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This document provides a list of medical test codes and their descriptions. It covers various tests related to infectious diseases, hormones, metabolic panels and wellness packages.

Several tests are mentioned for detecting various viruses like adenovirus, west nile virus, zika virus, influenza and others. Tests are also listed to detect bacteria like yersinia and actinomycetes.

Many tests are mentioned that measure various hormones like ACTH, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones and others. Stimulation tests involving ACTH are also described.


#1001 1, Methyl histidine, plasma

#1002 1, Methyl histidine, urine

#1003 10-Hydroxy-carbazepine, serum

D0130 11 Deoxycorticosterone

#1019 11-Deoxycorticol - Compound S, serum/Plasma

#1020 11-Deoxycorticol - Compound S, urine

#0023 14q32.3 by FISH IGH gene rearrangement (ALL, NHL) Blood

#0024 14q32.3 by FISH IGH gene rearrangement (ALL, NHL) Bone Marrow

I0312 14q32.3 by FISH IGH gene rearrangement (NHL) Tissue

B0080 16s rRNA Sequencing Bacterial identification Culture

#0026 17-Hydroxy Corticosteroids Urine 24H

#0028 17-Hydroxy Progesterone 17-OHP Serum

#0027 17-Hydroxy Progesterone Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

#0029 17-Ketosteroids Urine 24H

#1005 18-Hydroxy corticosterone, serum/plasma

#1006 18-Hydroxy desoxy corticosterone, serum

#1007 2,5-Hexanedione, urines

#1008 21-Deoxy cortisol, serum

#1010 3-Alpha-Androstanediol Glucuronide, serum

#1011 3-Alpha-Androstanediol Glucuronide, urine 24H

#1012 3-Alpha-Androstanediol, urine 24H

#1013 3-Hydroxybenzoapyrene benzoapyrene metabolite, urine

#0004 3-Methyl Histidine Quantitative Plasma

#0003 3-Methyl Histidine Quantitative Urine

#1014 3-Methyl histidine, plasma

#1015 3-Methyl histidine, urine

#1016 4,4-Methylenedianiline, urine

#0006 5 HIAA Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid Urine 24H

#1018 5 Nucleotidase activity , Serum

#1017 5-HIAA (Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid), Plasma

#1021 9-Deoxycorticosterone, serum

A1001 Abacavir, plasma

A0001 Abnormal Haemoglobin Studies Hb Variants Blood

A0002 Absolute Basophils Count Blood

A0521 Absolute blood count Blood

A0003 Absolute Eosinophils Count Blood

A0004 Absolute Granulocyte Count Blood

A0005 Absolute Lymphocyte Count Blood

A0006 Absolute Monocyte Count Blood

A0007 Absolute Neutrophils Count Blood

A0449 ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme CSF

A0448 ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Serum

A1002 Acebutolol, serum

A0008 Acetone Ketone, qualitative Urine

A1003 Acetyl Salicylate, serum

A0615 Acetylcholinesterase Amnionitic fluid

A0011 Acetylcholinesterase OPC poisoning Blood

A0010 Acetylcholinesterase OPC poisoning Plasma

A1004 Acetylsalicylic acid , serum

A0012 AChR Antibodies Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibodies Serum

A1005 Aciclovir, plasma

A1006 Acid hydrolases activity, serum

A0499 Acid lipase disorder Wolman diseaase Blood

A0014 Acid Phosphatase Total and prostatic fraction Serum

A0013 Acid Phosphatase Total Serum

A0562 Acquired community Pneumonia panel**

A0020 ACTH Adreno Corticotropic Hormone Plasma

A0015 ACTH Stimulation Test For 17 OH progesterone 3 samples

A0016 ACTH Stimulation Test For Aldosterone 3 samples

A0017 ACTH Stimulation Test For Androsteindione 3 samples

A0018 ACTH Stimulation Test For Cortisol 3 samples

A0019 ACTH Stimulation Test For DHEAS 3 samples

A1007 Actin antibodies typing, serum

A0021 Actinomycetes Culture only Sputum

A0022 Actinomycetes Culture only Tissue

A0023 Actitest and Fibrotest Liver fibrosis and inflammation score Serum

A0500 ACTN3 genotyping Sports gene Blood

Acute Encephalitis
A0501 Syndrome Panel by PCR 14 RNA Viruses + 5 DNA Viruses + 4 bacteria + 1 parasite + 1 fungi CSF

A0024 Acyl Carnitine, Quantitative Neonatal Dried blood spot

A0025 ADA Adenosine Deaminase Ascitic Fluid

A0026 ADA Adenosine Deaminase CSF

A0027 ADA Adenosine Deaminase Pedicardial Fluid

A0028 ADA Adenosine Deaminase Peritoneal Fluid

A0029 ADA Adenosine Deaminase PleuralFluid

A0030 ADA Adenosine Deaminase Pus

A0031 ADA Adenosine Deaminase Serum

A0533 ADA Adenosine Deaminase, synovial fluid

A1008 Adefovir, plasma

A0034 Adenovirus DNA detection By PCR Eye swab

A0035 Adenovirus DNA detection By PCR Nasal swab

A0033 Adenovirus DNA detection By PCR Oral swab

A0032 Adenovirus DNA detection By PCR Respiratory Fluid

A0036 Adenovirus IgG Antibody Serum

A0037 Adenovirus IgM Antibody Serum

A0038 ADH-Anti Diuretic Hormone Vasopressin Plasma

A0039 Adiponectin Serum

A0040 ADRB2 Genotype For B2 Agonist Reponsiveness Blood

A1009 Adrenal Gland Antibodies, Serum**

A0041 Adrenaline Epinephrine Plasma

A0042 Adrenaline Epinephrine Urine 24H

A0595 Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-linked ALD) sequencing of ABCD1 gene

A1808 Aeroma therapy

A0080 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR BAL and other respiratory samples

A0081 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Body Fluid

A0082 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR CSF

A0083 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Pus, abscess and aspirates

A0084 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Sputum

A0085 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Tissue and biopsy

A0086 AFB- detection of DNA by Real time PCR Urine


A0509 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert AFB GenXpert and Rapid culture Extrapulmonary
A0510 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert AFB GenXpert and Rapid culture Pulmonary

AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert M.Tb detection & Rifamipicin resistance Extra pulmonary samples

A0508 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture CSF

A0507 AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture PleuralFluid

A0505AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture Pus abscess and aspirate (FNA)

AFB- Xpert panel by Genexpert Reflex AFB Rapid culture Tissue / Biopsy (LN, pleural tissue)

A0563 AFB-Antibiogram for MTb complex Cycloserine

AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy BAL & other respiratory samples

A0102 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Body fluids

A0104AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Pus, abscess and aspirates

A0105_1 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Sputum-1 sample

A0105 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Sputum-3 samples

A0106 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Tissue and biopsy

A0107_1 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Urine, 1 sample

A0107 AFB-detection by smear examination Fluroscence Microscopy Urine, 3 samples

A0109 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain BAL & other respiratory samples

A0108 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Body fluids

A0110 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Pus, abscess and aspirates

A0111_1 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Sputum, 1 samples

A0111 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Sputum, 3 samples

A0112 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Tissue and biopsy

A0113_1 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Urine, 1 samples

A0113 AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain Urine, 3 samples

A0504 AFB-detection of rRNA reflex rapid culture Extrapulmonary sample, Body fluid

A0502 AFB-detection of rRNA reflex rapid culture Urine A0502

AFB-detection of rRNA reflex rapid culture, Extrapulmonary sample, Tissue, biopsy, bone

A0092 AFB-differentiation & Speciation MTB and MOTT by Hains Pure culture

A0559 AFB-Drugs susceptibility panel with Levofloxacin

A0055 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT BAL & other respiratory samples

A0052 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Blood

A0053 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Body Fluid

A0054 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Bone Marrow

A0056 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT CSF

A0057 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Endometrium

A0058 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Other samples

A0059 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Pus, abscess and aspirates

A0060 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Sputum

A0061 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Tissue / Biopsy

A0062 AFB-Isolation by rapid culture by Bactec MGIT Urine

A0094 AFB-MDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Extra pulmonary samples

A0093 AFB-MDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples

A0063 AFB-MOTT antibiogram panel For rapid Growers Upto 10 drugs

A0064 AFB-MOTT antibiogram panel For Slow growers Upto 10 drugs

A0114 AFB-MOTT Speciation Additional species by Hains line probe assay Pure culture

A0065 AFB-MTb antibiogram Amikacin

A0066 AFB-MTb antibiogram Capreomycin

A0067 AFB-MTb antibiogram Clofazimine

A0068 AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethambutol

A0069 AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide

A0070 AFB-MTb antibiogram Isoniazid

A0071 AFB-MTb antibiogram Kanamycin

A0072 AFB-MTb antibiogram Levofloxacin

A0073 AFB-MTb antibiogram Moxifloxacin

A0074 AFB-MTb antibiogram Ofloxacin

A0087 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel 1st and 2nd Line panel 10 drugs

A0088 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel 1st Line (4 drugs) SIRE

A0089 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel 2nd Line (4 Drugs) KEPO

A0090 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel Additional drugs -4 Nos. MACC

A0091 AFB-MTb antibiogram panel Comprehensive Panel 13 drugs

A0075 AFB-MTb antibiogram PAS

A0076 AFB-MTb antibiogram Pyrazinamide

A0077 AFB-MTb antibiogram Rifabutin

A0078 AFB-MTb antibiogram Rifampicin

A0079 AFB-MTb antibiogram Streptomycin

A0116 AFB-XDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Extra pulmonary samples

A0115 AFB-XDR Screen Hain's Line Probe Assay Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples

A0117panel by Genexpert M.Tb detection & Rifamipicin resistance Sputum, BAL, other respiratory samples

A0120 AFP-Alpha Feto Protein Amniotic Fluid

A0121 AFP-Alpha Feto Protein CSF

A0119 AFP-Alpha Feto Protein Serum

A0498 AFP-Alpha Feto Protein L3 fraction Serum

A0122 Albert's stain Throat swab

A0126 Albumin CSF

A0125 Albumin Serum

A0564 Albumin body fluid

A0123 Albumin Qualitative Urine

A0124 Albumin Quantitative Urine 24H

A0127 Albumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine

A0129 Alcohol Ethanol Serum

A0128 Alcohol with ETG (Ethyl Glucoronide) Ethanol Urine

A0621 ALD fibrometer

A0130 Aldehyde Chopra Test For Kala Azar

A0131 Aldolase enzymatic

A0133 Aldosterone Serum

A0132 Aldosterone Urine 24H

A0616 Aldosterone/Renin ratio Aldosterone/ Direct renin Serum

A0539 Aldosterone/Renin ratio Aldosterone/ PRA ratio Serum

A1010 Alimemazine, serum

A0567 Alk/NPM1;t(2;5) Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Bone marrow

A0568 Alk/NPM1;t(2;5) Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Infiltrated blood

A0569 Alk/NPM1;t(2;5) Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Tissue / FFPE

A0134 ALK1 / EML4 by FISH Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Tissue

A0135 Alkaline Phosphatase enzymatic

A0136 Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes Electrophoresis

A0137 Alkaline Phosphatase with Bone Fraction Ostase

A0528 Allergen - Brinjal (Aubergine, eggplant / Solanum melongena)


A0603 Allergen Drum Stick**

A0619 Allergen Guava**

A0604 Allergen Helmemthosporium**

A0552 Allergen Methylcobal

A0614 Allergen Raddish**


A0591 Allergen Tinidazole

A0550 Allergen, Individual Drug Atenolol

A0549 Allergen, Individual Drug Cloxacillin

A0551 Allergen, Individual Drug Deriphylline

A0547 Allergen, Individual Drug Doxycycline

A0545 Allergen, Individual Drug Erythromycin

A0548 Allergen, Individual Drug Gentamycin

A0542 Allergen, Individual Drug Phenobarbital

A0541 Allergen, Individual Drug Piroxicam

A0554 Allergen, Individual Drug Pyridoxine

A0555 Allergen, Individual Drug Riboflavin

A0544 Allergen, Individual Drug Tetracyclin

A0546 Allergen, Individual Drug Wine Red

A0543 Allergen, Individual others Heena Mehendi

A0138 Allergen, Individual-Animal Cat Dander

A0139 Allergen, Individual-Animal Chicken Feather

A0140 Allergen, Individual-Animal Cow Dander

A0141 Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander

A0142 Allergen, Individual-Animal Goat Epithelium

A0143 Allergen, Individual-Animal Guinea Pig Epithelium

A0144 Allergen, Individual-Animal Hamster Epithelium

A0145 Allergen, Individual-Animal Horse Dander

A0146 Allergen, Individual-Animal Mouse Epithelium

A0147 Allergen, Individual-Animal Parrot Feather

A0525 Allergen, Individual-Animal Pigeon feathers

A0149 Allergen, Individual-Animal Rabbit epithelium

A0150 Allergen, Individual-Animal Rat Epithelium

A0151 Allergen, Individual-Animal Swine Epithelium

A0152 Allergen, Individual-Drug ACTH

A0153 Allergen, Individual-Drug Amoxicillin antibiotic

A0154 Allergen, Individual-Drug Ampicillin antibiotic

A0155 Allergen, Individual-Drug Azithromycin antibiotic

A0157 Allergen, Individual-Drug Cefuroxime antibiotic

A0156 Allergen, Individual-Drug Cephalosporin Mix antibiotic

A0158 Allergen, Individual-Drug Ciprofloxacin antibiotic

A0159 Allergen, Individual-Drug Diclofenac pain killer

A0160 Allergen, Individual-Drug Disprin (Aspirin) pain killer

A0161 Allergen, Individual-Drug Ibuprofen pain killer

A0162 Allergen, Individual-Drug Insulin Bovine

A0163 Allergen, Individual-Drug Insulin Human

A0164 Allergen, Individual-Drug Insulin Porcine

A0165 Allergen, Individual-Drug Mefenemic Acid pain killer

A0166 Allergen, Individual-Drug Methyl Paraben Anaethesia

A0167 Allergen, Individual-Drug Metronidazole antibiotic

A0168 Allergen, Individual-Drug Mono sodium glutamate

A0169 Allergen, Individual-Drug Nimesulide pain killer

A0600 Allergen, Individual-Drug- Norfloxacin

A0170 Allergen, Individual-Drug Paracetamol AntiPyretic

A0171 Allergen, Individual-Drug Penicilloyl G antibiotic

A0172 Allergen, Individual-Drug Penicilloyl V antibiotic

A0174 Allergen, Individual-Drug Rifampicin antibiotic

A0173 Allergen, Individual-Drug Sulpha antibiotic

A0535 Allergen, Individual-Drug Tetracycline antibiotic

A0531 Allergen, Individual-Drug Xylocaine Anaesthetic drug

A0175 Allergen, Individual-Dust Dermatophagoides Farinae House Dust Mite

A0176 Allergen, Individual-Dust Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus House Dust Mite

A0177 Allergen, Individual-Dust Flourdust

A0178 Allergen, Individual-Dust House Dust - Hollistier

A0179 Allergen, Individual-Dust House Dust Greer Labs

A0180 Allergen, Individual-Food Almond Badam (Amygdalus Communis)

A0181 Allergen, Individual-Food Alpha Lactalbumin Milk protein

A0182 Allergen, Individual-Food Apple Safarchand (Malus X Domestica)

A0183 Allergen, Individual-Food Apricot Prunus armeniaca

A0184 Allergen, Individual-Food Asparagus Asparagus officinalis

A0185Allergen, Individual-Food Baingan (Brinjal (Aubergine, eggplant / Solanum melongena)

A0186 Allergen, Individual-Food Bakers Yeast Yeast ( Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)

A0187 Allergen, Individual-Food Banana Kela (Musa Spp.)

A0188 Allergen, Individual-Food Barley Hordeum vulgare

A0189 Allergen, Individual-Food Basil Ocimum basilicum

A0190 Allergen, Individual-Food Bayleaf Laurus nobilis

A0191 Allergen, Individual-Food Beef Cow meat (Bos spp.)

A0192 Allergen, Individual-Food Beta Lactoglobulin Milk protein

A0193 Allergen, Individual-Food Black Pepper Piper nigrum

A0194 Allergen, Individual-Food Blue Mussel Mytilus Edulis

A0195 Allergen, Individual-Food Brazil Nut Bertholletia excelsa

A0196 Allergen, Individual-Food Broccoli Brassica oleracea var. italica

A0197 Allergen, Individual-Food Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum

A0198 Allergen, Individual-Food Cabbage Gobi (Brassica Oleraceavar.Capitata)

A0199 Allergen, Individual-Food Cardamon (Ilaichi) Elettaria cardamomum

A0200 Allergen, Individual-Food Carrot Daucus carota

A0201 Allergen, Individual-Food Casein (Milk Protein) Dahi

A0202 Allergen, Individual-Food Cashew Nut Kaju ( Anacardium Occidentale)

A0203 Allergen, Individual-Food Cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

A0204 Allergen, Individual-Food Celery Apium Graveolens

A0205 Allergen, Individual-Food Cheese Cheddar

A0206 Allergen, Individual-Food Cherry Prunus avium

A0207 Allergen, Individual-Food Chick Pea Kabuli Chana (Cicer Arietinus)

A0208 Allergen, Individual-Food Chicken Meat Murgi

A0209 Allergen, Individual-Food Chilipepper Capsicum frutescens

A0210 Allergen, Individual-Food Cinnamon (Dalchini) Spice

A0211 Allergen, Individual-Food Clove (laung) (Syzygium aromaticum)

A0212 Allergen, Individual-Food Cocoa Chocolate (Theobroma Cacao)

A0213 Allergen, Individual-Food Coconut Narial (Cocos Nucifera)

A0214 Allergen, Individual-Food Cod Fish Machhli (Gadus Morhua)

A0215 Allergen, Individual-Food Coffee

A0216 Allergen, Individual-Food Coriander (dhania) Spice

A0217 Allergen, Individual-Food Corn / Maize Makka (Zea Mays)

A0218 Allergen, Individual-Food Cow Milk Doodh

A0219 Allergen, Individual-Food Crab Cancer pagurus

A0221 Allergen, Individual-Food Cucumber kakdi (Cucumis sativus)

A0220 Allergen, Individual-Food Cumin

A0222 Allergen, Individual-Food Curry Santa Maria

A0223 Allergen, Individual-Food Date khajur (Phoenix canariensis)

A0224 Allergen, Individual-Food Egg White Anda

A0225 Allergen, Individual-Food Egg Yolk Anda

A0226 Allergen, Individual-Food Fennel Foeniculum vulgare

A0227 Allergen, Individual-Food Fig Ficus carica

A0228 Allergen, Individual-Food Garlic Lehsoon (Allium Sativum)

A0229 Allergen, Individual-Food Ginger Adarakh (Zingiber officinale)

A0230 Allergen, Individual-Food Gluten

A0231 Allergen, Individual-Food Grape Angoor (Vitis vinifera)

A0232 Allergen, Individual-Food Grapefruit Citrus paradisi

A0233 Allergen, Individual-Food Green Bean Phaseolus vulgaris

A0234 Allergen, Individual-Food Green Pea

A0235 Allergen, Individual-Food Green pepper unripe seed / Piper nigrum

A0236 Allergen, Individual-Food Hazelnut Corylus avellana

A0237 Allergen, Individual-Food Herring Clupea harengus

A0238 Allergen, Individual-Food Kiwi Fruit Actinidia deliciosa

A0239 Allergen, Individual-Food Lady Finger bhindi

A0240 Allergen, Individual-Food Lamb

A0241 Allergen, Individual-Food Legume mix (Fx32) (Lentil, Pea, White Bean)

A0242 Allergen, Individual-Food Lemon Nimbu (Citrus Limon)

A0243 Allergen, Individual-Food Lentil Masoor Dal (Lens Esculenta)

A0244 Allergen, Individual-Food Lettuce Lactuca sativa

A0245 Allergen, Individual-Food Lobster Homarus gammarus

A0246 Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus)

A0248 Allergen, Individual-Food Malt

A0249 Allergen, Individual-Food Mango Mangifera Indica

A0250 Allergen, Individual-Food Melon (Cucumis melo spp.)

A0251 Allergen, Individual-Food Mint Mentha piperita

A0530 Allergen, Individual-Food Moong dal

A0252 Allergen, Individual-Food Mushroom champignon / Agaricus hortensis

A0253 Allergen, Individual-Food Mustard Sarson (Brassica / Sinapsis Spp.)

A0254 Allergen, Individual-Food Mutton Ovis Spp.

A0255 Allergen, Individual-Food Oat Avena sativa

A0256 Allergen, Individual-Food Olive Olea Europaea

A0257 Allergen, Individual-Food Onion Piaz (Allium Cepa)

A0258 Allergen, Individual-Food Orange santra (Citrus sinensis)

A0259 Allergen, Individual-Food Oyster Ostrea edulis

A0260 Allergen, Individual-Food Papaya Carica Papaya

A0261 Allergen, Individual-Food Paprica Simla Mirchi (Capsicum Annuum)

A0262 Allergen, Individual-Food Parsley Petroselinum crispum

A0263 Allergen, Individual-Food Peach Prunus persica

A0264 Allergen, Individual-Food Peanut Moongfali (Arachis Hypogaea)

A0265 Allergen, Individual-Food Pear Pyrus communis

A0266 Allergen, Individual-Food Pecanut Carya illinoensis

A0267 Allergen, Individual-Food Pineapple Ananas

A0268 Allergen, Individual-Food Pistachio

A0269 Allergen, Individual-Food Plaice Fish (Pleuronectes platessa)

A0270 Allergen, Individual-Food Plum Prunus domestica

A0271 Allergen, Individual-Food Poppy Seed Papaver somniferum

A0272 Allergen, Individual-Food Pork Pig meat

A0273 Allergen, Individual-Food Potato Aaloo (Solanum Tuberosum)

A0274 Allergen, Individual-Food Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo

A0275 Allergen, Individual-Food Red Chilly

A0276 Allergen, Individual-Food Red Kidney Bean Phaseolus vulgaris

A0277 Allergen, Individual-Food Rice Chawal (Oryza Sativa)

A0278 Allergen, Individual-Food Salmon Rawas fish (Salmo Salar)

A0279 Allergen, Individual-Food Sardine Fish (Pleuronectes platessa)

A0280 Allergen, Individual-Food Sesame Seed Sesamum indicum

A0281 Allergen, Individual-Food Shrimp / Prawns

A0282 Allergen, Individual-Food Soyabean Glycine Max

A0283 Allergen, Individual-Food Spinach Palak ( Spinachia Oleracea)

A0284 Allergen, Individual-Food Strawberry Fragaria vesca

A0285 Allergen, Individual-Food Sunflower Seed Helianthus annuus

A0286 Allergen, Individual-Food Sweet Potato Ipomea batatas

A0287 Allergen, Individual-Food Tea Chai (Camellia sinensis)

A0289 Allergen, Individual-Food Tomato Tamatar (Lycopersicon Lycopresicum)

A0290 Allergen, Individual-Food Tuna Fish (Pleuronectes platessa)

A0288 Allergen, Individual-Food Turmeric

A0291 Allergen, Individual-Food Vanilla Vanilla planifolia

A0292 Allergen, Individual-Food Walnut Juglans californica

A0293 Allergen, Individual-Food Water Melon Citrullus lanatus

A0294 Allergen, Individual-Food Wheat Gehon (Triticum Aestivum)

A0295 Allergen, Individual-Food White Bean Phaseolus Vulgaris

A0296 Allergen, Individual-Food Yogurt

A0297 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Bahia Grass Indian Rice Grass ( Paspalum Notatum)

A0298 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Bermuda Grass Durva (Cynodon Grass)

A0299 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Common Reed Grass Phragmites communis

A0300 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Cultivated RyeGrass Secale Cereale

A0301 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Cultivated Wheat Triticum Aestivum

A0302 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Johnson Grass Jowar grass (Sorghum Grass)

A0303 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Meadow Fescue Festuca elatior

A0304 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Meadow Grass Poa Pratensis

A0305 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Orchard Grass

A0306 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Rye Grass Lolium Perene

A0307 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Sweet Vernal Anthoxanthum Odoratum

A0308 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Timothy Grass Ghass (Phleum Pratense)

A0309 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Velvet Holcus lanatus

A0310 Allergen, Individual-Grass pollen Zea Mays Grass Maize(Corn )

A0311 Allergen, Individual-Insect Cockroach German Blatella Germanica

A0312 Allergen, Individual-Insect Honey Bee Venom Madhu Makhhi (Apis Mellifera)

A0313 Allergen, Individual-Insect Moth Bombyx mori

A0314 Allergen, Individual-Insect Paper wasp Venom Polistes spp.

