Prasenjit Test Report 03june
Prasenjit Test Report 03june
Prasenjit Test Report 03june
Glands & Endocrine System
6 Parameters
1 Parameters 3 Parameters
1 Parameters
17 Parameters
2 Parameters
Patient Info
Glands & Endocrine System
Haemogram/Complete Blood Count is a test panel that gives information about the cells in a your blood. Abnormally high or low counts may indicate the presence of many
forms of disease
Info- Red Blood Count is the amount of Red Blood Cells per unit of your blood Inference- Your RBC Counts are Slightly Higher than Normal
Info- Leucocytes also known as white blood cells (WBCs) are colorless cells that circulate in your blood and lymph that have major contribution towards your body's Immune system
Info- Platelets, or thrombocytes, are small, colorless cell fragments in our blood that form clots and stop or prevent bleeding.
284.5 Cells/
Patient Info
Fasting Glucose is the measurement of levels of blood glucose after fasting/not consuming food for 10-12 hours
Liver function tests are blood tests used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage by measuring the levels of certain enzymes and proteins made by the liver.
LFT is done to measure the levels of - alanine aminotransferase (ALT) alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT),
bilirubin, albumin, total protein.
Info- ALT/SGPT is an enzyme present in your liver cells and is released into your blood in Info- AST/SGOT is an enzyme that is similar to SGPT and in the same way its levels in
an excess amount if there is any liver damage your blood increase in case of any liver damage
Info- Bilirubin is a substance that is formed when your body breaks down the old red blood cells.
Info- Conjugated Bilirubin is the bilirubin that is formed after its processed by the liver
Info- Indirect/Unconjugated Bilirubin is the bilirubin that circulates in the blood before its further processed by the liver
Info- Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme that’s present in your body and its levels are elevated in various conditions related to the liver
Info- Total Protein test gives the combined amount of Albumin and Globulin in your blood
Info- Globulin is the other type of protein like albumin made by your liver
Info- The Ratio of the Albumin to Globulin levels in your body is measured as there are certain conditions that can alter the relative amounts of these two proteins
Patient Info
Renal Function Test is a profile of biochemistry blood tests that are useful to assess the functions of your kidney. Blood levels of Parameters that are filtered by the kidney
are measured to check the functional strength of your kidney
Info- Creatinine is another waste product formed when your muscles use a compound called creatine to produce energy
Info- Blood Urea Nitrogen test is to measure the Nitrogren levels in your blood that signify Inference- Your blood urea Levels are slightly lower than the normal limit
the levels of waste products in your blood
Info- Uric Acid is a waste product found in your blood that is formed when body breaks down chemical compounds called Purines
Info- Calcium is mineral that majorly make up your bones. Higher Calcium levels in your blood can be caused to multiple conditions but can end forming kidney stones
Info- This test measures the phospohours levels in your body. Higher levels of phosphorous are usually observed in conditions related to the kidney
Info- Sodium is another Serum Electrolyte that helps in maintaing acid base balance and water balance in your body
Info- Potassium acts as a transport agent in your body by taking nutrients into the cells and taking out the waste from the cells
Info- Chloride is one of the Serum Electrolytes that helps maintain the acid base balance in your body
Patient Info
The different kinds of cholesterol and other fats in the blood are together called lipids. A Lipid profile gives results for four different types which is Total Cholesterol, LDL -
Bad cholesterol HDL - Good Cholesterol and Triglycerides - Common type of fat in the body
Info- As HDL Cholestrol is defined as the good cholestrol the other forms of cholestrol that are harmful to your body are included in this parameter
Info- LDL Cholesterol is also referred to as the "Bad Cholesterol" Inference- Your LDL Levels are on the higher end
Info- Cholesterol - HDL Ratio depicts the Good vs bad cholesterol ratio in your body. Higher the value, higher the risk of complications
Patient Info
Thyroid profile test is done to assess the proper functioning of thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones regulate many aspects of the body’s metabolism, including temperature,
weight, and energy.
