Apro Part II Scout Section

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APRO II – Scout Wing Amendments approved by National Council 30-11-2014



By the time a boy completes the full course of the Scout Programme, he will be able to:
1. Develop his character to become healthy & efficient
2. Accept and follow the rudiments of good citizenship.
3. Undertake practices and improve skills essential to become self-reliant and prepare
himself to use them for helping others.
4. Undertake collective activities and challenges, which contribute for his all round
5. Be aware of his potential and use them in service to the community.
6. Improve his skills of observation to appreciate the wonders of nature and develop a
sense of expressing reverence towards nature by nurturing it.
7. Make things useful for others.
8. Realise that public property is his property as well and attempt to look after it.
9. Identify himself as an Integral part of his community and realise his duty to country.
10. Improve future Scouting skills to undertake adventurous activities and develop love
for adventure
11. Understand our National Heritage and Culture and determine to keep them up.
12. Undertake individual and collective practices to conserve nature resources and
prepare to educate others in this respect.
13. Develop the qualities of a dynamic leader and participate doing his best effectively in
all leadership opportunities made available to him.
14. Study about his country & people and contribute for the cause of National Integration.

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APRO II – Scout Wing Amendments approved by National Council 30-11-2014

A 1. Programme (Scout Wing)

APRO Part II – Scout Section

Page Rule Amendments approved by

Title Existing Rule National Council on 30-11-2014
No. No.
20 2 Scout (iv) Every Scout Troop shall (iv) Every Scout Troop shall
Troop have a name. Where a Scout have a name. Where a Scout
Troop is a unit of a Group it Troop is a unit of a Group it
shall take the name of the shall take the name of the
Group. A Group may be named Group. A Group may be
after the locality, the institution named after the locality, the
or any past Hero of India. Every
institution or any great
Group shall also have a serial
number assigned by the Local Personalities (Male) of India.
or District Association, as the Every Group shall also have a
case may be. serial number assigned by the
Local or District Association,
as the case may be.

There shall be a Scout Master

20 3 Scout (i) There shall be a Scout
for each Scout Troop. There
Master Master for each Scout Troop.
may be one or more Assistant
and There may be one or more
Scout Master for a Scout
Assistant assistant Scout Master for a
Troop at the rate of one
Scout Scout Troop.
Assistant Scout Master for
eight Scouts
NB.: Wherever Scout Master
comes, it may also be read as
Lady Scout Master

(ii) He/She must possess

21 4 Qualificatio (ii) He/She must possess
Intermediate (10+2) or
n for Scout matriculation or an equivalent
equivalent Certificate. Provided
Master and Certificate. Provided however,
however, in exceptional cases
Lady Scout in exceptional cases exemption
exemption from educational
Master and from educational qualification
qualification may be granted by
Assistant may be granted by the State
Scout Chief Commissioner on the
Master and recommendation of concerned
in charge Assistant District
Commissioner/ District
Commissioner and District Chief
State Chief Commissioner on
Assistant the recommendation of
Lady Scout concerned Assistant District
Master Commissioner/ District
Commissioner and District
Chief Commissioner.

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25 6 The Patrol (ii) Each patrol may consist of
System six to eight scouts inclusive of
ii - b: Each Patrol shall bear
Patrol Leader and Second.
the name of an animal/bird
chosen from Scouting for
Boys in consultation with the
Patrol-in-Council and every
member of the Patrol shall
wear the Shoulder Stripe of the
Patrol on the uniform.
(1) A boy who is a citizen of
28 7 Scout (1) A boy who is a citizen of
India and who has completed
India and who as completed 10
ten years but not seventeen
years but not completed 17
years of age is eligible to
years of age is eligible to be
become a Scout Aspirant
become a Scout.

(2) (i) A recruit shall complete (i) A Scout Aspirant shall

Pravesh requirement and will complete Pravesh requirement
work for three months to the and will work for three months
satisfaction of the Scout Master to the satisfaction of the Scout
before being invested as a Master before being invested
Scout. as a Scout.
PRAVESH Requirements
(ii) PRAVESH Requirements
1. - (i) Have brief information of
1. Have brief information of the
the origin of scouting along
origin of Scouting.
with definition, purpose and
2. Scout Promise and Law.
principle of the Bharat Scouts
3. Scout Motto, Sign, Salute and
and Guides.
left hand shake.
4. Daily good turn at home and
1-(ii) A Scout Aspirant must
maintain a diary at least for a
have holistic knowledge of the
5. Know the parts of Scout movement.
Uniform and how to wear it
(7) Sing correctly National
Anthem, Bharat Scouts &
66. Know the composition and
Guides Prayer and Flag Song.
significance of the National
Know about the composer,
Flag. The Bharat Scouts &
duration and meaning of the
Scouts Flag and the World
Scout Flag & Flag Etiquette.
7. Sing correctly National
Anthem, BS&G Prayer and
BS&G Flag Song.
8. Attend at least four Troop
Meetings spread over a period
of 3 months.
9. Undertake a 4 hour
purposeful outing with his

