Apro Part II Scout Section
Apro Part II Scout Section
Apro Part II Scout Section
By the time a boy completes the full course of the Scout Programme, he will be able to:
1. Develop his character to become healthy & efficient
2. Accept and follow the rudiments of good citizenship.
3. Undertake practices and improve skills essential to become self-reliant and prepare
himself to use them for helping others.
4. Undertake collective activities and challenges, which contribute for his all round
5. Be aware of his potential and use them in service to the community.
6. Improve his skills of observation to appreciate the wonders of nature and develop a
sense of expressing reverence towards nature by nurturing it.
7. Make things useful for others.
8. Realise that public property is his property as well and attempt to look after it.
9. Identify himself as an Integral part of his community and realise his duty to country.
10. Improve future Scouting skills to undertake adventurous activities and develop love
for adventure
11. Understand our National Heritage and Culture and determine to keep them up.
12. Undertake individual and collective practices to conserve nature resources and
prepare to educate others in this respect.
13. Develop the qualities of a dynamic leader and participate doing his best effectively in
all leadership opportunities made available to him.
14. Study about his country & people and contribute for the cause of National Integration.
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25 6 The Patrol (ii) Each patrol may consist of
System six to eight scouts inclusive of
ii - b: Each Patrol shall bear
Patrol Leader and Second.
the name of an animal/bird
chosen from Scouting for
Boys in consultation with the
Patrol-in-Council and every
member of the Patrol shall
wear the Shoulder Stripe of the
Patrol on the uniform.
(1) A boy who is a citizen of
28 7 Scout (1) A boy who is a citizen of
India and who has completed
India and who as completed 10
ten years but not seventeen
years but not completed 17
years of age is eligible to
years of age is eligible to be
become a Scout Aspirant
become a Scout.
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to be deleted
33 9 Scheme (a) A Pravesh Scout is eligible
for to become a Pratham Sopan
Advancem Scout.
ent of a
to be deleted
(b) A Pratham Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Dwitiya
Sopan Scout.
to be deleted
(c) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Tritiya
Sopan Scout.
to be deleted
(d) A Tritiya Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Rajya
Puraskar Scout.
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(ii) A Pravesh Scout will work at (ii) A Pravesh Scout will work
least for six months to qualify for for at least six months to
qualify for Pratham Sopan.
Pratham Sopan.
(iii) A Pratham Sopan Scout
(iii) A Pratham Sopan Scout will
will work for at least Six
work for at least nine months to
months to qualify for Dwitiya
qualify for Dwitiya Sopan.
(iv) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout
(iv) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout will
will work for at least Six
work for at least nine months to
months to qualify for Tritiya
qualify for Tritiya Sopan.
(v) Tritiya Sopan Scout will
work for at least nine months
(a) Tritiya Sopan Scout will work
to qualify for Rajya Puraskar
for at least nine months.
(b) A Tritiya Sopan Scout shall
qualify to appear for Rajya
Puraskar Test on completion of
13 years of age.
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Be able to use the PCO &
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a) Know the simple wood
crafts signs & follow a trail with
his patrol of not less than half a
b) Know & practice Road
Safety Rules for pedestrians.
c. Participate in a Nature Study
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the institution.
b) Participate in a Social
Service Camp/Camps covering
over a period of a month.
c) Serve in community fair or
Mela including preparatory and
post event assignments of
d) Participate in an Anti Litter
Campaign with your Patrol and
help to clean up an area
around your school or
e) Demonstrate the 3R's of
Conservation: Reduce,
Recycle & Reuse.
f) To form and participate in
Self Help Groups and such
other sustained activities
where Scout skills are made
use of.
12. to be deleted
(12) Complete any two of the
(a) Collect information on our
heritage and culture and
Know and play Kim‟s game to
prepare a log.
enhance observation, taste,
(b) Undertake a development
sound, smell and touch.
project in your school with your
patrol in consultation with the
head of the institution.
(c) Participate in a social
service camp.
(d) Serve in a community fair
or mela.
(e) Discuss with your parents
and neighbours about a
pollution problem in your locality
and make a report of it.
a) Know the various Troop
b) Be able to march three deep
with your Troop smartly & in
good order. Follow drill
commands during marching.
c) Participate in four All Faiths
Prayer meetings in your Troop
a) Use a computer and know
the advantages and
disadvantages of mobile
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Group B –
(i) Citizen
(ii) Book Binder
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(iii) Naturalist
(iv) Path finder
(v) Aids Awareness,
(vi) Healthy Man,
(vii) Drug Awareness,
(viii) Boatman.
(ix) Computer
To be deleted
14. Complete any one of the
following and prepare a log
(i) Talk on National Integration
to your Group.