A0526 Allergen, Individual-Metals Chromium

A0315 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Alternaria Tenius fungus

A0316 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Aspergillus Fumigatus fungus

A0317 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Candida Albicans fungus

A0318 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Cladosporium Herbarum fungus

A0319 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Heliminthosporium Halodes

A0320 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Mosquito Machhar (Aedes Communis)

A0321 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Mucor Racemosus fungus

Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Penicillium Notatum fungus (Penicillium chrysogenum)
A0323 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Rhizopus Nigricans fungus

A0324 Allergen, Individual-Micro organism Trichophyton

A0325 Allergen, Individual-Occupational Isocynate Hdi

A0326 Allergen, Individual-Occupational Isocynate Mdi

A0327 Allergen, Individual-Occupational Isocynate Tdt

A0328 Allergen, Individual-Occupational Latex

A0329 Allergen, Individual-Occupational Silk

A0534 Allergen, Individual-Others Avocado

A0330 Allergen, Individual-Others Bupivacaine Anaesthesia

A0331 Allergen, Individual-Others Cotton kapus

A0332 Allergen, Individual-Others Lidocaine (lignocaine) Anaesthesia

A0333 Allergen, Individual-Others Paietaria Officinatis

A0334 Allergen, Individual-Others Pityrosporum Orbiculare

A0335 Allergen, Individual-Others Pthalic Anhydride

A0336 Allergen, Individual-Others Stemphylium Botryosum

A0337 Allergen, Individual-Others Wool

A0338 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Acasia Babool (Acasia Longifolia)

A0339 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Alder Alnus Incana

A0340 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Birch Betula Verrucosa

A0341 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Cottonwood Populus deltoides

A0342 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Eucalyptus Nilgiri (Safeda )

A0343 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Hazel Corylus Avellana

A0344 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica

A0345 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Mesquite Pahadi Keekar (Prosopis Juliflora)

A0346 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Mulberry Shahtoot (Morus alba)

A0347 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Oak Quercus Alba

A0519 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Papdi Chibil / Elm

A0348 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen White Pine Pinus strobus

A0349 Allergen, Individual-Tree pollen Willow Salix Caprea

A0350 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Cocklebur Xanthium commune

Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Common Pigweed Kaantewali Chauli ( Amaranthus Retroflexus)

Individual-Weed pollen Common Ragweed Close To Parthenium / Congress Grass (Ambrosia Elatior)

A0353 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen English Plantain Plantago Lanceolata

A0354 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Golden Rod Solidago Virgaurea

A0355 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Goose Foot Chenopodium Album

A0356 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Mugwort Sita Bani (Artemisia Vulgaris / BanoBarna)

A0357 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Nettle Urtica dioica

A0358 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Rape Pollen Sarson (Brassica Napus)

A0520 Allergen, Individual-Weed pollen Saltwort (Salsola kali / pestifer) Serum

A0540 Allergen,Individual Drug Clindamycin

A0592 Allergen,Individual-Food Moth Dal

A0565 Allergen,Individual-Food Tuvar Dal

A0602 Allergen,Urad dal**

A0148 Allergen-Pigeon Droppings**

A0609 Allergy Fig**


A0570 Allergy monitoring Eosinophil cationic protein ECP

A0589 Allergy Ornidozole**


A0571 Allergy panel flexi Any 10

A0572 Allergy panel flexi Any 15

A0573 Allergy panel flexi Any 20

A0574 Allergy panel flexi Any 25

A0575 Allergy panel flexi Any 30

A0576 Allergy panel flexi Any 5

A0359 Allergy panel-Food Fish Panel 6 parameters

A0360 Allergy panel-Food Fruit Panel 9 parameters

A0361 Allergy panel-Food Fx 5 (For Infants) Panel 7 parameters

A0362 Allergy panel-Food Milk & Milk Product Panel 6 parameters

A0363 Allergy panel-Food Nonvegetarian Panel 11 parameters

A0364 Allergy panel-Food Nuts Panel 10 parameters

A0365 Allergy panel-Food Oil Panel 6 parameters

A0366 Allergy panel-Food Sea Food Panel 11 parameters

A0367 Allergy panel-Food Spices Panel 11 parameters

A0368 Allergy panel-Food Vegetable-1 Panel 6 parameters

A0369 Allergy panel-Food Vegetable-2 Panel 5 parameters

A0370 Allergy panel-Food Vegetarian + Nonvegetarian Panel 22 parameters

A0371 Allergy panel-Food Vegetarians Panel 12 parameters

A0372 Allergy panel-others Adult (Comprehensive) Panel 25 parameters

A0373 Allergy panel-others Animal Panel 8 parameters

A0577 Allergy panel-others Antibiotic profile 8 parametrs

A0374 Allergy panel-others Asthma Comprehensive Panel 19 parameters (Respiratory panel)

A0578 Allergy panel-others Asthma/ Rhinitis Panel - Adult 15 parameters

A0375 Allergy panel-others Central India Region Panel 25 parameters

A0376 Allergy panel-others Child Panel 21 parameters

A0377 Allergy panel-others Drug Panel: ( Maxi ) 12 parameters

A0378 Allergy panel-others Drugs Panel 7 parameters

A0379 Allergy panel-others Dust Panel 5 parameters

A0380 Allergy panel-others East India Region Panel: 24 parameters

A0381 panel-others Eczema Maxi Panel 20 parameters (skin allergy-For Non Veg and Veg patients)

A0579 Allergy panel-others Eczema Mini Panel 14 parameters

A0382 Allergy panel-others Environmental Panel 29 parameters

A0383 Allergy panel-others GIT Panel -1 33 parameters (Veg)

A0580 Allergy panel-others GIT Panel-2 46 parameters (Veg + Non Veg)

A0384 Allergy panel-others Grass Panel 7 parameters

A0385 Allergy panel-others Indoor Panel 4 parameters

A0386 Allergy panel-others Inhalant Panel 17 parameters

A0387 Allergy panel-others Insects Panel 4 parameters

A0388 Allergy panel-others Mold-1 Panel 5 parameters (fungus)

A0389 Allergy panel-others Mold-2 Panel 6 parameters (fungus)

A0390 Allergy panel-others North India Region Panel 23 parameters

A0391 Allergy panel-others Occupation Panel 9 parameters

A0392 Allergy panel-others Outdoor Panel 9 parameters

A0581 Allergy panel-others Pulses panel 6 parameters

A0393 Allergy panel-others Rhinitis/Wheeze Maxi panel 21 parameters

A0582 Allergy panel-others Rhinitis/Wheeze Mini - (especially for Child) 15 parameters

A0583 Allergy panel-others Skin Allergy panel For vegetarians 23 parameters

A0394 Allergy panel-others South India Region Panel 20 parameters

A0395 Allergy panel-others Trees pollen Panel 6 parameters

A0396 Allergy panel-others Weeds pollen Panel 6 parameters


A0626 Allergy screening

A0397 Allergy screening Group Panel 11 parameters

A0399 Allergy screening IgE-total antibodies with Phadiatop (Adult & >5y)

A0399_CHILD Allergy screening IgE-total antibodies with Phadiatop (Child < 5 y)

Allergy screening Phadiatop Adult For > 5 years(Alternative Test A0626 Allergy Screening Panel)

A0401 Allergy screening Phadiatop Infant For < 5 years

A0584 Allergy screening Tryptase

A1011 Alloisoleucine, plasma

A1012 Alloisoleucine, urine

A0403 Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein Serum

A0404 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Serum

A0405 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Z, X , M Mutation by PCR Blood

A0406 Alpha 2 Macroglobulin Serum

A0407 Alpha Fucosidase

A0408 Alpha Galactosidase Fabry

A0409 Alpha Glucosidase GSD II / pompe

A0410 Alpha Iduronidase Hurler / MPS I

A0411 Alpha Mannosidase

A0412 Alpha N-Acetyl Galactosaminidase Schindler disease

A0413 Alpha Thalassemia by PCR 5 common deletions

A0613 Alpha Thalassemia by PCR HBA1/HBA2

A1013 Alpha-2 Antiplasmin activity, plasma

A1014 Alpha-Aminoadipic acid, plasma

A1015 Alpha-Aminoadipic acid, urines

A1016 Alpha-Aminobutyric acid, plasma

A1017 Alpha-Aminobutyric acid, urines

A1018 Alpha-glutathione S-Transferase, serum

A1019 Alprazolam, serum

A0414 Aluminium Serum

A0415 Aluminium Urine 24H

A0416 Aluminium Urine Spot

A0623 Alzheimer disease screening profile

A0417 AMH Mullerian Inhibiting Substance

A5583 AMH Plus premium

A5592 AMH Plus Supreme


A1020 Amineptine, serum

A0418 Amino Acid Qualitative screen CSF

A0523 Amino Acid Qualitative screen Plasma

A0419 Amino Acid Qualitative screen Serum

A0420 Amino Acid Qualitative screen Urine

A0421 Amino Acid Quantitative CSF

A0422 Amino Acid Quantitative Plasma

A0561 Amino Acid Quantitative Serum**

A0423 Amino Acid Quantitative Urine

A0424 Amino Levulinic Acid ALA Urine 24H

A0425 Amino Levulinic Acid ALA Urine Spot


A0426 Amiodarone LCMS

A1021 Amisulpride, serum

A1022 Amitriptyline, serum

A0622 AML risk stratification gene panel, NGS**

A1023 Ammonaemia, plasma

A0427 Ammonia

A0428 Amoebiasis Antibodies IgG Antibody

A1024 Amoxapine, serum

A1025 Amoxicillin, serum

A0429 Amphetamine Quantitative Urine Spot

A1026 Amphetamines confirmation, serum

A1027 Amphetamines confirmation, urine

A0430 Amphiphysin Antibody

A1028 Amprenavir, plasma

A0431 Amylase enzymatic Ascitic Fluid

A0432 Amylase enzymatic Serum

A0433 Amylase enzymatic Urine Spot

A1029 Amylase isoenzymes, serum

A0434 Amyloid A

A0436 ANA by ELISA Anti Nuclear Antibody screening

A0437 ANA by IFA Anti Nuclear Antibody screening End point titre
A0511 ANA by IFA reflex ANA blot 17 antigen immunoblot if ANA-IF is positive Serum

A0435 ANA by Immunoblot 17 antigens Serum

A0438 ANA Profile

A0440 Anaemia Profile Haemolytic Type

A0585 Anaemia Profile Macrocytic Anemia panel

A0441 Anaemia Profile Maxi

A0586 Anaemia Profile Microcytic hypochromic panel

A0442 Anaemia Profile Mini

A0443 Anaemia Profile Nutritional

A0444 Anaemia Profile Pernicious

A0445 ANCA by IFA Reflex end point titre

A0512 ANCA by IFA Reflex MPO / PR3 Antibodies

A0446 Androgen Profile

A0447 Androstenedione A4

Anemia Workup Profile Peripheral Smear Reflex Selected Anemia Profile For typing of Anemia

A0588 Aneuploidy-Sperm 13,18,21,X and Y by FISH

A1030 Angiostrongylus cantonensis serology, serum

A0610_CT Anion Gap

A1031 Annexin V antibodies IgG, serum

A0451 Antenatal Profile-I ANC profile-1(maxi)

A0450 Antenatal Profile-II ANC profile-2 (mini)


A0453 Anti A Titre

A0454 Anti B Titre

A0455 Anti DNAse B

A0457 Anti SS DNA Antibody Single Stranded DNA Antibody

A0458 Anti Thrombin III Activity Functional

A0459 Anti Thrombin III Antigen

#1009 Anti-21-hydroxylase antibodies – serum**

A0452 Antibiogram for Anaerobic Bacteria

A1032 Anti-c antibodies-mass dosage, blood/serum

A0460 Antimony Blood

A0461 Antimony Urine

A0462 Antimony Urine Spot

M1038 Anti-myelin antibodies - serum**

A1034 Antioxidant activity, plasma

A0456 Antioxidant's capacity- total

A1033 Anti-staphylolysin-ASTA, serum

A1035 Antistreptodornase B-ASD B, serum

A1036 Antistreptokinase-ASK, serum

A0536 APA-IgA Phospholipid Antibody

A0464 APA-IgG Phospholipid Antibody

A0465 APA-IgM Phospholipid Antibody

A0466 APCR Activated Protein C Resistance Test


A1037 Apolipoprotein C3, serum

A1038 Apolipoprotein E, serum

A0467 Apolipoproteins A1

A0469 Apolipoproteins B

A0468 Apolipoproteins B/A1

A0513 Apolipoproteins E

A0470 Apolipoproteins Profile

A0471 APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Citrated plasma

A0472 Arginine Quantitative Plasma

A0473 Arginine Quantitative Urine

A0474 Arsenic Blood

A0475 Arsenic Urine 24H

A0476 Arsenic Urine Spot

A0624 Arsenic plasma by ICPMS

A0612 ART package

A0477 Arthritis Profile

A0478 Aryl Sulphatase A

A0479 Aryl Sulphatase B

A0480 ASCA-IgA Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

A0481 ASCA-IgG Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

A1039 Ascariasis serology, serum

A0482 ASH/NASH/STEATO Profile Alcoholic and non Alcoholic liver disease

A0483 ASKA Skeletal (Striated) Muscle Antibody

A0484 ASMA Smooth Muscle Antibody

A0485 ASO titre Quantitative

A0486 Asparagine Quantitative Plasma

A0487 Asparagine Quantitative Urine

A0488 Aspartic Acid Quantitative Plasma

A0489 Aspartic Acid Quantitative Urine

A0490 Aspergillosis IgG antibodies

A0491 Aspergillosis IgM antibodies

A0560 Aspergillus Galactomanan, Bal Fluid

A0605 ASXL1 Mutation analysis Blood

A0606 ASXL1 Mutation analysis Bone Marrow

A1040 Atazanavir, plasma

A0537 Atherosclerosis Profile-1 Risk Stratification

A0514 Atherosclerosis Profile-2 Risk Stratification

A0538 Atherosclerosis Profile-3 Risk Stratification

A0497 Autoimmune encephalitis panel-1

A0617 Autoimmune encephalitis panel-2

A0596 Autoimmune encephalitis panel-CSF

A0493 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-1

A0495 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-3

A0496 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-4 9 Antigens

A0532Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-5 Any 5 markers related to autoimmune liver disease

A1807 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Frozen Shoulder

A1801 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Knee Pain

A1805 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Paralysis

A1806 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Parkinson

A1809 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy – small part

A1803 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Spondilysis

A1804 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Vertigo

A1802 Ayurvedic Physiotherapy - Weast Pain

B0005 B Cell Gene Rearrangements IGH Clonality by PCR Blood

B0004 B Cell Gene Rearrangements IGH Clonality by PCR Bone Marrow

B0006 B Cell Gene Rearrangements IGH Clonality by PCR Tissue

B1001 Baclofene, serum

B0007 Bacterial Meningitis Panel 5 antigen CSF

B1029 Bacterial Meningitis Panel 5 antigen Serum

B0008 Bacterial Meningitis Panel Reflex Reflex to Culture CSF

B0010 Barbiturates Quantitative

B1002 Bartonellosis-IgG, serum

B0011 Basal Ganglion Antibody

B0100 BCl6 Gene rearrangement, FISH, BLOOD

B0102 BCL6 Gene rearrangement, FISH, BONEMARROW

B0101 BCL6 Gene rearrangement, FISH, Tissue

B0083 Bcr /abl Break point analysis_Blood

B0084 Bcr /abl Break point analysis_Bone marrow

B0105 Bedaquiline by LCMS

B0014 Bence Jones Proteins-BJP Immunofixation and freelite chains

B0013 Bence Jones Proteins-BJP Qualitative Urine Spot

B1003 Benzene, blood

B0015 Benzodiazapine Diazepam

B1004 Benzodiazepines, serum

B1005 Beryllium, urines

B0026 Beta 2 Crosslaps CTx-1

B0027 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgA Antibody

B0028 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody

B0029 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Antibody

B0030 Beta 2 Microglobulin CSF

B0031 Beta 2 Microglobulin Serum

B0032 Beta 2 Microglobulin Urine Spot

B1006 beta Aminobutyric acid (Quantitative), plasma

B1007 beta Aminobutyric acid (Quantitative), urine


B0104 Beta D Glucan Level**

B0017 Beta Galactocerebrosidase Krabbe

B0018 Beta Galactosidase GM 1 / MPS IV B

B0019 Beta Glucosidase Gaucher

B0020 Beta Hexosaminidase A

B0021 Beta Hexosaminidase T

B1009 Beta Lipoprotein (B-LPH), plasma

B0022 Beta Mannosidase

B0082 Beta Thalassemia - Couple Testing (30 Mutaions)

B0023 Beta Thalassemia by PCR 30 Mutations Amniotic Fluid / CVS

B0025 Beta Thalassemia by PCR 30 Mutations Blood

B0024 Beta Thalassemia by PCR 5 Common Mutations Blood

B0081 Beta Thalassemia by PCR Prenatal and Parental Blood and Amniotic fluid/CVS

B0090 Beta-Trace Protein (BTP) CSF leakage in body fluid

B0033 Bicarbonate

B0034 Bile Acids-Total

B0035 Bile Salt & Pigments

B1010 Biliary canal antibodies, serum

B0036 Bilirubin Direct

B0037 Bilirubin Total

B0038 Bilirubin Total, Direct, Indirect

B0039 Biotinidase Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

B0040 Biotinidase Quantitative

B1011 Biperiden, serum

B0041 Bismuth Blood

B0042 Bismuth Urine 24H

B0043 Bismuth Urine Spot

B0044 BK Polyoma Virus DNA detection By PCR Urine

B8047 BK virus Quantitative Blood

B8046 BK virus Quantitative Urine

B0074 Bladder cancer Urothelial carcinoma marker profile

B1012 Blastomycosis serology, serum

B0045 Bleeding & Clotting Time

B0046 Blood Group ABO & Rh Typing-Automated Blood

B0047 Blood Group Bombay blood group evaluation Blood

B0049 Blood group Unexpected antibody screen Blood

B0051 BNP B Type Natriuretic Peptide

B0052 Body Profile.

B0092 Body profile-1 54+ parameters

B0093 Body profile-2 48+ parameters

B0094 Body profile-3 40+ parameters

B0095 Body profile-4 35+ parameters

B0096 Body profile-5 29+ parameters

B0097 Body profile-6 24+ parameters

B0098 Body profile-7 13+ parameters

B0099 Body profile-8 6+ parameters

B0103 BOH Profile Husband

B0053 BOH Profile-Maxi Bad Obstetric History

B0054 BOH Profile-Mini Bad Obstetric History

B1030 Bone formation markers

B0055 Bone Marrow Aspiration Slides For Review


B0056 Bone Profile

B1031 Bone Resorption markers

B0057 Bordetella Pertussis IgG antibodies-Quantitative

P1012 Bordettella Pertussis-DNA by PCR, swab

B1014 Boron, serum

B1015 Boron, urines

B1016 Borreliosis (Lyme) by PCR, CSF

B1017 Borreliosis-IgG Confirm serology by western blot**

B1018 Borreliosis-IgM Confirm serology by western blot**

B1019 Botulic toxin, serum

B0058 BRAF V600 Mutation Detection Tissue

B0059 BRAF V600E Mutation Detection Hairy cell leukaemia Blood

B1032 BRCA 1 and 2 profile Complete Gene Sequencing

B0076 BRCA 1/2 targeted mutation analysis

B0075 BRCA1 & BRCA2 deletion/duplication analysis

B0060 BRCA1 Complete Gene Sequencing

B0077_1 BRCA1/BRCA2 (Sequencing)

B0077 BRCA1/BRCA2 Comprehensive (Sequencing and Deletion/Duplication)

B0061 BRCA2 Complete Gene Sequencing

B1020 Bromazepam, serum

B1021 Bromine, serum

B1022 Bromine, urines

B0064 Brucella antibodies IgG antibody

B0065 Brucella antibodies IgM antibody

B0063 Brucella antibodies Total antibodies

B1023 BTA (Bladder Tumour Antigen), urine

B0066 Bullous Pemphigoid 180 Vesiculobullous disorders

B0067 Bullous Pemphigoid 230 Vesiculobullous disorders

B0070 BUN Urea Nitrogen Pericardial Fluid

B0068 BUN Urea Nitrogen Serum

B0069 BUN Urea Nitrogen Urine 24H

B1024 Bupivacaine, serum

B1025 Buprenorphine and metabolites, urines

B1026 Buprenorphine, serum

B1027 Butoxyacetic acid, urines

C0123 C Kit Blood

C0122 C Kit Bone Marrow

C0121 C Kit (GIST) Tissue

C0001 C1 Esterase Inhibitor

C1001 C1q antibodies test**

C1002 C1q Complement fraction**

C1003 C2 - complement fraction – serum**

C0003 C3 Complement-3

C1004 C3NeF (Nephritic factor), serum

C0004 C4 Complement-4

C1005 C4bBP, plasma


C1007 C9, serum

C1008 CA 50 antigen by RIA

C0005 CA-125

C0006 CA-15.3

C0007 CA-19.9

C0009 CA-72.4

C0010 Cadmium Blood

C0011 Cadmium Urine 24H

C0012 Cadmium Urine Spot

C1009 Caffeine, serum

C0258 CAH – CYP21A2 Gene Sequencing**_C0258

C0315 CAH -CYP21A 1 gene sequencing+ deletion/duplication **

C0013 CAH Panel Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

C0014 Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin

C0015 Calcium Urine 24H

C0016 Calcium Ionised

C0018 Calcium Profile

C0017 Calcium Total

C0254 Calcium Urine Spot

C0019 Calcium/Creatinine Ratio Urine Spot

C0031 Calprotectin Fecal

C0251 Calreticulin (CALR) Exon 9 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Blood

Calreticulin (CALR) Exon 9 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Bone Marrow

C0324 Campylobacter - serology, serum**

C0305 Campylobacter detection stool

C0020 Campylobacter Species Antigen detection Stool

C0269 Cancer marker profile Brain and Pituitary

B0062 Cancer marker profile Breast

C0270 Cancer marker profile Cervix

C0150 Cancer marker profile Colorectal

C0271 Cancer marker profile ENT and Esophagus

C0272 Cancer marker profile Gall Bladder

L0081 Cancer marker profile Liver-1

C0273 Cancer marker profile Liver-2

L0078 Cancer marker profile Liver-Hepatocellular

C0274 Cancer marker profile Lung- NSCLC

L0085 Cancer marker profile Lung- SCLC

C0275 Cancer marker profile Neuroendocrine tumors

C0276 Cancer marker profile Ovarian-Comprehensive

O0021 Cancer marker profile Ovarian-Epithelial

P0005 Cancer marker profile Pancreatic

P0092 Cancer marker profile Prostate

S0052 Cancer marker profile Stomach

T0039 Cancer marker profile Testicular

C0277 Cancer marker profile Thyroid-DTC

T0064 Cancer marker profile Thyroid-Medullary

C0278 Cancer marker profile Uterus

C0021 Cancer Screen, Female

C0022 Cancer Screen, Male

C0028 Candida Albicans Antibodies Total antibody Serum

C0023 Candida Albicans DNA detection by PCR Blood

C0024 Candida Albicans DNA detection by PCR Body fluids

C0025 Candida Albicans DNA detection by PCR CSF

C0026 Candida Albicans DNA detection by PCR Sputum

C0027 Candida Albicans DNA detection by PCR Tissue

C1010 Candida albicans-confirmation serology, serum

C1011 Candida antigens, serum

A1901 Canine - Albumin

A1902 Canine - Alkaline Phosphatase

A1903 Canine - Amylase level

B1901 Canine - BCP (Biochemistry Panel)

B1906 Canine - Bilirubin Total, Direct, Indirect, Serum

B1904 Canine - Bilirubin-Direct

B1905 Canine - Bilirubin-Total

B1908 Canine - BUN-Blood Urea Nitrogen

C1901 Canine - Calcium

C1902 Canine - CBC Haemogram

C1903 canine - CBF (Complete Body Function)

C1904 Canine - Chlorides

C1905 Canine - Cholesterol-Total

C1906 Canine - Combo Profile

C1909 Canine - Creatinine

D1901 canine - DIC (Coagulation) Profile

G1903 Canine - Glucose fasting

H0814 Canine - HDL Cholesterol

K1901 Canine - Kidney panel

L1901 Canine - Lipase

L0121 Canine - Lipid profile - Mini

L1902 Canine - Liver profile

C1936 Canine - Metanephrine in spot urine

P1902 Canine - Phosphorous

P1904 Canine - Potassium

P1905 Canine - Pre – Operative Panel

P1908 Canine - Proteins, Serum

R1904 Canine - Routine Examination Urine

S1901 Canine - SGOT (AST)

S1902 Canine - SGPT (ALT)

S1904 Canine - Sodium

T1901 Canine - T3 (Total)

U1903 Canine - Uric Acid

B1902 canine-Bicarbonate

B1903 CANINE-Bile Acids-Total

B1907 CANINE-Bone Marrow Aspiration

S1905 CANINE-Calculus (Stone) Analysis by automated FTIR

C1907 CANINE-Cortisol

C1908 CANINE-CPK-Creatinine Phospho Kinase

C1910 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Blood single bottle

C1911 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Body Fluids Specify type

C1912 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria CSF

C1913 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Eye Samples

C1915 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Pus

C1916 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Semen

C1917 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Sputum

C1918 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Stool

C1919 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Throat Swab

C1920 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Tissue/Biopsy

C1921 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Urethral Discharge

C1922 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Urine

C1923 CANINE-Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Vaginal Sample Includes Gr B Strepto

C1925 CANINE-Cytology (Non-Gyn) Ascitic Fluid Conventional method

C1931 CANINE-Cytology (Non-Gyn) Peritoneal washings Conventional method

C1924 CANINE-Cytology Second opinion services Slides

C1926 CANINE-Cytology-CSF, conventional

C1927 CANINE-Cytology-drain fluid, conventionalq

C1928 CANINE-Cytology-other fluids, LBC

C1929 CANINE-Cytology-other fluids/scraping, conventional

C1930 CANINE-Cytology-Pericardial fluid, conventional

C1932 CANINE-Cytology-Pleural fluid, conventional

C1933 CANINE-Cytology-Sputum, conventional

C1934 CANINE-Cytology-Synovial fluid, conventional

E1902 CANINE-E2 - Estradiol level

E1903 CANINE-ESR - Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

F1902 CANINE-FNAC-Lymphnode, conventional

F1903 CANINE-FNAC-Others, conventional

F1905 CANINE-FNAC-procedure charges

F1901 CANINE-FNAC-second opinion

F1904 CANINE-FNAC-Thyroid, conventional


F1906 CANINE-Fungal stain Other samples

S1903 CANINE-Fungal stain Skin

G1901 CANINE-Gamma GT (GGTP)