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The Scout Salute is given by

30 7-3- Salute The Scout Salute is given by
raising the right arm smartly to
f raising the right arm smartly to the level of the shoulder, palm
the level of the shoulder, palm to the front with three fingers
to the front with three fingers stretched together, the first
stretched together, the first touching the forehead above
touching the forehead above the the centre of the right
right eye and thumb closing on eyebrow and thumb closing on
the little finger. After salute, the the little finger. After salute, the
arm is smartly brought down. If arm is smartly brought down. If
a stick or thumb stick is carried, a stick or thumb stick is
it must be passed to left hand or carried, it must be passed to
kept under left arm pit. When a left hand or kept under left arm
staff is carried, the salute is
pit. When a staff is carried, the
given with left forearm bend at salute is given with left forearm
right angle a elbow with three bend at right angle at elbow
fingers open, thumb closing on with three fingers open, thumb
the little finger palm downwards; closing on the little finger palm
the first finger touching the staff. downwards; the first finger
When hands are occupied, the touching the staff. When hands
salute is given by eyes left or are occupied, the salute is
right as the case may be. given by eyes left or right as
the case may be.

to be deleted
33 9 Scheme (a) A Pravesh Scout is eligible
for to become a Pratham Sopan
Advancem Scout.
ent of a
to be deleted
(b) A Pratham Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Dwitiya
Sopan Scout.
to be deleted
(c) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Tritiya
Sopan Scout.
to be deleted
(d) A Tritiya Sopan Scout is
eligible to become a Rajya
Puraskar Scout.

(e) A Rajya Puraskar Scout is to be deleted

eligible to become a Rashtrapati

Note: (i) Having worked for at i) Having worked for at least

least three months, a boy can three months and attended
be invested as a Scout on four Troop Meetings a Scout
completion of Pravesh test. Aspirant can be invested as a
Scout on completion of
Pravesh Test.

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(ii) A Pravesh Scout will work at (ii) A Pravesh Scout will work
least for six months to qualify for for at least six months to
qualify for Pratham Sopan.
Pratham Sopan.
(iii) A Pratham Sopan Scout
(iii) A Pratham Sopan Scout will
will work for at least Six
work for at least nine months to
months to qualify for Dwitiya
qualify for Dwitiya Sopan.
(iv) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout
(iv) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout will
will work for at least Six
work for at least nine months to
months to qualify for Tritiya
qualify for Tritiya Sopan.
(v) Tritiya Sopan Scout will
work for at least nine months
(a) Tritiya Sopan Scout will work
to qualify for Rajya Puraskar
for at least nine months.
(b) A Tritiya Sopan Scout shall
qualify to appear for Rajya
Puraskar Test on completion of
13 years of age.

(vi) A Rajya Puraskar Scout Existing to continue

shall work for twelve months to
appear for Rashtrapati Scout
Award Test.
vii: Efficiency Cords:
1. Scout Efficiency Cords are
(a) A Scout is eligible to earn
made of chiffon Threads
six Proficiency Badges in all
specially designed, supplied
after Tritiya Sopan stage for
by N.H.Q. It will be worn
which he will be eligible to wear
under the right shoulder strap
a Blue cord in addition to Tritiya
extending the cord to the right
Sopan Badge.
A blue cord is worn on right
2. After Dwitiya Sopan
shoulder extending the cord to
Badge, a Scout may earn
the top of right pocket.
more proficiency badges.
(b) A Scout is eligible to earn
3. If a Dwitiya Sopan Scout
ten Proficiency Badges in all
earns six proficiency badges
after Rajya Puraskar stage for
in all shall be awarded Blue
which he will be eligible to wear
Cord by the Asst. Dist.
a Green cord in addition Rajya
Puraskar Award.
4.If a Tritiya Sopan Scout
A Green cord will be worn in
earns twelve proficiency
place of Blue cord.
badges in all shall be
(c) As acquiring Rashtrapati
awarded Green Cord by the
Scout Award is not the end of
Dist. Commissioner(S)
Scout training. A Scout should
5. If a Rajya Puraskar Scout
be encouraged to work for
earns eighteen proficiency
Proficiency Badges. A Scout
badges in all shall be
after earning Rashtrapati Scout
awarded Golden Cord by the
Award can be eligible for
Dist. Chief Commissioner.
Golden cord if he holds 18
Proficiency Badges.

