
is an error of law, not a statement of a fact. The Anti-Dummy law has not
been violated as parties plaintiff and defendant are not aliens but Filipinos.
The Anti-Dummy law refers to aliens only (Commonwealth Act 108 as
For the foregoing considerations, the judgment appealed from as well as the
order of the court for the taking of the property into custody by the sheriff
must be, as they hereby are set aside and the case remanded to the court
below for further proceedings in accordance with law.
No. L-59956. October 31, 1984.* Same; Same; Partner entitled to recover share of profits actually realized by
venture.—It does not follow however that the private respondent is not
ISABELO MORAN, JR., petitioner, vs. THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS entitled to recover any amount from the petitioner. The records show that
and MARIANO E. PECSON, respondents. the private respondent gave P10,000.00 to the petitioner. The latter used
Damages; Partnership; There is no factual or legal basis for award of this amount for the printing of 2,000 posters at a cost of P2.00 per poster or
speculative damages for likely partnership profits.—The first question raised a total printing cost of P4,000.00. The records further show that the 2,000
in this petition refers to the award of P47,500.00 as the private respondent’s copies were sold at P5.00 each. The gross income therefore was P10,000.00.
share in the unrealized profits of the partnership. The petitioner contends Deducting the printing costs of P4,000.00 from the gross income of
that the award is highly speculative. The petitioner maintains that the P10,000.00 and with no evidence on the cost of distribution, the net profits
respondent court did not take into account the great risks involved in the amount to only P6,000.00. This net profit of P6,000.00 should be divided
business undertaking. We agree with the petitioner that the award of between the petitioner and the private respondent. And since only P4,000.00
speculative damages has no basis in fact and law. was used by the petitioner in printing the 2,000 copies, the remaining
P6,000.00 should therefore be returned to the private respondent.
Same; Same; Partner who promises to contribute to partnership becomes
promissory debtor of latter.—The rule is, when a partner who has Same; Same; Agency; Where partnership venture is a failure, a partner is
undertaken to contribute a sum of money fails to do so, he becomes a not entitled to any commission promised by co-partner where agreement
debtor of the partnership for whatever he may have promised to contribute does not state basis of commission.—The partnership agreement stipulated
(Art. 1786, Civil Code) and for interests and damages from the time he that the petitioner would give the private respondent a monthly commission
should have complied with his obligation (Art. 1788, Civil Code). of P1,000.00 from April 15, 1971 to December 15, 1971 for a total of eight
(8) monthly commissions.
Same; Same; Essence of partnership is that partners share in profits and
losses.—Being a contract of partnership, each partner must share in the The agreement does not state the basis of the commission. The payment of
profits and losses of the venture. That is the essence of a partnership. And the commission could only have been predicated on relatively extravagant
even with an assurance made by one of the partners that they would earn a profits. The parties could not have intended the giving of a commission
huge amount of profits, in the absence of fraud, the other partner cannot inspite of loss or failure of the venture. Since the venture was a failure, the
claim a right to recover the highly speculative profits. It is a rare business private respondent is not entitled to the P8,000.00 commission.
venture guaranteed to give 100% profits. In this case, on an investment of Appeal; When Supreme Court will review factual findings of Court of
P15,000.00, the respondent was supposed to earn a guaranteed P1,000.00 a Appeals.—As a rule, the findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are final
month for eight months and around P142,500.00 on 95,000 posters costing and conclusive and cannot be reviewed on appeal to this Court (Amigo v.
P2.00 each but 2,000 of which were sold at P5.00 each. The fantastic nature Teves, 96 Phil. 252), provided they are borne out by the record or are based
of expected profits is obvious. We have to take various factors into account. on substantial evidence (Alsua-Betts v. Court of Appeals, 92 SCRA 332).
