D0130 11 Deoxycorticosterone
#0024 14q32.3 by FISH IGH gene rearrangement (ALL, NHL) Bone Marrow
A0023 Actitest and Fibrotest Liver fibrosis and inflammation score Serum
A0080 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR BAL and other respiratory samples
A0083 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Pus, abscess and aspirates
A0085 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Tissue and biopsy
A0509 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert AFB GenXpert and Rapid culture Extrapulmonary
A0510 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert AFB GenXpert and Rapid culture Pulmonary
AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert M.Tb detection & Rifamipicin resistance Extra pulmonary samples
A0508 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture CSF
A0507 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture PleuralFluid
A0505AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture Pus abscess and aspirate (FNA)
AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture Tissue / Biopsy (LN, pleural tissue)
AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy BAL & other respiratory samples
A0109 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain BAL & other respiratory samples
A0504 AFB-detection of rRNA reflex rapid culture Extrapulmonary sample, Body fluid
AFB-detection of rRNA reflex rapid culture, Extrapulmonary sample, Tissue, biopsy, bone
A0092 AFB-differentiation & Speciation MTB and MOTT by Hains Pure culture
A0055 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT BAL & other respiratory samples
A0059 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Pus, abscess and aspirates
A0094 AFB-MDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Extra pulmonary samples
A0093 AFB-MDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples
A0114 AFB-MOTT Speciation Additional species by Hains line probe assay Pure culture
A0087 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel 1st and 2nd Line panel 10 drugs
A0116 AFB-XDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Extra pulmonary samples
A0115 AFB-XDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples
A0117panel by Genexpert M.Tb detection & Rifamipicin resistance Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples
A0134 ALK1 / EML4 by FISH Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Tissue
A0241 Allergen, Individual-Food Legume mix (Fx32) (Lentil, Pea, White Bean)
A0297 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Bahia Grass Indian Rice Grass ( Paspalum Notatum)
A0302 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Johnson Grass Jowar grass (Sorghum Grass)
A0312 Allergen, Individual-Insect Honey Bee Venom Madhu Makhhi (Apis Mellifera)
Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Penicillium Notatum fungus (Penicillium chrysogenum)
A0323 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Rhizopus Nigricans fungus
Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Common Pigweed Kaantewali Chauli ( Amaranthus Retroflexus)
Individual-Weed pollen Common Ragweed Close To Parthenium / Congress Grass (Ambrosia Elatior)
A0356 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Mugwort Sita Bani (Artemisia Vulgaris / BanoBarna)
A0381 panel-others Eczema Maxi Panel 20 parameters (skin allergy-For Non Veg and Veg patients)
A0399 Allergy screening IgE-total antibodies with Phadiatop (Adult & >5y)
Allergy screening Phadiatop Adult For > 5 years(Alternative Test A0626 Allergy Screening Panel)
A0427 Ammonia
A0434 Amyloid A
A0437 ANA by IFA Anti Nuclear Antibody screening End point titre
A0511 ANA by IFA reflex ANA blot 17 antigen immunoblot if ANA-IF is positive Serum
A0447 Androstenedione A4
Anemia Workup Profile Peripheral Smear Reflex Selected Anemia Profile For typing of Anemia
A0467 Apolipoproteins A1
A0469 Apolipoproteins B
A0513 Apolipoproteins E
A0532Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-5 Any 5 markers related to autoimmune liver disease
B0081 Beta Thalassemia by PCR Prenatal and Parental Blood and Amniotic fluid/CVS
B0033 Bicarbonate
C0003 C3 Complement-3
C0004 C4 Complement-4
C0005 CA-125
C0006 CA-15.3
C0007 CA-19.9
C0009 CA-72.4
C0251 Calreticulin (CALR) Exon 9 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Blood
Calreticulin (CALR) Exon 9 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Bone Marrow
B1902 canine-Bicarbonate
C1907 CANINE-Cortisol
C1911 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Body Fluids Specify type
C1923 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Vaginal Sample Includes Gr B Strepto
P1910 Canine-PTH
C0330 CD 11c
C0058 CD10
C0076 CD103
C0059 CD13
C0060 CD14
C0061 CD15