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A Golden cord will be worn in

place of Green cord
To be added
a. After the Rashtrapati Award,
a Scout is eligible to earn
Jungle Goph Cord which will
be presented by the Dist. Chief
b. Among the below mentioned
Proficiency Badges, he has to
qualify five Proficiency Badges
not earned earlier:
Back woodsman, Civil
Defence, Map Maker, Archer,
Meteorologist, Camper,
Climber, Pioneer, Rescuer,
Signaller, Explorer, Herbalist,
Hiker, Naturalist, Stalker,
Tracker, Fireman, and
c. A Jungle Goph Cord is of
Olive Green colour and will be
worn in place of Golden Cord.
34 10 Tests for 1. Learn about your Patrol, its YOURSELF:
Pratham Flag, yell, or song and corner a) Be able to tell correctly “your
Sopan and Patrol Call. duties at home”.
2. Learn and practise Hand b) Be able to make your bed.
signals and Whistle signals. c) Know the health rules
3. Learn wood craft signs and regarding personal cleanliness.
follow a track. d) Learn B.P. Six exercises
4. Whip the ends of a rope. and practice Yoga/ Asana/
5. Tie and show uses of Reef Surya Namashkar.
Knot. Sheet- Bend, Clove Hitch, e) Stitch a button.
Fishermen knot, Sheep Shank, f) Clean / Polish canvas/
Bowline and Round turn and leather shoes.
two half hitches. g) Make a personal First Aid kit
6. Participate in Troop Games. and know its contents.
7. Practise orderly movements
and simple drill for smartness. 2. DISCIPLINE:
8. Know the contents of the a) Learn about your Patrol, its
First-Aid- Box. Demonstrate the Flag, Yell, Song, Cry, Patrol
use of roller bandages and Corner, Patrol Call and
triangular bandages collar and participate in Patrol in Council
cuff sling and triangular b) Learn & practice Hand &
suspension sling. Render first Whistle Signals.
aid for cuts and scratches. c) Foot Drill: Savdhan,
9. Participate in two patrol Vishram, Aramse, Dahiney,
outdoor meetings or a patrol Bayen & Pichey Mur.
day-hike. d) Participate in a Troop &
10. Make a gadget or Patrol game.

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handicraft useful at home. 3. ROPE WORK:

11. Adopt for purpose of a) Whip the ends of a rope.
keeping clean a park or a water- b)- Tie & demonstrate the uses
point or a bus- stop or any other of the following knots:
public spot or a building for a Reef knot, Sheet Bend, Clove
week. Hitch, Bowline, Sheep Shank,
OR Fisherman Knot, Round Turn &
Observe for at least a month Two Half Hitches.
breeding places of mosquitoes c) Tie and demonstrate Sheer
and flies and look to its Lashing Mark I and Mark II.
cleanliness. d) Make a gadget or handicraft
12. Anticipate in any two of the useful at home.
following activities.
(i) Undertake a nature study 4. SERVICE
project in consultation with your a) Undertake a Troop Service
Patrol leader. Project in your School or Scout
(ii) Discuss with your Scout Headquarters under the
Master and render some service guidance of your Scout Master.
involving any one of the points b) Should know the definition
of Scout Law and submit a and Golden rules of First Aid
report to your Scout Master. c) Deal with simple Cuts,
(iii) Visit a Village Panchayat Burns & Bleeding from the
Samiti / Block Development nose.
office/ Municipal office and learn d) Undertake household
about the services rendered by responsibilities like cooking,
one such public organization water storage, hospitality,
and submit a report to your cleanliness etc. with the help of
Scout Master within ten days. parents for a week.
13. Continue to do a good e) Participate in the following
turn daily and maintain a activities
dairy at least for a month i) Discuss with your Scout
Master and render some
14. Develop an interest in
service involving any one of
modern gadgets like Mobile
the points of Scout Law and
Phone, Computer, Tablets,
submit a report to your Scout
Internet etc. and write about
those gadgets.
15. Learn B.P’s Six exercise (ii) Undertake a nature study
and Surya Namaskar and project in consultation with
practice at home daily. your Patrol leader and submit
the report within ten days. OR
Visit a Village Panchayat
Samiti / Block Development /
Municipality/ Municipal
Corporation office and learn
about the services rendered by
one such public organization
and submit a report to your
Scout Master within ten days.