The failure of the Commission on Elections to proclaim all the 320 candidates However, this rule admits of certain exceptions. Thus, in Carolina Industries
of the Constitutional Convention on time was a major factor. The petitioner Inc.v. CMS Stock Brokerage, Inc., et al, (97 SCRA 734), we held that this
used his best business judgment and felt that it would be a losing venture to Court retains the power to review and rectify the findings of fact of the Court
go on with the printing of the agreed 95,000 copies of the posters. Hidden of Appeals when (1) the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on
risks in any business venture have to be considered. speculation, surmises and conjectures; (2) when the inference made is
manifestly mistaken, absurd and impossible; (3) where there is grave abuse
of discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 18
facts; and (5) when the court, in making its findings, went beyond the issues made; that Pecson gave Moran P10,000 for which the latter issued a receipt;
of the case and the same are contrary to the admissions of both the that only a few posters were printed; that on or about May 28, 1971, Moran
appellant and the appellee. executed in favor of Pecson a promissory note in the amount of P20,000
payable in two equal installments (P10,000 payable on or before June 15,
Same; C.A. erred in its factual finding in the case at bar.—In this case, there 1971 and P10,000 payable on or before June 30, 1971), the whole sum
is misapprehension of facts. The evidence of the private respondent himself becoming due upon default in the payment of the first installment on the
shows that his investment in the “Voice of Veterans” project amounted to date due, complete with the costs of collection.”
only P3,000.00. The remaining P4,000.00 was the amount of profit that the
private respondent expected to receive. Private respondent Pecson filed with the Court of First Instance of Manila an
action for the recovery of a sum of money and alleged in his complaint three
Same; Partnership; Damages; Factual finding of C.A. that venture never left (3) causes of action, namely: (1) on the alleged partnership agreement, the
the ground and on this basis decreed full return of respondent’s investment return of his contribution of P10,000.00, payment of his share in the profits
is erroneous.—The respondent court erred when it concluded that the that the partnership would have earned, and, payment of unpaid
project never left the ground because the project did take place. Only it commission; (2) on the alleged promissory note, payment of the sum of
failed. It was the private respondent himself who presented a copy of the P20,000.00; and, (3) moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees.
book entitled “Voice of the Veterans” in the lower court as Exhibit “L”.
Therefore, it would be error to state that the project never took place and on After the trial, the Court of First Instance held that:
this basis decree the return of the private respondent’s investment.
“From the evidence presented it is clear in the mind of the court that by
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of Appeals. virtue of the partnership agreement entered into by the parties—plaintiff and
defendant—the plaintiff did contribute P10,000.00, and another sum of
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. P7,000.00 for the Voice of the Veteran or Delegate Magazine. Of the
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: expected 95,000 copies of the posters, the defendant was able to print
2,000 copies only all of which, however, were sold at P5.00 each. Nothing
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the respondent more was done after this and it can be said that the venture did not really
Court of Appeals which ordered petitioner Isabelo Moran, Jr. to pay damages get off the ground. On the other hand, the plaintiff failed to give his full
to respondent Mariano E. Pecson. contribution of P15,000.00. Thus, each party is entitled to rescind the
contract which right is implied in reciprocal obligations under Article 1385 of
As found by the respondent Court of Appeals, the undisputed facts indicate the Civil Code whereunder ‘rescission creates the obligation to return the
that: things which were the object of the contract x x x.
xxx xxx xxx “WHEREFORE, the court hereby renders judgment ordering defendant
Isabelo C. Moran, Jr. to return to plaintiff Mariano E. Pecson the sum of
“x x x on February 22, 1971 Pecson and Moran entered into an agreement
P17,000.00, with interest at the legal rate from the filing of the complaint on
whereby both would contribute P15,000 each for the purpose of printing
June 19, 1972, and the costs of the suit.
95,000 posters (featuring the delegates to the 1971 Constitutional
Convention), with Moran actually supervising the work; that Pecson would “For insufficiency of evidence, the counterclaim is hereby dismissed.”
receive a commission of P1,000 a month starting on April 15, 1971 up to
December 15, 1971; that on December 15, 1971, a liquidation of the
accounts in the distribution and printing of the 95,000 posters would be
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 19
From this decision, both parties appealed to the respondent Court of V THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRIEVOUSLY ERRED IN NOT
Appeals. The latter likewise rendered a decision against the petitioner. The GRANTING THE PETITIONER’S COMPULSORY COUNTERCLAIM FOR
dispositive portion of the decision reads: DAMAGES.
“PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision appealed from is hereby SET ASIDE, The first question raised in this petition refers to the award of P47,500.00 as
and a new one is hereby rendered, ordering defendant-appellant Isabelo C. the private respondent’s share in the unrealized profits of the partnership.
Moran, Jr. to pay plaintiff-appellant Mariano E. Pecson: The petitioner contends that the award is highly speculative. The petitioner
maintains that the respondent court did not take into account the great risks
“(a) Forty-seven thousand five hundred (P47,500) (the amount that could involved in the business undertaking.
have accrued to Pecson under their agreement);
We agree with the petitioner that the award of speculative damages has no
“(b) Eight thousand (P8,000), (the commission for eight months); basis in fact and law.
“(c) Seven thousand (P7,000) (as a return of Pecson’s investment for the There is no dispute over the nature of the agreement between the petitioner
Veteran’s Project); and the private respondent. It is a contract of partnership. The latter in his
“(d) Legal interest on (a), (b) and (c) from the date the complaint was filed complaint alleged that he was induced by the petitioner to enter into a
(up to the time payment is made)” partnership with him under the following terms and conditions:
The petitioner contends that the respondent Court of Appeals decided “1. That the partnership will print colored posters of the delegates to the
questions of substance in a way not in accord with law and with Supreme Constitutional Convention;
Court decisions when it committed the following errors: “2. That they will invest the amount of Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P15,000.00)
PETITIONER ISABELO C. MORAN, JR. LIABLE TO RESPONDENT MARIANO E. “3. That they will print Ninety Five Thousand (95,000) copies of the said
“4. That plaintiff will receive a commission of One Thousand Pesos
II THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRIEVOUSLY ERRED IN HOLDING (P1,000.00) a month starting April 15, 1971 up to December 15, 1971;
PECSON IN THE SUM OF P8,000, AS SUPPOSED COMMISSION IN THE “5. That upon the termination of the partnership on December 15, 1973, a
PARTNERSHIP ARISING OUT OF PECSON’S INVESTMENT. liquidation of the account pertaining to the distribution and printing of the
said 95,000 posters shall be made.”
PETITIONER ISABELO C. MORAN, JR. LIABLE TO RESPONDENT MARIANO E. The petitioner on the other hand admitted in his answer the existence of the
The rule is, when a partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of
IV ASSUMING WITHOUT ADMITTING THAT PETITIONER IS AT ALL LIABLE money fails to do so, he becomes a debtor of the partnership for whatever
FOR ANY AMOUNT, THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS DID NOT EVEN he may have promised to contribute (Art. 1786, Civil Code) and for interests
OFFSET PAYMENTS ADMITTEDLY RECEIVED BY PECSON FROM MORAN. and damages from the time he should have complied with his obligation
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 20
(Art. 1788, Civil Code), Thus in Uy v. Puzon (79 SCRA 598), which P15,000.00, the respondent was supposed to earn a guaranteed P1,000.00 a
interpreted Art. 2200 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, we allowed a total month for eight months and around P142,500.00 on 95,000 posters costing
of P200,000.00 compensatory damages in favor of the appellee because the P2.00 each but 2,000 of which were sold at P5.00 each. The fantastic nature
appellant therein was remiss in his obligations as a partner and as prime of expected profits is obvious. We have to take various factors into account.
contractor of the construction projects in question. This case was decided on The failure of the Commission on Elections to proclaim all the 320 candidates
a particular set of facts. We awarded compensatory damages in the Uy case of the Constitutional Convention on time was a major factor. The petitioner
because there was a finding that the “constructing business is a profitable used his best business judgment and felt that it would be a losing venture to
one and that the UP construction company derived some profits from its go on with the printing of the agreed 95,000 copies of the posters. Hidden
contractors in the construction of roads and bridges despite its deficient risks in any business venture have to be considered.
capital.” Besides, there was evidence to show that the partnership made
some profits during the periods from July 2, 1956 to December 31, 1957 and It does not follow however that the private respondent is not entitled to
from January 1, 1958 up to September 30, 1959. The profits on two recover any amount from the petitioner. The records show that the private
government contracts worth P2,327,335.76 were not speculative. In the respondent gave P10,000.00 to the petitioner. The latter used this amount
instant case, there is no evidence whatsoever that the partnership between for the printing of 2,000 posters at a cost of P2.00 per poster or a total
the petitioner and the private respondent would have been a profitable printing cost of P4,000.00. The records further show that the 2,000 copies
venture. In fact, it was a failure doomed from the start. There is therefore were sold at P5.00 each. The gross income therefore was P10,000.00.