G1902 CANINE-GiardiaAntigen detection

H1901 CANINE-Histo-Large specimen (unspecified) More than 5 cm

H1902 CANINE-Histopath-2nd opinion-Slides & blocks for rev.-2-5

O1901 CANINE-Occult blood Stool

O1902 CANINE-Occult blood Urine

P1901 CANINE-Peripheral smear examination

P1903 CANINE-Platelet Count

P1909 CANINE-Prothrombin Time (PT)

P1910 Canine-PTH

R1901 CANINE-Reticulocyte panel - Automated

R1902 CANINE-Routine Examination Stool

R1903 Canine-Routine examinationReflex to cytologyBody fluid

T1903 Canine-T4 (Total)

T1902 Canine-T4-Free, Serum

T1904 CANINE-Testosterone (Total)

T1906 CANINE-Thyroid panel - 2

T1905 CANINE-Thyroid panel-1

T1907 CANINE-Toxoplasma-IgG & IgM AntibodySerum

T1908 Canine-TSH (Ultrasensitive), Serum

C1012 Cannabis (Marijuana) (THC) -confirmation, urine

C1013 Cannabis (Marijuana) (THC)-confirmation, serum

C0029 Cannabis Marijuana, THC Urine Spot


C0030 Capecitabine Induced toxicity

C0032 Carbamazepine Tegretol

C0326 Carbapenem Resistance test

C0033 Cardiac Injury Profile-Maxi

C0034 Cardiac Injury Profile-Mini

C0035 Cardiac Risk Profile

C0036 Cardiac Screen

C0040 Cardiolipin + Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody

C0041 Cardiolipin + Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM antibody

C0037 Cardiolipin Antibody ACL-IgA antibody

C0038 Cardiolipin Antibody ACL-IgG antibody

C0039 Cardiolipin Antibody ACL-IgM antibody

C1014 Carnitine free and total, plasma

C1015 Carnitine free and total, urine

C1016 Carotenoids, serum

C1017 Carpipramine, serum

C0243 Cartilage oligometric Matrix Protein

C0042 Catecholamines Adrenaline and Nor-adrenaline Plasma

C0043 Catecholamines Adrenaline and Nor-adrenaline Urine 24H

C0044 CBC Haemogram

C0045 CBF Beta Inversion (16) by FISH AML-M4E0 blood

C0046 CBF Beta Inversion (16) by FISH AML-M4E0 Bone Marrow

C1018 CBG (Cortisol Binding Globulin- Transcortin), serum

C0047 CCP Antibody Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide

C0330 CD 11c
C0058 CD10

C0076 CD103

C0059 CD13

C0060 CD14

C0061 CD15

C0062 CD16/56 NK cells

C0063 CD19

C0048 CD2

C0064 CD20

C0317 CD200

C0065 CD22

C0066 CD23

C0067 CD25

C0049 CD3

C0051 CD3 / CD4 / CD8 / CD45

C0052 CD3 / CD4 / CD8 / CD45 Body fluids

C0050 CD3 / CD4 / CD8 CD45 / CD3 / CD4 / CD8 included

C0068 CD33

C0070 CD34

C0325 CD34 stem cell assay Hinduja

C0069 CD34 Stem Cells

C0071 CD38

C0054 CD4 / CD8 CD45 / CD3 / CD4 / CD8 included

C0053 CD4 counts CD45 / CD3 / CD4 included

C0072 CD41a

C0074 CD45

C0055 CD5

C0264 CD64

C0056 CD7 Pan T Cell Marker

C0075 CD79A Cytoplasmic marker

C0057 CD8 CD45 / CD3 / CD4 / CD8 included

C0244 CDT Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin

C0077 CEA Carcino Embryonic Antigen Body Fluid

C0078 CEA Carcino Embryonic Antigen Serum

C0265 CEBPA mutation analysis Blood

C1019 Cefepime, serum

C1020 Cefixime, serum

C1021 Cefotaxime, serum

C1022 Ceftazidime, serum

C1023 Ceftriaxone, serum

C1024 Celiprolol, serum

C0262 Cell block with reflex IHC

C0080 Cell Count

C0323 Cell free DNA for EGFR

L0129 Cell free DNA for KRAS

C0081 Centromere Antibody

C1818 Cephalogram

C0082 Ceruloplasmin Copper Oxidase


C0083 Cervical Screening 1

C0084 Cervical Screening 2

C0267 Cervical Screening 3 Cervisafe

C0086 CH 50 Complement, total

C0312 Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Sensory Neuropathies gene panel

C0087 Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR Blood

C0088 Chikungunya IgM antibody

C0307 Chimerism Post-transplant

C0306 Chimerism Pre-transplant

C0090 Chitotriosidase storage disorder

C0095 Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgA Antibody

C0096 Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgG Antibody

C0097 Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgM Antibody

C1025 Chlamydia psittaci-IgA, serum

C1026 Chlamydia psittaci-IgG/IgM, serum

C0091 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA detection by PCR Eye Swab

C0092 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA detection by PCR Fluid

C0093 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA detection by PCR Urine

C0094 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA detection by PCR Vaginal Swab

C0259 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA PCR**

C0098 Chlamydia Trachomatis IgA Antibody

C0099 Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG Antibody

C0100 Chlamydia Trachomatis IgM Antibody

C1027 Chlordiazepoxide, serum

C0290 Chloride, CSF

C0104 Chlorides Body Fluid

C0101 Chlorides Serum

C0102 Chlorides Urine 24H

C0103 Chlorides Urine Spot

P1017 Chlorophenol, urines

C1029 Chloroquine, serum

C1030 Chlorpromazine, serum

C0333 Cholestanol - plasma**

C0105 Cholesterol-Total Body Fluid

C0106 Cholesterol-Total Serum

C0107 Chromium Blood

C0253 Chromium Serum

C0108 Chromium Urine 24H

C0109 Chromium Urine Spot

C0110 Chromogranin A

C0246 Chromosomal Array CNV+SNP Array Blood

C0247 Chromosomal Array CNV+SNP Array POC

C0113 Chromosomal Breakage Analysis Fanconi's Anaemia Blood

C0331 Chromosomal Micro array, Amniotic fluid**

C0115 Chylomicron Qualitative Urine

C0318 Chylomicron Qualitative Body fluid

C1031 Cibenzoline, serum

C0116 CIC-IgM Circulating Immune Complex

C0279 CINtec plus

O1004 Ciprofloxacin, serum

C1033 Circulating anticoagulant - screening, plasma

C0310 Circulating immune complexes**

C0321 Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) for Breast / Prostate /Colorectal cancer
C1034 Cisplatin, serum

C1035 Citalopram, serum

C0117 Citrate Urine 24H

C1036 Citric acid, serum

C0118 Citrulline Quantitative Plasma

C0119 Citrulline Quantitative Urine

C1037 Clindamycin, serum

C1038 Clobazam

C0280 Clobazam levels

C1039 Clomipramine, serum

C0126 Clonazepam

C0303 Clonazepam**_C0303

C1040 Clonazepam, serum

C1041 Clorazepate, serum

C0248 Clostridium Difficile

C0128 Clostridium Difficile GDH Reflex Toxin A/ B

C0129 Clot Retraction Test

C1042 Clotiazepam, serum

C0130 Clotting Time CT

O1013 Cloxacillin, serum

C0131 Clozapine with nor-clozapine

C1044 Clozapine, serum

C0132 CMV Avidity test

C0144 CMV by CISH-histopathological and molecular analysis Tissue/FFPE

C0138 CMV Combi test (CMV Viral load / GCV resistance) Plasma / Whole Blood

C0133 CMV DNA detection by Real time PCR Amniotic Fluid

C0134 CMV DNA detection by Real time PCR CSF

C0135 CMV DNA detection by Real time PCR Plasma

C0136 CMV DNA detection by Real time PCR Saliva

C0137 CMV DNA detection by Real time PCR Urine


C0139 CMV IgG & IgM antibody

C0141 CMV IgG antibody

C0140 CMV IgG antibody CSF

C0142 CMV IgM antibody

C0292 CMV Quantitative (Viral load) by Real time PCR

C0143 CMV Quantitative (Viral load) by Real time PCR

C0261 CMYC gene rearrangement Burkitts Lymphoma FISH, TISSUE

c0282 cMYC Gene rearrangement Burkitts lymphoma blood

c0281 cMYC Gene rearrangement Burkitts lymphoma Bone marrow

c0283 cMYC Gene rearrangement Burkitts lymphoma Tissue / FFPE

C0328 cMYC Gene rearrangement, FISH, BLOOD

C0329 cMYC Gene rearrangement, FISH, BONE MARROW

C0327 cMYC Gene rearrangement, FISH, Tissue

C0145 Cobalt Blood

C0145_CS Cobalt Serum

C0146 Cobalt Urine 24H

C0147 Cobalt Urine Spot

C0148 Cocaine Benzoylecogonine Urine Spot

C1045 Coccidioidomycosis serology, serum

C1046 Cochlear antibodies, serum

C0284 Coeliac disease profile-1 Basic

C0285 Coeliac disease profile-2 Comprehensive

C0079 Coeliac disease profile-3 Monitoring

C1047 Coenzyme Q10-CoQ10, serum**

C1048 Colchicine, serum

C0149 Cold Agglutinin

C1049 Colistin, serum

C1801 Colour Doppler - Abdominal

C1802 Colour Doppler - Carotid

C1803 Colour Doppler - Limb (Arterial and Venous)

C1804 Colour Doppler - Limbs - both (Arterial and Venous)

C1805 Colour Doppler - Obstetric

C1806 Colour Doppler - Pelvis

C1807 Colour Doppler - Portal System

C1808 Colour Doppler - Renal

C1809 Colour Doppler - Scrotal

C1811 Colour Doppler by appointmentCOL DOPP PER LIMB Arterial

C1812 Colour Doppler by appointmentCOL DOPP PER LIMB Venous

C1813 Colour Doppler by appointmentOBST DOPPLER TWINS

C0286 COMT genotyping

C0320 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CAH

C0309 Connective tissue disorder panel BY NGS**

C0249 Connexin 26 mutations

C0287 Connexin 30 Mutation

C1817 Consultation Cardiologist

C1810 Consultation- Dietician

C0151 Coomb's Test, Direct Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT) Automated

C0152 Coomb's Test, Indirect Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT) Automated

C0156 Copper Serum

C0154 Copper Urine 24H

C0155 Copper Urine Spot

C0250 Copper reflex Ceruloplasmin Serum

C1050 Corticosterone-Compound B, serum

C0157 Cortisol

C1051 Cortisol Binding Globulin (CBG- Transcortin), serum

C0332 Cortisol/Creatinine ratio in urine

C0158 Cortisol-Free Urine 24H

C1052 Cortisone-Compound E, plasma

C1053 Cortisone-Compound E, urine

C1815 Counselling for Health check-up

C0159 Coxiella Burnetti IgG antibody

C0160 Coxiella Burnetti IgM antibody

C0161 Coxsackie IgG antibody

C0162 Coxsackie IgM antibody

C0256 CPEO (Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia) Mitochondrial Mutation panel

C0163 C-Peptide

C0120 CPK, BB fraction

C0164 CPK, Isoenzymes

C0124 CPK, MB fraction (mass)

C0125 CPK, MM fraction

C0165 CPK, Total

C0169 Creatinine

C0168 Creatinine Body Fluid

C0255 Creatinine Urine Spot

C0166 Creatinine Clearance test

C0167 Creatinine Quantitative

C0170 CRP C Reactive Protein

C0302 Cryofibrinogen

C0171 Cryoglobulins Qualitative Serum

C0172 Cryptococcus Antigen detection CSF

C0173 Cryptococcus Antigen detection Serum

C0174 Cryptococcus Neoformans DNA detection by PCR Blood

C0175 Cryptococcus Neoformans DNA detection by PCR Body fluids

C0176 Cryptococcus Neoformans DNA detection by PCR CSF

C0177 Cryptococcus Neoformans DNA detection by PCR Sputum

C0178 Cryptococcus Neoformans DNA detection by PCR Tissue

C0180 Cryptosporidium Antigen detection Stool

C0179 Cryptosporidium by smear examination Stool

C0181 CSF Index CSF and serum

C0184 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Blood 1 Aerobic-1 Anaerobic

C0182 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Blood single bottle

C0183 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Blood Two bottle set

C0185 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Body Fluids Specify type

C0186 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Bone Marrow

C0187 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Central Line Catheter Tip

C0188 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Clot

C0189 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria CSF

C0190 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Ear Samples

C0191 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Eye Samples

C0192 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Other samples

C0193 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Pus

C0194 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Respiratory Samples BAL,ET Secretions

C0195 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Semen

C0196 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Sputum

C0197 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Stool

C0198 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Throat Swab

C0199 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Throat Swab For C.Diptheriae

C0200 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Tissue / Biopsy

C0201 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Urethral Discharge

C0202 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Urine

C0203 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacteria Vaginal Sample Includes Gr B Strepto

C1914 Culture & Sensitivity, Aerobic bacterianasal swab

S0083 Culture and identification Campylobacter Stool

C0204 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic bacteria Blood Single bottle

C0205 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic bacteria High Vagina Discharge

C0206 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic bacteria Pus

C0207 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic bacteria Stool For C.Difficile

C0208 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic bacteria Tissue / Biopsy

C0288 Customised PCOD profile

C1054 Cyamemazine, serum

C1055 Cyanides ion CN, blood

C1056 Cyclic AMP, plasma

C1057 Cyclic AMP, urine

C1058 Cyclohexanol, urines

C0322 Cyclophosphamide by LCMS/MS

C0209 Cyclospora by smear examination Stool

C0210 Cyclosporin Blood

C0212 Cyfra (Ca) 21-1

C0213 CYP2C19 Genotyping Clopidogren (clopidogrel)

T0034 CYP2D6 Genotyping

C1059 Cystathionine, plasma

C1060 Cystathionine, urines

C0214 Cystatin C

C0216 Cystic Fibrosis 5 mutations (Df508, G542X, G551D, R553X, 5T) Amniotic fluid

C0215 Cystic Fibrosis 5 mutations (Df508, G542X, G551D, R553X, 5T) Blood

C0313 Cystic Fibrosis Complete Gene Analysis**

C0217 Cystic Fibrosis Delta F508 Amniotic fluid

C0218 Cystic Fibrosis Delta F508 Blood

C0219 Cystic Fibrosis Immune reactive trypsinogen , IRT (Neonatal screen) Dried blood spot
C1061 Cystic fibrosis-CFTR gene- detection of 36 mutations, blood

C0220 Cysticercus (Taenia Solium) IgG Antibody CSF

C0221 Cysticercus (Taenia Solium) IgG Antibody Serum

C0263 Cystine Quantitative 24 hrs Urine**

C0222 Cystine Quantitative Plasma

C0223 Cystine Quantitative Urine

C0224 Cytochemistry Panel MPO, PAS, Sudan Black

C0226 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Ascitic Fluid Conventional method

C0227 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Liquid based cytology (LBC)

C0228 Cytology (Non-Gyn) CSF Conventional method

C0229 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Drain Fluid Conventional method

C0230 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Nipple Discharge Conventional method

C0231 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Nipple Discharge Liquid based cytology (LBC)

C0233 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Other Fluids / Scraping Conventional method

C0232 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Other Fluids Liquid based cytology (LBC)

C0234 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Pericardial Fluid Conventional method

C0235 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Peritoneal washings Conventional method

C0236 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Pleural Fluid Conventional method

C0308 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Prostatic fluid Conventional method

C0238 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Sputum Conventional method

C0239 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Synovial Fluid Conventional method

C0241 Cytology (Non-Gyn) Urine Liquid based cytology (LBC)

C0242 Cytology Reflex to cell block and relevant IHC Body fluid

C0225 Cytology Second opinion services Slides

D0050 D3 Hydroxybutarate Ranbut (Ketone)

D0131 Daclastavir LCMS/MS

D1001 Darunavir, plasma

D0001 DCP-Decarboxy Prothrombin PIVKA-II

D0002 D-Dimer Quantitative

D1002 Debakacin, serum

D1003 Delavirdine, plasma

#0017 Deletion 11q ATM (CLL) blood

#0018 Deletion 11q ATM (CLL) Bone Marrow

#0021 Deletion 13q Multiple Myeloma, CLL blood

#0022 Deletion 13q Multiple Myeloma, CLL Bone Marrow

#0031 Deletion 17p p53 (Multiple Myeloma, CLL) blood

#0030 Deletion 17p p53 (Multiple Myeloma, CLL) Bone Marrow

#0002 Deletion 1p /19q Oligodendrogliomas Tissue

#0034 Deletion 20q MDS Blood

#0035 Deletion 20q MDS Bone Marrow

#0007 Deletion 5q /Monosomy 5 MDS

#0008 Deletion 5q /Monosomy 5 MDS Bone Marrow

#0009 Deletion 6q CLL blood

#0010 Deletion 6q CLL Bone Marrow

#0011 Deletion 7q /Monosomy 7 MDS Blood

#0012 Deletion 7q /Monosomy 7 MDS Bone Marrow

#0013 Deletion 7q11.23 William'S Syndrome Blood

#0014 Deletion 8p FGFR-1 HES Blood

#0015 Deletion 8p FGFR-1 HES Bone Marrow

D1882 DEN - Restoration Composite 1 (To be removed)

D0003 Dengue IgG antibody

D0004 Dengue IgM antibody

D0005 Dengue NS1 antigen detection

D0006 Dengue profile Dengue-IgG, IgM, NS1, Platelet count

D0007 Dengue RNA detection by Real time PCR CSF

D0008 Dengue RNA detection by Real time PCR Plasma

D1872 Dental - General Consultation

D1004 Desipramine, serum

D0009 Desmoglein I Antibody Vesiculobullous disorders

D0010 Desmoglein III Antibody Vesiculobullous disorders

D0011 Dexamethasone Suppression test High dose For ACTH

D0012 Dexamethasone Suppression test High dose For Cortisol

D0013 Dexamethasone Suppression test Low dose For ACTH

D0014 Dexamethasone Suppression test Low dose For Cortisol

D0015 Dexamethasone Suppression test Overnight suppression For ACTH

D0016 Dexamethasone Suppression test Overnight suppression For Cortisol

D1005 Dexamethasone, serum

D1006 Dextropropoxyphene, serum

D1007 Dextropropoxyphene, urines

D0052 DF MMP-3

D0127 DFS 70

D0017 DHEA Dehydroepiandrostenedione

D0018 DHEAS Dehydroepiandrostenedione Sulphate

D0019 DHT Di Hydro Testosterone

D0059 Diabetes Complications assessment

D0020 Diabetes Monitoring Profile, Mini

D0021 Diabetes Monitoring Profile,Maxi

D0060 Diabetes Risk assesment

D0057 Diabetes Screening Profile

D0061 Diabetes type I profile

D0022 Dialysis Panel

D1008 Diazepam+desmethyldiazepam, serum

D1009 Dibekacin, serum

D0023 DIC (Coagulation) Profile

D1010 Dichloromethane, blood

D1011 Dichloromethane, urines

D1012 Didanosine, plasma

D1013 Dieuretics, urine

D0126 Digene hybrid capture (high risk)**

D1853 Digital X- Ray - Adenoid

D1855 Digital X- Ray - Left Mastoid

D1857 Digital X- Ray - Left T.M. joint

D1854 Digital X- Ray - Right Mastoid

D1856 Digital X- Ray - Right T.M. Joint

D1801 Digital X- Ray- Abdomen - erect

D1802 Digital X- Ray- Ankle - AP / Lateral view

D1848 Digital X- Ray BOTH ORBIT

D1803 Digital X- Ray- Cervical Spine - Ap / Lateral

D1804 Digital X- Ray- Chest - Decubits

D1805 Digital X- Ray- Chest - Lateral

D1806 Digital X- Ray- Chest - PA view

D1807 Digital X- Ray- Dorsal Spine - AP / Lateral

D1808 Digital X- Ray- Elbow joint - AP / Lateral

D1809 Digital X- Ray- Elbow joint - AP view

D1810 Digital X- Ray- Femur bone - AP / Lateral

D1811 Digital X- Ray- Finger - AP / Lateral

D1812 Digital X- Ray- Foot - AP / Oblique

D1849 Digital X- Ray FORARM AP/ LAT

D1813 Digital X- Ray- Hand - AP / Oblique

D1851 Digital X- Ray HILL AXIL VIEW

D1850 Digital X- Ray HILL LAT

D1814 Digital X- Ray- Knee - Both Skyline View

D1815 Digital X- Ray- Knee - joint AP

D1816 Digital X- Ray- Knee - joint AP / Lat

D1817 Digital X- Ray- Knee Joints (both) - AP/Lateral view

D1818 Digital X- Ray- KUB

D1819 Digital X- Ray- L S Spine - AP / Lat

D1820 Digital X- Ray- L S spine - AP / Lat / Coned down

D1821 Digital X- Ray- L S Spine - Lateral

D1822 Digital X- Ray- L S spine both - oblique

D1823 Digital X- Ray- Mastoids Schuller's View

D1824 Digital X- Ray- Nasal Bone

D1846 Digital X- Ray PBH AP/LAT

D1847 Digital X- Ray PBH FROG VIEW

D1825 Digital X- Ray- Pelvis with both hip

D1827 Digital X- Ray- PNS Caldwell

D1826 Digital X- Ray- PNS waters view

D1828 Digital X- Ray- Ribs - AP /Oblique (Both)

D1829 Digital X- Ray- Sacro coccyx Lat

D1830 Digital X- Ray- Sacro iliac joint AP

D1831 Digital X- Ray- Shoulder Joint AP /Lat

D1833 Digital X- Ray- Skull AP view

D1832 Digital X- Ray- Skull Lat

D1834 Digital X- Ray- Tibia / Fibula AP / Lat

D1835 Digital X- Ray- Wrist / Hand AP

D1836 Digital X- Ray- Wrist joint AP / Lat

D1837 Digital X- Ray-Chest - Right/Left Oblique

D1842 Digital X- Ray-heel ap

D1843 Digital X- Ray-heel lat

D1845 Digital X- Ray-mandibale

D1841 Digital X- Ray-orbit

D1838 Digital X- Ray-Pelvis with hip AP

D1839 Digital X- Ray-Pelvis with hip lat

D1840 Digital X- Ray-Sacro iliac joint Oblique

D1844 Digital X- Ray-shoulder axil

D1852 Digital X-ray – Nasopharynx

D0024 Digoxin Lanoxin

D1014 Diltiazem, serum

D0025 Diphtheria IgG antibodies

D1015 Disopyramide, plasma

D1016 Distomatosis confirmation serology, serum

D1017 Distomatosis screening serology, serum

D1018 Diuretics-screening and dosage, urines

D0129 DLBCL (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) FISH PANEL

D0027 DMD / BMD-79 exons Deletion / Duplication Analysis MLPA Blood

D0028 DMD / BMD-79 exons Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Amniotic Fluid

D0029 DMD / BMD-79 exons Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy CVS

D0026 DMD test Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy Blood

D0032 DNA (Double Strand) Antibody NcX DNA Quantitative Serum

D0030 DNA (Double Strand) AntibodyBy IFA - Reflex end point titreSerum

D0031 DNA (Double Strand) AntibodyFarr assay-QuantitativeSerum

D0033 DNA Isolation Blood

D0034 DNA Paternity 16 markers Blood

D0035 DNA Ploidy Tissue

D0124 DNA Sequencing Survey

D0036 DNPH Test Dinitro Phenyl hydralazine

D0133 Dolutegravir by LCMS

D0037 Dopamine ELISA Plasma

D0038 Dopamine ELISA Urine 24H

D1019 Dosulepin, serum

D1020 Doxepin, serum

D1021 Doxycycline, serum

D0042 DPD Deoxypyridinoline (Pyrilinks D) Urine

D0043 DPD Gene Mutations 5-FU toxicity Blood

D0044 DPT Antibodies, Serum Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertusis Antibody

D1022 Droperidol, serum

D0053 Drugs Of Abuse Panel-12 Drug Panel

D0045 Drugs Of Abuse Panel-5 Drug Panel

D0046 Drugs Of Abuse Panel-6 Drug Panel

D0047 Drugs Of Abuse Panel-9 Drug Panel

D0055 Duchenne muscular dystrophy ( DMD ) carrier test - linkage studies

D0048 DVT Panel Deep Vein Thrombosis

D0049 Dysmorphic RBC detection Urine spot

D0062 Dystonia (DYT1 gene sequencing)**

D0058 Dystonia -DYT5/ Dopa responsive dystonia gene sequencing**

E1018 E Coli antigen detection

E0001 E Coli K1 / N. Meningitidis B Antigen detection CSF

E0002 E Coli K1 / N. Meningitidis B Antigen detection Serum

E0003 E Coli K1 / N. Meningitidis B Antigen detection Urine

E1019 E Histolytica antigen detection

E1020 E Histolytica Wet Mount Liver Abscess For Amoebic trophozoites

E1901 E.canisELISASerum

E0004 E2 Estradiol

E0005 E3, unconjugated Estriol

E0014 EBV (EBER) by CISH-histopathological and molecular analysis Tissue / FFPE

E0007 EBV DNA detection by PCR CSF

E0008 EBV DNA detection by PCR Tissue

E0009 EBV IgG antibody to Early antigen(EA)

E0010 EBV IgG antibody to Nuclear antigen(NA)

E0011 EBV IgG antibody to Viral capcid antigen(VCA)

E0012 EBV IgM antibody to Nuclear antigen(NA)

E0013 EBV IgM antibody to Viral capsid antigen(VCA)