Be able to use the PCO &

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Mobile Phone & be acquainted

with the facilities available on

a) Know the simple wood
crafts signs & follow a trail with
his patrol of not less than half a
b) Know & practice Road
Safety Rules for pedestrians.
c. Participate in a Nature Study

10. Make a gadget or To be deleted

handicraft useful at home.
(i) On the successful
(i) On the successful
completion of the Pratham
completion of the Pratham
Sopan tests the Scout shall be
Sopan tests the Scout shall be
issued the Pratham Sopan
issued the Pratham Sopan
Badge by the Local or District
Badge by the Local or District
Association as the case may
Association as the case may be
be on the recommendation of
on the recommendation of the
the Scout Master who acts as
Scout Master who acts as
(ii) Pratham Sopan Badge is
(ii) Pratham Sopan Badge is a
a scroll with words “rS;kj” It
scroll with words (Be Prepared)
shall be worn in the centre of
“Tayyar”- in Devanagari script; it
the left sleeve between the
shall be worn in the centre of
elbow and shoulder.
the left arm, between the elbow
and shoulder.
(1) Pioneering:
37 11 Tests for (1) Pioneering: Tie and show
a) Demonstrate Timber hitch,
Dwitiya the uses of Timber hitch. Rolling
Rolling hitch, Marline spike /
Sopan hitch. Marline spike /Lever hitch.
Lever hitch & Figure of eight
Figure of eight, Sheer, Square
knot and their uses.
and Diagonal lashings;
Demonstrate the uses of four
b) Tie the following lashings:
camp tools.
Square and Figure of Eight
and know their uses.

c). Demonstrate the uses of

hand axe or chopper and know
the safety rules and how to
keep them sharp.

d) Demonstrate the use, safety

and sharpening of a dagger or
a pen knife and the use of a

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screw driver, pliers and

(2) Fire:
(2) Fire:
a. Know different types of fire
(i) Lay and light a wood fire in
used in camping/outing.
the open with not more than two
match sticks, clean and light a
b. Lay and light a wood fire in
kerosene/gas stove.
the open with not more than
(ii) Demonstrate any three of
two match sticks.
the following:
(a) Safety precautions with
regard to fire.
(b) Bucket Chain method of
putting out fire.
(c) How to tackle dry grass
(d) Precautions in case of Gas
(3) Cooking: Cook in the open,
a) Know the working &
two simple dishes, enough for
maintenance of a kerosene
two persons and make
pressure stove or a Gas stove.
tea/coffee for one Patrol over
b) Cook in the open two simple
wood fire or stove.
dishes enough for two persons
& make tea/coffee.
c) Know the safety precautions
in case of gas leakage.
((4) Compass:
a) Know the sixteen points of a
(i) Demonstrate practical use
of a compass and know the
b) Be able to find North by at
sixteen points.
least two constellations during
(ii) Be able to find North by at
least two constellations. During
c) Using a Compass know how
the night and Two other
to find the bearing of various
methods during the day
objects from your position.
(iii) Have knowledge of paces,
d) Follow a trail laid out using
bearing and map sketches.
compass bearing & distances.
e) Know the terms: Scale,
Direction, Conventional signs,
Contours & Grid Reference.
f) Be able to use a tourist map
(5) First Aid :
a) Have knowledge about
(i) Demonstrate St. John‟s
wounds and know how to deal
with Bleeding, Burns and
(ii) Improvised stretcher
Scalds, Sprains, Stings & Bites
(iii) Throw a lifeline for 10
b) Demonstrate the use of
Roller bandages.
(iv) Render First Aid for
c) Demonstrate the use of a
(a) Burns and Scalds (b)
Triangular Bandage for the
Head, Hand, Knee, Foot, Ankle
(c) Stings and Bites (d)

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Bleeding from Nose. and fracture of Arm.

d) Improvise a stretcher.
(6) Estimation:
(7) Estimation: With the help of
(i) With the help of improvised
improvised apparatus, estimate
apparatus, estimate two
two distances/width of not more
distances/widths of not more
than 100 metres.
than 100 metres but not less
than 30 metres.
(ii) Know the length of your
stride/Pace and using this,
estimate the distance travelled.
(8) Participate in a Troop Wide
a) Participate in a Troop Wide
b) Participate in a Troop
Campfire & know at least two
folk/patriotic songs &
participate in a Patrol skit.
c) Know & practise Road
Safety Rules for vehicles.
d) Know how to ride a bicycle.
e) Visit a factory in the
neighborhood of
schools/colleges/residence to
understand the manufacturing
process of various products
and also to respect the dignity
of labour.
To be deleted
(9) Know and demonstrate-
Morse Signalling by any one of
the methods, Flag/disc/buzzer,
or demonstrate semaphore
signalling by Flag.
10. Qualify for two from the
(10) Qualify for one of the
following Proficiency Badges:
following Proficiency Badges.
(i) Cook,
1. Cook 2. Debator 3. Friend to
(ii) Debator,
Animals 4.
(iii) Friend to Animals,
Gardener.5.Handyman 6.
(iv) Gardener,
Cyclist 7. Launder
(v) Handyman,
(vi) Cyclist,
(vii) Launderer,
(viii) Reader, &
(ix) Hospital man
(11) Participate in Troop/Patrol
Complete any one of the
sustained activity organized by
the Scout Master for a month in
your community making use of
a) Undertake a development
Scout skills.
Project in your school in
consultation with the head of