C0063 CD19
C0048 CD2
C0064 CD20
C0317 CD200
C0065 CD22
C0066 CD23
C0067 CD25
C0049 CD3
C0068 CD33
C0070 CD34
C0071 CD38
C0072 CD41a
C0074 CD45
C0055 CD5
C0264 CD64
C1818 Cephalogram
C0110 Chromogranin A
C0321 Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) for Breast / Prostate /Colorectal cancer
C1034 Cisplatin, serum
C1038 Clobazam
C0126 Clonazepam
C0303 Clonazepam**_C0303
C0138 CMV Combi test (CMV Viral load / GCV resistance) Plasma / Whole Blood
C0157 Cortisol
C0163 C-Peptide
C0302 Cryofibrinogen
C0183 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Blood Two bottle set
C0185 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Body Fluids Specify type
C0187 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Central Line Catheter Tip
C0194 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Respiratory Samples BAL,ET Secretions
C0199 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Throat Swab For C.Diptheriae
C0203 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Vaginal Sample Includes Gr B Strepto
C0214 Cystatin C
C0216 Cystic Fibrosis 5 mutations (Df508, G542X, G551D, R553X, 5T) Amniotic fluid
C0215 Cystic Fibrosis 5 mutations (Df508, G542X, G551D, R553X, 5T) Blood
C0219 Cystic Fibrosis Immune reactive trypsinogen , IRT (Neonatal screen) Dried blood spot
C1061 Cystic fibrosis-CFTR gene- detection of 36 mutations, blood
C0227 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Liquid based cytology (LBC)
C0242 Cytology Reflex to cell block and relevant IHC Body fluid
D0052 DF MMP-3
D0127 DFS 70
D0030 DNA (Double Strand) AntibodyBy IFA - Reflex end point titreSerum
E1901 E.canisELISASerum
E0004 E2 Estradiol
E0043 EGFR Mutation Detection Exon 18, 19, 20, 21 mutation 4 Exons
E1017 EndoPredict
E0035 Erythropoietin
E0042 Estrone
E1009 Estrone (E1), serum
E0039 Everolimus
E0060 Expert Opinion: Consultation Stanford (Consult Case Review+ Slide preparation)**
F0001 Factor V Activity (Proaccelerin) APCR (Activated protein C Resistance) Citrated plasma
F0012 Fatty Acids With Very Long Chains C22 To C26 Plasma
F0014 FDP DR 70
F0098 Neutropenia Panel by PCR For Immunosupressed patients 17 bacteria, 2 fungi and 3 DNA viruses
F1004 Felbamate, serum
F0018 Ferritin
F0099 Fever panel Multiplex PCR Whole blood and EDTA plasma
F0106 FGF 23
F0028 Fibromax
F0102 Fipronil
F0051 Friedreich Ataxia Mutation Analysis GAA Repeats, Autosomal Recessive Ataxia
F0056 Fructosamine
F0059 FSH-LH-Prolactin
F0060 FSH-LH-Prolactin-Testosterone
F0061 FSH-LH-Prolactin-TSH
F0062 FSH-LH-Testosterone
F0080 Fungal stain, culture and identification BAL, E.T Secretion Respiratory Sample
G0016 Gastrin
Gene analysis Polycystic Liver Disease (Congenital cystic disease of Liver) PRKCSH, SEC63 -
M0145 Gene Panel Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) & neonatal diabetes
G0240 Gene Panel Polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD: PKHD1/ADPKD: PKD1 & PKD2)
Gene-Deletion/duplication Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (SGCA, SGCB,SGCD, SGCG & FKRP)
Gene-Deletion/duplication Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PLA2G6)
G1007 Glucagon
G0032 Glucose Tolerance Test with Insulin 3 samples for glucose and insulin 2 hours
G0040 Glycoasparginase
G0041 Glycophorin A
G0043 Gold
G0326 Grossing, processing, Block & slide preparation with slide scanning
H0014 Haptoglobin
G0060_G Hb Electrophoresis
H0061 HE4 with ROMA index Human Epithelial 4 marker for Ovarian Cancer
H0069 Hemoglobin Hb
H0026 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Anti HbcAg total Core antigen total
H0041 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA quantitative Viral load Serum Or plasma
H0077 Hepcidin
H0078Neu Gene Amplification (CERB2) (ERBB2) FISH probe for CEP 17 and Her2 gene Tissue, FFPE
H0085 Histamine
H0090 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Congo Red Tissue / FFPE
H0091 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Fite Farraco Tissue / FFPE
H0092 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Fontana Masson Silver Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Gomori Silver Methanamine (GMS) Tissue / FFPE
H0095 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Hale'S Colloidal Iron Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Histochemistry Unspecified Special stain Tissue / FFPE
H0097 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Masson Trichrome Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) PAS with and / or Without Diastase Tissue / FFPE
H0101 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) PASM Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0102 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Prussian Blue Tissue / FFPE