no basis for the award of speculative damages in favor of the private Deducting the printing costs of P4,000.00 from the gross income of
respondent. P10,000.00 and with no evidence on the cost of distribution, the net profits
amount to only P6,000.00. This net profit of P6,000.00 should be divided
Furthermore, in the Uy case, only Puzon failed to give his full contribution between the petitioner and the private respondent. And since only P4,000.00
while Uy contributed much more than what was expected of him. In this was used by the petitioner in printing the 2,000 copies, the remaining
case, however, there was mutual breach. Private respondent failed to give P6,000.00 should therefore be returned to the private respondent.
his entire contribution in the amount of P15,000.00. He contributed only
P10,000.00. The petitioner likewise failed to give any of the amount Relative to the second alleged error, the petitioner submits that the award of
expected of him. He further failed to comply with the agreement to print P8,000.00 as Pecson’s supposed commission has no justifiable basis in law.
95,000 copies of the posters. Instead, he printed only 2,000 copies. Again, we agree with the petitioner.
Article 1797 of the Civil Code provides: The partnership agreement stipulated that the petitioner would give the
“The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the private respondent a monthly commission of P1,000.00 from April 15, 1971
agreement. If only the share of each partner in the profits has been agreed to December 15, 1971 for a total of eight (8) monthly commissions. The
upon, the share of each in the losses shall be in the same proportion.” agreement does not state the basis of the commission. The payment of the
commission could only have been predicated on relatively extravagant
Being a contract of partnership, each partner must share in the profits and profits. The parties could not have intended the giving of a commission
losses of the venture. That is the essence of a partnership. And even with an inspite of loss or failure of the venture. Since the venture was a failure, the
assurance made by one of the partners that they would earn a huge amount private respondent is not entitled to the P8,000.00 commission.
of profits, in the absence of fraud, the other partner cannot claim a right to
recover the highly speculative profits. It is a rare business venture Anent the third assigned error, the petitioner maintains that the respondent
guaranteed to give 100% profits. In this case, on an investment of Court of Appeals erred in holding him liable to the private respondent in the
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 21
sum of P7,000.00 as a supposed return of investment in a magazine of the case and the same are contrary to the admissions of both the
venture. In awarding P7,000.00 to the private respondent as his supposed appellant and the appellee.
return of investment in the “Voice of the Veterans” magazine venture, the
respondent court ruled that: In this case, there is misapprehension of facts. The evidence of the private
respondent himself shows that his investment in the “Voice of Veterans”
project amounted to only P3,000.00. The remaining P4,000.00 was the
amount of profit that the private respondent expected to receive.
xxx xxx xxx
The records show the following exhibits—
“x x x Moran admittedly signed the promissory note of P20,000 in favor of
Pecson. Moran does not question the due execution of said note. Must Moran “E—Xerox copy of PNB Manager’s Check No. 234265 dated March 22, 1971
therefore pay the amount of P20,000? The evidence indicates that the in favor of defendant. Defendant admitted the authenticity of this check and
P20,000 was assigned by Moran to cover the following: of his receipt of the proceeds thereof (t.s.n., pp. 3-4, Nov. 29, 1972). This
exhibit is being offered for the purpose of showing plaintiff’s capital
“(a) P7,000—the amount of the PNB check given by Pecson to Moran investment in the printing of the ‘Voice of the Veterans’ for which he was
representing Pecson’s investment in Moran’s other project (the publication promised a fixed profit of P8,000. This investment of P6,000.00 and the
and printing of the ‘Voice of the Veterans’); promised profit of P8,000 are covered by defendant’s promissory note for
“(b) P10,000—to cover the return of Pecson’s contribution in the project of P14,000 dated March 31, 1971 marked by defendant as Exhibit 2 (t.s.n., pp.