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the institution.
b) Participate in a Social
Service Camp/Camps covering
over a period of a month.
c) Serve in community fair or
Mela including preparatory and
post event assignments of
d) Participate in an Anti Litter
Campaign with your Patrol and
help to clean up an area
around your school or
e) Demonstrate the 3R's of
Conservation: Reduce,
Recycle & Reuse.
f) To form and participate in
Self Help Groups and such
other sustained activities
where Scout skills are made
use of.
12. to be deleted
(12) Complete any two of the
(a) Collect information on our
heritage and culture and
Know and play Kim‟s game to
prepare a log.
enhance observation, taste,
(b) Undertake a development
sound, smell and touch.
project in your school with your
patrol in consultation with the
head of the institution.
(c) Participate in a social
service camp.
(d) Serve in a community fair
or mela.
(e) Discuss with your parents
and neighbours about a
pollution problem in your locality
and make a report of it.
a) Know the various Troop
b) Be able to march three deep
with your Troop smartly & in
good order. Follow drill
commands during marching.
c) Participate in four All Faiths
Prayer meetings in your Troop
a) Use a computer and know
the advantages and
disadvantages of mobile

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phone, internet and their

applications in the
development of the country.
b) Know how to use the
internet & access the website
of the Bharat Scouts & Guides.
Collect information on our
heritage and culture and
prepare a log book.
To be deleted
(13) Serve as Pratham Sopan
Scout for at least nine months
40 12 Tests for 1. Camp craft:
a) Tie & know the use of the
Tritiya Demonstrate-
Sopan (i) Whipping- other method than
Fireman's Chair Knot, Man
by the one done in the Pratham
Harness Knot, Bowline on a
bite, Draw Hitch.
(ii) Draw hitch, Fireman‟s chair
b) Tie & demonstrate the use
knot, Man harness knot and
of Diagonal Lashing
splicing -eye, back, short.
c) Use another method of
(iii) Pitching, striking and
whipping other than the one
packing a tent or improvise
used in Pratham Sopan.
shelter enough for two persons
d) Make a Flag Mast of at least
to sleep in.
three staves with your Patrol
(iv) Make a Trestle and a rope
and demonstrate Flag Break.
ladder with the help of another
e) Make a temporary shelter
for yourself
f) Know any one method of
Eye/ Back/ Short
2. Swimming:
(a) Swim fifty metres.
(i) Swim 50 metres.
(b) Know the safety rules of
(ii) Know the safety rules of
swimming and
swimming and
(c) Know how to deal with
(iii) Know how to prevent,
minimise and deal with muscle
(II) Earn any one of the
following Proficiency Badges:
Earn one of the following
(i) Athlete,
Proficiency Badges:
(ii) Camel man,
(i) Athlete (ii) Camel man (iii)
(iii) Climber,
(iv) Gymnast,
(iv) Gymnast (v) Hiker (vi)
(v) Hiker,
Games Leader (vii)Yoga
(vi) Games Leader,
(vii) Yoga, &
(viii) Cyclist
3. Estimation
Be able to estimate height,
(i) Estimate any given two
depth, widths, numbers &
heights / depths not more than

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30 metres. weights using recognized

(ii) Two weights not more than methods of estimation.
(iii) Two different types of
things in numbers.
(Items such as coins,
marbles, biscuits, etc.)
4. First Aid
a) Know how to deal with
(i) Treat for shock, fainting,
emergency situations such as
Drowning, Electric Shock,
(ii) Deal with simple fracture of
General Shock, Automobile
arm, collar bone and jaw
Accidents and Human Being
caught in fire.
(iii) First Aid for cases of
b) Treat Choking.
drowning and electric shock.
c) Deal with simple fracture of
(iv) Demonstrate mouth to
collar Bone, Upper arm, Fore
mouth resuscitation.
arm, Hip & Lower leg.
d) Treat for Heat Stroke and
Sun Stroke
e) Demonstrate CPR (Cardio
Pulmonary Resuscitation).
f) Place an unconscious victim
in the Recovery position.
g) Transportation of victim -
one Rescuer & two Rescuers.
5. Mapping
Be able to access a GPS Map
(i) Map Reading, knowledge of
& use it to follow a given route.
scale, conventional signs,
contours and grid references.
Draw a map of the area using
Be able to read a tourist map or
a Triangulation method with
Survey of India map and follow
the help of compass or Plane
a given route or lead a person.
Table method.
(ii) Map Making: Triangulation,
Plane Table and Road Traverse
Sketch a map of the route
undertaken for at least four
kms by using Road Traverse
method or Gilwell sketch.
6. Pioneering: To be deleted as covered
(i) Demonstrate use of knife above
and axe and their safety rules.
(ii) Build two Patrol Pioneering
Projects and demonstrate their
6. TALK:
During the Troop Meeting give
a talk for about five minutes on
any one of the following
a) National Integration,

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b) Child Abuse, Child

Education, Child Health, Child
Social Security & Child Labour.
c) Substance Abuse.
d) Your future Scout Training.
e) Gender Equality.
f) Free Being Me.