H0105 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Van Gieson Tissue / FFPE
H0106 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Verhoeff'S Vangieson Tissue / FFPE
H0107 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Von Kossa Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0109 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Alcian Blue Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0110 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Bleach Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0111 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Congo Red Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0112 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Fite Farraco Stain Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Fontana Masson Silver Method Tissue / FFPE
H0114 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Giemsa Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0115 (Special Stain without interpretation) Gomori Silver Methanamine Stain (GMS) Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Hale'S Colloidal Iron Stain Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Masson Trichrome Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0118 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Mucicarmine Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0120 (Special Stain without interpretation) PAS With and / or Without Diastase Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0121 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) PASM Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0122Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Prussian Blue Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0123 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) PTAH Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0124 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Reticulin Stain Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Unspecified Special Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0126 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Van Gieson Stain Tissue / FFPE
Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Verhoeff'S Vangieson Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0128 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Von Kossa Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0816Histopathologic examination - Salivary Gland Excision with reflex special stains and IHC
H0136 Histopathological examination of Bone Marrow Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0137 Histopathological examination of Bone Specimen Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0138 Histopathological examination of Brain Tissue Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0139 Histopathological examination of Breast Lump Includes special stains and Reflex IHC
H0141 examination of Breast MRM / Breast conservative surgery comprehensive Includes IHC, Reflex FISH
Histopathological examination of Breast MRM / Breast conservative surgery Includes IHC
H0144 Histopathological examination of Cervix Cone Biopsy Reflex IHC and CISH
Histopathological examination of Colectomy / APR Special stains , Reflex IHC & KRAS mutations,
Histopathological examination of Endobroncheal / Laryngeal Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC
Histopathological examination of Endometrium (D&C Material) Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0150 Histopathological examination of Eye ball Specimen Special stains & Reflex IHC
Histopathological examination of GI Endoscopic Biopsy / Colonic Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0324 examination of Head and neck cancer (HNSCC profile) HPV by PCR and p16INK4a
H0157 Histopathological examination of Hepatic Resection Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0158 Histopathological examination of Hirschsprung's Disease Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0160 Histopathological examination of Kidney Biopsy IgG, IgM, IgA. C3, C1q etc
H0161 Histopathological examination of Liver Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0162 Histopathological examination of Lung (Lobectomy) Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0164 Histopathological examination of Mediastinal Mass Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0169 Histopathological examination of Orchidectomy Spcimen Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0170 Histopathological examination of Ovarian Mass (Large) Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0173 Histopathological examination of Prostate Chips (Tur-P) Special stains & Reflex IHC
Histopathological examination of Prostate Trucut Needle Biopsy Reflex IHC (PIN-4 cocktail)