E0006 EBV qualitative DNA detection by PCR Blood

E0051 EBV quantitative DNA detection by PCR Blood

H0287 Echinococcus (Hydatid Cyst) Detection Fluid

E0016 Echinococcus (Hydatid Cyst) IgG Antibody

E1001 Echinococcus confirmation serology, serum

E1002 Efavirenz, plasma

E0019 EGFR gene amplification FISH probe for EGFR Tissue

E0043 EGFR Mutation Detection Exon 18, 19, 20, 21 mutation 4 Exons

E0056 EGFR Mutation Detection T790M

E1003 Ehrlichiosis, serum

E0024 Electrolytes Dialysis Fluid

E0021 Electrolytes Serum

E0022 Electrolytes Urine 24H

E0023 Electrolytes Urine Spot

E1021 Electron Microscopy

E0040 ELF Enhanced liver fibrosis

E1004 Emtricitabine, plasma

E0025 ENA Profile Extractable nuclear antigen

E0026 ENA Screen Extractable nuclear antigen

E0027 Endomysial Antibody IgA antibody

E0028 Endomysial Antibody IgG antibody

E0041 Endophthalmitis Panel by PCR 10 bacteria and 2 Fungi

E1017 EndoPredict

E1005 Endothelial cell antibodies, serum

E1006 Enfuvirtide, plasma

E0030 Enteroviruses RNA CSF

E0031 Enteroviruses RNA Plasma

E0033 Eosinophil Detection Sputum

E0032 Eosinophil Detection Urine

E0052 Erythrocyte Porphyrins**


E0035 Erythropoietin

E0038 ESR Automated

E1007 Estazolam, serum

E1008 Estradiol (E2), urine24H

E0042 Estrone
E1009 Estrone (E1), serum

E0062 Estrone-3-Sulphate by LCMS

E1010 Ethanolamine, plasma

E1011 Ethosuximide - Serum

E1012 Ethoxyacetic acid, urine

E1013 Ethylene glycol, serum

E1014 Etravirine, plasma

E0039 Everolimus

E0045 EWS gene rearrangement Translocation t(11;22)/ t(21;22)

E0048 EWSR1 gene Ewings Sarcoma

E1015 Exocrine pancreas antibodies, serum


E0059 Expert Opinion: Consultation Stanford (Consult Case Review)**

E0060 Expert Opinion: Consultation Stanford (Consult Case Review+ Slide preparation)**

E0061 Expert Opinion: Consultation Stanford (IHC Single antibody)**

E1016 Eye antibodies, serum

F1001 Factor B-complement fraction, serum

F0006 Factor IX Activity Anti Haemophilia B Citrated plasma

F0001 Factor V Activity (Proaccelerin) APCR (Activated protein C Resistance) Citrated plasma

F0002 Factor V Leiden-Mutant Detection G1691A Mutation Blood

F0003 Factor V Level Citrated plasma

F0004 Factor VII Activity Proconvertin Citrated plasma

F0005 Factor VIII Activity Anti Haemophilia A Citrated plasma

F0007 Factor X Activity Stuart Power Citrated plasma

F0008 Factor Xa Antibody Citrate Blood

F0009 Factor XI Activity Rosenthal Citrated plasma

F0010 Factor XII Activity Hageman Citrated plasma

F0011 Factor XIII Activity Functional Citrated plasma

F1002 Farmer`s lung confirmation, serum

F0012 Fatty Acids With Very Long Chains C22 To C26 Plasma

F0014 FDP DR 70

F0015 FDP Fibrin degradation products Reflex to end point titre

F0016 Febrile Agglutination Test

F0098 Neutropenia Panel by PCR For Immunosupressed patients 17 bacteria, 2 fungi and 3 DNA viruses
F1004 Felbamate, serum

F0017 Ferric Chloride Test For Phenylketonurea Urine Spot

F0018 Ferritin

F1005 Ferritin glycosylated, serum

F1006 Ferritin-RBC, blood

F0019 Fertility Endocrine Panel, Female On Day-2 to 5

F0020 Fertility Endocrine Panel, Male

F0099 Fever panel Multiplex PCR Whole blood and EDTA plasma

F0021 Fever Profile-1

F0022 Fever Profile-2

F0106 FGF 23

F0023 Fibrinogen level Factor I Citrated plasma

F0028 Fibromax

F0104 Fibrometer test

T1025 Fibronectin, plasma

F0029 Filaria Antibody detection

F0030 Filaria Antigen detection

F0031 Filaria profile Detection by smear examination, Filaria antigen


F0102 Fipronil

F0100 FKHR/PAX 3 translocation t(2;13)

F0101 FKHR/PAX 7 translocation t(1;13)

F1008 Flecainide, serum

F0108 Flow for Acute leukemia / ALL / AML**

F0032 FLT 3 (AML) by PCR ITD, D835 Blood

F0033 FLT 3 (AML) by PCR ITD, D835 Bone Marrow

F0105 Flu panel (Viral)

F1009 Fluconazole, serum

F1010 Flucytosine, serum

F0111 Fluid for flowcytometry (Leukemia/Lymphoma)**

F1011 Fluindione-oral anticoagulant, serum

N1012 Flunitrazepam, serum


F1014 Fluorine, urines

F1015 Fluoxetine, serum

F1016 Flupentixol, serum

F1017 Fluphenazine, serum

F1018 Fluvoxamine, serum

F0034 FMC 7 by Flow cytometry

F0035 FNAC of Breast Conventional method

F0036 FNAC of Breast Liquid based cytology (LBC)

F0037 FNAC of Lymphnode Conventional method

F0038 FNAC of Lymphnode Liquid based cytology (LBC)

F0039 FNAC of other organ Conventional method

F0040 FNAC of other organ Liquid based cytology (LBC)

F0041 FNAC of Thyroid Conventional method

F0042 FNAC of Thyroid Liquid based cytology (LBC)

F0043 FNAC Procedure Charges

F0096 FNAC second opinion Slides

F0044 FNAC USG / CT Guided Conventional method

F0045 FNAC USG / CT Guided Liquid based cytology (LBC)

F0046 Folic Acid

F0047 Food Analysis bacteriological Food

F0048 Food Intolerance Test 200 Food variety

F1019 Formic acid, urine

F1020 Fosamprenavir, plasma

F1021 Fosfomycin, serum

F0050 Fragile X Mutation FMR1 Mutation Blood

F0052 Free Androgen Index FAI

F0053 Free Beta HCG

F1003 Free Fatty Acid (Non-Esterified)**

F0054 Free Kappa (Light Chain), Serum

F0055 Free Lambda (Light Chain), Serum

F1022 Free trichloroethanol, blood

F0051 Friedreich Ataxia Mutation Analysis GAA Repeats, Autosomal Recessive Ataxia

F0056 Fructosamine

F0057 Fructose Semen

F0058 FSH-Follicle Stimulating Hormone

F1023 FSH-Follicle Stimulating Hormone, urine

F0059 FSH-LH-Prolactin

F0060 FSH-LH-Prolactin-Testosterone

F0061 FSH-LH-Prolactin-TSH

F0062 FSH-LH-Testosterone

F0065 Fungal Antibiogram Yeast MIC panel

F0066 Fungal Identification Pure culture

F0069 Fungal stain CSF

F0070 Fungal stain Ear Sample

F0071 Fungal stain Eye Sample

F0072 Fungal stain Hair

F0073 Fungal stain Nail

F0074 Fungal stain Other samples

F0075 Fungal stain Pus

F0076 Fungal stain Skin

F0077 Fungal stain Sputum

F0078 Fungal stain Tissue

F0079 Fungal stain Urine

F0067 Fungal stain BAL, ET Secretion Respiratory Sample

F0068 Fungal stain Specify type Body fluid

F0081 Fungal stain, culture and identification Blood

F0082 Fungal stain, culture and identification Body Fluid

F0083 Fungal stain, culture and identification Bone Marrow

F0084 Fungal stain, culture and identification CSF

F0085 Fungal stain, culture and identification Ear Sample

F0086 Fungal stain, culture and identification Eye Sample

F0087 Fungal stain, culture and identification Hair

F0088 Fungal stain, culture and identification Nail

F0089 Fungal stain, culture and identification Other Sample

F0090 Fungal stain, culture and identification Pus

F0091 Fungal stain, culture and identification Skin

F0092 Fungal stain, culture and identification Sputum

F0093 Fungal stain, culture and identification Stool

F0094 Fungal stain, culture and identification Tissue

F0095 Fungal stain, culture and identification Urine

F0080 Fungal stain, culture and identification BAL, E.T Secretion Respiratory Sample

F1024 Furosemide, serum

F1025 Furosemide, urine

F1026 Fusidic acid, serum

G0073 G6PD gene mutation

G0001 G6PD Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

G0002 G6PD Qualitative

G0003 G6PD Quantitative Reflex qualitative

G1001 Gabapentin, serum

G0058 GAD 65 Antibody for Paraneoplastic syndrome

G0004 GAD 65 Antibody for Type I diabetes

A0492 Galactomannan, Aspergillus Antigen test

G0007 Galactose (Classical) Epimerase

G0006 Galactose (Classical) Transferase

G0011 Galactose (Total) Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

G0009 Galactose (Total) Quantitative

G0008 Galactose (Total) Screening Qualitative

G0010 Galactose 1 Phosphate

G0005 Galactose 6 Sulphate Sulphatase

G0074 Galactosemia Gene Mutation

G1002 Gamma-aminobutyric acid, plasma

G1003 Gamma-aminobutyric acid, urines

G1004 Ganciclovir, plasma

G0012 Ganglioside IgG antibody panel

G0013 Ganglioside IgM antibody panel

G0075 Gardenella Vaginalis

G0016 Gastrin

G0076 Gastroenteritis Bacterial panel Multiplex PCR

G0077 Gastroenteritis Viral panel Multiplex PCR

G0324 Gastrointestinal panel by Filmarray

I0335 GATA -3 IHC stain & interpretation**

G0017 GBM Antibody Glomerular Basement Membrane

A0599 Gene analysis APC

G0084 Gene analysis TTC7A

G0085 Gene analysis ABCA12 (harlequin ichthyosis)

G0086 Gene analysis Achondroplasia (FGFR3)

G0087 Gene analysis Achondroplasia FGFR3 G380R common mutation screening

G0088 Gene analysis Agammaglobulinemia (BTK)

G0089 Gene analysis Alexander disease (GFAP)

G0083 Gene analysis Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency - SERPINA1

G0090 Gene analysis Alpha-Mannosidosis - Lysosomal storage disorder - MAN2B1

G0091 Gene analysis Alström syndrome - ALMS1

G0092 Gene analysis Androgen receptor (AR)

G0093 Gene analysis Ataxia-telangiectasia (ATM)

G0094 Gene analysis ATRX

G0095 Gene analysis Brown Vialetto–Van Laere syndrome

G0096 Gene analysis C8orf37 gene

G0097 Gene analysis Canavan disease (ASPA)

G0098 Gene analysis Cantu syndrome (ABCC9) gene

G0099 Gene analysis Carney complex (PRKAR1A)

G0100 Gene analysis Chediak-Higashi syndrome (LYST)

G0101 Gene analysis Cohen's syndrome (VPS13B)

G0103 Gene analysis Congenital adrenal hyperplasia CYP21A2 (21-0H) by NGS

G0102 Gene analysis Congenital adrenal hyperplasia CYP21A2 (21-0H) by Sanger

G0104 Gene analysis Cystic fibrosis (CFTR)-Whole gene

G0105 Gene analysis Cystic megalencephaly (MLC1)

G0106 Gene analysis DOCK8 (Hyper IgE Syndrome) gene

G0107 Gene analysis DPYD whole (for 5 FU toxicity evaluation)

G0108 Gene analysis Dravet syndrome (SCN1A)

D0054 Gene Analysis DRPLA Autosomal dominant Ataxia Blood

G0109 Gene analysis Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) by NGS

G0110 Gene analysis Fabry disease (GLA)

G0111 Gene analysis Factor VII deficiency (F7)

G0112 Gene analysis Fanconi bickel syndrome (SLC2A2)

G0113 Gene analysis Farber lipogranulomatosis - ASAH1 -

G0114 Gene analysis Fraser syndrome genes

G0115 Gene analysis Fucosidosis - Lysosomal storage disorder - FUCA1

G0116 Gene analysis Galactosialidosis - Lysosomal storage disorder - CTSA

G0117 Gene analysis GLB1 (GM1 gangliosidosis; mucopolysaccharidosis type IV)

G0118 Gene analysis GLUT1 deficiency (SLC2A1)

G0119 Gene analysis Haemophilia A (F8)

G0120 Gene analysis Haemophilia B (F9)

G0121 Gene analysis Hereditary fructose intolerance - ALDOB gene

G0122 Gene analysis Hyperargininemia (ARG1)

G0123 Gene analysis Krabbe disease (GALC)

G0124 Gene analysis Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LIPA gene)

G0125 Gene analysis Lysosomal storage disorder screen, mini

M0136 Gene analysis Marfans syndrome (FBN1)

G0126 Gene analysis McArdle disease (PYGM)

G0127 Gene analysis Menkes disease (ATP7A)

M0108 Gene analysis Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

G0128 Gene analysis Mondini defect (SLC26A4)

G0129 Gene analysis MYD88 gene L265P mutation

G0130 Gene analysis Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)

G0131 Gene analysis Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)

G0132 Gene analysis NOTCH3 (CADASIL)

G0133 Gene analysis Pallister Hall syndrome (GLI3)

G0134 Gene analysis Phenylketonuria (PAH)

G0135 Gene analysis PMP22

Gene analysis Polycystic Liver Disease (Congenital cystic disease of Liver) PRKCSH, SEC63 -

G0137 Gene analysis Pompe disease (GAA)

G0138 Gene analysis PTEN

G0139 Gene analysis Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (SLC34A2)

G0140 Gene analysis RANBP2

G0141 Gene analysis RAS extended profiling

G0142 Gene analysis RB1

G0143 Gene analysis RBC membrane disorders and Enzymopathies

G0144 Gene analysis Sialidosis - lysosomal storage disorder - NEU1

G0145 Gene analysis Sjogren-Larsson syndrome (ALDH3A2)

G0146 Gene analysis SLC20A2 gene

G0147 Gene analysis Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (DHCR7)

G0148 Gene analysis STK11

G0149 Gene analysis Tay-Sachs disease (HEXA)

G0150 Gene analysis Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) - ADAMTS13

T0996 Gene analysis TP 53

G0151 Gene analysis TSC1

G0152 Gene analysis TSC1 & TSC2

G0153 Gene analysis TSC2

G0154 Gene analysis Tyrosinemia

G0155 Gene analysis Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)

G0156 Gene analysis Von Willebrand disease (VWF)

G0157 Gene analysis WAS (Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome) .

G0158 Gene analysis Wilson disease (ATP7B)

G0159 Gene analysis Xanthinuria (XDH)

G0160 Gene deletion EP300 (Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome)

H0317 Gene Deletion HPFH (Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin)

G0161 Gene deletion Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome - CREBBP gene

G0162 Gene Panel 4H syndrome

G0163 Gene Panel Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome

G0164 Gene Panel Alagille syndrome

G0165 Gene Panel Alport syndrome

G0166 Gene Panel Aplastic anemia

G0167 Gene Panel Arthrogryposis & congenital myasthenic syndrome

G0168 Gene Panel Bardet-Biedl syndrome

G0169 Gene Panel Bartter syndrome

G0170 Gene Panel Benign infantile epilepsy

C0260 Gene Panel Cancer hotspot

G0171 Gene Panel Cardiac channelopathy

C0311 Gene Panel Cardiomyopathy

G0172 Gene Panel Cataract (congenital/developmental)

G0173 Gene Panel Charcot-Marie-Tooth and sensory neuropathies

G0174 Gene Panel Ciliopathy

G0175 Gene Panel Citrullinemia

C0319 Gene Panel Clinical exom

G0176 Gene Panel Cockayne syndrome

N0058 Gene Panel Comprehensive Neurology

G0177 Gene Panel Congenital afibrinogenemia

G0178 Gene Panel Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

G0179 Gene Panel Congenital Hyperpathyroidism - Hypomagnesimia

G0180 Gene Panel Congenital hypopituitarism

G0181 Gene Panel Congenital neutropenia

G0182 Gene Panel Congenital stationary night blindness

G0183 Gene Panel Connective tissue disorder

G0184 Gene Panel Corneal dystrophy

G0185 Gene Panel Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

G0186 Gene Panel Craniosynostosis

G0187 Gene Panel Cutis-laxa

D0128 Gene Panel Deafness

G0188 Gene Panel Diamond blackfan anemia

G0189 Gene Panel Dyskeratosis congenita

D0125 Gene Panel Dystonia

G0190 Gene Panel Early-onset juvenile parkinsonism

G0191 Gene Panel Ectodermal dysplasia

G0192 Gene Panel Ehler Danlos syndrome

G0193 Gene Panel Epidermolysis bullosa

E0055 Gene Panel Epileptic encephalopathy

G0194 Gene Panel Episodic ataxia

G0195 Gene Panel Familial female mental retardation/epilepsy

G0196 Gene Panel Familial hemiplegic migraine

G0197 Gene Panel Fanconi anemia

G0198 Gene Panel Fatty acid oxidation disorders

G0199 Gene Panel Glycine encephalopathy

G0200 Gene Panel Glycogen storage disorder

G0201 Gene Panel Glycosylation (CDG) disorders

G0202 Gene Panel Haemophilia (F8 & F9)

G0203 Gene Panel Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)

H0810 Gene Panel Hereditary Cancer

G0204 Gene Panel Hereditary elliptocytosis

G0205 Gene Panel Hereditary multiple exostoses Panel

G0206 Gene Panel Hereditary pancreatitis

H1030 Gene Panel Hereditary spastic paraplegia

G0207 Gene Panel Hereditary Spherocytosis

H0318 Gene Panel HNPCC/Lynch syndrome panel MMR gene sequencing

G0208 Gene Panel Homocystinuria

G0209 Gene Panel Hypercholesterolemia

G0210 Gene Panel Hyperekplexia

G0211 Gene Panel Hypomyelination syndrome

G0212 Gene Panel Icthyosis

G0213 Gene Panel Joubert syndrome

G0214 Gene Panel Kallmann syndrome

G0215 Gene Panel Leber congenital amaurosis

G0216 Gene Panel Leigh syndrome & mitochondrial encephalopathy

G0217 Gene Panel Leukodystrophy

G0218 Gene Panel Lissencephaly

G0219 Gene Panel Maple syrup urine disease

M0145 Gene Panel Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) & neonatal diabetes

G0220 Gene Panel Meckel Gruber syndrome

G0221 Gene Panel Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA)

G0222 Gene Panel Microcephaly

G0223 Gene Panel Microphthalmia and anophthamia

G0224 Gene Panel Mucopolysaccharidosis

M0140 Gene Panel Muscular Dystrophy & Congenital Myopathy

G0225 Gene Panel Myotonia congenita

G0325 Gene Panel Neuro & Mitochondrial**

G0226 Gene Panel Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

G0227 Gene Panel Neuronal migration disorder

G0228 Gene Panel Niemann-Pick disease

G0229 Gene Panel Non-immune hydrops

G0230 Gene Panel Noonan syndrome

G0231 Gene Panel Oculocutaneous albinism

G0232 Gene Panel Optic atrophy

G0233 Gene Panel Organic acidemia

G0234 Gene Panel Osteogenesis imperfecta

G0235 Gene Panel Osteopetrosis

G0236 Gene Panel Pachydermoperiostosis & primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

G0237 Gene Panel Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration

G0238 Gene Panel Peroxisomal disorder

G0239 Gene Panel Peroxisome assembly disorders (Hepatomegaly and cholestasis)

G0240 Gene Panel Polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD: PKHD1/ADPKD: PKD1 & PKD2)

G0241 Gene Panel Pontocerebellar hypoplasia

G0242 Gene Panel Primary hyperoxaluria

G0243 Gene Panel Primary immunodeficiency

G0244 Gene Panel Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis

G0245 Gene Panel Progressive myoclonic epilepsy

G0246 Gene Panel Rasopathy

G0247 Gene Panel Retinal Degeneration

G0248 Gene Panel Rett Syndrome

G0249 Gene Panel Seckel syndrome

G0250 Gene Panel Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

G0251 Gene Panel Sideroblastic anaemia

G0252 Gene Panel Skeletal dysplasia

G0253 Gene Panel Sotos syndrome

G0254 Gene Panel Urea cycle defects

G0255 Gene Panel Usher syndrome

G0256 Gene Panel Waardenburg syndrome

W0016 Gene Panel Women hereditary cancer Breast, Ovary, endometrium

G0257 Gene Panel Xeroderma pigmentosum

G0258 Gene Panel X-linked mental retardation

G0259 Gene-Deletion/duplication ABCB4

G0260 Gene-Deletion/duplication ABCD1

G0261 Gene-Deletion/duplication Androgen receptor (AR)

G0262 Gene-Deletion/duplication Ataxia-telangiectasia (ATM)

G0263 Gene-Deletion/duplication Canavan disease (ASPA)

G0264Gene-Deletion/duplication Charcot-Marie-Tooth and 1A/HNPP (PMP22, COXI0, TEKT3)

G0265 Gene-Deletion/duplication Charcot-Marie-Tooth PMP22

G0266 Gene-Deletion/duplication Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 4 (EGR2, GDAP1, NEFL, PRX)

G0267 Gene-Deletion/duplication choroideremia - CHM gene

G0268 Gene-Deletion/duplication Congenital adrenal hyperplasia CYP21A2 (21-0H)

G0269 Gene-Deletion/duplication Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (LAMA2)

G0270 Gene-Deletion/duplication Cystic fibrosis (CFTR)

G0271 Gene-Deletion/duplication Cystic megalencephaly (MLC1)

G0272 Gene-Deletion/duplication DCX gene for isolated lissencephaly sequence (ILS)

G0273 Gene-Deletion/duplication Dravet syndrome (SCN1A)

G0274 Gene-Deletion/duplication Dysferlinopathy/LGMD2A (CAPN3)

G0275 Gene-Deletion/duplication Dysferlinopathy/LGMD2B (DYSF)

G0276 Gene-Deletion/duplication Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy-4 (STXBP1)

G0277 Gene-Deletion/duplication Fabry disease (GLA)

G0278 Gene-Deletion/duplication GLUT1 deficiency (SLC2A1)

G0279 Gene-Deletion/duplication Glycine encephalopathy (GLDC)

G0280 Gene-Deletion/duplication Haemophilia (F8)

G0281 Gene-Deletion/duplication Hemolytic uremic syndrome

G0282 Gene-Deletion/duplication Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)

G0283 Gene-Deletion/duplication Hyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome(DOCK8, STAT3)

G0284 Gene-Deletion/duplication Krabbe disease (GALC)

Gene-Deletion/duplication Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (SGCA, SGCB,SGCD, SGCG & FKRP)

G0286 Gene-Deletion/duplication Lynch syndrome (MLH1, MSH2, EPCAM)

G0287 Gene-Deletion/duplication Menkes disease (ATP7A)

G0288 Gene-Deletion/duplication Multiple exostoses (EXT1 & EXT2)

G0289 Gene-Deletion/duplication Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)

G0290Gene-Deletion/duplication Neurometabolic disorder (MLC1, L2HGDH,D2HGDH, MLYCD)

G0291 Gene-Deletion/duplication Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis deficiency

G0292 Gene-Deletion/duplication NF1

G0293 Gene-Deletion/duplication Niemann Pick disease (NPC1, NPC2, SMPD1)

G0294 Gene-Deletion/duplication OTC

G0295 Gene-Deletion/duplication Pantothenate kinase-associated degeneration (PANK2)

Gene-Deletion/duplication Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PLA2G6)

G0297 Gene-Deletion/duplication Polycystic kidney disease (PKHD1) deficiency

G0298 Gene-Deletion/duplication Pompe disease (GAA)

G0299 Gene-Deletion/duplication Propionic acidemia (PCCA) deficiency

G0300 Gene-Deletion/duplication Protein S deficiency (PROS1 gene )

G0301 Gene-Deletion/duplication RB1 gene

G0302 Gene-Deletion/duplication Rett Syndrome (MECP2)

G0303 Gene-Deletion/duplication Sotos syndrome (NSD1)

G0304 Gene-Deletion/duplication Tay-Sachs disease (HEXA)

G0305 Gene-Deletion/duplication TP53 gene Large - MLPA

G0306 Gene-Deletion/duplication TSC1

G0307 Gene-Deletion/duplication TSC2

G0308 Gene-Deletion/duplication Usher syndrome (USH2A)

G0309 Gene-Deletion/duplication Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)

G0310 Gene-Deletion/duplication WAGR syndrome (PAX6)

G0311 Gene-Deletion/duplication Wilson disease (ATP7B)

G0312 Gene-Deletion/duplication X-linked spastic paraplegia-2 (PLP1)

G0313 Gene-predisposition test Cardiomyopathy-MYBPC3 (25bp )

G0314 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri

G0315 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Brain

G0316 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Cardio

G0317 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Fit

G0318 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Gynec

G0319 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Lite

G0320 Gene-predisposition test Genomepatri - Onco

G0321 Gene-predisposition test PositiveCare - DNA test for Diabetes Management

G0322 Gene-predisposition test Statin induced myopathy SLCO1B1 p.(Val174Ala)

G0078 Genetic counselling Consultation

G0018 Genetic Hair Loss Test Alopecia

G1005 Gentamicine, serum

G0323 GFR BTP-Beta Trace Protein

G0019 GFR With Creatinine

G0059 GFR With Cystatin C

G0020 GGTP Gamma GT

G1006 GHRH - Growth-Hormone-Releasing-Hormone, plasma

G0327 GI Endoscopic Biopsy

G0021 Giardia Antigen detection

G0079 GIST PDGFRA gene mutation

G0022 Gliadin IgA Antibodies De-amidated (DGP)