7. Participate in an overnight 7. OUT OF DOORS:

Troop camp. a) Plan an overnight Patrol
8. Hike: Undertake with camp.
minimum two members of the b) Undertake a day hike of ten
Patrol, a cycle hike for 30kms. Kms on foot with Patrol/Troop
and submit report to the Scout members. Prepare meals &
Master within 10 days. OR Tea. Make a report & submit it
A Hike on foot with minimum within a week after the hike is
two members of the Patrol for over. The hike route is to be
10kms, and submit a report to given by the examiner.
Scout Master within 10days. c) Participate in a Night Game.
9. Cooking: Cook in the open,
Cook food for your patrol by
meals enough for four persons.
using Backwoodsman method.
Covered above=to be deleted
10. Plan and participate in a
Patrol Expedition.

11. Participate in a night game. Covered above=to be deleted

9. Signalling:
12. Signalling: Send and
Learn Morse Signalling and be
receive a message through
able to send and receive
Semaphore code or Morse code
simple messages of ten words.
containing at least 25 words in
seven minutes.
13. Qualify for any two of the
Qualify for any two of the
following Proficiency Badges
following Proficiency Badges
one from each group
Group A one from each group
(i) Civil Defence (iii)
Group A –
(i) Civil Defence,
(iii) Community Worker
(ii) Community Worker,
(iv) World Conservation
(iii) Ecologist,
Group B
(iv) Oarsman
(i) Citizen (iii)
(v) Pioneer
(vi) World Conservation
(ii) Book Binder (iv) Path
(vii) Safety knowledge
(viii) Self Defence

Group B –
(i) Citizen
(ii) Book Binder

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(iii) Naturalist
(iv) Path finder
(v) Aids Awareness,
(vi) Healthy Man,
(vii) Drug Awareness,
(viii) Boatman.
(ix) Computer
To be deleted
14. Complete any one of the
following and prepare a log
(i) Talk on National Integration
to your Group.
(ii) Talk in a Troop Campfire or
tell the story of a Prophet.
(iii) Discuss in your Patrol-in-
Council how Scouting develops
National Integration.
(iv) Lead your Patrol to a
nearby place of historical /
Social /religious or industrial
importance and discuss about,
what it speaks of.
15. Show the knowledge of
11. a) Knowledge of Scouting
Scouting in India.
in India and WOSM (World
Organisation of Scout
b) Know and understand the
safety measures while using
ATM card and Mobile Phone.
Use basic electrical/electronic
devices; assemble a useful
gadget at home under the
supervision of a trained adult.
12. Fire : Complete any three
of the following:
a) Safety precautions with
regards to Fire.
b) Demonstrate Bucket Chain
method of Putting off fire
c) How to tackle Dry Grass
d) Types of fire extinguisher
and use thereof.
16. Serve as Dwitiya Sopan To be deleted
Scout for at least 9 months.

17. Know and understand the SERVICE

disease Tuberculosis – its

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symptoms, treatment & 14) Know and Understand the

precautionary measures to disease tuberculoses-its
prevent the disease. symptoms, treatment and
Knowledge about directly precautionary measures to
observed treatment (DOTS) preventing the disease,
knowledge about Directly
Observed Treatments (DOTS).
To be deleted
18. Know and understand about
Covered above
Mobile / Internet Banking/ ATM
and safety and security
measures required while
using this.
To be deleted
19. Using basic electrical /
Covered above
electronic devices, making out
gadgets useful at home,
under supervision of an Adult
1. Ensure Proficiency in the
44 13 Tests for 1. Should ensure proficiency of
tests undertaken up to Tritiya
Rajya knowledge and skill up to Tritiya
Puraskar Sopan Badge.
2. Hold Tritiya Sopan Badge

3. Earn Ambulance Man

4. Undertake over night hike
for ten kms along with group of
Scouts of his own Troop and
submit report to the Scout
Master within ten days.
An overnight cycle hike for
thirty kms along with group of
Scouts of his own Troop and
submit report to the Scout
Master within ten days.

5. Work on one of the following

for six Months and submit a
report –

Kitchen Garden/Roof Garden/

Hanging Garden.