Info- Tri-iodothyronine is a hormone that plays vital role in growth and development of the body, maintanence of vital parameters like temperature and heart rate etc
Info- Thyroxine is a hormone that plays vital role in digestion, brain development, bone maintece etc
Info- Thyroid Stimulatin Hormone as the name suggests simulates the Thyroid gland to produce thyroxine
Patient Info
Complete Urine examination is urinalysis done on your urine to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney or liver disease and
diabetes. The parameters that are checked in urine are Acidity, Concentration, Protein, Sugar, Ketones, Nitrites, Bilirubin. Levels of WBs, RBCs, Bacteria, Yeasts, Casts and
Crystals are assessed.
pH 6 5 - 7.5
5.0 7.5
Test Recommendations
Follow Up Recommendation
Speciality Recommendations
Follow Up Recommendation Other Recommendations
General Medicine Endocrinalogist/diabatologist
Note:Follow up tests are recommended based on laboratory report analysis, please reach to your doctor to seek advice regarding the following additional tests.
Patient Info
Personal Recommendations
Diet recommendations
Physical Activity Lifestyle Recommendations
Add dietary fibre in your diet (i.e. Oats, Do's Do's
Chickpeas, Kidney Beans, Lentils) Do aerobics for atleast 75 minutes per week Eat at right time & intervals. Check with your
Add healthy fats (i.e. Avacados, Almonds, Eggs, Perform High-intensity interval training for at dietician for portion size and time for your meal.
Fatty fish) in your diet. least 15 minutes Ensure proper sleep for at least 7 hrs.
Add nuts (i.e. Almonds, Walnuts) and seeds (i.e. Get active - Keep yourself active (i.e. Yoga, Gym,
Chia, Flax, Pumpkin) in your diet. Walk)
Eat whole grains - i.e. Whole wheat flour in place
Dont's Keep your mind calm by practicing yoga when
Perform extensive physical activity if blood possible.
of refined flour
glucose is high. Wait for blood glucose to be in Walk for 30 minutes every day. Walking is simple
normal range with tremendous benefits, from supporting a
Dont's healthy immune system to boosting your
Consume simple carbs (i.e. White Bread, Refined metabolism to strengthening your joints, muscles,
Flour (Maida), White Rice, Sweetened Cereals) and bones to stress buster.
Consume sugar-sweetened beverages (i.e. Soft
Drinks, Carbonated Drinks, Sweet Lassi)
Consumesugary fruits in large quantity (i.e. Dont's
Watermelons, Riped Mango, Pineapples, Dates) Consume alcohol
Smoke - Nicotine in blood can effect insulin
Disclaimer :
This report is for educating patients (especially in diet & lifestyle).
This report is not intended to replace your clinicians, we recommend to contact your clinicians for interpretation of result.
If you are pregnant, some of the recommendations in the Smart Report may not directly apply to you. Please consult your doctor.
The analyzed information in the Smart Report is not ideal for individuals less than 15 years of age. Please make sure you consult your doctor before further actions.
Please be careful of any food allergies or intolerances that you are sensitive to.
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:26PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 02:30PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
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SIN No:HA05107877
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:16PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 02:34PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
As per American Diabetes Guidelines
Fasting Glucose Values in mg/d L Interpretation
<100 mg/dL Normal
100-125 mg/dL Prediabetes
≥126 mg/dL Diabetes
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SIN No:BI14480374
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:53PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 05:08PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
Reference Interval as per National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III Report.
Measurements in the same patient can show physiological and analytical variations.
NCEP ATP III identifies non-HDL cholesterol as a secondary target of therapy in persons with high triglycerides.
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SIN No:BI14480375
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:53PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 05:08PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
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SIN No:BI14480375
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:53PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 05:08PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
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SIN No:BI14480375
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:30PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 02:27PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
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SIN No:IM05578421
Patient Name : Mr.PRASENJIT GHOSH Collected : 03/Jun/2023 10:18AM
Age/Gender : 34 Y 4 M 29 D /M Received : 03/Jun/2023 01:32PM
UHID/MR No : AC01.0003963696 Reported : 03/Jun/2023 02:36PM
Visit ID : DSDYOPV951 Status : Final Report
Ref Doctor : DR J BHATTACHARYA Client Name : PUP 24X7_CREDIT
IP/OP NO : Patient location : UTTAR PALLY,Kolkata
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SIN No:C02018505