the Posters; 20-21, Nov. 29, 1972), and by plaintiff as Exhibit P. Later, defendant
returned P3,000.00 of the P6,000.00 investment thereby proportionately
“(c) P3,000—representing Pecson’s commission for three months (April, reducing the promised profit to P4,000. With the balance of P3,000 (capital)
May, June, 1971). and P4,000 (promised profit), defendant signed and executed the
promissory note for P7,000 marked Exhibit 3 for the defendant and Exhibit M
Of said P20,000 Moran has to pay P7,000 (as a return of Pecson’s for plaintiff. Of this P7,000, defendant paid P4,000 representing full return of
investment for the Veterans’ project, for this project never left the ground). the capital investment and P1,000 partial payment of the promised profit.
x x x” The P3,000 balance of the promised profit was made part consideration of
the P20,000 promissory note (t.s.n., pp. 22-24, Nov. 29, 1972). It is,
As a rule, the findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are final and
therefore, being presented to show the consideration for the P20,000
conclusive and cannot be reviewed on appeal to this Court (Amigo v. Teves,
promissory note.
96 Phil. 252), provided they are borne out by the record or are based on
substantial evidence (AlsuaBetts v. Court of Appeals, 92 SCRA 332). “F—Xerox copy of PNB Manager’s check dated May 29, 1971 for P7,000 in
However, this rule admits of certain exceptions. Thus, in Carolina Industries favor of defendant. The authenticity of the check and his receipt of the
Inc. v. CMS Stock Brokerage, Inc., et al., (97 SCRA 734), we held that this proceeds thereof were admitted by the defendant (t.s.n., pp. 3-4, Nov. 29,
Court retains the power to review and rectify the findings of fact of the Court 1972). This P7,000 is part consideration, and in cash, of the P20,000
of Appeals when (1) the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on promissory note (t.s.n., p. 25, Nov. 29, 1972), and it is being presented to
speculation, surmises and conjectures; (2) when the inference made is show the consideration for the P20,000 note and the existence and validity
manifestly mistaken, absurd and impossible; (3) where there is grave abuse of the obligation.
of discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of
facts; and (5) when the court, in making its findings, went beyond the issues xxx xxx xxx
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 22
“L—Book entitled ‘Voice of the Veterans’ which is being offered for the (T.S.N., p. 19, Nov. 29, 1972)
purpose of showing the subject matter of the other partnership agreement
and in which plaintiff invested the P6,000 (Exhibit E) which, together with “Q And what does the amount of P14,000.00 indicated in the promissory
the promised profit of P8,000 made up for the consideration of the P14,000 note, Exhibit 2, represent?
promissory note (Exhibit 2; Exhibit P). As explained in connection with “A It represents the P6,000.00 cash which I gave to Mr. Moran, as evidenced
Exhibit E, the P3,000 balance of the promised profit was later made part by the Philippine National Bank Manager’s check and the P8,000.00 profit
consideration of the P20,000 promissory note. assured me by Mr. Moran which I will derive from the printing of this ‘Voice
“M—Promissory note for P7,000 dated March 30, 1971. This is also of the Veterans’ book.
defendant’s Exhibit E. This document is being offered for the purpose of “Q You said that the P6,000.00 of this P14,000.00 is covered by a Manager’s
further showing the transaction as explained in connection with Exhibits E check. I show you Exhibit E, is this the Manager’s check that you
and L. mentioned?
“N—Receipt of plaintiff dated March 30, 1971 for the return of his P3,000 out “A Yes, sir.
of his capital investment of P6,000 (Exh. E) in the P14,000 promissory note
(Exh. 2; P). This is also defendant’s Exhibit 4. This document is being offered “Q What happened to this promissory note of P14,000.00 which you said
in support of plaintiff’s explanation in connection with Exhibits E, L, and M to represented P6,000.00 of your investment and P8,000.00 promised profits?
show the transaction mentioned therein.
“A Latter, Mr. Moran returned to me P3,000.00 which represented one-half
xxx xxx xxx (½) of the P6,000.00 capital I gave to him.
“P—Promissory note for P14,000.00. This is also defendant’s Exhibit 2. It is “Q As a consequence of the return by Mr. Moran of one-half (½) of the
being offered for the purpose of showing the transaction as explained in P6,000.00 capital you gave to him, what happened to the promised profit of
connection with Exhibits E, L, M, and N above.” P8,000.00?