G0023 Gliadin IgG Antibodies De-amidated (DGP)

G0082 Glioma panel 1P/19Q, IDH1/2, MGMT

G1007 Glucagon

G0024 Glucagon Stimulation Test For C peptide

G0025 Glucosamine N Acetyl Transferase

G0028 Glucose Body Fluid

G0027 Glucose Plasma

G0026 Glucose Quantitative

S0066 Glucose Sugar

G0080 Glucose Tolerance Test 2 hours 2 samples for glucose

G0029 Glucose Tolerance Test 2 hours 3 samples for glucose

G0030 Glucose Tolerance Test 2.5 hours 5 samples for glucose

G0031 Glucose Tolerance Test 5 hours 8 samples for Glucose

G0032 Glucose Tolerance Test with Insulin 3 samples for glucose and insulin 2 hours

G0034 Glutamic Acid Quantitative Plasma

G0033 Glutamic Acid Quantitative Urine

G0035 Glutamine Quantitative Plasma

G0036 Glutamine Quantitative Urine


G1009 Glutathione Peroxidase-RBC, blood

G0037 Glycine Quantitative CSF

G0039 Glycine Quantitative Plasma

G0038 Glycine Quantitative Urine

G0040 Glycoasparginase

G0041 Glycophorin A

G0061 Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) Mucopolysaccharides (quantitative)

G1010 Glycosaminoglycanes-GAG- electrophoresis, urine

G1011 Glycosaminoglycanes-GAG- urine GAG/Creatinine ratio, urine

G1012 Gnathostomiasis serology, serum

G0042 GNRH (LHRH) Stimulation Test For FSH and LH 5 samples

G0043 Gold

G0044 Goodpasture's Syndrome Panel

G1013 GP210 antibodies, serum

G0047 Gram stain Other samples

G0045 Gram stain For Neisseria sp Urethral discharge

G0046 Gram stain Nugent's score Vaginal discharge

G0326 Grossing, processing, Block & slide preparation with slide scanning

G0048 Growth Disorder Panel

G0049 Growth Hormone HGH

G0050 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test Arginine

G0051 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test Clonidine

G0052 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test Exercise

G0053 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test GHRH

G0054 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test Insulin

G0055 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test L-Dopa

G0056 Growth Hormone Suppression Test Glucose

G0057 GST Mutation Glutathione S Transferase

G0066 GTT-Gestational ,Three Hour(100 grams glucose)

G0065 GTT-Gestational ,Two Hour(75 grams glucose)

H0001 H1N1 (Swine Flu) RNA detection Nasopharyngeal swab

H0793 H3 Viral marker profile HIV, HbsAg, HCV

H0002 Haemochromatosis 2 mutations in HFE gene

H0003 Haemoglobin-Free Plasma

H0004 Haemoglobin-Free Urine Spot

H1002 Haemopexin, serum

H0005 Haemophilia Profile

H0006 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib)-IgG IgG antibodies Serum

H0007 Haemophilus Influenza B Antigen Antigen detection CSF

H0008 Haemophilus Influenza B Antigen Antigen detection Serum

H0009 Haemophilus Influenza B Antigen Antigen detection Urine

H1003 Haloperidol, serum

H1004 Haloperidol, urine

H0010 Ham's Test For PNH

H0011 Hanging Drop preparation For V Cholerae

H0012 Hanta Virus IgM antibody

H0014 Haptoglobin

H0013 Haptoglobin Genotype

G0060_G Hb Electrophoresis

H0018 HbA1c Glycated Haemoglobin

H0019 HbA2 Haemoglobin A2

H0020 HbD Iran mutation analysis Beta 22 Glu-Gln mutation

H0021 HbD Punjab mutation analysis Beta 121 Glu-Gln

H0022 HBDH enzymatic

H0023 HbE mutation analysis Beta 26 (B8) Glu-Lys

H0024 HbF Haemoglobin F (Foetal Haemoglobin)

H1001 H-Biotin (Vitamin B8), serum

H0818 HBQ India mutation detection

H0025 HbS Haemoglobin S

H0043 HCG Beta Subunit

H0046 HCG Beta Subunit CSF

H0044 HCG Beta Subunit Urine 24H

H0045 HCG Beta Subunit Urine Spot

H0047 HCG Stimulation Test For DHT

H0048 HCG Stimulation Test For FSH and LH

H0049 HCG Stimulation Test For Testosterone

H0057 HDL Cholesterol Direct

H1005 HDL2/HDL3 cholesterol, serum

H1006 HDV antigen, serum

H0061 HE4 with ROMA index Human Epithelial 4 marker for Ovarian Cancer

H0289 Heart failure profile

H0290 Heart failure profile,mini

H0794 Heavy Metals profile-1

H0795 Heavy Metals profile-2

H0062 Heinz Bodies

H0063 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen detection

H0064 Helicobacter Pylori Culture only

H0065 Helicobacter Pylori IgA antibodies

H0066 Helicobacter Pylori IgG antibodies

H0067 Helicobacter Pylori IgM antibodies

H0069 Hemoglobin Hb

H0070 Hemosiderin in urine Liquid based cytology (LBC)

H0071 Heparan Sulphate Sulphamidase Sanfillipo / MPS III A

H1007 Heparin cofactor II, plasma

H0015 Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) HAV-IgG antibody

H0016 Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) HAV-IgM antibody

H0017 Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) HAV-RNA detection by PCR

H0026 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Anti HbcAg total Core antigen total

H0027 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Anti HbcAg-IgM Core antibody IgM

H0028 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Anti HbeAg Envelope Antibody

H0029 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Anti HbsAg Surface antibody

H0037 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HbeAg Envelope Antigen

H0038 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HbsAg-Confirmation Surface antigen

H0039 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HbsAg-Quantitative Surface antigen

H0040 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HbsAg-Screening Surface antigen

H0300 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV mutation panel

H0301 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV precore mutations

H0313 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-Basal Core Promoter mutation

H0031 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR Amniotic fluid

H0032 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR Ascitic fluid

H0033 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR CSF

H0034 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR Liver tissue

H0030 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR Serum or plasma

H0041 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA quantitative Viral load Serum Or plasma

H0035 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-Genotype & Drug Resistance test

H0036 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-Genotyping Serum or plasma

H0042 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-YMDD mutation by sequencing Serum or plasma

H0073 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Hepatitis B Profile

H0072 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Immunity Profile

H0051 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-Combo

H0050 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-Genofibro

H0052 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-Genotyping by sequencing Serum or Plasma

H0053 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-IgM Antibody

H0054 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-RNA Detection

H0056 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-RNA Viral load (Quantitative)

H0055 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-total antibody

H0302 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) HCV-total antibody reflex HCV-RNA qualitative

H0821 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Quantitative

H0058 Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) HDV-IgM Antibody

H0059 Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) HDV-RNA detection by PCR

H0060 Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) HDV-total antibody

H0079 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Anti HEV IgG

H0080 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Anti HEV IgM

H0808 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) HEV-RNA detection by PCR EDTA Blood

H0081 Hepatitis G Virus (HGV) HGV-RNA detection by PCR

H0074 Hepatitis Marker Profile, Acute

H0075 Hepatitis Profile, Comprehensive

H0076 Hepatitis-Atypical Virus Profile

H0077 Hepcidin

H0078Neu Gene Amplification (CERB2) (ERBB2) FISH probe for CEP 17 and Her2 gene Tissue, FFPE

H1008 Her-2/Neu (CErB2), serum

H0803 Hereditary Renal cancer panel**

H0809 Hereditory Neuropathy Panel

H0792 Herpes simplex virus DNA PCR



H1009 Herpes virus type 6-DNA by PCR, blood

H1010 Herpes virus type 6-DNA by PCR, CSF

H1011 Herpes virus type 6-IgG, serum



H1012 Herpes virus type 8-DNA by PCR, blood

H1013 Herpes virus type 8-IgG Serology

H1014 HEV-RNA, Serum

H1015 Hippuric acid, urine

H0082 Hirsutism Profile-1

H0083 Hirsutism Profile-2

H0084 Hirsutism Profile-3

H0085 Histamine

H0086 Histidine Quantitative Plasma

H0087 Histidine Quantitative Urine

H0119 Histochemistry (Special Stain Only) Orcein Stain Tissue/FFPE

H0088 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Alcian Blue Tissue / FFPE

H0089 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Bleach Tissue / FFPE

H0090 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Congo Red Tissue / FFPE

H0091 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Fite Farraco Tissue / FFPE

H0092 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Fontana Masson Silver Tissue / FFPE

H0093 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Giemsa Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Gomori Silver Methanamine (GMS) Tissue / FFPE

H0095 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Hale'S Colloidal Iron Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Histochemistry Unspecified Special stain Tissue / FFPE

H0097 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Masson Trichrome Tissue / FFPE

H0098 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Mucicarmine Tissue / FFPE

H0099 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Orcein Tissue/FFPE

Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) PAS with and / or Without Diastase Tissue / FFPE

H0101 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) PASM Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0102 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Prussian Blue Tissue / FFPE

H0103 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) PTAH Tissue / FFPE

H0104 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Reticulin Tissue / FFPE

H0105 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Van Gieson Tissue / FFPE

H0106 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Verhoeff'S Vangieson Tissue / FFPE

H0107 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) Von Kossa Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0108 Histochemistry (special stain with reporting) ZN Tissue / FFPE

H0109 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Alcian Blue Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0110 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Bleach Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0111 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Congo Red Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0112 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Fite Farraco Stain Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Fontana Masson Silver Method Tissue / FFPE

H0114 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Giemsa Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0115 (Special Stain without interpretation) Gomori Silver Methanamine Stain (GMS) Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Hale'S Colloidal Iron Stain Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Masson Trichrome Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0118 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Mucicarmine Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0120 (Special Stain without interpretation) PAS With and / or Without Diastase Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0121 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) PASM Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0122Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Prussian Blue Stain Tissue / FFPE
H0123 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) PTAH Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0124 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Reticulin Stain Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Unspecified Special Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0126 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Van Gieson Stain Tissue / FFPE

Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Verhoeff'S Vangieson Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0128 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) Von Kossa Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0129 Histochemistry (Special Stain without interpretation) ZN Stain Tissue / FFPE

H0130 Histology Frozen Section (Intra Operative)

H0131 Histology Second opinion service Slides and blocks

H0298 Histology-Slides & blocks handling for second opinion

H0299 Histology-Veterinary pathology Expert opinion

H1903 Histo-Medium specimen (unspecified) 2 to 5 cm

H0132 Histone Antibody

H0816Histopathologic examination - Salivary Gland Excision with reflex special stains and IHC

H0817 Histopathologic examination - Vasectomy

H0133 Histopathological examination of Amputations-Limb Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0135 Histopathological examination of Appendix Includes special stains

H0136 Histopathological examination of Bone Marrow Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0137 Histopathological examination of Bone Specimen Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0138 Histopathological examination of Brain Tissue Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0139 Histopathological examination of Breast Lump Includes special stains and Reflex IHC

H0141 examination of Breast MRM / Breast conservative surgery comprehensive Includes IHC, Reflex FISH

Histopathological examination of Breast MRM / Breast conservative surgery Includes IHC

H0142 Histopathological examination of Buccal Mucosal Biopsy

H0796 Histopathological examination of Cell block Reflex IHC

H0143 Histopathological examination of Cervix Biopsy

H0144 Histopathological examination of Cervix Cone Biopsy Reflex IHC and CISH

Histopathological examination of Colectomy / APR Special stains , Reflex IHC & KRAS mutations,

H0147 Histopathological examination of Commando With RND / MND

Histopathological examination of Endobroncheal / Laryngeal Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC

Histopathological examination of Endometrium (D&C Material) Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0150 Histopathological examination of Eye ball Specimen Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0304 Histopathological examination of Fallopian Tube

H0151 Histopathological examination of Fistulectomy / Sinus Tract Includes special stains

H0152 Histopathological examination of Gall Bladder

H0153 Histopathological examination of Gastrectomy Special stains & Reflex IHC

Histopathological examination of GI Endoscopic Biopsy / Colonic Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0155 Histopathological examination of Granulation Tissue Includes special stains

H0324 examination of Head and neck cancer (HNSCC profile) HPV by PCR and p16INK4a

H0156 Histopathological examination of Hemimandibulectomy With RND / MND

H0157 Histopathological examination of Hepatic Resection Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0158 Histopathological examination of Hirschsprung's Disease Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0160 Histopathological examination of Kidney Biopsy IgG, IgM, IgA. C3, C1q etc

H0159 Histopathological examination of Kidney Biopsy Includes special stains

H0161 Histopathological examination of Liver Biopsy Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0162 Histopathological examination of Lung (Lobectomy) Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0164 Histopathological examination of Mediastinal Mass Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0165 Histopathological examination of Muscle Biopsy Includes special stains

H0166 Histopathological examination of Nasal Polyp Includes special stains

H0167Histopathological examination of Nephrectomy (Non Tumorous) Includes special stains

H0168 Histopathological examination of Oesophagectomy Reflex IHC

H0169 Histopathological examination of Orchidectomy Spcimen Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0170 Histopathological examination of Ovarian Mass (Large) Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0171 Histopathological examination of Ovarian Mass (Small To Medium) Reflex to IHC

H0172 Histopathological examination of Penis

H0306 Histopathological examination of Placenta

H0173 Histopathological examination of Prostate Chips (Tur-P) Special stains & Reflex IHC

Histopathological examination of Prostate Trucut Needle Biopsy Reflex IHC (PIN-4 cocktail)

H0175 Histopathological examination of Radical Cystectomy Reflex IHC

H0176 Histopathological examination of Radical Neck Dissection

H0177 Histopathological examination of Radical Nephrectomy Reflex IHC

H0178 Histopathological examination of Radical Prostatectomy Reflex IHC

H0179 Histopathological examination of Sebaceous cyst

S0080 Histopathological examination of Second opinion Reflex IHC

H0180 Histopathological examination of Skin Biopsy Special stains

Histopathological examination of Skin Biopsy With Immunofluorescence IgG, IgM, IgA. C3, C1q

H0182Histopathological examination of Small Intestinal Resection Special stains & Reflex IHC

Histopathological examination of Soft Tissue Tumor With Special Stains Special stains & Reflex IHC
H0184 Histopathological examination of Spleen Includes special stains

H0185 Histopathological examination of Synovial Biopsy Includes special stains

H0307 Histopathological examination of Testicular biopsy

H0186 Histopathological examination of Thyroidectomy

H0805 examination of- Trucut Biopsy - Lung (CT/USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0806 examination of- Trucut Biopsy - Lymph node (CT/USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC

Histopathological examination of Trucut Biopsy (CT / USG Guided) Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0188 Histopathological examination of TUR Urinary Bladder Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0190 Histopathological examination of Unspecified specimen-Large & Complex

H0189 Histopathological examination of Unspecified specimen-Large Above 5 Cm

H0191 Histopathological examination of Unspecified specimen-Medium 2 to 5 Cm

H0192 Histopathological examination of Unspecified specimen-Small Below 2 Cm

H0193 Histopathological examination of Uterus With/Without Adnexae

H0194 Histopathological examination of Werthiems Hysterectomy Reflex IHC

H0195 Histopathological examination of Whipples Resection Reflex IHC

H0804 examination of-Trucut (USG Guided)/wedge biopsy-Breast Special stains & Reflex IHC

H0163 Histopathology - Lymph node with required special stains

H0320 Histopathology Breast tumour Comprehensive Profile I

H0321 Histopathology Breast tumour Comprehensive Profile II

H0323 Histopathology Colorectal Carcinoma Profile

H0838 Histopathology Intra-operative consultation ( frozen)

H0322 Histopathology Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC) Profile

H0829 Histopathology Rush Biopsy

H0830 Histopathology Rush Special stain


H0824 Histopathology with reflex IHC_H0824

H0291 Histopine Expert opinion Breast pathology

H0294 Histopine Expert opinion Dermatopathology

H0296 Histopine Expert opinion GI and Hepatobiliary pathology

H0297 Histopine Expert opinion Hematolymphoid pathology

H0303 Histopine Expert opinion Paediatric pathology

H0315 Histopine Expert opinion Transplant pathology

H0831 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0832 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0833 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0834 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0835 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0836 Histoxpert opinion Soft tissue Pathology

H0198 HIT Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia

H0199 HIV P24 Antigen (Screening)

H0206 HIV-1 Combo

H0312 HIV-1 Coreceptor Tropism-Genotypic

H0311 HIV-1 Drug Resistance -Integrase Inhibitor Resistance

H0200 HIV-1 Drug Resistance-(PI, NRTI, NNRTI)

H0316 HIV-1 Drug Resistance-Extended (PI, NRTI, NNRTI, INSTI)

H0201 HIV-1 Proviral DNA

H0202 HIV-1 RNA Detection by Taqman

H0797 HIV-1 Viral load by Taqman

H0798 HIV-1 Viral load by Taqman

H0205 HIV-1&2 antibody by western blot

H0207 HIV-2 By Western blot

H0210 HIV-2 Combo

H0208 HIV-2 RNA detection by real time PCR

H0209 HIV-2 Viral load by real time PCR

H0211 HIV-DUO p24 Antigen & Antibody to HIV1 &2

H0212 HIV-Early Detection Profile -1 For age > 2 yrs

H0213 HIV-Early Detection Profile -2 For age < 2 yrs

H0229_InActive_HLA HLA DR3 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0230_InActive_HLA HLA DR4 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0232_InActive_HLA HLA DR7 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0238 HLA - T & B Cell Cross Match

H0235 HLA (Lymphocyte) Cross MatchTotal (T+B) cells

H1016 HLA antibodies, serum

H0234 HLA AutoAntibody detection test

H0249 HLA B*5701 Genotyping Abacavir Hypersensitivity Blood

H0251 HLA B27 - Serology (Microlymphocytoxicity)

H0250 HLA B27 studies Flow cytometry reflex Microarray Blood

H0780 HLA B27 studies Microarray

H0252 HLA B27 studies PCR method Blood

H0220 HLA B38 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0223 HLA B8 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)_H0219

H0228_InActive_HLA HLA DR2 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0231_InActive_HLA HLA DR5 locus - PCR -SSOP (Luminex)

H0308 HLA- Single Antigen Bead Assay Class I

H0233 HLA- Single Antigen Bead Assay Class I & II

H0309 HLA- Single Antigen Bead Assay Class II

H0215 HLA typing A locus

H0217 HLA typing A, B & C loci Class I

H0813 HLA typing A,B and DR loci Class II

H0218 HLA typing B locus

H0221 HLA typing B5 locus

H0222 HLA typing B51 locus

H0224 HLA typing C locus Class I

H0225 HLA typing DQ locus Class II

H0227 HLA typing DR and DQ loci Class II

H0226 HLA typing DR locus Class II

H0216 HLA typingA,B,C, DR, DQ loci Class I & II

H0214 HLA-Donor Specific Antibody (DSA)

H0799 HLA-PRA Identification (Class I) Panel Reactive antibody %

H0800 HLA-PRA Identification (Class II) Panel Reactive antibody %

H0801 HLA-PRA screening (Class I and II) Panel Reactive antibody %

H0253 HOMA Index Insulin/C-Peptide Resistance Test

H0254 Homocysteine

H0255 Homocysteine Qualitative Urine

H0310 Homocysteine reflex B12-folate

H0256 Homogentisic Acid Alkaptonuria Urine

H0314 Homovanillic acid (HVA)

H1017 Homovanillic acid, urine

C0304 HPV E6/E7 mRNA

H0259 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Cervical scrapping

H0261 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing LBC

H0260 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Tissue / biopsy
H0258 HPV-Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection And Typing Vaginal swab

H0837 HRAS sequencing**

H0264 HRT Profile Hormone replacement Therapy profile

H0265 HsCRP High Sensitivity CRP

H0266 HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1) IgG and IgM antibody

H0268 HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1) IgG antibody

H0267 HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1) IgG antibody CSF

H0269 HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1) IgM antibody

H0272 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR

H0270 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR Blister fluid

H0271 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR CSF

H0273 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) DNA detection by real time PCR Ulcer swab

H0274 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgG and IgM antibody

H0276 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgG antibody

H0277 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgG antibody by western blot

H0275 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgG antibody CSF

H0278 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgM antibody

H0279 HSV-1&2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2) IgM antibody by western blot

H0280 HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-2) IgG and IgM antibody

H0282 HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-2) IgG antibody

H0281 HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-2) IgG antibody CSF

H0283 HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus-2) IgM antibody

H0284 HTLV 1 And 2 virus Total antibody

H1018 HTLV I/II-Proviral DNA, blood

H0285 Hu Antibody Neuronal ag in Paraneoplastic syndromes

H1019 Human babesiosis serology, serum

H1020 Human ehrlichiosis serology, serum

H0286 Huntington Disease Mutation Analysis CAG Repeats for Chorea Blood

H1021 Hyaluronic acid, serum

Q1001 Hydroquinidine, serum

H1023 Hydroxychloroquine, blood

H1024 Hydroxylysine, urine

H1025 Hydroxyproline (total & free), urine

H1026 Hydroxyzine, serum

H0288 Hypertension Profile-Routine

H1027 Hypodermosis confirmation serology, serum

H1028 Hypodermosis screening serology, serum

H1029 Hypoxanthine, urine

I0001 IA2 Insulin Autoantibodies

I0002 IBD Profile 1

I0003 IBD Profile 2

I1801 iBreast Exam

I1001 Ibuprofen, serum


I0315 IDH1 and IDH2 gene mutation

I0004 Iduronate 2 Sulphate Sulphatase Hunter/ MPS II

I0006 IgA

I0005 IgA CSF

I1002 IgA subclasses, serum

I1003 IgA, urine

I0007 IgD by Flow cytometry

I1004 IgD, serum

I0307 IgE Multiple Myeloma - t (11; 14) by FISH

A0398 IgE Total antibody

I0008 IGF BP3

I0009 IGF-1 Somatomedin C

I0013 IgG 4 Sub class

I0010 IgG by Flow cytometry Blood

I1005 IgG Subclass 1(IgG1) serum by Nephelometry**

I1006 IgG Subclass 2(IgG2) serum by Nephelometry**

I1007 IgG Subclass 3(IgG3) serum by Nephelometry**

I0012 IgG Total antibody

I0011 IgG Total antibody CSF

I0306 IGH gene rearrangement ALL/NHL/Muliple Myeloma, TISSUE

I0317 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18) Follicular lymphoma blood

I0316 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18) Follicular lymphoma Bone Marrow

I0318 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18) Follicular lymphoma Tissue / FFPE

I0358 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18), FISH, BLOOD

I0359 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18), FISH, BONE MARROW

I0357 IGH/BCL2;t(14;18), FISH, Tissue

I0305 IGH/CCND;t(11;14) Mantle cell lymphoma Tissue / FFPE

T0007 IGH/CCND1, t(11;14) ALL, NHL Blood

T0006 IGH/CCND1, t(11;14) ALL, NHL Bone Marrow

I0014 IgM by Flow cytometry Blood

I0015 IgM total CSF

I0016 IgM total Serum

T0035 IGRAS (Interferon gamma release assay) Quantiferon, Gamma Interferon


I0332 IHC Androgen Receptor with interpretation

I0061 IHC multiplex marker with reporting CD 20 + CD 3 Cocktail

I0075 IHC multiplex marker with reporting CD4 + CD8 Cocktail

I0098 IHC multiplex marker with reporting Desmoglein 3 + Napsin A Cocktail

I0121 IHC multiplex marker with reporting Kappa + Lambda Cocktail

I0142 IHC multiplex marker with reporting PIN 4 Cocktail Ck5 + Ck14 +P63 + P504S

I0017 IHC Panels with reporting Bone Marrow Comprehensive diagnosis

I0018 IHC Panels with reporting Brain Tumor Comprehensive diagnosis

I0019 IHC Panels with reporting Breast IV Comprehensive diagnosis

I0356 IHC Panels with reporting Breast V Triple negative breast carcinoma

I0020 IHC Panels with reporting Breast-I ER, PR

I0021 IHC Panels with reporting Breast-II ER, PR, c-erb-B2

I0022 IHC Panels with reporting Breast-III ER, PR, c-erb-B2, Ki 67

IHC Panels
with reporting Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) comprehensive diagnosis Comprehensive diagnosis

I0023 IHC Panels with reporting Cervical Cancer IHC reflex to CISH

I0025 IHC Panels with reporting GastroIntestinal neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0024 IHC Panels with reporting Immunoglobulin Panel IgG, IgM and IgA

I0026 IHC Panels with reporting Liver Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0027 IHC Panels with reporting Lung Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0028 IHC Panels with reporting Lymph node Reflex to EBV by CISH

I0032 IHC Panels with reporting Ovarian Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0033 IHC Panels with reporting Pancreatic Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

IHC Panels with reporting Peritoneal Adenocarcinoma Vs Mesothelioma Comprehensive diagnosis

I0035 IHC Panels with reporting Pituitary Marker Profile Comprehensive diagnosis
IHC Panels with reporting Pleural Adenocarcinoma Vs Mesothelioma Comprehensive diagnosis

I0037IHC Panels with reporting Round Cell Tumor(Adult/Pediatric) Comprehensive diagnosis

I0039 IHC Panels with reporting Salivary Gland Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0040 IHC Panels with reporting Soft Tissue Tumor Comprehensive diagnosis

I0041 IHC Panels with reporting Testicular Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

I0042 IHC Panels with reporting Thyroid Neoplasm Comprehensive diagnosis

P0146 IHC PD-L1 Lung (Nivolumab)

I0313 IHC single marker SV 40**_i0313

I0043 IHC single marker with reporting 34 Beta E12 (HMWCK)