Histopathological examination of Skin Biopsy With Immunofluorescence IgG, IgM, IgA. C3, C1q
H0182Histopathological examination of Small Intestinal Resection Special stains & Reflex IHC
Histopathological examination of Soft Tissue Tumor With Special Stains Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0184 Histopathological examination of Spleen Includes special stains
H0805 examination of- Trucut Biopsy - Lung (CT/USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0806 examination of- Trucut Biopsy - Lymph node (CT/USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC
Histopathological examination of Trucut Biopsy (CT / USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0188 Histopathological examination of TUR Urinary Bladder Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0804 examination of-Trucut (USG Guided)/wedge biopsy-Breast Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0254 Homocysteine
H0259 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Cervical scrapping
H0260 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Tissue / biopsy
H0258 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Vaginal swab
H0272 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR
H0270 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR Blister fluid
H0271 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR CSF
H0273 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR Ulcer swab
H0286 Huntington Disease Mutation Analysis CAG Repeats for Chorea Blood
I0006 IgA
I0142 IHC multiplex marker with reporting PIN 4 Cocktail Ck5 + Ck14 +P63 + P504S
I0356 IHC Panels with reporting Breast V Triple negative breast carcinoma
IHC Panels
with reporting Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) comprehensive diagnosis Comprehensive diagnosis
I0023 IHC Panels with reporting Cervical Cancer IHC reflex to CISH
I0024 IHC Panels with reporting Immunoglobulin Panel IgG, IgM and IgA
I0028 IHC Panels with reporting Lymph node Reflex to EBV by CISH
IHC Panels with reporting Peritoneal Adenocarcinoma Vs Mesothelioma Comprehensive diagnosis
I0035 IHC Panels with reporting Pituitary Marker Profile Comprehensive diagnosis
IHC Panels with reporting Pleural Adenocarcinoma Vs Mesothelioma Comprehensive diagnosis
I0039 IHC Panels with reporting Salivary Gland Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis
I0040 IHC Panels with reporting Soft Tissue Tumor Comprehensive diagnosis
A0522 IHC single marker with reporting ALK (D5F3) reflex FISH NSCLC
I0086 IHC single marker with reporting C-erb-B2 for breast Her2 Neu
I0087 IHC single marker with reporting C-erb-B2 for Gastric carcinoma Her2 Neu
I0102 IHC single marker with reporting EMA Epithelial Membrane Antigen
I0134 IHC single marker with reporting NSE Neuron Specific Enolase
I0147 IHC single marker with reporting PSA Prostate Specific Antigen
I0156 IHC single marker with reporting WT1 Wilm'S Tumor Protein
I0226 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex Pin-4 Cocktail Ck5 + Ck14 + P63 + P504S
I0260 Immunofixation-qualitative
I0261 Immunofixation-qualitative
I0262 Immunofixation-quantitative
I0263 Immunofixation-quantitative
I0274 Inhibin B
I0275 Insulin
I0282 Iron
JAK2 Mutation V617F Reflex to Jak2 Ex-12, MPL W515 / S505, CALR Ex-9 Mutations Blood
JAK2 Mutation V617F Reflex to Jak2 Ex-12, MPL W515 / S505, CALR Ex-9 Mutations Bone Marrow
K0026 Karyotyping and FISH G Banding and FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Amniotic Fluid
Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,16,18, 21, 22, X and Y) POC comprehensive
K0009_Reflex FISH Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y)
K0006 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Amniotic Fluid
K0007 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Chorionic Villus
K0010 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC
Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC with couple karyotype -Female
Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC with couple karyotype-Male
K0009 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), Placental biopsy
Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), POC with Couple Karyotyping
K0008 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), Soft tissue
L0120 LDH
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for ALL Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for ALL Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for AML Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for AML Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for CLPD Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood
L0098 Characterisation Panel for CLPD Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow
L0101 Leukemia CMPD Panel by FISH JAK2 by PCR and BCR-ABL by FISH Blood
L0099 Comprehensive workup panel Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic studies Blood
L0100Comprehensive workup panel Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic studies Bone Marrow
L0048 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 2 Markers Bone Marrow / blood
L0049 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 3 Markers Bone Marrow / blood
L0050 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 4 Markers Bone Marrow / blood
L0126 Liquid Bx. Cell Free Comprehensive Colon Cancer Panel (KRAS,NRAS,BRAF)**
L0077 Lithium
L0083 LKM1 by IFA Liver Kidney Microsomes Reflex to end point titre
L0130 Lopinavir
L0103 Lp-PLA2
L0086Anticoagulants (LAC) profile APTT, Mixing studies, RVVT-screen & confirmation Citrated plasma
M0002 Magnesium
M0156 MammaTyper
M0153 Maternal screen with Pre-eclampsia risk-1st Trimester Dual Marker test
M0152 Maternal screen with Pre-eclampsia risk-2nd Trimester Quadruple Marker test
M0016 MCH
M0017 MCHC
M0018 MCV
M0025 Melatonin
Meningo Encephalitis Panel by PCR 5 DNA viruses + 4 bacteria + 1 parasite + 1 fungi CSF
M0037 Disorder Panel Includes 101 Different Analytes To Diagnose 22 Different Metabolic Disorders
#0005 Microdeletion 4p
M0150 MMR IHC Reflex to BRAF CD600 and MHL1 promoter Hypermethylation
M0101 MPL W515 / S505 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Blood
M0102 MPL W515 / S505 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Bone Marrow
M0091 Myoglobin
M0092 Myoglobin
N0049 NGAL
N1010 Niacin (Vitamin PP), blood ( vitamin B3 )
P0001 P1NP
P0120 Pan Uveitis Panel by PCR 3 RNA, 3 DNA, 3 Mycobacterium spp., and 1 parasite
P0147 PCV
P0140 PGx 6
P0033 pH Stool
P0034 pH Urine
A0463 Phospholipid Profile-3 IgG & IgM Antibodies Against 8 Different Phospholipids
P0053 Phosphorus-Inorganic
P0072 PNMA2 (MA2 / TA) Antibody Neuronal Antigen for Paraneoplastic syndromes
P0073 Polarising Microscopy For Crystals Includes Cell count Synovial fluid
P0154 Posaconazole**
P0078 Potassium
P1043 Pregnenolone**
P1906 Progesterone
P1047 Proinsulin
P0090 Prolactin
P0148 Prolaris
P0141 Prucalopride_CT
R0065 Rifaximine
R0049 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Amniotic Fluid
R0054 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Cord Blood**
S1038 Sickle Cell Anemia (HbS) Mutation Analysis (β6 Glu-Val ) Amniotic Fluid/CVS
S0026 Sirolimus
S1039 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA ) Microdeletion SMN1 Gene deletion Amniotic fluid/CVS
S0044 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA ) Microdeletion SMN1 Gene deletion Blood
S0046 SSA-Antibody Ro
S0047 SSB-Antibody La
S0063 Sucrose Lysis Test Acidified serum test Serum & Blood
T0009 t(11q23): by FISH MLL gene rearrangement (ALL, AML) Bone Marrow
T0988 Taurine**
T0049 Theophylline
T0057 Thyroglobulin
T0070 TIBC
T0143 Tobramycin
T0077 TORCH-10
T0078 TORCH-13
T0085 TORCH-8
T0097 TPHA
T0144 Infection Panel by PCR For Immunosupressed patients 16 bacteria, 2 fungi and 5 DNA viruses
T1910 Triglyceride
T0118 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Amniotic fluid
T0120 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Chorionic Villus
T0121 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Cord blood
T0130 TSH-Ultrasensitive
Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- FNAC / Aspiration Thyroid, lymph node, pleural /ascitic tap
U1001 Uniparental disomy (UPD) (Microsatellites (14, 15, 7, 9, 16, 20)), blood
U0010 Urobilinogen
V0002 Vancomycin
V0037 Vitamin K1
V0032 Voriconazole
V0027 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR Vesicle fluid / swab
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus -Female Below 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Female Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Male Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Male Below 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Female Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Female Below 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Male Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Male Below 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Male Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Male Below 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus- Female Above 45 years
Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Female Below 45 years
X0002 X And Y (Sex Mismatch) by FISH Bone Marrow Transplant Bone Marrow
X1001 Xanthine**
Y0001 Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis 16 STS Markers (only for males) Blood
Z0001 ZAP-70
Z0006 Zinc
Z0007 Zinc
Z0009 Zinc
Z0008 Zinc