6. Mapping:
Make a map by using any one
of the method not done earlier:
Plane Table or Triangulation or
Road Traverse.

7. Camp Craft:

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A). Be able to pitch, strike and

pack a Single/Double fly tent.
B) Splicing - Eye / Back / Short
– anyone not done earlier.
c) Make a Patrol Pioneering
Covered above
8. Earn any three of the
2. Hold Tritiya Sopan Badge
Proficiency Badges not earned
and earn any three of the
earlier from among the given
Proficiency Badges not earned
earlier from among the given
below: Sanitation Promoter, Public
(i) Literacy (2) Community Health Man, Soil Conservator,
Worker Solar Energy Awareness,
(3) Ecologist (4) Leprosy Safety Knowledge, Rural
Control Engineer, Literacy,
(5) Sanitation Promoter Community Worker, Rural
(6) Soil Conservator (7) Rural Worker
9. Earn any two of the
3. Earn any one of the
Proficiency Badges not earned
Proficiency Badges from each
earlier out of the following:
of the two groups:
Camper, Pioneer, Star man,
Forester, Naturalist, Tracker.
Group-A Group - B
Electrician, Signaller, Cancer
(i) Camper (i) Public Healthy
Awareness, Healthy Man,
Nutrition Educator. Farmer,
(ii) Naturalist (ii) Cancer
Dairy Man. Sea fisherman.
Free Being Me
(iii) Electrician (iii) Healthy Man
(iv) Star man (iv) Nutrition
(v) Dairy Man (v) Farmer.
(vi) Signaller.
10. Have knowledge about the
4. Have a knowledge about
BSG website and gain
the BSG website and gain
information about your
information’s about your
Regional Headquarters.

Note: v) This award is presented by

((v) This award including the the Governor or
Badge shall be the property of Patron/President of the State
the State Association and has to Association on the
be surrendered on demand by recommendation of State Chief
appropriate authority. Commissioner and can be
withdrawn under compelling
circumstances by him/her
47 Rashtrapat A
i Scout (i) The President of the Indian (i) The President of the Indian

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Award Union who is the chief patron of Union has been graciously
the Bharat Scouts & Guides has pleased to authorize issue of a
been graciously pleased to special certificate to a Scout
authorize the issue of a special who earns the Rashtrapati
certificate to a Scout who earns Scout Award after serving as a
the Rashtrapati Scout Award Rajya Puraskar Scout for at
and has completed fourteen least twelve months.
years of age and after serving
as a Rajya Puraskar Scout for
at least twelve months

(ii) The Scout Master who is (ii) The Scout Master who is
advanced trained shall inform advanced trained shall inform
the National Headquarters the National Headquarters
through proper channel on a through proper channel on a
registration from available from registration form available from
the State Headquarters that the State Headquarters/BSG
Rajya Puraskar Scout is Website that Rajya Puraskar
completing requirements of Scout is completing
Rashtrapati Scout Award. The requirements of Rashtrapati
Scout shall record his Scout Award. The Scout shall
attainments for Rashtrapati record his attainments for
Scout Award on the said from Rashtrapati Scout Award on
and submit the same to the the said form and submit the
national Headquarters through same to the Regional
proper channel and in the Headquarters through proper
absence of Scout Master in channel. In the absence of
exceptional case the Assistant Scout Master, the Assistant
Scout Master who is Advanced Scout Master who is Advanced
trained will be competent to trained will be competent to
make recommendations. make recommendations. At the
time of Rashtrapati Award
Testing Camp a Scout should
produce his individual progress

(iii) Rashtrapati Scout Award (iii) Rashtrapati Scout Award

certificates are presented at a certificates are presented at a
formal ceremony by the formal ceremony by the
President of India on the advice President of India on the
of the National Commissioner. request of the National
(iv) Rashtrapati Scout Badge
(iv) Rashtrapati Scout
shall be worn on the left sleeve
Badge shall be worn on the left
below the Shoulder Stripes
sleeve below the Shoulder
and above the Rajya Puraskar
Stripes and above the Rajya
Puraskar Badge along with the Badge along with the qualifying
Proficiency Badges of
qualifying proficiency Badges
for Rajya Puraskar and Rashtrapati Award.
Rashtrapati Award.

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(v) The National Commissioner