A0522 IHC single marker with reporting ALK (D5F3) reflex FISH NSCLC

I0045 IHC single marker with reporting ALK1

I0046 IHC single marker with reporting Alpha Feto Protein

I0048 IHC single marker with reporting Bcl-2 Oncoprotein

I0049 IHC single marker with reporting Bcl-6 Oncoprotein

I0050 IHC single marker with reporting Beta Catenin

I0051 IHC single marker with reporting Beta HCG

I0053 IHC single marker with reporting C4D

I0054 IHC single marker with reporting CA 125

I0055 IHC single marker with reporting CA-19.9

I0056 IHC single marker with reporting Calcitonin

I0057 IHC single marker with reporting Calponin

I0058 IHC single marker with reporting Carletinin

I0062 IHC single marker with reporting CD10

I0063 IHC single marker with reporting CD117

I0064 IHC single marker with reporting CD138

I0065 IHC single marker with reporting CD15

I0066 IHC single marker with reporting CD1a

I0067 IHC single marker with reporting CD20

I0068 IHC single marker with reporting CD21

I0070 IHC single marker with reporting CD23

I0071 IHC single marker with reporting CD3

I0072 IHC single marker with reporting CD30

I0073 IHC single marker with reporting CD31

I0074 IHC single marker with reporting CD34

I0076 IHC single marker with reporting CD43

I0077 IHC single marker with reporting CD45 LCA

I0078 IHC single marker with reporting CD5

I0079 IHC single marker with reporting CD56

I0080 IHC single marker with reporting CD57

I0081 IHC single marker with reporting CD68

I0341 IHC single marker with reporting CD7

I0350 IHC single marker with reporting CD7

I0082 IHC single marker with reporting CD79a

I0083 IHC single marker with reporting CD99 Mic2

I0084 IHC single marker with reporting CDX2

I0085 IHC single marker with reporting CEA

I0086 IHC single marker with reporting C-erb-B2 for breast Her2 Neu

I0087 IHC single marker with reporting C-erb-B2 for Gastric carcinoma Her2 Neu

I0088 IHC single marker with reporting Chromogranin A

I0089 IHC single marker with reporting CK10

I0090 IHC single marker with reporting CK19

I0091 IHC single marker with reporting CK20

I0092 IHC single marker with reporting CK5/6

I0093 IHC single marker with reporting CK7

I0094 IHC single marker with reporting CK8

I0338 IHC single marker with reporting C-myc antibody

I0096 IHC single marker with reporting Cyclin D1

I0097 IHC single marker with reporting Desmin

I0099 IHC single marker with reporting DOG-1

I0100 IHC single marker with reporting E Cadherin

I0339 IHC single marker with reporting EBV

I0101 IHC single marker with reporting EGFR

I0102 IHC single marker with reporting EMA Epithelial Membrane Antigen

I0103 IHC single marker with reporting ER Estrogen Receptor

I0346 IHC single marker with reporting ERG

I0355 IHC single marker with reporting ERG

I0104 IHC single marker with reporting Factor VIII

I0344 IHC single marker with reporting GATA3

I0353 IHC single marker with reporting GATA3

I0106 IHC single marker with reporting GCDFP15

I0107 IHC single marker with reporting GFAP

I0108 IHC single marker with reporting Glypican-3

I0345 IHC single marker with reporting H caldesmon

I0354 IHC single marker with reporting H caldesmon

I0110 IHC single marker with reporting H.Pylori

I0113 IHC single marker with reporting Hep-Par 1

I0114 IHC single marker with reporting HMB45

I0115 IHC single marker with reporting HPV

I0343 IHC single marker with reporting IgG4

I0352 IHC single marker with reporting IgG4

I0119 IHC single marker with reporting Inhibin Alpha

I0120 IHC single marker with reporting Insulin

I0122 IHC single marker with reporting Ki 67

I0126 IHC single marker with reporting Lysoyme

I0127 IHC single marker with reporting Melan A

I0128 IHC single marker with reporting Mesothelin

I0129 IHC single marker with reporting MOC 31

I0130 IHC single marker with reporting MPO Myeloperoxidase

I0131 IHC single marker with reporting Mum1 Protein

I0132 IHC single marker with reporting My F4 Myogenin

I0133 IHC single marker with reporting Myoglobin

I0134 IHC single marker with reporting NSE Neuron Specific Enolase

I0135 IHC single marker with reporting Oct.2

I0136 IHC single marker with reporting Osteopontin

I0095 IHC single marker with reporting p16INK4a

I0319 IHC single marker with reporting p40

I0137 IHC single marker with reporting p53

I0138 IHC single marker with reporting p63

I0139 IHC single marker with reporting Pan CK AE1 / AE3

I0140 IHC single marker with reporting Pax 5

I0141 IHC single marker with reporting Pax 8

I0340 IHC single marker with reporting PD-1

I0143 IHC single marker with reporting PLAP Placental Alkaline Phosphatase

I0144 IHC single marker with reporting PR Progesterone Receptor

I0146 IHC single marker with reporting Prostatic Acid Phosphatase

I0147 IHC single marker with reporting PSA Prostate Specific Antigen

I0148 IHC single marker with reporting S100 Protein

I0149 IHC single marker with reporting Smooth Muscle Actin

I0150 IHC single marker with reporting Synaptophysin

I0151 IHC single marker with reporting TdT

I0342 IHC single marker with reporting TFE3

I0351 IHC single marker with reporting TFE3

I0152 IHC single marker with reporting Thyroglobulin

I0154 IHC single marker with reporting TTF1

I0291 IHC single marker with reporting Unspecified stain

I0320 IHC single marker with reporting Uroplakin

I0155 IHC single marker with reporting Vimentin

I0156 IHC single marker with reporting WT1 Wilm'S Tumor Protein

I0321 IHC single marker without interpretation p40

I0322 IHC single marker without interpretation Uroplakin

I0363 IHC stain only Androgen Receptor

I0199 IHC stain only CMV

I0232 IHC stain only Osteopontin

I0157 IHC stain without interpretation 34 Beta E12

I0159 IHC stain without interpretation Alpha Feto Protein

I0160 IHC stain without interpretation Bcl-2 Oncoprotein

I0161 IHC stain without interpretation Bcl-6 Oncoprotein

I0162 IHC stain without interpretation Beta Catenin

I0163 IHC stain without interpretation Beta HCG

I0183 IHC stain without interpretation C4D

I0164 IHC stain without interpretation CA125

I0165 IHC stain without interpretation Calcitonin

I0166 IHC stain without interpretation Calponin

I0167 IHC stain without interpretation Calretinin

I0169 IHC stain without interpretation Cavoelin

I0170 IHC stain without interpretation CD10

I0171 IHC stain without interpretation CD117

I0172 IHC stain without interpretation CD138

I0173 IHC stain without interpretation CD15

I0174 IHC stain without interpretation CD1a

I0175 IHC stain without interpretation CD20

I0176 IHC stain without interpretation CD21

I0177 IHC stain without interpretation CD22

I0178 IHC stain without interpretation CD23

I0179 IHC stain without interpretation CD3

I0180 IHC stain without interpretation CD30

I0181 IHC stain without interpretation CD31

I0182 IHC stain without interpretation CD34

I0184 IHC stain without interpretation CD43

I0185 IHC stain without interpretation CD45 LCA

I0186 IHC stain without interpretation CD5

I0293 IHC stain without interpretation CD56

I0294 IHC stain without interpretation CD57

I0295 IHC stain without interpretation CD68

I0187 IHC stain without interpretation CD79a

I0188 IHC stain without interpretation CD99 Mic2

I0189 IHC stain without interpretation CDX2

I0190 IHC stain without interpretation CEA

I0191 IHC stain without interpretation c-erb- B2 Her 2 Neu

I0192 IHC stain without interpretation Chromogranin A

I0193 IHC stain without interpretation CK 10

I0194 IHC stain without interpretation CK 19

I0195 IHC stain without interpretation CK 20

I0196 IHC stain without interpretation CK 5 / 6

I0197 IHC stain without interpretation CK 7

I0198 IHC stain without interpretation CK8

I0347 IHC stain without interpretation C-myc antibody

I0200 IHC stain without interpretation Cyclin D1

I0201 IHC stain without interpretation Desmin

I0202 IHC stain without interpretation DOG-1

I0203 IHC stain without interpretation E Cadherin

I0348 IHC stain without interpretation EBV

I0204 IHC stain without interpretation EGFR

I0205 IHC stain without interpretation EMA Epithelial Membrane Antigen

I0206 IHC stain without interpretation ER Estrogen Receptor

I0207 IHC stain without interpretation Factor VIII

I0208 IHC stain without interpretation GCDFP15

I0209 IHC stain without interpretation GFAP

I0210 IHC stain without interpretation Glypican-3

I0211 IHC stain without interpretation H.Pylori

I0212 IHC stain without interpretation Hep-Par 1

I0158 IHC stain without interpretation HLA-DR

I0213 IHC stain without interpretation HMB45

I0214 IHC stain without interpretation HPV

I0215 IHC stain without interpretation Inhibin Alpha

I0216 IHC stain without interpretation Insulin

I0217 IHC stain without interpretation Ki 67

I0296 IHC stain without interpretation Lysozyme

I0218 IHC stain without interpretation Melan A

I0219 IHC stain without interpretation Mesothelin

I0220 IHC stain without interpretation MOC 31

I0221 IHC stain without interpretation MPO Myeloperoxidase

I0222 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex CD 20 + CD3 Cocktail

I0223 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex CD4 + CD8

I0224 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex Desmoglein 3 + Napsin A

I0225 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex Kappa + Lambda

I0226 IHC stain without interpretation Multiplex Pin-4 Cocktail Ck5 + Ck14 + P63 + P504S

I0227 IHC stain without interpretation Mum1 Protein

I0228 IHC stain without interpretation My F4 (Myogenin)

I0229 IHC stain without interpretation Myoglobin

I0230 IHC stain without interpretation NSE Neuron Specific Enolase

I0231 IHC stain without interpretation OCT.2

I0297 IHC stain without interpretation p16INK4a

I0233 IHC stain without interpretation p53

I0234 IHC stain without interpretation p63

I0235 IHC stain without interpretation Pan CK AE1 / AE3

I0236 IHC stain without interpretation Pax 5

I0237 IHC stain without interpretation Pax 8

I0349 IHC stain without interpretation PDL1

I0238 IHC stain without interpretation PLAP

I0239 IHC stain without interpretation PR Progesterone Receptor

I0240 IHC stain without interpretation Prostatic Acid Phosphatase

I0241 IHC stain without interpretation PSA Prostate Specific Antigen

I0242 IHC stain without interpretation S100 Protein

I0243 IHC stain without interpretation Single Marker (Any other)

I0244 IHC stain without interpretation SMA Smooth Muscle Actin

I0245 IHC stain without interpretation Synaptophysin

I0246 IHC stain without interpretation TdT

I0247 IHC stain without interpretation Thyroglobulin

I0248 IHC stain without interpretation TTF1

I0249 IHC stain without interpretation Vimentin

I0250 IHC stain without interpretation WT1 Wilm'S Tumor Protein

I0257 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 2 Markers

I0256 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 3 Markers

I0253 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 4 Markers

I0252 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 5 Markers

I0255 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 6 Markers

I0254 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 7 Markers

I0251 IHC-Customised panel with reporting Any 8 And Above Markers

I1022 IL-2, Interleukin-2, serum

I0258 IL28 B SNP Genotyping Test

I1023 IL-5, Interleukin-5, serum


I0301 Imatinib Resistance mutation analysis Bcr Mutation analysis

I1008 Imipenem, serum

I1009 Imipramine, serum

I0323 Immature platelet fraction IPF

I0259 Immune Status Panel

I1010 Immunobinding, serum

I0260 Immunofixation-qualitative

I0261 Immunofixation-qualitative

I0262 Immunofixation-quantitative

I0263 Immunofixation-quantitative

I0264 Immunoglobulin Profile CSF

I0265 Immunoglobulin Profile Serum

I1011 Immunoreactive trypsin, serum

I0266 Impotence Profile

I0267 India Ink Preparation CSF

I1012 Indinavir, plasma

I0268 Infectious Mononucleosis panel

I0269 Infertility Profile, Female

I0270 Infertility Profile, Male

I0324 Influenza A virus IgG antibody

I0325 Influenza A virus IgM antibody

I0326 Influenza B virus IgG antibody

I0327 Influenza B virus IgM antibody

I0273 Inhibin A Dimeric

I0274 Inhibin B

I1013 INH-Isoniazid and acetylation test, serum

I0275 Insulin

I1902 Insulin (Fasting)

I0276 Insulin Antibody Type I & II diabetes

I0277 Insulin Suppression test For C-peptide 7 samples

I1014 Interferon alpha, CSF

I1015 Interferon alpha, serum

I1016 Interferon alpha-neutralizing antibody, serum

I1017 Interferon beta-neutralizing antibody, serum

I1018 Interferon gamma, CSF

I1019 Interferon gamma, serum


I1020 Interleukin (IL)-1 beta, serum

I1021 Interleukin (IL)-2 receptor, serum

I0279 Interleukin 6 IL6

I0360 International Expert Opinion**

I1024 Intestinal antibodies enterocytes, serum

I0281 Intrinsic Factor Antibody


I0334 Inversion 16 by PCR (Blood)**

H0219 Investigation mapped to HLA B15 locus-serology(Microlyphocytoxicity)

I1026 Iodine - urine**

I1025 IODINE, Serum by ICP-MS method**

I0282 Iron

I0283 Iron Blood

I0285 Iron Serum

I0284 Iron Urine 24H

I0286 Iron Studies Iron, TIBC, TS%

I1027 Isepamicin, serum

I0287 Islet Cell Antibody ICA - 512 for Type I diabetes

I0288 Isoleucine Quantitative Plasma

I0289 Isoleucine Quantitative Urine

I0290 Isospora by smear examination Stool

I1028 Itraconazole and hydroxylated metabolite, serum

J0019 Jak 2 comperhensive panel (covers exon 12 to 15)

J0003 JAK2 Mutation Exon 12 Blood

J0001 JAK2 Mutation Exon 12 Bone Marrow

J0004 JAK2 Mutation V617F Blood

J0002 JAK2 Mutation V617F Bone Marrow

JAK2 Mutation V617F Reflex to Jak2 Ex-12, MPL W515 / S505, CALR Ex-9 Mutations Blood

JAK2 Mutation V617F Reflex to Jak2 Ex-12, MPL W515 / S505, CALR Ex-9 Mutations Bone Marrow

J0013 JC virus DNA detection CSF

J0014 JC virus DNA detection Plasma

J0015 JC virus DNA detection Urine

J0005 JC/Bk Virus DNA detection CSF

J0006 JC/Bk Virus DNA detection Plasma

J0007 JC/Bk Virus DNA detection Urine

J0008 JEV-Japanese Encephalitis Virus RNA detection Blood

J0009 JEV-Japanese Encephalitis Virus RNA detection CSF

J0010 JEV-Japanese Encephalitis Virus RNA detection Plasma

J0011 JEV-Japanese Encephalitis Virus RNA detection Serum

J0012 Jo 1 Antibody Serum

K0023 Kala azar

K0002 Kappa And Lambda-Free Freelite Serum

K0001 Kappa And Lambda-Free Freelite Urine

K0003 Kappa Light Chains by Flow cytometry

K0024 Kappa Light Chains-Free Serum

K0004 Kappa Light Chains-Free Urine 24H

K0025 Karyotyping (only)by G-Banding : AMNIOTIC FLUID

K0026 Karyotyping and FISH G Banding and FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Amniotic Fluid

K0012 Karyotyping by G-Banding Blood

K0016 Karyotyping by G-Banding blood

K0014 Karyotyping by G-Banding Bone Marrow

K0022 Karyotyping by G-Banding Cell pellet / Slides

K0015 Karyotyping by G-Banding Cord Blood of POC

Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,16,18, 21, 22, X and Y) POC comprehensive

K0009_Reflex FISH Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y)

K0006 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Amniotic Fluid

K0007 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) Chorionic Villus

K0010 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC

Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC with couple karyotype -Female

Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y) POC with couple karyotype-Male

K0009 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), Placental biopsy

Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), POC with Couple Karyotyping

K0008 Karyotyping by G-Banding Reflex FISH (Chr 13,18, 21, X and Y), Soft tissue

K0017 Karyotyping by High resolution banding HRB-G-Banding Karyotyping Blood

K0018 KCT Kaolin Clotting Time

K0021 Kennedy disease (CAG repeats)

K1001 Keratin antibodies, serum

K1002 Ketoconazole, serum

K1003 Kleihauer test, blood

K0019 KRAS Mutation Detection Codon 12/13 Tissue

K0020 KRAS Mutation Detection Codon 61 Tissue

K0027 Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6) analysis**

L0001 Lactate CSF

L0002 Lactate Plasma

L0124 Lactate/ Pyruvate ratio

L1001 Lactoferrin and anti-carbonic anhydrase antibodies, serum

L0003 Lactose Tolerance Test 5 samples for glucose Plasma

L0004 Lambda Light Chains by Flow cytometry

L1009 Lambda Light Chains-Free Serum

L0005 Lambda Light Chains-Free Urine 24H

L1002 Lamivudine + Abacavir, plasma

L1003 Lamivudine, plasma

L0006 Lamotrigine Level

L0007 LAP Score Leucocyte Alkaline Phosphatase

H0827 Laryngeal Biopsy with reflex IHC

L0008 LC 1 Antibody Liver Cytosolic Antigen Type-1

L0010 LD bodies Leishmania Dodovani bodies Blood

L0011 LD bodies Leishmania Dodovani bodies Bone Marrow

L0009 LD Leigh'S Disease

L0120 LDH

L0123 LDH Body fluid

L0016 LDH Isoenzymes Gel electrophoresis Serum

L0013 LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase Ascitic Fluid

L0014 LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase Peritoneal Fluid

L0015 LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase PleuralFluid

L0012 LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase Serum

L0112 LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase, CSF

L0017 LDL Cholesterol -Direct

L0018 LE Cell Detection

L0019 Lead Blood

L0020 Lead Urine 24H

L0021 Lead Urine Spot

L0022 Legionella Culture only Sputum / BAL

L0026 Legionella Pneumophila Antigen detection Urine

L0027 Legionella Pneumophila IgG antibodies

L0028 Legionella Pneumophila IgM antibodies

L1004 Legionellosis confirmation, serum

L1005 Legionellosis-LP1 antigen, urine

L0029 Leishmania Antibody-IgG

L0030 Leishmania Culture Blood

L0031 Leishmania Culture Bone Marrow

L0032 Leishmania Culture Liver Aspirate

L0033 Leishmania Culture Splenic Aspirate

L1006 Leishmaniasis by PCR, Blood

L0115 Leishmaniasis Direct Diagnosis PCR

L0034 Leptin Human

L0035 Leptospira Detection by smear examination

L0036 Leptospira Detection by smear examination CSF

L0037 Leptospira Detection by smear examination Urine

L0038 Leptospira DNA detection by PCR Blood

L0039 Leptospira DNA detection by PCR Urine

L0040 Leptospira IgG antibodies

L0041 Leptospira IgM antibodies

L0042 Leptospira Profile Leptospira IgG, IgM, Detection

L1007 Leucine aminopeptidase, serum

L0043 Leucine Quantitative Plasma

L0044 Leucine Quantitative Urine

L0104 Leukemia ALL panel by FISH, Adult Blood

L0045 Leukemia ALL panel by FISH, Adult Bone Marrow

L0105 Leukemia ALL panel by FISH, Paediatric blood

L0046 Leukemia ALL panel by FISH, Paediatric Bone Marrow

L0061 Leukemia ALL panel by flowcytometry Blood

L0062 Leukemia ALL panel by flowcytometry Bone marrow

L0106 Leukemia AML panel by FISH blood

L0047 Leukemia AML panel by FISH Bone Marrow

L0063 Leukemia AML panel by flowcytometry Blood

L0064 Leukemia AML panel by flowcytometry Bone marrow

Leukemia Characterisation Panel for ALL Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood
Leukemia Characterisation Panel for ALL Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow

Leukemia Characterisation Panel for AML Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood

Leukemia Characterisation Panel for AML Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow

Leukemia Characterisation Panel for CLPD Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Blood

L0098 Characterisation Panel for CLPD Immunophenotyping , Cytogenetic studies Bone marrow

L0107 Leukemia CLL panel by FISH blood

L0051 Leukemia CLL panel by FISH Bone Marrow

L0057 Leukemia CLL panel by flowcytometry Blood

L0058 Leukemia CLL panel by flowcytometry Bone marrow

L0102 Leukemia CMPD Panel by FISH Bone marrow

L0101 Leukemia CMPD Panel by FISH JAK2 by PCR and BCR-ABL by FISH Blood

L0099 Comprehensive workup panel Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic studies Blood

L0100Comprehensive workup panel Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic studies Bone Marrow

L0048 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 2 Markers Bone Marrow / blood

L0049 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 3 Markers Bone Marrow / blood

L0050 Leukemia customised panel by FISH Any 4 Markers Bone Marrow / blood

L0059 Leukemia customised panel by flowcytometry Any 5 markers Blood

L0060 Leukemia customised panel by flowcytometry Any 5 markers Bone marrow

L0108 Leukemia Eosinophilia panel by FISH blood

L0052 Leukemia eosinophilia panel by FISH Bone Marrow

F0109 Leukemia MRD for B ALL

F0107 Leukemia MRD for Lymphoma/ CLPD / lymphoma

F0110 Leukemia MRD for T ALL

L0118 Leukemia translocation panel-1 Blood

L0117 Leukemia translocation panel-2 Blood

L0125 Leukemia translocation panel-3 Blood

L0119 Leukemia translocation panel-4 Blood

L0055 Leukemia-Acute panel by flowcytometry Blood

L0056 Leukemia-Acute panel by flowcytometry Bone marrow

L1008 Levetiracetam, serum

L1010 Levomepromazine, serum

L0066 LH-Luteinizing Hormone

L0067 LHON Leber'S Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

L1011 Lidocaine, serum

L0068 Lipase

L0069 Lipase Urine

L0070 Lipid Profile-1

L0071 Lipid Profile-2

L0072 Lipid Profile-3

L0073 Lipids-Total serum

L0076 Lipoprotein Electrophoresis

L1012 Lipoprotein Lp(A-I), serum

L0128 Liquid Bx. Cell Free BRAF

L0126 Liquid Bx. Cell Free Comprehensive Colon Cancer Panel (KRAS,NRAS,BRAF)**

L0127 Liquid Bx. Cell Free PAN RAS (KRAS,NRAS) **

L1013 Listeria monocytogenes - screening, Blood

L1014 Listeria monocytogenes - screening, CSF

L1015 Listeria monocytogenes - serology, serum

L0077 Lithium

L1016 Lithium-RBC, blood

L0079 Liver Function Test-1

L0080 Liver Function Test-2

L0082 Liver Function Test-3

L0083 LKM1 by IFA Liver Kidney Microsomes Reflex to end point titre

L0130 Lopinavir

L1017 Lopinavir, plasma

L1018 Loprazolam, serum

L1019 Lormetazepam, serum

L1020 Loxapine, serum

L0084 Lp(a) Lipoprotein(a)

L0103 Lp-PLA2

L1021 LSD-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, urines

L1022 LTT-Lymphoblast Transformation Test, whole blood

L0086Anticoagulants (LAC) profile APTT, Mixing studies, RVVT-screen & confirmation Citrated plasma

L1023 Lyme (Borreliosis) by PCR, CSF

L1024 Lyme (Borreliosis) by PCR, skin

L1025 Lyme (Borreliosis) by PCR, synovial fluid

L0087 Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgG antibodies by EIA

L0088 Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgG by Western blot

L0089 Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM antibodies by EIA

L0090 Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot

L0114 LymeBorrelia BurgdorferiIgG antibodies CSF

L0113 LymeBorrelia BurgdorferiIgM antibodies CSF

L1026 Lymphocyte proliferation typing, Blood

L0110 Lymphocyte subset panel Basic

L0111 Lymphocyte subset panel With NK cells

L1027 Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis

L1028 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, serum

L0091 Lysine Quantitative Plasma

L0092 Lysine Quantitative Urine

L1029 Lysozyme (Muramidase), serum

L0116 LYSOZYME (Muramidase), serum**

L1030 Lysozyme (Muramidase), urine

M0001 MAG Antibodies Demyelinating disorders

M0002 Magnesium

M0003 Magnesium Urine

M0004 Magnesium Urine 24H

M1001 Magnesium-RBC, blood

M0007 Malaria By real time PCR

M0008 Malaria Detection By QBC

M0006 Malaria Parasite detection by Smear examination

M0009 Malaria Profile

M0005 Malaria Total ab

M0010 Malarial Antigen Vivax & Falciparum

M1002 Malondialdehyde, plasma

M0156 MammaTyper

M1003 Mandelic acid, urines

M0011 Manganese Blood

M0012 Manganese Serum

M0013 Manganese Urine

M0014 Manganese Urine 24H

M0015 Mantoux test Tuberculin test

M1004 Maprotiline - serum

M0137 Marfan's syndrome- by MLPA**

D0039_FMF Maternal screen (Dual marker test)First trimester FMF Approved

M0153 Maternal screen with Pre-eclampsia risk-1st Trimester Dual Marker test

M0152 Maternal screen with Pre-eclampsia risk-2nd Trimester Quadruple Marker test