(ii) Talk in a Troop Campfire or
tell the story of a Prophet.
(iii) Discuss in your Patrol-in-
Council how Scouting develops
National Integration.
(iv) Lead your Patrol to a
nearby place of historical /
Social /religious or industrial
importance and discuss about,
what it speaks of.
15. Show the knowledge of
11. a) Knowledge of Scouting
Scouting in India.
in India and WOSM (World
Organisation of Scout
b) Know and understand the
safety measures while using
ATM card and Mobile Phone.
Use basic electrical/electronic
devices; assemble a useful
gadget at home under the
supervision of a trained adult.
12. Fire : Complete any three
of the following:
a) Safety precautions with
regards to Fire.
b) Demonstrate Bucket Chain
method of Putting off fire
c) How to tackle Dry Grass
d) Types of fire extinguisher
and use thereof.
16. Serve as Dwitiya Sopan To be deleted
Scout for at least 9 months.
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6. Mapping:
Make a map by using any one
of the method not done earlier:
Plane Table or Triangulation or
Road Traverse.
7. Camp Craft:
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Award Union who is the chief patron of Union has been graciously
the Bharat Scouts & Guides has pleased to authorize issue of a
been graciously pleased to special certificate to a Scout
authorize the issue of a special who earns the Rashtrapati
certificate to a Scout who earns Scout Award after serving as a
the Rashtrapati Scout Award Rajya Puraskar Scout for at
and has completed fourteen least twelve months.
years of age and after serving
as a Rajya Puraskar Scout for
at least twelve months
(ii) The Scout Master who is (ii) The Scout Master who is
advanced trained shall inform advanced trained shall inform
the National Headquarters the National Headquarters
through proper channel on a through proper channel on a
registration from available from registration form available from
the State Headquarters that the State Headquarters/BSG
Rajya Puraskar Scout is Website that Rajya Puraskar
completing requirements of Scout is completing
Rashtrapati Scout Award. The requirements of Rashtrapati
Scout shall record his Scout Award. The Scout shall
attainments for Rashtrapati record his attainments for
Scout Award on the said from Rashtrapati Scout Award on
and submit the same to the the said form and submit the
national Headquarters through same to the Regional
proper channel and in the Headquarters through proper
absence of Scout Master in channel. In the absence of
exceptional case the Assistant Scout Master, the Assistant
Scout Master who is Advanced Scout Master who is Advanced
trained will be competent to trained will be competent to
make recommendations. make recommendations. At the
time of Rashtrapati Award
Testing Camp a Scout should
produce his individual progress
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4. Qualify for any two of the
(4) Qualify for any two of the
following Proficiency Badges
following proficiency Badges not
not earned earlier:
earned earlier.
a. Aids Awareness,
(a) Camper (b) Secretary (c)
b., Handyman
Rural Worker (d) Electronics
c. Fireman
(e)Fireman (f) Forester (g)
d. Pathfinder
journalist (h) Leprosy Control.
e., Sea Fishermen
f. Hiker
g. World Conservation
h. Interpreter
i. Farmer
j. Free Being Me.
k. Solar Energy Awareness
l. Event manager
m. Self Defence
n. Backwoodsman
5. Participate in a sustained
(5) Participate in a service
community development
project to Community for not
project at least two hours in a
less than 36 Hours spread over
week for six months on any
a period of at least two months
two of the following subjects:
and must work at least one day
A. Promote gender equality
in a week.
and empower women
Prepare a diary for work done
B. Reduce child mortality
and submit it to the Court-of-
C. Improve maternal health
honour week after week.
D. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria
& other diseases
E. Ensure environmental
To be deleted
(6) Undertake over night hike
for 10kms, along with another
Scout and submit report to the
Scout Master within 10 days.
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Existing to continue
(9) Serve as Rajya Puraskar To be deleted
Scout at least for twelve
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52 16 Hikes, (7) A Scout who is not in good In order to regular proper
Treks and health or who suffers from any arrangement for trek or hike
Camps for infectious disease shall not be „permit card’ signed by the
Scouts : allowed to join any camp. Scout Master shall be issued.
The concerned District
Organising Commissioner shall
issue “permit card” only to the
Scout Master, in charge of the
Troop and the Scout Master in
turn shall issue such ‘permit
card’ to the Scout Master
NB: The Hon‟ble National Commissioner is authorised to constitute a committee of
experts to review the present uniform as per the needs of the youth and submit the
final recommendation. These final recommendations may be approved by the
National Executive Committee directly
The serial numbers of the rules may be revised and subject sequence to be made at
par for all the sections as the case may be.
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