(v) The National Commissioner
shall issue suitable directives
who is the final authority to
from time to time in respect of
grant Rashtrapati Scout Award
Badge, Tests etc. and ensure
shall issue from time to time
the standard of skills involved.
suitable directives in respect of
Badge; tests etc. and ensure
the standard of skills involved.
vi) A Scout Master /Assistant
(vi) A Scout Master /Assistant
Scout Master will recommend
Scout Master will recommend
only up to 25% Scouts of the
only up to 25% Scouts of the
total census of the unit (not
total Census of the unit (not
exceeding 32) for Rashtrapati
exceeding 32) for Rashtrapati
Award in a year. Special cases
Award in a year. Special cases
could be recommended by the
could be recommended by the
District Chief Commissioner
District Chief Commissioner
and State Chief Commissioner
subject to maximum of 30% in a
subject to maximum of 50% in
a year.
vii) Rajya Puraskar Scout, who
has already fulfilled all required
conditions, will have to be
tested at State Level and
certified by the State
Organising Commissioner
concerned before coming for
Rashtrapati Scout Award
Testing Camp organised by
the National Association under
the supervision of the
concerned Asst. Director.
1. Hold the Rajya Puraskar
Scout Award & be able to
Tests for Rashtrapati Scout
maintain the standard.
(1) Hold Rajya Puraskar
2. Camping
(2) Camping:
a) Camp with his Troop/Patrol
(i) Camp at least ......are not to
for three consecutive nights in
be counted for this.
the open. Gatherings like
(ii) Know the use of the
jamborees, rallies etc are not
to be counted.
Handsaw, Chopper, Hammer,
b) Be able to improvise either a
Hand axe, Knife Wedges.
shelter or a hut or a machan
(iii) Be able to improvise either
with available natural material
a shelter or a hut or a machan
for two persons to sleep in.
with available natural material
for two persons to sleep.
3) a. Hold the Disaster
(3) Hold Ambulance man
Management Badge
b. Repass Ambulance man

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4. Qualify for any two of the
(4) Qualify for any two of the
following Proficiency Badges
following proficiency Badges not
not earned earlier:
earned earlier.
a. Aids Awareness,
(a) Camper (b) Secretary (c)
b., Handyman
Rural Worker (d) Electronics
c. Fireman
(e)Fireman (f) Forester (g)
d. Pathfinder
journalist (h) Leprosy Control.
e., Sea Fishermen
f. Hiker
g. World Conservation
h. Interpreter
i. Farmer
j. Free Being Me.
k. Solar Energy Awareness
l. Event manager
m. Self Defence
n. Backwoodsman
5. Participate in a sustained
(5) Participate in a service
community development
project to Community for not
project at least two hours in a
less than 36 Hours spread over
week for six months on any
a period of at least two months
two of the following subjects:
and must work at least one day
A. Promote gender equality
in a week.
and empower women
Prepare a diary for work done
B. Reduce child mortality
and submit it to the Court-of-
C. Improve maternal health
honour week after week.
D. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria
& other diseases
E. Ensure environmental
To be deleted
(6) Undertake over night hike
for 10kms, along with another
Scout and submit report to the
Scout Master within 10 days.

An overnight cycle hike for 50

kms. With another Scout and
submit report to the Scout
Master within 10 days.
To be deleted
(7) Participate in a sustained
Community Development
project on Health, or on
Conservation or Literacy or
small saving scheme at least for
6 month under Prime Minister
Shield Competition Scheme.

(8) Work as a Badge Instructor Existing to continue(6)

of a Pack or a Troop in the

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vicinity. OR Teach games for

younger children for fifteen

Existing to continue
(9) Serve as Rajya Puraskar To be deleted
Scout at least for twelve

(10)have a Knowledge about Existing to continue (8)

the WOSM website and gain
information about Asia Pacific
To be added.
7. Have knowledge & prepare
a log book on Kanderstag-the
adventure centre of WOSM in
To be deleted
(11)Help the boy to in
information and experience
about commonly used
technologies or learn and
understand the positive and
negative points of the about
gadgets from your parents
1. Rashtrapati Scout Award is
(1) Rashtrapati Scout Award is
awarded by the President of
awarded by the President of
(2) This award including the
2. This award is presented by
badge will be the property of the
the President of India on the
National Association and Shall
recommendation of National
be surrendered on demand by
Commissioner and can be
appropriate authority.
withdrawn under compelling
(3) A Rajya Puraskar Scout
circumstances by him/her.
who has earned all the required
Proficiency Badges and had
3. Shifted to starting note. To
fulfilled all the required
be deleted from this place.
conditions mentioned herein
before will have to attend
Rashtrapati Scout Award Test
Camp organised by the National
Association under the
supervision of the concerned
Asst. Director.

50 15 Scout Add following new Badges:

99. Free Being Me.
100. Event manager
y Badges
101. Disaster Management

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APRO II – Scout Wing Amendments approved by National Council 30-11-2014

52 16 Hikes, (7) A Scout who is not in good In order to regular proper
Treks and health or who suffers from any arrangement for trek or hike
Camps for infectious disease shall not be „permit card’ signed by the
Scouts : allowed to join any camp. Scout Master shall be issued.
The concerned District
Organising Commissioner shall
issue “permit card” only to the
Scout Master, in charge of the
Troop and the Scout Master in
turn shall issue such ‘permit
card’ to the Scout Master
NB: The Hon‟ble National Commissioner is authorised to constitute a committee of
experts to review the present uniform as per the needs of the youth and submit the
final recommendation. These final recommendations may be approved by the
National Executive Committee directly

The serial numbers of the rules may be revised and subject sequence to be made at
par for all the sections as the case may be.

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