D0040 Maternal screen-2nd Trimester Quadruple Marker test

D0041 Maternal screen-2nd Trimester Triple marker test

M0096_C Maternal screen-Integrated

M0133 Maternal screen-Integrated Sequential

M0096_S Maternal screen-Sequential

M0157 Mayo Lyme Disease Antibody, Immunoblot, Serum**

M0159 Mayo Lyme Disease European Antibody Screen, Serum**

M0158 Mayo Lyme Disease Serology, Serum**

M0016 MCH

M0017 MCHC

M0018 MCV

M0019 MDMA (Qualitative) Ecstasy, XTC

L0109 MDS panel by FISH Blood

L0053 MDS panel by FISH Bone Marrow

M0020 Measles (Rubeola) virus IgG antibody

M0021 Measles (Rubeola) virus IgG antibody CSF

M0022 Measles (Rubeola) virus IgM antibody

M1801 Medical examination by:- Dental examination

M1802 Medical examination by:- ENT

M1803 Medical examination by:- Gynecologist

M1804 Medical examination by:- Ophtalmic examination

M0023 Medullary Thyroid Carinoma Mutation Detection Sequencing method

M1005 Mefloquine - serum

M1006 MEFV gene mutation (Familial Mediterranean fever), blood

M0155 Melanoma - Theranostic Panel **

M0024 MELAS-Mutation Detection

M0025 Melatonin

M1007 Melatonin, urine


M0026 Meningitis (viral) Panel IgG

M0027 Meningitis (viral) Panel IgG & IgM

M0028 Meningitis (viral) Panel IgM

M0097 Meningitis Panel by PCR 14 bacteria + 3 fungi CSF

M0154 Meningo Encephalitis panel by filmarray

Meningo Encephalitis Panel by PCR 5 DNA viruses + 4 bacteria + 1 parasite + 1 fungi CSF

M0029 Menopause Comprehensive profile

M0030 Menopause Diagnostic Profile

M0031 Menopause Monitoring Profile

M1008 Mepivacaine, serum

M1009 Meprobamate, serum

M1010 Meprobamate, urines

M0032 Mercury Blood

M0033 Mercury Serum

M0034 Mercury Urine

M0035 Mercury Urine 24H

M0036 MERRF Mutation Detection

M0142 MET gene amplification by FISH

M0037 Disorder Panel Includes 101 Different Analytes To Diagnose 22 Different Metabolic Disorders

M0038 Metabolic Disorder Screen Inborn error of Metabolism

M0040 Metanephrine -Total ELISA Urine 24H

M0151 Metanephrine-fractionated Plasma

M0039 Metanephrine-Free Plasma

M1011 Metformin, serum

M1012 Metformin-RBC, blood

M0041 Methadone Dolophine Urine

M1013 Methadone, serum

M0042 Methamphetamine Qualitative Urine

M1014 Methaqualone, serum

M0043 Methaquolone Qualitative Urine

M0044 Methhaemoglobin Blood

M0045 Methionine Quantitative Plasma

M0046 Methionine Quantitative Urine

M0047 Methotrexate Serum

M1015 Methoxyacetic acid, urines

M1016 Methoxylated derivatives of catecholamines, plasma

M1017 Methoxylated derivatives of catecholamines, urines

M1018 Methyl ethyl ketone, urines

M1019 Methyl isobutyl ketone, urines

M0048 Methyl Malonic Acid Qualitative Urine

M0141 Methyl malonic acid quantitative serum

M0049 Methyl Malonic Acid Quantitative Urine

M1020 Methylhippuric acid, urine

M1021 Methylmalonic acid, plasma

M1022 Metoclopramide, serum

M1023 Metoprolol, serum

M1024 Mevalonic acid, urine

M0050 MGMT by PCR Temozolomide Resistance (MGMT Methylation assay) Tissue

M1025 MHPG-Methoxy hydroxy phenyl glycol, urine 24h

M1026 Mianserin - serum

M0051 MICM By PCR Maternally Inherited Cardiomyopathy Blood

M0052 Microalbumin Urine 24H

M0053 Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine Spot

#0016 Microdeletion 10p14 DGS2

#0025 Microdeletion 15q11-13

#0032 Microdeletion 17p11

#0033 Microdeletion 17p13.3

#0001 Microdeletion 1p Bone Marrow

#0036 Microdeletion 22q Di-George syndrome Blood

#0005 Microdeletion 4p

M0103 Microsatellite Instability MSI HNPCC

M0054 Microsporidium Detection by smear examination

M1027 Midazolam, serum**

M1028 Milnacipran, serum

M1029 Minocycline, serum

M1030 Mirtazapine, serum

M0132 Mismatch Repair (MMR) Protein Immunohistochemistry Only

M0055 Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody Reflex to end point titre

M0056 Mitochondrial Mutation Panel-1

M0057 Mitochondrial Mutation Panel-2

M0058 Mitochondrial Mutations Panel-Comprehensive Covering All 16 Diseases

M0059 Mixing Studies (APTT)

M0147 MLH1 Promoter Hypermethylation

M0146 MLH1 Sequencing and deletion duplication analysis HNPCC/Lynch

M0148 MLH1/MSH2 Targeted mutation test

M0060 MMC-Mutation Detection Maternal Myopathy With Cardiomyopathy

M0061 MM-Mutation Detection Mitochondrial Myopathy

M0150 MMR IHC Reflex to BRAF CD600 and MHL1 promoter Hypermethylation

M1031 Moclobemide, serum

M1044 MOG Antibody

M1032 Molybdenum, plasma

M1033 Molybdenum, urine

M0062 MPD Panel

M0101 MPL W515 / S505 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Blood

M0102 MPL W515 / S505 Mutation Analysis For Jak2 V617F Negative Cases Bone Marrow

M0063 MPO by EIA p-ANCA

M0064 MPO by flowcytometry Cytoplasmic marker

M0065 MPO stain Myeloperoxidase Stain

M0066 MPO stain Myeloperoxidase Stain

M0067 MPV Mean Platelet Volume

M0068 MRSA Screen

M0099 MRSA Screen

M0149 MSH2 Sequencing and deletion duplication analysis HNPCC/Lynch

M0144 MSI PCR / MMR IHC Combo

M0069 MSUD-Maple Syrup Urine Disorder Neonatal Screen

M0070 MTHFR Mutations C677T / A1298C Mutations

M0074 Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) Screen Qualitative

M0071 Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) Type-I

M0072 Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) Type-VI

M0073 Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) Typing

L0054 Multiple myeloma panel Bone Marrow

M0100 Multiple myeloma workup panel Bone Marrow

M0075 Multiple Sclerosis Profile, Maxi

M0076 Multiple Sclerosis Profile, Mini

G0062 Multiplex PCR - Gastroenteritis (Bacterial)

G0063 Multiplex PCR - Gastroenteritis (Viral)

M0078 Mumps virus IgG antibody

M0077 Mumps virus IgG antibody CSF

M0079 Mumps virus IgM antibody

M1034 Muramidase (Lysozyme), serum

M1035 Muramidase (Lysozyme), urine

M0139 Muscle biopsy Light Microscopy and Electron Microscopy

M0080 MuSK Antibody Muscle specific Kinase Ab

M0081 Myasthenia Gravis Profile

M0143 Mycobacteria - susceptibility testing**

M1036 Mycophenolate, plasma

M0082 Mycoplasma Culture only Cervical Swab

M0084 Mycoplasma Culture only Urethral Swab

M0085 Mycoplasma Culture only Urine

M0086 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG Antibody

M0087 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM Antibody

M1037 Mycoplasma serology, serum

M1047 Myelin basic protein

L0065 Myeloma panel by flowcytometry 6 parameters Bone marrow

M1039 Myocardium antibodies, serum

M0091 Myoglobin

M0092 Myoglobin

M1040 Myoglobin , urine 24H

M1041 Myoglobin, urine spot

M0090 Myositis Profile 11 antigens

M0095 Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 19q 13.3

M8027 Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 3q 21

B1028 Myriad BRAC Analysis **

M1045 Myriad BRCA1 Analysis

M1046 Myriad BRCA2 Analysis

S1033 Myriad Single-Site BRAC Analysis

M1043 myRisk**

N0001 N- Acetyl Glucosamine 6 Sulphate Sulphatase

N0053 Nadolol by LCMS/MS

N0054 NAFLD Fibrometer

N1002 Naropeine, serum

N0002 NARP Neurogenic Ataxia Retinitis Pigmentosa

H0828 Nasal Polyp with reflex IHC

H0825 Nasopharyngeal Biopsy with reflex IHC

X1837 Nasopharynx - Lateral View*

N0003 Natural Killer Cells (NKC) CD3/CD16/CD56, CD45

N0005 NEFA Non Esterified Fatty Acids

N0006 Neisseria Gonorrhoae Culture & Identification Urethral discharge

N0007 Neisseria Gonorrhoae Culture & Identification Vaginal discharge

N0008 Neisseria Gonorrhoae Detection by Real time PCR Genital swab

N0009 Neisseria Gonorrhoae Detection by Real time PCR Urethral discharge

N0010 Neisseria Gonorrhoae Detection by Real time PCR Vaginal discharge

N0011 Neisseria Meningitidis A,B,C,Y W135 Antigen detection

N1003 Nelfinavir, plasma

N0015 Neonatal Screen- IV 40+ markers

N0057 Neonatal Screen- V 48+ markers

N0012 Neonatal Screen-I 3 markers

N0013 Neonatal Screen-II 5 markers

N0014 Neonatal Screen-III 8 markers

N1004 Neopterin, CSF

N1005 Neopterin, serum

N1006 Neopterin, urine

N1007 Nesdonal, serum

N1008 Netilmicin, serum

N0016 Neuroblastoma Profile Urine 24H

N0017 Neuronal Antibody Profile-1 Paraneoplastic Syndrome profle 6 Antigens

N0055 Neuronal Antibody Profile-2 Paraneoplastic Syndrome profle 9 Antigens

N0056 Neuronal Antibody Profile-3 Paraneoplastic Syndrome profle 12 Antigens

N1009 Nevirapine, Plasma

N0049 NGAL
N1010 Niacin (Vitamin PP), blood ( vitamin B3 )

N1011 Niaprazine, serum

N0018 Nickel Blood

N0019 Nickel Serum

N0020 Nickel Urine Spot

N0021 Nicotine Metabolite Quantitative Cotinine

N0022 Nicotine Metabolite Quantitative Cotinine

N0023 NIPS Non Invasive Prenatal screening

N0024 Nitroprusside Test Qualitative

N0025 Nitrosonaphthol Test Qualitative

N0026 Nitrotyrosine Quantitative

N0047 NMDA profile CSF & Serum

N0027 NMDA Receptor Antibody (NR1) CSF

N0028 NMDA Receptor Antibody (NR1) Serum

N1001 N-Methylformamide, urines

N0030 NMO (Aquaporin 4)-IgG CSF

N0029 NMO (Aquaporin 4)-IgG Serum

N0048 NMO profile CSF & Serum

N0060 NMO with MOG Antibody Profile for CSF

N0059 NMO with MOG Antibody Profile for serum

M0104 nMYC gene amplication Neuroblastoma

N0050 N-Myc Oncogene

N0032 Nocardia Detection by smear examination Sputum

N0033 Nocardia Detection by smear examination Tissue

N0034 NorAdrenaline Nor-epinephrine Plasma

N0035 NorAdrenaline Nor-epinephrine Urine 24H

N1013 Norandrolone, serum

N1014 Norandrolone, urine

N1015 Nordazepam, serum

N1016 Nordin - index, urine

N1017 Nordin index with hydroxyproline, urine

N0037 Nor-Metanephrine Urine 24H

C1937 Nor-Metanephrine in spot urine

N0036 Nor-Metanephrine-Free Plasma

N1018 Nortriptyline, serum

N0038 Notch 3 Gene by Sequencing Cadasil 5 Exons Blood

N0052 NOTCH 3 genes by NGS (Full gene sequencing)**

N0039 NPM1 mutations AML Blood

N0040 NPM1 mutations AML Bone Marrow

N0041 NRAS mutations Exon-1 & 2 Tissue

N0042 NSE Neuron Specific Enolase CSF

N0043 NSE Neuron Specific Enolase Serum

N0044 NT-Pro BNP Serum

N0045 NTx N-Tellopeptide (Collagen Crosslinked) Urine 24H

N1019 Nucleosome antibodies, serum

O0001 Obesity Profile

O0002 Occult blood Stool

O0003 Occult blood Urine

O1001 O-Cresol, urine

O0037 Oculocutaneous albinism gene panel**

O1002 Oestradiol (E2), urine24H

O1003 Oestrone (E1), serum

O1005 Olanzapine, serum

O0004 Oligoclonal Band By IEF Multiple sclerosis CSF and serum

O0036 Oncotype Dx**

O1818 OPG - Orthopantomogram


O1825 Ophthalmic Examination - Spiro depth test

O1006 Opiates (Morphine)-confirmation, serum

O1007 Opiates (Morphine)-confirmation, urine

O0005 Opiates Morphine

O0006 Opportunistic infection panel Stool

O1008 Oral anticoagulants (Fluindione and Rodenticides), serum

O0029_CT Oral Disposition Index

O0035 Organic acid

O0007 Organic Acid Qualitative Urine Spot

O1009 Organic acids, urine 24H

O0008 Ornithine Quantitative Plasma

O0009 Ornithine Quantitative Urine

O1010 Orosomucoid (Alpha 1-acid glycoprotein), serum

O0028 Orotic acid – Urine GC/MS (For Urine cycle disorder)

O1011 Orotic acid, urine

O0010 Osmolality Serum

O0011 Osmolality Urine

O0038 Osmolality Serum, calculated

O0012 Osmotic Fragility Test. RBC fragility test Na Heparin Blood

O1012 Osmotic globular resistance, blood

O0013 Osteocalcin BGP-Bone Gla Protein

O0014 Osteomon Profile

O0015 Osteoporosis Profile-I

O0016 Osteoporosis Profile-II

O0017 Osteoporosis Profile-III

O0025 OT Microbiological Surveillance Panel Bacterial & Fungal 5 swabs

O0018 OT Microbiological Surveillance Panel Bacterial & Fungal Per swab

O1801 Other diagnostic services- 2 D Echo

O1802 Other diagnostic services- Audiometry

O1803 Other diagnostic services- Densitometry

O1804 Other diagnostic services- DEXA (LSP/ Pelvis)

O1805 Other diagnostic services- DEXA (LSP/ Pelvis/ Forearm)

O1806 Other diagnostic services- ECG

O1807 Other diagnostic services- Fetal echocardiography

O1808 Other diagnostic services- Mammography

O1811 Other diagnostic services- Physical examination

O1809 Other diagnostic services- Spirometry

O1810 Other diagnostic services- TMT (Stress test)

O1812 Other diagnostic services-Body fat analysis

O1813 Other diagnostic services-General Consultation

O1822 Other diagnostic services-Orthopedic consultation

O1823 Other diagnostic services-Orthopedic consultation follow up

O1821 Other diagnostic services-Wellness package 2D Echo/Stress Test

O0019 Ova And Parasite detection Concentration method Stool

O0027 Ova and Parasite Examination,Other Samples

O0020 Ovarian Antibody AOA

O0022 Ovarian Reserve Profile-I

O0023 Ovarian Reserve Profile-II

O1014 Oxalate (Oxalic acid), Serum

O0024 Oxalate Oxalic acid

O1015 Oxazepam, serum

O0026 Oxcarbazepine Metabolite of oxcarbamazepine

O1016 Oxidised LDL by E.I.A.

P0001 P1NP

P0002 Pacer-26 26 Biochemistry parameters

P1002 PAI1-Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, plasma

P0003 Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase Leucocytes, Lipofuscinosis

P0135 Pan Neurotropic Panel by PCR CSF

P0120 Pan Uveitis Panel by PCR 3 RNA, 3 DNA, 3 Mycobacterium spp., and 1 parasite

P0004 Pancreatic (Acute) Profile

P0139 Pancreatic elastase stool

P1003 Pancreatic polypeptide, plasma

P0137 Pancreatitis- PRSS1 gene sequencing

P0138 Pancreatitis- SPINK1 gene sequencing**

P0006 Panfungal-DNA DNA detection by PCR Blood

P0007 Panfungal-DNA DNA detection by PCR Body fluids

P0008 Panfungal-DNA DNA detection by PCR CSF

P0009 Panfungal-DNA DNA detection by PCR Sputum

P0010 Panfungal-DNA DNA detection by PCR Tissue

P0011 Pap Smear Conventional method

P0012 Pap Smear Liquid based cytology (LBC)

P0118 Pap smear second opinion Slides

P0013 PAPPa Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein

P0014 Paracetamol Acetaminophen

P0015 Parainfluenza 1,2 & 3 IgG antibody

P0016 Parainfluenza 1,2 & 3 IgM antibody

P1004 Paraquat, serum

P1005 Paraquat, urine

P1006 Parathyroid antibodies, serum

P0017 Parathyroid Panel

P0018 Parietal Cell Antibody

P1007 Paroxetine, serum

P0019 Parvovirus B19 DNA detection by PCR Amniotic fluid

P0020 Parvovirus B19 DNA detection by PCR Blood

P0021 Parvovirus B19 DNA detection by PCR CSF

P0022 Parvovirus B19 IgG antibody Serum

P0023 Parvovirus B19 IgM antibody Serum

P0024 PAS Stain Blood

P0025 PAS Stain Bone Marrow

P1008 Pasteurelloses serology, serum

P0026 Paul bunnel test Infectious mononucleosis test

P1009 PCA3 gene-mRNA detection, urine

P0133 PCDH 19 gene

P0028 PCP Phencyclidine Phosphate

P0151 PCR for EWS – WT1**

P0150 PCR for EWS FLI**

P0147 PCV

P0029 PCV Haematocrit

I0337 PDL1 (SP263) by IHC - Ventana

P0030 PDW Platelet Distribution Width

P1010 Pefloxacin, serum

P0121 Pepsinogen I & II

P0032 Peripheral Smear Examination By Pathologist

P0144 Peroxisomal disorder gene panel

P1013 Pesticides screening, serum

P1014 Pesticides screening, urine

P1015 PF4 antibodies heparin, plasma

P0140 PGx 6

P0033 pH Stool

P0034 pH Urine

P1016 Phencyclidine, serum

P0035 Phenobarbitone Gardinal

P1018 Phenothiazines, serum

P1019 Phenothiazines, urine

P0036 Phenyl Alanine Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

P0037 Phenylalanine Quantitative Serum

P0038 Phenylalanine Quantitative Urine

P1020 Phenylglyoxylic acid, urines

P0039 Phenytoin Eptoin, Dilantin

P0040 Pheochromocytoma Marker Profile-I Urine 24H

P0041 Pheochromocytoma Marker Profile-II Plasma and Urine 24H

P0042 Phosphatidyl Choline IgG antibody

P0043 Phosphatidyl Choline IgM antibody

P0044 Phosphatidyl Ethanolamin IgG antibody

P0045 Phosphatidyl Ethanolamin IgM antibody

P0046 Phosphatidyl Inositol IgG antibody

P0047 Phosphatidyl Inositol IgM antibody

P0048 Phosphatydic Acid Included in APA IgG antibody

P0049 Phosphatydic Acid Included in APA IgM antibody

P0050 Phospholipid profile-1 IgG antibody (7 markers)

P0051 Phospholipid profile-2 IgM antibody (7 markers)

A0463 Phospholipid Profile-3 IgG & IgM Antibodies Against 8 Different Phospholipids

P0052 Phospholipid Syndrome Profile

P1021 Phosphorus tubular reabsorption rate, serum/urine

P0053 Phosphorus-Inorganic

P0055 Phosphorus-Inorganic Urine 24H

P0054 Phosphorus-Inorganic Urine Spot

P1022 Phosphoserine, plasma

P1023 Phosphoserine, urine

P0056 Phosphotidylserine IgG antibody

P0057 Phosphotidylserine IgM antibody

P1024 Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1), Serum

P1025 Phytanic acid, plasma

P1026 Picornavirus serology, serum

P0058 PIK3CA Gene Mutations Tissue

P1027 Pimozide, serum

P1028 Pipamperone, serum

P1029 Piperacillin, serum

P1030 Pipothiazine, serum

P1031 Pituitary antibodies, serum

P0059 Pituitary hormones Profile

P0060 PLA2 receptor antibody

P1032 Plasminogen - plasma

P0061 Plate/Slant For Identification & Susceptibility

P0062 Platelet Antibodies Qualitative test

P0063 Platelet Count Thrombocyte count

P0064 Platelet Count-Immunological (CD41)

P1033 Platinum, serum

S0548 PlGF (Placental Growth Factor)

P0066 Pneumocystis Carinii Detection BAL/Sputum

R0014 Pneumonia (Atypical) panel-IgG Respiratory Tract Infection Profile-IgG

P0067 Pneumonia Panel, bacterial

P0068 Pneumonia Panel, Viral-I

P0069 Pneumonia Panel, Viral-II

P0070 Pneumonia Panel, Viral-III

R0015 Pneumonia(Atypical) panel-IgM Respiratory Tract Infection Profile-IgM

P0071 PNH Confirmation Test FLAER method

P0072 PNMA2 (MA2 / TA) Antibody Neuronal Antigen for Paraneoplastic syndromes

P0073 Polarising Microscopy For Crystals Includes Cell count Synovial fluid

P1034 Poliovirus serology, serum

P0074 Pompe Disease Enzyme Assay

P0075 Porphobilinogen-PBG Quantitative Urine 24H

P0125 Porphobilinogen-PBG Quantitative Urine Spot

P0076 Porphyria Profile ALA and PBG Urine 24H

P0077 Porphyria Profile ALA and PBG Urine Spot

P0154 Posaconazole**

P0078 Potassium

P0079 Potassium Urine 24H

P0080 Potassium Urine Spot

P0127 Potassium Body fluid

P0153 Potassium Clavulanate by LCMS

P1035 PPZ-Zinc protoporphyrin, blood

P0081 PR3 by EIA c-ANCA

P0082 PRA Plasma Renin Activity

P1036 Prazepam, serum

P0083 Pre Albumin Transthyretin

P1037_1 Precipitins - confirmation - serum

P1037 Precipitins - confirmation - serum

P1038 Precipitins screening, serum

P1039 Prednisolone, serum

P0152 Pre-eclampsia screening

P0085 Pregnancy Test Qualitative Serum

P0084 Pregnancy Test Qualitative Urine Spot

P1040 Pregnandiol, urine 24H

P1041 Pregnanetriol, urine

P1042 Pregnenolone sulfate, serum

P1043 Pregnenolone**

P1044 Prekallikrein activity, plasma

P0136 Prenatal (Amniotic fluid/CVS) Di George syndrome FISH

P0142 Prenatal Alpha Thalassemia by Mutation Analysis - 5 Deletions

P0086 Pre-Operative Profile-1

P0087 Pre-Operative Profile-2

P1045 Primidone, serum

P0122 Pro GRP Pro Gastrin Releasing Peptide

P0088 Procalcitonin (PCT)

P1906 Progesterone

P0089 Progesterone (P4)

P1046 Progesterone antibodies, serum

P1047 Proinsulin

P0090 Prolactin

P0123 Prolactin, active Monomeric prolactin

P0148 Prolaris

P1048 Promethazine, serum

P1049 Propafenone, serum

P0091 Propoxyphene Qualitative

P1050 Propranolol, serum

P0126 Protein Body Fluid

P0094 Protein C Activity Functional

P0095 Protein C Antigen

P0096 Protein Electrophoresis

P0097 Protein Electrophoresis Urine 24H

P0098 Protein Electrophoresis Reflex immunofixation (Qualitative)

P1907 Protein Electrophoresisserum

P0099 Protein S Activity Functional

P0100 Protein S Antigen (Free)

P1051 Protein thiols, plasma

P0103 Proteins Ascitic Fluid

P0104 Proteins CSF

P0105 Proteins Pericardial Fluid

P0106 Proteins PleuralFluid

P0101 Proteins Serum

P0107 Proteins SynovialFluid

P0102 Proteins Urine 24H

P0108 Proteins / Creatinine Ratio

P0128 Proteins, Peritoneal Fluid

P0109 Prothrombin (Factor II) Mutation G20210A

P1052 Prothrombin Fragments 1+2, plasma

P0110 Prothrombin Time (PT)

P1053 Prothrombin-IgG antibodies, serum

P0141 Prucalopride_CT

P0124 PSA Reflex Free PSA

P0119 PSA with Free PSA ratio

P0111 PSA-Free Prostate Specific Antigen, free

P0112 PSA-total Prostate Specific Antigen, total

P0113 Pseudo Cholinesterase OPC poisoning

P1054 Pseudomonas aeruginosa- anti-exotoxin A antibodies, serum

P0114 PTH-Intact Molecule Parathyroid hormone


P0115 PUO Profile Pyrexia of Unknown origin

P0149 PV panel (Jak-2 V617F Reflex to Jak-2 Exon 12 Mutation)

P0117 Pyruvate ,Serum

P1056 Pyruvate Kinase, blood

Q1002 Quinine, serum

R0001 RA test Rheumatoid Arthritis factor test

R0002 RA test Rheumatoid Arthritis factor test Synovial Fluid

R0003 RAAS Screening Panel PRA and Aldosterone

R0004 Rabies virus antibodies Total antibody

R0005 RA-IgA Rheumatoid Arthritis

R0068 Raltegravir by LCMS/MS

R1001 Raltegravir, plasma

E0053 RAS extended panel

R0061 RB1 gene analysis by Sequencing **

R0006 RBC Count Erythrocyte count

R0007 RBC Folate

R1002 RBP-Retinol-Binding Protein, serum

R0008 RDW Red Cell Distribution Width

R0010 Reducing Substances Stool

R0009 Reducing Substances Paediatric Urine

R0011 Renal (Kidney) Function Tests-1 RFT Maxi

R0012 Renal (Kidney) Function Tests-2 RFT Mini

R0013 Renin Direct

R1003 Reptilase clotting time, plasma

R0066 Respiratory panel (Biofire test)