Explaining the above-quoted exhibits, respondent Pecson testified that: “A It was reduced to one-half (½) which is P4,000.00.
“Q During the pre-trial of this case. Mr. Pecson, the defendant presented a “Q Was there any document executed by Mr. Moran in connection with the
promissory note in the amount of P14,000.00 which has been marked as Balance of P3,000.00 of your capital investment and the P4,000.00 promised
Exhibit 2. Do you know this promissory note? profits?
“Q What is this promissory note, in connection with your transaction with the “Q I show you a promissory note in the amount of P7,000.00 dated March
defendant? 30, 1971 which for purposes of identification I request the same to be
marked as Exhibit M. . .Court
“A This promissory note is for the printing of the ‘Voice of the Veterans’.
Mark it as Exhibit M.
“Q What is this ‘Voice of the Veterans’, Mr. Pecson?
“A It is a book.”
A g e n c y , T r u s t s , a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s P a g e | 23
“Q (continuing) is this the promissory note which you said was executed by state that the project never took place and on this basis decree the return of
Mr. Moran in connection with your transaction regarding the printing of the the private respondent’s investment.
‘Voice of the Veterans’?
As already mentioned, there are risks in any business venture and the
“A Yes, sir. failure of the undertaking cannot entirely be blamed on the managing
partner alone, specially if the latter exercised his best business judgment,
(T.S.N., pp. 20-22, Nov. 29, 1972). which seems to be true in this case.
“Q What happened to this promissory note executed by Mr. Moran, Mr. In view of the foregoing, there is no reason to pass upon the fourth and fifth
Pecson? assignments of errors raised by the petitioner. We likewise find no valid
“A Mr. Moran paid me P4,000.00 out of the P7,000.00 as shown by the basis for the grant of the counter-claim.
promissory note. WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the respondent Court
“Q Was there a receipt issued by you covering this payment of P4,000.00 in of Appeals (now Intermediate Appellate Court) is hereby SET ASIDE and a
favor of Mr. Moran? new one is rendered ordering the petitioner Isabelo Moran, Jr., to pay
private respondent Mariano Pecson SIX THOUSAND (P6,000.00) PESOS
“A Yes, sir.” representing the amount of the private respondent’s contribution to the
partnership but which remained unused; and THREE THOUSAND (P3,000.00)
(T.S.N., p. 23, Nov. 29, 1972). PESOS representing one-half (½) of the net profits gained by the
partnership in the sale of the two thousand (2,000) copies of the posters,
“Q You stated that Mr. Moran paid the amount of P4,000.00 on account of
with interests at the legal rate on both amounts from the date the complaint
the P7,000.00 covered by the promissory note, Exhibit M. What does this
was filed until full payment is made.
P4,000.00 covered by Exhibit N represent?
Teehankee (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera, Plana and Relova, JJ., concur.
“A This P4,000.00 represents the P3,000.00 which he has returned of my
P6,000.00 capital investment and the P1,000.00 represents partial payment De la Fuente, J., no part.
of the P4,000.00 profit that was promised to me by Mr. Moran.
Petition granted. Decision set aside.
“Q And what happened to the balance of P3,000.00 under the promissory
note, Exhibit M? Note.—In an action for damages resulting from a breach of contract to
supply logs, the exporter may not recover from the supplier the amount
“A The balance of P3,000.00 and the rest of the profit was applied as part of damages for which it would be held liable under its contract with a buyer if
the consideration of the promissory note of P20,000.00.” such damages have not been demanded from and paid by it and before it
actually pays the same, because under Article 2199 of the Civil Code
(T.S.N., pp. 23-24, Nov. 29, 1972).
damages must be proved. (Basilan Lumber Company vs. Cagayan Timber
The respondent court erred when it concluded that the project never left the Export Co., 2 SCRA 766.)
ground because the project did take place. Only it failed. It was the private
——o0o—— Moran, Jr. vs. Court of Appeals, 133 SCRA 88, No. L-59956
respondent himself who presented a copy of the book entitled “Voice of the
October 31, 1984
Veterans” in the lower court as Exhibit “L”. Therefore, it would be error to