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1. Introduction
In the past two decades, there has been much attention within food and bever-
ages, pharmaceutical, biomedical, special chemicals and other industries in using
colloidal as main media for process encapsulation, protection and delivery of vari-
ous active components for different purposes [1–3].
This dispersion normally exists as a suspension of small particles within a liquid
medium. Conventionally, particles at >1000 nm are studied due to its rising trend
of research interest as a result of introduction of microfluidics [4]. Microfluidics
is a concept that is defined as a branch of fluid mechanics that focuses on the
understanding, design, fabrication and operation systems that convey liquids and
gases inside an enclosed channel with two of the three geometry length scales are
in the order of microns (10−6). The reduction in dimension had magnified the
effect of some uncommon macroscale liquid properties such as surface tension,
capillary effect and material hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity. The first ventures in
microfluidic started in the early 1950s when dispersion methods of nano- (10−9)
and pico- (10−12) litre of fluids were developed, which served as the foundation of
modern day Inkjet technology [5, 6]. As microfluidics’ continuous development
advanced for the past 70 years, multiple cross disciplines with intersections of
engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology and biotechnology had
been developed and commercialised. In 2003, Forbes magazine named microfluid-
ics technology as one of the most important inventions that can affect the future
of humanity [7]. Meanwhile, microfluidics hold some of the key advantages that
include the low manufacturing costs, economic use and disposal, shorter time of
analysis, minimal consumption of reagents and samples, minimal production of
potentially harmful by-products, enhancement of separation efficiency, enhance-
ment of portability for point-of-care testing, high surface to volume ratio and small
laboratory footprint [8, 9].
On the other hand, there are some colloidal applications that desire very much
smaller particles (<100 nm) since they have advantages over microscale colloids,
such as better stability to particles aggregation and gravitational separation
[2], weak light scattering [10–12], and have novel physical properties (i.e., high
viscosity and gel-like behaviour) [2, 13]. In conjunction with the new rise of
nanotechnology research trend, a decent amount of research has been devoted to
fabrication, characterization and application of colloidal dispersion that contains
of nanometre-sized particles as delivery systems. As the research duration is
merely less than two decades, much knowledge gap in this research field remains
to be filled.
This chapter therefore emphasizes the most commonly used terms in this field
of study, namely microemulsions (>1000 nm) and nanoemulsions (<100 nm).
Using oil-in-water (O/W) system, which is widely used as delivery systems in a
Nanoemulsions - Properties, Fabrications and Applications
range of different industries as well as many literatures, this chapter will outline
the similarities and differences between microemulsions and nanoemulsions, to
articulate the scientific terminology used to describe each of the terms and also
to look into research progress of both microemulsions and nanoemulsions as a
2. Terminology
2.1.1 Microemulsions
2.1.1 Nanoemulsions
Introductory Chapter: From Microemulsions to Nanoemulsions
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.87104
Figure 1.
Oil-in-water microemulsions: (a) oil molecules assimilate between the surfactant tails; and (b) oil molecules
incorporated as a hydrophobic core. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [3].
Nanoemulsions - Properties, Fabrications and Applications
Particle size Tend to have Have multiple peaks for Normally, the combination
distribution single narrow size distribution of micro- and nanoemulsions
peak for size exists in multiple peaks colloid
distribution distribution
Table 1.
Summary of microemulsion and nanoemulsion common facts and common differences.
Introductory Chapter: From Microemulsions to Nanoemulsions
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.87104
Figure 2.
Schematic illustration between microemulsions and nanoemulsions, with its separated phase state, respectively.
Microemulsions have a relative lower free Gibbs energy than the phase-separated state; therefore, it is unlikely
to break down even after a long storage period provided the storage condition remains unchanged. Meanwhile,
nanoemulsions have a higher free Gibbs energy, leading to breakdown and revert back to its original separated
state despite the assistance of surfactants. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [3].
3. Conclusion
Nanoemulsions - Properties, Fabrications and Applications
Figure 3.
Comparison between ‘microemulsion’ and ‘nanoemulsion’ in terms of publication per year using Web of
Knowledge online search engine in May 2019.
Author details
© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Introductory Chapter: From Microemulsions to Nanoemulsions
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.87104
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