R0058 RET gene mutation

R0067 RET Gene Rearrangement by FISH

I0292 Reticulocyte count profile

R0016_CT Reticulocyte panel - Automated

R0056 Retinitis Panel by PCR 3 DNA Viruses

R0059 Retinol binding protien RBP

R1801 Retinopathy Screening Test

R0017 Rett Syndrome MECP2 Deletion/Duplication

R0018 Rett Syndrome MECP2 Sequencing

R0019 Rett Syndrome MECP2 Sequencing and Deletion/ Duplication Blood**

R1004 Reverse T3**

R0020 Rh Antibody Titre Anti D titre-Automated CAT

R1005 Rhesus D-foetal genotype, blood

R1006 Rhesus Kell-phenotype, blood

R0021 Rheumatic Fever Panel

R0022 Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel-1

R0023 Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel-2

R0024 Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel-3

R0025 Rheumatology Profile

R0026 Ri Antibody Neuronal antigen for Paraneoplastic syndromes

R1007 Ribavirin, plasma

R1008 Ribosome antibodies, serum

R0060 Ricketssia PCR

R1009 Rickettsia conorii & typhi-serology, serum

R1010 Rickettsia conorii-serology, serum

R1011 Rickettsia helvetica-serology, serum

R1012 Rickettsia prowazeki-serology, serum

R1013 Rickettsia slovaca & africae, serum

R1014 Rickettsia typhi-serology, serum

R0071 Rifabutin by LCMS

R1016 Rifampicin, serum

R0065 Rifaximine

R1017 Risperidone, serum

R1018 Ritonavir, plasma

R0069 RNA polymerase III

R0027 RNP-Sm Antibody

R1019 Rodenticides-oral anticoagulant, serum

R0063 ROS1 Gene Rearrangement by FISH

R0028 Rota virus Antigen detection

R0038 Routine examination Basic examination Semen

R0039 Routine examination Basic examination Sputum

R0029 Routine examination Basic examination Stool

R0041 Routine examination Basic examination Urine

R0030 Routine examination Comprehensive examination Stool

R0032 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Ascitic fluid

R0031 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Body fluid

R0033 Routine examination Reflex to cytology CSF

R0034 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Pericardial Fluid

R0035 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Peritoneal Fluid

R0036 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Pleural Fluid

R0037 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Prostatic Fluid

R0040 Routine examination Reflex to cytology Synovial Fluid

R0042 RSV-Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgG antibody

R0043 RSV-Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM antibody

R0044 Rubella (German measles) virus Avidity test

R0045 Rubella (German measles) virus IgG and IgM antibody

R0047 Rubella (German measles) virus IgG antibody

R0046 Rubella (German measles) virus IgG antibody CSF

R0048 Rubella (German measles) virus IgM antibody

R0049 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Amniotic Fluid

R0050 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Blood

R0054 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Cord Blood**

R0051 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR CSF

R0052 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR CVS

R0053 Rubella (German measles) virus RNA detection by PCR Urine

R0055 RVVT-Russell Viper Venom Time Lupus screen Citrated plasma

S1001 S100, serum

S1002 SAA-Serum amyloid A protein, serum

S0094 Salicylates - urines **

S1003 Salivary gland antibodies, serum

H0826 Salivary Gland with reflex IHC

A0402 Sanfillipo B / MPS III B Blood

S1004 Saquinavir, plasma

S0001 SCA Comprehensive Panel SCA1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12 and 17 Autosomal dominant Ataxia

S0002 SCA1 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 , CAG Repeats

S0007 SCA12 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 12 , CAG Repeats

S0075 SCA17 PCR-Fragment analysis

S0003 SCA2 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 , CAG Repeats

S0004 SCA3 (MJD) Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 , CAG Repeats

S0005 SCA6 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6 , CAG Repeats

S0006 SCA7 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 , CAG Repeats


S1006 Schistosomiasis - confirmation**

S1007 Schistosomiasis Ab by Hemagglutination

S0008 Scl-70 Antibody

S0009 Scleroderma Panel

S0545 SCN1A gene (Deletion/Duplication)**

S0071 Scrub typhus IgM

S0070 Scrub typhus profile Weil felix and scrub typhus-IgM

S0010 Selenium Blood

S0011 Selenium Serum

S0012 Selenium Urine

S0013 Selenium Urine 24H

S0072 Sepsis panel Adults, Neonates and burns 16 bacteria + 2 fungi

S0014 Serine Quantitative Plasma

S0015 Serine Quantitative Urine

S0016 Serotonin 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine Serum

S0017 Serotonin 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine Urine

S1008 Sertraline, serum

A0625 Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient (SAAG)

S0547 sFlt-1 (Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1)

S0549 sFlt-1/PlGF ratio



S0020 SHBG Sex hormone binding globulin

S1009 Shigellosis serology, serum

S0021 Sickle Cell Anemia (HbS) Mutation Analysis (β6 Glu-Val )

S1038 Sickle Cell Anemia (HbS) Mutation Analysis (β6 Glu-Val ) Amniotic Fluid/CVS

S0022 Sickling Test

S1010 Silicon, plasma

S0023 Silver Blood

S0024 Silver Urine

S0025 Silver Nitroprusside Test Qualitative Urine Spot

S1032 Single –Site COLARIS

S0088 Single Site Mutation Analysis – MLH1 Gene

S1037 Single Site myRisk

S0086 Single-Site BRACAnalysis**

S1034 Single-Site COLARIS AP

S1035 Single-Site MELARIS

S1036 Single-Site PANEXIA

S0026 Sirolimus

S0027 Sjogren's Syndrome Profile Includes SSA and SSB

S0028 SLA Soluble Liver Antigen

S0029 SLE profile Systemic Lupus Erythematosis

S0030 Sm Antibody Smith Antibody

S0031 SMA 12+2 Sequential Multi-Analyser Biochemistry panel

S0074 SMA Carrier Detection Genetic Disorders

S0073 Small dense LDL sdLDL

S0093 Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome**

S0035 Sodium Body Fluid

S0032 Sodium Serum

S0033 Sodium Urine

S0034 Sodium Urine 24H

S1011 Soluble complexes, plasma

S1012 Soluble TNF alpha receptor ( sTNF RI-P55), plasma

S1013 Soluble TNF alpha receptor ( sTNF RI-P75), plasma

S0036 Soluble Transferrin Receptor sTFR

S1031 Somatostatin, plasma

S1015 SP100 antibody-IgG, serum

S0037 Specific gravity

S0038 Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) (m-FISH) 24 Color Painting Blood

S0039 Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) (m-FISH) 24 Color Painting Bone Marrow

S1016 Sperm Antibody-Total (ASAB), Cervical mucus & serum

S0040 Sperm Antibody-Total ASAB

S0077 Sperm DNA Fragmentation

S1017 Sperm-DNA fragmentation (SCSA), sperm

S0041 Sphingomyelinase Niemann Pick Disease

S0042 Sphingomyelin-IgG Phospholipid

S0043 Sphingomyelin-IgM Phospholipid

S1039 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA ) Microdeletion SMN1 Gene deletion Amniotic fluid/CVS

S0044 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA ) Microdeletion SMN1 Gene deletion Blood

S1801 Spirometry Comprehensive

S0045 SRY Deletion

S0046 SSA-Antibody Ro

S0047 SSB-Antibody La

S1018 Stavudine, plasma

S0048 STD Profile-1 Sexually transmitted Diseases

S0049 STD Profile-2 Sexually transmitted Diseases

S0050 STD Profile-3 Sexually transmitted Diseases

S0051 Steroid analysis From medicine

S1019 Steroid profile, urine 24H

S0053 Stone Analysis Gall bladder calculus

S0054 Stone Analysis Kidney (Renal) calculus

S0078 Stone Analysis Other calculus

S0055 Stone Analysis Urine calculus

S1040 Stone screening profile-1 Comprehensive metabolic workup

S0056 Stone screening profile-2 Supersaturation profile-urine

S0057 Streptococcus group A Antigen detection Throat Swab

S0058 Streptococcus group B Antigen detection CSF

S0059 Streptococcus group B Antigen detection Serum

S0060 Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen detection CSF

S0061 Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen detection Serum

S0062 Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen detection Urine

S1020 Strongyloidiasis serology, Serum By EIA**

S1021 Strontium, plasma

S1022 Strychnin, blood

S1023 Styrene, blood

S1024 Styrene, urines

S0546 Sub-speciality expert opinion ( National/International)

S0084 Succinyl acetone

S0085 Succinyl Acetone Urine

S0063 Sucrose Lysis Test Acidified serum test Serum & Blood

S0064 Sudan Black B Stain

S0065 Sudan Black B Stain Bone Marrow

S1025 Sugars by chromatography, urine

S1026 Sulfocysteine - urines

S1027 Sulfocysteine, plasma

S1028 Sulphonylurea, urine 24H

S1029 Sulpiride, serum

S1030 Sultopride, serum

S0067 Syphilis Antibodies (Total) Treponema

S1041 Systemic sclerosis Profile

S0079 SYT gene rearrangement t(X;18)

T0005 t(1;19): By FISH E2A (ALL) Bone Marrow

T0004 t(1;19):By FISH E2A (ALL) blood

T0008 t(11q23): by FISH MLL gene rearrangement (ALL, AML) blood

T0009 t(11q23): by FISH MLL gene rearrangement (ALL, AML) Bone Marrow

T0010 t(12;21): by FISH TEL / AML1 (ALL) blood

T0011 t(12;21): by FISH TEL / AML1 (ALL) Bone Marrow

T0012 t(15;17): by FISH PML Ra Ra (AML-M3) blood

T0013 t(15;17): by FISH PML Ra Ra (AML-M3) Bone Marrow

T0014 t(15;17): by PCR PML Ra Ra (AML-M3) Blood

T0015 t(15;17): by PCR PML Ra Ra (AML-M3) Bone Marrow

T0016 t(4q12): by FISH PDGFR Alpha Rearrangement (HES) Blood

T0017 t(4q12): by FISH PDGFR Alpha Rearrangement (HES) Bone Marrow

T0018 t(5q33): by FISH PDGFR Beta Rearrangement (HES) Blood

T0019 t(5q33): by FISH PDGFR Beta Rearrangement (HES) Bone Marrow

T0020 t(8;21): by FISH ETO / AML1 (AML-M2) blood

T0021 t(8;21): by FISH ETO / AML1 (AML-M2) Bone Marrow

T0022 t(8q24): by FISH C-Myc (ALL / NHL) Blood

T0023 t(8q24): by FISH C-Myc (ALL / NHL) Bone Marrow

T0024 t(9;22): by FISH Bcr-Abl (Philadelphia) blood

T0025 t(9;22): by FISH Bcr-Abl (Philadelphia) Bone Marrow

t1170 t(9;22): by Real time PCR Bcr-Abl International Scale Blood

t1171 t(9;22): by Real time PCR Bcr-Abl International Scale Bone Marrow

T1001 T3 antibodies, serum

T0028 T3, Free Free Tri-Iodothyronine

T0029 T3, Total Tri Iodothyronine

T1002 T4 antibodies, serum

T0030 T4, Free Free Thyroxine

T0031 T4, Total Thyroxine

T1003 T4-Total (Thyroxine), urine 24H

T0032 Tacrolimus By CMIA

T0033 Tacrolimus By LCMS

T1004 TATI-Tumour Associated Trypsin Inhibitor, serum

T0988 Taurine**

T1005 Taurine, plasma

T1006 Taurine, urine

T1007 Tazocilline, serum

T1008 TBE (Tick-borne encephalitis)- IgG/IgM, serum

T0142 TBE antibodies Tickborne Encephalitis Antibodies

T0002 T-cell Clonality Panel TCRG, TCRB Blood

T0003 T-cell Clonality Panel TCRG, TCRB Bone Marrow

T0001 T-cell Clonality Panel TCRG, TCRB Tissue

T0036 TCR-Alpha Beta

T0037 TCR-Gamma Delta

T0038 TDT (Nuclear)

T1009 Teicoplanin, serum

T1010 Temazepam, serum

T0998 Tenofovir Plasma

T1011 Tenofovir, plasma

T1012 Testicular antibodies, serum

T0040 Testosterone Bioavailable

T0041 Testosterone Free

T0043 Testosterone Profile

T0042 Testosterone Total

T1013 Testosterone, urine 24H

T0044 Tetanus Toxoid-IgG Quantitative test

T1014 Tetrachloroethylene, blood

T1015 Tetrachloroethylene, urine

T1016 Tetrachloromethane, blood

T1017 Tetrazepam - serum

T0045 Thalassemia Studies

T0046 Thallium Blood

T0047 Thallium Serum

T0048 Thallium Urine Spot

T0049 Theophylline

T1018 Thiocyanates ion, serum

T1019 Thiocyanates ion, urine

T1020 Thioridazine, serum

T0050 Threonine Quantitative Plasma

T0051 Threonine Quantitative Urine

T0052 Thrombin Time (TT) Citrated plasma

T0054 Thrombophilia Profile-1

T0055 Thrombophilia Profile-2

T0056 Thrombotic Profile

T0053 Thrombotic Risk DNA Panel

T1021 Thymidine kinase, serum

T0057 Thyroglobulin

T0059 Thyroglobulin Antibody ATA

T0058 Thyroglobulin Antibody ATA CSF

T0061 Thyroid Antibodies, AtAb TPO and ATA

T0060 Thyroid Antibodies, AtAb TPO and ATA CSF

T1911 Thyroid Cancer Mutation Panel (BRAF, RAS, RET/PTC, PAX8/PPAR)**

T0062 Thyroid Comprehensive Profile-1

T0063 Thyroid Comprehensive Profile-2

T0065 Thyroid Panel 1, Total

T0066 Thyroid Panel 2, Free

T0067 Thyroid Panel 3, Reflex

T0068 Thyroid Panel 4, Thyroscreen

T0069 Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)

T0990 THYVIT profile

T1022 Tianeptine, serum

T1023 Tiapride, serum

T0070 TIBC

T1024 Ticarcillin, serum

T1026 Tin, urine 24H

T1027 Tipranavir, plasma

T1028 Tissue antibodies, screening and titration of kidney-liver-stomach, serum

T1029 Tissue plasminogen activator antigen, plasma

T1030 Titanium, plasma

T1031 Titin antibodies, serum

T0071 TNF Alpha Tumour Necrosis Factor

T0143 Tobramycin

T1032 Tobramycin, serum

T1033 Toluene, blood

T1034 Toluene, urine


T0073 TORCH by PCR

T0072 TORCH by PCR Amniotic Fluid

T0074 TORCH by PCR Chorionic Villus


T0076 TORCH by PCR Urine

T0077 TORCH-10

T0078 TORCH-13

T0079 TORCH-4 IgG

T0081 TORCH-4 IgM

T0083 TORCH-5 IgG

T0082 TORCH-5 IgG CSF and Serum

T0084 TORCH-5 IgM

T0085 TORCH-8

T1036 Toxocariasis confirmation serology, serum

T1037 Toxocariasis serology, serum

T0086 Toxoplasma Avidity test

T1038 Toxoplasma by western blot, serum

T0087 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR Amniotic Fluid

T0088 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR Blood

T0089 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR Chorionic Villus

T0090 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR Cord Blood

T0091 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR CSF

T0092 Toxoplasma DNA detection by PCR Urine

T0095 Toxoplasma-IgG & IgM IgG & IgM Antibody

T0094 Toxoplasma-IgG IgG Antibody

T0093 Toxoplasma-IgG IgG Antibody CSF

T0096 Toxoplasma-IgM IgM Antibody

T1039 TPA-Tissue Polypeptide Antigen, serum

T0097 TPHA

T0098 TPMT Enzyme Activity Thiopurine Methyl Transferase

T0099 TPMT Genotyping TPMT*1 / *2 / *3A / *3B / *3C Blood

T0100 TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antibody Microsomal Antibody CSF

T0101 TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antibody Microsomal Antibody Serum

T1040 Tramadol - Serum **

T1041 Transcortin (Cortisol Binding Globulin-CBG), serum

T0102 Transferrin Serum

T1042 Transferrin-carbohydrate deficient (CDT), serum

T1043 Transmuconic acid, urine_T1043

T0144 Infection Panel by PCR For Immunosupressed patients 16 bacteria, 2 fungi and 5 DNA viruses

T0999 Treponema pallidum Antibody, IFA, CSF **

T0103 TRH stimulation test For prolactin 3 samples

T0104 TRH stimulation test For TSH 3 samples

T1044 Triazolam, serum

T1045 Trichinosis confirmation serology, serum

T1046 Trichinosis- IgG, serum

T1047 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), urine

T1048 Trichloroethylene, blood

T1049 Trichloromethane, blood

T1172 Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) Qualitative

T0987 Tricyclic antidepressants Drug(TCA)(Qualitative)

T1910 Triglyceride

T0107 Triglycerides Body Fluid

T0106 Triglycerides serum

T0105 Triglycerides Urine

T1050 Trihexyphenidyl, serum

T1051 Trimethoprim, serum

T1052 Trimipramine, serum

T0108 Tripeptidyl Peptidase 1 Blood

T0113 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13 & 21 Amniotic Fluid

T0114 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13 & 21 Blood

T0115 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13 & 21 Chorionic Villus

T0116 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13 & 21 Cord blood

T0117 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13 & 21 POC

T0118 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Amniotic fluid

T0119 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Blood

T0120 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Chorionic Villus

T0121 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y Cord blood

T0122 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y POC

T0124 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 18, X & Y Blood

T0125 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 18, X & Y Chorionic Villus

T0126 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 18, X & Y Cord blood

T0127 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 18, X & Y POC

T0123 Trisomy (Aneuploidy) for Chromosome 18, X, Y Amniotic fluid

T0109 Trisomy 12 by FISH CLL blood

T0110 Trisomy 12 by FISH CLL Bone Marrow

T0111 Trisomy 8 by FISH AML, MDS Blood

T0112 Trisomy 8 by FISH AML, MDS Bone Marrow

T1054 Tropheryma whippelii - Bacterial DNA detection, CSF

T1053 Tropheryma whipplei - Direct Diagnosis - PCR**

T0128 Troponin I High sensitive

T0129 Troponin T High sensitive

T0145 Trypanosoma Cruzi IgG

T1055 Trypanosoma cruzi serology, serum

T1056 Trypanosoma gambiense serology, serum

T1057 Trypanosoma screening, blood

T1058 Tryptase, serum

T0132 TSH Neonatal Screen Dried blood spot

T0131 TSH Receptor Antibody LATS, TSI

T0130 TSH-Ultrasensitive

T0133 tTG Antibody-IgA Tissue Transglutaminase,Celiac disease

T0134 tTG Antibody-IgG Tissue Transglutaminase,Celiac disease

T1059 Tubular basement membrane antibody, serum

T1060 Tularemia Francisella tularensis serology, serum

T1061 Twinning study(Zygocity)

T1062 Type II collagen antibodies, serum

T1063 Type III procollagen, serum

T0135 Typhi Dot IgM

T0136 Typhoid DNA Blood

T0137 Typhoid DNA CSF

T0138 Typhoid Profile

T0139 Tyrosine Quantitative Plasma

T0140 Tyrosine Quantitative Urine

T0141 Tzanck Smear Vesicle Fluid

U0001 U1-SnRNP (68 KDa) Serum

U0002 UGT1A1 Gene Polymorphism TA Repeat Blood

U0012 UIBC Serum

U1801 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Biophysical profile

Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- FNAC / Aspiration Thyroid, lymph node, pleural /ascitic tap

U1803 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Follicular Study

U1804 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Full Abdomen with pelvis

U1805 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- K.U.B

U1806Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Musculoskeletal (Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle, Knee, etc)

U1807 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Pelvis

U1808 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Pregnancy - 2nd trimester

U1809 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Pregnancy - 3rd trimester

U1810 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Pregnancy - early

U1811 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Pregnancy - level 3 Scan

U1812 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Small parts (Thyroid, Scrotum, etc)

U1813 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Trans rectal with K.U.B

U1814 Ultrasound (USG) by Appointment- Upper abdomen

U1817 Ultrasound (USG) by AppointmentANOMALY SCAN

U1815 Ultrasound (USG) by AppointmentUSG FIRST TR TWINS

U1818 Ultrasound (USG) by AppointmentUSG OBST 2ND/3D TRIM TWINS

U1816 Ultrasound (USG) by AppointmentUSG OBST NUCHAL SCAN

U1001 Uniparental disomy (UPD) (Microsatellites (14, 15, 7, 9, 16, 20)), blood

U0003 Urea Serum

U0004 Urea Urine 24H

U0013 Urea Body Fluid

U0005 Urea Breath Test For Helicobacter Pylori

U0006 Urea Clearance Test

B0078 Urea Nitrogen Body Fluid

B0071 Urea Nitrogen Urine Spot

U0014 Urea Urine Spot

U0007 Uric Acid Serum

U0008 Uric Acid Spot urine

U0009 Uric Acid Urine 24H

U0010 Urobilinogen

V0001 Valproic Acid Sodium Valporate

V1001 Vanadium, urine

V0002 Vancomycin


V0031 VDRL reflex Syphilis Total ABS


V1002 Venlafaxine, serum

V1003 Verapamil, serum

V0006 VGKC (LG1 and CASPR2) Antibody Autoimmune encephalitis CSF

V0007 VGKC (LG1 and CASPR2) Antibody Autoimmune encephalitis Serum

V0034 VGKC profile CSF & Serum

V1004 Vigabatrin, serum

V1005 Viloxazine, serum

V1006 VIP-Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide, Plasma**

V0008 Vitamin A All trans Retinol

V0036 Vitamin B Complex profile

V0009 Vitamin B1 Thiamine Pyro phosphate TPP

V0010 Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin

V0011 Vitamin B12, active Holo Transcobalamin

V0012 Vitamin B2 Riboflavin (FAD)

V0013 Vitamin B6 pyridoxal 5 phosphate Blood

V1007 Vitamin B8 (H-Biotin), serum

V0014 Vitamin C Total Ascorbic acid

V0015 Vitamin D Total-25 Hydroxy

V0016 Vitamin D Total-25 Hydroxy (VIT D PLUS+) Vit D & PTH

V0017 Vitamin D-1,25-Dihydroxy

V0144 Vitamin D2 & D3-25 Hydroxy

V0018 Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol

V0037 Vitamin K1

V1008 Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone), Serum

V1009 Vitamin PP (Niacin), blood ( Vitamin B3 )

V0019 Vitamin profile


V0020 VMA Vanillyl Mandelic Acid Urine 24H

V0005 Voltage Gated Calcium Channel ( VGCC) Antibody**

V0032 Voriconazole

V0021 VRE Screen Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci perianal swab

V0022 Vw-Von Willebrand Antigen Citrated plasma

V0023 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR Amniotic fluid

V0024 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR Blood

V0025 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR CSF

V0026 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR CVS

V0027 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus DNA detection by PCR Vesicle fluid / swab

V0029 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus IgG antibody

V0028 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus IgG antibody CSF

V0030 VZV-Varicella Zoster Virus IgM antibody

W0001 Warfarin Sensitivity CYP2C9*2,CYP2C9*3 &VKORC1 Mutation

W0002 Water Chemical analysis

W0003 Water Culture for coliforms

W1001 Water free clearence

W0006 WBC:Total & Differential Counts Leucocytes Blood

W0007 WBC:Total & Differential Counts Leucocytes Body fluids

W0008 WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes

W0009 WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes Body fluids

W0010 Weil Felix Test

W1801 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Basic

W1802 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Fitness check

W1805 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Fitness check

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus -Female Below 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Female Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Male Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Fitness check Plus-Male Below 45 years

W1806 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Life style check

W1803 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Life style check

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Female Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Female Below 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Male Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Life style check Plus-Male Below 45 years

W1804 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Vitality check

W1807 Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment Vitality check

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Male Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Male Below 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus- Female Above 45 years

Wellness packages (Body watch) by Appointment- Vitality check Plus-Female Below 45 years

W1002 West Nile virus - IgG/IgM serology - serum

W0014 West nile virus IgG

W0015 West nile virus IgM

W0017 West nile virus PCR

W0020 Whole exome sequencing 50MB(80-100x)

W0021 Whole genome sequencing Mean 30x

W0018 Whole mitochondrial genome sequencing

W0011 Widal Test

W0012 Wilson Disease ATP7 B Gene Mutation Blood

W0013 Wilson'S Disease Panel


X0001 X And Y (Sex Mismatch) by FISH Bone Marrow Transplant Blood

X0002 X And Y (Sex Mismatch) by FISH Bone Marrow Transplant Bone Marrow

X1001 Xanthine**

X0003 XMN polymorphism**

X1002 Xylenes, blood

X1003 Xylenes, urine

X1004 Xylose-D, plasma

Y0001 Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis 16 STS Markers (only for males) Blood

Y1001 Yellow Fever

Y0002 Yersinia Enterocolitica Culture only Stool

Y0003 Yersinia Enterocolitica IgG antibody

Y0004 Yersinia Enterocolitica IgM antibody

Y0005 Yo Antibody Neuronal antibody for Paraneoplastic syndromes

Y1002 YOP Antibodies

Z0001 ZAP-70

Z1001 Zidovudine, plasma

Z0011 Zika Virus Serum or Urine

Z0006 Zinc

Z0007 Zinc

Z0009 Zinc

Z0008 Zinc

Z0005 Zinc ICPMS Urine by ICPMS


Z1002 Zinc protoporphyrin (PPZ), blood

Z1003 Zolpidem, Serum

Z1004 Zonisamide – serum**

Z1005 Zopiclone, serum

+ 1 fungi CSF
C, Reflex FISH
sive diagnosis

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