2nd Semester 2018 2019
2nd Semester 2018 2019
2nd Semester 2018 2019
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
2600 Baguio City
Orientation on what to prepare and bring during LAC sessions. Participants should be
- Students’ scores during summative tests or activities able to bring materials to
- Challenges/problems encountered during teaching be shared during LAC
- Good strategies or practice employed that brought better sessions
output among groups of students.
- Instructional materials prepared and to be shared to the
Implementation Prepare syllabi for the subjects handled – Practical Research 2 Practical Research 2 Snacks Personal Prepared syllabi for
teachers Practical Research 2
Each LAC participant has to prepare and bring with him/her the Reproduction MOOE
things agreed during the planning. of Each participant should
instructional become an active member
LAC sessions will be conducted as the need arises to address materials and contributor
immediately the challenges/problems encountered by any member
of the group during teaching.
Presence of prepared
instructional materials
Evaluation Impact of the LAC sessions can be evaluated through the Practical Research 2
following: teachers & the Assistant Snacks Personal Achieve all the indicators
- Teachers will successfully teach the subject, PR 2 Secondary School specified
- at least 75% of the students’ passed the summative tests. Principal (In-charge for
- No students will drop the subjects. the Senior High School)
Prepared by:
Orientation on what to prepare and bring during LAC Participants were able to bring materials
sessions. shared during LAC sessions – data logs,
- Students’ scores during summative tests or activities activity which a member or members
- Challenges/problems encountered during teaching wants to share for the group, helped each
- Good strategies or practice employed that brought other solve issues on lack of knowledge on
better output among groups of students. something. Other members and LAC
- Instructional materials prepared and to be shared to facilitator were able to share their
the group. knowledge on some topics.
Implementation Prepared syllabi for the subjects handled Practical Research Practical Snacks Personal The group were able to prepare syllabi for
2 Research2 Practical Research 1, and Inquiries,
Reproduction MOOE Investigation, and Immersion (III) which
Each LAC participant prepared and brought with him/her of instruct- served as their guide in dividing the lessons
the things agreed during the planning. ional for the whole semester.
LAC sessions will be conducted anytime as the need arise to Each participant actively participated
address immediately the challenges/problems encountered during LAC sessions by openly giving
by any member of the group during teaching. their insights, sharing their burdens and
successes in their classes.
Discuss issues and concerns regarding teaching-learning
that can enable the participants achieve high performance in Issues and concerns of the participants
teaching as well as their learners. regarding teach-learning were discussed
and were given advises which encouraged
Preparation of teaching materials: activities, summative the participants to responsively share the
tests, rubrics, visual aids, and other instructional materials result of the suggested strategies that
that can aid the teachers in delivering, and assessing worked well and did not work. Members
students’ learning. were able to infer that not all most often
than not, students across the same tracks
and strands have similar behavior in
Evaluation Impact of the LAC sessions can be evaluated through the Practical
following: Research 1 and Snacks Personal In spite of the struggles on having to learn
- The participants successfully taught the subjects, Inquiries, while teaching, motivate and help all the
and helped their students produce the desired Investigation, students under their classes to learn and
learning outputs. and Immersion achieve the desired learning outcomes, the
- at least 75% of the students’ passed the summative teachers & the participants were able to inspire most of
tests. Assistant their students to produce successfully the
- No students dropped the subjects. Secondary desired learning outputs for the subjects
School Principal they handle.
(In-charge for
the Senior High
Prepared by:
November 5, 2018
- The session started at 4:05 PM. It was facilitated by Mrs. Pia Duligas as the LAC leader.
- Each participant was given a copy of the PR 1 and III syllabi prior to the session for the
participants to review. Target dates were then agreed, as well as some specific objectives were
revised, and some performance task/outputs were agreed.
- Specific topics to be discussed in each content were also discussed for the benefit of those who
did not teach any of the two subjects.
- The session ended at 5:35 PM.
November 9, 2018
- The session started at 4:10PM and was facilitated by Mrs. Pia Duligas.
- Common challenges encountered by each participant in teaching the subjects, PR 1 and III were
collected. Followed by the sharing of the different strategies that each participant were able to
apply in their respective classes. Sharing were then summarized as follows:
o Challenges
Easier way of differentiating qualitative and quantitative researches.
What possible activities can be provided to help the students understand the
o Strategies shared
Using video clip that differentiates qualitative and quantitative.
Creating or Venn diagram to show the comparison of the two.
Printed activity sheets
Prepare and provide lesson notes to the students
Mrs. Pia Duligas shared the materials that she prepared for her classes (activities
and lesson notes), it was reviewed by the group if they can adapt, and was
approved for utilization.
- The session ended at 5:15PM
- The session started at 4:04 PM and was facilitated by Mrs. Pia Duligas.
- During the start of the session, the LAC leader asked how the materials are working with their
classes. Positive responses, that the materials made the work of the participants easier since they
do not need to prepare such. They just study and think how they will discuss it in their different
- Sharing of the challenges encountered by each participant in their classes were shared. As well as
each participants were asked to share also their immediate solutions to those challenges. Also,
each were asked to share the strategies that they employ with those similar problems that they
- Mrs. Duligas presented the activities and lesson notes that she prepared for the succeeding
lessons. It was reviewed by the group and asked for reproduction to be used in all PR 1 classes.
- The session ended at 5:05 PM.
Assistant Secondary School Principal II
Monthly LAC Accomplishment
Narrative Report (December)
December 5, 2018
- The session started at 4:05. It was facilitated by Pia Duligas as the LAC facilitator.
- Problems encountered by each participant in their classes were collected as usual, and sharing of
strategies on immediately addressing the problems was also done.
- Mrs. Lorie Anne Estrada suggested that the group may also do the strategy that we have done
last school, where we had team teaching, and observation. However, due to the schedules where
we almost have the same schedules, it was agreed by the group that team teaching may be done
by any of the participant who would like to invite any of the members to be her/his team.
- Another set of lesson notes and activity sheet was also requested from Mrs. Duligas, if she
prepared one. She assured to the group that she will provide a copy of each during the next day
for them to see if they can adapt or if there are revisions to be made to address the diverse
learning from the different tracks/strands before reproduction.
- The session ended at 5:05 PM.
December 7, 2018
- The session started at 4:10.
- Prior to the session, the LAC facilitator gave the assignment of each participant, to prepare
questions for the specific topic that they have chosen for Summative Test 1, and then submit it to
the leader for her to collate and print.
- Printed copies of the collated questions for summative test 1 were provided to each participant
during the session.
- The group reviewed each question and made necessary revisions as agreed by the group. This
was done to address the diversity of the students.
- The session ended at 5:15 PM.
Assistant Secondary School Principal II
Monthly LAC Accomplishment
Narrative Report (January)
January 7, 2019
Assistant Secondary School Principal II
Monthly LAC Accomplishment
Narrative Report (February)
February 8, 2019
Assistant Secondary School Principal II
Monthly LAC Accomplishment
Narrative Report (March)
March 4, 2019
March 9, 2019
Assistant Secondary School Principal II